I may just have finished things.
Went for dinner with a girlfriend with whom I have one of those rare, you can call me at 3am, kinds of understandings. (Very similar to this VESMB!). And I caught her up about B, and drank 2 glasses of wine.
So I get home and call B to ask how his Sunday's gone. He's doing taxes. But then he gets going: "I remember with my wife's family, how nice it was that when there was a leavetaking, they would stand on the porch and wave until we were out of sight. You closed the curtains and snapped off the light before I was even out of the driveway."
I finally let loose. I told him with kindness that I do care about him but I feel he wants something SCRIPTED, and that's not how I felt. I was happy to have him here but I was really tired and heading for bed. He goes, "Well it would be all right if you didn't feel like it or forgot to do it sometimes, but I think it would be a nice way to show....."
Blah blah blah. SMILE when your heart is breaking. STAND out in the cold and wave at me in order to make me feel good....
Jesus. I told him "I don't feel comfortable with this at ALL because it feels very controlling. You have script for how you want me to behave, rituals you value...and this feels so controlling to me."
He doesn't get this at all. Not even a little bit.
I say, "I've had a lot of raw things going on this last week. I was just calling to see how your day went. And you offer me another script of the kind of performance that makes you feel good. Like me...smiling on cue."
And he goes, "Well I didn't mean it that way. But I need to get back to my taxes. I hope you have a wonderful evening."
I think it's gonna end.
Pretty quick.
The level of disconnect and sense that his compulsion to control and script....are beyond me.
I kept saying, "I'm not angry with you at all. I just think I can't fill the roles you have fantasized for me."
Oh dear. But I'll be surprised if this isn't over soon.

I felt authentic in my conversation with my gf. The contrast was overwhelming. I just called another friend and narrated the B conversation and she said, unprompted, it's just like Stepford Wives. YES. Poor B is so driven by his engineeritis, and in my view completely lacking in insight or curiosity about how he comes across with people close to him (which may explain the strain he mentions in his relationship with his own D and grand-Ds) that he has absolutely NO IDEA why scripted smiles and scripted farewell rituals (that maintain his happy bubble) come across as controllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllling.....
Yikers, yikers. At least I just got to laugh about it. With friends. I just can't see how I can comply, going forward. I think we're probably two steps from the end. He's just not going to get it. Or even...begin to get a fraction of it. And I don't see how I could sign on to a lifetime of that much of a lack of insight or understanding. Even with a basically sweet man who's been a comfort in many ways.
Right now, the balance is tipping...apart. And so be it. No regrets and no villainy. Just what...Tupp, you've described. Maybe he's just not the right guy for me. And maybe I'm not the right girl for him. And that's okay. Sad but okay.