Hi bean
I read you here:
I still consider that Nurse Practitioner who suggested them - as I remember sitting there and crying in her office after going there for something like a bruised thumb - my savior. She was truly an angel. She debunked all the myths for me in a single 5 minute appt. I told her "I just need to exercise more...." she said: honey, depression and anxiety are hereditary, you can't fix this with exercise!
And wondered if you’d made a angel out of a human being? (I also think she was talking nonsense and wanted to put an alternative view because nonsense presented as fact can be downright dangerous, as the alt-med people are proving). And I said:
We tend to believe what we want to believe and if that helps us, fine.
No problems with that. But after a while I think (and you don’t have to agree with me!) it’s a good idea to re-examine our previous opinions and update them with new stuff. In other words, if it works fine, but trust your own judgement and critical thinking above everyone else, including me and the angel.
Blimey Bean, if facts are irrelevant in medicine, try cutting your arm off and not bleeding to death? Facts I think can be quite useful!
Confrontational? Or trying to get you to think for yourself? If that’s confrontational, heck, why not eh? Confronting things can be positive I think. Heck, you know I’m rooting for you. I hope you know that. Take care.