First I must say thank you to you PR and to you Ami for responding here. Your time and your responses and your caring are food for my soul and succor for my wounds.
PR - thank you for this point
You said rage = proof of unworthiness. I humbly disagree. In my opinion, rage is the instinctive "self" survival instinct... not physical self - psychic self.
I do agree with you. When I wrote that, I wrote what I think the unconscious is voicing rather than what I believe. Those are the words of what that little girl experienced. My parents and brothers would, to this day, deny (even to themselves) that their behavior aligned with the words "rage = proof of unworthiness." It took me many, many years of therapy and internal work to understand that that is part of the identity that I took on and suppressed but none-the-less operate out of.
Anger could be good, perhaps even would be good, if I channel it push forward rather than allow it to anchor me in an impotent rage fest. Sometime ago I got stuck in the helpless, powerless rage position that is weak. So clearly this is an important area that can be shifted from powerlessness to empowering. Bringing it out of the unconscious, into the conscious could allow me to make that shift.
where your parents are judging your rage as proof of unworthiness... Little girl doesn't have to agree with them. And if there was a sane, caring adult in LG's life... I'll bet they would've told her just that, too. But I see this paralysis you talk about, as all about YOU - not about THEM...
I get it. This is exactly where I must make the shift. In the techniques I have developed what I see is that I must identify this unconscious thing as their voice about "unworthiness" etc and say to it exactly what you are saying. I no longer will agree with that voice that I took in so long ago. That is the process that I see. That is the shift, the way out.
"Little girl" needs someone to tell her this - just like Twiggy needed to know I'd let her be angry as long as she liked, as long as she told me what she was angry about (that took a dozen journals) and let me decide what to do about the anger in my current life. Maybe it's like a "chink"... a weak point in the loop - and a way out. Validation for LG and freedom for her anger.
Yes - Yes - Yes.
This is what I have read in so many of your posts. This is what I connected with and wanted for myself. This is where I am and I do know that the "chink" is right before me - before my very eyes and I must and do believe that my eyes are coming in focus to see it. As I have written many times here - there is nothing new in my understanding now. And I am not just rehashing - though it looks like it and at times feels like it. But this repetition is the groping, the feeling for the chink BECAUSE I know it is there and because I know I am near. BEFORE the rehashing was more of a continued railing in pain - the pain is still there but now this repetition is part of the healing rather than being stuck.
You might be able to negotiate a deal with LG: she can be angry (only in such a way as) as long as, she lets you get on with what you need to do. Let her know this is important to your ability to keep taking care of HER. Because you're responsible for taking care of LG now. She's precious - angry as a spitting wildcat, sure - but STILL precious, to you. She needs to loosen her grip on you just enough, that you can attend to the important things in your life right now. And she might make you promise to set aside a regular time/amount of time for her, too....
This is where you give me something that I have not artidulated for myself. I get this.
I did know that I needed to create some space around the dysfunction, the paralysis but just the way you have worded this gives me the image of that that means. SHE, LG is holding the grip on me. It is NOT my FOO. I CAN negotiate with LG. I CANNOT and never could negotiate with FOO. LG wants me to be free, to succeed and I want her to be free to succeed. We have the same hopes and desires for each other. Unlike FOO, I do not, did not have to fight LG. LG gets me, agrees with me and hears me. I AM NOT voiceless to LG.
LG gives me space and I can help LG. It is a two-way street.
I pray that I can take this and move forward with it. All I can say is thank you.
"Well OF COURSE you're angry... "
Yes and LG can let me be angry and I can let her be angry and we can help one another. We are NOT one another's enemy but we have been acting as though we were. We must make peace. We must work with one accord. Wow that is something indescribable. Something right there that I could not yet see. indescribable.
Ami - when I read your post I thought, "You know, I'm not really depressed but I connect with what Ami is writing here." Then I thought that "depressed" is relative. I am not clinically depressed but on a different place on the continuum I suspect that I am certainly depressed. If not me then perhaps LG. And then I saw something big - "only actions get the labels" translates for me "only the INactions get the labels." I'm setting myself up to get the labels. The unconscious dictates that I deserve the labels and the inaction does that for me - that's my payoff. It is my comfort level. It is yucky but the yuck is comfort for me. Got to make that shift - my life truly depends on it.
Again - thank you both for dialogueing with me. Just to have your attention is a gift beyond words. It is the attention that LG NEVER had and it is life-giving.
ABOUT my life right now.
My little one is at camp through the end of June. This is the first time in 8 years that I have been responsible to and for noone but myself - actually longer. But the first time in his life. This is a brief window in which to focus 100% on LG and me and push, push, push. If I push too hard I can get into bed and pull the covers up. Not that I need to but I do not have to worry about pushing too hard and still having to provide and care for another.
One other very remarkable thing that is difficult to describe. A person I have long known from a distance contacted me in recent weeks. There is a long story behind this but the short of it is that she wants to work on a project together. She has very good background in personnel/psychology/staffing and we share some interests. It is one of those rare colliisions where we may be mutually effective towards similar life-long goals. Even if not - there are some interesting things coalescing. We have a way of thinking about things similarly and share similar interests. That sounds sort of mundane. But I have lived a life of thining about things and being interested in things in a different way from most people. It has been part of what makes me feels so left out and ostracized.
We had a conversation today that lasted for several hours and there was still much to discuss. She is feeding me books that are speaking to me in a profound way. For example - Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers. That very book may be part of something that changes my life. I connected to it and could understand part of what happened to me in my life. Should nothing else come of this - that alone would be a great benefit.