I don't know what to say to you, I really don't. Your mother sounds awful - from what you've put here, and on other threads, too.
I can relate to it in this NMum used to say to me, from when I was really small, "Don't have children, they ruin your life, make you poor, make you ill, they're boring..." (By the way, I have an older brother and a younger 'Golden Child' sister).
Of course *I* was one of 'the children' that she was talking about, and I internalised the rejection, but also the attitude, so much, that by the time I was SEVEN, I was telling people proudly 'I'm not going to have children, they ruin your life'...blah, blah.
I only realised last year (when I was 44) that the uneasy feeling that I had towards babies and children was not *my* feeling at all, but hers, projected onto me. For the first time ever, I wished I'd had children. But it's too late now.
Also, I got anorexia when I was 12, as a result of the stress in our family. She didn't want to get me to a doctor, until I begged her, when I was 15. I had anorexia till I was 24. She wasn't concerned that I was seriously *ill* - only that 'people' would think badly of HER, if they thought she wasn't feeding me properly.
She was so uninterested in my illness, that I really thought (and I was probably right) that she didn't care if I lived or died.
She rejected me in a slightly different way than the way your Mum rejected you, but I think the result is very similar - you don't feel valued by others, so much so that you can't value yourself.
The fact that you bad a bad choice in your adult relationships is not surprising, really. Lots of us did that. I did it. Was engaged to a violent N for 6 years. I stayed with him for so long because I thought I might as well, as no-one ele would be interested (this is what both he and my NMum used to tell me.)
As to not caring for your body, apart from the anorexia (which is a huge rejection of self on its own), I still have problems feeling that I am 'worth' dressing up nicely, wearing jewellery, using nice perfumes, etc. I buy the stuff, but I can't bring myself to use it, a lot of the time.
Is this what you meant by 'can anyone relate'? I hope so.
We need to start valuing ourselves, but it's just so hard.