Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board

Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: Meh on August 10, 2009, 06:37:46 PM

Title: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 10, 2009, 06:37:46 PM
I searched "depression & relationships" that is how I randomly found the voicelessness site and board here. I looked at the definition of voicelessness and it felt like me, I identified with it. I read books and articles about "adult children of alcoholics/verbally abusive relationships etc" and that sort of stuff but nothing really pinned the tail on the donkey like what I've seen here. I have been dealing with depression lately and have had some destructive personal interactions with others so that is probably why I was searching those terms together. I also was looking back at myself as a little girl, really picturing me, I was cute if I do say so myself, I didn't grow up thinking I was cute, but I do like seeing my picture as a really young child, she is so different then the adult I am now. I don't even recognize myself that well as a little girl. I grew up feeling very imperfect, but when I see the pictures of the little girl "me" I don't see any imperfection at all, I just think "what a beautiful child"- it's surreal. I remember being sad though, I also remember that at some point I must have stopped socializing normally with other kids. This wasn't always so, I can't confidently  say that it is due to voicelessness. I'm not sure what happened, I wasn't diagnosed with anything ever. It seems that I was aftraid of the other kids or I just couldn't hold my own ground, I wasn't boisterous. I couldn't follow their play interactions. I spent a lot of time by myself, it felt normal to me to be by myself. I was good at occupying myself. I probably rarely felt part of a group, I thought that was normal. I always did OK in school academically. I can't really diagnose myself here. It's an observation I was making. Psychologists say play is really important to development. Maybe I was just a sensitive child/soft/overwhelmed? Even slow? I don't know.

I can interact with people fine especially one-on-one, I can go to group classes and be fine, I've taught groups of people just fine. If I have to go to a party setting and speak small-talk I am at a complete loss, there is just nothing that comes out of me. I don't exactly mind because I've always thought small talk was not too important- although socializing really is important. I know that it's common for people to not know what to say supposedly. I think that I am probably a different case then regular social anxiety that people have. Even if a party is for me I don't like it, especially if it's for me I don't feel comfortable with the attention, even embarrassed, I endure it to be polite, I feel caught in the spot light and blinded.

These situations can really invoke a sense of shock and confusion in me. Some times when someone looks at me directly and really acknowledges me It's like my brain is trying to stabilize after just falling off a bike and hitting my head, you know when you can't see clear, and it feels disorienting and it takes a few seconds to gather oneself. Well I don't think I really ever gather myself when people talk to me directly, some times I even feel my face start to contort involuntarily (like I'm going to start crying or something)- I've always been able to push that down. It's sort of embarrassing, I have no idea what my expression actually looks like. I'm not sure that I can 100% relate that to voicelessness but it does make sense afterall it's called VOICELESSNESS. Well anyways, the end result is I have a hard time meeting people, there are other ways to meet people of course. I also walked away from those situations wondering if there was something really wrong with me, if I was stupid and didn't have anything to say. When I was younger people would often comment that I was really quiet. It's also really obvious to me when adults are competing for attention in social groups and they look immature to me, and I think "I don't want to do that-be like them". Sometimes every person is so busy trying to be heard or seen in a group that it seems like no one is really getting seen or heard, and adults do some dumb stuff to get attention. I often feel like the observer.

I cut off all of my relatives, I don't have that as a support network so of course now I'm really wondering how am I going to make a healthy support network for myself? And it is a real big challenge that is anxiety inducing. Not overwhelming anxiety but it is a struggle. There are temporary things, church, interest group classes etc. Yet I never have had strong lasting connections with people. I guess sometimes I figure that people just don't like me and I'm not useful to them. I've had some friends who are friends as long as I am useful to them- and I notice they go "poof" in the rare case that I need them. Sometimes I doubt a different life even exists, more of an ideal concept then reality. I do know people who are still very close friends with people they went to highschool with though. It seems to give them fond memories and a peer group I guess. They get help with little things, I don't think they ever have to feel like they really must do it all themselves. It's a psychological thing I think, It makes it easier to do something just knowing that one does not have to do it all oneself.

I didn't know that I was going to start talking about "lack of small talk" when I first started writing this post. If this is in fact related to voicelessness then I am considering how voicelessness impacts a person on numerous levels. Sometimes the result of not going to events and such is that 1) people don't know me 2) some people infer that I am unfriendly or that I do not like them, that I'm boring 3) I don't learn valuable information 4) It's really difficult to network 5) Since it makes me unknown and invisible in a sense it leaves me open for other people's oppionion's about who I am to shape my image.

I've been reading members stories and I'm thankful that there is a forum for those stories to come out and that people have been telling their stories. After reading others stories I started spontaneously journalling, I don't normally journal and I don't like it, yet I started writing so so much. Often I am at a loss for what to write even, seeing other's stories made me take another look at my own story and just opened an invisible valve. I guess when people are not heard, seen, understood, recognized then the story goes underground, maybe we start to disown or ignore our own stories. So this board is really important. I want to thank others for posting their stories, it has been very validating to me. VERY VALIDATING! Yes, what I experienced was real, yes my story is a real part of my life. Sometimes I look back in time (not too often) and things seem to mush together, life and time isn't delineated by special events or occasions or significant stages and "rites of passage". Years can go by where I don't remember anything significant and without remembering those things there is some loss of framework. Maybe that is just part of me not having a great memory but when I really think about this here, it makes some sense possibly that if we disown/don't tell/ignore our own stories then our history and our lives dissapate a bit. I'm not sure if I'm just making stuff up here, trying to create meaning out of something, over analyzing - it sounds right to me though.  If we don't acknowledge our own stories how can we remember anything? I experience it as a loss of life and grief. There is a lot of grief and I don't truly know all of the sources that feed into that pool of grief, there seem to be too many. I see that other people posting on this board seem to have a lot of grief/loss also.

I'm not buddist, yet I'm recalling a saying that is something like: "inside every heart is a sea of tears so great that all the worlds oceans could not contain them all". I think this is from the book umm.... Ah! "A path with heart" I felt some relief when I first read that. I have my doubts about that truth that every heart has that many tears, I think some hearts contain more tears then others. I think the people posting on this board have more tears in their hearts then the average heart.

Title: Re: My first post, thinking about lack of small talk and forms of being quiet
Post by: teartracks on August 10, 2009, 07:15:59 PM

Hi Helen,

What an interesting subject.  It's good to read you and I look forward to re-reading your post.  Maybe I'll respond to  some parts that I've experienced personally.



Title: Healthy Inner Mother Archetype
Post by: Meh on August 10, 2009, 07:46:33 PM
I'm trying to just put all my thoughts in one place here, responding to myself.
I've been having a few snafus with posting, my computer is stalling and stuff but here it goes again...

I have tried to picture my inner healthy mother who is not a part of my FOO mother.

Some people say they had to learn to mother themselves. It is not something that I think I have been able to do for myself a lot, maybe a little. Sometimes maybe I get a glimpse, in times of trouble that connection is dim though. She maybe is there a little in the best of times.

I'm wondering if anyone out there has really connected with their own healthy inner mother? How did you find her? What is she like?

I've been thinking about my own inner mother for the last couple of days, maybe she will reveal herself to me. That is part of the reason I was remembering pictures of me as a little girl. I will see where that goes. I don't see an image of a person who asks me how I am and really means it, instead I tend to get a sense of something vast I think it is more like Gaia. Maybe this is important and useful for me or not... I need to let this incubate. 

Yeah, it's a little vague..my inner mother hum...what is that?

I wonder what it is like for people who had healthy mothers, what do they see when they imagine an inner mother? Does it always get automatically invoked for them in times of trouble?
Title: Re: My first post, thinking about lack of small talk and forms of being quiet
Post by: Ami on August 10, 2009, 07:49:16 PM
Dear Helen
 When I read your post, I tried to see the themes below the events. I think you lost your sense of self, as most of us  have. You seem to feel  questioning of who you are and where is your place on this earth
 I think Voicelessness  is a feeling of not belonging to ourselves and hence everywhere else.
 I am really glad you shared your heart, Helen.
 If you want to be here, I think you belong.Keep sharing, Helen !     XXXOOO   Ami
Title: Song "In your eyes" Peter Gabriel
Post by: Meh on August 10, 2009, 07:58:24 PM
I'm replying to myself again... This song just came on the radio. I've always loved this song..for obvious reasons. God, I don't cry a lot-almost never- not even at movies, but I'm sitting in a public cafe writing on this board and listening to this song.. and I am trying hard not to cry.....

Here are the Lyrics:

love I get so lost, sometimes
days pass and this emptiness fills my heart
when I want to run away
I drive off in my car
but whichever way I go
I come back to the place you are

all my instincts, they return
and the grand facade, so soon will burn
without a noise, without my pride
I reach out from the inside

in your eyes
the light the heat
in your eyes
I am complete
in your eyes
I see the doorway to a thousand churches
in your eyes
the resolution of all the fruitless searches
in your eyes
I see the light and the heat
in your eyes
oh, I want to be that complete
I want to touch the light
the heat I see in your eyes

love, I don't like to see so much pain
so much wasted and this moment keeps slipping away
I get so tired of working so hard for our survival
I look to the time with you to keep me awake and alive

and all my instincts, they return
and the grand facade, so soon will burn
without a noise, without my pride
I reach out from the inside

in your eyes
the light the heat
in your eyes
I am complete
in your eyes
I see the doorway to a thousand churches
in your eyes
the resolution of all the fruitless searches
in your eyes
I see the light and the heat
in your eyes
oh, I want to be that complete
I want to touch the light,
the heat I see in your eyes
in your eyes in your eyes
in your eyes in your eyes
in your eyes in your eyes
Title: TearTracks and Ami- Hi
Post by: Meh on August 10, 2009, 09:20:16 PM
Hi Teartracks and Ami, nice to meet you.
Title: Space between ribs
Post by: Meh on August 10, 2009, 09:41:00 PM
I feel compelled to put this out there. Maybe it is useful to somebody.
I find that when I work my fingers between the spaces in my ribs (self massage) that after a while it triggers something and I start breathing differently. It doesn't last for me but it feels like a relief for as long as it does last. I can sort of get my thumbs into my back ribs.

I get a "oh my god I can breathe feeling".  It makes me realize how bad I was feeling before and how uneasy/strenuous my breath was.

I think when one is stressed or whatever the ribcage can become a literal cage that clamps down. I think this sets up a loop in a persons nervous system, and that it is useful to start breaking up this cycle at least for a few minutes here and there.
Title: Mirroring
Post by: Meh on August 10, 2009, 10:09:41 PM
The concept of mirroring is new to me. I see it is a common theme on this board.

Where can I find articles etc. to study this concept so I understand exactly how mirroring works?
Title: Pinching/squashed snails/standing up for oneself
Post by: Meh on August 10, 2009, 11:00:18 PM
Just writing more of my stuff....

I remember clearly this moment at a baby sitters where I was pinching this little boys legs, there did not seem to be anything going on in my mind when I was doing it, I was unaware of my own motivation. The reason why I'm writing this is because at times I have tried to understand why people get pleasure out of seeing others suffer.

I also remember that when I was very young I would laugh when I heard babies cry, it was this uncontrollable response that I had, I didn't have any thoughts going through my head. I wasn't causing their crying, I wasn't a tyrant kid, but if I was in a room with a baby that was just being fussy I truly would laugh and cover my face probably hiding/sticking my face into the sofa while I was laughing? Thats weird isn't it? I'm not sure if I was laughing out of pleassure I don't think so, I think it was just some sort of emotional release.

I have not grown up to become a mean person, this memory stands out to me as a strange uncommon thing that I did. I think some child development specialists say that kids go through saddistic periods? That it is normal. Nah that doesn't really sound right to me. Maybe narcissistic people are so emotionally immature that they are stuck back in that really young stage where they don't really fully comprehend the suffering that they cause. -In the same way that kids need to learn to be gentle with pet animals, that at first kids don't really get that animals are sentient beings.

I also remember stepping on snails the sound of the crunch and the goop left behind was satisfying, I then noticed as I got older I went out of my way not to step on them and I would shudder a little if I accidentally did. I know this is not very important or significant it's just interesting to me. At what age do people learn compassion or empathy and how....

It sort of doesn't matter, I've learned that even if I some day "get" why people have hurt me and why they even seemed to enjoy it- that just understanding it does not protect me. That having insight is good but that I need a self protection that is greater then insight. I think insight is part of it. The thing is healthy people don't have to earn a PhD in psychiatry in order to protect themselves, they know how to protect themselves without understanding how they know. If asked to explain it, healthy people can't explain how they do what they do-"I don't know I just do it". I had a highschool friend tell me that "I needed to learn to stand up for myself" That was a totally true observation on my friends part. The thing is I had no idea what they were talking about and how to even go about it. A friend can say that "you need to learn how to stand up for yourself" but the friend doesn't actually understand what that process is-it is probably related to those deep internal messages about oneself- seems complicated to me. I think it is possible to get stuck in trying to understand why we were not loved, instead of learning how to feel good.

My mother did not- all out hit me that I can remember, she slapped me a couple times but I was not pummeled like some people are. The thing is, one day I broke a bone while playing by myself, accidentally. I didn't tell my mother and she did not notice. Looking back I know that a normal mother would have seen that something was not right, I wasn't hiding it. She was always occupied with something else. I guess I had learned to keep my pain to myself, maybe even ignore myself. She is really comatose in some ways. Sometimes she seems normal, but when I remember stuff like that.. no, there was something wrong with her. There was a counselor in grade school that use to talk to me, I asked to go to the counselor because my friend told me it was a way to get out of a class I didn't like, I probably did want to talk with someone. I could never really explain why I felt so anxious/upset as a kid. The counselor figured because I wasn't being physically attacked nothing was going on. He didn't seem to understand.

Title: Nah they know.
Post by: Meh on August 10, 2009, 11:24:09 PM
I'm writing, writing, writing..

I wrote something about how maybe Narcissistic/abusive people don't understand the pain they are causing. I think this is false, they do seem to understand the pain they are causing. Ok, I will leave it there. Don't want to write about that anymore. Yuck.
It's hard to accept that people choose to cause pain, seek out to cause pain. That is a real psychologically hard concept for me to accept. A person can sound smart and charming or what ever and then there is a side of them the pain-causing archaic thing in them. I would think that those people would want to lift themselves up and become better, they certainly seem to see themselves through rose colored glasses. How can they live with themselves? I guess it's true some people really don't have a conscious. Some people really are full of garbage and they seek to "throw away" other people. Huh? I guess I'm just realizing how messed up narcissistic people are. Narcissistic people can gain popularity and no one would dare say that there is any thing about the N person that is less then perfect. In fact I think N people get sort of worshipped sometimes. Admiration. That is one of the things that makes it hard to fully realize their abuse. There can be other people around who buy into the N's version of reality. They are living a lie.

And there are lots of lies. And voiceless people sometimes accept the lies. Voiceless people accept that lie that we are bad and wrong. I guess that is internalizing.
Title: Re: My first post, thinking about lack of small talk and forms of being quiet
Post by: Gabben on August 10, 2009, 11:30:25 PM
"I'm not buddist, yet I'm recalling a saying that is something like: "inside every heart is a sea of tears so great that all the worlds oceans could not contain them all". I think this is from the book umm.... Ah! "A path with heart" I felt some relief when I first read that. I have my doubts about that truth that every heart has that many tears, I think some hearts contain more tears then others. I think the people posting on this board have more tears in their hearts then the average heart."

This was so beautiful, thank you for your post and all that you wrote.

I cry a lot of tears and still I hear my mom's voice or someones telling me to stop, that is enough, you should be finished or a voice that tells me that I am just crying for sympathy when in fact I need sympathy but I have learned over the years how to give that to myself, that is precisely why I cry so much. Tears are salty, salt is a purifier, when cry I feel more cleansed of toxic thinking.

How about the beatitudes:

Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted (Matthew 5:4)


Blessed are ye that weep now: for ye shall laugh. (Luke 6:21)

Title: Gabben- Hi nice to meet you
Post by: Meh on August 11, 2009, 12:07:22 AM
Hi, Gabben, nice to meet you.

Yeah, I think it is ok for you to cry, I've heard some say that they go through years of crying.
I had a yoga teacher who really encouraged people to cry, in fact I think she does it on a regular basis to purify herself as you say.
Yep, they say it's healthier to let it out then keep it in. Keep it in and get sick, or let it out and get better.

There is a lot to cry about in the world, our personal problems, the worlds problems...

Actually when I think about it, people who cry are probably healthier then people who don't cry. I went through long times when I did not cry, I was numb, the feelings were there somewhere, just pushed underground, so not really alive. Numb=dead like a zombie.

I think crying is a step towards aliveness.

Sometimes life is too fast or tense to take the time to cry. And then after all that time something really big comes out, a big powerful emotion. I guess emotions can be scary. The intensity of emotions reminds me how bad I want to be fully alive.

I will have to look up the beatitudes, I would like to know what they mean exactly, there are stories behind all those sayings from the bible. I just wish I would be comforted while I'm alive, and laugh while I'm on earth rather then waiting for the after life. I did pray really hard one night and it changed my heart literally but only for a couple of days and then it reverted back to my "normal" squeezed in compressed, contracted, weary little heart.

Title: compassion or anger
Post by: Meh on August 11, 2009, 02:08:44 AM
Gosh, I'm writing A LOT.
Oh well maybe I will get it all out in a couple of days and be done with it.

I have a relative who is an alcoholic, this is not my Nar-mother.

I have a lot of sadness around this person. This relative has been the epicenter of a lot of crisises. My Nar-mother also seems to add to the crisis and make them worse. That frustrates me. That my Nar-mother not only doesn't help very much but makes things worse- and sometimes as an observer I can watch that play out. Sometimes I'm angry at this alcoholic-drug addicted person, this person has not always been very kind to me. A comment this person said to me was "If I were you, I would kill myself". It was years ago but I still remember it.

Sometimes I have compassion for this relative. I know this person has suffered a lot. I'm angry for the amount of suffering this person had to endure and I'm also angry for the sadness this person caused me.

Sometimes I think this relative is an emotional manipulator, I know in fact that this person has played the conartist at times in life.

If this person was healthier, I think that if I expressed to them how much sadness I have related to them, it might be healing, but then again maybe not.

I don't plan on doing this-expression of my sadness to this person. But I think within my sadness contains some sympathy this person may need to hear. Maybe that is getting too close to the co-dependent mentality of trying to cure or help the alcoholic.

I cut this person off a long time ago, so I'm not really worried about this too much, but there is an undercurrent of something that is unhealed.

There is so much that is unhealed in the world and it just builds on top of itself like a civilization that keeps building and rebuilding on the same site over and over, on top of the skeletons, but maybe the skeletons are haunted and cursed and no matter how much civilization is built on top its going to be affected by its foundation.
Title: My Father
Post by: Meh on August 11, 2009, 03:32:02 AM
This is more of me writing out my story....
I think Katie Byron or is it Byron Katie writes books about "who would we be without our stories"? Maybe some day I will read that stuff. But for now I'm going to write my story.

My father, I don't completely know what his deal is, I can't diagnose him obviously. He is a depressive I think. I think he has some Nar-tendencies.

My father, although more emotionally available then my mother. Or was he?
Well anyways he told me that I would fail at every thing I tried to do, more then once in many ways he sent the message to me that it is not worth trying. He never laughed with me, rarely had fun with me, there were sometimes but not a lot.
He also did throw me away at times. He never took me to play sports etc. Never taught me to "catch". I was so bored as a kid, understimulated. He didn't converse with me too much. I "talked too much", no one talked back at me, and then after a few years I just got quiet, I think at some point I learned it was dangerous to draw attention to myself. Often times I didn't get to play with other kids a whole lot.

I actually feel sorry for my father, I think he is a very lonely person. I think he always wanted me to fill up his loneliness.
But I remember him "throwing me away".

I don't think my father could really ever picture me as an adult, I think that is not uncommon, I just don't think my parents ever had an image of my future. My parents were two emotionally messed up people who got together and had a kid and then got divorced of course.

Sometimes I feel like I would have to live 500 years before I could fix myself. The thought that I may never fix myself is so disappointing, well lets see I'm thinking about that the wrong way maybe. If I was fixed how would my life be different?

Title: Being sick
Post by: Meh on August 11, 2009, 04:34:58 AM
I'm all written out.. almost.

When I was a kid, I had some illnesses, I think they were worse then they should have been, I think if cared for better I would have been healtheir and sick for less time. I was sick for months it seemed. On medications from doctors that I certainly don't need to take anymore as an adult because I try to take better care of myself.

Some of my relatives said I was making my illness up, that it was all in my head, I felt really bad/frustrated when I heard this, my alcoholic relative said I was pretending to be sick to get attention-yeah right cause little kids like to lay in bed all day for days on end. I even ended up spending the night in the hospital one time. I think this all could have been lessened with good care. I remember being in bed and feeling afraid and alone. What else could I have done? I keep on feeling like I should have had more power but it makes sense to me that I didn't. None of my relatives would allow me to say this but I'm going to write it here.
My mother was neglectful. NEGLECTFUL.

I did not deserve neglect, maybe on some deep level I felt like I did something wrong to deserve the punishment of neglect.

My mother had excuses for why this happened it was usually related to "lack of money", yeah lack of money does make life more difficult but I don't think it is a valid excuse. I think there were simple solutions to my illness would not have cost her any money. I think the medication was more expensive then preventing it in the first place. She didn't bother to learn about my illness, to this day she still doesn't understand it. what sort of person does not learn about their child's illness?

If I was to say to my mother "you never believed in me" she would say, "we didn't have enough money for that".
Title: Re: My first post, thinking about lack of small talk and forms of being quiet
Post by: indiered on August 11, 2009, 06:49:38 AM
Dearest Helen,

This is my first post since I found this site four years ago. I "hear you", and recognize myself in your comments. I welcome you and send (((hugs)), acceptance and validation.  I fully understand social inepness, the isolation and living with preconceived notions of myself.

Please continue to write, we are here... I send to you waves if love...


Title: Re: My first post, thinking about lack of small talk and forms of being quiet
Post by: Ami on August 11, 2009, 08:15:41 AM
Dear Helen
 I have SO much to write to you. I will be back later. Before I write ,I want to really read your posts well . You have poured your heart out here. You have said so many truths about how the child of an NM feels. My heart relates  very much.       XXXOOO  Ami
Title: Re: My first post, thinking about lack of small talk and forms of being quiet
Post by: lighter on August 11, 2009, 08:57:52 AM
Helen.... what a wonderful thread you've brought to the board..... not enough time to read it through but.....

I was reminded of something a dear friend said to me years ago:

"We all need some one person, who knows everything about us....

the good and the bad......

and still loves us."

I think that makes a big difference in the life of an introverted person.

I too have trouble with small talk and being in groups drains me of energy.

Welcome Helen: )


Title: Re: My first post, thinking about lack of small talk and forms of being quiet
Post by: Gabben on August 11, 2009, 10:16:34 AM

I just wanted you to know that I am following your thread, reading. There is a lot here, you pour your heart out very well, interesting, so much that I want to respond to and will.

Title: Re: Song "In your eyes" Peter Gabriel
Post by: Gabben on August 11, 2009, 10:36:29 AM
I'm replying to myself again... This song just came on the radio. I've always loved this song..for obvious reasons. God, I don't cry a lot-almost never- not even at movies, but I'm sitting in a public cafe writing on this board and listening to this song.. and I am trying hard not to cry.....

Here are the Lyrics:


What is the name of the song, do you know? I'd like to listen to it. Music is a powerful tool that I use to help get my heart awake to tears. Good music can lift my spirits or bring me to a place of comfort, which will start me crying too. Yesterday I was at the super market and heard Simon and Garfunkels Bridge over Troubled Water..I wanted to lose it right in from of the organic produce section. I came home and played the song, letting the tears roll.
Title: Re: Song "In your eyes" Peter Gabriel
Post by: Ami on August 11, 2009, 10:39:38 AM
I'm replying to myself again... This song just came on the radio. I've always loved this song..for obvious reasons. God, I don't cry a lot-almost never- not even at movies, but I'm sitting in a public cafe writing on this board and listening to this song.. and I am trying hard not to cry.....

Here are the Lyrics:

love I get so lost, sometimes
days pass and this emptiness fills my heart
when I want to run away
I drive off in my car
but whichever way I go
I come back to the place you are

all my instincts, they return
and the grand facade, so soon will burn
without a noise, without my pride
I reach out from the inside

in your eyes
the light the heat
in your eyes
I am complete
in your eyes
I see the doorway to a thousand churches
in your eyes
the resolution of all the fruitless searches
in your eyes
I see the light and the heat
in your eyes
oh, I want to be that complete
I want to touch the light
the heat I see in your eyes

love, I don't like to see so much pain
so much wasted and this moment keeps slipping away
I get so tired of working so hard for our survival
I look to the time with you to keep me awake and alive

and all my instincts, they return
and the grand facade, so soon will burn
without a noise, without my pride
I reach out from the inside

in your eyes
the light the heat
in your eyes
I am complete
in your eyes
I see the doorway to a thousand churches
in your eyes
the resolution of all the fruitless searches
in your eyes
I see the light and the heat
in your eyes
oh, I want to be that complete
I want to touch the light,
the heat I see in your eyes
in your eyes in your eyes
in your eyes in your eyes
in your eyes in your eyes

Dear Helen
 Can you explain in words what the song means to you? Are you thinking of a M's love, God's love or just the yearning to be understood?           Ami
Title: Re: My first post, thinking about lack of small talk and forms of being quiet
Post by: Ami on August 11, 2009, 10:53:44 AM
I am gonna come back later ((((Helen))))).You addressed so many  points about neglect and the primal nature that are so heartfelt to me that I need time to process them.    XXOOOOO   Ami
Title: Re: Pinching/squashed snails/standing up for oneself
Post by: Ami on August 11, 2009, 02:59:37 PM
Just writing more of my stuff....

I remember clearly this moment at a baby sitters where I was pinching this little boys legs, there did not seem to be anything going on in my mind when I was doing it, I was unaware of my own motivation. The reason why I'm writing this is because at times I have tried to understand why people get pleasure out of seeing others suffer.

I also remember that when I was very young I would laugh when I heard babies cry, it was this uncontrollable response that I had, I didn't have any thoughts going through my head. I wasn't causing their crying, I wasn't a tyrant kid, but if I was in a room with a baby that was just being fussy I truly would laugh and cover my face probably hiding/sticking my face into the sofa while I was laughing? Thats weird isn't it? I'm not sure if I was laughing out of pleassure I don't think so, I think it was just some sort of emotional release.

I have not grown up to become a mean person, this memory stands out to me as a strange uncommon thing that I did. I think some child development specialists say that kids go through saddistic periods? That it is normal. Nah that doesn't really sound right to me. Maybe narcissistic people are so emotionally immature that they are stuck back in that really young stage where they don't really fully comprehend the suffering that they cause. -In the same way that kids need to learn to be gentle with pet animals, that at first kids don't really get that animals are sentient beings.

I also remember stepping on snails the sound of the crunch and the goop left behind was satisfying, I then noticed as I got older I went out of my way not to step on them and I would shudder a little if I accidentally did. I know this is not very important or significant it's just interesting to me. At what age do people learn compassion or empathy and how....

It sort of doesn't matter, I've learned that even if I some day "get" why people have hurt me and why they even seemed to enjoy it- that just understanding it does not protect me. That having insight is good but that I need a self protection that is greater then insight. I think insight is part of it. The thing is healthy people don't have to earn a PhD in psychiatry in order to protect themselves, they know how to protect themselves without understanding how they know. If asked to explain it, healthy people can't explain how they do what they do-"I don't know I just do it". I had a highschool friend tell me that "I needed to learn to stand up for myself" That was a totally true observation on my friends part. The thing is I had no idea what they were talking about and how to even go about it. A friend can say that "you need to learn how to stand up for yourself" but the friend doesn't actually understand what that process is-it is probably related to those deep internal messages about oneself- seems complicated to me. I think it is possible to get stuck in trying to understand why we were not loved, instead of learning how to feel good.

My mother did not- all out hit me that I can remember, she slapped me a couple times but I was not pummeled like some people are. The thing is, one day I broke a bone while playing by myself, accidentally. I didn't tell my mother and she did not notice. Looking back I know that a normal mother would have seen that something was not right, I wasn't hiding it. She was always occupied with something else. I guess I had learned to keep my pain to myself, maybe even ignore myself. She is really comatose in some ways. Sometimes she seems normal, but when I remember stuff like that.. no, there was something wrong with her. There was a counselor in grade school that use to talk to me, I asked to go to the counselor because my friend told me it was a way to get out of a class I didn't like, I probably did want to talk with someone. I could never really explain why I felt so anxious/upset as a kid. The counselor figured because I wasn't being physically attacked nothing was going on. He didn't seem to understand.

I am trying to follow the saying "If I am not for myself, who am I? If I am only for myself, what am I?" .I need to stand up for myself but  treat others with respect and care. I think it is a balance. I think we have to face our primal nature which has a lot of "bad" qualities such as selfishness, egocentricity, pettiness, judgemental, etc. We all have these and I think we can only be "good" when we accept the bad. IOW, we have to face and own ALL our parts in order to be whole and have the greatest capacity for love.                Ami
Title: Re: Nah they know.
Post by: Ami on August 11, 2009, 03:06:23 PM
I'm writing, writing, writing..

I wrote something about how maybe Narcissistic/abusive people don't understand the pain they are causing. I think this is false, they do seem to understand the pain they are causing. Ok, I will leave it there. Don't want to write about that anymore. Yuck.
It's hard to accept that people choose to cause pain, seek out to cause pain. That is a real psychologically hard concept for me to accept. A person can sound smart and charming or what ever and then there is a side of them the pain-causing archaic thing in them. I would think that those people would want to lift themselves up and become better, they certainly seem to see themselves through rose colored glasses. How can they live with themselves? I guess it's true some people really don't have a conscious. Some people really are full of garbage and they seek to "throw away" other people. Huh? I guess I'm just realizing how messed up narcissistic people are. Narcissistic people can gain popularity and no one would dare say that there is any thing about the N person that is less then perfect. In fact I think N people get sort of worshipped sometimes. Admiration. That is one of the things that makes it hard to fully realize their abuse. There can be other people around who buy into the N's version of reality. They are living a lie.

And there are lots of lies. And voiceless people sometimes accept the lies. Voiceless people accept that lie that we are bad and wrong. I guess that is internalizing.

  Dear Helen,
 I just looked up the U tube video on N by PsychDoctorate. It tells it about N like I NEVER heard before. I get it for real, now!
 I think that if we can leave the "bad' identity behind, they can't hurt us anymore.                  XXXOOO  Ami
Title: Re: Gabben- Hi nice to meet you
Post by: Ami on August 11, 2009, 06:16:02 PM
Hi, Gabben, nice to meet you.

Yeah, I think it is ok for you to cry, I've heard some say that they go through years of crying.
I had a yoga teacher who really encouraged people to cry, in fact I think she does it on a regular basis to purify herself as you say.
Yep, they say it's healthier to let it out then keep it in. Keep it in and get sick, or let it out and get better.

There is a lot to cry about in the world, our personal problems, the worlds problems...

Actually when I think about it, people who cry are probably healthier then people who don't cry. I went through long times when I did not cry, I was numb, the feelings were there somewhere, just pushed underground, so not really alive. Numb=dead like a zombie.

I think crying is a step towards aliveness.

Sometimes life is too fast or tense to take the time to cry. And then after all that time something really big comes out, a big powerful emotion. I guess emotions can be scary. The intensity of emotions reminds me how bad I want to be fully alive.

I will have to look up the beatitudes, I would like to know what they mean exactly, there are stories behind all those sayings from the bible. I just wish I would be comforted while I'm alive, and laugh while I'm on earth rather then waiting for the after life. I did pray really hard one night and it changed my heart literally but only for a couple of days and then it reverted back to my "normal" squeezed in compressed, contracted, weary little heart.

I think crying is a blessing and a wonderful way to get rid of pain. When my son died, I could not cry . Just now, a year and a half later can I have really cry. When the pain is too deep for words , it is the worst.
 I am thankful that I can cry about him and  the pain of the N's that we talk about here.
 There is a Book "Cure By Crying". The author says you can heal all sorts of emotional problems with tears and a person next to you to support you.It feels like it would work, to me.        XXXXOOO  Ami
Title: Re: Being sick
Post by: Ami on August 11, 2009, 06:22:48 PM
I'm all written out.. almost.

When I was a kid, I had some illnesses, I think they were worse then they should have been, I think if cared for better I would have been healtheir and sick for less time. I was sick for months it seemed. On medications from doctors that I certainly don't need to take anymore as an adult because I try to take better care of myself.

Some of my relatives said I was making my illness up, that it was all in my head, I felt really bad/frustrated when I heard this, my alcoholic relative said I was pretending to be sick to get attention-yeah right cause little kids like to lay in bed all day for days on end. I even ended up spending the night in the hospital one time. I think this all could have been lessened with good care. I remember being in bed and feeling afraid and alone. What else could I have done? I keep on feeling like I should have had more power but it makes sense to me that I didn't. None of my relatives would allow me to say this but I'm going to write it here.
My mother was neglectful. NEGLECTFUL.

I did not deserve neglect, maybe on some deep level I felt like I did something wrong to deserve the punishment of neglect.

My mother had excuses for why this happened it was usually related to "lack of money", yeah lack of money does make life more difficult but I don't think it is a valid excuse. I think there were simple solutions to my illness would not have cost her any money. I think the medication was more expensive then preventing it in the first place. She didn't bother to learn about my illness, to this day she still doesn't understand it. what sort of person does not learn about their child's illness?

If I was to say to my mother "you never believed in me" she would say, "we didn't have enough money for that".

Dear Helen
 This neglect is so sad. For a long time, I did not know what I went through as a child b/c I was not abused physically. I was neglected and abused emotionally. The neglect is the hardest to see.
 It leaves you feeling that if you dropped of the face of the earth, no one would care.
 I liked your other post where you said you cried out to God and your heart was peaceful for a few days.
 God is all I have, really, and I like to hear that!      XXXXOOOO    Ami
Title: My Nice mom can't let me sit down to a normal dinner
Post by: Meh on August 11, 2009, 07:08:51 PM
My NICE mom can't let me sit down to a normal dinner

So, I'm writing a lot, I know it's better to be concise but I'm going to go ahead and just "jumble-journal" on here if that is ok.

There are times when my mother does seem nice, maybe at times she really is nice. This has been SO CONFUSING to me.
I think I'm less confused by it now at least intellectually, my soul is probably still confused. My mom does like to maintain an image of normal. I think that is mainly what her interactions with me are about- to prove to the rest of the relatives that it's all fine. Maybe she does it out of obligation.

I was invited up to my mother's house with her current husband to spend the day and have dinner, the day went by uneventfully,
that evening while we were preparing to sit down together and eat dinner I thought to myself "I can't believe this we are actually going to sit down and have a dinner together after a nice day" wow this is just too normal, I can't believe it, this does not feel like anything we have ever done before. I had the thought "this feels too healthy". Apparently my mother must have thought that it felt too healthy also.

My mother had a drug-addict-alcoholic-relative on the phone that I just didn't wish to speak to at the moment, especially not at her demand, she insisted, I didn't want to, I refused. After she got off the phone. My mother threw a huge tantrum-fit she started yelling at me "I feel so sorry for you" and she said some other things. Her current husband witnessing the whole thing. I had been helping make dinner while she was talking on the phone. She came over to the dinner I was working on and started yelling at me about the dinner and saying there wasn't enough for all of us and that "I was so selfish, are you just making dinner for yourself". I thought that I was just helping since I was the guest, I didn't know that she had somehow without telling me expected me to make all the parts of the  whole dinner for them like a servant. I can do my part yes, but it's not polite for her to expect a guest to make a whole dinner. I wasn't just making my meal, I was working on a portion of the whole meal that all gets put together at the end of prep. She didn't communicate that expectation (that I was to be servant)- she came over and yelled at me.

I don't think she was saying "I feel sorry for you" due to "the heat of the moment", I think the statement is really what she thinks about me. It's the truth in her mind, the undercurrent she "feels sorry for me" because in her eyes there is something bad/wrong/pathetic and unacceptable about me.

I felt disgusted by the whole thing afterwards, it was sort of good to see her yell because it shows her true self under there, and it's good for me to remember what she is really like inside- because sometimes I get fooled. It's also the first time I have witnessed her flip out in front of her husband. I don't think he was too comfortable with the whole thing, he even said to her that he felt bad. He told her to talk to me, of course she couldn't see that she was just doing some crazy making and disrupting an evening that was turning out to be too warm-and healthy. So the conversation was about her trying to make me feel bad for not speaking with the drug-addict relative. Ironically I do at least partially blame my mother for this relatives addictions. It's my brother. My brother started getting into drugs and alcohol when he was 15-16, she did not even attempt to intervene for him and stop him. I'm angry at her for that. Real angry. Of course I never tell her and I don't take it out on her. That is a whole other issue.

I know my mother and her husband have nice evenings together on their own, she allows herself to have a normal evening meal, but she will not allow me a normal evening meal. That crazy b*tch.

Some part of me is always secretly wanting compassion or sympathy from the other witness (her husband) but I never verbally ask for it.

"SEE did you SEE that happen this time, you were right THERE! What do you mean you didn't see it, what do you mean it's my fault, I was just trying to make dinner!" I'm the crazy one..

So the nice evening was ruined due to her tantrum and she said that it was my fault because I wouldn't speak with the relative on the phone. I choose my own interactions with this person when and where. This is my mother not respecting my need for space away from an unhealthy person (drug addict). If I followed my mother's every demand and whim, I would no doubt be co-dependent like her.  

I needed a ride home, the next day she dumped me off at my place, completely in silence. I'm an adult, she is still finding ways to emotionally dump me. I felt like I was being blamed for something. I felt like she had got me again. I'm an adult, I'm not suppose to allow this to happen to me any more.

I haven't been to her place since, she invited me for some holiday. She says everything is so difficult with me, it's just so hard for her.

I didn't talk with her for a while, ignoring her, the relatives called me and said "your mother really loves you, why won't you talk with her" as if I was punishing her. I finally did start talking with her again and she just acted like nothing had ever happened. It makes me feel freaked out when she acts like nothing ever happened. Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhhh! EVERYTHING IS NOT OK.

If she was healthy she would have enjoyed spending the rare time with me and the normalcy of the evening would have been fine, she would not have thrown a yelling-tantrum to break it all up. If she was healthy she would respect my decisions and ability to interact with other relatives of my own volition, and on my terms. If she was healthy she would understand why I need to distance and protect myself from this drug addict relative. If she was healthy she would not have expected that me (the guest) make dinner for her. I was being generous by pitching in. If she was healthy she might even have sat down to dinner and asked me how I was doing and really meant it. If she was healthy she would not have made a phone call to that relative while we were in the midst of preparing dinner. She could have done it after dinner or even the next evening.

Her tantrum just seemed to "happen". But I wonder if she unconsciously planned it. When she explains herself it sounds like it makes sense: she was upset that I would not talk to the relative, "I'm being cruel" she accuses me.

When I put it together from a different perspective.. my impression makes sense, the crazy making came up to prevent a normal nice evening meal from happening and the "phone conversation" was not the real issue. Maybe she has some real needs going on, but she is attempting to get her own needs met in an unhealthy way at my expense. At this point MY NEEDS ARE IMPORTANT TO ME. She did not deal with her own crap. NOT MY FAULT. HERE I AM, IM REAL, I HAVE NEEDS, MY NEEDS ARE IMPORTANT TO ME EVEN IF THEY ARE NOT IMPORTANT TO HER. I no longer need her to acknowledge my needs. I acknowledge my own needs, I can do that. I love that statement: "My needs are important to me."  It makes me feel a little strong when I say it.

I deeply understand that I will never get my needs met through any interaction with my mother.. that is why she is currently and hopefully permanently no longer in my life. A deep part of me has hope (the innocent little kid still looking for love), intellectually I know there is no hope with her specifically.      

Title: Re: My first post, thinking about lack of small talk and forms of being quiet
Post by: Hopalong on August 11, 2009, 07:38:44 PM
Boy, Helen.

You sure are working your way through to complete reality.

I really LOVE it when someone "gives up hope" -- know what I mean?

It frees you.

It gives you peace.

And then anything GOOD can happen in your life.

Congratulations on a really productive outpouring.

Title: Hi! Motherof2, Gabben, Ami, Indiered
Post by: Meh on August 11, 2009, 07:41:05 PM
Hi! Mother of 2, Gabben, Ami, Indiered,

Nice to meet you all, thank you for your comments and for the questions I will have to consider them and write....

It feels reassuring when people confirm how bad the emotional pain and damage was, it wasn't always right out there in the open like physical violence. The few times I tried to talk to people in my youth they always expected and asked about physical violence and when I didn't have monster truck sized stories of being kicked in the head they just did not get it. I thought maybe they were right, that what I went through was not a big deal.

Hearing all your stories helps me to know that what WE WENT THROUGH WAS A BIG DEAL. If it wasn't, then we wouldn't be thinking about it to this day. Emotions are not in some make-believe-ether-land, intangible. Emotions are our physical mind-body-spirit communicating with us. FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS ARE VERY REAL. YOUR FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS ARE VERY REAL. MY FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS ARE VERY REAL.

The song that I put on here was from Peter Gabriel the title "In Your Eyes"  You can listen and see here:


I caution: I just watched this video for the first time there is some symbolic imagery that might be sort of hard to watch: a woman who looks like a mother, two ink-blot like figures that are two and become one and are two again and are one again....

Title: Hi Hops, nice to meet you.
Post by: Meh on August 11, 2009, 07:48:34 PM
Hello Hops and thanks for the comment.

Yeah, I think I know what you mean. Giving up hope normally sounds bad, but when one gives up hope on a futile situation, a situation that is keeping one emotionally stuck then we can have hope for something else. There can be some form of renewal, we start to find some of our own power and find some personal empowerment, even if it's just our little toe that feels powerful.
Title: Peter Gabriel -his lyrics
Post by: Meh on August 11, 2009, 08:32:48 PM
Ami, you asked me a question about the lyrics I posted by Peter Gabriel "In Your Eyes" and how the words were important to me.

I just remembered he wrote another song called "Digging in the Dirt" some of the lyrics go like this:

Dont turn around
This is for real
Digging in the dirt
Stay with me, I need support
Im digging in the dirt
To find the places I got hurt
Open up the places I got hurt

I don't know his stories behind these songs but it's clear that he did his own emotional muck raking like a lot of people on this board are doing.

The "in your eyes" song sounds sort of free and reminds me of the feeling of having a religious experience a "WOW' experience, that is what that song feels like to me. And I guess the longing to be loved is there in the lyrics. The title "In your eyes" I think speaks of mirroring in a way. Or just having someone look and see that I'm not invisible or something like that. "Days pass and this emptiness fills my heart" The waiting the hoping and time goes by and the heart is there and still empty. The endurance.  "And the grand facade so soon will burn" A facade is a lie. Living lies is very tiring. The song sounds very spiritual to me. I did some spiritual experimenting in my life (not drug induced). I think the intense spiritual searching is an attempt to find love and oneness and belonging and meaning in the world and I think it is a result of a curious mind but also it's part of the attempt to heal oneself. "The resolution of all the fruitless searches" "Love, I don't like to see so much pain" "so much wasted and this moment keeps slipping by" The so much wasted part is big for me-I just wait sometimes because I don't know what else to do. "I reach out from the inside". It's a bunch of powerful words.

I'm going to take a break and go for a walk in the woods before it gets dark outside. See y'all later.

Title: Panic Attacks as a child
Post by: Meh on August 12, 2009, 01:09:53 AM
Panic Attacks as a child:

(This is me writing out more of my stuff)

I have not had panic attacks recently, that is fine by me. Yet I think it’s interesting that depression and anxiety go together often.

When I had my first panic attack it was when I was a kid, I didn’t know what was happening to me. I was told by my mother that I was being difficult, she seemed to be a little disgusted by me and she said “your fathers going to be mad”.

I think that panic attack happened because I was emotionally overwhelmed. Or maybe it was an abandonment thing. It happened when my mother was sending me to my father in a different state. This was not unusual, the over all moment was typical and uneventful, it seemed liked nothing big was going on yet I had an all out panic attack.

Title: Sharing info: A very different Book
Post by: Meh on August 12, 2009, 01:53:42 AM
This book may give someone insight. It is very very different than almost anything else I have seen out there. It is not the same old ideas regurgitated.

It hasn't fixed me, but it has stories about people who have been healed by unusual means. After reading this book, it leads me to believe that a main problem a person has is finding the right healer.

"Waking The Tiger: Healing Trauma: The innate capacity to transform overwhelming experiences" By Peter Levine

Brilliant is not a good enough word to describe this man.
A therapist recommended this book to me, that was nice, but the therapist could not actually do any of the things in the book for me, that is sort of strange.
Title: Re: My first post, thinking about lack of small talk and forms of being quiet
Post by: teartracks on August 12, 2009, 02:29:00 AM

Hi Helen,

I'll just comment on a couple of things in your posts that I relate to experientally.  

I discovered that:

1)  My personality type predisposes me to quietness and contemplation-neither makes me bad, wrong, or criminal.

2)  I must create limits on how and to whom I give my time.  If I don't, I become emotionally hungover.  

3)  It's a myth that all quiet, introspective, contemplative people are psychopaths.

4)  It's likely that from infancy, my predisposition to quietness exacerbted the effect my mothers emotional detachment had on me.  I don't know how to explain it, but getting my head around this became an important milestone toward reconciliation and forgiveness.

5) I used to think that small talk was a useless activity.  It's not.  It is important in society, just not important to me.  My lack of appreciation and skill in it doesn't diminish its importance.  OTOH,  it doesn't make me a bad person.

6)  When I started untangling the nasty web of FOO dysfunction/disorder, I truly didn't know what parts of me that I liked and which parts I didn't.  Up to then I'd spent pretty much all my life coping.  Part of healing had to do with embracing (and drawing energy from) the things that I liked about myself.  Identifying and sluffing off my displeasing (to me and others) behaviors is ongoing, just as developing admirable qualities is ongoing.  All of us are works in progress.

Am I preaching to the choir?    [:shock:]


Title: Re: To TearTracks
Post by: Meh on August 12, 2009, 04:24:26 AM
Tear Tracks:

I read each section of your post and I wrote out a long response to it but decided not to post it all, instead I will simplify and say thank you for sharing your own thoughts, yes what you posted does make sense to me and I concur with much of it. The one thing that I differ on is that I have doubts that my aloneness is by choice/predisposition, I do need time to myself, but I truly struggle with having strong long standing relationships. I very much wish I had more "good" people in my life. I know there is a theory about shyness being genetically related but that gets into a nature/nurture thing that I can't answer for myself. I've heard people say that sometimes there is a "night and day" transformation that a person can go through so.....who knows? 

Thanks again,  It sounds like you have done some work around self acceptance.

I've had times when I thought I conquered self love, but here I am trying to find a quality about myself that I'm grateful for and right now I'm not grateful for me. I never thought I would be this way again, thought I was past it. As you say teartracks, it is an ongoing process.........
Title: Re: Nah they know.
Post by: Gabben on August 12, 2009, 05:22:02 AM
Narcissistic people can gain popularity and no one would dare say that there is any thing about the N person that is less then perfect. In fact I think N people get sort of worshipped sometimes. Admiration. That is one of the things that makes it hard to fully realize their abuse. There can be other people around who buy into the N's version of reality. They are living a lie.

This was affirming for me to read, it helped affirm a reality that has plagued me for a long time with some particular N.
It is very painful to be the victim of N abuse, especially when no one sees it.

I think that the pain of being abused by an N, who's lack of empathy was so hurtful, has done me more good than harm, in the end that is. (I've said this many times). Their hurt to me has helped me to heal the hurt from my own NM. It occurred to me that the present N abuse, the living a lie in their care, was what it was like growing up with child neglect, I brought the lies...I believed the lies that the reality of lack of empathy for my needs was acceptable. The N's fool you into thinking that they care when in fact they are split off from their emotions and unable to really care...it resembles early childhood neglect, the silence of the hidden pain of being wounded with NO voice to express the pain.

I'm still not expressing this well...In other words, as you said, I bought my NM's version of reality that my emotional needs were insignificant.
Title: Re: My first post, thinking about lack of small talk and forms of being quiet
Post by: Ami on August 12, 2009, 05:29:10 AM
Dear Helen
 I am gonna get that book. I believe in unusual ways in which healing comes. I have had many!                  XXXOOO AMi
Title: Re: My first post, thinking about lack of small talk and forms of being quiet
Post by: Izzy_*now* on August 12, 2009, 10:15:03 AM
Welcome Helen,

I wanted to reply to your first post because this was me, but I was voiceless.

I remember being sad though, I also remember that at some point I must have stopped socializing normally with other kids. This wasn't always so, I can't confidently  say that it is due to voicelessness. I'm not sure what happened, I wasn't diagnosed with anything ever. It seems that I was aftraid of the other kids or I just couldn't hold my own ground, I wasn't boisterous. I couldn't follow their play interactions. I spent a lot of time by myself, it felt normal to me to be by myself. I was good at occupying myself. I probably rarely felt part of a group, I thought that was normal. I always did OK in school academically. I can't really diagnose myself here. It's an observation I was making. Psychologists say play is really important to development. Maybe I was just a sensitive child/soft/overwhelmed? Even slow? I don't know.

and after all these years I am still by myself, with some crazy stories in between. I believe I am a hypersensitive person and when comparing some things with the only people who would, dwindled down to one out of 4 siblings. We find we remember the same incidents, but we perceived them differently. What might have run off her back, would freeze me in my tracks, so to speak, and I have spent a lifetime trying to understand this. I am now 70 and she is 68. This is the first, for me, to discuss our upbringing with a sibling....the people we know longest in our lifetime.

As far as assertiveness goes, I had none, but she did. I now stand up for myself in a polite, not aggressive way and what has passed has passed, and the past is the past, examined closely by me, but I deem it too late for extensive new relationships, or for mending some old ones with those who cannot understand, or will not even try.

For the most part, IMO, who we become depends on how we were raised.

Keep on
Title: Re: My first post, thinking about lack of small talk and forms of being quiet
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 12, 2009, 11:26:26 AM
OH Helen... you write and express yourself beautifully! Eloquently!

I am enjoying reading about you even though some of topics aren't so pleasant. I'll bet you are STILL that beautiful girl, too.
Can't wait for your next "installment"...

I was going to offer you a one-word piece of advice... something to look up - boundaries. But it appears that you are defining boundaries - when, where and how you interact with your brother, for instance. Going "no contact" with your mom. So, instead, I will suggest inner child work. If that beautiful girl disappeared... it is possible to find out where she is hiding, hear her story, and help her return to that full life. Can you remember if she was always shy and quiet? Or was that a response to something? What did she like to do? What do you feel, when you spend time looking at her?

Sounds like you've been reading Mindfulness Buddhist books. The names are familiar to me, though it's been a long time since I read them. Because my beliefs are a mish-mosh of things, I usually use Buddhist as my response for spiritual inquiries into my beliefs. Short-hand.

You describe yourself as quiet - but I'm getting a picture not of someone fearful to say anything, but rather a very, very strong quiet; sustaining like time-worn rocks and ancient trees... like a vein of granite buried in the earth or the tallest oak in the forest. I like to sit with this type of quiet and listen for the stories and secrets they can tell. As long as it takes, for me to learn to hear the small whispers and to understand the language of rocks; the simple truth.

Title: Re: My first post, thinking about lack of small talk and forms of being quiet
Post by: teartracks on August 12, 2009, 03:45:00 PM

Hi Helen,

The one thing that I differ on is that I have doubts that my aloneness is by choice/predisposition, I do need time to myself, but I truly struggle with having strong long standing relationships.

I understand.  We're not created in a 'one size fits all' fashion.   The process of healing can be tedious.  It sounds like you're well on your way.  The book, Safe People: How to Find Relationships That Are Good for You and Avoid Those That Aren't, helped me a lot.


Title: Tear Tracks: Safe People book
Post by: Meh on August 12, 2009, 05:42:11 PM
Hello, TearTracks,

The "Safe People" book that you described sounds encouraging, I haven't heard of it before, I will have to go look for it!!
I probably really need to read that one.

Title: Hi Phoenix & Izzy
Post by: Meh on August 12, 2009, 05:54:32 PM
Hi Phoenix and Izzy thanks for your comments!
Title: Sharing Info
Post by: Meh on August 12, 2009, 06:48:47 PM
Non-Violent Communication  

I feel tenderness for the struggles shared by many people posting on this board and a need to alleviate the pain they are experiencing.
The thought came to me that I can share a tool that was meaningful to me. I'm not sure that it helped my pain, actually sometimes it just uncovers more pain. But I think that I have found something solid in the NVC process and it helps me get real with myself. So maybe it can help someone out there. 

Some of you may have already been exposed to the Non-Violent Communication Process.

So First of all I have to say that I have tried NVC with my Nar-mother, and other relatives, it has at times prevented relationships from getting worse, but it did not fix or improve the relationships. If you do decide to use NVC I would caution against using it with
Nar- people. You can try if you like. I tried using it with a Nar-person at work and it totally inflamed that person, the person reverted back to an unrestrained five year old brat. Come to think of it, I hadn't even been talking to her, I was just stating something totally neutral to the group that was about work and was not a personal issue. The fact that I exclaimed my enthusiasm for something pissed the co-worker off. I don't understand how these Nar-people become popular, they are just so lame....

So, The reason why I'm suggesting the NVC out here is because I think it may be a tool of sorts that a person can use to have a relationship with themselves. A person can use the NVC process with their OWN THOUGHTS!

NVC hasn't fixed all my struggles in life but it has helped me get clear and simple and truthful.

The NVC process is this: Identify Feeling, The feeling points to the Need, Identify Need, and then one can even request that the need be met by someone

I find that just Identifying the Feeling and The Need internally can be useful for me (thats' a very safe level), this can be enough of a challenge at times.

Requesting to get the need met, now that is a struggle for me..I usually don't go this far, out of fear that I won't get the need met and embarrassment for having asked in the first place.

From reading about NVC I learned that culturally it is brain-washed into all of society to deny their own feelings and needs.
With children of Narcissistic Parents the struggle is greater because they didn't get practice at experiencing their own feelings and needs - they got warped by the Nar-Person. And the Nar Person was not going to give.

I personally don't buy into every part of the NVC Philosophy, it's a too idealistic, instead I just like the process. You can decide for yourself what makes sense to you..I really struggled with the NVC Philosophy at first, because it includes the premise that (People have a need for other's wellbeing), and NVC practitioners state this like an absolute fact. I believed this at first but I had to go through that hard reality check, that told me not only do some people not "have the need for another person's wellbeing" but they "have the need for another person's suffering". The idea that "a person has a need for another persons suffering" goes against NVC, but it is true in my mind and I have a need for getting down to reality to keep myself safe from harmful people and to keep my mind straight.

You are welcome to explore and come to your own conclusions!

Anyways, there is A LOT of good stuff in the NVC process. There are even practice groups in some cities.
I recommend checking out the websites and if it looks interesting then get some used books of amazon.com.
I think I got about 4-5 books for about $10.00.


I've got a few more things to say about this... of course... will do that later..

Off subject: I had this dream last night that someone washed my dishes for me! I don't have a dishwasher-machine so I was delighted. What a funny dream. I guess my subconscious doesn't approve of my dirty dishes in the sink. Ha Ha

Title: Limbic Systems
Post by: Meh on August 12, 2009, 07:31:49 PM
"A General Theory of Love"

I did not read this book, tried but I could not stand the writing. The book does have an interesting piece of the problem. The limbic system. Babie's limbic systems harmonize with their mama's limbic systems.

I think that what happens is we can go round and round in our thoughts but there is body memory and limbic system memory.

What if scientists have the complete answer to our emotional traumas and are just hiding it. Or not so much hiding it but not kind enough to put it out there into the world in a useful format. I know this sounds paranoid but I have my suspicions that with the right knowledge we could be healed and that the right knowledge is probably out there somewhere.

The scientists who wrote the book "A general theory of love" brag about their perfect families and marriages. Poooh!
Sorry, I complain to much.

God..I wish I could find a good therapist once and for all....

Title: Re: My first post, thinking about lack of small talk and forms of being quiet
Post by: Ami on August 12, 2009, 07:49:32 PM
Dear Helen
 I think you dream meant that you are not alone, anymore. You have a group to "help " you through life (the Board?). It hit me when I read  your dream was that it meant that you have help in life now. You are not alone to wash your dirty dishes. What would dirty dishes mean---old,hurtful thought  patterns  that can be stuck like dirt on dishes.
Tell me what you think, Helen.           XXOO      Ami
Title: The secret is out An Observation
Post by: Meh on August 12, 2009, 11:21:49 PM
An Observation:
The secret is out

After writing my "stuff" out on this board I have noticed something, it is subtle, I think it is coming through to me though, coming through my bombarded senses, the senses that hear never-ending traffic and humanity noise of the city.

What I believe is coming through to me in a quiet way is the feeling that I have told a secret. The secret is my story even the mundane parts.That telling the secret has helped me feel a little more "ME". If that makes sense. I think I have gained a small sliver of myself. Maybe I feel a little more corporeal.

I'm grateful for this experience and this sliver of myself.

I came to this observation while noticing and feeling myself walk through the trees in the park. I feel a little bit more HERE in the world.
Title: Depression clutter
Post by: Meh on August 12, 2009, 11:49:06 PM
Depression Clutter

This is in part a response to you Ami, and your Dirty Dish question about the meaning of it.

I naturally lean to organized, I liked to clean out drawers and put them back together when I was a kid. With everything categorized and in it's place. I'm not really a slob. I know that.

Lately I have identified with the slob that comes out of me when I'm depressed, I started thinking that was me, and then I remembered I'm not always this way.

My mind sometimes tells me that I have to intervene my own depression and aggressively fix the depression and clear up all the expressions of the depression. I partially agree with this. But while I was walking in the park I decided that just observing myself in my own depression is ok also.

The dishes, well, I think it just means that I feel anxiety about my own clutter and my own depression. But I really do like Ami's idea that maybe it means I don't feel alone any more. Thank you for that interpretation Ami, I rather like it! Maybe there is something to that.
Maybe it is related to something dirty, the metaphorical "airring of the dirty laundry"

I think meal time is primally significant. One either eats alone or with the tribe. Meal time is a ritual. The ritual of meal time has gone out of my life. I eat yogurt here, and green olives there, a peach, coffee, chocolate, dry cheerios out a box in my fist. But no ritual sit down and commune while nourishing the body. I'm sure I could benefit from some mindfulness buddist eatting.

Oh hay! I just remembered a quirky movie I really liked:
It's a documentary about a less then perfect buddist monk who teaches people to kneed dough. It's weird in a good way. They talk about their personal issues while they seek to make the imperfectly-perfect loaf of bread. Interesting, I think they get into the whole "yeast is alive". So the bread is a living thing for a while, until they cook it. It's sort of funny. 


Title: Antidepressant Dream
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 12:04:18 AM
Antidepressant Dream

These are unusual dreams that are related to me being on this board. I never dreamed clearly about my depression before like this.
A month ago I broke a glass salt shaker, I cleaned up some of the pieces of glass but in my slobby, low energy overwhelmed-with-life state I did not do a thorough job of cleaning the glass. I was a little worried I would get it in my food or feet and track it around and the fact is I did track it all around my home. It's pretty cleaned up by now.

So the dream I had was: My little pill container that goes in my purse and carries antidepressants and Tylenol fell open and stuff came out of it, pills and shards of glass came out of my pill holder. Maybe this means that I think my pills are bad for me or dangerous.
I have never liked the idea of being dependent on pills to function. I have always wanted to get off of antidepressants. I have wondered if there is any long-term damage that results from taking the pill/drug/chemical/lab engineered/unnatural/forreign substance.

I take it, it helps me get out of bed. But that is about all it helps me with and sometimes I still stay in bed.
Title: The little motherless monkey
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 12:20:55 AM
The little motherless monkey:

I took only one psychology class in college psy101, didn't help me with me but it was interesting.
The text book has this classic photo of this baby monkey who was deprived of it's mother.
The baby monkeys were given inanimate surrogate mothers. The little monkeys cling to the fake mothers, but it is no real substitute

When I was in school, I thought there was something familiar about that monkey in that text book who was hanging on to the fake-lifeless- surrogate mother. Some deep part of me said "I am that little monkey". Futility trying to get love out of a dishtowel.

No matter how much I intellectually understand what was missing, I can't think myself out of this, that will never be a solution. I do have to eventually find good-real relationships.

Title: Finding Real, Good Relationships
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 12:39:03 AM
Finding Real, Good Relationships:

I think Ami and a handful of other people out there have talked about a special person or enlightened witness that came into their lives.

Maybe it is true that one does not seek and find this. Maybe the people show up.
One can't force someone to give love. It has to be given freely to be real love.
I wonder how emotionally immature I am, I wonder how needy I am.
I ask myself: "why would an emotionally mature person be interested in an emotionally immature person"
As far as romantic love goes, I'm really slow to get to know people, I look for any little sign of trouble or power struggles.
I am a boulder against guys who are overbearing, I don't want to bend even a little. No bending. Maybe I'm a control freak.
That's ok for now, I give myself space to be a "control freak" when it comes to guys.
After being out of control for so long, of course I want to be in control. To protect myself.
I don't try to control them I don't think, instead I won't let them have any little bit of control over me.
I'm stubborn as hell when it comes to guys. "I will do it myself"
Title: Emotional Dumping
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 01:00:36 AM
Emotional Dumping:

I'm telling myself that this board is a neutral safe place to "Dump Emotionally"
I'm telling myself that people choose of their own volition if they want to read or not.
I still have to justify this to myself. Deep Breath here.

I think about the term emotional dumping. It has a negative connotation.

I think about how the receiver of an emotional outpouring feels.
(A) Overwhelmed, Tired, Shocked, Angry, Judgemental, Fearful, defensive
(B) Interested
(C) Disinterested
(D) Grateful for the intimate, authentic connection and sharing
(E) Confused, unable to relate
(F) Empathy
(G) Something else

Why am I writing this, because I think it was Lise who was worried about outpouring.

I think the reception of outpouring totally depends on the receiver.

I felt self conscious about outpouring, am I taking up too much space.

Hay, that is a big one : AM I TAKING UP TOO MUCH SPACE IN THE WORLD?


That's a deep inner message I think.

Right now I feel relieved after writing that, maybe I'm slowly feeling some strength come into my body. A solidness.

I wish to express my thankfulness to the posters on this board who collectively make up a community where one is allowed to process. Additionally this type of thinking makes sense here.

I can't go to my banker and say "I feel like I'm taking up to much space in the world"
I just took another deep breath.

Title: When neighbors ask me questions.
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 01:42:36 AM
When neighbors ask me the question "do you (Helen) have children"...I go through something, a process, a conflict of complicated emotions. A man asked me this question a few hours ago in the grocery store, quite aggressively, loudly, I don't know this person, a complete stranger. Maybe he is a bit unconsciously intuitive and that is why he was asking, since I'm processing around childhood, motherhood and family, maybe it is coincidence. I was watching a little kid in the store, I've been noticing mother's with their kids while I'm out doing errands.

I don't have kids, never really wanted kids.

I notice how easily and blatantly people ask that question. I know they don't mean any harm.
It has never been an easy subject for me, it has never been easy or blatant for me. The whole topic has been taboo to me.
Typically when I'm asked if I have or want children, my feeling is embarrassment and confusion.
When I am asked that question, I am transformed into an alien and my feet are on planet Mars.

I did not feel like an alien when I was asked this question today, I felt a little reserved and annoyed but not deep embarrassment.
I still felt like "It's none of your business".
It's intrusive to me.
He might as well have been asking me "What brand of tampons do you use"

Title: The sea of depression
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 02:36:32 AM
The sea of depression

Sometimes MY depression sneaks up slowly and engulfs me like a cloud.
Sometimes my depression feels like sticky fly paper and I'm the fly on the paper. With me feet immobilized. My wings are not strong enough to fly away. I beat my wings until I'm too tired to beat them anymore. Then I just sit there and wait to die. Or I hope that a strong gust of wind will blow me off.

Most often my depression is an ocean that I sink into, I flail but I can't swim, my head is not above water. Sometimes I fall asleep while I'm under MY depression-ocean.

Today I got out my scuba gear, I put on the waterproof goggles and decided to look at the ocean-depression-sink-hole place that I'm in. I'm still in here but now my eyes are open and I'm looking around. I'm looking at the fish swimming by. It's a deep abyss, there is pressure compressing me, the sound of my own heart beat is amplified, I'm accepting being down here. It's dark and mysterious and maybe there are some strange undiscovered fish down here. Giant Squid, small glow in the dark prawns. See-through jellyfish. Glass-eyed, heavy, car sized fish.
I'm tangled in seaweed but I'm still looking around, my eyes are open.

Title: Taboo
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 03:54:37 AM
Taboo: Starting my own family

Gosh, I don't think I have any more typing stamina.

So, I pretty much figured out that I won't have my own family and kids.

For years this was a blank in my head, either a total void or embarrassment or a combination of the two.

When I was growing up I just told myself no way.

I wonder if it was ever truly a choice I made or if the choice was made for me by my FOO.

Sometimes I wonder if I have a sense of loss around this, like some part of my psyche that I don't know about.
I think I do, but it's confusing, too many conflicting feelings.

Sometimes I cry when I menstruate, but it's not like PMS, it's like I'm crying because I'm menstruating.

I don't like that I just wrote that. Ugh Why am I writing about this.

Because I never talked to my mother about me having my own family or kids. Never, it was taboo.

Ok now I feel weird.

I posted this because who else am I going to tell? Also I think it's important, not just the tenderness and love that we did not get from our mothers but also there were other things missing, the connection with an adult woman who could tell us about woman things. I don't know if what I wrote makes any sense to myself.

Title: An antidote to the pain in the heart
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 04:28:16 AM
An antidote to the pain in the heart

There was a period of my life where I practiced mindfulness meditation very earnestly.
An unexpected byproduct of this was that I stopped feeling an ache in my heart.

I'm not sure how complicated the reason is for this phenomenon, possibly as one is thinking habit thoughts, the thoughts make the body go through an experience over and over.

I managed the no-heart-ache for a few months or even a year, it required regular meditation.

I have not been meditating recently, so I'm currently not ache-free.

I'm not buddist, I learned meditation through martial arts, so it's nonreligious.
I'm sure you know how to meditate already, but anyways:

If you are feeling upset and wish to try meditating, then start by sucking air through the mouth and let the air go down into the stomach and pooch out like you are fat, let your belly stick out, relax the waistline. Then breathe into the middlechest letting the ribcage expand sideways, letting the ribs separate, then breathe into the lower back, the middle back, let the back open out like a balloon, relax the collarbone, breathe across the collar bone, across the top of the chest, breathe into the upper back, even breathe into the arm pits if it works for you.

The reason for starting out with sucking air though the mouth is to feel the air go down the esophagus. One can start breathing through the nose after starting with the mouth. So the meditation part of it is simply putting ones awareness on the sensations of the air coming in and out of the lungs. The air pressure is so strong on earth that when we breathe in our muscles are relaxing and when we breathe out the muscles work to push the air out.

I have to remind myself how to breathe over and over again. If I take breaks in between it's like I'm discovering my lungs for the first time, each time. Gee I forgot, I had lungs....
Title: If I know how to make myself feel better why don't I do it?
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 05:01:32 AM
If I know how to make myself feel better, then why don't I do it?

Someone asked me "Do you always answer your own questions"

Yes, I guess I do answer my own questions.

Now, I'm laughing.....

I'm still smiling......

Ok, so what was I doing, oh yah,
I have not been taking good care of myself because I gave up. I gave up on myself.
Just too many dissapointments in a row, there was too much invalidation at my job, I believed it.

SO, I think I've got plenty to work with for a while...
I may be all done writing.

I did write a fable about Narcissism, I didn't post it.
Should I post it, maybe it's dumb, I don't know. Basically it is sort of what I have gone through but since it is in the form of a fable and changed it gave me a different perspective on the whole thing.

Maybe sometimes we need to own things and maybe sometimes we need to transform things into something else.
I think by writing a fable I could see it a little differently. Eh who knows, it just came out, I didn't plan it.
Maybe there are some things we need to disown.
Not our own things of course but other peoples things.

Other people's opinions about me are not my things
Other people's image of me are not my things
Other people's story of me are not my things
The person that the Narcissist saw when she looked at me, was not me
The Narcissist was making someone up, the Narcissist was making up a bad, cruel, pathetic, unvaluable, unlovable person but that make- believe person existed in the Narcissist's mind first.
The Narcissist convinced me that I was the make-believe person 
The Narcissist was not really talking about me, the Narcissist was talking about the N's Idea of me

The Narcissist made up a bad story and the Narcissist told me that it was my story

Title: Self Hug
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 05:05:43 AM
May I be held in compassion.

May I be free from pain and sorrow.

May I be at peace.

Title: My new addiction to compulsive posting
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 05:33:45 AM
I'm going to have to do a no-more posting intervention on myself.  :)

I'm procrastinating.

I've been on so many interviews, I've always found it easy to get a job in the past, not now.
I have to figure out a way to make a living and it might have to be a step down from what I was doing.

I have to fill out paperwork so I can cash out my dwindling retirement savings to pay my bills.
When I first lost my job, I told myself that cashing out my retirement would be the "hitting rock bottom"
I've never had any big debt in my life, I'm responsible.

I still have not paid my taxes, due to the fact that the only income I got was a few unemployment checks and I'm depressed, and the whole Nar-coworker, lost job, too many interviews, dumb government, big business jokesters, tax-money bail out, tax money job creating stimulus - jumble in my cranium ricochets around. I don't have a job, why do I have to pay taxes, if the tax money goes to stimulus money that makes jobs. Is my retirement money going to a corporate big wig. Who is my retirement-pay my rent money going to. I don't own a flat screen TV, or a swimming pool etc, I don't live beyond my means, I'm one of those brown rice in a bowl types. Not complaining about that, it's just that it does not add up somewhere.

I never not paid taxes before, it was not intentional this year, it's emotional this time around, I just didn't have the energy to fill in the little boxes, find the papers, hold the pen in my hand. It doesn't feel right this year.

This is the first emotional tax paying experience I have ever had.

I have to accept that even the government can be crazy making. Just let it go, stop thinking about it, it's too F'd up to make sense out of, I can't find sense, because sometimes life makes no sense. What does sense mean. Something like reasonable. Like logical.


Good night.
Title: How My mother used other people against me
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 06:37:30 AM
How my mother used other people against me.

I think I already wrote about this, maybe not out here. I will have to go back and see.

My mother had a boyfriend that I hated. I hated him before I disliked her.
When I was young I did not psychologically comprehend what my mother was really like.
My mother used me as a buffer between him and her.
He would take his problems out on me, problems that were general. I was a general cause of his general problems.
I absorbed his negative energy so she did not have to. 
My mother also used him to keep me at a distance so I wouldn't get to "close to her". I can't really explain this now because I'm too tired and I don't really understand it yet.

I think my mother complained about me to her boyfriend and now with her new spouse.
My mother's current husband seems to have a negative image of me, I've had zero negative personal events with her husband.
I think her husband believes my Nar mother's story of me, not the real me.
It's one of those things I'm sure is going on, but since it's behind my back I don't know.
Behind the back. Gosh. I bet there is a lot of behind the back stuff that Nar-mothers-everywhere are doing. 

If my mother saw what I was writing about her, I think she would laugh. Then she would get mean and then punishing. Then she would throw a tantrum. She would look like a little kid when she did the tantrum.

This is still coming into clearer vision. My mother was emotionally absent and neglectful but not outwardly aggressive, her boyfriend was aggressive and domineering and physically threatening. Maybe he was an extension of her. Maybe my mother couldn't allow herself to be too physically aggressive with me but he could act it out for her and that is why she did not stop him.

I went through a time where I could not understand why my mother would not protect me against her boyfriend.

It's so sad how confused we all end up. The levels of confusion this sort of stuff causes.

There will never be Nar-Mothers Anonymous or Nar-Mothers unite against drugs or Nar-Mothers unite against abuse. For some reason I'm picturing Narcissist mothers across America. I think this is just me being tired.
Title: What does Santa Clause Know?
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 06:45:25 AM
Santa Clause Image

This is random: (I've got some totally bizaaro image in my head of santa claus riding his sleigh in the sky looking down at the houses and Santa knows which kids have Nar-mothers and normal mothers.) It's so sick and twisted. I can't comprehend this. Yes I can. It's about a child's view of the world (where Santa Clause can exist) and the adult's world where the complexities of Narcissism lives.  

I've been an adult for so long, I'm just adding this piece in there now.

Dealing with a Narcissistic person as an adult can be very difficult and the memories of it as an adult are intense.

In a child's world their sense of reality is such that they still believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.

Still processing, processing...

Title: Re: Everything that I never told anyone /My secret stories
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 06:59:58 AM
Thank you Ami for prayer. It's scientifically documented that receiving prayer helps. That is very sweet that you would do that.
If an enlighted witness showed up in my life I would probably have a breakdown it would be an affront to my status quo   -eh maybe not. I guess I'm so use to how I am.

I just took a deep breath.
Title: Re: Everything that I never told anyone /My secret stories
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 13, 2009, 08:05:02 AM
OK - I gotta ask, even though I hesitate to disrupt your flow... it's like a super sharp sword cutting through all the N-crap right to the essential tao of being...

what kind of martial arts?
Title: Re: Everything that I never told anyone /My secret stories
Post by: Ami on August 13, 2009, 08:15:02 AM
When the Enlightened Witness shows up, it will be very natural. I think that is the sign that it is right. It is very free flowing like when you had a best friend as a child. That is what it feels like--the innocence and child like qualities of two best friends as children. That is the closest description for the type of love.
 I have talked to people about this. They say it is once in a lifetime or never. One friend of mine has it with a female(non gay) .
Title: Hi Phoenix Rising!
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 08:22:51 AM
Hi Phoenix Rising!

Oh I just realized what that post might have sounded like, I'm not bragging, I'm no kind of martial arts expert and I would not pretend to be! I meant that the meditation is not a religion thing so that's why I said it's from martial arts. I didn't want people to think I was a cult person or something. But never mind that doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Well there are some people who think that meditation is from the devil.

What I wrote was just about the mindfulness meditation that I have learned from a variety of sources. I guess I've been exposed to about five versions of meditation at least so at this point I just mush em together.

I'm currently working on Tai Chi/Qi Gong.
Title: Re: Everything that I never told anyone /My secret stories
Post by: Ami on August 13, 2009, 08:31:01 AM
I do Yoga and some people say it is from the devil but I don't buy that for myself.               Ami
Title: Re: Everything that I never told anyone /My secret stories
Post by: teartracks on August 13, 2009, 10:03:05 AM


Re: Meditation, you got me to wondering whether plain old thinking and meditation were the same.  So I searched and it looks like they are the same or at least first cousins.   I suppose subjectivity plays a part in individual  interpretation.
Noun 1. meditation - continuous and profound contemplation or musing on a subject or series of subjects of a deep or abstruse nature;

Adj. 1. abstruse - difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge;

Reading backwards, it feels like I spent 7 years of involuntary meditation on the injustice of my own childhood abuse.  It seems that many of us here are caught in involuntary meditation and don't know how to move ourselves to what might be a more favorable & rewarding type of meditation.   Do you suppose that the undoing of the abuse we didn't volunteer for requires this type of meditation that we didn't volunteer for?  Is that why so many of us go through years, even decades caught in this seemingly involuntary meditation?  Do you suppose this is purely a philosophical question or is there a little science hidden in it?  Any thoughts?


Title: Re: How My mother used other people against me
Post by: Gabben on August 13, 2009, 10:52:01 AM
to change the subject for just a moment....

If my mother saw what I was writing about her, I think she would laugh. Then she would get mean and then punishing. Then she would throw a tantrum. She would look like a little kid when she did the tantrum.

This I can relate...and much more you wrote but this paints a good picture, when you say laugh you mean that evil sarcastic laugh, correct?

Helen, I throw tantrums...Or feel them in me,but the difference between me and the N mom throwing a tantrum is that they then deny that they threw one. They also do much more damage.
Title: Re: Everything that I never told anyone /My secret stories
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 13, 2009, 10:58:43 AM
Ah Helen... thank you for answering my question! I'm also a tai chi/chi gong student - about 4 years now. Have you had an opportunity to play at pushhands?

As for meditation, it's religion-independent technique that has a lot of healing purposes. Even christianity includes a meditation practice; references are usually made to "comtemplation", though. Medicine is finally beginning to accept meditation as a supplemental treatment for some things, too. I know what you mean, though, about some people not understanding - firsthand.

tt: I like this question! Yes, I think you're on to something... and it's not just a "philosophical" question. In meditation the focus is on simply letting thoughts rise up and disappear... rise up and disappear. "You" notice them... but immediately let the thoughts go; "you" attempt to not get caught up in the thoughts; thinking them and thinking on... It is much, much harder than it sounds.

I've had more the "involuntary" mediation - even when sitting with only breath/present moment focus intention, in that I begin to observe the thoughts for patterns... getting "sucked into" analysis... and then feeling... etc. The tears always just streamed down my face during meditation's most quiet experiences - so I stopped. I couldn't explain it.

In therapy - it's almost a reverse process... in that I seemed to work through all the thoughts/feelings of my story... until I could see it all from the "observing ego"... which I propose could be the same "you" in the meditation description above. Maybe Helen has another perspective on this... I'll admit - I'm long out of the practice of meditation.
Title: Re: Everything that I never told anyone /My secret stories
Post by: gratitude28 on August 13, 2009, 11:03:56 AM
It seems you and I are A LOT alike. Everything I have read here so far resonates - even down to the snails!!!! I want to read all your postings carefully, because I think there is so much there. I also have the alcoholism in the family - but not NM. I think she likes control too much to let herself drink much. I'd love to also talk more about our dads - it seems they are alike as well.
I am glad you are here. I look forward to getting to know you more.
Love, Beth
Title: Meditation What is it?
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 12:29:40 PM
Meditation What is it?

Ok, I'm here... I can't sleep...

I'm not clear minded enough to give this answer as much as it deserves but this is my personal experience:

The word Meditation itself can be used by people verbally to describe more then one practice/experience. So if one is to debate what meditation is there is no point in trying to make the word mean only one thing. But there is something that can be clearly defined here.

There are different forms of meditation.

Simple mindfulness or sitting Zazen is essentially to sit still and keep the awareness/consciousness on the breath and the sensations of the breath, the air coming in and out. But there are different forms of these breath-focused meditations. Some are regimented, zen, is usually timed breathing intervals if done in a formal setting, as I experienced in classic strict dojo. Zazen is my favorite style. When I have done this at home I do not time the breath length. Also the air may be breathed in a special way that makes a certain noise, some people sit and stare at a blank wall (this is not a style I practice). The point of focusing on the breath is probably more then one but mainly it is to prevent one's mind/thoughts from controlling us/ taking over the experience. Putting our awareness on the breath keeps us in touch with the physical corporeal body. The thinking mind tends to take us (consciousness) out of the body. We can direct our awareness to different parts of our own body, or into thoughts, or out of our body and into other peoples bodies.  

The idea is that consciousness is not the mind.
The mind makes the word-thoughts, many are repetitive and pointless.
Pure Consciousness is awareness, witness, with no thoughts.
This can get very philosophical and beyond my experience or knowledge base, you have to talk to a monk or go to India to figure it out.
One really must practice it to understand the advanced levels because it gets really "out-there" so to speak, one could call it esoteric at a point.

There is moving meditation, yoga can become this at a high level, walking meditation.

Another form of meditation that comes out of the Buddist tradition that I'm familiar with is similar to the above mindfulness meditation because it does not involve a lot of thinking but it has a directed goal. So it is not just focusing on the breath, it may involve working with the organ of the heart/ heart space and expanding or taking in other peoples suffering and giving out compassion. Or having compassion for oneself. This meditation feels a lot different to me then the previous style I described. The results are different.
There is only the thinking required to direct the action, not a lot of extraneous thought, and it is more of a feel and experience thing not so much an analytical thing.

Along these lines there are meditations for anger and emotions but especially anger seems a popular thing to meditate for. I have not done anger meditation.

There are probably many more types of meditation that I do not know.  

I do believe that some meditation can be relevant to healing, generally I think working with meditation is a slow process, there may be times when people get going faster. I think there are trends in meditation experience, common experiences but all people don't go from A-Z, they might go from A to F to Z and then to O. I mean it may not be a uniform process for everyone. It is individual to a degree and progress and levels are not always sequential. We are dealing with the mind-body-heart-spirt-soul. It's not a robot number line.

I do have some personal experiences I might share about meditation some time and how I think it may be useful in healing. I can't think right now though, no sleep. It may be the long, wrong way around healing trauma though. Maybe attaching to a therapist or someone IS the best solution.
Buddist meditation has a lot of selflessness in it/non-selfishness. My personal oppinion is that selflessness is not what children of Narcissists need. I think children of narcissists need to be selfish. Selfish can be a good thing sometimes.

I know that I need to be selfish.

Meditation is so simple that it is hard.

Meditation is done mostly to clear the mind, focus, bring one's energy under one's own control for combat. Additionally to control another person's energy. Or to develop oneself spiritually.
The thinking mind is limited, we are not our thinking mind, we can function in the world without thinking.

I know nothing of contemplation spiritual traditions. There are so many traditions!

Title: Re: Everything that I never told anyone /My secret stories
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 12:54:12 PM
In the post about meditation I said that I thought selfishness is a good thing for children of Nar-people. I have reconsidered this. I do think that the selfishness for us is fine. Because we need to do that for ourselves.

Yet, there is another part of this that I did not think of or explain. I'm not suggesting that anyone should cultivate compassion, that is a personal choice to do that or not, we all have our own process.

The thing is when we do compassion meditation for others it transforms out own heartspace, not metaphorically, but in corporeal reality. My heart behaves and feels and responds differently when I do this meditation, and it may last throughout the day.
Since my heart has been changed in the process, it is possible to literally say that in giving compassion I am transformed. That sounds poetic but I don't mean for it to be poetic. So if it changes our own heart that may be a personal benefit that is not completely selfless.

I have played around with all of this because I'm curious yet I have my reservations about giving compassion.

There are people who mistake kindness for weakness.

Sometimes meditation can settle a person and take away the intensity of a problem.
An emotional surge might be too overwhelming to begin meditation though.
I've had anxiety that I could not meditate away.
Regular meditation might be able to build up our immunity to anxiety and related things.
And yes, I have heard that before that meditation causes some people to cry.

I think one of the reasons why I stopped was that I made progress to a point and then I could not figure out some of the stuff that was happening to me. As always use caution and one's own internal thermometer. It would have been fortunate if I had been able to work with a very good meditation teacher at that point.

I think this topic might be getting out of the scope of the board?

Title: Gratitude 28, Hi
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 01:02:00 PM
Hi Gratitude 28, nice to meet you!
That is funny about the snails, I never expected to hear that anyone resonated with that!
Title: Phoenix Rising
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 01:18:47 PM
Phoenix Rising, Push Hands

Hey, that's ok, I'm way out of practice with meditation also.

I just started the Tai Chi a few weeks ago, did Aikido before that and Tai Kuan Do before that. I like it all, I'm disciplined when I'm not a depressive slob! Ok, that was not kind to myself, slob is judgemental..blah blah. Non violent self talk there.

Yes! I did get the opportunity to do a bit of "push hands" type exercises. It was taking turns supporting the other person.

Wow!!! It was not what I expected it to be. It was awesome.
I walked away thinking "Did he just feel the same thing I felt?"

That reminded me, I had a handful of unexpected moments in Aikido where I thought I was going to lose it emotionally. Just spontaneous emotional release, I thought I was going to laugh hysterically. That is probably more embarrassing then crying. At least nobody things a person is crazy for crying!! Ha Ha
Title: Re: Everything that I never told anyone /My secret stories
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 13, 2009, 01:39:51 PM
OK, thanks. I'll can the chit-chat for a bit and let you get back to your stories...
but later!  :D then I'll wanna talk some more about this stuff.
Title: Voicelessness is a flaw
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 08:14:09 PM
So, this is a simple thought that I hate:

My thought is, not just am I experiencing some wound-reopening because of life events (job), but that voicelessness is causing these events to occur.  That is one source of frustration to me, the feeling that no matter how hard I work at something, Even if I do everything correct, and as good as I can be, I can observe people around me who are not apparently trying to be good or work so hard and things work out for them and I sink under. That voicelessness effects my personality and my habits and then my life is shaped by that. Voicelessness is a flaw. It is a maladaptive flaw.

I feel flawed in more ways then one, because I got that message from my family, and that because of the voicelessness I am flawed.
It is a self-fulfillng prophesy.

I don't know who is shaping my life now, my parents still, my voicelessness, my thoughts, spirit/soul, other people, the government?
Are all of the immature and deficient aspects of me shaping my life?

My life does not seem to take a shape that I can find comfort in. I want to be a self made person, sometimes I think I'm doing that.

Title: .
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 08:18:44 PM
I wonder if people who have voicelessness have a stronger sense of justice, moral obligation.

I often notice how easy it is for people to do things that seem wrong to me, I struggle with it in my head and I usually don't do the wrong.

Maybe a stronger sense of this because voiceless people have been wronged themselves.

Title: My flesh is made out of clay
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 08:21:10 PM
My flesh is made out of clay

I'm a lump, my internal furnace is dim, I'm heavy, my ass is too familiar with this chair.
Title: Stuck
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 08:28:15 PM
I feel stuck, god, get me unstuck

I get angry at myself for being depressed, mostly the physical symptoms of depression.
I feel anger at my lack of energy and motivation because I have a need to use my time purposefully.

Did I take my antidepressants?

What day of the week is this? I lose track, it's not important because I have nowhere to go and nobody to meet.

If I stop thinking about my depression will it go away. Is my depression 100% due to social isolation.
My sleep schedule is screwed up, it doesn't matter when I'm awake or asleep.

Do I just make some decisions.
I will feel better if I do something.
Title: What if I can't give love?
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 08:37:46 PM
What if I can't give love?

I know that I can believe in people, I have done that for a friend with great results. I know that I'm not emotionless. I know that I care a lot, maybe too much sometimes. I do feel another person's pain.

The thing is, that post that came up about "preciousness", I draw a blank, My mind does not have this in there.
I'm worried that I don't know how to be tender or to see preciousness.
I see how easy it is for some people to give love, they do things that I in a million years would never think to do or know to do.
I feel envious, like I'm not a complete person because I don't know how to do that.

I'm eatting dried cheerios out of my fist, looking out at the rain, telling myself that I'm getting fatter by the second.

I'm not really overweight, but I have gained weight for the first time in my life. It does not feel good on my body, I feeling like I've got blubber on my torso.

Title: If I was living the life I wanted what would it look like?
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 08:40:53 PM
If I was living the life I wanted what would it look like?
I don't know, something new.

I don't think an enlightened witness is going to come into my life, that sounds like waiting for the knight in shining armor.
I can't just wait. I've been waiting my whole life.

I've been waiting my whole life for my life to become real.

Title: .
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 08:48:23 PM
I just don't feel like trying. I want to go back to bed. Maybe my bed is like the baby monkey's surrogate mother.

I'm dissappointed.

I feel weak for having depression. I feel ashamed of having depression. I know that at this point it is socially ok to talk about depression, well at least sort of.

I'm angry at myself for not cleaning up.

I want to go hiking but I can't get up there, no car.

I'm telling myself to go for a walk in the rain, somepart of me says "NO it's cold and wet".

I'm so angry, so angry at myself. Because I don't feel the way I think I should feel.

Ok, here is my plan, I'm going to get a cup of coffee and walk in the rain. Yuck. I'm picturing that. Maybe the rain won't feel as bad as I'm imagining it will.
Title: .
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 09:15:56 PM
I wish someone would come over and hug me and pat my bed-hair down, and take me out for burritos.

Did you see the "Sex in the City Movie" where she is depressed and her friends actually care.

Why does that just happen in movies or other people's lives. It make me ask myself (in my gut I know it's wrong), yet I ask myself maybe I am that bad person, that story that was made up and put on me.

My hair is a mess, I just looked in the mirror, it looks like a beaver dam. Oh well, at least I can still laugh at myself.

I'm eatting some weird cheese directly out of a container with the 1 clean spoon in my kitchen.

I like this idea more then anything else I have put on here, it is the tenderness I would give to myself if I could. I would hug myself and then take me out of this place.

Some people have friends that do that, why don't I, I must be bad, and so goes the thinking.

I would do it for a friend. Why am I so valueless. I can talk myself into believing I am valuable or important in some way but deep down I think I don't believe it. I feel a little bit of cry in my chest for writing that. I'm so confused, do I avoid these feelings. Do I try to dig them out and cry so that I feel something. I've heard depression defined as DEPRESSING something, depression of emotions, pushing them down keeping them down. I don't get it. It's doesn't make sense to me. Oh someone help.  

If I start crying my neighbors will hear me, they allready are suspicious of me.

I want to ask for someone to help me, but there is no one, and there is nothing they can do. My depression is my own mystery.
I almost do want to be medicated like crazy, give me a "dump the garbage pill" and the "I'm better then you pill"
I also want the "I deserve it pill" and the "I can brush my hair pill" I can type, obviously I can brush my hair.
It's THAT I DON'T F*CKING CARE ABOUT MYSELF. That is what is happening. I have internalized that I should just dissapear of the face of the earth, and if I'm not on the face of the earth then what does it matter if my hair looks like feral dog. I'm laughing.
I see can see humor in self deprecation and sick and twisted stories. That says a lot.

I've been depressed for well over a year, Am I going to be depressed my whole life.

A moment of silence in the city has come and gone...here comes a car....

I feel like I need that kind of silence for a while, outside of the city, outside of the problems.

Just take me beyond me for a little while, so that when I come back to me I know that I have been somewhere good and peaceful.  
Title: Mindful depression
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 09:18:43 PM
I'm considering the idea of "Mindful depression"
I should just write an f'ing book I seem to love seeing myself write so much. I know I'm not a Nar. (But I do ask myself)
I'm just trying to find myself in between all my words.
Title: Golden Compass
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 09:24:44 PM
Did anyone see the Golden Compass Movie?

There was something in there that creatively demonstrated a feeling I have sometimes.
It was not a great movie, but it would be worth seeing just for this one thing.

The characters had these sort of spirit animals that would follow them everywhere. The spirit animals attacked other character's spirit animals. It reminded me of what if feels like to be around a Narcissist. Sometimes it feels so covert, it hurts but they don't even have to do anything to make it hurt, it's just their minds or something that can attack on a different level.

If you have ever had a hard time explaining what covert attack feels like then see this movie.
Title: This life
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 09:50:15 PM
Why do I have to endure this life. Why is my consciousness in this body, why this one, why not a better one.

Why was I chosen to suffer. I find zero meaning in the meaningfulness of life.

There is no meaning.

I have a headache, this is the plan, get Tylenol, get coffee, get walking, get food, make food, watch movie, go back to sleep.

God strike me down. Whatever that means just run me the fuck over.
Title: Depression
Post by: Meh on August 13, 2009, 09:51:39 PM
Fuck this post.
Title: Re: Everything that I never told anyone /My secret stories
Post by: Ami on August 13, 2009, 09:57:09 PM
Hi ((((Helen)))
Just want to say that I am here and I care. I hear the cry of your soul. My soul cried for so long and now I AM healing. There is hope for the lonliness, the emptiness, the "who am I?", the "will I ever feel whole?"
 I think I have hope. I struggle as you can see if you read my posts but I think life does have those things we want so badly-- beauty, hope and love.
         Love   Ami
Title: Re: Everything that I never told anyone /My secret stories
Post by: Ami on August 13, 2009, 09:59:25 PM
Going to sleep. Don't give up,((( Helen))))!  Sometimes that is all you can do. It is so much and it is enough!       Love   Ami
Title: Ami
Post by: Meh on August 14, 2009, 01:32:38 AM
Hi, Ami,

Thank you, that is very sweet of you.
I finally got out of the home today and got a cup of coffee, a bottle of Ibuprofen, walked around the neighborhood, grocery shopped, made a nice meal, took some vitamins. On my walk I saw little hummingbirds and listened to the noises they make. I looked at the waves in the lake. I see the beauty.

I believed in love, from my teens up through my 20's, now I'm in my 30's and I don't believe in it anymore, I'm not trying to be contrary here, it's just that the disillusion of thinking I know someone and finding out that the person is not what they seem.

There were times when I do think I cultivated some internal love but it was so hard, ,my body always wants to revert to what it knows best...the lack of love.

Without love, there is no hope. Well I still have beauty.

It would be one thing if it was a few bad things, I could handle that but it just seems like so many. Too many straws on the camels back. That's what it feels like. OVERWHELMED, that's the word.

I feel overwhelmed because I have a need for help, a need for not having to do it all alone.

Title: Reply to myself
Post by: Meh on August 14, 2009, 01:45:17 AM
I'm replying to myself again....

I'm realizing all of the things that I simply don't talk about because these things don't make sense to talk about. I guess it's embarrassing. I feel shame because it confirms that my life is pitiful and it is associated with the idea of being crazy.

I talk to myself outloud as if there is another person there, I know that I'm doing this. Usually I know that I'm doing it. I don't do it all of the time. I actually did it one time when my mother was at my place and I didn't realize I was doing it until she asked me who I was talking to.

I don't have voices in my head, I'm not schizophrenic. I told a therapist. The therapist didn't seemed to think it was a big deal.

Maybe it just means that I'm really lonely.

There, I wrote it, I talk out loud to people who don't exist. I guess I make small talk with myself.
Title: Re: TearTracks!!
Post by: Meh on August 14, 2009, 02:25:02 AM
YES, TearTracks, I HAVE thought about this! A lot... This question that you asked.

We are ruminating and worrying, We are NOT meditating. Meditating is very different then worry and rumination.
Actually, Phoenix Rising, explained that well.

In meditation one seeks to not get stuck on any one thought, to notice them but not hook onto the thought.

Reading backwards, it feels like I spent 7 years of involuntary meditation on the injustice of my own childhood abuse.  It seems that many of us here are caught in involuntary meditation and don't know how to move ourselves to what might be a more favorable & rewarding type of meditation.  


A concrete key to this phenomenon is explained in the book (WAKING THE TIGER) that I recommend earlier in this long line of posts  I've been putting out there, that is part of the reason why I recommended it but I have a hard time writing every thought I've ever had about this process.

((((JUST READ THIS BOOK)))) It's not just another vague book, it is different. This man who wrote this book is so humane.

Can I be concise: The author has a scientific approach and he combines "shamanistic" approaches also to take a person back to the original trauma experience in the mind. It is not new-age nonsense, it is just "out of the box" medicine.

His explanation for WHY WE RUMINATE SO MUCH. It has to do with the nervous system. Our nervous system gets stuck at one point in a natural cycle. It's part of the fight or flight response. We are animals too, mammals, homosapiens right? So we as humans go through this fight or flight response and if we can not fight or run away and be triumphant our body gets stuck in the process of this natural cycle.
It's a nervous system loop that needs to resolve it's self.

I think that is a big CLUE to the answer. I LOVED this book, it is so smart.

The other part that I think it is, my opinion at least, is that all of life is trying to move towards health in wholeness, like our immune systems are allways working by themselves, we don't have to do anything to make the immune system work, they just are happening behind the scenes like the theater crew building the set and the costumes and doing all the work but we just see the play-performance.

On some deep level I think the rethinking is our attempt to relive the trauma experience and figure out how could we do it differently, how could we triumph.

I personally don't ruminate about every thing, do you? Usually it's just certain things, the more stressful and UNRESOLVED it is the more we ruminate.

We are just attempting to be healthy, whole, stabilized, reach homeostasis.

The thing is it's on that deep level, our minds probably will never figure it out,
It's like the riddle that has no answer. (To our minds)
We have to be emotionally taken back to that place so we can relive it and then conquer the predator.

Or have similar experiences in the current time that are healthy.

Meditation is the antithesis to rumination.

I personally feel that I'm telling my story for a little different reason then ruminating, but it is still an attempt to become complete, and be in the world, and get healed, and be heard, and be known, and be seen, and not be invisible.

There are other aspects of rumination, I find that it can also be related to validation.

This is personally some of what my soul is feeling:
"Please believe me!... Please, it really did happen, I know they said it didn't happen, but it did!!!... I'm not invisible"... I'm real!!"
"My feelings are real"... Please... "Why don't you see that my feelings are real" ....."Does anyone see me"...
Am I here?, I think I'm here, but no one acts like I'm here, maybe I'm not, maybe I'm a ghost.... And then something shuts down
But I go over it and over it because I lacked validation. But also it was very stressful. It's stressful to be invalidated.
I think of it as a type of Psychic trauma/soul trauma.

We are broken records in our minds because the record player needs us to come and fix that spot so the song can finish. Then we can put that song away and play a better one. 

Title: Morrissey Song
Post by: Meh on August 14, 2009, 02:49:29 AM
Morrisey Song, I never looked at these lyrics before, gosh, isn't if funny the way a song I've heard many times finally comes strikes a chord with me

I am the son, I am the heir,
Of a shyness that is criminally vulgar,
I am the son and heir,
Of nothing in particular,

You shut your mouth
how can you say,
I go about things the wrong way,
I am human and I need to be loved,
just like everybody else does,

I am the son, and the heir,
Of a shyness that is criminally vulgar,
I am the son and heir,
Of nothing in particular,

There's a club if you'd like to go,
you could meet some body who really loves you,
so you go and you stand on your own,
and you leave on your own,
and you go home and you cry
and you want to die.

When you say its going to happen "now",
well when exactly do you mean?
see I've already waited too long,
and all my hope is gone,

You shut your mouth
How can you say
I go about things the wrong way
I am human and i need to be loved
Just like everybody else does
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 14, 2009, 04:57:40 AM
I'm replying to myself just like I talk to myself.

I might start talking to the fruit flys in my kitchen. Joe, Larry and Harry.

So, the reason for this post is that Gabben commented on the board about "loss of love" and maybe even coming to terms with it and accepting it. I thought that I had come to terms with this before I lost my job.

This got me back to thinking about one of my main issues. I write a lot about all sort of stuff, not all of it bothers me, some of it is just observations but I am very bothered by the loss of love.

It's like someone died and there was no funeral.

I got into picturing something in my mind's eye. If each one of us had a funeral to go along with our grief what would happen at the funeral?

I did not feel grief for years, depression and sadness yes but not grief.

Something happened to me in my 20's and I had a rush of grief come to me all at once.
For the first time I knew what people meant when they said the word grief, I always thought that I knew but I didn't until that point.
Title: Funeral
Post by: Meh on August 14, 2009, 05:14:38 AM
I better stop myself from writing, but I won't.

If I had a funeral for the parts of my life that are dead.

I would bury memories that were never made.
I would mourn time itself.
I see a movie reel playing.
I can see little bits and pieces, it's me running around as a little kid through the water of a sprinkler.
I'm laughing and I'm happy.

I do have a type of happiness but it is a happiness that is alone and without warmth or connection.
Deep breath here.
That connects something for me.

Title: A description
Post by: Meh on August 14, 2009, 05:34:15 AM
I get this feeling, it is related to embarrassment.

Are embarrassment and shame the same thing? I've always been very embarrassed but I never use the word shame.

I can feel something retracting, recoiling, maybe it's fear, It's like my heart just collapses upon itself. I'm surprised I haven't had a heart attack. I'm surprised that the organ of my heart keeps beating. Why? I think hearts are dumb that's why.
I feel like a fish swimming around and around in a shrinking pond. Why doesn't anyone love me.

Maybe I'm afraid of myself, maybe I'm afraid of my truth and my own story. That sounds right, I am.
I'm afraid of my imperfectness. I'm afraid of the story that is a sad story. I'm afraid.
I'm afraid of the part of me that hates myself. I'm so confused.

It happens when I think of the embarrassment of not being loved or being rejected or of being seen as I am. Seeing my flaws.
Of reaching out, wanting connection. I'm afraid of really being known. I'm afraid of someone seeing and knowing my truth.
Because my truth contains so much depression and sadness and lack, loss, dissapointment. Why would anyone want to see my truth.

Lets see, so I am someone who wants to be corporeal but I am afraid of being seen because that would mean my flaws would be obvious and I'm afraid that my flaws are rejectable. My flaws are not the same as other peoples flaws. My flaws hurt and they can't be fixed. OK that last line makes me want to cry.

I'm like a ghost who wants to be in the human world. I'm also afraid of the world.

Maybe depression is the only place for me that is safe.
Maybe I should start calling depression home and stop struggling.
Maybe I should sweep off the floor of my depression-sea and make it homey.
I could do something constructive with my depression, no I don't think so.

What if I really am unlovable, then without love there is no hope. And it will be a hopeless life.

A Hopeless life.
Title: Depressing something down
Post by: Meh on August 14, 2009, 06:05:03 AM
If Depression is depressing down feelings. Then how come when I cry I don't feel better afterwards.

I just cried, watched another Peter Gabriel music video.

You know how when you cry and the snot in your nose turns to a liquefied something, like if you cry a lot the snot is almost just like water. Well anyways. Then afterwards it feels like my nose is packed with cotton. I might as well not even have any nostrils after I've been crying.

I guess if I'm depressed I'm allowed to cry.

Maybe I do just need to cry a lot, a lot. ?

I remember a time when I had room-mates I would cry in the shower that way no one would hear me, It would just come out.

Some part of me just wants to go out on the street and cry like one of those old widows in photographs who's whole family has just died in an earthquake. You know like a totally inconsolable crazy woman.

I want to cry and I want to say "f*ck you" to any person who does not want me to cry.
And if someone does not want me to cry out in the open I will cry harder. Because they are my tears and I own them and they are real.

"My tears are real"
That line is really making me cry more then anything!
Maybe I can come back later and meditate on this.

I can't cry gracefully, I cry as gracefully as a snorting pig.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Gabben on August 14, 2009, 09:16:27 AM

Thank you for sharing yourself so openly.

After reading the last two pages of your thread a song came to mind by Barbara Streisand:

Where is It Written?
God, our merciful father,
I’m wrapped in a robe of light
Clothed in your glory
That spreads it’s wings over my soul.
May I be worthy.

There’s not a morning I begin without
A thousand questions running through my mind,
That I don’t try to find the reason
And the logic in the world that God designed.
The reason why
A bird was given wings,
If not to fly
And praise the sky
With ev’ry song it sings.
What’s right or wrong.
Where I belong
Within the scheme of things.

And why have eyes that see and arms that reach
Unless you’re meant to know there’s something more?
If not to hunger for the meaning of it all.
Then tell me what a soul is for?
Why have the wings unless you’re meant to fly?
And tell me please, why have a mind
If not to questino why?

And tell me where-
Where is it written what it is I’m meant to be,
That I can’t dare
To have the chance to pick the fruit of ev’ry tree,
Or have my share
Of ev’ry sweet-imagined possibility?
Just tell me where, tell me where?

If I were only meant to tend the nest,
Then why does my imagination sail
Across the mountains and the seas,
Beyond the make-believe of ev’ry fairy tale?

Why have the thirst if not to drink the wine?
And what a waste
To have a taste
Of things that can’t be mine?

And tell me where-
Where is it written what it is I’m meant to be,
That I can’t dare-
To find the meanings in the mornings that I see,
Or have my share-
Of ev’ry sweet-imagined possibility?
Just tell me where-
Where is it written?
Tell me where-
Or if it’s written anywhere? 
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 14, 2009, 09:25:21 AM
Dear Helen
 I think I have written those same words, asked those same questions, hoped, lost hope, wanted, gave up wanting.
 I think the answer is what we  did not get from our walking dead M's---love and intimacy.
 Even the traditional M.D's say that love is more important to the heart than exercise, vitamins etc.
 How to get it when it seems hopeless?
 That is the hard question.
 Most people cannot give it. That is for sure.
 If you miss it as a child it does feel like you missed the bus.
 I missed the bus and I could look normal but never be normal b/c I had a huge hole in my soul. So, I was resigned to be the walking wounded. I was gonna stay like that until I died .
 Connection and love happened for me as I have said but it was purely a gift. It literally fell down from the sky due to no great qualities in me.
 However, I reached out to God a long time ago. I heard a voice(impression ) over 20 years ago when I was in despair about ever getting over my M.
 A voice (impression in my gut) said,"I will restore what the locusts have eaten". The locusts had eaten everything b/c my M, F and H were virtually locusts .
 I thought *I* was the bad one so I could not get out of the paradigm.
 I think the way out is spiritual.
 Last night I talked to my Aunt. She is very "normal". She has 3 wonderful kids--super successful, sweet, humble. They are all close like a warm family. She was a loving M and she reaped what she sowed. I used to go to her house when I was young and  want to stay there forever b/c she was warm and loving. I had her sister, the witch to go home to.
 Anyway,she was "surprised" that my friend would "put up with me(sobbing etc)
 She backtracked when I asked her about it but I thought that she had a point coming from a "normal" persepctive. Who WOULD want to be bothered with me?
 It HAS to be Divine. That person has to have a divinely inspired heart  for you
 The Bible says that "Every good gift  comes from God above"
 That is how you find your Enlightened Witness. Don't give up before.
        XXOOO  Ami

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Gabben on August 14, 2009, 09:36:02 AM
I think the way out is spiritual.

Ami and Helen:

 A couple of years ago I wrote a poem I call Rescue...

In the womb rescue was found in the darkness.

In infanthood rescue was found in feeding.

In childhood rescue was found in innocence.

In adolescence rescue was found in fleeing.

In young adulthood rescue was found in wounding.

In womanhood rescue was found in seeking.

In seeking rescue was found in truth.

In truth rescue was found in suffering.

In suffering rescue was found in God.

In God love was rescued.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 14, 2009, 09:44:51 AM

 I wanted to add something. Last night, I realized from my interaction with my Aunt that most people will NOT (or cannot)reach a hand out to help.If they are 'normal", they were already parented and so do not understand the depths of pain and disconnection a person with an NM had. They will say s/thing like" Get over it. It was in the past. Snap out of it. et dressed up, put on make up and get out, Go help s/one else"
 You feel really shamed when that happens.
  The other category is people who were hurt like we were BUT want to stay n denial. They will get really angry if you "whine" or complain b/c they are hiding and defending THEIR same feelings. So, they will push you away more than the "normal" person.
 My Aunt and Ray fall under the first category. I fall in to a shame spiral often when I talk to them but it is good b/c I see my shame. However, IF I had no place to process it like here or with my friend, then I would be hopeless and re-shamed the same as my M did.
 Does this make sense?         Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 14, 2009, 09:50:35 AM
I think the way out is spiritual.

Ami and Helen:

 A couple of years ago I wrote a poem I call Rescue...

In the womb rescue was found in the darkness.

In infanthood rescue was found in feeding.

In childhood rescue was found in innocence.

In adolescence rescue was found in fleeing.

In young adulthood rescue was found in wounding.

In womanhood rescue was found in seeking.

In seeking rescue was found in truth.

In truth rescue was found in suffering.

In suffering rescue was found in God.

In God love was rescued.

What a beautiful poem, Lise. So much heart was needed to create it!                   Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Hopalong on August 14, 2009, 03:19:45 PM
Dear Helen,
I'm glad you're spilling over.

Have you ever read When Things Fall Apart, by Pema Chodron?

You can ignore the Buddhist teachings she's trained in, if you don't like nonChristian stuff.

But if you read how she sees how we work, inside...it really might be helpful to you.

I found it a staggering book.

And have a sense it could reach you from a new direction.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 14, 2009, 04:56:47 PM
AH... that's better: I found your thread again! I find myself WANTING to read you, dear... to hear you and your thoughts & stories - your feelings. All of it. However you want to say it. I myself swear like a pirate.

I will be on the road the next 5 days; I will have internet most places I stay - if I don't respond quickly, that is why. And each days' drive will be at least 5 hours. We are here - and one of us will respond - you are NOT alone, OK? And we understand more than maybe we let on...

The characters had these sort of spirit animals that would follow them everywhere. The spirit animals attacked other character's spirit animals. It reminded me of what if feels like to be around a Narcissist. Sometimes it feels so covert, it hurts but they don't even have to do anything to make it hurt, it's just their minds or something that can attack on a different level.

If you have ever had a hard time explaining what covert attack feels like then see this movie.

I've only seen a bit of this movie - and it happened to be one of these scenes. I agree with you on how it represents that feeling of a covert attack. Something so invisible - and unbelieveable - that it's easier to think that oneself is the "crazy" one than that such a thing can be true. There are a couple other movies that hit me deeply... awakening feelings that I thought I'd left behind... maybe you've seen them?

Gran Torino (awoke a need/wish that I'd not really made conscious)
Pan's Labryinth (which I haven't yet been able to watch again; that strong for me)
The House of Flying Daggers (chinese with subtitles; martial arts; love story and beautifully shot; hypnotic... but there is something very, very haunting and significant for me)

and I was a fan of Tolkein back in the 70's - that series of movies also has some interesting themes and was faithful to the books; I'd read the trilogy 12 times and can practically quote dialogue.

Grimm's Fairy Tales - another source of inspiration for untangling these kinds of "knots" and bringing clarity and balance.

Another post of yours, reminded me of a book you might find interesting/helpful: Tibetan Medicine - author is Christopher Hansard. It lives on my desk with a select collection on tai chi/pushhands and recovering from abuse titles. It includes how-to exercises for specific healings... including psychological and emotional wounds.

Be at peace. You know that you are surrounded by beauty even in the tiniest things... that perfection exists everywhere in the imperfections of existential life. We need only open our eyes, minds and hearts to see it. And when that attention is turned toward yourself - you will also see it. Gradually, perhaps, but guaranteed.
Title: Re: Hops
Post by: Meh on August 14, 2009, 05:05:31 PM
Hi, Hops, YES, I have had Pema's book on my shelf for a few years without reading it. I took it traveling with me and didn't open it up. I set it next to my bed and haven't gotten into it but obviously I've intended to. Maybe I will now.

Pema freaked out when her husband left her and then she decided to become a nun! I know that much.
I use to think of that option when I was younger, become a nun. Just so I could get out of the "real world".Actually I had that book with me when I was having surgery, in the waiting room I just read a paragraph over and over again I couldn't concentrate so that one paragraph that was surreal, it was a description of hell, something about flesh burning then I went on to have cauterization done. Sorry that's gross. But I did have that book with me.
I'm so sick and twisted and sarcastic about life scenarios.
"My flesh is burning, maybe I really am in hell, maybe this is what they meant in the bible"
Title: Pheonix Rising/ Amber
Post by: Meh on August 14, 2009, 05:47:07 PM
Phoenix Rising,

Thank you for book suggestions, I will check em out.
Tell me more about push hands......

I have not seen Gran Torino yet. I did try to see Pan's Labyrinth, I fast-forwarded through most of it, I could not tolerate it.
I just wanted to see the special effects. I had no idea that it would have that degree of violence.
It scares me that our society likes that stuff. I'm sorry, I don't mean to put your comment down, but I categorize Pan's Labyrinth under Garbage.
Pans's Labyrinth makes Freddy Kruger look like a care bear.
The horror movies I saw when I was younger were almost silly.
Pan's Labyrinth was too realistic in some scenes. I personally don't recommend it to people.
My face is grimicing at my computer screen.
I'm trying to picture how people's mind process something like Pan's Labyrinth, where in their minds do they store that memory? What will they do with that memory? How will it impact their every day decisions?
Nah, I won't watch it again. I don't torture myself that way.
When I think about people seeing the movie Pan's Labyrinth I think about the lack of compassion in the world.

Along the lines of disturbing: Not that I want to talk about every disturbing thing in the world BUT...
In the start of our war, there were a couple of soldiers who were pulled out of their jeep and burned alive and then pieces of their charred bodies were thrown around. I thought about this more then once and I did come to some-conclusions about human behavior. My mind really had to work this out. The reason why my mind had such a problem with it is because, there were photographs of it, on the street there was a mob of males, men and boys and they were grinning, they didn't even look like demented evil villain smiles they were smiles of joy, those boys could have been opening presents on Christmas day. This my mind got confused with and a little freaked out. I have since, made sense of it I think, and don't think about it anymore.
Does love exist, if so what is it, can it really keep us safe? I got into some deep personal thinking about that, it was a long time ago.

The Tibetan books I WILL read!!!  :)

Title: Ami
Post by: Meh on August 14, 2009, 05:55:11 PM
Hi, Ami,

Thank you much for your last comment, your comments do ring true for me, when I see the way you explain things or rephrase the experience of not having love it helps my mind see it from another angle.

I'm still digesting all that you have written to me. I really have to pay attention to the things you wrote and feel them reverberating around inside me for a while...... I'm still processing....
Title: Squirming
Post by: Meh on August 14, 2009, 06:04:41 PM

Around some people: Some invisible part of me is squirming inside. Kids squirm to get away, wiggle out of the grasp of something they do not want to be grasped by.

As an adult I can just feel INTERNAL SQUIRMMING, But it is not always obvious why.

I'm not a new age person but I am open minded.
I think there is an aura/qi/ki/energy thing that happens between people. I really do believe this is part of what happens.
We get attacked by another person's energy.

So I think Narcissists do something to our energy, the observable energy and the not so observable energy.
A "bad" person's energy can make me feel like I'm in a prison.

I will pick that thought up later...

Title: More Taboo
Post by: Meh on August 14, 2009, 06:49:28 PM
More Taboo: Suicide

This is more of my stuff here.

Focus, Focus, Focus. My mind is 1,000 words ahead of my typing fingers. I have so much to write about.

I have to put out a disclaimer before I write this:

I'm not going to kill myself, I don't plan to kill myself, I'm not suicidal.

There is a phrase that comes out of me, it is a deep feeling that comes out rarely and it's coming from the bottom of the well.

" I don't want to do this anymore".

This living thing, this life that is what I don't want to do anymore. At least a part of me does not want to do it anymore.

Any person reading this, don't worry, I feel pretty stable, I've never tried to commit suicide, I'm not suicidal.
Yet, I do want to write about it. There is some part of me that has given up and decided to die. My body is here on earth I think but there are parts of me that did commit suicide parts of my psyche, just rolled over and gave up.

I will come back to this thought. There is too much for my mind to process right now

My mind is like a hurricane with all of this debris swirling around. Hey look there is a lazy boy chair flying by, and hey there is fido flying over the telephone pole. Swirling ideas.

Food time... must put that food there into my stomach here... open mouth.. get that nourishment in there.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Hopalong on August 14, 2009, 07:28:34 PM
Ah, Helen. Could it be that:

You don't want to do this any more this way...


Good on you.

It may feel random but it looks creative and purgative and in a fine, self-respectful way.

You are just no-b.s.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 14, 2009, 08:28:22 PM
Yes, Hops, Yes.
Title: Dancing Naked Zydeco
Post by: Meh on August 14, 2009, 08:35:39 PM
I have my moments...even in my depression.

I was dancing to cajun-zydeco music in the shower. What is my body doing?

I'm a saxophone dance.
The ostrich dance.
The sea turtle dance.
The smashed spider dance.
The elephant ears dance.
The I'm a man dance.  (I most definitely am not a man but you know how they dance.)
I'm an igloo dance.

And the music gos: "Aloogaloo".

While I'm dancing, I apologize to someone outloud. I apologize for dancing. I know there is nobody there and I'm talking to myself but the apology is compulsive.

More later. I'm going to go visit my trees in the park.

I'm smiling,  I love my rare moments of being goofy.

If you dance in the shower, remember it's slippery.
Title: Re: Dancing Naked Zydeco
Post by: Gabben on August 14, 2009, 10:48:39 PM
I have my moments...even in my depression.

I was dancing to cajun-zydeco music in the shower. What is my body doing?

I'm a saxophone dance.
The ostrich dance.
The sea turtle dance.
The smashed spider dance.
The elephant ears dance.
The I'm a man dance.  (I most definitely am not a man but you know how they dance.)
I'm an igloo dance.

And the music gos: "Aloogaloo".

While I'm dancing, I apologize to someone outloud. I apologize for dancing. I know there is nobody there and I'm talking to myself but the apology is compulsive.

More later. I'm going to go visit my trees in the park.

I'm smiling,  I love my rare moments of being goofy.

If you dance in the shower, remember it's slippery.

What a precious soul you are. Thanks for giving me a glimpse into your world of life..... :D
Title: Witness to a mugging
Post by: Meh on August 14, 2009, 11:42:03 PM
Witness to a mugging.

Too many things in my head.
I'm writing to myself again.

I meant to write about being a witness to a mugging. I live in the city. I don't really feel like writing this because I don't think I can put it down right.

An old man with a cane was mugged by two other younger men, I was the closest person nearby, the old man never made eye contact with me. One of the muggers did make eye contact with me. I did not intervene. I observed myself doing nothing.
I felt guilty that I did not do anything. I felt like I needed to just protect myself. A woman yelled from across the street that she was calling the police, the muggers did not stop at the news of this. The muggers no doubt have been in and out of jail and are not afraid of police and know that by the time the police arrive it's too late.

I have made peace with this I think, about witnessing it and not doing anything, well not really, it sort of bothers me but I know that I can't expect myself to turn into superwoman.

The mugger looked at my face and directly into my eyes. He was looking for something, he was looking for the enlightened witness, he was looking for courage, he was looking to see if I was going to do anything to stop him.

I was there, I did not "leave my body" but I went blank.

I know that every person has realistic limits on their own strength and courage, I found out one of my limits that day.

I felt bad and angry at the situation. Angry that sometimes it really is unsafe just to walk down the side walk in broad daylight.  
Angry by how the world is shaped by bad events and it has power over us.

In my head I related this to how my mother would blank out on me and go "emotionally comatose", well this time I blanked out.

Time has gone by, this was not a recent event, I see that I am not the same as my mom. My mother was never in real danger when she blanked out, she was in danger of her own emotions probably.

The other part of this I got while I was walking through the tree-park was, how do I say this?

Ok, so If I don't do my own processing and then I come to a real life event that evokes pain or fear then all of the things I have not processed up to that point threaten to surface. That a real life event can be even more threatening because of it's power to bring forth our own unprocessed stuff.

If I'm already carring around a lot of fear and then I come upon a fear inducing situation it is fear + fear = too much.
Title: New Trees
Post by: Meh on August 14, 2009, 11:56:10 PM
More of my "stuff"

Today I found 4 trees that I have never noticed before, I have walked near that area many times but never went over to these trees. It was only 4 trees together, but man were they BIG. The ancient big ones. So I put my hands on their bark and I looked straight up their trunks and checked out the strange perspective of their branches. A little bird landed on one and started chirping. I love those trees. They are almost in this forgotten area, but the area is out in the open, they just are camouflaged well within the greater landscape so they don't stand out until right up next to them.

It's amazing the things that are right around me that I don't notice.

My body and especially my spine feels more solid today. I guess I WAS spineless.

So that is where the word spineless comes from....I get it.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 15, 2009, 12:24:29 AM
Out of the corner of my eye I have caught glimpses of my jury duty summons about six times, each time I see it I think "What is that?... Oh yeah." Something is threatening to take me back out into the "real world" again. My dirty-home, sleep-too- much- and cry world now feels more real then the "real world".

I have had to pretend that I was not depressed at work. I could not sit in a meeting and blurt out "I'm depressed".
The depression never effected my work, just me. For a while I wore make up and then stopped because it started to feel like a mask. Phony corporate world. I realized I didn't respect most of the people there so who was I trying to impress?

Of course I do have to be civilized, I just wish my life could find a course into a path where I can be me.
Title: http://www.prayersoftruth.com/Site/Welcome.html
Post by: Meh on August 15, 2009, 02:22:58 AM

This Link is to the Angry Prayer Project, I thought interesting concept.
Title: Some of the by products of Nar-Abuse
Post by: Meh on August 15, 2009, 02:40:36 AM
I should not go this far..but I will anyways.

Digestive problems are linked with stress. During the stressful points of my job with the Nar-coworker. I started having some digestive problems. I started farting a lot.

Then there is the damage done to my teeth from clenching. Permanent damage.

I also started having skin problems.

Memory problems, the more stressed I am the harder it is for me to think straight and remember things.

I can't 100% contribute these problems to the nar-coworker situation, but I have no doubt that some of this is from being around that person. God! They make us fart, they make us hate ourselves and then we lose are dignity

It is said that most illnesses are caused by stress.

I think the nar-people really do want us to be be dead.

Title: The boogey man is gonna get you!
Post by: Meh on August 15, 2009, 03:04:04 AM
The boogey man is gonna get you!

I'm a fear based person, not in every choice or decision or action but in my mind. I think it has been getting worse.
Ok, I think some of this IS just my innate temperament apart from Narcissists. I also think Nar-exposure has contributed to this.

I can be somewhere at night with a friend or in a park and I am always the most afraid. Some other people behave like they have never seen a bad thing in their whole life. I act like I'm not afraid, I act strong but I am afraid of "bad people".

I'm noticing how the more I write my truth and cry I feel a weakness leaving my body. I still feel back pain and weariness but there is a shift. I don't know maybe the weakness leaving my body is when I remember to take an antidepressant. I've got to pay more attention.

I walked through the park today and I thought about weapons, I thought about how I really should have some super-duper
stun-guns and ninja stars with me. You know those barbarian clubs with spikes on them, I've fantasized about owning one.

I guess I'm afraid of my own shadow.

It makes sense that if one was never protected as a child then there would be a learned feeling of being unsafe.
Feeling unsafe in the world.
Title: On walk
Post by: Meh on August 15, 2009, 03:09:23 AM
When I was walking home today I spontaneously starting thinking about "holding the baby-me".
I think all this stuff on the board is starting to sink in a bit.
Title: Re: How My mother used other people against me
Post by: Meh on August 15, 2009, 03:26:55 AM
to change the subject for just a moment....

If my mother saw what I was writing about her, I think she would laugh. Then she would get mean and then punishing. Then she would throw a tantrum. She would look like a little kid when she did the tantrum.

This I can relate...and much more you wrote but this paints a good picture, when you say laugh you mean that evil sarcastic laugh, correct?

Helen, I throw tantrums...Or feel them in me,but the difference between me and the N mom throwing a tantrum is that they then deny that they threw one. They also do much more damage.

Yeah, it would be a sarcastic laugh, my mother does not outwardly seem evil like somepeople are blatant about it. It's more of a passive thing but she is sarcastic. I know that some kids really have mean, mean, parents. Mine are messed up and unkind but not extremely evil-villan like.
Her sarcastic laughs have this feeling-tone of being intentional, like every thing she is doing is on purpose. My Nar-coworker was an evil-villan type but with that coworker it was a lot of ridicule.

It strikes me how my mother has her own reality in her mind and it is different then what she outwardly expresses. I think she is still punishing me for a minor thing that happened years ago.  Maybe she is punishing me for what happened to her as a kid, eh, who knows.  

Yes, my mother denies a lot including the tantrums. Sometimes she directly denies stuff and sometimes it is just a matter of never talking about it or somehow it gets omitted. It's hard to explain.

Hey, Gabben!   What does it feel like to have a tantrum inside of you? What causes you to have a tantrum?

I think I only have play-tantrums. I only do them when I'm being silly with myself.

My personal immaturity is probably intimacy, I want to run sometimes, I have litterally turned my back and walked away on people- this was an uncontrollable action, there was so much fear, the thought that someone might like me sometimes is horrifying. It messes with my mind, they can't possibly love me because my deep beliefs say otherwise. And oh god I'm in such a state of embarrassment.

Unfortunately when it has happened, I bet the person didn't really understand why I did it, I think they have an idea though, people who are around me do eventually think there is something bad that has gone-on in my life. I do behave rudely in this instance. I'm not perfect either!
I think there is the chance that too many emotions will come rushing to the surface and I will be undone.

I sometimes give people the impression that I don't like them, but it's not true.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 15, 2009, 04:31:29 AM
I don't really want to write this out here. I hate it. But I'm going to put it. It feels wrong to write this.

My brother told me that he was molested.
The person who did it was not an immediate family member and is now dead.  

I didn't know how to respond to him, he told me years ago. I think I feel some guilt for not helping him.
I couldn't process my feelings at the time.

I have a lot of sadness around him. It's confusing.
I don't really like my brother very much he is not a very nice person but I feel angry that someone could do that to him.
I feel horrified. He is a lot older then me, I could not have protected him. I feel like I should have protected him even though that is impossible. This last line I just wrote made me cry a little. I know I have deep feelings of anger about this, I can't let them all out.
It's not clear to me what all of the emotions are attached to. Who am I angry at? I think I'm angry at me, but that is illogical because I was a baby when that happened to him.  

I wonder if I feel personally guilty for every bad thing that happens.

You know how you look up to your big brother when you are a little kid. I remember that. I remember how much I loved him.
I'm totally crying now.
Maybe I lost my brother to his drug addiction.
I don't know but it really brings up some strong emotions.

I felt so bad when I saw my brother being self destructive.

I think I'm broken hearted about that. And I feel bad. I wish I could be closer to him, we are both so messed up.
When I get my life going, I barely keep it together and I can't have him in my life, he is not a nice person.
I'm totally crying. I guess kids really bond with their siblings.
I feel so bad for my brother
I know I'm not going any where with this post at this point.. I'm just crying.
I didn't think I was going to cry tonight.
A deep part of me wants to fix my brother.
I know that would lead to codependency if I tried to fix him.

I never really talked to my brother very much about what happened to him or anyone else in my family, there is some voicelessness in that.

I hate these feelings.

I want to start at the beginning and rewrite my story and my brother's story and make them better stories. I want to erase it all.

I was powerless against my brother's drug addiction.
There were times when I had no idea what he was going through. I hate that. I that I didn't know
At the same time I would not have wanted to know at that time in my life. It's so dark
It's such a very very dark place for him, and it scares me.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 15, 2009, 04:46:45 AM
I just looked in the mirror, my eyes are red from crying but besides that I looked nice today, I combed my hair out and it's sort of in place, I put some jewelry on and a nice top. I put some old french perfume on, I truly believe good perfume is one of life's little luxuries.

Now I have those little after-tremors from crying. I'm shaking a little bit.

I'm ok. I will be fine. Just writing it all out.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 15, 2009, 04:59:58 AM
I had a job interview, if they had chosen me they would have called by now.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 15, 2009, 06:59:42 AM
tai chi... and push hands... really helped me feel safer in my own skin. Even when someone was throwing around too much energy; too much testosterone...

I think because of practicing proprieception - the awareness of being in one's own body; being able to observe and "edit" exactly the
"automatic" way my body moves... you can feel when you're in the right stance; like something settling in - and it's comfortable; it's possible to stay that way lots longer than you'd have expected. That was safer for me... knowing the boundaries of my body... where "I" stopped and where the world outside began...

It was something I only noticed after I was already doing it for a while. It's the regular practice that matters, I think.

Try the chi gong - standing tree meditation... with the permeating energy as a warm up. Just stand... in the tai chi stance, arms down, shoulders dropped... sense the 4 points of balance in your feet and the connection of your feet to the earth - find the still place between all 4 points. You're going to sway just like everyone does... but it's like a bohdi doll - a big fat roly-poly buddha with a round bottom...  eventually it becomes still. Eyes can be open or closed; closed is a little more difficult - but it feels better, for me.

Then, you slowly raise your arms in front of you in a wide circle - like grasping the trunk of a tree - and continue standing that way. Of course, you stop when you can't hold your arms up anymore... but just like learning to sit, eventually you can extend the time.

As far as not wanting to live this way anymore... Hurrah! Now, what do you need to not live this way? What else do you want?
Title: Re"PhoenixRising"
Post by: Meh on August 15, 2009, 07:37:30 AM
Hi Phoenix,

You are inspiring me, I haven't been over to my Tai Chi place for a while, it's a good distance. We did a tai-chi walk through the woods and I was bored, I told that to my instructor and she said it was a good observation. (Ha Ha). I can walk through that exact same woods by myself and not be bored. I was always fascinated with Tai Chi even when I was a kid. It seemed mysterious.

In Aikido sometimes the instructor would come over and adjust slightly my arm position, afterwards the other students could push on me and push but I didn't budge. It didn't feel like much to me but the student pushing on me noticed a difference. That stuff makes me feel really dumb because the adjustments that the teacher did to my posture are unknown to me, I did not understand it.
I did not feel different after the adjustment, my body did not feel more relaxed in the correct position.

When you stand in standing-tree-meditation and you say that you sway, do you mean like the circular kundalini? Does Tai Chi define that "swaying". No, you don't mean that. You just mean finding the balance point, like rocking front to back and then ending up in the center.

Thanks, I haven't done that one I don't think.

One of my Aikido instructors said to me that it takes me a while to "get" stuff but when I do I "really get it".
I think I did something impressive after a pretty pathetic start.

Are you naturally athletic and easy in your body?

Title: Re: The boogey man is gonna get you!
Post by: Ami on August 15, 2009, 08:05:46 AM
The boogey man is gonna get you!

I'm a fear based person, not in every choice or decision or action but in my mind. I think it has been getting worse.
Ok, I think some of this IS just my innate temperament apart from Narcissists. I also think Nar-exposure has contributed to this.

I can be somewhere at night with a friend or in a park and I am always the most afraid. Some other people behave like they have never seen a bad thing in their whole life. I act like I'm not afraid, I act strong but I am afraid of "bad people".

I'm noticing how the more I write my truth and cry I feel a weakness leaving my body. I still feel back pain and weariness but there is a shift. I don't know maybe the weakness leaving my body is when I remember to take an antidepressant. I've got to pay more attention.

I walked through the park today and I thought about weapons, I thought about how I really should have some super-duper
stun-guns and ninja stars with me. You know those barbarian clubs with spikes on them, I've fantasized about owning one.

I guess I'm afraid of my own shadow.

It makes sense that if one was never protected as a child then there would be a learned feeling of being unsafe.
Feeling unsafe in the world.

Just saw this this morning, Helen. I am so glad you wrote it. I was SO afraid last night.  First,I was driving in the car to a restaurant. I felt like the car was gonna crash at any minute. Then, we get to the restaurant and the group of people were there. That part was good. They were talking about Mothers, my favorite subject. It was a really nice talk. I had a beer and I was saying things I would not have said without it .
I felt strange not knowing HOW much to share . I am working on feeling comfortable with my own identity.That is my MAIN problem and so I am trying to find a place of comfort within myself and also being  part of a group.
 Anyway, they were going to s/one's house after and I was really tired and did not want to go but I felt pressured and then felt badly that I could not assert myself.
 Anyway, I felt discouraged  about a 3D group and  being able to be myself(Whoever that is--lol).              Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 15, 2009, 08:08:37 AM
Dear ((((Helen)))))
 I have so many things I want to say to you but will come back later.                     Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 15, 2009, 08:20:57 AM
Ami, This 3D Group, You are talking about a therapy group? And you did go to the house and everything was fine right?

I can think of maybe only 2 people that I feel like myself around. Maybe it's not all that unusual.
What do you want to share with people? It sounds like you are learning about intimacy pacing. Maybe it is ok if we have an inner identity and an outer identity. Sometimes it's better not to be honest with just every joe-shmoe.

So what was the group like for you? It doesn't sound as if you enjoyed it very much.

Title: The Love Guru
Post by: Meh on August 15, 2009, 08:25:20 AM
The Love Guru Movie:

About the physical body:
There is a scene in this movie of a hockey player who broke up with his girlfriend, he keeps on losing hockey games because he is distraught from the breakup. The love guru tells the hockey player that his girlfriend loves him and wants to be with him, all of a sudden he is making lots of goals, then the love guru says no I was lying she does not want to be with you and then the hockey player starts losing again.

I notice my body feel physically weak around certain people. It's like the emotional crap doesn't just mess up my mind it also messes up my body. I think.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 15, 2009, 08:34:26 AM
Thanks for asking (((Helen)))). The 3D group is my "Board" in real life. There are about 15-20 people (males and females) who meet for drinks on Wed and drinks and dinner on Friday and sometimes s/one's house afterwards.
 I just started going a few months ago.
  Last night I felt shaky and emotional. I KNOW what is was. Polymath's post helped me see it. I felt hopeless that my M was the worst and that I would NEVER be  "normal" i.e. sane person b/c I had her.
 The women(4 of them) were talking about M's. Theirs may have been critical, perfectionistic etc but mine was nuclear! I told one story and then felt embarrassed like I was unique, weird, alone.
 I'll tell you the story later. I am going to the Messianic Synagogue this morning so have to get ready.
  Anyway,then I went to the house  b/c of peer pressure but I was so tired I felt I could barely move. There is also subtle( and not so) pressure for me to drink more. I am careful about drinking b/c most of these people drink too much. *I* do not want to become an alcoholic at the end of my glorious life-lol.
 So,I have 2 beers, tops. There is always that subtle pressure to drink.So, one girl was making really strong martini's and I felt the pressure to have one b/c they have been talking about her strong martini's for months and how I HAD to try one.
 I said I didn't want one and then left after 20 minutes.
 I  felt badly about myself ,in general, even though it was really all nothing. Just growing pains. That was it ,it is growing pains in a 3D group, as I had growing pains here. It is OK. Thanks for making me talk about it, Helen. I feel better!          Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 15, 2009, 08:40:56 AM
Ami, Am I hallucinating, I sent that response to your post about your 3-D group and you had already responded to it. Maybe I'm having insomnia confusion.
Title: Ami
Post by: Meh on August 15, 2009, 08:44:03 AM

Ok, I'm glad you figured that out for yourself Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 15, 2009, 08:46:01 AM
 I responded on two threads about the same thing--not hallucinating!            Ami
Title: My Father Would Blame Me
Post by: Meh on August 15, 2009, 07:40:43 PM
I have this memory of going to a company picnic with my father and a woman. At the picnic my father grabbed me, picked me up and dunked me in this stream, he pushed me underwater and roughed me up a bit. In his mind he was demonstrating to his coworkers at the picnic that he played with his kids. I had no idea what was going on, all I knew is things were happening too fast for me. He lifted me out of the water and I was already crying, the very loud wailing-fearful crying. The cry was instantaneous and uncontrollable.

My father had never done anything like this to me before, he never played with me EVER, he didn't roughhouse with me.
Since my father didn't pay very much attention to my development as a kid he also didn't know that I was terrified of water.
I had been afraid of water for at least 2-3 years. I had assumed that he did know how I felt.

My father was embarrassed, he did not acknowledge my fear. He was embarrassed because he looked bad in front of his coworkers at the picnic. My father blamed me for embarrassing him. I felt so hurt and ashamed of myself. The woman who was with us was very kind to me, she wrapped me in a towel and physically cuddled me. That is something my mother never would have done. The woman who was cuddling me told my father that I was just frightened. We ended up driving right back home before we had spent any time at the picnic.

My father acted like the whole problem was that I started crying, and that I should not have cryed.
I remember being so confused by this event and then I felt punished for what happened.
It also strikes me how the woman responded with warmth to me. I remember these rare moments when I really felt understood and cared for.  
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 15, 2009, 07:50:03 PM
I have learned how to give what I didn't get, but I can't give it to myself.

I have learned how to believe in people so that they can believe in themselves.

If I had been a witness to the water-dunking scene above as an adult, I could understand what the child was going through but I would probably feel awkward if I tried to console the child.

I think that I feel awkward if I give physical warmth to others. It's like I don't have confidence in my ability to exude warmth because I didn't experience it enough as a kid.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 15, 2009, 07:52:31 PM
All the burden of the world, I think as a kid I internalized a deep burden for every bad thing that happened.
I think in me somewhere I feel personally responsible for and guilty for situations that I had zero control over.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 15, 2009, 08:01:37 PM
 You express yourself so well. You remind me of my favorite author Slyvia Plath in my favorite book, The Bell Jar. Have you read it, Helen?
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 15, 2009, 08:08:09 PM
Nope, I don't think I read Sylvia Plath, may have in school, I forget.
Title: Am I punishing myself?
Post by: Meh on August 15, 2009, 10:50:54 PM
I am asking myself this question: Am  I punishing myself?
Or am I merely in despair and have given up on myself?
A part of me is angry with myself, another part of me is not angry with myself, Am I actively taking my anger out on myself?
I judge myself harshly but I'm not sure if I punish.
I don't think I punish myself but I recoil into myself like something folding up into it's self, Like a telescope retracting, everything pulls in. The outside world is too painful so I recoil, is that it?

I'm envisioning a computer circuit-board with all the little chips on it. The chips are suppose to be in the right place and the electrical paths between them connect and flow correctly. I feel like a circuit-board that has it's chips in the wrong place and stuff doesnt connect and flow correctly. How can their be a part of me that is angry with myself and a part of me that has compassion for me.

It seems like the main suggestion here is hope that someone comes along one day and loves me.
I'm horrified that this won't happen, I'm horrifed that it will happen, I'm horrified that it's out of my power.

This is why so many people have pets.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Gabben on August 15, 2009, 11:32:53 PM
All the burden of the world, I think as a kid I internalized a deep burden for every bad thing that happened.
I think in me somewhere I feel personally responsible for and guilty for situations that I had zero control over.

Hi Helen,

Here is a webpage that you may find helpful..if not then toss...

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 15, 2009, 11:37:14 PM
My relatives are trying to contact me, I feel group pressure by them, this is a result of me cutting my mother off. She tells relatives and then the relatives call me.

I hate that my relatives do not respect my need for anything!!! My need for space!!
Leave me the f*ck alone!!!

I hate her. I know that is an immature statement but I don't even allow myself to think it usually.
I hate her.
I hate her for trying to control me.
I hate her for not loving me.
I hate her.
My stomach hurts.
I hate her for lying to me.
I hate her for depriving me.
I hate her for being a space-cadet.
I hate her for punishing.
I hate her in ways I do not comprehend.
I hate.

I'm ok with being a hater. It's my right. I'm going to hate for a while because I never allow myself to hate her, I only allow myself to hate me!

I hate her!!!
I hate her passiveness!
I hate that she doesn't see me!

I hate her for everything that she denies!
I hate her for not taking on the responsibility of being the parent.

I hate that my parents absorbed my love when I was a loving child but they would not give it back to me.

I despise them.
Forgiving them is too generous.
I'm too generous.

I hate their selfishness.
I hate all of my emotions.
I hate how hard I tried.

I hate the way my mother tries to control my relationships with other relatives.
She thinks she has the right to control me.
She thinks she owns me.

I'm still a pink fetus rat stuck to her placenta. She is swinging the placenta around in the air like a lasso!
I did this to my pet cat when I was a kid, I put the cat inside a blanket and swung the cat around in the air, I felt horrible afterwards so guilty, I was acting out my pain and anger on the only powerless creature around me the cat! I hate that I hurt my cat. I'm actually crying now.
I abused my poor cat. I wonder if my now deceased cat has forgiven me?

Because I wasn't loved I feel so bad about every little thing, I'm looking for reasons why I'm unlovable?
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 15, 2009, 11:52:43 PM
More of my "stuff"

My mother said to me "It's as if you don't want something better for yourself"!!!

Ahhhhhhh! That F*cking B*tch!!! AHHHHHH!

(Now I'm laughing)

This hate thinking is giving myself a stomach ache. Why does my stomach hurt!!!!
What is my stomach's link to my emotions! I'm hurting and I want to figure out this pain. Then I want to go inside the pain and dissolve it, clean it out, throw some bleach on it and scrub it 'till it's clean.

I should be angry at her not me, and that makes my stomach hurt when I realize that.
I have the right to be MAD. IT's Mine, the anger is mine! I can have it.  
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 16, 2009, 12:06:24 AM
Maybe my depression is all about me being angry at my mom.

I could not be angry at my mom because then she would reject me even more!

I would be abandoned again the exact thing I wished to avoid! Deep Breath
Oh my god, that is it. That is a huge part of it.

Not being able to be angry at her has kept me stuck.

I'm ANGRY at her!!!

I was never allowed to be angry!!! I would be punished if I was angry!!! They would do the PITY thing.
OH pity.

If I was angry they would feel out of control.

My relatives act like there is something wrong with me for not wanting to talk to my mother.

What if I did express my anger, then my mother would tell everyone, and then for years I would be the B*tch in the family!

I would lose my dignity!!

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 16, 2009, 02:23:28 AM
"All emotions have some influence on the way we think, but strong emotions can actually slow your ability to rationalize, solve problems and make decisions," says Dr. Julius. "When you're feeling anger, rage or hostility, it overwhelms you. In some people, it slows down the thinking process; in others, it stops the thinking process completely."

Adds Dr. Peterson, "Anger also causes us to lose our sense of humor and to alienate people. It takes its toll on our energy, creativity and all those other things that might keep us feeling young."
Title: Say "I love you"
Post by: Meh on August 16, 2009, 02:39:56 AM
I don't want to be the person my relatives expect me to be. At some point I stopped saying "I love you" to my mother as she expected me to say. I just omitted it, in the same way that she has omitted many things from my life. Then my grandparents mentioned to me, how important it is to say "I love you". Gee I'm such a brat. I could not identify with saying "I love you" to my mother anymore, I felt like each time I said it I was lying to myself. Like I was hurting myself by making myself say a lie. That's why it's confusing to me, she demanded an act of normalcy.

My mother tells relatives and other people that I'm "cold".

My mother wants me to say the words "I love you" she has never done anything to show that she values a loving relationship between us, or wanted to foster a relationship between us.  

I just don't love her.
And then I'm bad for not loving her!

Title: Chilly
Post by: Meh on August 16, 2009, 02:49:51 AM
There is research that has been done that shows when people are loved their body temperature is warmer, their hands are warmer.

Title: Nar-people
Post by: Meh on August 16, 2009, 03:03:28 AM
Totally random thoughts:

Nar-people are sick, they identify a person who has not had very much love, and then make it their personal mission to destroy this person.

Not all people are like this, some people do accept and love. Some people see the need for love and don't use that need for love as a weakness against the other person.

No wonder intimacy is scary for children of nar-people because our need for love is dangerous. NEEDING LOVE IS DANGEROUS.

Nar people do seek out any little weakness and if they can't find one they start to implant a weakness to erode the person down. Erode them down.

Nar people are like a parasitic plant that sticks it's roots all around the other plant and suck up all the water and nutrients away.
A plant that taps into another plant and dries it up until it's dead. Then the Narperson goes on again and looks for another victim.

Could a Narperson live without a victim? What would happen to the Nonperson would they starve. Do they crave emotional abuse so much, do they crave inducing pain so much that without out a victim they would flip out and then all of the badness in them would become more apparent. Maybe the Nar people are hiding their badness in their victims.

I'd like to see what happens if parasitic Narpeople are separated from their "hosts" in a scientific experiment. After a Narperson has been deprived of their victim over a period of time then what happens to the Narperson? Do they transform?
Do they start to feed upon themselves in the sameway a starving person's body breaks down muscle tissue for sustenance.

Is pain a form of sustenance for a Narcissist.

Is this really true?

If I expressed the need for love I would be attacked.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 16, 2009, 03:10:48 AM
My mother can't stand to get close to me. She will do anything to not get close to me, usually this is attacking me emotionally.
She can't flippin stand it, she will do anything to not get close to me emotionally and then she calls me "cold". That is down right confusing.

My mother never wanted anything good for me in my life that is the message I grew up with and then she says "It's like you don't want anything better for yourself" to me. That is so infuriating.

I see it more clearly now. Sick. She is flippin Sick.
There has got to be a word that describes this.

She calls me selfish and then she does something to try to take my joy away from me.
Post by: Meh on August 16, 2009, 03:46:16 AM
The bottom line is I'm afraid of Narcissistic people and I never want to be hurt by another Narcissist ever again.

I want protection, more then wanting to be fixed I want protection. If I could be protected then I could heal myself. I'm strong enough to heal myself but I'm not strong enough to protect myself against the NAR-people.

The Narcissistic co-worker I had often talked about her sister that she HATED, she was jealous of her sister for some reason.
Her sister was on some sort of meds, I think antidepressants for her "mental problems", This sister was more educated then the Nar-coworker. I can't help but to wonder if the reason why the Narcoworkers sister was on meds is because of my Nar-coworker messed issues. I had that thought when I worked there, I thought to myself "if I was your sister I would have to be on medication also!!" In fact I am on medication! I'm moving further and further away from my compassion for these people. I MUST. I must kill any compassion. Oh there goes my heart dying and turning into a rotten ball of worms.
Title: Sarcastic Baby Talk
Post by: Meh on August 16, 2009, 03:52:35 AM
Has anyone out there ever been sarcastic baby-talked?  What is behind this? It's something that little kids do, I had a grown adult doing this to me, I don't get it. This grown adult talks like a little kid? Is it an attempt to make the target regress? It obviously is what little kids say to other little kids to make them angry. Why does it make them angry? It insinuates they are a cry baby? A baby crying? A baby crying because it is needing something? Because it's needing some love?

I want to know what is the psychology behind the use of sarcastic baby talk?
Title: A Home
Post by: Meh on August 16, 2009, 04:44:45 AM
A home where anger is passed around from one person to the next, and on again to the next person, where there is no love passed around from one person, to the next, then on to another person, and so on, and so on, and so on it goes around and around and around.....

It's like a contagious disease, lets all get sick that way we will all be exactly the same. I know that the more time I spend around Narcissists the less loving I am, I close the energy of my heart down to protect myself against them and then I'm carrying around a closed-down heart. The garbage heart, the black heart, the wormy-rotten heart, the cold heart, the stone heart, the hardened heart, the heart of marble, the heart of ice, the shrinking heart, the termite infested heart, the withering heart, the fenced in heart.

When I fence out people, I fence myself in.

A heart of shame, is that what that shrinking feeling is? Like a shrinky-dink zooooooop! It's miniature.

Shut me down, lock it up, barricade it, put it on lock down, impermeable, turn off the light in there so they won't think we are home. Shields up! Play dead!
Title: Song: Emotional Rescue
Post by: Meh on August 16, 2009, 05:51:53 AM
Ever hear that Rolling Stones song "Emotional Rescue"?

So I'm in the shower again, and I can't get that line of that song out of my head
It's a sarcastic line, the whole song is a sarcastic song.
So I'm saying in a low, British accent voice:
"I will be your knight in shining armour
Coming to your emotional rescue"
Mick Jagger sort of says it in a crusty drawl
I'm trying out different versions of the Mick Jagger voice, don't get any of them quite correct, but it makes me laugh
SO, I'm singing this one line to my showerhead because it's sort of like a microphone

I know I'm singing this because of the "enlightened witness idea"

I'm giggling, totally giggling and I have a version of it that sounds more like a monster's voice
saying "I will be your knight in shining armour
Coming to your emotional rescue"
I'm totally cracking up, giggling, the more sick and twisted it is the more I laugh
And then I think I may start to cry
And them I'm giggling some more

Maybe I'm having an emotional break down,
Is that what depressed people are supposed to do, make themselves have emotional breakdowns?
IS that my opposite of numb, an emotional break down.

The truth is I don't want a Knight in Shining armour, the lyrics of that song speak for themself:
"You will me mine, will me mine, all mine"

So this is just me expressing myself, witnessing, observing myself, questioning myself.
I'm directing these questions to myself really. Trying to figure it out for myself.

On the other hand, if any one thinks emotional breakdowns are positive let me know.

Hey, God! Yah, you up there, I haven't adjusted to planet earth yet, maybe you put me on the wrong one!

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 16, 2009, 05:57:53 AM
Woke up to let the dog out. Will write more later. You are such a beautiful, haunting, witty, and insightful writer---gifted---Helen.
           XXXOO  Ami
Title: Re: Song: Emotional Rescue
Post by: Gabben on August 16, 2009, 01:39:05 PM

On the other hand, if any one thinks emotional breakdowns are positive let me know.

Your not alone.

Emotional breakdowns are only positive if we allow ourselves the freedom to learn and grow from them. Heck, who has not felt at some point in their life like just throwing a fit, losing it and letting it all hang out. The problem is if we let it all hang out and fail to SEE what was hanging out there, our fears, rages, hatred and old hurts over the losses of love we never had. If we fail to see, in our breakdowns, just what broke us down, and how broken we are, then we will just keep stuck in the breakdowns.

For instance, I have been having breakdowns, meltdowns, losing ITS and blowing ITS for weeks. But each time I throw all of myself "out there" I see ALL of myself, or at least ALL that was out there for that particular breakdown. Owning what I throw-up or out in losing it is very important. Sometimes the darkest hour, sometimes, is just before the dawn. Sometimes the darkest hour lasts for years.

Title: SELF-Forgiveness
Post by: Meh on August 16, 2009, 04:46:13 PM

I need to forgive myself for things that I was not responsible for or did not have control over.
I need to do a forgiveness meditation directed at myself, it's said "forgive your enemy" but if one becomes one's own enemy then the forgiveness must be directed inwards to oneself.

This is deeply profound for me. This stuff that I blame myself for is where that feeling of burden comes from.

The result of writing all of my "stuff" out here has been that I see more clearly for the first time how little control I had as a child and how much responsibility I took on as a child, how this is incorrect.

This realization is the first step to me really forgiving myself. Even If my self-forgiveness does not work at least now I see the things that I need to be loved for. I need to be loved for all the areas in me where I accepted the blame. When I psychically accepted the blame I became bad.
Thats part of the problem of self-love, one first must identify what parts are so desperate for the love? I FOUND ONE !!!

While in highschool, I once got drunk with some friends and out came this ongoing line of "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I was wailing this cry of sorriness while I was sh*t-faced in the bathtub. As a high-schooler I did not know what to make of this, of course it was just embarrassing. Now I think I see a little where this is coming from, I don't know the exact pinpointed sources but I do bet it is in relation to accepting blame and being sorry for being unlovable.

The little girl in me believes that I'm unlovable for a reason that is due to me.

I will attempt a series of visualizations where I travel to that deep place in me and forgive myself.
I may have to calligraphy that phrase and stick it on the wall "Self-Forgiveness" yes!

I want to express my gratitude again for this board, and the members on the board for simply existing. Some times I have to go through pages of "stuff" to get a piece of understanding. Since I wouldn't be journaling to myself, who knows how long it would take me to figure this out, maybe I would have gone to the grave without forgiving myself because I didn't even know that I needed to.

This is really huge for me, I've had a couple of intuitive people tell me not to "be so hard on myself" and then "You can't see how you are so hard on yourself?, Really!!!?". I did not see it then, but now I really really do, I see it. There is my pearl in the sand. There is my sunken treasure chest at the bottom of this depression sea!
Title: Forgiving others
Post by: Meh on August 16, 2009, 05:01:32 PM
On the subject of forgiveness, I was once too nice and people took advantage of that.
When I even think about forgiving my "enemies" I feel weak inside.
I'm not ready or willing to forgive them.

Maybe I need to forgive life itself for all of the suffering it has brought me. Maybe I need to forgive the Tao. I'm holding a grudge against life itself. That is a humongous blockage. You stop life! Just Stop it already! Now that is

Oh god my door bell is ringing! I'm not answering it. If it's relatives, I'm not here. It is relatives, and I sent them away. Ok, I can and will deal with this somehow. It is my mother's crisis playing out, telling the relatives to come and get involved to fix a problem. This is how my mother responds to a cut-off. The problem being me. I'm better equipped to deal with me, and fix me. I don't want them to encroach upon my mental space, this place I'm in now where my prosessing is become fruitful. Shit are they talking to my neighbors. I send god's wrath to strike them down. Zap!!
Title: Sunsets
Post by: Meh on August 17, 2009, 02:11:23 AM
Just a simple observation today, I watched the sun setting from atop a bridge over a water canal. The sky looked like pale-orange mother of pearl, with long strands of clouds spread across the horizon. The light was flickering off of the waves. Seeing this made me think maybe I can meet life/tao/god part of the way, one tenth of the way, half way, maybe even more then half way.
I currently don't have anything to look forward to in my life, yet after seeing the sunset I thought it was enough beauty to be inspired, maybe there is something out there somewhere just for me. At least I'm glad that I was there to take it in, I was the only person standing on the bridge and I didn't mind being alone at that moment. The cars driving over the bridge were making my feet vibrate nontheless I stood there and prayed for my brother and his family.

I love expansive vistas.
Title: .
Post by: Meh on August 17, 2009, 02:51:36 AM
Well, since my relative came over and knocked on my door I seem to have lost my writing flow. I was just figuring out something about my self forgiveness. It's some weird sixth sense the relatives have, just when I'm about to break free from my pain, they do something to encourage me to deny my pain and suffering. And then I finally had to call another relative back before things really blew up. Well they were all working on my mother's behalf. It's pretty indirect, it feels sort of manipulative to me. I think this is the part where she is probably seeking pity from them over the fact that I cut her off. Then the relatives contact me and say how great she is.

I would be frustrated if I wasn't so damn tired of it. Of these routines. I need to trust my feelings. I have a need for respect of my autonomy, respect of my decisions, respect of my desires, and respect of my right to take care of myself first.

I just need space from her, maybe forever. My soul and spirit say forever, they say enough is enough. My conscious makes me feel guilty or rather the things my other relatives say to me make me feel guilty. But I don't want to cave into that, then I will be right back where I started, nowhere. I've already lost so much aliveness and joy. I've noticed that I have been smiling more the past few days, just out and about doing errands, smiling at people, dogs, kids.

You know what I just noticed? I don't smile very much normally.

Maybe the crying has done me some good. Gosh getting closer to myself makes me smile more even if I have to dig through the sad story of my life, by doing it, I am SMILING! Hows that for an interesting observation!

We don't have to have a perfect life to be happy, we just have to come to terms with the cards we have been dealt.

Maybe I have started forgiving myself already and some of the burden is melting away. Thank Goodness.

A word came to me, LOYALTY, my relatives have loyalty to my mother, even if there may not be real love there, the loyalty is strong.
Might as well be the Mafia led by a Narcissistic mother.

I'm the only one amongst my relatives that sees my mother is Narcissistic, I didn't even want to believe it at first, I have no choice because it's reality. She fits the mould. That is a problem. My mother is a key of sorts to the rest of the relatives. I will never get validation from my relatives about my experiences, about her Narcissistic behavior, so if I was to spend time around my relatives I would feel invalidated, this invalidation creates a certain psychic stress for me. I so dearly need to have the truth of my life validated. So In writing this, I clarified that a little.
Rule to self # 1 Never expect any relative to validate my story.

So my relatives demand self-denial from me.

I really need to get out and make some friends.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: indiered on August 17, 2009, 03:28:58 AM

I have been reading your posts from the beginning. You are very, very precious to me. Everything
you've written sounds like me, from your love of trees, to your relatives coming to your door!

Your words flow with an inner beauty, even through your pain and revelations, there is beauty and raw honesty. It's straight from the heart.

Helen, I "see" you.

Helen, I "hear" you.

You are precious, and wanted, valued beyond measure. You are worthy, just because you are.
You are unique, gifted, warm, likeable, loving, and fiery.

You are in my heart...Sending you...Love..Please keep posting. Indiered
Title: Mirroring
Post by: Meh on August 17, 2009, 03:41:11 AM
I'm just now reading mirroring. I can absolutely say for a fact that my parents did not mirror me. I wonder if that is related to my difficulty with "small talk". Sometimes I don't think the actual words that people are saying to one another are that important compared to the body language and facial gestures.

I also wonder if a lack of mirroring has made me less aware of my own body and difficult for me to mirror other people.

I had an actor tell me that I would be a good "extra" because I followed even when I was not the person speaking.
On the other hand sometimes I'm more bland feeling. I wonder if I mirror people.

The strange thing is I think my mother does mirror some people, just not me. The times when she actually looks in my face and I feel the company of another soul is well, never.

I wonder if people think I don't like them or am not friendly because I don't mirror enough.

Title: Indiered
Post by: Meh on August 17, 2009, 03:45:26 AM

Thank you much for the warm comments.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 17, 2009, 06:54:39 AM
Are you naturally athletic and easy in your body?

Well - lol! - ya know, I thought I was... even as old as I am, I'm still very flexible and pretty strong... I move easily. But those more subtle "knowings" of the body - like what you described - my teacher would adjust my wrist a fraction of an inch to a better angle - were a total revelation. That's where I began to really "learn" - including all this emotional self-observation.

Is this really true?

unfortunately... yes... for many of us, this was very, very true.

My mother never wanted anything good for me in my life that is the message I grew up with and then she says "It's like you don't want anything better for yourself" to me. That is so infuriating.

I see it more clearly now. Sick. She is flippin Sick.
There has got to be a word that describes this.

She calls me selfish and then she does something to try to take my joy away from me.  

YES.... you see very, very clearly, my dear... and so you are angry - but guilty, about being angry with someone who is SUPPOSED to doing what's best for you, nurturing and guiding you, loving you... but oops, wait a minute: needing love is dangerous... and so it's SAFER to simply "not matter"...     hence, the symptoms of depression, ya know? (at least for me)

If I could be protected then I could heal myself.

BOUNDARIES, learn about and practice boundaries....

When I fence out people, I fence myself in.

A heart of shame, is that what that shrinking feeling is? Like a shrinky-dink zooooooop! It's miniature.

Shut me down, lock it up, barricade it, put it on lock down, impermeable, turn off the light in there so they won't think we are home. Shields up! Play dead!

EXACTLY!! A boundary isn't a permanent, steel wall... it's a fence to keep the riff-raff out but let good folks, friends, loved ones, in.

I need to forgive myself for things that I was not responsible for or did not have control over.

YOU GO, GIRL!! You are making splendid progress - you are really "getting it", now...

maybe there is something out there somewhere just for me.


I'll be back later... gotta go get ready for my day... but WOW... I'm impressed how well you're getting it all sorted out - how quickly - and how much healing is already starting to take place.

Read that I'm dancing around doing my happy dance for you and applauding!  :D
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 17, 2009, 09:15:23 AM
Dear Helen
 I wanted to express s/thing really important. It was a huge answer to what we struggle with .I think it will help answer someofthe questions which are UNDER your posts.
 When I read them, I see me. I hear your thought processes,observations and most especially the questions of "What does this all mean" and MOST importantly 'How do I get out of it?"
 That seems to be your most burning question. It is mine. I don't want to just get out of it with my head. I don't want to fake that I am out of it when I am not.
 I want to BE out of it.
 Anyway, I wanted to share my expereince , yesterday. I wrote it on the Board and erased it .
 I could title it,"How an Enlightened Witness Works". *I* did not know why, myself, I was getting so much better and for the first time in my life. I was s/what sane until 14 and then I gave my reality over to my NM.
 Wherever I go, people say I look wonderful.I can feel myself glowing. I am changing but I think my story can explain some of it.
 I am gonna write in several posts cuz I would hate to write this whole thing and the board erase it(glitches)
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 17, 2009, 09:23:31 AM
Yesteday,my H invited  12 people came over to watch golf.They were some of the people in the "drinking" group(Wed and Fri). They are a variety of people who just want to connect with other people and so this loose social group formed.
 The first couple lost a child and so we met them through Bereaved Parents. They came in and we all sat down and talked. They are not big drinkers like the rest. I am not a big drinker and hope to God that I stay that way.
 We sat down and had a nice talk. Then, my H wanted to put golf on the big screen TV. I asked them,"Were they interested in golf". They said,"Not really." I asked my H why didn't he leave the TV off for a while so we could not talk and not have the background noise. He put it on anyway but softly.
 Anyway, more people came and they had golf on. I tried to ask people if they wanted to watch Ali G( a comedy show ) in the other room. It didn't get much traction. Some of the people went outside to smoke.
  I was going through this INTERNAL craziness(NM messages, distortions).
 I had a need. I did not want to sit in front of the golf game so that "people' would think I was OK(social, acceptable, not weird, not different)
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 17, 2009, 09:28:53 AM
So, I was sitting there and was stuck in wanting to meet a need---leave and have space-- and having my NM's voice tell me I was neurotic and bad and weird if I listened to myself and went against the crowd i.e. independent.
 I think the  message from my NM was independence equals emotional death at her hands and abandonment and shunning from the family
 I got up to let the dog out and sneak away. There is a girl who has everything I DON'T want to be. She is really dependent and has to make everyone OK(fix everyone)
 She saw me  leave  and followed me to my room. I had to tell her,"I need to be alone for a while". That was hard and made me feel weird(anti social)
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 17, 2009, 09:36:53 AM

OH, I forgot something. I asked the Dependent girl how long she thought the golf game lasted and she asked her H. She told me 3 more hours.
 I went in my room cuz I needed a break.
 My H came and told me that I was looking anti social so I came out but by that time everyone was on the porch and the Dependent girl was telling an awful story. She can be morbid and there are party girls who don't like her and want s/one to tell her not to be so morbid. Anyway,she was telling a morbid story of s/one collapsing and the person had no family etc etc. The room was quiet and I could tell people were uncomfortable. This group mainly wants to forget about bad things and drink and laugh etc.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 17, 2009, 09:41:42 AM
So, the group was on the porch talking and not watching golf . They did that for awhile. OH,part of my feeling so badly was I expressed opinions different than some people. I get really afraid of being "bad" or "weird" if I have or express a different opinion.
 One was that I would never want a boat cuz it was too much work. The other was I would never want a big wedding cuz it is too much work and worry about details.
 The Dependent girl could not believe what I said about the wedding. I hate fuss and formality. I would not do it if I had a choice.
  Anyway, the people left  before the golf game ended. I wondered if that was my fault. I felt that I was "bad" cuz of that. However, on the other hand what does it matter if *I* like golf. *I* didn;t kick anyone out.
 Anyway, I felt like I had failed. I felt really down. I couldn't describe why exactly but just that I was "bad'.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 17, 2009, 09:44:47 AM
I feel embarrased how long this thing is going but I think it must be how we feel with NM"s---just "bad". Always running from "bad", having "bad" chase us,"having "bad "push us down on to the ground and sit on us until we give up and accept it.
 I was paralzed with "bad", enveloping me, encompassing me, hanging over me and I could not get out.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 17, 2009, 09:51:11 AM
I felt this  sense of "bad", not acceptable, weird, neurotic. I just wanted to talk to my friend, Enlightened Witness, cuz I knew that he was the only  way I could climb out.
 When I did he knew exactly what was going on. We talked for an hour and I felt "human",not bad. I could see the distortions but I could not on my own. I was enveloped by the fog of "bad"(shame?) on my own. I could not get out.I
 I bet other people have that and that is why I am sharing.
 I started writing all this on the Board before I talked to my friend but then I erased it b/c I was still in it and hoped I could get out and then write.
 I will explain more about how I got out if anyone is interested. If not, that is OK and I will leave it here. Thanks for listening. Sorry if it was a hijack i.e my stealing your thread for my own topic.        Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Gabben on August 17, 2009, 11:45:31 AM
I think the  message from my NM was independence equals emotional death at her hands and abandonment and shunning from the family

Ami - I think the message from NM was that your feelings, the natural feelings that one has in any social setting where most are strangers or acquaintances, our instinctual protective reactions, were identified as a part of you and since we identify ourselves with our feelings which we have learned from NM were BAD, we will feel especially BAD and uncomfortable in our own skin when we are in social settings, we are social creatures with an instinct that tells us that we need human connection to survive, as children we do and as adults human warmth and friendship is a wonderful blessing; as a child I could not have survived without the bonding of others, even if that bonding was dysfunctional. As an adult I CAN survive without others, trust me I know, but if I want to LIVE not just survive, then I need others to live completely.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 17, 2009, 12:13:32 PM
I think the  message from my NM was independence equals emotional death at her hands and abandonment and shunning from the family

Ami - I think the message from NM was that your feelings, the natural feelings that one has in any social setting where most are strangers or acquaintances, our instinctual protective reactions, were identified as a part of you and since we identify ourselves with our feelings which we have learned from NM were BAD, we will feel especially BAD and uncomfortable in our own skin when we are in social settings, we are social creatures with an instinct that tells us that we need human connection to survive, as children we do and as adults human warmth and friendship is a wonderful blessing; as a child I could not have survived without the bonding of others, even if that bonding was dysfunctional. As an adult I CAN survive without others, trust me I know, but if I want to LIVE not just survive, then I need others to live completely.

You are right. It WAS my feelings which were bad and STILL are. I am ashamed of my feelings is part of it. Thank you, Lise!!!!!   Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 17, 2009, 12:20:51 PM
This shame is SO bad. I know you, Lise and Helen, too, as well as most of us on here, get that. It is SO destroying of everything. I can only now see the shape of it. I can touch it a little, look at it ,a little.
 It has shaped my life as a driving force since I was 14  and lost myself. I was not driven by shame before that. I had it ,for sure, but at 14 I gave my reality over to my NM. Then, I was almsot like in the zombie movies when the zombies suck out people's souls and inhabit
 them. I became inhabited by her and have stayed that way until now when I am starting, just starting, to see it.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: ann3 on August 17, 2009, 01:46:02 PM
Hi Ami,

You gave a fantastic description of your Sunday:  the guests, your feelings, your H.

I have an idea, it's an experiment, hope you try it:

What I heard is that you are constantly tortured by your 'inner dialogue/monologue':  The NM tapes telling you you're bad, you don't deserve anything good, etc.  Then, you go into a anxious, panicky free fall of self doubt, where you, in your inner dialogue/monologue, question almost everything you think, desire, need, want to do & do.  IMO, this is a torturous way to live.

So, here's the experiment:  do not listen to your inner dialogue/monologue for 3 days.  Just do what you want to do (of course, you have to figure out what you want to do).  In other words, promise yourself that for 3 days you will banish your second guessing of yourself & your self doubt, you will NOT listen to the NM tapes, nor your inner dialogue/monologue.  You will just live in the moment with a quiet mind & not keep thinking, thinking, thinking. 

IMO, I think your biggest problem is that your second guessing of yourself & your self doubt trumps almost everything you do.  So, for 3 days, throw away your second guessing of yourself & your self doubt.  See how it feels to make a decision & not worry if it's the wrong decision.  So, what if the decision is wrong?  We, as humans, are allowed to make mistakes.

I think what's valuable about this is that you will excercize a 'muscle' that perhaps you haven't excersized in a long time, which is to live in the moment, free of self doubt, secure in your own skin.

What do you think?

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 17, 2009, 05:05:41 PM
Thank you for sharing Ami.

The fact that you are noticing your feelings and thoughts during the party are a sign of self-awareness, I think that is positive in itself.
Your H sounded like he was the only person who wished to watch the Golf.

The fact is, we can't expect to get our way every time me assert ourselves. 
But if something is really important to us and our attempts at asserting ourselves are unmet, then we need to look elsewhere to get our needs met.

Amy, I'm not clear about your Husband and the Enlightened witness, and what is happening with your relationships between these people.
I think what I would do, is express to my husband that I wanted the opportunity to get a good, undistracted conversation going so that I could better get to know people and that the Television was merely a background distraction. 

It sounds like you and your enlightened witness are on the same page and "get" oneanother and that your H does not "get" you or respect that you are intently focused on learning how to get to know people.

Two phrases you wrote are "Being Human" and "Being in Fog".

I have felt and thought those things, these two phrases are powerful.

We don't even have to be in the presence of the Nar-person anymore because we built a little Nar-person in our head that comes with us everywhere.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 17, 2009, 05:22:54 PM
Hi Ami,

You gave a fantastic description of your Sunday:  the guests, your feelings, your H.

I have an idea, it's an experiment, hope you try it:

What I heard is that you are constantly tortured by your 'inner dialogue/monologue':  The NM tapes telling you you're bad, you don't deserve anything good, etc.  Then, you go into a anxious, panicky free fall of self doubt, where you, in your inner dialogue/monologue, question almost everything you think, desire, need, want to do & do.  IMO, this is a torturous way to live.

So, here's the experiment:  do not listen to your inner dialogue/monologue for 3 days.  Just do what you want to do (of course, you have to figure out what you want to do).  In other words, promise yourself that for 3 days you will banish your second guessing of yourself & your self doubt, you will NOT listen to the NM tapes, nor your inner dialogue/monologue.  You will just live in the moment with a quiet mind & not keep thinking, thinking, thinking. 

IMO, I think your biggest problem is that your second guessing of yourself & your self doubt trumps almost everything you do.  So, for 3 days, throw away your second guessing of yourself & your self doubt.  See how it feels to make a decision & not worry if it's the wrong decision.  So, what if the decision is wrong?  We, as humans, are allowed to make mistakes.

I think what's valuable about this is that you will excercize a 'muscle' that perhaps you haven't excersized in a long time, which is to live in the moment, free of self doubt, secure in your own skin.

What do you think?


Thank you, Ann. I felt funny telling all the detail but the "story behind the story" was what was important and you got that!
 I really need to share where I am in order to get to a better place. I need people who understand and have been there. I am not an island and I realize that need ,now.
     XXXOOO   Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 17, 2009, 05:32:00 PM
Thank you for sharing Ami.

Two phrases you wrote are "Being Human" and "Being in Fog".

I have felt and thought those things, these two phrases are powerful.

I started feeling like I was not really a human being at my job then my panic attacks started up.

We don't even have to be in the presence of the Nar-person anymore because we built a little Nar-person in our head that comes with us everywhere.

Dear Helen,
  You and I think in a similar way. The problem is the Nar--person is in our heads. That was my problem on Sunday . My Enlightened Witness broke the spell for me, again.
 I was lost in "BAD". I had all these 'bad" messages coming at me and I could not seemy way  out of them.
 He saw to the core issue which was that I had to be perfect or I was bad. I had to be the perfect hostess, ,perfectly unselfish, perfectly mature, perfectly emotionally balanced etc.
 It really is a metaphor of my life.  My M would always have me on BOTH sides of every issue. She wanted me to get in to a good college so I started being a serious student in High School. Then she told me I was a "greasy grind"
 She told me to pay better attention to my apprearance. Then, she told me I took too much time on myself.
 She  pushed me for achievment and "prestige". Then ,when my H built a beautiful house, she told me that it was conspicuous consumption.
 She walked in and said," I(her) could live in a hut."
 So, on Sunday, I was frozen in BAD.
           xxxooo   Ami
Post by: Meh on August 17, 2009, 05:38:05 PM
AMI: Did your H sit there and watch the golf by himself?
Maybe he wants to have a guys, yelling, belching, gut scratching party?
Maybe you want to have a warm sit down to a nice meal and chat party?

It might help if you threw your own party your way. Serve the food you want to serve. Is there a TV in another part of the house you can banish your husband to? Or toss his golf-bag to him and say "have a nice day at the course".

Your H may have his own social issues. I've heard that men escape in sports. Maybe it's easier for him to watch the boob-tube then it is to really be 100% present for the party.

Just a thought.
Title: Phoenix Rising
Post by: Meh on August 17, 2009, 05:46:01 PM
Phoenix Rising,

HA! Thanks for the happy dance!!

I hope your having fun on your trip, I wish I was traveling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 17, 2009, 05:46:55 PM
My H sees me as an object in a lot of ways. *I* have to look good for him to be OK. I see that. His shame pulls me in and triggers my shame---all about not being perfect .
 He cannot help me cuz he has the same thing.
 The problem was the shame behind the current situation not the situation itself. This shame has driven me since I was 14 and lost trust in my own humanness. I turned "humaness" in to "badness"--Thanks to finally giving in to my M .
 So, I can have simple situations become BIG as this did cuz it was about shame and perfectionism not the actual events. KWIM?
Post by: Meh on August 17, 2009, 05:57:31 PM
Hi! Ami!

I sent you a personal msg.....
Post by: Meh on August 17, 2009, 06:41:46 PM
Next question to self:

Who do I answer to?

I know this is an important question to ask myself, I just can't write about it at the moment...next installment.  
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 17, 2009, 06:53:42 PM
If we know what our needs are... it's our "task" (should we choose to accept it) to suit ourselves...
the only person we HAVE to live with... is ourselves... and once we learn how to live with ourselves (even un-completely healed)... we are the only person we have to answer to.

We don't need to explain or make explanations or excuses... to other people... unless we want to explain...

we just ARE who we ARE... and that's just OK...

the hard part is that learning to live with ourselves, I think...
Post by: Ami on August 17, 2009, 07:29:41 PM
Hi! Ami!

I sent you a personal msg.....

Thank you  Helen!             xxxoo    Ami
Post by: Meh on August 17, 2009, 08:47:23 PM
On the subject of losing dignity

I am a mild-mannered person, I swear to god, I feel like nobody will believe anything I proclaim about myself, I know I am. I like to garden and read books while sitting under trees etc. It’s just who I am I’m a peaceful person mostly. I do get pent-up anger, rarely, but it’s there.

So, A few weeks ago I was in church. I saw a woman with a couple of friends, they sat down a few rows in front of me. I didn’t see the person’s face but the hair cut and earrings and shape of the shoulders and even the jacket she was wearing looked exactly like one of my co-workers. I was looking intently at the nape of her neck and trying to glimpse the side of her face. I no longer could concentrate on what the church pastor was saying, the verbal stream of the sermon faded into the background. I could feel my body tense. My mind imagined this scenario of a b*tch fight there in church. How embarrassing that would be! I don’t b*tch fight but these coworkers went too far. These coworkers were friends with the Narcissist coworker who used relational aggression against me at work. It brought out my voicelessness, the voicelessness that I had thought I conquered once and for all when I started that job.

I'm thinking: "How dare she go to church that hypocrite! How dare she go to the same church that I go to, can’t she find her own church? Oh, how can those people live with themselves. Don’t they see how much suffering they inflict, why don’t they see all of the pain they cause. Liar!!! You F’ing Liar!!! You Phony!!!!"

I’m picturing that I’m going to act like a rabid wild animal, if she walks by me and looks at my face with a gloating expression, trying to see my face twist into an expression of pain, then I’m going to pop up out of the Pugh and hurtle myself towards her, bang. And I’m on top of her, pushing her down. I’m ripping her flesh apart in my teeth like a mountain lion. I’m ripping her hair out, slapping her, I’m screaming all sorts of things that don’t make any sense because I’m so angry I’m stupid. I’m jumping up and down on her, trying to break every bone in her body, trying to break her as much as my spirit was broken by her. I might even be roaring. That’s how I feel.

I know these coworkers must be afraid of me on some level, I’ve seen them around town. They think it’s a joke but they also know there is rage built up inside of me. They want to see me blow up, they want to see me lose it. They want to see me lose control and look bad, so that they can validate all the bad things they said about me.

There is another way for me to regain my personal power. There is and I’m gonna find it.

I imagine what that primal fight would look like in church to the other congregants. They would say that she didn’t do anything to me. That it was unprovoked. They would shower sympathy on her for ever after. I would be the crazy one. I would be banned from that church. Nobody in the church would understand why I did it. If any congregants recognized me on the street they would look at me with fear and ostracism in their eyes.

I’m a little repulsed by the idea of hurting someone, I don’t get pleasure from it.
I know for a fact that I don’t have it in me to really hurt someone. I think my co-workers know that too, they know how nice I really am, and that is part of the reason why they choose me to hate, because they counted on me not retaliating. My limbs just don’t function, even if I have that emotion, my body is weak and would not do that. My arms and legs would refuse to cooperate with my emotions. My body would be flaccid but my anger would be raging. I think my coworkers can’t stand my niceness, I think it makes them feel bad about themselves. I am sort of Pollyannaish at work, I do it to cope with the stress of work. I blast goodness around me at work to try and create a safe little bubble that will protect me from sarcasm, speculation, and gossip and everything else.
It turns out that the person sitting in front of me was not the co-worker.
If it had been, I probably only would have gone home and screamed. I might find some object to throw in the garbage.

It’s an all-beliefs are welcome church. I’m not a big follower of god.
I’m unclear about my own religious beliefs, they are a mish-mash.

I think I believe in the Tao, I took an online-“what religion are you” test and I think the result was that I’m a “quaker”. Ok, whatever.

Title: Pheonix Rising
Post by: Meh on August 17, 2009, 08:50:04 PM
Pheonix Rising,

Yes, I couldn't agree with you more.
Title: Re: DIGNITY
Post by: Ami on August 17, 2009, 09:19:50 PM
On the subject of losing dignity

I am a mild-mannered person, I swear to god, I feel like nobody will believe anything I proclaim about myself, I know I am. I like to garden and read books while sitting under trees etc. It’s just who I am I’m a peaceful person mostly. I do get pent-up anger, rarely, but it’s there.

So, A few weeks ago I was in church. I saw a woman with a couple of friends, they sat down a few rows in front of me. I didn’t see the person’s face but the hair cut and earrings and shape of the shoulders and even the jacket she was wearing looked exactly like one of my co-workers. I was looking intently at the nape of her neck and trying to glimpse the side of her face. I no longer could concentrate on what the church pastor was saying, the verbal stream of the sermon faded into the background. I could feel my body tense. My mind imagined this scenario of a b*tch fight there in church. How embarrassing that would be! I don’t b*tch fight but these coworkers went too far. These coworkers were friends with the Narcissist coworker who used relational aggression against me at work. It brought out my voicelessness, the voicelessness that I had thought I conquered once and for all when I started that job.

I'm thinking: "How dare she go to church that hypocrite! How dare she go to the same church that I go to, can’t she find her own church? Oh, how can those people live with themselves. Don’t they see how much suffering they inflict, why don’t they see all of the pain they cause. Liar!!! You F’ing Liar!!! You Phony!!!!"

I’m picturing that I’m going to act like a rabid wild animal, if she walks by me and looks at my face with a gloating expression, trying to see my face twist into an expression of pain, then I’m going to pop up out of the Pugh and hurtle myself towards her, bang. And I’m on top of her, pushing her down. I’m ripping her flesh apart in my teeth like a mountain lion. I’m ripping her hair out, slapping her, I’m screaming all sorts of things that don’t make any sense because I’m so angry I’m stupid. I’m jumping up and down on her, trying to break every bone in her body, trying to break her as much as my spirit was broken by her. I might even be roaring. That’s how I feel.

I know these coworkers must be afraid of me on some level, I’ve seen them around town. They think it’s a joke but they also know there is rage built up inside of me. They want to see me blow up, they want to see me lose it. They want to see me lose control and look bad, so that they can validate all the bad things they said about me.

There is another way for me to regain my personal power. There is and I’m gonna find it.

I imagine what that primal fight would look like in church to the other congregants. They would say that she didn’t do anything to me. That it was unprovoked. They would shower sympathy on her for ever after. I would be the crazy one. I would be banned from that church. Nobody in the church would understand why I did it. If any congregants recognized me on the street they would look at me with fear and ostracism in their eyes.

I’m a little repulsed by the idea of hurting someone, I don’t get pleasure from it.
I know for a fact that I don’t have it in me to really hurt someone. I think my co-workers know that too, they know how nice I really am, and that is part of the reason why they choose me to hate, because they counted on me not retaliating. My limbs just don’t function, even if I have that emotion, my body is weak and would not do that. My arms and legs would refuse to cooperate with my emotions. My body would be flaccid but my anger would be raging. I think my coworkers can’t stand my niceness, I think it makes them feel bad about themselves. I am sort of Pollyannaish at work, I do it to cope with the stress of work. I blast goodness around me at work to try and create a safe little bubble that will protect me from sarcasm, speculation, and gossip and everything else.
It turns out that the person sitting in front of me was not the co-worker.
If it had been, I probably only would have gone home and screamed. I might find some object to throw in the garbage.

It’s an all-beliefs are welcome church. I’m not a big follower of god.
I’m unclear about my own religious beliefs, they are a mish-mash.

I think I believe in the Tao, I took an online-“what religion are you” test and I think the result was that I’m a “quaker”. Ok, whatever.

YOU ARE AN iNCREDIBLE WRITER  , HELEN. I am blown away. I go crazy over good writing. I have a passion for reading good writing.
You sound like Slyvia Plath in the Bell Jar as I have said before.
 Helen, you were born to write!!!!!!!!       Ami
Title: Coworkers
Post by: Meh on August 17, 2009, 09:37:03 PM
This is more of my "stuff".

On Coworkers


When one of my coworkers got a promotion, she wanted me to be jealous of her, I could see it in her eyes on numerous occasions, she would look at my face closely for a sign of defeat. She hungered to see that face of defeat. When she couldn’t find it in my face she was confused.

I had a greater personal meaning in my work that goes beyond money and status. The thing was, I wasn’t jealous. She was disappointed.  She couldn’t see any envy in me because there was none. I live in my own little world, I compete against myself, I know that I have won when I empower myself, not beat another person. I decide what I want based on me, not on the effect it will have on others or my social status. They did not get this.

This coworker, got pissed off that I was not jealous of her, and then she escalated that into more openly verbal attacks.

It was as if she couldn’t enjoy her own achievement without me being jealous!

It was as if she needed my jealousy to validate her. And since I did not validate her with my jealousy she upped the pressure on me.

It was all some twisted enjoyable game to them. My lack of jealousy clearly dumbfounded them.

The whole time I did not want to play their game, I wanted to be myself, be empowered, find meaning in my work. I had found that, I had found the meaning in my work, and the empowerment. Then these co-workers slowly, incessantly eroded my self esteem. By the time I left that job my head was hanging low, and now here I am unemployed during an “economic crisis” with crappy references. Even though I had co-workers and other managers who liked me very much at that company, the company controls references.
It’s damage control, the company is afraid of getting sued.
It doesn’t dawn on them that if the company did the right thing more often they would be less likely to cause lawsuits. Ah, duh? Ok, that is too naïve.

So, I had convinced myself that I had meaningful work and talked myself into this belief.
Upon the loss of my job, the meaning I had mentally constructed was destroyed.
It left me searching for a different type of meaning in life.
I’m confident that I will find that sooner or later.

Geeze, I'm so glad I was able to articulate this finally.

Title: Re: Ami
Post by: Meh on August 17, 2009, 09:46:06 PM
Ami, thanks much for the complement.

I haven't been able to articulate these experiences of pent up rage until just now, It's a relief, like I'm finally getting my head together.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 17, 2009, 09:49:18 PM
You have got to read the Bell Jar. I will send it to you!!!         Ami
Title: Just be silly
Post by: Meh on August 18, 2009, 03:51:54 AM
Little Kid thoughts seem to be coming out of me.

A type of kid’s toy came in gum-ball dispensers, where I put the coin in, turn the crank and out comes a plastic container and inside is the toy, in this instance it’s a goopy sticky gummy blobby glop of a little hand on the end of a long arm that stretches way out and sticks to flat surfaces for a moment before snapping back.

Along with purging emotions kept inside of me since childhood are some little kid thoughts I notice I’m having. On my walk today around the ‘hood, up in the sky were clouds reflecting pink light, you know like “cotton candy”. Well, as I stood staring out at them, I visualized me having this really long, long, tongue like I'm a strange super-powered frog, and my tongue shot out all the way up to the clouds and I wrapped my sticky tongue around the clouds and pulled them down to earth into my mouth so I could eat the pink light.

I think this is good, I was so uptight as a kid, I wasn’t silly, my childhood was too serious for me to feel silly.

The sadness and stress is a giggle-thief. So maybe I’ve even been repressing silliness.
I’m rather fond of this unexpected discovery.

I see some little kids giggling, and the giggles are an uncontrollable cascade of jubilance.
Kids are overpowered by their own mirth, some times they even fall over with it, kids can have seizures of laughter just because “it’s good to be alive”.

Title: Letting Myself Cry
Post by: Meh on August 18, 2009, 01:57:09 PM
Letting Myself Cry

I was watching a movie (August Rush), I cried a little without struggling against myself, usually I’m unconsciously trying to suppress it which makes it worse, half the time I don’t even know the emotions are trying to come out, the muscles on my face trying to do two things at once, cry and suppress. Half of the struggle or maybe more of the struggle is trying to block it from happening.

Tonight I cried without suppressing it, just let my face scrunch up and let the tears out.

It’s ok I guess, even if I cried a little bit every day for the rest of my life that’s ok. Maybe I would be better off if I let myself cry a little every day.

On a different note, I wonder if any person is immune to Narcissists.

Oversensitivity: This means that unexpressed, hidden, repressed emotions have all been pilled on top of one another and then all it takes is a leaf to drop and the emotions overflow. I can respect my possible “oversensitivity” even if other people can’t.
This makes a lot of sense to me to think of it this way.

Children of Narcissists just did not learn to process their emotions properly consequently we have to teach ourselves as adults.


Title: Oscar the Grouch
Post by: Meh on August 18, 2009, 03:35:42 PM
Oscar the Grouch and James Taylor:


How sweet it is to be loved by you:


Shower the people you love with love:

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 18, 2009, 04:47:56 PM
Dear Helen,
 I cry when I watch Disney movies or listen to the music. I love Little Mermaid , Alladdin and Beauty and the Beast. Our deepest heart longings are expressed .
 As far as the NM calling us overly sensitive,mine did the exact same thing.
 She decimated   my feelings.I was TOO dependent, fearful, sensitive, selfish etc.
*I* was  the bad one and she threw all the unacceptable parts on me.This is called Splitting.
 So, we are left hating ourselves cuz WE are all black(bad) and they are all white (good).
 It stands to reason that we would reject our feelings and most everything about ourselves. We had to in order to survive childhood with them.
 Then, we had them in our heads(introjects)
 I think I am getting better so there is hope.          Ami
Title: MORE Blah Blah Blah boring-Nar-Blah
Post by: Meh on August 19, 2009, 05:03:08 AM
Breaking Bad Habits

This is me rambling on about my “stuff” in an attempt to get my head together. It is really just me still coming to terms with the fact that I would be better off thinking of my mother as “The Narcissist” rather then “Mom with forgivable issues”

I have built up a “Mom” image that I have had throughout my life, it’s an image of niceness, it frustrates the f*ck out of me because it’s illogical. I’m gradually accepting the “Narcissist” as more accurate, it’s cold, hard and accurate. I feel guilty and bad for seeing my mother as a Narcissist. Dam! we children of Nar-parents are guilty and shameful about every single thing! F- the shame and F-the guilt. SHAME and GUILT are social control devices. Since I feel more shame and guilt and sadness then I do other more warm emotions in regards to my family that tells me that it is mostly just an issue of power and control and loss.

I have quit my relatives in stages (I think I said this before), as a last resort for my own wellbeing. The thing is blood is thicker then water and often they want to reconnect even years later after successfully having zero contact. Some of them even seem to try to contact me at the very worst times, maybe they think at those moments I am weak and have let my guard down. Disconnecting from them has been painful but staying connected is even worse. My communications have been nil or few. In my mind I disowned them just to cope, but when I do occasionally have contact with them I can’t treat them as if I’ve disowned them.

The screwed up thing about all of this is that me and my brother have never felt welcome in my mother’s homes, we have mentioned this to each other, the feeling is a palpable feeling of being an intruder or unwanted guest even though we are responding to their invite. I might as well be a door to door sales person trying to sell them something they don’t want. There is a real feeling of “go away”. Yet when I try to go away by finally getting fed up and not contacting my NM and her husband anymore…well she throws a fit, she tells all the relatives about it in a distraught manner. I know this is all a Nar-cycle.

If I didn’t cut her off I would end up finally having to tell her how angry I am at her and then she would tell that to all the relatives and I would look bad. So I either end up looking bad or looking bad with the relatives, not much of a choice, so screw it.

Maybe I need to reclarify my boundaries to myself. I still feel guilt sometimes. I think it is probably better to be angry then guilty. So I can just remember my anger I guess. I’m allowed to have my own life. At this point I no longer owe them anything, I will have to keep telling myself that until I really believe it and it has more strength then my guilt does. My relatives use familial pressure together as a group to maintain control.   

It hurts that I really can’t count on them when it matters like a lot of people can count on their families. I have this feeling that my relatives are trying to goad me into doing things that are really against my own best interests, it doesn’t feel right. If I succumb to this I’m not acting of my own volition, essentially my own instincts are ignored if they get their way.

My relatives have made some real messes before that did not involve me and I observed. My relatives can take a situation and turn it into a scenario that snowballs it’s way to hell and misfortune. Curiously not all of them screw-up their own lives. What gives them the right to screw up my life…

There is nothing that gives my relatives the right to screw up my life and I don’t have to feel guilty about that. There, that statement makes me feel strong.

I will just go with the flow, whatever, only contact minimal enough to prevent my NM crisis from escalating but NO MORE. I feel embarrassed about my mother’s crisis.
I feel ashamed by the way my relatives interact with me it is disrespectful and it shows in a subtle way how very little they value me. Gee what a surprise.

Their words (we might care just a little) and their actions (your going down) don’t sync up.

Blah blah blah, ok my next thought is my weaknesses, me looking at my weaknesses….I have some real ones, I may have power to change some but not all. Maybe that is my next writing session. 
Title: Re: MORE Blah Blah Blah boring-Nar-Blah
Post by: Ami on August 19, 2009, 09:24:36 AM
Breaking Bad Habits

This is me rambling on about my “stuff” in an attempt to get my head together. It is really just me still coming to terms with the fact that I would be better off thinking of my mother as “The Narcissist” rather then “Mom with forgivable issues”

I have built up a “Mom” image that I have had throughout my life, it’s an image of niceness, it frustrates the f*ck out of me because it’s illogical. I’m gradually accepting the “Narcissist” as more accurate, it’s cold, hard and accurate. I feel guilty and bad for seeing my mother as a Narcissist. Dam! we children of Nar-parents are guilty and shameful about every single thing! F- the shame and F-the guilt. SHAME and GUILT are social control devices. Since I feel more shame and guilt and sadness then I do other more warm emotions in regards to my family that tells me that it is mostly just an issue of power and control and loss.

I have quit my relatives in stages (I think I said this before), as a last resort for my own wellbeing. The thing is blood is thicker then water and often they want to reconnect even years later after successfully having zero contact. Some of them even seem to try to contact me at the very worst times, maybe they think at those moments I am weak and have let my guard down. Disconnecting from them has been painful but staying connected is even worse. My communications have been nil or few. In my mind I disowned them just to cope, but when I do occasionally have contact with them I can’t treat them as if I’ve disowned them.

The screwed up thing about all of this is that me and my brother have never felt welcome in my mother’s homes, we have mentioned this to each other, the feeling is a palpable feeling of being an intruder or unwanted guest even though we are responding to their invite. I might as well be a door to door sales person trying to sell them something they don’t want. There is a real feeling of “go away”. Yet when I try to go away by finally getting fed up and not contacting my NM and her husband anymore…well she throws a fit, she tells all the relatives about it in a distraught manner. I know this is all a Nar-cycle.

If I didn’t cut her off I would end up finally having to tell her how angry I am at her and then she would tell that to all the relatives and I would look bad. So I either end up looking bad or looking bad with the relatives, not much of a choice, so screw it.

Maybe I need to reclarify my boundaries to myself. I still feel guilt sometimes. I think it is probably better to be angry then guilty. So I can just remember my anger I guess. I’m allowed to have my own life. At this point I no longer owe them anything, I will have to keep telling myself that until I really believe it and it has more strength then my guilt does. My relatives use familial pressure together as a group to maintain control.   

It hurts that I really can’t count on them when it matters like a lot of people can count on their families. I have this feeling that my relatives are trying to goad me into doing things that are really against my own best interests, it doesn’t feel right. If I succumb to this I’m not acting of my own volition, essentially my own instincts are ignored if they get their way.

My relatives have made some real messes before that did not involve me and I observed. My relatives can take a situation and turn it into a scenario that snowballs it’s way to hell and misfortune. Curiously not all of them screw-up their own lives. What gives them the right to screw up my life…

There is nothing that gives my relatives the right to screw up my life and I don’t have to feel guilty about that. There, that statement makes me feel strong.

I will just go with the flow, whatever, only contact minimal enough to prevent my NM crisis from escalating but NO MORE. I feel embarrassed about my mother’s crisis.
I feel ashamed by the way my relatives interact with me it is disrespectful and it shows in a subtle way how very little they value me. Gee what a surprise.

Their words (we might care just a little) and their actions (your going down) don’t sync up.

Blah blah blah, ok my next thought is my weaknesses, me looking at my weaknesses….I have some real ones, I may have power to change some but not all. Maybe that is my next writing session. 

I wish I knew all this about the N family while I was young and still had my mental health.I blamed myself .WE took all the BAD  on ourselves and that is what we have to get rid of now. I think that is what we are doing here.       Ami
Title: Re: Ami
Post by: Meh on August 19, 2009, 02:39:26 PM
Yes, Ami, I bet most of the people on here wish that they had understood their own problems at an earlier stage in life.
Title: Going off-line for a while
Post by: Meh on August 19, 2009, 03:07:03 PM
I may be at a point where I need to do more journaling off-line. I'm getting addicted to the internet.
I've lost my groove and space of processing I think when my relatives were acting out my mother's no-contact crisis.
I will probably still be reading some and eventually posting some.
I have to go deeper into myself and also deal with the dam jury duty and taxes and well, the real world.
I might as well stop procrastinating.

See y'all later.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Hopalong on August 19, 2009, 11:42:07 PM
Good for you, Helen. That's a boundary too.

In case you're still catching up on this post, I had a response to

Maybe I need to reclarify my boundaries to myself. I still feel guilt sometimes. I think it is probably better to be angry then guilty.

I think the anger is useful if it's like a force that can unplug what's beneath it so that can flow through you and eventually empty. What anger's usually covering is hurt or fear. It sounds to me as though your mother is mostly hurtful...

The gift in the future will be when you experience a choice that transcends either anger or guilt, so you don't think in terms of having to choose between those two. Sometimes determined people (and you sure sound determined) can get past either anger or guilt or hurt or grief and find themselves in a place where the dominating emotion is more like compassion.

Cool compassion. Not hot with connection and yearning but just, from your safe distance, sorrow for your mother at all that she has missed, and pity for the forces she no doubt experienced (or inherited in her genes, or both) -- that created her warpedness.

When you're there, it will be all so beyond personal, it will neither hurt nor enrage nor frighten you. It will just be the way it is, or the way she was, and you will accept it all on its own terms.


Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 20, 2009, 06:25:40 AM
Thanks for telling us, Helen. When one of my favorite Board members, Papillion,  disappeared, it was upsetting. I hope the Board will be here when and if you want to come back.God Willing, it will.Best Wishes as you go forward!!                 xxoo  Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 20, 2009, 02:26:03 PM
All right... I'll miss you!

But I know very, very well the power of private journalling... trust your intuitions sweetie... sounds like they're spot on. The best place to release all that anger is a journal where you can SEE it and see the patterns in it... because anger is a double-edged sword and usually pullls along guilt, shame, embarrassment... with the expression of it. Anger is also our friend - because it tells us exactly where and what our boundaries are. But... don't forget to "touch base" here, every so often... tell us how it's going.

You don't need to do that part of the processing all by yourself. There's nothing bad about any of those feelings... and I've had worse daydreams than yours in church... but anything that has an aura of power to it can have a boomerang effect on one. Totally understand.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 21, 2009, 02:49:09 PM
I was contemplating why I have so much difficulty "standing up for myself".
I'm noticing that I have a bubble of intense emotions and judgements that threatens to float up to the surface when I'm in a scenario where I need to stand up for myself.

I've come to the understanding that it's not because I am truly "weak", this too is an emotional pattern and "old FOO issue"

Self protection is a primal response and I do believe it is still in me somewhere. My body/psyche's natural responses have been immobilized.

Both my mother's boyfriend and my father did not like it when I did anything that remotely resembled "standing up for myself".

I think it is safe to say that some people do not feel the way I do when they have to stand up for themselves, on the contrary I believe that some people actually get pleasure from standing up for themselves. Some people do it with ease.

I personally have to fight against myself first before I can "fight against another person".

There is some self blocking there. Some form of unconscious self sabotaging behavior.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 21, 2009, 04:14:32 PM
Dear Helen
 I think if you had an N parent, you cannot defend yourself very well b/c they demanded you didn't. Life was centered pleasing and catering to them. It was about hiding yourself under a rock ,never standing up , never having a solid identity.
 I think in order to change s/thing big like not being able to stand up for yourself, you need a soft place to fall .
 I had no guidance as a child and definately could not fail so I became frozen. If I moved right, my M would knife me. if I moved left ,she would knife me. It was a learned helplessness like the rat studies.
 I feel I can try new things now b/c I can fail and it is OK.         Ami
Title: Re: Ami
Post by: Meh on August 22, 2009, 03:31:03 PM
Ami: Your comment was reassuring to me, it led me to believe that there might be a sliver of possibility that I can better stand up for myself. I think that your comment probably holds a lot of accuracy in describing what we go through as kids. The learned helplessness. This idea of "learned helplessness" is something that I don't think I have considered much. I will look at it. Thank you. I do remember identifying with the dog that gets shocked repetitively every time he tries to step off of a platform, then at some point he doesn't try to get off the platform anymore.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 22, 2009, 04:32:33 PM
More of "my stuff"........
I thought I was taking a break from posting.. I guess not...

I just recalled this scenario from my life: When I was in high school I was simultaneously in college. There was a high school class I was bombing and I wanted to drop it. I had to go to this high school administrator guy and request in person from him to grant the dropping of the class. So I was sitting in front of his big wood desk. He would not allow me to drop it, he seemed to think it would be some sort of learning experience for me. He said to me "It's ok to ask for help when you need help". He said it with this warmish kind of facial expression.

I remember this comment clearly. His comment about asking for help was like some sort of cattle prod that pushed through to some part of me. I'm not sure who he thought I was going to get help from. It was as if he was so confident that help was easily attainable. He said it as if all I had to do was open my mouth and squawk: “Help!  Help!”

I thought: "Wow, a person asks for help..and...and they get it? Really? That’s amazing!.....Yeah.... Whatever dude.”

I think I almost ended up failing that class, I did not get “help” with it.

Hearing his comment did not give me the key to getting help in life, but it did make me realize that for some people it is a lot easier for them to ask and receive help. That some people maybe expect to receive help. I realized that some people have others under them boosting them up to climb over the fences in life.

Sitting on the opposite side of his desk looking at him through my eyes I felt old, a lot older then him, because I thought I understood something that he did not. I understood my life, and he did not understand my life. My life was inconceivable to him.
My quiet perspective in my own little world. Who is this guy and what world is he from?

A Conundrum: So a part of me has necessarily become self-sufficient, and another part of me probably has "learned helplessness".
I'm digesting what this means to me....Hum...

What does this mean to me? What do I know about myself because of this.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 22, 2009, 04:51:08 PM
More of "my stuff"........
I thought I was taking a break from posting.. I guess not...

I just recalled this scenario from my life: When I was in high school I was simultaneously in college. There was a high school class I was bombing and I wanted to drop it. I had to go to this high school administrator guy and request in person from him to grant the dropping of the class. So I was sitting in front of his big wood desk. He would not allow me to drop it, he seemed to think it would be some sort of learning experience for me. He said to me "It's ok to ask for help when you need help". He said it with this warmish kind of facial expression.

I remember this comment clearly. His comment about asking for help was like some sort of cattle prod that pushed through to some part of me. I'm not sure who he thought I was going to get help from. It was as if he was so confident that help was easily attainable. He said it as if all I had to do was open my mouth and squawk: “Help!  Help!”

I thought: "Wow, a person asks for help..and...and they get it? Really? That’s amazing!.....Yeah.... Whatever dude.”

I think I almost ended up failing that class, I did not get “help” with it.

Hearing his comment did not give me the key to getting help in life, but it did make me realize that for some people it is a lot easier for them to ask and receive help. That some people maybe expect to receive help. I realized that some people have others under them boosting them up to climb over the fences in life.

Sitting on the opposite side of his desk looking at him through my eyes I felt old, a lot older then him, because I thought I understood something that he did not. I understood my life, and he did not understand my life. My life was inconceivable to him.
My quiet perspective in my own little world. Who is this guy and what world is he from?

A Conundrum: So a part of me has necessarily become self-sufficient, and another part of me probably has "learned helplessness".
I'm digesting what this means to me....Hum...

What does this mean to me? What do I know about myself because of this.

You are some writer, Helen. You expressed my life  well---too old and too young!                 Ami
Title: Re: AMI
Post by: Meh on August 22, 2009, 04:59:01 PM
Re: AMI        Yeah, too old and too young. That is a good way to put it, I concur.
Title: Re: AMI
Post by: Ami on August 22, 2009, 05:17:22 PM
Re: AMI        Yeah, too old and too young. That is a good way to put it, I concur.

Yeah  I have so much depth and so much immaturity, at the same time.          Ami
Title: "A lonely heart can lead to heart damage"
Post by: Meh on August 22, 2009, 06:17:25 PM
A study just came out that lonely women are at higher risk for heart disease.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Hopalong on August 22, 2009, 07:46:58 PM
Hi Helen,

I think positive group experiences put paid to despair.

I think as organisms, as human animals, we thrive in community.

Have you read the book, Better OFF?

Never mind the extremity of what they did...but the community organism, I got that...

It was so healing to me to read about those rhythms, to understand what they do to the heart.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 22, 2009, 09:54:59 PM
I can see that lack of intimacy(emotional) would hurt the heart. When s/one says s/thing really sweet to me, my heart squeezes--something really warm, tender and loving.
  Have you ever had this?          Ami     
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 23, 2009, 08:18:27 AM
On the topic of “I have a right to be here”…and being very SELF CONSCIOUS
(warning this is sort of a boring, rambling post)

Today I was in a lovely park and decided to do some basic tai chi-stances/movements. I noticed that when people walk by I have the impulse to do one of the following things: Stop and sit on a near by bench and stare into space until they pass by, OR  Stop and pretend like I’m doing something other then tai-chi such as looking at the bushes, OR stop and sit down cross legged on the grass and fake-smile at them, OR stop and walk away to another part of the park so I can find a more secluded place, AND I also think about how they might interpret my facial expression and I wonder how fake this smile is I’m making, a little fake, or a lot fake. As I’m writing this, I think this sounds absurd, yet it is what my mind is going through.   

The reason why I noticed my impulsive thoughts today was because Hops started the post on the phrase “I have a right to be here”.. Thank you Hops!….

I know that my impulses are probably irrational. The park that I was practicing in today is a very, very, large park, acres worth of park. So there is ample room for me. I’m not in anyone’s way. It’s more of a stroll-through park, and there are only a few of these passers-by, it’s not bustling at all. There is no one playing Frisbee or catch. Yet I still feel like I have to not draw attention to myself, or something. Maybe I’m so fearful of being judged, in my mind people are thinking that I’m doing something the wrong way or that I’m bad at it or I’m eccentric. Maybe there is some part of me that does not think I have the right to just do my own thing. Who knows what the heck is going on inside me..Maybe I feel so self conscious because I was around people who were overly-critical about too many petty arbitrary things and it has driven me to being bonkers. Who f’n knows.   

I know that the park people are not going to throw tomatoes at me. In fact Tai-chi has the effect of calming down the surrounding environment. People are pretty mellow when they walk by me they really don’t care. So why am I so self-conscious?
Until today I didn’t notice the depth of my self-consciousness, how hard it is for me to relax around other people. So, I know that this is dumb. I know I shouldn’t be so self conscious. But I just am. Maybe I feel like I can walk through the park but I’m not allowed to do anything other then walk through the park since that would be different then what the average person is doing. So I said to myself:

 “I have a right to be here, there is enough space for me, it’s perfectly ok for me to do tai chi in this park”.  Now that I’m writing this it seems absurd to me that I would even have to say that to myself. How weird is that.

It did help, whenever a person would walk by, I would say to myself “I have a right to be here”. After saying it I could then stay in my own body, in my own space.

At first my attention wants to go to whoever is walking by. After a while though I was able to pay more attention to my own space and not get carried away by the people walking by. That is how I felt around some Nar-people, that they demanded my full attention and I just could not bring my focus back to myself. I was always feeling self conscious wondering when they would attack next. On guard all the time not able to relax into my own being.

I’m an animal of prey constantly monitoring the environment for signs of danger.   

Just the thought of the word SELF CONSCIOUS makes me feel exhausted.
So worried about what other people will think of me, Oh no! They will see my imperfectness! Oh no! I’m waving my arms around in the air, they are going to think I’m crazy!” The crazy part is not what I’m doing (The Tai-Chi), instead the crazy part is the agony that my psyche goes through just to stand in the park.

Maybe this seems like a self-absorbed post, but I do think there is something to be learned from noticing my thoughts and breaking them down and then really looking at them and trying to find any truth in them or seeing the falseness of these thoughts.

Ok maybe this all makes me sound weird, I am maybe a little weird, but I assure you not as weird as it sounds. It’s not like I’m dressed up as a bush so that I can blend in with the foliage or anything.

I am peeling my fingers off of the keyboard… RIGHT NOW!

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 23, 2009, 08:27:25 AM
Dear ((Helen))
 Thanks for bringing it up and SO  beautifully expressed ,too!
This was part of my angst at the "Golf Party". Would I be weird if I didn't watch golf and went to my room?Would I be a weird anti-social?
 I think shame is under it cuz if we get one more assault we will "crack", we think.
 We have been shamed up to the tip top. It hurt so much that we monitor ourselves so we can avoid it,now.
 I think we have to find a way to let the shame out like  steam in a pressure cooker.
Title: Re: AMI
Post by: Meh on August 23, 2009, 08:35:42 AM
Re: Ami       So, during your golf party, you had an internal tug-of-war going on? And your mental thoughts maybe even distracted you from enjoying other people's company a bit?

Ami: "We monitor ourselves to avoid the shame"   This statement is interesting to me Ami.

It's like the self monitoring is part of anxiety. It makes sense.

I had a family party that I went to a long time ago, I had to travel there directly after work so I was wearing my work clothes.
When I got to the party some woman did a snotty up and down look at me and I thought "screw it", I just went up stairs into a spare bedroom and fell quickly asleep. I felt like a weirdo for doing it but I also spared myself the agony of a bad party. My uncle was bragging about his new toilet seat cover...uh it really was a bad party.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 23, 2009, 08:54:28 AM
 Dear Helen
  I will tell you about my thoughts.I was  watching Golf, frozen  cuz I wanted to leave but did not want to seem weird, a loner, anti-social.
 I had a background tug between wanting to be an independent person and say," I don't like golf,  I will come back later" and "You are a selfish, immature baby for not being able to place your OWN  needs behind other peoples.
 You are BAD if you go against the crowd. "
 I think that may have been under your Tai Chi experience, too,going against "normal" people who walk in the park--not" abnormal "people who do Tai Chi.
  Anyway, I went to my room BUT I felt like a really bad loser. My H came and told me"Be social" so I felt worse.
  I came out and people had stopped watching golf and were getting ready to leave SO I felt worse like *I* had driven them out--LOL.
   *I* could not shake the "BAD".
  My friend  said, "You were beating yourself up cuz you were less than "perfect".  You felt  BAD and SELFISH to do s/thing for yourself like leave the room The NM demands total allegiance like a dictator. If you do anything for yourself, she unleashes wrath and humiliation on you like you had  with the dinner at her house.         Ami

PS I think we were hit with a board so many times for having our own identity and/or  being "selfish' that we are brainwashed with t "bad" for doing either. I think it is a brainwashing like cult members.
 I can hear my internal voice get me when I want to be independent and/or take care of my own needs.
Title: Re: Ami
Post by: Meh on August 23, 2009, 08:58:02 AM
I can see that lack of intimacy(emotional) would hurt the heart. When s/one says s/thing really sweet to me, my heart squeezes--something really warm, tender and loving.
  Have you ever had this?          Ami     

To answer your question, um I'm not sure, I don't recall my heart squeezing in a tender warm way. Usually the feeling I associate with a squeezing heart is more of a diminishing/shrinking field of space that gets smaller out of fear.
Ok, so I notice as I'm answering this post, I'm feeling embarrassed.

I once had cranio-sacral therapy, it's very gentle and subtle, the therapist actually said to me that when she put her hand near my heart, my heart tries to move away from her. I didn't feel it on my end, but if she says she noticed it she probably did. 

The heart area of my chest actually tries to squirm away! My poor little heart, I never realized how messed up it is!
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 23, 2009, 09:08:21 AM
Oh (((Helen))))
 I strated noticing my actual heart after Scott died b/c it literally hurt. It was  an actual physical ache.  I became attuned to  how it felt with different emotions.
 Last week,my friend said  "I will love you when you get old"
 That made my heart squeeze.
  I think warmth and intimacy feed the literal heart.However, you have to get rid of shame before you can risk intimacy so it is hard when you have our type of M's. You have to find the right people to grow with.

PS I think our NM's literally broke our hearts.
Title: Re: Ami
Post by: Meh on August 23, 2009, 09:41:27 AM
Ami, I see you as an adult who has her own likes and dislikes. I see that you do not especially derive pleasure from watching golf especially when what you really want to do is converse. I see you as a person who knows exactly what she wants.

I don't see the "Bad" or "the selfish cry baby".
Title: Re: Ami
Post by: Ami on August 23, 2009, 09:48:57 AM
Ami, I see you as an adult who has her own likes and dislikes. I see that you do not especially derive pleasure from watching golf especially when what you really want to do is converse. I see you as a person who knows exactly what she wants.

I don't see the "Bad" or "the selfish cry baby".

I see YOU that way, too.I think we have distortions about ourselves more than other people. That is probably the root of our problems. That is why my "program" now is to try to see "reality" as it is not as my distortions TELL me it is.KWIM?       Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Hopalong on August 23, 2009, 08:07:04 PM
It’s not like I’m dressed up as a bush so that I can blend in with the foliage or anything.

I am peeling my fingers off of the keyboard…

Imo, there's nothing more endearing than a neurotic (meant in an affectionate way, from one to another  :)) with a sense of humor!

Thank you for making this story a delight to read, even though it was no delight for you to feel. I think you got to a great place, when you occupied your space and felt pleasure and belonging.

It won't always be so hard. It's just about practicing.

Will you do it again? I hope so.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 24, 2009, 03:05:00 PM
More of my "Stuff"...Me rambling on about my childhood.

There are a couple of parents that I know with a little girl. These parents of course brag about her accomplishments almost incessantly as if she really is the smartest and most talented child on the planet. These parents also know about what she is learning in school in each subject they have a gauge for her progress. They take a keen interest in her development of skills and abilities. They ask her to recite what she knows to the people around them as if people really would want to know. The parents assume that everyone adores their child as much as they do. They try to expose her to as much as they can in life I guess so she is cultured or something. They celebrate her when she is a “winner”, they also protect her in situations where she is not a “winner”. The parents would never call her a loser although they will call other children losers without restraint. She goes to special schools, I once went over her homework with her as requested by her parents and I was surprised at the level of work she was working on. She was adopted, her fate would probably had been much worse had she been left unadopted. To listen to the parents, one would think that the child was somehow inherently superior to all other children because she belongs to them. Of course they forget that she is not even genetically theirs.

I recall when I was a kid, a friend of the family who asked me to see my school books and papers. My binder was disorganized I guess, so this friend of the family told me that the binder was disorganized and helped me organize it. This person also tested me on the things that I should know at that point in school and I was informed as well as my father was, that I was “way behind”. This is the one and only single time I remember an adult taking direct interest in my schoolwork.

I'm just noticing the differences here, the reality of my childhood and how it was not the same as all childhoods on many levels.

My father did seem to expect me to achieve and fail at the same time. This was very confusing to me. I remember once he said to me that I was flailing. Flailing means to wave and thrash the limbs around wildly and helplessly. This comment sticks with me.

Sometimes my parents were busy with work it's true, but more often they were physically there but not mentally there. My mother would prefer to veg-out in front of the television then look at my school work. I recall no time when my mother ever took an interest in my school work, never asked me about it or looked at it, nothing at all.
School work was never discussed at the dinner table, I don't remember what was, some sort of underhanded conflict probably was always brewing at the dinner table, some personal attacks from her boyfriend, him claiming that there was something wrong about me. 

I know this is all in the past, it just helps me put my childhood into context.
As a kid I did not know what I was missing out on, I knew that I was sad but did not understand why, I felt wrong for being sad. 
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 24, 2009, 03:35:16 PM

Some say don't sit around feeling sorry for yourself, don't have a pity party for yourself. Who are these people who say these things?
Why is it any of their f'n business. I hear this in my mind, a force pressuring me not to pity myself. That feeling sorry for myself is weak. On the contrary, looking back and having compassion for myself for the first time, that is not weak. I deserve to try to find compassion for all parts of me in the past and the present that were ignored for so long. I have the right to give attention to the parts of me that were ignored. In fact now it is my sole responsibility to do that.

I'm looking back at my childhood and seeing that my child's-mind did not understand what was going on, what was happening to me, I am only now understanding what was happening to me. I am ruminating, I have a right to ruminate, I have a right to figure out the truth of my past. The world wants us to go out and achieve and to do..

Don't just do something, sit there..

I'm not feeling sad for myself, I'm trying to forgive myself, I'm trying to console myself, I'm trying to fix myself, I'm trying to give to myself what my parents didn't give to me. The only way I can give to myself is to really understand what was missing. I'm trying to find the real me. I have the right to find the real me, no matter what I've got to do to find her. I'm trying to undo the badness.
I wish I could go back and nurture that kid I use to be.

You know what, maybe I am feeling sad for myself? Maybe that is exactly what I need to do is to FEEL sad for mySELF.

If I only Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the positive and eliminate the negative then I'm eliminating big sections of myself.

I know that not everyone can "get this", I've got these neighbors that are always goofing and laughing almost always, I bet there is not a day that goes by that they are not laughing with each other. They are not struggling inside. Life is a big joke and a big game and they are confident that they will win at it. They never have to say to themselves "I have a right to be here". There is not a single cell in their body that believes it does not have the right.

Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha,...yeah well F'you.

Ok, I know I'm being a snot, but that is how I feel sometimes.

At least I know why I'm a grouch.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 24, 2009, 03:36:27 PM
I hear "processing". That's good. Sometimes what we remember is earth-shatteringly important; sometimes it's just more of the same old, same old. It ALL has to be processed: picked up, examined under the microscope, seeing if a pattern is developing... Processing is what helps us get beyond being "stuck". That's not the same as "unglued", mind you. Stuck is when we can't stop processing the same old crap - the same way - over & over.

Un-stuck is like being free from old emotional/mental habits... and breathing deeply of fresh, stimulating air... and deciding what to do next.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 24, 2009, 03:43:57 PM
OK - our posts crossed in the cyber-ether...

It's OK to feel sorry for yourself... for the awful things that happened to you... and for the things you didn't have. It's grieving... a great human loss... and I think you'll find that grief has it's own schedule; it's own agenda; and that finally, at the end of the process you'll have a great sense of peace... and wholeness.

I keep thinking about that picture of the beautiful little girl... do you ever meditate on the picture? Try to see her? Is she trying to tell you something?
Title: Re: Phoenix:
Post by: Meh on August 24, 2009, 03:45:42 PM
Un-stuck is like being free from old emotional/mental habits... and breathing deeply of fresh, stimulating air... and deciding what to do next.

You mean "unglued" is like being free?

Processing is interesting, it has it's own darn path like a winding snake and I can't see where it's going, but yes sometimes I do get to a destination that seems worthwhile.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 24, 2009, 03:54:11 PM
Dear Helen
 You express what *I* think and feel so beautifully, much better than I could. When I hear you talk, I say "Yes". I "get' what you are saying.
 *I* could have written it if I were as eloquent.            Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 24, 2009, 04:06:28 PM
OK - our posts crossed in the cyber-ether...

It's OK to feel sorry for yourself... for the awful things that happened to you... and for the things you didn't have. It's grieving... a great human loss... and I think you'll find that grief has it's own schedule; it's own agenda; and that finally, at the end of the process you'll have a great sense of peace... and wholeness.

I keep thinking about that picture of the beautiful little girl... do you ever meditate on the picture? Try to see her? Is she trying to tell you something?

Yes, I think grieving for the self gets to the heart of it. That is a good way to put it-grieving  for SELF.
It's counter culture for people to grieve for themselves, we are not allowed to.
I'm not sure if I'm grieving correctly. I want to speed it up, get it all done so I'm not grieving for the rest of my life.
I want to put my grief in the microwave, unthaw it, warm it up till it's steaming and then eat it and then flush it down the toilet once and for all.

Hum, the little girl, that is a good question, Thanks for asking Phoenix. I haven't been thinking about the little-girl photo lately.
Maybe I will talk to her the next time I go to the park. I think mostly she just wants to play. Ok that last statement makes me tear-up a bit, it must be true. She wants to play.

I'm sitting in a cafe staring out the window with my eyes glazed over. My ass is numb.

Gonna slosh some more coffee into this already acid stomach. Yum!

P.S:  Hey, Numb rhymes with Yum!
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 24, 2009, 04:36:31 PM
Dear Helen
 Grieving is a REAL process. You lost your true self as a child. That is grief. The hard part is how scary the feelings are when they come up. I could not do it w/out my friend.
 I could not feel this pain w/out him cuz I would be too afraid of it.
 I understand what you are saying, Helen.
 You have really good instinsts about healing. Follow your gut!          Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 24, 2009, 04:55:07 PM
So..... maybe instead of tai chi.... you swing for a bit? and then tai chi?
or vice versa? Does the little girl like tai chi? I know Twiggy (my inner child) does...

I sense you might be avoiding things that feel good - because in a weird way - feeling good hurts. Boy! do I know that place... it's scary, painful, and there's this pressure of "what if I don't do it right"????? And then, it all doubles in on itself making an ugly tangled ball of crap, all tangled up with flotsam & jetsam details... and it's just EASIER to not even go there. Or maybe that's just my own experience and yours is very different.

But there IS, for me, still... this fear of feeling good... and while I "think" it's stupid in the extreme - worthy of all of the clinical neurosis' diagnoses that exist - I respect the reasons why my inner "little girl" - Twiggy - feels this way. We used to be two people; that's no longer so clear anymore... we're merging... integrating... becoming one & the same person. I describe it as getting "younger" all the time. Twiggy went through some s*&$, to be sure. And I'm still amazed at how tough she was... able to come through everything... and still be the same pure self. It's difficult, sometimes, to live up to her standards in my life... but she has her reasons... I respect them. She is very, very precious to me.

The first time I indulged her, we left hubby alone for 6 hours on a Sat, to go draw an owl in a natural history museum. It's something Twiggy always wanted to do. By accident - chance - or synchronicity - I saw an ad offering just such an opportunity for free. It felt incredibly selfish, neglectful and mean. But despite that: there was this sense of total peace that came from that one small indulgence. There simply wasn't a "discussion" on whether this was a worthy use of my time... whether hubby would eat while I was gone... or anything. And it truly didn't matter if I finished the drawing or not... it was just time that I allowed Twiggy - the inner little girl - to do what she wanted to do. That, dear friend, was the valuable thing. I couldn't explain it - justify it - at the time. Just something I had to do....

it looked sounded like fun.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 24, 2009, 05:06:19 PM
Pointless ramblings:

Ok, I'm gonna keep on writing myself down the path to who knows where.

I saw this woman with a black shirt and white lettering says "I'm out of bed and dressed, what more do you want?"

There was a time when I would have frowned on this shirt, all preened and proper I was. This is me now.
I often sleep in my clothes, get up without brushing and then go get coffee, I still have blanket creases on my face when I go to get coffee in the morning, the morning being sometime between 10:00-2:00 PM. My days are mainly filled with sleeping, eating, going to a park, and being on the internet, drinking coffee.
Putting more acid into my already corroded tank.

I do barely anything and I'm exhausted. I can concoct an itinerary for myself and follow it for a while but I end up back at this place of waiting on my ass for my life to change.

I forgive myself for being depressed.
I forgive myself for feeling exhausted.
I forgive myself for the things I have not accomplished in life.
I forgive myself for lacking inspiration.
I forgive myself for wrapping myself up in my blankets again after only being up for 1 hour.
I forgive myself for my naive parts.
I forgive myself for not buying new clothes.
I forgive myself for not getting my hair cut.
I forgive myself for my self-neglect.
I forgive myself for hating my sadness.
I forgive myself for hiding my depression.
I forgive myself for my neck ache.
I forgive myself for being juiced up on caffeine.
I forgive myself for things that I don't even know yet.
I forgive myself for not being able to stand up for myself the way I would like to.
I forgive this computer.
I forgive my old shoes.
I forgive my heart for hiding in the shade.
I forgive my life.
I forgive my heart for aching.
I forgive myself for holding my emotions back.
I forgive myself for when my emotions over flow.
I forgive myself for my dirty dishes.
I forgive myself for times when I was deluded.
I forgive my headaches whereever they are coming from.
I forgive my muscles, I hope my muscles forgive my mind.
I'm gonna forgive my little girl fists for not being strong enough to punch the teeth right out my mother's boyfriend's jaw.
I'm going to forgive myself for not owning the emotional equivalent of steel knuckles.
I forgive my little girl self for having small little girl muscles.
I'm going to forgive her for being embarrassed.
Beneath the shame is anger.
I'm forgiving my anger. Ewe that statement doesn't feel good. My heart is trying to get away from that one.
Ok, my anger does not need to be forgiven! That's a little better.
My anger is mine all mine.
My anger is good. Ok that statement makes me take a breath.
I'm going to forgive me for being too nice.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 24, 2009, 05:40:57 PM
I think I have already written this, oh well I'm going to write it again now that I'm back to GRIEF.

So, I got a foot massage from a person who was a novice foot-masseuse. After being poked in the middle of my foot, my whole body tensed up like instant rigamortise and then relaxed again then out came uncontrollable laughing in front of people who were not laughing. The couple of wks that ensued were a period of insomnia and anxiety, this eventually was corrected with a couple nights of sleeping pills and sedatives. It went away I was ok after a while. What I felt at that moment of instant rigamortise was intense grief for the first time ever, and along with the grief was overwhelming anxiety.

A relative took me to an emergency room for people with psychiatric problems, mostly homeless people. Being taken to this place did not feel good, I think my relatives want me to be crazy. I was in my early 20's when this happened.The relative could have given me a hug, then took me to a regular doctor to be treated for insomnia and anxiety. Instead I was taken to this horrible place where they asked me to pee in a cup 9 times, I never did because I'm not a f'n drug addict. They were so sure they knew what I was and who I was. They don't know shi*t! The people who worked there were sure there was something wrong with me but they just could not put their finger on it. So they gave me some anxiety meds that did not work, I eventually got it sorted out and a few nights of sleep and all was back to "normal". I was afraid of my own anxiety, I was really worried that I was going to permanently lose my mind, why couldn't my relatives just given me a f'n hug.

I'm just angry that my relatives took this opportunity to take me to a place that frightened me even more. They didn't really bother talking to me for a while to figure out what was going on. I was embarrassed that they took me to that place. They would not have taken themselves to that place.

God, at some point in my life I am going to be so f'n wise for having gone through all this crap.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 24, 2009, 05:52:00 PM
Wiki def: Grief is a multifaceted response to loss, particularly to the loss of someone or something beloved. It spans the emotions of numbness, disbelief, separation anxiety, despair, sadness, and loneliness.

Hum, what a f'n mess. I'm reading the definition of grief on wikipedia, I guess it's sort of a complex response.
Wikipedia even says that depression is a consequence of grief, I mean I knew that but... I don't know..where the hell my depression is coming from. From little particles in my brain fluid. From my unexpressed anger turned inward. From my grief?

It's like when something gets tangled up. I'm like a gigantic stinking snarl of seaweed on the beach. Just step over it and keep on walking.

Alright that is enough today. Going to go to park and find my little girl.

I have the right to grieve. I have the right to be here in my grief.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 24, 2009, 05:58:47 PM
Little girl just wants to cry, play, and be hugged.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 24, 2009, 06:36:10 PM
 Our families  WANTED us to be crazy. THAT is the worst part. When I got angry at them , my M tried to get my H to hospitalize me.
 Helen, it IS that bad. That is WHY you are having grief. It WAS that bad, Sweetie.
 That is why it is so hard to face.               Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 25, 2009, 08:27:37 AM
Thinking of you, today (((Helen))))                      Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 25, 2009, 08:45:11 AM
Little girl just wants to cry, play, and be hugged.

OK. You can hold her and let her cry all her tears; rock her and hug her.
And you can give her chances to play - with you - on a regular basis.

And you can tell each other all the things that need to be said...

because you can care - do care - a lot about each other.

Because you ARE wise, you can help her understand... and she can grow up... faster than normal, but it still takes time - her "clock" is different than yours... and she is ALSO wise... and can explain to you things you might not understand - yet. Together, you'll be able to weather the anger and the grief storms when they come up... and then they'll pass.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Hopalong on August 25, 2009, 01:01:35 PM
::Rocking, little Helen::

holding, rocking, humming...

It's okay, sweetie.
You are beautiful and good.

You are beautiful and good.


Title: Re: Ami/Phoenix/Hops
Post by: Meh on August 25, 2009, 02:45:22 PM
Hiya, Ami, Phoenix, and Hops,

Thanks much for the warm thoughts, it does help me to understand and stick with it. I probably am skirting or skimming along the surface right now and not diving too deep into myself.

Ami, thanks for sharing your experience with me about your Nar-people trying to get your H to put you in a psych-place. That's interesting. When you said "they want us to be crazy", well on some level I do think that is true. It's really hard to understand and even harder to accept. Like you said it is hard. It is very validating to me to hear your version of a similar event. Hearing it makes me feel less wrong and less "crazy".

Phoenix, thanks for asking me the questions, reminding me to listen to the different parts of me, and reminding me how life has it's own schedule. It's a good reminder for me to be patient with myself.

Hops, thanks for the sweet and loving words/visual image. It's a reminder for me to be gentle to myself. I need to indulge myself with love and tenderness. My little girl needs to be "spoiled" with attention.   
Title: Re: Ami/Phoenix/Hops
Post by: Ami on August 25, 2009, 03:00:53 PM
Hiya, Ami, Phoenix, and Hops,

Thanks much for the warm thoughts, it does help me to understand and stick with it. I probably am skirting or skimming along the surface right now and not diving too deep into myself.

Ami, thanks for sharing your experience with me about your Nar-people trying to get your H to put you in a psych-place. That's interesting. When you said "they want us to be crazy", well on some level I do think that is true. It's really hard to understand and even harder to accept. Like you said it is hard. It is very validating to me to hear your version of a similar event. Hearing it makes me feel less wrong and less "crazy".

Phoenix, thanks for asking me the questions, reminding me to listen to the different parts of me, and reminding me how life has it's own schedule. It's a good reminder for me to be patient with myself.

Hops, thanks for the sweet and loving words/visual image. It's a reminder for me to be gentle to myself. I need to indulge myself with love and tenderness. My little girl needs to be "spoiled" with attention.   

Dear Helen,
  I hear your deepest heart wanting to know the truth, accept the truth.THAT is where the healing lies--the TRUTH, the truth.
No matter how badly the truth hurts, it is better than being numb(in denial)          Ami

PS Facing the NM is SOOOO painful. I see the truth of her more each day . Alice Miller says you HAVE to face the truth in order to heal!
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 25, 2009, 03:18:21 PM
Spoiling the little one with attention, try to remember that she is a child and you the adult. Her needs might just surprise you... in intensity & maturity... and like all kids, she might need to learn boundaries and limits... and how those can be enforced lovingly.

Mine was like an angry, scared street cat... all claws & teeth... if I pushed too hard, or asked too much too soon from her. She had to learn to trust me a bit... and then she started leading the process herself... like a bursting dam, it all came pouring out... and my T kept saying pace yourself, slow down...  :D I think she was afraid I'd not be able to take it - all the stuff at once - and start to retreat from it. I did, sometimes... but not for long. Twiggy always tapped me on the shoulder - and found other ways - to let me know she "had" something for me... until she got it ALL out.
Title: Baby girl/More Tai-Chi
Post by: Meh on August 25, 2009, 04:24:26 PM
So I did go to the park, brought a notebook, tried to envision little me, the phrase came to me "be quiet". That was all I got for that park rendezvous.

So I stood up and did some Tai-Chi at the edge of a big lake, I had walked by this place before and wanted to do some standing meditation there over looking the water but didn't dare. It's expansive and looks east over the waves and up towards mountains. It's in a pretty visible place. So I just stood there this time and made a "spectacle" of myself. There were really only a few people in the park. It seems weird to me that I was making such a big deal about it before. Oh well. I felt a little less self-conscious this time I think. When I was sitting down some ducks jumped up next to me and some guy decided that I would be a photo opportunity for him while I sat there with the ducks. I just kept my back to him the whole time. I'm so unfriendly...Oh well.

I got this vision that came to me sort of a social-activism performance art vision of people dispersing themselves all over the downtown parts of bustling cities and all doing tai-chi. Sort of like those critical-mass bike rides where people all get on their bikes and jam around the city together. Well I envisioned a critical mass -Tai-Chi demonstration in the craziest bustling cities, people stagered all around on the sidewalks just doing their thing.

I'm glad I got this vision, I think it's a good sign that it came to me, I use to see these types of things and then I shut it off when I started my last job. What ever these visions are I used them as a source for making art in the past.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Hopalong on August 25, 2009, 05:37:17 PM
I think you were emanating some lovely energy that those ducks were drawn to!


Title: Movie: "Water"
Post by: Meh on August 26, 2009, 03:14:36 PM
I think this is my all time favorite movie: Water by Director Deepa Mehta

The main character is a little girl who becomes a widow and is banished to dwell in a compound with other widows in India. These women are powerless, poor, voiceless.

The director had to stop her first attempt at making the movie because too many people intervened and protested. It was an affront to social norms I guess. The movie was set back in 1938, but it seems that it is still a topic of contention for some people.

I think it's interesting how far people will go to cover-up and keep hidden those people who are mistreated/out casted/abused etc. Many people have a big stake in keeping other's voiceless and powerless. Some part of them depends on the powerlessness of others, how pathetic is that.

So after about 5-6 years the director recuperated, got more money together and began filming again in a different country and had to recast the actors.

I admire what this director was doing, her courage, determination, patience and the fact that she heard this voice and story, the voice of the widows and had to make it known to the world. She was speaking for a voiceless group by making the movie.

I loved the scenes in the widow compound, they are so human, I think the actresses did not wear any make up. The director intentionally tried to make the movie as beautiful as possible to counterbalance the sadness of the subject.

Title: Resentment
Post by: Meh on August 26, 2009, 03:26:57 PM

So it seems to me that there are nuances, shades of anger.
Maybe I will come back to this word again. I'm not sure what is in there.
I noticed the other day that I had been carrying around the emotion of resentment and I realized this is another form of anger.
For years I thought that I could not relate to angry people, turns out I was angry the whole time in a subdued deeper layer of me.
I carried around my anger in the form of secret resentment. I think.

My mother would never forgive me for being angry. I know I'm chewing cud here, but I'm gonna do it, repeat it until it makes more sense, or goes somewhere.
Title: .
Post by: Meh on August 26, 2009, 03:44:50 PM
My parents failed to fullfull their responsibilities as parents.

This feels like a strong statement to me. It makes me feel a little less guilty for cutting them off.

In a way my parents were failures. (I know this sounds harsh). There is something about this that is significant to me though.
What is it?

Socially we are suppose to forgive our parents faults, but to what degree?
How much parental failure is socially acceptable?
If a parent tries but doesn't do it right the first time, yeah I guess they get points for trying.
If the parents never try, then why should they get "parent points"

How would a person earn "parent points"?
Reading books to their kids.
Talking directly to their children as if the child's world was important.
Taking the children's needs into consideration when making family decisions.
Throwing B-Day parties for the kids.

I just can not make up in the present time what did not happen when I was a kid.
There is no changing the past, no rewriting history.
So I just blocked it. I ripped those sheets out of the book, and replaced them with blank ones.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 26, 2009, 04:17:00 PM
I'm rambling on pointlessly. I guess I can erase any of this stuff that just turns out to be blop.

So last Sunday I went to church and got up and walked out midway before the reverend had ended her sermon.

I was noticing that I was becoming angry as I sat there in church and decided that I do not have to make myself sit there in discomfort.
My anger itself is not bad. My anger tells me that the point of the sermon was not resonating with me, and was not true for me.
The reverend seemed so sure that the sermon was applicable to everyone. The theme of her speech was that people need to say they are sorry more often and apologize more for wrongs that we do to others.

I'm imagining that the Rev. saw me glowering and crossing my arms and zoning out at her speech and I'm imagining that she interprets that to mean I especially need to learn how to say "I'm sorry". Oh Grrrrr. Now this is just what is going on in my mind but there have been real experiences where this sort of thing happens where a person could not be more off in their interpretation of me.

I wonder how can I be so advanced and so behind at the same time. Intellectually I have more sophisticated understanding of these concepts then the dam preacher has but emotionally I am retarded.

It strikes me that there is this feeling that many people just don't understand us, don't "get us".
This had been really hard during the time of growing up, the adults who are suppose to be experts who just don't understand and because they don't understand we are wrong.

Even as an adult I still get annoyed at people who do not understand. Especially in church.

It is a lonely road, it really is.
Title: More blop...
Post by: Meh on August 26, 2009, 04:34:45 PM
So, I can't remember if I wrote this or not, I will read myself backwards at some point.

There was a woman who spent some time with me as a kid, she actually liked me. She got a sudden illness, had brain surgery and turned into a veggie. This probably was very traumatic to me as a kid. I do remember being very concerned and wishing, wishing, and hoping with all my might that she would be ok, some sort of miracle would happen and she might come out of the coma ok.

Since she taught me how to ride a bike, and was the only person who believed in me when I was a kid this must have been really traumatic. I don't remember crying. Are children suppose to know how to grieve? Was it weird that I did not cry? I have no clue.

When I went through my list of things that I need to forgive myself for, she was on the list. I did not go to see her in the hospital, I wanted to, but my father would not take me. I have carried guilt for this. Not holding her hand in the hospital.
I'm sure that as a little kid I believed that I could go to the hospital and do something that the doctors couldn't do, that I could have fixed her somehow. I know that this is irrational as an adult but that seems to be in my emotions.

Maybe every event when I should have felt grief instead I blamed myself.

I think my mother may have been a bit jealous of this person even.
You know, not only did my mother not give me love but I think she would have disliked it if any other person had given me love.
I'm not sure, I think I'm over analyzing.
Title: More blop
Post by: Meh on August 26, 2009, 04:43:56 PM
I never got to say goodbye to her, I think this is a big deal, I never got to express to her how important she was to me.
Ok, I'm in a cafe and this is starting to make tears well up in my eyes. There is definitely something residual with this.

I guess it doesn't matter, there really probably is no way to say goodbye to people who die before their time.
There is nothing to say. No words make it better, no words can make sense of it.

I wanted to live with her, I wanted to spend all my time with her, I think she probably would have adopted me if I didn't have "parents".

I think she felt sorry for me, I think she knew how my life was not good.

I think I remember feeling depressed even before this happened, but maybe I became more depressed after she was gone.

She didn't see anything wrong with me.
In her eyes there was nothing wrong with me, I was just a normal kid to her.
Title: Blop along.. Self Esteem
Post by: Meh on August 26, 2009, 05:17:11 PM
I have this thought and it's sort of making me breath hard, or something else in the air is making be breath hard.

The thought is that Nar-people have the lowest self-esteem of all. This is contrary to some belief systems. It seems to me that children of Nar-people learn bad habits of low self esteem and have to embody low-self esteem in some ways but mostly as an expression of the low self esteem that the Nar people have.

Maybe children willingly take on some of the lies because it is hard for a child to see their parents as failures, to see their parents as weak. (Breath) Yep, this is true for me.

I'm a co-conspirator in a Nar persons low self esteem. I help them feel good about themselves by feeling bad about me.
Oh, yes... that is something right there. Heck yeah!
Well, F*ck that sh*t.... Snarly. Me. I'm feeling snarly. I don't want to fall into that trap ever again. I've giving myself the right to be a b*tch. So concerned about being nice. Nice enough to play along with a Nar-person.

Nar people can not act out their own low-self esteem so they must see other people acting out their low self-esteem for them.

Eh, maybe this is way off. Hum. No, there is something to that. I guess maybe the term is "projection"? I'm not good with all the technical terms.

Nar-people project their low self esteem onto their children. Yeah, that sounds right to me.
The Nar-people disown the parts of themselves that they don't like and get other people to act out these parts.
Nar-people long to see the badness in others.
Nar people create and bring out the badness in others, just so they can feel right in the world.
How flipin lame-o is that.

I'm ruminating on this one.

A nar-persons self esteem is fragile and depends on devaluing others.
They are very manipulative and that gives them power but they are not empowered people.
Nar people are experts at controlling others.
They are dependent on controlling their victims.
A nar person is acting out their unresolved self esteem problems on their victims.
I know this to be true regarding my mother.

I know that there is a core to my spirit that is solid. I may not have great social skills or something, I may not have power over the universe but I do believe there is a solid core in me somewhere. There is a part of me that is definitely not a coward.
Title: Re: Blop along.. Self Esteem
Post by: Meh on August 26, 2009, 05:27:24 PM
In some messed up way Nar people are probably trying to find their own aliveness through their victims suffering.
Because the aliveness does not come from being right or powerful or the best the aliveness comes from authentic expression.
Nar people can not bring themselves to authentic expression because it would show their own low self-esteem.
The more a nar person see's their victims suffering the more the nar-person hates the victim because the nar person is still not expressing their own suffering, they are not emoting their own "badness" or weakness.
They have to see the weakness in others over and over and over. They are addicted to seeing the weakness in others. Narcissist's addiction to weakness in others is a compensation for their own inability to express their own weakness.
Hum... thinking...
A person who is always looking for how they are better then another person does not have high self esteem. A person who has good self esteem, I think is probably content.
Nar-people are anything but content.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 26, 2009, 05:43:57 PM
Your writing is beautiful. Thank you for sharing , Helen. A great writer brings a person to  conclusions they could not access themselves.  They show the reader how to see the world  more "real".
 Bill is a natural writer, too.
 I think one of my gifts is appreciating beautiful writing. I could never do it like you or Bill do but I can appreciate it.
 Forgive me if I am embarrassing you.      Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 26, 2009, 05:46:20 PM
I'm looking at a brand new baby, naked, wrapped in a fuzzy soft blanket here in this cafe. The world really is new to them, sort of blank slate. Their little eyes look out of their blob of a body and take it all in. A new birth. A new beginning.

I think about how messed up it is for a Nar-parent to use the opportunity of a new, helpless life coming into the world, to use this little entity, this little being, little baby for their own messed up problems. Taking the weakest, most powerless, dependent thing an infant and using them as their garbage dump.

When parents try to throw away their kids, they are trying to throw themselves away. And they need their little garbage cans like a sickness.

In some ways I do feel sorry for myself for what I have missed out on. But the dumb Nar-parents did miss out also. They missed out on their chance to set things right, to right themselves, to create a real family. They did not take the opportunity of a new birth, new life, to celebrate life itself.

They could have read some F'in parenting books. They could have just appreciated some miracle in a new birth. They could have seen a new person and thought "How cool is that!". They could have been fascinated and inspired by the newly emerging personality.
Title: Re: Ami
Post by: Meh on August 26, 2009, 06:06:34 PM
Your writing is beautiful. Thank you for sharing , Helen. A great writer brings a person to  conclusions they could not access themselves.  They show the reader how to see the world  more "real".
 Bill is a natural writer, too.
 I think one of my gifts is appreciating beautiful writing. I could never do it like you or Bill do but I can appreciate it.
 Forgive me if I am embarrassing you.      Ami

Hi Ami, How's it going?

I try not to claim anyone else's "truth" or "realness",  just my own. I want other people to come to their own conclusions. I think to a degree all people live with their own versions of "reality".

I'm sort of just writing out loud, ruminating, following a path without knowing where it's going.
Ami, I'm sure you have gifts that don't involve appreciating other people, I know that your music is one of those gifts. Didn't your Nar-mother make you do that, to appreciate her exclusively?

I'm not embarrassed, but maybe worried that you are appreciating me too much?

You talk about your badness, and appreciate other people.
I want you to appreciate yourself. I know that I can not command you to do that.
I think you probably need and deserve appreciation yourself?   :D
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 26, 2009, 06:11:01 PM
Yes, Helen, you are right --all things must have a balance .I am discovering my gifts and trying to appreciate them. We all are special and have unique qualities to enjoy and give to other. You are right about that.          Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 26, 2009, 06:23:20 PM
Yes, Helen, you are right --all things must have a balance .I am discovering my gifts and trying to appreciate them. We all are special and have unique qualities to enjoy and give to other. You are right about that.          Ami

I remember doing a self-inventory of my "skills" and "talents" and I came up with something like "seeing the strengths in other people".
I figure as children of Nar-parents we are always putting ourselves second, we even see our ability to put ourselves second as a talent?

I never got a promotion for helping my co-workers be their best... I got promotions for my own knowledge and working like a dog.

Bringing out the best in others generally isn't valued that much in our society...

Well, Ami, Thank you if you are just trying to bring out the best in me, I just want to make sure you are not putting yourself second. KWIM?
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 26, 2009, 06:27:09 PM
I am not idealzing you, Helen. I know it feels scary when s/one seems to be idealizing us. My M put me way up high and then put me way down low.
 I am just a freak for good writing!            Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 26, 2009, 06:34:20 PM
I am not idealzing you, Helen. I know it feels scary when s/one seems to be idealizing us. My M put me way up high and then put me way down low.
 I am just a freak for good writing!            Ami

Oh, ok, Ami, I think you said it correctly, yes, I think I was feeling idealized.
Ok, you can be a freak for good writing! :D
I'm a freak for good paintings and for acrobats and for animal communicators and theoretical physicists!! :shock:
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 27, 2009, 08:19:26 AM
I'm imagining that the Rev. saw me glowering and crossing my arms and zoning out at her speech and I'm imagining that she interprets that to mean I especially need to learn how to say "I'm sorry". Oh Grrrrr. Now this is just what is going on in my mind but there have been real experiences where this sort of thing happens where a person could not be more off in their interpretation of me.

This stood out for me. I suppose that many parts of you feel that you've been denied an apology - and the list of apologies could go on & on. An apology is a validation of our human-ness; that we have feelings too; that the apologizer is sorry for grief, hurt, insult or injustice that they are responsible for and that the being sorry means that you are important; you matter; they care about you.

Being denied the apology - or even a recognition of the misdeed by the wrongdoer - that "denial"... can surely cause one to be very, very angry in a lot of different colors, gradations, and intensities. It's a curse, in a way - one still pays the price, bears the burden, suffers the self-limitation and agony of SOMEONE ELSE'S wrongdoing - by carrying around anger about things that one can not change. We can't change it because the other person isn't rational - they're still denying any wrongdoing.

So, we can't change that person. (I'm dubious that they are even capable of conscious change.) But we can change ourselves. While each of those things on that "list" of wrongdoing needs to be identified, explored, and mined for understanding... which brings it into the rational, conscious realm out of unconscious or emotional being... once we've studied it in detail... then we can decide if it belongs to the past: past you, past Nmom, past life, past history. Then it becomes a plain old fact, like "The war of 1812 took place in 1812" or "I had a perm, once, with bangs." Once something on the list becomes a fact, the curse begins to be broken... the anger begins to loosen it's hold on you, and you are free - free to feel other things. Living well and being happy, btw... is the best "revenge". Drives Ns so bonkers they chase their own tail endlessly, in frustration... because you're not playing their game anymore.

And that becomes even more possible and delightful, when we realize that other people aren't going react and respond to us, like Ns did. Rather than holding us accountable for their wrongdoing - or even misunderstanding us - they will own their own "stuff" and beyond not blaming us for it... will respond positively and caringly. Like the people watching you practice tai chi in the park:

they may very well be intrigued, fascinated, and would love to ask you about it... but don't want to interrupt you. They might feel like they are intruding... trespassing.

But I'm no pollyanna. I know there are plenty of people caught up in denial and blame - it's a bigger epidemic than swine flu will ever be. And it causes WAAAAAYYYYY more damage than anyone could measure. So then, the question becomes how to tell them apart? How do we know that others see us for who we really are and not just how we appear to be? How do we know when they are being authentic with us? That we can trust them?

I'm a co-conspirator in a Nar persons low self esteem. I help them feel good about themselves by feeling bad about me.

This is brilliant, Helen. You've summed up the "problem" perfectly. Now that you see this - with your laser vision - you have the power of choice. In any situation, with any person. Not that it's easy or automatic just because you see this. There's more to learn about this - and I think we're all practicing, all the time - sometimes we make mistakes, but it's not the end of the world or a life sentence... the power of choice keeps it from being that. Life gives us plenty of opportunities to practice.

I never got to say goodbye to her, I think this is a big deal, I never got to express to her how important she was to me.

Oh my dear... I'm teary right along with you! I too, have lost people like this. People who have made a bigger difference for me, than they could ever, ever know. Substitute moms... some of them. Their small acts of human kindness were the candle in a terribly long, dark night for me. So I tell them - now. I tell them often. I tell them how much it meant. How much I loved them. There is healing, in a mysterious undescribeable way, in that.

And you are already healing... you are neck deep in the process... it won't be long now.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 27, 2009, 09:21:49 AM
Dear Helen
 When I was younger and healthier ,I had many  friends whom  I admired for one thing or another .I was a popular person BUT the big part was that *I* loved myself for what *I* was. My  admiring them did not take anything away from me b/c I was secure within myself
 As I got sicker(NM influenced me more) *I* had to be the "best"(perfect) .If  I wasn't, it took AWAY from me.
  When I complimented you, I felt silly .However,my heart wanted to tell you what your writing meant to me  even if it looked dumb .
 I think healing is all about following our hearts and they will lead us to the places that the NM razed to the ground.(This is Alice Miller in a nutshell) Thanks for your input and we can put it to rest if you  desire.            Ami
Title: Re: AMI
Post by: Meh on August 27, 2009, 03:53:34 PM
Dear Helen
 When I was younger and healthier ,I had many  friends whom  I admired for one thing or another .I was a popular person BUT the big part was that *I* loved myself for what *I* was. My  admiring them did not take anything away from me b/c I was secure within myself
 As I got sicker(NM influenced me more) *I* had to be the "best"(perfect) .If  I wasn't, it took AWAY from me.
  When I complimented you, I felt silly .However,my heart wanted to tell you what your writing meant to me  even if it looked dumb .
 I think healing is all about following our hearts and they will lead us to the places that the NM razed to the ground.(This is Alice Miller in a nutshell) Thanks for your input and we can put it to rest if you  desire.            Ami

Hi, Ami, Thank you for putting it into more context for me, since you described this, I think I see it differently now. I'm glad that you did write more about it.

Ami, you said: "If you were not the best it took away from you".

I didn't realize you were following your heart and this is part of your path of healing.
Ok, Ami, say whatever comes from your heart.
I suppose we can both feel silly. I didn't think it looked dumb.
I guess maybe the point of all of this is that complements/admiration can be sort of a gray area.. Huh?

I've never been very good at accepting complements, I did use to get really embarrassed by them, I don't think I do so much anymore.
My face would get really red if anyone ever complemented me in front of a group. I just didn't know how to sit with it or take it in.
I guess I never felt like people "took away from me" unless they were actually on a campaign to attack me.
I have struggled just to feel accepted and strong and present in my own body.
As much as I want to have a voice and to be seen and to be corporeal, I have always felt more comfortable blending in with the foliage.

It was written somewhere that children of Nar-people "don't feel like participants in their own lives".

What if it's the "Me" sitting right behind me that is the one being complemented. As if I am a balloon bouquet of me's and anyone of them could be the target of the complement. That sort of makes a complement seem dangerous though because if a balloon is a target it pretty much is going to get popped by a sharp object. (I'm envisioning a bunch of helium balloons all with Helen faces).

I don't have multiple personality disorder. (Here I have to explain how I'm not totally crazy....yikes)

Where am I going with this? I guess I suspect the Me being complemented might be another version of me.
Maybe if people see me as being "good" in some way I figure they are not really seeing me.

I think that if I don't have a really strong sense of myself then other's visions of me maybe are confusing.

Hum.....I will come back to my balloon idea later. I'm confusing myself.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 27, 2009, 04:26:48 PM
Ha, We could start a post on the fear of being crazy.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 27, 2009, 05:05:41 PM
So........ what if all the balloons are you - an aspect of you? Maybe it's OK, to compliment some bit about you??

And who says people are always going to get you wrong? Huh???
Maybe they see something you don't...????

Just because we WERE abused, doesn't mean we didn't turn out sane, OK, lovable and caring... real humans, that is... granted we have things still to learn (that we should've earlier) but hey - so does EVERYONE. Give yourself credit, where credit is due. Pat yourself on the back. Celebrate your victories in any style that seems appropriate. It's OK to do this. It may FEEL weird; dumb; wacko... but it's still OK... and I think it's sort of necessary to "break the ice" on treating ourselves this way.

I don't think you're crazy, dear. I KNOW you're not!! You're working through some tough feelings; they might leave you feeling flat - but truly - you'll rise up again a more complete, whole version of YOU. Be very, very kind to yourself - give in to the most authentic wish - while going through this uphill, gravel mountain of memories and feelings. As kind as we would be to you, OK?
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 27, 2009, 05:19:46 PM
Oh, I just had another thought.

Mother's denial = creates another version of me.

If denial is a sort of self blocking and lie, then the denial process must require another version of me. Another balloon head.

I will come back to this later when I can actually think it into a real sentence.

the mother is in denial of the real kid and so creates a fantasy version of the kid as a mechanism of the denial. Uh....
Maybe over analyzing here. NO. We must become something else to go along with the denial.

Title: Pheonix
Post by: Meh on August 27, 2009, 05:23:12 PM
Thank you for the warm thoughts Phoenix.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 27, 2009, 05:31:40 PM
Maybe I think one of the balloons has a prize inside of it, the real self. Whatever that is. It's probably a gag prize.
Or maybe the more balloons I have, the easier it is for me to hide in one of them.
Or maybe the more balloons I have, the more power other's have over me.

Ego structure. I should study this stuff.
The maze of self.

I'm going to turn off my thinking switch right now. 
Going to eat, shower and go to the park.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 27, 2009, 05:45:07 PM
Maybe I should count my balloons and make some order out of the chaos.

There is the balloon(s) that my mother made.
There are balloon(s) that my father made.
There are balloon(s) that I made.
There are balloon(s) that my friends made.
There are balloon(s) that my coworkers made.
There are balloon(s) that seem to have propagated themselves.
There are balloons(s) that society made.

Maybe I don't have to hold the string to all these balloons, maybe I can push them across the room to the other side towards the person who made them.

Maybe I can just picture these balloons hovering in between me and the other person but I don't have to own them if I didn't make them.

They can blow their own balloons but I don't have to hang on to them.

I'm really going to think better when I balance out my blood sugar.

Maybe I just need to blow up one of the balloons to be a lot bigger then the others, and it will just push the little balloons to the perimeter. A big red balloon with fangs.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 27, 2009, 05:48:49 PM
 Compliments do bring up  things. Maybe they show us our face in some way we don't want to see. Maybe our face to ourselves is so fragmented that we cannot take  a compliment and hold ourselves together .
 I want to know me, define me and live me so my life is not in anyone's hands. That would be freedom.
 I would be willing to be vulnerable for love ,though. Love is a whole different thing.
 You inspire me ,Helen.
  Oh, another compliment. Here we go again!   :shock:      Ami
Title: More self obsessing blop
Post by: Meh on August 27, 2009, 09:22:10 PM
Self obsessing
I'm replying to myself:

I see the absurdity of this post, so if you want to laugh at it, thats fine.

So my original thought was not of balloons, it was of a glob of frog eggs. I changed it to balloons because I figured the frog eggs really would not make sense to anyone. The thing about the frog eggs though is that they are the seed of life. Each one, either an egg or a balloon-head does have the power to take on a life of it's own. The personas that Nar-people attributed to us can start to live and breath on their own and then take over our life. If we believe those personas then we do become them.  

I think I have contracted a sarcastic-baby-talk balloon because today I found some part of myself wanting to sarcastic baby talk to my "little Helen".
Maybe I am Narcissistically attacking my inner child.

So, this sort of sounds strange, I think I'm a visual metaphorical thinker, I think maybe thats why I see me in terms of frog eggs. Well also the other day I heard someone describe a monster tadpole. See, If I really did just communicate to people what I was thinking no one would take me seriously. I have to translate my thoughts to myself first and then I have to adjust them sometimes more then once so that I can speak them. It really is easier if I don't talk at all. After writing this, I'm thinking that there may never have been a time in my life where I really did communicate my thoughts to people in the way that I think them. What I actually communicate is something different then my real thoughts.

Maybe communicating verbally gives me anxiety. Maybe I have so many unprocessed emotions that I just can't communicate clearly.

I'm just full of hot air.......because I have a balloon for a head..... get it? Ha Ha  :shock:    Ok it's not that funny

I know that at least one of these eggs/balloons is ugly and one is probably pretty.
I really need to write about ugliness.

I've been to this place before, trying to take away what is not real and accepting what is real about myself. The problem is I'm so confused about what is real and what is not real. I have learned in life that I can't depend on other's visions of me to accurately describe me. I also would not be seeing the truth in myself if I rejected anything that was not ideal. Then again I can't reject every good thing about myself either.

Ok, at this point if I was one of the "Sex in the City" girls, one of my friends would take me out to get drunk on margaritas so I could stop self-obsessing. I'm so tempted not to post this nonsense, I'm posting it anyways.  
Title: UGLY
Post by: Meh on August 27, 2009, 09:59:11 PM
Ok, I'm gonna write next about ugly..

I know that women tend to disparage themselves, but I think the Nar-parent contributes a unique energy to this form of self- loathing.
Title: Re: AMI
Post by: Meh on August 27, 2009, 10:05:53 PM
 Compliments do bring up  things. Maybe they show us our face in some way we don't want to see. Maybe our face to ourselves is so fragmented that we cannot take  a compliment and hold ourselves together .
 I want to know me, define me and live me so my life is not in anyone's hands. That would be freedom.
 I would be willing to be vulnerable for love ,though. Love is a whole different thing.
 You inspire me ,Helen.
  Oh, another compliment. Here we go again!   :shock:      Ami

Thanks (((((((((((((Ami)))))))))))))))))
Yep compliments are loaded. That is ok you got me thinking about balloon heads and then frog legs growing out of the balloon heads.
Ok, I think I have psychobabbly syndrome.. He He He  I'm about ready to fall over with delirious laughter, this could be a bad sign.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 27, 2009, 10:17:02 PM
LOL     ((((Helen))))                        Ami

PS Keep writing 8)
Title: Nothing ramblings
Post by: Meh on August 28, 2009, 09:30:27 AM
I vehemently catapulted myself out of bed before the crack of dawn. I think it was due to a bad dream, if only I could have an anxiety producing dream in the early morning every single day then I could cure one of the more annoying parts of my depression, the hyposomnia. Or is the term hypersomnia......... My eyes are so open, I can't believe it, I will probably fall asleep this afternoon.

Picked up this book at the library: "Finding Your Own North Star" by Martha Beck
The thought of reading this book makes me pissed off. I'm guessing because I don't want to read one more self-help introspection book.
I guess the truth is no matter how much I introspect (look inward) that still life isn't fair, and I just can't change life itself, the past.
I feel like I have tried all the self-help stuff and with 96% effort found it to be 18% helpful.

Five flies are zig-zagging around in this cafe and there is a country song on the radio "1,2,3 Like a Bird I Sing" by Tim McGraw.
The flies look like they are dancing in the air to me. I wonder if animals like music. What are those flies doing, why are they flying together in a bunch, it's like a fly disco. Maybe it's just my imagination but they seem to get more energetic when the music starts and lull between the songs, maybe the sound vibrations simply agitate them, that is quite plausible. I prefer thinking that they are dancing though.

So I have noticed these moments either when I am smiling at the world or when the world is smiling back at me, not necessarily simultaneously. Well, maybe I am smiling but don't always notice my own face muscles. This seems to happen after I have some emotional outpouring. So, yesterday when I was having some fit of an emotion that started by the balloons and frogs, I stopped writing and went outside and people were smiling at me. A woman driving by in a sexy black sports car was smiling at me, bike riders in their aerodynamic suits were smiling at me, families walking by were smiling at me. Why? Why? Why? So I'm asking myself, is this a body language thing, or is this an energy-field aura thing.

I'm asking myself are people really suppose to be emoting on a regular basis?...like how often?...How much?

I decided I want a pet Chupacabra, I would train it to sh*t on people's heads, I would say "Chuuoppy go do some poopy", "Goood Chuopy!"

Title: Emoting
Post by: Meh on August 28, 2009, 10:03:37 AM
So, yesterday my fit of laughter happened when I was thinking about the "multiple" versions or images of me.
Maybe behind the laughing is really anxiety about reaching some truth. I could not really identify that particular emotion while I was laughing. I've had it before and I don't know what to call it.

I'm remembering a painting that I did when I was a teenager that depicted a person with multiple heads, the body was sort of wrapped up in white, like mummified, but not really a mummy maybe even a little bit like a chrysalis. The whole painting was white and colorless except for the faces. I use to say my paintings were "feelings". I never wanted to explain them to anyone because I didn't understand them intellectually.

I wonder how many people really have a true self, if it's an ideal, and not a real thing at all. An unattainable thing, like the holy grail.
Like the end of a rainbow.

Or if I am my true self when I am emoting.

Why does society control our emoting so much, I think about the times when I did almost overpour with emotions in my classes. Of course I held it all in.

It is dawning on me that maybe all of my painting efforts were a result of my voicelessness. This makes me rather sad to think that my life has been driven by the experience of voicelessness. Yeah. That makes a lot of sense.
The paintings I have done more recently as an adult, are not about voicelessness as far as I can tell, that's good.
Title: Emoting
Post by: Meh on August 28, 2009, 10:09:35 AM
Responding to self:

Yes, I think my laughing yesterday was along the lines of disturbed laughter. I've had strange fits of giggles when working with intuitive people, I don't know what the heck they are tapping into.

Am I "Me" when I am "out of control". Do these fits of giggles come from the real me?....
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 28, 2009, 10:17:32 AM
Replying to self:

Maybe the exhaustion of depression is related to the effort it takes to keep emotions down. I think I wrote this before.
Well only partially. I wish someone could explain this to me. What is the mechanism of keeping emotions down. Am I in denial. I must be. My depression must be part of a denial. And when I'm not in denial then maybe there is all the grief and......who knows what is in there....well on some level I must know what is in there.... the unhealthy me is connected to the healthy me....

I need to itemize my depression into a list. No, that will not help, as if being an accountant of my problems/emotions will control my depression.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 28, 2009, 10:21:35 AM
Replying to self:

I want to move, I want to throw everything away, I want to become 10 years younger and do it over.
I could cut and dye my hair, get some tattoos, wear different clothes.
Isn't this like a teenage thing, or midlife crisis thing.

I just am stuck in something that I don't want to be stuck in. My place in the world is not where I want to be.
Of course if my place in the world is the result of forces that I don't like (Nar-peeps) then of course I don't like it.
If where I am at now is not the result and culmination of self-dirrectedness then of course it is dissatisfying.
I can take in simple pleasures. But the path. Is this not my real path....

Am I really a derailed train and if so, how off course am I, my face is sort of scrunched up now, I must be making a bad expression at my computer screen. HOW FAR OFF COURSE AM I?

You know if I was sailing around the world in a boat and learned that I landed on the wrong continent it would be sort of an "Oh f*ck" moment in life. Well, it would probably take less time and effort for a boat to correct course back to the target continent then it takes me to figure out where the f I'm going.

that is horrifying, I feel it in me somewhere. I'm pissed or something... Yeah f'ing pissed. I mean seriously I really am fed up. Really pissed.
I want to ruin something, an object, like throw a table through a window but it wouldn't make me feel better. I know that. I'm not going to ruin anything, I'm just day dreaming about it.

I'm a cussing sailor on my crappy boat jumping up and down waving my arms in the air because I have landed way, way off course.

Suppose that is what happens when one does not follow our own "North Star".
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 28, 2009, 10:45:00 AM

I know about painting "feelings"; did it myself for quite a long time. And your visual metaohors are right up my alley - they communicate clearly & directly to me. Loved the balloon heads - or frog eggs, even, particularly seen as potential "being". Maybe that's why I connected so strongly with your writing - your expression of your self is visual, too.

We aren't working on the same thing, you and I, right now. Yet there are overlaps - and some of the things you're writing about and thinking about really open up new perspectives for me, in my own work. Things I didn't know how to say, can now be said using your metaphors... or understood, even.

The balloons - yes, we can push them back at the people who create them. I'm thinking that the balloons represent that person's perceptions of us; how they see and define us. They have to own that balloon - it doesn't belong to us - it's not us. I don't think any of the balloons could be called "me". "Me" is the person holding on to, selecting, the balloons. Maybe balloons = personality or identity?
What I've gotten used to calling "roles". I have multiple roles: mom, grandma, wife, employee, employer, sometimes artist, sometimes writer, sometimes pirate or indian. So for me, the balloons are associated with those roles, how and who I am in those roles...

"me" however is something else. I am the "chooser" of today's balloon. I have a closet full of balloons - like different hats that I wear. Choosing involves emotion - even as simple as like/dislike. Some roles have more complex emotions associated with them. And I think I have very private balloons that I created... ones that I feel aren't completely "socially acceptable" ... or have been TAUGHT that aren't "socially acceptable" - and so I keep them private, mostly. They do get pulled out here, a lot more. But, ya know what? I'm coming to the conclusion, now, that maybe those balloons are feelings, instead.

And that I've been taught my feelings aren't socially acceptable... making ME that way... because of course, I can't exactly not own my own feelings. I'm sorta stuck with them until they change by themselves... or I choose to feel another one. I guess those are the private balloons.

Any of that make any sense? Can you do anything with that?

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 28, 2009, 10:48:51 AM
Is my path a place, an accomplishment, persons, a state of being. You know I could run around my neighborhood screaming obscenities in a half-naked state and I would just exhaust myself and accomplish nothing at all. If I was a sailor I could make someone walk the plank , I could even walk the plank myself, and I would have maps and compasses and junk like that. Telescopes. Ropes. All sorts of handy stuff.
Harpoons. Sails. Motors.

Are there tools for emotions? No tangible contraptions to extract them and bottle them somewhere else. Put them on a shelf where I can see them, in clear glass jars.

I'm really fed up with this internal muddledness. There should be a f'ing clear science to this. I refuse to be confused anymore.
Ok, I CAN and WILL see exactly what the f I am and what the f is in me. That's that.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 28, 2009, 10:50:17 AM
Message to SELF: I'm not f'ing around anymore, come the f out, right now. Now. I mean it. Now.
Title: Re: Phoenix
Post by: Meh on August 28, 2009, 10:54:39 AM
Re: Phoenix,

Yes, that does make sense to me.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 28, 2009, 10:57:53 AM
Alice Miller would say to take chances little by little to trust yourself. Have s/one to talk to who won't shame you and who has been where you have but has healed sufficiently NOT to project their emotions on you and RE--Hurt you.
 These two things would help lead you on the path  to wholeness.        Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 28, 2009, 11:01:23 AM
What side is pushing harder, my mind pushing inward or my emotions pushing outward. I really am wondering about this invisible barrier that contains the emotions. And do I want to break it. I'm a little afraid of doing that. Breaking the emotional container. Opening up the lid of that Tupperware that has been in the fridge for way too long. I picture it as a sac of amniotic fluid that eventually can and will burst.

Come on, I need a map of me so I can locate these things. Some sonar so I don't run into a jagged rock.
Is there ever an ideal time to do this? Probably not.

Maybe there really is some good stuff in there though, along with the bad emotions are other good things that got clogged up along the way.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 28, 2009, 11:05:41 AM
You want to hear a cosmic joke, Helen? All this time I was thinking I was BAD and I was only human, just like every flawed human being out there.
 I had so many deep troubles , so many heartaches ,so much destruction for a stupidity?         Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 28, 2009, 11:06:24 AM
I'm searching for a word, it is like desperation, futility, exhaustion, frustration. Now I'm one of those shipwrecked people laying on a shore barely alive.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 28, 2009, 11:12:10 AM
You want to hear a cosmic joke, Helen? All this time I was thinking I was BAD and I was only human, just like every flawed human being out there.
 I had so many deep troubles , so many heartaches ,so much destruction for a stupidity?         Ami

Ami, that is not a very funny joke...  :x
The only laugh I get from that is a painful one.

Yes, humans are imperfect I do agree. I think that some people actually have self directedness though. And strength.

Ok, I need a new plan for my life a "kick some A" plan.
Title: Re: to self
Post by: Meh on August 28, 2009, 11:21:50 AM
Sometimes it really feels like god hates me.

I don't believe in karma, it just doesn't hold water for me.

But it really really feels like god f*cking hates me.

I'm still holding a grudge against life. I want to kick it, life. Kick at it like a little kid kicks and screams with a red howling face and streaming tears that pop out of the eyes one after another. I want to throw a tantrum towards life or god. I would kick god in the shins and stick my tongue out and then I would run away and from a distance turn around build up some momentum and velocity, run right back directly at god with my hands straight out in front of me and crash into god, just like kids do. A running little bull.
Maybe I really can beat up god to a pulp.

You know I think this is really coming from the fact that it's not spiritually mature to direct anger. That is not primal reality though.
The primal reality is that I can direct my angry thoughts to my parents. And I am. The truth is they were not responsible. I don't want to forgive them, I did forgive them years ago, it was premature forgiving.

That is it god, you are not an authority figure any more, you are a snail and I'm going to step on you.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 28, 2009, 11:43:47 AM
How about visualizing a room - where you will actively express your anger at your parents? Put them in the room. Let yourself walk through the whole thing... say all the words... add whatever you like to the room... get the anger OUT there, where you can see it and hear it. It can all be done in your mind...

Sometimes, anger is our friend (and screw "spiritually mature"... WHO SAYS?... and who died & made them god???) when our own survival is at stake.

Are you searching for the word "exasperation"? That word sounds to me like someone is so frustrated that they are completely out of breath and red-faced from exertion.

Are you afraid that if the sac of emotions breaks, that there will a Noah's Ark devastating flood? All one gigantic global tidal wave? Maybe devise a room for each emotion - and then filter them out from the sac into each room - and then later, create an acquarium when they can all jumble around again... with each other... and re-combine into a new "solution".
Title: Re: PHOENIX
Post by: Meh on August 28, 2009, 11:58:46 AM
Re: Phoenix,

I may just try that room in my mind where I can express my anger that I never did express before. Thanks for the idea! The MAD room.

I'm not sure about the suppression of the emotions, the suppression is some unconscious mechanism that started as a kid..and now I just don't even know what is in there. Sea monsters. Loch Ness. It's not this me, sitting here typing. It is all something that really only therapists probably understand. The parts of self. Gosh, I guess maybe I did split off parts of me.

Did you know that eels can climb up trees? I just learned that.

Ok, gonna build my emotional mansion with lots of rooms.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 28, 2009, 12:21:47 PM
Dear Helen
 I think that when a person does not HAVE to repress their feelings, then they don't need a therapist to show them how to have a self or how to put it all together. They just "are"
I see that with My Aunt and some more"normal" friends.
My Aunt will see her "bad" parts and say 'That is just human"
It is so simple for her cuz she did not need to go through  the shape shifting of her soul in order to survive as we did.
 There was a "logical" way in(denial) and a logical way out( feeling the pain of denial and seeing the truth)
 Go slowly. True healing comes slowly.     xxxooo    Ami
Title: Replying to self
Post by: Meh on August 28, 2009, 12:27:15 PM
So sometimes I think my stomach is just a little wonky.
Other times when I think emotions are coming to the surface my stomach sort of feels like I want to throw up.
I wonder if I have so much anxiety about my emotions possibly coming to the surface that it makes my stomach queasy.
This is how I was feeling yesterday after I was laughing then I had a weird feeling in my stomach.

I would cry from exhaustion if I was not in public.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 28, 2009, 01:24:57 PM
ugh.... I can totally relate to the wonky stomach... and throwing up... and other excremental means of detoxifying the body. Nose is running like crazy... Going through something like that today. I dunno... maybe it's just the zeitgeist around here lately and what I'm working on myself... but lord, something big is working loose!!

about repressing/suppressing emotions...

for me, it was a defense mechanism - it was my primary means of keeping myself safe from my mom; if I showed my own emotions... it was invariably met with her projecting her own on me... and overcoming "me" with "her"... and blaming/shaming the "me" emotions.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 28, 2009, 01:42:14 PM
ugh.... I can totally relate to the wonky stomach... and throwing up... and other excremental means of detoxifying the body. Nose is running like crazy... Going through something like that today. I dunno... maybe it's just the zeitgeist around here lately and what I'm working on myself... but lord, something big is working loose!!

about repressing/suppressing emotions...

for me, it was a defense mechanism - it was my primary means of keeping myself safe from my mom; if I showed my own emotions... it was invariably met with her projecting her own on me... and overcoming "me" with "her"... and blaming/shaming the "me" emotions.

I'm sorry you are not feeling good, with the running nose.

I wrote something here about boogers but then I realized how stupid that was, I realized that I have not even used the word booger since I don't know when. I'm not sure what I'm tapping into but it is immature. Sorry.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 28, 2009, 03:04:15 PM
I'm remembering these drawings I did when I was a teenager of these angels. I fantasized about some sort of angel that I guess would save me. I wonder if I still have these or if I threw them away. Holy cow. It makes so much sense now, what I was drawing and painting about. It was simple. It probably was about love. The concept seemed so remote that love was like this exotic subject matter that I didn't really understand. My angels had these sort of bird-heads. They were not creepy though. I think I hid my emotions in my art, parts of me in there because it was a safe place to put it.

God only knows what sort of self destructive things I would have started if I didn't turn to art.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 28, 2009, 03:13:03 PM
Oh my gosh, I think I turned it back on, whatever it is that part of me that visualizes constantly. I turned it off when I started my last job, thought I would try to turn it on again, I think the switch is on.
Title: 3-D Grieving Group
Post by: Meh on August 28, 2009, 08:37:08 PM
More replying to self:

So the church I have been trying out has a Grieving Group. I thought about going, am sort of considering it. It is something that I never would have considered in the past. I guess until I started posting on this board I did not really know how much shame/embarrassment I have over emoting. I'm also not sure that I can describe to them why I need to grieve now, and why I could not grieve in the past, that the emotions are still there. Plus if I am grieving over the lost or split parts of myself or whatever they are well that is going to sound really selfish to them. Maybe I can just think of another way to put it. I feel luke warm about this idea. I mean I'm not sure if I would feel like I had a right to be there. As in "I have a right to be here".  

It also dawns on me how my parents were not responsible for their own emotions, that it was acted out on me.

I'm sort of wondering to myself if going to the Grieving group is a way for me to be responsible for my own emotions whatever that means.

As I've been writing on this board I have started to feel more comfortable with "tearing up" in public because sometimes I'm in a cafe when I'm writing. So I think that in a little way maybe I'm starting to have less shame about how I feel.  

I never really talked about some stuff, maybe going there and talking about it would be ok, maybe I don't have to cry. But then I sort of ask myself what's the point? Why do I care if I tell them or not. Why do they care?

That is always what I have thought.. "Why would they care" about me, what I have to say etc.

Maybe I have thought that all people are Nar-people. Because that statement above is one that I have always thought but never said.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 28, 2009, 09:27:10 PM
(((((( Helen))))))) A HUG!                      Ami
Title: Re: Ami
Post by: Meh on August 29, 2009, 02:46:02 PM
Thanks for understanding Ami, I KNOW that you do "get it".
Title: Child does not learn to give LOVE in a healthy way
Post by: Meh on August 29, 2009, 02:57:25 PM
Much of the focus, I think, in these posts is about what I did not receive. There is another side to this.
The other side is that Nar-parents and Nar-people do not receive love in a healthy way. So a child does not get to practice giving love in a healthy fashion.

Not only is a child refused love but the child is also refused the chance to experience the joy of giving love.

I can feel my heart responding to this statement, maybe my heart is dropping a little or fluttering around.

After all love is an active exchange, it is probably never meant to be one way.

I know this is true for me. I think this may be part of my feelings of guilt and responsibility, my parents never reflected back to me the exchange of love, so the child  in me never learned when I was giving love in a healthy way.

It's not just about what I did not get, it is also about what I did not learn to give.
As a kid I was taught that I did not have the ability to give love. I lost confidence in my own ability to love.

PS: I feel so sorry for the "little Helen" part of me that did not get to give love, I'm thinking how children naturally want to give love.
I know this was bad for me. I know, somewhere in me this is another piece of the puzzle.
I feel bad for this. Guilt. My heart.. is doing something right now but I'm in a public cafe and it's sort of a subtle thing.
My heart is telling me that this is true. That not being able to give love causes suffering also.
My heart is telling me that it has suffered somehow, like I don't know. I feel so sorry for my heart. My poor little heart!
In a way my heart had it's own silence because my mind did not understand this aspect of it's suffering.
Title: The JURY, The testifying witnesses
Post by: Meh on August 29, 2009, 03:36:57 PM
Ok, today is Saturday, I had no idea I thought maybe Thursday, Friday, Sat?
Also my Calender is still open to the month of July.

I've got Jury duty coming up. This made me think of how we always have an invisible jury with us wherever we go. I guess the introjects is what they are called..?

Our jury is like a medieval blood thirsty mob who has no interest in the facts.

IT'S LIKE WE ARE ALWAYS ON TRIAL. For a crime that we do not understand. The crime of existing. The crime of taking up space on the planet.

And there are WITNESSES testifying against us. But we have no witnesses ourselves... No witnesses to say what really happened.

Every step I take is judged, how many specks of dust did I displace when I put my foot down?
How many times did I blink today? I blinked more then my alloted amount.
Did I emote good enough?
I failed once again today at whipping my whole life into shape in 30 mins. That is what I was suppose to do. I was suppose to fix everything today, set it straight. I was suppose to snatch my dreams and goals back out of the jaws of death. I was suppose to miraculously grow my passion for living again like the bean stalk in jack in the bean stalk. But it did not grow, not in a big way. Not in a way that reaches the heavens and defies the natural laws of nature.

I am always trying to defy the laws of nature and I am losing on a regular basis.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 29, 2009, 04:29:25 PM
Emotionally alive and present

I'm thinking that remaining emotionally present and active does not necessarily mean being uninhibited.

Maybe a person can be uninhibited and not be emotionally present at all.

I'm asking myself: What is required for an emotional connection?

I suppose this is along the lines of mirroring but real authentic mirroring. I've been mirrored by my boss, managers take business lessons in this crap. It is so hard to have someone attempt to mirror me when they don't really give a crap. When I was not mirrored as a kid, then to have my boss fake-mirror me, oh gosh this is so frustrating and very very hard to explain.

They had that whole "emotional intelligence" trend in business and some people learned mirroring as a means to manipulate. This is what my boss was doing. Oh Grrrr!

There were these interactions that were so weird, one time she expected me to smile and my face was just blank.
She smiled and then the smile dropped from her face, and then she smilled again and then the smile left, and then she smiled again.
She did this a few times. So weird to watch. It's hard to explain.

I was on overload with all this crap and I retreated into a blank non-emoting state, I just looked at her with loathing. Of course when it was all over I cryed. I believe this state is called flat affect. It was a response to emotional abuse and manipulation.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on August 29, 2009, 04:53:58 PM
The right to be selective.

I have the right to be selective of who I am friends with or acquaintances with.
I guess I don't have this choice at work..
But in my personal life, I now am learning more about the kind of friends I might like to have, instead of just befriending any old person. I'm learning that it is my right to gauge people, that I don't have to please every single person.

That for my own well being I can set personal boundaries, I may even think more about boundaries and what boundaries I wish to have with people. I never use to question people who would befriend me. I was so easy going and never wanted to turn any person away. Partially maybe out of loneliness but also because I did not expect much from people. I did not think I had the right to expect much from people.

I recently had a friend ditch me when I was in a bind and then she wanted to make up again afterwards.
I had been a really really good friend to this person, I was there for her when she needed someone.
I'm now questioning, do I need friends like this?

I did not make up with her. I just did not feel compelled to do it. In the past I would have I think, but no longer.
Title: The scape goat and the whipping boy
Post by: Meh on August 29, 2009, 05:02:06 PM
Scape Goats, they were livestock animals that were ritually slaughtered. Somehow the people put all their own wrongdoings on to the goats. When the goat died, the wrongdoings and bad feelings symbolically died. The goat suffered like a whipping boy suffers.

I think whipping boys are great examples of some really screwed up rationalization that happens in people's minds.

It reminds me of Narcissism in some way. I guess the way the Nar-person put's their own badness onto another person.

Disowning the badness, trying to get rid of it, but they do not succeed in ridding themselves permanently that is why they desperately need the scape goat.  A scape goat is the external attempt to resolve an internal issue.  
Title: How do Nar-people find their victims
Post by: Meh on August 29, 2009, 05:21:44 PM
Ami mentioned the Nar-smirk. That mean smile that they get.

Well, I think that Nar people are always habitually looking for certain facial expressions in other people. If they see a certain facial expression that shows some past suffering, then they know that we have been a victim in the past and that they will be able to tap into our past hurts and wounds and open them up again.

I think Narcissists are always searching like predators with feelers for potential victims. They do little things and flash little looks and a victim will show some fear. That is how they find us, they can find people who have already been wounded and they know because of how we react.

Once they get their hook into us, it is unrelenting. The soul sucking starts.

There is a belief that the "victims" seek out more people to victimize them again. I don't think I agree with this philosophy. I think the predators are activly hunting all the time. I do actively make choices and changes in my life to limit my Nar-person exposure. But I can not control everything in life.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 29, 2009, 10:10:18 PM
The Ns are predators. The worse predator is the NM with her own child. It doesn't get much worse than that type of betrayal,Helen.
 I don't think it is hopeless, though.          Ami
Title: Rumi
Post by: Meh on August 30, 2009, 04:01:55 PM
Rumi : "There is a field out beyond right and wrong, I will meet you there."

I have always liked this saying, in my naive years I believed this was or could be true for every person. Through trial and error, I have grown to learn, some people do not want to go out to that field beyond right and wrong, and a person can't change that fact.

Some people will stay forever in the right and wrong and do not have eyes to see the field beyond.

I'm letting it go..whoosh..
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: BonesMS on August 31, 2009, 09:39:01 AM
All N's are predators.  I see them as Nar-sharks!!!

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: polymath on August 31, 2009, 10:01:25 AM
Where does it end? An N man was a boy under the wing of an N mother who was a girl hurt in some horrific way by one or both her parents. My Nmom was sexually abused by her father and her mother preferred her brother. My mom's mom's sister tells me granny was always that way. My mom tells me my granny's dad was dismissive, aloof and cold towards my granny. Why was he that way? What happened to him and his parents, and their parents?

I'm sure you all can trace this same mess back through your tree. Why, why why, and more importantly how to stop it?
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on August 31, 2009, 10:33:56 AM
Did you mean your Mother's brother was sexually abused by their mother. RS?                             Ami                   
Title: Re: Rumi
Post by: lighter on August 31, 2009, 10:36:38 AM

I loved your reference to Rumi's poem.

It prompted me to look it up.

There is a field

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing
and rightdoing there is a field.
I'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass
the world is too full to talk about.


I think I prefer your paraphrased version.

"There is a field out beyond right and wrong,  I will meet you there."

Yes.... I like that better.

I think such a field suits Amazons,

buidling bonfires.  



Title: Re: Rumi
Post by: Meh on August 31, 2009, 03:32:21 PM

"There is a field out beyond right and wrong,  I will meet you there."

Yes.... I like that better.

I think such a field suits Amazons,

buidling bonfires.  



Well, I think the shorter version was made for a bumper sticker.

Hum, Mo2, These Amazons you speak of.. like amazon jungles with snakes and temple ruins.. Or Amazon women.. or both... or
Title: Re: Polymath
Post by: Meh on August 31, 2009, 03:42:35 PM
Where does it end? An N man was a boy under the wing of an N mother who was a girl hurt in some horrific way by one or both her parents. My Nmom was sexually abused by her father and her mother preferred her brother. My mom's mom's sister tells me granny was always that way. My mom tells me my granny's dad was dismissive, aloof and cold towards my granny. Why was he that way? What happened to him and his parents, and their parents?

I'm sure you all can trace this same mess back through your tree. Why, why why, and more importantly how to stop it?


I’m respectfully requesting that you not “contact me”.

Meaning that you do not respond to me. I have intentionally not responded to any of your posts. We are on different paths and our processes are totally incongruent. I see no meaningful contributions we can offer to each other’s progress. I have no answers for you.

Best Regards,

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Sealynx on August 31, 2009, 07:13:56 PM
Hi Helen,
I have not read all of this thread but all the parts I've had time to digest resonate with me. I always talk about my childhood as a gray featureless terrain without texture. I don't remember much of it, not because it was always painful, but because there were no peak experiences to remember. I spent the better part of my life waiting and hoping for that color to fade in. Childhood was like a movie that played out in front of me but never let me on the set.

Keep writing....
Title: Re: Rumi
Post by: lighter on August 31, 2009, 07:28:35 PM
[Well, I think the shorter version was made for a bumper sticker.

Hum, Mo2, These Amazons you speak of.. like amazon jungles with snakes and temple ruins.. Or Amazon women?

And a wonderful bumper sticker it would make.

As for these Amazons I speak of....

this board is full of strong Amazonian women (and honorary member, Mud.)

Been a while since we've had a bonfire: )


Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 01, 2009, 11:47:10 AM
PS: I feel so sorry for the "little Helen" part of me that did not get to give love, I'm thinking how children naturally want to give love.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((little Helen)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

It's never too late to start, you know. "Life ain't too late".

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 01, 2009, 06:36:23 PM
Hi Helen,
I have not read all of this thread but all the parts I've had time to digest resonate with me. I always talk about my childhood as a gray featureless terrain without texture. I don't remember much of it, not because it was always painful, but because there were no peak experiences to remember. I spent the better part of my life waiting and hoping for that color to fade in. Childhood was like a movie that played out in front of me but never let me on the set.

Keep writing....

Yes, Sealynx,

Your description is perfect...I relate to this...this is how I felt exactly. Like you stated: Like Childhood was a movie playing in front of me and I was not allowed on the set.

Yes, mine was gray also, until I started writing on this board and then I realized much of it was sad or seemed insignificant.
Then I started realizing the seemingly insignificant things are sometimes very important.

Anyways, Hi!

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 01, 2009, 06:46:52 PM
PS: I feel so sorry for the "little Helen" part of me that did not get to give love, I'm thinking how children naturally want to give love.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((little Helen)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

It's never too late to start, you know. "Life ain't too late".


Hug ((((((((((Phoenix))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Hug Squeeeeze

Title: What the heck...
Post by: Meh on September 01, 2009, 06:52:56 PM
There is another quote that jives with me..ok, hope I don't butcher it.

Martha Beck: "I don't know what the hell is going on, and I'm ok with that".
Title: Re: What the heck...
Post by: Ami on September 01, 2009, 07:23:17 PM
There is another quote that jives with me..ok, hope I don't butcher it.

Martha Beck: "I don't know what the hell is going on, and I'm ok with that".

I love this quote, Helen. It is the opposite of perfectionism and trying to control , two of my hardest  things  :?                                            Ami
Title: Re: AMI .............Subject: Controlling
Post by: Meh on September 02, 2009, 02:12:07 PM
There is another quote that jives with me..ok, hope I don't butcher it.

Martha Beck: "I don't know what the hell is going on, and I'm ok with that".

I love this quote, Helen. It is the opposite of perfectionism and trying to control , two of my hardest  things  :?                                            Ami

Martha B. uses this quote as a Mantra.

I think that when people grow up in very controlling/manipulative environments that its only natural to turn out controlling oneself.
If we didn't keep a tight handle on ourselves then we would be punished, our environments were chaos and scary and dangerous.
I think control is an attempt to manage fear and pain etc.

At least you already know that they are a couple of challenging things for you.

Ami, you sound pretty "together" if you ask me. You didn't ask me, but maybe you are not as messed up as you seem to think you are.
No offense. I mean I know that the emotions, memories and habits are there and still very real. I totally respect that part..

I don't know..... One of my therapists told me that, I was not as bad as I thought I was, that I had a lot of self awareness and was not quite as disfunctional as I thought I was. I mean I've got problems yes, but maybe I don't own every single issue ever named under the sun. She told me that the main area I really needed to work on was my sense of self. Finding myself so to speak, developing my own identity, figuring out who I am. Because I didn't get to do that as a kid.

I don't know, maybe you are controlling? Or maybe it's just another way that you are manifesting the introjection judgement of badness.

I mean exactly how are you controlling? Are you a little controlling, or so controlling that you feel that it's interfering with your life?

You don't have to answer my questions Ami, I'm just thinking out loud. I guess I'm sort of writing my impression about you here, but I don't want to interfere with your own process. Tell me if I'm interfering ok? I will stop and take my questions away.
I can't pretend to be a therapist...

I think controlling is an interesting subject....I might write about this. Controlling is like a signal into our fears. I too have my controlling habits.
I tend to over-prepare for certain things.  
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 02, 2009, 02:16:29 PM
I love you :lol:                         Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 02, 2009, 02:40:04 PM
I love you :lol:                         Ami

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 02, 2009, 02:49:31 PM
Well,I was so touched by what you said about my  being "normal". My NM is a therapist  and she always made me feel abnormal. If I had a feeling such as fear. She would yell, "WHY are you so fearful?". She would do this  on  feelings and needs such as "WHY are you so dependent ,need so much love etc
So, I had to think I was abnormal b/c I could not question HER.
Your comments were  loving ! I appreciated that.

PS I am glad you asked. My friend taught me that it is important to check things out.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 02, 2009, 03:20:03 PM
Dear Helen
 I will think about your question  and get back..My controlling is NOT the "in your face"type. It is more MY being perfect or I am afraid the sky will fall in. I will write more later .                            Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 02, 2009, 03:32:56 PM
Well,I was so touched by what you said about my  being "normal". My NM is a therapist  and she always made me feel abnormal. If I had a feeling such as fear. She would yell, "WHY are you so fearful?". She would do this  on  feelings and needs such as "WHY are you so dependent ,need so much love etc
So, I had to think I was abnormal b/c I could not question HER.
Your comments were  loving ! I appreciated that.

PS I am glad you asked. My friend taught me that it is important to check things out.

All living organisms, All kids, all people are needy. We need, that is life, that IS normal, that is OK. We need food, shelter, love, acceptance, respect, dignity etc..

The more our needs are denied, the stronger they become, it's only natural for a kid to get more needy if she was denied, that sounds "NORMAL" to me.

Sounds like your mother was ensuring/ fueling your neediness by refusing your needs. In some bizarre way, the Nar-people want us to be needy, and then they punish us for it, IMO.

Yep, Ami, you may have to come to the scary conclusion that you are essentially NORMAL, with a few issues, just like every person has got some issues.

Oh, no... what if you are normal.. then what?

Well, the words normal, abnormal, good and bad..are valuation words, and judgements.

I mean what happens if you were to start looking at yourself without the valuation and judgement words and replaced with a different type of internal dialog. Would that help? Would it change anything?

Doesn't the word bad or good, put up some sort of road block, it's a meaningless arbitrary judgement. I guess the word "bad", would that be like a stimulus? That precedes punishment. It's a controlling word. Sort of like the dog and the bell psychology experiments, the dog hears the bell and automatically starts salivating because the dog associates the bell tone with food. Well hearing the word "BAD" has got an awful lot of power over you doesn't it?  

Maybe if you write out examples of how your mother said you were "BAD" and then next to it, identify what she was trying to control in you.
And really look at it. I bet you will find that your needs were "normal" or natural and typical. Sounds to me like all of it was her stuff put onto you..

Maybe you got to tell yourself that you won't be punished anymore like you were as a child??

Heck I don't know...

BAD,BAD,BAD,BAD,BAD....What on earth does this really mean? Isn't it a form of a lie? Get to the bottom of that lie and then kick it in the ass.

Only if you want to.. 8)

Allright, I really am going to stop myself here, I am analyzing you I think. I could be totally wrong...

Title: Being BAD
Post by: Meh on September 02, 2009, 03:42:29 PM
One last thought about being "BAD".

I have a friend who is a school teacher, she was telling me a story of how one of the young kids was behaving in a way SHE DID NOT WANT HIM TO. So she made him write out many times the phrase "I will not be bad".

What does that accomplish? It sends the kid the message that he is BAD. BAD, BAD, BAD...

It makes a whole lot more sense to me that the teacher talk to the kid specifically about the action that he took and ask him why he did it, find out if there was some motivating need behind it, and then help the kid to learn a better way to get his needs met or to manage the behavior.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 02, 2009, 04:15:30 PM
Dear Helen
 Thank you for your insights. i really value them!I am gonna think about what you said and get back later.                                                                          Ami
Title: My "STUFF"
Post by: Meh on September 02, 2009, 04:16:25 PM
Self babble:

After posting on this board for a while, I'm noticing the emotional ups and downs I have been through. Quite a bit in a short span of time.

Sad, Fear, Grief, Angry, Silly, Absurd, feeling strong, feeling weak...

There is a social thought that occurs to me, moodiness being a problem. I'm wondering to myself if this is true for me.
I mean maybe my moodiness is a pain in the *ss to people around me. Or maybe the disapproval of moodiness is another attempt to control. My moodiness had never extremely impacted anyone in a detrimental way.. Maybe when someone says to me that I'm moody, they are trying to express something else. That they are more comfortable with me being one way all the time. Humm. Maybe it just means that I'm not communicating to them well enough and they don't know what I'm thinking.
Well the School Teacher friend is one of the people who told me I was "MOODY"

I'm leaning toward thinking that the disapproval of moodiness may be an attempt to control. Social regulation.

Ok. "NOBODY EMOTE TOO MUCH"!!!! .....eh where am I going with this.

I think I wish to get more comfortable with my own moodiness and expressiveness.
I could choose inner peace and lack of mood ups and downs. But do I really want that?
IS there any benefit to me for letting myself be moody. Is the mood like silly, a life current? A stream of chi?
I rather enjoy being silly. If I went for inner peace, would I not be allowed to be silly.
I see "inner peace"/sedate being opposed to feeling and emoting.
Uh.. I'm not sure where this post is going yet..
Moodiness is expressive, emotive.

Am I over analysing, probably yes, but there is something here. I made a very important life changing decision years ago.
And it is related to the above rambling. I think I'm called to look back at the decision again.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 02, 2009, 04:19:39 PM
Dear Helen
 Thank you for your insights. i really value them!I am gonna think about what you said and get back later.                                                                          Ami

I don't mind either way if you take my thoughts or leave them. Take what is meaningful and just leave the rest behind...

All right, AMI, talk to you later...
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 02, 2009, 04:33:30 PM
Dear Helen
 Thank you for your insights. i really value them!I am gonna think about what you said and get back later.                                                                          Ami

I don't mind either way if you take my thoughts or leave them. Take what is meaningful and just leave the rest behind...

All right, AMI, talk to you later...

Does it hurt to get a compliment? That was more of a "think about question" than an actual one :P.                     Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 02, 2009, 04:52:15 PM
Ya... I've been labelled "moody" too. And you know what, I AM.
I'm affected by the people I'm around - negativity - a lot. I start to get grumpy, too. Whiny, complaining. Aggressive, even. I've been learning that I can create a force field for that stuff to just bounce off... or slide by me. It's almost like I want to "belong" so much, I'm willing to join in the "ain't it awful" games... even though I didn't start out being negative.

I've been meaning to tell you about one of my therapy homework assignments. She asked to do stream of consciousness pictures of emotions. I picked watercolor, just for the challenge - it's not one of my practiced mediums. One sheet for negative emotions and one for positive. The negative emotion page was full of titled pictures; it was my normal pallette of deep blues, purple & crimson... a goodly dose of grey & black. Like logos, they were pretty fully developed symbols.

There weren't that many on the positive sheet; and when I critiqued it... I found that it hadn't even occurred to me... to try to find an image for "happy"... there wasn't any happy there. Stuff like serenity, balance, my concept of love... no happy. And they were lots more vague, tentative, very loose... soft & fuzzy... and more like kid's work than someone who's spent years mastering a representational style.

Conspicous in it's absence, I'd say.

I've been called "moody" mostly because I'm so easily moved into a negative emotion. I know them well and can throw a tantrum or tirade that has made mature men step back a half step. Haven't done that in a long while. I've worked for some time now, on the other emotions. People who are silly and playful aren't generally labelled "moody" - why is that? I really don't know... do you? Not that long ago, I wouldn't have been able to carry on the pirate conversation as long as we did. It wouldn't have felt natural or fun... more "forced" and "artificial".

And quiet people also get called moody, because they're not giving out emotional "cues" socially... others don't know how to read quiet. It's assumed that you're not feeling happy... simply because you aren't acting it all out... putting the emotion on a body language billboard for everyone to read. That's a bit hard to do, if you didn't learn it at 2 or 3... by imitating and "belonging" with other people being happy. But yeah, you can still learn how to do that...

we just did it, matey. I could see you smiling in your words. Bubbly & bouncy & careening around with play... just for the fun of it.

So, it's not the transience of the emotion...changeability from one emotion to the next... it's the lack of expression of any emotion that folks generally label "moody", if one stend to be quiet.

Repeat after me: there's nothing wrong with me... just the way I am. Anything I don't do well, I can learn to be better at.
Title: Another quote
Post by: Meh on September 02, 2009, 06:28:03 PM
"We take risks not to escape life, but to prevent life from escaping us". - unknown author
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 02, 2009, 06:34:32 PM
Ya... I've been labelled "moody" too. And you know what, I AM....
I'm affected by the people I'm around - negativity - a lot. ....
I've been meaning to tell you about one of my therapy homework assignments......
Conspicous in it's absence, I'd say.......

Repeat after me: there's nothing wrong with me... just the way I am. Anything I don't do well, I can learn to be better at.

Oh, Thanks for sharing about your experiences Phoenix. It's very insightful.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 02, 2009, 06:56:48 PM
Dear Helen
 Thank you for your insights. i really value them!I am gonna think about what you said and get back later.                                                                          Ami

I don't mind either way if you take my thoughts or leave them. Take what is meaningful and just leave the rest behind...

All right, AMI, talk to you later...

Does it hurt to get a compliment? That was more of a "think about question" than an actual one :P.                     Ami

Huh? Are you trying to compliment me again.

Are you trying to tell me I should learn how to take compliments more graciously?
It's true. I'm not a gracious complement taker. I don't know why. I think it's because I've received fake compliments from Nar-coworkers when in the presence of people they wanted to impress or some crap like that. Well actually now that I write this.. when a person would give me a complement around a Nar-person the Nar person would get angry that I was being complemented. So maybe I deflect the compliment so that I don't get the Nar-person's wrath.. oh f*cken-hell that is dumb. I didn't think of that before.

How exactly does a person acknowledge and gracefully accept a compliment? Sorry Ami, I'm not too good at this.

I love you Ami, but your compliments are driving me crazy....sweetie..

Ok, I'm doing a curtsy and sticking my tongue out.

Ok, I'm reading my above statement that you quoted and it does look cold..... I just don't want to interupt your space/process. Thats all.

Maybe I'm chilly when people give me complements.

Complements can be attacks ya know? I don't feel that you are attacking me though. It's just in the past or something....

Ok, I think it's that thing where we put ourselves down before the Nar-person can.. You know?
I didn't want to attract positive attention at my job for the past few years because then my Nar-coworker would respond by launching into a hate campaign against me with a lot of gossip etc.

Like you said in your post about your rules to live by, and learning how to allow yourself to shine?

It was dangerous to shine.

I also don't want to get "gold star stickers" for my babbling process.. I want to regain my inner core strength through my process.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 02, 2009, 07:30:07 PM
Dear Helen
 Thank you for your insights. i really value them!I am gonna think about what you said and get back later.                                                                          Ami

I don't mind either way if you take my thoughts or leave them. Take what is meaningful and just leave the rest behind...

All right, AMI, talk to you later...

Does it hurt to get a compliment? That was more of a "think about question" than an actual one :P.                     Ami

Huh? Are you trying to compliment me again.

Are you trying to tell me I should learn how to take compliments more graciously?
It's true. I'm not a gracious complement taker. I don't know why. I think it's because I've received fake compliments from Nar-coworkers when in the presence of people they wanted to impress or some crap like that. Well actually now that I write this.. when a person would give me a complement around a Nar-person the Nar person would get angry that I was being complemented. So maybe I deflect the compliment so that I don't get the Nar-person's wrath.. oh f*cken-hell that is dumb. I didn't think of that before.

How exactly does a person acknowledge and gracefully accept a compliment? Sorry Ami, I'm not too good at this.

I love you Ami, but your compliments are driving me crazy....sweetie..

Ok, I'm doing a curtsy and sticking my tongue out.

Ok, I'm reading my above statement that you quoted and it does look cold..... I just don't want to interupt your space/process. Thats all.

Maybe I'm chilly when people give me complements.

Complements can be attacks ya know? I don't feel that you are attacking me though. It's just in the past or something....

Ok, I think it's that thing where we put ourselves down before the Nar-person can.. You know?
I didn't want to attract positive attention at my job for the past few years because then my Nar-coworker would respond by launching into a hate campaign against me with a lot of gossip etc.

Like you said in your post about your rules to live by, and learning how to allow yourself to shine?

It was dangerous to shine.

I also don't want to get "gold star stickers" for my babbling process.. I want to regain my inner core strength through my process.

 I guess we are each on our "process". My process is to try to express what I am feeling. I am hearing you that gold starts could impede your process so i will TRY to to give any more gold stars :).
 I just went out with the group and so am too tired to write more but I will later . Bye for now, friend.                   Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 02, 2009, 07:47:50 PM
Re-read your post and wanted to add some things, *I* have always been afraid to shine too b/c the NM would knife me. I took that out in to the world and became an "This old thing" person". IOW, if s/one gave me a compliment, I would add an "this old thing " deflection".
   My goal is to share my heart more--hence the compliments b/c they are not fake but my true heart.
  Tonight,in 3D, I did the same thing. I tried to be real and started crying. The girl next to me told me she loved me and whenever I wanted to go shopping or out to lunch to call her.
 I am starting to learn about life the way I should have at 14 when I went in to a shell.That means risking.
 Helen, I was afraid you would say"Why are you getting in my business and I want a No Contact with you."
 I thought when I came home I would see that.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 02, 2009, 08:16:17 PM
My M took my heart and made mince meat out of it. She shredded it by saying"Who do you think you are?' and "What are you so big about?" . I felt I did not deserve to live or breathe. I could not even eat when I came on the Board. . I was so afraid to share who I was or what I felt b/c I was shamed and humiliated . Now, I want to.  Who am I? I don't know but I  want to be a real person.
Title: Re: AMI .............Subject: Controlling
Post by: Ami on September 03, 2009, 11:21:17 AM
There is another quote that jives with me..ok, hope I don't butcher it.

Martha Beck: "I don't know what the hell is going on, and I'm ok with that".

I love this quote, Helen. It is the opposite of perfectionism and trying to control , two of my hardest  things  :?                                            Ami

Martha B. uses this quote as a Mantra.

I think that when people grow up in very controlling/manipulative environments that its only natural to turn out controlling oneself.
If we didn't keep a tight handle on ourselves then we would be punished, our environments were chaos and scary and dangerous.
I think control is an attempt to manage fear and pain etc.

At least you already know that they are a couple of challenging things for you.

Ami, you sound pretty "together" if you ask me. You didn't ask me, but maybe you are not as messed up as you seem to think you are.
No offense. I mean I know that the emotions, memories and habits are there and still very real. I totally respect that part..

I don't know..... One of my therapists told me that, I was not as bad as I thought I was, that I had a lot of self awareness and was not quite as disfunctional as I thought I was. I mean I've got problems yes, but maybe I don't own every single issue ever named under the sun. She told me that the main area I really needed to work on was my sense of self. Finding myself so to speak, developing my own identity, figuring out who I am. Because I didn't get to do that as a kid.

I don't know, maybe you are controlling? Or maybe it's just another way that you are manifesting the introjection judgement of badness.

I mean exactly how are you controlling? Are you a little controlling, or so controlling that you feel that it's interfering with your life?

You don't have to answer my questions Ami, I'm just thinking out loud. I guess I'm sort of writing my impression about you here, but I don't want to interfere with your own process. Tell me if I'm interfering ok? I will stop and take my questions away.
I can't pretend to be a therapist...

I think controlling is an interesting subject....I might write about this. Controlling is like a signal into our fears. I too have my controlling habits.
I tend to over-prepare for certain things. 

 I think your therapist and you are right--I   need to develop a more solid self.Maybe it is that simple. The wishy washy, water like, amorphous around the edges self has to get more solid, tangible, steady, something to hold on to..
 If I could have ONE wish , it would be to be able to develop a sense of self .
 It feels like it is a crime to want this---SELFISH.
  I still feel it is bad.

Title: Re: AMI
Post by: Meh on September 03, 2009, 12:29:39 PM
Hiya, Ami,

So, when I related my personal experience about what my therapist had said to me about me being pretty "normal" with some issues as opposed to me believing that I am totally messed up, I explained this to you, because I think it is true for you also. I don't believe that you are as "BAD" as you feel you are.

Upon hearing this, your reaction was that you felt peaceful because it met your need for acceptance? Is that correct, or did you feel relieved? How did you feel?

Wait, I just read back through to your previous post, I didn't read it well enough. You did express how it made you feel.
You said that the comments were loving. So you felt loved.

Ok, Ami, I'm glad that you felt loved, when I read that, I feel satisfied knowing that I can somehow in a very little way make another person feel good. I like to make people feel good Ami.

Maybe I need to pay more attention when I'm reading!! From now on I will listen more closely to what you are trying to express to me.

I've got a weird story about what was happening when I wrote that last post to you, maybe I will tell you at some point. I was sort of flustered and due to that I left behind a book that I was reading and had to come back to get it... Anyways. I will tell you later.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 03, 2009, 01:30:16 PM
Sure(((( Helen))), I would love to hear the story whenever you want.Was it a synchronicity?
What is NVC?
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 03, 2009, 01:35:58 PM
I'm replying to myself, it's a random thought. I wrote some absurdity about smurf farms being like puppy mills.

The same day, I was hearing on the radio an interview about real puppy mills and the level of neglect that goes on inside of them.
There was a story about a woman who drowned hundreds of cats and dogs. The commentator on the radio made it sound as if the woman drowning the animals did it for the sadistic pleasure of it, it sort of reminds me of experiences with Nar-people. It makes me wonder about abuse in general, if all abuse is Narcissistic in someway..

The idea that someone would breed animals just to abuse them, it reminds me of Nar-parents.

I guess I never have before thought of puppy-mills as being run by people who have extreme psychological problems. I guess I always thought that maybe the people running the mills ran out of money and then were sick in the hospital or something, I always figured there was a sad but reasonable explanation for why the animals were abandoned.

After the radio program, I thought, what if these puppy mill people are acting their Nar-tendencies out on the animals that they abandon.. Anyways it's not an important thought. Just a noticing.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 03, 2009, 01:36:24 PM
You wrote so many powerful things to me ,Helen. I am taking time to think about them before I write back. Thank you very much. It really helps  when another person expresses their viewpoint about how they see you.
 It doesn't happen very often, it seems, maybe b/c we are all so armored.
 I appreciate it and will write back later :D   Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 03, 2009, 01:46:30 PM
Want to write about BAD. Yesterday, I thought I broke the desktop screen.  The other day I disabled the sound on my lap top.
 BAD just sits there and waits.
 I think I am bad when I am primal and not perfect. That leaves F##ing much left--huh?    Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 03, 2009, 01:57:13 PM
Why does it feel so forbidden,so criminal  to have a self?  :shock:     
 I don't want to hurt anyone else.                                    Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 03, 2009, 02:11:07 PM
Why does it feel so forbidden,so criminal  to have a self?  :shock:    
 I don't want to hurt anyone else.                                    Ami

Ami, why do you think you are going to hurt someone else? Who are you going to hurt? How are you going to hurt them?
What are you thinking? Have you hurt someone?
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 03, 2009, 02:14:16 PM
Want to write about BAD. Yesterday, I thought I broke the desktop screen.  The other day I disabled the sound on my lap top.
 BAD just sits there and waits.
 I think I am bad when I am primal and not perfect. That leaves F##ing much left--huh?    Ami

Amy, what is this all about? I'm not following you here. Were you writing about BAD on your computer and then you wanted to break the computer?

Or did you accidentally do something to the computer and then you told yourself that you were BAD for the accident?
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 03, 2009, 02:18:40 PM
Why does it feel so forbidden,so criminal  to have a self?  :shock:     
 I don't want to hurt anyone else.                                    Ami

Ami, why do you think you are going to hurt someone else? Who are you going to hurt? How are you going to hurt them?
What are you thinking? Have you hurt someone?

What I meant was that I feel *I* am so bad(selfish ,despicable, awful, worthless) for WANTING a self of my own to love, nurture, protect and care for.
 I meant I have no desire to hurt another person only to have a self but I feel *I* am so "bad" for wanting this..
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 03, 2009, 02:20:26 PM
Why does it feel so forbidden,so criminal  to have a self?  :shock:     
 I don't want to hurt anyone else.                                    Ami

Well, Ami you do have a self, it may be a small, quiet self, or sort of invisible. But it IS there inside of you, your essential self.

It is OK! To have a self. It's natural to have a self, NORMAL to have a self.

Your M told you it was not NORMAL to have a self, Your N-mother was lying to you.

You WERE NORMAL all along.

Maybe, just slowly get acquainted with your essential self, I think you have been doing that AMI, I think you will be OK.
Slow and easy... Every day say hello to your SELF. Even if it is SCARY.....it's a good kind of scary like learning how to swim.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 03, 2009, 02:21:52 PM
Want to write about BAD. Yesterday, I thought I broke the desktop screen.  The other day I disabled the sound on my lap top.
 BAD just sits there and waits.
 I think I am bad when I am primal and not perfect. That leaves F##ing much left--huh?    Ami

Amy, what is this all about? I'm not following you here. Were you writing about BAD on your computer and then you wanted to break the computer?

Or did you accidentally do something to the computer and then you told yourself that you were BAD for the accident?

I meant that the feeling of being 'bad", inherently evil ,r wrong or no good lurks below the surface all the time. When I do s/thing wrong like break the computer, it rises up and floods me with more feelings of shame and worthlessness.    Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 03, 2009, 02:23:49 PM
Why does it feel so forbidden,so criminal  to have a self?  :shock:     
 I don't want to hurt anyone else.                                    Ami

Well, Ami you do have a self, it may be a small, quiet self, or sort of invisible. But it IS there inside of you, your essential self.

It is OK! To have a self. It's natural to have a self, NORMAL to have a self.

Your M told you it was not NORMAL to have a self, Your N-mother was lying to you.

You WERE NORMAL all along.

Maybe, just slowly get acquainted with your essential self, I think you have been doing that AMI, I think you will be OK.
Slow and easy... Every day say hello to your SELF. Even if it is SCARY.....it's a good kind of scary like learning how to swim.

My feelings when I read this Helen. I am crying. I think it is from happiness that you understand. Thank you!     Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 03, 2009, 02:24:15 PM
Why does it feel so forbidden,so criminal  to have a self?  :shock:     
 I don't want to hurt anyone else.                                    Ami

Ami, why do you think you are going to hurt someone else? Who are you going to hurt? How are you going to hurt them?
What are you thinking? Have you hurt someone?

What I meant was that I feel *I* am so bad(selfish ,despicable, awful, worthless) for WANTING a self of my own to love, nurture, protect and care for.
 I meant I have no desire to hurt another person only to have a self but I feel *I* am so "bad" for wanting this..

Ami, I didn't think that you were really going to hurt someone.

I guess it sort of sounded like you were afraid you were going to "hurt" your NARmother if you started to really tap into your SELF.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 03, 2009, 02:33:56 PM
Ami, I think we need to learn to be really GENTLE with ourselves. With every little thing, take it as slow as you need to and honor your wounds. Maybe look at the wounds but then also know that it is ok to spend some time every day just checking in with the SELF. You don't have to force it out or put it under the bed, you know you probably don't even have understand the self, just find out when the SELF feels safe enough to come out a little and then just be gentle with your SELF.

We sort of have to get reacquainted with our essential SELF.

Sometimes I feel like I'm meeting a stranger when I come into contact with my TRUE SELF.

It's a weird feeling. Build a relationship with the AMI-SELF. Like a love affair that you want to last forever, you take it slow and gentle and really listen to the inner self. You have a love affair with your SELF. It's a delicate thing. You might be surprized who the AMI-SELF is. She is not "BAD". The AMI- essential SELF just is what it is. Be gentle with AMI, you have the rest of your lives together.. :)

I have complete confidence that you can be with your SELF. It will be ok, you are an ADULT, and your mother has no right to tell you what to do anymore.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 03, 2009, 02:44:28 PM

My feelings when I read this Helen. I am crying. I think it is from happiness that you understand. Thank you!     Ami

Yes, Ami, I truly believe that you were NORMAL and PERFECT just as you are/were as a kid. That is probably the deep truth.

The "BAD" that you struggle with is a lie. It's a tenacious lie, but you will begin to see how it was a lie. It was a controlling device.

It sounds like, from your crying and happiness that you received some much needed validation?
Is that what you are feeling AMI? Validated, accepted?
Do you feel like I just saw the real you?
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 03, 2009, 03:06:19 PM
Since you have this "BAD" lie stuck on you (like a gross booger ghost), then maybe just allow your self to be "BAD"
If you have to be "BAD" to be with your SELF then say f*ck-it. I'm gonna be BAD-ASS and get in touch with myself.

I don't know AMI, it's just an idea. Maybe it makes sense to you or doesn't?

What if you say "I'm gonna be "BAD" and I'm OK with it?"

I mean I don't think you are bad, but maybe the technique you need to use is just saying to yourself, It's bad and I'm going to do it anyways.... and after you do it for a while you will see how it wasn't really bad in the first place.

Some people pride themselves on being BAD-TO-THE-BONE, you know like get on a leather jacket, hop on your Harley and drive your self to ESSENTIAL SELF land.

(sorry about the booger reference, apparently part of my essential self is into boogers) I've got a booger theme going on, I really hope I grow out of it!!  :D
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 03, 2009, 03:09:00 PM

My feelings when I read this Helen. I am crying. I think it is from happiness that you understand. Thank you!     Ami

Yes, Ami, I truly believe that you were NORMAL and PERFECT just as you are/were as a kid. That is probably the deep truth.

The "BAD" that you struggle with is a lie. It's a tenacious lie, but you will begin to see how it was a lie. It was a controlling device.

It sounds like, from your crying and happiness that you received some much needed validation?
Is that what you are feeling AMI? Validated, accepted?
Do you feel like I just saw the real you?

THAT is what it is exactly, Helen. You just saw the real me. It makes me cry b/c it is so beautiful..
 I think they are tears of hope that I can express myself and s/one CAN see the real me. Maybe it means that it is THERE.
 Thank you, Helen!                                 Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 03, 2009, 03:10:40 PM
Since you have this "BAD" lie stuck on you (like a gross booger ghost), then maybe just allow your self to be "BAD"
If you have to be "BAD" to be with your SELF then say f*ck-it. I'm gonna be BAD-ASS and get in touch with myself.

I don't know AMI, it's just an idea. Maybe it makes sense to you or doesn't?

What if you say "I'm gonna be "BAD" and I'm OK with it?"

I mean I don't think you are bad, but maybe the technique you need to use is just saying to yourself, It's bad and I'm going to do it anyways.... and after you do it for a while you will see how it wasn't really bad in the first place.

Some people pride themselves on being BAD-TO-THE-BONE, you know like get on a leather jacket, hop on your Harley and drive your self to ESSENTIAL SELF land.

(sorry about the booger reference, apparently part of my essential self is into boogers) I've got a booger theme going on, I really hope I grow out of it!!  :D

Booger theme is quite OK with me  :D.                Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 03, 2009, 03:12:31 PM
Have you ever tried having a"' Bad" self, Helen?        8)                         Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 03, 2009, 03:16:26 PM
Yes, Ami, I think most people are rarely TRUELY SEEN, I think it's embedded in our society.
I think it is extra-extra tender for children of Nar-parents.

I'm really glad that you feel Seen Ami. I hope you have more of these experiences where you are seen.

You are strong enough to allow yourself to be seen!
Title: BAD
Post by: Meh on September 03, 2009, 03:19:25 PM
Have you ever tried having a"' Bad" self, Helen?        8)                         Ami

Yes, I've played with it a little, it is HARD. It is also very informative. It is a learning experience. It shows you that it will not be the end of the world if you do the "BAD" things.

My personal version of "BAD" for me is sometimes just allowing myself to be in my own strength. If that makes any sense. To be assertive. To do what I want to do even if all of my relatives tell me I'm doing the wrong thing.

It's not the end of the world.

I struggle on a regular basis to like myself.   It is ongoing..

Sometimes when I assert myself or shine, I feel BAD, But it doesn't kill me. Sometimes it's awkward, and my heart beats out of fear.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 03, 2009, 03:28:16 PM
Yes, I started having a bad self   named Blackie.  Blackie has needs. . Blackie wants to take care of herself not be nice all the time like Whitie.
 Whitie does nothing wrong and has no needs.  :shock:                Ami
Title: Ami's Blackie
Post by: Meh on September 03, 2009, 03:31:34 PM
Can you rock out to the song "Ba-Ba-Ba-Bad to the Bone" while you are hanging out with Blackie?
Is there anything fun about blackie? Where would blackie take you if Blackie could go anywhere? What would Blackie do?

Hum Black and White, it's one or the other.. If you put them together it makes Gray..

Maybe there is something else all together beyond the black and white compartamentalized sections of self.
Maybe something even more exciting then gray, musicians are not really gray or black and white, they are all sorts of spectrums.

Ami, What if you write a list of all the "bad" things blackie wants to do, think, say or feel? I mean really put some detail into it.
You don't have to share the list with anyone. "BAD" has no detail. It's a big old meaningless blanket term.

Have you ever seen those t-shirts women wear that say in big letters "BITCH", It's like they are really proud of it or something.
You don't have to be nice all the time. You are still normal even if you are not nice.

Ok, I'm going to leave this off right here, and hand it back to you AMI. I feel like I have taken over and am trying to counsel you or something. I wish you good luck.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 03, 2009, 03:46:36 PM
 Blackie doesn't let anyone mess  with her.
 She has a black leather jacket on the inside. She wrote the quote--Talk softly but carry a big stick .
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 03, 2009, 03:49:40 PM
I am gonna think about all the things Blackie wants to do. I always envied Multiple Personalities this one thing. Taking ALL the multiples together, they could express themselves   :D                    Ami

PS I appreciate your input(((Helen.))) If you feel you want to end the discussion that is fine. I think I will take Blackie  8)   to another thread if that is your desire.Let me know.
Title: Re: Ami's Blackie
Post by: Meh on September 03, 2009, 03:55:10 PM
I'm going to take my flabby ass, that I love soo much and give it a walk and a meal.....

Bye for now! Good luck with Blackie. You can send me msg if there is anything else you want to say, I will read them later.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 03, 2009, 05:16:30 PM
You were right, Helen. I was afraid I would kill my NM if I was Blackie. I became submissive Whitie-- no anger, infinite forgiveness  .  
  I can't face my H.  Whitie can only see good  things
  She is stuck b/c she can't wash off   BAD.                      Ami

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 04, 2009, 09:15:52 AM
My H gives things. Whitie has all sorts of things. She can't face life.She can't face evil. Seeing it makes her bad.
 She dissolves.
 My  H takes care of Whitie as long as Whitie is good.
 Whitie has bad stomach aches  and is very skinny like a perfect model.
Title: Re: Going against the mothers
Post by: Meh on September 04, 2009, 10:30:51 AM
You were right, Helen. I was afraid I would kill my NM if I was Blackie. I became submissive Whitie-- no anger, infinite forgiveness  .  
  I can't face my H.  Whitie can only see good  things
  She is stuck b/c she can't wash off   BAD.                Ami   

For me personally, even as an adult, I have had the feeling (it is subtle but strong) that I would offend or hurt my mother's feelings if I was not subservient and polite and meek.

I think I need to tell myself that it's ok for me to offend my mother.

Title: Sleeping
Post by: Meh on September 04, 2009, 11:01:04 AM
I don't think that I have a lot to write about today.

I woke up with a sore bite on the inside of my left cheek. I grind my teeth at night and it's ruining my teeth, probably stress related. I'm tempted to write about the impact of stress on me physically because I haven't been taking as good care of myself physically as I would like to.

It's like I have a lot of anxiety that I don't express during the day and when I fall asleep it all goes into my jaw.
I have to have dental work because of this, it's frustrating.

I think my internal deep feeling is "Why bother, what's the point, who cares".

Some part of me does care, some part of me does not care.

I don't know what my point is, maybe I have to get more real with myself about this. More honest with the ways that I neglect myself.  

I guess my body, more and more is feeling like it's been mummified and the muscles and sinews are drying out becoming constricted and stuck.

Title: Being Serious
Post by: Meh on September 04, 2009, 11:28:08 AM
Wondering to myself what is the value of being serious. I guess if the world is run my goofballs that's not great.
But serious, is serious something that I like, that is useful to me. Is this an emotional zone that is valuable to me?
Is serious productive.

What is serious, is it fear and anger, is it the opposite of mirth.

I'm asking myself what is the value of seriousness.

Serious and responsibility.

What am I responsible for.. Ok this maybe a good question for me to answer today. To remind myself of what is important in my life. I think I have so much anxiety and anger that I don't even want to think about money right now.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 04, 2009, 12:02:59 PM
For me,(( Helen))the "Why bother?" is the hopelessness from my NM where 'Why Bother?" WAS valid. I could never get traction,go forward. I was slapped on one side and knifed on the other.
 If I tried, I was told I tried too hard. If I didn't try, I was told I was incompetent. My life was the quintessential 'Why bother?"
 Maybe this rings a bell.
 I will give you some instances. My M told me to be a better student. When I was ,she told me not to be a "greasy grind". She told me to "fix myself up". When I did, she told me I was vain.
 If I was too thin, she told me I should look "healthier". If I was too fat, she would pick put s/one who was thin and compare me to them.
 It was on and on --no win i.e. Why Bother?            Ami
Title: Grumpy and Blah
Post by: Meh on September 04, 2009, 12:26:38 PM
More of my "STUFF" Ramblings

Right now, this day, this moment, I feel grumpy and blah, my neck and jaw and back are sore and tight.
I think I'm pissed. Lets see what else is going on in me, I feel sort of hopeless.
Things/life can either get better or they can get worse.

I'm reminding myself that maybe I have been deluding myself.

I have to come up with some solutions to the job issue. I want to do something that is sort of creative and self directed.
This is not a good time to be picky about jobs though. I've had a lot of different types of jobs during my life, at this point I feel like I've earned the right to have a job that is relevant to me, my life and my personality but I have less money then I ever had before.
My options and choices maybe are not as many as I would like them to be, and the number of options I have certainly doesn't reflect all the hard work I put in on previous jobs. I feel like a work horse that has been working and working and now I want to run around in some fields, oh gosh I guess I'm saying I want to be put out to pasture. I don't want to do nothing.

I feel like my social worth is based on doing tasks and having knowledge that has nothing to do with ME. I can't find any passion for it.
Having a job one is passionate about maybe is a luxury. I feel like the world is telling me that I don't deserve to be happy, I don't deserve to be passionate about my life. I'm angry, I want to say f*ck you world. F U, FU, FU, FU....

Some part of me is saying "Have Faith" because I don't have anything else. FAITH did not get me anywhere though. OR did it?
Am I doing a valuation on my own life?

I'm sort of lost career wise. I spent years working in one area ....and now it looks like I've got to do something different.

I don't have money at this point to go back to school. I'm hoping for some miracle that is not going to come.

I want to live. Doesn't mean I don't want to work, it's just that I want to do something that is related to my essential SELF.

I want a job where I can BE my SELF.

I'm so frustrated with this. The truth is I was getting REALLY F'ING BORED at my last job BIG TIME.

I want a poison spear so I can launch it into the backs of the dumb guys in this cafe, the guys with their stupid bulging eyes.
Heck I would throw it directly into their front chests, nah I don't want to look at their stupid eyes.
Grumpy me.

Hey, I have the right to be grumpy, this IS coming from somewhere. My grumpiness is not arbitrary.

All right today I have a new world, I can't write what I'm thinking here it's too offensive.

Suffice to say, I'm feeling the desire to be the opposite of nice.

Nice and polite and slipping between the cracks.

Ok, I see some experiences as failures, maybe I should just see them as learning experiences.

Somethings just take so much dam work, I want to see the outcome the progress, this regaining of personal strength.

I'm a corporate whore.

What am I angry at me, my company, my society, my family, life?

There has to options and possibilities in this life.

I need to decide to beseeching request something.

I'm beseeching crying and begging on my knees for a job that doe not kill my spirit.
A job where there is plenty of room for me to shine.

Have I failed, I'm asking myself this.

I feel that I have failed at something.

The truth is I probably have not failed. I probably really need a change.

Allright God, or Tao, Or Goddess or Zeus or Superman, or Boogerman...I'm beseeching, I need some help.
I need to find a new direction and path. I need to make money. I need something that is more then making money.

I have some sort of feeling in my heart, I think it's a desperation in my heart.
Is my heart desperate? To be what? What does this heart want, does it have desires. Is it possible for my heart to express it's self at work.
Do I even do work anymore? Some people play and make money playing.

There are no concrete job prospects coming up.

I'm tired of being what people expect me to be.
Tired of being what people tell me to be.
Tired of worrying that I may offend someone.

Meek ME, just aint workin no more.

NO more.

I see dumb guys in business suits and I want to crunch them under my foot like black cockroaches. I can hear the crunch right now, and ugh gross, the goop junk that comes out of them. It's infected and dirty and it needs to be incinerated. Or throw far far far far far far far far away. FAR away. I'm festering with EVIL today.

I need to get in touch with my inner EVIL Villain.

What is my evil villain name. THE EXTERMINATOR. Hum, maybe something else.
Some sort of Xena warrior princess thing.

My truth is, maybe pirate me is closer to my essential SELF then "Helen" is.

Maybe I need to symbolically change my name.

I feel like I need to pound my fist on something and yell in an Italian Godfather's voice. I never saw those movies.

Who is the best evil villain ever. I don't want to be a super hero.


OK this above statement makes me want to tear up slightly
Maybe I'm exhausted from trying to be so F'ing Good.
Well, F my nice parts, F them. F little bo peep, F her, F Missy flower-mouth, F her. F the nice her FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

I want to be miss piggy. Not quite. Minus the pig-fat part. Minus her temper.
I just want to be a B*tch some days.
I have the right to be a b*tch.
My Bitch is not BAD
My Bitch is great, she if Fing Great.
I love my Bitch.
Get the f out of my way, I'm gonna spear someone. Get out of my way briefcase man, I have a life, and you are a blood sucking tick.
I want to jack hammer is head out. leave it empty and throw away the crap contents. It will look like a monster woodpecker came and destroyed the suits. The men with dead brief cases. Dead Dead.

My job was dead. Deadening. Morose Corpse. A corpse in a business office.

I feel like I'm going to go through one of those magical wonder-woman transformations.
I will turn around a few times and out will pop this medusa thing, I have all these worms like wiggling out of head and my tongue has like this poison darts that I can spit out. I see men in suits falling over like dominoes.

Clearly the corporate thing has gotten the better of me. I'm now a wrathful Godzilla sized monster that is climbing to the top of a building and shooting fire balls out of parts of my body I rather not describe. He He He, Grrrr, Argggghhh! ?

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 04, 2009, 12:30:31 PM
For me,(( Helen))the "Why bother?" is the hopelessness from my NM where 'Why Bother?" WAS valid. I could never get traction,go forward. I was slapped on one side and knifed on the other.
 If I tried, I was told I tried too hard. If I didn't try, I was told I was incompetent. My life was the quintessential 'Why bother?"
 Maybe this rings a bell.
 I will give you some instances. My M told me to be a better student. When I was ,she told me not to be a "greasy grind". She told me to "fix myself up". When I did, she told me I was vain.
 If I was too thin, she told me I should look "healthier". If I was too fat, she would pick put s/one who was thin and compare me to them.
 It was on and on --no win i.e. Why Bother?            Ami

Hum, I suppose I never really analysed my "Why bother"

Why bother, was it valid, is it valid....interesting.

"Why bother" Certainly is not making any thing better.

The WHY BOTHER monster.

I'm going to give all these ideas storybook characters.

The WHY BOTHER monster is big and brown like a turd. He comes and smashes every thing I do. It comes and ruins things for no good reason. He wants nothing to get done. HE says. DOOONTTTT BOOOOTHER!!!!! AAAAHHHHH.

I'm laughing now.

Title: Re: Grumpy and Blah
Post by: Gabben on September 04, 2009, 12:33:34 PM

Is my heart desperate?

Dear Helen,

A desperate heart is the heart that God loves most.

The times in my life where I felt just like all that you wrote in your post were the times when I was most close to God or rather when God was reaching the most for me to turn to Him in complete trust. Learning to listen to my heart and not what the world expects, not easy but so fullfilling in terms of peace and getting down to the real stuff of life and our true selves.
Title: MONSTERS monster place crystal palace... places...this is a new place.
Post by: Meh on September 04, 2009, 12:37:49 PM
I'm listing and naming my monsters:


I'm seeing a place that is made out of precious faceted expensive crystal, I am the only thing in this world that is not precious and I should not break any of the crystal. I have to be very very careful so I don't screw up. So I don't crash something, leave smudges. Nothing. There are caves and palaces of crystal. I don't like these palaces. They gleam but I hate being there.

There are gardens of crystal, like a cut crystal vase, fields and flowers of crystal. People think this is so beautiful like it heaven BUT I HATE IT. I don't want to be in this world. I'm leaving dirty tracks every where dirty foot steeps my shoes are boot-like and dirty. Every where I go in this perfect sparkling crystal place is my trail of dirt.

This is the feeling of fear that someone is always going to find something wrong and bad and ugly about me. This monster makes me want to hide. It follows me around looking for something on me to criticize. The ugly monster. The ugly monster is black and has green eyes.
The ugly monster can be anywhere can be any size huge and small, it follows me around like a shadow. It's sneaky.

Maybe I will wear a dress today for no good reason, A dress to exercise in, a dress and sneakers.

The mean monster tells me that I'm mean unless I do every thing it tells me to do.
The mean monster tells me to jump off a cliff without a parachute and if I don't want to then it says I'm mean and difficult.
The mean monster has a little voice that says "YOuur mean, your difficult, your cold, it's your FAULT.

4) Maybe there is a "FAULT MONSTER"
Its your fault is what the fault monster says. IT's yellow.
This monster grows bigger when it's pointing it's finger. IT takes up all the space in the room and it points to me but I'm invisible and it says YOUR AT FAULT.

There are a lot of monsters following me around all the time they are invisible to everyone else, Nar-people can see my monsters. I am just starting to see my monsters.

There is a many eyed monster that is always watching me. It hovers over my bed when I sleep watching, watching, it monitors me, every move.
It's sort of gray and the eyes blink individually at different times. All it wants to do is watch and look and look and see every thing. The EYE monster does not want to give me privacy.






I'm not sure these are the right monsters, maybe I will have to recast some of these characters.

I HATE this monster, it has a fake smile, a mean smile, a fake fake smile.

This monster lives inside of me. The monster tells me that my pain is not real and that I should ignore my pain. My pain is not important, that is what this monster tells me. This monster is like a jacket/coat and it has a hood, the hood has eyes on it, the hood can make me forget, and think weird things.

14) Dancing Monster

This monster is a good monster but I'm afraid of it, Maybe it's not a monster maybe it is a spirit.

15) Grabby guy monster
This is that stupid monster that makes my skin crawl. the one that cant psychically stay in his own f'ing body.
Title: Re: Grumpy and Blah
Post by: Meh on September 04, 2009, 12:40:43 PM

Is my heart desperate?

Dear Helen,

A desperate heart is the heart that God loves most.

The times in my life where I felt just like all that you wrote in your post were the times when I was most close to God or rather when God was reaching the most for me to turn to Him in complete trust. Learning to listen to my heart and not what the world expects, not easy but so fullfilling in terms of peace and getting down to the real stuff of life and our true selves.

~ Thank you  Gabben ~
Title: The Spirits that fight the monsters
Post by: Meh on September 04, 2009, 01:43:23 PM
This spirit can be out of control and can crash through a bandstand, over all it is a friendly monster.
This monster threatens to offend other people. This monster has a really big rear end and the rear end might bump people out of the way and then the people who were bumped out of the way might get mad.

This spirit can get me in trouble but it helps me when I'm lost in the dark woods.

This spirit might waste my time, or at least I'm afraid that it will. It might distract me. It might be a good spirit, I'm not sure.
It's a female spirit.

Warrior spirit
Does this one exist? Maybe. I think I really like this one. Where is it? It's like a Scottish Highland Creature. With bows and arrows. ??

HAPPY spirit or is it HAPPY monster
Is this a monster? Maybe there are two of them. The monster threatens to make my world fall apart.
I'm afraid that if I'm happy something bad is going to happen.

ROAR! ROAR! ROAR! ROAR! It's louder then a lion.
This VOICE SPIRIT could shatter the crystal palace. Oh yeah it could!!! Ha.. Is that it? What is this.
My voice could break something.

Title: Re: My Super Powers
Post by: Meh on September 04, 2009, 02:34:32 PM
I have a super power, it is an Alanis Morrisette song that is in a bottle and I can throw it. It's a Molot*v Cocktail.

I have another super power, it is a curse that seems to have really worked in the real world.
It is a big thorn that I have put into men's hearts when I'm really pissed at them. It seems to mess em up until I psychically remove it.
I should never have removed this, I should have left it in his sorry excuse for a heart.

Ok, I guess I'm writing about him. So why.. Was he important... Does he have anything to do with voicelessness?

Why am I writing this?

Does deception leave someone voiceless.

I think he never heard my voice. Or maybe he heard it and ignored. I mean he was f'ing smart. Too f'ing smart not to hear it.

Some people simply can't hear our voices they don't have the right brand of hearing aids and then there are others who hear it but ignore it.

So maybe the point is I'm learning more about my voice, and in the process of learning about my essential voice then I can spot people who can't hear it or won't hear it or want to strangle it.

I hope I'm learning to discern the people who can and will hear from those who will not, and that I will not waste my time with f-ers.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 04, 2009, 02:37:26 PM
Neck, problems with the neck. Choking my essential voice.
Heh, some people do not want to hear my essential voice.

My voice is angry angry angry. The voice itself I think has it's own life.

Is this a spirit or a monster?


Title: VOICE SPIRIT My "Stuff" blab-blab-blab
Post by: Meh on September 04, 2009, 02:48:29 PM
Ok This is interesting.

Afraid of offending someone. Hah! How lame-o-dumb-o-stupid-o-is that.

I'm afraid that if I have a voice I will be punished and my life will fall apart. Well that is a joke. My LIFE ALREADY CAME APART BECAUSE I DIDN'T HAVE A VOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 04, 2009, 02:54:42 PM
Keep going.
This is good work... you are finding YOU.

And maybe your YOU is being initiated into the corp of those "spirits"... as you peel away the things that are NOT YOU... the things that got thrown at you and stuck... like tar.

The tension in your neck; the grinding teeth... yes, it's a signal of sorts from you to YOU (or vice versa). It's been that way for me. Something (and it sounds like you're getting close) needs to be addressed.

You'll get there just by doing what you're doing here.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 04, 2009, 02:57:31 PM
I'm about to place some psychic weapons into the hands of my inner child.

She is going to get a voice.

It's like a right of passage an elder handing over a spear to a child-becoming an adult.

I see a ceremony. There are people there. They are tribal elders.
Something is happening. This feels momentous.

Little Helen, is being given a Shield and Spears. The elders want her to have this power. They approve.

There is someone really important there, like the big Kahuna.
He is watching and he approves. He wants me to have the psychic weapons.

I'm being given other things, a bag, like a medicine bad.

Some scrying sticks or something.

Some objects I don't know what like a shaker.

Some shoes.

What else. some wings?

I see sort of like little eggs or stones.

A birds nest. (this is a drawing i made)

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 04, 2009, 02:58:54 PM
Women are dancing at my ceremony. Like african dancing. Dancing out a story. Maybe they are dancing out my story.
Yes the African elder-women are dancing my story. And the men are listening.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 04, 2009, 03:00:37 PM
There is food, and these little offering bundles of flowers.

There are scars. I have real scars at the ceremony and the elders respect the scars.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 04, 2009, 03:03:46 PM
I think this is sort of a painful blood-letting type of ceremony but the blood contains anger and crap and lies and garbage and everyone at the ceremoney including me agrees that the Garbage has got to come out. It's being collected in a brass pot and the big kahuna is over-seeing this. I'm safe. IT's ok. It is a good blood-letting. The blood is going to be taken somewhere and the big kahuna is going to purifying it before dripping it onto the earth. something is suppose to grow out of it. a tree that kahuna tends and guards the tree himself. This must be a really important tree.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 04, 2009, 03:06:07 PM
The tension in your neck; the grinding teeth... yes, it's a signal of sorts from you to YOU (or vice versa). It's been that way for me. Something (and it sounds like you're getting close) needs to be addressed.

A signal from you to you or vice versa.. This I love...
You are so funny, I'm laughing!!!
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 04, 2009, 03:10:31 PM
Oh, ok...
I'm back there again with the tribe and I have a blind fold on and they are taking me somewhere. It is a totally differnt place, it's like a new world. They are guiding me there because it is dark. They are with me and I'm not afraid and I trust them.

I'm in a cafe and writing so I'm not 100% there, maybe 30-60% there.

They have got feather things on their head but not like native american.

There is someone there really important it is a very very old elder. He is looking at me straight into my eyes and I'm crying and he sees me. And he knows my whole story and he accepts my whole story. And he approves of me having the psychic weapons.
He is giving me something it is small I'm not sure what it is. It is maybe something that I put inside my heart.
He is smiling at me. A proud, knowing, kind smile.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 04, 2009, 03:13:28 PM
Now I'm given something to drink and it takes me back like a near-death-life-review.
I see myself and I'm a little kid playing.
I'm just watching.
Maybe the adult me and the kid me are integrating better.

The women who are dancing my story are watching intently they can also see what I'm seeing.

Ok, I know should keep on.. but I need to take a break...
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 04, 2009, 03:15:06 PM
The neck. A thought. I'm living my life like a little girl because I wasn't given the power and the weapons and it's not working.
My voice is a "weapon" and I need it.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 04, 2009, 03:18:30 PM
Someone cut my arms off, and now I'm growing new arms like a lizard regenerates it's tail. I have spears in my hands and my eyes can use the spears to fight against people when I need to. The spears have gold tips. I may even have spears that I can use to do psychic surgery on myself. Yes, I see this now, the spears are not all for warfare. Some of the spears have multiple uses.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 04, 2009, 03:21:37 PM
Psychic blood is like chi, time, life energy, lies, thoughts.

Ok, the tribal elders are going to go get a cheeseburger. I better eat also.
Write later....
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 04, 2009, 03:27:54 PM
There is a fierce little Helen. She is so tired of playing dead, Pretending to have a lobotomy. 
I see little Helen twirling around with daggers like a tasmanian devil.
She is contracting there are all these parts and all this stuff that is all concentrating into her core. Like a gravitational pull. She is collecting herself like a storm concentrating into an electrical storm.
Ok, little Helen, don't wear yourself out. GO eat.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 04, 2009, 03:48:45 PM
((((((Helen)))))))                                             Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 04, 2009, 04:17:34 PM
I see little Helen twirling around with daggers like a tasmanian devil.

like a whirling dervish... who channels god to the earth and other people... all things good...
which can also be limits, boundaries (to stay safe and unaffected from nar-people)... karma...


Society, people & the world ASSIGN a value to various "doing".... that value changes with the times...
but BEING is the real "stuff"...

it's like the dancers, the elders, a whirling dervish... the gifts...

BEING can't be "judged" or criticized... being just IS. A homeless person can have way more "being" than one of the walking dead, who wears a suit and thinks him/herself indespensible.

Ever see Evan Almighty? (I think) the one where "God" appears in this all white building as the janitor? And Jim Carrey is like "Right, you're god..."  Anyway, that's being vs doing for me.

My philosophy is that is really doesn't matter what you do for money... as long as it's OK with your Being and it's enough money to take care of things to your satisfaction.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 05, 2009, 02:14:11 PM
Hi Little Helen or Big Helen or Monsters and Spirits whats up today? What am I going to write about this day. Is there anything that needs to be said?

Mainly I feel like a mummy, by body says to me "why the hell don't you do something about this"
I'm not sure what to do.

How to write? Maybe lets go visit the smoofs for a while.
Title: Re: My Porch
Post by: Meh on September 05, 2009, 04:36:32 PM
So, I have this porch, the porch is a large wrap around porch, goes around the perimeter of the house, it's big enough to have a
party on.

There is a garden next to the porch, has some dinner-plate dalyas and purple & brown sunflowers. There are stepping stones and some thyme that carpets the ground in green softness.

I think the cushions of the patio furniture are a Burgundy color or maybe they have a Hawaiian print on them. There is a vase sitting on a table on the porch that has some velvety red roses in it. I'm sitting on the porch just reading. Kicking my legs up.

There is a bee-box nearby and I can see the bees flying in and out of their hive.

I'm going to wrap a quilt around me and watch the clouds pass by. Feel the fresh air on my face. Breath. Dream. Wish. Hope.

I'm flying on a hang-glider looking down at the ocean.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 05, 2009, 04:41:39 PM
I know there is something that Helen wants to say today. I just don't know what it is.

I want to go hiking on a path near the ocean and get pummelled by wet wind.

Alright that is if for today.

Maybe next time, I write about some weird creepy dreams..

Or a gratitude list...
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 06, 2009, 12:40:21 PM
Last night I did some accessing of parts of my essential self. My essential self seems to be really physical, wants to exercise take care of itsself and does not appear to have a whole lot of interest in this writing that I'm doing here. But maybe that is only part of my essential self. Maybe parts of the essential self can be at odds with one another.

Hopes and Dreams are Taboo for me, this is related to voicelessness, I'm suppose to be invisible, unimportant and non-existant.
I dare not put my hopes and dreams on this board. I don't wish to.

I think in the midsts of stress and depression the whole area of HOPES and DREAMS is also deeply submerged in that sea, maybe the deepest cave in the ocean has a treasure chest with hopes and dreams but it's impossible to get down there, it's too deep, too dark, too cold.

I don't feel that far away from my hopes and dreams at the moment. I never bothered to question myself where my hopes and dreams come from though, If they come from me or from someplace else. If me essential self wants them?

I know this goes against pop-selfhelp crap. I think sometimes parts of the essential self don't know everything, are not right about every thing. If I let my essential self rule my life. Well my life would probably be a lot more exciting. There is also the chance I would be dead, or some other thing.

I have a don't rock the boat lifestyle, Don't rock my own littel boat because there are sharks, I see there shadows in the water. They have nothing else to do but swim and hope that the boat sinks.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 06, 2009, 12:49:37 PM
Questioning myself:

Can I trust my essential self to run my life?

Can my essential self do it all by itself?
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 06, 2009, 01:02:33 PM
In the evening I got to ruminating.....the results.....

I had a good boss ask me about how I like to work, and she would ask me if I was happy and so forth, she asked me about the kind of work structure I liked and so forth.

My coworker told me, that boss could not read me, she didn't know if I was happy or not.

I adapt, have adapted my whole life, I put up with anything to survive. I take this for granted that I have to adapt myself to any situation. I don't tend to "fake it" too much instead I just shut down parts of myself.

Last night I was thinking about what if I had the opportunity, the freedom, the power to decide what I wanted? What I liked?
What if I did not have to adapt myself to every situation. What if I had the ability to find the niche that my essential self fits.
Rather then fitting myself into places where I don't belong.

I had to do this to survive, at least that is what I believe.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 06, 2009, 01:32:30 PM
Don't most kids and people put up to survive, and convince themselves that they want what they have even if they don't?

Last night, I talked to parts of me essential self. I heard it loud and clear. I asked it questions and it YELLED/screamed back answers at me. Answers of YESSSSS!!! And Nooooo!

It was pretty much a monosyllabic response method. I wish it would respond with Whole ideas.
If I ask it what do you really want?
Maybe I just don't want to hear the answer. Accept the answer.

At some point I felt my heart open a little and it connected with my neck (only temporarily). I think this was when I said to my essential self.  "OK sweetie, I HEAR you".

Apparently there is a part of me that is censoring my essential self. This personality I have.
I think that my personality or Ego or whatever it is has a narcissistic relationship with my essential self.
My Ego/personality tends to ignore the essential self.

I just cant picture this part of me running my life, it seems so wreckless, unrealistic, unsophisticated.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 06, 2009, 01:52:07 PM
My personality is Narcisstically attacking my essential self.. Is this statment true?
I'm not sure about attacking, no it feels more like controlling.
So I see this big ear hovering in space right next to me. It's going to listen.

Maybe the most powerful and dificult task I have is to choose what I like instead of adapting.

There is a real world, not every thing is just in my head.

I'm telling myself that when my essential self comes up against the real world there will be no place for it in the real world.
That it does not fit.

I'm telling myself that letting my essential self dirrect and run my life is unrealistic idea.

This may very well be a fact.

Maybe there are only a few places, a few people where this can happen, when the SELF can come out and breathe.

Where is this going?

Find a space, a place.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 06, 2009, 01:57:26 PM
I feel like I'm in a war zone and I'm bunkered/hunkered down. Whatever the word is.

I'm crouched over in an empty bullet riddled structure. I must survive. I'm too afraid to go outside.
I'm waiting for the war to end, the combat to subside, the bullets to stop flying.
But the war goes on and on, in the mean time I'm starving and cold inside the building where I'm only sort of safe.
I'm not sure if I am safe or not, someone could come in at any moment, a grenade could come through the window.
It seems like I am the only person in this deserted town besides the fighters.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 06, 2009, 02:02:53 PM
(((((Helen)))))))                                      Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 06, 2009, 02:03:42 PM
My essential self is telling me to get the heck off of the computer.

I tell myself that the weather is bad so I might as well...be on the computer.

Do I have the will power to listen to my Essential self.

I wonder what my essential self would think about me taking a writing class.
I have a friend who teaches creative writing.

I think my essential self might join a circus.

Ummmm....should I let this happen, my essential self.

Can I trust my essential self to keep me safe?
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 06, 2009, 02:07:09 PM
Ok, Ok, Ok,

I have to give my essential self some time every day. Maybe I don't hand over the whole day to the essential self.

My essential self doesn't care about this writing, it jumps up and down impatiently.

My essential self would probably never choose to do the TAXES. So that is my answer. NO the essential self can not run every aspect of my life. That doesnt mean that I can't hand over part of my life to my essential self.

This seems reasonable.

Its a concession. A compromise. A good compromise.

Ok essential self there you go, I'm handing over a little slice of the pie to you right now.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 06, 2009, 02:38:33 PM
This is so weird,
I'm starting to see my depression as a psychological veil. Not just metaphorically but I can actually start to see it's shape in my "aura" or Psyche. The depression is a rather thin veil. Thinner then I ever would have expected.

Physically I loaf around but my body does not want to do this. My legs want to sprint. Some part of me wants to go run a marathon.
Is this correct?

Well then I guess, maybe I could start training for a marathon.
Title: Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee one cup, two cup, three cup....
Post by: Meh on September 06, 2009, 02:47:01 PM
I asked my essential self about my coffee intake and it did not give me a resounding yes or no, it went into a flipping sort of thing like an animal banging around in a cage.

I think maybe I like the taste. Maybe my essential self is addicted to it. Maybe that is the flipping.

It was the only question that I didnt get a clear answer on.

I owe my essential self an apology.

I feel my whole body change somehow when I wrote the above statement.

I feel like I'm starting to access myself instead of struggling against myself.

I 'm pleased with this.

To: Essential SELF

I'm (ego?) appologize for ignoring you for so long. I'm going to start listening to you more often, asking your oppionion more often. I'm not going to tell you what you should be like. I'm going to just ask and listen for the answer that you give.
Ok, essential self, if you can please tell me more then yes and no, that might help me.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 06, 2009, 02:56:30 PM
The interior maybe it is like a jungle, a place where new things grow every day, new species are discovered on a regular basis. A place where the trees are so dense no light gets through and then other places where the light comes though and catches the mist from a waterfall.

My logical mind, my socialized mind tries to put a structure on me, like I am a technical diagram of a car.
I have been trying to look and look at the schematics of me like I'm a machine. Like just take me to the mechanic, get a tune up, a new part, a clean out.

It's not that way, I'm alive not a machine. I'm a mystery. My internal life maybe is an ever changing landscape.

The question that I'm dying to hear the answer to is:


I want this question to be answered in the form of a user's manual. A how to guide with all the details clear and filled in.

It's not coming this way.

I'm impatient with myself.. WHAT DO I WANT!!!!

That is what I say to myself "Answer me already...I've been waiting to find out what I want"!!!!


The above is not a good example of me being gentle with myself.

I will have to go talk to my essential self when I get home and am less caffeinated.
See if it can tell me what it wants, tell me what it doesn't want.

My fear is that my essential self does not want anything practical.

Like maybe it wants to go to the North Pole become an honorary elf and work for Santa Claus.

Some part of me really likes that idea, that is what I'm afraid of.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 06, 2009, 03:15:07 PM
It is said that some part of every person knows exactly what it wants.

Why can't I hear this part of myself.
Is it afraid.
Did it die.
Is it gone.
Where is it.
Come out.
Come out.
Come out.

You are like a cat hiding under a bed!! I'm tired of trying to entice you out.
Come out.
What do you want? What do I want.

Essential self.... talk to me.

Ok, Essential self, you tell me when and where.

Is it a board meeting. No
Is it on the porch..maybe
Is it in some enchanted woods...umm no
Is it in a boat...maybe
Where are we going to meet essential self.

In the desert? Really... ok... whatever

I will meet you there.
Is it a pot luck? Should I bring some green grapes? Pomegranates? Franckensense and Myrrh... I'm just kidding.


Is this like a ritual or something?
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 06, 2009, 03:18:20 PM
 ((((((Helen))))))My yoga tape says that depression is NOT being with your essential self.                                             Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 06, 2009, 03:21:05 PM
Is my essential self riding a horse around in the desert. She says Yeeeessss!

I think this sounds like my imagination. Some part of me says Noooooo!

What the f*ck.

What do I do with all this metaphorical stuff.
Hey essential self, you know that my bills are not metaphorical right?

When I ask my essential self if she can heal herself. She answers with a loud scream Yeeessss!!!!

Am I too believe this?
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 06, 2009, 03:22:45 PM
((((((Helen))))))My yoga tape says that depression is NOT being with your essential self.                                             Ami

That makes a lot of sense.

Which yoga tape?
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 06, 2009, 03:29:14 PM
My favorite Yoga Teachers are Ana Bret and Ravi Singh. They have Kundalini Yoga tapes which deal with the breath as well as the postures. Also,they talk about how emotions are stuck in the body and ways to release them.
On one of the tapes they had postures for Depression and said this.
   xxxxoooo  Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 06, 2009, 03:30:51 PM
I'm afraid that my essential self believes she is stronger then I really am.

Like my essential self is some sort of kid's Xena warrior princess person.

If I tried to be Xena I would hurt myself.

Ok, no, no maybe essential self is not Xena.

Should I name this essential self.

Essential self. Do you have a name? Do ya? Huh?

I could hear her better if I wasn't in the city, surrounded by rushing, give me, give me, get out of my way, honk, honk, crash.

I'm sorry little essential self. Ok, I will stop calling you little.

Pulling your hair out sweetie....

Ok, essential self... I love you.... I'm sorry that you feel like pulling your hair out.

She is screaming at me.

Ok, can you stop screaming and just maybe articulate it... Nooooooooooo

Ok so my essential self is like a screaming kid. Fair enough. I accept you, your screaming, your demanding ok.

You are not demanding? Ok, fine I take that back, you are not demanding, you are EXPRESSIVE!!!

Essential self jumping up and down...

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 06, 2009, 03:34:04 PM
I'm like a freaking hand-puppet show.

I have these puppet legs and they just run like crazy.

Oh my god, I need to get out of this puppet show. The stage is gonna crash.

I see the stage falling down and the puppets running amuck. Like a Jim Henson set when all the muppets just started going nuts and all came out on the stage together it was like a zoo got free.

Ok immune system up!! Deflect the sneezes.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 06, 2009, 03:46:09 PM
What if my ego can not provide what my essential self needs?

What if my essential self wants to go live in a pyramid, I mean really you can not have everything you want..
Can you?

I don't know..

Alright essential self, there are things you want to be and do, sooo, Do you know how you are going to pay for these projects?
You don't speak any foreign languages. You don't own a sail boat. You don't have a land rover.

You are going to stow away!! Oh Jesus Christ.

I can't believe this.

My essential self is a wild hobo adventurer. No wonder I cant let it out. It's going to get me killed. 
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 06, 2009, 03:52:00 PM
I don't think I'm strong enough to handle my essential self.

My essential self seems to be in fantasy land, Indiana Jones.
IT would run from tree top to tree top.

I am not super woman. Maybe that is not my essential self or is it? Is it my fantasy world??

Do I keep telling my essential self NO?

It is screaming at me YESSS!!!

I'm sorry, I keep telling you no..
I'm afraid my life is going to fall apart..  if I let you out.

Would that be ok if my life fell apart?

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 06, 2009, 04:03:43 PM
Attn: Essential SELF

WE must go get a job together. You have to be there with me during the interview. We must get a job, it has to be done..
Can you understand why? Do you see that. Essential self please be reasonable, ok don't be reasonable.
This is so frustrating. I will listen to you Essential SELF, but I need you to HELP me. It just isnt going to work if you go BERSERK on me. I know you are in a running wild land galloping faster then the wind. I know, but I'm also here in the real world.
We need to meet somewhere in between you know? You want me to take risks on your behalf, like what?
You want to go be an animator or something for Disney? I don't think that is reasonable. Ok OK I get it you are SICK of what Ego has been doing. I know Ego is sick of itself too. Ego likes you Essential Self. It just is trying to deal with adult stuff, serious stuff.
Ok, well essential self is on a horse running across some sandy place.

Is that essential self or the subconscious?

Can I trust this? What if its nonsense...

Ok, YOU with the horses. Help me out, all the puppets, bubble heads, monsters, spirits, pirates, smurfs and smoofs. I need you all to work together... OK
Like communicate with each other OK?   
Please I'm begging you.
Ego will try to be a good boss, a boss that brings out the best in you, not a tyrant ok?
You talk to Ego boss, and Ego boss will try to listen. We will figure something out OK?
 NO bickering.

Ego will do things that you don't like to do like to do like Tax paper work.
You guys can do other things.

Ok, maybe Ego is just the book keeper.
Ego you are not allowed to control essential self anymore.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 06, 2009, 04:16:01 PM
Would essential self really sacrifice ME.

IS the reckless wild part of me is that essential self?
YES, it is part of essential self.

My father always told me I had to be practical and boring, and dull. That is not my essential self. There is a battle inside me between the practical and sensible and then the more creative side that is large and broad and doesn't seem to give a rats ass about facts.

I'm censoring myself here.  

My essential self is like an exotic animal, it has a striped tail, and orange ears and very long legs. It crosses it's legs when it sits down.
This essential self is very different and it does not fit in anywhere.

My ego does not know how to make a place for the essential self.

This is not about something eccentric and over the top in the way that a drag queen is. That kind of eccentricty only threatens certain types of people. That is sort of an act or a put on or a getting attention act.

The thing is, I'm afraid that my essential self is scary to other people. That it is too powerful and too different. Because it's not an act, it is really really threatening. I know that if my essential self comes out I will be a target for attack. The question is, can I hold up against the attacks... maybe.

Who would attack me? People who don't "get it" or don't have the courage to have an essential self.

Defensive Mode

Defensive mode is not a good place, it is where Nar-people want me to be.

Ok what if I look at that defensive me... Maybe this part needs to transform. A different type of defense.
I believe this can me done.

Defensive mode explains itself and trys to get people to understand.
People who will never understand... it is a waste of time and energy and it is a weak place.

What part of me is defensive is it ego is it essential self, probably both.

Question to Essential SELF:
How do you propose you should defend yourself?
How do you want to handle this situation?
What do you want me to do with the bills?
Ok, essential self I'm going to give you some tasks and projects, this will be an experiment, I'm going to let you run with them.
Title: Courage
Post by: Meh on September 06, 2009, 04:27:34 PM

Lets write about this next time
Title: Essential SELF
Post by: Meh on September 06, 2009, 04:33:05 PM
My Essential SELF has so much bouncy energy and I don't know where to dirrect it.
My ego is trying to manage it, maybe my ego just needs to step aside and get out of the way.
My ego is judging everything.

Yay! I think today is a Tai-Chi class day.


Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 06, 2009, 04:42:57 PM
I need some bouncy friends. I want friends who are not followers.
Creative friends. I'm not comfortable in packs. I like having a circle of friends but not to hide myself in a pack.
That is ok, that is the curse of the Nar-persons life, they have their packs that are hell bent on destruction and fighting an enemy, making an enemy so they have someone to fight. I see it now.

I don't want to be surrounded by people who require me to BE JUST LIKE THEM!!!!!
People who require me to reject parts of myself.

I never did fit in with that energy, and I'm ok with this.

Ok, that is good to know. I'm getting a better picture of the friends I want.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 06, 2009, 06:47:43 PM
I am gonna share an experience I had. It does not necessitate a comment and I hope it does not intrude on your thought processes. I was having accupuncture. She put a needle in Stomach 36(I think). It was right near my belly button. It brought my energy to my solar plexus(gut).
 For three days after that ,I was centered. All my selves were in a working together order. I felt  wonderful and remember thinking I would not sell it for millions.I was "together".
 I have been centered at other points in my life but  a long time ago. I wanted to share that. No response back is needed.                            xxxooo  Ami
Post by: Meh on September 07, 2009, 02:39:54 PM

Is a celtic deity. She rules a variety of things including:
Creativity, Inspiration, Poetry, Healing, Medicine, Feminine Arts, Inventions, Love, Agriculture, wells.

I'm just putting this here, I suppose because I like the combo of things she represents also, Inspiration is something that I can't find. Instead I will be making some decisions out of fear, not out of inspiration or someother more positive thing.

I will be making decisions out of fear and that is MY reality.  
I suppose I hate myself for the shape of my life, the parts that are fear driven, the opinions that say it's bad to be fear driven.
Those opinions must be coming from people who are not living my life.

I AM ALLOWED TO BE FEAR DRIVEN if I need to be, it's important not bad.

There is a point where these insights and processing diverges too far from reality to be useful to me.

Sometimes life just is hard, sometimes life just sucks, sometimes life really does not have room for fun. That is how I got here in the first place.

I guess today I feel fearful. Fearful, angry and grumpy.

I'm thinking about my FEAR, what it is, what it feels like. It is sometimes a subtle stress. I think I've got too many things going on in my life.
I have the pressure of getting any old crappy job, and a screaming raging pressure from my essential self that wants a new life, something different. Yet, I've been told that I don't know what I want.

I'm just pissed. I'm pissed at my neighborhood, companies, cars driving by, I'm pissed at people in general today. I'm really f'ing grumpy.
My grumpy is reasonable when I look at it's source. It makes sense. Don't touch me! F*ck off! G-R-U-M-P-Y.

I don't know how many goddam interviews I have been on, I stopped counting, I have applied for hundreds of jobs.

I'm not going to start my own business as people are suggesting in newspapers and so forth. These stories, someone some where always has an easy answer and says that the answer should be easy. EASY. Well why the fuck is it easy for them because the circumstances are converging in such a way that it is doable for them. They are not some sort of superpowered geniuses.

GO F Yer self world.

Title: Re: BRIGID
Post by: BonesMS on September 07, 2009, 03:05:52 PM

Is a celtic deity. She rules a variety of things including:
Creativity, Inspiration, Poetry, Healing, Medicine, Feminine Arts, Inventions, Love, Agriculture, wells.

I'm just putting this here, I suppose because I like the combo of things she represents also, Inspiration is something that I can't find. Instead I will be making some decisions out of fear, not out of inspiration or someother more positive thing.

I will be making decisions out of fear and that is MY reality.  
I suppose I hate myself for the shape of my life, the parts that are fear driven, the opinions that say it's bad to be fear driven.
Those opinions must be coming from people who are not living my life.

I AM ALLOWED TO BE FEAR DRIVEN if I need to be, it's important not bad.

There is a point where these insights and processing diverges too far from reality to be useful to me.

Sometimes life just is hard, sometimes life just sucks, sometimes life really does not have room for fun. That is how I got here in the first place.

I guess today I feel fearful. Fearful, angry and grumpy.

I'm thinking about my FEAR, what it is, what it feels like. It is sometimes a subtle stress. I think I've got too many things going on in my life.
I have the pressure of getting any old crappy job, and a screaming raging pressure from my essential self that wants a new life, something different. Yet, I've been told that I don't know what I want.

I'm just pissed. I'm pissed at my neighborhood, companies, cars driving by, I'm pissed at people in general today. I'm really f'ing grumpy.
My grumpy is reasonable when I look at it's source. It makes sense. Don't touch me! F*ck off! G-R-U-M-P-Y.

I don't know how many goddam interviews I have been on, I stopped counting, I have applied for hundreds of jobs.

I'm not going to start my own business as people are suggesting in newspapers and so forth. These stories, someone some where always has an easy answer and says that the answer should be easy. EASY. Well why the fuck is it easy for them because the circumstances are converging in such a way that it is doable for them. They are not some sort of superpowered genuses.

GO F Yer self world.

I can relate to feeling F*-ing GRUMPY and dealing with applying for jobs, this economy, age discrimination, etc.!!!!!!

Title: FEAR/ Jobs This is a pissy crappy depression-talking RANT
Post by: Meh on September 07, 2009, 03:20:48 PM

I could throw this f'ing computer...no I could throw a person on top of my computer. I want to rip the f'ing buttons off of my computer because I just erased the last thing that I wrote and now I don't think I can rewrite it... Ok I will get more coffee and come back to this.

Ah Sh*t, I don't want to write this again. I have these dumb keys that I accidentally push on my computer, not delete keys but page forward and back keys. They erase everything.

The REAL fear of being without a job vs. the REAL fear of having a spirit killing job.

They are two fears, two trains on the same track going straight for each other.
It's not just one fear to run away from, there is no place to run.

I hate social pressures they are invisible and REAL, and I can't kick at them.
I want to kick those people's heads off like soccerballs. Yeah, OK, you know what I have a lot of rage. I do. It is totally warrented rage. I should be angry. HATE HATE HATE HATE HARE KRISHNA HATE HATE

Did I say I want to toss those people into the fire place? How cruel is that!!

What on earth do I do with all this anger.. Don't answer that question..... I will figure it out.

The Why Bother Monster is jumping all over me today along with the FEAR spirit/monster.
What a winning combination, the devil would be proud.

I just applied for 17 jobs in the last few mins. that I would be qualified to do, not that my "Essential SELF" wants it. HA what a joke that is.
I'm thinking at the moment that this essential self stuff is only for the children of the rich and famous. That it is a way to sell self-help books and make motivational speakers rich.

Maybe I should talk to my depression directly. The depression monster. Maybe the depression monster is not a bad thing that is trying to ruin my life. Maybe it is trying to protect me in some really screwed up way. Nah, probably not.

All right listen up monsters, GO GET A JOB. Thats right, I'm bossing you around, no more playing monster games. GO get a job right now.
NO, shut up monsters....All of you start filling out forms. Yep here is the pen, no you do not have a PH D. Doesn't matter go unplug toilets or something. Did I ever tell you how good I am at using a plunger?

I really really really hate HATE... just HATE... Yeah HATE HATE HATE

Can I put that on my resume? I'm really really good at HATE.... being pissed off. It's a real talent I have.

Ok, no more. I'm stopping.

I did have something worthwhile to write but after I erased it I couldn't bring myself to rewriting it. Then I just fell into my HATE mantra.

What if there is no spiritual wisdom on this planet that applies to me? What if the Buddha was made for someone else?
What if Jesus and Mary and the sphinx were all devised by certain people for certain people.
There is no single person who has any kind of answer for me, no expert, no box to confess in, no professor. None.
So to all of them I flip the finger.

There has got to be something useful inside this RAGE, and DEPRESSION, sort of like poop can be used as manure to grow flowers and edible fruit.
There has got to be a swallowed diamond in this depression turd.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 07, 2009, 04:55:28 PM
(((((Helen)))))))                                                  Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: BonesMS on September 07, 2009, 05:03:59 PM

This is where a bataca would come in handy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 07, 2009, 05:18:00 PM

This is where a bataca would come in handy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


A bataca, is some sort of pretend weapon right? For sparing. Play fighting.

I saw some pirate swords for halloween.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 07, 2009, 05:21:30 PM
(((((Helen)))))))                                                  Ami

(((((((((((((((  AMI  )))))))))))))))))))))))))
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 08, 2009, 06:25:56 AM
An idea:

s'pose essential self is the one responsible for "being"...
and that what you're calling "ego" is for "doing"...

and that you need BOTH to navigate life, find the "right" job, help essential self be happy, etc

and that all of us are always somewhere on a continuum between being all ego or essential self... all the time

I think it's "egos" real, serious job to take care of - parent it properly, if you will - the essential self riding wildly through the desert. Not to quench it's spirit... but to channel it... help it fulfill it's potential. Ego is the "how-to" person - Essential Self the "what I want" person... or part of oneself.

The breakdown in that relationship, is when what you're calling "ego" is well-schooled in and even unconsciously using the abusive ways of parenting that you've learned, chronologically growing up... on essential self. You are on the right track when you look at how "controlling" the ego is... and yes, fearful, too... that it might just be upstaged by essential self, who is likable, fun, charismatic...if allowed an expression in daily life. It's an amazing feeling, the first time you let essential self "out" into the world... and lo & behold... the response from other real life people isn't judgemental, condemning, or shaming... they smile back, enjoy you, and want to play... some more!

And some of us won't cringe or turn away... if essential Helen is angry, grumpy, full of frustration, either. Might as well express this too... as long as... you are expelling this... breaking the hold of that feelings spell on you... moving on. (It comes back, but never lasts quite as long the next time...)

Sending you good juju...
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: BonesMS on September 08, 2009, 11:36:28 AM

This is where a bataca would come in handy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


A bataca, is some sort of pretend weapon right? For sparing. Play fighting.

I saw some pirate swords for halloween.

A bataca is kinda of a padded bat.....a pillow with handles.  It's good to use to get frustrations out!

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 08, 2009, 02:50:27 PM
A perfect stranger took me out for burritos yesterday!   :D

This was after a neighbor came over and danced around in front of me like a dork....I guess in an attempt to cheer me up  :)
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 08, 2009, 02:52:19 PM
 :lol: Want to talk about it, Helen?                                      Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 08, 2009, 03:03:01 PM
:lol: Want to talk about it, Helen?                                      Ami

I think I'm OK....I think.
I just got out of bed, having my first cup of coffee.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 08, 2009, 03:04:04 PM
Ok Sweetie.                             Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 08, 2009, 03:06:33 PM
Sending you good juju...

((((((( Phoenix )))))))))

((((((( Bones )))))))))))

((((((( Ami ))))))))))))

I'm OK, I'm ok with being angry I know that it's coming from a place of real loss, not just perceived loss.
I don't really "act" my anger out in the real world, I guess I just need to write about it if that is what I'm feeling.
Although I need to figure a more productive way to use it, it does help remind me to put things into perspective, and to let go of minor battles, knowing that my bigger battles are with myself.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 08, 2009, 03:27:40 PM
Keep Writing, Sweetie!                                  Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 08, 2009, 04:56:41 PM
Let's go back to St. Bridget for a minute...

I wasn't awake enough this morning. I'm familiar with her, through a friend of mine. I helped him a bit while he was designing a catholic church named in her honor. I did some logo type work for stained glass windows... symbols like sheafs of wheat, that are associated with her. She's a working person's saint.

Associated with creativity, the spark that keeps people turning the wheels in whatever job they're in...she keeps inspiration, motivation, and kindness in the forefront. Plenty for all - no one turned away. Sort of a mideaval Mother Teresa. She provides the "purpose" in kneading and baking bread... the eye of a wood craftsman for just the right plane depth... guides the chisel of the stone sculptor and the touch of the stone mason. And even - the person pulling weeds knows just which ones... how to grab the stem...

there is a pure nobility in working with your "hands".
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 08, 2009, 05:12:02 PM
Let's go back to St. Bridget for a minute...

Thanks for sharing!

When I was reading about Bridget, I saw that she also rules over the hearth. I thought that was sort of interesting. The hearth in the home is sort of like the heart in the body.

Hearth and Heart seem like related words to me.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 08, 2009, 05:16:18 PM
I think I'm going off-line for now. I need to set my feelings aside for a few hours today.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 09, 2009, 08:27:44 AM
Hug to you--------((((Helen)))) .Facing these things is really painful. For me, not facing them is so much worse . That is why I try to face truth so persistently. In truth, is freedom.                                                                        Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 09, 2009, 01:09:05 PM
I'm too uptight and stressed to write today. I already applied for 10 jobs before 9AM this morning.

Only comment for today is a caution I suppose. I have noticed that during the time I have written my thoughts on this post, I have also let some things slip in real-life conversations that I normally would not have said. Uncensored things, not rude, just maybe things I wished I had not said that is all. I guess it goes to show that writing does have a real impact on one's life.

So I have some milagros, "miracles" on my wall, these Mexican silver icon hart decorations. I feel like I need a whole bunch of miracles to land on me.
A miracle bomb squad.

That has got to be the ultimate feeling of powerlessness, when one feels that everything depends on a miracle.
Reminds me of the Grateful Dead song "I Need a Miracle Every Day" Yea-yea-Yeaaaahh!

I guess people have been counting on miracles since before Jesus. It's not scientific. I don't care.

I need Miracles, lots of them like rain drops. I'm on the verge of taking my grandmothers jewelry to a pawn shop.

It's my fault, I have no one to blame. I'm not complaining. Just stressed. I need to drink less coffee, more wine.
Ok, Ok, I am complaining but to myself.

Maybe a year of miracles, one for each day. OR maybe just one really good one. I don't know, do miracles come in installment plans?
Do miracles get rationed out? I wish that miracles would come with tags, like gift tags that says To: Helen  From: God  

Maybe I should pray to Jerry Garcia, I mean could it hurt? OR to the patron saint of copy machines and paper clips.

I wonder if saints are still being discovered. Like saint of tin-can car owners. Saint of corporate takeovers. Saint of TV's.

Saint of Depressed people. I think I should write a letter to the Pope suggesting this one. There are enough depressed people in the world, we need one especially for this, she could be holding some black roses. Maybe she stands on top of a bed. Maybe she sets beds on fire. Who knows.

Some say that they happen all the time. That each and every birth is a miracle.

Ok, looked it up, there is a patron saint of abandoned people: St. Pelagius.

I'm wallowing like a glutton in my lame-ass crap.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 09, 2009, 01:58:40 PM
You're beautiful, Helen(PS Delete this if it is too MUCHO of a compliment  :shock:)                                 xxxxx Ami
Title: Saints
Post by: Meh on September 09, 2009, 02:14:21 PM
Found another one:

Patron Saint Apollonia of dental ailments and dentists. She is invoked by people with toothaches.

WOW! There is even a patron saint of oversleeping, St. Vitus. And I thought I invented oversleeping...

I guess in the days when there was not a pill for everything there was a saint for everything.

Saint Dymfna is the saint of Psychiatrists, and good mental health.

Saint Santa Catalina De Bologna is Saint of Artists.

San Expedito is Saint of good luck in the home and Procrastination.

San Jose: Saint of Good Jobs!

Santa Rita: Saint of Impossible Tasks.  I like this one!! I'm not really super religious but I find this somehow comforting.

St Teresa Avilia: Saint for headaches.

Additionally there is a patron saint for difficult marriages, for misbehaving children, bee-keepers, grave-diggers, against anger, and patron saint against drug addiction.

There is a patron saint against the fear of mice, saint of mad dogs, alcoholics, saint of juvenile delinquents, saint of whales, saint against STDs.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 09, 2009, 03:39:07 PM
WHO KNEW there were all these saints? whaddya know...

Sometimes, life demands that you pay attention to it and what goes on in it. Happens to all of us. So run along... and do what you need to do! We'll be here when you get back and have time/energy enough for this kind of work. We will miss you, for sure! But, "taking good care of yourself" includes those things you need to do to pay the bills.

I got interrupted again, writing about Bridget and working, yesterday. The reason I brought it up, was 'coz sometimes it's easier to get jobs where you work with your hands - and those kinds of jobs, while they don't bring the "prestige" of other kinds of work can be very satisfying in a soul-work kind of way and still help pay the bills. Part of that has to do with seeing a concrete result of your efforts, I think. A product.

If you're a morning person, maybe there are baking jobs. I used to make doughnuts, beginning at 4 am. My shift ended by 9:30 or 10 am. It was fun to see people buying big boxes of them; and I got to know the "regulars". Or pottery... working with the clay or decorating/glazing it... nursery - garden type - work is also satisfying, though this isn't the time of year people are hiring in the "temperate" climates.... but then some garden centers are open year round. The strangest thing I ever did was telemarketing; that lasted about a day; I couldn't take the anger & rejection... next strangest was selling telephones. I've always wanted to apply for a job working with horses - even if it meant mucking out the barn. I have a soft spot for any kind of physical work, laborer type of stuff, tho' I'm not fond of pouring concrete or digging post holes. It feels like a good kind of tired at the end of day - your progress is visible the next morning. Unlike a lot of tech-based jobs... where the work seems to never end or have a conclusion or a product.

And taking a job outside of your normal "field" will be OK on the resume, later. Lots of folks simply trying to make ends meet right now are taking jobs they're completely overqualified for. It's an opportunity to try something you always wondered if you'd like... and then, of course: the income.

Sending you good job juju....
Title: Success Story
Post by: Meh on September 10, 2009, 01:49:22 PM
Whatever job I get, I'm going to make the best of it and the most of it until I make a new plan.

That is my primary thought for today.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 10, 2009, 01:59:42 PM
Sending good thoughts your way (((Helen)))) !                 Ami
Title: N-relatives will Begrudgingly take me to have surgery
Post by: Meh on September 10, 2009, 02:06:57 PM
Surgery: There is something basic, serious and bottom of the barrel about this.  
I'm not married, I have "used" my relatives to take me to medical appointments when I'm not suppose to drive home afterwards due to surgery.

I have to have some minor surgery, have been putting it off because I don't have any health insurance but also because I would probably ask one of my relatives to drive me home. There are places that will not start the surgery unless there is someone in the waiting room. My relatives will begrudgingly take me to a surgery appointment. Begrudgingly being the operative word.

I have had a rare few friends volunteer themselves for this sort of thing. Most friends I know I would not feel comfortable to ask them to do something like this.

I think this is one of my frustrations with my relatives. I really want to not need them in any way whatsoever.
The thing is most people don't feel so bad about needing help. I agonize over it. I feel weak for it.

It's a strange feeling.

There is something about it that is really pretty cruel, the way that my Nar- relatives use the opportunity of me needing help to reject me.

I've seen things happen in my family and how my Nar-relatives can and will do things kindly for some people but certainly not for me.
I'm sort of the garbage of the family. One would think I did something to deserve this hatred. When I look back at my life there is no good reason for it just issues being acted out. That is not what my inner-child or emotional self interpreted. There is a part of me that internalized this message, that I am not worthy compared to other people, that I am lower then other people.

PS: The feeling I have when I post the above statement is one of embarrassment.
So embarrassment is shame. I feel shame for needing. I make a point to not need anything except for the rare and extreme occasion.
When I look at it closely it is cruel.  It's not as if it is a huge imposition on my relatives yet they act like it is. Also the relatives use it as an opportunity to criticize my lifestyle as if me needing surgery is a result of me making bad decisions. I don't know maybe they wished I was married.

I hate my relatives. Some tightly wrapped up part of my self despises my relatives. It takes so much work to get to the point where I can really see things clearly. I have just accepted their behavior, I have just accepted that I am garbage and that I am bad and difficult for needing.

My whole life I have felt that I was a self contained unit, that I must do everything on my own and alone.

I would paint in the past, maybe I will take up painting again at some point, do a series of paintings about this and then display them.
I think this was my teenager's unconscious covert strategy for having a voice.
Title: Re: N-relatives will Begrudgingly take me to have surgery
Post by: Ami on September 10, 2009, 02:10:26 PM
I'm not married, I have "used" my relatives to take me to medical appointments when I'm not suppose to drive home afterwards due to surgery.

I have to have some minor surgery, have been putting it off because I don't have any health insurance but also because I would probably ask one of my relatives to drive me home. There are places that will not start the surgery unless there is someone in the waiting room. My relatives will begrudgingly take me to a surgery appointment. Begrudgingly being the operative word.

I have had a rare few friends volunteer themselves for this sort of thing. Most friends I know I would not feel comfortable to ask them to do something like this.

I think this is one of my frustrations with my relatives. I really want to not need them in any way whatsoever.
The thing is most people don't feel so bad about needing help. I agonize over it. I feel weak for it.

It's a strange feeling.

I get it ,Helen. *I* feel I am worthless when I need anything. I feel really ashamed and BAD when I have needs, whatever they are.
 I wish I could take you, Helen. I am sorry you have such icky relatives. I am sorry they do not appreciate your specialness.                  Ami
Title: AMI
Post by: Meh on September 10, 2009, 02:17:48 PM
Hi Ami,

You are sweet.

I'm writing about it because there is this unnatural stress and agony over needing help. Some people can't fathom this.
I often feel like a worrywart. But it makes sense that I worry, I think.

Title: Re: AMI
Post by: Ami on September 10, 2009, 02:23:30 PM
Hi Ami,

You are sweet.

I'm writing about it because there is this unnatural stress and agony over needing help. Some people can't fathom this.
I often feel like a worrywart. But it makes sense that I worry, I think.

Dear Helen
 If you are like me, you are super ashamed of having needs and so  high anxiety and high alert comes when NEEDS do. NEEDS are like BAD. With  an NM, normal things like needs and feelings get BIG and BAD.
 You are "normal" for what you suffered, if that makes sense :shock:                   xxxxooo      Ami
Title: Ami
Post by: Meh on September 10, 2009, 02:40:42 PM
Hi, Ami,

Yep that makes sense.

I think you have the idea that "you are bad".

I think I have the idea that "something is wrong with me".

Those two thoughts are probably the same thing going on, it's from being rejected and neglected and mistreated.
So we blame ourselves in some way for the way our Nar-relatives responded to us.

Rambling on....
It's true I did accept my relatives idea that something about me is wrong or less then. The thing is it has always been a deep and vague feeling. My relatives have never been able to pin point what they say is wrong with me. I think that is a sure and clear clue that they are full of shit because they don't have any real examples. The few examples they can come up with are pretty mean and irrational and overly critical when I think about it.

I have ups and downs in my life like anybody. The relatives point out the downs as evidence of me being bad and wrong and screwed up.

Actually the term Screwed-Up has some heat to it. Screwed-up is a popular term in my family.

The ironic thing is that if I am screwed-up it is mostly due to them.

Why do I reiterate this, I mean sometimes I think I get it, but then I have to write it again and then I feel like I understand it more.
It ends up being an obsessive-compulsive desire for understanding.

I guess that round and round thinking, analyzing is the internal emotional body pointing out at how big and real this emotional wound really is, it is my body and mind telling me over and over and over, THIS MUST BE ADDRESSED. THIS needs to be healed.

It seems to me that acknowledging on a deep level that I am wounded, It was a REAL wound/hurt and a REAL problem. REAL


So strange. I have to tell myself that I AM REAL.
Title: Thanksgiving
Post by: Meh on September 10, 2009, 02:51:31 PM
If I am invited to Thanksgiving this year a part of me is tempted to say it, to write a speech and to speak it out right there at the dinner table, maybe even a calm one. But I know they will not agree with what I say. They will tell me that my perceptions are wrong. They will tell me that the way I see the world is all screwed up. They will say that I'm just blaming.

Of course there is the possibility that I can come up with a great communication tactic. Of course they might say, "lets just have a nice dinner". Lets not talk about that right now.

Of course, I could say a sort of grace at the table, a sarcastic scathing grace and thanks but that would be too indirect, they could easily get defensive at that.

What is important to me, I guess I still have the desire to tell them how much they have harmed me.

I wonder to myself, even if they do not agree with me, is there some sort of healing in this.

IS there? Will contemplate this. Yeah, I can say something that will make them all freeze, make them all look white and quiet.

Just saying things about my truth would do this to them. They would be petrified like a kid who is in big trouble.

Do I have the right to expect more from my relatives? Maybe not.

What am I afraid of insulting them?

It would be rude if I had a voice.

I will title my little speech "What is wrong with Helen"

Title: Re: Ami
Post by: Ami on September 10, 2009, 03:17:32 PM
Hi, Ami,

Yep that makes sense.

I think you have the idea that "you are bad".

I think I have the idea that "something is wrong with me".

Those two thoughts are probably the same thing going on, it's from being rejected and neglected and mistreated.
So we blame ourselves in some way for the way our Nar-relatives responded to us.

Rambling on....
It's true I did accept my relatives idea that something about me is wrong or less then. The thing is it has always been a deep and vague feeling. My relatives have never been able to pin point what they say is wrong with me. I think that is a sure and clear clue that they are full of shit because they don't have any real examples. The few examples they can come up with are pretty mean and irrational and overly critical when I think about it.

I have ups and downs in my life like anybody. The relatives point out the downs as evidence of me being bad and wrong and screwed up.

Actually the term Screwed-Up has some heat to it. Screwed-up is a popular term in my family.

The ironic thing is that if I am screwed-up it is mostly due to them.

Why do I reiterate this, I mean sometimes I think I get it, but then I have to write it again and then I feel like I understand it more.
It ends up being an obsessive-compulsive desire for understanding.

I guess that round and round thinking, analyzing is the internal emotional body pointing out at how big and real this emotional wound really is, it is my body and mind telling me over and over and over, THIS MUST BE ADDRESSED. THIS needs to be healed.

It seems to me that acknowledging on a deep level that I am wounded, It was a REAL wound/hurt and a REAL problem. REAL


So strange. I have to tell myself that I AM REAL.

It is the same (((Helen))). I also am afraid people will think I am weird. I really want to get rid of this because you can have so much fun if you don't put YOUR shame in other people's hands.
 I have a friend who loves it when people think he is weird. He says  crazy things and gets the biggest kick out of it.
 I think the REAL thing is cuz to an NM we are not real i.e. an object.
 This is the same thing as being "seen". When a child is truly seen  , he feels REAL. If the NM does not see him, or only as her object, he does not develop a right sense of self.
 If  a person can be SEEN in later life, supposedly, they can heal. I freaking hope so :shock:                          Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 10, 2009, 03:32:41 PM
Oh my yes... the wounds are real. The "problem" - and perhaps what is behind the constant return to this subject of "what is wrong with me" and the feeling of rejection for having normal-person needs - is that the "what is wrong with me" is a PROJECTION of their own "screwedupness" - that they can't/won't own... so like a venomous snake... they throw it on you.

I'm not too chatty today. Been mired down in paperwork and numbers... my brain is a bit fried.

To ponder - if your friends are relatively normal people, why do you expect them to treat you like your family treats you? Friends do all kinds of things for friends... even if the favor can't be paid back in kind or equally for some time. After all, it's an opportunity to be together - which is what friends do, right? Try it - you might be surprised what comes of asking for a favor. Pleasantly surprised! They're not the people in your "family". And I'm here to tell ya - you're a likeable wench, and I like you a LOT. And I'll be your friend - if Ami can't drive you, I will.

Thanksgiving - I see the attraction in your proposal. I don't know too many people who've done this and gotten the result they wanted. I got away with telling my mother, that I wasn't going to mother my brother - I wasn't his mother. But that's because she didn't get that it was really her fault he's a mess. To date, she hasn't had the talk with him she said she would. That said, it wouldn't hurt - and incurs no risk for you - to write that speech. Passionately. Melodramatically. Add the smurfs - but hide them under the tablecloth and in the cranberry sauce! Writing it all out, as if you planned to give the speech for real... may provide you the relief you're looking for. And you have plenty of time yet, to decide if you'll deliver it or not. An alternative might be to simply hold the speech in your mind and observe how they treat each other & you... it can be your "secret weapon" ... and I'll bet opportunities will come up, where some part of the speech will be relevant and will just come out of your mouth.

Just don't hold out a lot of hope that it'll be received any differently than in the past. Denial is thicker than blood, trust me on this.

OK - one more thing... I know there's nothing "wrong with you". I also know that feeling that there IS... damn well. The fact that you can point to this now... and feel deep down the injustice of it... is serious progress. A big milestone on the getting-free-of-this-crap highway. Yes, you're going to blame them - for a while. Yes, you're going to proclaim "it's NOT MY FAULT" for a while, too. When you can start asking "what's wrong with you" of THEM, then you're on the downside of the mountain... almost free... but there are still hard battles ahead, Xena. The battles of re-programming yourself.

Deep, chi breathing... this moment... this moment... this moment... you are more than your thoughts, your feelings, your body... the sum of those is greater than anyone knows.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 10, 2009, 03:42:00 PM


You guys are sweet, I'm not literally asking for help, just contemplating my shame over it etc.

P.R. : "Denial is thicker then blood."

This may be the best statement I have ever heard.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 10, 2009, 03:51:30 PM
Yah, I know this... about comtemplating... I enjoy your contemplations. Sometimes I'm prompted to interrupt; mostly I just like to read... you're making a beeline to the "finish line"... and it's beauty to watch. Don't stop! But do take care of yourself along the way...

the statement, tho' comes from painful experience and my creative "void"... the place I go to get ideas - collective consciousness, maybe? Dunno. It felt right. For me, too.
Title: Ramble
Post by: Meh on September 10, 2009, 04:19:02 PM
I think of PR's statement: "Denial is thicker then blood" and I look around in this cafe. At the people working here serving coffee, something that has zero nutritional value. Also doughnuts.

I look at the people lining up to get the sugar and caffeine hit (I am one of these people obviously) I think about the oddness of this ritual. How much money is made over this little addiction so many people have.

I think, who are these people lining up, working here. What a pointless job! (No offense, I have served coffee in my lifetime).

I wonder what denials do these people have? How many layers? What denials do I have? Is all this fake.
What is real?

There are lots of wealthy pregnant women here and with children. I wonder: "are they happy'? Are they in denial?

I wonder if music is the only real thing, or maybe not.
I wonder if art is the only real thing.

I wonder if laying under the clouds in the grass watching the clouds is the only real thing.

I think about my last job, how even though it is suppose to be meaningful work only some people benefit from it, mostly the
well-to-do people.

My stomach hurts now from coffee acid and doughnut grease. I have a sugar rush, coffee jitters and I swallowed an antidepressant this morning.

I think my procrastination is a msg from my soul. It says no more.

I feel bad that sometimes maybe I am not more brave and take more chances on changing my life,
then at times I feel bad that I did not make more practical decisions.

I have been spending day after day sitting on my computer while my soul wanted to be running around living.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 10, 2009, 04:29:48 PM

sometimes a soul needs an invitation - engraved - a guaranteed admission. But you can make your own because life is for EVERYONE. Everyone is welcome and there is space - a place - for everyone.
Title: Blab Blab Blab
Post by: Meh on September 10, 2009, 04:52:28 PM
One last comment for the day, I passed by a previous coworker on the sidewalk a couple days ago. She was a friend of the main Nar-coworker I had. Luckily I was walking with someone so I didn't feel too bad and she was alone. That was part of their power, the fact that they were a clique.

This woman is educated and is respected for her "intelligence". The thing is I got this yucky feeling inside. I noticed the yucky feeling I got. I use to think I was weak for feeling this way and I just needed to meditate more or something. The meditation does help sometimes. The realization that I had is that healthy people will notice a yucky feeling and take it seriously and will get away or stay away from the source of the yuck. I on the other hand was blaming myself for the feeling of Yuck. The coworkers were creating the yuck, and I was believing it because my family told me I am yuck.

I don't know if I'm writing this in a way that makes sense.

I could look at this woman who believes herself to be so smart as if this absolves one from every fault, protects from any criticism, gives the authority to hand out criticism of others. I also feel curious about the fact that she can project so much Yuck. She doesn't seem to know what she is doing, how can she be so smart?

It makes me feel like I see these people. That some people will only see them the way they wish to present themselves, but I have seen their yuck and I just can't respect them.

I don't envy these people. I don't want to get near them, I want to be walking on the opposite side of the street from them.
I don't even want to poke them with a ten foot pole. I don't even want to see them or look at them.
My essential self squirms to get away from these people.

I'm not very good at making faces of disgust, I need to practice in the mirror a face of total revulsion that way the next time I see them I can look at them with the face.....like I just stepped in dog poop or walked by rancid road-kill. That's what I will do I will smell something really disgusting and look in the mirror..that is the face they deserve.

I wonder how intelligent can a Nar-person really be? How intelligent can a friend of a Nar-person be if they don't even see they are servants to the Nar-person.

I don't care. I'm just glad that these people are no longer in my life. I don't feel bad that they did not become my friends.

I understand why they are not my friends and I am proud of it. I'm not just saying that, I mean it.

I want to be Elvis for halloween. Lets rock, everybody lets rock, everybody in the old cell block, dancin' to the jail house rock...
The best part would be the big tidalwave wig I would get to wear. I would be a really terrible Elvis impersonator but....it would be fun. I would be embarrassed. Elvis and I don't look anything alike.

Maybe I could be an Elvis Fairy, Or Elvis butterfly or an angry Elvis ghost who is pissed at all the bad impersonators.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 10, 2009, 04:57:10 PM
Just want to say that I get it about "normal" people honoring their YUCK and abused people blaming themselves for it. I was talking about this just today with my guitar teacher who is one of the normies. He is my normie to whom I ask  crazy questions  :shock:
                                    Be Well Sweetie               Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 10, 2009, 04:57:39 PM
Author and authority...
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 10, 2009, 04:58:42 PM
The coworkers were creating the yuck, and I was believing it because my family told me I am yuck.

Time to do something else, other than believe this dreck.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 10, 2009, 04:59:55 PM
Just want to say that I get it about "normal" people honoring their YUCK and abused people blaming themselves for it. I was talking about this just today with my guitar teacher who is one of the normies. He is my normie to whom I ask  crazy questions  :shock:
                                    Be Well Sweetie               Ami

Thanks Ami
It doesn't take much to make me chuckle, your term "Normie" makes me laugh for some reason. The absurdity of it.
Title: Halloween
Post by: Meh on September 10, 2009, 05:11:43 PM
If I dressed up as a Nar person for halloween, what would I look like?

Maybe I would have a puppet that I would hold onto by a plastic knife in it's back. Or maybe I would be a puppet master. Or maybe the back of my head would have it's own face.

Maybe I would have pink tinted glasses or black tinted glasses.

I could dress up as a rage-monster. This could be dangerous though, I think embodying this could make some city people lose-it and flip out.
That is probably a social experiment best left to the professionals.
Title: RULES
Post by: Meh on September 10, 2009, 05:24:48 PM
Social Rules
Neighbor Rules
Friend Rules
Teacher Rules
Government Rules
Lover Rules
Family Rules   

Self Rules?

Rules for living

What Rules are ok to break? What rules should be broken?

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 10, 2009, 05:25:45 PM
Face on the back of your head---LOVE it!                                        Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Hopalong on September 10, 2009, 05:41:18 PM
Hi Helen...

I liked PR's advice about the letter to family.

This is one of my favorite thoughts, if not rules:

Reality is my friend.

What I mean is, once I think on that, and after I've done my grieving (e.g., over having a mother who can't love, nno relatives who "get me", two failed marriages) ... then reality becomes something that strengthens me.

Of course, I'm not Rawandan, so there's some danger in this becoming something like, "Everything happens for a reason" which I think is very dangerous (see Cary Tennis column, Since You Asked, on www.salon.com from yesterday -- I mean, see the Letters people wrote in response).

When I was younger and always, always an outlier (poets don't tend to feel "part of" community things unless they really are determined, which I became--after years of anxiety attacks and depressions)...

I thought reality was an enemy. So I did a great deal of manic free-associating.

I loved it and I also saw it as lonely, and seductive, and not a substitute for belonging. What it took me longer to realize was that I was waiting for OTHER people to give me permission to belong. I had it backwards. I needed to declare myself, "Of course I'm a part of things! Of course I am one of all of us! Of course I am welcome in the world!" (Sure, some people wouldn't want me to feel that way...but there are so many other, whole people, I just started skating past the more hurtful ones when I could. Present boss excepted.)

You accept YOU when you write. I love that.

You can be ordinary also. You can pat down your eyebrows in case they're like Andy Rooney's and scare conventional people, just so you can go sit among the conventional people and pass the peas, and look kindly on the person next to you who's repeating a silly thing ("You are different! That makes me uneasy! But I like peas!") and with a lot of patience and affection you summon up from somewhere deep inside, you can lean over just a little and tell them, "I like peas too. Peas are so wonderful.")

You just sit there being blown away by peas and so full of gratitude, that somebody beside you will just sense it. It'll be like you're two one-year-olds in side-by-side highchairs and you both have just been given a handful of fresh bright peas. Bliss!

I think people who are jittery and scared are put at ease when somebody pats them lightly on the back and passes the peas.

Doodling is a very helpful aid for me in tense gatherings. I need an outlet and need to guard myself so as to neither be overexcited nor overvulnerable, so I doodle something involving, while still looking up and smiling, connecting when I can.

For many years I got through parties by doing the host's dishes. Warm water calmed me, I could see shine and order, I felt like a contributor, and it gave me something to do with my nervous energy.

You might take them a pie. Do you have a farmer's market near where you could get some awesome but bruised peaches for next to nothing?

I think it just might touch their pea-pickin' hearts if you took them a pie.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 11, 2009, 12:47:34 PM
Pies are good for smashing into faces. Berry pie the best because it's messy.  :x

(((((  HOPS  )))))

Oh that reminds me of pea-brains. PEA BRAINS   PEA BRAINS   PEA BRAINS   Yeah  Yeah Yeah

I'm laughing, sooo immature am I. Sticking tongue out. Stamping feet kicking. Kicking a bowl of peas across the room.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 11, 2009, 01:13:07 PM
ah. sometimes a soul needs an invitation - engraved - a guaranteed admission. But you can make your own because life is for EVERYONE. Everyone is welcome and there is space - a place - for everyone.

Hey, PR,
Yes, I think you hit on something here.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 11, 2009, 01:59:45 PM
I'm poking someone's eyeballs out with Crayola's. I have my little hands around some waxy crayons and I'm popping someones eye-orbs right out of the socket as if they never needed the eyes. POP.

Ok, I'm only hurting myself by being angry. It doesn't matter. My emotional life is f'ed up and I'm going to suffer for it no matter what I do.
I might as well become a masochist.

I have a garland of voodoo dolls. A decorative garland of hateful thoughts, Martha Stewart might be envious of this.

I'm falling into my pit of hateful thoughts and anger. Parts of me want to give up.

Parts of me are scary and dangerous.

Title: My writing room
Post by: Meh on September 11, 2009, 02:04:55 PM
My writing room is old, it has old wood furniture, it is clean not dusty. There is one of those maroon persian carpets on the floor, a fire place. A desk and a comfy sofa. I'm sitting on the sofa in front of the fireplace with the laptop on my lap.

There is a window and some plants.

Shelves with books...books....books....

I have a key and I can lock myself inside this room. Maybe there is a ladder for crawling out the window.

Title: Thanks
Post by: Meh on September 11, 2009, 02:07:58 PM
Hi, wanted to say thanks
to those people on the board
that encourage me to ruminate, contemplate etc.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 11, 2009, 02:10:51 PM
Hi Helen...

you might think those feelings are scary & dangerous, for a reason. But I'm not afraid. I think there is "someone" trying to get out beyond the scary & dangerous... but that this might be a "comfort zone" of sorts; the devil you know... vs... the unknown. Best to let it take it's time... unless you WANT something else...
Title: BABY Lump
Post by: Meh on September 11, 2009, 02:25:22 PM
Last night I was thinking of how a baby is like a lump of clay. Some parents want for their children to have every opportunity and joy that life has to offer.

I had the thought that my parents had already determined what my lump of clay was not going to be.

I was a lump of clay I could have been anything.

Now I'm fired in the kiln. Hard, set.

There is some sort of feeling I have in my chest knowing that I did not make myself.
The feeling is maybe despair. There may be another word. It's sort of like a Pinocchio feeling. Pinocchio not being a REAL boy. Now Pinocchio had a messed up life, he was intended to be a wooden leg, he had is own feet burnt off, got his father imprisoned, and it goes on and on...

Knowing that I did not make myself makes me want to split from reality and go totally nuts. That feeling like reality is fading...

As if my consciousness has just fallen down into this life form and I am totally confused.

I have learned to give people evil looks, that is what I have gotten from this board the confidence to look someone in the eye and think
"What the f*ck are you looking at" with a scowl on my face. Shooting fireballs out of my eyes.

Ebeneezer Scrooge
Now what would the world be without GRUMPS.

I'm gonna go crawl back under my rock, it's just one of those days.

Title: Re: Thanks
Post by: Ami on September 11, 2009, 02:26:17 PM
Hi, wanted to say thanks
to those people on the board
that encourage me to ruminate, contemplate etc.


Helen, it is  a blessing to me that you are here(I  threw a fast compliment and scrammed)Running down the  street,now.                            xxooooo   Ami
Title: Re: AMI
Post by: Meh on September 11, 2009, 02:32:32 PM
( threw a fast compliment and scrammed)Running down street,now.                            xxooooo   Ami


(I am really laughing)

When I first posted on this board I never thought that I would eventually be laughing because of the board.
Title: Re: Phoenix Rising
Post by: Meh on September 11, 2009, 02:34:14 PM
Hi Helen...

you might think those feelings are scary & dangerous, for a reason. But I'm not afraid. I think there is "someone" trying to get out beyond the scary & dangerous... but that this might be a "comfort zone" of sorts; the devil you know... vs... the unknown. Best to let it take it's time... unless you WANT something else...

I don't really understand this. Thank you.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 11, 2009, 02:47:42 PM
oy... or should I say avast??

Let me try it this way. I think YOU are trying to find a way to get past the scary, dangerous, glaring at people place. You know it pretty well, methinks... maybe not from where you are now - as the "glarer"... but as the one being glared at. But you don't know what's on the other side - sort of like the last pirates of the caribbean movie when the ship/crew sailed under water at the beginning when they sailed off the edge of the world. So, it's easier and actually feels better, for now... to stay there thinking black thoughts.

I don't know if that will make any more sense or connect with you. It OK to be there... but it's not the "destination" of your journey.

Be advised: even if you did not make "your self" - you STILL CAN. One of the reason I'm "Pheonix" is because this isn't the first time I've risen from ashes and created a "me" on purpose, with consciousness... I just didn't have enough "info" to work with before... about what I'd been through... and why I had certain feelings. Once those memories became available to me - then I knew what I had to do: the ultimate creative project... "redesign/remodel" ME.

No one's stuck being "what their parents' made them". Not me, not you - no one. Fact.

Title: Re: Phoenix
Post by: Meh on September 11, 2009, 02:55:56 PM

I like my fireball eyes, they are the only super power I have. It makes me feel powerful. I don't trust.

I believe that very few people deserve my respect. It might take me a decade before I give the final decision that maybe a person is respectable. I know it's sort of ridiculous and pointless but it is part of my internal life.

I have roman-candle firework eyes.   POW!  POW!   POW!

I don't initiate glaring!  This is defensive glaring not offensive glaring. I swear.

It's a "don't get in my space" or "don't judge me" or "who are you"   sort of thing.

Its all a quagmire of lies as I see. Lies in looks, lies in eyes.

Lies Lies Lies...
Title: AND
Post by: Meh on September 11, 2009, 02:59:55 PM
And my heart, I'm putting some cannons in there. Like in a pirate ship.

Big bowling balls right at people knocking their heads off. I see the heads coming off it is sort of a clay animation thing.

I'm content with this. It's a defensive porcupine thing.

I see myself as a porcupine and I have people skewered on my quills. What a mess.

My heart probably has the intelligence of a sea monkey.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 11, 2009, 03:11:13 PM
OK, that's OK by me...
How's your aim with a cannon? Should I duck?     :shock:
Title: Kicking peas
Post by: Meh on September 11, 2009, 03:13:07 PM
Ok, fair warning.

Today I'm kicking peas at everyone.

And I'm wearing a shirt that says sweetpea. I'm drooling and rabid. A rabid baby brat with peas as ammunition.

Don't come near my cage.

Rabid baby

Rabid baby

I just kicked myself in the face accidentally.
Title: Re: Phoenix
Post by: Meh on September 11, 2009, 03:17:11 PM
OK, that's OK by me...
How's your aim with a cannon? Should I duck?     :shock:

I won't shoot the cannon at you Phoenix only peas. Maybe some of those gross little mini hotdog things that come in little jars.
Title: Animal Crackers
Post by: Meh on September 11, 2009, 03:22:01 PM
I'm going to put a spell on some animal crackers and turn them into living animal cracker bed bugs. Animal crackers that bite with their little teeth.

Gonna mash up some crackers and make cracker balls and put those into my cannon.

I'm going to shoot bed-bug cracker cannon balls. All of the little animal crackers will bite you all over.

I'm delirious. This must be my fear and depression speaking.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Hopalong on September 11, 2009, 03:33:36 PM

I sense that a Norman Rockwell-meets-Mother-Theresa-with-Florence-Nightingale-and-assorted-saints gathering featuring peas and oceanic love is not quite the ticket for you...


I almost burst out laughing (bummer, at work) at "I don't initiate glaring!"

Helen, you're a caution.

Completely loveable.

Just consider this, if you're not in the mood for peas:
It really is amazing how much better life can get.

It's the intentional repeated exposures to love and positive community that defeats pea allergy.

Title: White walls are green like peas
Post by: Meh on September 11, 2009, 03:49:48 PM
Now I'm mashing the peas under my toes mash smoosh mashy mash. Now the pea mash is in my hands and I'm smearing it all over the walls. I have peas on my fingers and I paint green lines of pea warpaint on my face.

The world record for biggest pea-pit. Baby mud wrestlers in pea mash.

If you have ring side seats you are going to get pea in your hair.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 11, 2009, 03:55:22 PM
I would like to mud wrestle my co-workers. This elbow in the face thing.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 11, 2009, 03:58:50 PM
I'm tempted to go cry and then get really drunk for the rest of the day.
I feel that bad, I have that much fear, that much self hatred. That much desire to not be conscious.
I could smash a wine bottle over my own head like in a movie.  (I'm not alcoholic this IS the FIRST wine bottle I bought this year)

That's how I feel today. I feel like a frightened screaming angry pissy baby.

I'm not going to do it cus I don't act out all of my impulses.

I'm going to go take a shower, drink more coffee, put my big-girl face on and work.

On second thought maybe I will mix a batch of coffee and wine and peas and then bath in it. And run around the neighborhood covered in it.

I'm going to invest in gentically engineered peas that are a monstrous size.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 11, 2009, 04:00:28 PM
Love you !     WHY???  You are sweet and real. You give others permission to tell their deepest truths cuz you have the courage to tell yours.You did that for me.                                  xxxoooo                       Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 11, 2009, 04:03:55 PM
Here. I got one for ya in the WTF?! category....

Back in March, I was told I'd need a physical for buy-sell insurance, 'coz I inherited 50% of this company (actually 2; now it's 3).
So, while I was still working - and had health insurance - I scheduled a physical with my doctor. Shortly thereafter, I found out that the insurance co. would send their own person to my home to do the exam. So I didn't follow up on anything, suggested by the poor PA who was trying guess what tests they might request.

OK - everyone makes mistakes, right? I was trying to be pro-active & git R done...

Well... this has become an insane thing. First glitch - I had to ask the PA to write a letter saying, that I'd misunderstood the instructions about the exam and that there was no medical reason she knew of for recommending the tests she did.

NOW... I was refused temporary LIFE insurance coverage (the buy-sell insurance) because of this reason:

I'd seen my doctor in the last year.

uh..... aren't we SUPPOSED to have a physical every year?? Why does having a physical trigger "no coverage" for life insurance??? It's not like having a physical means I'm at high risk of dying, you know???

It's all cleared up now, thankfully. Supposedly a "clerical error". But ya know... I think I'm gonna join you on the "glaring eyes" side of things, Helen. This is just so flat out stupid & rediculous that it boggles the mind.

It's the rest of the world that "has something wrong with them", dear... TRUST ME. It ain't us.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Hopalong on September 11, 2009, 04:16:44 PM
You are positive community, btw, imo, xyz.

Freethinker, truthteller, wrestler, brave enough to be afraid.

This could be your Native American name:

She Who Spits Peas From Eyeballs.

(Better than the gooey stuff?  :) )

Oh, forgot. Peas are gooey.


Title: Pea Hugs
Post by: Meh on September 11, 2009, 04:22:17 PM
( (((( Phoenix )))) )

( (((( Hops ))))))) )

( (((( Ami )))))))) )
Title: Re: Pea Hugs
Post by: Ami on September 11, 2009, 04:31:11 PM
( (((( Phoenix )))) )

( (((( Hops ))))))) )

( (((( Ami )))))))) )

Title: Lyrics from Blue October
Post by: Meh on September 12, 2009, 03:49:42 PM
Blue October - Into The Ocean
I'm just a normal boy
That sank when I fell overboard
My ship would leave the country
But I'd rather swim ashore

Without a life that's sadly stuck again
Wish I was much more masculine
Maybe then I could learn to swim
Like 'fourteen miles away'

You're floating up and down
I spin, colliding into sound
Like whales beneath me diving down
I'm sinking to the bottom of my
Everything that freaks me out
The lighthouse beam has just run out

I'm cold as cold as cold can be

I want to swim away but don't know how
Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean
Let the waves up take me down
Let the hurricane set in motion
Let the rain of what I feel right now...come down
Let the rain come down

Where is the coastguard
I keep looking each direction
For a spotlight, give me something
I need something for protection Maybe flotsam junk will do just fine
The jets, I'm sunk, I'm left behind
I'm treading for my life believe me
(How can I keep up this breathing)

Not knowing how to think
I scream aloud, begin to sink
My legs and arms are broken down

With envy for the solid ground
I'm reaching for the life within me How can one man stop his ending
I thought of just your face
Relaxed, and floated into space

I want to swim away but don't know how
Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean
Let the waves up take me down
Let the hurricane set in motion
Let the rain of what I feel right now...come down
Let the rain come down
Let the rain come down

Now waking to the sun
I calculate what I had done
Like jumping from the bow (yeah)
Just to prove I knew how (yeah)
It's midnight's late reminder of
The loss of her, the one I love
My will to quickly end it all
So thought no end my need to fall

Into the ocean, end it all
Into the ocean, end it all
Into the ocean, end it all
into the ocean...end it all

Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)
Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)
Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)

I want to swim away but don't know how
Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean
Let the waves up take me down
Let the hurricane set in motion (yeah)
Let the rain of what I feel right now...come down
Let the rain come down
Let the rain come down

Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)
(In to space)
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 12, 2009, 04:26:34 PM
For as much as I write on this board, there are things that I don't write. Things that I suppose I keep for myself.

Today I was thinking of how my heart is like a pulverized hockey puck.

I should have so much compassion for my little heart but sometimes I do want to just kill my heart.

Life is so weird and confusing.

I think some people have emotions like a soloist, a single instrument.

I have emotions like a whole fricken orchestra, so many parts, so many pieces but it is an orchestra where things are out of tune and notes are out of place. The conductor doesn't know what the F he is doing.

Ok, I see my hands holding my heart like it is a pollywog. Between my hands my heart and pink light and I hope it will be ok.
Maybe like a bird with a broken wing. I HOPE it will be ok somehow, some way, some day... maybe.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 12, 2009, 04:32:09 PM
This does not need an answer ,a reply of any sort(((Helen)) I think normal people trust themselves and abused people don't. IF abused people COULD, they would be normal(well).                                    xxxx  Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Hopalong on September 12, 2009, 04:57:36 PM

Is it your heart you want to kill, or the pain in your heart?

A heart is also where peace comes to live.

That can be a formerly broken heart.

Like a bird wing, it is stronger after it heals.

I believe this to be possible anyway.

I'm sorry your emotions are jerking you around so much.

It's exhausting. Makes you haggard. No wonder you want caffeine.

But you came up with pink light.

You did that.

That's equally real.

Here's a Plutarch for you:

Perseverance is more prevailing than violence; and many things which cannot be overcome when they are together, yield themselves up when taken little by little.

So each thing, each decision about how you'll present yourself the possibility of pink light, is little by little.

That's all it is. It's just one day at a time. Little by little.

Helps to plan it though. Not as a Big Thing, just as, like brushing your teeth an extra time.

They say you have to do a new behavior 18 times for it to become a habit.

So 18 days in a row, in spite of the job search and the desperation, you could ANYWAY spend 1 hour in positive community. Probably just 1 hour because if you went at it whole hog you might have one bad hour and throw the whole thing away.

Examples? I'll make it up. These are not necessarily the ones for you. Where was I. Maybe they should all be things you can just TURN UP for. Say, you could add to the list of possibilities any Open AA or other Open 12-step meeting because you can just grab one of those if you're overwhelmed one day and can't visualize the "plan". You don't need to belong. You can just decide you belong. I went to an open AA meeting once and about 50 people did the Hi I'm So and So and I'm an Alcoholic, and I said, Hi, I'm Hops and I'm not an alcoholic I just wanted to learn, and the room said: Hi Hops. And it was fine; wonderful actually. Okay, here's a week:

Monday--Boys/Girls Club volunteering
Tuesday--Choir rehearsal in a welcoming choir
Wednesday--Unemployment support group
Thursday--Meditation group
Friday--Therapy session
Saturday--Community garden cleanup or any environmental volunteer activity or group hike
Sunday--Soup kitchen helper

This is my kind of crazy. Writing Rx for other people's happiness.
I've learned to release the outcome though.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 12, 2009, 05:56:45 PM

Is it your heart you want to kill, or the pain in your heart?

A heart is also where peace comes to live.


Thanks for the hugs Hops.

About the heart comment above, I'm ok, I'm just expressing myself that is all.

I guess victims grow to be so unkind to themselves. This is part of what I'm expressing.

And sometimes I do want to cut my suffering off.

The thing is I don't think my goal is peace.

I think my goal is to live with my feelings better.
Rather then getting depressed. Feeling the sorrow and the pain rather then going back to bed.

I think. I'm figuring it out. I feel strong even though my life if a mess, even though I'm humiliated with the job stuff, there is something in me, maybe it is just pride, I don't know what it is, it is strong, and I am ok with that.

I just need to take better care of myself...

Thank you for the warm thoughts.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Hopalong on September 12, 2009, 09:33:23 PM
ahhh, good.
I'm glad I overreacted.

Well, I mean, glad you're okay at heart, feel strong.

I DO overreact to wonderful creative young women's suffering.

Story of my D on another thread.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 13, 2009, 12:56:34 PM
Reply to myself and thought for the day: Since I began posting on this board, I think that my focus has totally changed. That may be ok, when I originally started posting I think I actually had some sort of goal and some place I was going with all of this. Do I need to keep myself on task. Has my board persona gotten in the way of me really getting to the core of what I'm working on.

Other thought about depression and antidepressants. I'm suppose to take four of these antidepressants everyday. I do function better when I take them. I'm only taking one in the morning, mostly due to the fact that the prescription costs $138 for a months worth. So I take less.
The pharmacists asks me about only getting it filled every few months instead of every single month, I don't really try to explain these things to them. I don't tell her that I don't have a pharmacists salary, and she doesn't care that I don't have a pharmacists salary, and I think then why the hell is she asking me.

Then there are sarcastic doctors, these people are not my friends. A physician suggested that maybe I should to see a therapist. I told her I didn't have a job and I asked her if there was some sort of community service or something she could recommend. She responded to me sarcastically that everything costs money. Doctors are obsessed with money that is why they are doctors, I think they couldn't stand thinking that there are affordable resources. What I'm writing doesn't make any sense.

I think over all it's just this frustration of social expectations and how some people just don't understand.

Today is sunday, I want to go for a run/hike, then go back to my studio and make something before I go back to work tomorrow.
WAIT! I need new shoes, I don't have a studio and I don't have a job.

I have got to be thankful for something. WAIT no I don't. I don't have to be thankful.
Title: Is it me or is it them : Sabotage
Post by: Meh on September 13, 2009, 01:32:29 PM
Other thought for today:    SELF SABOTAGE

There is something to this subject of self sabotage but I don't feel like writing it out I rather go run.

I guess because it's complicated. I think that my own self sabotage came out only after a Nar-person was trying to sabotage me. So the self sabotage was finally a way to get away from the Nar-person. Something like that.

I think that is more the truth. I think if it had not been for the Nar-person I would not have self sabotaged.

It's hard to tell. I guess the question would be do I self sabotage when Nar-people are not involved. No I don't think so.
The self sabotage may not really be a problem from me.

Depression is confusing and complicated. What is in there? Grief and anger and maybe even unconscious self sabotage?
Title: Depression
Post by: Meh on September 13, 2009, 02:07:46 PM
I have no idea if depression = voicelessness   OR   if voicelessness = depression.

I dislike it when depression gets this image of brooding teenagers with piercing in odd places and black clothes. I'm wearing pretty bright clothing and I'm still depressed. I can go jogging and then come hope and ultimately still be depressed.

I have depression bad enough that I have to take medication for it yet I feel that I have to pretend like I'm not depressed so I don't offend anyone. This is nonsense, it's built in to society but it's crap. It's hardly kind to the person who is depressed.
So I don't really have to be polite to these people.

No person has to pretend that a relative didn't just die and they are in grief. No person has to pretend that they didn't fracture their arm.

There have been times when I don't contact friends because I'm depressed and I just don't want to pretend anything else.
Then the friends get offended because I don't contact them and they think it's some sort of stupid game or something. This did happen recently, I never told this guy about me being depressed, I didn't want to. I don't feel like it's every bodys business, but clearly he did not understand why I did not return his calls. I just felt I could not trust him with it, I don't want to become the "crazy depressive". Who knows maybe our friendship was based on something fake anyways.

I'm thinking about how businesses control our society. If I need some water and walk into a business the business can charge me for a cup of water. Of course it takes many people to put together a water treatment and pipe system. A whole community puts it together but the business benefits from it.

Drug companies: I sometimes think about drug companies.

I wonder what it would take for me to stop taking antidepressants.

I think about how so many people take antidepressants and how it is like a social crime to be unhappy.

A person can even be attacked for not being happy, as if that is going to help.

I'm not even sure that HAPPY has any real meaning.

If depression IS the result of the essential self not being expressed then it seems that it would be imperative that a person has to be the essential self. So weird. I think about how animals are much more likely to be depressed when they are in the care of human beings then they are when they are in the wild.

Why would an elephant get depressed in the wild, because another elephant dies. Why would an elephant be depressed in human society, probably many more reasons that are all related to something that is essentially unnatural.

From my point of view looking out from behind my eyes, there is something unnatural about many many people.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 13, 2009, 02:13:27 PM
I,also, am not gonna fake being happy. I told my friend that I may never get over this but ONE thing I am not gonna do is fake it.
Title: Emmylou Harris
Post by: Meh on September 13, 2009, 02:41:24 PM
Song: I am an orphan girl  Emmylou Harris

I am a orphan
on God's highway
But I'll share my troubles
if you go my way

I have no mother
no father no sister
No brother
I am an orphan girl

I have had friendships
pure and golden
But the ties of kinship
I have not known them

I know no mother
no father no sister
No brother
I am an orphan girl

But when he calls me
I will be Able
To meet my family
at God's table

I'll meet my mother
my father my sister
My brother
no more an orphan girl

Blessed savior
make me willing
And walk beside me
until I'm with them

Be my mother
my father my sister
My brother
I am an orphan girl

Be my mother
my father my sister
My brother
I am an orphan girl
I am an orphan girl
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 13, 2009, 02:53:08 PM
If I am essentially lonely and depressed and unemployed then do I have to be "nice" to people who are not depressed, not unemployed, not lonely.

I wonder if I am really consciously present in my "niceness" I think I feel something lapse, something come over me in my niceness. I think I leave my body a little when I am "nice". I would rather stay in my body and be a b*tch.
B*tch in the body.

I don't know what nonsense I'm writing. I want to slump over right here in public and cry and then kick anyone who tells me not to cry. Someone would usher me out, except that I have a friend who works here so I might end up getting a huge hug. Actually I don't feel like crying more like a cranky kid thing.

I'm not gonna slump over crying in public, I'm awake, eyes open, caffeinated, showered. And grumpily staring at my computer screen.

At the core of all this blatthering is probably a me that is remembering what is false. The niceness is probably false, that feeling that comes over me when I am THAT KIND of nice.

There are times I enjoy doing nice things but that is not what I'm referring to here. This is just a socially mandated nice.

City streets and crosswalks are good bold examples of boundary issues. There are litterally big yellow boundary lines painted on the road, signs, and laws.

It's only natural to get pissed when boundaries are crossed.

Some people just see what they want to see. I think they believe their own arguments, somewhere they learn that they can argue out of anything.
They can argue out of laws. They can argue out of the value of a person's right to safety. In some minds there is only one person who has any rights at all.

I live in the city, people almost run over me in their cars on a regular basis and it just becomes "normal". These people disgust me.
I'm an adult and all I want to do is flip my finger at them like a dufus. Sometimes I mumble about it and sometimes the drivers see me talking, I do, I say shit outloud to the drivers that almost hit me and they give me this dumb blank expression as if THEY HAVE NO IDEA that they almost just ran me the F over.

At what point does a person become justified in nearly hitting a pedestrian in a crosswalk.
I suppose it reminds me how aggressively adults enjoy invading boundaries, boundaries of safety for NO GOOD reason. No reason at all.
I think they need to make a point. In their "sexy" cars, I think the point they need to make is "I don't have to respect anyone, not even anyones safety". Why would a person go around boasting this? I guess I imagine that on some level these people feel out of control of their own lives. That is my guess. "Happy" people don't do this, Joyful people don't go around invading other's safety.

I think it becomes a whole way of life for some people, seeing how much they can invade another persons boundaries, see how bad they can screw over another person over and it verges on the fantasy they must have of crashing into a person with their car.

This yuck is not mine for being a pedestrian. This yuck is theirs. The yuck of wanting to crash into someone. It's not mine. Sometimes I feel it transfered onto me in the street though. I think that is what being a child of Nar-parents does. It makes us susceptible to taking on the responsibility of others "dark stuff". We were so use to it. So now in life I habitually take on every ones "dark stuff".

I can see it now, sort of, how I WAS a magnet for dark stuff. I can also see how it is changing. How I can start to see that it is them almost running me over not the other way around.

I actually was hit in a crosswalk years ago, the car ran a red light. I was ok, I just slid over the car, I was young and limber.

A few days ago I was waiting to cross the street on a road that is usually very congested. It was not congested this day. There was one single SUV on the road and no one behind her, totally clear. She stopped to let me cross, she didn't need to, I could have crossed after she drove by a split second later.

Since she stopped I crossed the street and then while I was in the middle of the cross walk this young woman started flipping out in her car, I could see it. It sort of stressed me out at first but I quickly realized how ridiculous it was, it was comical as if her favortie team lost the super bowl. People feel so safe in their metallic armor that they can safely act like idiots behind locked doors and horsepower. It was almost as if it was a weird routine she was acting out. A routine of being pissed at a pedestrian or any car or slight blockage on the way to wherever she was going. She was probably going nowhere important.

I thought to myself "Lady if it flips you out that much then don't stop, just keep going". Of course by stopping for me, it offered her the opportunity to flip out.

I wonder if these people know that there are other people in this society? Someone who built their car, built the road, sewed their clothes?

Society feels so oddly disconnected to me, I often think the brains are in video game mode when they are actually in the "real world".

The next time I see a pedestrian I am going to patiently stop for them and SMILE and even wave. Just because I can. Because I have control over my lip muscles and my arm and my hand and I can choose to do it.

There have been times in my life when I would have felt embarrassed if someone almost ran me over.

It is the shame of existence.

What a conundrum, I have a shame for existing yet at the same time there are parts of myself that I like very much despite what it seems.
Post by: Meh on September 13, 2009, 04:11:56 PM
Pseudo love, I think this is what my mother gives me at times. It doesn't feel right, it doesn't feel good but it makes her look good in her own eyes. It is virtually impossible to explain this to people and so a child is alone.

I think this is REALLY confusing for children. They don't know that they are not loved until they finally are loved and it is SO different. It is night and day.

Gonna write more right here:  

Eventually, The truth works it's way to the surface like a splinter coming out.

It's sort of funny, at first liars like their own lies and they assume that the lies are believable. Inevitably the lies start to become more and more apparent. The lies eventually look really dumb and sad and pathetic.
Title: Halloween
Post by: Meh on September 13, 2009, 04:33:54 PM
I want a jellyfish t-shirt or I could be a jelly fish for halloween.

I could have a blue dress with jellyfish tentacles on it.


Alright I think I'm done for today.
Title: Depression
Post by: Meh on September 13, 2009, 05:10:05 PM
What if depression is not a disease, what if it is 100% MAN MADE.

All I have to do is get away from mankind and then I will be healthy.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 13, 2009, 05:16:53 PM
I know what you mean about YOUR  shame when s/one hurts YOU.. it is the same thing I was telling my guitar teacher. If *I* see s/thing bad in someone, *I* feel bad about myself for seeing it, not about them for having it.
  This is a twisted. He didn't get it. I will ask him more about it tomorrow, if I have the nerve.                                            Ami
Title: RE: Ami
Post by: Meh on September 13, 2009, 05:22:14 PM
Yeah, Ami, that is it, I'm glad somebody understands cus it is so weird.

That simplifies it: "having shame when someone hurts you".

This is something I have to ruminate on. It's really important to me. I need to catch my shame.

I think as long as I realize it the feeling and then maybe not accepting the feeling.
Say to myself "Yes I feel shame but it is because of disfunctional family programming not because it is my fault, not because I am bad, not because I don't have a right to exist, not because I am to deny my suffering."

Yeah, something is coming full circle, I posted a while ago one night when I was just CRYING and I was saying to myself:


It is slowly coming together making more and more and more sense.

I think all this processing is worth the effort sometimes.

Thanks Ami.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 13, 2009, 05:24:16 PM
I will tell you what my guitar teacher says, Helen. It is "Ask the Normie?" ---- A PBS special. All the abnormal people call in and one normal person answers  the question  :shock:     

Title: Descriptions of life
Post by: Meh on September 13, 2009, 05:35:10 PM
Sometimes when I describe my life to myself in my mind, it is someone else's description of my life and it usually contains unkind judgements.

I struggle between multiple descriptions of me that I have adopted from other people. This probably happens cus I didn't grow up with a strong sense of self. (Breathe here)

This above statement feels like the distillation of a field of flowers into a drop of perfume. I'm coming through to some sort of clarity.
I mean I already knew this in a way, but I know it even more now.

I don't know who I am and I MUST love myself nevertheless....

I must love all the parts of me, even the invisible parts?

I must love my darkness?

I must love the disintegrating self?

I must love change.
Title: Re: RE: Ami
Post by: Ami on September 13, 2009, 05:40:52 PM
Yeah, Ami, that is it, I'm glad somebody understands cus it is so weird.

That simplifies it: "having shame when someone hurts you".

This is something I have to ruminate on. It's really important to me. I need to catch my shame.

I think as long as I realize it the feeling and then maybe not accepting the feeling.
Say to myself "Yes I feel shame but it is because of disfunctional family programming not because it is my fault, not because I am bad, not because I don't have a right to exist, not because I am to deny my suffering."

Yeah, something is coming full circle, I posted a while ago one night when I was just CRYING and I was saying to myself:


It is slowly coming together making more and more and more sense.

I think all this processing is worth the effort sometimes.

Thanks Ami.

You GOT it! This is what my friend helps me with,just this kind of reasoning. I feel so happy that you made those connections. Thanks for sharing it, Helen.                                             
Title: Re: Descriptions of life
Post by: Ami on September 13, 2009, 05:48:19 PM
Sometimes when I describe my life to myself in my mind, it is someone else's description of my life and it usually contains unkind judgements.

I struggle between multiple descriptions of me that I have adopted from other people. This probably happens cus I didn't grow up with a strong sense of self. (Breathe here)

This above statement feels like the distillation of a field of flowers into a drop of perfume. I'm coming through to some sort of clarity.
I mean I already knew this in a way, but I know it even more now.

I don't know who I am and I MUST love myself nevertheless....

I must love all the parts of me, even the invisible parts?

I must love my darkness?

I must love the disintegrating self?

I must love change.

I think you are going from the intellectual to the emotional, from the head to the heart. Alice says that when we can FEEL, we can heal. You might be starting to FEEL. I am just starting to FEEL.  Disregard this if it interferes with your processing.You don't need to reply to me.                                Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 13, 2009, 06:06:49 PM
I have shame when I am harmed.

This clarifies something beautifully. Thanks Ami

I have shame when I am harmed. Its cus the harmers blame us for their abuse.
Its the whole abuser blaming the victim thing.

The more I say it, look at it, think it, the more clear the whole picture gets, the lie.

Every day I see the lies a little more clearly. Every day I become a little more ME.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 13, 2009, 06:08:16 PM
I have shame when I am harmed.

This clarifies something beautifully. Thanks Ami

I have shame when I am harmed. Its cus the harmers blame us for their abuse.
Its the whole abuser blaming the victim thing.

The more I say it, look at it, think it, the more clear the whole picture gets, the lie.

Every day I see the lies a little more clearly. Every day I become a little more ME.

 :D :D :D
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 13, 2009, 06:16:24 PM
I'm starting to identify this subtle shift this feeling during these moments when I start to "fake it". When I leave a little. When I kill myself a little. When I die a little. When my consciousness goes somewhere to hide.

I'm thinking about that feeling, that shift and maybe the next time it happens I can shift myself back, bring myself back from over the ledge, hoist myself back into my body.

I will notice that shift in the future and I will bring it back reel myself back in to center. To the core self.

It's solid.

All those little moments maybe are not as dangerous as my consciousness seems to think they are. ?

I will be there with my consciousness hang with it, chill with it, arm it with psychic weapons if need be.


I'm giving my consciousness the permission to come back, to dwell and live in this here imperfect body and imperfect life.

Complete permission, after all this is home.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 13, 2009, 06:25:35 PM
The consciousness leaves I think so that we are not damaged in some way. Or because we have been damaged.

The thing is one is probably stronger, better able to draw upon our internal resources when the consciousness is not fleeing.

Me and my consciousness are gonna have a discusion about this soon. A heart to heart.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 13, 2009, 06:26:14 PM
I'm starting to identify this subtle shift this feeling during these moments when I start to "fake it". When I leave a little. When I kill myself a little. When I die a little. When my consciousness goes somewhere to hide.

I'm thinking about that feeling, that shift and maybe the next time it happens I can shift myself back, bring myself back from over the ledge, hoist myself back into my body.

I will notice that shift in the future and I will bring it back reel myself back in to center. To the core self.

It's solid.

All those little moments maybe are not as dangerous as my consciousness seems to think they are. ?

I will be there with my consciousness hang with it, chill with it, arm it with psychic weapons if need be.


I'm giving my consciousness the permission to come back, to dwell and live in this here imperfect body and imperfect life.

Complete permission, after all this is home.

When I try to describe my love for my friend, I can't, but this is what he does for me. He brings me home. ((((((Helen))))))        
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 13, 2009, 06:28:13 PM
The consciousness leaves I think so that we are not damaged in some way. Or because we have been damaged.

The thing is one is probably stronger, better able to draw upon our internal resources when the consciousness is not fleeing.

Me and my consciousness are gonna have a discusion about this soon. A heart to heart.

You are going back in to your body!                                                                              

PS Wherever I go , people tell me I am beautiful. I think it is cuz I am finally going back in to my body.
Title: Re: Ami
Post by: Meh on September 13, 2009, 06:35:30 PM
Well, I think I pop in and out of my body regularly. I think I'm just starting to notice these certain moments when "I leave".
It's such a subtle feeling.

That is a blessing that your friend can do that for you Ami.

I have to do it for myself, a one woman army.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 13, 2009, 06:44:37 PM

I'm giving myself permission to be strong.

Not stiff and uptight but really strong, and I love this feeling. It is sort of like this solidness I feel in my skin and some sort of concentration of mind and intelligence. I actually think I feel smarter when I give myself this permission. Maybe because I have more confidence in my decisions in these moments. At least that is what I'm telling myself.

I am not going to be weak to placate other people. No more. No more. That was yesterday, this is today.
Title: Re: Ami
Post by: Meh on September 13, 2009, 06:50:30 PM
I don't understand all that I have with him but whatever it is, it is breathing life in to my lifeless body and the same for him.
              xxoo   Ami

Sounds like a good thing you got there. Might as well enjoy it.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 13, 2009, 06:56:15 PM
Thank you ((((Helen))))).  God loves us and gives us gifts. Look for yours. They are around the corner. In fact, I think you are being blessed with your new emerging self.                       xxxxooo   Ami
Title: Re: feedback & encouragement
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 14, 2009, 09:31:41 AM
Helen means: sun ray; shining light... and I'm gonna add "laser beam" clarity.

Kiddo, I'm going to TRY not to respond to anything specifically you've written, 'coz it's all really your "Truth" (even tho' mine is similar)... like the title of your thread. But I do want you to know that I'm in awe of your ability to reach right into topics and pull out the very nugget of golden truth in each one... even the stuck-on inadequate definitions of "depression" itself. You don't waste time... or get distracted... or hung up along the way to the "nugget". Speed of light. "Helen" is the antithesis of "depression". That's probably just a disguise - a defense mechanism - a way of keeping "Helen" safe from whatever rudeness, meanness, or abusive intentions have been lobbed at you, over the years. Put simply: depression isn't "who you are"... not necessarily part of your DNA...

I see you assembling a toolbox of truths and insights, the supplies you need to begin "creating" a way to your "Essential Self". I've read a lot of really good ideas and creative, sensitive, high-level thinking... I hear emotional energy building...I think you're probably well on your way, already... but this kind of progress usually doesn't manifest itself visibly, and doesn't "announce" itself, until awhile after it's "established".

OH... and I think there is such a thing as real happiness; joy. I think you know that too... and that's why the "fake" version is so f'ing irritating... feeling/being our real emotions makes others uncomfortable, sometimes and they want to cajole us out of it - but hey, that's THEIR problem. When we're grumpy - we're grumpy; so what? We'll get over it... in time. But there is a "phase", of getting to know those emotions all over again - and that includes the positive ones, too, at some point. That requires immersion in them. And it's IMPORTANT.

I think technically, "depression" is when you don't really feel anything or the range of feeling is restricted; shrunk down to some teeny tiny, limited, "night of the midnight sun" continuum. You're on the path of growing that continuum bigger, I think.

OK, I failed my own intention again!   :?  I got into specifics!
10 lashes with a wet noodle for me from the smurf-brigade!! And jeez, I hope my obeservations are right... or at least close.

Sorry bout that... I'll shut up now... and await the next installment.


Title: Amber
Post by: Meh on September 14, 2009, 09:00:04 PM
Amber, Thank you, I really mean it. I felt comforted in reading this.

That sounds so supportive to me, it's nice to hear supportive words from time to time!

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 15, 2009, 07:52:38 AM
You're welcome!
Title: Desk and The Guy
Post by: Meh on September 17, 2009, 04:51:19 PM
It seems that I'm currently not writing. I'm setting a miniature tree in my writing room, it is a little citrus tree. No, I'm putting it outside on the porch/balcony that is connected to my upstairs writing room. I'm going to go out there and pinch the old flowers off of the nasturtiums. There is a passion flower vine and some pots with pink snap dragons. I'm going to get a small canvas and doodle.

Ok, I like the snapdragons A LOT because when I was a kid I thought they were so fun, like little finger puppets.

I'm going to plant more.

More to write:

I don't know I have things to write about but I'm not.

Currently I'm "getting to know" this guy, I guess, I'm not sure.

I'm not sure if I'm going to push him away, that is what I tend to do. I push people away. I'm really difficult when it comes to guys, I'm like a screaming kicking kid, maybe I start arguments I'm not sure. Maybe I'm reasonable.

The thing is if I don't push him away, then my alternative is probably terror.
(Laughing at myself).

My poor heart is messed up.

Part of me suspects that he really doesn't like me and that I should just be humiliated at myself for thinking that he could.

I'm reminded of the saying if it's too good to be true, it probably is not true.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 18, 2009, 07:57:34 AM
So go slow... wait & see if his actions match what he "says"... remember that boundaries are meant to have doors in them - like fences & gates... and there are many "circles" of boundaries.

I suspect, that maybe it's not so much that you push guys away... as it is, they are scared of your strength once they see it.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 18, 2009, 08:06:17 AM
Dear(( Helen))
 I am gonna put on my Swhami hat(turban  :shock:)   and give you my gut feeling. I think he is OK. If he is a deep, insightful. sensitive yet strong guy , you can grow with him. You can show him yourself and  he can hold it gingerly.
 It will hurt cuz I suspect you have a lot of trust issues, as we do  with NM's.
 If God brought him, it will be OK. If not, you can't hold it.
 Ask your deepest heart, when you are quiet, and see what it says.                                     Ami

PS If I didn't have my friend, I would be no where. That is the truth.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Hopalong on September 18, 2009, 11:36:50 AM
Hi Helen...

The book A Fine Romance by Judith Sills is one of the most HELPFUL self-help books about relationships I've ever read.

This is exactly the timing, when it would do you the most good...

love and luck,
Title: Re: Hops
Post by: Meh on September 18, 2009, 02:09:08 PM
Hi Helen...

The book A Fine Romance by Judith Sills is one of the most HELPFUL self-help books about relationships I've ever read.

This is exactly the timing, when it would do you the most good...

love and luck,

Thanks much for the recommendation Hops, I'm already reading the preview of the book on Amazon. THANKS!!!!
I've read up to the second page of the preface and I'm ready to cry already. I am a disaster romantically, I've been in denial on that whole subject, haven't read any books about it at all really. Yeah, I can feel my heart running away to HIDE bounding out the door with my body still sitting here miles behind. Maybe I don't even want it. I'm exhausted already. I'm starting to see all of my internal struggle. My internal life is like some sort of confusing war zone. Well I guess at least this is an opportunity to look at my internal happenings more closely I suppose.

I sing that song when I wash my dishes "A Fine Romance My Dear Fellow, You Take Romance and I'll Take Jello, I might as Well be playing cards with my old maid aunt, this is a fine romance"..  

Title: Re: Ami
Post by: Meh on September 18, 2009, 02:12:40 PM
Dear(( Helen))
If God brought him, it will be OK. If not, you can't hold it.

Yeah, there is a component of not controlling in these situations, or letting go.

Thanks Ami.
Title: Re: Phoenix
Post by: Meh on September 18, 2009, 02:14:25 PM
So go slow... wait & see if his actions match what he "says"... remember that boundaries are meant to have doors in them - like fences & gates... and there are many "circles" of boundaries.

Thanks Phoenix.
Title: Dumb Guy
Post by: Meh on September 19, 2009, 10:28:29 AM
This probaby has nothing to do with voicelessness, but now, stupid me, I'm pretty much doing that thing "waiting by the phone for him to call".

I just want companionship someone to cuddle with, picnics, why is it so flippin' difficult for people to do this. OR for me to do this.

Now I'm sort of pissed at this guy for starting anything in the first place.

It's fine, it's probably a good thing, I mean I guess it makes me realize how lonely I am, but the thing is I get use to my loneliness, I adapt to it and then I don't feel so lonely anymore. This works as long as guys don't interfere with my loneliness.

"Don't interrupt my loneliness, I have it refined to an art form"

After all what would I have to look forward to? Becoming a sperm receptacle?

Ugh. I will take my freedom any day.

Oh that guy better not even contact me now, cus I am so wanting to bitch him out.

Guys like to say this thing about expectations about how they want females to have few expectations of them, well you know what I HAVE EXPECTATIONS. And I am not ashamed of it. I absolutely have expectations and I am gonna say it if he even dares to contact me again he better just go running with his wimpy tail between his legs. Grrrrrrrr.

Ok, I will not do that because it will make me look insane to him.

I already resigned myself to becoming a lonely old maid years ago. That is not exactly what I want I don't think.
I should just stick to the plan, The Lonely Old Maid Plan.

The Lonely Old Maid Plan can bring a certain type of contentment.

I'm just pissed that guys even mess with me at all, I just want to say if you aren't serious then don't even look at me, don't even talk to me.

I'm not putting up with wimpy men anymore.
Title: Re: Dumb Guy
Post by: Ami on September 19, 2009, 10:36:15 AM
This probaby has nothing to do with voicelessness, but now, stupid me, I'm pretty much doing that thing "waiting by the phone for him to call".

I just want companionship someone to cuddle with, picnics, why is it so flippin' difficult for people to do this. OR for me to do this.

Now I'm sort of pissed at this guy for starting anything in the first place.

It's fine, it's probably a good thing, I mean I guess it makes me realize how lonely I am, but the thing is I get use to my loneliness, I adapt to it and then I don't feel so lonely anymore. This works as long as guys don't interfere with my loneliness.

"Don't interrupt my loneliness, I have it refined to an art form"

After all what would I have to look forward to? Becoming a sperm receptacle?

Ugh. I will take my freedom any day.

Oh that guy better not even contact me now, cus I am so wanting to bitch him out.

Guys like to say this thing about expectations about how they want females to have few expectations of them, well you know what I HAVE EXPECTATIONS. And I am not ashamed of it. I absolutely have expectations and I am gonna say it if he even dares to contact me again he better just go running with his wimpy tail between his legs. Grrrrrrrr.

Ok, I will not do that because it will make me look insane to him.

I already resigned myself to becoming a lonlely old maid years ago. That is not exactly what I want I don't think.
I should just stick to the plan, The Lonely Old Maid Plan.

The Lonely Old Maid Plan can bring a certain type of contentment.

I'm just pissed that guys even mess with me at all, I just want to say if you aren't serious then don't even look at me, don't even talk to me.

LOL  You are so cute!                                                         Ami

Title: Re: Ami
Post by: Ami on September 19, 2009, 10:59:59 AM

I think guys call this B*tch.

Good Morning Ami.

Good Morning, Helen  :D
Title: I want PicNics
Post by: Meh on September 19, 2009, 11:24:36 AM
I want Picnics. The kinds when you go and lay out a blanket under a tree and sit and hang out and the two people having the picnic want to hang with each other. Someone take me on a fricken picnic already. Already.

There are parks near by me and I have seen people having picnics all summer except not me, because there are somethings that are just better not done alone. How can a person have a picnic alone. It's just not fun.

The idea of having a picnic by oneself is sad, like a single person driving a tandem bike. It's just not doable.

No one is gonna take ME on a picnic. EVER.

I deserve to be a total b*tch. I deserve to have this because maybe it is the only thing I have. Bitterness, why should I go around being nice to picnic people! Oh gosh I have such an idea right now. An Idea.

Aaarrrhhhh!!! Throwing my picnic basket into the pond, jelly jars sing and sandwitches float for the ducks to eat. FINE!
JUST fricken FINE!!!!! I'm OK, OK, OK, OK

Hi, how are you? I'm OK, no one will have a picnic with me but I'm OK.

Title: The guy
Post by: Meh on September 19, 2009, 11:29:59 AM
Ok, this guy, I am attracted to him, he has muscles! REAL muscles! And I want them wrapped around me.


I'm like a teenager. In fact a woman just insisted that I look like I'm 18, I think this is suppose to be a complement for women.
It's not true, my ass is not 18 yrs old.

So my goal is just to get some guy muscles wrapped around me and I have to read books? I have to have strategies. Why?
It's so basic, so human, why is it like some sort of NASA circuit board manual. I make it too hard because I'm a control freak, I could have just stuck my butt in his face, but of course I didn't and wouldn't do that. It's exhausting. I'm taking a break.

I have to remind myself to be my normal vulgar weirdo self, it's so tempting to act different around someone that I want to impress.

Like, gosh should I go get my toe nails painted now as if that fricken matters.

Ok, Now I go knit like an old maid.

Title: Re: The guy
Post by: Ami on September 19, 2009, 11:48:41 AM
Ok, this guy, I am attracted to him, he has muscles! REAL muscles! And I want them wrapped around me.


I'm like a teenager. In fact a woman just insisted that I look like I'm 18, I think this is suppose to be a complement for women.
It's not true, my ass is not 18 yrs old.

So my goal is just to get some guy muscles wrapped around me and I have to read books? I have to have strategies. Why?
It's so basic, so human, why is it like some sort of NASA circuit board manual. I make it too hard because I'm a control freak, I could have just stuck my butt in his face, but of course I didn't and wouldn't do that. It's exhausting. I'm taking a break.

Ok, Now I go knit like an old maid.

I have a thought for you while you knit. I got several e books on male/female relationships. Let's face it, I have been in a hole for decades so need some remediation. Is it anything to be ashamed of  :shock:?
Title: The Guy
Post by: Meh on September 19, 2009, 11:52:35 AM
The goal: Guy muscles around me.

Is this ok as a goal? I guess I can write about this now since there was that whole sexual repression thread started. Really in the past I never would have allowed myself to have this as a goal, and the only goal, society tells me that it's not good enough. Guys get to have it as their goal, but no women should have other goals.

Should I? Who says I can't have muscles as my goal. Is it shallow?

I'm not sure. I never allowed myself really to just be attracted to men, I always had to have some complicated ideas between me and them but what if I just want the muscles and what if I tell them I just want the muscles.

Hey you, bring your muscles here.

If I was a man, I would totally want to put my arms around me and smell my hair. Maybe. I don't know.
Title: Re: The guy
Post by: Meh on September 19, 2009, 12:08:52 PM
I have a thought for you while you knit. I got several e books on male/female relationships. Let's face it, I have been in a hole for decades so need some remediation. Is it anything to be ashamed of  :shock:?

Ami, What e books are these? Have you read them already?
Title: Re: The guy
Post by: Ami on September 19, 2009, 12:14:56 PM
I have a thought for you while you knit. I got several e books on male/female relationships. Let's face it, I have been in a hole for decades so need some remediation. Is it anything to be ashamed of  :shock:?

Ami, What e books are these? Have you read them already?

I LOVE my e books ,Helen.  I will PM you the names cuz they are too embarrassing to write on the Board :?             
Title: Re: The guy
Post by: Meh on September 19, 2009, 12:18:08 PM
I LOVE my e books ,Helen.  I will PM you the names cuz they are too embarrassing to write on the Board :?             

OK Ami, PM.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 19, 2009, 12:35:09 PM
Whitie has become very popular at the drinking group and the e books helped .
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 19, 2009, 12:46:33 PM
I don't want to be popular. I want picnics.

I want something that is way beyond popular. I don't care about popular, popular is for teenagers.

OK, I will try reading anything at least once.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 19, 2009, 01:01:35 PM
It is really about just being comfortable with yourself  Most of the e books even have money back guarantees, too.    

PS I think it is really healthy that you want to have a relationship and are willing to push yourself outside your comfort zone. I think you are taking the first steps to your goal.
Title: The Guy HELP HELP Need dating advice
Post by: Meh on September 20, 2009, 03:00:42 PM
I can't get him to "open up" and tell me more about himself.

Impermeable, impervious?

I know guys are often like this but are all guys like this? Is it normal? Is it me?

He keeps contacting me, but I don't know how to interpret...

Should I try to get him to open up or just give up. I'm trying! I even tried talking about FOOTBALL!

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 20, 2009, 08:54:46 PM
Mother Ami is here. It takes time for a guy to open up--a lot of time. Men trust more slowly than woman. The e books tell you this. Get the e book ASAP  :shock:.                     xxxxxxooooooo     Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 21, 2009, 07:33:18 AM
Helen... breathe! It's OK... there don't have to be rules about what you want... or how the guy is...
LOL! Really... It's OK. Guys will tend to show you who they are, instead of talking about themselves. At least, at first.

It's sort of a dance... like playing Pirate Princess... it's supposed to be FUN and it doesn't have to be anything other than that, because you still "get to decide"... you're still the Cap'n... and you don't have to - won't - trade your whole "crew" and ship just to dance. That doesn't have to be part of the deal... you know?

One of the things I've struggled with is some unwritten/unspoken "expectation" or rule, that I have to sacrifice everything - including "me" (my whole self) - for the sake of a relationship, safety, "muscles". I guess that's because that's what my mom required of me, you know? It's actually kinda exhilarating to try NOT doing this, in a relationship... first, nothing "bad" happens... and second, it really lowers the level of angst & anxiety... and helps me understand that I AM safe within my own boundaries... and it helps me feel more confident about crossing out of my "pirate ship" into someone elses' world... and then, letting them into mine.

That sounds a lot easier and simpler than it is in reality. Maybe push hands is a better way of illustrating what I'm talking about. In reality, practicing this "boundary" dance... things happen quickly, subtly, sometimes there are no "clues" as to what is happening or about to happen... but if your stance is correct, your "root" firmly planted, and your awareness calm & centered... you can engage ("dance") and still deflect the unexpected "attack" - i.e., defend your "space"... and remain engaged in the dance... and it doesn't become life/death - good/bad - it just stays fun.

Unlike the solo form, where there are thousands of minute corrections and a "standard" for each posture... push hands is fluid, dynamic, spontanteous, energy-based. And the only rule that's important to remember in push-hands, is to help "take care of" your opponent... to not deliberately try to hurt them.

I had one partner - very much a beginner - who didn't seem to understand that rule and he had a height advantage on me. Each encounter, the force he exerted on me increased beyond my "natural" tendency to defend... and I would simply step aside and let his own "force" carry him on past me until he finally caught on, that there needed to be an equilibrium or balance between us... to really start to see the point of the practice. The point was not for one person to win or defeat the other. Push hands isn't a "contest" or "battle"... and it's superb for learning to "see" things about boundaries. Knowing when to step aside is just as important as building the seige walls and defending them...
Title: Phoenix Rising
Post by: Meh on September 21, 2009, 03:53:57 PM
Eh, Well F the guys anyways I'm going back to Tai Chi class this winter.
Title: The Guy
Post by: Meh on September 21, 2009, 03:58:37 PM
Well the guy, didn't show up last night when he was suppose to. HE was the one that asked me out to lunch, HE was the one who suggested we get together. HE was the one that did not show up. AND now I AM kicking his ass to the curb.

I tore through my closet since I haven't been on a date for a long time and looked for something to wear, found it. I'm really glad I didn't idiotically go get my nails done or something like that.

He had an excuse that sounded like a reasonable one actually but I have too much self respect to meet him at this point and I've lost all enthusiasm for it. I figure the guy is either a jerk or clueless about dating.

Oh well, Old maid city here I come.

I'm looking out the window at the black pavement in the sunshine and I'm imagining that my eyes could beam so much pissy into the pavement that it blows apart.

I'm actually ok with it, I'm old enough that I know not to have huge expectations from people I barely know.

I'm fine. Sort of disappointed but fine. Where's my bottle of antidepressants?

My aloneness is reliable, my ability to nestle into my own state of autonomy and even enjoy it a lot is something I can depend on.

Guys are funny, this one guy I dated showed up in a formal suit for a date, he was from Texas, I was totally shocked. Then there are guys that don't even show up at all.

There are these moments when guys look at my body and my face and I can see the gears going around in their heads, I know that their brain is recalling every hustler, playboy model photo they have ever seen and when I get their final evaluation of me I am not any of those and so I'm not very valuable to them. They are holding out for something better.

I don't even want to be a part of this anymore because I have my own versions of better and those versions don't include men.

Men are maybe like walnuts in chocolate chip cookies, maybe can be good but are totally unnecessary.

I'm just staring blankly out the window at the sunshine. I'm thinking of how I could be in the country side in a field or in another country all together.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 21, 2009, 04:21:31 PM
Well... this might be totally random, off the wall, maybe even unwelcome...

but here goes anyway....

maybe "wellness" can be defined by how well we weather life's disappointments... you know, does it send one into a tailspin; a hellbound downward spiral? Or can we just swallow hard... tell ourselves "THAT was unpleasant" and move on? I mean, do we need a pill for everything untoward that happens to us??

I'm only asking 'coz I might need an authoritative answer. Asking my self the same kinds o' questions these days.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 21, 2009, 04:27:26 PM
Well... this might be totally random, off the wall, maybe even unwelcome...but here goes anyway....

maybe "wellness" can be defined by how well we weather life's disappointments... you know, does it send one into a tailspin; a hellbound downward spiral? Or can we just swallow hard... tell ourselves "THAT was unpleasant" and move on? I mean, do we need a pill for everything untoward that happens to us??
I'm only asking 'coz I might need an authoritative answer. Asking my self the same kinds o' questions these days.

It's OK, a welcome question.

I know what you are saying, I'm just being sarcastically dramatic to myself, I try to take anti depressants every morning and I didn't grab one this morning before I left the house.

But yes I often wonder about the antidepressant use. The PILLS don't make me SMILE. The pills give me some "get up and go" power.

For me the antidepressants don't actually make me happy or elevate my mood, they make be feel less sluggishly lethargic. I feel like I have enough energy to go grocery shopping or to dump my garbage or to take a shower etc.

Yeah, I think it is a very positive sign when a person can say "THAT was unpleasant and then just move on".
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 21, 2009, 04:32:32 PM
Thanks! That's actually a relief to know I can say something like that, and it's OK.

I've had a rough few days lately, myself.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 21, 2009, 04:51:25 PM
Mother Ami is here. It takes time for a guy to open up--a lot of time. Men trust more slowly than woman. The e books tell you this. Get the e book ASAP  :shock:.                     xxxxxxooooooo     Ami

Thanks Ami,

I'm over it allready, but I will read the books anyways. It's ok, these are all learning opportunities I suppose. Maybe when I'm old and wrinkled I will have finally perfected dating and then I can get my walker out, some incontinence diapers and then go on the perfect date. I'm sorry that is sort of insensitive. I'm just tired of waiting. It just goes to show that muscles are not enough, this guy probably knows he is attractive and thinks that is enough. Maybe it is enough for some women, it doesn't cut it for me.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 21, 2009, 08:53:19 PM
  I am sorry you are hurting over this, (((Helen)))). Social situations are hard to figure out.                           Ami

PS I was thinking about your situation last night. I really and truly think that a big part of relationships are simply social  skills that we might not have learned.Also, our own self concept is damaged ,of course, and this makes relationships hard, too.
I have met many people here at this religious retreat who have healed from FOO's worse than mine.

Hang in there, Sweetie. We can heal together .

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 22, 2009, 02:54:51 PM
  I am sorry you are hurting over this, (((Helen)))). Social situations are hard to figure out.                           Ami

PS I was thinking about your situation last night. I really and truly think that a big part of relationships are simply social  skills that we might not have learned.Also, our own self concept is damaged ,of course, and this makes relationships hard, too.
I have met many people here at this religious retreat who have healed from FOO's worse than mine.

Hang in there, Sweetie. We can heal together .

AMI: I love it when you email me love, I don't really understand how this is possible but hey, it's pretty cool.


It's ok, even minor romances in the most imperfect forms always add something to my life. Honestly.

At the moment I'm rockin out and I'm content to be listening to some great music.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 22, 2009, 08:29:46 PM
  I am sorry you are hurting over this, (((Helen)))). Social situations are hard to figure out.                           Ami

PS I was thinking about your situation last night. I really and truly think that a big part of relationships are simply social  skills that we might not have learned.Also, our own self concept is damaged ,of course, and this makes relationships hard, too.
I have met many people here at this religious retreat who have healed from FOO's worse than mine.

Hang in there, Sweetie. We can heal together .

AMI: I love it when you email me love, I don't really understand how this is possible but hey, it's pretty cool.


It's ok, even minor romances in the most imperfect forms always add something to my life. Honestly.

At the moment I'm rockin out and I'm content to be listening to some great music.


 I am gonna compliment you so get your running shoes on...........
  You are creative, insightful , intelligent and very lovable.When you find the right guy, he will be very lucky.       xxxxoooo     Ami

PS I think you know that I am away on trip . When I get home, I will be back to my addicted computer self  :shock:
Title: Today
Post by: Meh on September 23, 2009, 10:11:45 AM
All I got to say is that if I knew how to ride a motorcycle and was adventurous enough to do it, today would be a motorcycle day.

I don't have one, I'm not sure about renting one. I just want to be on a little motorcycle and I would ride it along the coastline watching the sun rise. It could even be a stupid fairy princess motorcycle with sparkly fringe hanging off the handles.

It's a wind blowing in my hair kind of day, want to fly.

The sunrise here is so florescent pink that it looks like one of those tacky Hawaiian paintings.

Today I'm flying inside of a tacky Hawaiian painting and I'm going to go put on my sexiest dress just because that's how I feel today.
At the very least I'm going to the beach in my tight dress, and I'm going to smile at all the guys just because I can.  
Then I'm going to go running in the opposite direction when the guys come after me "Oh shit".

Ha Ha  That's me.

Good Morning

Title: Re: Today
Post by: Ami on September 23, 2009, 08:32:06 PM
All I got to say is that if I knew how to ride a motorcycle and was adventurous enough to do it, today would be a motorcycle day.

I don't have one, I'm not sure about renting one. I just want to be on a little motorcycle and I would ride it along the coastline watching the sun rise. It could even be a stupid fairy princess motorcycle with sparkly fringe hanging off the handles.

It's a wind blowing in my hair kind of day, want to fly.

The sunrise here is so florescent pink that it looks like one of those tacky Hawaiian paintings.

Today I'm flying inside of a tacky Hawaiian painting and I'm going to go put on my sexiest dress just because that's how I feel today.
At the very least I'm going to the beach in my tight dress, and I'm going to smile at all the guys just because I can. 
Then I'm going to go running in the opposite direction when the guys come after me "Oh shit".

Ha Ha  That's me.

Good Morning

Good Evening,now. I can SEE you doing that, Helen, you crazy kid  :shock:                                           xxxooo Ami
Title: Re: Ami
Post by: Worn on September 24, 2009, 10:51:48 AM

It ends up being an obsessive-compulsive desire for understanding.

I guess that round and round thinking, analyzing is the internal emotional body pointing out at how big and real this emotional wound really is, it is my body and mind telling me over and over and over, THIS MUST BE ADDRESSED. THIS needs to be healed.

It seems to me that acknowledging on a deep level that I am wounded, It was a REAL wound/hurt and a REAL problem. REAL


So strange. I have to tell myself that I AM REAL.

Hi Helen,
I've been reading your truth post for the last two days.  I just want to thank you for your voice.  I'm on about page thirty of the post so not quite done. 
Your above statement just resonated with me.  I get the same feeling of a compulsive need to understand 'why?'.  It's a longing, a yearning, it's burning, I don't know. :p
Now the uncomfortable part:  My voice hears your voice and says, 'YES!'  Thank you for giving me the gift of your voice.  End awkward phase...
Keep it up, Sharon
Title: Alvin and the Chipmunks
Post by: Meh on September 26, 2009, 01:52:43 PM
Is it possible to listen to Alvin and the Chipmunks without smiling?

It is sort of making me want to cry at the same time that I'm smiling, and my ears hurt and when I laugh my stomach hurts because I exercised yesterday, I exercised because I thought a guy liked me so I had a reason for existence and maybe I should take care of how I look, I've realized I don't look to good except that I think the small amount has made me a little more curvy I don't know.


I'm listening to a Michael Jackson song sung my the chipmunks and my mind would be swimming with how wrong this is, but it is so funny.

I want to rollerskate to chipmunk music in some tropical place wearing a pink bikini and white skates. Yep.

"Wanna be startin something" is so bizarre everyone thinks the lyrics are "Your a vegetable" is this really the lyrics.

I thought maybe he was saying you are detestable??  You are a vegetable??

I love the part where they all say Heehaw... Like Heehaw! More of a HE-HEEE-I-HAW....
Someone should really do a remix based on the He-Heee-Ie---HAwwww... Part.

You know what I mean?

Sending some smiles your way!!!
Title: No muscles for me
Post by: Meh on September 26, 2009, 01:56:43 PM
The upside of not having a man is that I don't have to shave my legs every fricken day.

I don't have to get my nails done all the time.

I don't have to look in the mirror on a regular basis.

Something I think is so not fair about males and females is that a guy can be all like "this is how I am take me or leave me".

A woman can't do that, she has to be all iconic.

Post by: Meh on September 26, 2009, 02:10:10 PM

Hi Helen,
I've been reading your truth post for the last two days.  I just want to thank you for your voice.  I'm on about page thirty of the post so not quite done. Your above statement just resonated with me.  I get the same feeling of a compulsive need to understand 'why?'.  It's a longing, a yearning, it's burning, I don't know. :p Now the uncomfortable part:  My voice hears your voice and says, 'YES!'  Thank you for giving me the gift of your voice.  End awkward phase...
Keep it up, Sharon

Hiya, Sharon,

Nice to meet you. You are so welcome, thank you. I'm glad that I have people to write to, having that helps me.

Title: Re: Alvin and the Chipmunks
Post by: Ami on September 26, 2009, 02:32:46 PM
Is it possible to listen to Alvin and the Chipmunks without smiling?

It is sort of making me want to cry at the same time that I'm smiling, and my ears hurt and when I laugh my stomach hurts because I exercised yesterday, I exercised because I thought a guy liked me so I had a reason for existence and maybe I should take care of how I look, I've realized I don't look to good except that I think the small amount has made me a little more curvy I don't know.


I'm listening to a Michael Jackson song sung my the chipmunks and my mind would be swimming with how wrong this is, but it is so funny.

I want to rollerskate to chipmunk music in some tropical place wearing a pink bikini and white skates. Yep.

"Wanna be startin something" is so bizarre everyone thinks the lyrics are "Your a vegetable" is this really the lyrics.

I thought maybe he was saying you are detestable??  You are a vegetable??

I love the part where they all say Heehaw... Like Heehaw! More of a HE-HEEE-I-HAW....
Someone should really do a remix based on the He-Heee-Ie---HAwwww... Part.

You know what I mean?

Sending some smiles your way!!!

It IS "You are a vegetable?"     :lol:                             
Title: Michael Jackson
Post by: Meh on September 26, 2009, 02:58:16 PM

It IS "You are a vegetable?"     :lol:                             

Ha Ha Ha

OK, Then what kind of vegetable?

A winter melon?

A string bean, I think there was a song about a string bean.

A garbanzo bean?

I know an eggplant.


I love MJ even if he was a pervert. Well, maybe not. I don't know. WE just don't know do we?
What if he really was just a misunderstood genius. Or that people overlooked his problems because of his genius..

Eh...not gonna get into that debate. I like him. It reminds me of my big brother breakdancing in our driveway.

When I was a little girl I wanted to be a dancer!! I'm not, I'm more of a paper pusher.

What if I had become a dancer?

Title: Guys
Post by: Meh on September 26, 2009, 03:16:09 PM

I just checked my email and this guy I know and bumped into last night says that he just graduated from a massage school.


He wants to practice on me.


Oh my god this is too fricken funny. I know too many men who are smooth talking massage therapists.

Heeee Heeeeie Hawyww

SHIT and I was so happy that I had a guy friend. Not so much of a friend I guess.

Ah, I need a massage, but do I want him to put his hands on me I don't know.

I'm gonna stew over this before I respond to him.

Oh hell I should just say sure.

Title: Re: Guys
Post by: Ami on September 26, 2009, 08:36:56 PM

I just checked my email and this guy I know and bumped into last night says that he just graduated from a massage school.


He wants to practice on me.


Oh my god this is too fricken funny. I know too many men who are smooth talking massage therapists.

Heeee Heeeeie Hawyww

SHIT and I was so happy that I had a guy friend. Not so much of a friend I guess.

Ah, I need a massage, but do I want him to put his hands on me I don't know.

I'm gonna stew over this before I respond to him.

Oh hell I should just say sure.

I think you should do it. I know they have to do a certain number of massages for their training.                 xxxxoooo  Ami
Title: I sleep too much sometimes
Post by: Meh on September 26, 2009, 09:39:31 PM
I went to the beach today and read a book then all I wanted to do was to bury my face into my pillow, once I get into bed I don't really cry though it's just blank out like anesthesia.

I started this day as Happy, I ended it as miserable deciding that my grief of not having a family, a tribe, a place, a home, a belonging, belonging to someone. A stuckness. The "quiet desperation or silent desperation" or what ever that phrase is.

I see why I stayed in my own world I was safe there, my quietness, much safer. Safety in aloneness. Alone is a safe and unkind place.

Some times I really do just feel like garbage. On the beach I finally was picturing all my red blood running out into the water.
I picture myself dissapearing and I see how the world is the same without me. So I don't know what am I doing here, "what is the point", I ask that of myself.

I'm not going to kill myself just expressing the feeling and my thoughts, I do think about it.

It would be a way out. I wonder if the suffering is worth living for. If suffering has its own value it is a stupid thought, but I have to find meaning in stupid things somedays.
I'm ok, if I go to sleep I will wake up and feel different tomorrow.

I feel like I'm stupid for being hopeful, because in my heart I know the truth is disappointment. That is what my life is about.

I read what I wrote above it sounds so down.

I'm running out of life, days for living, thinking that I can change me. I don't change, I haven't changed for the past ten years, instead I'm just getting older, older, older, life going into the gutter and away and its gone. And my grief is there under it all.

I need to just gather myself together possibly. Lay down turn the lights off and then get up later.

Men they take and don't give back.

Life itself takes and doesn't give back...that is the time...it is loss...

This isn't making any sense cause I'm too tired and upset that I can't think or make my fingers want to type.

Try again later.
Title: Re: I sleep too much sometimes
Post by: Ami on September 26, 2009, 10:05:51 PM
I went to the beach today and read a book then all I wanted to do was to bury my face into my pillow, once I get into bed I don't really cry though it's just blank out like anesthesia.

I started this day as Happy, I ended it as miserable deciding that my grief of not having a family, a tribe, a place, a home, a belonging, belonging to someone. A stuckness. The "quiet desperation or silent desperation" or what ever that phrase is.

I see why I stayed in my own world I was safe there, my quietness, much safer. Safety in aloneness. Alone is a safe and unkind place.

Some times I really do just feel like garbage. On the beach I finally was picturing all my red blood running out into the water.
I picture myself dissapearing and I see how the world is the same without me. So I don't know what am I doing here, "what is the point", I ask that of myself.

I'm not going to kill myself just expressing the feeling and my thoughts, I do think about it.

It would be a way out. I wonder if the suffering is worth living for. If suffering has its own value it is a stupid thought, but I have to find meaning in stupid things somedays.
I'm ok, if I go to sleep I will wake up and feel different tomorrow.

I feel like I'm stupid for being hopeful, because in my heart I know the truth is disappointment. That is what my life is about.

I read what I wrote above it sounds so down.

I'm running out of life, days for living, thinking that I can change me. I don't change, I haven't changed for the past ten years, instead I'm just getting older, older, older, life going into the gutter and away and its gone. And my grief is there under it all.

I need to just gather myself together possibly. Lay down turn the lights off and then get up later.

Men they take and don't give back.

Life itself takes and doesn't give back...that is the time...it is loss...

This isn't making any sense cause I'm too tired and upset that I can't think or make my fingers want to type.

Try again later.

It makes PERFECT sense , Sweet Girl!                                                xxxoooo  Ami

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Hopalong on September 27, 2009, 12:51:11 AM

what are you grieving for?
what part of you?


Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 27, 2009, 08:15:57 AM
Dear Helen
 Perhaps, you are feeling deeply buried emotions of hopelessness , despair and pain. That is good cuz you are bringing the lies up to the light so you can see them and let them go.
 The buried things are what kill us, making us  do the same things over and over.
  Keep sharing all your feelings! I want to hear.                   xxooo   Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 27, 2009, 04:34:47 PM
Hi Helen

I miss you!                                    Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 27, 2009, 05:46:24 PM
Hi Helen

I miss you!                                    Ami

Thanks Ami, I miss me too. The me before some dumb guy came along and got me startin thinkin on muscles.

I went to the beach yesterday and there was this man standing on the shore of the beach holding this little baby. I was all like...Ohhhh...Ohh.

Ehhh.....I'm dumb and I'm tired.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 27, 2009, 05:48:20 PM
Hi Helen

I miss you!                                    Ami

Thanks Ami, I miss me too. The me before some dumb guy came along and got me startin thinkin on muscles.

I went to the beach yesterday and there was this man standing on the shore of the beach holding this little baby. I was all like...Ohhhh...Ohh.

Ehhh.....I'm dumb and I'm tired.

It is OK to be dumb and tired!                                                            Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 28, 2009, 11:17:52 AM
OK, I guess I'm posting this here. This is just a realeasing of my immature stupidity. I don't need any consoling, because you all don't really know me, and you don't know this guy so you can't really know I just need to put it out there and see how it sounds and looks when I leave it out in the open for a while. I know this is soo highschoolish or something but here it goes. It's my thoughts this morning.

I don't believe he could like me, he is really good looking. I think he is playing with me.
I can't explain to him that if I get hurt again the maggots in my heart will multiply into king kong maggot monsters that will eat a whole city and then (I have to omit a part of this here because it makes me laugh hysterically like I'm crazy) are going to liquefy into maggot juice that drains down into hell itself and turns my soul into a demon or something like that. I don't know.

I guess I could tell him that maybe. Ha HA HA HAAA!

I'm afraid. Really afraid. I don't believe it... I might ruin it because I don't believe it.

I met him in a cafe, I rolled out of bed no shower put on a sweatshirt and went to the cafe, hair a depressed nest. I mean I don't think I'm attractive but not especially that day. I was gross.

I feel like he picked out the dumpiest chick to get an easy f*ck.

But he is good looking, it doesn't make any sense.

Maybe I just keep on taking it slow, flirting just for the fun of it?

Do guys really like to put their arms around women and hold them? Do they just say this.

I mean the guys I've been with are sort of in and out. No cuddle no sweetie. Just a stoic man that tolerates my cuddling.

I think he is too fricken good looking, OH no I'm falling into infatuation.

I'm tempted to help him date women because he is good looking and I just don't get it. I DONT GET IT.  Something is not adding up, I'm gonna figure out what is wrong, digging, I'm going to find the fricken truth. But hey part of me does say maybe I should just scr*w him.

But part of me says no that is not what I want or...what do I want? Does what I want exist? Oh right, I want a picnic but maybe not a picnic. I just want someone who is happy just to hang out with me. Yeah, ok I have had that sometimes. I want someone who is not going to hurt me. NOT GOING TO HURT ME.

I mean yes guys are sometimes attracted to me and it freaks me out, usually. Yeah, I can't really deal with it. IT's sort of too much.


Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 28, 2009, 11:32:51 AM
OK, I guess I'm posting this here. This is just a realeasing of my immature stupidity. I don't need any consoling, because you all don't really know me, and you don't know this guy so you can't really know I just need to put it out there and see how it sounds and looks when I leave it out in the open for a while. I know this is soo highschoolish or something but here it goes. It's my thoughts this morning.

I don't believe he could like me, he is really good looking. I think he is playing with me.
I can't explain to him that if I get hurt again the maggots in my heart will multiply into king kong maggot monsters that will eat a whole city and then (I have to omit a part of this here because it makes me laugh hysterically like I'm crazy) are going to liquefy into maggot juice that drains down into hell itself and turns my soul into a demon or something like that. I don't know.

I guess I could tell him that maybe. Ha HA HA HAAA!

I'm afraid. Really afraid. I don't believe it... I might ruin it because I don't believe it.

I met him in a cafe, I rolled out of bed no shower put on a sweatshirt and went to the cafe, hair a depressed nest. I mean I don't think I'm attractive but not especially that day. I was gross.

I feel like he picked out the dumpiest chick to get an easy f*ck.

But he is good looking, it doesn't make any sense.

Maybe I just keep on taking it slow, flirting just for the fun of it?

Do guys really like to put their arms around women and hold them? Do they just say this.

I mean the guys I've been with are sort of in and out. No cuddle no sweetie. Just a stoic man that tolerates my cuddling.

I think he is too fricken good looking, OH no I'm falling into infatuation.

I'm tempted to help him date women because he is good looking and I just don't get it. I DONT GET IT.  Something is not adding up, I'm gonna figure out what is wrong, digging, I'm going to find the fricken truth. But hey part of me does say maybe I should just scr*w him.

But part of me says no that is not what I want or...what do I want? Does what I want exist? Oh right, I want a picnic but maybe not a picnic. I just want someone who is happy just to hang out with me. Yeah, ok I have had that sometimes. I want someone who is not going to hurt me. NOT GOING TO HURT ME.

I mean yes guys are sometimes attracted to me and it freaks me out, usually. Yeah, I can't really deal with it. IT's sort of too much.


Picnic's exist,so does  cuddling and  hearts entwined.I have it so it exists. I have had it in other relationships, too, but not the soul connection I have now. I have never had that ,ever. Most guys want a heart connection too, even though they would never say it cuz it seems wimpy. They want romance , too.
 If a woman gives sex too soon, the guy is dissapointed  cuz HE wants the heart thing ,too.He has to act like he wants a roll in a hay or he looks unmanly.
 The woman has to act with self respect for a long term relationship to develop. It is up to the woman, especially in the beginning.
PLEASE , anyone ,don't anyone start an argument about anything I said. It is my opinion and experience and not up for debate of any sort.
Title: I might ruin it because I don't believe it
Post by: Meh on September 28, 2009, 11:42:48 AM
I know that bailing before I crash is one of my coping strategies in life.

I did this when I tried to learn to water ski. I got up fine on the skis, really no problem but I'm a little afraid of water and I would let go before I could really get going on the skis.

AM I doing this to myself? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.

I'm just gonna hang in there? Until I crash and the waves rip my skull to oblivion.

I don't know this morning. I am in utter unknown I don't want to know. I'm afraid to know.

Afraid to know that maybe no one can love me and never will love me.

I mean I know this is not true, Maybe, I don't know.


I am literally wringing my hands as I read what I just wrote. I don't normally wring my hands!

I'm developing new and greater heights of anxiety!! Yippeee!! Ha Ha

Title: Re: I might ruin it because I don't believe it
Post by: Ami on September 28, 2009, 11:46:58 AM
I know that bailing before I crash is one of my coping strategies in life.

I did this when I tried to learn to water ski. I got up fine on the skis, really no problem but I'm a little afraid of water and I would let go before I could really get going on the skis.

AM I doing this to myself? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.

I'm just gonna hang in there? Until I crash and the waves rip my skull to oblivion.

I don't know this morning. I am in utter unknown I don't want to know. I'm afraid to know.

Afraid to know that maybe no one can love me and never will love me.

I mean I know this is not true, Maybe, I don't know.


I am literally wringing my hands as I read what I just wrote. I don't normally wring my hands!

I'm developing new and greater heights of anxiety!! Yippeee!! Ha Ha

Whenever your emotions are WAY off the scale to what is actually happening, it is a FOO replay. You are back as the terrified , powerless child  It feels horrible like you are drowning, suffocating, dying.
 Your feelings are PAST feelings but feel like they are from the present situation.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 28, 2009, 11:58:55 AM
The thing is I don't even know if my emotions are way off the scale.

I don't know what my emotional scale is.

This fricken guy might give me a scale breakdown. F him. F him anyways.


I'm letting it go.

Ami, don't worry I don't need anything , I'm OK, I'm just voicing it out.

I am calming down now.

The thought of someone loving me and also romantically does make me flip.

Really the romance I had was devoid of real love. and was so twisted and complicated that I can't believe that any thing could be EASY.

But there are some people that just laugh at me and say "I think you are traumatized" because of my freaking out.

Yeah. MY HEART HAS BEEN TRAUMATIZED LIKE PSTD AND the idea of being loved puts be back into trauma-drama.

I would freak this guy out if I broke down in front of him, I would freak myself out and a huge crack would open up in the earth and we would fall into HELL!!!

OK, that is way over dramatic.

I'm going to leave the board for at least a few hours I think until I am not hysterical.

I think my own "hysteria" is so funny. But it's real and it is probably sad that I have so much trouble receiving love.

I need to have compassion for myself.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 28, 2009, 12:07:53 PM
OK   I won't interfere Sweetie.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 28, 2009, 12:26:06 PM
Yeah, I'm coming up against some sort of shame that is associated with me. The wall of shame.

The barrier of shame. Oh my god. And this guy, I don't think he has any shame at all. Maybe that is good.

Now I go for a walk.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on September 28, 2009, 01:56:20 PM
I have to say something.

With my friend what  MADE it so precious was that I COULD break down, freak out, emote while I was on the ceiling like  a helium balloon and he still loved me. That is how I healed.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on September 30, 2009, 02:30:08 PM
So I managed to make myself sound like a slut to this guy anyways despite trying not to. Oh well. I can't believe it. I think he won something.. I don't know what, but proof that I'm garbage or something like that. I'm so humiliated I don't want to come across that way. Errhh, who fricken cares. Can I recuperate after one mistake. Or is this all a big mistake. La La La La La La La

The reason why I'm letting this guy play me is because he is attractive and I feel lucky that he is paying any sort of attention to me at all.

I could show you his picture and the women would all unanimously say "Oh Yeah HE's Trouble".
You know what? I like trouble. I mean I'm not fullfilled with it but I like the guys that are Trouble. I like that crazy mess that my life goes into and I also hate it. I guess it's exciting. That is the word. EXCITING

I'm so tired.

I'm reading this book that is suppose to give women insight into men, it basically is written on the premise that women want 1) Baby 2) Diamond 3) House. This book is really frustrating to me.  

I don't think that I want any of these things. I never have been one of those people that dreamed about these things.

Does that make me some sort of slut, like I'm on the fringe of society or something. Not good enough to be a wife. I NEVER WANTED to be a WIFE!!! NEVER in my whole life. It's like the book says that is the highest occupation the highest status a woman can have in a mans life, his loyal, demure, ego boosting wifey. Like a pet dog.

I actually started crying last night when I was reading this book. Because it describes people like me as if I am garbage. See I never would have read this stupid book if this dumb guy had never asked me out to lunch that is how pathetic I am. I want guys to take me out to lunch, I want the attention, there you go, I am starved for attention really I am. There that is my patheticness out in the open.

I'm lonely and I want the companionship.

Hyper Critical

I am so hyper critical of myself. I really am.

Is that all women can strive to be in a guys life, the prettiest girl in the room? The richest. I don't know I'm tired. Tired. Sooo tired.

I should stop stuggling to make sense of this and just accept that I don't have a place in guys lives.

I want to be important to somebody.


Ok, I did it for real. Told him not to contact me anymore. It's done. Can get on with being bored and lonely and respectable.

Ya know maybe respect if over-rated.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Hopalong on September 30, 2009, 11:21:32 PM
I am so hyper critical of myself. I really am.

Yeah. You are, hon.

This is a good thing to sit with...

Maybe just asking, why? Periodically, just ask that...

Something will shift. Compassion for yourself.

Aww. I'm really doing the best I know how.
I'm not a bad person.
I'm really trying.
I know I will find my way.

Late bloomers make the most gorgeous flowers.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on October 01, 2009, 05:44:43 AM
(((((Helen)))))))))                                      Ami
Title: Re: HOPS
Post by: Meh on October 01, 2009, 10:43:56 AM
Late bloomers make the most gorgeous flowers.


Thanks Hops
Title: Guy
Post by: Meh on October 01, 2009, 10:59:00 AM
I didn't really want him to go away or stop contacting me, I wanted him to think "Oh shit" and then say "Let me take you out on a real date to make it up to you". Of course he didn't say that, he just thought "screw it".

I mean I don't want his money like everyone says women do, I just want to know that someone cares about me before I screw em ya know.
Perhaps I'm looking at this all wrong, maybe they never really care. And women really are the ones that always end up being screwed over and the only way to make up for that is to swindle them out of their hard earned cash. "If you don't give me any love then I'm gonna at least take all your money".

I checked my email today and he did not email me or call me or text message me, just as I had requested.
He is gonna be movin on to the next chick who is an easy screw and then what did I get out of it nothing?

I mean ladies want to get some cookie also. I'm a lady and I want cookie!

I played it all wrong I really did, I shoulda just got pregnant and then the guy would be stuck with me. No, no. Just kidding.

I was about ready to knit him a scarf as if any guy really wants that.

MEN don't deserve women, I want someone to knit me cozy stuff to keep me warm, and make me feel better when I am sick, and cook things that I like to get to make me happy and be thoughtful etc. Etc.

All the things females do for males.

Men just sit there like big dumb boulders and say monosyllabic nothing and expect women to do all this stuff for them. I could kick a boulder I really could.

Squeezing love out of a man seems as easy as squeezing water out of a rock.

That is my end of ranting this morning.

At least I didn't get into it too deep ya know? Better bail at the start.

I KNEW IT WAS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. HE WAS HOT. HOT. HOT. And he SEEMED nice. But hey a guy that doesn't act like a gentleman is not that nice is he.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I don't want him to go away.

But I told him to go away.

Doing the right thing feels wrong, doing the wrong thing woulda felt really good. I'm tired of doing the right thing.

The only good opportunities that come to me are the wrong kind. Maybe it's not so wrong.

SOMEONE, STOP ME next time I tell a hot guy to bugger off.

I guess what I'm getting at is that his imperfect, insincere attention was better then no attention.

Are women just trained to seek love? How come I can't be a slut? Maybe I want to be a slut? I don't know.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on October 01, 2009, 11:48:55 AM
You can tell me to Buzz off ,if you want ,but you could`always call hum back and be honest with him about how you feel.      Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on October 01, 2009, 12:13:36 PM
You can tell me to Buzz off ,if you want ,but you could`always call hum back and be honest with him about how you feel.      Ami

Thanks Ami, but I don't think he cares. I can't make him care.  I don't know how I feel. I feel conflicted.

I don't think there is anything I can do.

What am I gonna say "Wait, I am a dumb slut, really, I am!!! Wait don't go cus I'm a slut!!"

Uhhhh....I don't know.      It would end up being painful in the end. I would be lying to myself which is worse then him lying to me.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on October 02, 2009, 10:25:59 AM
Hey there... chiming in from the Pirate Lair...

what IF you didn't view every guy as THE guy? I mean, he's "people" too... and probably has insecurities, maybe he's not sure about what the "rules" are... how things are "supposed to be" either. Maybe the white picket fence, 2.5 kids, a mortgage and the daily grind aren't what he's about either, ya know?

It's PERFECTLY OK to sorta want that white picket fence & apron life, but maybe maybe it's that the stereotype gets updated to what people do today, what people face today...

And it's PERFECTLY OK, to "taste test" guys on the way to finding THE guy... and it doesn't make you a slut. It just makes you a modern woman, who is able to take emotional risks... to try relationships on for size... and maybe under all the anxiety and fear... you do care about him... and that's SOOOOOO scary, I agree.

My hubby - after we'd been married some years - it just sort of dawned on me, that he scared the sh*t out of me... because I do love him... and it did appear that he loved me too. Yeah - pretty insane to be scared of that, right? Yeah, I guess I was pretty insane...

but that's because the only "love" I knew from my mom always, always hurt.... there was always a "gotcha" that I learned to be on the look-out for.

What do they say? Once burned, twice shy? So I had a good reason for not trusting, being wary & afraid... but then, one simple fact changed how I felt (though to be honest I'm still struggling with this)... that fact, is that my hubby isn't my mom... not a thing about him reminds me of her - except his attachment to clutter. But the "problem" is/was ME.... not him.

I was simply lumping him into a category and not being fair to him; not seeing him for who he actually is. I was seeing him through the fun-house mirror of my own triggered (and in the past) feelings.

OH... and you ARE important to me. I jumped on today, to see how you're doing... what's doing...
and to let you know: we signed the contract on the house at the beach Wed - yep; the house I was afraid would "get away". We signed the contract EXACTLY one year to the day, that my Dad died... I realized that, that evening on the deck under an almost full moon, with the ocean waves just out of sight in the dark...

I wanted you to know.
Post by: Meh on October 02, 2009, 03:30:23 PM
Yesss!!! Ha Ha! You got THE house!!!!!!! Yea!!!!!!

That’s good news Amber, Congratulations. Your gonna have to post a picture of the view from the porch! Soooo, do tell about it. Is it a blue house with white trim? Are there beach grass bushes blowing in the breeze. Sand on the porch? Sanddollars glued to the mail box? Are you going to repaint, remodel etc or is it pretty good in the current condition? Is there some big green thing out in front of the house?
Two levels? Lots of windows? Fire place? Does it ever get cold on this beach?

Title: More "My Stuff" GUY
Post by: Meh on October 02, 2009, 03:54:43 PM
This guy was doing the whole "Pick up Artist" thing on me. I've had guys do this before. I can't trust them. It's too psychopathic for my taste.

OK, This IS surreal:  Yeah, I must be like a pick up artist target here in MY CAFE. Cus another dumb ass f head guy just came up to me this very moment as I was writing this and he said something stupid, some sort of pick up line and then walked out of the place, he didn't even buy a drink. I looked at his smile with a penetrating, scrutinizing, serious scowl and said "What"? and then I said "Uh huh" sarcastically, I then waved him off and he walked out of the cafe. Yeah, I send em runnin with the tail between the legs. Run little boy RUN RUN cause this B*tch is on your back!!! HA HA Ha (Evil laugh here).

AND I, ME, becomes a "Bitch" in their lingo.... that is what pick up artists call any women who does not fool into their game, they call them "BITCH".
I'm probably their stupid target girl for their pick up game. Oh now I'm becoming very paranoid HA HA HA...... Not funny. I got to take care of my business. I do I have to. These guys are a dime a dozen. I don't know maybe they all think I'm like a whore or something. I'm just ranting here. I don't really mean this, I just wonder what the F is going on. These GUYS are a dime a dozen, they are not that DIAMOND that women dig for, they are all the dirt that has got to be moved out of the way to get to that diamond. A metaphorical diamond. The thing that is rare and coveted.

Maybe this guy was like a friend of THE GUY. And they all are just messin around. ME not happy. I could be hallucinating, I'm not sure I'm confused bout what is going on. I wish someone was here to confirm my sanity. Did that all just happen? Probably it did not happen, I just look a certain way. Would he send a friend over here?

When the hell did I become so approachable? I've been told that I am not approachable.

In fact most guys are doing this stuff now. If this particular guy has any authentic feelings under his pick up artist crap I will never know. And I think it's just me wanting to see something in the world. It's like believing in god or something. Hey, it's there I just can't see it! Hey, he loves me, he just doesn't show it! Ha Ha Ha Errhhh....too tired to give a fricken rats ass right now. I want ta kick someone's big muscly ass right now. Put a nice impeccably pedicured imprint into his buttock.

I don't like feeling as if someone has gotten the better of me or is using me so I'm exhausted trying to figure out what they are doing and keeping a step ahead of them in the "Game".

I kind of figure if a guy liked me he would have enough respect not to do this crap to me. I just question a person's lack of conscious.

I mean I don't blame a guy for wanting to get chicks but this breaks some sort of unspoken social contract to me, it makes them conartists.

R-E-S-P-E-C-T   Find out what it means to me.

That is fine, he want's to be a pick up artist. If I was a male maybe that is what I would want also, who knows?

Nah, I'm not gonna do it. I can figure out other things to do.

Anyways every decision I've ever made that involved a guy turned out bad. Not exaggerating.

I'm better when I am flying solo.

I was thinking last night how I want to imagine that men can be, may be sentient beings with a conscious and are able to care etc. and think about other people not just themselves. The thing is, my father, my brother, my mother's boyfriends, my uncles, my grandfathers, my male friends. NONE of them impress me as human beings. Maybe my standards are too high. They just don't make me go "Ohhh, got to get me some of that".  No, instead I usually think "Why do women put up with this sh*t".

MUSIC can fix any thing. I'm listening to one of my old friends favorite songs... I'm fine and on top of the world with this song.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on October 02, 2009, 04:58:51 PM
The truth is I'm afraid I harbor a lot of violent anger towards men. I'm afraid of men. And I'm pissed at men. And I feel like I'm in the margin of going right off the page. Guys are so stupid they don't even get this. That I want to hurt them if they even mess with me. I WANT to f them up.

I know this is cus I have issues. But I just wish they would back the f off with their BS.

Ok, there it is, I'm afraid of my anger quotient. IT's like high-alert. Surround yourself with bubble wrap man. Cause this chair right here, it is coming to get you.

I'm not always this volatile in real life I swear, I just talk about things on this board that I don't talk about elsewhere. I think I sound like a drama queen, but this is my repository for the myriad of sunami-wave emotions that can't come out in the "real world". So I come here and vent.

I feel like telling these, guys hey look "I lost my job", I'm still not over that like a pathetic loser and I take anti-depressants and I HAVE ISSUES and trust me Man, you do not want to become one of my new Issues, Do you? I didn't think so.

I'm ok, ramping down, closing out posting mode, it's late late afternoon and I need to go take a shower and get dressed and start my day.
Title: Lyrics Bruce Springsteen
Post by: Meh on October 02, 2009, 05:27:16 PM
Lyrics: BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN   Tunnel of Love

Fat man sitting on a little stool
Takes the money from my hand while his eyes take a walk all over you
Hands me the ticket smiles and whispers good luck
Cuddle up angel cuddle up my little dove
We'll ride down baby into this tunnel of love

I can feel the soft silk of your blouse
And them soft thrills in our little fun house
Then the lights go out and it's just the three of us
You me and all that stuff we're so scared of
Gotta ride down baby into this tunnel of love

There's a crazy mirror showing us both in 5-D
I'm laughing at you you're laughing at me
There's a room of shadows that gets so dark brother
It's easy for two people to lose each other in this tunnel of love

it ought to be easy ought to be simple enough
Man meets woman and they fall in love
But the house is haunted and the ride gets rough
And you've got to learn to live with what you can't rise above if you want to ride on down in through this tunnel of love
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on October 03, 2009, 11:09:29 AM
If this guy had liked me, he would have wanted to make me happy, right? Attempt to make the one they like happy.
See the first day I met him he seemed like he didn't want to go, he seemed like he didn't want to leave me. He just stood there when we were saying goodbye and I had to wave him off. GOOD BYE!

I mean how is a women to know if she is a number, a point, a score on a pinball machine, a foot ball game, a touch down, a win, a kill, a notch on the belt, a head on the wall, a bragging right, a tally, a number in a little book, a boast. What is so annoying about games? Games come in boxes or I guess exist on artificially manicured lawns. They have lots of arbitrary rules and someone always wins and someone always loses.

Suppose that is my main point. I don't want to lose. I know it's sort of idealistic but I honest to God don't think that someone has always got to lose.

I'm gonna let this go pretty soon I swear. The thing is, I feel like I coulda handled this guy differently. He was getting on my nerves though so I decided to stop playing with him. Thats right he got on my nerves, now I remember. See I can make up a whole thing in my own head about a guy. I do ask myself and wonder if there is anything I could have done, like maybe I could have sneakily converted him into a nice guy.
No person is perfect, I know that. Men are all fixer-upers. Hey, aren't we all fixer uppers?!!! Ha Ha Ha

I think this is probably unlikely, people are who they are. When I think about the guys I know, what you see is what you get minus the charm.
Take the charm away and that is what you get, the guy.

There might be crampons on my feet, punching my icepick into a blue glacier trying to get up to the top of Mr. Everest...this reality is closer then me smelling homemade apple-banana-blueberry pancakes first thing in the morning and having someone to share it with.

Pancakes, it's simple but it's as elusive as the end of the rainbow, no that is not correct. I have been at the end of rainbows before, I guess the sun was at the right angle. I have been at the ephemeral end of the rainbow.

Are there not any guys that want this also? Just someone to have "simple pleasures" with. All the guys I ever met want to be Hugh Hefner, want mansions and a harem of women wandering around doe-eyed like a menagerie zoo of women. Some guys have been dumb enough to think I would be part of their menagerie. "Nah-uuuh. No, see you don't know me man, cus I ain't that".Somewhere over the F'in rainbow that is where my man would be.

I am gonna let this all go and move on soon. When a person comes along it's as if they are that "Spark" as in the song "Dancing in the Dark" that changes something that wakes me up. Like hey, I do have a body! Imagine that.  

I'm lonely.  I guess I can stop writing this fact cus, I'm gonna be lonely for the next few days, next few weeks, next few years, probably until the day that I die. You know sometimes I lay in bed at night and I pray to god, I say "just let me die already".

I'm currently overhearing a conversation this man is having, he has the habit of saying very offensive things about women in front of women and then he says "No offense to your gender". And the women are all like: "he he, that's ok."
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on October 03, 2009, 12:17:44 PM
You are such a deep, beautiful person, Helen.                                       xxxoo   Ami
Title: Pumpkin Truck
Post by: Meh on October 04, 2009, 02:56:33 PM
There is a pumpkin truck unloading right now next to MY CAFE. I'm so excited and happy about this. I don't ever remember seeing one of these when I was a kid. I walked out of home this morning and I squealed with glee to see the truck there! It's an open back semi filled with pumpkins almost to topple over. There are three men throwing the pumpkins between each other like basketballs to unload them off and onto the ground.

I wish there was someone else here who was half as excited as I was about this.

Y-E-S   P-U-M-P-K-I-N-S   !!!!!! AHHHHHHH I LOVE IT!!!!!!

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on October 04, 2009, 03:06:41 PM
Kid stuff is so much fun. I remember I always wanted a doll house like the one in a quaint store in Hingham Mass. I would  look at the doll house even when I was in high school and dream about having a house like that.  Now, I live in a house as pretty as the doll house and I am numb,most of the time. I wander around and it doesn't even feel like it is mine.
Title: Summary of the Guy, gonna delete prior rants
Post by: Meh on October 04, 2009, 03:22:20 PM
Pancakes, Pic-nics and Lies
Homemade meals, homemade cozy knits, homemade, my hands
Music, fantasies, space
One eye closed, one eye open
Make a button hole, rip out a button hole, heart open, close, open, close
Paranoia, hopeful ideas
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on October 04, 2009, 03:24:17 PM
Kid stuff is so much fun. I remember I always wanted a doll house like the one in a quaint store in Hingham Mass. I would  look at the doll house even when I was in high school and dream about having a house like that.  Now, I live in a house as pretty as the doll house and I am numb,most of the time. I wander around and it doesn't even feel like it is mine.

Yeah, stuff and money are important resources but they don't feed our souls.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on October 04, 2009, 03:25:30 PM
Kid stuff is so much fun. I remember I always wanted a doll house like the one in a quaint store in Hingham Mass. I would  look at the doll house even when I was in high school and dream about having a house like that.  Now, I live in a house as pretty as the doll house and I am numb,most of the time. I wander around and it doesn't even feel like it is mine.

Yeah, stuff and money are important resources but they don't feed our souls.

Yeah   ---Soul food !                     
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on October 04, 2009, 03:35:57 PM
These MEN are now unloading the pumpkins on the bottom of the truck, these big heavy pumpkins, these guys are strong. Some of the pumpkins are the size of watermelons. It's riveting, it is captivating. Ha Ha. I need to stop staring, I mean, some part of me is over there hanging onto the truck and drooling, saying in a lilting voice "Oh take me to your leader"!

When I was a little kid I thought I would grow up to own and live on a pumpkin farm. I should go find some construction workers to stare at.

Oh, darn the last pumpkin has been tossed.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on October 04, 2009, 03:50:48 PM


I want this, this feeling that is embodied in this Marvin Gaye song.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on October 06, 2009, 09:25:01 AM
Hi Helen
 How is your sweet self doing today?                                              Ami
Title: My Sweet Self Is plotting anticlimactic Knitting
Post by: Meh on October 06, 2009, 05:35:54 PM
Hi Helen
 How is your sweet self doing today?                                              Ami

My Sweet Self Is plotting anticlimactic Knitting, I just pictured myself knitting a GUY, like a blow-up doll but instead knitted out of yarn.

I'm not really going to make one I swear.

I almost fell asleep in a pile of yarn balls I put out on my bed in an attempt to categorize and prioritize and plan the use of my color-addiction. I buy them, start them, and then can't remember what I was doing. I'm not big on the finish part of the project, it's rather anticlimactic.

Some women collect lip gloss or pocket books. My thing is yarn.

I was tired, leaned back into the pile and then I pretty much fantasized that I was not sleeping with yarn.

That is about it. I noticed my emotional turmoil last night and how it plays out in my knitting even. I realized like I have so many times before that sometimes I just need to set my feelings aside and get to work. To stop the agony and plot, decide, pick, plan, do. Do.
Like the slogan "Just Do It".  With making stuff there are infinite options and possibilities, some part of my mind wants to conceive of each one of these and find the best one. At least I have the sense to stop this at some point. I decided on a hat and gloves with variegated brown stripes alternating with black.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on October 08, 2009, 08:48:50 AM
Hi Helen
 How goes it?                                 Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on October 14, 2009, 02:55:01 PM
Is there anybody out there? Just nod if you can hear me...
is everything all right?

Just wondering how you're doing these days...
Title: Nod Nod Nod
Post by: Meh on October 16, 2009, 02:52:11 PM
Yep, I'm OK.

I'm sort of out here, minimally.

Hope everything is well with you.

Fall has officially come to my city and I am retreating from everything even myself. It is dropping chunks of rain outside and I want to knit. Not really cus that would require me to calculate, figure, fuss and rip. It's gonna drop these popcorn size raindrops all day.

Well I also stopped the antidepressants again. Possibly I have an overall poverty of thought sans drugs. Don't know.
I suppose if I'm not paining (I mean painting, that is a funny typo)then I'm writing or exercising or if not that then knitting.

My voice doesn't seem to give a crap about itself at the moment. Maybe it is fine for my voice to hibernate. Maybe everything hibernates in winter.

I think with writing so much, I'm starting to think maybe too self absorbed.

Gonna go now, get so soft, warm fuzzy stuff. Water repellant soft warm fuzzy stuffy.

Did you ever notice how wool hairs actually make water droplets sit on top of them? Like dew that is just hovering above the skin.

Peace Y'all.

I just want to go back to sleep but I don't really want to. I want to go out and hike near the ocean on some section of the globe that is not gray-wet.

Ok, the day is passing me by, I get more coffee, and I GO GO GO GO.

P.S. I purchased some fresh-a-licious CRANBERRIES Yeah Yeah Yeah. Last night and boiled them up in sugar. Oh god, I love this fall food. I ate spoonfulls of it along with red wine for dinner.

I always thought of myself as feministic growing up but I would like someone to cook for, but seeing that written out I don't like that statement.

GO WOOL GO WOolllll  ewe... bahaaa bahaaa....

Ha Ha.   I'm ok.

Sending peace love and fuzzy warmy stoffy puff pouf things
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on October 16, 2009, 03:33:35 PM
Hi (((Helen))))                                xxoo   Ami

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on October 19, 2009, 07:43:02 AM
Yeah, I do the hibernation thing, too... usually spring and fall...
I think it's how my whole being adjusts to the changes in light, temps, and all the environmental changes of the changing seasons. If I just give in to it for a day or two... it seems that the adjustment gets made drifting in/out of awakeness, snuggled up in my down blanket... without me "doing" anything, "curing" it, or even feeling out of sync with everyone else.

It's only when I push on, in spite of the need to adjust, that I do myself no favors and create "problems".

Hey, I was fascinated with the image of a bed full of yarn - all different colors. I wonder if you could do something with it other than knitting? Weaving, or something else? It sounded like the times I sit in the midst of fresh white paper or canvas... with brand-new brushes & colors... as if one is listening to the "qualities" of the materials themselves to tell one what they want to become. Or the smell, feel, and sense of unrolling a bolt of beautiful fabric... before laying out the pattern pieces and cutting into it.

There's just something wonderful about the "potential" and "possibilities" in that moment, you know?
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on October 20, 2009, 08:50:30 AM
Just wanting you to know that I miss your presence (((Helen))).                                         Ami
Title: Female emotions
Post by: Meh on November 07, 2009, 04:30:06 PM
In the dating “Game”:

Somehow women’s emotions conveniently become trivialized, minimized, downplayed.

I am told somehow by some invisible but powerful social standard, humorous flippant comments and ignorings that my internal experience, my felt experience in my body, in my heart, and how these impact my daily life, my decisions and my mind are fleeting and moody and not real and have zero social value. That there is silliness in female emotions that they are caused by nothing, are unreliable, unpredictable. Like weather without a weatherman, no Doppler radar. Social standards tell me that if someone hurts me emotionally it is inconsequential because it is immature to have feelings, and after all they are passing nothings. It’s ok for women’s emotions to be ignored. Yet if we don’t hand over our bodies we are “bitches”.

I haven’t written in a while but I’m glad for this little blurb I’m compelled to put down, it brings something together for me.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on November 08, 2009, 10:49:32 AM
It’s ok for women’s emotions to be ignored. Yet if we don’t hand over our bodies we are “bitches”.

Yeah... and I though perhaps Women's Lib would've wiped out this double standard... but truly, it hasn't. The only offering I have, is that the above are still the "old" rules... and it's absolutely not necessary to recognize, tolerate, or judge ourselves by those rules - regardless of the silent "society" that still (unconsciously? I wonder) imposes those archaic rules. Oddly, I've found it's women who seem loathe to let them go, more than men. Not completely; I have a couple ex-husbands and lots more male ex-bosses as perfect examples of those who ignore, dismiss, discount, and minimized my emotions.... telling me I'm being "irrational". (AS IF... emotions are rational things.... that whole idea is based on a false premise, you know?)

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: ann3 on November 08, 2009, 05:04:04 PM
"It’s ok for women’s emotions to be ignored. Yet if we don’t hand over our bodies we are “bitches”. "

Ditto what Amber said.

Helen, you're too fabulous to hang with a-holes.  It's not you, it's them.  Ya need to hang with better people & yes, they're hard to find, but don't give up.
Title: No contact
Post by: Meh on November 16, 2009, 08:33:23 PM
 A note about no contact experience

It has been a few months since I last had communication with my mother, it was July or August.

There is a stress of breaking out of the routine social expectations that my relatives have and they react to it. They don't really want me to change my role in relation to them and their whole group.

My brain is not working at warp speed right now. I have more to say about this but don't feel able to write it.

My only point is that the no-contact (for me at least) is worst at first and then it sort of gets easier past their initial reaction.

It becomes more and more obvious how little the relatives contribute to my life in the way of just "positive regard".
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Hopalong on November 16, 2009, 09:48:50 PM
Good for you, Helen.

I hope strength is seeping into you with every day that passes that is a day that belongs to you.

Title: Is this voicemail going to ruin my day? Dreaded phone calls.
Post by: Meh on November 22, 2009, 08:51:02 PM
This is a place where I put my thoughts that I can't tell anyone, that most people do not care to hear about or maybe don't really get.

It seems to me that joking about disfunctional families is standard social bantering but I notice that those people were not abandoned by their families.

When my drug addict brother or more recently my father whom I have not spoken with for over nine years calls me and leaves a msg, I don't pick up the msg immediately. I procrastinate, I do an internal check and ask myself "Am I strong enough to listen to this msg right now".

My mother has apparently been speaking to my father, they are divorced and never talk. The subject is me and now my father has been calling me. The way I see this is that it's all part of my mother's Nar-habits and it has nothing to do with me really. Yet I feel this pressure. And well... there is gnawing pressure.

I guess I haven't really processed all this yet and I don't want to. My father was never very considerate or respectful of me and my space and my hopes and dreams, personal boundaries and that is why he has left three msgs on my phone.

So yes of course when I get focused I'm going to find my cell and block his number tonight.

The thing is when I was younger in my early twenties and a teenager my father or brother could say something to me that would really ruin my whole day, they could say something that would put me into an emotional tailspin. Mostly to the effect of how I'm going to fail and how I should be afraid of failing.

I don't really care why they do this, I don't want to analyze it to death, I think mostly it is a controlling behavior.

The thing is when I look at my life compared to theirs even though I have my ups and downs they are more "failures" then I am.

So there is the other thing. My father who is essentially a failure comes at me with this "Daddy knows best" sort of attitude.

My brother and my father are both alcoholics who just have this scary fatalistic way that they paint the world and my life when they talk to me.

I'm probably not explaining this well.

My main point is that I had that feeling of familial pressure, relational pressure that my mother can get going. My mother gets all of the relatives into this frenzy and I just try to avoid and ignore all of them. They all are convinced that their frenzy is about me when they are the ones that it is about, when really it is about my mother.

So that message on my phone. I don't want it to ruin my day or my week and I have to make sure I'm not weak before I answer it. I have to do an emotional check. I have to be like the emotional command center and turn down the volume on my emotions.

I was in the shower today and I realized that I have read more, have done more personal work then my mother, father, brother, or other relatives combined.

I realized that I really do understand this more then any of them. Not that I will ever really get it, cus when I think I do I don't, and I don't want to waste my life getting it. I resent them for the amount of time and effort I have put into trying to understand disfunction.

I picture myself walking out a dust storm brawl of people fighting with each other unscathed and unnoticed like sometimes happens in Crocodile dundee movies, he casually, nonchalantly walks out of a bar while the whole bar clientele are drunkly, stupidly bloodying up each others faces.
Thats what I want for Thanksgiving and Christmas, to be that person who walks through a movie bar-brawl and is there yet somehow not there, above it, walking through it in a different space a different plane while every person around me is fighting. And then I meet the beautiful woman at the salon door and walk away. Well maybe not a beautiful woman.
Title: After nine years of no contact with my father
Post by: Meh on November 22, 2009, 09:04:21 PM
After approx nine years of no contact with my father he still behaves as if he does not get why I don't want to speak with him at least that is how it is related to me via my brother whom I still rarely converse with.

My father is so negative, he has discouraged me from so much in life when I was younger. I wish there had been someone to encourage me. Reality is there are dark things and light things and aspects to life. I just wish someone had opened my mind to the possibilities in life when I was  younger.

My father is a type of burden. He doesn't have his own life and has done nothing to change that in the past 9 years. If it was up to him he would be living with me, I would be supporting him and he would just sit there drinking Budweiser telling me how much I should be fearful of failing and not try anything, don't do anything don't live, don't risk.

It's hard to see my father this way, it is not the image I had of him growing up.

When I date guys I pay attention to how that act what they do, not what they say. They usually fail that test and I wonder if I have unreasonable expectations.

I now find myself looking at my relatives this way, watching how they behave, not what they say.

I totally missed my chance to generate some vitamin D today. I'm hibernating. I just cleaned and knitted and drank coffee indoors.
I need to get out and get some fresh air.

Title: Hi and Thanks
Post by: Meh on November 22, 2009, 09:06:50 PM
Thanks, Hops, Ann3, Phoenix, Ami.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Hopalong on November 23, 2009, 12:11:50 AM
You're welcome, hon.

I'd love to take a walk with you.

I cleaned house like crazy yesterday, my minister housemate was having a meeting here, had to spruce it up. Felt good afterward.

Did a good Sunday myself...nice connections with the CommUUnity (one of us is a great singer and we went in a gaggle to hear her band), this morning's service was a nice one (I love hymn singing) and then i went to breakfast with my best church friend and her hubby...we always go to the same waffle shop.

Came home and my D helped me sort some paperwork, really broke the logjam on that. Did a to of laundry and tidying up.

Not my usual M/O!

You always talk about nature...I can tell you're friends.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on November 23, 2009, 08:51:19 AM
I picture myself walking out a dust storm brawl of people fighting with each other unscathed and unnoticed like sometimes happens in Crocodile dundee movies, he casually, nonchalantly walks out of a bar while the whole bar clientele are drunkly, stupidly bloodying up each others faces.

Nice image! (and dead-on understanding about their motives). You might also like Elvis Costello's "St. Stephen's Day Massacre". It was included on a Christmas tape of various artists that played with the Chieftains (a traditional Irish band). It was popular - in a really cynical way - in our house during the holidays as a way to inject some humor into awkward family situations. It's sort of a complete opposite of the saccharin mass-media (need I say fairy-tale?) image of the holidays and families.

But then, I'll admit... I'm sort of on a campaign to reinvent Christmas traditions. One year, a brussel sprout potted in a 5 gal joint compound bucket was our Christmas tree. I made enchiladas one year for Thanksgiving... and for several years, would cook Middle Eastern instead of the usual turkey - taters - stuffing. The mass-media image/message about the holidays is a fabricated scam... a false promise of love, light and joy in my FOO setting... and seems to indicate that if you spend enough $$$$$ you can create happiness. I've made up warped lyrics for Christmas carols for years - since I was a kid ... to try to stay more grounded in reality (and not unrealistic expections of a fantasy) as a defense mechanism.

What's been happening with you lately (besides all of a sudden showing up on your family's radar)? Hibernation isn't a bad thing, what with all the illness bugs going around. But some fresh air is good for the immune system, too! Speaking of which, I have to get moving... been in one position too long. I hope you feel motivated to post an update soon... seems there's a lot to catch up on!  :D
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on November 23, 2009, 09:08:05 AM
((((Helen))))    You are still on my party list.                                                              Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on November 23, 2009, 04:04:01 PM
You're welcome, hon.

I'd love to take a walk with you.

I cleaned house like crazy yesterday, my minister housemate was having a meeting here, had to spruce it up. Felt good afterward.

Did a good Sunday myself...nice connections with the CommUUnity (one of us is a great singer and we went in a gaggle to hear her band), this morning's service was a nice one (I love hymn singing) and then i went to breakfast with my best church friend and her hubby...we always go to the same waffle shop.

Came home and my D helped me sort some paperwork, really broke the logjam on that. Did a to of laundry and tidying up.

Not my usual M/O!

You always talk about nature...I can tell you're friends.


Oh, that is sweet Hops, I love to walk this time of year, I do love nature and this is my favorite season. The other day I was thinking if I could only have one season all year it would be Fall. It's something about how the sunset sky is more intense this time of year and of course the leaves and the mushrooms and the stormy wind. Yeah, I love nature. When everything else fails nature is still beautiful to me.

I enjoyed your comment about the "Log Jam". I haven't heard that term for ever.

Sounds like you had a fun and productive weekend!
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on November 23, 2009, 04:05:25 PM
((((Helen))))    You are still on my party list.                                                              Ami

Ok, is Blackie out of the closet yet?
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on November 23, 2009, 04:27:39 PM
I picture myself walking out a dust storm brawl of people fighting with each other unscathed and unnoticed like sometimes happens in Crocodile dundee movies, he casually, nonchalantly walks out of a bar while the whole bar clientele are drunkly, stupidly bloodying up each others faces.

Nice image! (and dead-on understanding about their motives). You might also like Elvis Costello's "St. Stephen's Day Massacre". It was included on a Christmas tape of various artists that played with the Chieftains (a traditional Irish band). It was popular - in a really cynical way - in our house during the holidays as a way to inject some humor into awkward family situations. It's sort of a complete opposite of the saccharin mass-media (need I say fairy-tale?) image of the holidays and families.

But then, I'll admit... I'm sort of on a campaign to reinvent Christmas traditions. One year, a brussel sprout potted in a 5 gal joint compound bucket was our Christmas tree. I made enchiladas one year for Thanksgiving... and for several years, would cook Middle Eastern instead of the usual turkey - taters - stuffing. The mass-media image/message about the holidays is a fabricated scam... a false promise of love, light and joy in my FOO setting... and seems to indicate that if you spend enough $$$$$ you can create happiness. I've made up warped lyrics for Christmas carols for years - since I was a kid ... to try to stay more grounded in reality (and not unrealistic expections of a fantasy) as a defense mechanism.

What's been happening with you lately (besides all of a sudden showing up on your family's radar)? Hibernation isn't a bad thing, what with all the illness bugs going around. But some fresh air is good for the immune system, too! Speaking of which, I have to get moving... been in one position too long. I hope you feel motivated to post an update soon... seems there's a lot to catch up on!  :D

If we spend enough money we can create false happiness, yes well in that case many opportunistic big-business owners would have an interest in keeping the population unhappy.

Warped lyrics, yes I think these CAN keep a person sane. Yes, I can understand. We all find our own ways to relate to Christmas. My brother once told me that he thought Christmas was a four letter word.

I always think about the smell of Frankincense on Christmas in dim warm places because that is how my friend's father's house was on Christmas.
He was a minister and was religious but in an interesting way, he had a passion for signs and miracles and so he would always have these stories about how certain icons drip tears out of their eyes. He also claimed that he had some of the dirt from Jesus's grave which he showed me. I can't really remember what the dirt looked like sort of redish-clay colored. Anyways, that family had reverent Christmas evenings and the kids got 1-2 presents and that was it no hours and hours of ripping through paper and throwing toys into a pile.

I don't think it was really dirt from Jesus's grave, I think this guy enjoyed fooling people, some sort of game. He did own very obscure things because he had an antique store. So one could never really tell if there was some truth to it or not. I guess we all want to be special or know something special or have something special.

I remember my friend's father the minister once told me that I had discovered a new kind of flower that had never been discovered before. I was thrilled, I believed him. As a kid I had found my first passion flower somewhere tangled in the vines of his backyard. The ones that look like white and purple, hairy, alien spaceships?

It was the first time in my life that I had ever seen a passion flower so I might as well have been discovering a new species in my little kid's world.

Something about the mysterious, the reverent and perspective....

Title: Job offer accepted
Post by: Meh on November 23, 2009, 04:36:34 PM
One hour ago, I just accepted a job offer just as soon as I got my depressed carcass out from under my green plush-like-a- baby- toy blanket.

I should be thankful.

I start on Nov 30.

I'm going to go eat some lunch. Yes, must get my blood sugar in balance. Write more later.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on November 24, 2009, 06:45:05 AM
OH... CONGRATULATIONS HELEN!!!! I'm happy for you  (((((((((Helen)))))))))) 

I hope you can see how the new job might have the same opportunity for discovering the "new"... just like finding the passion flower. That aspect of being children - of being fascinated with "first experiences" of things (no matter how mundane) - are what I think is meant by "beginners mind". It's a very neat universe to hang out in...

... OH and if you want to grow your own passionflower, it comes up all over my yard!! I've trained some of it up the fence of the dog yard, so I should be able to get enough dirt up, around the roots. (It's a little tricky to transplant... but once established takes over!!) It's dormant now, until about June here... might be the best chance for potting up & sending it.

Even if this isn't your dream job - "just a job" - I'll bet you'll find plenty of things to "discover" because of it. I'd say this is an occasion for Ami's party... can we do that online? I'll bring seafood appetizers... and we can have a "happy dance" !
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on November 24, 2009, 08:29:51 AM
((((Helen))))    You are still on my party list.                                                              Ami

Ok, is Blackie out of the closet yet?

On the way out. Blessings to you!                              xxoo        Ami
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Hopalong on November 24, 2009, 05:46:32 PM
I am so happy for you Helen!

And your new employer has made a very smart choice.

I hope you'll enjoy it, grow in it, and take it all the experience offers...

You're going to thrive, not just survive.

SO glad you're going to have more income and less fear.

Great news!

Title: Job
Post by: Meh on December 19, 2009, 02:40:37 PM
So, I felt compelled this morning to write a little, it's like a little space because life just doesn't have a lot of space for what I call the truth. After I was hired for this position that I am currently in, I discovered that I am taking over for a relatively young woman who was actively dying of cancer. She did pass away last weekend. I wasn't told this forthright, I was eased into the situation.

I'm in too much of a hurry to write about this properly, I've had too much coffee, and am pressuring myself to go out and shop, but before I go shopping...

I have had a handful of the deceased woman's coworkers come up to me and express grief to me about the situation. Understandable sort of. I see it in their eyes they want to connect with me and share this mutual grief, I guess it is part of the grieving process to grieve together when a person dies.

I have made a point of being respectful.

One of the managers said to me so bluntly:  ......."And She is DEAD now"....

Many people really don't care when another person dies, these people that she saw everyday for years, some of them feel social pressure to be polite. But they don't really care.

No one wanted to touch her stuff like it was off limits, like I don't know, like maybe she is still alive or something.

I'm the one who cleaned out some of her stuff, people in the office are even telling me how there is still some of her food in the fridge... but none of them want to touch it.

Maybe some of them are not fully ready to believe she is 100% gone, I think some people do have feelings for her.

I had a very awkward conversation where a male coworker came up to my/her desk and was telling me in a loud voice how he is not very good about being careful and respectful in these types of situations. I had to put my finger up to my mouth and told him to not talk so loud and after a couple seconds of lowering his voice he got louder again and was talking about how he didn't have any feelings toward the woman who died meanwhile the other people in the office can over-hear the weird conversation I am having with this man that I really don't wish to be having.

I don't especially like this coworker he wants to tell me all of his personal feelings and stuff. Or his lack of personal feelings.


I want to move out of this job asap, it is only a temp job and I need the money after such a long period of being unemployed. ..

The manager of the whole department has already told me that she would be a reference for me to be a permanent employee there with her. I don't think I want this though.


I'm going to go shop for myself.

Hope all  is well out there in cyberspace land, hope the Holidays are treating you well. I'm weathering the storm of "the most wonderful time of the year" by doing retail therapy.

Ok, I'm going to go waste my hard-earned money now.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Hopalong on December 20, 2009, 07:10:14 PM
Hi Helen...

I am so glad for you. Hope you thrive and strive in this job even if it's temporary.

Have you heard of Dave Ramsey? He's corny but very canny and has helped me so much.

Title: RE: Hops (Dave Ramsey)
Post by: Meh on December 26, 2009, 12:34:25 PM
Hi Helen...

I am so glad for you. Hope you thrive and strive in this job even if it's temporary.

Have you heard of Dave Ramsey? He's corny but very canny and has helped me so much.


No, havent heard of Dave Ramsey. He is a money guru right... I just looked it up.

Well, don't worry I really didn't blow my money I just bought underwear and work clothes.... blah...

It's not enough money to blow anyways.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on February 15, 2010, 02:00:33 PM
Last Friday I got fired again from this temporary job I have been doing that I didn't really want but still was trying to do it anyways.

I'm not emotionally upset about it because I have been through worse, but god I need the money.

The part that I don't like is that this crap all gets put into my employee file.

So next week I am going to a union meeting where I am going to present the manager with a voluntary resignation and request that she process it to replace the dishonerable termination that was based on my "performance".

The problem with my performance is that I had an assertive communication style and she didn't like that.

Luckily since this was a union position there are other people in the same types of positions who are all having the same issues with this manager.

So that is what I am working on this afternoon, my statement and what I will present next week at the meeting.

I get to go back and advocate for my coworkers I guess.

On Thursday the manager had called my coworker and I down from our desks into a customer area and proceded to tell my coworker that he was doing something wrong. I stood up to her because there are convoluted circumstances behind this situation.
The manager had previously told me to train him even though I am new and the manager also told me it is not my responsibility to train him.
Additionally people are complaining about how this manager humiliates employees in public areas. I felt embarrassed for him and somewhat responsible.

I told her that it is someones responsibility to train us to do these things. Rather then humiliating him in public before he is even told how to do it properly. I asked her some questions about how to prioritize work she wouldn't respond to that and I told her I was frustrated.

She then got angry at me and demanded that I go over to her office with her in another building. This manager has a reputation for yelling at people. So I told her I'm not going over there with her today unless there is a mediator because she is having an angry reactive response and this is not a regularly scheduled meeting. She then changed her mind when I requested a third party be present and threatened to fire me.

I met with her the next morning only after I got her to say that she will speak to me in civil tones. I said "I feel reassured now that I know you are not going to yell at me".

She then fired me, first she tried saying I was aggressive for refusing to go over to her office, then she was saying insubordination then they ended up saying I don't communicate appropriately to leadership.
OH WELL!!!!    I will find a better job some day... :)

The truth is I think they already hired someone to replace me. I will find out more about that in the union meeting.

It turns out that the reason why that male coworker was venting to me previously is because the whole work group was having problems with communication, organizing the work and getting accurate information on how to do the work. It's too much of a mess. 

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on February 16, 2010, 08:26:10 AM
Sounds like you've escaped with your dignity intact, even if that doesn't pay the bills! I'm impressed how you handled this situation... you've made appropriate factual statements, asked for what you wanted/needed, and took the actions available to you to take care of yourself! Sounds to me like there's nothing wrong with your communication skills... (there's so much projection by ineffectual, incompetent bosses when faced with assertiveness in a subordinate).

How've you been otherwise? What's new?

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Sealynx on February 16, 2010, 12:46:11 PM
That company sounds like it engages in some absolutely vile practices. I don't think you have a rogue manager. She is following her superiors orders to a T. Discipline someone in front of lots of witness to both humiliate them and have other employees back up that the person was disciplined. If the employee requests a private meeting, scream and yell so they will not do so again. If a mediator is requested, cancel the meeting and then go back to tactic one. My guess is that this behavior is aimed at getting rid of employees about the time they might qualify for even a small raise in pay. That place is meant to be a revolving door.  Doors will open for you if let go of feelings about these monsters and see the world as full of opportunity.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on February 16, 2010, 09:16:07 PM
Hi Phoenix & Sealynx,

Whats new?

Ah well, today I mostly moped about a little, looking out the windows not sure what plan of action to take. Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, or Plan D or Plan....

I don't think I have a lot of newness to talk about. I sat like a bump on a log, at the lake today, watched some birds catching fish, a turtle with red cheeks. I looked at the mountains and listened to the pebbles rolling over each other in the lake tide.

I have been doing some sewing with a geometric art deco print fabric making an A-line dress.

That's about it, that's what I do with myself, I make things, I hang out in nature.

One of my coworkers had a binge drinking night last week because of that work situation. I'm not going to do that.

Yes, I think I managed to maintain a good amount of dignity this time around. NO profanity, no attempts at retaliation, no tears.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on February 17, 2010, 07:20:03 AM
Hey, nothing wrong with making things and hanging out in nature! It feeds the soul, I think... re-energizes the chi... and opens the doors of new possibilities & opportunities.

I've been doing a good bit of that myself these days, as I begin to turn this new house into the "Palace of the Pirate Princess" <yeah, there's a bit of sarcastic edge to that>.

But mostly, I've been noticing all the overlooked cleaning & maintenance the previous owners left for me... and I've been harping on that to the point, that I wonder why it's such a big deal. I mean, they have two younger boys and led an active social life... and it took me a month to be able to even see these things, so it's not like it was gross neglect. What do I gain, by judging them like this?

Been thinking about how we create our Selves, through personal narrative and perpetuating legends & myths about ourselves...

... and thinking I might have to start writing out this new chapter.

My MIL just spend 6 weeks literally voiceless; one of her vocal cords became paralyzed. She is now able to talk again. I became her advocate and asst. during that time, though the rest of the sibs are now stepping up since we've moved. Been reflecting on this, too... the difference between the literal, physical voicelessness she's experienced and the kind we know. Similarities, for sure... but also some differences.

I hope you have some friends - and even acquaintances - to hang out with, Helen. Solitude's a good thing - but only up to a point. Don't know about you - but sometimes I just get so BORED of my own head that it's refreshing to be with others. And I've missed you - we had fun with the pirate theme, huh?
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on February 17, 2010, 05:24:49 PM
ah! feeling "pirate-y" are ye, lass?

Hope you have fun...
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on February 18, 2010, 12:16:39 AM

 Dropping in to say Hello!        Ami
Title: Antidepressants
Post by: Meh on February 18, 2010, 11:06:17 AM
When I was a teenager I decided that I should probably be taking antidepressants. I knew that I didn't feel good but didn't know why.

Over the last year I have slowly stopped taking antidepressants (buproprion/Wellbutrin) mostly because of the cost and also the realization that when I was a teenager there were social/interpersonal factors that would contribute to me having the emotional health that I did.

On one hand I would think that stopping antidepressants and losing jobs appears to be a bad thing.

On the other hand, the job situations I had were not really my sort of thing. The economy/my education/my options maybe are not conducive to a high level of emotional health.

The thing is during my last bought of depression I was taking the pills and the pills did not prevent me from experiencing what is natural: grief and disappointment.

Maybe antidepressants can keep a person artificially stimulated  with happy chemicals in the brain, at least enough to endure a lifestyle/environment that is not naturally inducing enough happy brain chemicals.

I ask myself though, isn't it better to attempt at living in such a way that the happy chemicals are naturally occurring?

One of my coworkers from the last job was diagnosed with "Neurotic depression", another was going on drinking binges, another was on the verge of having panic attacks. Um, you know, people don't often want to discuss this sort of stuff, admit to it, but when people get together and start talking candidly it's darn interesting.

I think about how I physically felt when I talked to three managers at that place, one manager always exhausted me, one always frustrated me, and a third manager I felt fine after interacting with.

The corporate belief system would inform a "subordinate" that the boss is allways right no matter what.

Isn't it the same in a family.....the parent is right no matter what.

The thing is, if people ran away from, avoided or fought against that which evokes depression then probably some systems would be faced with change.

If I find a niche for myself where I don't have to deal with "the garbage", am I avoiding something that is prevalent wherever I go?

Sometimes I ask myself if the problem is with me or if it is with others.

Ok, that is the end of my contemplation for today.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: sKePTiKal on February 19, 2010, 08:01:34 AM
I think I see what you're looking at...

I would posit that a parent isn't always right - and neither, therefore, is a boss. Both have some power over others - but I know that power (might) doesn't make "right". The problem for some people, is that they believe power automatically confers the ability to see, judge, define "right". But in reality it just confers the illusion of brute force over others - whether overtly or subtly. It's an illusion, because there are always choices - even though those choices may be limited, high-risk, and even on the surface "dangerous" or self-defeating.

And there is another side to power: responsibility. The type that realizes it's possible to be wrong, to make mistakes and the caring for others that requires a true apology and making amends. For me, power means owning the consequences of my decisions and actions that affect others and truly listening & caring (and trying to find solutions) when that is a problem for them.
Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Hopalong on February 19, 2010, 01:37:23 PM
Hi Helen,

I think the only benefit of saying to yourself, perhaps part of the problem is with me...would be that you see it very practically as: The problem of surviving and staying employed in this culture as it really is, is mine. Meaning:

--am I willing to repress my responses when I am angry or disagree?
--am I willing to mute my individuality just to keep the peace (and the job)?

Those are really, really hard choices. But I think for anyone who doesn't naturally "fit in a cubicle" -- they will recur.

I have had a very bouncy resume, and for the last 3.5 years have suffered a lot under an Nboss (I've had a few). However, at my long-in-the-tooth age when an unplanned-for old age has begun to truly scare the crap out of me...I'm learning to drop my FOO out of my daily life. Or at least, more than I ever could before.

I have pragmatic friends to whom I used to wail about the numerous workplace: injustice, sexism, unequal opportunity, misuse of power, promotion of incompetence, ethical issues, etc.

One of those friends, who's done very well, always would say in a mild tone: That's why they call it work.

Took me forever to accept that I had to make my own peace with what was real rather than ideal. And that I was NOT going to "get satisfaction" by fighting it. My larger satisfaction is coming now from the awesome FPU experience (Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University) -- in which he talks a great deal about outwitting the culture. (I am not like him politically or theologically at all, but consider the man a genius about survival, economically.)

There's a price. There were times I had huge depression. But eventually, I've found a way, even here and now, to be at peace during the workday. I've got a boundary around my emotions I did not have for the first two years. Took some awful Nabuse, but could not afford to confront (and be fired) or quit (and feel more desperate). So now, oddly enough, I'm less riled by Nboss, and less disturbed by the sexism. It's still here, and it's still wrong...but deep inside, I've detached.

(And am looking around for an exit. If it comes, I'll leave happily. And then have a whole series of lessons to learn from a new job.)

Hope that helps.

Don't give up. They just don't teach us how to deal with the grief over culture shock, and one of the main places we experience our culture at its most concentrated (and distorted) is at work....

Sure, part of the problem may be with you. And that's okay. The MACRO problem is in workplace culture. Your problem is how to carve out survival and peace of mind in spite of all that...even in the midst of it.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on February 19, 2010, 03:17:02 PM
Thank you Hops and Phoenix:

Thanks for the insightful feedback.

At the start of this job I thought I had a plan and I thought I had decided what my choices would be, I thought I could remain disengaged but somehow it is not so easy when actually in the fray, caught in the middle of the dynamic, I became part of the system even though I did not want to. My plan was only to have my toe wedging the door open.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on February 27, 2010, 01:49:33 AM
Me Ranting:

My Truth:

"Our energies and aspirations are now fragmented as adults." (Excerpt from article)

For me personally I think this is a main void/struggle.

I was taking an antidepressant (buproprion), and it did seem to make me more focused in a way, sort of, about daily mundane things. I don't know, maybe the antidepressant just helps with that "anxiety" that is described in the article:

"Worst of all, we gradually became numb to our feelings in order to cope with our anxiety" (Excerpt from article)

That anxiety right there, that pinpointed anxiety described in the article, the anxiety that arises as a consequence of our family of origin.
That anxiety is REAL.

I believe this is why I started asking for antidepressants when I was a teenager.....not that I had an inherent genetic defect that made me depressed as the professionals wanted to tell me. I have needed to say this and explain this for so long.

NOT an amorphous, vague anxiety,  an anxiety drifting through the air as doctors would almost have me think, doctors would have me think my anxiety was a magical fog drifting in from no-where. Like a fairybook fog that materializes unicorns and monsters. As if it was all so mysterious. It's simple in some ways isn't it? Not that mysterious. Not mysterious enough that someone who has a Ph D... doesn't get it. The Ph D's go along with what they are taught and they do not question it either because they get their paycheck... they amass a list of diagnosis's and then send that off to the insurance companies and bing back comes their paycheck. It's like the doctors agree to allow part of their thinking include a tooth-fairy explanation of "mental illness".

I'm angry when I think about this. I want to kick those doctors. Kick them out of their bland "content to get their paychecks", write you a prescription world.

When I was a teenager, I didn't need the antidepressant drugs, I needed understanding and I needed someone to care about me.

I have needed someone to understand this about me for SO long... that I am not depressed because of my brain or my nucleic acid/DNA.
I have needed to be understood to the point that part of me wants to cry about it.

That nature did not write the directions for me to be depressed. Nature did not intend for me to be depressed.

Doctors should know this. IT is hard having doctors/"authorities" trying to say this to me. It's a medical/drug industry lie.
Take people who are neglected/abused, tell them it is their fault, lie to them and then have them dish out lots of money for the CURE.
Well it wasn't a cure was it...... I mean I have taken antidepressants of varying kinds for so long... and I am not cured or fixed.... It was just on a crutch.. that cost me $140. 00 every time I filled the prescription.

I mean even mistreated/isolated monkeys get depressed for crying out loud!!! ---ITS NORMAL TO GET DEPRESSED UNDER BAD CIRCUMSTANCES!!

I never believed it 100% but I took the antidepressants out of total desperation.
IT was hard....I mean... we could not go to our families for help.....we couldn't really go to our friends for help...some friends DO understand but they were the minority... we couldn't even really go to most healthcare professionals and get real help from them.

I mean what else could a person do besides get stuck and depressed.... We found outlets... to cope... that is part of the reason why I put so much energy into my crafty stuff... some people use music or sports or something. I did use sports for a while.

I'm not sure at least that is how I explain it to myself.
I guess I could go back through this and edit it down to a paragraph. It's sort a long rant...

My family of origin created an anxiety and disfunction in my emotional health and perceptions and as a teenager/young adult my attempts at rectifying it or being understood only resulted in a lack of undertanding from others outside of my FOO which increased the anxiety and frustration.

I'm sorry but I am going to blame my family for a moment, I am going to metaphorically vomit up all the antidepressants that I took- back onto my family- because that is what I visualize-- me vomiting and all of these pills, pink and purple flooding my family's happy warm cozy homes. Go clean that mess up family!! The bupropion pills really were pink and purple. Hum interesting. They must have been intended for WOMEN. I don't see anything marketed for men that is colored pink or purple.

Now I digress into a verbal rant about vomiting pink and purple pills... that no longer makes sense.

Ok....enough already... I'm stopping here.

The disfunction/sickness/avoidance/ is like a little air bubble in a sealed plastic bag, can squeeze it, keep on pushing it around and it just moves to another corner, can try to hide it but it is still there. That is how I see the pills and family's way of handling things. The problems have never been healed or gone away. Rather then a cure, the pills now seem to me like another expression of the main FOO issues. The pills seem like concentrated lies to me. Condensed dried powder made of dirt and lies and avoidance and denial.


Should I tell me relatives that? You guys make me want to puke!!-- oh never mind...  :lol:

I think back about when I was sick as a kid and as an adult I would be shocked if I saw that today.

My mother doesn't deserve any respect from me. The best I can do is act like she is dead or she is an annoying sales person that I ignore, NO thank you, I don't want what you are selling, you are selling some rigor-mortis really? What a novel product line, good luck with selling your rigor-mortis. Nope, I'm sure I don't need it and I dont want to try it for free..no really mom, I am absolutely sure I will never have a use for a sample of  your free rigor mortis. ....Good bye...mom... Hang up....  

Because that is what the Nar-people are selling us "rigor mortis" of the spirit....where our "real selves" are frozen and stiff and suspended.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Meh on February 27, 2010, 04:59:08 AM
The Narcissists in our lives seem like relationship interceptors. Somehow our relationships/ those interactions between us and the other important people in our lives are interceded by the Nar person.

Title: Re: My Truth
Post by: Ami on February 27, 2010, 07:20:00 AM
This is my conclusion. We need someone to love us unconditionally. Then, we will heal. I think words and words and words will sit on top  but never get in.
 Unconditional love(or something close) penetrates like the sunlight.
 It goes in to your cold rejected body and gives it life.