Thanks two for your post. I agree with you completely. Just to be a little more clear - when she doesnt understand something, rather than admit she doesn't know the answer and doesn't understand something, she can't be honest about who she is, so she will throw out a comment to undermine me and take the attention off her and put it on me. Its all comes back to me being incompetent and unworthy. It took me YEARS to see that dynamic at work and how it affects all aspects of my life. SHe will also lie, present false facts and compare me to someone else to make me feel bad and inferior. My cousin for example is 28 and bought a home. The truth is her parents don't believe in renting so they took out a home equity loan to help with a down payment. I've been renting for over 20 years now, looking at why others who are my equals buy homes and feeling inferior because Nmom doesn't believe in helping kids owning homes and verbally discouraged me at 39, when I told her I had lost 40k which was my down payment, her response was "what do you need a home for". Instead of saying, "you are smart and can do it yourself" she will compare us, demean us and belittle us. Her response to my cousins new home was that she works harder than me (an attempt to make me feel inferior), and that quite simply is not true. I've worked full time for over 20 years and saved money several times over and my cousin got her masters at 26 and has been working full time for only two years in elementary education, recently got married and bought the home. There was barely enough time to afford both the home and the wedding - she got both financial help and encouragement. I got neither. Parents are not required to help their children and can simply decline, but to lie, demean and belittle and then manipulate to get us to remain close is abusive. She has done something liek this in regards to my job, finances, friends, relationships, everything is a manipulation with her.
You are right about not giving myself a hard time over it - I'm an adult and I know I am smarter than that, but without making excuses, my buttons got pushed. On the other hand, I always took the high road in the past, but ignoring it and letting it go, when in fact it affected me deeply, so can't apologize for the raw emotions behind what I said. I do feel better for being assertive about her undermining and my feelings towards her.