Hi Amber,
I'm glad you did. It was good for me to read over it all again... one of the most amazing finds of all to me, back when I was searching.
Funny, I'm off work today and was coming by here to post something... and there was this. Thank you!
What I was gonna post is about an episode of Kitchen Nightmares, with Gordon Ramsey. The one I saw last night was at the Secret Garden restaurant, in Cali.
Manager's name is Michele... a Frenchman and, I believe, a pathological narcissist.
It just really struck me anew that there's such a huge difference between the ordinary self-involved, pompous, arrogant egomaniac...
and pathological NPD.
This guy is the latter, imo.
For instance, Gordon spiffs up the whole joint, as usual, and invites an important food critic for the night.
The place is packed and everybody seems pleased with the food... except the food critic. Her fish is way too salty.
Gee, I wonder how that happened.
I bet Michele slathered that filet with salt himself, just so he could "prove" to Gordon that Ramsey's new menu was no good.
Next scene, Michele is out on the floor, coaxing the critic to allow him another chance to prove himself... and blaming the trouble on the new menu.
What does he want to offer her? One of his decayed old menu items.
I mean, it was so obvious...
he would sabotage the entire operation rather than admit that he was wrong and Gordon Ramsey was right.
So very familiar.
Also, talked with my mother the other day.
She set off a frenzy of calls from my older daughters, claiming that the phone number she had for me is disconnected.
We went with new cell phones last April.
I coulda sworn I'd talked with her since then.
She hasn't changed.
But I do want to review my few posts from the past year and see whether I'd mentioned talking with her, cuz if I did, I'm sure to have posted about it.
Take care.