Author Topic: Now I remember why I'm edgy--  (Read 14826 times)


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Re: Now I remember why I'm edgy--
« Reply #75 on: August 06, 2007, 07:01:25 PM »
Izz, you introvert, you must be absolutely DRAINED!  :lol:

I am so glad it went so very very well.

C'mon back when you're ready to TALK some more.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Now I remember why I'm edgy--
« Reply #76 on: August 07, 2007, 02:04:42 PM »
Thank you, lighter, Hope and Hops for stopping in.
Hello all again

Not only was this past weekend a rousing success, in that I know my sister an brother love me, with my brother asking me to write him in 2 weeks to tell him how I felt about the weekend, we had a great time in My world and they were not bored. I don’t think I spent a penny and my salad lasted for 2 meals.

Then by some odd coincidence, my grandson, almost 21, called me this morning and we talked for an hour.
He wanted my brother’s phone number re taking about joining the police force, and to tell me that the book was out regarding his adventure in the North Atlantic. He will be sending me an autographed copy.

I feel a little in ‘no-man’s land', as all is surreal., and no current complaints.
The Book: The nephew is my grandson.
It was a story that made headlines: In 2004, Canadian Thomas Evensen perished in the North Atlantic in the arms of his nephew after a failed attempt to sail to Norway. It was a tragic death and one that left many unanswered questions: Why wasn’t he wearing the survival suit that could have saved his life? And why would an inexperienced sailor undertake such a dangerous voyage?

In this deeply compelling story, journalist John Chipman retraces Thomas’s voyage from its beginnings—his boyhood dream of learning to sail with his father and his midlife decision to fulfill that dream with his own son, culminating in the purchase of a sailboat ill-equipped for the journey. And then there is the voyage itself, a heart-stopping and ultimately doomed endeavour. Skillfully interweaving conversations with those whose lives were touched by Thomas, as well as his nephew’s first-hand account of the boat’s final days, John Chipman tells a story that is both harrowing and heartbreaking.

A page-turning saga from beginning to end, The Obsession is an incisive and memorable portrait of a fatal voyage and of an ordinary man with an extraordinary, and extraordinarily misguided, dream.

Edit:--and today I see myTherapist

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« Last Edit: August 07, 2007, 02:18:26 PM by isittoolate »


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Re: Now I remember why I'm edgy--
« Reply #77 on: August 07, 2007, 06:50:21 PM »
Oh that poor kid.
To have his father die in his arms in the middle of the ocean, alone.  :(

I am very glad he called you, Izz...things are better than you thought with family!

(I like your brother, too.)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Now I remember why I'm edgy--
« Reply #78 on: August 07, 2007, 08:05:59 PM »
Hiya Hops

That was my grandson who held on to his dead UNCLE for 1½-2 hours before Iceland Rescue found him in the icy waters, knowing that if he died, they would sink and never be found. He held onto his uncle so there would be a body for closure with Tom's family.

Tom is a brother of Gus, my N ex son-in-law, who okayed his son, my grandson, to take that ill-fated journey at age 17.

All is well with Wes and Ruth and yes, Wes is a good man, a very good man. No one can prove differently.

I am still in a bit of a surreal state and the Therapist thinks it is because I miss the 2 "kids". I don't know yet. I value my solitude and have the prospect of another Website to build and life goes on........................................................................and on and on and on..........................................................................................and on.

« Last Edit: August 07, 2007, 08:45:40 PM by isittoolate »


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Re: Now I remember why I'm edgy--
« Reply #79 on: August 07, 2007, 10:31:54 PM »
That must have been the watershed moment of your nephew's life, Izz.
Tagic and inspiring at the same time. What courage that boy had.

I can't imagine how this affected him, but I would like to read the book.

Breathe deep, Izz. This won't be the last time you spend with family.
You're not alone after all.

love to you,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Now I remember why I'm edgy--
« Reply #80 on: August 07, 2007, 10:39:15 PM »
That must have been the watershed moment of your nephew's life, Izz.

Not nephew, GRANDSON.

I really hope he thinks of that and doesn't become an N like his father.

He is the little guy I looked after for his first 4½ years and he loved me "more than the whole wide world'......................and his 2 yr old sister 'more than Cheerios!'

Certain Hope

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Re: Now I remember why I'm edgy--
« Reply #81 on: August 07, 2007, 11:03:37 PM »
Dear Izzy,

Maybe that surreal sensation is... bliss  :)

That's a sad story for a young man of your grandson's age to live and then to write... I hope that it's helped him to record it in a book.

If you don't mind, I'll pm you tomorrow re: my avatar issue and those little wiggly gif's that always slip away?

Thank you, Izzy


P.S. to Hops... Is Izzy makin ya dizzy over there, woman?  :)  You seem to be suffering from relational-obtusity  :wink:  Love, Hope


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Re: Now I remember why I'm edgy--
« Reply #82 on: August 08, 2007, 12:20:21 AM »
Hiya Hope

What is surreal anyway? There is a definition, as in dreamlike, but what is that dream state--one of good or bad.

Would this mean I missed the "kids" (65 and 67) when they left, or was happy to have my solitude again, knowing they loved me.

Therapist thinks I miss them.

Trouble is, I don't feel, so I don't know. Everything is in my head.

The fun weekend and my preparation for it cannot go on every weekend or every month, so...................................

There are 2 more sisters , 70 and 72, and we really have nothing much in common--we would never have fun like this past weekend.

Talk to you later. PM about images if you want--keep it all together?
