Author Topic: trembling!  (Read 17570 times)


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« Reply #30 on: July 26, 2004, 03:34:52 PM »
Sorry, I mispelled your name. Sjkravill, okay?


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« Reply #31 on: July 26, 2004, 03:38:03 PM »
Sorry I seem not to be able to get all of my thoughts into one post. You say sometimes he's better after months with no sex? In healthy marriages sex is much more frequent. Why is there months with no sex (other than when you are off like right now for 4 weeks)?

You mentioned it, so I'm just asking. If you don't want to answer, okay.



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« Reply #32 on: July 26, 2004, 04:02:46 PM »

This is not an enviroment where there is a N (parent or other) continuously beating down a right to express or question. Don't need to "fight" N battles with everyone you come in contact with by over-expressing a need that was lacking previously.

On a board like this it can be made plain and simple or difficult.  

Difficult =  You wanna be right more than anything else.  
Simple  =  You wanna be supportive to others here, above all else.  That does not mean not standing up for yourself or asking for clarification, etc., it just means knowing when to, and knowing when to back off.  

Honestly, I can't see how someone would not be a bit offended or at least taken aback by the tone & boldness/assumed authority of that e-mail if it were directed at them.  

And renee-- what makes you think that S has nothing better to do than to waste energy defending why she feels how she feels?   She has enough going on. Do you know what PTSD is like?

And if "S"did explain, I guarantee it would have just led to more denials and conflict, instead of resolution. It is almost a cliche pattern for discussion boards. That is why it is better not even to get into things sometimes.

And no, everyone does not know about Portia's good heart (though it is nice to know) I just got here not long ago.      

It seemed like the wrong time for confrontational honesty, and if no harm was intended, then fine. Forget the misunderstanding and move on with good feeling. All Portia had to do in good faith, to keep the peace and help another struggling emotionally, was to apologize that S's feelings got hurt in her attempt to help.  That's it.  

Everything does not have to be long drawn out therapy because of what happened in life with an N parent or spouse.Sometimes simplicity goes a lot further and adds to the healing process for all parties involved, a lot more.


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« Reply #33 on: July 26, 2004, 04:23:26 PM »

You are entitled to your opinion. I stand by mine.

PTSD is assumed here. We don't really know. That's another flaw of a message board. We just don't have enough info..

It's clear from rereading all of P's posts, she is very concerned about S.



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« Reply #34 on: July 26, 2004, 04:26:38 PM »

Don't need to "fight" N battles with everyone you come in contact with by over-expressing a need that was lacking previously.

Gee, I think that was just over-expressed.



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« Reply #35 on: July 26, 2004, 04:32:52 PM »
Is RC back on this board? I thinks I smell a rat.


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« Reply #36 on: July 26, 2004, 04:33:00 PM »
Nooooo, it was relevant and in direct context to:

Nassim wrote:

Many of us give apologies too easily without asking questions. We have been conditioned by Ns and others that we are always wrong. I think it's a healthy thing for Portia to ask for clarifying information before she gives an apology. That way she won't feel hijacked so to speak.

At any rate, I do agree with what you said in your 1st message about our opinions being different. I'm at okay with that- not much more to say.
No bad feeling on my part.



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« Reply #37 on: July 26, 2004, 04:48:43 PM »
One poster said that P should have just said sorry regardless of even knowing what to say sorry to. I was responding to him/her.

I think P asking that question was appropriate. Just MO.


pandora as guest

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« Reply #38 on: July 26, 2004, 05:22:34 PM »
Hi Sjkravill,

I hope you are doing OK.  Hang in there!  Everyone who has responded is trying to help in their own way.  

Just my own two cents, when I was sharing my story a few months ago, I sometimes would feel a little put off by responses that seemed to say "leave the SOB ASAP".  although I know that all responders did so out of a desire to help me, and I appreciated everyone's input and concern.  

There is a fine line between honoring your marriage commitment by struggling with hard issues and trying to reach your H and help him see and alter his destructive behavior, and enduring abusive treatment from someone who cannot or will not change.  S, I can tell that you are smart enough to figure it out, although it may take more time.

I sometimes beat up on myself for "putting up with too much" or "staying too long", but the truth is that is not what happened.  I took my marriage commitment very seriously and felt I owed it to myself to try as best I could to make it work.  In the end, my H seemed hellbent on his own destructive path and then the right choice for me became very clear, and I could take decisive action. I saw I could not help him and could only save myself.   But it only came after a painful struggle.  The fact that you are going through this struggle now shows that you are a person who takes her commitments seriously and has good values.  That shows your honesty and strength.

Only you can decide whether to stay or leave, and you can't decide that until you are ready.  It takes time to figure these things out, and you owe it to yourself to give yourself that time.   Uncertainty is very hard.  But if you keep on the path you are on, you will get clarity.  And then you will know what to do and find the resources to do it.  

Take care of yourself!  


mighty mouse

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« Reply #39 on: July 26, 2004, 05:25:03 PM »
Don't need to "fight" N battles with everyone you come in contact with by over-expressing a need that was lacking previously.

Does Nassim fight N battles with everyone he comes into contact with? I haven't noticed this. This sounds a bit over the top to me. Don't mean to be a contrarian here, but I definately think that was overstatement. That's just my opinion. Sorry to be off thread here.

SJKRAVILL, hang in there. We're all pulling for you!


mighty mouse

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« Reply #40 on: July 26, 2004, 05:29:18 PM »

You are very wise. I liked your post very much. I think Sjkravill will have to figure things out in her own time. We all want to rescue her like she is our daughter.


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« Reply #41 on: July 26, 2004, 05:31:26 PM »
One poster said that P should have just said sorry regardless of even knowing what to say sorry to. I was responding to him/her.

I think P asking that question was appropriate. Just MO.


Yes, I see your point.   I guess for some people [like me] it is really blatantly plain as to what might be offensive about that message, and for others it is not so clear, or even agreeable. What I am beginning to realize is just how wide spectrums of perception are.  Again, I can see yours.

But S did say what she was offended about.  She said that there were unfair assumptions made.  The only thing she didn't want to do, was go detail by detail and correct them all, which would require her time and emotional energy, both of which might be used better focused elsewhere at such a trying time.

As was said before, detailed explanations also often lead to more conflict with the other person, so it is best in cases to let it go, as well.

I just think it would have been really helpful if P had just said something like "if I made unfair assumptions and you have been hurt by this, I apologize".  "I didn't mean to".  

Sometimes it can be so quick and easy to mend things.  



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« Reply #42 on: July 26, 2004, 05:36:19 PM »
Sorry MM:

You misunderstood the whole exchange.  

This was not directed at Nassim at all. I don't even know him as a board member.  Just from the exchange we had, though we disagree, he seems very calm, very nice, and very smart.

If you read back it might become clearer, or by replacing "you" with "one" might help.

Just FYI.


mighty mouse

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« Reply #43 on: July 26, 2004, 06:42:11 PM »
To me this was between P and S. On this board we are dealing overwhelmingly with Ns. And regardless of whether your statement was directed at Nassim, it was still overstated IMO. Have you dealt with Ns? If you haven't then maybe you can't appreciate the content of the statement that Nassim made. No, everything is not about Ns. I don't think anyone thinks everything is about Ns. Or long term therapy.

I didn't agree with your simple vs. difficult analogy either. To me you sounded a bit hostile and a wee patronising. It reminds me of someone who used to be here on the board and exhorted everyone to go reread their they made a mistake or didn't know what they were saying. The longer you are here, the more you'll see that the posters here generally are very knowledgable and considered in their responses.

In any case, welcome.



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« Reply #44 on: July 26, 2004, 07:17:45 PM »

I have extensive experience with N's and what I said would apply to my own self as well.  I think saying things are not always about that, is accurate, and advice I try to heed myself, as well. I've heard the same from therapists.  

You are taking what I said way too harshly, and contrary to your last words, your tone with me is hardly welcoming

I also don't know why you are comparing me to someone who you say used to be here and whatever you think that person's insecurity is. That is not fair or necessary, and I find it presumptuous and insulting.  

To me, you sound a little hostile toward me.  I had no personal exchange with you (and ended mine with Nassim amicably), and it
seems you have taken it upon yourself to try to "lecture" me, and tell me I will learn more or "wise up" as I stick around the group.

Sorry-you've got it wrong.

I'm not here to cause any discord and I am a very kind hearted, caring person.

I'll end it here because I'm really looking for more peaceful exchanges with members here.