A little dating story for you. I'm 43, never married, no kids. Single, live with 2 adorable kitties (one 14yrs, one 2 1/2).
Met a guy, originally for business reasons, through a friend on facebook. Guy was interested asked me out, by im on facebook. I agreed to a date, then thought it over and he's really not my type. Overweight, 46, divorced, smoked cigars, drinks too much, talks too much and a namedropper. Not at all my time. I prefer a healthy, thoughtful, solid fit guy.
Anyway, we made a date, I prayed he'd cancel. When the day came, he had not called to finalize plans, so I called, but was already annoyed at his lack of follow thru. Low and behold, he canceled. I was relieved. Why did he cancel? He spent the night in jail, because he got a DUI. NOT KIDDING. My intuition was correct, sadly.
Weeks past, he was sick and had not rescheduled. I wondered if he would or possibly, if that story could be a lie. So, I immed - he didnt answer my questions (odd and rude) and asked if I was "around on friday". I said yes, and before i knew it another date was made. This morning, I had already decided I wanted to cancel and seeign a friend get engaged last nite was a sign to me that I would not date any maybe's. I have no interest in this guy and he is wormy, asks me out via im, doesn't make it clear its a date, wants me to meet him there and he'll "be with friends".
Anyway, so today comes along and I send him a note canceling, suddenly, then its a DATE and he tries to be cute. I wonder what he put his wife through...
The point is - I foolishly made a date with someone completely wrong for me, not once, but twice, No harm done really, I should have said NO the first time!