By the way - would somebody please explain how to do the quote thing? I'm so clueless.
Hi Mrtraced, I shouldn't be talkin' to ya' cause ma always said don't speak ta strange men, and you seem pretty strange to me.
But I'll tell ya' what ya' do to quote.
Click 'quote' that is top right of every post.
With this message I just wrote ya', drag the cursor over the part you want to quote and then look up top, outside this sqaure. See those words, Quote Code List etc. Click QUOTE option above, and heypresto there it is. Ya' can do it over as may sentences as ya' wanna. And then go along and comment on each one till your little heart's content. And you can just delete the in-between shit ya' don't want.
Maybe there are other ways to do it, but I played around myself for a long while (hahahaahahahaahahaahahahahahaah Keep it clean)
before I got this one worked out cause I'm a bit of a slow learner on the computer stuff.