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Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board / Re: Captain's Log - 2024
« Last post by Hopalong on December 10, 2024, 06:31:21 PM »
(((((Amber))))) & ((((B)))) --

Oh I am so glad you're putting in an elevator. On the board of this nonprofit that helps people (town and outer one-mile ring) "age in place" -- I can imagine how different the whole prospect is for people who live "steep" on a mountainside... such a good decision.

I'm happy you can do it, thus extending your life where you like to be by years, I'm sure. Bravo!

I hear the poignancy of B's complicated aging, too. And glad for Hol that a better companion's in the picture.

Big hopes for all you, dear.

Today I noticed a visceral heat shoot through my face and body when listening to a news station refer to the assassinated CEO as a"healthcare".....
I can't remember what came after "healthcare," which snatched me right back to custody trial mediations headed by retired Judge(Paula Dean in vision and audio) her fingers on temples, chanting "forget the best interest of the kids, forget the best interest if the kids."

Not a happy truth.....more a big sloppy booger of truth in a "justice" system.......

::Noticing I should ground myself in the

::Noticing how the anger is really masking sadness::.

::Finding my ball of light ...noticing the sadness isn't quite ready to go::..

::laughing like a crazy person over the erroneous....selection .......
over the......
irony......"healthcare"...... "justice"::.

I've got stuff to do. 

::reflecting another moment::.

Some great big boogered up things are easier to accept than others. 

I know you know what I mean, ((Tupp.))


Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board / Re: Captain's Log - 2024
« Last post by lighter on December 10, 2024, 12:47:51 PM »
How big an elevator are you thinking?

Good work pushing through the bathroom with Hol. 

Sending unending prayers for B's medical situation.

vote goats🤚


Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board / Re: Captain's Log - 2024
« Last post by sKePTiKal on December 10, 2024, 08:51:05 AM »
We're back in hurry up & wait mode again.

Since the referral to the doc in Manassas, we've been trying to get that doc the information from Dr. Lee he needs. Last call, B was told the information contradicts itself 3 times and didn't even list the stimulator manufacturer or model.

B has good days and bad days; but most days he's moving slow and isn't pain-free enough to power through the bigger work. Hol isn't much help because she's STILL be strung along by contractor who doesn't show up and she's leaving for most of January with C, to visit friends in Hawaii and then a week in Japan.

Little kitties had their first shots; healthy little beasties. Pickles is a love bug and likes to snuggle - when she's not playing with Lucy or Stinkers - who's accepted the girls better than I thought he would. Freddie is still playing old curmedgeon and doesn't want to have anything to do with them. Jack doesn't care; he's "just Jack".

Kitchen wench wore herself out enough at Thanksgiving that I'm only baking a couple kinds of cookies for Christmas, but I MIGHT throw in a batch of biscotti - they'll hold till March. It was fun and C came up with Hol for dinner and to watch ancient episodes of the Twilight Zone and was comfy. Unlike all those years, after which S still wouldn't speak more than a word or two to me, even AFTER living in my house for two years while the hut was being built.

Hol & C demo'd the studio bathroom one day on a whim. Still a couple 2x4s to knock out, then move plumbing and new subfloor, vinyl planks, sheetrock & paint/trim. So the studio is mostly done - working out the final arrangement, because to unfold the sewing cabinet I need a good bit of space. B and I will work on that while Hol is gone. So we can do that at our pace without her trying to run the whole show.

Plan to contact my first contractor in January, about an addition on the back of the house, which will contain an elevator (to exit in dining room french door). I've talked about it for awhile - and Hol is harping it on it these days - and because everything is taking longer and costing twice as much so I'd rather have it done sooner, while we don't REALLY need one. It'll definitely make grocery day easier! And the addition will be like an airlock overlooking the cliff which is the direction the wind comes from in the winter, usually. Windows, of course, so it can function as a seed starting greenhouse too. Maybe summer kitchen...

This is "long winter nap" season and when my ideas germinate into "action plans". I'm hoping to get B's participation and ideas incorporated this year. Some small decorating projects around the house - nothing major but hopefully more organization and floor space. Studio garage & shop need attention too - so we can have functional spaces again, in the downstairs (like my half a garage pantry & radio shack/office). He'll have the heated/ac garage at the studio for some of his creative work... get him the rest of the way moved... indulge our quirky style of art...

and I'll probably redesign the garden this winter, to something more manageable.

The place is coming along. This is year 8. Apart from our spaces - I'm going to let Hol take the lead on what else goes on, I think. The remaining geese are set to be slaughtered. B is talking goats; Hol is talking pigs and a cow. We'll see what direction all this goes in.

Hops:  My T was a vegetarian for a while and she noticed a decline in her health, general feeling of well-being and strength.  Her body needs class A protein, even though her spirit doesn't feel good about, like yours.

 I do adore lentils, but have a sensitivity to them!  Very sad about that.  If you're cooking them with the insta pot, use the regular brown ones.... they're yummy no matter how long they cook.  The orange ones  get starchy, like potatoes and the black ones are delicate and amazing when not overcooked, which is a trick to accomplish.

If you buy pre chopped onions, carrots and celery that's best for your back.

I can't help with the insta pot.  I'm afraid of mine too!  Haven't tried it yet either. 

Amber, the lake grill is coated in grease.... can't clean it, bc all the metal parts are a breath away from failing.  I need to pull it apart, order replacement parts and rebuild it as it's attached to the deck and propane. 

Quick thinking!  I'm glad no one was injured, including the brisket, yum!

Tupp, I have moments when there's zero vertigo and moments when I feel it in my eyes then moments when it man handles my brain and threatened to throw me sideways.  This morning, busy in the kitchen with plans to organize and edit in house....I feel very solid.  No vertigo.

Yesterday, roads closures all over the place meant I had to straighten up my approach 3 times while parking!  A regular parking jobVance visiting and normally bad Friday traffic was so bad Waze took me over a mountain to avoid it.  Was terrible to see all the flattened trees in that area.  Just me and 1 car.  Surreal....sad reminder.


Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board / Re: Developing A Personality
« Last post by Twoapenny on December 07, 2024, 11:11:20 AM »
Thanks, both.  It definitely feels like it's on its way out, son doesn't look too bad either and I'm going to order a takeaway tonight.  Complete rest and reset, I've just lounged in the bath reading a book for the best part of an hour and now I'm back in my pyjamas.

I watched a YouTube video earlier about being the 'Hero Child' (Tim Fletcher) and he described me (probably all of us on here!) to a T - always fixing, staying on step ahead of everything, organising, planning, always being relied upon, calm in a crisis and so on.  Was absolutely what it was like for me growing up.  And then he talks about how it burns you out as an adult, because you end up surrounded by people who do nothing for themselves, you don't make meaningful connections because people never see who you really are, you exhaust yourself doing everything all the time.  And I thought, yep, that is exactly me.  I feel like the fire to keep going has dropped away, but in a good way.  I don't want to carry everyone else's stuff that they won't pick up for themselves.  I'm so tired of always being the one who is 'fine'.  There's no-one in real life that I would tell I feel the way I do at the moment, or about the flashbacks and contacting Rape Crisis.  Maybe one person I can think of.  But no-one else would know what to do or say, or be useful.  I feel I'd end up supporting them rather than the other way around.  That's not right.  That really needs to change.
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board / Re: Developing A Personality
« Last post by lighter on December 07, 2024, 10:29:59 AM »
Rest, take on fluids, mitigate symptoms with what works best (and does the least damage,) depending on what's going on for you .

Acetaminophen processes through the liver.

Ibuprofen processes through the kidneys.

I went back to my acupuncture guy and he picked up on Blood Pressure...said liver's fine ....kidneys are sucking wind.  Usually, I mix ibuprofen and acetaminophen so I'm not sure axing one organ.

I wish I could feed you guys, Tupp.  Just spent the morning making bolognais, sweet potatoes and pet food.  Going to reorganize laundry room (pulled apart for washer repair, made last night) and that rolls into a closet, the kitchen and pantry. 

I wish you and I could help each other!  I could sure use your organization skills, dear one.

You're doing exactly what you need to do.  Breathe, know this will pass and we're sending healing pink light to you.

Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board / Re: Developing A Personality
« Last post by sKePTiKal on December 07, 2024, 09:25:27 AM »
Yup, after the weekend you'll both be feeling better! Sometimes a cold can be a great excuse for a total "time out". Sounds like you're putting it to good use.
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board / Re: Developing A Personality
« Last post by Twoapenny on December 07, 2024, 08:23:37 AM »
Thanks, Skep!  Hope your weather has improved a bit, it's been pretty grim here, too.

Cold is easing off.  Son has caught it but I've dosed him up with everything so hopefully we can head it off before it settles in.  I'm incredibly tired and he's not great either, so I've cancelled everything we had planned this weekend.  We're both tucked up in our respective beds, the heating's on, we've got books, films and plenty of food and drink so hopefully by next week we'll both be feeling better again x
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board / Re: Developing A Personality
« Last post by sKePTiKal on December 05, 2024, 07:55:07 AM »
Poor dear! Drink a hot lemon & honey tea - and if you don't have to be somewhere maybe a dram or two to help you sleep. When I come down with something, I can always tell because everything emotional gets magnified - like the car mirror that says "objects appear larger & closer"... which right now, I can't for the life of me understand the utility of such a thing.

Wind is howling here this morning; 50-60 mph and very cold. Generator has kicked on several times as the power has blipped off due to tree branches moving, etc. Fire sirens down the mountain early, about 6 am. Probably a chimney fire somewhere or an accident - the roads are a little slick. I don't have to go out until this afternoon, with Lucy & Pickles for their first vet visit & shots.
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