He dovoted 100 % to me our last dancing out wich was Saturday 6. He was kind of bored. I do not want to take all the fun away from him. Plus he needs the validation other women give him.
So, I am doing this thread to see if I can brain storm some behaviors to help others and my self in the same situation.
I am not ready to finish with him. I feel attachments. I know if I finish now I will regret. I have to be totally secure that I have exhausted all my resources before I precede in a denitive way.
So, here is an article. He put his chick on a woman last Monday. Today we are going to that class. I made it very clear that I was mad. He said he is going to behave. I will see how he behaves today.
I will let you know tonight how he did. Wish me luck.
How to handle a flirtatious boyfriend
You know he's your guy. Or at least, you were pretty sure, until you began noticing some distressing little behaviors. The problem? He's a flirt. He tells you you're the one--then he proceeds to flash his cute smile at every girl he sees. Why does he do this? Should you accept it as some defective male gene, or should you dump him and move on to someone who only has eyes for you? Only you can decide, but read on for some pointers. Tips for handling a flirtatious boyfriend:
· Realize that his ego is at stake, and he's dealing with the same insecurities as you and your friends. It's normal for a guy to want to feel loved and adored by everyone. His way of getting the attention he craves is to flirt.
· Try to satisfy some of your boyfriend's need to feel special by telling him how great you think he is, and by showing him how important he is to you. Some over-the-top compliments never hurt, either: "Hey, you're the funniest/cutest/smartest/hairiest legged guy in school," could do wonders for a guy's self-esteem, and might curb his need to get attention from other sources.
· Tell him how you feel about his flirting. Let him know that you don't like it when he flirts with other girls. If he really cares about you, he'll probably try to be sensitive to your feelings. He might not even realize he's doing it!
· Don't flirt with other guys to get revenge! Remember, your boyfriend is flirting because he's insecure. If you start flirting it'll just make him feel worse, and probably push the two of you apart even more. (Besides, you're the mature one, right?)
· If he still can't restrain himself, and his flirtatious behavior continues to bother you, don't hesitate to bail on the guy! If he's so insecure that he compulsively flirts at your expense, you don't need him!
· Top tip: DON'T TAKE HIS FLIRTING PERSONALLY! It usually has nothing to do with a girl not being pretty, charming or witty enough, but is instead 100% the guy's personal problem. In other words, he'd do it to anyone he's dating! (The same goes for flirtatious girls). It just means he has some major growing up to
So, here is the article.