Hi Hops and Boat,
Im goint to try to keep it simple (dont laugh).
For me its a way of understanding the internal dynamics that motivate a person, I was really surprised myself when I learnt this stuff as to how much I began to see people did fall into these basic character types. I see it in highly respected professionals, in anyone really. But most of all, I started by seeing in in myself, then my partners, then my foo, and on. I am also a recovering addict, and Boat, yeah, for me it was exactly that, the addiction was one branch of the underlying disorder. It was a 'character structure' which wasnt really me, but was inside me that kept driving me towards sefl-destruct.
Boat, when I first found out about the dos, I realised why I was constantly falling into the same traps, specailly with others with dos. So one problem with your mum for instance, is if she's operating out of the dos, she's not in contact with you at all, she's in contact with whats inside her head, her own unreality, and she's imposing that vision on you. She's not seeing the daughter who came to take care of her, and whom if she was in reality, she would be full of tenderness and appreciation for, she's projecting her bad feelings inside herself onto you, triggered by the said bana skin, which is now being discussed internationally
But its so baffling with these people because whilst they're doing it, they're really living in that reality (its called the quadrants), and its easy to get influenced by others when they're in their reality, specially if you're empathic. And althoug its hugely wise to keep things simple, I found that it was vital for me to understand these inner workings before I could even begin to find peace of mind for myself. (thats another story!).
What exactly her dynamic is, not sure, but its like what is inside the constant dramas. For now it seems like the alcoholism is pretty yuk.
As for the literature, Im afraid that at the mo its only in some rather ... umm full-on psychoanalytic literature. But its my ambition to write something that makes this accessible and understandable to people like you and me who need/ want to know. So would you like to help me? !!

Ok, a place to start is that one of the books does have diagrams in it which show the basic inner dynamics of the 3 disorders, you can get into the book on Amazon. Its 'The Therapist's Guide to the Personality Disorders', by Masterson and Leiberman. As I say, the language isnt easy, but when I persevered I was able to translate to my own experience.