Hi everyone:
I confess I have not been reading along in this thread and just popped into this page and as Jed Clampet would say:
"Weeeelllllllllllllll dawwgggie!"
Quilters and painters and furniture rearrangers!! Good for ya'll!!
Dogbittles: I can easily imagine Canadian winters 'cause I'm right up here in 'em!! Lovely idea about the music and all! I have deer all around my place. What a nice idea to invite them to your Christmas!!
I love to quilt and have done some by hand and machine too. I knit some too and that reminds me.....that book...I think I posted about it already on this thread....by Linda Richman.....in it...she says that's what cured her of her panic attacks/helped her overcome her agoraphobia (hope I spelled that one right).....knitting. That book might help you a little.
I'm so glad that you're feeling better!! Yay!!!!
Brigid: I was always told I have no talent in art (what a crock!!!!). Believed it until I got older and wiser. The first thing I painted was a paddle for my cannoe. I figgered it would end up mostly in the water and not be seen much by anyone but me, so what the heck? I ended up painting a grizzly bear who was climbing out of a lake, onto some rock. Those I've shown it too say really nice things about it. My kids begged me to paint them each one so after that, I did. They're unique and quite interesting.
Bottom line is.....why not try? Do something you can keep but might not display. Start by tracing the outline of something simple...from a colouring book or children's book or pattern book or just about any book. Then play around and see what you end up with. At the very least, it might be fun! Acrylics are fairly easy to work with and quick to dry. Oils give you more time to play around. Water colours are cheaper but not as intense. Where is Mum? She should be giving this lesson, not me.
When you find something you can be creative out, it becomes a very nice outlet that you can see and be proud of.
That is so wonderful Patz! What's your quilt like? Who's it for? Have you done many?
I'm kind of upset because I spent 2 years searching for different purple fabrics and aquired a whole wack of 'em. I was going to make them into a quilt for my daughter because she loves purple but when I moved, I put them some place reaaaaaallllllly safe. And now I can't find them!
I think you spoke of your love of art, Mud, but I can't recall if you paint? I bet you do!! What do you draw (people, places, animals, abstract, combination)??
the thing is, drawing is a skill!! They just didn't have the right instruction! Same with you! They are all shocked at what they can do, now. Now I have a new group that wants to start
Sure wish I was near you, Mum, because I would join your class in a minute!!
I want to sing opera.....I can carry a tune, but know nothing about this kind of singing....so I think my next move, at my "age" is to get lessons.
Go for it Mum!!! Why not???

You can practice in the shower.....you'll be really clean....spending all that time in there practicing!!
Anyone do mosaics? They have to be one of the easiest, most interesting art forms!! Break up a bit of tile, stick it to a patio stone and fill it with grout! There's a bit more to it but not a whole lot. Check out this art form if your looking for something interesting, cheap and fun!!
(People love the stones and will ask to buy them. I was told not to ever sell one under $100).
...as long as we are lifted beyond our problems and CREATING!! THAT is a huge part of healing.
Right on Mum!!!