broudening, lol..
Broudening my vocabulary, lol.... very funny typo.
What I mean by,
' from my evil perch', Hope...... is being up high enough that I can make comments that
I see as true, where I used to not be able to put a voice to them.
I used to be too vulnerable to the reaction I might receive....
I used to keep quiet instead of talk about what I was
Funny story.....
On one of my first dates with H..... he was unloading a little antique car at a drag race.
knew how the trailer
should work....
So much weight is transferred to the rear... it tilts down and the offloading process is completed smoothly without much of a bump and a showy
vroom vroom completes the process.
Except, with a very large audience in place, he forgot to
unhitch the
doohicky that allows the trailer to
tilt.I stood there and watched him back his fancy little car off the end of his fancy little trailer.... inch by inch....and didn't say a word as it became terribly obviouse there was no tilting going on. There was plenty of time to save him

I just stood there and said nothing, hopeful that it would work out OK, lol.
He wanted to know
why I didn't say anything....
I didn't quite
know why I just stood there, cocking my head painfully to the side, trying to figure out exactly
how it would work.... surely.... it would?
Even with all evidence pointing to the contrary?
Ummmmmm... nope.
BANG! Now everyone who wasn't looking.... is looking and there sat H, feeling very very silly in his fancy little car on his fancy little trailer that should have tilted but failed bc I didn't say anything, lol.
And I would have done him a favor by raising my hand up, and pointing out the obviouse..... right?
So.... I finally come to a place in my life where I can
peep up, lol.
But I find that the majority of folks don't
want honesty from me!
They mostly seem to want to be validated, no matter if I agree with them or not.
They want to be agreed with, even if I do not agree.
used to do that, it was easier and I was comfortable doing that. ::shrug::
I find opposition to the truth..... really tough opposition.... name calling opposition and being labled mean things.... negative intentions designated with authority, lol.
Really quite something.... and I have only so much energy so.... what to do what to do?
I may not be 100% spot on all the time but.... it would be nice if folks could sit back and consider what I've said.... instead of sit back and figure out what insult to fling my way, in retaliation bc that seems like the obviouse course of action to take when I voice my true feelings. :nodding::
I know I can be honest with a
few people. One frets a bit but I can speak my truth and we eventually come out somewhere just this side of disagreement, but there's
understanding. I can speak my truth to some board members here, and really appreciate that more than you can know.
Having my honesty accepted by some... makes it easier to see how odd some reactions are from those that get ticked off and confrontational. I might have responded with a traditional head bob/nod/wag thing, that passes for agreement, (bc I
can't pony up an actual nod), had I known they were going to feel the way they do about not being agreed with
Right now I don't
just have the board in mind..... as I answer your question..... I have my FOO and friends and H in mind too: /
Good grief.... children's teachers and aqauintances.... church mama friends...
But they aren't always happy to hear the truth, are they?
No.... they aren't.
So... sometimes I find I shorten what I want to say and it goes awry.... or all wrong and the wheels come completely off.
I can laugh about it now but..... I'm still a bit shy about speaking my mind, and it hurts the delivery at times.
Hmmmm... I think I'll go back to Sheriff Andy Taylor as my model for communicating awkward things.
Oh dear.....
He was able to laugh at himself and find the humor too.
Damn.... that won't work, lol; )