Leave him and let the father of my children bleed to death in a cheap motel room?
I'm so sorry that your husband is doing this and that you are feeling as if you have any control over what he does (by letting him bleed to death).
How could you stop him? He will do what he decides to do.
You could stay with him and give him the message that he can control you with this behaviour. You could stay with him and give your children the message to let others control them by serious, threatening behaviour...which is what his behaviour is. You can stay with him and let him continue to behave however he likes, while you suffer and try to withstand a loveless relationship and endure all of his hurtful stuff. You can stay with him and teach your children this is what to do, in such situations. You can stay with him and wait for the behaviour to escalate, at his convenience, when it seems profitable for him to escalate it, or when he wants to control you further. He might decide to do that when the time seems right. You can stay with him and let his scare tactic of want
possession of one of the children .......control your decisions.
Plucky.....you can ignor this awful fear of what he might choose to do as a result of you standing up for yourself and your children... and move forward, toward a healthy, happier, safer life.
So sorry Plucky that this is so hard. Would you consider calling emerg and letting them know that your husband did cut himself for attention? This might be very important in future legal respects.
Keep posting, Plucky. We're here for you. Right now, I think you need tunnel vision........look down that tunnel and see you and your children emerging into the light, into a healthier home life, into peace and comfort.
Try to block out his acting out and think of it as acting out. If he chooses to behave like this, there is nothing you can do to stop it. You can choose to ignor it and take steps to protect yourself and your children from more of it.
He will not win custody of one child. This is highly unlikely. Courts are not totally dense. Judges know that children need their sibblings and they won't split them up for the purpose of making parents comfy. They decide by considering what is best for the children. Children are best, most often, kept with their sibblings. Please don't let this idiotic idea of his have weight in your mind or influence your decisions. It is not something that is usually done.
Out of all the people on this board, who are separated, or divorced, how many have had their children split up for the benefit of each parent?
I haven't read about that here. I haven't heard about it in real life, unless the child wants it, and is old enough to be considered by the court. That age is around 12 years old.
You can do this! You don't have to live like this! Please get as much support for yourself as possible and keep planning for a better life. Sending you strength to keep trying and keeping you in my prayers too.