Lighter, wish I could say I knew how to deal with that feeling induced by crazy people, but I don't. You can always imagine something naughty to keep the feeling at bay, you know, like them hanging from a tree in their underwear . . .
I've been around 10 year olds too long. I'm starting to think like one.
I got through the day. M and I had a fight. He yelled at me, then I yelled at him, but it was after homework was done. We had to have a talk about homework, because "I don't care if I fail" is not acceptable when the problem is simply, "I don't want to do this stupid assignment." Not, I don't understand or I can't do it or it's too hard I need help. Just, "I don't want to do it because the answers are too long." Suggestions for that? Anyone want to adopt him for about a week? I got frustrated, but somehow . . . homework got done, room got cleaned (sort of), rat cage was cleaned and shavings vacuumed up. I considered it a victory. M now thinks I hate him only sometimes. I don't know how to make him understand that isn't true. Maybe I'll ask my T.
Lighter, the holidays are not here yet. I refuse to say they are . . . it reminds me that I have to do Christmas shopping and stick to my budget of no more than $30 per person except for M. I might get off cheap this year, depending on if my parents and I are speaking at Christmas.
So today . . . I really love this thread.
Today, I feel surprisingly good. Really good. Shockingly so. So today I will . . .
Actually do some work at work (big concept, I know).
I'm going to fix the pasta dish I'd planned on last night.
I won't feel guilty for spending $10 more than I planned at the grocery store.
I will find time write (probably at work).
I am not going to cancel my vacation days for this week, because I'd already planned on them, and Friday wasn't relaxing with a sick kid. I'd sort of made plans, and I'm keeping them.
I will talk to my T about my misperceptions of my parenting skills.
I will work on M's goal chart.
The TV will get shut off at 9pm, because we did that last night and it was awesome.
I will put away the dry laundry.
I will think about where that enormous plant is going to go, because I don't have a place for it yet.
Homework will get done . . . and I won't cheat doing it.
Somehow I will convey to M that I don't hate him.
I will say nothing about the messy desk, dresser or the dinosaurs in the floor of his room.
I won't go clean them up either.
I'll look at the job boards my friend sent me and see what sort of things are available that might be more interesting than where I'm at, even though it means a four state move.
I won't feel guilty about not calling my parents, my brother or anyone else. Because I don't, not at the moment.
I will tell M about the single parents group I found and talk about attending the meeting tomorrow night.
I won't kill M when he talks back, because even though he's talking back to me and throwing my own words in my face, this is actually a good thing. It demonstrates self confidence. He just has to learn that screaming and ordering me about is not respectful.