As I was reading your replies, an Al Anon phrase popped in to my mind. You have to try not to "control the outcome".
I Love Ami
Dear Ami, This is the one part of the 12 step program that I do not relate to at all. I think Co-D's have spent their lives being powerless, and I've always thought that it was bad advice to tell a Co-D to embrace yet more powerlessness. It doesn't sit well with me.
I feel that what Co-D's need most of all is to experience empowerment by learning `how' to get their needs met, using tools such faith, conscious decision making, communication, negotiation, and assertiveness. Most Co-D's have learned to manipulate others subtly to get what they need, or they have learned destructive habits they needed in their childhood to survive abuse.
Faith is an important part of this process, but not the entire process. Faith is what we need to move forward *on the right path*, without knowing the outcome. Faith is what we need to let go when the result is not what we hoped for. I am thinking of the serenity prayer as I right this. We need to sometimes take action and sometimes let go, and wisdom to know the difference.
Its weird, i have absolutely no feeling either way about God. No sense that he exists, no conviction that he does not either. My relatonship to God is curiosity and openness, having never seen any evidence to support a belief either way.
But something that resonates deeply within me is `faith'. I have faith in positive outcomes for my life (except for death of course. That is outcome is not so great) But apart from that, I have had uncanny experiences to support my faith. I do not know what is responsible, but i feel warm about my life, and that I will be ok .
I don't think I've ever mentioned this, but the naughtiest thing I've `nearly done' in recent years, was I nearly stole my neighbors kitten when I last moved house. She was badly neglected by her owners, and so she would spend most of her time with me during the day and night. I didn't feed her, but she wanted the company. For some reason she took to me and followed me everywhere. I was absolutely in love with her. When our lease expired, I cried for days on end at the thought of losing her, and thats when I considered taking her with me. I didn't do it though.
So I moved into this house, and the universe gave me two little wild birds who wanted my care, then family of kookaburrras, and now we have the freindship of their babies as well . My life is now full of birds and i am full of joy each day when they visit me, or when the fly up to me in the forest. But I could not have had this, if I'd taken the kitty with me.
My life is full of little events like this.
Man, i just rambled on, didn't I? I forget what i was trying to say. Thankyou for listening though, lol.
X Bella