Hi Portia,
If I didn't need scripts in my glasses I'd have a pair of those goggles!
Hi TT,
I do have to say that both options for fitting the bed attracted me strongly in my early years of dealing with this N mess.
Hi Kat,
Glad to be of service.
Hi PR,
I think I am so trained in resignation that it has become a physiological response to some situations, not that different from the stomach buzz of fear or the shivering at the thought of cold. Once I find one of these behavior traits (and I've uncovered quite a few) I can at least not feel bad about myself or trapped. Like you my body sent the message, no way out, give up and I took that nose dive into anger and in my case a bit of depression even though I didn't believe her words.
Notice the other thing you assume, that you will hurt her feelings by rejecting her choices. Is that true or was she just brainstorming choices for you? Where did we learn that disagreeing with people hurts them?? Do we assume that disagreeing has to become ugly and hurtful?
What I would do with this event is do some brainstorming of my own. I would mentally explore some alternative ways of dealing with it. If you didn't feel that you were being forced into color choices could you have enjoyed some of her choices and simply labeled them as good but not for you? This would give you a chance to compliment her while stating your objective.
How could you have asked to be left alone with the colors to think? Might you have slipped in your artistic bent (and taken the "ball" out of her court) by saying, "one of my paintings is going to hang above this and I need to compliment it". I need some time to think about these fabrics. I might have backed that up with, "Can I have take home samples of some of the fabrics I think might work?"
I find that when I am confronted with disagreement I immediately assume that the other person will not hear my words or respect my opinion and back off. I have to get past that to enter into any kind of negotiation. My thought process is, "this is wrong and you won't stop doing it because I obviously don't command respect." I find that a host of bad feelings about self can flood into the simplest interaction that doesn't go my way. I try to remain aware of those thoughts and feelings and catch them before they erupt into full scale recreations of previous failures...I don't know about you but my head is very prone to creating dramas.