Last night, One of the women at the homeless shelter told me out of the blue that she thought I would be a good educator.
I'm sort of tired this morning, just need to stretch and breathe some fresh air or something. It's a very churchy place, the people who volunteer at the soup kitchen are church women but they are not very warm in personality from what I can tell- it's like they just know in the back of their minds that I have sinned somehow or I'm going to sin or they think I have aborted babies or they think I have been fornicating or....who knows...maybe I'm just making that up.--They just seem dissaproving somehow- and it feels like a dissapproval of my whole being. Maybe it's to keep themselves disassociated from the people on the other side of the fence. I just don't know. Maybe they think "accepting jesus" would have prevented the women from being homeless somehow. Ehh...I'm not going to belabor the religious women..or the "convert them when they are down and out thing"...
There are two sections of the homeless shelter where I am staying. I'm in the female section. The men's section is getting fumigated today because somebody found bedbugs there. All I can think is eeeekkk!!! How gross. I try to wash my hands a lot in the shelter. I try not to touch things too much and I hope that I don't get headlice or something like that although it's totally curable and in reality some little bugs are the least of my worries.
The common denominator from what I can pick up is that all the women in the homeless shelter have poor support networks as well as issues with being "self reliant". Often the women have the situation where they have children or they are housewives or something. A lot of them have been through rehab. Some of them just got out of jail. A lot of the women at the house don't look very good physically, they are over weight, most of them smoke---even the woman who runs the place is overweight and smokes... etc.
Ironically it doesn't feel like I have fallen into the bowels of humanity. They just seem like regular people with regular people problems. Only I guess their problems are pretty visible.
There are some things that feel humiliating. I have always been self supporting, don't have children and am not married and I don't like being a "homeless" person. I'm not stinky, I don't have leaves in my hair but I do have a garbage bag covering my few personal belongings.
The social system for people who have somehow "fallen through the cracks" that a baby is a meal one of my "friends" puts it.
It's true there are many resources available for women who have babies but not for single women who don't have babies.
There is an older woman there who is almost like a female version of my father, the way she converses, her body language- it's rather odd and I wonder if it is a coincidence or if there is actually a rhyme and reason to the similar mannerisms. She says that she has a daughter who was a meth-heroin addict.
I don't know if things are getting worse or if I have my head slightly above water. I'm very very off the track I had envisioned. If I could simply take it all in as another life experience it wouldn't be so bad, it would be ok...but...I don't really know what else to say right now--I'm not really building a good life for myself right now. Interestingly enough none of my relatives have contacted me to see how I'm doing, my aunt who previously was willing to help my N-mother in her efforts by threatening a "mental health check" at my door- has not even asked me how I am doing. Because she doesn't care and I know that...but I'm suppose to pretend like they care to appease them.
I'm just darn tired, wish I could go to a yoga class, go for a hike and then sleep.
There are women who just mill about the homeless shelter and I don't particularly enjoy that. I want to be working on getting something done or I want to eat, shower, read and relax...which is hard to do in shelter.....There is a river near by and a sandy beach.. so after I go get my stuff taken care of I guess I will go down there and read this evening just to be away.
There is a sort of temporary community that exists in a homeless shelter, and I have to admit that even amongst these people with so many "issues" I feel at moments like I have found a sort of community that I'm a part of-moments of feeling like I am accepted by somebody somewhere....
I was telling a woman at the shelter how I felt ashamed to seek resources that are available to homeless people and she said to me "you are homeless, you are in a shelter". But I don't think of myself as being homeless. I never really ever felt at home. Being homeless doesn't feel any different then when I have lived in "homes".....I have less leverage though and less ability to choose certain things like when and what I'm going to eat.
I'm trying to stay out of other people's business...and hoping that some of them don't get too friendly with me I guess.
I've been told that the reason why all the women are there is because they are irresponsible. That would include me. But then again they don't really know me. Are they irresponsible or are they victims of circumstance? The question begs of... who is to blame?
In a homeless shelter no one can hoard food or clothing- it is a sort of commune with regulated communal access but no ownership....
I'm managing all of my emotions and not feeling particularly emotional about anything. I'm sort of calm and mild and trying to stay organized and focused but I have some version of contempt and anger and I just don't have the right word for it. I feel like I am a ball of intensifying's like a contracting serious feeling...maybe quiet and cold and veiled anxiety. Every day I have to regather my thoughts and plans. Looks like a shifting pathway from Indiana Jones or something.
The spell checker on this thing wants to correct my hyphenated "meth-heroin" word into the word "mothering"......
I didn't want to be some place with a bunch of drug addicts but so far some of the recovering drug addicts in this place are friendlier then my relatives are.
So, I tear up a little where I'm sitting in this I guess I have some emotions going on even though I seem to be on a muted-mode emotionally. I have to go to this place today for homeless people and see what resources are available to me. I don't really want to go, I want the information but I don't want the people to see that I am homeless. ME. I just want the brochures. I don't want to be in a room full of homeless people, I don't want to be mutually recognizing these people on the street- a nod of the head "oh hey, I know you, weren't you at the "party" for the homeless"?.................I'm going to go there and get out of there as fast as possible and then go sit on a piece of drift wood in privacy and by that time I probably won't feel like crying anymore. I just want a break I want to get away from this label called homeless but it is useful...there are some resources and I need something? Ok, enough writing. I'm just rambling aimlessly now.