"It seems pretty sensible to me, for someone to believe that complete amateurs diagnosing as fact people they hardly know with various "PDs", sociopathies, etc is neither reasonable nor necessarily rational."
mudI seem to recall you doing a masterful job of it when someone was masqurading as a Mother and Doctor Son team, here on the board, Mud; )
It's one thing I can count on..... we (general) refer to people as
our N's (I think that's a Cluster B personality disorder? Right up there with antisocial and Borderline Personality Disorder?) all the time without being questioned about it. Be it boss or neighbor or friend or relative. We're pretty comfy with dx'ing on the board. ::nodding::
I think you've absolutely hit the nail on the head for me, Mud.
Loose train of thoughts to follow:
I;ve already stated that I have no interest or hope in gaining anything from the Personality Disordered person....
by talking about their behavior.
Not change or recognition or taking responsiblity or nuthin.
What I have come to expect is a radical protesting beyond the pale response from the PD person that's designed to discourage any fruther voicing of perceptions, in the future.
That their ploy seems to work, is the crux of my frustration.... at least I think it is, at this point.
Talking about PD behavior, here, as in anywhere..... is about expressing perceptions about reality.... and it's usually challenged with blaming, shaming, more over the top scapegoating and gaslighting.... dramatics, etc.
That's expected and not at all surprising
from the PD person.
WHAT IS SURPRISING...... is when a group of peers, who're in the same environment.... deny the perceptions of their peer
Doesn';t matter if it's subtle or overt..... having the PD person's skewed version of reality validated..... is shocking and never mind unfair, if they're actually doing what's being pointed out.
Especially here...... to see PD people garner sympathy/supply and back up regarding their outragouse behavior..... is a puzzle.

it's not that I desire the PD's understanding or anything else
from them.
It's the misfired connection between the people observing the behavior that has me confused..... though confusion follows pd people like a cloud of toxic gas and I'm not surprised about that.
The PD may be extremely skillful in gaining sympathy and protection responses from certain individuals, like protective manly men, for instance? People who're attracted to discord and generally dislike anyone being put on the spot, esp if it's done in a cocky annoying manner?
I must say....... feeling something's out of place and talking about it is terrible difficult enough, considering what one encounters when they hit the nail with PD people. Talking about it usually starts with a very small subtle voice and escalates as the PD avoids, returns fire and generally moves the discussion in an arena of grand scale. It can't just remain a discussion. Nope nope nope.
I digress..... I'm sure it can be an overt injury when the group the PD person is manipulating actually defends that persons right to continue their behavior, unchecked, and actually sanctions the bahavior. ::shudder::
So...... being dismissed (with prejudice and the intention to shame in some cases......) for expressing our perceptions of reality in any arena.... is disturbing. Esp if we're friggin right,lol!
And then...... rolling out the red carpet for the behavior to continue (unchallenged) and perhaps even sanctioned to some extent.... is just a dallop of gall on the top.

I guess a couple of sayings come to mind.....
"You can't save people from themselves" and "All that's necessary for evil to succeed, is for good ment to do nothing."
Imagine if good men are sanctioning it.

Dumbfounded and confused as to why I perceive this is happening.... if I'm completely off base here and have no basis in reality for my perceptions. ::about to toddle off..... dizzy::
I'm perfectly willing to accept that my perceptions are skewed, after all. I'm human. I can admit that, and not just to gain sympathy either.
I actually believe it.
What I'm not willing to do is accept someone else's skewed version, if it makes no sense to me at all.....
and so far......
I'm not resonating with you here, Mud.
And..... does it matter if the evil is small and malformed and confused and not much of a threat?
How does that excuse it from being perceived honestly
if that's what it is?Why would it be exempt? Is it some unwritten crime to express our perceptions and have them validated when it concerns PD people... not just here but EVERYWHERE?
Too much discomfort? Remember when Peck took that woman apart in his book, PEOPLE OF THE LIE? She was going on and on about how much trouble it was to care for her husband, what would he do without her, how taxed she was at every moment and when he/Peck began steering her to the obviouse,
that she didn;t have to stay and demean this man while building herself up non stop as his savior, she could go 
She started falling apart. Peck put her back together and left her the way she was, bc she was an even bigger mess when her behavior was pointed out. ::sigh:: Really dizzy now.
Bc it takes less energy on everyone's part to sanction or ignore.... except of course when it keeps causing a pattern of disruption and chaos, that is.... which is my original point, btw.
The pattern repeats and it seems fairly obviouse to everyone...... I resent that my pointing it out is perceived to be the original cause of disruption and discord, if that's whats really happening, and I'm not sure it is at this point, lol.
I'm interested in figuring out how to avoid that pattern, of being dismissed or having my perceptions dismissed,in the future and I suppose this is a learning ground..... I don't think this windmill is a great tall monster ::shaking head::
What can be gained by having a group provide understanding and validation of our perceptions?
Is it important and if so.... why?
What's missing and what's been lost if the group doesn't choose to validate when one's right?
When one's wrong?
I'm truly
baffled and thinking about diving into the book store with vigor for a while: )