My NH had a secret porno life. I never saw the stuff, the idea never appealed to me. NH did not work for almost 3 years, and acted as if he needed me to do everyhing for him (I have a physical disability). He became increasingly hostile, and would threaten to kill me, knock me to the floor right after I had surgery, make demands for me to do house repairs, etc that I am now physically able to do only in stages. When I was cleaning, I found a DVD player and at least 50 porno CDs, I didn't look closely, they seemed pitiable and disgusting- this must have cost us a lot of money, especially since he was receiving a limited early retirement benefit. I threw the Sony DVD player on the floor repeatedly until I heard a satisfying cracking noise. Then I noticed the cable bill had been paid from our account- it was about $500.00 per month for porno. NH never took me out in the last 3 years, not even for a walk, never helped, etc., but it seems that he had plenty of time and ability to buy porno, watch porno, hide porno, etc. and play softball 5 times a week at least. He too said that all marriages were like that, that he didn't care about me and that was normal, that he used to think that he was obsessed with me because of great sex, but that couldn't be, etc- when we split, he actually tried to insult me by saying that he had sex with his first ex-wife when he left her, to have something good to remember her by, but he had no desire to do that with me (Oh Brother, WHAT AN IDIOT)!!! Instead of being hurt ( he actually thought that he was insulting me), I laughed at him and his twisted thinking, and let him know in no uncertain terms that if he wanted to leave me alone, that was wonderful!!! EWWW!!!ECCHHH!!!( How had he become so detached from reality?)
NH was molested as a child ,repeatedly he said, by various neighbor men ( no father and his mother was an alcoholic who played Bingo every night, had a granny there to care for him but she didn't go outside), had an adult cousin in their apartment who pretended to sleep while he touched her, and his M walked around naked or mostly exposed constantly ( the vile old thing wore a see through baby doll once when she visited us, even though I had given her an expensive gown, slippers, and robe, really gorgeous- I freaked, my NH told her to put some clothes on, and then told me how she had acted when he was a child, and that he hadn't noticed that she was showing her nether regions until I freaked... he was used to it (I think I'm going to vomit). She also liked going to topless shows, transvestite shows, nude beaches, etc. with her adult son or her friends, and never had him call her Mother, but her first name (even now). When he was a teenager, he would have girls over at their railroad style apartment and the mom and maybe granny would get a gander. Also mom would have men over when he was a child and , oh it's too disgusting. I wish I had known this before we married- there would have been no wedding. NH mom also said I was "no fun" because I didn't gamble, drink, etc- there was never any question about my going to sex shows or nude beaches, she didn't even dare suggest it, etc, but she did expect to sleep in our room on a cot once (Oh Lordy)- unbelievable! I set her straight immediately ( didn't know about the childhood stuff or the old molester woman would have never stepped foot in my house!)
NH's father had hired a hooker for his NH first sexual experience ( he and M had split up prior to NH birth and this was the second time he had seen him), and hid, watching everything, then laughed at his son. I wish that I had known this as well- there would have been no marriage!
The porno is sad, all molesting and exploiting EVIL, SICK & SAD SAD SAD- I have no problem saying so. This board is the first place that I have been able to discuss this porno stuff and my NH- I was really embarrassed and ashamed. I don't think it gets better, I am so happy to be free of NH and his baggage...Now I know that this is something I need to check out prior to getting involved, etc- it's like drug addiction !
Hope things improve for you- you deserve better!