Author Topic: Anxiety, anxiety, PANIC  (Read 8003 times)


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Anxiety, anxiety, PANIC
« Reply #45 on: April 25, 2005, 10:35:23 PM »
Since I started the thread, you all have my my 100% permission to hijack especially since you're all talking about stuff which keeps me sane and happy.  And I'm not panicked today!  My panic has declined so much since I just talked about it.  I guess this voicelessness thing has a lot of validity to it.  Knitting is the next best thing to any medication I have ever taken.  There's just something about the process that takes your mind and straightens it out and makes it run smoothly again.  Sort of like re-booting your computer... :lol:  Listening to music is the next best.  I swear I can feel music.  I love Christmas music.  OK, here's my secret.  And I'm going to do it next Christmas since I'm on my own now and can do anything I want!  I'm pretty close to Canada so you can imagine the Winters.  I'm going to play Christmas music in my back yard at night when the deer come out and the other critters so they can hear what I hear.  I don't know why I've always wanted to do this but there seems to be something so perfect about snow and stars in the sky and the animals you know are out there and us inside and maybe we all can connect...I guess it could be called carroling except I am carrolling to the critters.  We're very rural here....lots of critters.  Oh, and I'm not talking about "Santa got runover by a reindeer"....more like the three tenors or Charlotte Church.  I do have taste!  OK, so I'll throw in some classical...Bittles (who is probably telling you more than you wanted to know at this point  :D )

Stormchild Guesting

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Anxiety, anxiety, PANIC
« Reply #46 on: April 25, 2005, 11:43:01 PM »
Hey bittles,

Do you realize there were more animals than humans present at His birth?

Play them the Byrd Mass for the Nativity, for me.



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Anxiety, anxiety, PANIC
« Reply #47 on: April 26, 2005, 09:43:40 AM »

How lovely, the snow falling, the deer in the back yard, the music playing.  How lovely.  I might try that.  I have deer also in my backyard.  There were twin fawns last year.  So beautiful and delicate.  

I agree about knitting.  It is a great tranquilizer.  You sorta go on autopilot and knit and purl to your hearts content.  I have some very nice varigated cotton yarn that I am going to make a cropped jacket.  It should turn out nicely.  I have this fabric place I go to that I can get specialty buttons for my sweaters.  That really makes it look special.

Glad to see the panic attacks have subsided.  It is good when you can make it through and see the sunlight, hear the birds, and smell the good cooking in the kitchen the next day.

Love Patz

mum as guest

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Anxiety, anxiety, PANIC
« Reply #48 on: April 26, 2005, 12:14:33 PM »
Soooo nice to hear that we can all start to recognize what it is we do that is feeding our souls....that's what "art" does.  Drawing/ can be playing music for the deer, knitting, planing gardens, caring for a long as we are lifted beyond our problems and CREATING!!  THAT is a huge part of healing. (and IMO, the only way to live!!)


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Anxiety, anxiety, PANIC
« Reply #49 on: April 26, 2005, 06:02:17 PM »
Hi everyone:

I confess I have not been reading along in this thread and just popped into this page and as Jed Clampet would say:

"Weeeelllllllllllllll dawwgggie!"

Quilters and painters and furniture rearrangers!!  Good for ya'll!!

Dogbittles:  I can easily imagine Canadian winters 'cause I'm right up here in 'em!!  Lovely idea about the music and all!  I have deer all around my place.  What a nice idea to invite them to your Christmas!!

I love to quilt and have done some by hand and machine too.  I knit some too and that reminds me.....that book...I think I posted about it already on this Linda it...she says that's what cured her of her panic attacks/helped her overcome her agoraphobia (hope I spelled that one right).....knitting.  That book might help you a little.

I'm so glad that you're feeling better!! Yay!!!! :D

Brigid:  I was always told I have no talent in art (what a crock!!!!).  Believed it until I got older and wiser.  The first thing I painted was a paddle for my cannoe.  I figgered it would end up mostly in the water and not be seen much by anyone but me, so what the heck?  I ended up painting a grizzly bear who was climbing out of a lake, onto some rock.  Those I've shown it too say really nice things about it.  My kids begged me to paint them each one so after that, I did.  They're unique and quite interesting.

Bottom line is.....why not try?  Do something you can keep but might not display.  Start by tracing the outline of something simple...from a colouring book or children's book or pattern book or just about any book.  Then play around and see what you end up with.  At the very least, it might be fun!  Acrylics are fairly easy to work with and quick to dry.  Oils give you more time to play around.  Water colours are cheaper but not as intense.  Where is Mum?  She should be giving this lesson, not me. :oops:  :oops:

When you find something you can be creative out, it becomes a very nice outlet that you can see and be proud of.

That is so wonderful Patz!  What's your quilt like?  Who's it for?   Have you done many?

I'm kind of upset because I spent 2 years searching for different purple fabrics and aquired a whole wack of 'em.  I was going to make them into a quilt for my daughter because she loves purple but when I moved, I put them some place reaaaaaallllllly safe.  And now I can't find them! :oops:

I think you spoke of your love of art, Mud, but I can't recall if you paint?  I bet you do!!  What do you draw (people, places, animals, abstract, combination)??

the thing is, drawing is a skill!! They just didn't have the right instruction! Same with you! They are all shocked at what they can do, now. Now I have a new group that wants to start

Sure wish I was near you, Mum,  because I would join your class in a minute!!

I want to sing opera.....I can carry a tune, but know nothing about this kind of I think my next move, at my "age" is to get lessons.

Go for it Mum!!!  Why not??? :D   You can practice in the'll be really clean....spending all that time in there practicing!!  

Anyone do mosaics?  They have to be one of the easiest, most interesting art forms!!  Break up a bit of tile, stick it to a patio stone and fill it with grout!  There's a bit more to it but not a whole lot.  Check out this art form if your looking for something interesting, cheap and fun!!

(People love the stones and will ask to buy them.  I was told not to ever sell one under $100).

Quote long as we are lifted beyond our problems and CREATING!! THAT is a huge part of healing.

Right on Mum!!!  :D  :D  :D



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Anxiety, anxiety, PANIC
« Reply #50 on: April 26, 2005, 06:15:21 PM »
GFN & Mum,

You are both very correct when you say that just creating is the important thing and that can take an infinite number of forms.  I allow myself to get boxed in by thinking that if I can't paint a proper (whatever that means) tree or person or get the correct depth perception in a landscape, that I must be totally without creativity and talent.  

The fact that I can cook and present a beautiful meal, tend to a lovely garden, needlepoint 4 gorgeous Christmas stockings or develop a color scheme for my home doesn't fit into my creativity box.  I need to knock down the walls of that box and be proud and enjoy those things I can create rather than worry about painting a picture that might look like a 2nd grade effort.  Although if its not going up for sale at the local gallery, who cares.

I think it still boils down the negative tapes in my head that tell me I don't do things very well.  I'm working on that, I promise.  :)



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« Reply #51 on: April 26, 2005, 06:39:04 PM »

The fact that I can cook and present a beautiful meal,

Now you're taking art. :wink:  

Rembrandt's all fine and dandy, but he never made me rub my tummy, lean back on the couch and just smile contentedly as I drift off to nap land.

Yes indeedy I do enjoy painting, mostly oils and wood carving.
Wildlife and landscapes. Some more real, some impressionistic.
I love watercolors too but am hit or miss with them.

There sure are a lot of talented people here. Too bad we can't all see, or hear or, especially, taste what the others have done. :?



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Anxiety, anxiety, PANIC
« Reply #52 on: April 26, 2005, 06:52:53 PM »
Mudpupbrother that would be soooo cooool!!

A pot-luck-creative-decorative stuff party!  That would be so fun (and tasty too :D )!

Too bad it can only happen in our dreams. :(

Oh well.  Maybe in our next life eh? 8)

If St. Peter lets me in, that is. :roll:
Otherwise I'll be cooking something really hot. :twisted:



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Anxiety, anxiety, PANIC
« Reply #53 on: April 26, 2005, 07:12:57 PM »

I meant now you're talking art of course, not taking.  :oops:


I hope he lets you in. I was counting on seeing you there. :wink:



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Anxiety, anxiety, PANIC
« Reply #54 on: April 26, 2005, 08:24:13 PM »

The quilt top I have been working on is for my son.  It is call the "Tree of Life"  It is so beautiful.  I just love it.  It took quite a while to do it.  I worked on the top for about 5 years off and on.  It is embroderied all over.  I have the batting for it.  It is the first quilt I have done.

On another note:  a girlfriend and I have decided to to a cojoint project.  We both like to knit and love to paint as well.  She knits beautiful purses.  So we are going to do a bunch of stuff and when they have the annual craft show up at the high school we are going to take our things there and see how we do.  She also do caligraphy.  So it will be interesting to see how we do.  What fun!  



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Anxiety, anxiety, PANIC
« Reply #55 on: April 26, 2005, 09:26:16 PM »
Okay, now you're seeing it....its' a great ruse....the "talent" thing....the big mysterious "art" thing.  Art is anything, and everything, and nothing, too.  It's illusionary and undefinable.
I wish I could cook (so do my kids).  Genetically missed it (you don't hear much about great Irish cooking, now do you?).
Seems to me everyone is creative....everyone creates.  The most creative job I will ever have is that of mother!!  Talk about improvisation!!!


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Anxiety, anxiety, PANIC
« Reply #56 on: April 27, 2005, 08:05:07 PM »

The most creative job I will ever have is that of mother!! Talk about improvisation!!!

Amen sister.  :!:  And then you just hope that in 15-30 years they don't come back and tell you that the therapist told them its all your fault that . . . :shock:

The good news is that we can point them in the direction of those lousy N fathers they have and say "We did our job, go complain to him!"  :wink:

I wish I could cook (so do my kids). Genetically missed it (you don't hear much about great Irish cooking, now do you?).

Actually Ireland is getting known for its culinary talents these days as more and more people are vacationing there.  

If you can read, you can cook--or so they say.
