Boat, thank you. You completely got the distinction.
You're right, what I was saying to my D back then was how much I love her.
Not that "nobody will ever...".
And the guilt. Thank you for seeing how I have too much and hold it too tightly. Really, thank you.
My D has a pattern of kind of swarming me with communication when she's in a crisis. I'm usually so relieved to have the contact that I just step in to help, and we'll be in touch daily, and I'll think at the same time -- oh, we're really in relationship again. So even though what's happening may be hard, there's a part of me that's grateful for the connection.
Then when my funds run out and she's moved on, she tends to drop communication again. Kind of swinging from one extreme to another. Makes holidays hard. (She doesn't acknowledge them so I have to work at getting emotionally ready for those days.) I do have to work on feelings of abandonment. Self pity (my only child, won't even call me on Thanksgiving...kind of thoughts. They start, and I shake them off and put them away).
She is also insightful and blunt and sometimes says brutal but accurate things. Most recently she said, "I think you can't handle the separation" and "I can't find my own intiative if I have to respond to many messages from you".
She was right. Well, I've handled a LOT of separation, but she's right it's difficult. And as to the intiative...made complete sense to me. I got it.
Thanks again Boat...