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Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board / Re: The Lake House
« Last post by Twoapenny on November 19, 2024, 05:52:44 AM »
Water sounds like a step in the right direction!  So many things we don't realise the importance of until it's not easy to get them.  Baby steps in the right direction xx
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board / Re: The Lake House
« Last post by lighter on November 18, 2024, 03:35:49 PM »
I don't miss noise when working in nature.

I DO miss it while indoors.  If I'm moved to put something into the and nature noises/storms/green noise bring energy and/or a calm mind. 

We have potable water back, as of today!!!


Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board / Re: Developing A Personality
« Last post by sKePTiKal on November 18, 2024, 08:00:52 AM »
What comes of mastering one's own "have to's"?

For me, there's a sense of accomplishment and PEACE in a tidy and clean house. Add a good meal to the list, and I feel certain I'm "good enough" as a human being to hold forth opinion-wise on most any other topic. Full wood racks, is B's way of getting there; pulling the weeds from winter garden too. (He's getting ready to till it again before it freezes.) Everything ELSE besides those "taking care of one's self the best way I know how" is all gravy; it's extra icing on the cake.

I certainly wish I'd figured this out sooner in life. I chased the "big dreams" (at the expense of more important lifttle things) for far too long... and the "prize" for those big things was a false promise. Empty. Those things were like ego-bait; kept me on the treadmill too long. No wonder my stress levels and anxiety were off the chart then!

There's a huge change in my perspective on life since Mike died. Being on my own. Finally being able to forge my own path - sometimes willy-nilly, sometimes outlined in mass detail. Having more head-space (not so many people taking up room in it) allows me to naturally gravitate to tapping into the creative side of me, too. I feel I know the space I occupy on the planet way better; my "purpose" is well integrated with how I spend my time; and I'm able to manage the various accidents/things that pop up or don't go well, a lot better. I know where the boundary is between me and the rest of world without having to puzzle it out or try to make clearer, less fuzzy. And that all feels real good and doesn't take any energy.
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board / Re: The Lake House
« Last post by sKePTiKal on November 18, 2024, 07:42:01 AM »
OH it is scary inititally, Lighter. Thomas mentions that early in the video. There's fear of missing out (FOMO) and a feeling of being "irresponsible" because one is NOT contactable (my head's litany). Michael couldn't go 24 hrs without having a TV. My little cabin, south of here, had no service either. I had to drive out to the end of the road to make a call or text. Almost sold it to BiL just for that reason... LOL. He worked in IT too.

That is the combined dopamine response and pavlovian "obedience" model at work. But in 24-48 hrs most people can breathe free-er and sense more time/space in their mental existence... and turn toward more active ways to pass the time and connect face to face with more people.

Among all age groups, I'm seeing an intentional adjustment to limit one's exposure online and reflexive behavior to the phone. A new life/tech balance if you will.
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board / Re: Developing A Personality
« Last post by Twoapenny on November 18, 2024, 02:45:43 AM »
The now bit is difficult; we're all used to that hypervigilence and trying to side step the next potential show down and get in front of the next thing that might cause a problem.  It's very deeply ingrained and hard to ignore.  I find it hard to focus on just one thing, when so much else comes up constantly.  It's hard to ignore everything else that needs doing.

I'm finding some of the letting go hard.  I know there are people I won't see again now, because I'm not going to make the effort and I know they won't either.  I know some will be unpleasant about me to other people because of it.  I know I'm not going to have any kind of resolution with my mum before she passes.  I've known that for a long time but it still feels difficult to accept. I know the future for myself and my son is bleak if I don't find a way to make a decent living and find a community/family to look after him when I die.  That is a huge weight upon me and I find it hard to focus on washing dishes when there's a mountain that size to climb.  I spoke to someone yesterday who has frequent financial calamities, because she doesn't plan and overspends, and usually I give her all sorts of suggestions for managing money better, none of which she takes any notice of.  Yesterday I didn't, I just said oh, it's difficult isn't it, and started talking about something else.  And whilst I was pleased I did it, I also feel a sense of not knowing who's going to replace Little Miss Fix It Tupp, because I don't feel I've got anything else to offer and I find that difficult sometimes.

But at the same time I feel like it's now or never.  I either carry on doing what I've always done and I end my days alone, unfulfilled and empty.  Or I really try, try to weather how unpleasant it all feels and do it despite the worry of 'what if there's nothing else there' and maybe at the end at least I'll know I tried, even if nothing ever comes of it.
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board / Re: The Lake House
« Last post by lighter on November 17, 2024, 01:57:01 PM »
Lake must have had a power surge between my leaving and guest arrival 16 hours later bc both TV's refused to power on for guests.

I unplugged a smaller TV w/ fire stick and it powered on for guests, thankfully. 

About a break from electronics...... sometimes I go all day without noticing.  It feels normal, good, productive, but I check on the Airbnb sites, which has to be done.

I imagine a total intentional break for extended periods would be very scary for some. 


Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board / Re: Developing A Personality
« Last post by lighter on November 17, 2024, 11:51:18 AM »

I like the NOW vibe in place of SHOULD and NEED TO vibes.

About handing off Little Tupps to Angels...
mindfully noticing the little ones, holding them with compassion, asking them to understand and be cared for by Angels seems very positive and loving.

I'm curious what they might say to the Angels.


Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board / Re: Developing A Personality
« Last post by Hopalong on November 16, 2024, 12:47:56 PM »
And that's the secret, that "now." Being in the present means "I am doing XX now" and letting opinions about it evaporate. It's the DOING, not the thinking about.

I'm preaching to myself. As ever. But the secret of three little letters just caught me: n o w.

Sounds lovely and I'd like to practice it more too. Structured meditation doesn't work for me, but "now" could. (Plus, it'd help me tidy up.)

Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board / Re: The Lake House
« Last post by Hopalong on November 16, 2024, 12:42:15 PM »
LOVED this story, wonderful video!

Thanks, Amber, I subscribed to YesTheory.

Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board / Re: The Lake House
« Last post by sKePTiKal on November 16, 2024, 08:23:06 AM »
Glad you're getting a change of scenery and fun-time!
I'm right there with ya on electronic stuff, too.

Saw a great video from Yes Theory, on Green Bank, WV. It's the National Radio Quiet Zone because of the large telescope. Microwaves are even illegal there. Ditching all the screens & devices IS therapeutic! When B & I made a short getaway last year about this time, we were close enough to that area and in a steep enough terrain, that we had very little cell service too. It was FUN.
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