Dear GS,
As I get stronger inside(stronger core), I can be more vulnerable with others b/c I know that I will not be destroyed ,if they don't like me.I WILL be upset , even very unglued ,as with Ann, but I WILL get out of the pain s/how. I will find a friend to help;I will go to the Board; I will go to God;I will s/how not be totally destroyed by another person's rejection.
That is a wonderful step. It allows me to open my heart more---- to give love and recieve love.
I believe that no man is an island. I am seeing that ,truly ,it IS love that brings the beauty to life. I am opening up to love and I want to open up more so I can give and recieve more.
I see the way to open up is to get my core stronger and stronger,so I don't have to continually gaze at my navel to determine if I am OK.
GS,I appreciate your post about "NO man is an island". You understood what I was saying.
Izzy, we are each on our own journeys,in our own ways.I started my journey ,on the board, to find my core. I am doing that,slowly.Now, I see that the next step is to get out of myself and give . I am not quite there,yet,but I see it beckoning out in the future. Love Ami