So, I can't remember if I wrote this or not, I will read myself backwards at some point.
There was a woman who spent some time with me as a kid, she actually liked me. She got a sudden illness, had brain surgery and turned into a veggie. This probably was very traumatic to me as a kid. I do remember being very concerned and wishing, wishing, and hoping with all my might that she would be ok, some sort of miracle would happen and she might come out of the coma ok.
Since she taught me how to ride a bike, and was the only person who believed in me when I was a kid this must have been really traumatic. I don't remember crying. Are children suppose to know how to grieve? Was it weird that I did not cry? I have no clue.
When I went through my list of things that I need to forgive myself for, she was on the list. I did not go to see her in the hospital, I wanted to, but my father would not take me. I have carried guilt for this. Not holding her hand in the hospital.
I'm sure that as a little kid I believed that I could go to the hospital and do something that the doctors couldn't do, that I could have fixed her somehow. I know that this is irrational as an adult but that seems to be in my emotions.
Maybe every event when I should have felt grief instead I blamed myself.
I think my mother may have been a bit jealous of this person even.
You know, not only did my mother not give me love but I think she would have disliked it if any other person had given me love.
I'm not sure, I think I'm over analyzing.