Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board

Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: lighter on October 08, 2019, 07:03:47 PM

Title: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 08, 2019, 07:03:47 PM
I was having a hard time deciding which thread to update, and realized these two topics need to be merged, so I'm starting a new thread.

This past weekend I wasn't able to remain level, and it was disturbing for me, bc my old negative judgments about myself kicked in, making it impossible to dig myself out.  Part of that was one dd's struggle that rubbed up against my own struggle.  It was unexpected, and her pain just knocked me sideways. 

After seeing T yesterday, I'm back to getting outside her pain, so I can be more responsive to her, and myself.  DD doesn't share many details, so I'm alarmed easily by some things I see, and don't have answers for.  I explained this today, but over the weekend we were both rocking and rolling in bad head spaces. I recognize dd's stoicism as one of my negative coping strategies.  It scares me for her.

I see I can't always be proactice around stress, and limiting it.  It just happens, often when I'm not expecting it where the girls are concerned.  I can do what I can with regard to MY stress.  Opening mail when I'm ready.  Not answering calls likely to upset me until I'm prepared. I can't always see the girls' stress coming before it overwhelms me, and then I lose ability to properly handle my own stress.  The frustration and disappointment I feel don't help ANYTHING.  Ever. 

To that end, I haven't figured out how to loosen the grip of survival mode when i I can't catch it early.  This weekend was a close up chance to really SEE the struggle as it happens, and notice how things go.

  Catching it before I drop into negative belief patterns might be a big part.  I can't tell yet.  Maybe I'm complicating it, and it's simpler than that. 

Focused attention.
Zero judgment.

Just that simple.  KISS.  Keep it simple silly. 

I'll practice, and continue building pathways, and rituals around what needs to be done.  There's no other choice but moving forward now.

T amazing, and helps remind, explain concepts in several says,  draw connections that build on each other,  and strengthen new strategies and understanding of all the above.  There will always be another COW (crisis of the week) for me, and the girls, and friends, etc.   Each COW has the same remedy.  I just have to master the reme.... NO.

I don't have to master anything.  That's one of the traps.  Believing I have to do things a certain way, and I just don't.  I can let go of that.

T told a story about a monk, I think.  The monk said he'd been practicing mindfulness for 30 years.
 WHen he mastered it, he'd move on to something else. I'm paraphrasing, but it's a thing. 

Every time I leave T's office I experience conflicting emotions around what's possible, and what's likely

What is possible feels very hopeful to me.

WHat is likely does NOT  feel hopeful to me. 

It's possible to figure out how to overcome our hijacked biology.

It's unlikely humans can overcome seeking/avoidance patterns in order to build something new, IME.

AAAaaaaand I'm back grappling with acceptance. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 08, 2019, 10:54:08 PM
My evening is easy, enjoyable, and what I would have referred to as 'flipping the switch" 2 or 3 years ago.

I did a check to see what else is going on... both dd's are having great evenings too.  One continued making good choices around food... grocery shopping after her workout, rethinking her choices, putting everything in her basket back, and doing something not involving food.  I just see that as a super fantastik sea change around choice for her.   I don't have to worry, bc she's perfectly capable of doing it herself. 

Other dd's energy and mood has improved since we talked this morning.  Both our energies and moods were low.  My parasympathetic nervous system was AWOL.  I was weepy, and vulnerable, and shared concerns about some things she's doing that remind me of things I've done, and I just really wanted her to understand some of it.  More to do with codependency, and traits.   I think it was time to share, and I'm glad I did it, even though I struggle with being vulnerable, and dropping my stoicism.   I did it.   I'm glad.  Ouch, but it's a good thing.   DD is fine, laughing and playing internet games with her friends, instead of sleeping in a dark room, barely eating. 


So, kids feeling OK =  I'm feeling OK.

I think I figured out some stuff that helps me too. It's not just that the girls are feeling better, IMO.
  I talked to a friend about some of the paperwork stuff, and this is someone who's known me since I was in  my early twenties, worked out with me, worked with me, lived with me, and gone through terrible times, hers and mine, and come through the other side.  I bounced stuff off of her, and we both figured some stuff out.   I needed her to understand some of the paperwork stuff, bc she just did not before that conversation. 

I see how difficult it is to get out of a spiral, even if I know what to do.  That's a piece of information I didn't see coming.  2 steps forward, one step back, but still moving forward.   

I enjoyed this big surge of creative energy...I  lit up the back porch, cleaned the table, changed batteries in candles, made a big beautiful salad with chopped egg, ham, carrots and hummus...  topped with a beet balsamic dressing I think I got at Aldis.. .good stuff. 

When I decided to run a bath, and light the essential oil lantern (peppermint tonight), I found I was also enjoying the feel of handling the Epson Salts, and scattering them in the water. That's not typical.   I can focus on the little things.  This is what it feels like to be in the zone for me, and I enjoyed making my white sheets pristine today.   

I thought about starting a sewing project to remove cool hoods from Goodwill items, embellish and sew onto tops and coats I already love, but wish had hoods.  That's new.  I've wanted to do it,  but this time I felt like doing it.   

I ran into dd on her way to shower, she had her self care products with her. I let her have the bathroom first, so I could take my time in the tub, then did another load of laundry and finished making my bed.  I look forward to sleeping on clean sheets with open windows, and cooler temperatures blowing in.  It rained all day, and the moss is so happy.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on October 09, 2019, 03:33:19 AM
Lighter, I am going through very similar at the moment so I understood very well what you were writing about.  The attempt to 'catch' the reaction before it takes hold is something I am working very hard on and I find it much more difficult to catch when it involves son, in the same way you mention you needing the kids to be okay for you to be okay as well.  I do wonder if parents can ever be really alright if their children aren't?  I was saying to someone yesterday that I don't feel I can even begin to settle myself unless I know son is safe and happy.  I do understand what you mean.  And can't offer any words of wisdom!  I'm still struggling with it myself :)  I think with me (I don't know if it's the same with you) that it's a combination of adulthood trauma (paperwork, phone calls, legal battles, stalking incidents, harassment etc) that also triggers childhood trauma (not being heard, not being safe, not feeling valued) and current fear for child (are they safe?  are they happy?  are they making the same mistakes I did? should I let them?  or try to stop them?  am I a good enough parent for them?  and so on).  I was saying yesterday that when it's one of those aspects I can usually catch it coming and deal with it.  But when something triggers all three at the same time (which I think college/local authority battles are doing at the moment) then it's too strong and it just takes over quickly, and takes a long time to climb back down from.

As you say, I think perhaps all we can do is keep trying, keep practising, keep trying to create new links and routes and hope that, eventually, those pathways will be stronger and keep us in a more even place.  What I find difficult is that I don't feel there is sufficient opportunity to heal, because the wound keeps being ripped open with new or repeated incidents - smaller than the earlier ones but very real and present, none the less.  I think it's very hard to create the new pathways and new ways of being when you keep having to live your life every day and are kind of exposed every day to a possible trigger.  I remember saying years ago that if I could go off to some sort of retreat and spend a year healing - nothing else, just quiet, therapy, exercise, reading, healthy meals - I reckon I could achieve more than I have in twenty years of having to try and do it whilst dealing with everything else as it comes up.  But we can only keep trying, right?

Your description of your scented bath and then climbing into clean sheets sounded heavenly :)  I hope you enjoyed it xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on October 09, 2019, 10:08:28 AM
Lovely thread topic (and posts) but I don't think my little ADD brain can separate these two topics very easily. I'll just chime in if I think I can say something that makes sense...

When it comes to sad children I can't.

Cheering y'all on,
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 09, 2019, 03:28:52 PM
No worries, Hops.

Today I was working under a hemlock tree, and I kept seeing something out of the corner of my eye. It startled me over and over... three times.

I thought, I've worked under this tree many times, and this is just odd.

Then I remembered seeing something move out of the corner of my eye last night, startling me several times.   I saw something in the kitchen, that seemed to move, but it didn't.  Just glimpsed something my brain registered as new, or not supposed to be there.  A hemlock branch kept startling me.  Brain said NEW, not supposed to BE there.  I reminded myself of a dog, scared of something familiar... something he put in his own bed, then forgot.


 I can't remember backing out of the drive this morning, and usually backing up is memorable bc I have to crank my neck so far to do it, it hurts.  I didn't crank my neck this morning. I have zero memory,  it just didn't register, bc I can see normally again!

 I did the brain integration session around my vision, and anxiety driving in reverse...  was that last year?  I addressed the anxiety, but not the narrowed vision.  I stopped walking around with 3 pairs of glasses on my head, and the anxiety improved markedly, but I was still having to turn my head to see what I used to take for granted.  My brain KNEW there was a probem, that things weren't OK. 

I have peripheral vision again, and the yard looks great! 



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 11, 2019, 05:59:14 AM
Yesterday had 6 hours of driving in it, and would have been enjoyable if not for the traffic. 

I worried a bit about a face to face with someone I've been conflicted about... over new and old offenses that finally caught up with me.  I tend to pretend I'm unbothered,  and ignore until I can't ignore any longer.

There were final straws.   I put boundaries in place.  I FELT like I was retaliating, but they were just boundaries, and you know what? 


Better for having the boundaries in place. 

Better for not having continued negative feelings.

Better for enjoying the visit.

Better for getting in and out, no drama.   Not getting dragged into conversations I resent... usually me being grilled, and stupidly answering all the questions. 

This time I wasn't grilled, and I was fine with the a typical silences.

I didn't have to endure gossip, or being told stupid things about myself that aren't true.  Why do people repeat gossip about me TO ME?  THis person used to.  Not anymore.  That's just a boundary, and it's a good thing.

Really great day.

I have a lunch with a friend who's graduated a 2 year meditation program recently. He's been scarce and I look forward to seeing him. 'Should be a great visit.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 14, 2019, 06:48:29 PM
I entered my T's office in a very level mood this afternoon.   '

I think the EMDR really helped get me into a better head space, so we dug into something unexpected.... I thought we'd be working on something from my childhood.   Not today.  Instead I chose the paperwork, and financial stuff that's been vexing me for years.  T said it would likely lead back to childhood stuff.   So be it.  I needed to start there today.   

SOmetimes it drives me to my knees.... like a sword driven into my shoulder,  through my body..... and that makes things difficult to embrace, or finish, IME.

So, she let me escalate into the "story" for a while, then stopped me when I'd lost sight of the room.  We moved away from the story, and into deep breathing...
 in and out....
I breathed space into the tightness, and pulled apart mentally what felt like very dense cotton in the affected areas... replacing them with pink cotton full of air and light.  Always brining light  and spaciousness into the pain/tension, etc.   

Then it was time to go to my happy place... my old tomato garden.  It was all mine.  I tilled it.  Planted.  Weeded.  Tended the vines, watered and fed that lovely jungle of plants.  It was marvelous, bc I was fit, and super happy on my own,  post first divorce.  Nothing like a crappy 2 years of marriage to make you remember how lovely it is to be alive and single.  I filled baskets with lovely fruit for the people I loved, and I twirled happily in the sunshine. The taste of sun warmed tomatoes...  the smell.... the sound of the birds... my toes wiggling in the grass.... the breeze, the butterflys, and crickets.

So, once I was "there",  bc the mind can't tell if we're there for real or not, we did the EMDR but this time we added blinks.  EMDR waving of her hand in front of my face... my eyes following her hand while picturing myself IN my garden then she'd say "Blink fast, once".  Not easy to do, and my tongue wanted so badly to wag along with and help out. 

It got easier as we went,  to remain focused on the garden, and we progressed to two blinks.  Then three.  Then four.  Then back to 2. 

This is supposed to give the brain the chance to go ahead and process the emotions we brought up earlier.  In seconds, just get on with it, bc the brain doesn't need much help.  Just the chance.  As I think of it the left side of my temporal lobe feels full, then relaxes.  Strange. 

At the end of it I couldn't quite find the strong emotions when I went back and thought about the story again.  I tried.  I just couldn't,and that was a good thing. 

The story isn't important.  What's important is the emotions and where they manifest in the body, and bringing compassionate attention to them, bc it's just time, and they're asking to be tended to.   

The pressure was all gone, and there was just a tingle of anticipated pressure when I tried to find the strong emotions.   

So, I got a good rant in about truly crappy training that goes into training our court officers,  police officers, and got stuck on attorneys, and judgments around the money, and being stolen from all these years, with people pointing at me, accusing me of being a theif, a liar and and a cheat.  THE NERVE! 

OK....  see.  There was a little indignation, but it didn't go into my body.   It was more of an intellectual  statement of facts, rather than something that swept me up, and robbed me of my ability to think clearly,and made me cry.

Like a child. That's so sad to me. 

And it is old wounds that come back around, torn open and made present again.  Right THERE, in your face, setting your feet rigth back in the place you were standing, FEELING IT ALL AGAIN that first time, and every time it comes up, fresh, and completely raw.... unprocessed.... asking for our calm attention so it can move on to where it wants to be.   Refiled,  and out of the here and now.  In the past.  Finsihed. 

I am all for more of that.


Hops, I'll be able to be more responsive regarding the things that really tick me off.... as listed a couple times today, if I'm not spinning when I think about them.  It would be good to live a life with very little spinning,  IMO. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 21, 2019, 10:43:56 AM
Less resistance means there's space for other things, IME. 

I about ducked while walking the trails this moring with baby girl pug.   Something moved off to the right, and the flinch reminded me I'm still not used to having expanded vision.  I'm always shocked when that happens.  I wonder when I'll get used to it.   

More ease, and less anxiety generally in my life is a relief, bc I trust myself driving again.

Life is better, even though diving into trauma stories brings up some anxiety the day of T sometimes.  Sometimes I'm completely relaxed about it. 

I will say this... I AM STARVING, hungry all the time, Yogi MUST EAT, starvin and Marvin, y'all.

It's a thing; )

Friend with gallstones, who was taking Phosfood, seems to have found relief without having her gallbladder removed.  She'll go in for a scan soon, as it's been about 6 months since the last one, to see if there's any difference.... hoping stones have been dissolved.

She's been eating smaller portions, and dropped 20 lbs, bc of that change, with zero increased activity. 

My sib's FIL just went into the hospital with gallstones, and will schedule surgery for removal of gallbladder very soon, so that's disturbing.  So many gallbladder problems.   


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on October 21, 2019, 11:05:44 AM
So happy that you're finding ways to deal with the anxiety, Lighter.
I majored in it and know how miserable it is. Driving is huge.

Glad too that your friend is doing better with her gallstones. Wonderful outcome.

I think you have expanded vision in more ways than you know.

I'm off to the airport in an hour, still half packed, as usual.

Will check in tomorrow if my suitcase finds me!

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on October 21, 2019, 11:17:27 AM
Processed food is killing a lot of people. Having Steve around, and a pro chef too, I'm way more conscious of how I eat and what I'm cooking. I think it's possible to completely lose one's taste for processed stuff; and it happens more quickly than one would expect. Also, I think it's a thrifty choice too. A pound of carrots can go into 4-5 different meals and is usually under $1. Yes indeed, the "investment" is in the menu, the meal planning & cooking. I've learned to see that investment of time & energy as self-care, caring for others, giving back, and a creative endeavor. Big shift for me from my years with Mike.

I still have my vices food-wise; but my strategy for changing habits has always leaned more toward increasing the "good stuff" and eventually, the bad stuff will go away. It doesn't look as if one is doing anything and that part of our brains that identifies with things doesn't get all riled up and resistant. It's almost applying some of the principles of "push hands" to habits. Works for me anyway.

CoDependence query:

What is it that makes people repeat a mistake of being engaged with toxic people? Or relationships that eventually become acknowledged as "one way"?

I can't decide if it's just a habit of neural pathways or an "emotional click" into something that feels familiar. And maybe it's something completely different. The very same people can have strong healthy boundaries but still find themselves repeating the errors of judgement in discerning people and relationships. It's that moment when someone "takes the bait" and the hook gets set, like a fish that I'm wondering about.

And then, there is the moment when they realize they've done it yet again - and now find the process of extricating themselves irritating, painful, or devastating.

This isn't any observation of myself or anything I'm going through. Just observing people around me and pondering the concepts.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 21, 2019, 08:48:24 PM
I believe it's neural pathways, and an unconscious seeking behavior to finally resolve old struggles.  It's not just one part of our brain... it's all connected, and there are different ways to process the information coming at us, IME.   

 OH.... the satisfying click when our sickness fits perfectly into the same shaped slot of opposing sickness.... and we're going to solve it, ALLLL OF IT this time.  That was first marriage stuff for me.  Likely for many of us here.

And we aren't aware, IME.  We're choosing to focus on the differences, therefore completely sidetracked from the things that actually draw us together, IME. So easy to deceive ourselves, IME. It feeeels so gooooood when we come up against that old problem.  It feels like we're finally going to be happy... finally going to find the answers... finally going to be good enough... finally going to be loved for who we are, and it's intoxicating.  It's something I learned to run from, hence.... marrying an ASPD the second marriage, who I wasn't attracted to, and having children at 37 years old.   I thought I'd cracked the code, but I was wrong.  SOME part of me, way down deep in my subconscious KNEW.

I do think our intuition can work all this out, and help us sidestep the old struggles.  It just has to stand up to the old hope.... and require we honor the intuition more than we honor the desire to resolve the old struggle, IME. 

This reminds me of the saying...
"Sometimes the you eat the bear.  Sometimes the bear eats you."

The bear eats us IF we don't honor our intuition, IME.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 21, 2019, 09:01:15 PM
I'm sharing this lovely message from Madisyn Taylor I found on DailyOM this evening: )

Oct 21 at 3:03 PM



How we attach meaning to events in our lives has a large influence on the quality of our life.

The meaning we assign to our experiences––whether pleasant or distressing––is a very powerful factor in determining the quality of our lives. What we imagine events to mean will color the way we feel about ourselves, about the people in our lives, and about the world at large. If we want to encourage a positive outlook, well-being, and a sense of self-confidence and even trust in the universe, we can begin by assigning more peaceful, loving meanings to what we experience.

Imagine, for example, that a friend fails to show up to a lunch date. You have choices as to what you will make this experience mean for you. You could allow being "stood up" to reinforce your feelings of unworthiness, you could begin to mentally attack your friend's character, or you could assume that something big must have happened to cause them to miss the date--then, you might open yourself up to enjoying some relaxing time alone.

If you were recently laid off and are having difficulty finding a new job, consider that you might have hidden gifts or passions that were untapped in your regular career that you are now available to explore. The universe might simply be moving you in a more fulfilling direction. If you have recently lost a loved one, gained weight, lost money, or gotten in a fight with your partner, see if you can infuse the experience with meaning that feels loving and empowering and opens a door for you to embrace life and the world a bit more.

When we begin to bring consciousness to what we are making things mean, we may be shocked at the messages we have been feeding ourselves all these years. Try taking the reins and begin assigning a kinder meaning to the events in your life and you will likely find yourself on a much more pleasant ride.
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Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on October 22, 2019, 11:15:22 AM
Hmmmm.... just quickly riffing mentally here, I may change my mind about this after I ponder & observe some more...

INTUITION, yes. That is a big contributor to the meaning we assign events, especially interpersonal ones. It can over rule conditioning. But we do have to consciously engage it; too often in the moment - we're just running on auto-pilot and that's when conditioning takes over.

If we SEEK, and we set up a close replica of the original situation that could be left unresolved to our satisfaction... then, how can we possibly expect different results? It's akin to the old cliche about the definition of insanity; it's really just up to US, to do something DIFFERENT; try another way; something NEW. We need to grant ourselves permission to take that risk, fly by the seat of our pants, and really DO something different.

Maybe people can't even see that; until they have actually identified what they are seeking; accept that it failed to provide the expected results; and it's merely a concept in their mind - a thing, apart from the self. Which means it can be edited; changed; with work and conscious attention.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 22, 2019, 02:43:13 PM
Hmmmm.... just quickly riffing mentally here, I may change my mind about this after I ponder & observe some more...

INTUITION, yes. That is a big contributor to the meaning we assign events, especially interpersonal ones. It can over rule conditioning. But we do have to consciously engage it; too often in the moment - we're just running on auto-pilot and that's when conditioning takes over.  In my experience, intuition pops up, and speaks the truth BEFORE conditioning, or reactions pops up.  I've put boundaries in place, bc of my intuition, but failed to enforce those boundaries, bc..... bc...... I allowed the conditioning to come up, all painted and in very pretty form, presenting as something it wasn't, and my failure to honor my intuition was the true failure.  It wasn't the conditioning,  as far as I can tell.  I walked away, and felt relief.

I was targeted, and tricked by an ASPD N, bc of my failure to honor myself more than the pretty stories the PD was weaving.  I knew better, and my failure was enforcing the boundaries.

If we SEEK, and we set up a close replica of the original situation that could be left unresolved to our satisfaction... then, how can we possibly expect different results? It's akin to the old cliche about the definition of insanity; it's really just up to US, to do something DIFFERENT; try another way; something NEW. We need to grant ourselves permission to take that risk, fly by the seat of our pants, and really DO something different.  I think we seek to set up the initial problem ONLY IF we fail to give attention to the difficult emotions around that story/problem.
  IF we bring up the emotions with the ability to bring logic and problem solving skills to it, then we don't have to repeat to resolve.  We simply give our brains the chance to process the emotions, so they can be filed away in the FINISHED AND DONE file, once and for all.  Until we can do that,
 there's always the chance we'll repeat the struggle in an attempt to relieve the stress that keeps popping up in our brains, the exact stress in the exact same places in our brains where the initial stress happened.  In that case, it FEELS like we're in that spot, the day it happened, in the same place it happened.  The brain can't tell the difference.  The brain shifts into fight or flight automatically, and we keep getting the same results till we come up under the sympathetic nervous system, engage the parasympathetic nervous system, and engage higher thinking.

Maybe people can't even see that; until they have actually identified what they are seeking; accept that it failed to provide the expected results; and it's merely a concept in their mind The story is just a concept... the emotions are very real, and in need of our attention.
 That's why they keep coming back up, over and over.  As long as we're experiencing them in the limbic system, with all the judgment, and fear around the initial wound, we can't bring our higher thinking online to finish processing and filing the hard emotions where they need to go.
- a thing, apart from the self. Which means it can be edited; changed; with work and conscious attention.  Not edited.  Processed, and filed appropriately.  Once we do that, the emotions stop clammering for attention.  We have relief around that emotion, and the stories are no longer charged for us. 

I think we're talking about the same thing here.  Not really sure; )


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on October 23, 2019, 09:14:27 AM
Yep; I think we're both saying the same thing. Different vocabularies and ways of "knowing" something; understanding. It's a good thing in this type of thread to have more than one way of describing something. Different words.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 23, 2019, 09:38:18 AM
When I take in lots of different information about a topic, it helps me understand, integrate, and recall that information in a helpful manner when I need it. 

I see my T today!  It's funny.... when I think of her,  I can smell my happy tomato garden: )

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on October 26, 2019, 07:19:27 AM
Gosh you've been busy on this thread, Lighter, I've missed loads!

I think I've kind of got a handle on my codependence issues at the minute.  What I find difficult about new habits and new ways of thinking is keeping them up when busy or stressed.  It's easy for things to slip away when you're rushing around a lot.  It sounds as if you're managing to keep the balls up in the air, which is good.

I am finding my mindfulness needs a purpose.  If I try to think about the washing up as I'm doing it I just feel bored.  If I think about how I feel when I walk into the kitchen and it's tidy that feels better for me.  And on that note, I am just off to cook lunch :)

Hope your session with you T goes well and that you have fun in your tomato garden :) xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on October 29, 2019, 04:22:12 PM
I love the happy tomato garden, Lighter.
Your description was so vivid I could see myself there.

A WEIRD question:
Is it possible that one can get lost in mindfulness or that it ever becomes a ... kind of ... escape from stuff? I might be looking for excuses since I'm way too stuck in my head. I'm terrible at meditation or lengthy mindfulness. I've done it enough in workshops etc to know how amazing it can feel, but am never successful at maintaining it for long.

So maybe I'm just looking for a rationale for why I flunk it!

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 30, 2019, 02:08:52 PM

If the question is....
Can anything become belly button gazing, faffi g about....
I'm positive the answer is YES.

Like helping an addict....one has to take stock of outcomes.  IS the practice helping us get more of what we want, or enabling poor habits and strategies to continue?

As I drive 2 vehicles daily quite often, I'm noticing how confused my brain is over controls....wipers today with the rain....emergency brake, just lots of things.

I assume it's the same with waffling about with minfulnes d's for me, which is imperfect, and difficult to incorporate.  That's why I'm seeing this T every week.

I do feel I'm moving waypoints.  Last night I found 3 documents out of 6 files I've used over the years for the dock.  Chaos rules, but everything I needed was found.

I found 2 letters from MIL to oldest DD, and didn't feel a thing.

That's a huge departure, and I'm learning how to handle my Cows....always will be another Crisis Of the Week.

I think practicing mindfulness consistently will be like driving one vehicle all the time with the confusion of changing up every once in a while.  My nervous system will calm down, and give me time to select responses....build new pathways up till they're as familiar as driving a car every day.

I think I have to do that hard work or I'll always fall back on old pathways when under stress.

Daily mindful practice is about beefing up preferred pathways, imo.  Cultivating joy in each moment as habit. 

I'm ticking this out with one finger while waiting for the bus.  Let me know it parts or entire response needs clarification: )
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on October 31, 2019, 05:34:06 AM
Lighter, that is amazing news!  So great that those letters didn't trigger anything off, and that you were able to find the things you need in the sea of paperwork.  I am sometimes amazed when I open a file at how well organised it is despite the fact I have no recollection of doing any of the work :) There is obviously a bit of the brain that just sorts stuff out for us :)

Hops, if it's any consolation, mindfulness and meditation don't work for me, either.  Meditation just makes me fall asleep (I think the naps help, though :) ).  And I have a problem solving kind of mind, I think.  I find I don't want to concentrate my thoughts on what's going on right now, because most of what's going on right now is boring and makes me want to throw myself off a cliff.  I function better if I can
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on October 31, 2019, 05:39:15 AM
I pressed the wrong button!  Lol.  I find I function better if I problem solve first and then can focus on how nice it feels to be in the bath or how my body feels when I'm doing yoga.  But when I'm stressed, anxious, upset or anything like that the last place in the world it feels good to be in is inside my body and I find trying to focus on that just makes me feel worse, plus I get stressed because I'm not dealing with the thing that stresses me :)  Lol.

I have had interesting chats with the acupuncturist guy about all these sorts of things and I do think some people's brains are just wired differently and function better in different ways.  We were talking about that thing about acceptance - just accepting the situation you're in and not fighting against it.  But I immediately think of all the injustice and inequality that I think we should fight hard not to accept and to just go with.  So for me I kind of take what I want from these things now and leave the bits that don't work for me.  At the minute I'm finding it easier to cope with stress because I can channel my anger or frustration or whatever into moving and/or setting up some work from home.  I have another goal to work towards, which helps me cope.  Before I felt like whatever I did drilled me deeper into the pit and if I focused on that I just fell in a bit more.  So I have no idea why it helps some people and not others :)  But just wanted you to know you're not the only one it doesn't work miracles for :)  Lol xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on October 31, 2019, 08:32:08 AM
Aye-yie-yie... I know what you two are talking about. Where if ya don't start deconstructing the problem right away and looking for points where you can change it... you feel even worse. IMO, that's because of past roles parenting the parents; we put that pressure on ourselves to try to hold things (and people) together. And then that whole thing can spiral out of control. Emotionally; bio-neurologically and then physically.

What mindfulness is suggesting one do, isn't 1/2 hr of meditation so much as... giving yourself permission to "take care of yourself first". To take a time out; breathe yourself present in your body FIRST... allow yourself to remember "I'm safe in the here and now"... and really feel solid in that space before turning to look at the "problem" again. Some people can do that during activity, as well. Washing dishes works for me - especially putting dishes away in my small kitchen. I turn that into moving meditation, tai chi, dancing... whatever. Just to get "present" in my body. It kinda sets the tone for the day, for me.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on November 01, 2019, 03:56:16 AM
Aye-yie-yie... I know what you two are talking about. Where if ya don't start deconstructing the problem right away and looking for points where you can change it... you feel even worse. IMO, that's because of past roles parenting the parents; we put that pressure on ourselves to try to hold things (and people) together. And then that whole thing can spiral out of control. Emotionally; bio-neurologically and then physically.

What mindfulness is suggesting one do, isn't 1/2 hr of meditation so much as... giving yourself permission to "take care of yourself first". To take a time out; breathe yourself present in your body FIRST... allow yourself to remember "I'm safe in the here and now"... and really feel solid in that space before turning to look at the "problem" again. Some people can do that during activity, as well. Washing dishes works for me - especially putting dishes away in my small kitchen. I turn that into moving meditation, tai chi, dancing... whatever. Just to get "present" in my body. It kinda sets the tone for the day, for me.

That makes sense to me, Skep.  I know I've talked to several people about what happens when I start to 'spiral'.  If I don't catch it before it happens then it takes forever to get back down out of it again and I find it so exhausting.  It is like an instinctive response - almost like an out of body experience in some ways.  Like an autobot takes control and you're kind of banging on the door trying to get back in so you can put yourself back in charge.  It's catching it before it takes off that I find really difficult to do.  We must all keep practising!  Lol.  I think Lighter is star pupil on this one :) lol xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on November 01, 2019, 03:42:54 PM
Amen, Lighter, to what Tupp said...you're the consistent and devoted one, and you really know from that kind of discipline. It's like martial arts but inside you. Awes me.

Tupp, yupp. I can relate a lot to what you describe except that you work a hell of a lot harder at solving your problems than I do. I tend to loll around defining and redefining and re-redefining them, none of which actually moves the needle.

Amber, thank you for this: "I am safe in the here and now." That's something I can say to myself when anxieties contribute to too much stasis. Another, I think, for me might be: "I am happy doing this." It could be the simplest thing, like completing my unpacking I left undone when I came home sick. Even cleaning up the kitchen.

When domestic mess piles up I give up and run away from it too easily.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on November 02, 2019, 02:28:17 PM
Tupp, an afterthought:

I wonder what it would be like if you continued all your hard work toward a better life, but instead of being motivated by ANGER, you tried on experimenting with a motivation of PEACEFUL PROGRESS.

You might accomplish just as much, but with less cost to your well being?

I don't know, it just popped into my head.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 03, 2019, 11:52:19 AM
Aye-yie-yie... I know what you two are talking about. Where if ya don't start deconstructing the problem right away and looking for points where you can change it... you feel even worse. IMO, that's because of past roles parenting the parents; we put that pressure on ourselves to try to hold things (and people) together. And then that whole thing can spiral out of control. Emotionally; bio-neurologically and then physically.

What mindfulness is suggesting one do, isn't 1/2 hr of meditation so much as... giving yourself permission to "take care of yourself first". To take a time out; breathe yourself present in your body FIRST... allow yourself to remember "I'm safe in the here and now"... and really feel solid in that space before turning to look at the "problem" again. Some people can do that during activity, as well. Washing dishes works for me - especially putting dishes away in my small kitchen. I turn that into moving meditation, tai chi, dancing... whatever. Just to get "present" in my body. It kinda sets the tone for the day, for me.

I wish I could add to this, but I'm having trouble keeping it short and concise.  The mindfulness THING isn't a magical meditative state, IME. 

It's about taking back our hijacked biology, which shuts down parts of our brains WE NEED TO FINISH PROCESSING things that are stuck, engage in problem solving, and logical/creative frontal cortex access that is otherwise limited or shut down completely when we're experiencing stress.... old pathways just pop up, and take over
in our internal worlds,
decide if we're on the right track to get more of what we want,
and correct course, choose new pathways, build them, and practice choosing them,m particularly when we're under stress, which is when the old pathways, lightening fast, come online before we can think about choice.

At that point, the mindfulness practice is what we use to gain control of our biology, so our brains can settle down, and provide access to integrated WHOLE brain processing that makes it possible to mindfully ponder what just happened, how it affects us and our lives, and whether or not we need to form new habits/pathways/ability to choose them..... to improve our quality of life.

Left to our default settings, our survival brain is content with SURVIVAL ONLY.  Survival brain cares nothing about quality of life, and the only way to get a hold on the way we process stress is to become aware of what we're thinking, look at it without ANY judgment, and SEE truthfully how those thoughts impact our lives... without judgment without judgment without judgment.... only curiosity, bc it IS interesting once we begin to notice. 

It's empowering.

It expands possibility to SEE what IS, bc there's so much more out there for us if we can ONLY SEE beyond our reactionary brain's default pathways that pop up before we're aware of them. 

This caveman reptilian brain kept us alive when we were chased by saber tooth tigers, but it's not as useful in this day and age.  We have the ability to notice it, decide if it's necessary in THIS moment, and calm it down if imminent danger isn't involved.

Calming down our survival brain isn't easy, and I should think that those of us who depended on fight, flight, fawn to survive in childhood have massive brain pathways that must be addressed, and overcome, vs those of us who don't have ongoing childhood trauma, and attachment issues, IME.

With that said, I've failed every attempt to meditate, without REAL direction and help from a professional trauma expert with her masters and stone cold focus that keeps me on track, and out of the woods..... ON TRACK. 

Tupp.... it's not going to be easy to untrain your very competent brain OUT OF DOING WHAT'S kept you alive all these years. It's going to be a bumpy, frustrating ride, but getting there will be revelation, and so worth it, IME.

It's just that.... trying to meditate when you don't have a good roadmap is so very difficult... impossible for me, I KNOW THIS. 

It's OK to KNOW that attempts failed you before.  It's also OK to consider there are tricks, and ways around the things that trip us up when first practicing.... things that get us around the roadblocks. 

One of the things is something that I dealt with too.... the negative reaction to the concept of meditation that FAILED me when I needed it most. 

They say... when the student is ready, the teacher appears.  I guess that's true in many respects.  It certainly has been FOR ME while facing codependence, and WORRY WORRY WORRY coping strategies that keep me locked in fight/flight/fawn mode...... and I SEE how that cycle works in my life when I can pay attention.

I see there can be something better.  I desire serenity, always have. 

I can bring more of that into my life, and MORE of what I want.... to feel at home in my skin, to BE enough without doubt, and to move with confidence toward things that are new, and exciting.... more of what I want, less of what hasn't been working for me.

OK, I can't say this in fewer words!

I find myself envious of Hop's ability to express complex concepts with poetic economy!  AGAIN.

I did try.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on November 03, 2019, 12:25:48 PM
Well, you just did.



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 04, 2019, 10:21:21 AM
Thanks, Hops: )

Yesterday I spent hours enjoying my neighbor's company. I didn't fear feeling whonky around her.  I didn't spend time worrying about knee jerk people pleasing bahaviors, and it was a relief.

We tarped leaves from her yard INTO my front leaf island, which seems to get windswept and bald.... weeds grow... it looks uncared for, and unfinished.

It NOW has piles of leaves 3 feet high.....  I also tarped the culdesac leaves in.... and some of my side yard leaves too.  I took time to wet them down, and throw little sticks, of which I have SO MANY..... on top to sort of anchor them in place.  If I can't create a bed that stays in place, I don't know what I'll do next.

I cleaned out the dry creek bed, the drainage ditch, and the rock garden.... and one BIG pile of sticks I've been ignoring and adding to like I wouldn't have to eventually move it.... still one other pile of sticks and branches to move.  Aside from that, and the rest of the leaves falling.... the yard is completely caught up.

I'll blow the gutters and roof before removing the next layer of leaves.

I share the dry creek bed at the mailbox with my neighbor... half on their property, half on mine, so it felt nice to do that, AND blow their driveway.  They're very nice people, elderly, and struggling with illnesses that make working in the yard impossible at times.  I had to figure out where to blow the leaves, bc there's no good place over there.  Just too many leaves in some places, and not enough in others.  It's like a puzzle, but satisfying walking meditative work I don't mind doing. 

I have got to start marking out time to practice mindfulness on a regular basis.  It's difficult to stop what I'm doing, and just do it.   I used to work super hard out 6 or more hours a week without fail, so I can figure this out too. 

Lordy, I worked so hard in the yard this weekend.... my heart wanted to burst. 
And it felt good.  It makes me wonder why I don't have a regular work out in place, but that's on the list too.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on November 04, 2019, 10:42:45 AM
I'm really pleased you didn't feel wonky around the neighbour, Lighter, and that you got so much done!  My word, busy busy, it must do you the power of good to be outside doing that all day? xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 04, 2019, 02:08:23 PM
I find being out in nature is very helpful for my mental health, Tupp.

And YES!  Your discussion around noticing people-pleasing behaviors was on my radar when I went into the yard.  I didn't think about it once I was out the door, but I put it at the front of my mind before leaving the house, and just relaxed into NOT cringing, worrying, and FEELING uptight about what would come next. 

I remember feeling that way around neighbors twenty years ago... such nice people.  That they don't feel comfortable around codependent behaviors/people pleasing behaviors makes interaction uncomfortable... the SEE it, and I sense they SEE it, kwim?

Just understanding that, and not trying to resist it seemed to work pretty well.  I agreed with myself that I'd ask her how she'd DO things more often, and let her talk.... do what she was comfortable doing, and not try to DO everything myself, save her from unstable areas, bc she broke her neck not long ago, and I worry about her falling.  She's a big girl, and will do what she knows she can do, and I have to just relax into NOT worrying FOR her.   

Can it be so easy to STOP people-pleasing?  Think an interaction through ahead, decide on strategies, then get in there and have as much fun as you can?

I sure hope so: )

I'll tell you this.... conversation is much easier when I'm not filling every empty space, and yes... we got SO much done in the yard yesterday.   I'm astonished, and so pleased.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 07, 2019, 06:11:04 AM
One of the first things T taught me to do in her office was to return to my breath, cross my arms, and pat myself on the shoulders, left, right, left, right, and so on... like slowly patting a baby on the back, comforting them..... and I forgot about that one. 

In this case, we worked on the people-pleasing behaviors, and where they came from.  Once the emotions were present, we put the story on the shelf, crossed arms, began patting, and I thought of the most loving mother archetype, which for me wasn't a Saint, or Mother Theresa, but was someone I knew in real life. I pictured her face, and being in the room with her, the smells, the sights, seeing myself in her eyes, what exactly we were doing in that moment, and how exactly it FELT to be there.... visiting these things over and over, and it was super comforting.  It felt like being home, and seen, and welcomed... like being known, and invited, and loved.  It was powerful, and I always leave her office feeling such relief. 

T said that this work goes on for hours after it's put into the computer/brain.  The archetype represents our own perfect self.... we don't need the archetype to do the work.... we need to remember we're perfect as we are at our core, which is a Buddhist belief, and dropping the judgments, criticisms of others, and layers of negative core beliefs is the necessary healing thing leading to revealing our true selves... not healing ourselves, so to speak.  I'm paraphrasing here, of course. 

The conversation was animated, and exciting.... I'd bring up A, and she'd respond, explain how the brain handles and overcomes (when given the chance) then we'd go on to another point... we talked about freedom BEING inside us all.  Nelson Mandela, and Victor Frankl.  Nelson Mandela was angry the first 15 years of his 27 year imprisonment.  When he realized he had control over his internal world, and freedom he shifted his life, made friends and allies with some of his guards, who later became cabinet members when he was in power.

She also said that it's not difficult to DO the work.  It's how we judge it, and frame it for ourselves that creates the difficult emotions around it.  Some Ts say it's "difficult, painful, will take years....." and so on.   I've seen at least one T who said that to me.  This T thinks that's untrue, and referenced a T client she saw the day before we met.  This T had a huge painful complex PTSD issue she said she was just "so very tired of going over and over and over again....sick to death of it", just too tired to keep on trying. 

It's amazing when we turn the healing process around, and view it as a revelation, bc we can heal in a millisecond, rather than continue retraumatizing clients over and over again with talk therapy that doesn't help the brain finish processing, and filing the emotions in past files.  And we DO get so very tired of revisiting the stories, but the stories aren't where the healing IS.  The stories are just doors to access the emotions, and sensations that require processing.  The story isn't necessary for the processing to take place.  Being able to put a story on the shelf is a huge relief, IME.  Knowing I don't have to spend much time in a story is a relief.  It makes the idea of a T appointment more positive, and about feeling better... not feeling worse as I go.  The healing is in the emotions, the sensations, and nonjudgemental focus.  The healing is NOT in the retelling of the story. 

So, the T and her T client brought up the story for that client, put the story on the shelf, focused on the emotions, and sensations that came up, and practiced this cross shoulder patting, (there's a name for it I forget) and whatever that client needed in the moment.  T client experienced huge relief, just finished the emotion, and left the office with a complete energy shift, all emotions around that trauma processed, and filed into past experience files.  I've left there feeling so much better, I wondered if the negative emotions would return... but they didn't..not around that story, anyways. 

We were talking about childhood traumas CPTSD..... an actual trauma, and then the nodes.... say a child was abused by a neighbor as the original trauma, then the child remembers the mother, her mother's absence, and lack of protection as a node attached to the trauma, and there can be many nodes attached to one trauma, layered through the years, and complicated.

The brain CAN process the trauma, and nodes at the same time.... time isn't linear, as Newton believed..... it's all right here, in the now.  At this point, where our breath is.  Albert Einstein's idea of space and time being interwoven in a single continuum.....what he called space-time meant events that occur at the same time for one person, could occur at different times for another person. 

This is what I got yesterday.... the brain actually heals itself.... more than BEING healed by a T, or ourselves..... just as we heal our immune systems when we sleep, and our immune systems heal us when we sleep.  We're creating an environment, removing stress, and allowing our brains and bodies to do what they're programmed to do. 

 I wish I'd recorded every session, bc I can't take it all on board, and remember everything she says. 

So,again, for CPTSD there may be more layers of trauma and nodes, but it's interesting that not all traumas and nodes have to be visited individually to be healed.  Some will be healed at once, just as some traumas can be healed through generations, for everyone through our family tree.  We can DO THAT for them, and ourselves.

We do ourselves a disservice when we interpret T as something that must be slogged through, revisiting trauma stories over and over again, endured again and again.

We free ourselves to relief and freedom when we view T as easy.... as relieving stress, and providing opportunity for the brain, which we know precious little about, to heal itself. 

Negatives beliefs, fear, and stress don't help the brain finish processing. 

Peeling away the core negative beliefs helps in every way.  Many, if not most of us, have no idea what's beneath the fears, negative beliefs, emotions, sensations and reactivity.

Many of us never get to the point where we SEE ourselves beyond the reactivity.  Seeing the truth, without reactivity, is enlightenment.


The session began with my noticing traffic snags didn't upset me, even though it meant I'd be late... and I like being early to consider myself on time typically.  I just didn't react... I responded without upset, and noticed that happened for me without effort. It was really good.

In session I noticed my frustration with particular concepts, and lack of work in certain directions that seemed overwhelming when I viewed them as not yet conquered.  How I often do work I see others would benefit from, rather than focusing strictly on the work that I benefit from as priority.

T spoke about the ego, and stories we tell ourselves being the problem.  Typically ego is involved when we feel frustrations come up, if we check ourselves.... ego's present.

Feeling upset and angry in traffic is seeing the trees.  Pulling back, seeing what;s going on for others, and self, is seeing the forest... not the trees.

The brain's pathways can be such that we react and SEE TREES, rather than gain perspective, emotional distance as a habit, and see the forest. 

We work on building pathways that provide the distance, and perspective as a matter of habit, and default settings..... responding rather than reacting.

When we see ourselves, our true born pristine selves for what we are, sans the negative judgments and stories of others.... we experience truth, and that truth is enlightenment too.

The journey continues.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 07, 2019, 06:19:53 AM
I moved this post from Tupp's thread, so I can keep them together, and give her thread space for what she meant it to be: )  Also, I don't believe that older pathways are necessarily more difficult to change.... at least I don't want to believe they're more difficult.  I'd rather believe they're more complex, but just as easy to change.... 20 - 60 days of practice, and the brain's capable of making that change.

Re: Tuppp's 'On The Move' Thread :)
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2019, 01:01:16 PM »

Sometimes it FEEEEELS like the T is utilizing hypnosis with me.  I'm always trying to focus very hard when I'm working with her, so I can't really focus on that feeling that hypnosis is involved, but honestly....... I bet there are similarities, if not actual hypnosis techniques happening there.  I'll try to remember to ask her about that.

I KNOW KNOW KNOW that her intervention, explanations for how things work, and consistent kind herding down the correct path has made all the difference in my ability to make sense of, and utilize information around mindfulness, etc.

There were pieces missing, sure, but there was also a lack of understanding about the processes involved.  WHY they were necessary.  HOW they worked together, and in what order, and the biological responses involved, and exact information around the anatomy, and chemical responses, reversing them, and what systems and responses were responsible FOR THAT PIECE.

It's a lot of pieces, IME.  It's a lot to take on board, and remember while under stress, and in what order, and why.

Having someone calmly lead... which might be the definition of hypnosis for all I know, when our brains can't calmly lead for itself..... just calmly returning us back to the point where we can get on track, then leading us to the next point, and the next, bringing us back on track when we veer off, bc the brain DOES veer off when under stress.  It goes down old tracks that are WAY off the new pathway to where we can finish processing, and get beyond stuck points.

Find our inner child, struggling in this grown up world with tools that no longer serve, struggling, and clanging to be tended to.

And we can go to that child, when we're able, and reassure her, as you did..... and become the competent protective adult FOR OURSELVES.... parent that inner child, and FEEL our adult self step into control.. feel our inner child calm down, comforted and trust we CAN take care of her.  Yes.

That's a huge part of this..... I know it is.  Unhooking all those self defeating tapes installed by people who didn't know better, or wanted them installed..... doesn't matter.  The story doesn't matter, and that was such a relief for me too.

Not having to go INTO any story beyond noticing the emotions that come up.  Being able to put the story back on the shelf, and turn to the emotions solely.... just seems like a huge shortcut, and getting to the heart of the solution..... like INSTALLING problem solving software IN our brains, useful for resolving issue we've been revisiting, and trying to resolve in the present, BUT ALSO for problem solving going forward..... just a different category......
HEALTHY BOUNDARIES   (Aware, and working on them, check)

Ability to notice internal world, and drop all judgment around what we find.

Ability to notice when we've shifted into survival mode, then access our new tools.....
PUT THE STORY ON THE SHELF....(staying with it keeps us off trackIME)...
remember mindfulness tools...
breathe from the bottom of the vase up, fill it, slowly breathe out....
find the emotions attached to the stress...
put our hands on it...
name it..... give it a number from 1-10 for intensity....
return to breathe, find nonjudgmental focus on our surroundings,
notice colors, sights and sounds.... our peripheral space... all the space around us, between us and the sun..... the space in a molecule.... so much spaciousness around us... breathing it IN, INTO  the stress/pain/tension, and expanding that space until the tension and pain have gone, or feels much improved.

And when I can't DO that, I find I'm so out of sorts I can't remember to push on walls, or walk backwards or practice EMDR either, bc... like Tupp and Amber were saying.... my brain is SO FOCUSED ON trying to solve the problem through focus, even though I have zero access to problem solving brain, I just can't make the leap, and STOP WORRY WORRY WORRY mode.... to get myself into a better space.

Knowing this, having experienced it and moved beyond it in recent weeks gives me the ability to SEE exactly how my brain gets stuck, and how difficult it is to shift OUT of fight or flight, especially when I still have to build the new pathways so I can practice using them, and build them up strong, and fast, and as likely to be chosen as the fight or flight pathways.

It's difficult to practice all this at once,  and I see how it gets easier with familiarity, and practice, and at some point the new pathways WILL BE INSTALLED, and no longer an empty space where I SEE what needs to go there.... kwim?

Having too much choice just makes it harder.  Not knowing what to replace the old pathways with is stressful IN ITSELF, IME.

Once the new responses, and skills are decided, THEN the real work begins of practicing, of remembering we have choice, and remembering how to get back to the place where we can shift OFF reactivity path, and onto response pathway.... new pathway..... back into parasympathetic mode that makes choice possible.

Becoming mindful means we NOTICE what we're thinking, are aware WHY we're thinking it, able to choose other responses, or to continue with the one we're experiencing..... it's not magic.  It's not a slight of hand, secret squirrel handshape membership.... it's an understanding how the brain works, gets hijacked, takes over our biology, and can be reversed with breathing, and nonjudmental focus.

All the steps.... all the new information.... all the old reactions that need to be noticed, and addressed, and acted on, or not.  It's a lot to take on board, as I said, and no one practices this perfectly, not even Monks.

So, Tupp.... as you move through the process.... you should be uber super proud of yourself for having the ability to break free of the old pathways, BECOMING AWARE OF THEM is huge..... bc you have to be aware of them, without judgment, not be afraid of them..... just notice them... welcome them, and thank them for their service.... they did their job, but now the danger's passed.  You don't have to be in survival mode any more.

You can discover ways to calm survival brain down, breathing calmly TELLS THE BRAIN THERE IS NO CRISIS.... the brain has to respond to that command, even if you DO DO DO PUSH PUSH PUSH on a wall to get survival brain to a point where it can respond to the breath's command....
"THERE IS NO CRISIS HERE, NOW..... I have arrived.... I am home.....I am safe."

Survival brain will eventually understand, and fall in line.  You'll figure out how to wean yourself off the old reactive pathways.... not easy to do.  Not quickly done, but with consistent mindful nonjudgmental attention....
tending to those anxious painful stressed places in our brains (that have been asking for attention all these years.)
Finally giving and receiving that attention......
maybe it is a sort of magic.  That it can be SO simple, to tend to our emotions and thoughts,
like a garden.

Like our children.

And Tupp... you have wounds, and thick pathways that have protected you for so long... all your life, perhaps.... it's THAT part is something that has to be overcome for everyone, but I think is more difficult the more difficult the stories... the longer the stories have been playing out, building fight or flight pathways thicker, faster,super consistent.....
it just makes sense that dismantling those pathways will take a bit more time to figure them out, come up with better choices, develop the skills to NOTICE when they've taken over, come up, from beneath them, and unhook the alarm bells clanging in your mind and body... for real CLANGING and hijacking your chemisty.

THIS will take some time to overcome, Tupp... will require a bit more work...... and I know you're the hardest working person I've ever in my life known, for surely you are devoted, and competent, and never veering from your mission.

Just an amazing Amazon Warrior, of the highest order, with battles under your belt., enough to last a lifetime..... truly.  You have stood up, dismantled a sabatage machine created by the people who were supposed to protect and LOVE YOU....
  I am in awe of your strength, and intestinal fortitude.... something I learned in martial arts, so important..... how very strong we can be, and disciplined....
you are those things.

The truth is....
when I think about how much you've overcome, and where you are in your journey, I'm shocked at how well you're doing.  Your resilience is something you were born with, I think, and I'm sometimes overwhelmed by the idea of what you COULD DO FOR YOURSELF, build for yourself IF YOU HAD ACCESS to all your powers and abilities....  if these old emotions and traumas weren't clanging away, asking for attention..... what you'd build if you could use all your strength.... bring it to bear in the present..... to serve you in your present day life, without distraction, and hauntings... hijackings, and old tapes playing, unbidden, but installed, and strong, and IN YOUR DEFAULT SETTINGS.

I know you're stronger than I am.  I know you're a giant, and capable of things I could never achieve... your executive function skills are good, even with all the static, and stories and hauntings from your past.... some of them still walking and breathing, and pressing in around you, purposefully..... unpunished for crimes against you.... the lack of justice a truth branded on your very soul..... and so unfair.  So difficult to make peace with,  but keeping you IN THAT STORY, mired, and stuck, when you deserve to put it to rest, and leave it where it was meant to be.... in the past.  Behind you.  Not forgotten, but finished, and done.  Put away.

And that's what mindfulness is about, IME.

That's where breathing fits in, and how we get to the point we CAN BREATHE when we're too off track to DO IT..... how we get to a place where we can handle the emotions, and hijacking of our biology..... familiarize ourselves with the steps, and processes, internalize them, install new pathways, and USE THEM till they're stronger, thicker, and faster than the old survival pathways.....
and that's more about daily practice... utilizing the new pathways when we're calm... when we're at ease.... just flexing those pathway muscles, and giving them energy, and moving fat from old pathways to the new pathways....

It really feels like we're installing new software, and retiring old software.  All new systems are difficult to learn, and master, IME.

THIS is a worthwhile brain system updated, Tupp.... IME.

THIS is something we practice, and simple practice rubs off on the ones we love, and we model it for them....... they learn by watching us, and feeling our energy change, and noticing how we're impacted by that practice.

Even the little changes, for me, in the beginning, have enriched my relationships with my daughters.

I have better boundaries, less need, more seeking out lovely connections I WANT MORE OF, bc I'm aware of what IS HERE.... and aware of how it affects me, and the girls, and our lives.

I can see what isn't serving me, and what I don't want... as you've said so many times, Tupp.   You are a giant, and honestly..... I think you're capable of being a leader, or a healer, or a teacher or all those things..... someone who can make change and impact systems, or focus on beautiful things that bring you and others joy.

It's up to you.

I think becoming aware of all the self imposed limitations we set for ourselves... how we see the world, and behave in it is something you're doing quite on your own.... AMAZING.

And I so wish for you to have less negativity around this new brain software, and the processes involved... bc it's slowing down what is an amazing journey I'm honored to be a part of, and to witness.

I know you have limitations in your life, Tupp.  I understand the time, and financial limitations are there, but can never truly understand exactly how difficult it is.  I'm not sure how well I'd fare under similar circumstances... with my skill set.  I don't.

What I do know is the time you give to worrying about other people, and people pleasing, and caring about others, more than yourself.... I KNOW THAT shifting that time and energy INTO your own program, your own care, your own journey could and likely will be a revelation in your life.

You've posted about the codependence struggle, and I'm right there with you.... about to go into the yard, and face my lovely neighbor, who I relentlessly people please without restraint it seems.... and I'm going to think about my own struggle with it.  Puzzle it out, and FOCUS on it without judgement..... to make that change, and free up that storage space in my brainpan!

I'll bring it up with my T next week, bc it's so vexing for me.  It makes me feel like I have no control over it, and I've also noticed how uncomfortable I am around people when I'm not in a position to be helpful.

It's a thing.


The journey continues: )


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Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on November 07, 2019, 07:31:11 AM

What Lighter coined as "non-judgemental awareness", is called (in my lexicon) letting right-brain zoom out to see the bigger picture; the context that things are happening in; the landscape in which we find ourselves - having that emotional reaction or bio-neuro hijacking. If, when one becomes aware that tension, panic, the sense of being threatened or examined under a microscope occurs... IF one can remember to mentally step away and look at that bigger picture, instead of that one close-up detail... then, ye olde left-brain linear problem solver, gains a lot more data and is shifted back into it's proper role in the system of intentional autonomy.

I don't know if those words make any sense; they are different than Lighter's; but I think we're talking about the same thing; the same process.

I haven't exactly mastered this; not by a long shot. And one of the biggest challenges is when I'm in a situation with lots of people. "Lots" being defined as more than 1-2 people at once. I tend to turn off my own thoughts and volition and let myself just be open to others - and the subtle, sometimes subconscious, content of what they're saying/doing. But that's not helpful, because I am also very audially and visually aware of details flitting by, all around me. So, sensory overload, usually flattens me like a steamroller.

I am struggling with this a lot these days, because now I'm actually living day to day with people around me. (I still maintain I'm not cut out for communal living and this experience pretty much proves that.) I don't process a lot of verbal things as fast as other people either; not unless I already have a vulcan mind-meld connection with them and then the issue of patterns; inter-relational patterns and assumptions come into play making things even more tangled up.

My error in this current situation, is that I'm TOO respectful of other people's boundaries and not defensive enough of my own. That led to a complete lack of communication about some basic ground rules, agreements, and mutually accepted understandings. For good measure, throw in people's various relational tensions or activities, and their emotional auras... and Amber is looking to hide in her cave and lock the damn door!

Just to be able to hear myself think. And feel. It's as if I'm completely absorbed into the things going on around me and disappear as a unique human being. Because of trying to keep up and stay on top of all that data that my brain is racing to process. It's always worse, when I feel people are expecting something from me and I'm not even able to feel "me"... because I'm trying to withstand or surf the torrent of THEM, coming at me. Like I don't have a corporeal body; taking up physical space.

Therefore, I find myself feeling as I don't exist. And THAT, starts the cycle all over again at a more critical point on the spiral.

[Please understand, that all the "bad" things people do to each other: gaslighting, criticism, taking advantage, making fun of... etc is all swirled into this mess too. That's another sub-routine that runs; trying to sort that out along with motivation, if any.]

The contrast is especially stark for me right now because I've had 12 hours totally to myself. Steve came home last night, late. And he's quiet and doesn't impose himself on people or situations and is pretty self-sufficient... except he's completely totally unaware of his habits and how they impact other people. So we CAN co-exist, but I'm still excruciatingly aware that I am making the effort here and he's unavailable to make any requests of. There is something that MUST be done prior to the plumbers showing up this morning; and it's unknown when that might be. And he wasn't taking responsibility for his own stuff; so I have to. Holly usually does. She's gone to the beach with her friend John & the dogs.

She needed a break too.

Y'all can see how this is all related to the topic at hand. And I'm trying to circle my digression back. I'm pondering if it's simply a matter of seeing my own comfort and needs as being EQUAL to; what I permit and allow and create for other people. That, it goes back to my old mantra: there's always time to take care of myself FIRST.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on November 07, 2019, 02:13:52 PM
Really smart takeaway here, Amber. Bravo!

I'm TOO respectful of other people's boundaries and not defensive enough of my own. That led to a complete lack of communication about some basic ground rules, agreements, and mutually accepted understandings.

It occurred to me that you are also eloquently describing what a whole lot of introverts go through.

Taking care of ME can also include simple respect for your own nature, your own wiring.
Nothing whatsoever wrong with recognizing that if you DON'T respect your own nature, you'll get flooded.

Then you can abandon the all-tracking, all-assimilating, all-aware, all-capable-of-absorbing-whatever-stimulus-environment-is-happening, all the time...stance. Because it's not pragmatic to do that. It's actually not being fair to yourself (which is more important than being in control).

Much better to be less in control of the incoming, and more in control of the outgoing: simple assertive boundary-setting. Clear speech. Straightforward "I" statements about rules/understandings/expectations/requirements. (One thing I learned in an assertiveness course is that, particularly when it's a new pattern, it often requires calmly repeating the same boundary until the other person takes it in. Two times or ten, the tone can remain just as calm and straightforward. Most people will eventually get it. Hol may take longer, if you haven't dealt with her this way for a long, consistent time. But she can get it too.)

Having to do all that doesn't make you a hostile host (or parent). Just a mature and self-aware one. It's okay to claim whatever space/air/silence/simplicity you moved to the mountain to be able to claim in the first place!

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on November 07, 2019, 02:22:01 PM
Lighter, I really like this:

our intuition can work all this out, and help us sidestep the old struggles.  It just has to stand up to the old hope.... and require we honor the intuition more than we honor the desire to resolve the old struggle

And especially,
we don't have to repeat to resolve.

Amber, I think it can be both neural pathways AND the "click" into a familiar recycling-to-resolve. (I lot track of where you posted that but wanted to say it ain't either/or, but both/and....)

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 07, 2019, 03:56:58 PM
No, Amber, not referring to left-right hemispheres in this case. 

It's more bottom to top, top to bottom thing.

The 6 layered neocortex (most advanced and evolutionarily young part of human brains), is present in mammals, and derived from the 3 layer cortex found in all modern reptiles..... what we think of as lower brain/survival brain. 

Reptiles don't have a neocortex, and that's why we refer to the cortex as a "reptilian brain".... our fight/flight/fawn mode, survival brain, etc. 

The neocortex is especially prominent in humans, and is where higher-level functioning and cognitive ability are located... our higher brain evolved over time, and was formed around the lower brain....T refers to this as top-down thinking when we have access to our neocortex.

Lower reptilian brain is lightening fast, and responsible for survival.  The amygdala is responsible for determining if danger or crisis is present... this happens in 50 milliseconds...  I think.  Thoughts take 500 miliseconds to process... I'm pretty sure, so we can't possibly catch the amygdala BEFORE we get hijacked by fear, old reactive patterns, etc.  This is bc the amygdala reacts to save our lives... like TIGERRUNFASTANDFARNOW!  You know when you jump 3 feet off the trail when you think you see a stick that looks a bit like a snake?  That's the amygdala in action.

Thinking brain... our neocortex higher brain might wonder if we SEE stripes in the jungle, or if that's really a rattle snake about to strike us in the face,  kwim?   That's why the amygdala is so fast, and why it shuts down pathways to the neocortex... just BAM!  Shut down, and done before we have a moment to process anything about stripes or snake shapes, or a piece of moss that looks like a big spider perched on one's forearm,  kwim?  There are times I can't work in the yard bc I THOUGHT a spider or centipede or snake was ON ME, and then I get more and more jumpy till all joy is gone, so I give up for a while. 

We need access to our neocortex logical problem solving skills and creativity to figure out what's truth, and what's not when faced with crisis vs perceived crisis in the brain.

BC reptilian brain doens't have access to those higher functions, we have to engage the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS).  PSN shuts down our Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS).... fight or flight response.  It restores pathways to our neocortex. 

Left Right activities like walking, patting our shoulders left right left right,  softly, as in soothing a baby..... EMDR (quick movement of hand in front of eyes...)  engages left right brain hemisphere through the corpus callosum, strengthening brain integration.  Improved brain integration makes it easier to relieve the pressure on the part of the brain that's been activated with memories of old trauma/fear/danger.... the emotions and sensations around that old trauma feel very REAL, despite the fact we're no longer IN REAL DANGER.  Any relief of stress, and ability to engage access to other parts of the brain is helpful to allow the brain to finish processing, which it is very good at when given the chance. 

::uncrossing eyes::.  That looks so confusing to read.  Sorry.

Everyone has different ways of soothing, and calming themselves.  I'm learning different ways to sneak up UNDERNEATH the alarm bells, and unhook them with mindful breathing, nonjudgmental focused attention, or physical actions that help me use those things if I'm too upset in the moment to focus at all.  I haven't been able to understand all the pieces of information I've learned up to meeting this T.   She's explained things so I can make sense of the bits and pieces, and actually utilize them.  It makes sense to me.   

Not judging the fight or flight reactivity response as negative helps me calm myself more easily, or stops escalation that might otherwise take place,  making it more difficult to calm myself.   



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on November 08, 2019, 08:56:20 AM
Dang words... LOL... they're so - dry & dead & incomplete - trying to talk about sensory or neural experiences. I tend to oversimplify/overgeneralize because it seems so impossible to me to find the right words to convey what I really MEAN. (hence, pictures for me to express things)

I hear what you're saying Light; understand. I don't disagree. In fact that paragraph you thought looked confusing, made a LOT of sense to me. You're able to describe in specific detail - which is appreciated! - what I've reduced to symbolic code for myself. My "shorthand".

I do know, how it FEELS to do both things. Like balancing a bike through curves or taking a jump with it... (PSN vs SN)... so I definitely feel those experiences in my body. And just do them. Noting the difference in how they feel. Even though it's often on "auto-pilot".

It's just fascinating me, how we can all experience and talk about the same thing - while perceiving it different ways and processing it differently too. That's pretty danged cool.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on November 08, 2019, 02:56:18 PM
An aside, but maybe it's "directer" than I think:

I think that a whoooole lot of things we can struggle with, such as:

--not asserting ourselves peacefully
--allowing boundary invasions
--not communicating clearly expectations/requirements
--enduring/tolerating hostile, destructive, or inappropriate behavior

...can come down to something waaaaay deep inside, which is that we just want so badly to be certain that we are GOOD. Cerebrally, we know we are. But way down in there's a default shame-setting that I think affects us for a very long time, after certain kinds of childhoods.

So when others have needs, emotions, problems...we need so badly to know that we are GOOD, that we forget on the spot all this stuff: 

--asserting ourselves peacefully
--not permitting boundary invasions
--communicating clearly our expectations/requirements
--not tolerating hostile, destructive, or inappropriate behavior

I think we all need to know that we ARE good. We're not faking it. Even if we've sometimes done bad, we ARE good at the core. Daily loving self-acceptance....

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on November 08, 2019, 05:20:16 PM
I appreciate your responses above Lighter. I'm going to read & re-read a couple of times. Ponder & seek within.

We ARE different people; and we've both experienced different kinds of things - even if there are some basics in common. And I'm happy to talk about things from your understanding, and then review my own... and see where we're saying the same things - and where we can maybe switch on a light bulb for each other. Maybe there's some overlap; some things distinctly different; and maybe we'll both see something new, too.

Saying more now, would be premature I think. Need to do "my thing" with my statements versus your questions and feedback... and see if something jumps out and says: HEY YOU, over here! I got yer answers over here, lady...

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 09, 2019, 10:38:37 AM
Hi Hops:

Thank you for that very simple, and helpful post.  It was timely, and so appreciated. 

Amber:  I'm spinning from unexpected, very scary news... late father's caretaker's 12yo grandson was dx'd with childhood leukemia yesterday morning.  He's in ICU at Scottish Rite, which is an hour and a half from where they live. 

I was spinning around that whole situation when I posted to you. No need to reply.


Late father's caretaker/the Grandma in this, is remaining in the US instead of leaving for 3 months on a planned trip.  I was gobsmacked by her plan to continue forward, under the circumstances.  I didn't know what it meant.

They have a formal dx of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, which they're told can be cured.  He'll be in the hospital for 21 days for treatments, then released for ongoing periodic treatments. 

I'm so happy this is the best possible prognosis they could receive.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on November 09, 2019, 12:10:21 PM
I'm sorry to hear that Lighter; is there something you can do in that situation beyond just being there to comfort and support? Sending light & hope that all will be well in the outcome.

(I was coming back to re-read that post... kinda disappointed it's gone... but I understand. No worries.)
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 09, 2019, 12:41:00 PM

We're making and packing food to take to the farm, and brother's house.  Just waiting to see who's staying where. 

There's 8 hours of driving involved, so have to plan this out. 

Our Asian market carries 50lb bags of rice, and sauces from their Country of Origin they can't get where they live.  Will load the truck up, and take that off their plates.

Will get some gift cards for groceries, and send with a note. 

I associate food and feeding people/being fed with care and support. 

My sister and I spent a lot of time trying to stay positive, send good thoughts, and not catastrophize yesterday with inconsistent results.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on November 09, 2019, 01:50:41 PM
Food is absolutely one of the best things for comfort and helping out Lighter. Traditional "southern" response, too.

When my friend was having horrendous stress at work, caring for her elderly mom, and awful menopausal/hormone issues... I ante'd up a couple months worth of some of those "meals by mail" per week. It took the shopping, planning, and just deciding what to eat - off her plate, so to speak. She kept up with it too, until the situation changed and they regrouped at home, to manage things on their own again. She figured the cost worked out about an even trade-off, when you figured in all the driving/time involved in getting things pulled together to cook.

And they got to try some new recipes, too.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on November 09, 2019, 03:09:10 PM
I'm so sorry your late Dad's caretaker's grandson has this diagnosis.

Forgive this if it's over-analytical. But fwiw, in case it's a helpful clue to some awareness or other...

I get sorrow. Heart pang. Concern. Love and help (yours sounds perfect).
I don't quite get "fear".

I found myself musing...are you feeling terror that isn't yours actually, that may come from hypervigilant years?

IOW, sad FOR ANOTHER is compassion. Fear FOR ANOTHER might be...something from somewhere else?

Fear, when someone you are directly intimately related to is sick, makes sense. But this child isn't that direct relation unless I'm wrong (because we adopt many non-related folks into our Phamilies, I know).

I am only asking about the fear ("very scary") piece. In hopes that your care and love and compassion will be where your response to this situation dwells. Not fear.

You don't need a new fear source. This child will be loved and cared for. Then what will be will be.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 11, 2019, 09:45:59 AM

I was talking about the shoulder patting technique the other day.  I'm pretty sure T used the word ACT.  Above is information about that.

I also attached a site with information with all the things I've been bringing up woven through.  It's explaining a program they're inviting people to join, but people are welcome to sign up for the free broadcast.  If they join they're able to get transcrips and access to the program any time.


There's an informative video on this link ABOUT the program, which helps pull together different things I've been touching on.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 14, 2019, 09:24:03 AM
OK, T went straight into ACT memory reconsolidation session yesterday. 

There are two things she loves.... for herself, and for clients....

1) Moving through the ACT EMDR memory reconsolidation with client/T in session.

2) Desensitization the client can perform with a strict focus on emotions and sensations... giving them a number from 1-10, then doing 10 quick back and forth passes 10 times.  Check the 1-10 number.  If it's the same 2 or 3 times, quit.  If it continues getting better, continue until it's zero.

She's sending me a link.... I think it's the Nova Reconsolidation Memory Hackers info.

So, I feel really good about the session.  Memories apparently change every time we pull them up.  We brought up a painful memory, and did EMDR on it.  We went on for maybe.... 45 minutes total....  bringing up the memory...... EMDR.... then I could begin changing the memory.... the picture in my mind..... changing it to something pleasing... an outcome I wanted.... more EMDR.... then I went from the beginning of the picture... I chose very early childhood through the moment, then added another, and another..... changing them.... for me it was entering these events as an adult.  Helping my mother parent.... attending to my siblings, and myself while Mom did what she was doing as a very young parent.... things that were normal for her, but allowing us, her children to travel through normal childhood phases without being punished for Mom's lack of supervision, and ignorance of normal childhood phases.

We paired the old memory with the new memory... back and forth, back and forth.

We traveled through the entire story with the new pictures.... to the end.

Finally, we traveled through my entire life bringing up every sad/painful/difficult emotion I could recall.... more EMDR.

I can't remember the exact order, but we also colored over the old images with a color of my choice, green, and when she moved her hand, I pictured it covering over the old image until it was filled in.  THEN we replaced it with the new image.

I was to let it sit, and not think about it too much, bc the memory does change. The work we did needed to just be.   No thinking about what we replaced.

All through this process T continued checking in with somatic experience.... where, what did it feel like, put a number on it.....

closer to the end she shifted to focus on the ease in my body, where... what it felt like.....and focusing on that.   The comfort eased into the more tense painful areas still under pressure at that point.  The pain/tension was stomach, chest, throat, jaw, and head when we began.  At the end the bodily sensations were at an zero: )

I was happy with that session.  At one point I couldn't bring up the most disturbing image when asked to. It was just sketchy, and eluded me, where at first it felt huge, popped right up and brought big emotions with it. 

If I think about it nom, there's no emotional response at all.  It's like that memory has been overlayed with a postive happy experience, and changed... hopefully, and I believe... forever.

I'll research the science behind it, bc that's what I do.

I wish I'd made notes yesterday, but I was just too busy.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 19, 2019, 11:43:15 AM
I have 2 paperwork things to tackle.... maybe 3, but I'm trying to notice the anxiety, and deal with it as it comes up without ramping up the fear.

WIll see how that goes.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on November 27, 2019, 03:39:14 AM
Are you finding the new memory stays with you, Lighter, or do you find that the original memory works its way back in?  It's such a lot of work you're doing at the moment, are you finding it tiring or does it perk you up?  How did you get on with the paperwork?  Just that word is so loaded now, lol, I can see myself ending up living in a cabin with no post box and no email so that paperwork can never find its way to me again.  Lol.  I hope the sessions are carrying on well, they seem to be helping you a lot xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 27, 2019, 09:20:16 AM
The memory hasn't changed.... that is to say... the new installed memory is the default setting that pops up when I think about it. 

The old memory isn't in the files, or so it seems.  When I try to recall it, it's like.... I SEE a flash of it, then it automatically changes... like an old slide projector.... to the new memory.   

I don't know if it will stay that way, but I BELIEVE it will.  The T asked me to put a percentage on my belief around that, and I was amazed to find my answer was unreservedly 100%.

I left everything be, and didn't revisit those memories right away, as instructed. 

So....memory reconsolidation.


I'm heading out the door for another session of just that thing. Different year, same kids, I assume the same changed story..... I didn't think about what I'd LIKE the real memory to be.  The answer washed over me, and appeared, and it was good.

See you later; )


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on November 27, 2019, 02:50:59 PM
It all sounds like such a powerful system for processing trauma, Lighter.
I'm so very glad you found it.

Adding another thing to the list of what to be grateful about! I'm glad for you.

Hang in, and Happy Thanksgiving!

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 28, 2019, 12:39:51 PM
Thanks, and Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Hops: )

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 06, 2019, 02:46:38 PM
::munching blueberries the size of grapes::

They're really good.  Most are tart and sweet, just the way I like them.  I don't like bland ones, and the occasional moldy one doesn't upset me.  The discomfort, if there's any discomfort now... and there is.... is more about MY eating something I bought for the girls. 

Usually I don't eat fresh fruit in the fridge.   If the girls don't eat it, then it typically dies, or I've frozen it for smoothies, or as little blueberry popsicles,  which youngest dd likes.   I've felt that way about food for years.... eating what they left, not preparing a plate for myself, bc money was scary, and anxiety always kills my appetite anyways. 

It's concerning,  but I'm managing to stay in observer mode.  Mostly.

SO... yesterday with T we explored feeling worthy enough, and that lead to an hour long dash down one triggered rabbit hole after another.

I'm not over the legals, I have more hard feelings for third party bystanders and enablers than I do toward my ASPD N husband as my expectations for him came into focus pretty quickly.  Not so with the systems, law officers, and people who should do the right thing, but have so often fallen down, failed, done the wrong thing or just a little favor for a buddy(Judge in the case I'm thinking about THIS SECOND), then thrown the case into a baby judge's lap so he didn't have to look at what he'd done, or deal with it.  Maybe putting faces in the room where he threw a stink bomb (fig.) just isn't pleasant, but WTH has to happen when people without standing to BRING a case get to file an Appeal, and win it, on the case that was thrown out?  That makes my eyes cross, and there are years of this kind of sabotage and heinous fuckery I'll have to finish processing, and put behind me.

So, we did an excercise where I talked about a time I felt empowered, what was I wearing (favorite boots), what color comes up around that (black) how it felt to BE in that space.... I felt in control, remembered the click of my heels, and the purpose in my strides.... always very physical.... I felt that power in my hips.

Then we shifted to a time I felt vulnerable, and at the mercy of.  That color was gray... it was dark, and lonely, and I could picture a grey sky framed by leafless black trees.... but gray was the color not feeling worthy. 

We put the black in one hand and the gray in the other, T mirroring me, and held them like little balls about a foot apart.  The right hand, holding the black... tingled like crazy. The left hand felt lighter.  Now, we're sensing how each hand feels... the brain processes in symbols and finds it hard to hold two opposing ideas at the same time, and will make sense of them.  I won't bore you with it all,  but we moved the hands closer together, and talked about how that felt, and what I saw when I pictured the gray... then pictured the black.  What were the changes, etc. 

When we eventually merged hands my fingers experienced an electrical shock so intense I was surprised there wasn't any noise associated with it.  A few fingers actually hurt.  We explored the black and feeling empowered, then examined the gray and back and forth... not sure exactly how that went, bc I was trying to FINISH it.  Sometimes I go in thinking I'll really pay attention and try to remember what happened, but it never goes that way, bc I can't do both, and I'm there to process as priority.

I was feeling OK when the hour was up, but then.... I wasn't.  T used EMDR.  I focused on the somatic sensations, which were all neutral... shocking considering the emotional upset, but in these cases I focus on the feelings of neutrality while doing the EMDR.  it was really difficult to follow her fingers with my eyes for some reason.  Sometimes my tongue wants to help out, but not this time.   It was just so darned hard... like my vision wanted to stop on her face.  VERY hard to think about bodily sensations and follow the fingers.  Each time she stopped and checked in... I felt better.  This is called desensitizing, and I can do it on my own.

There was another pass or two with focus on anything that felt pleasant in the body,and I have to say... .just feeling neutral was a very pleasant feeling for me. 

Tupp.... it's nice to put the story on the shelf, then do really important work by focusing ONLY on the somatic sensations.  I think it takes the retraumatizing factor down to a footnote very quickly, then helps to process the source trauma, but that's what happened last week, and I'll post about that on it's own.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 06, 2019, 03:51:55 PM
Fork.  I can't find my notes on last week's T session, but will put down what I remember.

This was the second time we processed a particlary triggering story, and I notice I'll just blather on and on if the T doesn't stop me pretty quickly.... put the story on the shelf then move on to what we're there to do. 

I AM RIGHT THERE, in that moment, unable to distinguish between then and the present.... I am engaged fully, as I was in those moments.  She sees that, and cuts it right off.  We focus on the sensations, we do some EMDR, we check in and note any changes, then dive back into the sensations.

At a point we bring up the event, and I think about it from beginning to end while doing EMDR.  Check in with how I'm feeling, focus on that and do more EMDR. 

It's like we bring up the distress, then calm it down, bring it up, calm it down, and so on.  Put numbers on it.  In this case I had a very sharp stabbing pain in my back, left side which is associate with being chakras, and being betrayed in a nutshell.  Made sense to me.

Next we go through the story and loop it from beginning to end more than once while doing EMDR, then check in on feelings, and address them witih EMDR.

I'm not sure what happens next, so will jot down approximates....
Bring up someone INTO the scenario we look up to, trust, feel protected by and advocated by.... I chose myself, again, grown, calm, and helping everyone in the scene, which was intuitive for me.

I went through the story as I wished it had happened, and that went pretty quick, compared to the other stuff.  I noticed the original story was getting more difficult to bring into focus, when I tried, and was just not coming up for me when I tried to picture it as we went along.

Then it was time to put everything in to a box from the original story, or from a set of years, or an entire lifetime, or just an entire childhood, and I chose all the upsetting incidents I could recall, put them in the box, and chose total destruction through burning.

I built the fire in my firepit, and there were family membersd... everyone close, all deceased, and my siblings when they were younger, and our grandparents and parents comforted sibs and my younger self while I burned the entire  box to ashes.  Mom served food from a picnic basket.... children napped.... everyone sat in the old time yard chairs from my Paternal grandparent's yard. 

When the deed was done, I think we got up, and headed toward a bridge to our new lives.  At the bridges edge we stopped to empty our pockets of everything from the past that needed to be left behind.  I just had us take off all our clothes, and walk across the bridge in white cotton shifts, shorts and tee shirts. 

When we got there we explored how that felt, then pictured a fountain.

Babies played in the spray, and grandparents sat on the edge, or in chairs by the side, and I dived in, and twirled, and did backflips in the water over and over... just all in, immersed, and refreshed.

I didn't think about the original story, bc in memory reconsolidation you want to let the new story continue processing as is.  Every time we bring up a picture or story it's changed.  Never static.  It was easy to leave it alone, as it was the first time we did this for a different story..... I'd say I was 4 yo for the first one, and 11yo for the second story.

Those two stories were traced back from current trigger stories, and we worked on them until there was zero emotional charge involved with any aspect of the original story or the present-day triggers we started with.

It's easier to lean into the discomfort of this work when I know and trust it leads to processing the story, and into a serene place of relief, and gratitude it's done.  I believe it will last, and so far so good... it's 100% remained in place.  Old stories gone. 

New stories in place... I experience so much relief where there was a lot of pain, tough emotions, and painful bodily sensations.  Like a thousand pounds lifted.  I don't care what the pounds were, or where they went, though I visualize them as
engaging unprocessed emotions in the amygdala....
the T assists with brain integration, helping to bring other parts of the brain online to support the amygdala, relieve tension around the story and in the brain, and make it possible to move that story into the processing center, then present it again and again to be processed until the brain has calmed enough to complete processing and file it into historic files in just the way I would have had that story go IF I HAD CONTROL OVER THE SITUATION. 

I can't tell you how satisfying it is to EXPERIENCE that outcome, and process.... just the details that come out of my mouth when asked how I'd rather have had that experience go.... I'm always shocked by the details and direction, and those things come without having to think, typically, or with very little reflection.  It feels like just the right answers were always there, waiting.

This is a pretty close approximating, and I didn't remember the fire, or the bridge, or the fountain from the first time we completed this process.  It felt like we were doing this for the first time. 

Shiftring into fight or flight mode feels a lot like being blindfolded and gagged.... sat on..... forced into a corner.....  unable to move or shift out of that space, and it's EVERYTHING.....
I just didn't have the ability to remember those parts of the process when we completed the experience the first time.

I must not have had access to the parts of my brain that create new memories while I was IN that place..... and this time.... that I can remember more.... for me means I've calmed my brain enough to have some restored access during times of intense stress.... of reducing the stress, and it's hoped every time we get through this, along with consistent practice to fire and wire new neural pathways... I'll achieve more resilience, finish processing the unprocessed triggers from most to least powerful,  until I'm able to regulate my emotions consistently as default setting.  If not, I'll know how to calm myself and move into a place where I can regulate my emotions.

Sometimes when we do check ins at the end of a session, something will come up... 2 sessions ago it was a T who harmed me and my children... the court appointed T who terrorized us an entire summer, and made my children fearl they'd be taken from me and given to their paternal grandparents in 2013.... THAT woman, the thought of her... that she made my youngest feel responsible for that terror....  is still in place, and T said it's my own self judgment that's behind that, which shut me up, and made me think. 

Just shutting down the cycle is an amazing thing.  Bringing my attention to it.... and knocking the stuffing out of rage that's building and building... is an amazing thing.

Yesterday T told the story of monks burying a golden buddha in mud when their village was ransacked and overtaken by an enemy.  Years later, after all the monks were gone, a child saw the glint of gold, leading to uncovering this beautiful buddha, and that reminded me of Tupp.   

Just clearing out all the mud, and garbage, and judgments other people installed when we weren't able to defend ourselves, or make sense of it at the time. 

Now that we're adults, and capable of defending ourselves.... and in my case, with help from a good T maybe to show me how, and keep me focused....
we uninstall the garbage, and remember what was always there.

And that brings me back to the gray black excercise.  We're reconsolidating and changing the garbage stories INTO the original truth.

It's not hard.  It's not a difficult process.  It's relieving stress in the brain so the brain can do what it does efficiently WHEN IT'S NOT STUCK IN FIGHT OR FLIGHT MODE/amygdala/reptilian brain.  We're remembering what's been there from the start, and will always be there.

One last thing about yesterday's appointment.... I didn't realize I held some of the beliefs around the story of my ASPD N husband, and the first night he assaulted me and I thought I would be killed while listening to my oldest 4yo dd call our for me.... THAT is something I've never processed, and thinking about it was like experiencing someone else's feelings and thoughts about it, bc I just haven't done it.  Ever. 

I didn't recognize my own belief system about it.  I'd never asked myself, or allowed myself to process it. 

It's time, and that one thing leads to a hundred, IME.

The journey continues.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on December 08, 2019, 03:38:18 AM
::munching blueberries the size of grapes::

They're really good.  Most are tart and sweet, just the way I like them.  I don't like bland ones, and the occasional moldy one doesn't upset me.  The discomfort, if there's any discomfort now... and there is.... is more about MY eating something I bought for the girls. 

Usually I don't eat fresh fruit in the fridge.   If the girls don't eat it, then it typically dies, or I've frozen it for smoothies, or as little blueberry popsicles,  which youngest dd likes.   I've felt that way about food for years.... eating what they left, not preparing a plate for myself, bc money was scary, and anxiety always kills my appetite anyways. 

Interesting, Lighter, I'm very similar.  I'll go to great lengths to do nice meals for son but when it comes to myself it's often bits cobbled together in a 'that'll do' manner.  I bought a cookbook in the charity shop last week that suggests meals made from foods that help with certain types of health problems - things to keep your heart healthy, things to balance your blood sugar, things to help with anxiety and so on.  A lot of the meals look really nice but they contain ingredients that I don't usually buy because of the cost and it was interesting for me to notice how difficult I find it to spend money on food and cook myself good meals every day, rather than every now and again.  Mmmm, more to ponder.

It's concerning,  but I'm managing to stay in observer mode.  Mostly.

SO... yesterday with T we explored feeling worthy enough, and that lead to an hour long dash down one triggered rabbit hole after another.

I'm not over the legals, I have more hard feelings for third party bystanders and enablers than I do toward my ASPD N husband as my expectations for him came into focus pretty quickly.  Not so with the systems, law officers, and people who should do the right thing, but have so often fallen down, failed, done the wrong thing or just a little favor for a buddy(Judge in the case I'm thinking about THIS SECOND), then thrown the case into a baby judge's lap so he didn't have to look at what he'd done, or deal with it.  Maybe putting faces in the room where he threw a stink bomb (fig.) just isn't pleasant, but WTH has to happen when people without standing to BRING a case get to file an Appeal, and win it, on the case that was thrown out?  That makes my eyes cross, and there are years of this kind of sabotage and heinous fuckery I'll have to finish processing, and put behind me.

Yes, exactly the same, Lighter!  My mum was only able to carry out that decade long campaign of abuse because so many people helped her.  That people who have chosen to do a job that involves helping vulnerable people (as all public sector jobs do, in one way or another) and then chose to ignore the procedure and legislation and lie and manipulate the situation to give more power to the abuser than the abusee - that bothers me so much more than anything my mum did.  And more so because it means we know we don't have a safety net.  The services and support systems that are supposed to be there when we need protection or help are so flawed that they can do us more harm than good.  Certainly for me, it's what makes me want to keep away from them.  And it's a frightening world when you know you can't rely on doctors, the police, social workers, judges and so on to just do their job properly, regardless of their personal feelings about a situation.  Very scary.

So, we did an excercise where I talked about a time I felt empowered, what was I wearing (favorite boots), what color comes up around that (black) how it felt to BE in that space.... I felt in control, remembered the click of my heels, and the purpose in my strides.... always very physical.... I felt that power in my hips.

Then we shifted to a time I felt vulnerable, and at the mercy of.  That color was gray... it was dark, and lonely, and I could picture a grey sky framed by leafless black trees.... but gray was the color not feeling worthy. 

We put the black in one hand and the gray in the other, T mirroring me, and held them like little balls about a foot apart.  The right hand, holding the black... tingled like crazy. The left hand felt lighter.  Now, we're sensing how each hand feels... the brain processes in symbols and finds it hard to hold two opposing ideas at the same time, and will make sense of them.  I won't bore you with it all,  but we moved the hands closer together, and talked about how that felt, and what I saw when I pictured the gray... then pictured the black.  What were the changes, etc. 

So interesting that it actually creates a physical sensation.  Do you think you are more emotionally/spiritually sensitive than an average person or do you think anyone doing this would experience the same thing?  it sounds quite incredible.  Does if feel scary while you do it?

When we eventually merged hands my fingers experienced an electrical shock so intense I was surprised there wasn't any noise associated with it.  A few fingers actually hurt.  We explored the black and feeling empowered, then examined the gray and back and forth... not sure exactly how that went, bc I was trying to FINISH it.  Sometimes I go in thinking I'll really pay attention and try to remember what happened, but it never goes that way, bc I can't do both, and I'm there to process as priority.

I was feeling OK when the hour was up, but then.... I wasn't.  T used EMDR.  I focused on the somatic sensations, which were all neutral... shocking considering the emotional upset, but in these cases I focus on the feelings of neutrality while doing the EMDR.  it was really difficult to follow her fingers with my eyes for some reason.  Sometimes my tongue wants to help out, but not this time.   It was just so darned hard... like my vision wanted to stop on her face.  VERY hard to think about bodily sensations and follow the fingers.  Each time she stopped and checked in... I felt better.  This is called desensitizing, and I can do it on my own.

There was another pass or two with focus on anything that felt pleasant in the body,and I have to say... .just feeling neutral was a very pleasant feeling for me. 

Tupp.... it's nice to put the story on the shelf, then do really important work by focusing ONLY on the somatic sensations.  I think it takes the retraumatizing factor down to a footnote very quickly, then helps to process the source trauma, but that's what happened last week, and I'll post about that on it's own.


'm scrolling down to read the next bit, Lighter :)  Lol xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on December 08, 2019, 03:54:02 AM
Fork.  I can't find my notes on last week's T session, but will put down what I remember.

This was the second time we processed a particlary triggering story, and I notice I'll just blather on and on if the T doesn't stop me pretty quickly.... put the story on the shelf then move on to what we're there to do. 

I AM RIGHT THERE, in that moment, unable to distinguish between then and the present.... I am engaged fully, as I was in those moments.  She sees that, and cuts it right off.  We focus on the sensations, we do some EMDR, we check in and note any changes, then dive back into the sensations.

Yes, exactly the same.  It's almost like an out of body experience for me.  I know I'm spiraling, I know I'm out of control, I know I'm reacting to something from the past and not from the present - but I can't step in to do anything about it.  It's like watching a crash in slow motion, when you can see the cars are going to hit but there's nothing you can do to stop it.

At a point we bring up the event, and I think about it from beginning to end while doing EMDR.  Check in with how I'm feeling, focus on that and do more EMDR. 

It's like we bring up the distress, then calm it down, bring it up, calm it down, and so on.  Put numbers on it.  In this case I had a very sharp stabbing pain in my back, left side which is associate with being chakras, and being betrayed in a nutshell.  Made sense to me.

Yes, makes sense to me as well.

Next we go through the story and loop it from beginning to end more than once while doing EMDR, then check in on feelings, and address them witih EMDR.

I'm not sure what happens next, so will jot down approximates....
Bring up someone INTO the scenario we look up to, trust, feel protected by and advocated by.... I chose myself, again, grown, calm, and helping everyone in the scene, which was intuitive for me.

It's telling that you choose yourself, Lighter, to stand up for yourself.

I went through the story as I wished it had happened, and that went pretty quick, compared to the other stuff.  I noticed the original story was getting more difficult to bring into focus, when I tried, and was just not coming up for me when I tried to picture it as we went along.

Then it was time to put everything in to a box from the original story, or from a set of years, or an entire lifetime, or just an entire childhood, and I chose all the upsetting incidents I could recall, put them in the box, and chose total destruction through burning.

I built the fire in my firepit, and there were family membersd... everyone close, all deceased, and my siblings when they were younger, and our grandparents and parents comforted sibs and my younger self while I burned the entire  box to ashes.  Mom served food from a picnic basket.... children napped.... everyone sat in the old time yard chairs from my Paternal grandparent's yard. 

I love that there was a picnic :)  Does T talk you through that story or do you create that in your mind?

When the deed was done, I think we got up, and headed toward a bridge to our new lives.  At the bridges edge we stopped to empty our pockets of everything from the past that needed to be left behind.  I just had us take off all our clothes, and walk across the bridge in white cotton shifts, shorts and tee shirts. 

When we got there we explored how that felt, then pictured a fountain.

Babies played in the spray, and grandparents sat on the edge, or in chairs by the side, and I dived in, and twirled, and did backflips in the water over and over... just all in, immersed, and refreshed.

I didn't think about the original story, bc in memory reconsolidation you want to let the new story continue processing as is.  Every time we bring up a picture or story it's changed.  Never static.  It was easy to leave it alone, as it was the first time we did this for a different story..... I'd say I was 4 yo for the first one, and 11yo for the second story.

Those two stories were traced back from current trigger stories, and we worked on them until there was zero emotional charge involved with any aspect of the original story or the present-day triggers we started with.

It's easier to lean into the discomfort of this work when I know and trust it leads to processing the story, and into a serene place of relief, and gratitude it's done.  I believe it will last, and so far so good... it's 100% remained in place.  Old stories gone. 

It's amazing that it's re-wiring your brain like this.  And doing physical good, I imagine, by unlocking and unblocking things.

New stories in place... I experience so much relief where there was a lot of pain, tough emotions, and painful bodily sensations.  Like a thousand pounds lifted.  I don't care what the pounds were, or where they went, though I visualize them as
engaging unprocessed emotions in the amygdala....
the T assists with brain integration, helping to bring other parts of the brain online to support the amygdala, relieve tension around the story and in the brain, and make it possible to move that story into the processing center, then present it again and again to be processed until the brain has calmed enough to complete processing and file it into historic files in just the way I would have had that story go IF I HAD CONTROL OVER THE SITUATION. 

I can't tell you how satisfying it is to EXPERIENCE that outcome, and process.... just the details that come out of my mouth when asked how I'd rather have had that experience go.... I'm always shocked by the details and direction, and those things come without having to think, typically, or with very little reflection.  It feels like just the right answers were always there, waiting.

This is a pretty close approximating, and I didn't remember the fire, or the bridge, or the fountain from the first time we completed this process.  It felt like we were doing this for the first time. 

Shiftring into fight or flight mode feels a lot like being blindfolded and gagged.... sat on..... forced into a corner.....  unable to move or shift out of that space, and it's EVERYTHING.....
I just didn't have the ability to remember those parts of the process when we completed the experience the first time.

I must not have had access to the parts of my brain that create new memories while I was IN that place..... and this time.... that I can remember more.... for me means I've calmed my brain enough to have some restored access during times of intense stress.... of reducing the stress, and it's hoped every time we get through this, along with consistent practice to fire and wire new neural pathways... I'll achieve more resilience, finish processing the unprocessed triggers from most to least powerful,  until I'm able to regulate my emotions consistently as default setting.  If not, I'll know how to calm myself and move into a place where I can regulate my emotions.

Will be so amazing for you to get to a point where all you're dealing with is right here and right now, Lighter, and being able to put all that energy into creating things that you want, rather than dealing with things that you don't.  So amazing and much deserved.

Sometimes when we do check ins at the end of a session, something will come up... 2 sessions ago it was a T who harmed me and my children... the court appointed T who terrorized us an entire summer, and made my children fearl they'd be taken from me and given to their paternal grandparents in 2013.... THAT woman, the thought of her... that she made my youngest feel responsible for that terror....  is still in place, and T said it's my own self judgment that's behind that, which shut me up, and made me think. 

What does she mean by your self judgement, Lighter?  I was a bit confused by that.  It's quite early here :) Lol

Just shutting down the cycle is an amazing thing.  Bringing my attention to it.... and knocking the stuffing out of rage that's building and building... is an amazing thing.

Yesterday T told the story of monks burying a golden buddha in mud when their village was ransacked and overtaken by an enemy.  Years later, after all the monks were gone, a child saw the glint of gold, leading to uncovering this beautiful buddha, and that reminded me of Tupp.   

Lol, I often look in the mirror and think I look like I've been dug up, Lighter :)  Lol

Just clearing out all the mud, and garbage, and judgments other people installed when we weren't able to defend ourselves, or make sense of it at the time. 

Now that we're adults, and capable of defending ourselves.... and in my case, with help from a good T maybe to show me how, and keep me focused....
we uninstall the garbage, and remember what was always there.

And that brings me back to the gray black excercise.  We're reconsolidating and changing the garbage stories INTO the original truth.

It's not hard.  It's not a difficult process.  It's relieving stress in the brain so the brain can do what it does efficiently WHEN IT'S NOT STUCK IN FIGHT OR FLIGHT MODE/amygdala/reptilian brain.  We're remembering what's been there from the start, and will always be there.

One last thing about yesterday's appointment.... I didn't realize I held some of the beliefs around the story of my ASPD N husband, and the first night he assaulted me and I thought I would be killed while listening to my oldest 4yo dd call our for me.... THAT is something I've never processed, and thinking about it was like experiencing someone else's feelings and thoughts about it, bc I just haven't done it.  Ever. 

Terrifying, Lighter, and more so because of the kids.  I had one aggressive incident with son's father.  He had me backed against a wall and was screaming in my face - not physically touching, but very aggressive, very violent, very unpleasant.  Son was asleep in his cot, very young at the time, but what was going through my mind was that I could easily get away from this idiot and get out the front door - but I couldn't easily get away, get up the stairs, get son, get back down the stairs and get past him to get out the front door with son in my arms.  And if I got out I wouldn't have any feeds, nappies or a change of clothes for son, either.  It makes a huge difference when your kids are being exposed to that level of violence as well.  We were, as children, although with us it was usually my mum attacking my dad.  Makes it a much harder thing to deal with and yes, processing will be tough.  But such a relief, I would have thought.  You might need to change your name from Lighter to Lightest :)  Lol

I didn't recognize my own belief system about it.  I'd never asked myself, or allowed myself to process it. 

It's time, and that one thing leads to a hundred, IME.

The journey continues.


Phew!  A lot of work, Lighter, but so rewarding!  I am thinking I might look for an EMDR therapist to help me process everything that comes up as I tackle my paperwork mountain next year.  32 boxes and lever arch files, all representing nearly two decades of abuse, inequality and repeated experiences.  Mmm.  Might be worth investing in some practical support to get through that.  I will look into it further.  Thank you so much for sharing all of this.  I'm glad you are finding it all so useful xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on December 08, 2019, 06:11:49 AM
Thanks for describing this therapy Lighter. I'm finding it very interesting - but I don't believe (I could always be wrong) that it would work with my brain. Hol's on the other hand, might respond really well. Dunno.

It's so hard to predict what will work; how one might benefit... since we all live safe within our ego's comfort zone fantasy about ourselves. (Even though we believe the opposite.) LOL... sorry, it is very early this morning and I've been filtering a lot projection from Hol again from my own stuff.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 08, 2019, 01:39:59 PM
Thanks for describing this therapy Lighter. I'm finding it very interesting - but I don't believe (I could always be wrong) that it would work with my brain. Hol's on the other hand, might respond really well. Dunno.

It's so hard to predict what will work; how one might benefit... since we all live safe within our ego's comfort zone fantasy about ourselves. (Even though we believe the opposite.) LOL... sorry, it is very early this morning and I've been filtering a lot projection from Hol again from my own stuff.


IME I've had this type of relationship with 2 male attorneys.... they were attorneys I spoke with, and didn't hire in the moments I'm referring to. 

These attorneys seemed to posess a baseline confidence and ability to keep their egos OUT of the discussions.  We'd talk.  They'd ask pointed questions that were productive, and helped them research the laws and all possible interpretations.
 I had all the information I could ask for, and best chance of making a good plan.   

Many experiences with attorneys seemed to be fear based on their part.  They had egos as big as the moon hanging out there, bleeding, ready react, and punish me for asking a question, or for clarification on some complicated point.  That was counter productive to our relationship, to say the least, and to some degree, that ego involvement with Ts has been destructive as well.

This new T is 13 years in recovery, was raised in a PD FOO, has centered herself with mindful practice, yoga, and operates in from an intuitive place that resonates with me, and how I operate.  We speak the same language, so it seems. No barriers there is a good thing. 

 That means we can focus on my mission, and move at a fast paced clip while avoiding rabbit holes, and defensiveness on both our parts. 

She's done her inner world work, and that helps her keep her ego and frustrations out of the work, IMO, which is necessary,  bc my egos all over the place right now. 

Considering my interest in brain body integration I'd say I was ready for exactly what she's practicing/teaching.  Another time, and that wouldn't have been the case. 

We're e all human, and there's reactivity for all of us.  We can live with it, without awareness, or we can engage mindfulness practice, and learn to regulate our emotions, as this T practices daily.

My father spoke with scathing words, and style.  It's been installed in my brain, and it comes out when I'm very upset.  I know I mean to trigger emotional responses when I'm telling a truth, and I want to go there with economy of motion.  I have to say...  just bc I can, doesn't mean I should, and it's hindered my ability to be understood all my life. 

I don't believe I could work with a T who isn't practicing mindful awareness, and that's about me, not them.  It would be too difficult to stay on track, and not go down their rabbit holes, IME.

The same with attorneys.... if they have emotional distance,  and can stay focused on the mission, the mission gets attention. If they focus on my style, or PD facts that make no sense in their frame of reference... then the focus their lack of understanding, my frustration, their ego scuffs, and iwe might win the case, but everyone's bruised, and feeling beaten, and sure resolution and final understanding feel like an exciting balm, but darnit.... any professional beginning with a baseline ability to regulate their emotions has a huge leg up in any profession they practice,  IME. 

I think that's what Doc G has, and why he can connect well with patients, and help them.

Hmmm..... could it be that simple?


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 08, 2019, 04:25:48 PM
::munching blueberries the size of grapes::

They're really good.  Most are tart and sweet, just the way I like them.  I don't like bland ones, and the occasional moldy one doesn't upset me.  The discomfort, if there's any discomfort now... and there is.... is more about MY eating something I bought for the girls. 

Usually I don't eat fresh fruit in the fridge.   If the girls don't eat it, then it typically dies, or I've frozen it for smoothies, or as little blueberry popsicles,  which youngest dd likes.   I've felt that way about food for years.... eating what they left, not preparing a plate for myself, bc money was scary, and anxiety always kills my appetite anyways. 

Interesting, Lighter, I'm very similar.  I'll go to great lengths to do nice meals for son but when it comes to myself it's often bits cobbled together in a 'that'll do' manner.  I bought a cookbook in the charity shop last week that suggests meals made from foods that help with certain types of health problems - things to keep your heart healthy, things to balance your blood sugar, things to help with anxiety and so on.  A lot of the meals look really nice but they contain ingredients that I don't usually buy because of the cost and it was interesting for me to notice how difficult I find it to spend money on food and cook myself good meals every day, rather than every now and again.  Mmmm, more to ponder.

I think I was a pretty "normal" parent before my ASPD H went off the rails.  I could likely say I was somewhat self-focused (self-ish seems wrong) as a single person sailing through life with very little responsibility, save herself, home, and work out group/social group... they were the same.  I remember looking at older photo albums of my life... after having children, and those photos created discomfort for me.  It was ME enjoying my life, enjoying boys, enjoying my power at every level, and I don't know exactly what that means, except there was a change after that first physical assault that rocked my biology on a cellular level.  I couldn't breathe, couldn't eat,  lost so much weight I was sick, and that was really confusing bc everyone was telling me I looked great or telling me I wasn't special bc I'd lost the weight.... in other words.... they were envious and wanted to take me down a peg when I was in shock, and didn't need to be knocked down any more.  I needed support, and someone to acknowledge my crisis.  Anyway.... at some point my fight or flight system (Parasympathetic Nervous System PNS) flipped into the ON position, and it stayed on, with short bouts of flipping back,
 but at a point my brain and body didn't see anything to be gained by switching, bc it was just harder, and so.....my adrenals were shot, and my "normal" was living in fight or flight mode.  I remember watching it with some alarm.  Understanding it was happening, but just not able to figure out a better way.  That affected my parenting, food issues, healthcare issues, school issues, everything to do with parenting, and there were good and bad consequences to that I'm just now exploring. 

The codependence might have been a thing for me, but the fight or flight coupled with parenting, and ongoing crisis/threat/danger ramped everything up..... for better or worse.  I believe I was doing my very best in those circumstances, and I'm going to give myself a pass, undo some of the habits I developed during that time, and replace those habits and pathways that no longer serve. 

I guess I'm saying I likely have some issues around worthiness from growing up with young golden child parents who had zero information about discipline, vs punishment and awareness around childhood phases.  My mom SHOULD have been a beauty queen, and gone to college, and carved a life for herself before having children, bc her message to us was she made a mistake... we were mistakes.... if she had it to do over again she never would have had us, and we shouldn't repeat her mistake, which is why I was 36yo when I considered having children, and wouldn't have been surprised if I didn't have them at all.  I'm not judging that, I'm just aware it's what it was. 

My choices also inform my decision to NOT CARE about stuff, and how things look.  I mean... there's resistance there that's difficult to explain until you look at my upbringing.  Explains a lot, and I'm ready to process it and let it go now. 

It's concerning,  but I'm managing to stay in observer mode.  Mostly.

SO... yesterday with T we explored feeling worthy enough, and that lead to an hour long dash down one triggered rabbit hole after another.

I'm not over the legals, I have more hard feelings for third party bystanders and enablers than I do toward my ASPD N husband as my expectations for him came into focus pretty quickly.  Not so with the systems, law officers, and people who should do the right thing, but have so often fallen down, failed, done the wrong thing or just a little favor for a buddy(Judge in the case I'm thinking about THIS SECOND), then thrown the case into a baby judge's lap so he didn't have to look at what he'd done, or deal with it.  Maybe putting faces in the room where he threw a stink bomb (fig.) just isn't pleasant, but WTH has to happen when people without standing to BRING a case get to file an Appeal, and win it, on the case that was thrown out?  That makes my eyes cross, and there are years of this kind of sabotage and heinous fuckery I'll have to finish processing, and put behind me.

Yes, exactly the same, Lighter!  My mum was only able to carry out that decade long campaign of abuse because so many people helped her.  That people who have chosen to do a job that involves helping vulnerable people (as all public sector jobs do, in one way or another) and then chose to ignore the procedure and legislation and lie and manipulate the situation to give more power to the abuser than the abusee - that bothers me so much more than anything my mum did.  And more so because it means we know we don't have a safety net.  The services and support systems that are supposed to be there when we need protection or help are so flawed that they can do us more harm than good.  Certainly for me, it's what makes me want to keep away from them.  And it's a frightening world when you know you can't rely on doctors, the police, social workers, judges and so on to just do their job properly, regardless of their personal feelings about a situation.  Very scary.
I guess I'm identifying the whole lack of mindfulness/awareness thing as reason people... all people.... are easily manipulated, and triggered into performing bad acts, and heinous fuckery going against every law, rule, moral boundary... .  It's super apparent in life and death situations involving vulnerable members of society... children and victims of domestic violence in all it's forms... financial, emotional, physical, legal... all of them, and that's what I focus on NOW bc it happened TO ME and my children. 

If I sat back, and looked around I'd see it everywhere, in all situations, bc it's part of the human condition.  Sometimes I'm reactive, and sometimes it's a neighbor, and sometimes it's a police officer, sometimes a FOO member, sometimes my child, or a teacher, or attorney..... everyone benefits from learning skills that build resilience and emotional regulation.  I imagine a world where teaching that to all children, and people in positions of authority and trust going forward, and I can see improvement everywhere.  I'm hopeful.   

So, we did an excercise where I talked about a time I felt empowered, what was I wearing (favorite boots), what color comes up around that (black) how it felt to BE in that space.... I felt in control, remembered the click of my heels, and the purpose in my strides.... always very physical.... I felt that power in my hips.

Then we shifted to a time I felt vulnerable, and at the mercy of.  That color was gray... it was dark, and lonely, and I could picture a grey sky framed by leafless black trees.... but gray was the color not feeling worthy. 

We put the black in one hand and the gray in the other, T mirroring me, and held them like little balls about a foot apart.  The right hand, holding the black... tingled like crazy. The left hand felt lighter.  Now, we're sensing how each hand feels... the brain processes in symbols and finds it hard to hold two opposing ideas at the same time, and will make sense of them.  I won't bore you with it all,  but we moved the hands closer together, and talked about how that felt, and what I saw when I pictured the gray... then pictured the black.  What were the changes, etc. 

So interesting that it actually creates a physical sensation.  Do you think you are more emotionally/spiritually sensitive than an average person or do you think anyone doing this would experience the same thing?  it sounds quite incredible.  Does if feel scary while you do it?
When I was working out with my martial arts instructor, he gave me a book on Chines medicine that had me seated, hands apart in front of my belly, playing with the feeling created by widening and playing with hand position to feel the energy.  It was interesting, and I COULD feel it... above my thighs, between my hands in front of my belly button, it was curious but didn't mean much outside I SAW there was something to ancient Chinese medicine, even if I didn't understand it.  That was introduced in martial arts bc we were learning to do harm and trauma to people, and we were required to learn how to heal... the yin and yang principles.
 Martial Arts instructor was big on the isms... as he put it.  Taoism mainly.

The brain integration work helped understand energetic fields better, bc working on some people created all kinds of tingling and what felt like sparks... some didn't.  Having brain integration performed ON me...  I could feel energetic work IN my brain, like someone touching my brain, and it was real.  Same with a point to the left of my belly button..... and that stabbing pain in my back had me arched up on the table during a session once... I was in terrible pain during a treatment session during a training session. 

Everyone has an electrical circuit,  Tupp.  Some are very sensitive to it, and others aren't.  I don't think I'm particularly sensitive.  For one thing, during a training session I almost threw up, and got really sick during an intense session performed on another student with a big emotional issue.  The instructor moved away, and I almost darted from the room thinking I had food poisoning.  Instructor later said she was glad I felt that. I got the feeling she understood I had more sensitivity than she originally thought I did.... backhanded compliment delivered in a weird package, IMO. 

Our chakras, and meridians are real, can be tracked scientifically, have been documented in medical journals, and we all have them.  I spent a weekend suffering a headache after one brain integration session that was too much work at once... I feel asleep in the bathtub afterwards once, and woke up in cold water.  Very odd, but proof work was happening, IME. I also couldn't type as well afterwards, and if I didn't share before... before I traveled I had a session to deal with breathing... I've always been a shallow breather bc of tense stomach muscles, and my feet had issues.  The foot part was interesting with improved mobility and pain relief... joints had locked up around old injuries, and unlocking them helped a lot, etc.  When we got to the breathing.... that's when I felt that first ligth tough inside my stomach.... like someone was inside, poking.  I'm not careful enough with myself, and jumped up to see if there were any differences with the Brain Integration practitioner telling me to go slow.... and I found myself doubled over unable to breathe.  It was terrifying. I bet I posted about it here, but I was looking around for relief, about to run out the door when practitioner convinced me to get back on the table..  she'd help me.... and I remember shaking like I shook when the first epidural of my life was too strong, tensed up my muscles so I thought they'd break... it felt like I'd shake myself off the table.  That shaking started at the top of my body in this case, and as I resisted it,  moved down to my feet, and bounced my feet around, then I fought it back up top... EXHAUSTING and I just couldn't let it be, and have it's way, and release..nope nope nope. Honestly, I think it's the same principle as animals shaking off their trauma....  my nervous system was ready to do that work, and trying..... I just couldn't take that kind of loss of control and fought it.   When I went back and asked to repeat that work, ready to relax into it, we couldn't make it happen again. 

The work, IME, can be done in different ways, with different people, using different modalities, and on our own.  We all have access if we're interested in learning, and practicing, IME.

When we eventually merged hands my fingers experienced an electrical shock so intense I was surprised there wasn't any noise associated with it.  A few fingers actually hurt.  We explored the black and feeling empowered, then examined the gray and back and forth... not sure exactly how that went, bc I was trying to FINISH it.  Sometimes I go in thinking I'll really pay attention and try to remember what happened, but it never goes that way, bc I can't do both, and I'm there to process as priority.

I was feeling OK when the hour was up, but then.... I wasn't.  T used EMDR.  I focused on the somatic sensations, which were all neutral... shocking considering the emotional upset, but in these cases I focus on the feelings of neutrality while doing the EMDR.  it was really difficult to follow her fingers with my eyes for some reason.  Sometimes my tongue wants to help out, but not this time.   It was just so darned hard... like my vision wanted to stop on her face.  VERY hard to think about bodily sensations and follow the fingers.  Each time she stopped and checked in... I felt better.  This is called desensitizing, and I can do it on my own.

There was another pass or two with focus on anything that felt pleasant in the body,and I have to say... .just feeling neutral was a very pleasant feeling for me. 

Tupp.... it's nice to put the story on the shelf, then do really important work by focusing ONLY on the somatic sensations.  I think it takes the retraumatizing factor down to a footnote very quickly, then helps to process the source trauma, but that's what happened last week, and I'll post about that on it's own.


'm scrolling down to read the next bit, Lighter :)  Lol xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 08, 2019, 06:31:10 PM

Yes, exactly the same.  It's almost like an out of body experience for me.  I know I'm spiraling, I know I'm out of control, I know I'm reacting to something from the past and not from the present - but I can't step in to do anything about it.  It's like watching a crash in slow motion, when you can see the cars are going to hit but there's nothing you can do to stop it.

At a point, we bring up the event, and I think about it from beginning to end while doing EMDR.  Check-in with how I'm feeling, focus on that and do more EMDR. 

It's like we bring up the distress, then calm it down, bring it up, calm it down, and so on.  Put numbers on it.  In this case, I had a very sharp stabbing pain in my back, left side which is associated with chakras, and being betrayed, in a nutshell.  Made sense to me.

Yes, makes sense to me as well.

Next, we go through the story and loop it from beginning to end more than once while doing EMDR, then check in on feelings, and address them with EMDR.

I'm not sure what happens next, so will jot down approximates....
Bring up someone INTO the scenario we look up to, trust, feel protected by and advocated by.... I chose myself, again, grown, calm, and helping everyone in the scene, which was intuitive for me.

It's telling that you choose yourself, Lighter, to stand up for yourself.

I think it helps me to hold my parents with compassion and give them the help they didn't have while raising young children.  Their parents didn't know better.  Their parents knew they were "special" and IMO my grandparents saw us, the grandchildren, as extensions of their children.... not separate, or worthy of the same gc treatment, certainly.  Well, my brother was golden child II on my father's side of the family, but that had all kinds of biases towards men tied in also.  My mother's side didn't see any grandchildren as important as my mother.
 My mother's figure was more important than breastfeeding babies, for instance.
 There was never a question mom would swallow that little pill that made her milk fall out at once.  God only knows what they put in those earlier man-made formulas doctors shoved down mother's throats as "better than mother's milk."  Asses. See there?  I identify that harsh judgment and I do think it points to my inability to release judging myself.  It comes and goes, IME.   

I went through the story as I wished it had happened, and that went pretty quick, compared to the other stuff.  I noticed the original story was getting more difficult to bring into focus when I tried and was just not coming up for me when I tried to picture it as we went along.

Then it was time to put everything/pictures/stories/pain into a box from the original story, or from a set of years, or an entire lifetime, or just an entire childhood, and I chose all the upsetting incidents I could recall, put them in the box, and chose total destruction through burning.

I built the fire in my firepit, and there were family members... everyone close, all deceased, and my siblings when they were younger, and our grandparents and parents comforted sibs and my younger self while I burned the entire box to ashes.  Mom served food from a picnic basket.... children napped.... everyone sat in the old-time yard chairs from my Paternal grandparent's yard. 

I love that there was a picnic :)  Does T talk you through that story or do you create that in your mind?

I'm super private, so I mostly go through these steps on my own, without telling T about it as it happens.   I don't think I could speak about it,
 bc I'm just THERE, in that place visualizing, and it takes a lot of energy.  A LOT of energy.  Afterwards, the T always asks questions about how things went, besides asking me about how the feeling in my body changed or didn't change.  She wants to know who I picked to be present, what we were doing, if I burned the box of pictures down to complete ash..... she asks for details, but only after I've processed in my own way, in silence, during EMDR to the finish.  If she asks for any detail in the middle, I don't remember it, and I think I'd be put off by it, and perhaps thrown out of the moment. 

About what the T says when she asks me to choose someone... .she'll say some people select a Saint, or a protective family member, or a superhero, or themselves as an empowered competent adult, and give me choices. I think I just nod when I have it, and I don't necessarily tell her what I picked... maybe after that EMDR moment passes, and we're checking somatic responses she asks. 
If I was the T I'd want to know!  I'd want more feedback, and this T does ask for it, eventually, but I doubt I'd share much if she didn't gently enquire, and she begins her inquiries by sharing her experience with that kind of session, or of another person's experience or of common experiences which do make me curious,
 and engages me from a place of wanting to see how my experience stacks up to other people's.   I find myself really interested in hearing more, and I give her something of my experience,and she reciprocates, and it's a give and take.
  I would shut down if I felt she was barging into my experience for the sake of entertainment, which used to bother me with my FOO.  She gently tip toes around my boundaries in a super respectful, overtly compassionate manner that IMHO is required to get to this place FOR ME.  A bossy T, telling me what I MUST DO, how and when would not suit me at all, IME.

Like I said before, I remember more as the sessions go on.  Maybe discussions afterwards, with me back in a good place, are what stick, or help the memories stick with more detail, and expanded content?

When the deed was done, I think we got up, and headed toward a bridge to our new lives.  At the bridges edge we stopped to empty our pockets of everything from the past that needed to be left behind.  I just had us take off all our clothes, and walk across the bridge in white cotton shifts, shorts and tee shirts. 

When we got there we explored how that felt, then pictured a fountain.

Babies played in the spray, and grandparents sat on the edge, or in chairs by the side, and I dived in, and twirled, and did backflips in the water over and over... just all in, immersed, and refreshed.

I didn't think about the original story, bc in memory reconsolidation you want to let the new story continue processing as is.  Every time we bring up a picture or story it's changed.  Never static.  It was easy to leave it alone, as it was the first time we did this for a different story..... I'd say I was 4 yo for the first one, and 11yo for the second story.

Those two stories were traced back from current trigger stories, and we worked on them until there was zero emotional charges involved with any aspect of the original story or the present-day triggers we started with.

It's easier to lean into the discomfort of this work when I know and trust it leads to processing the story, and into a serene place of relief, and gratitude it's done.  I believe it will last, and so far so good... it's 100% remained in place.  Old stories gone. 

It's amazing that it's re-wiring your brain like this.  And doing physical good, I imagine, by unlocking and unblocking things.

I see it as relieving stress in the brain, bringing up traumatic events, moving them into processing centers/midbrain/feeling areas, checking the somatic input, working on the somatic with EMDR, checking the feelings, presenting the story to the brain again with EMDR, then checking the feelings, and how it looks, what's changed, etc.  EMDR on the feelings to further reduce stress,  then checking, and we just keep presenting the information to the brain, over and over while relieving stress.  We don't move on to the next phase till we get to zeros or near zeros. 

New stories in place... I experience so much relief where there was a lot of pain, tough emotions, and painful bodily sensations.  Like a thousand pounds lifted.  I don't care what the pounds were, or where they went, though I visualize them as
engaging unprocessed emotions in the amygdala....
the T assists with brain integration, helping to bring other parts of the brain online to support the amygdala, relieve tension around the story and in the brain, and make it possible to move that story into the processing center, then present it again and again to be processed until the brain has calmed enough to complete processing and file it into historic files in just the way I would have had that story go IF I HAD CONTROL OVER THE SITUATION. 

I can't tell you how satisfying it is to EXPERIENCE that outcome, and process.... just the details that come out of my mouth when asked how I'd rather have had that experience go.... I'm always shocked by the details and direction, and those things come without having to think, typically, or with very little reflection.  It feels like just the right answers were always there, waiting.

This is a pretty close approximating, and I didn't remember the fire, or the bridge, or the fountain from the first time we completed this process.  It felt like we were doing this for the first time. 

Shiftring into fight or flight mode feels a lot like being blindfolded and gagged.... sat on..... forced into a corner.....  unable to move or shift out of that space, and it's EVERYTHING.....
I just didn't have the ability to remember those parts of the process when we completed the experience the first time.

I must not have had access to the parts of my brain that create new memories while I was IN that place..... and this time.... that I can remember more.... for me means I've calmed my brain enough to have some restored access during times of intense stress.... of reducing the stress, and it's hoped every time we get through this, along with consistent practice to fire and wire new neural pathways... I'll achieve more resilience, finish processing the unprocessed triggers from most to least powerful,  until I'm able to regulate my emotions consistently as default setting.  If not, I'll know how to calm myself and move into a place where I can regulate my emotions.

Will be so amazing for you to get to a point where all you're dealing with is right here and right now, Lighter, and being able to put all that energy into creating things that you want, rather than dealing with things that you don't.  So amazing and much deserved.

Sometimes when we do check-ins at the end of a session, something will come up... 2 sessions ago it was a T who harmed me and my children... the court-appointed T who terrorized us an entire summer, and made my children fear they'd be taken from me and given to their paternal grandparents in 2013.... THAT woman, the thought of her... that she made my youngest feel responsible for that terror....  is still in place, and T said it's my own self-judgment that's behind that, which shut me up, and made me think. 

What does she mean by your self-judgement, Lighter?  I was a bit confused by that.  It's quite early here :) Lol

T wants me to understand I've always done the best I could in every moment, considering the circumstances, widen my gaze, and understand that everyone is doing their best with that they have.  My judging someone else means I haven't dropped judgment.  I'm still flipping back into that mode.  If I'm judging others, I'm certainly judging myself,  and if I'm judging others I haven't widened my gaze to understand all humans are flawed, and doing their best, which relieves me of the need and desire to judge anything or anyone.  Things aren't personal. They just are.

Two appointments ago we worked on cutting energetic ties with imaginary scissors.  This was about that backstabbing pain again.  She associated this with energetic ties between people that keep us joined.  She said I could ask higher powers of my choice, that make sense to me, to help.  For instance, I could ask a beloved Grandfather to use his pocket knife, so familiar from our fishing trips.  Someone who believes in Saints, and is comfortable asking them for help might picture that Saint using a sword to cut that tie, and so on.   

Just shutting down the cycle is an amazing thing.  Bringing my attention to it.... and knocking the stuffing out of rage that's building and building... is an amazing thing.

Yesterday T told the story of monks burying a golden buddha in mud when their village was ransacked and overtaken by an enemy.  Years later, after all the monks were gone, a child saw the glint of gold, leading to uncovering this beautiful buddha, and that reminded me of Tupp.   

Lol, I often look in the mirror and think I look like I've been dug up, Lighter :)  Lol
Today I honestly considered getting dreadlocks.  For real, lol. I'm questioning my idea of what I should look like, and what society tells me I should look like.  Widening my gaze; )

Just clearing out all the mud, and garbage, and judgments other people installed when we weren't able to defend ourselves, or make sense of it at the time. 

Now that we're adults, and capable of defending ourselves.... and in my case, with help from a good T maybe to show me how, and keep me focused....
we uninstall the garbage, and remember what was always there.

And that brings me back to the gray black excercise.  We're reconsolidating and changing the garbage stories INTO the original truth.

It's not hard.  It's not a difficult process.  It's relieving stress in the brain so the brain can do what it does efficiently WHEN IT'S NOT STUCK IN FIGHT OR FLIGHT MODE/amygdala/reptilian brain.  We're remembering what's been there from the start, and will always be there.

One last thing about yesterday's appointment.... I didn't realize I held some of the beliefs around the story of my ASPD N husband, and the first night he assaulted me and I thought I would be killed while listening to my oldest 4yo dd call our for me.... THAT is something I've never processed, and thinking about it was like experiencing someone else's feelings and thoughts about it, bc I just haven't done it.  Ever. 

Terrifying, Lighter, and more so because of the kids.  I had one aggressive incident with son's father.  He had me backed against a wall and was screaming in my face - not physically touching, but very aggressive, very violent, very unpleasant.  Son was asleep in his cot, very young at the time, but what was going through my mind was that I could easily get away from this idiot and get out the front door - but I couldn't easily get away, get up the stairs, get son, get back down the stairs and get past him to get out the front door with son in my arms.  I have more experiences of being trapped, thinking I'd die, while frantically trying to think my way OUT of the house, with my purse, with my car keys, with my children.... just not die, and which door I might get to, and the desperate acceptance I'd have to go without the girls or we'd all be done,  and these racing terrible truths... that I'd never be able to outrun him in the street, or to the door.... putting the butcher block between us, then the dining room table... and I could have circled forever, bc not circling was death.  I think I'll be working on this stuff in the next session, and it's not scary.  I lean in bc I want to release the energy tying me to it, and be free of it.  I deserve to be free of it, and that's the mission now; )  And if I got out I wouldn't have any feeds, nappies or a change of clothes for son, either. Once I dreamed a nuclear blast was heading towards us, and I was getting things together for after we were killed by it.  I got diapers, and clean foot in jammies together, and it felt SO real.  The mommy imperative...  the desire to care for our young... to attend to them is so strong. In some of us anyway.  Not all. It makes a huge difference when your kids are being exposed to that level of violence as well.  I think all violence is detrimental to the children.  The statistics say exposure to parent on parent violence is just as detrimental as experiencing the violence for children.  We were, as children, although with us it was usually my mum attacking my dad.  Makes it a much harder thing to deal with and yes, processing will be tough. For me, the physical assault was devastating, and threat to my children all but shut me down emotionally, and physically.  I don't know what the massage T did, but he hurt me quite badly in order to get my lungs working again.  I think something was locked, and pressing into my lungs, as I recall.  It's all a blurr.  Interpersonal terrorism should be reevaluated, IMO.  The same way the courts changed their view of chokeholds...  terrorizing dependent family members and children should be reevaluated with stiffer mandatory punishments that deter, or stop abusers in their tracks bc they're in jail, trying to get bond, IN a system that's difficult to get out of once they're in. Take some of the pay off OUT of the equation. Educating everyone, so those abused are more likely to report the first or second assault... teaching people what abuse looks like, etc.  So many people are raised in abusive homes, it feels and IS normal to them.  Honestly, men hitting little children, and babies for heaven's sake.  Why would we allow that, particularly female children? I never wanted that to be my children's normal... being hit by men who are supposed to love and protect them.   That's just nuts  It never made any sense to me when I started researching discipline, and really LOOKED at my childhood, and how most people in this culture approach child discipline.  I taught my girls no one had the right to put hands on them in anger.  They shouldn't accept name-calling, raised voices, or word salad when engaged or trying to engage in discussions.  But such a relief, I would have thought.  You might need to change your name from Lighter to Lightest :)  Lol

You know, that's a great idea, ((Tupp!))

I didn't recognize my own belief system about it.  I'd never asked myself, or allowed myself to process it. 

It's time, and that one thing leads to a hundred, IME.

The journey continues.


Phew!  A lot of work, Lighter, but so rewarding!  I am thinking I might look for an EMDR therapist to help me process everything that comes up as I tackle my paperwork mountain next year.  32 boxes and lever arch files, all representing nearly two decades of abuse, inequality and repeated experiences.  Mmm.  Might be worth investing in some practical support to get through that.  I will look into it further.  Thank you so much for sharing all of this.  I'm glad you are finding it all so useful xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on December 08, 2019, 06:31:13 PM
This is some of the most intensely detailed stuff I've read about work within those energy or energy-conceived parts of our existence.

I don't have much to add to it, except that I think it's powerful.

Closest thing I ever experienced was repeated shiatsu massages at one point in my life after an injury, from a practitioner I knew and trusted. She ended every session with Reiki, which I didn't understand but trusted because I trusted her.

I always felt more than my hurt body was helped by those sessions. She later died in an accident in S. Africa where she was helping people affected by the AIDS epidemic, which tells you something about the kind of person she was.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 08, 2019, 06:43:54 PM
I'm sorry to hear that lovely T died before her time, Hops.  It sounds like she was an important person in your healing journey.

My T does Reiki, but she hasn't mentioned it in our sessions.  I've never experienced it, and I don't understand what it is exactly. 

:: going to look it up::


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 08, 2019, 07:07:30 PM
OK, Reike looks a bit like what an Oncology Nurse did for my Bill in Washington when we attended a seminar on different cancer treatments. What she did appears to have been Raiki, though she didn't call it that. 

 She found his energy...... way off the side, away from his body, then attempted to remove the pain in his liver by holding her hands over that area.  Bill made upset noises about increased pain... the pain was bouncing around, and getting worse. 

The nurse said the pain was "sticky, like taffy" and stopped trying after a while. It appeared she was catching the pain, and trying to pull it OUT.  I didn't understand what I was looking at, and wouldn't have believed it if B wasn't crying out in pain as she moved her hands near, but not ON his body.  Amazing.     

We also saw an MD who practiced acupressure.  Bill was amazed to find his arm strength came and went, depending on what the Doc dropped in his lap. B didn't want to leave that doctor's office.  Ever.  He was a believer, and wanted that doctor's help.

I think B could have been helped if he'd been more open to alternative medicine before he became ill.  As it was he was dx'd with the same colon cancer his father had at exactly the same age his father died of it.  How much of that is controlled by the mind?  Outside factors, like drinking alcohol, which B did, as did his alcoholic father.  How much is in our genes?

I have no idea, but B said he remembered thinking he would die, just like his father, and wishing for it during his marriage, which I won't comment on except to say I had a chance to see boundary trouncing and PD behaviors from his ex-wife, and his oldest dd when B was unable to defend or protect himself at the end of his life. 

His dd tormented B and me, come to think of it... the entire 5 months, and she did it while referencing her mother.  Like she felt responsible to torment in her mother's place.  I'm sure there's a lot of stuff I didn't understand, and I didn't want to.  My focus was on healing relationships and putting things down on paper for his adult kids  The oldest dd smashed all that to bits, which was sad for the younger siblings. 

I wonder how much of B's illness was created by the emotional turmoil in his life, if any.  The ex-wife never missed a chance to gut the man, IME.  Controlling and denying access to his MIL, who he adored, while she died of pancreatic cancer.

So Reiki.  I think I've seen it, and didn't know what it was.   

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on December 08, 2019, 08:12:33 PM
Lighter honestly, I truly would imagine that visiting a Reiki practitioner (as supplement to, not replacement for, the intense T-work you're already doing) would be amazing.

If you try it, hope you'll let us know.

(And now you know I truly am a cafeteritarian about healing modalities, "western" or alternative! What helps from each, just helps. Mind stays open. Evidence matters.)

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 10, 2019, 03:12:39 PM
I spoke with ex martial arts instructor for hours over the past 2 days.  Catching up was a lot of fun, bc we're interested in lots of the same things.... not a lot of people are. 

We shared information, sites, and statistics about law enforcement, martial arts, legal system, boxing for Parkinson's patients, Buddhism, brain integration, psychotherapy, mind/body/spririt connections and self care rituals at every level.... it's like a happy game of mental Twister.  Very enjoyable.  His background as one of the first Navy Seals, martial artist/healer/student of Buddhism/Toaism, hair dresser, salon/school owner, bounty hunter, PI and trainer of law enforcement officers/hairdressers/massage students, bounty hunters, martial arts... make him a very interesting character, IME.

I worked on 3 paperwork issues this morning.... solved 1, escalated 1, and left another message on the third.   Felt good, no emotional reactivity... or not much at all I noticed,  then put together a breakfast salad, and enjoyed it.. very satisfied. 

I dropped teacher's gifts and snacks off.  Those people deserve good chocolate and coffee.... they just do, uh huh.

I'll send out Christmas cards tomorrow.  I don't send many, so it's easy.

I'm curious why I don't work out the way I used to when I KNOW it helps regulate chemistry, mood, hormones... everything.   I'm curious what has to shift for regular workouts to drop back in place and I believe they will drop in place. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 12, 2019, 01:19:02 PM
The last couple of days have been interesting.  I've felt very grounded and steady, while noticing things pop up that might usually start an anxious spiral.

I notice them, and let them go by. 

Here's what's interesting about it....
If I notice the feeling of loss come up.... like the girls not being little any more, or my not being in tip top shape..... it just got swept away in the feeling that.... it's still there.  It's still real, and with me, and inside...... it's not gone,  never left, is still here  inside, safe, and real and the feelings turned into warmth, and comfort. 

The second thing I notice is there's a bit of a bubble keeping the jugments of others OUT, which cerainly hasn't always been the case. 

It feels like believing I'm whole enough, good enough, worthy just as I am.... and always have been.   It's like T said..... it's like I've remembered it, not created it, bc it was always there.   

I also believe the universe is on my side... 100% I believe that, and flow seems to be a symptom of that, IME. 

I began putting trash and recycling together...  and I didn't fret over it, or put it off, I started exactly when I felt it was right, and put the recycling into the hands of the guys picking it up... right on time.  Smiles, no rushing.... he was happy. I was happy.   He said he'd wait if I had more.  I didn't run....  I just met him in the exact right moment, then trash pick up came about an hour later, 3 or 4 minutes after  putting the last of the fridge clean out in.

In that moment I noted I can ONLY DO ONE THING in a moment,  and I truly have the choice as to what that thing will be.

Procrastination is familiar to me, but I didn't choose that today.   

I experienced flow, and ease, and noted the comfort, and neutral or positive somatic experiences of the last 2 days.... just watched them go by, met the girls in the kitchen to jump in and chat or help with whatever they were doing there.  I scoop up baby girl Pug (BGP) and take her outside with me without thinking about it... it's JOYFUL, and I'm happy to do it. 

I don't have any resentments or judgment about oldest dd19 caring for BGP, I'm happy to have what I have with BGP.  Oldest dd19 and I get along very well lately.  She has less resistance to me..... and things are easy, and good right now.  I note that.  I'm present with the feelings.  I enjoy them.

Being present is different.  It's where the elusive flow lives, IME.  It's not a mystery now. It seems simple, and I think it is. 

I don't know why it's seemed pretty effortless the last 2 days, bc as I mentioned in earlier post... I took on 3 things I was absolutely dreading the weeks before, and they all fell into place with just a little effort and time on my part.  The procrastination was the painful part, IME. 

I'll write it again, I think some of that's viewing the universe as a friendly place,  and not a negative place I have to battle.  I don't see myself having to battle any longer.  I don't feel the resentments, and anger I used to watch come and go all the time, depending on what was going on around me.

This is new, and welcome, and feels so very fresh.

I think it lives inside me, along with all the negative and neutral possibilities..... and today I choose positive in all things.  It's not hard... it just is.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on December 12, 2019, 04:44:11 PM

This is fanfreakingTASTIC.

I'm very happy for you.
(And inspired for me.)

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 13, 2019, 12:28:09 AM
Thanks,  Hops: )

When I think of getting to a more peaceful place, I think of getting my face off the glass. 

I was used to having my face pressed up against the glass for years, and I was used to getting my face OFF the glass. One thing I never understood, until recently........
there were two sides to the glass. 

I had choices... I could step back, and gain the same perspective I'd always had.....  or I could lean into the glass/pain/discomfort, drop judgment, and.....
fall through to awareness around where that pain started.   

I just had no idea, and it still feels like one of those tricks of SEEING a stereogram.   You can't see it from just anywhere...... focused just any way.  It takes practice, and I hope I'm not jinxing myself; )

The journey continues, and thanks for all the support, wisdom, and patience you've shared with me and the board through the years, ((Hops.)) 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on December 15, 2019, 06:15:38 AM
Thanks,  Hops: )

When I think of getting to a more peaceful place, I think of getting my face off the glass. 

I was used to having my face pressed up against the glass for years, and I was used to getting my face OFF the glass. One thing I never understood, until recently........
there were two sides to the glass. 

I had choices... I could step back, and gain the same perspective I'd always had.....  or I could lean into the glass/pain/discomfort, drop judgment, and.....
fall through to awareness around where that pain started.   

I just had no idea, and it still feels like one of those tricks of SEEING a stereogram.   You can't see it from just anywhere...... focused just any way.  It takes practice, and I hope I'm not jinxing myself; )

The journey continues, and thanks for all the support, wisdom, and patience you've shared with me and the board through the years, ((Hops.)) 


Face pressed against the glass is a good way to describe it, Lighter, and I am hoping to get to a point where I can just do something without two dozen other things going on in my brain and body while I do it.  Keep pushing forward is the key, I think.  Try things, see what helps, what doesn't, put things down, pick other things up.

I have a friend who does Reiki.  She tried it on me and nothing happened and I thought it was all nonsense.  Then about an hour later the headache I'd had for three days just vanished in an instant.  It was odd - in a nice way :) x
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on December 15, 2019, 12:01:20 PM
"Odd in a nice way" is a perfect description of Reiki!

I think it has "Lighter" written all over it...

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 16, 2019, 05:58:59 PM
Now I REALLY want to experience Reiki.   I didn't see T last week.  Forgot she had a retreat. I'm asking this week; )

Tupp, as I moved through my morning ablutions I thought about how my days are different since beginning T.

 I noticed zero emotional charge when I moved a file off my bed.  Normally, there's a chemical dump, and that sets the tone for the rest of my day.  I could have been touching a spoon or laundry... just nothing.  It was great!

Writing about it now,  I think of it as shuffling a huge deck of cards, pulling out jokers as I go.... with the goal of removing all the jokers.  The jokers aren't good or bad. They're just not necessary for the games I want to play now.

I needed those jokers for games I used to pay.  They aren't good or bad.  They no longer serve. The jokers are unprocessed memories, sensations and emotions... stories I guess, and it's just time for them to go.

OK... I'm going to deliver rambutans to the boy recovering from leukemia... 3 flats, his favorites, yum!  This is a miracle, and we're so grateful he's responding to treatment in the best possible way: )

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on December 17, 2019, 01:39:57 AM
Now I REALLY want to experience Reiki.   I didn't see T last week.  Forgot she had a retreat. I'm asking this week; )

Tupp, as I moved through my morning ablutions I thought about how my days are different since beginning T.

 I noticed zero emotional charge when I moved a file off my bed.  Normally, there's a chemical dump, and that sets the tone for the rest of my day.  I could have been touching a spoon or laundry... just nothing.  It was great!

Writing about it now,  I think of it as shuffling a huge deck of cards, pulling out jokers as I go.... with the goal of removing all the jokers.  The jokers aren't good or bad. They're just not necessary for the games I want to play now.

I needed those jokers for games I used to pay.  They aren't good or bad.  They no longer serve. The jokers are unprocessed memories, sensations and emotions... stories I guess, and it's just time for them to go.

OK... I'm going to deliver rambutans to the boy recovering from leukemia... 3 flats, his favorites, yum!  This is a miracle, and we're so grateful he's responding to treatment in the best possible way: )


That is really good news, Lighter, both about little man (what a lovely thing over Christmas.  I hope he really enjoys himself and that the treatments aren't making him too unwell to have fun) and about the file.  The Joker analogy is a good one, slinging out the nonsensical, unnecessary and just holding on to the things that are useful.  Really happy to read that xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 18, 2019, 10:19:27 AM
Hi, Tupp:

The little man was home from school, in discomfort from freshly installed port in his chest.  He didn't notice the rambutans, but he will; )

I didn't realize he's in for 3 years of chemo.... the father said it's WEEKLY chemo.  That's 3 hours on the road IF traffic is perfect then add the treatment and wait times.... just daunting.  I had no idea. 

I the meantime, he has a new puppy...  white with big black symmetrical inkspot marks that make him look like a wonderful Rorschach test... with one black spotted eye.  Just lovely, and he has 3 flats of rambutans under the Christmas tree.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 18, 2019, 03:31:55 PM

OK.   My appointment with T didn't go as planned today.  We were going to do work around the initial assault against me by ASDPD N stbx husband, the sound of oldest dd calling out for me, feeling I was going to die and the helplessness feeling of being at the mercy of someone I didn't recognize, and who was cutting off my air, then ripping my hair out with hatred in his eyes... feeling at the mercy of the legal system, the law enforcement agencies, my own attorneys, and the people AROUND me who could stand up for me, help protect me, but didn't in many cases, or actually worked to put me in prison.... shocking, but not at all upsetting to think about now. 

Wow. Not even a blip.

Turned out the calm I've been experiencing has become an enduring calm.  T said my primitive nervous system re set itself.  We discussed this from many angles... many different spiritual POVs, neuroscience POV.... lots of discussion around it.  Very interesting.  Everyone's journey will be their own.  Everyone will require pieces of a puzzle presented in the way they need to receive it.  This made profound sense to me. 

T said the changes are permanent, and wiring into my brain as we spoke.  My gray matter is changing.  The more I practice, the more insight will come..... she calls the insight "fruits and flowers."

I'm a believer, and then I brought up the two discussions I'd had with my Martial Arts instructor just before this amazing shift.

T said that yoga, and martial arts are 90% spiritual work, mindfulness, and being present, and 10% or less physical action.  She experiences breakthroughs during yoga, and isn't surprised to hear I'd practiced martial arts with single-minded purpose for many years. 

And then I told her about a dream I had about my Martial Arts instructor a day or two after the shift. 

I lived in a cool apartment... old moldings, high ceilings, neutral... restful lived in well loved spaces... and Martial Arts Instructor (F)  was visiting with me.  We were chatting, and enjoying each others company, like old times... very engaged as we'd been during our phone calls and I was so looking forward to a longer visit with him. 

I turned to youngest dd's bf and told him we needed to get to school.. chop chop.  He looked down, snurled up his face and whined he was very high... too high to go to school.  I noticed dd standing nearby, quiet..... not speaking... then I looked back at F to check back in, and let him know when I'd be back,  but he was already gone, and he'd taken his red suitcase, but left his red purse behind, which upset me very much. 

I grabbed the purse and set off after to him... to catch him, and give him back his purse but the staircase was full of people.  With my hand on the post, my feet raised up and floated.  I noticed this and released my grip on the post.... and continued rising up until I was up against the wall, near the ceiling with a view of everything around me.   It was nice, and i woke up having never caught MAI.

I looked up the floating bit at a site called Dream Bible: To dream of yourself floating in the air represents the feelings about yourself being incredible or doing noticeably incredible things. Feeling safe that people can't oust you or outsmart you. Living in stasis with a higher level of achievement.


T talked about the color red, associated with the Root Chakra symbolizing energy, courage, action, physical and emotional survival.... passion.... strength... confidence... security, grounding spiritual effects, etc. 

She thought the red luggage was F's connectedness with spirituality and felt he'd gifted a female version to me, in the form of the red purse.  T felt I tried to give it back to him, but he wanted me to have it, and the floating was my acceptance and gratitude, spiritual/angle view of the world.  Certainly, F wasn't the sort to carry a  tailored 1950's bright red purse; )

OK, I have this family trip coming up.  T talked about things that might be difficult to handle, and everything came back to the practice.... breathwork.... noticing what's around me... the somatic sensations.

She invited me to pay attention to where I feel the ME part of myself lives.  In the head, the chest, outside me?  I promised I'd spend time tending to that.  I love stretching and working out with sun warmed muscles, so that will happen at the beach without thinking about it. There's a lot of flow going on for me right now.  Intuition is in charge. Sometimes I'm done with something before I notice it needs doing.  Sometimes I SEE something I've walked by 100 times I wouldn't have walked by 15 years ago.... it's just different, and I feel very alone in my head... meaning the judgments of others have evaporated, and there's peace and clarity and knowing left... it's marvelous: )

I told her I was surprised to wake up feeling different, when the shift happened.  I'd had no idea what I would experience as I set to working on feeling better.... 
honestly... what is it we think will happen as we work toward that kind of goal?  I guess to feel better in increments.  That's not how this happened, which is to say... that's how it happened when I was just coping.  There were increments, and accompanying periods of adjustment that wasn't always comfortable.  This just WAS..... a switch flipped to ON... I'm thinking in my sleep. No hangover or adjustment period.   Just noticing, and relief.

This is confusing for me, and I'm back to the face on the glass example for how it felt to cope and try to feel better... to work on feeling better... to practice mindfulness as a coping strategy, and thinking about relieving stress in the brain so the brain could finish processing things that were really stuck, keeping me focused on the trauma stuff.... like a parade of toddler need swirling around my head all day, every day. Once that processed, it freed up processing space for what's here, in front of me.  I practiced, and felt better, but it came and went. 

I didn't notice the shift.  I noticed feeling better in her office while we practiced and worked together bc we'd put numbers on the sensations all during the practice.  It was just practice, and I'm still practicing, but something came of the practice that wasn't there, and I think I'm just happily surprised that what I'd been told would happen HAPPENED. 

I told her it felt like I passed through the glass... like a membrane I didn't realize I could pass through.... it was a surprise.   Another surprise.  POV from the side of the glass where I was coping, and slogging along with my brain bogged down.  The side of the glass where I could SEE the truth of what was, and is.... without the emotional toddlers clanging for attention.  Tending to them meant I could pass through the glass... like a cell wall.... bc everything that needed to align... aligned.  Just like in a cell..... so many things have to happen for a synapse to take place.  It's a miracle every time, IMO.  That's how this feels.
She said I'd been diligently pulling weeds in my garden, and found a flower had grown in place of the weeds.  I wish I'd had some idea what it was I was striving for.  I feel like I missed something then find myself sitting in the middle of it.   

She explained the knowing... the enlightenment.... is sort of like doing martial arts.  You go straight to the truth.   The Buddha knew about atoms and cells before science could prove they existed... he could just see that truth in the body. 
That's what enlightenment is..... cutting straight to the truth.... not messing with the difficult emotions around setting boundaries, or judgment,  or thoughts about the past or future..... we just go straight to what is, and leave out what is not.  Life is simpler with this POV.

She said that the work takes place when we feel safe enough and at some point the scales tipped, and my brain re set itself in a millisecond.  No whistles or bells, or band playing. 

I'm noticing my body hasn't quite "remembered" what it once knew.  I experience some muscle memory that includes moving too fast, in old hurried ways I'm surprised to notice.

  Sometimes I notice a little flutter in my chest, the beginnings of old anxiety, but then it stops.  Like it's an old pathway remembering it used to be online, then remembering it's not anymore.  Or like it tries to start up, but doesn't have the energy to.  T said that's normal, and the mind heals itself.  It will stop eventually. 

I'll just keep practicing, being mindful, and picturing energetic cords cut with a sword... I do that every day... many times a day. Front,  back, top and bottom.  I believe; )

That's my update, and I'll probably rewrite this later.  I admire Hops' skill with the written word at times like this.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 19, 2019, 06:03:49 PM

I have had interesting chats with the acupuncturist guy about all these sorts of things and I do think some people's brains are just wired differently and function better in different ways.  We were talking about that thing about acceptance - just accepting the situation you're in and not fighting against it.  But I immediately think of all the injustice and inequality that I think we should fight hard not to accept and to just go with.  So for me I kind of take what I want from these things now and leave the bits that don't work for me.  At the minute I'm finding it easier to cope with stress because I can channel my anger or frustration or whatever into moving and/or setting up some work from home.  I have another goal to work towards, which helps me cope.  Before I felt like whatever I did drilled me deeper into the pit and if I focused on that I just fell in a bit more.  So I have no idea why it helps some people and not others :)  But just wanted you to know you're not the only one it doesn't work miracles for :)  Lol xx

About meditation "not working" for some.  I tried it years ago.
 I couldn't DO it.

 I did it with this new T, and it was imperfect, handholding, frustration..... but it moved into other things... unexpected things, though I'd have difficulty saying what exactly I expected.

 Those things didn't necessarily feel great, bc inevitably I would backslide, and feel as though I HAD THE TOOLS, but still failed, which honestly.... was worse than not being able to feel better all on my own, IME.  Oh sweet, sweet compassion, and nonjudgmental focus... you're so very elusive.  With practice.... less and less elusive, IME. 

And the places we get trapped... the spiraling... the sinking deeper unable to get out of the hole..... THAT'S A PHYSICAL THING.  That's not about how we're coping, or managing our emotions.... it's about our biology, and pathways... blood and energy.... fat and reactivity.  Heavily traveled pathways are covered in fat... they're lightening fast.... we can't catch things... we have to dig our way out, and that's a process.  Different for everyone, but now I see... possible.  It's possible.

And this isn't about learning to mitigate and heal and feel better..... it's altogether different in experience, which was a huge surprise for me. 

It's finding a way to feel safe long enough to relieve tension in our brains so our brains can get on with what they're great at.... processing.  The brain wants to process. It's easy, and amazing, and happens without thought IF we can remove the blocks.... the stuck, unprocessed emotions and sensations living INSIDE our brains, ambushing us when triggered, and that's just a fact as I've experienced it.

If I looked at all the meditation I've done, which isn't a lot to be frank, I can honestly say I don't feel like I've meditated in the way I thought it had to be done to BE meditation.  I haven't attended seminars, Hops, but meditation isn't what I thought it was going to be.  My expectations were off.  My belief system became very negative around it, and I was triggered by the very word "meditation."  That's where I was when I began seeing this T.  I forgot about that.  Hmph. I asked her not to use the word, and so sometimes I don't know exactly what she calls what while we're doing it. She hasn't used that word since the day I met her.  She had to tiptoe around my belief, and negativity, and resistance, and tiptoe she did.  She's really amazing at it, and I trust her 100%.... even if she says something that used to rub against my biases.... I trust.  I let it be.  I embrace, and fearlessly lean in.... I don't care what I look like, or how I sound... well... I have a very difficult time just crying... I do stuff that down, still, but.... I'm leaning hard, and picking up bits and pieces as I go.  Trying to internalize, and feeling so much better makes it easier.   I see solutions, and creativity invites expanded possibilities. 

I'm not great at sitting down and going through specific meditations on my own, which was homework.   I sort of... don't.  I tried.  I never warmed to anything in particular and made it habit though.  What I DO is remember to breathe correctly, and notice what's going on inside.  I picture a sword cutting energetic cords daily, and I try to remember exactly what the difference IS between this amazing KNOWING/REMEMBERING the truth, and not knowing/remembering the truth.

It wasn't a gradual thing... it was working on paperwork with the T and BAM, paperwork wasn't emotionally charged anymore. 

It wasn't walking around feeling in the zone all the time so much as working on breathe and meditation in the T's office, with particular focus on my peripheral vision, then BAM.  All a sudden I noticed peripheral vision again after never realize it was gone.  I guess I felt better.... I can't remember how or what happened before.  I hope I wrote down enough to remember.

It's like peeling off layers of stress, and trauma.... giving my brain a break..... then moving into trust.  And the ON OFF switch flipped.  Whatever that really is.... the primitive brain resetting.  I can feel that truth.  Reducing stress, specifically, in areas with the most stress... one by one.  It's a job, not "practicing meditation."  It's more than that, at least for me.

It's like peeling an old bandaid off a wound that's had plenty of time to heal, but hasn't bc there's still a splinter or piece of metal or bone shard in there wiggling around.... creating inflammation, and pain, and infection.... asking for attention.  The brain and body send signals.  We treat them like THE problem, and we treat those symptoms.... doctors give us pills, and tonics.... exercises, and surgeries.  We treat the symptoms and fail to hear the message.  We fail to identify the cause, and tend to it, IME.

With the EMDR, or whatever is working for you or me... I've started re reading this thread, and I honestly don't remember much of what happened in the T's office. 

So you/we breathe on our own, pat shoulders like soothing a baby, or do EMDR with a T, or whatever makes sense and we do it until it stops making sense or we lose faith or we get bored, or we feel better. 

As specific stress falls away... healed... gone... processed and filed away in historic files where they should have gone years ago..... the brain starts REMEMBERING how to process again.  The primitive brain resets itself.... sort of like magic.  SWITCHES ON, or OVER whatever it needed to do... it does.  Those pathways, long shut down, ARE PROCESSING again.  The switch has been thrown. 

The processing is possible bc of the work... outside the office and in the office.... I can't tell you how much soothing and calming we practiced in the office with the somatic experience...... it's a physical action.... finding the stress, engaging it, inviting it to be present and we're present with it.... calming it, reducing it..... relieving stress in the brain and body.... it's not just meditating, or feeling better bc of meditation, IME.

There's identifying a wound through a story.
Lifting the bandaid to identify the wound's size, shape, depth, pain/pressure is it burning, or throbbing, where exactly is it?  We expand our vision out and notice colors and shapes, then peripherally what's there.... and we drop the story, and go back into the somatic experience... exactly what do we feel?  Where? WHat does it feel like?  Put a number on it.  Work on with breathing or EMDR (which we can do for ourselves, by ourselves) and we check to see if it's improving.  If so, we continue on.  Where does it feel?  How?  Put a number on it.  Breathe or do EMDR around it until there's no more improvement or we have a 0 around the sensations.

I'm writing this out bc I'm having a hard time remembering what to do.  I'm very calm, but I'll be stressed at some point very soon, and I want to have a plan.  I re-read this thread to remember what worked... what worked best..... I can honestly say that "meditation" isn't what I've been DOING recently.  Not as I understand meditation, but I do remember to breathe mindfully daily... just not the way I believe most people "practice."  And that's OK.  I just don't want anyone to confuse what SHOULD happen with what can or might or will or could happen, bc I don't think it's what we expect it to be, IME. And maybe giving up all expectations is better?  I can honestly say I focused so hard on the DOING, I might have given up expectations... in a way the practice reminds me very much of martial arts.... learning how to drop what I WANT, and pick up what is being offered... something completely outside my comfort zone. New.  Unknown to me.  Maybe, just maybe, my martial arts background helped move this process more quickly than if I didn't have that muscle memory,brain body experience.   

I tried "meditation" years ago, and bc I didn't know how to apply it, or what I was specifically trying to achieve..... I never shifted OUT of my survival brain... I was living in my amygdala, and that's where I sat for years.  I moved past that with the martial arts, and I applied myself hours every week.... sometimes 10 hours a week.... always 6 minimum, with practice at home. 

Meditation didn't fail me.  I just didn't have the direction I had with martial arts... the instruction, and practice and hours invested.   

My inability to understand it, and incorporate what it offered IN ORDER TO shift into non judgmental focus....to notice what was going on INSIDE my body.... exactly.  Name it. Put my hands on it.  Put story on the shelf, and breathe INTO the feelings.... put a number on it..... breathe through it some more... focused gently.... focused completely..... breathing..... check it again for a number.

Was missing.

THESE steps aren't what I thought of as meditation.  This is activity.  This is a physical enjoinment of brain and body..... of intention and action.... of DOING, and not doing... of dropping and picking up..... mindfully..... dropping judgment.. picking up ONLY the sensations, and focusing on them solely.... and there are so many parts and pieces to this.  This is not sitting down, and shutting up, which was the name of the book F gave me to read on learning to meditate.  Written by a punk rock monk... I think.  NOT what I needed at that time.

Shifting, when we CAN'T FOCUS on ANYTHING but the distress and frustration of failure.....
to recognize it, not fall deeper into the pit, but CHOOSE something else....
to shift to ONE PLACE IN THE BODY where we feel at ease. I couldn't remember to do that when I was spiraling, on my own. 
Choosing to focus where there's no stress in the body... on a leg muscle?  Is it the feet?  The shins? FOCUS on THAT, with mindful breathing, and if we can't DO THAT we shift to DOING something physical to give the survival brain SOMETHING TO DO with all those chemicals it's shooting, and barfing up.... in the moment bc it believes we're not going to be OK if we aren't acting to save ourselves... we're IN DANGER and that's true for our brain..... we're THERE, in danger. 

So we do, and do and do... push on walls, or walk backwards around a trashcan and breathe and DO DO DO, and breathe, then check the distress again.  IS it better?  By how much?  Do we need to push some more?  No?  How about patting the shoulders, like soothing a baby, one at a time... while breathing?

THIS isn't what I always pictured meditation BEING....  THIS isn't my idea of what meditation was supposed TO BE in any way.  I think it's misleading, and difficult to explain all at once.  Maybe impossible to explain.   

It's more than just meditation.  It's more, and it's many moving parts, and things fit together, things come apart, and assist and flow....  it wasn't fair to expect myself to move myself OUT of the primitive nervous system on my own, or with a bit of sitting and breathing, bc it wasn't going to happen that way FOR ME.  I think it does happen for others, but it wasn't my way, and it's apparently not your way, Tupp and Hops. 

I'm here to say there's so much more than sitting and breathing, and working through meditations in our heads. There's so much out there.... we can tailor it or ask for help discovering what might work best for us.  EMDR... can't say enough good things about it.  Memory Reconsolidation (MR) AMAZING stuff.  Real, and viscerally effective.... SWITCH ON... SWITCH OFF.  Lasting relief.     

It's penetrating the membrane, and SEEING the truth... without everyone else's stuff getting in the way.  It's new sight, evaporated judgments and belief systems installed years ago..... by self and others.... just POOF.  Gone. 

It's a switch ON or OFF.

I have a splendid pork roast in the oven smelling of caramelized garlic, onions, Cuban spices and roasting meat..... sorry Hops... but it's amazing.   Rice and beans, and thin sliced sweet onions covered in fresh lemon juice and oregano, waiting for a hot oil bath to set them sizzling... still crunchy but bursting with lemon flavor.  SO good. 

I have a better understanding of my homework... figuring out and familiarizing myself completely with the things that work for me... have worked, then pulling them out of my toolbox when I'm stressed... consistently..... just for ease of use, and economy of motion, bc that's smart, and work well worth the time.

I still feel like I'm cheating... not practicing the meditations as the T would have loved to have me practice them.  I do what I remember, is what happens. I'm going to expand my memories, and really put some of these practices in place.  Right now they all run together, or I forget important things, or forget entire practices, and I can change that.

What I CAN do is improve my ability to respond.  A simple truth.  So satisfying to write this all out, and come to this sentence.

I'm smiling happily as I write this..... I feel empowered, and.... I feel enough.



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on December 20, 2019, 03:56:18 AM
Hi, Tupp:

The little man was home from school, in discomfort from freshly installed port in his chest.  He didn't notice the rambutans, but he will; )

I didn't realize he's in for 3 years of chemo.... the father said it's WEEKLY chemo.  That's 3 hours on the road IF traffic is perfect then add the treatment and wait times.... just daunting.  I had no idea. 

I the meantime, he has a new puppy...  white with big black symmetrical inkspot marks that make him look like a wonderful Rorschach test... with one black spotted eye.  Just lovely, and he has 3 flats of rambutans under the Christmas tree.


Oh, Lighter, a puppy!  Nothing better to cheer you up than a puppy :)  3 years is a horribly long time but I'm glad he's getting along with it and I hope that they can all get through it as best they can.  Hard times but also a situation that you just can't avoid or not do.  Very difficult.  I'm sure he'll love the rambutans :)  I'll reply to your other posts a bit later, there was so much in them I want to absorb it all some more and think - the description of what your ex did to you is so vivid and makes me want to jump in between him and you.  Can only offer a big cyber hug ((((((((((((((((((((Lighter )))))))))))))))))))))))))))) xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 21, 2019, 02:28:59 PM
Yup, a puppy makes life better, Tupp.

It's a sweet and sour week, bc my Belgian Malinois is getting a new home with 6 others Malinois on a farm.... I think.  Either than or he's going to a law enforcement officer who'll live, train and work with him every day, which is good too. They're trying to decide that now.

It was time.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Meh on December 30, 2019, 01:04:58 AM
One step back and two steps forward? I guess we would like to think life is going to get easier if we master it, could be there is no such thing.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 16, 2020, 08:02:11 PM
Last 2 T appts were very meh.  I wasn't sure why, but today was the first day I've felt OK since the island. 

Sister has flu now and said it came with debilitating depression.  I so identify with that as the last of my cough is about done... I think it took the low feelings with it.
I worked in the house doing floors, cleaning cabinet doors, fridge interior, laundry, stripping beds and making carrot ginger soup with carrots so big and amazing they look like they could be from the movie SPIRITED AWAY or the PETER RABBIT stories.   

I roasted beets (beautiful) and steamed broccoli.  Really love broccoli cooked that way.  Craving it in soup. 

The moss is loving the rain... just an amazing spring green, all of it. 

I've been limping along, getting to mechanic, putting Christmas lights away, filling house with meals we can eat for days while waiting for the flu to release it's grip.

Found a T for dd.  We've been shopping them, and this is number 5. 
::crossing fingers::.



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on January 17, 2020, 05:58:19 AM
Last 2 T appts were very meh.  I wasn't sure why, but today was the first day I've felt OK since the island. 

Sister has flu now and said it came with debilitating depression.  I so identify with that as the last of my cough is about done... I think it took the low feelings with it.
I worked in the house doing floors, cleaning cabinet doors, fridge interior, laundry, stripping beds and making carrot ginger soup with carrots so big and amazing they look like they could be from the movie SPIRITED AWAY or the PETER RABBIT stories.   

I roasted beets (beautiful) and steamed broccoli.  Really love broccoli cooked that way.  Craving it in soup. 

The moss is loving the rain... just an amazing spring green, all of it. 

I've been limping along, getting to mechanic, putting Christmas lights away, filling house with meals we can eat for days while waiting for the flu to release it's grip.

Found a T for dd.  We've been shopping them, and this is number 5. 
::crossing fingers::.


Very busy, Lighter!  As always, the moss sounds stunning :) Do you think you're just in a bit of a lull with T at the moment?  As in, quite a lot of work done, body shut down a bit from being unwell, just not much to come up and work with right now?

Glad you've found a T for D :)  Is the island work all finished now, or do you still have more to get done there?  Glad the cough is abating :) xx xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 17, 2020, 11:57:44 AM
Hi, Tupp:

I think I was flattened by the flu.... emotionally and physically.  Three appointments ago I had an amazing experience with T as I did every appointment before that.   

I'm feeling better now. 

The island is about ready EXCEPT it appears I have to come up with another housekeeper and possibly caretaker/security guy.  I'm not worried..... will change out locks, and get new shutter locks.  There's a problem with prior caretaker and housekeeper. Not sure exactly what it is, but it's a thing.  We have another housekeeper lined up.  It won't be hard to put another person in the guest house while we're renovating.  Maybe that person can paint, and do upgrades.  Will see.

Renovating the shed.... for a single person.... is now in discussions as is the seawall.

To end on a high note.... the cottage interior feeeeeels super homey and inviting. very nice to be in.  Brother contemplating bringing a full size washer and dryer this trip.  We have 2 bikes now.... will probably bring more. 

I'm so glad you're having a positive experience with your T, Tupp.  That feels really good to read: )


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on January 17, 2020, 12:14:00 PM
Hope you feel better fast, Lighter.

I love the idea of you going to a shelter and choosing a mutt who really needs you.

There's nothing like watching and aiding the emotional recovery of a being who was neglected or abused...and seeing how a dog will seize that chance and leap to it. It's just AMAZING, how rich and joyful and deep (and goofy, and present) those dogs are. Every tale you've heard of the actual gratitude of rescued dogs is true, leading to a deeper bond...(I'm sure you already know).

Just a fantasy but if you do it, walk us along!

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 18, 2020, 12:10:38 PM
This flu has kicked my butt.  What I used to call nerve bumps popped up on inside of fingers and outside of elbows.  I didn't notice them until the worst of the symptoms passed and then they were worse than anything I'd dealt with .  Even the bottom of my feet and tops of toes, where they never showed before.  Like my nerves are trying to escape my body... so sensitive and painful.   I always have ONE on my left palm.  They're like indicators of stress/inflammation in my body.

Today they're about all gone and they were bumps on top of bumps when the flue hit. 

I took a moment to check them out bc yesterday afternoon my left knee started sceaming right at the point I fell on it on the island.  Very odd bc it never hurt like that before.  Ever.   The bone felt sturdy.  The knee scuffed but sound.  Yesterday it felt like it wanted to explode and just ached and ached for no reason at all.... the flu.  12 hours later it's almost normal again.  Just some white cells going nuts, creating inflammation at a stressed point in my body.... insidious this virus is.
I didn't understand why the flu is so harmful and difficult to get over.  It didn't take me this long to feel better after ACL replacement.  It's like the virus is on a search and destroy mission in a body.... seeking out weakness, old injuries and sensitivities.... then blowing them up with white blood cell inflammation. 

I now understand, for the first time, why flu season is a thing. 

It's not a fever, aches and pains for a few days, which is how I've always experienced it, with kids, myself, etc.  It's an assault on our immune system that can linger for weeks,  showing up over and over.  One day of feeling good, and DOIN seems to cost many days of more downtime, IME.   

Youngest dd's flu syptoms began in her stomach and is ending there... I hope it's over for her soon anyway.  You can see in her eyes she's still dealing with flu stress and inflammation at her weakest points.  Depression and weakness.   We're pretty sure it was the flu shot.  You read the shot is a good thing, then you read it's a hit or miss unlikely to be the right virus striking at that time thing.  Youngest dd always gets sick, whatever's going around she gets it.  Oldest dd has much stronger immune system.

I've been practicing mindfulness again.  It didn't cross my mind for a week.  At all.  It almost felt like I had no vision... like I had to feel my way around, bc vision was compromised.  The flu sucks.  I plan on pulling weeds then writing a bit while in the yard.

Dogs are lovely, Hops.   Neighbor (lost his dog around Christmas) has a new puppy, rescued... almost took the sister too, but another family had the same idea.  They each ended up with the puppy they had their hands during the mutual face off....
"we want both puppies." Lots of love for little spirits in need... so nice.  These look like German Feist dogs, whatever their dna is.... black and white.  Little white socks.  Adorable puppy spirit in the neighborhood again.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on January 18, 2020, 03:20:21 PM

Might be worth a Google.

So sorry you're coping with whatever this is;
it sounds maddening and exhausting.

Hope it passes fast.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on January 19, 2020, 08:34:53 AM
I positively despise viruses and bacteria Lighter. Nasty evil invisible spirits, aye.

Perhaps a gentle detox is in order?

It's "wintering" here. We didn't get much snow or ice from the system that swung north, but it's very cold for a week or so now. Lots of woodstove work. And food... oh my... I swear I could eat constantly all day when the wind blows like this and it's cold.

BUT I already got my medicinal herb seeds for this seasons planting. I've got some starting supplies to replace coz I like starting perennials in bigger pots and letting them get some good roots & size before transplanting. I ditched a lot of that when I moved. These are challenging plants: valerian, baikal skullcap, centaury, etc.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 22, 2020, 11:08:05 AM
Yikes.... I watched a little of that show you like while I was ill.... Highlander?  Is that it?

 Now I'm picturing you as the "healer" with your herbs.

What kind of gentle cleanse are you thinking?

I was thinking zeolites and restricting g/s/d..... most processed carbs..... I'm not doing so well with sugar and dairy at the moment.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on January 22, 2020, 04:58:09 PM
Ah... Outlander. Jamie & Claire.

LOL... nope, I'm not quite at that level Lighter. I have been interested & studying (periodically) for many many years. But until one can grow, harvest & process and use one's self... you are still just experimenting. That said, I've found a lot of sources for bulk herbs or pre-made tinctures.

I would think maybe a mini-fast with detoxing herbal tea? Say 12 hr fast.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 23, 2020, 07:44:17 PM
I'm looking through teas at the store...... what's in the tea box....
putting hands on milk thistle supplement....
pulling zeolites....
I can do a 12 hour fast, Amber, yup yup yup.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 29, 2020, 04:21:50 PM
12 hour fast... feeling much better, THEN......   

I ate dairy and noticed my lungs began producing

Well, I can't say I don't know better, bc I do.  Doing better, consistently, is another story. 

The T appointment went about the same way.

I took my observations about recent rabbit hole whack-a-mole, nose on a pebble thinking traps I've struggled with recently.   I felt calm.  Was surprised when tears came up once. 

T spoke about having one's nose on a pebble....
WE are the field.....

drawing back, becoming the spaciousness..... SEEING the pebble amonth many.... noticing what's in the field, besides pebbles, that give relief, calm, restore my place in time... take me out of my mind.....
then we did a walking meditation together in her tiny small office and it was lovely.
"Feet kissing the ground" she called it. 

Heel kisses the earth.... breathe and think "I have arrived."

Toe follows, slowly, kisses earth... breathe and think "I am home."

This was a relief while I enjoyed the feel of moving across the floor with purpose... not falling and catching myself as most walking goes. 

Things shifted when we thought about kissing the earth with heel and toes.... it felt like my happiest moments of prayer.  The feeling of expansiveness and joy..... I smiled without realizing I was smiling.... breathing..... stepping.... thinking of mantra..... we don't have to work out way OUT of our mind traps/old pathways.  We can make that shift in an instant. 

I also noticed I had more choice about recent whack-a-mole thinking mind traps.  I could have shifted out, I was aware while I did it, but felt the need to just go with it, pay attention to what came up and see where it went. 

T said she set aside a limited amount of time for this kind of "thinking."  Usually an hour in the afternoon, then went back to being present.  Typically she forgot to go down her scheduled rabbit hole... she was smiling ear to ear and looked so very pleased.

It was good I didn't feel defeated or like I'd failed or like i was doing things wrong, bc I just didn't feel that way. 

I'm really happy with the walking meditation. 
I like the idea of paying attention to the moments between thoughts.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on January 30, 2020, 02:26:07 AM
This sounds great, Lighter.  Sailing through calmer waters.  I think just being able to manage life's ups and downs is what we're all aiming for.  We'll never be without bumps - but I like the idea of focusing on the moments in between xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 30, 2020, 12:00:26 PM
I was on the Parkway this morning having an emotional wrestle with yesterday's T appointment and my difficulty with letting go of being right.

Being right is a given.  It is or it isn't.  Others being wrong... that's something different.  Do I need them to be identified as WRONG?  Not sure, but I think the hangup is the people around them being harmed.  I think I needed them to be OK in order for me to feel I could be OK. 

Not sure that makes sense, but my nose was so securely glued to that 14 year old pebble... it was my default setting.... the mother I was FELT the injustice, the harm to my child, the ongoing will to harm me and both my girls is REAL and it shows up in the mail many times a year.  Pressing in, but it's an old pebble and I gain nothing by keeping my nose ON THAT ONE PEBBLE.

I don't gain anything by being right or knowing or someone else being wrong... I gain perspective and ability to SEE if I step back, become the field and see all the pebbles.  That one pebble, my nose was stuck to, is just another pebble, and yes, Tupp... there will always be pebbles (COWs crisis of the week.)

I'm noticing new COWs and pebbles are easier to see and step away from or just see clearly with distance... no struggle.

The old pebbles, however... are different.  I was looking at them with the same eyes I had 14 years ago.  Those eyes.... those stuck moments in time are done and over and accepting the path, over being right, just let things click, brain processed, pebble filed away in historic files..... now just another pebble in the field.

I hope that makes sense when I come back to read this.  I want to remember it the way it happened.  I was turning right.. about to leave the Parkway when I GOT IT, lungs fluttered and tremendous relief and peace landed on my entire being.  Joy and amazement.... it's confusing when you make an emotiona connection, then something physical pops up and splits your focus.

My T talks about physically having WOW moments, usually during yoga, or at silent retreats.  I partake in neither, and I've had some moments, but they aren't frequent... I doubt they'll be the norm..... I sometimes worry they won't happen again.

When things like this happen.... it feels similar to the memory reconsolidation sessions.  It's like stepping through an energy field, to the other side.  Everything changes then you adjust.  Very quickly it becomes your norm and you forget what the normal used to feel like very quickly.  At least that's how it is for me... maybe you start doubting what a huge change it was.  You doubt the affect, but they've all be profound and I don't want to forget.

I need to stop doubting.  Start leaning into radical acceptance, which truly has been the struggle, or part of it recently.

Dropping into the spiral that IS primitive brain, is like dropping into a hole.  In many ways, IME.  I've done it enough while WATCHING myselof do it, to understand it's not the way I want to live.  I want to be in the light, in the open, SEEING everything around me now... not seeing what was or what might be. 

As right as anyone can be.... they're better off accepting what is NOW and getting on with doing what they can in this moment, then releasing expectation and I've said that a lot... I've seen posts I've written  in the past... when I didn't quite understand the why and how if IT.  What is gained and what is lost.  How it changes us.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on January 31, 2020, 05:40:40 AM
I think the difficulty is when someone vulnerable is being harmed, Lighter, like your kids.  People do harm children, in many different (and often subtle) ways, and I think when you've been through your own growth and dealt with your own childhood problems you are much more aware of it.  Other people's influence - of a negative nature - in a child's life is not okay, in my book.  I have kept my son away from many people because I don't share their approach to life.  So I understand the who's wrong, who's right thing.  People have different ideas.  Not beating a child is as much as some people feel protects them from abuse, others understand more how what you say and do can have an deep impact.  I'm glad you're working your way through it, watching, processing and just being in it.  I'm glad the T is there to guide you and hand hold when necessary.  And we are here for you too :) One T I used to have kept saying to me I shouldn't rely on validation from others as to what was okay - I needed to set my own limits.  I think that's a difficult one to get to.  But you are on the right path, I think, and I'm glad of that :) xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 31, 2020, 08:02:16 PM
This morning I checked myself....
zero struggle with right or wrong, fist in the air... sure justice is fair, called for and necessary NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW.

It passed.... it's not coming up anymore and it was in my face all the time for weeks... after Bettyanne posted about her mother taking her father's pain meds... I was OFF to the races and now....


the stuff that brought up for me.... is gone.  Done.  I don't want to write a word about it.  It's like my mind rejects the thought even as I remember what it was... and then it's gone again.  Truly... gone.

So, I feel young Lighter processed and cleared a stuck in the past angry trauma cycle, along with the resistance around it.  It felt very young.... very childlike.... a child having a tantrum.  Refusing or unable to listen to reason, or listening but stuck in survival brain and unable to access higher brain to calm, refocus, relieve the stress so higher thinking came online then BAM!  Processing happened, with that unexpected physical internal flapping.... and relief seemed to cover then move  through me.  And it stayed.

I check it every once in a while.  I notice the absence of what was a very familiar circular thought trap.  SO. Circular. 

Acceptance.... really understanding and believing.... being the field.... nose off the pebble. 

As I sit here I wonder if looking left then right then left then right then left then right, while stuck in that headspace hanging on to judgment and trying to find my way back to radical acceptance, which I felt I had before the island.... I wonder if the back and forth eye movement was helpful or THE thing that helped the shift take place.  I distincltly remember it happened as I was about to, then making that the turn.  I remember feeling confusion as I shifted petals and moved forward.   

I'll use my own hand with the EMDR more often.  For some reason, I associate it with the T and it's a happy feeling to remember... I can do this without the T.  For myself.  I'm very curious about how that works for me when I DO remember: ) 

Freedom and ease... that's how it feels.

And so this is a lesson in layers for me.  Older layers and newer layers and how dealing with one BIG thing can heal an entire line of traumas and wounded rabbit hole travels, one to another to another.  Just..... done. 

This is how it felt when I tried to recall emotionally supercharged memories during memory reconsolidation sessions.  They were difficult to recall.

This time, I really can't recall... and I'm trying.

::huge smile... looking around... waiting for it to change, really thinking about it::



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 31, 2020, 08:31:19 PM
The return of my peripheral vision seemed like a miracle, but not until I figured out it was gone, then restored.  MIRACLE.  At first it was scary and confusing to have it back without realizing it had gone away. 

I want to go back and see what happened just before, so I can begin drawing connections between connections if that makes sense.  I know T sessions included using peripheral vision while breathing and noticing what was around me, under me, beside me, above me.... and we spent a bit of time doing that before the EMDR began.  The EMDR hadn't yet begun... I think.

I wondered if this loss happened bc of the eye surgery/vision correction.  I muscle tested and the answer was NO.

I asked if it happened before the surgery and the answer was YES. 

This question came up....
was it because of cataracts and the answer was YES.

I think driving across States, often at night, with worried little children on my way to court stuff, while lacking much of the vision in my left eye, so distracted I didn't KNOW I couldn't see out of that eye..... locked my vision down while survival brain was constantly on then off on then off.   I don't have any feelings about that... just curiosity.

I'm not blaming the court stuff.  I'm not resentful in any way about it.  There's no desire to assign blame,  which is.... new.  To GET TO THE BOTTOM.. the truth of a matter. It's just poof... gone.

  I find myself leaning into curiosity, again, without judgment or any expectation.  Radical acceptance without any emotional reactivity other than happy to understand more about it.  I don't have any desire to learn FROM IT... for future use.  To discern the past.  I simply don't care to draw any conclusions about it. 

It's enough to be restored in this moment.  To know restoration is available to us all, in this moment. see it as a way to keep it from happening again.... there is no happening again. It's just... in this moment.... I have relief and it's EVERYTHING: )

Restoration in THIS moment.....is everything.

 Knowing we're all capable of restoration in this moment....
 is all there is.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on January 31, 2020, 09:10:50 PM
Lighter, I really like this:

  I find myself leaning into curiosity, again, without judgment or any expectation.  Radical acceptance without any emotional reactivity other than happy to understand more about it.  I don't have any desire to learn FROM IT... for future use.  To discern the past.  I simply don't care to draw any conclusions about it.

It sounds as though you suddenly freed yourself from the rumination on justice that tortured you endlessly.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 04, 2020, 08:45:16 PM
Thanks, Hops.

I feel pretty good about noticing when I'm nose on the pebble (NOTP.) 

The more I do it, and am aware about it, the more I understand how it happens... the less fear and anxiety reflexively pop up.   

 The more I practice nonjudgmental focus and radical acceptance... the more it becomes a part of me.  Maybe making the shift gets easier... I assume it does. Just knowing how is a huge relief.  It makes me smile to think of it.

That doesn't mean I'm OK with the upsetting things in life... the egregiously harmful things.  It just means I'm not pulled to them, nose first, and stuck to them like a magnet anymore and that was always young Lighter's POV. IT IS young lighter's POV....  now.  She didn't have any skills or wisdom or insights or ability to SEE.  She was salty about things she had no control over.  Divorce sucks and kids get chewed up in it... it's the American way, esp when PDs are involved.  She needs to be heard and she needs some help.  IT's all around us/her/people we love,hate,wish better for with hindsight.  For every child... we wish that, but we don't need it to be true for us to be ok anymore.

It's a true letting go of something that felt so necessary and worthy for so so long

 Likely, anger will happen again and again.... this isn't one and done...  not with all the layers and that's OK. 

It's OK bc I feel better....
I don't open the garage door braced to see the world on fire anymore. 
I don't wake with dread in my chest and stomach.
I don't turn corners and find my fists out in front of me.

I SEE other people's POV.... have compassion for them without searching for it and that will come and go, I assume.

I used to mechanically manipulate myself.... I had to wonder what happened to that person to make them cut me off in traffic, be rude for no reason.. whatever it was... I had to work my way through it.  NOW... it just IS. It's a POV.  It's a lense that's alway in place, or is in place often... I'm getting used to having it in place.  It feels right.  I don't have to look for it or find it most of the time, and when I do.... I'll not panic or catastrophize or shift into past/future worry worry worry... or maybe I will, but I'll have the ability to SEE it and choose something else as my default setting.   

It feels like it's my default setting now..... and maybe it is.  One way or the other, I'm not going to be afraid or stay afraid rather. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 04, 2020, 09:05:52 PM
Today youngest dd missed school.  She's so sleepy. 

I made the choice to relax into it, not worry about another day missed and just go about my day.

Later dd got up, made herself a healthy chicken and spinach sautee, put on music and we danced and sang while cleaning the kitchen..... I had a breakfast salad.  It felt right.  We put away dishes together while contemplating something sweet.... I pulled out the Scharr GF puff pastry and we were off.  It would be little cinnamon rolls.  DD toasted pecans and put together a butter, cinnamon sugar/salt paste.  There's ONE bun left, and it's mine, btw.  Chewy with crunchy caramelized bottoms.  Amazing,  but the singing and dancing and laughter and talking about life and boys and stuff.... about how people SEE us and how we see them.... that's something I'll remember long after this day of missed school is forgotten.

I can't tell you how good it was to just let that worry go. I felt it as I did it.  The shift into gratitude and joy.... a choice. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 07, 2020, 01:12:46 PM
It's interesting to notice when I'm going from one distraction to another and missing the moments between thoughts.  Sometimes I smile and nod to myself... THAT's the thoughts and living in the future RIGHT THERE... and I pull it back to what's around me... think about my breathing.... the shapes and colores around me. 

Things feel less disjointed as I SEE the different pieces, become more familiar with them... internalize the process of noticing as habit and BEING.

I was pretty tense around planning and packing for boat trip to island coming up. 

And then I put it down.  It's going to be what it is... worry worry worry or no worrying.

It's better to be right HERE, right now.  There's pleasure and flow in doing what's in front of me, without worrying about what comes next, kwim?

That's where the joy is.

THIS moment.

::breathing deeply::

Yup yup yup: )

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on February 07, 2020, 01:18:25 PM
It's interesting to notice when I'm going from one distraction to another and missing the moments between thoughts.  Sometimes I smile and nod to myself... THAT's the thoughts and living in the future RIGHT THERE... and I pull it back to what's around me... think about my breathing.... the shapes and colores around me. 

Things feel less disjointed as I SEE the different pieces, become more familiar with them... internalize the process of noticing as habit and BEING.

I was pretty tense around planning and packing for boat trip to island coming up. 

And then I put it down.  It's going to be what it is... worry worry worry or no worrying.

It's better to be right HERE, right now.  There's pleasure and flow in doing what's in front of me, without worrying about what comes next, kwim?

That's where the joy is.

THIS moment.

::breathing deeply::

Yup yup yup: )


That sounds really lovely, Lighter - just to be able to get on with it.  What I've often wondered with me (and I wonder if it's the same for you) is that I get tense whenever I have to organise or arrange anything (even just making packed lunches because we're going out, and making sure we catch the bus), and I wonder if it's because of all the times the prep was for a court hearing or a meeting that was scheduled, or paperwork that needed to be collated and sent off, or that worry of 'not doing something right' and it being used against you in some way.  It makes sense to me now that the deeper parts of your brain would associate any kind of planning with the scary planning that's gone before.  I'm really happy to read that it's getting easier to notice it and put it down again.  Will be so lovely to get to a point where it just doesn't happen :)  How long until the boat trip now? xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 08, 2020, 12:15:10 PM

I think partly it was the prep for court, but also just the hyper-vigilant state of BEING.  We had to live with every consequence, which was out of our control, so we became hyper-focused on everything we could control.   

T and I talked about food stuff at last appt.  It was't about what I thought it would be about, I'll say that.  More about control and feeling unworthy balled up together. 

While packing yesterday I notice that old familiar sense of urgency creep in.  I noticed it, banished it or didn't and went on.  Banishing is better.  Much better.  This moring has been pure joy in motion... just focused solely on ONE thing at a time, in the present... so nice.

I hope the new pathways, old business filed away in historic files (no longer creating the reactivity that USED to pop up in those areas) and being aware... able to choose something else (most of the time, not ALL the time) is working itself into a new way of BEING in the world.  Of SEEING and FEELING and, more than anything, of cutting out the chatter maybe.....
like I'm a firewall maybe?  At some point, maybe the firewall will simply be that open amazing field my T keeps referring to..... SO MUCH SPACE.... and there won't be much chatter or judgment to deal with at all.  And I'll BE that open spacious grassy field with a view of all the trees and pebbles and flowers without effort. 

Maybe there will be automatic acceptance and curiosity about EVERYTHING..... maybe?

Last night I was tired and about to sleep when I felt a little weird... not bad or good, just weird.  I thought.... Is this what my Dad had?  A little brain bleed and will it kill me or leave me recovering from a stroke?  It's hereditary.

The interesting part of that, from my perspective, is I wasn't worried or frightened or upset or wishing I'd done A, B and C that day.... I was just at peace with it and curious what would come next.  Truly.  Curious. No stomach flip at the thought. It was acceptance.... as default.  I guess.  It felt so much better than what I think of as my "normal" response. 

BTW, I think my brain was adjusting to 12-hour fasts AND small amounts of nutrition-dense foods....salads and bone broths with lots of water(sprinkled with a little pink salt) taken with anti-inflammatories. 

I've also been stretching ANYTIME I stand up and feel a bit stiff. I refuse to walk funny ONE MORE STEP.  I don't care where I am or who sees.... I STRETCH and that takes care of the stiffness. 

My left hip started creeking earlier this week... meaning I noticed some hinkiness with lifting left knee, which was a problem this time last year.  The stretches I got from the book PAIN FREE fixed it, more precisely so that's a no brainer.... DO THAT. 

I gave a copy  of the book to my neighbor whose overcoming catastrophic illness, and I'm curious to see how he feels about it and if he tries it. I'm not sure if he can read well or at all... he lost his good eye during the illness, had a stroke, lost a lot of skin and some ligaments.... other things, but he's a warrior and mostly engaged in Western medicine to gut his way back... had his colostomy reversed, but expressing huge interest in "alternative" ideas at this point, for the first time.  He's "awake" now.   

The book PAIN FREE by Pete Egoscue is a big deal with alternative med practitioners... .there's a clinic near my very active friend who suffers from cartilage loss (major loss) in his shoulders mostly, but knees too and he still... he plays high-level tennis, bikes 60 miles a week average, swims, works out with weights used to compete in Jujitsu... triathlons, monitors his sleep with his fit bit, etc.   He's been going to his ortho guy, getting death shots, discussing surgery while I've been saying GO TO THE EGOSCUE CLINIC and just see what they have to say!  You're lucky to live a half-hour away from them, GO! They'll align all the joints in your body and you can start building the cartilege back!  But noooo... he wouldn't do it until his orthopedic surgeon told him to, lol.   

Last week his ortho guy told him to try Egoscue. 

The active friend called to say he made that appt.  They asked him some interesting questions....
"Did he have a fear of snakes?"  I thought that was very interesting, yes yes yes. 
He went on..
"How did he feel about shrunken heads?" 

Well that tells you how friend really feels about it.  He's joking now, but honestly...  I think he's desperate and Western meds done all it can without making jello of the joints, which happens sometimes before folks get to Egoscue.

I have no feelings about it either way and I have to say... last year this time I would have felt resentment and frustration over his refusal to make that appointment a year ealier.   Now... 3 years after i began suggesting it.... he goes bc his Ortho told him to.   That he's done more damage and not begun treating the cause and building back those joints.....
almost neutral for me.  There was a small shot of heat through my stomach, but I think it was almost my expectation I'd feel something negative.

I don't.

This is huge progress, IMO.   I used to worry about his joints, and fret and neeeed him to make that appointment.  That's changed. 

I'm limiting my radio/tv severely.  I notice I go to turn them on without thinking about it.  NOT turning them on refocuses me and helps dial in what's going on inside.  Things pop up.  I breathe mindfully often throughout the day, which IME is a game-changer.

The boat trip will be sometime in the next 5 days... depending on weather.  I'm not keen on loading the boat down then taking off in high seas, nope nope nope.  I'll get wet no matter what's going on, but want things to be relatively calm and sunny.  Brother said 20 foot waves are 40 feet tall.  DID I post that already?  That's super interesting to me.  I have a fascination with the ocean, some fear and lots of wonder.  My hope is to learn how to drive the boat, handle it in any conditions and make the trip myself.  I think I'll know pretty quickly if it's my thing or not. WOO HOO!  Deep sea fishing again soon!  Not much, and only Queen Trigger fish.... so much fun.   Better than lobster, SO GOOD.

The journey continues. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on February 09, 2020, 04:46:32 AM

I think partly it was the prep for court, but also just the hyper-vigilant state of BEING.  We had to live with every consequence, which was out of our control, so we became hyper-focused on everything we could control.   

Yes, I can identify with that, Lighter.  I think also, with parenting (from the perspective of your parenting being questioned), anything you do can be portrayed as a negative, depending on the perspective of someone else.  Take your daughter's recent sleepy day off.  Some would say that's good parenting - you're encouraging healthcare, appreciating the need to rest, allowing her to make her own choices (thereby encouraging independence in adulthood).  And so on.  Whereas some would argue she should have been forced in - a day off encourages laziness, a lack of responsibility, an attitude of not bothering, and so on.  And I think, when you know that anything you do can be used against you, if someone else wants to make it a negative, that hypervigilent state sees you covering all possible bases and it's exhausting.  Yes, I'm nodding!

T and I talked about food stuff at last appt.  It was't about what I thought it would be about, I'll say that.  More about control and feeling unworthy balled up together. 

Yes, that makes sense to me, too.  If I cook from scratch, I'm a good mum.  If I stick a pizza in the ove, I'm lazy and don't care about his health.  That's how I feel about myself so I can understand that it's about control and needing to be worthy.  Yes.

While packing yesterday I notice that old familiar sense of urgency creep in.  I noticed it, banished it or didn't and went on.  Banishing is better.  Much better.  This moring has been pure joy in motion... just focused solely on ONE thing at a time, in the present... so nice.

Yes, it almost feels like if you acknowledge it's there, it won't keep banging on the window asking to be let in?

I hope the new pathways, old business filed away in historic files (no longer creating the reactivity that USED to pop up in those areas) and being aware... able to choose something else (most of the time, not ALL the time) is working itself into a new way of BEING in the world.  Of SEEING and FEELING and, more than anything, of cutting out the chatter maybe.....
like I'm a firewall maybe?  At some point, maybe the firewall will simply be that open amazing field my T keeps referring to..... SO MUCH SPACE.... and there won't be much chatter or judgment to deal with at all.  And I'll BE that open spacious grassy field with a view of all the trees and pebbles and flowers without effort. 

Maybe there will be automatic acceptance and curiosity about EVERYTHING..... maybe?

Imagine being in that state almost all of the time, Lighter - so freeing and easy?  Oh, that's what's happening, is it?  How interesting!  And then just getting on with what you're doing.  Sounds almost yogi like?  How nice :)

Last night I was tired and about to sleep when I felt a little weird... not bad or good, just weird.  I thought.... Is this what my Dad had?  A little brain bleed and will it kill me or leave me recovering from a stroke?  It's hereditary.

The interesting part of that, from my perspective, is I wasn't worried or frightened or upset or wishing I'd done A, B and C that day.... I was just at peace with it and curious what would come next.  Truly.  Curious. No stomach flip at the thought. It was acceptance.... as default.  I guess.  It felt so much better than what I think of as my "normal" response. 

That is interesting, Lighter, although I'm glad it wasn't a stroke!  But yes, nicer to have a calm reaction than an immediately panicked one.

BTW, I think my brain was adjusting to 12-hour fasts AND small amounts of nutrition-dense foods....salads and bone broths with lots of water(sprinkled with a little pink salt) taken with anti-inflammatories. 
Yes, makes sense that might be shifting things around a little.

I've also been stretching ANYTIME I stand up and feel a bit stiff. I refuse to walk funny ONE MORE STEP.  I don't care where I am or who sees.... I STRETCH and that takes care of the stiffness. 

I've been doing the same!  How funny!  Stretching at the bus stop, stretching on the bus, at the cinema, in the queue at the shop.  We were in a shop during the week and son told me to stop dancing - I was bopping around to the music in the shop and hadn't noticed.  When we went to the arcade yesterday son was in once of those racing games, the one where you sit inside a car and race?  I sat in the passenger seat and read my book - wasn't thinking about what other people would think if they saw me.  Taking care of self - it's a new one, isn't it??!

My left hip started creeking earlier this week... meaning I noticed some hinkiness with lifting left knee, which was a problem this time last year.  The stretches I got from the book PAIN FREE fixed it, more precisely so that's a no brainer.... DO THAT. 

I gave a copy  of the book to my neighbor whose overcoming catastrophic illness, and I'm curious to see how he feels about it and if he tries it. I'm not sure if he can read well or at all... he lost his good eye during the illness, had a stroke, lost a lot of skin and some ligaments.... other things, but he's a warrior and mostly engaged in Western medicine to gut his way back... had his colostomy reversed, but expressing huge interest in "alternative" ideas at this point, for the first time.  He's "awake" now.   

The book PAIN FREE by Pete Egoscue is a big deal with alternative med practitioners... .there's a clinic near my very active friend who suffers from cartilage loss (major loss) in his shoulders mostly, but knees too and he still... he plays high-level tennis, bikes 60 miles a week average, swims, works out with weights used to compete in Jujitsu... triathlons, monitors his sleep with his fit bit, etc.   He's been going to his ortho guy, getting death shots, discussing surgery while I've been saying GO TO THE EGOSCUE CLINIC and just see what they have to say!  You're lucky to live a half-hour away from them, GO! They'll align all the joints in your body and you can start building the cartilege back!  But noooo... he wouldn't do it until his orthopedic surgeon told him to, lol.   

Last week his ortho guy told him to try Egoscue. 

The active friend called to say he made that appt.  They asked him some interesting questions....
"Did he have a fear of snakes?"  I thought that was very interesting, yes yes yes. 
He went on..
"How did he feel about shrunken heads?" 

Well that tells you how friend really feels about it.  He's joking now, but honestly...  I think he's desperate and Western meds done all it can without making jello of the joints, which happens sometimes before folks get to Egoscue.

I have no feelings about it either way and I have to say... last year this time I would have felt resentment and frustration over his refusal to make that appointment a year ealier.   Now... 3 years after i began suggesting it.... he goes bc his Ortho told him to.   That he's done more damage and not begun treating the cause and building back those joints.....
almost neutral for me.  There was a small shot of heat through my stomach, but I think it was almost my expectation I'd feel something negative.

I don't.

This is huge progress, IMO.   I used to worry about his joints, and fret and neeeed him to make that appointment.  That's changed. 

This is ringing so many bells with m, Lighter, I have always felt so obliged to share anything that might help with anyone that might benefit from it and then feel dejected if they don't rush off to do it or if it doesn't work for them.  And I just haven't been this time.  I know loads of people who might well benefit from this EMDR - but I'm finding I'm thinking, they know I'm doing it, I'm talking about all the ways it's helping me.  If that pings a recognition in them that it might help them and they want to ask me about it, then I'm happy to talk.  But I feel like I want to save my energy for me now, and people who want to take it further themselves, rather than trying to rescue everyone around me.  We're putting on our own life jackets before fastening other people's now, maybe?

I'm limiting my radio/tv severely.  I notice I go to turn them on without thinking about it.  NOT turning them on refocuses me and helps dial in what's going on inside.  Things pop up.  I breathe mindfully often throughout the day, which IME is a game-changer.

I haven't been doing that but I might give it a go now you've mentioned it!

The boat trip will be sometime in the next 5 days... depending on weather.  I'm not keen on loading the boat down then taking off in high seas, nope nope nope.  I'll get wet no matter what's going on, but want things to be relatively calm and sunny.  Brother said 20 foot waves are 40 feet tall.  DID I post that already?  That's super interesting to me.  I have a fascination with the ocean, some fear and lots of wonder.  My hope is to learn how to drive the boat, handle it in any conditions and make the trip myself.  I think I'll know pretty quickly if it's my thing or not. WOO HOO!  Deep sea fishing again soon!  Not much, and only Queen Trigger fish.... so much fun.   Better than lobster, SO GOOD.

That, for me, is bravery in its highest form!  The thought of a forty foot wave has me getting as far away from any pool of water that may be anywhere near me :)  Lol, I will be glad for you to make the journey on calm seas, Lighter, with some fishing and beautiful sunsets to enjoy, no storms to cope with!  Do you ever get seasick?
The journey continues. 


I am really glad all of this is unfolding for you, Lighter.  I shall keep a picture in my mind of you on a boat, with the sun on your back and a clear and calm ocean in front of you :)  It's a good metaphor for life, I think :) xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 09, 2020, 02:52:16 PM

I think partly it was the prep for court, but also just the hyper-vigilant state of BEING.  We had to live with every consequence, which was out of our control, so we became hyper-focused on everything we could control.   

Yes, I can identify with that, Lighter.  I think also, with parenting (from the perspective of your parenting being questioned), anything you do can be portrayed as a negative, depending on the perspective of someone else.  Take your daughter's recent sleepy day off.  Some would say that's good parenting - you're encouraging healthcare, appreciating the need to rest, allowing her to make her own choices (thereby encouraging independence in adulthood).  And so on.  Whereas some would argue she should have been forced in - a day off encourages laziness, a lack of responsibility, an attitude of not bothering, and so on.  And I think, when you know that anything you do can be used against you, if someone else wants to make it a negative, that hypervigilent state sees you covering all possible bases and it's exhausting.  Yes, I'm nodding!  Well those days of being judged and attacked are gone now, Tupp.  We're safe.
 Our nervous systems will shake it off when we feel safe.  We'll leave it behind, where it belongs.

T and I talked about food stuff at last appt.  It was't about what I thought it would be about, I'll say that.  More about control and feeling unworthy balled up together. 

Yes, that makes sense to me, too.  If I cook from scratch, I'm a good mum.  If I stick a pizza in the ove, I'm lazy and don't care about his health.  That's how I feel about myself so I can understand that it's about control and needing to be worthy.  Yes.

While packing yesterday I notice that old familiar sense of urgency creep in.  I noticed it, banished it or didn't and went on.  Banishing is better.  Much better.  This moring has been pure joy in motion... just focused solely on ONE thing at a time, in the present... so nice.

Yes, it almost feels like if you acknowledge it's there, it won't keep banging on the window asking to be let in?  Yup... we tend to it. Ask it what it has to say..... coming to our senses.... what do we feel?  Where is it in the body?  Breathe into.... calm it down and go back to the present moment. That's how I experience it lately.

I hope the new pathways, old business filed away in historic files (no longer creating the reactivity that USED to pop up in those areas) and being aware... able to choose something else (most of the time, not ALL the time) is working itself into a new way of BEING in the world.  Of SEEING and FEELING and, more than anything, of cutting out the chatter maybe.....
like I'm a firewall maybe?  At some point, maybe the firewall will simply be that open amazing field my T keeps referring to..... SO MUCH SPACE.... and there won't be much chatter or judgment to deal with at all.  And I'll BE that open spacious grassy field with a view of all the trees and pebbles and flowers without effort. 

Maybe there will be automatic acceptance and curiosity about EVERYTHING..... maybe?

Imagine being in that state almost all of the time, Lighter - so freeing and easy?  Oh, that's what's happening, is it? Why YES, TUPP.
 I think it is: )
How interesting!  And then just getting on with what you're doing.  Sounds almost yogi like?  How nice :) It's joy and energy and flow too!

Last night I was tired and about to sleep when I felt a little weird... not bad or good, just weird.  I thought.... Is this what my Dad had?  A little brain bleed and will it kill me or leave me recovering from a stroke?  It's hereditary.

The interesting part of that, from my perspective, is I wasn't worried or frightened or upset or wishing I'd done A, B and C that day.... I was just at peace with it and curious what would come next.  Truly.  Curious. No stomach flip at the thought. It was acceptance.... as default.  I guess.  It felt so much better than what I think of as my "normal" response. 

That is interesting, Lighter, although I'm glad it wasn't a stroke!  But yes, nicer to have a calm reaction than an immediately panicked one.

BTW, I think my brain was adjusting to 12-hour fasts AND small amounts of nutrition-dense foods....salads and bone broths with lots of water(sprinkled with a little pink salt) taken with anti-inflammatories. 
Yes, makes sense that might be shifting things around a little.

I've also been stretching ANYTIME I stand up and feel a bit stiff. I refuse to walk funny ONE MORE STEP.  I don't care where I am or who sees.... I STRETCH and that takes care of the stiffness. 

I've been doing the same!  How funny!  Stretching at the bus stop, stretching on the bus, at the cinema, in the queue at the shop.  We were in a shop during the week and son told me to stop dancing - I was bopping around to the music in the shop and hadn't noticed.  When we went to the arcade yesterday son was in once of those racing games, the one where you sit inside a car and race?  I sat in the passenger seat and read my book - wasn't thinking about what other people would think if they saw me.  Taking care of self - it's a new one, isn't it??!   Yes... it's new BUT it's also not something I'm thinking about, planning or trying to make happen.... this time.  It's just flow INTO doing without thoughts about anything else.  I don't think about helping others in those moments. It's complete immersion without distraction.  I know I'm a good person, but I'm a better person when I take care of myself first, consistently.... and that comes and goes... that state of being..... without thinking.   

My left hip started creeking earlier this week... meaning I noticed some hinkiness with lifting left knee, which was a problem this time last year.  The stretches I got from the book PAIN FREE fixed it, more precisely so that's a no brainer.... DO THAT. 

I gave a copy  of the book to my neighbor whose overcoming catastrophic illness, and I'm curious to see how he feels about it and if he tries it. I'm not sure if he can read well or at all... he lost his good eye during the illness, had a stroke, lost a lot of skin and some ligaments.... other things, but he's a warrior and mostly engaged in Western medicine to gut his way back... had his colostomy reversed, but expressing huge interest in "alternative" ideas at this point, for the first time.  He's "awake" now.   

The book PAIN FREE by Pete Egoscue is a big deal with alternative med practitioners... .there's a clinic near my very active friend who suffers from cartilage loss (major loss) in his shoulders mostly, but knees too and he still... he plays high-level tennis, bikes 60 miles a week average, swims, works out with weights used to compete in Jujitsu... triathlons, monitors his sleep with his fit bit, etc.   He's been going to his ortho guy, getting death shots, discussing surgery while I've been saying GO TO THE EGOSCUE CLINIC and just see what they have to say!  You're lucky to live a half-hour away from them, GO! They'll align all the joints in your body and you can start building the cartilege back!  But noooo... he wouldn't do it until his orthopedic surgeon told him to, lol.   

Last week his ortho guy told him to try Egoscue. 

The active friend called to say he made that appt.  They asked him some interesting questions....
"Did he have a fear of snakes?"  I thought that was very interesting, yes yes yes. 
He went on..
"How did he feel about shrunken heads?" 

Well that tells you how friend really feels about it.  He's joking now, but honestly...  I think he's desperate and Western meds done all it can without making jello of the joints, which happens sometimes before folks get to Egoscue.

I have no feelings about it either way and I have to say... last year this time I would have felt resentment and frustration over his refusal to make that appointment a year ealier.   Now... 3 years after i began suggesting it.... he goes bc his Ortho told him to.   That he's done more damage and not begun treating the cause and building back those joints.....
almost neutral for me.  There was a small shot of heat through my stomach, but I think it was almost my expectation I'd feel something negative.

I don't.

This is huge progress, IMO.   I used to worry about his joints, and fret and neeeed him to make that appointment.  That's changed. 

This is ringing so many bells with m, Lighter, I have always felt so obliged to share anything that might help with anyone that might benefit from it and then feel dejected if they don't rush off to do it or if it doesn't work for them.  And I just haven't been this time.  I know loads of people who might well benefit from this EMDR - but I'm finding I'm thinking, they know I'm doing it, I'm talking about all the ways it's helping me.  If that pings a recognition in them that it might help them and they want to ask me about it, then I'm happy to talk.  But I feel like I want to save my energy for me now, and people who want to take it further themselves, rather than trying to rescue everyone around me.  We're putting on our own life jackets before fastening other people's now, maybe?

I'm limiting my radio/tv severely.  I notice I go to turn them on without thinking about it.  NOT turning them on refocuses me and helps dial in what's going on inside.  Things pop up.  I breathe mindfully often throughout the day, which IME is a game-changer.

I haven't been doing that but I might give it a go now you've mentioned it!OK... so the TV and radio are mostly OFF.  I listen to Eckhart Tolle.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fi3d0Maed68&feature=youtu.be 
this was the one I listened to while cleaning the tub... I mean... I detailed that tub.
 It was wonderful.  I took apart the handle and bleached it.... took apart the drain and cleared/bleached it.  All down to the surfaces. 

Another HUGE thing about not having the TV on is.... I find I don't have the urge to eat so much.  TV on.... there's almost an underlying tension of need and desire to figure out something to eat..... and I mean constant.  TV OFF... I don't notice hunger or desire to put food in my mouth.  I find I'm enjoying that almost empty feeling again in my life while making mindful choices when I'm truly hungry. If the TV is off I'm likely to put on a pot of bone and veggie broth and have several cups through the day then a super large salad or two..... and I'm OK again.  But once that TV goes on....it feels like Pavlov's dogs.... IS there a message coming through the tv.... eat eat consume eat OR am I just used to a pattern of behaviors?  Not sure, but it's a no brainer to keep the TV off when I'm practicing mindful eating.
 I also like moving through my day when it's quiet, which is new.  I guess I could put a beloved familiar movie on, as background... I don't watch... it's just noise, but..... I'm curious what I'll find in the between the noise and thoughts. 

The boat trip will be sometime in the next 5 days... depending on weather.  I'm not keen on loading the boat down then taking off in high seas, nope nope nope.  I'll get wet no matter what's going on, but want things to be relatively calm and sunny.  Brother said 20 foot waves are 40 feet tall.  DID I post that already?  That's super interesting to me.  I have a fascination with the ocean, some fear and lots of wonder.  My hope is to learn how to drive the boat, handle it in any conditions and make the trip myself.  I think I'll know pretty quickly if it's my thing or not. WOO HOO!  Deep sea fishing again soon!  Not much, and only Queen Trigger fish.... so much fun.   Better than lobster, SO GOOD.

That, for me, is bravery in its highest form!  The thought of a forty foot wave has me getting as far away from any pool of water that may be anywhere near me :)  Lol, I will be glad for you to make the journey on calm seas, Lighter, with some fishing and beautiful sunsets to enjoy, no storms to cope with!  Do you ever get seasick?  I was a car sick kid, but I don't recall being seasick.  Reading in the car is a big NO NO.  Being on the boat, the last trip... no problem at all, thank God.
The journey continues. 


I am really glad all of this is unfolding for you, Lighter.  I shall keep a picture in my mind of you on a boat, with the sun on your back and a clear and calm ocean in front of you :)  It's a good metaphor for life, I think :) xx
I think you're spot on with the metaphor, Tupp.   Also, we can view life and the sea and what comes next as friendly or unfriendly.  I I'm choosing friendly! 

Just finished sluffing skin, using pore cleaning strips, then will put on a little tanner and get out of the house.  I know I'll feel better with a little faux sun on my face..... I'm usually notin the frame of mind to care.  Today I'm just DOING without thinking.  No judgment or shoulds... just DOING.  It's nice, (((Tupp.))  Will keep you updated.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 04, 2020, 12:41:55 PM
I want to jot down stuff I've been noticing and working on.

Being heard is huge for me now. Speaking with a calm steady voice, not getting emotional and speaking so I feel heard.  Sometimes things come out harsh, in my father's words... with his delivery..... and it's like a blunt object falling.

That's not my way, but it's coming out when I can't find a way and get frustrated.  I see that.  I notice I don't want to do that.  I can speak without getting frustrated going forward....and that's about feeling entitled to be heard, have voice and  take care of myself.  It's my job.  I'm supposed to do that.  It's not up for debate or discussion. I get to do that.  People can listen or not, but there are consequences.

I get to state boundaries and consequences for overstepping.  I get to enforce those boundaries.  There's no question that I will or won't.  It's just how it is.   No fretting or worrying about it now.

I'll handle responses, protests and whining as it comes up and it will come up.  That's OK as long as I don't have to control what others believe or gain their understanding.  I don't need to. 

How I feel and what I understand is the important piece in this.

I feel closer to sibs for the effort to speak up.

I feel understood, like I'm in charge of getting my needs met and will get them met. 

I don't need others to understand or be OK.  I want them to be OK, of course, but that doesn't determine my mental stability. 

I'm responding (more often) and reacting less.  It takes no getting used to.  It's just a change. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on March 09, 2020, 11:36:20 AM
I want to jot down stuff I've been noticing and working on.

Being heard is huge for me now. Speaking with a calm steady voice, not getting emotional and speaking so I feel heard.  Sometimes things come out harsh, in my father's words... with his delivery..... and it's like a blunt object falling.

That's not my way, but it's coming out when I can't find a way and get frustrated.  I see that.  I notice I don't want to do that.  I can speak without getting frustrated going forward....and that's about feeling entitled to be heard, have voice and  take care of myself.  It's my job.  I'm supposed to do that.  It's not up for debate or discussion. I get to do that.  People can listen or not, but there are consequences.

I get to state boundaries and consequences for overstepping.  I get to enforce those boundaries.  There's no question that I will or won't.  It's just how it is.   No fretting or worrying about it now.

I'll handle responses, protests and whining as it comes up and it will come up.  That's OK as long as I don't have to control what others believe or gain their understanding.  I don't need to. 

How I feel and what I understand is the important piece in this.

I feel closer to sibs for the effort to speak up.

I feel understood, like I'm in charge of getting my needs met and will get them met. 

I don't need others to understand or be OK.  I want them to be OK, of course, but that doesn't determine my mental stability. 

I'm responding (more often) and reacting less.  It takes no getting used to.  It's just a change. 


I love boundaries more and more, Lighter, things are so much easier when everyone knows where your line in the sand is and doesn't try to trifle with you.  I would just say don't give yourself a hard time if you don't convey as well as you'd like to - we're all still learning and I think it will get easier in time.  The difference between responding and reacting is huge!  Who would have thought.  I'm glad it's starting to mesh together a little easier and coming more easily over time xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on March 09, 2020, 01:58:27 PM
That's BIG, Lighter!
About the voice control and demeanor, and not channeling father. Bravo.

I notice that you often mention consequences. Knowing your background in martial arts, I'm sure you mention them in the same calm, unthreatening way. It might be challenging to NOT see dialogue or emotional interactions with loved ones in terms of BATTLE.

Probably the most important consequences in drawing boundaries, in my experience, don't have a ton to do with others (except of course with kids). But mostly, I think, the most valuable consequences are for the self. Such as:

--This dialogue is feeling toxic or borderline abusive to me. My consequence for myself is that I will say, "I am feeling frustrated so I'm going to take a half-hour for a walk. We can continue when I get back." (Or, later today, whatever....)

--This person (non family) does not appear to be hearing me. I will state my request (same calm tone) two more times. If it's not responded to, I will say: "This is not satisfactory to me. I will find someone in a management role to see how to get it resolved." (And then exit.)

Stuff like that. If there is any risk of internally confusing "consequence" with "punishment", it might be best to make the first priority defining consequences for the self. That de-escalates most conflicts, I think. It helps not to live in battle mode.

You know I make all this up, right? Just my opinions. But they do come from years of pondering and thinking about boundaries, fwiw.

Hugs and kudos,
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 09, 2020, 06:13:59 PM

I KNOW better than to be hard on myself for doing my best, but sometimes it's not so easy, is it? 

I'm feeling more confident and curious about how I'll handle myself going forward. 

And you're right... the boundaries are so important. ONce they're in place things get easier, cut trouble off at the pass, point out where our attention needs to shift without confusion.

Yup yup yup.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on March 10, 2020, 12:01:22 AM
Did you mean Tupp or Hops?

Me, I lose track all the time....but thought you might've been responding to moi.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 10, 2020, 04:53:49 PM
That's BIG, Lighter!
About the voice control and demeanor, and not channeling father. Bravo.  Yup yup yup yup. It feels super important right now.

I notice that you often mention consequences. Knowing your background in martial arts, I'm sure you mention them in the same calm, unthreatening way. It might be challenging to NOT see dialogue or emotional interactions with loved ones in terms of BATTLE.

I never engage in battles and this speaking up for myself, even in my father's words, is new for me.... or so it seems.  Typically I just leave.  Having kids meant I COULD speak up, easily and often when necessary, bc it was for my kids.  Speaking up for myself is different, but getting easier with coaches like you and examples to help drive the info home.

Probably the most important consequences in drawing boundaries, in my experience, don't have a ton to do with others (except of course with kids). But mostly, I think, the most valuable consequences are for the self. Such as:  I think I've been talking about boundaries and reading about boundaries and watching others deal with boundaries BUT without realizing how difficult it is to do when I'm in reactive mode.  I haven't sussed out reactive vs responsive till recently and so...... the topic of boundaries has taken on a new heft and weight.  They're very real and accessible.  I didn
I didn't understand how the "light switch" flipping WAS REALLY being stuck or not stuck in reactive amygdala brain.  All the talking in the world, understanding, making up mantras just couldn't penetrate and take hold... grow.... internalize and become default and I couldn't understand why.  Knowing why is helpful.  Knowing it still comes and goes, as it is now.... I'm having a moment.... the kids see me spilling things... 3 things in 30 minutes and so I STOP, put down glass and liquids and breathe.  Post.  Examine what's going on internally.  Think about how difficult it is to remember or utilize boundaries when in fight or flight. 

--This dialogue is feeling toxic or borderline abusive to me. My consequence for myself is that I will say, "I am feeling frustrated so I'm going to take a half-hour for a walk. We can continue when I get back." (Or, later today, whatever....)Ya..... I have more trouble disengaging when I'm dealing with younger sib. There are certain people I've never walked away from, still have to fight the codependence stuff.  I can usually identify the projections and exaggerations... but it's hard to take a break.  I'll think about that.  I understand it's a good choice and appreciate your writing it out here.

--This person (non family) does not appear to be hearing me. I will state my request (same calm tone) two more times. If it's not responded to, I will say: "This is not satisfactory to me. I will find someone in a management role to see how to get it resolved." (And then exit.)I can HEAR this more clearly now.... practice it proactively.... make a habit of it.

Stuff like that. If there is any risk of internally confusing "consequence" with "punishment", it might be best to make the first priority defining consequences for the self. That de-escalates most conflicts, I think. It helps not to live in battle mode. 

You know I make all this up, right? Just my opinions. But they do come from years of pondering and thinking about boundaries, fwiw.  I wrote a big response to this post... I think it went away?  I don't see it on the board.

Anyway, I have a situation with a father at our school sending Instagram messages to underage girls..... I'll DO something about it, just not sure what yet.

AND a mother is asking me to take her child in, during this viral thing, and keep him in school, care for him bc her immune system is compromised and she doesn't want to get sick if he brings it home.
 I have a child already going to school, pretty much same classes, so she figures I'm already IN IT.... it won't matter if her child is here.  I have conflicted feelings about that... not in the feeding and staying on him with school work... getting him to school and home but with the questins.... WHAT IF HE DOES become ill?  I think it's a mistake to think about it while I'm still shooting adrenaline from oldest dd driving to the store (girls decided to buy rice, beans and tp, just in case) so it's just a very difficult day I'm not comfortable making big decisions around.  Will see T tomorrow so I'm giving self permission to let things simmer till then.

Thanks for responses, Hops.


Hugs and kudos,
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 11, 2020, 04:24:13 PM
I want to get in the yard so will just jot things down as I remember them without looking up proper spelling, etc.

T and I talked about editing and giving away STUFF in a very happy positive way.  She talked about the "basement" where we consider things and perhaps attach meaning to them or don't.  Attaching meaning to things is about seeing ourselves as THAT... that thing or connection.  When that's gone there's more room for expansion and connection to the whole.  Around here you see lots of bumper stickers like.... ALL ONE, etc.  That's what she's talking about.  Who we are without the stories defining us.

We talked about giving up meat... she's not a vegetarian or vegan though she's tried and failed bc of low energy and feeling very bad physically.  She said the gal running retreats in this part of the State eats meat and that lady said the Dalai Lama eats meat.  That every body is different and we eat for health while being mindful around those choices.

The girls and I have talked about giving up meat certain days of the week.  I'm feeling really good about that, at a minimum.

Around these discussions she used a word sounding like RE-A-FI.... hard e and i.   It's Buddhist word that means aligning ourselves to the truth... maybe Hops knows it?  I'm paraphrasing badly here, but want to keep moving.
  This brought her to discussion around the cross.... before it was associated with that "Jesus guy" and then she laughed.... the cross was here way before. 

If the horizontal part of the cross is our physical life and the vertical is our spiritual life.... we strive to find the middle and THEN we can rise spiritually, grow.... become more conscious and aware of our true nature, in a nutshell.  Between desire and aversion..... seeking pleasure and avoiding pain.... there is balance in the middle.

We had maybe half the appointment left so I brought up the needle/medical thing and she said we could do a small exercise around it... she wished we could do an entire appointment around it BUT that's OK bc I give blood this weekend and can observe how anything shifted, if at all.   

She gave me two choices.... have young Lighter speak to older Lighter about the experiences OR do some blinking around it.... she called it Flash.   I didn't need to imagine them in my hands and weigh them out.  I always will go for the Flash over the other.

She brought me to my happy tomato garden with all it's sites sounds and smells.... warm summer sun on fragrant tomatoes and vines.... and we did eye movements, then one blink.... many times.  Then we checked the garden and repeated but with 2 blinks.  It was easy and she kept checking in around it... how did it feel..  was it easy.  Yup.

We brought the anxiety down from 8 to 0... I couldn't find the anxiety... it was fuzzy and far away... too far to reach and I didn't try very hard.  Just let it go then went back to the garden for a minute or two and we did the eye movement again while she mixed up the blinks.... 2..... 2....  1...... 3.... 2 etc.  THIS time I noticed the eye movements were harder... my tongue wanted to help, and my eyes wanted to just blink blink blink blink blink without stopping.  I tried to focus on my breathing through all this and follow her fingers and stay in the garden and blink quickly not longer blinks, etc.

She said the medical/needle/blood stuff is very common and the difficulty in the end was about control... it's hard to release all expectations and desire for control around this.

She asked what was true about myself and I responded without thinking that I was trustworthy and honoring my intuition will keep me safe... I am safe. I trust myself to stay safe... I am safe. 

Then I went out into the nicest day I've seen in a very long time. 

I'm going to spend a couple hours in the moss garden.... feeling the sun and breeze, noticing the birds and feisty squirrels.   Let all that simmer down.

I like T's approach to different concepts from different POVs. 
Today we worked on dissolving neural pathways....building new ones. 
We worked to rea fy stories in the basement.
We worked to activate the amygdala, move the anxiety into the processing center, process then file in historic files..... memory reconsolidation..... Flash....  and so this T doesn't force any ONE way of looking at this kind of growth.  It feels like she's packing information onto a sculpture... a handful of clay on this side, then the other, then on top, then below..... which brings a more completely picture for me.

She quoted Tolle....
"Ask yourself is there joy, easy, and lightness in what I am doing?
If there isn't, then time is covering up the present moment and life is perceived as a burden or a struggle."

I really loved that and it was super timely.  There's no guru gaga ... around anything.  I think she touches on everything.... every approach, bc I'm open and willing to hear different vantage points.  IF she told me what to think, how to go about something.... I'd dig in and resist. 

She's going on 2 back to back retreats soon, which is awsome, bc I know she's on her own journey, doing her own work, and will be ravenously hungry for meat when she gets out.  She's not vegetarian but tried it...  noticed she had to plan her life around naps and feeling lousy physically. The gal running one of the retreats in this area isn't vegetarian, which surprised T.  I think the Dalai Lama eats meat... everyone's body is different, and giving up meat for a day or more a week makes good sense to me, for the planet mainly.  More about that later.

REALLY cool appointment today.  I was up and ready to go before T was..... just felt great and ready to get at the day; )

Final note from T....
becoming my own best friend.... yup yup yup.

Tup, I'm channeling you a bit here as I bought a lovely long pink linen shirt from GoodWill and enjoy it so much.... such a happy color. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 12, 2020, 10:28:00 PM
I walked the labyrinth today while dd had her appointment.  The gardener was there, tending and cutting back bushes. 

Studying what they did.... they laid out a huge circle then stoned in the edges with cement and filled it all with very fine gravel that felt good on bare feet. 

After I brushed my feet off in the grass I sat on the porch swing and overheard the owner talking with the gardener.  As the owner passed me on the porch I thanked him for having such a lovely yard and labyrinth.   He lit up like a Christmas tree and talked about his plans and what he wanted for the bushes to grow into as they matured.  He thanked me for spending time there and went in.

I told the gardener he was doing a fine job and HE lit up too.  He looked like Jesus from The Walking Dead.... adorable and very pleased with his work on this project. He was pleased to see someone enjoying it too.  I could picture something that lovely in all my rocks and moss, but that's just dreaming.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on March 13, 2020, 03:26:40 PM
Boy can I see you making that happen, Lighter!

A neighborhood moss labyrinth...


A lovely dream regardless.

So pleased you had that experience today.

I'd bet YOU might have been lit up too.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 13, 2020, 10:10:50 PM
It is a lovely dream, Hops. 

A neighborhood moss labyrinth. 

It is nice to dream.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on March 14, 2020, 03:49:53 PM
Ah, Lighter, charity shop clothes are the best!  I was in one this week and a top literally fell off the coat hanger as I walked past it.  I picked it up and it was just beautiful, a whole kind of mist of blues and greens, really pretty, with layers around the bottom of it.  I just bought it, it was so nice I thought if it doesn't fit I'll turn it into a cushion :)  Lol.

I'm glad the T is going so well.  I think it's good when they have a range of tools to use in different situations and I think you can feel the difference when they're working (or have worked) through their own stuff as well as sorting yours out.  It just makes the connection stronger, I think?

The labyrinth sounds lovely.  I do think people like when someone notices their hard work and appreciates it.  It's always so nice to give someone feedback like that :) xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 14, 2020, 04:05:17 PM
Hi,  Tupp:

I adore blues and greens.... I associate green with ponds.... deep green lily pads, moss, and algae... frogs.  I used to buy special handmade papers with deep lovely greens swirled and dotted on the page. 

Did the top fit or will be become a favorite cushion?

About T doing her own work... I think it makes it easier for her to drop all ego and deal with me where I am, with zero expectations/viewing me through her experiences, etc.  Also, a deeper connection, as you say, bc she's been through what I'm going through.... she gets it, yup yup yup.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on March 15, 2020, 02:00:36 AM
It fits!  I haven't worn it yet, because I've mostly been doing cleaning and dirty jobs and I don't want to wreck it.  But it fits perfectly :) Yes, people who don't have expectations about your experiences are worth their weight in gold, so much easier when someone else can help you but also just leave you be xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 16, 2020, 11:29:38 AM
So glad the shirt fits, Tupp.  I'll picture you wearing it in the sunshine, happy puttering, drinking tea in your garden.

My T sent e-mails that this week's appointments will be over computer.  I've never face timed anyone.  I'm not interested in it, so am not sure if I'll take it or cancel it. 

Will see.

My brother is upset everyone running around disrupting the economy.  He wants everyone to just be normal right now... and sensible as well.  I tell him it's not that I'm worried he'll get the virus BUT THAT HE'LL GET IT AND SPREAD IT bc he doesn't feel too bad.  Stopping the virus won't be about carrying on normally, IMO.  There has to be some base line changes that curtail the spread and we all have to join in.

I write this while 2 nights ago neighbors and I were passing glasses and food around a fire pit... playing pool and darts..... yesterday all the neighbors were in the culdesac talking, the elderly immune-compromised among them.  We're actually having MORE contact than before! 

It's comforting to speak to neighbors and enjoy fellowship in times of stress, but it's worrisome to me now.  I'll say this... the sober retired nurse came by the firepit and you could tell she didn't want that hug from one of the tipsy neighbors, but she got it anyway, then had to endure holding hands all the way to her property..... while resisting it.  The tipsy neighbor started a job as a bank teller today.  I know she's not being careful, bc she's just not in the headspace to be.

Ahh... wrong thread so will end this now.   I'm feeling OK.  Happy about your shirt.  Happy to spend time in the yard. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on March 16, 2020, 12:07:59 PM
SIX feet apart.
No glasses passing!

Grrrr on the irresponsible tipsy person.

Sounds like you have good neighbors though, Lighter.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 16, 2020, 03:10:20 PM
Right, Hops?

And the tipsy neighbor... with the new bank teller job, is married to the guy recovering from the immune thing that almost killed him... should have killed him.... and he's not strong yet.  We pass the pug back and forth regularly.  Can you get it OFF a pet's fur?  Don't know, but I know the husband likely wouldn't survive this IF his wife brings it home.

I'm hoping her work gives strict protocols for safety and she brings them home, shares AND practices.  If not, we'll have to have a sober conversation.

And everyone standing around in a little circle yesterday..... I just looked on and didn't go.  I'm going to prod the retired nurse to speak to them..... all very old friends.   She'll just up and say it the way it is, as a medical professional, rather than me looking like a nutjob newcomer trying to control them. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on March 16, 2020, 05:17:21 PM
Likely not....

https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/news/can-dogs-get-coronavirus/ (https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/news/can-dogs-get-coronavirus/)

Google is REALLY helpful, as long as you rely on reliable sources, not anecdote.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 16, 2020, 08:57:45 PM
Thanks, Hops: )
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 17, 2020, 04:29:21 PM
This morning DD19 and I completed our online questionnaires and headed to school to give blood.

I tried to stay in my tomato garden and not think about anything negative, which came and went.

There were 2 teachers at a table outside the building where we were supposed to give blood.  Two other tables held snacks and pens for filling out forms.  We were asked to use hand sanitizer and I cleaned the pens with it too.   

There was a change in plan.... the big blood connection bus was where the draw would happen. I wasn't happy about being stuck in that little space with other people, but that was the way they planned it. 

I stepped into the bus and saw the gentle smile of a favorite teacher giving blood..... that calmed me down and I had a seat.  The red headed tech, with the shiner, took me into a little phone booth sized room to prick my finger and check iron levels. She spoke quite loudly and used words like "ain't" pretty often.  The smell of alcohol and whatever else hit me by then and I have to tell you... that is a very LOUD smell.  It's not all in my head.   It's just overwhelming, but I didn't feel lightheaded and my late friend P joined me in my tomato garden... I felt so happy to see her!  I sailed through as DD entered the bus and took a seat.   

I chose my recliner...on right side of the isle, then switched to left after checking my veins.  I have bigger ones in my right arm, which makes sense AND they pricked a finger on my rigth hand.   The gal did something pinchy painful to my arm that could have been placing the needle, but it wasn't the needle and left many tiny hickey marks in two places over top of the vein.... I assume she inserted the needle between them while I looked away and thought about the garden. I was fine.  No upset.  No feeling I'd lose consciousness.  I felt strong and fully in control of my brain and body, which was the first time in this situation for the first time around needles. 

Now,  I noticed all the things that would usually bring the darkness... that awful feeling when the needle goes in and things drop.... the vein feels like it's ill.... and then..... nothing happened.  I just kept feeling fine and wasn't surprised, bc I'd set my mind things would BE fine.       

DD took the chair beside me, across the isle.  IT wasn't clear if there was a tech on board who could find tiny deep set veins.... I mentioned it to the red with the shiner and she just laughed with the other techs about it, so not sure what to expect.  Also, DD and I did get the idea these gals had been plucked off the street that morning to work the gig..... not a calming feeling.  Shiner gal had many things she needed correction for.... over and over.  She didn't seem like she was used to doing that job on the bus, but we're troopers, so....

Red hit dd's vein the first try!  WHOO HOO!   DD said tech then wiggled the needle to settle it and that hurt a lot.  DD's arm hurt, had pins and needles, she was unhappy with the draw in left arm, stuck finger on right hand, upset and uncomfortable pretty much all the way through, but things went super great all things considered,  IMO. 

We received 10.00 gift cards, which was a nice surprise, and headed for take out sushi where I learned the Governor ordered all restaurants to switch to take out only at 5 pm.

I wore gloves.   All the employees wore gloves.   Counters and menus were wiped down after customers touched them.  Sushi was amazing and I felt like that last T appointment was a tremendous success. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on March 17, 2020, 06:36:42 PM
BRAVO, Lighter!
Despite its imperfect representatives,
the world was not your enemy for the blood draw.

I'm really happy for you that you opened yourself up
to what was going right. Even the things that you did not
control...generally went all right.

You trusted the universe a bit! Ignorant gum chewing
strangers! Nobody died because you weren't hyper vigilant!

More bravos.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 17, 2020, 11:53:15 PM
Thanks, Hops!

I really did feel hypervigilance battled the garden for dominance on that bus.

I felt like I was stuck between the two at times, but kept trying hard to smell sunny tomatoes and vines...
tomatoes and vines...
tomatoes and vines, lol. 

And it worked! 

We signed up for the May blood drive at school.  I didn't know one bag of (gently shaken) blood could help up to 3 people.

The techs have these little rocking tables that cradle the bags as they fill up so they don't clot.  And every time I looked I was astonished it didn't bother me.  I noticed the red blood filled line... nothing! 

I saw the needle before it went into dd's arm.... NOTHING.

The blood bead coming out of my arm, bc it just wouldn't clot.... nu thin.

No reactivity at all. 

This is astonishing, particularly bc of the smell in that closed in area AND the close proximity to other people which added stress.   

My T will be so pleased: )

ps  I think we will be "socially distancing" longer than 2 weeks also... sadly.
A 2 week incubation period seems likely... I keep hearing that from many sources.  I have to begin that countdown today after all the running around, touching stuff and being closer than 6 feet to people at several different places, which is stupid, but man... it's SO HARD to stop doing it, IME.     
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on March 18, 2020, 01:26:42 AM
Well done on getting through that, Lighter!  Wow, that is a big shift, I'm really pleased for you :) xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 18, 2020, 03:07:01 PM
Thanks, Tupp.

I had a WhatsApp appointment with T this morning and she was very pleased about the blood donation experience too. It's amazing how strong our minds are and how putting the stories on the shelf frees us up.... delivers us from reactivity.

I shared some upsetting recent reactions with her.... waking at 1am feeling anxious then 3am and eating both times instead of feeling in my body.... comforting my anxiety as I would a small child... asking it if I need to do something now... like flee a burning house.  If not, let it know we'll deal with it in the morning.... breathe to activate PNS parasympathetic nervous system and do what can be done, then go back to sleep. 

She said it's very common to seek out dairy and ice cream.... to eat things familiar from infancy.... seeking food and safety and comfort from exterior things under stress,  esp for women.  The stress really shows us where those old pathways are and how strong they are. 

I also have a desire to b slap a certain face when I see it on TV,  which I'm avoiding like, ahem, the plague.  It's still reactivity showing me where it lives in my body.  I can give it attention, without judgment, and wait for what comes up around it.  Breath light and spaciousness around it.

 I know what it feels like to tend to the new pathways while resisting the old..  I just did it on the blood bus.   It's a habit we cultivate daily and notice when stress overwhelms us or threatens to overwhelm us.  Remembering to do it, when under big stress, will get easier as we cultivate new pathways daily.   I know this, but the stress makes it difficult to remember.... living in the amygdala shuts down higher thinking.  Is paralyzing.   Breathing engages the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) and calms down our biology..... unhooks the alarm bells so we can think and reason... problem solve again.  Center ourselves and give up expectations we can control anything outside ourselves.

There will always be chaos around us and it;s normal to want to control what we can.  Learning to calm ourselves, as default setting, means we learn to live in the eye of the chaos.  The collective chaos is all around us,  which is more stress than normal.

T shared story of Vietnamese boat people struggling to stay alive in times of intense fear on the Sea.  If everyone despaired at once, it was the end of them.  If just ONE person remained centered and mindful... it was contagious... everyone calmed down.... like a chain reaction,  and they survived. 

If we remember we can't control anything external,  make peace with that and control what we can, then give up expectations... we're centered in our bodies and the eye of the storm. 

I'm reminding myself here... non-judgmental self-compassion..... curiosity..... releasing the stories we've held for so long.... tending to the physical sensations around the stress.... remember to breathe.

I'm strengthening my tomato garden with more tactile detail.... the prickly vines....  the feel of warm tomatoes..... along with the sight and smell...  the sound of the bugs.... that works for me.  I wonder when that will be my default: ) 

It's a good thing I had that appointment, bc last night was jarring.... disrupted sleep, self-defeating self-soothing activities.... difficulty overcoming reactivity.  It all seems so clear when I get out of fight or flight mode. 

It feels like practicing a biology hack....
a shortcut to re-centering myself, which honestly is impossible if I try to think my way out of it. I'm so grateful to have this experience and ability in my life.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 19, 2020, 05:57:44 PM
My sister's FIL passed away this afternoon.  It was agony in many ways, bc he'd just moved to a hospice situation in Canada..... and BIL wasn't prepared for him to go so soon.  They expected him to live another 3 months.  My sister fought like a bulldog to keep him hydrated, lucid and... it doesn't matter now.

I'm conflicted about the hospice situation but so glad he's no longer suffering. 

He was a good man.  A hard worker.  A committed family man and Grandpa.  He immigrated from Italy to Canada with zero English language skills.  He worked like 3 men on the railroad, till his legs were crushed, then he went back to work like 2 men, splitting his own wood well into his old age, making hundreds of gallons of wine for the family every year, growing food and making old-world sausages... canning food and sharing it. 

It was a very rich life. 

Nono, may you rest in peace.

 You are loved and will be missed

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on March 19, 2020, 07:36:36 PM
What an impressive man!

I'm very sorry for your sister-in-law's loss of her father.
He sounds like an amazing, richly storied character.

I'm sorry you're feeling that loss personally, too.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 19, 2020, 09:21:26 PM
Thanks, Hops.
It's the end of an era.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 20, 2020, 02:26:44 PM
Sister and family telling Nona about Nono's death now.  She said it feels like killing kittens... so so sad.  No screaming.  Just sad crying and being held by many loved ones.

Nona has a little chest rattle and fever so doc making a house call.  It's impossible to imagine these moments in a time of strict social distancing.....  hands-on comfort and expressions of care seem vital.

For me, times like these are confusing.  Puzzling logistics leaves me exhausted and feeling defeated.  Normal solutions are problematic and perhaps deadly. 

My elderly neighbor left his father in an Ohio hospice.  I haven't called to check on those neighbors yet.   I'm afraid words of comfort will fail. I'm afraid I won't have any words of comfort, but I can listen. 

That's likely better than any words or platitudes I might otherwise offer.   

They aren't alone.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on March 20, 2020, 03:31:40 PM
Oh, Lighter, I'm so sorry to read this.  It's such a sad time and so difficult to 'carry on as normal' when such tragedy occurs.  I don't think it's the words that comfort, I think it's the fact that people care enough to offer them?  And I do think sometimes a nice card that can be read over and over can help.  I'm sorry you've lost Nono and for the elderly chap in the hospice.  Sending much love xx xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 23, 2020, 09:22:45 PM
Thank you, Tupp. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 24, 2020, 07:58:16 PM
Today it gently rained nonstop.  The moss is happy and green.  I would have pulled weeds, but I didn't want to be in the rain today.  Sometimes I do.

Walking meditation for me today was cleaning the kitchen.  I mean...  I cleaned under the stove, put away clean pots and pans sitting out for days which requires organization.... cleaned floors and counters which means things get cleaned deep into corners and rinsed.

I and clean fridge out tomorrow....  Thursday is trash day.  Groceries coming Friday.... or so I think.  T appointment and I should have written down what I wanted to talk about bc there was something... and now I'm drawing a blank.   

I think my bra is too tight to think clearly. 

Yup, that was it.  I remember now.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on March 25, 2020, 02:48:03 AM
Today it gently rained nonstop.  The moss is happy and green.  I would have pulled weeds, but I didn't want to be in the rain today.  Sometimes I do.

Walking meditation for me today was cleaning the kitchen.  I mean...  I cleaned under the stove, put away clean pots and pans sitting out for days which requires organization.... cleaned floors and counters which means things get cleaned deep into corners and rinsed.

I and clean fridge out tomorrow....  Thursday is trash day.  Groceries coming Friday.... or so I think.  T appointment and I should have written down what I wanted to talk about bc there was something... and now I'm drawing a blank.   

I think my bra is too tight to think clearly. 

Yup, that was it.  I remember now.



Lol, Lighter, I am bra free while on lockdown and wonder if I will be able to get back in to one when it's all over!  I find I can only wear either boots or flip flops on my feet these days as it's been so long since I wore shoes and I wonder if the same will happen with bras!

Yes, much spring cleaning and reorganising will be done in many homes, I think, my place already feels cleaner and less cluttered just because we don't have the constant in and out going on that we usually would.  Having time and headspace to think is helping with that as well.  I hope the session with T is good.  Write it down quickly in case you forget it again!  Lol xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 25, 2020, 11:42:33 AM
I'm all about boots and sandals, Tupp.

Lighter: )
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 25, 2020, 02:17:24 PM
Appointment with T today a good one.

It's difficult to widen one's gaze to the point of BEING the sky watching clouds go by. 

It comes and goes.  Main message....

just let the clouds be..... 
just let it be.


 The mind wants to work on those things and will IF we allow it..
like a self-cleaning oven....
 the clouds will turn to mist and be gone.

Refusing to give our attention to the worrisome things means we free our minds up to focus on being present....breathing... allowing the brain to function as it was meant to.

Looking down on the world and what we label as good and bad gives us the ability to just notice them without judgment, which is really really REALLY hard sometimes for me. 

I understand latching onto the negative/evil/bad stories means we're less capable of responding.  This I understand.  This makes sense. 

The world will always have light and dark.   There can be no other way.  Accepting that, accepting we can't control or change it..... learning to change the way we see it is all we can do and that brings more peace and happiness in our consciousness.  More peace and happiness in one person's consciousness is a part of everything... we aren't separate.

It's not easy to keep this in focus but...
all we can do is work on ourselves and internal worlds.

I asked about the Tibetan idea of the afterlife and there was much about hot boiling caldrons of oil, and of being beaten BEFORE suffering the hot cauldron of oil, and many many levels of torment and punishment that did go on.  At some point we talked about the hells on earth.  I'm still not clear on the original question and answers but am positive the amazing feeling of dropping into awareness..... of the joy and smiles it brings to my face, is something I wish to expand on and cultivate, particularly during this time.

I can do THAT.

I have a couple of books I plan to get to... Budhha brain being one.

T saw the yard and what I work on.... she didn't realize the yard is all moss, every inch of it.  One of my favorite things in the yard is cleaning up edges and borders.  Today is sunny and mild and breezy and THAT's what I'm going to do for a couple hours..... I consider it a treat. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on March 25, 2020, 03:14:13 PM
I'm all about boots and sandals, Tupp.

Lighter: )

Lol, I thought that said boobs and sandals :)  Lol xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on March 25, 2020, 03:18:22 PM
Appointment with T today a good one.

It's difficult to widen one's gaze to the point of BEING the sky watching clouds go by. 

It comes and goes.  Main message....

just let the clouds be..... 
just let it be.


 The mind wants to work on those things and will IF we allow it..
like a self-cleaning oven....
 the clouds will turn to mist and be gone.

Refusing to give our attention to the worrisome things means we free our minds up to focus on being present....breathing... allowing the brain to function as it was meant to.

Looking down on the world and what we label as good and bad gives us the ability to just notice them without judgment, which is really really REALLY hard sometimes for me. 

I understand latching onto the negative/evil/bad stories means we're less capable of responding.  This I understand.  This makes sense. 

The world will always have light and dark.   There can be no other way.  Accepting that, accepting we can't control or change it..... learning to change the way we see it is all we can do and that brings more peace and happiness in our consciousness.  More peace and happiness in one person's consciousness is a part of everything... we aren't separate.

It's not easy to keep this in focus but...
all we can do is work on ourselves and internal worlds.

I asked about the Tibetan idea of the afterlife and there was much about hot boiling caldrons of oil, and of being beaten BEFORE suffering the hot cauldron of oil, and many many levels of torment and punishment that did go on.  At some point we talked about the hells on earth.  I'm still not clear on the original question and answers but am positive the amazing feeling of dropping into awareness..... of the joy and smiles it brings to my face, is something I wish to expand on and cultivate, particularly during this time.

I can do THAT.

I have a couple of books I plan to get to... Budhha brain being one.

T saw the yard and what I work on.... she didn't realize the yard is all moss, every inch of it.  One of my favorite things in the yard is cleaning up edges and borders.  Today is sunny and mild and breezy and THAT's what I'm going to do for a couple hours..... I consider it a treat. 

I'm glad it was a good appointment, Lighter, and that the moss is there for you as well :)  The thing I find difficult about the bad news stories at a time like this is that information - essential information - is despatched through the media.  So there's much sifting through 'stuff' to find out what you need to know.  I really think our twattish government (and I suspect the same for you over there) - should have been delivering clear, fact based statements with clear instructions of what to do, when to do it and how.  But they've been running behind the situation the whole time so people have been frantically scanning papers and watching the news just trying to find out what to do.  And of course they've had to read so much horrifying stuff in the meantime.  Crazy situations.  But I suspect we're all at a point now where we've done as much as we can and we're now just in a position to wait it out - which means lots of time for clouds and moss, I guess :) xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on March 25, 2020, 03:59:24 PM
I understand latching onto the negative/evil/bad stories means we're less capable of responding.  This I understand.  This makes sense.

I didn't think this referred to coronavirus, but to the Contractor!

But it's a very important understanding. About one's "latching on." Gives your power back.

Yay...off to Zoom with a friend...

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 25, 2020, 09:48:09 PM
It's everything, Hops.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 27, 2020, 03:13:18 PM
Renter on the island saying they can't fish and have no money for stores.  That's crazy, bc people can fish while staying 6 feet apart.  Why are they forbidding hungry people from harvesting fish?

I texted cottage housekeeper to take all the canned and dry goods to help get them through... give some to renter if he's hungry.   I don't honestly know what's in the cabinets now.  drawer full of gf pastas and some good indian spices.  I know there's  fresh veggies, cheese and butter.... fruit, so that will be nice.  I paid housekeeper ahead 3 cleanings and am happy about that. 

I got up this morning and had the house to myself, which was good. The groceries came and I disinfected the frozen stuff with wipes and placed most of the other stuff in the big truck, set the ozone machine for 80 minutes and it's working now.... there were distractions and I was in the zone.   

I'm snuggled in with oldest dd19 and baby girl pug... (BGP).... trying to write
a note on Nono's memorial page.  I've started many times.  It's hard.  It makes my chest hurt.

The day is warm..... very sunny.  I want fresh herbs growing in the porch again.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on March 27, 2020, 05:43:05 PM
Hi Lighter,
I worry, because ozone generators are dangerous (banned in some states) and can harm the lining of your lungs. From what I've read...the only issue with groceries, packages etc,--is to simply disinfect by wiping them down, to be thorough.

That just takes any solution on a paper towel with 60% alcohol or another disinfectant like Lysol spray. Either type works equally. Forgive, but I Google everything. And only trust "dot.gov, dot.edu, and dot.org" sources. "Dot.COM means...dot-want-money."

Locking things in a truck with an ozone generator on...? I've read for many hours and have not come across anyone else recommending ozone magic. If it were that effective and practical against coronaviruses on surfaces or grocery bags, it'd be in headlines.

So go for it, if it's what you have evidence for. Just saying, so far every single authoritative article I've read on what to do, makes zero mention of ozone machines.

Be well I just hope is you won't be magical. Just follow the same old specific advice that every expert with advanced knowledge of infectious disease is giving. Widely. There ISN'T a special alternative-med, alternative-tech secret out there. There's no special secret. It's all the same advice/protection for all humans now...what works.

If your ozone generator could be guaranteed to kill Covid19 just by ozonating the air, bravo! But a blast of ozone in your own chest isn't good....and the evidence there is (not much) is more about ozone generation in air systems to kill pollutants. Not a never-before-seen virus that's sticking to surfaces. I certainly could be wrong...but...

From a NYPost article on coronavirus MYTHS:

The non-FDA-approved germicide, which uses the main component in smog to kill disease, is touted as a cheap cure for viruses including, more recently, the coronavirus. But there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Ozone purifiers create serious health risks — including lung and cellular damage — for humans and animals and have been banned in places such as California for this reason.

“It is one of the products where the risks heavily outweigh the benefits,” Jason Chan, an assistant professor in science education at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, told Quartz.

(I Googled because you kept mentioning it, and I worry that you've bought into some special-sauce hype somewhere. I just can't find any real recommendation for ozone-purifying packages, other than from people who profit from selling these machines....)

If I'm wrong I welcome learning so! I admire your efforts to do all you can, Lighter.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 28, 2020, 03:27:02 PM

You're right, ozone is harmful to humans, pets... all living things, including pathogens.... bacteria, viruses, and molds.  The ozone has an additional oxygen atom that makes it a powerful oxidant which kills microorganisms on contact by breaking down the cell walls.

I used the truck so the ozone gas would saturate completely all surfaces of the groceries and grocery bag surfaces.  I set the machine for an hour, which I hope was overkill, but the truth is... I'm winging it here.  30 minutes should have been enough time, but wanted to make sure entire truck and all little crevices filled with gas.

Afterward, I aired the truck out for hours making sure to hit the button to turn off the dome lights.... just let all the doors open so there was no breathing the gas in... and that was a good 6 hours, which was definitely overkill, but it slipped my mind. We aren't actually using the truck now.

When I wiped down all the frozen items I wore gloves, changed hands up with the wipe to keep the gloves from transferring virus and placed clean items into a cooler as I went.  I watched a guy, representing himself as a doctor, demonstrate how to clean groceries with wipes, and warm soapy water... and I was pretty sure he missed lots of spots.... transferred virus.... he made me super uncomfortable and gave me an idea how I'd go about the process before I started, which was helpful.

Afterward, I popped off the gloves, put them into the trash, wiped down my forearms with the disinfectant, put the grocery items away, then wiped down everything in the areas I traveled through, including the sink area after washing hands after getting clothes in the washer, which I wiped down again.  I wiped at my face with my biceps, which I felt OK about.

I was as thorough as I could be.  Things went better than I thought they would.  I'm not sure about the clothes, but I can't think of anything I'd change, except maybe leaving the ozone on for 80 minutes..... maybe.  Maybe peeling the clothes off before taking the gloves off?  Not sure.

The disinfectant wipes leave a little wet bubbly residue so I could pretty easily SEE where I'd wiped and hadn't, which was reassuring.  I'm guessing an older container of wipes might be dryer and not leave bubbles which would make me worry about missing places and make the job harder, last longer, IMO. 

 I noticed all my "emergency baby wipes" dried out while organizing emergency supplies so any kind of wipe would dry out over time.

The first time I used the machine was in the house..... it was supposed to bond to the stink molecules in the air, make them heavier and fall, where I could sweep them up. I  stayed out of the house all day, then air it out for 3 hours before returning.  I knew breathing the stuff wasn't safe, but I didn't realize it would have such a BIG smell.

The second time I used the ozone machine was to kill mold and moss in the truck during a particularly damp season.  The truck sits under trees, in the shade anyway.  I ran and ran and ran that machine, then followed up with Damp Rid product, which always collect liquid.  The smell of ozone lasts a good long time, btw.

Thanks for thinking of me.  I'm crossing my fingers and hoping I got it right enough.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on March 28, 2020, 06:47:38 PM
I believe if you have any sort of gel, like aloe, you can just make a plain alcohol (60%) to aloe gel (20%) mix and ta da, hand sanitizer. Nothing fancy. I bet it might work with a simple lotion for the 20% too, but I'm not sure.

I have loads of it now but when I thought it wouldn't arrive, I planned to simply put a half-inch of rubbing alcohol in the bottom of a plastic container with a good lid, add small squares of paper towel ... and that's it. Easy. Portable.

We might've watched the same video! Big anxiety about missing a tiny spot might be counterproductive. Just watch for that anxiety...we all have it in one way or another.

This is a Great Big Situation we can't control. The video that empowered me most and made me feel much less scared was the one from the ICU doctor that I posted. He takes quite a while to warm up to his task (so it's a bit long), but once he starts explaining the specifics, I really got it. Time well spent.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on March 29, 2020, 09:02:08 AM
Oh my gosh... either I'm just too busy or lazy to go to lengths like this.

We have windows open due to the oil-based stain & poly I've used in the bathroom. I make sure to thoroughly wash, then bleach kitchen surfaces. I've had contractors in the house. But no - we're not concerned about delivered packages, or mail, or bringing in groceries around here.

And we're all going through the spring sinus & allergy thing...

so, the normal precautions around here which sound like a lot less time & energy y'all are putting into trying to protect yourself. Of course, except for the 4 of us - and the contractors who work here - the nearest neighbor is a mile away. And with spring here, more time outside... and all of nature's magical properties... perhaps that's a bigger advantage than spreading chemicals all over the place in our homes.

I don't know. I don't know if anyone - including "experts" - know. But, it almost seems as if the extra work in trying to protect oneself, subconsciously feeds the fear cycle. Breaking the fear cycle doesn't mean throwing out prudence, either. It means using common sense and lowering the stress overall, and putting the mind to work on things that are completely and totally different.

Babbel.com has pretty low prices for learning a new language, for instance. Buck tossed some Portuguese at me the other night... so I know I can spend 1/2 hr a day and pick up enough of this for the duration of our isolation that will enable me to be somewhat fluent after a few months. I retrieved a copy of the mythology classic, Hamlet's Mill that I've wanted to re-read; I'm in the middle of a well-researched book on Norse magic & mythology too.

I KNOW people who've gotten the virus, although most haven't been tested, due the shortage. Docs just saying, yep that's what it is, and sending people home to isolate & self-care... to protect the people who are MOST vulnerable to the effects of it. Most of those recover in a week to 10 days, and the symptoms haven't been that severe. I am still convinced that the fear over this, and the extreme social, economic, & gov't reactions are going to have more serious long-lasting consequences than the virus itself. 
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on March 29, 2020, 09:40:58 AM
I hear you, Amber.
It also occurs that living on a mountain might reduce the anxiety of congestion.

As to care with shopping and package disinfection, it's really pretty simple to just take those steps. Still I'm certain your kitchen is way cleaner than mine! (Since I've had no-one in, it's been easy to indulge my inner, barely inner, slob.)

I agree that obsessing over disinfection is also harmful. M does a bit more than I do, but I'm committed too. That's because medical info I've willingly absorbed (reality addict and former health researcher/writer) convinced me that avoidance in my case will be in the long run way, way less painful than getting this virus would be. As to disinfection, I'm working at being matter-of-fact about it, as though I'm just doing dishes with an extra step.

I hope there'll be fewer cases where you are; perhaps none. In my town a dozen active cases so far, but it's just gotten here and our local health workers are already stressed because we also receive trauma and cancer cases from the whole region, including your state. The simplicity of retirement (plus early canned goods and TP hoarding) means I can mostly just stay home, indefinitely, and keep on in a make-my-world-smaller way of reducing my risks. With walks and outdoor visits. M feels the same. (If there's a second wave of infection in winter, it'll be tougher but doable.)

Keep those windows open and mind your lungs!


PS -- One reason I've posted a lot of detail about virus facts (including protection facts) isn't because I'm DOING it obsessively, but because my past career means that researching health-related topics and providing fact-based evidence is actually pleasurable. I don't post this stuff out of fear, but out of interest.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on March 29, 2020, 04:13:20 PM
Yeah, I know Hops. ;)

My comments were just generalized; not meant for anyone here... more as an observation on what I'm seeing lots of places and how our situation on the farm is different. We've ALL had our moments here, that said. Mostly coz too much info is suspect.

I do believe that "this too shall pass" - and we'll look back and wonder what all the panic was about. Even in my little corner of the world's grocery store, I saw people loading up like the people do for the 4x4 section of the beach for 2 weeks. Strangers stopping me to comment on the empty shelves, and knowing we were gonna be OK because we already had put stuff back. Me being really selective on what I was picking up/looking for.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on March 31, 2020, 09:44:43 AM
CB, I have noticed the grief process!!

I am slowly accepting that however the world changes after the worst of this is past - what we used to call "normal life" isn't coming back. That's going to be more vivid, extreme and stressful for some people, more than others. Some people have no experience yet with grief; some resist it with everything they can come up with; some of us are really tired of it - LOL.

I'm already moving into - OK, so how should I, do I, can I adapt?? and what plans can be imagined now... and things gathered toward that end...

Still no word from Buck's D in the UK; not even from the embassy. He's now pinging other channels. The hospital he's been working with has 34 employees who've tested positive. His Thurs appt is for bloodwork - to check his infection. He's been told it will have to be a "virtual appt" - which he can't do online with his home setup; and his military status won't accept - and how do you draw and analyze blood online????????

LOL... and with all this going on that's wearing on the rest of us... B has to be the contrarian in the bunch. :shakes head: I've never seen him happier. Making jokes, supporting others, being sweet as chess pie to me... but that's why he was - correction, is - an NCO, I guess.

My backup plans have backup plans... but for now, I'm just kinda taking it easy on myself. I pushed pretty hard to finish up in my bathroom, in case we have any more refugees come along. (Frees up another bathroom). So, I have my "sanctuary" back... shared just with Freddy the tomcat right now and he's been my best buddy.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on March 31, 2020, 10:20:32 AM
Skep, extreme long shot, but do you know which hospital Buck's D is in?  I have a couple of friends in the health service - it's unlikely, I know, but if one of them happens to know someone who works in that hospital they might be able to get some info for him, if he still hasn't he anything.  And yep, I can see that for someone with Buck's background this kind of situation would be more manageable for him than it is for a lot of others :) xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on March 31, 2020, 12:27:15 PM
Amber, are you into refugees just coming along?
Will your explicit permission be required before any new entourage members are on your land?

The virus travels, that's the point of shelter in place, stay at home, do not travel advisories.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 31, 2020, 01:57:17 PM

It seems like B's dd would reach out and check on him, if not update him on her own situation.  I can't think of any reason why she's silent that's not really bad.  I'm glad he's being cheerful.  I guess he's used to the medical system letting him down and failing, so it's just business as usual.


There's definitely a mourning process going on.   Not knowing how things will change forever makes it harder by miles, IME.  I feel unsteady and hope it passes.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on March 31, 2020, 02:34:17 PM
Yes, Holly actually made me a list of who she was interested in offering shelter to. At the moment, it's just one GF that I know reasonably well. GF (M) was partner to Hol's boss who died in Oct. So M was working on the same production Hol was supposed to work on - production is of course, cancelled. THEN, M's landlord sold the house they were living in and M was going to move into/decamp to lost partner's place at the end of this month - M's not overly comfortable, still being in the early days of the grieving process still. M's only family - a sister - is in California. She was going to go spend some time there -

except now there's a stay at home; do not travel order in MD.

So I'm fine with M coming here for the time being. She's a master gardener, and we have lots to do on that front this year and this month. Then, the cameraderie we have as a small group is actually pretty solid. A lot of the petty stuff got purged out pretty quick. Anxiety is still an on-going, take turns issue. Since M lost her mom to cancer some years ago, then her partner - I adopted her pretty quick. ;) Boundaries of course need to closely maintained. But it's working and I think helping.

I'm pretty well stocked to deal with home care for most anything - including my usual allergies this time of year. So, I'm making an effort to try not to talk myself into feeling sick - just paying attention and trying to measure out how much I'm pushing myself. Trying not to do that too much too. It won't be long before I'll have Buck - and possibly the younger D here too until she can go to college.

Tupp - to answer your question - Buck is being seen at the hospital on an outpatient basis. It's MUSC and they have 34 staff now that have tested positive. THANKFULLY I think his metabolism is enough right now to keep the infection in check. And he's got his stress under control - even with the older D being incommunicado. And yeah, Lighter... I can't think of any good reasons for her not to call and say she's OK either.

Already asked him, if I need to be ready to let him go, while he goes off & tries to do some silly stupid guy-Dad rescue stuff. Comes with the territory, with this type. But oh MY.... has he been supersweet to me for no reason other than he can & has time right now.  :D
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 31, 2020, 07:35:11 PM
I like Buck even more than I did, Amber.

His ability to remain level headed, even while he's worried deeply about his dd and struggling with ongoing medical issues and pain.  Just... wow.  He seems like a very special gem.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on April 01, 2020, 09:07:05 AM
Lighter - one thing he's VERY good at, is jumping right into that amygdala space and "doing". He's even mastered control within it. And I've watched him in the moment - decide if he was going there or not - he doesn't have to and isn't hijacked into it.

It's pretty impressive.

But he still sees it as kind of a bad thing, despite the fact that behind all that is giant heart full of caring. I'm working on that with him, at a glacial pace.  ;)
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 01, 2020, 11:47:50 AM

My brain goes a little weak when I read you're looking forward to Buck coming to the farm... that you feel he'd support you and your highest mental health BUT you aren't feeling up to the challenge of all the personalities interacting at the moment. This was on your thread.

I'm paraphrasing here, but... is it possible to have Buck to the farm soon, but you aren't doing that?  I'm not saying it's a good idea.  I just want to understand.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on April 01, 2020, 11:59:55 AM
I see that concern too.
NOT about Buck coming, that's so overdue and wonderful!

I just don't get the immediate planning to invite virus refugees on a list from Hol. Who may be asymptomatic carriers, who may not connect well in the very delicate emotional ecosystem that has happened on your mountain including many meltdowns and a lot of pain for you.

Could it not JUST be Buck for a while, until you two have that time there together?

Does it HAVE to be command central, or compound central, for all these extra Hol-people?

If it makes you happy, then it's the right thing to do. I'm just concerned you may be "people project-ing" yourself right back into overload.

I keep thinking, whose mountain is this, anyway?

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on April 01, 2020, 05:52:21 PM
OK -- clarifying first --

Hol does have a list; but she's not inviting the whole list. At the moment, John, who's been here supporting her & helping me, has been here since October. Not constantly, because he has done day trips, up until January or so. M, the GF, is just one more person - and worth it for her level-headedness, creativity, industriousness and tact. And she NEEDS this space and quiet too. It's a good fit.

I'll bop back to my thread for the rest. This is enough derailing over here!  ;)
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on April 01, 2020, 10:02:10 PM
Got it.
M-the-GF sounds terrific, and what a boon to have a female peer with you.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 02, 2020, 11:24:38 AM
Someone to plan garden and planting with sounds really good.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 02, 2020, 05:30:59 PM
Saw T on WhatsApp yesterday.

She walked me through a session...
find the discomfort in my body.... shoulders felt hitched up 3 levels.
Name it.
Breath into it....
check to see.... is it still there? 
Yup, but pressing into the roof of my mouth now.....
 All connected.

Shift focus to place in body that feels neutral.... hands for me.

Breathe into hands.... focus only on them..... and breathing.

How does that feel?
Pins and needles in hands.  Electrical shots hitting left index finger painfully....
check shoulders and roof of mouth again. 

Completely normal... pressure gone.

Coming back to our senses is a true thing we cultivate in our minds and bodies.

The more often we do it, the easier it gets to maintain it.

We can see the forest and the trees and we can see the filed and the pebbles.

Spaciousness... emotional distance.... detachment.... putting stories on the shelf... and seeing what is sans expectation and need to control what is. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 03, 2020, 01:36:55 PM
My really lovely T sent this along yesterday.

I think it will resonate with all of us.

The daughter-in-law of Charlie and Darlene Stewart, both senior students of my teacher, mentors to me, and members of my Buddhist Sangha, recently wrote to Charlie to inquire, “What does your mindfulness practice teaching say about the current state of the country?”

This is Charlie’s response:

Here is my best shot at addressing your question.
Mindfulness is bringing awareness to an object, question, or situation for the purpose of viewing the object in reality “as it is.” Seeing something “as it is” means seeing it free from stories, memories, habit reactions, guilt, shame, or resentment from the past and free from stories, anxiety, and fear about the future. This is what is meant by being mindful in the present moment.

The mind is conditioned to reference the past and anticipate the future to know what to do, but in doing so, it distorts the view of reality as it really is and often torments itself with nightmarish projections. We practice consciously stopping the grasping at thoughts of past and future and calming the mind to be stable as possible to see as clearly as possible what is really going on. As the dust of the thinking mind clears, comprehension and understanding from a wiser source of mind surfaces and our actions fit the situation more effectively.

A mind that is settled in the present moment has a greater sense of being safe, and taking care of business.
In our present situation, we cannot see the virus. Our reactions are not about the virus. They are about what we are being told about the virus and the behavior of other people. What we are told will vary with the fear and stress level of the people who are talking to us and our conditioning from the past.

We become mindful so we can listen without fear and appropriately apply our common sense, experience, and learning to the tangible conditions of the present moment. We don’t throw out our experience and knowledge from the past but with mindfulness we examine its validity, its limits, and usefulness in this present situation. To guide us further in our actions we might ask ourselves whether the intended behavior will be beneficial to ourselves and others.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on April 03, 2020, 01:56:07 PM
Resonate it does! Thanks, Lighter.

So wise and so calm.

It's like being as human as you can, without the panic.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 03, 2020, 02:21:03 PM

   Hi, Hops:
I'm sitting on the computer, paying bills, and catching up on emails while every once in a while glancing outside on this glorious sunny day.  I wish I had the enjoyment you and Tupp are experiencing right now.  I just don't.

I just read the following and will now breath into the discomfort I'm experiencing and see what it has to say.

It's nice to read your posts and Tupp's posts.  Putting in your entire garden!


The Wisdom of Surrender


We all know the feeling of being repeatedly haunted by the same issue, no matter how we try to ignore it, avoid it, or run away from it. Sometimes it seems that we can get rid of something we don't want by simply pushing it away. Most of the time, the more we push away, the more we get pushed back. There are laws of physics and metaphysics that explain this phenomenon, which is often summed up in this pithy phrase: That which you resist persists.

Resistance tends to strengthen the energies it attempts to oppose by giving them power and energy to work against. Additionally, resistance keeps us from learning more about what we resist. In order to fully understand something, we must open to it enough to receive its energy; otherwise, we remain ignorant of its lessons. There is a Tibetan story of a monk who retreats to meditate in a cave only to be plagued by demons. He tries everything--chasing, fighting, hiding--to get the demons out of his cave, but the thing that finally works is surrender. He simply lets them have their way with him and only then do they disappear.

Now, this wisdom must be applied practically. We are not meant to get ourselves physically injured. Instead, this story speaks of how, in essence, our demons are inside of us. What plagues and pursues us on an inner level has a way of manifesting itself in our environment in the form of people, events, and issues that appear to be beyond our control. But all these external expressions are reflections of our insides, and it is inside ourselves that we can safely experiment with surrendering to what we fear and dislike. It may feel scary, and we may find ourselves in the company of a lot of resistance as we begin the process of opening to what we fear. But the more we learn to surrender, and the more the demons that plague us disappear in the process, the more courageous we will become.
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Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on April 03, 2020, 03:16:49 PM
I think there's something very wise about the way you're seeking spiritual stories and principles to guide you through the fear.

There's no magic incantation to fix all of this, but reminding yourself often of the fact that there is kindness, and wisdom, and eternal human creativity and oneness, really does help.

I think it helps, too, to recognize that we can control what we can control, and as much as we are practicing intelligent controls right now, the biggest thing to practice after safety measures, is peace and release.

Peace and release.

You really are doing all you can. Once you have done the next necessary task before you, see if you can move to the following moment of peace. You can embrace that peace as eagerly as you have been embracing preparations.

Inner peace has reached people on battlegrounds, in ICUs, after shock or grief, in the middle of tugging a weed out of moss.

In silence and even in inactivity, peace can come.
When vigilance and distractions are momentarily suspended, peace.

You can't grasp peace. It's ungraspable.

But you can let it in.

Sending you some,
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on April 03, 2020, 03:26:43 PM
Lighter, I think it is quite unusual to be having a good time in the midst of a global pandemic :)  For me, it is quite literally the first time in nearly twenty years that I've been able to rest repeatedly - not just the odd hour here or there or a day every now and again but day after day after day.  No stress, no hassle (a little earlier in the week but that's been put to rest now) and choices.  I never usually have choices about what I do next or how I spend my time.  Decisions are made for me by the endless momentum so it's been amazing for me to just have time to do something, or to do nothing, depending on how I feel.  I'm not usually able to act according to how I feel, I usually have to push on because I still need to do x, y and z before I collect son, or sort this out because we need it for tomorrow, and so on.  It's probably more normal not to feel great at the minute, because everything that's normal has been turned on its head.  That's bound to induce anxiety and discomfort, at the very least.

In terms of fear of the virus, in all honesty, I don't feel I have any.  Son and I have been inside for nearly three weeks now so if we'd picked it up before hand we should have been showing symptoms and of course, we don't have any.  We are only getting food delivered, nothing else, and that's only once a week.  The supermarkets here have been brilliant at getting safety procedures set up and they are following strict protocols.  I'm washing everything as it comes in and packaging is going straight in the bin outside.  Son and I are both still washing our hands after each activity and before and after meals.  So I think our chances of catching anything are very, very slim.  If we stay inside until it's all over, we should be fine.  And of course, we're lucky that we can stay inside, so I will take advantage of that and focus on the safety of not going out.  It's also so much quieter here because people are staying indoors that I can relax at home, which I can't usually do.  So I think my situation is probably the reverse of other people's, but I hope you start to feel easier about it all soon xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 09, 2020, 12:07:07 PM
This day is a perfectly cool, breezy, almost warm day to work in the moss and that's just what I'm going to do.

I have the moss friend coming to see the yard AND we'll go collecting for her garden. 

I cleaned out misc stuff this morning.... trash runs soon.... making more space for living.  Lots of laundry caught up, kitchen clean and tidy, I'm ready to work on porches and outdoor shower and ready the garden for planting.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 10, 2020, 12:19:15 AM
The Heart's Intention
by Phillip Moffitt
Once a month, an hour before the Sunday-evening meditation class I teach, I offer a group
interview for students who attend regularly. These interviews give them the opportunity to
ask questions about their meditation practice or about applying the dharma to daily life. In a
recent session, a yogi who dutifully meditates every morning admitted, "I must be confused
about the Buddha's teaching on right intention. I'm very good about setting intentions and
then reminding myself of them. But things don't ever seem to turn out according to those
intentions, and I fall into disappointment.
At first, I could only smile in response. What a good question! When I asked her to explain
these intentions, she proceeded to describe a number of goals for her future - to become less
tense at work, to spend more time with her family, to stabilize her finances, and more. She
was suffering from a kind of confusion that seems to afflict many bright, hardworking people:
mixing up two different life functions that are easily mistaken for each other. All of her goals
were laudable, but none would fit within the Buddha's teachings on right intention.
Goal making is a valuable skill; it involves envisioning a future outcome in the world or in
your behavior, then planning, applying discipline, and working hard to achieve it. You
organize your time and energy based on your goals; they help provide direction for your life.
Committing to and visualizing those goals may assist you in your efforts, but neither of these
activities is what I call setting intention. They both involve living in an imagined future and
are not concerned with what is happening to you in the present moment. With goals, the
future is always the focus: Are you going to reach the goal? Will you be happy when you do?
What's next?
Setting intention, at least according to Buddhist teachings, is quite different than goal
making. It is not oriented toward a future outcome. Instead, it is a path or practice that is
focused on how you are "being" in the present moment. Your attention is on the everpresent
"now" in the constantly changing flow of life. You set your intentions based on understanding
what matters most to you and make a commitment to align your worldly actions with your
inner values.
As you gain insight through meditation, wise reflection, and moral living, your ability to act
from your intentions blossoms. It is called a practice because it is an ever-renewing process.
You don't just set your intentions and then forget about them; you live them every day.
Although the student thought she was focusing on her inner experience of the present
moment, she was actually focusing on a future outcome; even though she had healthy goals
that pointed in a wholesome direction, she was not being her values. Thus, when her efforts
did not go well, she got lost in disappointment and confusion. When this happened, she had
no "ground of intention" to help her regain her mental footing - no way to establish herself in
a context that was larger and more meaningful than her goal-oriented activity.
Goals help you make your place in the world and be an effective person. But being grounded
in intention is what provides integrity and unity in your life. Through the skillful cultivation of
intention, you learn to make wise goals and then to work hard toward achieving them without
getting caught in attachment to outcome. As I suggested to the yogi, only by remembering
your intentions can you reconnect with yourself during those emotional storms that cause you
to lose touch with yourself. This remembering is a blessing, because it provides a sense of
meaning in your life that is independent of whether you achieve certain goals or not.
Ironically, by being in touch with and acting from your true intentions, you become more
effective in reaching your goals than when you act from wants and insecurities. Once the yogi
understood this, she started to work with goals and intentions as separate functions. She later
reported that continually coming back to her intentions in the course of her day was actually
helping her with her goals.
Doing the Groundwork
What would it be like if you didn't measure the success of your life just by what you get and
don't get, but gave equal or greater priority to how aligned you are with your deepest values?
Goals are rooted in maya (illusion) - the illusionary world where what you want seems fixed
and unchanging but in truth is forever changing. It is in this world that mara, the inner voice
of temptation and discouragement, flourishes. Goals never fulfill you in an ongoing way; they
either beget another goal or else collapse. They provide excitement - the ups and downs of life
- but intention is what provides you with self-respect and peace of mind.
Cultivating right intention does not mean you abandon goals. You continue to use them, but
they exist within a larger context of meaning that offers the possibility of peace beyond the
fluctuations caused by pain and pleasure, gain and loss.
The Buddha's Fourth Noble Truth teaches right intention as the second step in the eightfold
path: Cause no harm, and treat yourself and others with Loving-kindness and compassion
while seeking true happiness, that which comes from being free from grasping and clinging.
Such a statement may sound naive or idealistic - a way for nuns and monks to live but not
suitable for those of us who must make our way in this tough, competitive world. But to think
this is to make the same error as the woman in my group interview.
In choosing to live with right intention, you are not giving up your desire for achievement or a
better life, or binding yourself to being morally perfect. But you are committing to living each
moment with the intention of not causing harm with your actions and words, and not
violating others through your livelihood or sexuality. You are connecting to your own sense of
kindness and innate dignity. Standing on this ground of intention, you are then able to
participate as you choose in life's contests, until you outgrow them.
Naturally, sometimes things go well for you and other times not, but you do not live and die
by these endless fluctuations. Your happiness comes from the strength of your internal
experience of intention. You become one of those fortunate human beings who know who
they are and are independent of our culture's obsession with winning. You still feel sadness,
loss, lust, and fear, but you have a means for directly relating to all of these difficult emotions.
Therefore, you are not a victim, nor are your happiness and peace of mind dependent on how
things are right now.
Misusing Good Intentions
When I offer teachings on right intention, students often ask two things: "Isn't this like
signing up for the Ten Commandments in another form?" and "What about the old saying
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions'?" First, the Ten Commandments are excellent
moral guidelines for us all, but right intention is not moral law; it is an attitude or state of
mind, which you develop gradually. As such, the longer you work with right intention, the
subtler and more interesting it becomes as a practice.
In Buddhist psychology, intention manifests itself as "volition," which is the mental factor
that most determines your consciousness in each moment. Literally, it is your intention that
affects how you interpret what comes into your mind.
Take, for example, someone who is being rude and domineering during a meeting at work. He
is unpleasant, or at least your experience of him is unpleasant. What do you notice? Do you
see his insecurity and how desperately hungry he is for control and attention? Or do you
notice only your own needs and dislike, and take his behavior personally, even though it really
has little to do with you? If you are grounded in your intention, then your response will be to
notice his discomfort and your own suffering and feel compassion toward both of you. This
doesn't mean that you don't feel irritation or that you allow him to push you around, but you
avoid getting lost in judgment or personal reaction. Can you feel the extra emotional space
such an orientation to life provides? Do you see the greater range of options for interpreting
the difficulties in your life?
As for those good intentions that lead to hell in the old adage, they almost always involve
having an agenda for someone else. They are goals disguised as intentions, and you abandon
your inner intentions in pursuit of them. Moreover, those goals are often only your view of
how things are supposed to be, and you become caught in your own reactive mind.
Mixing Motives
One issue around cultivating intention that trips up many yogis is mixed motives. During
individual interviews with me, people will sometimes confess their anguish at discovering
during meditating how mixed their motives were in past situations involving a friend or a
family member. They feel as though they're not a good person and they aren't trustworthy.
Sometimes my response is to paraphrase the old blues refrain "If it wasn't for bad luck, I
wouldn't have no luck at all." It is the same with motives; in most situations, if you didn't go
with your mixed motives, you wouldn't have any motivation at all. You would just be stuck.
The Buddha knew all about mixed motives. In the Majjhima Nikaya sutta "The Dog-Duty
Ascetic," he describes how "dark intentions lead to dark results" and "bright intentions lead to
bright results." Then he says, "Bright and dark intentions lead to bright and dark results." Life
is like this, which is why we practice. You are not a fully enlightened being; therefore,
expecting yourself to be perfect is a form of delusion.
Forget judging yourself, and just work with the arising moment. Right intention is a continual
aspiration. Seeing your mixed motives is one step toward liberation from ignorance and from
being blinded by either desire or aversion. So welcome such a realization, even though it is
painful. The less judgment you have toward yourself about your own mixed motives, the more
clearly you can see how they cause suffering. This insight is what releases the dark motives
and allows room for bright ones.
Sowing Karmic Seeds
For some people, the most difficult aspect of right intention has to do with the role it plays in
the formation of karma. The Buddha classified karma as one of the "imponderables," meaning
we can never fully understand it; attempting to do so is not fruitful. Yet we are challenged to
work with the truth that every action has both a cause and a consequence.
The primary factor that determines karma is intention; therefore, practicing right intention is
crucial to gaining peace and happiness. In Buddhist teachings, karma refers to "the seed from
action." This means that any word or action is either wholesome or unwholesome and
automatically plants a seed of future occurrence that will blossom on its own accord when the
conditions are correct, just as a plant grows when there is the right balance of sunshine,
water, and nutrients.
Whether an action is wholesome or unwholesome is determined by the intention that
originated it. On reflection, this is common sense. The example often given is that of a knife in
the hands of a surgeon versus those of an assailant. Each might use a knife to cut you, but one
has the intention to help you heal, while the other has the intention to harm you. Yet you
could die from the actions of either. Intention is the decisive factor that differentiates the two.
In this view, you are well served by cultivating right intention.
When I'm teaching right intention, I like to refer to it as the heart's intention. Life is so
confusing and emotionally confounding that the rational mind is unable to provide an
absolutely clear intention. What we have to rely on is our intuitive knowing, or "felt wisdom."
In the Buddha's time, this was referred to asbodhichitta, "the awakened mind-heart."
It is said that a karmic seed may bloom at one of three times: immediately, later in this
lifetime, or in a future life. Conversely, what is happening to you at each moment is the result
of seeds planted in a past life, earlier in this life, or in the previous moment. Whatever your
feelings about past lives, the latter two are cause-andeffect phenomena that you recognize as
true. But here is a thought to reflect on that is seldom mentioned: Whatever is manifesting
itself in your life right now is affected by how you receive it, and how you receive it is largely
determined by your intention in this moment.
Imagine that you will have a difficult interaction later today. If you are not mindful of your
intention, you might respond to the situation with a harmful physical action - maybe because
you got caught in your fear, panic, greed, or ill will. But with awareness of your intention, you
would refrain from responding physically. Instead, you might only say something unskillful,
causing much less harm. Or if you have a habit of speaking harshly, with right intention you
might only have a negative thought but find the ability to refrain from uttering words you
would later regret. When you're grounded in your intention, you are never helpless in how
you react to any event in your life. While it is true that you often cannot control what happens
to you, with mindfulness of intention you can mitigate the effects of what occurs in terms of
both the moment itself and what kind of karmic seed you plant for the future.
Developing Resolve
Buddhist teachings suggest that there are certain characteristics called paramis, or
perfections, you must develop before you can ever achieve liberation. One of these qualities,
right resolve, has to do with developing the will to live by your intentions. Through practicing
right resolve, you learn to set your mind to maintaining your values and priorities, and to
resist the temptation to sacrifice your values for material or ego gain. You gain the ability to
consistently hold your intentions, no matter what arises.
Right intention is like muscle - you develop it over time by exercising it. When you lose it, you
just start over again. There's no need to judge yourself or quit when you fail to live by your
intentions. You are developing the habit of right intention so that it becomes an unconscious
way of living - an automatic response to all situations. Right intention is organic; it thrives
when cultivated and wilts when neglected.
Not long ago, the yogi gave me an update on her efforts to practice right intention. She said
that for several years, she had pushed and pulled in her relationship, getting irritated with her
partner for not spending more time with the family and demanding that he change. One day
in meditation, she realized that this was just another example of her getting caught in wanting
more. In truth, there was nothing intrinsically wrong with his behavior. It was just that she
wanted to spend more time together than he did. She immediately stopped making demands
and was much happier.
Soon after this first realization, she found herself in a situation at work where all of her
insecurities were ignited. She was in a meeting during which an action was being proposed
that she felt was unfair, and she sensed anger rising in her. But before speaking, she left the
room to reflect.
When she returned, she was grounded in her intentions to be nonreactive, to seek out clear
understanding, and to not be attached to the outcome. This allowed her to participate in the
meeting in a calm, effective manner, saying her truth. Surprisingly, the group came to a
conclusion that, although it was not what she thought should happen, was at least something
she could live with. "Sometimes I remember to work with my intentions," she told me, "but
then at other times, I just seem to develop amnesia and completely forget the whole idea for
weeks at a time. It's like I had never been exposed to the teaching. I mean, there is nothing in
my mind but my goals. I don't even consider my intention." I assured her that it is like this for
almost everyone. It takes a long time to make right intention a regular part of your life.
At times, the benefits of acting from your intentions can seem so clear and obvious that you
vow, "I'm going to live this way from now on." Then you get lost or overwhelmed and
conclude that it is more than you can do. Such emotional reactions, while understandable,
miss the point. If you make right intention a goal, you are grasping at spiritual materialism.
Right intention is simply about coming home to yourself. It is a practice of aligning with the
deepest part of yourself while surrendering to the reality that you often get lost in your
wanting mind.
There are only two things you are responsible for in this practice: Throughout each day, ask
yourself if you are being true to your deepest intentions. If you're not, start doing so
immediately, as best as you're able. The outcome of your inquiry and effort may seem modest
at first. But be assured, each time you start over by reconnecting to your intention, you are
taking one more step toward finding your own authenticity and freedom. In that moment, you
are remembering yourself and grounding your life in your heart's intention. You are living the
noble life of the Buddha's teachings.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 10, 2020, 07:24:01 PM
Clothes washer was shut down when I woke up this morning.  Things were going so well, too.  I called the repair guy and he'll be out Monday or Tuesday to look at washer and the stove top.... replace one of the heating elements.  Maybe he'll have a better stove for me instead.  This one is out of production, but has a downdraft, which I need.  Maybe I can find a newer one for the same money as a new heating element.  I guess repair guys are considered essential workers, cause he's very busy.

The new moss friend texted her day was going really well.  Yesterday she was upset over something she resolved. Helping her is like working on a lovely Japanese garden....bc her's is very Japanese, while mine is more of a mountain wood moss garden.  It's more creativity, more interest and more fun. 

I think it might go down to freezing tonight.  It was cold this morning so put a pot of ham and bean soup to cook..... will make GF cornbread from King Auther SO GOOD. 

Also made a Szechuan noodle dish with pork.... there's enough food for several days.   I can focus on other things this weekend.

Happy Good Friday... Happy Easter.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on April 11, 2020, 04:47:31 AM
Clothes washer was shut down when I woke up this morning.  Things were going so well, too.  I called the repair guy and he'll be out Monday or Tuesday to look at washer and the stove top.... replace one of the heating elements.  Maybe he'll have a better stove for me instead.  This one is out of production, but has a downdraft, which I need.  Maybe I can find a newer one for the same money as a new heating element.  I guess repair guys are considered essential workers, cause he's very busy.

The new moss friend texted her day was going really well.  Yesterday she was upset over something she resolved. Helping her is like working on a lovely Japanese garden....bc her's is very Japanese, while mine is more of a mountain wood moss garden.  It's more creativity, more interest and more fun. 

I think it might go down to freezing tonight.  It was cold this morning so put a pot of ham and bean soup to cook..... will make GF cornbread from King Auther SO GOOD. 

Also made a Szechuan noodle dish with pork.... there's enough food for several days.   I can focus on other things this weekend.

Happy Good Friday... Happy Easter.


Ah I hope he can fix or replace it, Lighter, it's such a pain when those things break, they're so essential.  The food sounds yummy, and so do the moss gardens!  I am picturing you with your moss friend sitting in moss eating nice food with washing blowing on the line after the machine is fixed :)  Lol xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 14, 2020, 06:42:36 PM
Wash machine needs replacing.  Could fix it....control panel going.  The bearings making funny noises too.  Maybe 800.00 in parts alone.  That's nuts.  Will look for another very soon.....and shop for a few groceries when I do.

Repair guy will check on stove parts and get back to me, I've been checking parts and they're super pricey.  Might look for newer stove. 

The moss is happy for the rain, but covered in storm debris.  I'm working in short bursts.  It's not bad. It's not feeling good either.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on April 14, 2020, 10:13:03 PM
Wash machine needs replacing.  Could fix it....control panel going.  The bearings making funny noises too.  Maybe 800.00 in parts alone.  That's nuts.  Will look for another very soon.....and shop for a few groceries when I do.

Repair guy will check on stove parts and get back to me, I've been checking parts and they're super pricey.  Might look for newer stove. 

The moss is happy for the rain, but covered in storm debris.  I'm working in short bursts.  It's not bad. It's not feeling good either.


Ah, Lighter, it's so frustrating when big things break down at the same time, especially when they're such essential things.  Can you still use them both in the meantime or are they not working at all?  Difficult as well when parts and labour are more than a new item.

I hope you can sort the storm debris out and get the moss back the way you want it soon xx xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on April 14, 2020, 11:15:56 PM
I hope you can float in that not-bad, not-good place and try out a state of trust...

Life is here. Change is here.

All will continue and all will be well.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 15, 2020, 06:37:04 PM
Oh, just when I was thinking about worrying about appliances..... something popped up and gave me true perspective.

So, I'm not worrying about the appliances. 

Instead I've arranged for the boy's mother to pick him up in the morning so as to NOT have him on my plate any longer.  I kept him much longer than was supposed.  I  feel obligated to get my household and life back to where I'm comfortable again. 

I've done that, without discussing it with the young people, and now dd is making her adjustments around the boy's whining/manipulative anger/silences/questioning her feeling for him... and she's really uncomfortable with it.

I wish I'd had the benefit of SEEING healthy boundaries put in place when I was a teenager.... sans highly charged emotions.

As I move through this process I recognize my father's voice.... and all the emotions he brought to every table. 

I recognize my teen self..... and I listen to HER voice... and shut down my father's voice. 

I will be calm. 
I will give my child agency over her body, choices and consequences, which isn't what my father did, btw.

I have my own business to attend to, and that's all I have to figure out....\
HUGE relief.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 15, 2020, 07:26:30 PM
I am SO comfortable with my choices today.

I am SO happy to take charge and DO what I need to do without navel-gazing up dell and downhill everyone else's reactions and desires... whew.




Not my clowns.

Huge relief.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on April 16, 2020, 02:38:16 AM
Well done, Lighter :)  It's an unprecedented time and we all need to make adjustments as we go along.  I hope things settle for you.  And that the dryer and stove get fixed even though you're not worrying about them anymore :) Lol xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 17, 2020, 10:05:11 AM
The boy left yesterday.  His mom came, we exchanged seeds, had a lovely chat and they went on their way. 

I shopped... oldest dd went with, but stayed in the car... keeping me on track with lists and being safe.  It was a nice day and was good to be out and about with her, but I wasn't feeling very good about being in public, wearing the gear or keeping up with wiping things down. 

Afterwards I spent 3 hours harvesting moss from a yard about to be covered with mulch. SO MUCH AMAZING moss mixed together.  Perfect for new friend's yard.   We filled 8 large containers and could have filled that many more.  Much of the time was spent pulling weeds from what we harvested, honestly.  I might help her pull more weeds and plant today. It's beautiful weather for that.

The lady getting the mulch has lovely moss features in her yard.   She's planted moss under a tree.... in between the roots... just lovely with little stones for borders.  It was a treat.  She put a moss spiral in her front yard, but one moss ate the other and ruined it pretty quickly.  She also went to see the Moss lady in our area and bought her book, as did I when I started mossing.  She showed me how she uses a little flat shovel, which was new to me... usually I use smaller tools and my hands for everything.  The upshot is.... the gal new to mossing learned a lot about harvesting moss, stacking it, weeding it before planting and keeping it alive till you get to it.   

 It was interesting to have conversations that flowed SO easily.   We had so much in common.  The artist insists I select one of her paintings to thank me, and wants to have little gatherings at each of our houses to share what we're creating/have created with the moss... outdoor showers..... the perennials, etc.  I wouldn't mind sharing and trading Hosta with them.  Getting advice and giving advice.  The new mosser has big projects to plan and I've made about every mistake there is to make with a moss yard.   It's exciting,  bc her husband is a hard worker and I don't have to do the  work... mostly speaking about moving stones and leveling a large area.... scraping it.... creating a clean slate. 

The husband completely bought into mossing, and they enjoy it together.   It's nice, bc we all have such different yards.  I gave the new mosser 2 substantial flowering pear trees I don't have enough sun for.  The husband is addicted to planting trees, and lighting them.   It's fun..  he sounds like he walked out of the movie FARGO.... such a heavy accent.   I'm pretty sure I can get some help on some of my projects and exchange work I do well at their place.   

Last night the girls and I spent time together.... they were super helpful with groceries, planning meals.... we laughed a lot and had fun.   I watched COCO with oldest dd... youngest got bored with it, but oldest dd loves that movie with all the wonder of a young child...  very sweet.  It felt nice to have the house boy free.  The loft was restored to sacred space yesterday and I'm enjoying it now.  I have energy to work on the upstairs bathroom, maybe paint the trim around my window, and finish up some trim in the dining room that needs more caulk and a coat of paint. 

I talked about my stored wooden Japanese soaking tub with the mossing gals too.  It would fit in the outdoor shower or in either bathroom.  Lots to think about.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 18, 2020, 11:29:54 PM
It;s become necessary to delve into the concept of karma.  I was thinking about it quite a lot.

T said there's no such things as evil or sin.... as she's come to terms with karma.....just light and the absence of light.

Those harming others are in very deep pain themselves. For all practical purposes, they're already in hell, if there is a hell.   It's very dark inside them.  Very little light.

The more luminous beings are more evolved souls.  Souls return to the earth to complete lessons, as necessary, until they've learned enough.... gathered enough light....  they don't have to return when they've reached a certain point.  I guess they're free and living fully in the moment.  Even if we understand that for a second, before we die, if we understand it at the right time.... we don't have to come back.  Whew, again.

That was comforting to me.  Not having to return.

She went on to talk about lack of self-care really being about destroying oneself... eating the wrong foods... not exercising.... not caring for our inner world, etc.  Self-destruction.

Karma isn't about punishment, or being punished. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 20, 2020, 07:05:34 AM
I wish I'd sent the boy back home on the 26th of March, or sooner. 


I'm smacking myself in the forehead wondering why the heck I didn't DO THAT.

I think it's bc I thought youngest dd was entertained and less bored, but.... it was something I wish I'd done differently.

I'm not in charge of her boredom or entertainment. 

I'm in charge of this household and how it runs.

It seems so simple now.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on April 20, 2020, 08:57:02 AM
Be kind to yourself, Lighter :)  It's an unprecedented time.  You were doing a very sweet, kind, helpful thing, as you so often do.  From bits and pieces you've written on here it sounds as if your kindness may not have been reciprocated.  But - we live and learn.  He's gone now, you've got your loft back and hopefully some time and head space.  Perhaps once the washer and cooker problems have been sorted as well things might settle a bit more.  It's a tough time so don't give yourself a hard time.  I would be struggling if son wasn't so utterly content in his man cave doing nothing but exactly what he wants :)  Lol.  You did a good, kind thing and now you can be good and kind to you :)  (((((((((((((((((((Lighter ))))))))))))))))))))))))))) xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on April 20, 2020, 12:10:27 PM
Well said, Tupp! I agree.

And I love that mossing has become a verb, Lighter.
I moss
You moss
He/she moss
We moss
Y'all moss
They moss

Something unique in that species really speaks to you in a lovely way.
And mossing is bringing friending, too.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 20, 2020, 01:35:25 PM
Hops and TuppL

Yes, moss is bringing new friendship and connection. 

This new gal has an art studio filled with things I have all in big armoirs in garage ..... the same sorts of things.  She does the same sort of art, but full time with gusto and I love it.  Maybe we can do art together too!
She collects the same huge pine cones from the wood, bark, gears and gadgets, bobs and bits.... lovely papers, the same paints and glues and root starting powders... that's for gardening, but also the same broken pottery and pots and MOSS! 

Tupp... I'm more in awareness than anything.  Not criticizing myself, but SEEING the options were there all along.  The only thing between them and me was ME, and that's important content.  It's time I see it, I guess, and I'm grateful.  I'm doing my best.  Thanks for the reminder to be super kind to myself, always.   Sometimes it slips away.


I'm about to put the first load of wash in, then go out into the yard since the rain stopped and it warmed up a bit.  MOSS loves the rain.


I'll brush my hands through sporophytes and wonder why I don't do it every single day, bc it's pure joy.  Sometimes new friend L will point out something amazing I walk by all the time in my yard.  I do the same in hers.  It's a reminder to stop, drop the thing we're thinking about...usually the future... and just tune into now. 

You know what?  I think I used to live this way all the time.

I notice oldest dd looks up and smiles when I'm happy and present in the moment.  This has been a pattern since that smart little monkey noticed I'd picked up the weight of the world and put down the joy she was used to experiencing with me in 2006.

What a journey.  What a long roundabout way to get back to it. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on April 20, 2020, 02:05:41 PM
Don't you worry! ANY time we reconnect to our present selves, in peace, is the right time.

I think I used to live this way all the time.

That's beautiful.
It means you KNOW that your inner child who was able to be present and experience peace and happiness, is there.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: CB123 on April 20, 2020, 06:46:25 PM
I love your moss stories, Lighter.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 22, 2020, 03:19:17 PM
: )CB: )Moss: )  I have the number for a neighbor with a perfect moss yard, like mine.  They're wondering why I haven't called them yet, but I'm not quite  ready to talk about the yellow spots I'm dealing with.  They might know how to solve it, but explaining it is tedious so I'm putting it off.


About living in a child's headspace..... or glorying in present moments completely... smiling to the sun with joy bc it's warm and on our face.... those moments were/are amazing.  I've noticed people are drawn us when we're IN that space.... like beacons of light.  The warmth flows through and out of... beckoning others to touch it, IME.  That choice to focus on peace and joy is attractive.

As I write this I notice baby girl pug is LISTENING to me for the first time.... really listening.  I told her not to bark, after two barks, and she's being very still, seated, just watching people talk nearby.  Normally she'd be barking and I'd be squirting her with the water bottle and it would just be a wet pug battle. 

Not today, for whatever reason.  Maybe it's how I asked. Maybe she's tired of getting squirted.  Whatever it is, the hummingbirds arebuzzing and the pug is enjoying the back porch as much as I am.... in relative quiet FOR ONCE. 

Now she's making little frog gulpy noises.... tiny..... and looking at me. I just shake my head and she goes back to looking at the talkers, very still.  Very quiet.  I feel like we're both having a huge day of learning and acceptance.

Youngest dd started stripping rust from a big industrial cart yesterday.   She put on work clothes,  safety gear and covered the thing in naval jelly.  WHO knew it wasn't water-soluble?  Did you know?  I had no idea, and what a PITA.  DD toddled off for a nap, completely dejected, after trying to get what had been bright florescent pink goo, turned into what acted like dried white car wax, OFF with the hose and scrubbing sponge.  She'd eaten ONE potato chip, in an effort to feel better, jammed a sharp bit painfully into her gum, between her teeth, driven it farther up with floss, which is where she decided to retreat into sleep (I was getting more naval jelly) What a nightmare!  How did things go so wrong? 

Neighbor, the same one who suggested the naval jelly, said we needed gasoline... GASOLINE to get it off.  Instead of getting out the gas, I let dd sleep, got out the Dawn dish soap, had a good scrub with that, THEN wiped it down with mineral spirits.... I'm not pouring gasoline all over the place... that is NUTS, IMO.   The moss wouldn't like it either.

I didn't want DD to have a complete fail on the project after she'd worked so hard and committed so deeply, in happiness, and hope.  I guess I could SEE this as me caretaking her feelings and experience, but I'm aware and willing to deal with this bump in the road as it teaches her and remind me....

90% research.
10% execution.  We both got a very up close look at the importance of that rule.

I also found a product from Rustoleum that turns RUST into a stable paintable surface.  I knew these products exist, but thought it was in huge quantities from marine products.... this is a small bottle from Ace Hardware.  Who knew?  Turns out the rust has to be ALL RUST, not spotty or mixed with good metal and paint, which is what we have.  I think the patient is divine, btw.  I'd love to clear coat it and call it done, but DD wants smooth bubblegum pink so, I'll prep for that then get her back on track doing it herself.

New moss friend L is overwhelmed planting many containers of beautiful moss we harvested for her use.  She's putting it down where I would have put it, guess it was obvious, but she's not happy with it, and struggling with weeds and grass.  I get it.  Been there, done that.  I'm letting her deal with that on her own.  Maybe we'll play in my yard next, to get her mind off hers for a bit.  I think she realizes she should have scraped the area, killed the roots, put down weed fabric THEN put down the moss.  It's so much work, but pays off down the road.  Just jumping is what we all do, I guess.  It IS overwhelming to have so much moss waiting.  I've done that too.  Getting moss turns out to be the easy part.  The planning and prep work are more important, turns out.

TODAY DD's cart will be bubblegum pink and ready for pretty dresses in DD's room.

Sweet girl pug still seated, watching neighbors, still and quiet.  I'm not sure what to think about that...

 HUMMINGBIRD!  I just saw it in reflected int he window!  I love hummingbirds: )



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on April 22, 2020, 06:45:23 PM
Pug peace!

Moss magic!

Pink industrial cart!

Sounds like a lovely lovely time, Lighter.
So glad for you.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 22, 2020, 10:39:24 PM
Oh, that cart would have looked so amazing clear coated!  It's honest to God pepto pink..... solid.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on April 24, 2020, 03:31:09 AM
That sounds so nice, Lighter, is the cart finished now?  I have started many, many projects like that, only to find out I've bought the wrong paint stripper/rust remover/sanding paper or whatever it might be.  It is dejecting and discouraging so I think it's great that you got it to a point where DD can finish it off.  And I hope she can get that bit of crisp out of her gum!  That sounds really painful, those little, niggly things are so irritating.  I hope it comes out easily.  And little pug!  Aw, she sounds so cute, our friends have a pug and he's the dearest little thing, just has to be on someone's lap the whole time :)  I hope the moss is going well, too (and no, I don't think pouring gasoline over it would have helped!  Zoiks!) xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 24, 2020, 10:01:09 AM
The crisp must have softened and stopped bugging dd, bc she hasn't brought it up in a while.

The cart is pink, but dd holding off on final high gloss clear coat, bc of humidity. We'll open the garage and finish up once the sun comes out.  I think that's today!  So proud of dd thinking it through and waiting. 

The pug had a super hard day yesterday.  Vet tech came to clip her toes and drain her anal glands on the porch.  I stayed inside and peeked a bit.... lots of scampering around, trying to catch the pug. 

::shaking head::

In the end.... pug 1, vet tech 1

Glands emptied
 2 toenails remain

I know this... that vet tech student earned every penny.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on April 24, 2020, 11:28:45 AM
Eww, Lighter, bless her, I think "emptying anal glands" has got to be pretty near my list of jobs that I never want to have to do!  Bless her, it's done at least, and most toe nails clipped has got to be better than no toenails.  And DD has almost finished the cart!  Yay!  Aw, that will look so nice once it's all done and has pride of place in her room :) xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 26, 2020, 07:26:04 PM
We made a triple batch of pork and shrimp dumplings... they were wonderful and we shared them with the neighbors we have doggy playdates with.  We're going to make turkey and shrimp dumplings next.

I helped the one neighbor unload 2 pick up trucks of mulch, and retrieved his hummingbird feeder from the corner of his roof.  It hasn't been filled the last 2 years bc of their health problems.  THIS year it's hummingbird central.  I want that feeder out so they have enjoy them as much as I am.  SO many hummers..... they sit in the hemlock trees and buzz back and forth to the feeder.  It's crazy busy.

This same neighbor, the husband, is the one who's coming back from catastrophic health problems.  Today he asked me to teach him to throw punches correctly.  I was happy to agree.  Will see how that goes.  I let the girls know they'll be expected to participate..... they know bribes are on the way. 

Grrrrr..... I'm hungry.  Again. 

Is anyone else hungry all the darned time?

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 26, 2020, 07:54:38 PM
Neighbor and I planted seeds from 10 herbs and veggies in a set up he researched.  We'll each have 3 to 6 plants from each...  depending how it goes.  He has special seed starting soil and a big clear plastic container with clear plastic lid, sort of like a greenhouse.  Since he has one eye and ligament damage in his hands he can't do things like that easily and I really enjoy doing things like that.  We're sharing seeds so it feels good in all directions. 

I plan on planting directly into the soil very soon.... will plant pumpkins, watermelons, peppers, squash, basil, cilantro, oregano and beans.... still looking for Thai basil.  I'm thinking about further amending soil with rich dark dirt from bottom of leaf pile next door.

 I have Poppy seeds sewn already..... as tiny as paprika specks.... teeny weeny.

Today was glorious out... sunny and cool.  Now it's rainy and cold... windy, so back indoors.

I'm looking forward to moving the pink cart into dd's room this evening... if she gets some energy back. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on April 27, 2020, 02:50:26 AM
I am hungry all the time, Lighter!  But I'm not cooking as much nice stuff as you, I'm too lazy :)  Being surrounded by hummingbirds  sounds lovely :) xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 27, 2020, 04:43:23 AM
I'm hungrier in the evenings, Tupp. 

Since we aren't cooking rice and lentils and beans all the time I feel better, but I sometimes hurt myself with food...meaning I eat too much.... too much dairy and sugar.

The neighbor is pushing me to teach him to punch properly.... he's come so far, but..... watching him stretch a bit was a wake-up call.... he's still so compromised.  Some ligaments and muscles were destroyed... larger ones I didn't know about.  I can build him up, and make his stronger.  That appeals ot me.  I wonder if that's a healthy thing or a codependent thing. 

It feels like a healthy thing for both of us, but it informs me...... sometimes good feelings set off alarm bells for me. 

Maybe part of it was how hard he was pushing me.  How little he understands about nutrition, but believes he knows a lot..... his idea of good nutrition is not drinking cokes all day if he's going to drink beer in the afternoon, so....... it's a bit frustrating and I'm really not in a mood to explain or discuss it.  I was impatient with him today when he kept on and on.  He's one of those type A driven men who acts, and doesn't listen.  I don't mind having the discussions if it goes both ways.  I don't think think he can hear me.  That dampens my mood to train him.  I won't be lectured.  I will bounce ideas and experiences back and forth.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on April 27, 2020, 04:51:40 AM
I'm hungrier in the evenings, Tupp. 

Since we aren't cooking rice and lentils and beans all the time I feel better, but I sometimes hurt myself with food...meaning I eat too much.... too much dairy and sugar.

The neighbor is pushing me to teach him to punch properly.... he's come so far, but..... watching him stretch a bit was a wake-up call.... he's still so compromised.  Some ligaments and muscles were destroyed... larger ones I didn't know about.  I can build him up, and make his stronger.  That appeals ot me.  I wonder if that's a healthy thing or a codependent thing. 

It feels like a healthy thing for both of us, but it informs me...... sometimes good feelings set off alarm bells for me. 

Maybe part of it was how hard he was pushing me.  How little he understands about nutrition, but believes he knows a lot..... his idea of good nutrition is not drinking cokes all day if he's going to drink beer in the afternoon, so....... it's a bit frustrating and I'm really not in a mood to explain or discuss it.  I was impatient with him today when he kept on and on.  He's one of those type A driven men who acts, and doesn't listen.  I don't mind having the discussions if it goes both ways.  I don't think think he can hear me.  That dampens my mood to train him.  I won't be lectured.  I will bounce ideas and experiences back and forth.


(((((((((Lighter)))))))))))))))))))  I don't think you need another demanding man in your life.  You just got rid of loft boy.  You have your girls, your moss, cute pug girl (although noisy sometimes, it seems).  The beach house will, no doubt, continue to cause problems and need work doing.  Point him in the direction of some good videos or a professional instructor (people here are carrying on with all sorts of one to one sessions via Zoom or something similar - I'd guess there will be people there who are doing the same thing).  Maybe tell him he can call you if he has specific question.  He's not yours to fix, particularly if he's refusing to engage with the basics like nutrition.  And space?  Can you do all this whilst keeping 2 metres between you at all times?  If he does injure himself you'd need to help him up, presumably?  It's not a risk worth taking, in my opinion.  Concentrate on having a nice time for yourself, and your girls.  You don't need to fix anybody else xx xx xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on April 27, 2020, 10:58:54 AM
Everything Tupp said rings wise to me too, Lighter.

I don't know if these things are codependent or not, but I notice you often express things as you being in charge of fixing something/someone, and in that teacher/guide/mentor/therapist role.

What that says to me is that you have a lot to share and to offer, whether it's about moss or food or EMDR or alternative cures or decor or or or or....

And sharing knowledge is wonderful, and working intensely and physically side by side (well, six feet by six feet) is also wonderful. BUT FOR YOU, FOR NOW, NOT WITH MALES. At least, I'd recommend, not with males who have access to your homes or property (insane contractor) or who might not respect boundaries (Frenchman) or who live so close that misunderstandings could cause long-term friction or stress (neighbor).

I think you are safest approaching entanglements with males only after deep work on how tangled you can get, with a therapist. And then, only safely well away from your home and your personal life.

Like, meeting for tea in a public place once the pandemic's over. (I know, sounds simpery. But we want you to stay safe and not have a resurgence of agony over male aggression.)

You might be horny! Understandable! But please don't take risks with men who know too much about where you live and how you are and such, imo. Or who might be tuning into YOUR energies that you may not realize you're expressing with them. Especially such physical stuff...you've observed before how men react to a sweaty physical woman who's NOT focused on them.

This doesn't seem like a good season for those flirtations (not intentional flirtations, just hanging your male-attractant energies out there).

Cluck cluck mother henning....
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on April 28, 2020, 10:03:47 AM
Richters (out of Canada) has Thai Basil seeds Lighter. It's simply

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 28, 2020, 05:20:44 PM
Thanks for the Thai basil info, Amber. 

Hops, the guy I'm posting about lives 2 doors away and is the one-eyed married neighbor convalescing himself back to health.

The other neighbor I've been posting about... the one helping me with the washing machine install who lives a few streets away, is married as well.  Our dogs have regular playdates so we see each other several times a week if not more often.  I just put up a hummingbird feeder for the guy 2 houses away.  We planted seeds together.  He loaned me his tiller.  I helped empty 2 truckloads of mulch onto his property... I can have all the free mulch I want IF I wanted it. 

No emotional or romantic entanglements to worry about.

About the boxing lessons.  That won't work, bc of the 6 foot distancing thing.  I wish I could hold pads for him.... bc it's walking medication for me.  I'm good at it.  I'm a good teacher.  I get a good work out holding the pads BUT the 6 foot distancing thing.... thanks for reminding me Tupp.  It's a problem AND I don't have to worry about any other problems that might pop up with that much face to face time.

I'm glad he's feeling strong enough to want to HELP me into a good physical routine.  The thing is, I don't need his help and I didn't ask for it.  I can certainly handle that, not that I SEE what was bugging me about it. He stepped on a boundary I didn't realize I needed to put in place.  He's been so lovely.  I look forward to enjoying time with him.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 29, 2020, 11:01:44 PM
I used to think of discomfort and pain as messengers... something's out of balance.  Something needs to change.  I need to make a move.

Now I think of it as feedback.... something more useful than a messenger even.

That's my thought for today.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on April 30, 2020, 03:58:25 AM
I used to think of discomfort and pain as messengers... something's out of balance.  Something needs to change.  I need to make a move.

Now I think of it as feedback.... something more useful than a messenger even.

That's my thought for today.

It's a good thought to have, Lighter.  I think sometimes it's a little marker, to draw attention.  See me, see me!  I was listening to something yesterday about period pain and past experiences.  The lady was suggesting there's an energetic link between previous trauma and period pain and suggests that when the pain comes, think back to your early periods - were you supported or shamed?  Was it joyful or something you were punished for.  It was interesting and chimes with what you're saying, I think, some sort of message.  I'm going to try it during my next cycle, it certainly can't hurt :) xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 30, 2020, 12:56:19 PM
I'm interested in what comes up... as you pay attention.

About the feedback.... I realize it's usually about something I haven't accepted.

Sometimes I feel like I'm a wonky tire with a lump in it.  I grasp the concept of radical acceptance, hang on pretty well, get flipped around by something reactive... which throws me for a loop, then come back around to acceptance. 


It's getting easier, bc I understand it more deeply and experience such relief when I manage it.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on May 01, 2020, 01:18:45 PM
I'm interested in what comes up... as you pay attention.

About the feedback.... I realize it's usually about something I haven't accepted.

Sometimes I feel like I'm a wonky tire with a lump in it.  I grasp the concept of radical acceptance, hang on pretty well, get flipped around by something reactive... which throws me for a loop, then come back around to acceptance. 


It's getting easier, bc I understand it more deeply and experience such relief when I manage it.


Yes, I struggle with acceptance as well.  I find it hard if I feel I've been wronged and the other person did nothing to right the wrong, if that makes sense.  I'm not sure why I struggle with that so much.  I would like it to be water off a duck's back but it often seems to really stick.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on May 01, 2020, 01:44:41 PM
Injustice sticks, for a long time, ime.

I think the hardest thing to learn for a child and also for adults for a very long time, even decades, is that coming to release the expectation that life will be fair, is ultimately more fair to yourself. That way you struggle and agonize less, or for not as long, over not getting pure justice. But releasing is the work, takes practice.

I don't mean yielding to resignation or fatalism or pessimism about humanity or abandoning hope of positive change. It's just releasing the perfectionism we (I) can bring to idealism, the absolute judgements we can concentrate our energy in, about what is good or evil or fair or right. As life chips away at our absolutism and ideals, I think we wind up something like the Velveteen Rabbit. He always seemed real to me.

We dream about life in black and white, but live it in the sloppy gray middle.

We shall now cease our utilization of the Royal We, which We have always found an irritant when employed by others. We acknowledge Our hypocrisy but We can't be bothered at the moment.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 02, 2020, 01:28:22 PM
LOL, Hops. You're funny and putting difficult concepts into concise sentences.  Again.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 05, 2020, 11:02:58 PM
New moss friend L texted for a visit today.  She returned several containers and brought me a sturdy new one as well, explaining how they drilled holes into theirs for a rope to be pulled like a big pan with a lip.  I think it's a good size for lots of things.   I'm very pleased as it also has a measure strip on it's side.  Not sure what it's for.  It looks industrial.


I love very useful things. 

L is lovely and her husband is one of those BIG PICTURE guys.  I hope I can have them both over for a brainstorming session on final stone and planter layout in my yard.  All 3 of our backs are in some kind of trouble right now.  We all like rocks, and moss and planting things... too heavy of things.  We reminded ourselves we aren't 30 anymore.

I really like her and again we marveled at all we have in common.  I've never had this experience before.  I'm not quite sure what to do with it, frankly.

It's certainly giving me insight into things I haven't thought about before. 



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 06, 2020, 03:22:09 PM
Youngest dd had labs done today.  Everything but the actual draw is done on the computer.... checking iron levels mostly, Bs, Ds and Cs.   People wait in the parking lot till a text tells them to come inside.  Patients have to wear masks.  In and out, no problem though I did regret not tossing a "Don't touch your face" reminder to dd before she got out of the car.  There's concern.  I AM concerned. 

 I ran to Hopie, just around the corner in a not great area of downtown, which is small and noticeably shut down. This means the people out and about are mostly homeless, drug addicted, mentally ill.  The police came into the store while I was shopping and spoke to the manager....
No, they hadn't had anyone in the store making trouble today....besides the guy walking around with the uncapped hypodermic needled he filled with drinking fountain water.  The cops asked if it was the tall guy?  Yes, it was, just call them back if he shows back up. 

Holy cow..... naked men pooping, masturbating on the same nature trail an older woman was kicking dogs and cussing at a young mother with young children..... purses stolen from shopping carts, shady people casing neighborhoods in vehicles... giving different stories to different people... breaking into vehicles.   I'm not angry or complaining.... I'm noticing.  And concerned. People shooting guns with bullets ripping into trees in their neighbor's yards... just not putting up proper targets I think, but Lordy.  Some people are aggressively angry..... the drug-addicted mentally ill people and stupid neighbors are OUTSIDERS and they don't belong in their opinions.  They have zero compassion and I don't know for sure I wouldn't feel that way if they showed up on my doorstep.  Maybe I would.  Compassion would stop way short of them harming my pug or daughters, for sure. 

I suspect a smashed car window or two would dampen my compassion as well.   We used to carry food to give to people begging on the side of the road.  DOING something... if only giving them something to eat....  they don't want and might throw away or trade for booze or drugs.... was something we could do.  I'd feed them on my doorstep if they asked, but that's not what they want.  I notice I don't take this personally as some neighbors do.... it's not personal... I don't perceive it to be aimed at me, but I'm aware they'll do what they do to anyone if the opportunity presents itself.  I notice I feel pretty safe.  I'm surrounded by people who are always home.  People who care about us and pay attention to what's going on around us. 

I also notice the neighbors talking about outsiders, like they're not human beings, bothers me.  IS it their lack of compassion and would compassion be a mistake?  Likely, so I'm letting it go... just let it go.  Whew.  Better.

It got windy and dark so I ran into he garden and stupidly laid down Preen weed preventer.... which stops seeds from germinating.  I hope it stops the weeds and is GONE before I sew MY seeds.  Not sure what I was thinking.  I have to tell on myself.... I did the same in the neighbor's little patch.  He's germinating seeds outside the garden and I assumed not planting seeds, but hey..... I might have really messed up OR done him a tremendous favor that saves him lots of weeding and worrying about weeding.  Hard to say, really.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 06, 2020, 03:45:31 PM
Spoke with T today.... about things we do to STOP feeling... to comfort ourselves... to avoid tending to the injured childlike part of ourselves is where that ended up.

In a nutshell:

When we eat, drink alcohol, do drugs, etc we're throwing a wet blanket on that child.

When we stop, make a cup of tea, do yoga, ask what that feeling is about, what needs tending to... we're picking the child up and attending to it.  This is body/financial safety root chakra stuff.   

I notice I tend to eat in the evenings or sometimes too late at night when I'm tired.  That makes it more difficult to remember to notice and  tend to the feelings underneath.

   Remind myself I AM safe in the moment, and observe what's going on around me, pay attention to my breath, and engage in nurturing actions.  Put time between the feeling and reactions.  Time provides opportunity to respond.

Shifting into the limbic system... emotional brain.... or amygdala/fight for flight survival brain, means I'm less likely to SEE solutions... make good choices. 

The more I do it, the easier it gets...  like building a muscle.  Everything changes when I practice.  Chemically.  Energetically.  Physically.  Emotionally.  It can change in a second... doesn't have to be hard or take a long time.

I'm committing to doing yoga for my back..... Yoga For The Rest Of Us DVD / back care basics is the starting point... just placed my order.  Will hope to branch out from there. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on May 07, 2020, 06:35:19 AM
That's a good comparison, Lighter, between throwing a wet blanket on a child and nurturing them. That makes a lot of sense to me, as does repeating the new habits and building them like muscles.  Let's all continue to build our child nurturing muscles.

I hope the seed prevention stuff turns out to be good rather than not good :) Easy to do something instinctively and then realise afterwards you may have shot yourself in the foot.

I think stay away from rough neighbourhoods, Lighter.  People are going crazy; it's what some people do under pressure.  Domestic violence here is through the roof.  People are indoors all day with nothing but fear and misleading or contradictory information going around and they throw the wet blanket on the child.  And people do dehumanise other groups of people.  They want someone to blame and I'm noticing a lot here that a lot of people are talking about what other people need to do to change, in many different ways, but far fewer are talking about how they want or are willing to change to try to make what comes after this better, fairer, more sustainable.  I'm trying to only connect with the ones who are trying to do something different, even if it's just growing parsley on the window cill.  Personally, I don't think compassion is ever a mistake.  You can be compassionate and still keep your boundaries in place and keep yourself safe.  People in desperate situations do desperate things and make desperate choices.  Compassion from a distance, maybe that's the way to look at it.

I eat all sorts of crap when I'm tired, Lighter, and stressed, lonely, anxious lol, it's my answer to many problems.  And I take my foot off the gas when I feel better.  I've been doing yoga and taking Epsom salts baths each night.  Didn't bother last night because my back felt better.  I am feeling it today so that's my lesson, keep the good habits up, even when it feels like I don't need to.

Do you do any of the Yoga With Adriene stuff on YouTube?  I really like her workouts; they suit me and she has a nice, relaxed style.  And a cute dog who sometimes joins in.  Maybe you could train Pug?  Lol xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on May 07, 2020, 07:31:09 AM
What Tupp said. Plus:

Lighter, I think one healthy thing to do rather than allow yourself to directly face all the ugly just because you are bold enough to (your children need you safe and sane, not testing the limits right now), perhaps you could express that courage and compassion in ways that don't threaten you or add to the agitation, which I believe is revealed class conflict right now. Going out unecessarily has its messages.

Maybe one way of making that difference, while releasing any guilt you feel about your own safety and comfort, would be to donate. The energy and/or money you'd spend trying to directly and personally intervene in the disaster could be channeled instead into an effective local organization that is trying to supply and organize to help the most desperate in your community, whether they are outsiders or locals.

Does that make any sense?

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 08, 2020, 10:45:17 PM

I looked up Youtube vids for Yoga with Adriene.  She's adorable and her dog is pretty relaxed fellow.  Her voice is really soothing too.  I'll select a couple of her workouts and begin.  Thanks!

Tupp and Hops:

I haven't sought out rough hoods.  Rather, I've tried to support businesses I used to support weekly..... I've been to the one downtown ONCE in 2 months, and only bc it was close to the lab.  I really don't want it to go out of business.  I don't. 

I have to say this..... my gut says I'm more likely to use this as a jumping-off point for showing the girls where to find and how to deploy and use the pepper spray in the car door, rather than skirt around our regular stores.  We're NOT in what's considered a dangerous city BUT times they have changed. 

How much will I let these changes.... change me/us?  This is something I'm considering right now.

I'm not fearless. 

I'm proactive. 

I don't want to have regrets in either direction.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 08, 2020, 11:19:32 PM

I loved the bedtime yoga with Adriene.  I'm going to do the entire thing tonight before bed. 

Also considering the 30 day yoga workout she does!

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on May 09, 2020, 06:24:03 AM
Hi Lighter,
Here's what floats up for me in case it resonates. I may be waaaaay off base. Probably am, in fact.

I know you are bold, have done martial arts for years, lived through big trauma, have had many threats from males. All that is real and ongoingly healing for you.

What comes up for me sometimes is a sense that your language over time reveals intensity about threats in many directions. So I wonder if teaching your girls to find and "deploy" pepper spray might carry, FOR THEM, a kind of fear-teaching? A threat-based orientation to life? I'm just wanting to imagine them safe and happy and still enjoying some sense of trust in the world. And maybe of confidence in themselves, which I know rationally you're also trying to teach them. And knowing how to use pepper spray certainly makes sense. Maybe it was the word "deploy" that got me. (Irrational language triggers in me.)

I don't know what it would be like to have powerful self-defense skills. If I had young girls I might enjoy letting them take judo if they sought it out (I did and it made me feel more powerful). But unless there truly is apocalypse or zombie time, which I don't think there is so far anyway, I wonder if it'll be anxiety-producing for them, to pick up on or absorb those preoccupations. Unconsciously. Some personalities are warrior types and others aren't.

Same time, I also think it's wonderful to empower the young, especially girls. So I don't know that I'm pearl-clutching over anything that makes sense.

Kids need safety and to navigate adolescence without recklessness. Kids in the newest generation are facing it all: climate, possible civil unrest, epidemics and depression-era desperation in many folks. I do think the world is more unsafe but also think that positive engagement with community is more protective than weaponry or training to fight.

Then again, I'm a physical coward. No confidence at all that I could physically defend myself against danger so my reaction is to use my radar to avoid it -- areas, people with bad vibes, situations well known to be risky. My response to the attack on my community from far-right groups was -- stay indoors, keep quiet, and don't confront. Strangers were coming and going in scary trucks with scary flags. Eventually, they went away.

I certainly feel I failed to protect my own D, and she was drawn to darkness and confrontational situations. So I'll bet that's what I'm responding from.

Barrels of salt, do take all this with barrels of salt....but it's meant with care.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on May 10, 2020, 05:47:26 AM

I looked up Youtube vids for Yoga with Adriene.  She's adorable and her dog is pretty relaxed fellow.  Her voice is really soothing too.  I'll select a couple of her workouts and begin.  Thanks!

Tupp and Hops:

I haven't sought out rough hoods.  Rather, I've tried to support businesses I used to support weekly..... I've been to the one downtown ONCE in 2 months, and only bc it was close to the lab.  I really don't want it to go out of business.  I don't. 

I have to say this..... my gut says I'm more likely to use this as a jumping-off point for showing the girls where to find and how to deploy and use the pepper spray in the car door, rather than skirt around our regular stores.  We're NOT in what's considered a dangerous city BUT times they have changed. 

How much will I let these changes.... change me/us?  This is something I'm considering right now.

I'm not fearless. 

I'm proactive. 

I don't want to have regrets in either direction.



I'm sorry, because I didn't explain what I was worried about very well and I haven't been clear.  My concern is the lack of hygiene if you're buying groceries from shops where people are crapping on pavements and masturbating outside, whilst wandering around filling up syringes.  This virus last on surfaces from anywhere between a few hours to several days.  It's airbourne.  It can get on to your clothes and get into your system through your mouth, nose, eyes and by you touching something someone else touched - even hours earlier.  We've lost 150 medical staff here now - that's people trained to hospital standards, following appropriate protocol, working in a sterile environment, without pre-existing medical conditions, dead - not ill from it and got better but in the ground now.  I'm following various people on Twitter and sharing information from ICU consultants, virologists, scientists, ICU nurses and so on, with paramedic friends, other parents who are used to treating multiple conditions in their kids and science brain type friends and the advice from every person is the same - stay home, and keep washing your hands.  There just isn't a safe way to go outside, at all.

We all have to go outside sometimes, I get that.  There's a balance between the possible risk of contracting the virus and going mad from isolation, poor diet, being stuck indoors with relatives, lack of exercise and so on.  Lots of people will be out and about all day and not catch it.  Lots of people will catch it, be a bit unwell and then be fine.  Many will catch it and not even know they have it, therefore passing it on to everyone else they come into contact with, directly or indirectly.  Plenty of young, fit and healthy people here are dying from it; the whole "oh it's only the sick and elderly" thing is being shown to be a myth and as I say, we've lost ICU consultants to it here - if they can catch it with all their knowledge and skill at keeping sickness at by then no-one is safe.

I get that you don't want local businesses to go under but Lighter, they're going to.  There's nothing more that any of us can do about that now.  If they deliver then getting deliveries will help them out but if they don't, you risking catching this and taking it home to your kids just isn't worth it.  You're in a similar situation to me, if you die there's no-one else there for your kids and they're at risk from the scary grandparents again.  You've got to keep yourself safe and it's not guns or pepper spray that will do that for you, it's staying home as much as possible and when you do go out, going to places that are as clean and quiet as possible.  If you get somewhere and there are naked people wandering about in the street get back in the car and go somewhere else.  It really frightens me to think of you going shopping somewhere where people are shitting on the pavement and walking around with syringes in their hands.  I've led a pretty open, varied life, I think, but I've honestly never seen anything like that and if I did I'd keep well away.  You can't save the world.  Honestly, Lighter, and I say this as your friend, and I do understand your concerns, I really do, but your girls don't need pepper spray training, they need to stay home, order in and if going out for food is the only option you need a list of safe places to visit, as early as possible in the day so there are fewer people around.  Avoidance is what's going to keep them safe right now.

You do need to let the changes change you, in my opinion, because it isn't murderers or drug addicts or homeless people you're at risk from, it's going shopping.  That thing we've all done for all of our lives without ever thinking about it or even wondering where what we're buying has come from a lot of the time, has suddenly become the most dangerous thing some of us are having to do.  It's a massive shift in what we're used to and it's huge to get our heads around but that is the change, and honestly, our response to that - if we feel we're at risk of contracting the virus - is to avoid going out wherever possible and when we do, going to the place that is cleanest, for the least amount of time possible, as infrequently as possible.  I think when we're frightened our natural instinct is to attack but in this instance I think the safest bet for anyone who is concerned is to hide. 

I'm not saying any of this in a critical or judgemental way; all of it is said because I care about you and the thought of you shopping in places where people, God love them, aren't able to follow even basic hygiene precautions really scares me.  I won't mention it again because I don't want to lecture or bang on about it but I really hope you don't go back there.

I am glad you found Yoga with Adriene :)  I love her stuff, I find it really helpful.  I really like Jason Stephenson's meditations; his anxiety ones I find particularly useful.  There is also another yoga guy -David Procyshyn - whose stuff is much more intense and serious and the videos are longer but oh my days, the release I get from them is huge.  He might be worth looking at.

Much love, Lighter!  Sorry it's a bit long.  Transatlantic social distanced cuddle coming your way
(((((((((((((((((Lighter )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on May 11, 2020, 09:18:40 AM
I notice how all of us respond to "specifics" based on our own frame of references and past experiences... and emotional predilections.

I tend to be as pro-active as Lighter, if not a little more. The way it works for me, is that I assume full responsibility for my own security around here. (Closest friends are 10 mins away; sheriff longer; and maybe one of my neighbors would respond or maybe they wouldn't.) My security extends an umbrella over every life at my farm. Down to shelter and food - number of servings available per person. I can't afford to ACT on compassion until that's secure and there is surplus. I can FEEL compassion - but it's foolish for me to act on compassion and possibly set my small group of people at risk by not maintaining their security first.

The location and amount of space around me, actually poses some problems in the way of security - but having the kids here is helpful because the Hut faces the only other access into the property (without rock climbing gear). It's true I seldom see other people here because of the location. When I DO see someone - I'm usually expecting them. Occasionally, there is someone who WASN'T invited or expected... who was out "exploring". And I need to take some more actions to prevent looky-loos and the stray realtor who might try to convince me to sell. (grrrrr) That means signage; a gated entrance; and notice of private property; no trespassing. For starters.

There are quite a few "moving pieces" in the puzzle of society right now. As above, so below. In my group - John is preparing to depart, his purpose in being here having been as fulfilled as its likely to be. So he'll be moving on to work with a group that responds to disasters and at the moment are running an auxiliary "meals on wheels" kind of effort for people who are extremely self-isolating. I will be getting my house emptied out again when Hol moves into the Hut, and Buck isn't bringing much except tools, necessities, his "just in case" inventory for weathering unexpected situations... and his skills and knowledge. I'm postponing the non-necessary projects until he's here to help design.

Hol and I disagree on this particular balance of security to compassion. She thinks a friend of friends of one her inner circle of friends can be trusted with our location and welcomed in without any restrictions. I say NO... because on the off chance that society's glue comes apart even more... one of the best security features we have in the location is that not even locals knew "this was here". True - I can find it on Google earth - but their marker is in the wrong location. LOLOLOL. And GPS is really spotty out here. Even when I've given specific directions to someone - they've had trouble finding it.  I like it that way. Not because I'm paranoid or afraid - but because it's an advantage; an extra edge that I don't have to worry about security on a regular basis.

That frees me up to do all this other stuff.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 11, 2020, 10:36:57 AM
Tupp and Hops:

I appreciate the care and concern you're expressing.  I'm trying to figure out a  sane way to navigate the world. 

I live a few minutes away from the posh neighborhood's walking trails where the naked, pooping, masturbating man was reported and the middle-aged, dog kicking woman screamed at the young mother and young children. 

That didn't happen at the downtown grocery store, which is located very near the bus station,  now that I think of it.   

I, like everyone else, want things to be OK.  I want my daughters to be OK, no matter what.  I agree.... avoiding bad situations is the highest form of self-preservation.   

I hope I strike the right balance with self-preservation skills and the girls. The goal is to empower them, help them feel less at the mercy of, and more secure in the world.   Not less. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on May 11, 2020, 11:31:55 AM
Well, Lighter, on balance in this situation--ONE naked pooper creeper and ONE woman losing it in public probably aren't a shocking level of civil decay. It just sounds so intense when you describe things at times, I may have misunderstood it as Defcon Three. Glad the girls are okay and of course you're doing a great job.

Amber, that's cool that even Google can't fully figure your location out. I've lived in several mountain areas and understand that sense of security. Despite scary stories on TV, I think it really is pretty rare for people to be attacked in their homes in mountain culture (barring domestic abuse, which is everywhere).

If the zombie apocalypse comes, I'll meet them at the door and hand out knives and forks. Actual confrontation with violence is just not on my menu. I feel lucky I've avoided it so far and accept my limits. I also try not to attract confrontation.

I hope all of us stay aware without feeding the fear furnace, keep what we do see around us in proportion, and focus on the positive connections that also keep us safe. Caring neighbors, decent local governments (or helping grow those) and a one-tribe attitude.

Very easy to write. Not as easy to fulfill, but I think it's where we have to go.

Hugs all,
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 11, 2020, 02:13:47 PM

I'll be more precise about my vivid jottings.  I meant to be more careful.  I thought I was.  You aren't the only one who's confused, so it's me.   

In the same spirit you're posting to me, I will add a handful of salt and share my reactivity around the phrase......

"I try not to attract confrontation." 

I know you didn't mean it in a way that suggests trouble is asked for, or sought out, can always be avoided.  It pinged that way for me, even though I know you want to keep everyone safe and away from harm.  This is your spirit, Hops. 

I trained to feel safer in the world, and avoid conflict.  The way we carry ourselves is part of staying safe.  That was lesson number one. 



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on May 11, 2020, 03:41:33 PM
I hear you, ((((Lighter)))).
Thanks for your sensitive tuning.

I think I OVER-tune to language choices and rhythms sometimes.
It just all goes deep into that poetry place, which is almost beneath
my consciousness sometimes.

I do not ever think anybody (or anybody here!) intentionally attracts or stimulates violence.

I think I just lack the brain-part that is warrior-like. It's just...entirely absent.
Compare a bunny wabbit to a tiger and you'll get the idea.

I'm glad you shone a light into how interpretations, rightly or wrongly, can tilt how we see each other. And to ditch the royalty...how MY interpretations can do that.

Still pondering what the lesson is but I feel I've just been given a perceptive and sensitive observation that will teach me something I need to hear.

Thank you.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 13, 2020, 02:44:05 PM

There's lessons for both of us, I'm sure. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 22, 2020, 02:43:54 PM
I haven't seen my Moss friend L in over a week.  Her BIL and SIL have been visiting and she's taking a  course she's overwhelmed with.  I really miss her, and I didn't realize that till just now. 

I have a social distancing BBQ tomorrow evening with a couple I really like.  He's the sweetest man you've ever talked to... think Mr. Rogers building Ukeleles, and she's a Pediatrician from the UK now heading up a major health care system.... not sure which one in our County, but will hear all about it tomorrow I'm sure.  They just got a BIG puppy, part herding shepherd and part Newfoundland so his paws are HUGE.  He's just adorable with his stubby little legs and chubby look. 

It will be interesting to SEE and hear how this Doc is navigating social interaction, come to think of it, as they're cooking for us.

A neighbor offered eggs on the Neighborhood message board.  About 100 people jumped on the offer... turns out there's not that many chickens.  I was third on the list and just got MINE!  So.  Happy.  I was the first person to ask to see the chickens, and she was delighted to share them.  Said she was disappointed no family with children had shown interest.

Honestly, she wasn't a good communicator.... we had no idea she wanted attention from the shy original post.  She's reaching out for contact.... I was so thrilled that was the case and posted exactly what the situation was so she'll be getting lots of offers for company, I'm sure.

The other happy news with the egg gal is....
she has like... 100 tomato plants in the ground!  What will she do with all those tomatoes.. do'ya think?  I suggested she sell them to her neighbors!  Honestly, I have my own plants... 5,  but would love to spend time in her huge garden, next to the chickens, picking sun-ripened tomatoes for customers she's selling them to. 

We're cleaning out problem areas in the house.  The absolute mess of wires and video games and controllers under the LR TV are all tidied, up, behind TVt of the way or in a cupboard, we cleaned out for that purpose.

I'd be in the yard, but it's raining again! 

I'm just so happy about the eggs and looking forward to visiting.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 22, 2020, 07:56:37 PM
I set a visit with moss friend L (MFL) in the morning.  I've really missed her and have been looking forward to discussing both our yards... collecting moss.... talking about her classes.... my stuff.

At first she invited me to a Sunday night BBQ with her neighbors and daughter.  I thought.... I'll be recovering from a Saturday night BBQ... I just don't want to do that, so I asked for what I wanted again, gave her an out and let it go. 

I'm happy I asked for what I want.  I'm happy she's recovered from her company and ready to visit again.  I'm happy I didn't say yes to that second BBQ, though I can if I want.

This is new for me.  To ask for exactly what I want and not get sidetracked by anything.. and there are so many things to get sidetracked by when you're used to caretaking other people and their feelings as default. 

Putting that down.... and gently observing it provides space to SEE it clearly, without emotion, and get on with taking care of myself as priority.  I'm astonished at the interior pressure I feel to please others.... without thinking about it.  I can avoid feeling overwhelmed.  I don't have to regret saying YES if I say NO to things I don't want to do.  Wow, I bet that looks crazy to people who always ask for what they want.

I also sent a text to MFL's neighbors, with the amazing moss yard.  I want to compare notes and see if they know what the yellow circles in my moss are.

The boy is back in the house. 

I was in the yard moving rocks and thinking about what I want to do next with Hosta.  It's still raining!  I saw a chipmunk and put a screen over the rain barrel where the squirrel drowned.  I'm amazed at how clear and clean the water is in barrels receiving no sunlight. 

The tomatoes all look OK after the rain.... even the two little ones I peeled off larger plants from the nursery.  That's 8 tomato plants, which seems like more than enough to me.  5 pepper plants, hot and sweet.  Something's coming up.... I think it's seedlings I planted.  Will have to see what it was... I think zucchini and lettuces.

We have Thai lettuce wraps and ham/black lentil soup in the fridge, so I don't have to fuss with cooking for a while.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 22, 2020, 08:11:15 PM
The egg lady just texted thanks for the visit.  She'd been discouraged, bc a neighbor 80 on the list reported her for selling eggs.  I told her it wasn't personal. He was upset she didn't have enough eggs for everyone.... and he transferred some aggression her way.  It happens, even if it doesn't make sense.  She had such hurt feelings, and I know what that feels like.  A psychic slap when you feel you're doing something kind and it backfires. 

She's back in a happy mood.  I'm hoping we're buzzing about her veggies stand in the near future.  Everyone was so excited about the eggs!

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on May 23, 2020, 02:25:59 PM
Nothing's quite as easy as canning tomato sauce, Lighter. Yeah, there's the boiling, skinning & pureeing stage which takes some time. I'll cook it down a little, with some onions & garlic - salt & pepper before filling jars and the water bath. With the minimal spicing in the jarred sauce - it can go a lot of different directions.

And it's soooo satisfying in January, to see all the pretty jars and taste summer in chili, marinara, whatever.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 23, 2020, 02:51:01 PM
I'm positive pretty jarred tomatoes, lined up on a shelf like soldiers, is more satisfying to use than bagged tomatoes taking up valued freezer space, but that's how I do it.  Blanch, peel, bag and freeze. 

It's impressive you actually cook them down a bit, with seasoning. 

I can't wait to hear about your garden and canning sessions.  I hope we all have luck growing things.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 24, 2020, 07:21:16 AM
The neighbor's BBQ was so nice... not a moment of regret or discomfort.  They're very genuine, kind, funny and make really good burgers, and brats.  I had a burger and a brat... baked beans, half a gf bun, beautiful greens and a slice of tomato.  THANK YOU.  So good.  We ate in front of an outdoor fireplace the husband built himself from the ruins of their burned down interior fireplace.  I guess they gutted the house in 2006.  They had a bunny who needed food.  The mom left something on the stove when she went to get bunny food and so the dad turned the stones around and used them to make the fireplace and a beautiful retaining wall.  So creative and competent.    Everyone chimed in.. two of their daughters were home from University, one with a bf in tow.  One dd, 6"1', btw... worked on making a fire of wet wood till she got the job done.  After dinner the kids did the dishes without being told.   They're bunny people!

The mom, who runs a 100-bed hospital about a half-hour away, seemed a bit frazzled.  She said they need to keep half the beds full of COVID patients to keep the system running and achieve herd immunity.  They take the temp of everyone who walks in the door, which is frustrating for her to pay an expensive nurse to do that.  Also, measuring everyone's oxygen levels is super frustrating bc it takes a while to get an accurate reading AND there's no reliable way to know if an asymptomatic person has the virus without testing.  There are still parts of State who don't have the ability to test the number of people who need testing, and demands are being made they do it anyway, which is crazy making.  We sat around and played with pulse oximeters while oldest dd explained why they work... she's a bio tech major.  Very interesting.  We were seeing which PO was most reliable.  The one from China did as a good a job as the others. They all seemed to be working fine and I borrowed one to test youngest dd, which I did when I got home.  I ordered one for us, and will return this one today.  I really like these guys.  Their new very large puppy jumped up, mostly on me, a bit.  I hate being perceived as the weakest link and tried to train him into better habits, but he was so fluffy and adorable.  I just couldn't be stern proactively. My first instinct was to adore him.     

They had gf cookies... very yummy.... and the oldest dd made lemon bars. The dad showed me his Ukelele building workshop... he also builds guitars and banjos.  They're beautiful.  Most have Kona wood faces.... mother of pearl inlay on some.  Just beautiful to look at. I wish my youngest had gone with me and played some.  She wasn't feeling it and I didn't mind the separation for a few hours.  We've had a lot of together time.  The other mom was struggling a bit with a new puppy and kids in the house after 4 years of having the house basically to her and her husband, but she remained nice and didn't complain... just mentioned the difference in their lives, along with the COVID situation.  It's a lot. 

She said her hospital began theoretical discussions about Covid when it seemed unreal, but this prepared them well ahead.  They always wear masks when they go out and don't understand people who won't wear them. 

Today they'll show me how they cut through the neighborhood on foot to get to my yard from theirs. 

I don't think I've ever been to a gathering that didn't suck the life out of me, at least a bit.  I'm sure part of it was not having to cook or clean or worry about people getting along.  I don't feel anything but energized and well fed.  This is new.   


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on May 24, 2020, 01:39:01 PM
Lighter you have been SO enjoying your neighbors, it sounds like you're really creating community for yourself. Bravo. And that party sounded like social heaven right now.

How did everyone manage social distancing? I've limited myself to one-on-one (occasionally the couple next door) visits in the yard eight feet apart, nobody handling anyone else's food/plate/glass. I set wine on a tray on a bench another six feet away and when s/he needs a refill I literally take their glass with a paper towel and pour them more. Same for ferrying their glass or snack plate into the dishwasher. May seem extreme but it makes everybody more relaxed.

Cases are mounting fairly quickly in our area. Fourteen new cases today when it was three just a few days ago. Total cases are 416; 20 have died. I'm not crazy about those odds so I'm not "opening up" even though public restrictions are easing some. I do know how healing it's been to have the weekly backyard visits though; it makes a huge difference.

Stay safe and stay happy!
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 24, 2020, 05:34:11 PM
CB and Hops:

We had chairs spaced appropriately, in a circle, not 8 feet apart...maybe 6 feet....around a little table, in front of the fireplace.  That was the main group area.  Wine was poured into our glasses without being handled by the one doing the pouring.   

We served ourselves food, one at a time, using our clean utensils to get the burger or beans.   

We ate in our chairs, plates in our laps...  wine on the little table. 

The dad gave me a short tour of the house and workroom.... we weren't ever close to each other and it didn't feel weird.  It's starting to feel normal, I guess. 

I like to have an antibac wipe IN my hand as I navigate stores or social gatherings.  I wipe my hands, and things and handles and it's second nature now.  I squirt hand sanitizer into the wipe when it's too dry to use.  I found 4 small bottles of grapefruit hand sanitizer in my sock drawer and they smell divine.  Very happy with that.

Things felt very normal.  No one tried to hug or get close.   Everyone was pretty sober.  I think that makes a big difference.  The people who drink too much forget about social distancing, IME.  I had zero sense these folks would step in close or touch my glass.  I don't know why they assumed I'd keep my distance, but they seemed relaxed and I guess I didn't give them reason to feel tense.

I have no problem stopping people from hugging me now, btw.  A couple hugs got by in the beginning... it felt shocking to stop people at first, but I'm over that.  It's as much for their good as mine, so that's how I look at it.  it helps. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: CB123 on May 24, 2020, 07:47:51 PM
Grapefruit hand sanitizer!
Now on my wish list!

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 24, 2020, 08:03:50 PM
I do like medicinal scents.... herbs and clean essential oils.... oranges, lemons and grapefruit.... peppermint.  I just discovered my charcoal salt scub in the outdoor shower with lavender and tea tree oil.  Amazing, standing there looking at the trees, feet on wet wood, breathing in that scent again.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on May 24, 2020, 08:46:24 PM
My list too! Grapefruit smells AMAAAAZING.

I'm glad you're doing it so well, Lighter.
I'm much more fixated about the precautions but I can appreciate
that you are doing it just right for your circle and your circumstances.

M and I are just joint avoidant about getting the darn thing.
We're both old (70 and 73), vulnerable and no longer believe in much
of anything but Dr. Fauci and his peers.

So glad you're finding this community feeling. That is huge.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 26, 2020, 12:07:47 AM
Oldest dd and I made appointments with the Blood Connection to give blood again this week. 

We're both B+ and I've been doing some reading up on it.  That blood type has proteins in it that makes coagulation more likely, which raises changes for heart problems.

MAYBE this is the reason some people get weird clotting and blood pooling with COVID?  Do you think?

It makes sense since some people have the clotting problem and some don't.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on May 26, 2020, 12:30:20 AM
I dunno! Haven't read anything about blood type and increased clotting danger with covid-19. Interesting idea, but I've kind of backed away from more info, as I was getting overwhelmed. The new complication for kids is pretty daunting on its own.

I have a friend with a serious clotting disorder and she's really concerned (her hubby doesn't do social distancing as he should and even brought a neighbor she didn't know anything about over repeatedly, which really upset her). I don't get it.

Aaaggggh, people.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on May 27, 2020, 05:03:36 AM
Aw Lighter, I'd have had that puppy on my lap and then put him in my bag to take home, there are no boundaries for me when it comes to pets!  Especially big puppies with huge paws that they need to grow into.  So cute.  It's nice that you've got social things going on around you.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 30, 2020, 10:43:08 AM
Since tweaking my back, I've been stacking up projects.  I have Hosta, Linton Roses, watermelon and squash seedlings to find planting spaces for.... and I don't KNOW where those spaces ARE SUPPOSED TO BE.  I NEEEEED to finalize a plan that works well... that doesn't need tweaking or changing... that suits my aging and abilities.  Need need need... no pressure.  Whew.

If I worry, I know I'll get it wrong or remain paralyzed.  I've been in my rabbit hole of research.  It's time to shift to resting my mind.  Time to allow space for my intuition to have space and voice. 

It's sunny today.  The ground is wet.  The yellow circles in my moss MIGHT be bear and possum and dog and wildlife pee, but I don't see ANY other traces of their visits.  I don't ever SEE them.  Wouldn't there be scat?  Somewhere?  I worry about my entire yard going yellow with something I can't see that's killing it dead for good.  The worry shuts down my ability to problem solve, so that's clearly not helping. 

So, I'm going out into the yard and resting my thoughts.  I won't let my neighbors take my attention and pull me into their projects.  Yesterday I was happy in the garden, problem solving and a neighbor came by with his dog, which shifted to his letting the pug off the porch, pulling me IN to his orbit, to his dog splashing in mud to asking to use my hose and for dog soap and his ending up in my outdoor shower giving his dog a bath needing a towel.

If you give a mouse a cookie.... that was a great children's book.  Enjoyed it very much.  But this neighbor.... and a couple others.... I have to calmly set boundaries with.  Even the Pug set a boundary.  She leapt off the porch, when freed, then quickly changed her mind and got back on the porch and looked viewed everyone thorugh the railing while I was putting moss back in place from those big puppy paws, then turning on hose water, then looking for dog shampoo, then solving the problem of caging the wild puppy while neighbor bathed him and I'm just not going to do that today or in the future if I'm not choosing it myself.  I don't want a big wet puppy running over my outdoor furniture and clean blankets and table.... I don't.  I feel sorry for my neighbor, who lost his calm amazing best friend dog, and his choice of puppies.... but I can't be a part of solving that for him.  I can give him help and support, as he helps and supports my journey, but there have to be limits. 

I get to set my limits, as he sets his. 


Back to resting.  Will do some walking meditation today.... feet kissing the moist happy moss and earth.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 04, 2020, 10:11:24 PM
Well, it's official. 

I'm done thinking about the upcoming election.  I don't want to hear either right or left wing parties prattle on with their skewed opinionated versions of the news.  I've stopped watching them. 

Today youngest dd and I had to run by the school and decided to drive through downtown.  Lots of buildings were boarded up at street level.  Many artists have done very cool art on the boards. We saw the place where the police stabbed water bottles and destroyed medical supplies.

A police officers was on the phone, standing next to his stopped patrol car and a recycling bin he looked into.... put his entire torso in to take a look.

Later when we drove by again there was an umarked white car and what looked like 2 people in haszmat suits looking into the same bin.   Something's going on in that bin.

We have an 8pm to 6am curin few bc of the protests, there were protestors chanting and one dancing when we drove by.  We didn't feel unsafe. It was peaceful, as you'd imagine it would be where we are.   I don't understand why the police attacked medical supplies.  I'm still scratching my head over that one.

I'm unhappy with the ACAB slogan, which is spray-painted around here.   I don't agree all cops are bastards.  I feel very strongly laws should apply across the board, to everyone, including cops.  I have to say the chant and signs "I can't breathe" upset me..... made me cry.  That's powerful. That's truth.  I don't like ACAB.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on June 05, 2020, 09:55:52 AM
I read the chief's statement in Lighter's city and it was about police stabbing water bottles because they'd been used as projectiles. He also said they'd rather have confiscated than destroyed them, but couldn't. He also mentioned the aid stand was on private property without permission (nit-picky). He added that that night's protest went fine with no injuries.

I don't want to mistrust all police, we're not quite Chile yet. And I've read some powerful columns recently about the HOPE that is in what is happening. With videos, and an outraged populace protesting in greater numbers than during Viet Nam, this might possibly be a turning point for our culture. It'll still take a long time and include more horrors and mistakes, but I think our entire society except for jerks is sick of racism. MOST people have begun to understand it's destroying America way more than any handfuls of looters and criminals could.

Eugene Robinson gives me hope. (Washington Post.) So do others. Not Tom Cotton. And I'm thankful for what General Mattis wrote. There is hope going on too, not only trauma and misery.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on June 05, 2020, 11:08:55 AM
A dove with I think a hurt wing possibly (not sure) has been sitting on the edge of my patio birdbath for an hour. I walked past (socially distant) a couple times and it didn't budge, so I tried walking up to it and pouring fresh water in the bath. It didn't budge. Worrying about it but don't want to re-traumatized if it's hurt.

Maybe it's just lazy and has claimed it (doves are territorial) for now. It's relatively safe from cats on my patio and the hostas will give it ground cover, but if it's truly hurt I don't know how it'll eat.

Must google dove diet...

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 15, 2020, 04:04:59 PM
I'll definitely look at that, CB. 

Right now I'm BACK dealing with airbnb support over a problem they SAID they solved 3 weeks ago, but DID NOT.

I feel time is stolen from me when these things happen. 

Having to spend hours dealing with something, then find they didn't do what they said they would, and it's like starting over..... just to get a person on line takes hours.

In the meantime, boundary work on codependence is ongoing. 

Thanks for providing the link!

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 20, 2020, 01:05:36 PM
Lately, I've been waking up with a very good mindset.  Very present.  Very aware of being present, and how easy it is to NOT be.

Pathways are building.  Things get easier.... even when I'm challenged.  I get back to center more quickly.  It's revelation to begin a day mindfully, sans effort.

THIS is what I've been missing.  THIS is what I've been working towards in so many ways, coming from so many directions. 

Feeling very much at home inside my own head.  Learning to notice anxiety or sadness and come back to myself.


For anyone interested, my T said to practice thinking about a thought..... SEEING it for what it is..... and seeing what happens to it.  What, exactly, IS a thought we're having?

My experience isn't what most people experience, btw.



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on June 20, 2020, 03:56:24 PM
HILARIOUS video, CB! I love that moment when you feel "Busted!" -- but with love.

Lighter, I truly believe that almost everybody thinks this:
My experience isn't what most people experience, btw.

I think it can be a tricky trap, sometimes.
Maybe it contributes to a sense of "specialness" that isn't based in your wonderful deserved and earned uniqueness, but in separation.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on June 21, 2020, 06:17:06 AM
Lately, I've been waking up with a very good mindset.  Very present.  Very aware of being present, and how easy it is to NOT be.

Pathways are building.  Things get easier.... even when I'm challenged.  I get back to center more quickly.  It's revelation to begin a day mindfully, sans effort.

THIS is what I've been missing.  THIS is what I've been working towards in so many ways, coming from so many directions. 

Feeling very much at home inside my own head.  Learning to notice anxiety or sadness and come back to myself.


For anyone interested, my T said to practice thinking about a thought..... SEEING it for what it is..... and seeing what happens to it.  What, exactly, IS a thought we're having?

My experience isn't what most people experience, btw.


That sounds like a nice headspace to be in, Lighter, I like the sound of that.

What does your T mean about thinking about a thought - does she mean seeing whether it's valid or not seeing it as a real thing or something?  Did she elaborate any further?  I'm intrigued!  Lol xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 21, 2020, 08:25:41 PM
Hi, Tupp:

T said that most people experience their thoughts as
not being solid or real. They dissolve away when one focuses intensely on one thought. 

My experience is more of moving away from the thought, judgment or feelings of other people.  Moving back into my head and heart.  Turning away from.... turning back to myself.  There's joy and ease in this lately. 

Today I observed the deepening levels of healing and being present... like a door opening.

More an observation of leaving behind old limited thoughts.  Of having more spaciousness available to me. Of having unlimited ability to create and experience after years of feeling very limited and crushed into a small space with repeating thought patterns I wasn't aware of.

I'm hoping this passes and continues expanding into what comes next.

I've noticed my mind hasn't been able to rest for many years.... 15 years maybe. 

When I first began seeing this new T there was lots of amazing work done. I assumed that was the goal.... and it seemed like my goal at the time.  To FEEL better. 

Once I felt better, which I hope I wrote down, bc it's gone and I can't recall that particular shift..... once I felt better, once I could get myself out of a hole with breathing and everything I've been posting about..... I didn't understand what comes after.

Once the tension and weight of repetitive thoughts are relieved. 

Once there's room for other things.

Once the brain calms down, learns to calm down, begins laying down new pathways and strengthening them.

Once there's distance and rest, for a period of time, for the brain to make lasting change. 

It felt very mechanical, at first. It felt like... picking up a tool, that felt unwieldy, and ill fitted to the hand, and using it, despite the whonkiness. 

It feels more fluid and internal now.  It feels streamlined... like the gloppy parts and edges have been smoothed away.  More useful.  More comfortable, requiring less bandwidth on my part.   

Like rusty old wheels have been ground down and oiled.... able to move freely again.  I feel there's momentum, and I'm not attached to continued momentum.  I expect and will embrace forward, backward and sideways movement in this process.

I won't judge it.  I'll strive to embrace it and marvel at the process, knowing I'm moving toward more spaciousness, more ease, more joy.... even if it's not OK all the time.  It's OK.

REaaaaaallllLy trusting is different than trying to trust, of feeling I trust, IME.  Internalizing trust, that all will be well, is an unexpected shift I didn't see coming.

I wonder what's next. 

I look forward to experiencing it.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on June 21, 2020, 11:48:58 PM
even if it's not OK all the time.  It's OK.

REaaaaaallllLy trusting is different than trying to trust, of feeling I trust, IME.  Internalizing trust, that all will be well....

This sounds wonderful, Lighter.
I'm glad for you. You're positively ZEN.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on June 22, 2020, 03:04:50 AM
Hi, Tupp:

T said that most people experience their thoughts as
not being solid or real. They dissolve away when one focuses intensely on one thought. 

My experience is more of moving away from the thought, judgment or feelings of other people.  Moving back into my head and heart.  Turning away from.... turning back to myself.  There's joy and ease in this lately. 

Today I observed the deepening levels of healing and being present... like a door opening.

More an observation of leaving behind old limited thoughts.  Of having more spaciousness available to me. Of having unlimited ability to create and experience after years of feeling very limited and crushed into a small space with repeating thought patterns I wasn't aware of.

I'm hoping this passes and continues expanding into what comes next.

I've noticed my mind hasn't been able to rest for many years.... 15 years maybe. 

When I first began seeing this new T there was lots of amazing work done. I assumed that was the goal.... and it seemed like my goal at the time.  To FEEL better. 

Once I felt better, which I hope I wrote down, bc it's gone and I can't recall that particular shift..... once I felt better, once I could get myself out of a hole with breathing and everything I've been posting about..... I didn't understand what comes after.

Once the tension and weight of repetitive thoughts are relieved. 

Once there's room for other things.

Once the brain calms down, learns to calm down, begins laying down new pathways and strengthening them.

Once there's distance and rest, for a period of time, for the brain to make lasting change. 

It felt very mechanical, at first. It felt like... picking up a tool, that felt unwieldy, and ill fitted to the hand, and using it, despite the whonkiness. 

It feels more fluid and internal now.  It feels streamlined... like the gloppy parts and edges have been smoothed away.  More useful.  More comfortable, requiring less bandwidth on my part.   

Like rusty old wheels have been ground down and oiled.... able to move freely again.  I feel there's momentum, and I'm not attached to continued momentum.  I expect and will embrace forward, backward and sideways movement in this process.

I won't judge it.  I'll strive to embrace it and marvel at the process, knowing I'm moving toward more spaciousness, more ease, more joy.... even if it's not OK all the time.  It's OK.

REaaaaaallllLy trusting is different than trying to trust, of feeling I trust, IME.  Internalizing trust, that all will be well, is an unexpected shift I didn't see coming.

I wonder what's next. 

I look forward to experiencing it.


Gosh, Lighter, that all spoke very deeply to me, and makes sense on some level although I think it's more of an internal level than in my head, if that makes sense?  Does the making sense make sense?  Lol.

I am definitely going to try to focus on one thought.  I've noticed over the last few days that I find myself from time to time watching stuff on TV I don't particularly want to watch, and/or scrolling endlessly though 'stuff' on the internet.  Kind of doing stuff but not really being there - zoning out a bit.  Then I notice that I feel very tense and then I realise that my mind is racing and I think I've kind of zoned out a bit to get away from it, without realising it was happening.  So that notion of focusing on one thought is very interesting and I'm going to try really hard to do that today.  I keep finding I'm listening to music and I suddenly realise I can't hear it - my brain's gone somewhere else and I have to re-focus on the sound.  It's weird how our minds can go in so many different places and we don't even realise it.

Leaving behind old limited thoughts is definitely something I'm trying to focus on now.  I've noticed when I feel stressed or anxious (today, for example, I have a telephone appointment with son's doctor and any kind of public sector interaction makes me feel nervous) my pattern is to re-run all the times we've been treated badly and prepare my arguments for anything that might be thrown at me.  What I'm trying to do instead of that - and it's hard, it's like trying not to blink - is to focus on nice stuff I've done in my life - things that I enjoyed, things that I was good at, things that were an achievement of my choosing, not because I won a battle someone else set up.  So yes, leaving behind old limited thoughts is definitely where I want to be heading.  And this:

It felt very mechanical, at first. It felt like... picking up a tool, that felt unwieldy, and ill fitted to the hand, and using it, despite the whonkiness.

It feels more fluid and internal now.  It feels streamlined... like the gloppy parts and edges have been smoothed away.  More useful.  More comfortable, requiring less bandwidth on my part.   

Like rusty old wheels have been ground down and oiled.... able to move freely again.  I feel there's momentum, and I'm not attached to continued momentum.  I expect and will embrace forward, backward and sideways movement in this process.

Such a good description and I really got what you meant by that.  I'm so glad it's coming together for you and all feeling so much more natural.  Like you've got to the top of the mountain instead of just being able to see the top.  Wow xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 23, 2020, 11:41:00 AM

My feeling, about how things are going...
 is that I've pushed past limitations on my ability to rest. 

My brain feels like it's been in neutral for a good while, which is different than STARTING TO REST, then dealing with all the shoulds... the expectations for payouts IF I allow myself to rest, then I'll (insert amazing things I HAVE/SHOULD DO,bc I allowed myself to rest for a short time.) 

Lately, I've extended that rest... banished the voices..... removed expectations and judgements.... just released them... let them go without focusing on it.  That's hard to do IF you're NOT judging the judging, IME.  Ummm.....

::uncrossing eyes::.

Mindful focus on resting, feeling entitled to rest, dismissing voices and belief systems that challenge my ability to rest. RESTING IN AWARENESS. All the shoulds.... all the voices telling me I have things I SHOULD be doing.... are falling away without judgment. I know I repeated some things there, but it helps me internalize the lesson and so I'll be repeating a lot in this post.

I think I wouldn't be resting IF I was judging any part of it.  So many things to let go of.   Latching on to ONE thing derrails the entire process, IME.  You can do so many things rigth and still not move forward, which is part of the process, and shouldn't be judged.

I don't think I'd be resting IF I saw whatever I was doing as something negative.... like "zoning out" on the computer,  which I've limited to a few things that bring me joy, engage my mind and maybe that's part of feeling more creative.... of feeling into more possibility bc my mind is engaged with joy OR I've stopped labeling it as anything.  Not sure.  Just noticing I'm not judging myself or labeling what I'm doing.... I'm just open and exploring and noticing.

What's byproduct of resting in awareness?   

I can only say I've been focusing on rest... that definitely came first.  This typically leads to noticing how tight my stomach is.  I release that tension.   I go back to feeling good about resting. 

Waking up feeling good.... noticing turning toward myself and away from negative voices and belief patterns of not feeling entitled to rest, and all the I SHOULD BE DOING blah blah blah....  seems to be a byproduct of resting my brain and avoiding reactivity, IMO... yup. That came next.  Soon, if that lasts, I'll forget what that feels like...  how it felt to notice turning toward myself and away from the voices, bc maybe the voices quiet, and stop?

The brain experiencing less stress means I have access to logic and creativity... seeing possibility... feeling good enough.... feeling entitled to rest and joy and more, in general.  By.  Products.

My feeling is my T was either responding to my thoughts,  and being proactive with what she felt would come up for me..... the upcoming thoughts I interpret as setbacks or not moving forward, and wanted to help me anticipate them and deal with them.  Maybe?  I'll ask her.

Maybe the discussion around my ignoring the negative voices in my head made her think of thoughts as not being real...  I can't be sure. 

It's all connected.  It's all there, waiting to step into the spaciousness created with the tools I'm practicing. 

I just wanted you to know the starting place was focus on resting.  Extending it.  Feeling into it. Allowing it to inhabit my brain and body without pause or judgments, which is something I had to focus on, for sure.  Just letting it in, in dribs and drabs.... wasn't enough, and I didn't SEE that.  Couldn't get it, until I focused ON IT solely, as a mission.  Trying to DO everything, equally, meant there was a lot of crabbing sideways and backward, but that's still learning, and building pathways and relieving stress in the brain, isn't it?  Why, yes.  Yes it is: )

So....resting in awareness.  Resting.  Rest.  Resting my brain.  Staying out of my amygdala and limbic systems.... no fear.  No worry about the future or dwelling in the past.  And.... not living in my limbic system and amygdala isn't something I did.  It was byproduct of rest.... I'm pretty sure.  It was the wheels turning more easily... without so much muscle and will..... less rust, more ability. 

Being here, now, can lift us out of the spectrum of anxiety (at the top) and depression (at the bottom) and free us up for what's in front of us. IME. Above, and into a larger window of resilience.... we grow.  We gain.   We expand and build.

So.... rest.   

As priority. 

Huge self compassion.  Returning to those things if I stray.... without judgment.  Just curiosity, and THAT gets easier... starts to become the default, IME. 

I'm checking my stomach for tension today.... and I'm always pretty relaxed lately.
 I'm dealing with a sprained tooth, of all things and the ligament around this particular tooth actually siezes up when I look down, so I have to tilt my chin up,  and try to remember to keep it there OR I'm dealing with what feels like a foot cramp, but IN my head and jaw, ouch.  And THAT has my stomach tightening up, for sure.   

Most of all...... I've stopped feeling panic over NOT MAKING ENOUGH GAINS after resting a bit... resting some... resting until my SHOULDs kicked back in. I can't stress that enough... how I sabotaged myself, even while I was using tools I knew would help.... I limited myself.  Now I'm aware of that one little thing and so happy to have moved through a piece and put it in place.

I've pushed beyond that fear, and rolled my brain into rest's arms,  for the sake of resting, sans expectation of what I MUST or SHOULD do, bc I've rested a bit.  Again, I repeat, but it bears repeating, IME.

Resting more.... beyond feeling guilt for any rest I get..... and stopping myself.

Rest beyond stopping.... is..... what happened that I can put my finger on.

The other stuff happened, bc of that, IMO.

And when I'm challenged  by negative thoughts...  I'll focus on them and see what happens to them.... without judgment, but with curiosity.  Without expectation.  And maybe that's what the T was referring to.  Maybe she understood everything I just posted about, walked herself back to the place I'm at, on my path, and spoke directly TO what's going on for me, even as I'm having trouble connecting the dots, but HAVE the dots in focus, but can't see them all at once.

Nothing has to go any particular way for me now.  I don't have to get certain gains in exchange for being kind to myself, allowing myself to rest and feel worthy of it. That happened without my understanding or having that in focus.  Different things, I practice, come into focus and are useful in ways I didn't see coming or understand.... it feels amazing.   

I think this is new, and I believe I wasn't necessarily aware of I was pushing that deal.... making that deal with myself.  I don't think it was with myself, btw.  I think it was a deal I was making with the negative voices and belief systems of not being worthy in my own right to rest, care and compassion.

 Tupp.... do you think you have beliefs around not being worthy or of having to prove yourself?

Having to prove yourself worthy.

Having to give and give and give to be worthy of some small thing you wouldn't normally feel you deserve?

Being flawed.... having to hide the flaws.... protecting yourself from being identified as flawed and not good enough and targeted by the negative voices?

Targeted and attacked?

All my life I've been targeted..... with FOO members wondering about it, not doing the attacking, but noting it..... being curious about it out loud.  Wondering why someone is DOING something really awful... mean girls being mean, mostly, now that I think about it.  I've always been so confused and confounded by it.   Stunned, really.  And this was happening not so many years ago.... just blatant cruelty and abusive treatment at the Re Center, for goodness sake, bc I handed that woman...... the chance to be who I always am with people.  I just haven't internalized other people's motivations and habits bc I know my own, and mistakenly assume they're similar... will appreciate what I appreciate and step into it, when mostly.... the people who spot me for what I am HATE and resent and feel very destructive towards whatever it is they identify as NOT THEM.... as something maybe they lack or resent. 

Ummm... SOOOPHING, Lighter?  Stay out of other people's heads.  I don't have to figure that out,  just notice it,  and respond to it, rather than react.  Broken people are broken in their own ways.  I deal with my brokenness, and that's enough.  That woman is on her own path, where she's supposed to be.  When I see her there's no more reactivity around it.  For a while it felt like being hit with electricity when I saw her.  Not anymore, though I sometimes think about asking her about what happened, without judgment or expectation.  Maybe she'd feel better if she could talk about it.   Not mine to solve, though.

Moving on. 

How I see myself in the world.  How I feel obligated to fix and serve and fix and busy myself with being earnest. 

So very earnest.   Like radar... an electromagnetic field of earnest seeking... that program running in the background, THE default setting.  Lord.

And that's part of everything, for me.

That realization turned me around and faced me.  Unfortunately, with more shoulds.  Hmm.... something to notice, and not think about, I think.

::eyes threatening to cross again::

Rant coming on.....
this should have been a two-part post, I realize.   

I should have been more assertive.   I should have spoken up more.  I should
have insisted on being heard throughout my entire life.  Should have been more annoying, insistent, abrasive, pushy.

IF I'd... if I'd... if if if if if.......

I stopped doing that to myself, when I was resting, just for a bit, and I know I did, bc I've shifted out of resting and into SHOULDS again.  I recognize it's back, in this moment. 

A circling back.. hmmm.... backwards and sideways movement.... the T knows how this works.   She reminds me.  She sees it coming and shares lessons she knows will be specifically helpful, IME.  It's here and it's OK.  It's part of learning.  It's OK.

I'm smoothing off the remaining edges of it.  Getting to know it.  Understand it better, calm it, release it back into the..... nothing.  Let it be nothing, bc it was always nothing.   

I could have been all those things, pushy/abrasive/insistent/annoying as hell and people would have benefitted around me, sure. Dad wouldn't have had his debilitating surgery.  ASPDh likely wouldn't have felt so entitled to crush and destroy/harm ME..... IMO. 

But I wasn't that person then, was I?  I was doing the best I could at the time.   Considering all my causes and conditions.... raised in a family with people who did step up, insist, raise their voices, or use language you couldn't ignore, etc, which I just wouldn't have done, but  I'm not that person any more. 

She's gone and I'm OK with that...  I'm interested in what I do next.  I'm not judging.  Just noticing, and it's NOT MY FAULT that other people made really catastrophic choices.  I didn't make those choices, they did.  My choices were always earnest, to work, to do other people's jobs.... carrying their due diligence for them, seeking compromise and the best possible choices and that was beyond my responsibility/ability... trying to save them... save us all... from their catastrophic choices and that FEEEEEEELS like I could have/should have saved them, saved us all, but that's not right.  It's not fair.  It's not OK to hold that belief any longer, bc I did everything in my power, and beyond to change the outcomes.  The catastrophes that followed were THEIR choices.... not mine to carry, though I've circled around feeling responsible over and over and over for so many years.  And I'm so very tired.  And this rest... this longer than normal period of resting FROM those beliefs is overdue.

THIS has not only haunted me, it's confused and confounded me.... circular.  There's regret and shame and despair attached to it.   None of that's helpful, except for the noticing without judgment.

And I see it very clearly now. 

How I bought into the negative voices, and maybe I'm the one making up some of the things they say.

How I bought in and believe them and it's time to understand them, learn the lessons they had to teach, then apply new strategies to get more of what I want and need. 

THIS is important.  THIS can't be skipped over and given a cursory lick and a promise, as they say in the South. 

Boundaries... the understanding and practice... is an important piece of this.  So many dots, some...  maybe most... in my peripheral or outside view entirely and that's OK. They're always there.

  Focus on ONE thing is OK and helpful and moving me down the path.  The path has more light, as I practice all these things as I can, with mindfulness.  The pieces move on their own, eventually, and come into play to do their part, IME.  THings ease.... things release, and EXPAND.  Yes, that's it.

Expansiveness begins, and then what?  I'm curious. 

If being heard is important to me.... I have to strategize and work towards being heard going forward. Regretting the past.  Feeling shame around prioritizing keeping the peace and not upsetting people around me....... that seems so....
::resisting the urge to say dumb::.


so sad and childlike and....

What was modeled for me wasn't MY STYLE, but it was there, in my toolbox, and that created stress , bc sometimes I availed myself, and that felt just awful.  Wasn't helpful, in the long run.

So many people would have benefitted if I'd been taught about healthy boundaries and entitlement TO them.   I would have benefitted most of all.  Well, maybe nothing would have changed.   Why am I judging that? 

::breathing deeply::.  It's OK.

And so this upcoming family reunion will give me a chance to practice and notice how it feels and what comes next. 

I'm looking forward to having more energy and joy and curiosity and not worryi8ng about everyone around me, as priority.  All that energy freed up.

The journey continues.



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on June 23, 2020, 11:57:38 AM
It sure is very cool, Lighter.
And inspiring to read. Thank you for sharing this.

I've pushed beyond that fear, and rolled my brain into rest's arms,  for the sake of resting, sans expectation of what I MUST or SHOULD do, bc I've rested a bit.  Again, I repeat, but it bears repeating, IME.
Rest beyond stopping.... is..... what happened

I loved the poetry of "rolled my brain into rest's arms." And the meaning, of realizing you're not resting just to get a spurt of fuel for the next SHOULD. It's going deeper, this rest.

I think this all hit me strongly today because I've slid back into mindless escapism which, in my case, can look on the surface like rest but is really just avoidance and numbing. The knee fracture (much better now) was a big slip backward.

I may be in a different part of the cycle (I have shoulds I've neglected beyond common sense), but I really like reading how aware you are, and how much respect you're giving your own thoughts and your own healing. That's powerful.

The thing that comes through most strongly is the determination to not poison yourself with criticism or self-loathing or something like that inner voice CB referred to that I understood instantly: "A constant murmur of disapproval."

I think when I don't confront that judgmental voice in my head that I grow exhausted, try to drown it out with avoidance behaviors, and eventually get so irritable that I don't feel I can be around people or start thinking critically of them, and sink into a murky fog.

Your clarity here helps me think about how all this is braided together.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 23, 2020, 04:32:34 PM
I'm so glad you seemed to really understand what I was trying to get across, Hops. 

It seemed difficult to understand and explain, even to myself, bc it's new, and nuanced and more important than I ever could have guessed, bc I didn't know what I was going to do, or feel or how it would change me IF I somehow managed to figure it out.  It's not important what happens, only that I'm mindful and paying attention.  Noticing.  Unafraid bc I'm not judging or setting expectations of any kind.

Heck, maybe I have many more layers of rest to explore and drop into.  Surrender to.  Roll into: )  More than I can guess about or believe.  That would be OK.  Today.  There was a time that would have seemed unrelentingly overwhelming to me. 

I can just hear the negative voices in my head from days gone by...
MORE REST?  They want to know just where I believe more rest will lead.  It sounds a lot like coasting to them...
and the only way to coast
is downhill. 
That's what they would have said... are saying still, perhaps. 
And it's OK.
 I don't believe them anymore.... I'm just noticing them and....
I guess there's something at the bottom of that hill that requires my attention.  I need to see it.  Understand it.  Make peace with it and internalize it...
 For my wellbeing. 

And the breathing, Hops.
I forget to DO that.
I forget I can do that. 
I forget all the time, even though I'm aware it helps so much. 
I'm sure I'd feel better if I remembered, and I will, at some point, remember all the time. 

::uncrossing eyes::

The journey continues: )


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 24, 2020, 04:59:55 PM
So, I talked to my T today and asked her about the "Lion's Gaze" practice of turning and looking at a thought... in our mind... while dropping the story around it, and just seeing what was there.

THIS TIME when I did it the thought telescoped away, got small and disappeared, for me.  Everything about that distressing thought.... vanished.  The emotions attached to it.  Everything. 

T said often times, for her, the thought just goes blank.... she sees a blank white space, like a screen.  If you're familiar with A Course In Miracles, they talk about the white screen of a movie theater showing your future and past.... you can see whatever you see, laugh, cry, but the screens are just blank, in reality, bc all that's real is the present moment.  There's no past and no future.  It's always right now.

The practice of turning to face an emotion or thought, while resting in awareness, shows us these things aren't things with shape, color, heft or size.  They're not really there. We don't have to do anything... just turn and face it.... and look. 

Anger, for instance,  has an energy lasting 90 seconds in the body...... and we did an exercise in conjuring and noticing anger... then turning to look at it.  It did dissipate and recede, for me.... I would have had to reconjure it and perhaps tell a story around it to bring it back INTO my body.   It was just gone, and every time this happens recently I feel tremendous relief. 

To KNOW I can manage my mind, make a friend of it, calm it down and depend on it for everything I need it to do for me.  I don't have to let it drag me around, triggered and reactive.  I don't have to allow it to go on and on with a story that's upsetting when I can put that story on the shelf. 

Understanding emotions, what they are, what I can do with them.... how I see and interpret them, or let them go.... helps me gain some vision of life lived with my whole brain engaged, resting in awareness.....
more creativity, logic, reason and problem solving skills
and not JUSt to escape suffering. 

At first everything was about experiencing less suffering.  When joy popped up, not often, but it did pop up, that was revelation.  I don't think I believed it, but it was real.  Being able to shift into complete awareness... presence... mindfulness is still revelation every time it happens.  Available to me, with me wondering why I don't select it more often.  Hmmm.

Again, doing this consistently feels like using a tool I'm not used to handling, and so I understand this will get easier and just snap in place... likely when I'm truly relaxed and at rest.  Not trying.   

Things have shifted, away from just feeling better.. not feeling bad. 

T said she recently took a workshop about anger really being about fear, and I'm going to do some work with that. 

there's nothing there.

Anger is also about PROTECTION.  Some wounded part of us, perhaps, or child part, but about protection and it's useful and powerful, for protection, but not for seeing things clearly and as they truly are. 

I think. 

With acceptance. 

Then we talked about HATE.  She asked me to do some work.. conjuring HATE, then turning to look at it without doing anything.  Just looking at it to see what there is to see. 


there should be nothing there. 

Giving energy to thoughts and emotions vs doing nothing... vs being aware.... resting in awareness and looking at what's there, taking it apart, seeing what it's made of... what's behind it IS the mission today.  To make that a habit. 

Sobriety came up..... since I don't drink much, and not at all lately (anti drug), I interpreted it as a need to focus on how emotions cloud my perceptions and alter my ability to SEE what's real with clarity.  To notice and release those things so I can see more clearly, thus begins the work on HATE.

Work on ANGER.

Ask myself....
What do I need, right now, when I'm feeling upset.  What IS that thing I'm feeling and what's behind it.  Usually there's a younger self asking for something.

If anyone's interested T shared with me a link to a 21 day meditation..
Renew Yourself:
Body, Mind & Spirit

It's free and available right now in English or Spanish. 

I think this will get you to the link:

the mission... right now....
to rest and turn and examine my thoughts. 

To rest and breathe and pay attention to what's going on in my body.

To drink my food for a week to calm this darned sprained tooth down.  I ate a salad today with avocado... just chomped it down, like normal to see what would happen and I about came out of my skin.... so upset was that ligament around my tooth, OMG.  It throbbed and screamed and I ran around with a bottle of 800 mg Motrin till it let up, which it did in a matter of minutes. 

Just any shifting and knocking about upsets that ligament and it tenses then seizes, like your foot or calf muscle when you're dehydrated... so very very painful and pulls other muscles into it also.   I have my answer as to what happens if I chew normally.  The info says it should last about a week.  There's zero discomfort in this moment, but just thinking about it makes it jump and throb a bit.  The anticipation I guess, tenses it up.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 24, 2020, 06:16:34 PM
I talked to a neighbor about my sprained tooth, and he said he'd had a bruised tooth before.   His dentist gave him something to keep him from tapping that tooth into the lower tooth, until it calmed down,  so I'm going to ask my dentist what that might be.  I assume it's a little guard, though I can't think how it'd stay in place.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on June 25, 2020, 08:31:15 AM
Lighter, I've been on my own version of a work path through that space. I don't have any good words for it yet. But what I DO have that's different, is Hol -- who is where she is, on her own path. We can mirror things back to each other. And we do have those uncomfortable moments, bumping heads moments... or where one needs, some THING, and can't say... and the other can't read accurately, what the other one needs; so waits... for clarity.

Hol and I are more on the active side of Amazon Warriors. It's just part of our nature - but we're both excruciatingly conscientious about it. Between the two of us - it's remarkably easy to wound with a gesture or off-hand, flippant remark. My working theory about all that, is that each of us have that place where we need the unconditional love and protection and external soothing because of the intensity of what we feel. Sort of the same as an inconsistent attachment style. Much of what you wrote is very very familiar to me. I just don't have the right words to talk about it like you do. And we're both working it out differently... as you are. I do think that what works is slightly different for all of us.

What you said about anger... I was able to use to with Buck when he got very angry. Validating the feeling... comforting him... until it de-escalated a bit and his brain reengaged.  I had no fear of him... and he is an explosive sort of guy. I think that relaxed him, even more... and he appreciated what I was able to do in that moment. The almost silent sobs that followed, in him, were enough for me to know how long he has gone without that simple human kindness. I have 42 long years of practice with Hol.

At this level, I think the work is less about correcting a problem and more about refining and mastering the techniques. So that a real change occurs through accepting the skill as one's new instinctive reflex. That mastery is internal and invisible to the outside world and other people... but it still uses up tons of energy. So extended periods of mental/emotional "rest" are absolutely required.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on June 25, 2020, 09:09:17 AM
Is Buck's anger PTSD-related?
Do you know what triggered it?

"An explosive kind of guy" is worrisome, Amber.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on June 25, 2020, 09:34:01 AM
It's OK Hops. Not PTSD-related; he is still cognizant of what he's doing. No worse than Hol - or me, after my long fuse is expended. But he's not been exposed to women who can deal with raw anger before; that's new for him. 'Fraid it's kinda my native language. But I HAVE been focused on expanding that vocabulary a LOT MORE.

ETA: He and I have talked about that, it was one of Hol's concerns for me. And he's explained that he NEVER has and NEVER will hit a woman. That's just how he was raised and it's ingrained. Most he will do is restrain. His bent is protecting women... and he was angry because he wasn't there to protect his D, from a life event that we all go through. Even though I keep working on him about how it's counter-productive for him to be so protective as she's headed out to college. She has to learn to stand up for herself.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on June 25, 2020, 01:19:37 PM
I'm sorry he has those outbursts but glad this one wasn't aimed at you.
Glad you have the stomach for raw anger. I make tracks, but am a wabbit.

Maybe he has a codependence thing going on with D?

Anyway, long as you're okay.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on June 25, 2020, 07:26:33 PM
I am more than OK, Hops. Both Hol & I are no strangers to our own anger. It wasn't directed at me at all. But it was all he was experiencing in the moment. Just like Hol, when she goes there. And the rare times I go off.

I understand where y'all are leaping to - and what's behind that. I survived that kind of thing in the past too. But it's the wrong meaning in this context. I would be the first of the bunch of us, to freak out if it was the other. And my radar for that kind of thing is NEVER wrong. Even in a crowd of strangers. Even if the dangerous person is a woman. And they DO exist.

But enough of this derailment! No worries.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Meh on June 26, 2020, 01:49:57 AM
Darker emotions, they fascinate, we all have them right. We think maybe if we don't feed them they won't grow, if we ignore them or suppress them maybe they will go away, still they tell us something, it's just too bad they are so fear inducing and destructive. True feelings are destructive, isn't this weird, that so many relationships are topical and even careful and based on etiquette. Not that there is anything wrong with having manners, culture and expectations and people doing their part makes sense until it simply doesn't make sense for someone.

I've got no point. I just wanted to chime in somewhere even though I'm diving in like a sparrow to a random spot and then taking off again. This board is always in the back of my mind a little bit, then again at some point I think I got fed up and left for a while though I don't recall why.

I think I've always been threatened by men a bit regardless if they are angry but even more so if they are angry. On the other hand it's important for people to just be allowed to be angry right? As long as it's not the kind of anger that goes overboard. I guess it's all a matter of how it's directed and how it's worked out. Then again being angry is sort of an aggressive choice in how to deal with something, but is it a choice, doesn't it just live on it's own in it's emotional hinterland either outed or suppressed. 
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on June 26, 2020, 08:02:45 AM
Ah... G. You do seem like one of my "little birds". I have goldfinches - saw a red one last week too; bluebirds - more correctly - indigo buntings. I enjoy them so much when they come to visit.

I guess in my way of thinking, all the emotions are like the suits & cards in a deck. They are ALL important and useful, at different times. And therefore, again to my way of thinking, there are no "bad" emotions. Expressing them in ways that are healthy is the key, I guess. I am the poster girl for NOT expressing my emotions. And I can vouch for how dysfunctional and unhealthy THAT is.

Might be worth exploring while we're still waiting out the virus... are the concepts & archetypes of the divine masculine and feminine. It's relevant to people's "inner worlds" more so than the expressions in the outer world, I think. We all have elements of both.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on June 27, 2020, 09:40:16 AM
Lighter, I've sat with your post for a few days as it was so layered and so much of it really resonated and struck a chord with me.  I'm often struck by how similar our paths and experiences are.

Do you think that inability to rest and be okay with resting comes from running away from trauma, of some kind?  Not being good enough or going through something painful?  Keep busy, keep proving you can do x, y and z, keep striving to be better and eventually you'll feel better?  Do you think that's where it stems from for you, or is it something else?  It's what kept coming up for me as I read and thought about what you'd written (I think you have written a self help book by now, by the way, you could print off a lot of your posts and bind them together and it would be a really good self help bible.  Lol).

It's a silly comparison to make, but I was watching Nigella on the TV (cookery lady, do you get her over there?).  And she often talks about cooking tips and recipes that were passed down from her mother, grandmother and aunts, and about her own memories of helping her mum cook.  It got me thinking about my mum, and that I can't remember her ever teaching or showing me anything, or explaining anything to me.  Never taking any sort of initiative or interest.  Only criticising.  The attention only came when I did it wrong.  And I think that's the nub of my not being able to rest.  It is tied up with self worth, you're very perceptive to pick up on that.  I don't want it to be and I try not to let it be that but anything less than absolutely perfect and beyond reproach is never good enough.  Which I know is silly; even when I did do things well she still found something to pick at.  And it's soooooo long ago now, but those nubs settle in so deeply.  So what you said about being able to rest and just being able to do it - not needing to justify it or make up for it later on.  That's a skill I want to try to cultivate.  I am resting physically but it's not happening in my mind yet.  But as you say you took the physical rest first and the mental rest followed.  So I will keep resting.  I've noticed how tired I've been since son had his college picnic.  I felt very stressed by having to get up there and it's interacting with people that I find stressful - what they might do and what they might say.  It was a hot day as well and I was conscious of having to just hang around for a couple of hours in all that heat.  Plus got chatted up by a man in his 70s and it bothered me - that need by some to put their own needs  first without any thought for the needs of the other person (I was sitting eating my sandwich - in no way giving off signals of any kind that I wanted a man to ask me if I was married or not and start talking about taking me out for a drink).  It bothers me that I give energy to dealing with that politely instead of just telling someone to f off.  I don't want to be hostile to people.  But sometimes I wonder if it's what you need to do.  I've gone off on a tangent now.  Lol, I just mention it because it was to do with feeling tired and needing to rest, I think xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 27, 2020, 01:52:36 PM
Lighter, I've sat with your post for a few days as it was so layered and so much of it really resonated and struck a chord with me.  I'm often struck by how similar our paths and experiences are.  Me too.  ::noticing the shame threatening::.  I know your childhood was harder than mine.  I think I always have some wave of shame wash over me when I see similarities in paths... as far as the legal go, then remember how different childhoods were.  A negative voice always rises up and tries to shame me, when really..... it's not helpful.

No one had a perfect childhood.  I can have my stuff, and it doesn't mean I'm comparing at all.  I never do.   But that voice.... I'm noticing it, and seeing what's underneath it.  What other people think, I guess.  My anger... my protectiveness rises up, too.  Like I COULD protect you, ever.  Silly.  I can't, but there's reactivity there..... bc you should have been protected, of course.  And this comes down to acceptance.... still struggling with that, and noticing it.   

T said to look for that... when things come up, feel wrong... to see if I'm fighting acceptance.  I DO, still.  I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it.  Internalize it.  Make friends with it.     

Do you think that inability to rest and be okay with resting comes from running away from trauma, of some kind?  Not being good enough or going through something painful?  Keep busy, keep proving you can do x, y and z, keep striving to be better and eventually you'll feel better?  Do you think that's where it stems from for you, or is it something else?  It's what kept coming up for me as I read and thought about what you'd written (I think you have written a self help book by now, by the way, you could print off a lot of your posts and bind them together and it would be a really good self help bible.  Lol).  I think there IS underneath all the seeking/avoiding... deep things we uncover and discover with patient awareness.  With ongoing curiosity.  With getting past what we do to avoid feeling and seeing.... very similar to crying like a small child... just letting it all goooo.  We take deep breaths, hold our breath, we resist and fight it without being aware.  The same with  going deep, underneath the stuff we can see now, to see what's underneath it.  And we all have stuff.  We all have to figure out how to use the new tools and apply them, over and over, till things get easier. 

What little child wants to KNOW their parents are bad parents,  much less toxic and dangerous?  That's something that's hidden away and locked up tight, so the child can survive.  It has to be unlocked, but the unlocking doesn't have to be difficult if we relax into it and give permission and parent ourselves through it, IME. 

For all those pieces to come together...
 remembering the tools,
remembering the mission and breathing throughout the process,
creating space for something wer'e trusting in, but unable to anticipate, bc it's new....
continuing to create space, which means we silence the negative voices, and go back to resting, avoiding judgment... i t's like riding waves.... easier on the downside.  Harder on the upside,but it's the same wave, and maybe we create the hard and easy in our minds.   Maybe, once we have the tools in hand, and the space... it just works without effort. 

Maybe letting it happen, rather than doing it... is the secret.  Simpler than anything we've ever done,  but everything's been hard, or we interpret it as hard, bc...... running tapes in the background,  seeking and avoidance behaviors to keep from seeing the tapes. 

It's a silly comparison to make, but I was watching Nigella on the TV (cookery lady, do you get her over there?).  And she often talks about cooking tips and recipes that were passed down from her mother, grandmother and aunts, and about her own memories of helping her mum cook.  It got me thinking about my mum, and that I can't remember her ever teaching or showing me anything, or explaining anything to me.  Never taking any sort of initiative or interest.  Only criticising.  The attention only came when I did it wrong.  I don't find that silly in any way, Tupp.  It makes me very sad, and I want to hug young Tupp so badly.
 To SEE and experience that closeness, through Nigella's stories and shared experience... that makes so much sense to me.  Of course your experience is conjured when you listen and watch sometihng altogether opposite your own experience.  I think that's information you're ready to see and process.  I wonder how much of it is about final acceptance...  your mother was broken and flawed and doing her best, however wretched and toxic, her best based on the causes and conditions she was raised with. Whatever went wrong... it wasn't anything you could control.  You didn't create those conditions.  You suffered bc of them, and  nothing about it was rigth or good.  You were a beautiful, worthy infant who deserved a good enough mother you didn't receive.  Nothing can change that.  Accepting that.... is perhaps part of releasing the haunting, the avoidance the seeking behaviors behind it?  It's real and it's inside your bone and skin and brain..... and you deserve to finish it... make peace with it.... accept and file it in historic files.  Lord knows... what hope of doing that did you have during the last 15 years?  With her constant attacks, that were very real.  There's no swiping that under the rug, Tupp.  No healing in the midst of threat and battle, IME. 

I see the need for deep forgiveness, for us both, bc maybe we feel we SHOULD have overcome it... gotten past it....  healed through it, but honestly..... I don't think there's a soul on this earth, outside an experienced monk, who could have.  People say things.... they have SHOULDS and they don't understand how that's just complicating the process, IME. 

DOING more isn't the problem.   It's releiving the pressure that's built, so the brain can rest, and shift and process and finish everything held up by trauma, and stacked for future processing. THIS is the time for processing, and the creating this backlog will have to change for the process to continue.  This is tied to childhood, and not so easy to tease apart... so many things, on different levels, but SEEING that can't happen until we stop judging and shift reliably into observer mode... and continue resting... even when habit pulls us out of rest.... shift back, again and again and notice what comes up.  What stops us.  Why.  And continue.  It's trusting we'll be OK if we release all the habits that got us through, isn't it?  Our brain pathways don't want to change... they believe their keeping us alive...  there's resistance there as well. Another layer,  but it's interesting now.  Not threatening.  Not daunting. Just interesting to see what's there... what comes up.  WHere it takes us.  Trusting we can handle it now.... trust helps us stay out of our limbic systems.... brains integrated, and on line.... capable and ready to do the processing. 

    cultivate.  I am resting physically but it's not happening in my mind yet. There's all the judgment and guilt to notice and quiet down, IME.  The  bartering I used to do..... so unconscious... promising I'll do A and B and C IF I allow myself to rest for a while... not long.... and that's the thing.  Resting beyond anywhere we've ever gone before... takes focus.  And that can feel like work too.  Focus on rest.  On noticing what comes up, dealing with it and continuing.   

But as you say you took the physical rest first and the mental rest followed.  The mental focus on rest was like a merry go round.... resistance  kept coming up, and my permission to feel it, notice it and continue past it kept coming up, over and over. So I will keep resting.

 Rest and notice what comes up.  The voices.
 Judgements.  Bargains.  Then pat it on the head, let it know it's no longer necessary, you can rest safely now, and keep resting more deeply your mind, your guard, your expectations for what you must do.  Let all the shoulds go.... and stay curious... aware.

 I've noticed how tired I've been since son had his college picnic.  I felt very stressed by having to get up there and it's interacting with people that I find stressful - what they might do and what they might say.

I felt very much like that.  Then I just went to that bbq and enjoyed myself immensely.  Beyond my ability to comprehend,  in fact.  I dont' know it if was trusting or time having passed or what, but it got better.  Your situation included people you'[ve had conflict with, and things that perhaps could have upset your son.  Maybe you needed to be as protective as you felt, OR... maybe it's OK to trust and  shift into observer mode... get very curious and see what's really there.  Honestly, the guy interrupting your quiet lunch...  that's reason for protection and anxiety,  IME.   I used to be knocked sideways by it too... and I think there are types of people drawn to quiet people who aren't smiling and engaged in the world... which was always me in public.  I live in my head.  That attracts some people, and that's OK.  We can say.... I'd like to chat, but I'm having lunch now.   Have a nice day. Bye.  Can't we?  Without feeling responsible for the person's feelings?  Right?  I think we can, but we have to figure out WHY we feel responsible for others, when all.   we have to feel responsible for is OURSELVES.  Figuring out what's ours and what belongs to others, and internalizing it, is part of things getting easier, I'm sure.  It was a hot day as well and I was conscious of having to just hang around for a couple of hours in all that heat.  Plus got chatted up by a man in his 70s and it bothered me - that need by some to put their own needs  first without any thought for the needs of the other person (I was sitting eating my sandwich - in no way giving off signals of any kind that I wanted a man to ask me if I was married or not and start talking about taking me out for a drink).  It bothers me that I give energy to dealing with that politely instead of just telling someone to f off.  There's sometihng in between, Tupp. Firm assertion....  I know there is.    I don't want to be hostile to people.  But sometimes I wonder if it's what you need to do.  I've gone off on a tangent now.  Lol, I just mention it because it was to do with feeling tired and needing to rest, I think xx

I think rest is a really good place to notice what's going on, Tupp.  And... my tangents are waaaay longer than yours; )  Lighter
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 01, 2020, 02:58:52 AM
My tooth feels about normal.  No pain for 3 days.  What an odd experience.   One second you're sure you snapped a tooth off at the root, and the next you're googling tooth pain and reading about teeth having ligaments that get sprained and bruised... just very odd.

And painful.

And my lower molar, on the opposite side from the sprain, is a little sore now from chewing in a compromised position..... I automatically chew oddly, and compensate to keep sprained tooth from clacking the tooth below.  That never goes well, IME. Something's always thrown out of whack when compensation happens.

I'm ready to start chewing normally. 

Baby girl pug is limping intermittently... her right front paw/leg.... something was bugging her, then not, then bugging her, then not.  I suspect it COULD be her training us to give her almond butter on demand.   I can't be sure.  We drop her at the Vet in the morning, and hope she shows them what we're talking about, bc she wasn't limping when she went to bed and I didn't get any video, though I tried. I'm focused on giving oldest dd space to be the pug parent.  Not me.  I'm... just the Grandma.  Who made the vet appointment for the morning.  After threatening to "take my Karen business elsewhere" when the appointment maker said it would be days before they could see the pug, and I had a bit of a meltdown..... not HUGE, but manic and I justified it, in my mind, bc my first job was making appointments in a doctors office... for people.   We left problem visit appointments open daily for regular patients.  There should be time left in their schedule for problems like this, and I'm noticing I'm not upset..... I burned it all off earlier in the day.  And got my way.  There's only slight shame there.  The pug was limping badly when I made that call, btw.  She makes little kitten noises when she's in pain. You'd have made the call too... I think.  Just pitiful.  She's not limping now.  Maybe she'll be limping in the morning, but I HAVE to turn over the pug's care to dd.  It's an imperative.  Good for us both, and the Pug will get through it.

The first real rental of the Cottage happens on the 3rd.  I'm refusing to what if myself into anxiety over the things I can't control, but can see being a problem.  This couple is young and fit... like bull.   

I'm going to hope things go well, and KNOW the beach looks great... I hear the sand is back.  They can swim, so less chance of drowning if the turn the kayaks over.... I didn't get a chance to bring flotation devices.  They'll likely blow fuses in the kitchen, but they can figure that out..... if I can, they can.  At least I didn't lock the box in the basement where they can't reach it, which is what the last airbnb did to me, out of the country.   The second electric panel is outside, up high, where they'll need a ladder to reach it.  What could go wrong?  He owns his own car repair business.  He'll drag a chair out and overcome. 

What else?  Oh. We have travel coming up, a birthday for one of my daughters, I see a fancy tea party coming up, and the stone for my father's grave.... errrrr.... general area of his ashes.... arrived.  It looks good.  I had this irrational fear it would show up with misspelled words and the wrong dates.  It's fine. 

The cemetery people don't work past 3pm, but we can show up and request they deal with it... they need about a day in advance notice.  They also need 120.00 to place it, I assume there's cement involved so it doesn't sink into the earth or catch the mower blade.  I'll admit it here, bc I was worrying about it for a while, while my sibs AREN'T worrying.....
we buried Dad's ashes with my Grandparents.  Did I tell you guys that?  And we did it without asking the cemetery folks for permission.... and we chose the head of the grave, not the foot of the grave, which I don't understand.  The cemetery buries ashes as the foot of the grave, not sure why, bc it's counterintuitive TO ME.  Not right.  Honoring Dad's wishes seemed important at the time. 

So, I have choices. I can tell the cemetery on US, dig up the urn, and have them bury him proper, at the foot of the grave, for another 120.00.  I don't care about the money, it's more the telling on ourselves.... the sneaking was somewhat cathartic for about half the group.  One of my cousins brought a Hosta... I'm sure I told you guys. 

We could leave Dad where he is, hand the cemetery a box with some dirt and treasure map to the real urn and have the box buried instead of the ashes.  Com pli cated. 

  Hmmm.... maybe they'll plant the stone, even if they don't have ashes to bury?  I'll see.  It's odd to speak to people who sound like your long lost Grandparents, IME.  Like falling into a dream... feeling drowsy...  anything can happen.  Maybe the Grandparents will show up, and we'll have a picnic on the farm, under the big oak trees that let me know we arrived when i was a child. 

I look forward to being in that cemetery.  It's comforting.  My Grandparents lived in a little white house just at the edge of it, for years.  I enjoyed spending time with my Grandmother there... and my sister and cousins remember it fondly too. 

Again, I'm bringing Dad's little cowboy boots and fancy Western gun holster for a little graveside ceremony and lunch.  Think green and red and ivory and big flashy sparkly stones.  Very fancy. I plan to put vases of flowers in his boots.... white flowers, and something fitting into the holsters.  Not sure what yet. Maybe flatware in napkins.  My Grandpa was sort of a cowboy.... had quarter horses, and rode them in parades... Dad rode... had cowboy hats and cowboy clothes, as did the grandkids, us.  Little black and white cow spotted chaps, and matching hats... very cute.  Time on their farm was amazing for us. 

I was shocked when Dad said he wanted to be buried with his parents, particularly bc there wasn;t any room for him there. 

I want to honor the farm, and my Dad and Grandparents.   The horses.  The cows maybe.  The 50's era, Roy Rogers time it was.  The Grandparents were square dancers.  Yup yup yup.  I ended up putting a Roy Rogers quote on Dad's stone, btw.  It didn't seem right not to.  I would have quoted Audie Murphie, but all his quotes were too long. 

I must sleep now.

:: shutting computer with all it's decorating ideas for horseshoe cupcakes and cowboy boot flower vases:: 

There's a lot.

If we don't all end up in photos wearing cheap little cowboy hats, kerchiefs and creatively placed cowboy mustaches.... I'll be surprised.  Our very best family reunion was a pirate party.  Mustaches are amazingly fun props.  I highly recommend.  They make great goatees and eyebrows too.   

Did I mention we aren't traditional about funerals and memorial services?  Turns out... we aren't. At least my sister and I aren't.  I think my brother might have been.... maybe?  Not sure.  Going to sleep now.  Again.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on July 01, 2020, 06:22:58 AM
Aw, Lighter, I love the sound of a cowboy themed picnic with all the family there, past and present!  I think celebrations of life are so lovely.  I hate funerals, absolutely hate them, but I love wakes.  At the funeral you can only focus on what you lost.  It's around you, everywhere you look, every breath you take in.  But wakes - do you call them wakes there?  When you all get together after the service?  That's when everyone tells the funny stories and the 'do you remember' and all those old tales, often embellished and with any unpleasantness ironed out, but that's alright on the day.  I think it sounds lovely to be together at their grave side like that.

I've no advice about the ashes - personal to you, I think.  Here they will lay a stone without burying anything so maybe you don't need to do anything anyway.  But you will all figure it out between you.

Poor pug!  Intermittent problems are hard, they never seem to show what the problem is at the vet but hopefully the vet will be able to feel or see what's wrong even if it seems fine at the time.  Sometimes you do need to be assertive.  We always have emergency appointments put by here - everywhere does, as far as I know.  Maybe they were just having a bit of a bad day or had some bigger appointments scheduled in for more complex things.  But you've got in, that's that main thing, so hopefully they can help.

And your poor tooth!  Any idea how it got sprained?  I'd never heard of that either.  But glad it's getting better now.

And then going back to the post before that one :)  I think the shame needs to go, Lighter, and leave you quiet.  I remember reading about abuse and shame, something about how often we trivialise our own experiences - so and so had it worse, at least I had x, I didn't end up in hospital, etc, etc.  It's all trauma and we all have it.  No-one's is less or more, we each have our own experience to deal with.  I had my dad, albeit for a short time.  I got my freedom early on by leaving home at a relatively young age and I went to University and my goodness, what a ride that was.  There was lots of good stuff.  So yep, bye bye shame!  Lighter doesn't need you around :)

I think you're right about making peace with it.  My mum did what she could, and in some ways she was great - meals on the table, house was clean, we had clothes, we got presents on birthday and Christmas.  I knew kids that didn't get those things.  I think, essentially, she's controlled by an abusive man and she manages how that feels by (trying to) control her kids and the way people see her.  She relinquished control of her own life so she compensates by trying to micromanage other people's.  That's how I see it anyway.  She still causes my sister a lot of problems but my sister doesn't have to keep in contact with her, she can cut off like I did.  So I don't let my head go there about that situation.  It just makes me relieved I got out when I did.

And yes, firm assertion.  I think it's part of my anti-man head I've got on at the moment.  I've struggled to look back and think of a bloke who has done anything other than exactly what he likes.  I've got one or two examples in my mind but that's about all.  That's troubling me a lot and I don't know why.  But we're not going out anyway so I won't have to deal with it for a good long while.  Lol.

Thanks, Lighter.  I'm glad you've got the picnic organised and are able to let go of what happens at the beach house now. xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 01, 2020, 04:16:00 PM
Lots of processing today with T.

We worked on, guess what?

The brain surgery situation, and that lead to all the stuff underneath it and on top of it and it's a whole big deal we've scheduled to work on next we meet.

There was some EMDR.... which was really hard on my little phone, and this time she had be breath into every cell in my body.... with light.  More space than matter in our cells..... the lights getting brighter with each finger wave..... and that happened twice.  The pain, around my heart, went from 7 down to 3 down to zero, and we have a large session around it coming up soon. 

I like taking notes right after, so that's one good thing about meeting over the internet.  I had hoped we could meet in her garden,  or garden, but face to face.

Tupp... thanks for the info about planting a stone with nothing underneath.  I'm going with that as PLAN A.  Don't ask, don't gets, so I'll ask.  Seems simple now. 

Pug might have a neck problem, which can show up as problems with mobility in the front legs.  Pug had no symptoms AND her neck has so much chub on it,  Vet couldn't tell.  She, the Vet, said to go in when symptoms appeared again, so that was just before T session, but went anyway.  And.... no symptoms when we GOT OUT of the car, so, raced to make appt and will try again.

MAYBE the Pug was looking almond butter and got a car ride instead?  If so, the car ride, which she hates, should train her OUT of that behavior, IMO.  Hopefully.
About the tooth ligament... it's easy to google.  Look it up.  It'll be there, alright. I cut the rind off my ham now.  That's what I bit down on that torqued the tooth..... it wasn't good. 

Neighbor is coming by to show me chiropractic moves for Pug's neck, in case it's the neck.  His dog suffered with problems for years, so he told me what to buy to support joints and cartldg, etc.


Very tired now.  This Pug pain has created some faintness and feelings of being unwell.  If she started screaming I'd have to put my head between my knees to keep going,  but I'd keep going. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 01, 2020, 05:23:47 PM
I really sympathize with your struggle over the right answer to burial options. I hope you happen onto something that feels right and sufficient to you.

I am not much help because I'm completely unhooked from ritual, symbolic or sentimental things about families. Makes sense, since I have none. But I think a long time ago I began to see biology as accidental, and endless involuntary biofamily obligation (under pressure to make it LOOK "right" or "good") as poison.

I know all that came from 10 years serving Nmom, and ruthless attack by SocioNbro, and current state (likely permanent) of estrangement with D.

Biofamily illusions and symbolism just blew up into a million tiny particles that I let go into the universe. It can handle them in case it matters; I have let them go. It healed something.

BUT. My Dad's the exception. His grave (mausoleum ashes spot) is 10 minutes away and I never, ever visit it (nor feel guilty about that). Nor Nmom's with him. Why? He's still here--in his old shirt I sometimes wear, in my prayer-chats with him now and then. My memory of his gentle soul. Those are all very present and to be honest, I just don't care what the future thinks of me and my duty. I haven't lost him. Even enjoy a few positive moments with Nmom in my head now and then...her librarian side, some early stuff.

When I'm gone, I'm gone. And I don't want anyone, ever, to feel they need to haul their aging or busy bones somewhere to "prove" (to whom? I'm FIIIIINE) that they loved me. If they did, they did. I'm confident I'll be remembered for a while by enough folks. Even if I weren't, my life had meaning anyway. I don't need anything public or permanent.

I did buy three spaces (plaques on a pretty brick wall, and the option to have ashes interred or sprinkled in the grassy center) at the church Memorial Garden. One was for my first hub, D's father (not his ashes, but the memorial plaque) -- we'd had a small memorial service there -- just D, me, her stepMom, and the minister. Another is for me. The third is for D should she ever wish to be there with both parents. (She probably won't but I wanted to leave that option for her.)

Actually took M by there the other day, he was curious. Showed him the names of old friends, plus first hub. He liked it. It's very simple but peaceful. Nice place to sit and think. He seemed attracted to the place. We couldn't get in to show him the sanctuary (shut for covid) but he enjoyed the visit.

Anyway, I am sad to think of how much anguish all that decision-making has cost you.

You don't deserve it. He is fine. You owe nobody anything about your grief. It belongs to you.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 03, 2020, 01:56:05 PM
I have some closure on the burial/grave marker questions and final choices.

I'm struggling over the other stuff... my father's caretaker.... Dad's choices....  her choices.... my choices, and who was responsible for what.   

Caretaker returning from out of the Country today, so working with my T is truly timely.  I wish I'd done it sooner, but alas, this is how it was supposed to be. 

I've worked through an aspect of the puzzle regarding more modern, satellite issues...  but not the 20 year old stuff.

I don't know how to determine ownership of self-care and caring for others....
when it's overstepping, to do so.  And that's the thing.... NEEEDING someone else to be OK, to feel OK myself, is codependence.  But where it ties into my life, my hours, my relationships.....trying to save someone else can be tied into saving myself too,  IME.  In my opinion. 

I'm discerning the edges of that puzzle.   Maybe it will just process, and get filed where I don't need to access and figure it out. 

I'm curious how it resolves.  I'm sure it will be resolved.   

In the meantime, my Cousin's HS aged dd is seeking to extend a TRO against an ex bf who's been stalking her, assaulting her, threatening her.   DD is on the spectrum and can't discern the difference between an empty or deadly threat... shooting her in the head when he has access to many guns and ability to use them. 

I was reminded... no one can, honestly, tell the difference. There are indicators, but... we're pretty much on our own.  You don't know till something happens or doesn't happen, and the police are quick with the yellow tape, but profoundly helpless when it comes to being proactive in these matters, IME.  Being proactive, and pristine in reporting every failure to comply with Orders is mandatory, IME. 

Wait till you're dead, then call us... pattern of dealing with threats.....
that's pretty much been my experience.  Not a good strategy, and it makes life really painful.  I can't imagine what my Cousin's dd is going through, but it looks and acts like PTSD, IME.

I read through her paperwork and saw the same mistakes I made, and all the things people DO when they're speaking from the limbic system.  It was interesting to SEE it with distance... nose off all my pebbles, and pull it apart, then put it back together in a coherent manner that "squares up" for the Court officers, who don't often read more than a couple sentences into any paragraph.  You have to talk about the big things, and bounce on, without getting sidetracked down rabbit holes that drag you IN.... so powerfully, IME.

Tailor the information according to your evidence, and your specific Judge's world view.  Have everything handy, even if you don';t think you'll need it in court, just in case the Judge turns out to care about that, and not what you thought he would. 

Just in case the opposing party says and does chaotic confusing things requiring your quick response, and having your hands on EVERYTHING, easily produced in a moment's time, is important.   When do PD people NOT say and do confusing things?  They always do, IME.

Not getting defensive is important. 

Not getting baited into reacting.... which is so so hard, IME..... and always always speaking about the abuser with compassion... compassion they lack for those they're harming.   Victims must cultivate compassion for their abusers, while the abusers dive happily into chaos manufacture, which creates confusion, which drags these things out.  That's the way it goes. 

As a mother, there's protective anger, and that has to be reeled in. 

There has to be a plan A,  B and C.  Rock solid understanding of what men punish women in the courtroom for... snarkiness = bitchiness.... and that doesn't often go unpunished, IME. 

One grooms themself to anticipate the usual courtroom crazy and counter it with compassion, and the understanding stupid people need to be educated in a courtroom...and it's the job of the victims to do that, without using ANY medical jargon, just the facts.  Zero expectation.  It's not something we're taught, in life, until we're learning under fire. 

Such a shame there's not more education around the justice system, and mental health in our schools.  Innocent until proven guilty isn't how things work.  They should explain that, and stop saying it.  The same with "In the best interest of the children."  The court doesn't really care, and I doin't think it has the ability to. They should just stop blathering on about it, stating it, up front, like it means anything.  It's a slap in the face, more than an aspiration, IME.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 03, 2020, 02:35:41 PM
BRAVO, Lighter, for these:

trying to save someone else can be tied into saving myself too

2) I can imagine how triggering it is to know someone close, who's under threat. From male aggression/violence, or from the court system.

It saddens me, that you reverberate to that so powerfully. How could you not? But how many endless, varied, multi-layered triggers for this are possible in this world?

You deserve to find your way THROUGH (not past) #1. And then to discover inner peace or (or realistically, to just feel a lot less personally reactive and responsible for fixing) situations like #2 forever.

Peace, love, moss, friendship. THESE are what you deserve.

Your precious life energy. Your mind.

I hope and "hold aloft" that you will find the balance, experience your own energy as whole and simple. Clear.

I really believe that is exactly what you're on track to doing.

Kudos, you.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 03, 2020, 03:27:00 PM

Thanks for that input AND I have a mind to finish processing some of this on Monday.... a very clear vision and plan.  I feel good about it.   

There as to be balance.   Yes.

Today I felt very whole and entitled to my voice, no faffing about,  or feeling I must hold back.  Instead speaking up, speaking truth while remaining very curious about the listener's response, which I immediately called them on, without judgment.  Just stating how it affected me, and I count too.... bc I'm talking about it and holding accountable the person I'm speaking to.

And it flooooowwwwed, Hops.  Just felt so right.  So different than I'd normally approach it... with dread of conflict, but when it happened,I didn't fold.  I pointed out the judgment and criticism, I felt were unwarranted, and explained WHY my priorities were what they were and excused him to have his.  It's all good, and we agreed we were done with that discussion, and moved on, with me holding my ground the entire way. 

It felt like we broke above some cloud cover, as two grown adults speaking to each other, instead of him, adult, to me... child. 

I felt heard, and if I wasn't...
pffft. It's OK.  I'm OK with simply speaking and not being hushed or cowed into silence.  That's so simple, and was so difficult to discern for so very long. 

What an amazing feeling!  I noticed it's presence earlier..... and the conversation cemented.  The more I do it, the more cement is poured: )
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 03, 2020, 04:07:00 PM
It felt like we broke above some cloud cover, as two grown adults speaking to each other, instead of him, adult, to me... child.

Fantastic. Frame-worthy. Cushion-embroidery.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on July 03, 2020, 04:48:53 PM
I don't know how to determine ownership of self-care and caring for others....
when it's overstepping, to do so.  And that's the thing.... NEEEDING someone else to be OK, to feel OK myself, is codependence. 

I've got a new practice; still a work in progress. I'll just ask if there's anything I might can do for someone. Within my ability, kind of thing. I will press a little, if I'm reading someone thinking they're not worthy of being cared for or too proud to accept help. Not a LOT, just to be sure.

Where I draw THAT line is the difference between caring for others and self-care. And that's always the point in the process I keep learning about.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 03, 2020, 06:29:58 PM
:: Pug head tilt::

I'm not sure I understood what you're saying as far as the framework I'm working within.  Particularly regarding FOO members' choices affecting my quality of life in profound ways I cannot escape, once that pooch is screwed.

I can easily say.... for example, Hops has asked for opinions, and mine has run it's course.  I will withdraw further opinions until I feel she's asking, and let it go at that.  No harm.  No foul.

 But when my father insists he pay a surgon to paralyze him, in a day, when he can go slowly down that lane or have surgery when it's lazer or nanobot surgery with out risk....
when Dad's unwilling to perform ANY PT, necessary with a human surgeon.... 
is that self care or..... codependence........ or..... both to do what I can to INFORM him of the truth he's so stubbornly hanging on to, like a little child?
Neither?  Something else? 

It FELT like I was the only adult in the room, and there was a bully fending me off my Father, who I really wanted to talk to.  More.  About the facts.

 It would have felt like leaving my infant father in the middle of the road, defenseless and certain to be flattened by a car if I did nothing. I felt the same exact thing when my dear B was struggling with a cancer dx, and a friend told me to run away.   Quick! GO NOW!  She knew the kind of fuck fuck it would turn into, considering his ex wife and nutsy dd.  Would I have done it differently?  Yup. Would I have left him in the middle of the road, alone?  Likely, not. 

That might be a sickness, on my part.  I'm willing to consider that... or a general weakness.... flaw... whatever THAT was.... I'll cop to it if necessary.  My youngest thinks I think too much.  Take too much responsibility for feeling responsible.  I should just chill, and know I'm making good choices.   Apparently she won't leave me in the middle of the road if I'm every struggling with childlike denial and magical thinking around huge medical decisions she can clearly SEE me floundering drunkenly with in the wrong direction towards traffic. 

And so, until Monday, caretaker sycophant just returned from out of the Country..... 
::sing song voice::

And I'm, all the sudden, no longer an adult in the room.
I am decidedly a child, reacting to SOMETHING else, much older, and I'm aware of it.  Will update once that's figured out. 

And remain curious until I have.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 03, 2020, 07:04:53 PM
Yes...I really do understand this intense desire to save people, especially those you love, Lighter. Cousins, neighbors, local businesses, contractors...anybody.

It reminds me of how I felt when Gennulman had yellow-tinged eyes and was clearly beginning to die, and his sister was convinced a few sessions with an "aura therapist" would turn the tide, and the congregation was confident their kind handyman with "a little problem" would soon right himself. I knew better, having watched Hub#1 die of liver failure, same disease. He was 6' 4" and a deadlifter and strong as an ox on the outside. Anyway, about Gennulman I was panicked and went on a tear to get them to wake up and LISTEN to me and HELP him with evidence-based treatment, mainly because I had a health background and my first hub was alcoholic, and I knew underneath G's rangy muscly strength was the start of serious organ damage, starting with his liver. I couldn't stand ... standing by.

Ultimately, by the time G's later rounds with his disease were ready to take him out, I was no longer fighting anything but my own refusal to accept that we each have our time, and that no matter how much someone loves us, we still have those core decisions to make about self-love. Or to not make.

It was poisoning and slowly drowning me to try to fix other people. Biofam or friend or lover or child.

Once I accepted that, and made peace with not being in charge of saving others from what might be coming...this pattern harmed me a lot less often. It's human to love and to fight for others. And sometimes (to me anyway, might not be the same for you), it's a suicide mission.

You are a mighty game fish, and to take the bait of every rescue scenario, to your own cost in deep agitation and worry....is not the long game. Survival isn't necessarily a cold or selfish choice. It can be tender and gentle, even while poor and sad may choices reign around you. It's something you can model as well as benefit from, when being a model is a source of strength.

I think you deserve a peaceful life. You deserve serenity.

Even rescue, its adrenalin, can become an almost-like-addiction thing. That's what my own experience taught me, anyway. Doesn't mean this is insightful for you, as you're your own unique warrior self, planted on two balanced feet.


And what you said about self care. My T and I worked on a simple assertion (old school!) for me: I am worthy of self-love. (Self-love was my substitute for self-care, which for no reason as all distracts me as a noun. Same diff, though.)
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on July 04, 2020, 06:37:37 AM

For what it's worth (re codependence versus helping etc) - I had a very good therapist years ago who helped me with my codependence stuff.  She asked me in each situation to look at whether the person(s) could help themselves or if they were genuinely incapable and then to work through the process from there.  So as an example - a friend of mine at the time - who I can now see I was in a very toxic friendship with - was taking a lot of drugs, always dated men that beat her up and had just lost her second child (as in, they went to live elsewhere because she couldn't take care of them).  I had picked up the pieces over and over again, rushed to her house at 3 in the morning to rescue her, taken her and her kids in, taken the kids on days out, got her endless amounts of information about refugees and drug rehab and counseling for her and art therapy for the kids, spent hours on the phone trying to find people to help her and so on and so on.  My latest plan was to take out a loan to pay for her drug rehab while I looked after the children.  Just reading that back now I feel like I can't believe I was so engrossed in other people, but it was a habit set in childhood (take care of mum, look after mum, make sure she's happy, then you're a good girl, then you feel worthy) and I replicated it again and again.

I was explaining my latest plan to the therapist and that was when the word 'codependence' was mentioned.  And then she talked me through all the things I'd done for my friend and we went through whether she was capable of doing things for herself - could she go to a therapist, could she organise drug rehab, could she stop dating men that beat her up (or altogether, for that matter) and so on.  And the answer was yes, she could.  There might be psychological reasons that she doesn't but they won't go away by me doing it for her - they're the things a person has to tackle themselves in order to make the other stuff possible.  That's the bit someone else can't do for you.

It's probably not the best example but it's the one I always think back to because it was the first one I worked through with someone.  To this day, I still feel guilty about not rescuing her.  I still worry about what will happen to my mum when/if she's alone, infirm etc.  I've had to strongly resist the urge to rescue my sister if she does have cancer (my brain was going to her kids coming to live with me and all sorts).  I don't feel good when I resist my codependency - it still makes me feel uncomfortable and often feels wrong - but then I think it's like any other addiction.  You don't feel good when until you take or do the thing you're addicted to.  It has got easier and more immediate with me over the years - I don't automatically leap to help people now - but it's still something I have to work on.  And it doesn't feel great a lot of the time.  I guess I've just learnt to put up with it because I know it's better for me not to do it.

I don't know if that's helpful to you.  These days I tend to take a bit of time to think.  I can say, "Is there anything I can do to help?".  And if someone said, can you walk my dog, could you mop my floor, will you have the kids for the weekend, yep, I'll do that.  I offered to get some information together about complementary therapies for cancer patients when my friend was diagnosed a while ago and she said yes so I did that.  She's not done any of it, as far as I know, but I feel like I can leave that to her.  It's not my place to decide what she should or shouldn't do.  I offered to lend my sister the money for a private MRI so she can get it done quicker - I've got the money and if I didn't get it back it wouldn't be the end of the world so I was able to do that for her, although she said no to the offer anyway.  I think with adults, if you offer them some help or support - "would you like me to find out about that for you, would you like some more information on x, y and z, would you like me to organise a second opinion?" - that sort of thing, and they say no - then I think you have to respect that, however much you might not agree with their decision, however strongly you can see a better or an easier path.  You can let someone know you're still happy to do x, y or z if they change their mind.

I have had to distance myself from people who keep repeating or complaining about their experiences but won't do anything for themselves to change things - friends who endlessly complain about partners, people who talk about their negative experiences with the system but won't challenge it or do their own thing, people who complain about their health problems but won't take any action to try to improve their health (just through the obvious ways - losing weight, stopping smoking, that sort of thing).  I'm a doer - you're the same.  I think everyone on this forum is.  If we're not happy or life isn't good, we look at how to make it better.  But some people don't.  Some people are stayers - they sit with their misfortune or problem and it becomes their thing, you know?  They don't necessarily want to get rid of it, I think it becomes like a security blanket?  Safer to stick with that problem than work on it and open up a whole load of new ones.  And it seems crazy if you're a doer - why would you stay in a situation if there's a way to change it.  But we're all different.  It's taken me a lot of years to get my head around.

I don't know if all of that makes sense, or even if it's relevant.  My head is a bit foggy this morning, I might have got hold of the wrong end of all the sticks.  But you know that if you get to the end of that and you're thinking, "shush, Tupp" that I won't mind :)

I do agree with Hops that you deserve peace, serenity, calm, happiness.  Moss and hostas and nice meals with the girls.  Headspace to dump/burn/organise that paperwork.  Holidays to the beach house, so that you can enjoy all that hard work you've put in.  Barbeques and outdoor showers and dancing.  Everyone else has got their own life to live.

Do you know, I just remember as well, there was something that T said to me and I was trying to remember what it was and I couldn't the whole time I was typing and it just came to me now :)  She said that, every time I jumped in to fix someone else's problem, I was denying them the chance TO LEARN HOW TO FIX IT FOR THEMSELVES :)  I just put it in caps so I don't forget it again :)  Lol, but that was the thing, that was what helped me learn to step back and allow other people to learn how to do things themselves.  Doesn't mean you can't offer to help, or just email someone an article that might be useful or phone to check how they're doing.  But if they have the capacity to learn, then other people doing it for them stops them doing that.

Okay, end of typing now :)  Lots of love xx xx xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on July 05, 2020, 03:15:37 PM
Hmmmm. Reading your clarification I see how complex this question is. There is a lot going on in trying to get a satisfying answer, for you. I know my process and yours are totally different. But I'm listening...

and it might not be useful, but perhaps separating the thought processing from the emotional processing would simplify what you're working on? Or at least maybe putting things that are really bothering you into column A or B... would be enough to get started?

I know that there are places like this in my own grieving process, and to date, I couldn't exactly say I had any intentional process or system for getting through it. But it did kinda happen that way - starting with knowing exactly what I felt about things... and then thinking about them, without getting swept up in the feelings.

and HEY... maybe I still don't quite get what you're saying. It happens. Hugs anyway, it sounds uncomfortable.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 06, 2020, 12:23:32 AM

I think a good rule of thumb, for discerning helping vs enabling, is whether we're enabling someone to remain stuck, or helping them move through their problem. 

Life isn't always that simple, though, I realize. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 06, 2020, 02:39:31 AM
every time I jumped in to fix someone else's problem, I was denying them the chance TO LEARN HOW TO FIX IT FOR THEMSELVES

That's great, Tupp. Must've been a terrific T. I love this insight.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 06, 2020, 04:06:04 PM
Ok, just as there are layers to rest, there are layers to self-care. 

Unseen until they appear, when we're ready.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 07, 2020, 05:39:13 PM
Well,  I wrote about my T session yesterday morning, then lost it.

Will write about it later. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 08, 2020, 01:25:57 PM
I'm noticing there are tadpoles, in my rain collection containers.  They're taking my attention.   I don't want them to die.  I've seen ONE treefrog, in 10 years in this State, and it was located on the bush NEXT to one of the rainbarrels.  I don't want them to cook, or get scooped up and poured onto plants.  It was green, and small and reminded me of the frog displays at nature centers.... so special.  It felt like I spotted a faery. 

Part of this is.....  frogs and toads and tadpoles remind me of a magical time in my childhood.  The other part is I don't like things to suffer...not the smallest of creatures.  Maybe mosquitos fat with my blood, but not often.

Any idea what I should do with these tadpoles, so they live?  I was thinking I'd strain them all out, put them into a container IN the shaded woods, with rocks and maybe a couple plants from the lake edge.. you know... in all my spare time.  I can't stand the idea of them cooking or dying in the water.... just can't.

I have a list of things I want to get done, and lots of outdoor stuff involved.  Very happy to see Moss friend tomorrow.  Maybe she can take the tadpoles to her lovely yard and hatch them out there. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on July 08, 2020, 02:28:31 PM
Do you have a small pond or stream nearby? That would be lovely for them, Lighter.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 08, 2020, 03:03:45 PM
Small black ones, not the big green-brown ones of my childhood, CB.

And yup, Amber... I have a body of water nearby.... a mile or so walk.  I can gather them up,  and take them to the....

little pond! 

If my last posts didn't make it, THAT makes no sense, but I tried to post about Monday's T session, and lost power.

::checking to see if my post dissapeared again::.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 08, 2020, 03:05:30 PM
Grrrrr.... second draft of post DID NOT GO THROUGH.

I must need to write it out a third time.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 08, 2020, 05:58:25 PM
OK.... Monday AM T appt.
Spoke briefly about codependence and willingness to stand up and do the right thing.....  bc it's necessary and good and right to do so.

T said not mutually exclusive.  Both can be true.  I have the feeling I would have done the job, delivered the news and moved along gracefully HAD my father acknowledged me, at least pretended to hear me, and not assigned motives along the lines of heinous buggering,
Also, I realize now, being run off by the maid.... hissed at, generally accused BY HER of having bad motives as well.... while BODY blocking me.... was upsetting in the extreme, partially bc of my upbringing by my father, and not bc she was overstepping, and BLOCKING me from getting important, vitally important, information into my father's very hard head.

I had to orient my vision, for EMDR, to a lamp and door frame,  just above T's fingers moving back and forth, and at eye level, which took some time and I got better at as we went along.

So, we started with a body scan and did some EMDR for what felt like pressure in my head.   It was a 3... got it down to zero.  Moved on.

Brought up the story, and went through it, in my head... sort of snapshots of incidents.... moving very briskly along. 

T was moving at an obviously quick pace.  I always spoke up, asked for more time, or indicated I was ready to move on if I was ready. No pressure to say the right thing or appear to be going faster than I could go. It felt very taxing to move my eyes that fast AND breathe mindfully. Adding the story meant my tongue was wagging back and forth a bit, inside my mouth, at certain points.  Stopping it took energy, so just wagged away when it happened. LOTS of focus and energy went into this.   

We moved through visualizing the story, which kept adding new incidents as we went along, then
went into the DIRECTOR'S CUT, which is how I would have liked for it to have gone. 

I could have chosen a super hero to save me, been a super hero and saved myself, appeared as my adult self and taken my younger self OUT of the family/scene and raised myself, but I chose to change my father's choices, and that wasn't right.  Had to do it again,but THIS time focusing on me, my feelings, how I experienced it and I added my father's exgf to the scene.

 He married her.

For that to be true, he would have lost his live in..... I won't go into remembering how Dad would have put it,but a woman who was from a 3rd world country doing his bidding, and working for almost free... pretty much covered it, IMO.  I think she received 400.00 a month.. which is what she asked for when she begged for the job, and received it. 

That said, Dad had the maid and the gf fighting over him, at a certain point.   Dad asked the maid for certain reassurances she would care for his aging parents IF that became necessary.  She said she would, and in that moment I believe he made his choice, and selected the maid.   

Ex gf was a nurse, and not one to be railroaded... a LEO...feisty and fun and always listened to me, made me feel heard and seen and never backed down from a fight with him.  That was a double edged sword,btw.  One of my traumatic memories was of my father peeking in gf's windows, listening to gf's and my conversation, then coming INTO her home, wrapping the phone cord around her throat while making it clear he disagreed with her story, then sending me on my way.... I drove away in shock, which is how I felt during some of the T session quite often.

So,  I was often neutral in my body, and T said it was pretty normal.  She asked my guardians, protecting younger Lighter from more pain, if they would allow the work.  I then asked, and received a quick YES response, so we continued.

We went into the story, then into the body, then back and forth till we got to the place where I pictured the real story, then how I would have changed it..... back and forth,  each picture seen BOTH ways, till  I got to the end. The end was always the surgery.

Then back into the body.... EMDR to get a zero. Sometimes I felt nausea... it was the most common somatic experience.  Once it was a pain, stabbing pain, around my heart.  The last one was the feeling of having someone tugging on my belly button from the inside... very sharp.

After finishing the story, and bringing all somatic feelings to a zero, we did a scan for reactivity around any of the memories..... everything was a zero TILL we got to the end. 

It's always been that one scene.... the maid sitting to my left, hissing at me... taking my focus OFF my father, telling me how angry I MADE my father,  while completely ignoring the information that could have been very useful, and body blocking me... just very upsetting.  There was still a charge to it, so we pulled it back up.  IT was a scene in black and white...

T had me pretend her fingers were an eraser and we went over it with EMDR.... erasing the top half... I didn't get to the bottom half, but T thought it was fine to move on to PAINT.

I chose the color green and we dove right in, painting out the remainder of the picture with thick green paint... it dried to a light green with very crackling.  Nice. 

Then we went right into WALLPAPERING over the green with a picture of my choosing. I could have selected Mother Theresa or the Pug.... I chose my tomato garden. Lovely.  Fragrant.  Then we moved right along to selecting items I wanted to leave behind... destroy.

I filled a shoebox with black and white photos... didn't seem like many.  I selected the method of destruction... dissolving in chemicals or water.... burying.... or burning... which most people choose.

I selected burning by bonfire both times I've done this.   THIS was the first time I built an Amazon bondire and performed the ritual with you guys, in AMazon warrior garb. I didn't have time to get fancy, but there was a lot of faux fur, buckles and fire burning everything down... chemically changing the photos to ashes.

We scattered them onto the tomato plants. It was nice.  Seemed right,  considering the recent thread on green burials.

Then it was time to move towards the bridge, which we'd all cross.  We emptied our pockets and bags of residual ashes, and walked across.  The first time I did this was with family members, and we took off our clothing at the bridge and put on white linen clothing.

I knew we were heading to a body of water..... and I'd be going INTO the water.... this time I was going to drink it.   What did I want the water to look like?  She wanted adjectives.....

and it was surrounded by moist cool moss and water lilies, and topped with lily pads..... and it was small and round, but I pushed off the side and traveled above the water for a ways.... very fast. Trailing my fingertips.... then dove straight in.... deep.... drinking water.... I was SO thirsty. 

We chatted about the water... the life I wanted to be clean, cool, clear and joyful..... whether I believed we'd completed the process... was it permanent?  I put a number on it.  Same as the first time, it was 100%.  I believed, and what's more my intuition said it was complete. 

I wanted to go back to the pool, and spent time there after the session ended.  T said that pond would be another happy healing place for me.  I believe her.

::hitting send BEFORE this post goes away too::


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on July 09, 2020, 03:43:41 AM
I'm glad you managed to write it all down the third time, Lighter.  I'm sorry to say, but after reading that, I don't think your dad deserved your care and concern for him after assaulting his partner in front of you.  And then to make allegations about you after you try to help him?  He didn't deserve you caring about his wellbeing the way that you did.  Did you feel better after the session?  Do you feel like it's been resolved now? xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 09, 2020, 09:54:29 AM

Eh, I do feel it's resolved.

Two things can be true at the same time.  My sibs and I enjoyed amazing formative years.... Dad was a good caretaker.  We had wonderful grandparents, on a farm, with ponies and little black and white cow printed cowboy outfits, complete with chaps.  Cousins.  An orchard, fireflies, frogs in a watering can, garden, barn cats, a root cellar, popcorn and ginger ale on tv trays, homemade ice cream... the Wild Wild West,  The Mutual Of Omaha Wild Kingdom, Amish babysitters....  it was heaven, even if my parents were very young.  They had good support systems. 


I've moved into gratitude for both my parents. 

When I think about them, the tough memories, the ones I've worked on, don't come up for me.  I can feel a little empty buzzing in my occipital lobe.. then... nothing.  Maybe a little pain in my temporal lobes.  I'll leave it alone and go about my day.

Youngest dd fabricated what she calls "clown headgear" with matching neck and wrist cuffs.  Think hand-painted renaissance headgear.... red and gold swirled cones with little ivory pleats at the bases and gold ribbons streaming out the tops with tiny strands of pearls.  The neck cuff is about 6 inches high... amazing!  Her birthday is tomorrow and we're still coming up with the perfect plan for her to wear one of her new Lolita fashion dresses... it's Japanese fashion, btw. 

I have tadpoles to move with moss friend L today. 

I'm very happy, ((Tupp.))


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on July 10, 2020, 06:23:45 AM
I'm glad you're happy, Lighter, and that the bad memories have receded.  And that you have good memories of childhood as well.  The clown costume sounds great; I hope DD has a lovely birthday :)  Is that what the party's for?  I know it's a little bit away yet but I wondered if it was a birthday party of just a getting together party?  I hope she really enjoys her day xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 10, 2020, 02:40:32 PM
DD decided she wants an intimate party... just her sister, and me, there.  Today she is 18!

We went to a fancy grocery store, where dd chose a fancy cake, and many fancy ivory and gold candles... so pretty!

I think this will be more of a photo op for her.  DD hasn't really been chipper and outgoing since COVID. 

I think she's getting what she wants though.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on July 11, 2020, 03:06:47 AM
Aw, LIghter, Happy, Happy Birthday to DD!  Give her a big birthday hug from us.  Intimate parties are the best, especially when there's fancy cake!  Have a really lovely time.  Gosh your girls are so grown up now.  Is 18 a really big celebration there or is that more 21st?  We kind of do both here, and then it's the decade milestones after that.  Have a really lovely day xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 11, 2020, 12:40:24 PM
Yes, Tupp.  18th BD is official adult BD.  Of course, she can't officially drink, though she can serve in the armed forces or become a sex worker, which honestly.... would warrant a drink, IMO. 

Not that she's entertaining the sex worker career.  She has considered the armed forces, however.

Her photos from last night are amazing....  really came out carny circus from the 1920s.... maybe.  So cool. 

I'll respond to your other posts... I don't have enough time to do them justice right now.  The Pug awaits her outdoor shower with Grandma!

And it is gloooooooorrrrriouse today.   Just windy and mild and breezy and I can't get he smile off my face!  SO HAPPY to be busy... enjoying everything I do.  No worries, and normally I'd be all uptight about kitchens and bathrooms being pristine.

::blowing raspberry::

All will be well, and my mind is nowhere close to worrying about housework...  I have lots packed to go... enjoying that a lot.

I went to Hopey this morning, for more fresh mozzarella to pair with OHIO tomatoes, warm off the vine, and they told me I couldn't get in yet... only the elderly and pregnant women.  I was about to beg for my order to be handed to me when they guy said... "Sorry, just 55 and older"  hee.

I pranced on in, happy to be right on time, and mistaken for younger... I think the fact I park so far away, to older people and women with children can take the closer spots, he assumed I was younger.  Also.... lots of dancing in the car going on.

Only 5 cheese balls left... so I got them, then found a few GF items. 

I have to tell you... rest is more important... deep sleep.... than getting the house perfect.  It's like a shift happened while I was sleeping.... my brain just clicked into another gear....
slower, happier, less OCD gear. 

I also think the Island Guests not contacting me for an entire day helped.

::twirling back to the job at hand...looking for pug::


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on July 20, 2020, 04:15:38 AM
I'm glad everything is looking so good, Lighter, and that DD enjoyed her birthday.  Yes, consent ages are odd here as well - you can join the Army at 16 but you can't get a tattoo or buy yourself a pint?  I suppose where they've made different laws at different times society's been different.  They could probably do with reviewing a lot of stuff (although they probably all have more important things to worry about just now :) ).  Did Pug enjoy her shower? xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 21, 2020, 10:37:38 AM

Pug doesn't enjoy shower or bath time.  She endures them; )
Time to have her shaved.  She almost had a heat stroke on the forest trails the other day.

We wet her down and carried her, bc she collapsed.  So scary.  All better now.  She needs her summer shave.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 26, 2020, 12:06:45 PM
These have been busy, delightful days.

Yesterday my niece's bf and I went for a nature walk....or.... more correctly.... a moss, stone, salamander and frog collection walk with 2 sleds, and numerous buckets and smaller containers.   

It's a good thing my sis and I put a heavy rope on one of the sleds, bc it needed it yesterday when we realized we had one super heavy sled and one moderately heavy after all the dirt was drenched with a downpour.  I couldn't really pull either very far on my own and we were on the bottom of a pretty steep incline.   

I've been at the bottom of that incline many times, btw.  I KNOW better than to overload any vessel I'm pulling or carrying, but when the rain started..... and the creek rose, we got all happy with it.   We collected beautiful moss, WET moss, and stones... he liked the orange ones, I like the white ones.  SO many stones.  He caught a tiny frog, a brown salamander and a bright orange salamander.  SO EXCITING, like little children, playing in the rain together and that lead to us tying the sleds together with him pulling like a horse, and me pulling the nose of the first sled up and our hearts were pumping, heavy breathing, pulling, resting, pulling resting till we were back home. 

The boy dropped the sleds and immediately tended to the wildlife, which is what he does on the island.  Drops the luggage, strips down to his swim shorts and runs into the water, no matter the wind or temperature, and comes back out with lobsters and fish to eat.  He also catches little fish and shrimps to keep in a veggie drawer from the fridge.  A true nature child. 

He's been fishing at the little lake, and up to his hips in mud trying to reach a sandbar at the little lake where he let most of the tadpoles go.  He wants to catch one of the 3 foot carp usually traveling in 2s and 3s.  Very exciting.  I think we'll go fishing today. 

If I don't have unmittigated poison ivy on my forearms, I'll be very surprised.

So, the back porch has 3 large glass containers filled with toads, millipedes, salamanders and tadpoles..... decorative lights, candles and vases filled with flowering branches and fern leaves backlight the tadpole tank.  There's a big fan keeping the mosquitos down.  Everything's green and happy from the rain.

I'm happy too.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on July 26, 2020, 01:08:51 PM
Wow, Lighter, that sounds idyllic!  Will be so nice to sit out and look at how pretty everything looks.  Great way to keep busy during the day as well, so active and so much fun!  I'm so glad you're having such a good time xx xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 28, 2020, 01:51:53 PM
Thanks, Tupp.

The last time I spoke with T she said "secure attachment" .... almost under her breathe.

  Like THAT's what we've been slogging towards this entire time.
And that made sense to me.  Forming a secure attachment with myself.... MY adult self.... my Mommy self, as a valuable resource.

My mother was very young when she had me.  The age of the mother, at the time of her first child, is the primary indicator for how well the children will do..... I'm paraphrasing here, but mom was 19... right out of highschool.  The only one in her friend group to make it OUT before getting pregnant.  Just very young. 

I feel as though the T COULD have explained all this up front, but it wouldn't have helped and might have slowed things down even.  I feel as though she set a course, for a place I couldn't really comprehend in the headspace I was in.  I feel like she took me up dell and down dell to get there.... showing me many different aspects of the same thing to drive home  lessons in different ways... adding to understanding and depth of internalization.   Beefing up important aspects of healing and driving home lessons, over and over again, which I appreciate and find helpful. 

There were many AHA! moments where she took me round to the back side of something I'd seen before.... and recognized them without them pointing it out.  Allowing me to pick up, examine and drop or keep things in my own time.  No rush.  Only acceptance and fellowship... always overtly kind and understanding.... willing to take me around the other path when I stiffened up, which happened less and less as we went on.

And I do find most Ts, in my experience, get impatient or have expectations of their own.... they get in the way.  Shut down communication, it's about them OR they're just overwhelmed and look to feel helpless.... I've seen 3 cry and that was the case with the Nurse Practitioner who tried Therapeutic Yoga with me.... then referred me to current T, who wasn't frightened or overwhelmed or in upset in any way.... just calmly went about resolving issues... never ever ever did anything outside that..... consistent.... competent... super informed.

I do feel all her skills pressed in and made the difference, for me, bc I am a fighter.  Justice, the idea of justice, MY idea of justice has never been a gray area, in any way.... she had to teach me to SEE it, and accept all the injustice and make peace with it so I could see the rest of the lessons, which wasn't easy.

The joy attached to being fully present is less like a light switch now. It's not mysterious.  The  toughest part isn't doubting or trying to believe.  The toughest part is remaining very kind with myself, and going back to being present after my thoughts have danced off into past/future, which happens

And that's OK. 

Yesterday I spent the day attempting to SEE the world through the eyes of a child.  I did very well with it, then noticed when I didn't. 

I'm going to a new creek today, with niece's bf, and that's my goal.  TO BE A CHILD with his child, and he's absolutely immersed in being present...in nature....in finding joy exactly where he is. It's one of the things that brings so much joy right now. 

Yesterday he caught a crawfish and let the toads and millipedes go.  He wants 2 more crawfish, and that's the mission today.  I think his orange salamander got away....it was very active.  Maybe it scaled the glass walls.  I feel good about it if it did.  The snails were out in a matter of minutes, lol.

I have some amazing tadpole pictures to share: )


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 29, 2020, 01:01:21 PM
Yesterday the boy and I went into the forest looking for better creek action.

We failed, then collected beautiful flowers during our walk back in a thunderstorm.

As lightening crashed and banged around us, as we dropped off the flowers and phones at the house, we decided to go to the best creek, which was running so high and fast it would have dragged us away if we stepped in too deep. 

We found a baby box turtle and the storm ended on our way home.

We went back to the creek at midnight.  The shape of the creek, water flow and tons of rocks had all been moved and changed... repositioned.  Amazing.

The boy found many baby salamanders, and 3 more crawfish... very feisty things.  Territorial too, I think.

Today we release everything but the tadpoles.  I still have people adopting them, which is very cool. 

If I can figure out how to shrink photo files I'll post some pics.  They're kind of astonishing.  I'm not sure what's going on with their mouths.  They look drawn on with a black fine tip marker. 

I'm posting this here, bc I was very frightened by the lightening and ground shaking BOOMS of thunder.  It was right on top of us.  At a point I breathed into it and decided...... I have life insurance.... I've lived a good life... my kids are grown.  I'm going to be present NOW and not worry about the storm.  There was so much joy, from that point on.  I leaned into the feelong of rain on my skin, the colors and shapes aroud me..... it was exciting.  At the end of the storm a big cold wind took some of the fun away, but it was all new experiences..... I've never focused like that before. Had so much choice, or understood I had choice in that way.

I have questions for my T today.  How lives change when choice like this becomes default.  I look forward to what comes next. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 29, 2020, 01:52:56 PM
That sounds wonderful, Lighter.
Exhilarating, empowering and yet, oddly peaceful too.

Good for you.
I'm hoisting an air-toast to much more internal freedom AND PEACE to come!

(It was such a good idea not to fight the storm, but just feel it. Bravo. And still, I know you'll avoid being caught in lightning risk TOO often....)

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on July 30, 2020, 03:33:38 AM
That storm sounds like a brilliant analogy for life, Lighter, and one that we can't access when we're still dealing with all the 'stuff'.  I've got x, y and z in place.  I can do no more than that.  Let's just enjoy this.  Yes.  Amazing that you've come so far along this journey now that you can choose whether or not to be scared.  You've got that much control over your own responses now.  Wow.  Did you imagine you could get to that point?  I know over the many years I've been working on myself I've often wondered if I can reach a true state of 'I'm just doing my thing now' and genuinely not be thinking about other things.  What an inspirational story from you.  And it sounds like a lot of fun as well!  I love storms but I do remember being out in one once with my son and a thunder clap going off directly above us and dear Lord, my heart nearly stopped.  It's just so loud.  Mother Nature showing she's a bad ass :)

I really resonated with what you wrote about forming a secure attachment with yourself.  Makes so much sense and is something that can cause problems if we don't manage it in our earlier years, I think.  I've often felt that I'm acting at being a grown up, rather than actually being one.  I think the secure attachment is a part of being a grown up.

T's crying.  How do you feel about that?  I've had many over the years who've cried in front of me and said they feel tearful and/or emotional about what I said and to be honest, I don't like it.   I get that's it's probably about showing you that it's okay to feel emotions and respond to them but I kind of like them to be strong and stoical.  I think it pings too much on my "I must look after you" buttons and I feel like I have to watch what I say so they don't get upset.  Does it bother you if they do it?

And seeing the world through the eyes of a child.  I've found that so much with my boy; giving him the sort of childhood my mum didn't give me - the playing and making mud pies, long walks in the woods gathering acorns and leaves, reading stories, dressing up, finger painting, all that stuff.  It was like it healed up the little girl in me who longed to do that.  My dad did that stuff with me, I was lucky in that respect.  It really helps all of us to have that happy childhood, I think, even if it's in adult life that it occurs.  Really lovely reading your posts.  I think this T is a very good fit for you.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 30, 2020, 07:22:07 AM
Another Tupp amazingism:

It really helps all of us to have that happy childhood, I think, even if it's in adult life that it occurs.

Thank you, Tupp. I needed to hear this.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: cats paw on July 31, 2020, 10:25:44 AM

  I can't believe so much time has gone by, and your DD is eighteen!  So much has changed from years back.

  You wrote "...accept the injustice and make peace with it, so I could see the rest of the lessons,".  The Serenity Prayer came to my mind after continuing
to ponder that part of what you wrote.

  I hope Pug is still doing well after that scare.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 31, 2020, 09:55:23 PM
The Pug is losing weight... and had a very productive appointment with the chiropractor.

I expected more problems,  but chiro said there's no big problems.  One rear knee, not the one she injured as a little pup and limps on, is looser than the other one.  Neither has anything wrong with it. BUT her hips are tight. 

Her neck is tight as well, and he showed me how to decompress.... pulling... lengthening..... not squeezing neck.  I've done it daily.  I think it should be done several times a day, but her mommy... my 19yo dd, hasn't really picked up that ball yet. I have an 18yo dd too, they're almost 2 years apart.

  I'm just glad the Pug has a good prognosis.  Lose weight....between 6 and 8 lbs..... wear the halo device, and go through the motions of moving her hips, front legs, neck and take it easy.

About accepting injustice, cats paw....
it doesn't mean I say it's OK.  It doesn't mean I stop doing everything I can do, reasonably, to remedy injustice.  It means I don't waste my life worrying and raging over things I simply cannot change.  That sets me up to think more clearly, be more responsive and get important things done I might otherwise not accomplish, bc I'm focused on what I can't change.

I hope that makes sense, and it is the serenity prayer, more or less.  Just a different way of looking at it, with the benefit of understanding how worry and rage activate survival mode in our brains, creating biochemical hijacking, shutting down the parts of our brains we NEED to problem solve, be reasonable/rational and creative.... all the things we need to positively impact our lives and bring about the best possible outcome, IME.

I notice it every day now.  How much clarity is available.... if I'm paying attention.  How much easier, simpler, more joyful my life is..... now.  BC I'm not wasting my energy spinning my wheels over the things I can't change.  And it's glorious to notice and live in that difference, IME.  It's a whole new mental space, and I believe I'll never get dragged back down to those lower, very unproductive, levels again.  I believe it 100%, then notice the little challenges popping up for me.

What would that MEAN IF I didn't react the way I always have?  Who would I be?  Who WILL I be?

And I talk myself through it.... I'll be more responsive Lighter.  More capable Lighter.  I'll have more clarity and ability to act.

That's who I'll be.  I think that's who I've become.

Cats Paw.... if I ever hurt you on the board, I didn't mean to. I've learned so much from some of the board strife.  It was a relatively safe place to SEE and practice and notice, observe and impact... be impacted BY conflict in a way that wasn't too scary or constly, etc. 

You'll tell me if I said anything I need to explain or apologize for.  I don't want to go back and read old threads.  I'm very happy in the present: )


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 31, 2020, 10:01:26 PM
I've shifted T appointments to every 2 weeks with the idea of spacing them out to 3 then 4 weeks.

I really loved seeing her face to face.  I feel I've worked through all the large issues.   I have tools I can access and apply now.  It's a comfortable transition.

I noticed how relaxed I was in the yard this evening with the Pug.  When oldest dd was way I felt the world was a slightlhy hostile place.... I'd look up at the tress at night... and remember feeling alone and vulnerable as a child on the highway.... the trees were so lonely looking. 

I realize I haven't had that kind of thought in.... well... I can't remember when I did, and that's a good thing. 

 I don't even look up into the trees at night.... haven't... don't feel like it..... I'm wondering why I spent so much time IN that headspace, then I remember.  I know that answer.  I have clarity on it.  It's going to be OK.

 It IS OK.  That is a true statement.  I believe it. 

More importantly....
I feel it in my body.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 31, 2020, 10:41:57 PM
That storm sounds like a brilliant analogy for life, Lighter, and one that we can't access when we're still dealing with all the 'stuff'.  I've got x, y and z in place.  I can do no more than that.  Let's just enjoy this.  Yes.  Amazing that you've come so far along this journey now that you can choose whether or not to be scared.  You've got that much control over your own responses now.  Wow.  Did you imagine you could get to that point?  I know over the many years I've been working on myself I've often wondered if I can reach a true state of 'I'm just doing my thing now' and genuinely not be thinking about other things.  What an inspirational story from you.  And it sounds like a lot of fun as well!  I love storms but I do remember being out in one once with my son and a thunder clap going off directly above us and dear Lord, my heart nearly stopped.  It's just so loud.  Mother Nature showing she's a bad ass :)

I really resonated with what you wrote about forming a secure attachment with yourself.  Makes so much sense and is something that can cause problems if we don't manage it in our earlier years, I think.  I've often felt that I'm acting at being a grown up, rather than actually being one.  I think the secure attachment is a part of being a grown up.

T's crying.  How do you feel about that?  I feel similar to how you feel about it, Tupp.
 The first time it happened I had the feeling the T had zero answers, and nothing helpful to say... though she very much wanted to help. She was very in tune with my story as I told it in present tense.... I talked about my late husband as though he was still with us.  I never referred to him in past tense..... he was IN MY FACE, still next to me, chasing and threatening me inside my head... relentlessly.  My nose was on the pebble, and my body was reacting..... my biochemistry had been hijacked for 2 years at that point.  I think she realized it, but had no vocabulary.... training to understand or HELP ME understand it. 
 She saw what was, but didn't understand how I got there, or what I needed to get myself OUT.    She didn't understand the concept of getting a nose off a pebble, IMO. 

  It would have helped me so much to have the ability to create emotional distance, and access my parasympathetic nervous system.... I had no idea what it was, much less what it did or how much control I had access to IF someone walked me through it.   That T had nothing to give, and her feeling of being helpless and hopeless, for me, made me feel I was inflicting my pain onto her,  and doing harm TO her.  I was in no position to caretaker her, so there was no question I wouldn't go back.  She didn't deserve to suffer with me, and I see now how a T CAN have empathy, but stay focused on calming the brain and body so the brain can do what it was made to do.... and does efficiently.... process information efficiently when stress is reduced.  When trauma is addressed and reduced.... consistently..... without judgment or expectation.... just very frank, helpful steps and avenues and zero judgment.  Well.... IME it's quite a trick to point out judgment of oneself WITHOUT judging.  Everything is about reducing stress... giving permission to be kind and forgiving with oneself, always.  Unconditionally.  Making it a priority.... and reminding it's not a perfect process. It's messy and comes nd goes and we return, gently, consistently, and continue on without losing focus on the mission.  I knew I couldn't help that T, so I didn't go back.  I couldn't help myself, much of the time.  There was no question I'd feel better while watching her suffer too.   

There was a Psychiatrist who saw my ASPD stbx with me, as a couple, and each on our own.  He'd headed up a male pscyh ward for.... criminally insane men...  I think. Written many books.  Was likely past the age of retirement...... and he spoke to me very frankly.  Zero compassion.  I read his notes.... I didn't much like him.  I remember almost losing control of my bladder in his office when he said... "The goal of these sessions has shifted from reconciling a marriage to keeping you alive during a potential divorce..... the danger isn't riding the tiger... the danger is in getting off the tiger."  I'm paraphrasing, of course. 

No one, up to that point, had been willing to consider I was in mortal danger.   HE understood, and he doubted my ability to divorce without being killed.  I remember it felt like the floor dropped out from under me....  adrenaline hit me..... it hit my feet and hands painfully.   All the while...  this man just blinked at me.... looking for..... a reaction?  My response?  I was just quiet... wide eyed.... very used to NOT showing any response, no matter what was said or done to me at that point.  But that T understood what he was seeing and hearing when he spoke to STBX ASPD.  His dx was  Psychopath with heavy N features. 

When I went back to see him, after ASPD died, The T was very flippant..... he said something like.... 
"You should have aimed for his foot."  I believe it was at that point I decided he was past the age of retirement.  He never had anything helpful to say.... ever.  He was always very hopeless..... he said.....
"there's nothing to be done.... you couldn't do anything different to get a different outcome... you're trapped... at the mercy of... etc."  Paraphrasing here, but that was the message AND he presented as someone with all the answers and very large ego.... had written books, blah blah..... very sure of himself, and had zero empathy.  That was equally unhelpful, but moved me into a deeper sense of dread and fear...... a whole'nuther level, in fact. 

The T who referred me to him was a psychologist who was getting pretty frustrated in a "THAT's what sociopaths DO" sort of way.   I'd say ASPD did THIS, and he'd respond in a droll manner... "That's what sociopaths DO."  And he had zero help to offer as well.   Just.... nothing outside "That's what Sociopaths DO."  He realllly needed me to GET THAT.  To stop talking about all the things being DONE TO ME and my children.  To.... do what?  I have no idea.  He had no tools for calming myself.  In fact, he often said things that were very upsetting... sort of like the Psychiatrist... very frank doomsday stuff about how I was at the mercy of.  He SO got that.  I remember him explaining to STBX ASPD how saying things to me like..... "He sure would be sorry if something bad happened to me in a divorce."  The T said it would have been like a man cleaning his fingernails with a big sharp knife, while telling his wife it sure woudl be terrible if anytihng bad happened to her.... if she didn't comply with him."  Just dreadful.  Not good answers.  NO answers at all, really. 

I wonder if I'd had tools for calming myself... not pills, if I'd have fought my way out of that situation and avoided all the trauma and terror and tragedy.  I won't know, but I clearly SEE how it would have helped, even if it didn't save us

I left out I'd spoken to ASPD STBX in anger ONE time during 3 year period in courts... He grabbed me on the stairs,  in front of witnesses, and hurt me.... I snapped back at him.....
"I'm going to divorce you and marry another man who your children will call Daddy." 


So, that one thing..... was a slip, said in anger.... with a man's hands on me in anger...... threatening... harming..... I said it and I meant it and he knew I did.   It was all but done and over in the courts, but so far away, bc ASPD was adept at using and manipulating the justice system.  I believed him when he said I'd be screaming, and running away like my hair was on fire just to escape the court system.... when it was all done and over.   He showed me what he meant, right from the start.  Manipulating my own attorney..... making it so hard.  Making me look insane, like a liar, like a participant on Jerry Springer show..... manipulating me with fear.... and see.... I really can't help but wonder how things would have gone if I HAD THESE TOOLS.  Could have calmed myself down.  I did what I could..... I had a really good neuromuscual massage T who unlocked things so I could breathe again.... walk again... get off the floor and keep going again.  I didn't have anyone who could do that with my mind, and it felt like I was blindfolded, on an operating table.... with all these shadowy men standing over me with sharp instruments..... and I was at their mercy.  I remember that vision vividly.   And I remember feeling I was standing on a high cliff.... toes over the edge..... wind whipping my hair around my face, wrapping it.... hair in my eyes and mouth.  The wind so loud I wouldn't be heard, even if I screamed, which I didn't. I'd learned to be still, and wait.  Just...... not move..... not react..... it was my default, until it wasn't, and then it was again, then it wasn't.  I'd be energized by a task.... get smacked down by someone on my team of attorneys, and they never all agreed on ANYTHING.   Then it just.... was my default. I think I'd still BE there if not for this T.

Another T.... somatic T..... did the "Feel your seat, wiggle your toes,  notice the trees" thing, but didn't explain anything about WHY  or what we were doing it for.  Nothing about about the brain, biochemistry, reactivity, fight or flight or parasympathetic nervous system.... nothing.  I guess I'm someone who does better with more information than less.  It seems like everything I've learned has built on itself, IME.

There were Ts in my first marriage.  The first one put me on Paxil, which shut down my body AND left me suffering physically on top of emotionally.  I fired him and made him write a letter stating he'd made a mistake prescribing Paxil, bc it was harmful, not helpful and wrong to prescribe in my case.  I was in a very dysfunctional marriage, and the next marriage counselor I saw just said it out loud..... after listening to my husband talk and talk and talk and complain about me.... just when it was MY turn to speak... the T shut it down, handed me a divorce attorney's card, STBX a divorce attorney's card, and told us to leave his office, and never speak to each other again, bc "H had no empathy for me, and every human being needs empathy." 

H and I left that appointment in a daze.  I felt voiceless, but had learned I often left that T's office feeling anger.  Then... later.... I sort of got what he was saying and agreed with him...but grudgingly.  That T was right, but he was also an ex marine with a very gruff manner, and old fashioned view of women that really did harm when I saw him with the ASPD stbx. 

That T was also the person who introduced me to my favorite martial arts instructor, so.... things sort of evened out.

e had many over the years who've cried in front of me and said they feel tearful and/or emotional about what I said and to be honest, I don't like it.   I get that's it's probably about showing you that it's okay to feel emotions and respond to them but I kind of like them to be strong and stoical.  I think it pings too much on my "I must look after you" buttons and I feel like I have to watch what I say so they don't get upset.  Does it bother you if they do it?  IF my current T had cried, I don't think it would have bothered me in the least, BC she very steadily moved along a healing path, and she's very centered and level in her own mind and body.  She has answers.  She knows how to share and teach them.  She has zero ego investment and she doesn't feel hopeless.  She has answers.  She's confident and that's her manner.... her tone.... her eyes pour out and transfer calm, caring reassurance....
all will be well, and I didn't understand it, at first, but she brought me along, however much I struggled or fought at times.... she found a way through, and I wasn't always able to hear her...... wasn't always able to understand or calm myself enough to understand.  That's more truthful. 

I saw her enough times..... was lead OUT of survival mode enough times to finally understand.... finally trust... finally comprehend how holding on to the injustice... mostly around my children being harmed and leveraged in order to harm me...... was doing ongoing harm I could check and reverse.  THAT was an important message I finally got.  I needed to hear it.  The current T has lived it herself.  She practices her own healing journey daily.  She's been here.  She's gotten herself out, and she's living a joyful life... she doesn't believe she has any problems when she things about it.  That's how far her nose IS.... off the pebbles.  As I gain more distance, I gain more understanding and control over my own perspective.  Expanding spaciousness for ourselves.....
is EVERYTHING.  That wouldn't have made any sense at all, this time last year. 

And seeing the world through the eyes of a child.  I've found that so much with my boy; giving him the sort of childhood my mum didn't give me - the playing and making mud pies, long walks in the woods gathering acorns and leaves, reading stories, dressing up, finger painting, all that stuff.  It was like it healed up the little girl in me who longed to do that.  My dad did that stuff with me, I was lucky in that respect.  It really helps all of us to have that happy childhood, I think, even if it's in adult life that it occurs.  Really lovely reading your posts.  I think this T is a very good fit for you.

I agree, ((Tupp))  I also believe the old saying...
when the student is ready, the teacher appears. 

I was ready.

You were ready.   

It's all OK: )

I so enjoyed reading about you and your boy enjoying making mud pies and BEING childlike together.  I'm glad your father allowed you to be your authentic little child self, without conditions.   So glad: )

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 31, 2020, 11:14:29 PM
This is very, very powerful, Lighter.
Yes, perhaps if you'd had those tools, there would have been a better way open.
It was what it was at that time.

It's such a good thing that you've become unfrozen and moved forward.

I think your present T is a genius, of a kind. I understand the impulse to stop therapy but hope you will consider even monthly, so just in case...you haven't broken continuity with her.

I could not live my comparably utterly humdrum life with humdrum-by-compariosn traumas without therapy, and I wonder at your capacity to always test yourself to the extreme limit of everything. What if there was really no need to do that, if keeping and maintaining a connection with this remarkable T could be a grounded, maintenance part of your well being? So you're not always working on it as a solo Amazon? Would it be worth asking yourself, do I HAVE to triumph completely, as in fighting all fights on my own because I've...won? Proven something? Vanquished?

Could there be a modified sense of victory that is good enough? For a settled life with inner peace? I just wonder if an all-out win over all of it is a fair goal for you.

Lastly, I really do see how physical your life is, where your wisdom is, where your hope is. You will always have this. Different, calmer strength. But I think you'll be one of those spry ancient ones some day. Not mighty, because mighty changes. But spry is pretty darn good. Especially when she's spry and happy.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on August 01, 2020, 03:18:06 AM
Lighter, I get chills whenever you write anything about the things your ex did and said.  I always get a picture in my mind of the husband in the film which I've forgotten the name of - Julia Roberts is in it, she fakes her death to get away from him and then when he finds her again he torments her by doing things like lining up the tins in the cupboard so that she knows he's there.  But it's that sort of casual instilling of fear that you so often hear of in relationships and it just makes me think, for the love of Mary, why can't we all just be nice to each other?  So many people damaged by other people's behaviour.  It gives me the chills.  I'm so glad you got away and even gladder that you've kept working to get yourself to such a calm and happy space now.

Those therapists you mention all belong in Dr G's book about how dodgy some therapy is!  I've been lucky, I think, I've had therapists who weren't a good fit but they've not done more than mildly annoy me really.  NHS therapists and mental health services in general, on the other hand, are a cesspit and seem to be entirely made up of the kind of people you've described so after a brief experience with them when I was younger I have avoided them like the plague ever since.

I think you and I are very similar in what helps us - I like to know how things work and why they do that and if someone tells me I need to do x, I need to understand why in order to do it.  I think there's a good point between fact based information and empathy and it sounds like your current T is in that place.  So good that she's got you to such a good place of understanding.  Yes, you were ready and the teacher appeared!  So happy for you.  Want to give you a transatlantic cuddle (socially distanced, anyway) :)  Lol xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 01, 2020, 10:53:58 AM
Lighter - that's the most I think I've seen you say about your experience. I'll bet there was a LOT of processing needed to be able tell it like that. It gets easier.

I grok the freeze instinct you describe; I experienced a bit of that too. But I was way more comfortable with my fight & flight reflex (back then I was a fast runner) and for me, that was my avenue back to trusting myself again. Recognizing that I'd done all I could do; I didn't give up - even though I "lost" anyway. Compassion was necessary at that point; self-empathy in a way... but it wouldn't have fixed the real root problem of trusting my self. How I came to blame myself for much much more - was almost a separate issue and way more complex.

YES, understanding how our brains work fills in a lot of blanks. The wonderful ability of mind-body connection to heal/calm/clarify really & truly needs to be utilized a LOT more often as an adjunct to other therapeutic methods.

Sometimes, I think it can all be (over)simplified down to shifting our thinking, feeling, rumination and obsessions away from we accept we CAN'T do... to accepting and acting on, what we CAN.

After the healing stage, comes restoring. Sometimes there are changes made during restoration; for strength or cohesiveness; clarity/unity of expression. You sound REALLY good; I'm happy for you!
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 02, 2020, 12:13:07 PM

I'm not giving up my T.   I do want to feel good about the time and money I'm spending, and more time between visits means I'll have time to identify larger issue between appointments. 

That's my instinct, and that's the plan: )  Every other week, until I feel every 3 weeks, then monthly.  I won't stop.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 02, 2020, 12:21:57 PM

::sending cuddle back to Tupp::

It's been my experience that more information leads to more success and deeper understanding of difficult concepts.  Truthfully, having bad experiences with other Ts helped me understand how great this T IS.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 02, 2020, 12:41:12 PM

Sometimes, I think it can all be (over)simplified down to shifting our thinking, feeling, rumination and obsessions away from we accept we CAN'T do... to accepting and acting on, what we CAN.

Right, Amber.  I think you're right here.  The problem is..... we're usually not wired that way.  We're usually wired all kinds of wrong ways and don't even realize it.  You know the drill; )

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 02, 2020, 01:51:04 PM

You brought back a lot of memories. After my divorce I went to ONE therapist who said, after I had completed my story, "let's get you on some meds. You can't be okay after an experience like that." The fact is, I WAS okay--well not in the grand scheme of things, but I was in the immediate. Never went back. 

I'm sorry that happened to you, CB.  There's a lot of marginal and bad Ts out there.  I thank God for Doc G and this board.  I'm so grateful for the Ts who help and don't harm. 

Watching movies is hard. So much of the sub plot is this kind of crap that women have to live through(most esp the historical stuff I like to watch). Can't decide if the stories are worth the PTSD.

Youngest dd and I were talking about how there aren't really thaaaaat many plots.  Sometimes I see that SO clearly.  Like a laser. 

Everyone focuses on the symptoms... the conditions.  They don't call out the causes for what they are... common and something the global community should develop zero tolerance policies for.  That's not the way it is, though, and somehow I manage to not feel despair while pondering it.   I used to feel ONLY despair.     
 It's maddening, don't get me wrong, but there's an absence of despair now.   People are entertained... not moved to CHANGE the foundational reasons we're dealing with all this drama, and writing stories and scripts......  and that's OK too.

I just SEE it so clearly.   It's my need for my external world to line up with my internal world... I think.  The INFP in me.  I've passed this intense desire for justice to my youngest dd.  She noted that too, yesterday.   She doesn't see it as a positive attribute.  More of a curse, unfortunately.

When you watch your favorite programs....
I wish you more emotional distance, expanded resilience and less reactivity.  The reactivity... the PTS is devastating.  I hope it transforms into an ability to respond and be responsive in the ways you can be.  The ability to act, and do what we can, is part of healing, IME.

I'm glad you got out too, CB.



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 03, 2020, 04:04:42 PM
I read Hops SHAME thread and think....
however did I get anything done when I spent SO much time judging myself, sneering at imperfection and setting expectations, one after another.... bargaining with every bit of downtime I allowed myself to recover enough to get back up and slog unhappily through years of danger, threat and DOING things to survive, rather than feel joy. 

BLECK.  Just a completely different mindset I don't miss at all, IME. 

To view oneself as a cog.... a wheel.... a thing in motion or NOT in motion, and judge that so harshly.

It's painful to look back at the last 15 or so years.
Nose on the pebble living is very painful. 

There's an investment of time and cranky resistence to breathing spaciousness into our consciousness... to seeing the entire field, and getting one's nose off a pebble.  There will always be pebbles.  I'm amazed that spaciousness seems to be a lasting feature, once achieved.  I don't understand it, entirely, but it makes it easy to be dismissive of the time spent trifling and judging myself to my detriment.  I SEE that so very clearly now.  I've internalized it, and it took time, and persistence and consistent redirection BACK to that very helpful truth.

Looking back... I wonder how I got what I DID get done... done while tying up so much time judging and suffering. 

I had help, as Amber said on another thread.  Sometimes the people we depend on don't help or they make things worse.  Discerning who is helping, and who's making things harder, without getting sucked down another rabbit hole, isn't easy, IME. I guess the codependence stuff is woven throughout these moments. 

Gently ignoring people, who do more harm than good, is a skill, IME.  We learn to make peace with it.  We don't automatically do and understand it.

 At this point... There's suffering and responding and responsiveness, rather than reacting and shame and judgment, though it does pop up.  I manage it.  Banish it, mostly.  Marvel at the times it remains silent, and how nice the space is without it. 

10 years ago... there was suffering and tearing off a raw piece of survival with my teeth.... shutting out someone doing harm, and allowing some unexpected person to step up and help in ways a stranger or person NOT obligated to help.... when receiving was so very difficult... created so much shame.... it was a super hard time to admit I needed help and worse..... to receive it.  There was also humiliation at HAVING to depend on others..... ask for help..... be told they didn't want to get involved, etc.  I had expectations for them, and they were wrong expectations.  Expectations I held for my very helpful self.... just so unhelpful to set expectations and SEE outcomes that would be morphing and changing all along, as plots unraveled.

I had an idea how things worked.... an understanding things would BE Ok, even if they weren't OK, but I was hard ,pressed to lean on it when threatened in ways I couldn't escape, mostly involving my children.  Having to SIT and BE inside my head, in peril physically, attacked from every direction and in ways I couldn't discern ahead, but knew to be imminent.... that's a place where internalized trust of SELF and releasing outcome is vital, yet at the time, impossible with the tools and coping strategies I had available to me.

But there's a thread of knowing.... intuition, I suppose.  I regret not living INSIDE that space, and I think....
I'm there, in that space, now.  I've always said that, but now I understand better.  Have internalized it more fully and received such relief and succor from inhabiting it, which isn't like flipping a switch. 

Letting old habits and strategies go isn't easy.  It's a process. It opens up space for new things and ways of being... coping.... experiencing joy instead of suffering.  That's a winning trade, every time, IME.  Understanding that, I'd have jumped at it years ago, but I didn't have the ability... I didn't have the right teacher.

 It's helpful to have a hand to hold.... someone who's been there, done that.  It moves one through more easily, more quickly, with less suffering and time, IME.

I must tell you... there were days when just looking into T's eyes brought me to hot tears..... without a word passing between us.  To be seen with such compassion... really seen and appreciated and known and..... was very powerful and healing, and I have to think, in my case, necessary.

To have my fingers pryed off old coping strategies, from different directions, in different ways, with different tools... to have it explained to me as I resisted and reacted and experienced anger and resentments..... it all came up band it came out, like vomiting..... or like wind ruffling blinds, up and out of my lungs or like waking without suffering and noticing it.  Just..... being amazed and so relieved..... without thinking about it..... inhabiting new, very neutral head space...... leading to more joy,  without always thinking it through, for sure.

And accepting the new.....
being able to get comfortable and trust it was real....
trust it will lead to more discoveries, more comfort, and more joy.  Somtimes one finds a smile they can't wipe from their face, and it's just.... very...  unexpected, but real and powerful and as simple as living fully in the moment.  What did those words EVER mean all the times we've heard and said them?

That huge smile.... that huge joy, that's what it meant, and I resist feeling resentful, even now, about my inability to understand it, and people's inability to EXPLAIN it so I could understand it.   I very clearly see it's not simple, it can't be grasped (from my POV) simply..... there are different approaches and pieces of  information pointing one to inhabiting different space.... rather than just understanding..... but inhabiting new spaces, and knowing HOW nad WHY one may get there adds to the experience and internalizing it, IME. 
Fingers being pried off... fingers being placed onto new tools and beliefs and habits..... it's complicated, and yet... pieces of it are much simpler than I can believe.  The processing... the brain's ability to make lasting change, in milliseconds, that's perhaps the most powerful truth in all this, IME.   To trust it's easy, and lean into it... stop questioning it and doubting. 

At some point one stops resisting and looks forward to what comes next, bc of new and informative experiences... bc experiences of proof, I guess.

 TRUST it's OK to not judge. Trust being super curious instead.. .without questions.... is just the rigth thing to do, and so it becomes familiar and questioning it, at some point, drops away and before you know it, it's BECOMING a new default... a new brain setting.... what your brain chooses over all the old default settings, and then it's just how one lives, IME.

It takes energy to judge, and question and internalize shame and let the voices of people who installed critical programs rule, IME. 

And it feels like eating bees, IME.  We eat a handful of bees, then suffer, bc we eat handfuls of bees, without thinking, and get frustrated and feel shame we aren't more productive, energetic and happy.  That seems very odd to me now. I didn't use to understand how my internal world was sabotaged and my inability to SEE what was really happening was..... needed... required my attention and tending to. 

Tending to my internal world lead to SEEING the sabotage, and putting a finger on the voices someone else installed.  Being critical of myself was automatic, even when I took a break and stuffed my mind with distraction.... it was still THERE, I'd just made a bargain with myself.  It always lead back to the same place, bc eating handfuls of bees was the only food I knew to eat.

How in the world did I have the expectation I could turn that handful of bees into calm, peace and ability to SEE choices and respond.  Eating bees is the stuff reactivity is made of, IME.  That expectation, for myself, was of course going to lead to more reactivity and disappointment and suffering.

 Shifting ones emotional diet to something healthier..... it's a new texture.... it's not as exciting or emotionally engulfing..... sometimes it's boring, compared to bee eating, IME.   

One just gets through it... while noticing what's there.  We let space empty out, and don't rush to fill it... we just notice it.  Remembering there are new tools is very difficult in these moments,  but eventually, if one resists condemning oneself for failing to just DO it perfectly, one sees how it works.  One gains access and can choose tools  without so much confusion and pain and judgment, which is sort of the key to having access, space and ability freed up.... bc we STOP doing the things that normally take up our time and energy and consequently are the things blocking access to calming our brains to allow processing and refining in historic files those things dogging us..... rolling around in our brains, bc trauma froze them there and keep them RIGHT THERE...in one's face, all the time.

It feels circular, and it is...
until it's not. 

The thing that ends the circular suffering is the....
new skillset....
resting in awareness....
deep self compassion that doesn't judge when one falters.....
releasing expectation......
getting very curious about what's there, and what comes next.

Zero judgment is necessary.

And none of this is easy or simple, bc there are so many moving pieces, and that's OK. 

If I can work towards it, anyone can. 

Every Amazon on this board is talented and used to surviving.  Has survived terrible things.  CAN get herself through and out of whatever comes up.

Trusting that, so the mind can calm itself.....
tending to the mind when survival comes up....
tending to it like it's a small child.... like it's our own small frightened child self....
and reassuring her she's OK... we're going to take care of her.  We can do that now... our adult, grown up self has that ability and it's safe to rest now.

That's all mixed up in the process, and our child selves are ready to be reassured and to rest.  To trust. 

I look back over the threads on this forum and wonder at what we've accomplished with the tools we've had access to.  How strong we were.  How strong we are to have gotten ourselves through. 

Where is the place where the new skills aren't more clutter, bringing up shame, bc using them seamlessly isn't possible..... they sometimes become more clutter, and that's devastating, IME. 

BUT, moving through, even when there's no payoff or there's more suffering and confusion...... when adding the addition of feeling overwhelmed on top of what lead to seeking "feeling better."  It's amazing one gets beyond, bc habit and brain pathways and default settings are things to be noticed, understood, examined again with the addition of CHOICE,  identified and introduced as something possible to choose, necessary to choose, as a way to suffer less... to experience joy... then more joy.

And then it happens.  Unexpectedly, bc IME, no one can understand something they've never really experienced, outside the sense of "flow" one sometimes finds, seemingly out of the blue, and unexpected.... the light switch that goes on without flipping it cotnsciously.... one finds that, and it's supposed to happen, but one didn't expect it to happen.   One is SURPRISED by the experience.   Waiting for it to dissipate, perhaps be conjured up and not real at all, but it persists, and there's joy and surprise and......

Experiencing the fruits and flowers of the work, the doubt, the dismissing of self judgment and managing to  trust and work with the new tools, as one can, while remaining neutral.... refusing to judge.... embracing the new, and releasing outcome.  It's like juggling, only juggling really difficult to hold in one's mind concepts, and unfamiliar habits.... habits taking up energy and space in our brains.

Having space in our brains is necessary.  It means we find ways to STOP reacting and filling our brains up with old default settings, but first....
one must nOTICE those things.  Become aware.  Resist judging them, and that gets easier, IME, bc just SEEING what's IN there...... is super interesting.

I want to know what's behind what I've seen.  I want to continue unwrapping boxes of information and turn them over in my hands and mind and decide what to do with them. 

I'm relieved I have tools to SEE and deal with these things. 

I feel empowered.

I don't feel overwhelmed as often.....and I trust I will feel overwhelmed by certain situations.  Having strategies to deal with them, even if I react and fail in the face of them, I know I'll slow down, remember to breathe or push on walls and manage brain integration, again, to bring about better outcomes than were possible this time last year. 

Once the ball is rolling.... it rolls quickly, IME.  I feel it rolled more quickly for Tupp than it did for me, but I accept our brains and readiness are different.  Not better or slower or whatever judgment I could place on it.

I'm simply relieved and leaning into trust... not hope, but trust. 

Where I was hopeful, but didn't trust.... I now understand, have exerperienced enough relief to KNOW... without doubting.  New territory is always intimidating, maybe triggering or threatening.  Positive experiences make choices apparent and known and possible to own.  Choosing, having choice more often, becomes habit, and then it's the default setting.... without realizing it...... it's THE default setting without thinking about it.

I'm writing this out as much for myself, as for the board.  It's like SEEING something, many somethings, important somethings.... again, from different angles, putting pieces together that weren't together before, and driving more deeply into understanding of how they work, and why they work. 

Understanding how they weren't present, how they weren't available, how I missed them, and understanding how things could have shifted and been changed.  I don't regret.   I merely want to understand, and internalize the depth of having choice and access to logic, creativity and problem solving skills where there was ONLY reactivity before. 

It seems so obvious, yet there was so much time where I could ONLY see ONE PEBBLE at a time.   I had no distance to SEE the entire field, and now I see.  Now I have access to creating more space, which is amazing, bc all the space I've created has remained in tact.  Not coming and going, though I'm sometimes reactive, I have access to choice and it's all tied into what I no longer do....
judge myself, natter myself with shoulds and should haves.... compare myself to others..... think about how my choices or inability to DO things like keep clutter cleared impact my life negatively..... I think, instead.....
I'll deal with that when it's time. 

What does it matter, today, or in 100years, if that remains undealt with?

I always shrug, bc it doesn't really matter.  It's not really a problem, and when I feel it is I'll pick it up and deal with it,  in my way, when it's time.  I might have to ask for help, and that's cool too.  I'm great at some things, I have super powers, ansd the flip side of those super powers is always going to be the things I'm not so strong in.

No darkness without light.

No good without evil.

No strength without weakness.

It's not something to struggle against and wish was different.  It's something to accept and get curious about. 

Wishing and hoping things are different is very much like running a program in the computer that is our brain, IME. 

Sometimes these programs run in the background, but they suck up so much energy... we're always wondering why we have so little energy.

When we notice and become aware of these programs.... we SEE what's there, and gain more choice.  Choice  about that particular program, and any other programs we've yet to identify. 

We get to choose between running that program OR not running it.   We become aware of the absence of running those programs. 

Choosing self compassion... .choosing to rest in awareness..... these aren't new programs...... but they make choice available, IME.

Rest and self compassion are tools/habits we cultivate.

The fruits and flowers are doors appearing, and sometimes clanging open leading to more doors and choice and creative options we couldn't see before.

By this time, one trusts the tools. 
The energy, previously spent questioning and doubting, is available for other things.

That's HUGE!  To SEE what's going on, mine spaciousness.... create emotional distance (window of resilience) so we can see the entire field.... and the field is vast, and larger than we can know.... it continues to expand, which is amazing.

The royal we continues to be amazed and to trust and to lean into wonder and curiosity... and doors continue to open.  Choice continues to present itself.  Creative options appear, and the royal we is astonished at all the years it was absent.

I was so proud of myself for getting through what I got through IN THAT while in surival mode.  What could I have done if I'd been able to integrate my brain, free up energy spent fearing, and ACT in creative ways I had no access to?

I'll never know, but I do know this. 

The next years of my life will be spent mining joy and seeking out things I want more of.   

I don't have to waste any energy regretting or worrying about repeating it, bc I've been there.  I know what that is.  I've moved through and out the other side.  The relief is real and permanent. 

My girls are repeating things I've said, and I don't think they understand that. I notice they're employing tools I didn't teach, bc they weren't willing to listen if I tried to share.  But they're learning from watching, and they're doing what's been modeled for them.

I think having ME back is a relief for them.  Maybe they don't consciously remember who I was, when they were 4 and 6, but a part of them is experiencing relief and ease and awareness. 

And it can be as easy as that.  A switch going on, even though there's electrical engineers sweating and working and striving and making choices in the background... and sometimes just slipping into a rhythm, effortlessly.... there are no switches flipping themselves.  It's us, and it's always been us.  We do it when we aren't paying attention.

Imagine what we can do WHEN we pay attention!


Yup yup yup.

That: )



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 04, 2020, 01:44:50 PM
I don't have an appointment with my T this week, for the first time in a long time.  Will have to see when we began sessions.

I did contact her about a difficult conversation I had with a friend about something awful that happened to that friend.   Friend is suffering.... really badly.  Just so.... touching and I so want to help her feel better.  This upset me very badly and I contacted the T via text.  She texted back SELF CARE... all about self care.  I should go back to SELF CARE.

Now, I WANTED T to solve my friend's issues.  Should we go to the police?  Take matters into our hands?!?!?  Surely she'd have that answer, and I NEEEEDED that answer, bc I needed to act.  The tiger was chasing me... I was in survival mode, and that made me less helpful than I wanted to be....  there was shame over SEEING myself say things I wish I could STOP saying, but couldn't.

I wish I'd done more listening.... and not felt compelled to fix anything.  I wish I'd filled the space, left by NOT trying to fix everything... with silent compassion.

Will put that on the list with T to discuss more fully. 

Also, today, I'm focusing on what I'm doing.  I'm refusing to allow myself to focus on what I'm not doing. 

I hop to and get things done, with joy, when I'm not casting LIVE! DIE! LIVE! DIE! judgments everytime I see sometihng requiring attention, eventually.  Lots of things need attention, but I have more ability to discern what's a priority now, and NOT allow small things to derrail the BIG picture. 


I can do this; )


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on August 09, 2020, 09:32:39 AM
Shifting ones emotional diet to something healthier..... it's a new texture.... it's not as exciting or emotionally engulfing..... sometimes it's boring, compared to bee eating, IME.   

That really stuck out for me, Lighter, almost as the centre of all of it.  I think if you've lived in a highly stressed state, for whatever reason - family issues, life threatening situation, high powered job, whatever the cause of the drama - as much as we don't want that any more, it is hard to shift down a gear (or ten) and adjust to quiet, routine, slower pace.  I know how tired I get now from a relatively small amount of stimulation or stress and when I think back to being far more stressed than that, all the time, it does make sense that your body just gets used to it physically, in the same way it gets used to alcohol or cocaine or tobacco or whatever else you might be using.  It's not as exciting or as engulfing but I am finding more and more now that I have a deeper sense of satisfaction.  It feels more concrete and less transient than it used to.  It's not there all the time but it's there more of the time.  Are you finding that as well? xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on August 09, 2020, 10:03:13 AM
I'm so glad you've stopped eating bees.
Now you might be eating crickets instead: boring, vaguely nutty-tasting, but very nourishing and high in protein. (Cricket flour is in our futures....)

I can see/feel how far you've come, how grateful you are. It's good to see you looking at your own internal savannah.

It's also neat to hear about you resisting the compulsion to rescue your friend and offer silent compassion instead. Just as your T offered you, when the hot tears sprang.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 09, 2020, 10:37:44 AM
Yes, Tupp. 

I think there's chemical, structural and belief system changes taking place in the brain to account for feeling more concrete and less transient.

We learned new coping strategies, so they're available, even if we stutter and sputter remembering them....using them....temporarily losing access to them, bc of stress / biochemical hijack, etc.

I see it this way....
as long as I remain engaged and willing to rest in awareness, I continue driving and deepening lessons and skills resulting in more positive experience, building more trust and belief in familiar directions, but also areas I haven't discovered.  It's building on itself, and please remember....small gains, for me, are precious things.

They sometimes feel like a tiny synapses, but I feel it like a new building block dropped into place.

Some people have many powerful physical experiences, but that wasn't me.  I had one or two, which shocked and amazed me. I guess I had no hope that would happen.  I thought the entire process would be a slog, and it feels like a lot of it has....
The slogging relieved tension on the brain, and the brain, once out from stress locking it into fight or flight, is an amazing thing.

I believe we've made permanent changes in our brains....bc brain plasticity.

It's my opinion new permanent changes will feel similar to the first.....there will be learning and remembering to use the new tools and strategies....kindness with ourselves, then more permanent and deepening lasting change.  Even if there's stuttering along the way, which isn't defeat.  It's the stuff relief is built from, ime.

So, ya....me too: )

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 09, 2020, 10:40:27 AM
Thanks, ((Hops.))

Here's to everyone putting down their bee eating forks.....to letting the bees buzz on by.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 14, 2020, 02:24:13 PM
So, company will be here tomorrow. 

It feels right, and good and comfortable to me.

I'm engaged happily in organizing, cleaning and editing the house and this is what I've noticed about that:

I'm enjoying the fruits of taking proactive steps, over time and proactively, in what used to be overwhelming jobs.  I didn't decide to DO it.  It just began happening, and I was enjoying the DOING of these things.  Today I'm enjoying the doing of the jobs, particularly bc there are so many steps out of the way.  I'm in the zone, and it feels comfortable.  It's not amazing or interesting in a...

I'm just moving through a very balanced, energized,  happy ZONE, which IS new for me.   It's no longer THE ZONE, which was my normal.... however rare and mysterious..... that's shifted.

The relaxed self care....  the doing of things NOT leading to finishing said thing, which was one reason I;ve been overwhelmed so easily..... EVERY job had to be done JUST RIGHT, and a certain way and certainly with a particular expectation for just how that would look and feel.   I mean....  creating sacred space.... whenever touching cleaning supplies... is, looking at it with some distance I didn't notice I was creating in this area..... a bit much. 

The judment dropped away. 

The comparisons dropped away.... which frees up energy for DOING and BEING present and engaged and curious, rather than uptight and fearful and judgmental. 

Judging others, meant I was judging myself, and that seems really obvious now, but will post it again,  in case I forget.

Judging myself is just messed up, and counterproductive in every way, IME.

And so I continue moving through all the clothing we're growing in and out of,  bc that's the case with the three of us IN this house right now.  We're exchanging clothing, figuring out what won't fit any of us, and passing these things on. 

I'm ready to make that drop this evening, when I LOVE dropping off at the Goodwill near us..... in the dark..... with no one looking.  What is up with that?  Don't care.  Maybe it's a sort of purge.... not shameful, BUT I really DON'T want to be judged...and now I don't care. Again.  I'm taking it at face value.  It means open sunny spaces, improved organization and ability to find the things we use daily... without struggle. 

That's a really nice place to be, IME.

In the meantime, I'm not setting any goals for how the house will be when guests arrive.  These folks KNOW us and me and we've lived together, so..... welcome and maybe you can help me with this ONE organization block I've identified by the time you arrive, guests.

Not afraid to ask for help.  Not afraid to need it.  Not afraid to be seen as needing help... and that's new.... flowing.... feeling pretty integrated.

Integrated is a pretty good word and IS THIS my brain firing on all cylinders?  I think, ya... maybe it is.  There's no struggle or ON OFF switch.... just moving along, with economy of motion and zero worry about the process or outcome.


There's space for appreciating what I love in my life...honoring those items I use all the time.....
there's space.... more space......
there's flow and no thinking about purpose or priorities.....

Flow is amazing.  Flow is cleaning a floor, walking the dog, gathering flowers and branches for porch flower arrangements, getting them in water for the time being,  then moving back into he house to check on laundry...  find the ROOBMBAS, handling them, getting them back to work, then dealing with more clothes, which seems ultra managable right now,  then enjoying some of the clean open spaces accumulating over the last months and  moving on the the next thing without suffering or doubt or fear or....

Zero stress.   

I dealt with a health professional earlier, and didn't have an emotional blip as I dismissed her as not a right fit for youngest dd, and got off the phone after a quick statement about what we would be doing... seeing the gal we usually see in that office.  I discussed the plan with youngest dd, we agreed, and now I'm looking forward to getting right back to what I've been doing happily all day.  Just moving through the stuff, and cleaning without pressure KNOWING it WILL feel like sacred space, even if I don't struggle and hurt myself in the process.

And maybe I've associated suffering with proper cleaning, partially bc my father drove it into my head with a hot poker (fig.)

What a relief... to not HAVE to clean like an abused PD farm wife who looks down on everyone else for their marginal, unworthy efforts at cleaning, even as her husband cheated on her in a very public manner and she couldn't eat all the yummy things she made for everyone in the kitchen, bc Type I diabetes and health problems stemming from being denied medical care by her abusive father who beat her bloody for things her brothers did, AND forced her to drink baking soda water before her appendix burst and the doctor held up her guts, like rotted worms, and doubted she'd ever recover during the emergency surgery she was lucky to receive at all . 

Whoo... glad that's off my plate, bc it did suck.

Things ARE changing.  I'm limiting the insanity IN MY LIFE and it's nice to trust myself to do that,  bc I do trust myself to DO that.  I don't fear or doubt any more.  Like getting off the phone with the healthcare person.  I didn't need her to understand, and I didn't care if she did, which was pretty obvious in her shock, and I got on with my day, sans judgment... just new for me, bc lots of bad history with healthcare professionals.

Ya, that.

Lighter, going back to what she was doing. 

Happily: )

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on August 14, 2020, 08:31:37 PM
That gory horror story was your mother, Lighter?
I am so sorry.
It sounds like generational trauma.

I had a friend whose grandparents were driven out
of Turkey by soldiers with rifle-butt blows and starvation on the
way and her mother inherited and re-enacted the trauma of
the grandmother with an intensity and violence my friend
only understood later. That insight about generational trauma
was a revelation to me. Similar to what some Jewish friends
carry even as the generations make the Holocaust recede.

It made sense to me when I read about science that showed
in other species, say monkeys, ONE generation would learn
to use a tool in a new way....and a next generation that was
NOT raised by the parents who'd learned it, would still show
the new skill as they matured. The experience was encoded
in the DNA, in a way that expressed psychologically.

I find that amazing and wondrous, because I would think
that learning/encoding could be about positive discoveries
as much as traumatic ones.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 16, 2020, 08:38:05 PM
The story was about my father's mother, Hops.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on August 17, 2020, 08:48:44 AM
So nice to read, Lighter, without the judgement or the pressure to get things done, get things right, not to upset or offend (healthcare professional) - just doing the day, easy process, doing it as it needs to be done rather than super charging through the list.  Nice!

And so sad about your father's mum.  The obsessive cleaning seems to be a thing we've all talked about on here; I do feel it was very much the way women proved their worth in a time when they couldn't access education and to be divorced or single was considered a very bad thing.  I used to have a friend who cleaned obsessively; she was abused as a child and even a tiny speck of dust in her house made her feel so filthy that she couldn't cope with it and just cleaned all the time.  It's sad how we look back and see the way our parents, grandparents, great grandparents all dealt with the things that made them feel unhappy or worthless and how those things became things by which we were judged (not clean enough, not pretty enough, not well behaved enough) and so we take that forward and so on.  Generational trauma, Hops, as you said.

And then I wonder about the current generation and if their parents are damaging them in the same way, by not making them clean or wash clothes or take their turn to cook dinner.  Most of my friends' kids do nothing around the house and generally money is just given to them without any condition attached.  I wonder if that does them a disservice for later life, in the same way that I feel my mum constantly cleaning did to us (I don't think it damaged us that she cleaned all the time, but it would be really nice to have some memories of finger painting with her or making pasta necklaces or something).  Be interesting for all of us to be looking back at some point in the future and seeing how the patterns change or if they do.

I've digressed again!  I'm glad you're in the flow.  Are your friends still there? xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 17, 2020, 11:46:47 AM
So nice to read, Lighter, without the judgement or the pressure to get things done, get things right, not to upset or offend (healthcare professional) - just doing the day, easy process, doing it as it needs to be done rather than super charging through the list.  Nice!
Yes!  No lists.  I'm pretty familiar with what needs doing, by now, in my life.  There are things that MUST be done to standard..... even if the standards are changing, and I trust I'll DO that without badgering myself, driving myself and scaring myself all day about them, kwim?
 BTW company came and we had a terrific time.  They didn't spend the night, though the house was ready for spend the night guests.  We cooked, with the guy pulling grill meister duty..... just an amazing time and the girls and I are luxuriating in a very clean house, very happy ME and going out and doing stuff... yesterday was cool and breezy.  Youngest and I just went into the world and did stuff..... bought Chinese cooking wine, gf soy sauce, and black sesame seed oil..... SNOW PEA LEAVES!  We  love snowpea leaves,except for pulling them off the stems, and we made a terrific yummy meal, seeing chicken then roasting it in the yummy sauce with eggplant we got at the FARMER's MARKET!  We love the farmers market but haven't been in months, and we also got corn and big slicing tomatoes... the ugly ones.... amazing and we're going back to get peaches TODAY... will leave after this post, in fact: )

And so sad about your father's mum.  The obsessive cleaning seems to be a thing we've all talked about on here; I do feel it was very much the way women proved their worth in a time when they couldn't access education and to be divorced or single was considered a very bad thing.  I used to have a friend who cleaned obsessively; she was abused as a child and even a tiny speck of dust in her house made her feel so filthy that she couldn't cope with it and just cleaned all the time.  It's sad how we look back and see the way our parents, grandparents, great grandparents all dealt with the things that made them feel unhappy or worthless and how those things became things by which we were judged (not clean enough, not pretty enough, not well behaved enough) and so we take that forward and so on.  Generational trauma, Hops, as you said.  It gives me the same terrible feeling of helplessness to read that, as it does to hear about eating disorders and being trapped in abusive relationships to keep little children safe.  Just helpless.

And then I wonder about the current generation and if their parents are damaging them in the same way, by not making them clean or wash clothes or take their turn to cook dinner.  Most of my friends' kids do nothing around the house and generally money is just given to them without any condition attached.  I wonder if that does them a disservice for later life,I'm pretty sure it does. in the same way that I feel my mum constantly cleaning did to us (I don't think it damaged us that she cleaned all the time, but it would be really nice to have some memories of finger painting with her or making pasta necklaces or something). Awww, you so deserved finger painting memories and making little valentine cards with your mum. Be interesting for all of us to be looking back at some point in the future and seeing how the patterns change or if they do.  I was talking to my T about some of this... and I think my sister and I were buffered by the fact we had each other, as twins, always.  We found things to do, even when we were alone for long periods of time... we were playing at the edge of a pond, waving orange safety flags in the road, drawing on walls, playing in a sandbox, on a swingset, in the orchard, and just basically running around to the neighbor's houses getting yummy treats, and helping out in the garden, etc.  We had lots of freedom, but we filled that time with social, physical and creative outlets, even if we were punished for some of them.  Try flushing your mum's bc pills down the toilet and see if she's as happy about it as you are... not.  WE DID THAT.  We'd scoot our cribs together, then crawl back and forth.  Once, I'm told, we emptied our diapers and finger painted on the wall, never a dull moment with twins, and we always ALWAYS blamed little brother, even when he was flat on his back newly born.... "brother did it!"  So.... I don't think we missed having a mother sit down and do things with us, bc I don't recall that she did.   I remember watching mom's angry feet stomp by the bed, sister and I were hiding under, as she looked for us.... not sure what we'd done, but she was mad and we were getting spanked.  I remember being spanked and sat on front stoop, to have a proper cry, AFTER my mother failed to properly supervise us... that's when we were waving flags in the road.  For the life of me, I don't understand why parents hit little kids for their own failures.   She should have spanked herself, not us.   

I've digressed again!  I'm glad you're in the flow.  Are your friends still there? xx  Friends didn't spend the night, but they will in the winter, as will cousins, and I'm pretty sure I digressed all over the place.  Have to get youngest dd and go to the school now, then farmer's market, for peaches! 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 20, 2020, 09:21:40 PM
I've been thinking a lot about Victor Frankl and how our ability to get off painful pebbles isn't easy.  It's hard.  It's sometimes not possible, but it's always available, however difficult the lessons are to find. 

I remember my martial arts instructor attempting to teach me to meditate in 2008, which I sorely needed to learn, but failed. 
The effort backfired, in more than one way, and I became pretty intransient in my belief around meditation as elitist... perhaps viewing it as a difficult puzzle requiring keys I just didn't have. Keys being kept from me.... perhaps those who had them chuckled at my expense and of all those who couldn't SEE and grasp them?  I wasn't sure... but I was frustrated and angry and defensive around the entire topic for over 10 years... when I needed it most,  frankly.   

After all this time, of focus on 3 or 4 very large, jagged pebbles..... my girls have grown into smart, capable adults.  Capable of protecting themselves, which has been an ever present mantra through it all.   When the girls are old enough... when the girls can protect themselves. 

That reality frees me up-my energy up, to do other things.  Not spinning my wheels suffering over and over, frees up more energy still.   I can feel the space.... I can feel the possibility.... and it's thrilling, but only for a second.  Something shuts it down.  I don't understand that yet, but I'll keep chipping away at it.  Noticing what it is, and not judging it. 

About my inability to meditate.  It seems so far away now, not that I believe I can do it well.  The fact I reap benefits and freedom and less suffering, bc of time spent being walked through it....hand held, really..... being shown how,  from so many different points of view... shown, educated, allowed to SEE...eventually..... it's everything. 

Being shown was the key I needed to figure it out.  The saying goes...

When the student is ready, the teacher appears."  Something like that, and it was the case for me.

There's zero shame in needing help.... zero judgment for not being able to figure out myself.  It is how it needed to be, and that's all. 

I watch my girls blossom and move closer to me as I feel better... maybe we're all remembering who I was BEFORE... before the unthinkable happened, and things changed.... I changed, my brain changed, my biochemistry and nervous system changed..... in concrete ways I never would have believed if they didn't happen TO me.  To feel so strong, then get torn down, brick by brick, unable to recover all the way between battles..... you don't know what that is,  what it will feel like until you're in it.  I wonder what it did to the In Laws.  As MIL sent 3 BD cards to oldest dd, who's birthday isn't for some months... and one of the cards said LATE birthday.... MIL isn't doing very well.  She's very smart.  She should be able to figure out birthdays,  but she isn't. Maybe she can't.  Maybe she doesn't care to.   This is familiar.  Thinking about what;s in other people's heads, and spinning wheels over it.  It's scary, honestly.  MIL doesn't care how she appears... she's so out of her mind positive about her narrative.  Maybe that's what happens when everyone around you tells youi what you want to hear.... for whatever reason.  It's a sort of group psychosis, IME. 

I'll tell you this.... when the Judge ruled on my attorney fees, paid by the ILs, no one on their side showed up.  Nobody but their attorney.  No one witnessed what the judge said, and they didn't want to know that truth.  These letters,  from MIL, tell me their break with reality goes on, without a hiccup.... and my children are invited to partake.   

And I watch my girls figure things out.... share their experiences of problem solving in relationship, and high stress job...... I KNOW they're learning.   I watch them apply what they've learned.   I watch them take THAT moment..... how did Victor Frankl say it...

" Between stimulus and response, there is a space.  In that space is our power to choose our response.  In our response lies our growth and our freedom."

I wouldn't have had any idea what that meant... this time last year.  Not at all.  I'm sure I would have felt some amount of defensiveness and frustration.  I would have wondered where the key to understanding that WAS. 

But watching my girls.... reminds me of another quote from Frankl....

"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms-to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."

And one more........

"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves."

I don't know how to teach that.  Growth is painful.  Humans avoid pain, sometimes at all costs.   It's difficult, dirty work,  IME. Really gritty stuff.  I don't know how to explain it so my children will understand and internalize it... to FEEL it's truth, every day if possible, in their lives.

I no longer fear the In Laws harming the girls.  That's a blessing... such a relief, but the girls have enough facts to understand now.  No more protecting them.  It was time to give them enough information to make up their own minds, and they have. 

Talking about it isn't very helpful, I find.  It shuts down conversations and communication, IME.

There's modeling it, and releasing expectation. 

That's all there is.


I turned my ankle painfully this morning... taking out the trash, so I've been reading and journaling as I ice, elevate and eat anti inflammatories.  I liked these two things....

Pinnacles Of Possibility
AUGUST 20, 2020

You may find yourself wondering today whether you will ever come close to enlightenment or ascension. If you doubt your growth potential, you may adjust your goals accordingly so that you only reach for those aims you know you are capable of achieving easily. However, it is likely that you are already well on your way toward the next stage of your development, even if you do not acknowledge your achievements. Consider that you may be able to speed your progress by striving for weightier, more challenging goals. Should you feel a need to alter the course you have walked up until today, try to look for ways to integrate your most ambitious desires into your life plan.

Our chances of accomplishing our goals increase exponentially when we choose to aim high. Often, the limitations that keep us from fulfilling our full potential are products of a worldview fraught with borders that block our progress. When we believe, however, that we are capable of breaching these boundaries in order to accomplish great feats of strength, intelligence, or endurance, we are more apt to take whatever steps are necessary to realize our dreams. We may never reach the pinnacle of success that we have pictured so vividly in our minds, but we can rest assured that we will come closer to it than we might otherwise have because we regarded it as one possible outcome of our endeavors. Your principles will inspire you to aim high today, whatever the nature of the goals you have chosen to pursue.
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DailyOM Course Spotlight

Protect Yourself from Control Dramas
Most people have come to accept that conflict is inevitable. What many do not realize is that most of us use unconscious strategies called control dramas to gain power or energy from another person, and to essentially, "get their way with others." A control drama is played by anyone who is feeling low on power or energy, to manipulate and steal the energy of another. We get our way with others by making them pay attention to us and then elicit a certain reaction from them to make ourselves feel fulfilled. The positive feelings we gain are won at the expense of the other person and this often causes imbalance and drama in our interpersonal relationships. In this course you'll learn about common control dramas and how to negate them through step by step applied approaches that really work. Dr. Jody Janati will help you identify and protect yourself from common control dramas that arise when individuals become defensive.


At 4:44 today, I opened this link...

I believe THIS is true for me.  Time spent, outside necessary business, crisis management, WORRYING over things I can't change..... is time I'll reap benefits from down the road.  Time spent learning how to integrate my brain, calm my biochemistry, expand my window of resilience and rest in awareness, consistently, will be a priceless investment in myself, for my future, and that of my family.

It's been a game changer for me.  I'm excited to think about what it means down the road.  Excitement comes and goes, but I trust it.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on August 21, 2020, 03:07:31 AM
There is a shift when you realise you don't have to protect the kids anymore, isn't there?  So nice to see them grow into adults and do their own thing, figure out their own problems, be their own people.  And yep, abusers, in general, I think, create a narrative and stick to it, no matter what.  Evidence is ignored, self awareness non existent, willingness to just accept difference.  It's not there.  They live in their own disparate reality trying to pull people in and it's horrible.  I do wonder sometimes if it's how they react to the other person exposing them?  I don't know the right way to say it, but my mum didn't start her stuff with me until after I spoke out about the sexual abuse from my step-dad.  Was that similar with your inlaws, Lighter, that they came at you because you revealed the abuse at home?  I wonder if that threat to them of damaging their story is the scariest thing for them to imagine.  Maybe their story protects them from what they went through and people unpicking it might mean their own abuse experiences gets out.  I don't know.  Humans are complicated.  I do think my mum's narrative protects her from truth and that me stepping outside of that circle was a big threat to her maybe having to deal with her own demons.  Maybe she was just too scared to do that.  I don't know.

It did strike me when you talked about meditation that I think that 'going inside' yourself stuff is just too much at times.  I know sometimes when I do yoga I get flashbacks to being raped.  Usually I have to stop immediately, and then I tend not to do it for a long while.  Sometimes I think the same happens with meditation, you just get too close to what's in there and you can't always cope with that.  Maybe there was still too much in there ten years ago and another part of you knew not to go poking around in there?  Maybe it's safer for you now because of all the therapy and work you've done.  I think it is.  I'm glad things are safer for you now, Lighter xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 21, 2020, 10:01:05 AM
Well, I'm not Lighter...

but I will say Tupp, that I think you're on to something real; at least I've seen the same thing in my own family about "keeping silent".

And as for the flashbacks - that kind of thing stopped being a roadblock for me when I finally unpacked all of that and accepted it as "what happened" and that I did the best I could under the circumstances and no nothing about it was "right". But it is how life happens sometimes, no matter HOW WRONG it is. It can't be undone now; and while the injustice of it still makes me angry enough to chew nails... I just can't let it get in the way of NOW; who I am, how I choose to be and what I do; how I behave.

I simply recognize what triggered the memory - if anything - and say "oh, that again; OK" and move on.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 21, 2020, 04:30:29 PM
My experience with PDs is they feel obligated to destroy anyone who exposes them, in any way they can manage, and they lose their minds when it happens.  Not pretty.  Usually scary, with the kids getting used as cannon fodder.

I can't say that's the exact case with my In Laws.... it wasn't just that.   More complicated and creepy, IMO.   Think crime syndicate with a bruised eye over the lawsuit.... their golden child looking foolish for having to pay a fair settlement in a divorce... they, particularly my MIL, couldn't abide that.  SO much crazier, now that I think about it.   

((Tupp)), it sucks you have flashbacks while doing yoga.  I hope you put that on the list, and deal with it in T.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on August 22, 2020, 07:28:37 AM
My experience with PDs is they feel obligated to destroy anyone who exposes them, in any way they can manage, and they lose their minds when it happens.  Not pretty.  Usually scary, with the kids getting used as cannon fodder.

I can't say that's the exact case with my In Laws.... it wasn't just that.   More complicated and creepy, IMO.   Think crime syndicate with a bruised eye over the lawsuit.... their golden child looking foolish for having to pay a fair settlement in a divorce... they, particularly my MIL, couldn't abide that.  SO much crazier, now that I think about it.   

((Tupp)), it sucks you have flashbacks while doing yoga.  I hope you put that on the list, and deal with it in T.


They sound horrible, Lighter, I'm glad you got away.  Let's hope they stay living in their crazy imaginary world and keep away from yours.  I hope your ankle  feels better soon as well, not easy keeping the weight off your feet! xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 22, 2020, 12:32:05 PM
The ILs got away with tormenting us through the legal system for years. The heinous fuckery began in 2006.... I guess it stopped in 2014... the year my mother died.  That's when the Judge ordered them to pay 80K or so of my legal fees, on top of what they paid to their own little monster attorney. Had to sting quite badly, IMO.

  It was the pivotal point where losing cases, for them, wasn't fun IF they couldn't starve us out while doing it.  It had always been worth it, up to that point, to lose... and they lost every single case, over and over, and appealed and asked for reconsideration, on and on... "Bites at the apple" as the attorneys would say.  Every case was like fighting 2 or 3 cases.  I've lost count, frankly.  I couldn't even guess how many cases there were.  I feel as though I've been educated in heinous criminal fuckery, performed through the court system. 

It happened exactly like I said it would, btw. That the HF would stop when the PDs had to start paying my legal fees.   My attorneys all said it would never happen, but it did. Yup yup yup.

The PDs are still looking our way.... I know they are.
MIL sends her cards. 
FIL sends the government to our land to make false accusations about whatever he complains about....  But that's OK. 
It can't last forever.   

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 22, 2020, 12:37:35 PM
Therapist gave me this link... I really like the SOUNDS TRUE website, in general,  but here's a link on free trauma skills workshop.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on August 22, 2020, 12:44:09 PM
Ooh Lighter, it sends chills down my spine reading that.  It's a form of torture, isn't it, and so telling that they only stopped doing it when they realised they couldn't bankrupt you.  And then to continue in whichever pathetic way they can - brrrr.  Makes me shiver.  Not least because  of the lack of respect it shows for your girls.  Whatever else went on, you were their mum, they were their grandparents.  Any normal person would want you to be able to parent well, for their sake.  But they do all that hoping to break you.  What scum.  And so wrong that the legal system can be used to harass people like that.  Is it partly because they had enough money to keep throwing at lawyers?  It's amazing what money can buy people.  There will be sighs of relief all round once they are finally no more xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 23, 2020, 09:34:52 PM
 Yes, Tupp.  The ILs have unlimited resources and access to crooked attorneys, with contacts in the good old boy club. 

It wasn't about lack of respect.  I'll post thought on that later.....I think I have to punch my way through a few rabbit holes and just get it out.

It just never seems like I get enough content INTO my therapeutic release of facts and happenings.

Of the truth.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on August 24, 2020, 05:55:19 AM
(((((((((((((((((((((Lighter)))))))))))))))))))))))))  I'm sorry, I don't mean to poke around in old wounds.  Please don't feel you need to start heading into rabbit holes that might disturb the lovely peace you've got going on at the moment.  I know (from our situation) that the multiple threads around each incident all have stories of their own so unraveling them is never an easy job and often means things get left unsaid.  It's messy stuff.  I don't mean to bring things up for you, sorry, I am loving reading your stories of all the work you're doing at home and the nice food and garden projects :) xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 25, 2020, 01:23:10 PM
It IS messy, Tupp.  Not anything to do with you, dear friend.  Just.....a mess.

I do want to put some of it down here.  I've written and erased many posts.  They aren't enough to finish what I want to say and leave here.

The upswing is...writing gives me perspective and new understanding, which is part of being done. 

I also have this new consistent component of compassion for people I find difficult to remain neutral over.

There's an entirely new aspect....a new narrative wrapped around the " story" I've always operated under.....facts and really uncomfortable truths.

One narrative, that of doubting, enabling, ignorant, denying,minimizing third party opinionated person.....is standing in front of me, asking to be tended to.  Asking to be transformed into whatever lesson I can find in it.

Lots going on.  Tons of energy for big projects in the house. When the boy shows up, I'll ask for help with harder projects.

And....moving through the house is calm, no whipping myself with old threats and fears....just....flow.

(((Tupp)))  Please don't apologize.  I never doubt your goodness....never doubt your intentions.  Not ever.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 26, 2020, 12:00:18 PM
   From The DailyOM - I'm really resonating with this right now.  It sounds like you are too, Tupp.

Creating a Beautiful Home

Our loving intentions can easily transform the space in which we live.

The homes we occupy are seldom ideal. A space that satisfies our basic needs may nonetheless leave us wanting where location, décor, or style are concerned. Yet every home has the potential to be beautiful. When we fill our homes with love, we transcend worldly factors such as market value and design. Our conscious, loving intentions can transform the spaces in which we live, dispelling any lingering unharmonious energy and replacing it with an ethereal beauty that is felt rather than seen. Our homes become spiritual dwellings that feel soulful and alive. Regardless of their outward appearances, they radiate love, making all who enter, including ourselves, feel instantly welcome.

Turning a space into the beautiful outward expression of your inner warmth is as easy as projecting love into it. When your intentions are sincere, you can infuse the walls of your home with your energy, your emotional sensitivity, and your generosity of spirit, turning it into a haven of affection, joy, laughter, and togetherness. It is up to you, whether you want your personal spaces to be peaceful and quiet or lively and inspiring. Begin by cultivating awareness within yourself. This will allow you to see your home as an integral part of your existence rather than somewhere you simply return to at the end of each day. Consider how you relate to each element of your space, and remind yourself that every room in your home can serve a purpose in your life and the lives of your loved ones. Finally, lovingly thank each room for providing for your needs. As you become more mindful of the manner in which your home contributes to your well-being, you will discover that, more and more, you want to love and be loved by it.

Appearance and other superficial qualities can be deceiving. An aesthetically beautiful home can prove unwelcoming. And a home that seems mundane in every characteristic can be as comforting and cozy as a beloved relative or friend. When you nurture and care for your home as if it were a loved one, it will absorb your tender intentions and project a love so touching you will soon come to feel a great affection for it.
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DailyOM Course Spotlight
Classes are pay by ability.... I think they start at 15.00 and you can pay more if you can.
Moving On After Things End
Each of us experiences some sort of loss in this lifetime, and whether it's in the form of losing someone or something, how we cope with these events affects how we move forward. It can even impact how we see the world and how we feel about our own lives. With this powerful 14-day program from psychotherapist, Ben Hummell, you'll be expertly guided through the process of identifying, understanding, honoring, and acknowledging your life's change or loss. You will be provided with all the techniques, rituals, inspiring meditations, and self-care practices you need to reflect, heal, adjust, and develop the ability to create new pathways to move forward with self-assurance and optimism for the future.

Learn More
Top 10 DailyOM Courses
1. Over 40 Whole Body Makeover
2. Speak with Purpose, Not Impulse
3. 8 Week Whole Body Makeover!
4. Shedding Your Menopausal Middle in 10 Days
5. Unhinge Your Hips and Hamstrings
6. Beneficial Stretches for the Inflexible
7. Chakra Dance to Change Your Life
8. From Self-Destruction to Reconstruction
9. Pelvis Reset for Lower Back Pain
10. What Women Need to Know About Men

New Courses
• No Sit-Up Abs Workout
• Tell Your Story, Heal Your Life
• Moving On After Things End
• Guided Relaxation with Ocean Sounds
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: bean2 on August 26, 2020, 08:24:16 PM
I tried breathing...and counting my breaths...and being mindful.  Letting my thoughts flit around and settle on whatever it was I was stewing over that moment.... My mindfulness state is about 30 seconds max :(

phew, that is a lot of work! 

Does anyone practice this daily?  I am struggling to form the habit and wonder if there are any tricks to getting started?

I also am thinking a lot about Pia Mellody's "negative control" and "resentment" as symptoms of codependence.  I can definetely see these traits in myself (and realize that after going through therapy I have decreased both tremendously).   But aren't these symptoms more prevalent in the Narcissistic rather than the Codependent?  Especially the Resentment, which manifests itself as Anger at the smallest slight.  One of the red flags to me has always been that an N shows you who they are when they so easily get angry, and hang onto resentment, and it is disproportinate to whatever you have said or done.  They will gaslight you with their anger, making you crazy (if you are codependent), such that you are months later stills scanning your memory for What exactly You did to Anger them.  Of course, nothing.  ugh

I was also wondering about the rage that the N feels when you cut off their N supply. 

Moving on from N abuse seems almost difficult if not impossible for a Codependent.  Just my random thoughts after several months of being cutoff from my N stepdaughter...

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 27, 2020, 08:45:26 AM
Hmmmmm. Bean, interesting question.

I think what the N experiences isn't resentment - because they are convinced they're all powerful. While the co-dependent does experience resentment, and it builds up to explosion over petty things - just because of soft boundaries, refusing to say "no" sooner, and some learned helplessness/powerlessness.

Don't forget - an N will set up a doublebind so you're damned if you do; damned if you don't - and it discourages many people from feeling it's possible to even TRY to change things in the relationship or break the cycle. So resentment builds.

Yeah, N's get angry when they're ignored, dismissed out of hand, or laughed at. That's mortal sin in the N-system/worldview. (When they themselves are considered the only world that matters... LOL.) An N will pay lip service to the idea that there is a world outside of themselves, and play the intellectual social games of pretending to care - but at the root - they are the only thing that matters.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: bean2 on August 27, 2020, 04:33:13 PM
Thanks for the response.

Ya...I was thinking about the resentment my N stepdaughter felt last Thanksgiving.  First, she wanted no one to be invited except her and her sister, my husband and I (and their 4 young kids).  My parents, my uncle and his girlfriend, my husband's nephew, wife and his kids - not invited.

So the stepdaughters showed up 4 hours apart.  The codependent one an hour early, the N one three hours late, as usual.  When the N stepdaughter got to our house, the conversation immediately changed to her biological mother (my husband's ex) and how horrible she is.

The anger and resentment was so strong.   But, you're right, that is more petty crap, when you just talk bad about everyone who is not in the room at the time. 

She also cried before her baby shower (it was after Thanksgiving) because her biological mother called and cancelled at the last minute.  The bio mom rarely comes to any events, and no one was expecting her to show up (except my N stepdaughter).  Again, the hurt and anger about being ashamed one's own mother did not show up to her daughter's shower...  Her and her sister proceeded to call everyone a "bitch" and I'm sure I was included in that too, behind my back of course.

My stepdaughters are always taking the crap with their own mom out on me, it seems.  I really need to stop being their punching bag.  How do you say to someone "stop talking crap about me behind my back?!"  or do you just say nothing, walk away, find other kids to befriend, and hope they have a nice life?

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 27, 2020, 05:02:17 PM
Well... I was speaking generally. Your situation sounds a lot more complex than that... but then real life relationships are like that. It would take awhile to get up to speed, it sounds like.

But, for you... I say, with no expertise just experience... that if I were you, I'd decide to let them go do what they do and try to stay in a calm peaceful place about it all. It's certainly not your job to raise them; they sound old enough it's a bit too late for that. And as far as including them in family events... well, you know what they're likely to bring so why feel obligated? That's probably gonna require a long talk with Dad about it though... and compromises.

Does he back you up? Stand up for you when they're being obnoxious drama queens?
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: bean2 on August 27, 2020, 07:19:26 PM
oh yes, thank goodness my husband and I are on the same page.  He knows something is terribly wrong with his N daughter.  He is slowly coming to realize we are both co-dependent too!  I really love my husband, he has never thought of this stuff before he met me and is very open minded to it all.  I think I am more upset than him.

Just steams me, because I want to work on myself (and my codependency) but I end up fixating on the N.  Or worrying about the other co-dependent stepdaughter. 

Letting go is really difficult.

Thanks for listening

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 28, 2020, 03:05:12 AM
I tried breathing...and counting my breaths...and being mindful.  Letting my thoughts flit around and settle on whatever it was I was stewing over that moment.... My mindfulness state is about 30 seconds max :(
Learning to sit and focus on breathing isn't something we turn on and off, like a switch.  We practice it.
 Monks, who've practiced for 30 and 40 years say they're still practicing and when they master it, they'll learn something else.  They never master it.  It's imperfect practice, and is supposed to be.  That's where we NOTICE what's going on inside.... and learn to notice without judging. We lose focus, notice, then go back to focusing on breath again.  We treat ourselves like we'd treat any small child.  With compassion and patience.

Thich Nhat Hanh is an author and shares simple mindful practices that help us learn HOW to focus,  IME. , The Practice of Mindfulness is a book my T loaned to me when I first started learning to breathe and focus on mindfulness.  There are different kinds of practice and some are more helpful than others,  bean.  You'll find you have preferences too.  It's different for everyone.  There are many books he's written... you might find a couple on Amazon that speak to you.  It helps quiet one down, and focus on specific things to train the mind, which becomes less difficult, then familiar then one day you notice yourself sort of huffing, without thinking about it, and that's when your body understands and responds to stress automatically.... with breathing.  We only practice...  and it's never perfect. 

I had the same difficult with martial arts...... berating muself for not doing something perfect the first or 50th time... I was just wasting energy I COULD have used to work on what I wanted to learn,  kwim?   It DOES get easier, bean.. with practice.  However imperfect, it builds on itself, in ways we can't understand until doors begin opening.  That might not make sense, but it's something everyone experiences differently, so it's not helpful to say it MUST happen like this or that, IME.  It's just trying,  doing your best, and not judging yourself, IME.
  It's frustrating.... sort of like looking at one of those pictures you can SEE only when the eye focuses a certain way.  I went through times of anger, even..... more than frustrating.  I don't think I could have stuck with it IF I didn't have a really great T doing her own work.... meaning she;s dropped her ego and is available to me in a way that's new and refreshing in Therapists... for ME. 

In my case, and maybe many people's, the discomfort of learning something new has to be outweighed by the disomfort of remaining mired in suffering, which is where I was at.

Honestly, being a strong person, capable of gutting one's way through crisis, suffering through a life filled with shots of adrenaline and reactivity..... slows one down in the process.   If one hit rock bottom more quickly,  it's likely one would be open to new coping strategies sooner, rather than later, IME.  I think our schools should teach mindfulness, meditation, acceptance, releasing outcome, and SEEING the little child in everyone....
right before teaching healthy boundaries, enforcing them and following through with consequences.  Accepting something, that can't change,  is different than being OK with something or giving permission for it to have happened or to happen again. 

Acceptance is the emotional act of no longer STRIVING against the tide and stream.  It's the act of getting out of the stream and walking with the wind....  it frees up energy to focus on what CAN DO.  It frees energy up to be responsive, and less reactive.  It gives us moments between stimulus and action.... so there's time to consider and select a particular response. 

It's  an escape from circular thinking and reactivity.  It's gaining distance and SEEING the entire field.  It allows us the time to see more possible responses and discern the best possible choice,  Ime. 
Many people worry worry worry as their primary coping strategy without understanding there are other ways to cope.

DOING EVERYTHING WE CAN, to impact a situation positively....  THEN putting the story ON THE SHELF..... going back to being present in the moment... doing things that bring us joy INSTEAD of worrying... is another coping strategy available to us.   And it's better, IME. 
Being mindful FELT like it had many moving parts to me.  And I couldn't hold them all in focus at the same time... for quite some time.  I still can't, truth be told. They just get more familiar, and habit turns into new default settings in our brain's wiring.  Not quick, but it's a process open to all of us if we keep trying, IME.

Dropping all judgment, about everyone and everything... just getting very curious about what comes next.... and leaning into finding out what that is...
extending massive self-compassion to ourselves... consistently as we can......
getting very very curious about what's going on in our internal worlds....
remembering, when we judge others.... we do this bc we're also judging ourselves.

It gets easier as we practice imperfectly, then practice some more, IME. 

We learn to discern our own inner wisdom from the voices installed by other people... and we become familiar with them.... work on making peace with them.... EMDR helps process old traumas stuck in our brains.  If we can just reduce the stress in our brain, our brain will process troubling emotions in milliseconds, bc that's what our brains do efficiently, daily..... and they will do it with the old trauma when we give it a chance.

Back to breathing and mindfulness....

Non judfmental curiosity..... resting in awareness...... these words take on more meaning as we practice, IME.   Only words, b ut then we make connections and build on them.  Until one begins to practice and read and notice things come up.  And those things don't kill us or destroy us.... they just show us more things and so on, until we get used to embracing truths and causes of our conditions so we can make new choices and changes to patterns that no longer serve.     

Does anyone practice this daily? I am struggling to form the habit and wonder if there are any tricks to getting started?  My therapist practices daily. She does yoga.  Goes to retreats and participates in worldwide conferences over the computer..... and her experience..... because her work helps her to drop all ego when dealing with clients... accept where we are, validate us, teach us to do better.... feel better....
to suffer less. 

THAT was why I was in the T's office.  I was SO ready to suffer less, Bean.  Just..... less.  When that happened it was a revelation.  My T wondered if I didn't want more than simply "feeling better".  Honeslty, I would have been happy with that small gain, bc it felt so LARGE to me.  I was patient.... I kept my appointments, usually with frantic bits of trying to meditate right before the next appointment, but in her office... she focused me very keenly on what I was learning and I leaned in with everything I had... even when I was unable to release frustration and anger and judgment and simple ACCEPT something I couldn't change.  I had a difficult time accepting that acceptance wasn't saying something was OK.  It was simply getting out of a strong headwind.... and working WITH the wind.  Acceptance is accepting I can't DO anything to change something, then turning toward something I enjoy or CAN change.  Giving my energy to something that will impact my life in a positive way, and lead to more of what I want... more joy... more fellowship..... more flow and less suffering.  These things I could agree with my T about. 

Learning how to get my nose off trauma pebbles..... that was more difficult.  We worked through the largest traumas, one by one, typically with EMDR... eye movement and changing stories in my brain... calming  my brain down so I had access to my WHOLE brain for logic, reason, creativity and problem solving skills instead of running around like a chicken with my head cut off in survival mode..... trying to solve problems I simply couldn't go back and solve in the past,  bc the past is gone forever.  T helped me find a way to move those traumas INTO my processing center, integrate my brain so I could SEE the problems/trauma with all my abilities at hand, SOLVE and move that trauma INTO historic files, in my brain, so I wasn't reacting to the same things over and over and over again.  There was just quiet and peace and NOTHING when I thought about them. 

I don't meditate like I  could, and I refuse to say SHOULD, bc I feel I learn something every day and I pay very close attention to what I'm feeling and how I'm responding or reacting.  I can tell the difference now, even if I can't stop myself reacting, I AM AWARE, and I understand what's happening inside.  I understand what I can do to gain more distance, have more choices and be more responsive.   

I also am thinking a lot about Pia Mellody's "negative control" and "resentment" as symptoms of codependence.  I can definetely see these traits in myself (and realize that after going through therapy I have decreased both tremendously).  I found Pia Melody super helpful too, but that was just a starting point for understanding WHY I was codependent and how my reactivity, around someone, indicates I have work to do in that area... lessons to learn.... something I'm working out for myself.  Viewing that person or that problem as a lesson,  rather than a difficult person/problem I need to banish... has been helpful. But aren't these symptoms more prevalent in the Narcissistic rather than the Codependent?  Especially the Resentment, which manifests itself as Anger at the smallest slight.  N's have their own path and work to do.  It's not our work.  We focus on our work, and our path and we learn to see the wounded child in everyone... in ourselves.... the Ns.  Everyone has causes and conditions they're dealing with.   Ev3eryone is doing their level best, based on the causes and conditions they've experienced....  when they know better, they'll do better.  One of the red flags to me has always been that an N shows you who they are when they so easily get angry, and hang onto resentment, and it is disproportinate to whatever you have said or done. Absolutely, Bean. They will gaslight you with their anger, making you crazy (if you are codependent), such that you are months later stills scanning your memory for What exactly You did to Anger them.  Of course, nothing.  ugh

We do that until we learn to do better, and STOP scanning, worrying and wondering.  We learn to mind our own business.... what is ours to tend to,  in other words.  Primarily self care.  We forgive ourselves when we forget not to overstep or try to fix or help..... bc we're human and have a wounded child inside our hearts too.  Just like the N..... there's trauma and wounds in each of us. 

We may extend compassion to the N without allowing them to trample our boundaries.  It would be unwise to engage someone who's not honoring us or relating to us with reciprocity. 

I was also wondering about the rage that the N feels when you cut off their N supply. 

When you think about it, Bean..... what does an N rage remind you of?  It's not an adult response to frustration, is it?  It's more like a toddlers tantrum.... an immature response... a very harmful coping strategy that might have worked for them when they were children, but no longer serves in adulthood.  It's self defeating to rage and bully like a big toddler to gain some illusion of having control. 

It reminds me of the saying.... one person can't make two people happy, but one person can make two people miserable.  We can accept an N is broken, unable to do better, and is making sad choices based on their causes and condiitions.  N's have trauma too.  They're less resilient... they suffer a lot, bean.  It doesn't make the harm they do OK.  It doesn't.  It doesn't mean we allow further harm.  It just means we accept the N is suffering bc of causes and conditions... the same as we suffer, and we learn to see that in everyone.  To have compassion.  To be patient, but also to tend to ourselves, self care, and good boundaries.   

It feels odd to stop doing the things I;ve associated with who I've always been.. in the past, IME.  Just today it struck me... I'm not DOING this codependent thing anymore.... SHOULD I FEEL GUILTY?  No.  DO I need to go back and do it some more?  No.  Can I turn back to what I was doing, and enjy that thing again?  Yes, and that's what I did.  As I do it more and more, it gets easier,  more familiar, I choose it more often, and eventually it will be my brain's new default setting.  I won't have to fight for the right choices so hard. 

But then, there will be new lessons and new COWs,(Crisis Of The Week) and that's just life.  I can accept it,  or I can fight and rail against it and let it control me.  I'm trying to calm my brain down, with breathing and mindfulness,  so I have every option available to me..... so I have a few moments to consider my choices.... so I don't repeat old self defeating patterns.   

Moving on from N abuse seems almost difficult if not impossible for a Codependent.  Just my random thoughts after several months of being cutoff from my N stepdaughter...
For me, understanding what's going on INSIDE my brain..... why I repeat mistakes or habits that aren;t serving me..... understanding WHY sometimes I can't STOP worrying about what might happen..... catastrophizing... or worse... going over past events I can't change..... THESE things happen when my biochemistry is hijacked by my amygdala/fight or flight/reptilian brain, and I can't think my way OUT of that mode, no matter how hard I try.  In fact, thinking makes it worse, IME. 

When I learned my brain was ringing alarm bells, LIKE A FRIGGIN TIGER WAS CHASING ME.... I understood WHY breathing HELPED.  Breathing, calmly..... filling my lungs from the bottom to the top... like filling a vase... then releasing it slowly.... while FOCUSING ON EACH breath.....
is something one cannot DO if a tiger is giving chase. 

Breathing is a tool.  Think of it as a pair of wire cutters, sneaking up, beneath the alarm bells, and cutting those wires.  If we breathe calmly, our bodies understand that as NOT BEING IN DANGER! 

We take back control of our biochemistry, and breaking that down a bit further.... what that means is we engage the part of our nervous system responsible for calming down the fight or flight mode. 

Our parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) shuts OFF fight or flight survival mode, and we cultivate tools to do that.  Because fight or flight mode shuts down access to our frontal lobe.... the part responsible for reason, logic, creativity and problem solving.... is it any wonder we can't fight or think our way OUT of upsetting, circular patterns creating suffering and frustration for ourselves?

I don't know about you, bean, but I believe we all deserve less suffering. Everyone on this board is a kind soul.  A well intentioned soul. 

Whatever you find in therapy, I hope it's more joy, less worry, more responsiveness and unconditional acceptance of what can't be changed.

Victor Fankl said....
"Live as though you're living a second time, and as though you acted wrontly the first time."

This, for me, is important today, bc we're all working out lessons we're meant to learn right now.  We're all here experiencing hardships in order to understand compassion... patience.... a deep abiding understanding that we're all dealing with trauma and our wounded inner child.  There can be no compassion without cruelty.  No light without dark.

We all are products of our causes and conditions. 

Your sd would do better if she knew how to do better.  She doesn't lash out in self defeating ways, bc it brings her joy.  She does this bc she's suffering, and she's terrified of what's behind it.  She's on her own path.   You can't fix her.  Her father can't fix her.  She has to do her own work. 

Learning to SEE ourselves in all suffering beings connects us.  We don't have to allow abuse, and accepting that abuse happened isn't the same as saying it was OK, bc it wasn't and it never will be. 

I found a new poem today, and I'll put it here.
Poem: Please Call Me By My True Names
By Thich Nhat Hanh

Don’t say that I will depart tomorrow— even today I am still arriving.

Look deeply: every second I am arriving to be a bud on a Spring branch, to be a tiny bird, with still-fragile wings, learning to sing in my new nest, to be a caterpillar in the heart of a flower, to be a jewel hiding itself in a stone.

I still arrive, in order to laugh and to cry, to fear and to hope. The rhythm of my heart is the birth and death of all that is alive.

I am a mayfly metamorphosing on the surface of the river. And I am the bird that swoops down to swallow the mayfly.

I am a frog swimming happily in the clear water of a pond. And I am the grass-snake that silently feeds itself on the frog.

I am the child in Uganda, all skin and bones, my legs as thin as bamboo sticks. And I am the arms merchant, selling deadly weapons to Uganda.

I am the twelve-year-old girl, refugee on a small boat, who throws herself into the ocean after being raped by a sea pirate.

And I am also the pirate, my heart not yet capable of seeing and loving.

I am a member of the politburo, with plenty of power in my hands. And I am the man who has to pay his “debt of blood” to my people dying slowly in a forced-labor camp.

My joy is like Spring, so warm it makes flowers bloom all over the Earth. My pain is like a river of tears, so vast it fills the four oceans.

Please call me by my true names, so I can hear all my cries and laughter at once, so I can see that my joy and pain are one.

Please call me by my true names, so I can wake up and the door of my heart could be left open, the door of compassion.

One more thing, and I know I've posted on and on here...
but one more thing.....
today I really felt what it's like to drop all ego and SEE the suffering of someone who's done great harm to me.  To hold a space for them... filled with compassion.... and really SEE how their suffering has shaped them.   It didn't make what they did to me OK.  I simply could see..... causes and conditions shaped that person.  It wasn't a choice, in other words.  That person was acted upon and that innocent little child, they were, did what it needed to do to survive.   And the suffering... I recognize it in myself.  I recognize it in that person.  It connects us.   

The truth is, I've learned so much from hardest of times.  When I calm myself down....
get my nose off the pebble or problem I'm struggling with.....
I see greater possibility, release expectation and accept what comes at me..... do what I can, then turn back to what brings me joy in THIS moment..... that's the difference between joy and suffering for me. 

THAT's my choice to focus on what I CAN do, and not what is happening TO me, or has happened to me.

Sorry it took so long to respond, bean.  I have company and lots going on. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 28, 2020, 03:06:22 AM
I'm going to re watch The Razor's Edge soon.  The original version from 1946 with Tyrone Power and Gene Tierney. 

I remember watching it when i was a teenager, and it was impactful.  NOW I SEE, even if I have more to learn.   Dropping ego.... releasing attachment to things.  Yup yup yup.

The Razor's Edge
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For other uses, see The Razor's Edge (disambiguation).
The Razor's Edge
The Razor's Edge 1st ed.jpg
First edition
Author   W. Somerset Maugham
Country   United States
Language   English
Publisher   Doubleday, Doran
Publication date   1944
Media type   Print (hardback & paperback)
Pages   314 (Paperback)
ISBN   1-4000-3420-5
OCLC   53054407
Dewey Decimal   813.54
The Razor's Edge is a novel by W. Somerset Maugham. The book was first published in 1944. It tells the story of Larry Darrell, an American pilot traumatized by his experiences in World War I, who sets off in search of some transcendent meaning in his life. The story begins through the eyes of Larry's friends and acquaintances as they witness his personality change after the War. His rejection of conventional life and search for meaningful experience allows him to thrive while the more materialistic characters suffer reversals of fortune. The book was twice adapted into film, first in 1946 starring Tyrone Power and Gene Tierney, and Herbert Marshall as Maugham and Anne Baxter as Sophie, and then a 1984 adaptation starring Bill Murray.

The novel's title comes from a translation of a verse in the Katha Upanishad, paraphrased in the book's epigraph as: "The sharp edge of a razor is difficult to pass over; thus the wise say the path to Salvation is hard."[1][2]

1   Plot
2   Influences and critical reception
3   References
4   External links
Maugham begins by characterizing his story as not really a novel but a thinly veiled true account. He includes himself as a minor character, a writer who drifts in and out of the lives of the major players. Larry Darrell's lifestyle is contrasted throughout the book with that of his fiancée's uncle Elliott Templeton, an American expatriate living in Paris and an unrepentantly shallow yet generous snob. For example, while Templeton's Catholicism embraces the hierarchical trappings of the church, Larry's proclivities tend towards the 13th-century Flemish mystic and saint John of Ruysbroeck.

Wounded and traumatized by the death of a comrade in the War, Larry returns to Chicago, Illinois, and his fiancée Isabel Bradley, only to announce that he does not plan to seek paid employment and instead will "loaf" on his small inheritance. He wants to delay their marriage and refuses to take up a job as a stockbroker offered to him by Henry Maturin, the father of his friend Gray. Meanwhile, Sophie, Larry's childhood friend, settles into a happy marriage, only to later tragically lose her husband and baby in a car accident.

Larry moves to Paris and immerses himself in study and bohemian life. After two years of this "loafing," Isabel visits and Larry asks her to join his life of wandering and searching, living in Paris and traveling with little money. She cannot accept his vision of life and breaks their engagement to go back to Chicago. There she marries the millionaire Gray, who provides her a rich family life. Meanwhile, Larry begins a sojourn through Europe, taking a job at a coal mine in Lens, France, where he befriends a former Polish army officer named Kosti. Kosti's influence encourages Larry to look toward things spiritual for his answers rather than in books. Larry and Kosti leave the coal mine and travel together for a time before parting ways. Larry then meets a Benedictine monk named Father Ensheim in Bonn, Germany while Father Ensheim is on leave from his monastery doing academic research. After spending several months with the Benedictines and being unable to reconcile their conception of God with his own, Larry takes a job on an ocean liner and finds himself in Bombay.

Larry has significant spiritual adventures in India and comes back to Paris. What he actually found in India and what he finally concluded are held back from the reader for a considerable time until, in a scene late in the book, Maugham discusses India and spirituality with Larry in a café long into the evening. He starts off the chapter by saying "I feel it right to warn the reader that he can very well skip this chapter without losing the thread of the story as I have to tell, since for most part it is nothing more than the account of a conversation that I had with Larry. However, I should add that except for this conversation, I would perhaps not have thought it worthwhile to write this book." Maugham then initiates the reader to Advaita philosophy and reveals how, through deep meditation and contact with Bhagawan Ramana Maharshi, cleverly disguised as Sri Ganesha in the novel, Larry goes on to realise God through the experience of samadhi—thus becoming a saint—and in the process gains liberation from the cycle of human suffering, birth and death that the rest of the earthly mortals are subject to.

The 1929 stock market crash has ruined Gray, and he and Isabel are invited to live in her uncle Elliott Templeton's grand Parisian house. Gray is often incapacitated with agonising migraines due to a general nervous collapse. Larry is able to help him using an Indian form of hypnotic suggestion. Sophie has also drifted to the French capital, where her friends find her reduced to alcohol, opium, and promiscuity – empty and dangerous liaisons that seem to help her to bury her pain. Larry first sets out to save her and then decides to marry her, a plan that displeases Isabel, who is still in love with him.

Isabel tempts Sophie back into alcoholism with a bottle of Żubrówka, and she disappears from Paris. Maugham deduces this after seeing Sophie in Toulon, where she has returned to smoking opium and promiscuity. He is drawn back into the tale when police interrogate him after Sophie has been found murdered with an inscribed book from him in her room, along with volumes by Baudelaire and Rimbaud.

Meanwhile, in Antibes, Elliott Templeton is on his deathbed. Despite the fact that he has throughout his life compulsively sought out aristocratic society, none of his titled friends come to see him, which makes him alternately morose and irate. But his outlook on death is somewhat positive: "I have always moved in the best society in Europe, and I have no doubt that I shall move in the best society in heaven."

Isabel inherits his fortune, but genuinely grieves for her uncle. Maugham confronts her about Sophie, having figured out Isabel's role in Sophie's downfall. Isabel's only punishment will be that she will never get Larry, who has decided to return to America and live as a common working man. He is uninterested in the rich and glamorous world that Isabel will move within. Maugham ends his narrative by suggesting that all the characters got what they wanted in the end: "Elliott social eminence; Isabel an assured position...Sophie death; and Larry happiness."

Influences and critical reception

1946 hardcover edition promoting the first film adaptation
Maugham, like Hermann Hesse, anticipated a fresh embrace of Eastern culture by Americans and Europeans almost a decade before the Beats were to popularise it. (Americans had explored Eastern philosophy before these authors, in the 19th century through the Transcendentalists, Theosophists, the visit of Vivekananda in 1893, and then Yogananda's move to the U.S. in 1920.) Maugham visited Sri Ramana Ashram, where he had a direct interaction with Ramana Maharshi in Tamil Nadu, India in 1938.[3][4] Maugham's suggestion that he "invented nothing" was a source of annoyance for Christopher Isherwood, who helped him translate a verse 1.3.14 from the Katha Upanishads for the novel's epigraph – उत्तिष्ठ जाग्रत प्राप्य वरान्निबोधत | क्षुरस्य धारा निशिता दुरत्यया दुर्गं पथस्तत्कवयो वदन्ति || (uttiṣṭha jāgrata prāpya varān nibodhata| kṣurasya dhārā niśitā duratyayā durga pathas tat kavayo vadanti|| ) – which means "Rise, wake up, seek the wise and realize. The path is difficult to cross like the sharpened edge of the razor (knife), so say the wise."

Many thought Isherwood, who had built his own literary reputation by then and was studying Indian philosophy, was the basis for the book's hero.[5] Isherwood went so far as to write Time denying this speculation.[6] It has been suggested that a man named Guy Hague was an important influence in the character of Darrell, although it now appears that he was not at Ramanasramam when Maugham visited.[7] The English poet and translator Lewis Thompson is thought to be a more likely candidate.[8] David Haberman has pointed out that Ronald Nixon, an Englishman who took monastic vows and became known as Krishna Prem, served as a fighter pilot in the First World War and experienced a crisis of meaninglessness that was "strikingly similar" to that experienced by Larry.[9]

Another distinct possibility for influence is raised by the anglicised American, British MP Chips Channon in his diaries.[10] During a trip to New York in August 1944, Channon wrote ″I saw much of Somerset Maugham, who never before was a friend. He has put me into a book, 'the Razor's Edge' and when I dined with him, I asked him why he had done it, and he explained, with some embarrassment, that he had split me into three characters, and then written a book about all three. So I am Elliott Templeton, Larry, himself the hero of the book, and another: however I am flattered, and the book is a masterpiece...″

 Katha Upanishad Archived 7 February 2009 at the Wayback Machine "1-III-14. Arise, awake, and learn by approaching the exalted ones, for that path is sharp as a razor's edge, impassable, and hard to go by, say the wise."
 Razors Edge: The Katha Upanishad by Nancy Cantwell. Timequotidian.com, 29 January 2010.
 Talk 550. 15 October 1938. Talks with Ramana Maharshi. Inner Directions Press. ISBN 978-1-878019-00-4
 "Eastern promise". Mint. 17 May 2008.
 'Fable of Beasts & Men'. Time (magazine). 5 November 1945.
 Isherwood's letter to Time is cited in Christopher Isherwood, My Guru and His Disciple, page 183.
 Godman, David (1988) Somerset Maugham and The Razor's Edge http://davidgodman.org
 Thompson, Lewis, and Lannoy, Richard (ed) (2011), Fathomless Heart: The Spiritual and Philosophical Reflections of an English Poet-Sage, p.1, North Atlantic Books
 Haberman, David L. (1 July 1993). "A cross‐cultural adventure: The transformation of Ronald Nixon". Religion. Routledge. 23 (3): 217–227. doi:10.1006/reli.1993.1020. ISSN 0048-721X. Haberman states that Nixon's "direct experiences with the death and destruction of warfare filled him with a sense of futility and meaninglessness (strikingly similar to the experience of Larry in Sommerset Maugham's The Razor's Edge)" (p. 283).
 sPress. ISBN 978-1-257-02549-7. Channon, Henry (1967). Rhodes James, Robert, ed. Chips: The Diaries of Sir Henry Channon. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson. ISBN 978-1-85799-493-3.
External links
The Razor's Edge at Faded Page (Canada)
Life magazine article about Razor's Edge movie ("Movie of the Week: The Razor's Edge – Maugham book makes superb film", 18 Nov 1946, pp. 97–100).

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: bean2 on August 31, 2020, 10:47:33 PM
Thank you lighter.  I am feeling great joy for you and hope, because I know how hard this work is, and to drop the ego and see others' as just hurt people like us...it's truly why we're here (I think)

I kind of laughed when you said I would be huffing soon.  dang i hope so, I want to speed up that tiger chase, to get there ALREADY.  I guess that is a good sign that I'm impatient

My N mother visited yesterday, and I am so far from accepting her as a hurt person, who can't help herself.  And I want to be OK with her too, and sometimes it just feels like Sloowwww progress.

But I hear what You're saying to me.  It's very powerful.  thank you again, that was a wonderful long post, it made me feel like my struggle is real and that you listened and really saw my hurt, as you took all the time you did to respond.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 01, 2020, 12:39:08 AM

Really desiring to feel better is a good start to productive huffing, IME; )

You're welcome, and I hope you have peace around sd situation soon. 
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 01, 2020, 10:36:53 PM
Interesting... now you're getting to places I've already been decades ago. Explore away!
One caution however. Completely eradicating ego isn't healthy. Just remember that one thing, and you'll be safe exploring to your heart's content. Having a healthy ego is necessary for survival and the operative word is healthy.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 07, 2020, 12:01:12 PM
Did you explore mindfulness and dropping ego during T sessions years ago, or did you research and find it on your own, Amber?  Was it martial arts, or popular books you read?

I know my T has been saying things like....

"When thing like that come up... it's usually to do with the ego, etc."

She hasn't actually TAKEN me INTO DROPPING EGOsessions, but has been acting as a tour guide.... explaining things, instead of trying to fix them.  It's not like reducing anxiety or changing a traumatic event in my brain for keeps WORK.  THOSE are concrete activities.... EMDR..... breathing meditations.....but the dropping ego stuff is all me, flailing about, trying to SEE things through a new lense..... and it's a shift I can honestly say I'm surprised by. I think it HAS to happen that way, for me, for me to buy into it completely, kwim?

I never anticipated SEEING my In-Laws, at every stage of their lives, without any ego, on my part, coloring that view.  I'm curious about that shift in all things.  Last night the pug about shoved me out of oldest dd's bed.... it's a double, so there was no room for a wedged pug, using her mama to push off between us, and make more room for her not so little pug self. 
I went downstairs to my bed, and my sister's breathing machine was making all kinds of wet draining noise racket, the actual breathing part suctioned over4 her mouth, her nose loudly snoring, and I just took the hour to SEE what came up, and to SEE it without ego, as I could.   

It's like having a pair of magic goggles, isn't it?

Oh... I finally worried the machine was killing my sister, so picked up the piece sitting on her mouth and asked if it needed to be moved to her nose.  She popped it on her nose and went right back to sleep.  The snoring stopped but the machine just kept on making very loud moist noises.

When I woke up, there was silence, and sister said she emptied the machine at some point.... must have been after 4:30, bc I was sound asleep and didn't notice, which tells you how deeply I can sleep.  Such a blessing.

That's an amazing thing... to BE in bed, unable to sleep at 3:30  with many distractions around me and CHOOSE how I'll handle it.  Choosing to get curious, think about things sans ego...... and look forward to what's there..... then realize that took me INTO sleep..... is really cool, IME. 

At several points I sensed despair was an option.... when I couoldn't sleep.... and I bounced right over them. 

THIS is a good jumping off point for finishing the she shed and having a separate little room where I can escape or send guests to get some privacy.   I'm still a bit iffy on the BIG TREES looming around that little shed, but I see the pros very clearly.

I also want to say I have a crawl space under my house that stays icy in the summer and toasty in the winter.  I can stand up in  the first 1/4 of the space, then it slopes up, and I have to duck walk or crawl.  I've thought about digging it out, and adding some living space.  Honestly, I thought a bout putting a tent in last night and sleeping there, but for the creepy crawlies, which are kept at a minimum bc I never turn the lights off.

IF I had one little bedroom down there....... one privagte sleeping space finished out and bug free..... however that needed to look.... that would be a good thing, IMO. 

Any ideas how to do that, Amazons?
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 07, 2020, 01:13:19 PM
25 years before T, I was the cliché "seeker of truth" type. I explored everything I could get my hands on or experience, as fully as I could... including psychology texts... in hopes that I could learn to frame my big QUESTIONS in a coherent enough way... so that just about anyone could answer: "well that's easy; x - y- z." I was decidely desperate in my search, too - and therefore, not terribly discerning along the way. So, I was easily convinced that if I simply immersed myself fully & faithfully in say, Pastafarianism... the knowledge I was seeking would be revealed. If I completely SUBMITTED and BELIEVED, it would be so; in time.

I'm still not sure WTH Pastafarians actually believe. LOL.

Anyway, one of the more organized "keepers of truth" convinced me that any self or inner-considering (versus other/outer considering) was like original sin and MUST be conquered, eliminated, let go - to find that higher truth. That ego stood in the way of enlightenment. At the time, I wasn't able to SEE that usually it's ego that is TRYING TO FIND enlightenment, to prop up it's self-image... because according to x, y, z... ego is always BAD; it's the "shadow self"; it's selfish and self-absorbed and self-centered. That is decidely FALSE, in the objective sense.

Since this is the co-dependence thread, you see how that belief system fostered all the things we're actually in the process of freeing ourselves from? It was actually the concept of a healthy ego, that finally was my breakthrough.

A healthy ego, won't easily enter enmeshment or co-dependence - because there IS an actual true (and good & healthy) self-interest or ego. As in the UNbalance of one person always giving; always doing; always emotionally available - and the other always taking, never emotionally available.... and sometimes even intending harm. The reciprocity and balance is what is healthy.

Most of my T work, was discovering that despite all the various conditioning/programming I'd been through... once I'd stripped all that away, my ego wasn't such a bad thing; it was pretty balanced - in it's essence. But I'd learned a lot of dysfunctional crap I had to strip off of it and then PRACTICE in real life, validating it for myself. There are still difficult, tangled up things to sort out about that... and like anyone learning something new, I flailed, overcompensated, missed things I should've paid attention to... and learned the hard way: by making mistakes and reflecting on what I could've done or chosen differently. For an outcome that satisfied my need for balance, stability and order... that still left room for spontaneity, uncertainty and unknowns - including risk. That work is still being refined.

All I'd been seeking all those previous years, truly was right inside my head. It was Twiggy's spirit - who'd been locked away and almost completely forgotten - coming back, along with her memories - that was my "missing piece" and made me whole in a way no relationship could ever fulfill. That's where my confidence had been all those years. Where my "can" had been locked up. And the understanding, that within the new, re-combined me and ego, was MY truth. Perhaps not everyone else's truth... but we have to start somewhere, don't we?

Might as well practice what we might attempt to preach or teach.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on September 08, 2020, 02:10:31 PM
This rings true for me, Amber:

A healthy ego, won't easily enter enmeshment or co-dependence - because there IS an actual true (and good & healthy) self-interest or ego. As in the UNbalance of one person always giving; always doing; always emotionally available - and the other always taking, never emotionally available.... and sometimes even intending harm. The reciprocity and balance is what is healthy.

Nboss was my greatest lesson in terms of the toxicity of elevating anyone to Master Teacher status: having the Special Secret to fulfillment, enlightenment, whatever. He craved enmeshed and dependent followers, and when anybody pushed back....slice 'n dice (in his case, very covertly). He had a post-PhD in manipulation.

I still have spurchul stuff to learn but like at my own church, intense independence of thought means a lot of the vocabulary just doesn't go down well for me. Nobody discusses the deep openness of agnosticism, but that's where I abide, and strongly so. I'm still connected there, and very gratefully, for friendships and community but not for turning over my psyche to anybody "spiritually expert." I am bored by most homilies but stay for the familiar good faces (over Zoom these days), music, and caring. When I do look for outside insight, it's mostly from people whose vibe is helpful not because they SAY they're helping, but because it FEELS like they are.

It's taken me a lifetime to figure that out. (I believe practicing setting boundaries peacefully is a good antidote to conditions of codependence or enmeshment...for me, such practice needs to be lifetime. Not automatic but always worth it, and less painful with use.)

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: cats paw on September 08, 2020, 04:37:27 PM
 I was an innocent and fervent seeker as well. Though I stopped short of wearing a Pastafarian colander  :) 

 Totally agree with the idea of "healthy ego".

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on September 09, 2020, 10:16:36 AM
Been working on this, but it's difficult.

Do our dreads go through the holes or just kind of mat on top?


I miss my younger hair. Thiiiiiick and .... well, thick.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: cats paw on September 11, 2020, 11:42:14 AM

  Dunno.  I've never been to an ecumenical gathering with Rastas and Pastas.

  I miss my younger hair, too. I miss my younger physical everything. 


  The poem brought Celtic thoughts to my mind, I think something about Taliesen, maybe?  Nature, shapeshifting.

  I've not read nor seen The Razor's Edge. It sounds like it would have been a good pick for the book club I was in.  Have you ever read East of Eden? 

  So many things spark reminders of others.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: cats paw on September 13, 2020, 03:44:43 PM
  "Nothing is ever solved. Solving is an illusion. There are moments of spontaneous brightness, when the mind appears emancipated,
   but that it mere epiphany."

   Patti Smith
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 14, 2020, 09:01:54 AM
CP, I haven't read East Of Eden.

And yes....so many reminders.  I don't think there are many themes in this world.  Lots of similar stories with similar characters with similar motivations, IME. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 15, 2020, 01:55:36 PM
I notice the moments where self judgment and guilt used to slide in all the time.
I noticed it today, and..
It really felt like a big empty space today, waiting to be filled.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on September 15, 2020, 04:16:16 PM
Noooo, it's not waiting to be filled!

Unless with powerful seeds of new leafy self-love and care.
There are so many varieties, that inner space is rich and ready.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 15, 2020, 11:52:25 PM
Yes yes yes, Hops.

Filled with amazing things!

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on September 17, 2020, 05:35:31 AM
I notice the moments where self judgment and guilt used to slide in all the time.
I noticed it today, and..
It really felt like a big empty space today, waiting to be filled.


I get feelings like that, Lighter, and at times it feels difficult to know what to fill it with?  I think possibly because the current situation is making 'normal' difficult to do so I can't do things I would usually want to do to fill the space.  I hope you're filling yours up with goodies :) xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 17, 2020, 11:14:13 AM
Time to experiment with filling space with new things!
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on September 17, 2020, 11:15:37 AM
Time to experiment with filling space with new things!

For me at the moment I'm mostly filling space with biscuits, Skep ;)  Lol x
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 19, 2020, 12:03:03 PM
Time to experiment with filling space with new things!

For me at the moment I'm mostly filling space with biscuits, Skep ;)  Lol x

Lol, Tupp. 

I'm also looking for deeper daily meditation practices....maybe outdoors in this amazingly cool and breezy fall weather.  More walking meditation.

The work you're doing....I'm in awe.  Are you adding EMDR to it?

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on September 19, 2020, 12:31:44 PM
Time to experiment with filling space with new things!

For me at the moment I'm mostly filling space with biscuits, Skep ;)  Lol x

Lol, Tupp. 

I'm also looking for deeper daily meditation practices....maybe outdoors in this amazingly cool and breezy fall weather.  More walking meditation.

The work you're doing....I'm in awe.  Are you adding EMDR to it?


Walking meditation sounds nice, Lighter.  We are trying to walk most days; we tend only not to go out if it's very wet or very hot (more the former than the latter now).  I've been using the Sandra Rolus meditations on YouTube.  She describes herself as a trauma and sexual abuse healing facilitator and when I first heard her say that I did my usual eye roll and thought oh blimey, another 'guru' but I have to say I feel I've experienced some very deep shifts whilst doing her meditations so I'm thoroughly hooked right now.

No EMDR, I'm finding the lackdown/pandemic so useful just because it gives me time.  I can think about things for as long as I like and I'm not getting more stress added daily which often makes things I want to think about vanish because I have to deal with the immediate problem.  I'm really liking being able to structure my day as I see fit and have got into the habit of being busy morning and evening and lounging around in the afternoon.  That pattern suits me.  I'm reading more, writing more, watching all sorts of films and documentaries as well as planning and thinking.  Just having time to think is an absolute luxury, as is being able to meditate or do yoga if the thinking starts making me feel stressed.  I'm finding things are coming up and I can really work on them, instead of having to shove them to one side because we've got to be somewhere.  I do remember years ago saying to a therapist I felt like I'd do much better if I just went to a retreat for a year so I didn't have to think about anything other than getting better and it kind of feels like that's what we've got now?  Time to be at home and just focus on me.  I feel in a very fortuitous position right now and I've never felt like that before, quite the opposite!  Are you still seeing your T or did it have to go on hold with the pandemic situation? xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 19, 2020, 01:44:13 PM
Tupp, not only having time to think is wonderful... but then, there is being able to stretch out the to-do list to fill the extra time we have. For me, thinking about the way I want to do (some) things is just as important as trying to schedule things the most efficiently. New ideas, intuitions, feelings about relative position of the priority... all of that has time to be properly processed and decided on... without the artifical "time pressure".

Honestly, people often imply there is something "wrong" with me... because I've discovered the joy of going way slower about things than seems "normal" to others. I just shrug and tell 'em - I prefer to do things this way. I really don't feel obligated to "fit in" with societal norms anymore... or even close friend's/family "expectations". As long as I'm being authentically me - and pleasing my SELF, and enjoying that.... everyone else can take their perspective, opinion and "concern" and take a flying leap at a rolling donut.  :D  And I do like returning that favor to others. Do as you like, as the "spirit" moves you... and you'll be happier in the long run.

I don't want to be a cog in any machine; the universe and it's fated destiny is still subject to my free will and choice; and I always promised y'all that at some point (back then it was in the future) I was going to "wear purple"... now I think it'll be purple paisley on a black background... LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

My "life" is how I experience my "days"... the feelings, energy I have to expend and what I choose to expend it on, and the people I care for and about... and enjoying to the best of my ability and patience who they are. Without anyone trying to fit people into pigeonholes.

Pigeonholes are for pigeons.  :P
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on September 19, 2020, 02:34:50 PM
'Take a flying leap at a rolling donut' is my new favourite phrase, Skep :)  Lol.

Yes, sloooooow.  That is what I'm finding so helpful at the minute and I want to hang on to it as much as possible in whatever shape our new normal takes.  I am really enjoying choosing when I am productive and get stuff done and when I don't, and being able to be productive for a while and then just stop because I know I can finish it tomorrow.  It will adjust slightly as the days get shorter but those changes are gradual and I can adapt to that as we go along.  It's been a real eye opener to me to see how much of what we were doing before was more about other people's (or society's expectations) rather than what we really wanted to be doing.  I'm liking being able to do jobs in their entirety as well, instead of shoehorning a bit of gardening into the twenty minutes I have spare.  It's nice to go outside and know if I'm out there for three hours it's fine, and equally if I've had enough after thirty minutes I can leave it till another time.  I keep watching those homesteading/off grid type programmes and there's a lot that appeals to me (and a lot I think I might be too wimpy to cope with) but I definitely want life to be more organic and tuned in with the seasons, daylight hours and just less artificiality about it.  And yes to so much purple!  I love the meme that does the rounds on the internet every now and again of the lady in purple with feathers in her hair and it's captioned, "I don't want people to say, what a sweet old lady - I want them to say what the hell is she doing now?".  Can't think of anything better than that :) xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 19, 2020, 06:06:10 PM
There are ways to make the hard physical work of homesteading easier, Tupp. You don't have to always be the "mule" pulling a plow... there are even ways to minimize weeding, which I still enjoy immensely even if I do get tired; it's just the satisfaction of creating the visual "order" I like. I'll bet even your son would enjoy parts of that kind of work.

Sometimes, mother nature "wins" - and there isn't a decent way to cope and get a crop or have your herbs/flowers do really well. Sometimes it's too much rain; not enough; too hot... a host of other things. Wrapping my head around the real commitment it requires to maintain a garden space, permaculture bed, animals... I face a lot of resistance; excuses (It's too hot! I'll be sick and out of commission for days! waaaaah.... poor me) And so the work to overcome that, do things in a timely fashion, not find a handy excuse continues.

I think it's because at one time the bulk of the work - planting, tilling, weeding, harvesting & preserving - fell completely on my shoulders with very little assistance that part of me has held on to that resentment. And the voice I hear, when I am choosing to do/not do... is exactly the know-it-all, always "right" voice of Ex#2. He always dictated how it "should" be done - but he didn't DO IT. I did. And I wasn't permitted to say "no". I haven't quite exorcised that yet.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on September 20, 2020, 07:10:55 AM
There are ways to make the hard physical work of homesteading easier, Tupp. You don't have to always be the "mule" pulling a plow... there are even ways to minimize weeding, which I still enjoy immensely even if I do get tired; it's just the satisfaction of creating the visual "order" I like. I'll bet even your son would enjoy parts of that kind of work.

Sometimes, mother nature "wins" - and there isn't a decent way to cope and get a crop or have your herbs/flowers do really well. Sometimes it's too much rain; not enough; too hot... a host of other things. Wrapping my head around the real commitment it requires to maintain a garden space, permaculture bed, animals... I face a lot of resistance; excuses (It's too hot! I'll be sick and out of commission for days! waaaaah.... poor me) And so the work to overcome that, do things in a timely fashion, not find a handy excuse continues.

I think it's because at one time the bulk of the work - planting, tilling, weeding, harvesting & preserving - fell completely on my shoulders with very little assistance that part of me has held on to that resentment. And the voice I hear, when I am choosing to do/not do... is exactly the know-it-all, always "right" voice of Ex#2. He always dictated how it "should" be done - but he didn't DO IT. I did. And I wasn't permitted to say "no". I haven't quite exorcised that yet.

Those negative voices are so persistent, Skep!  It's weird how they settle in.  I do have the same struggles with doing things 'perfectly'.  When I was going to plant spuds, I kept putting it off because I had all these other things I thought I ought to be doing as well - and the result was nothing got done in the end.  I'm trying to get past that now and just do things and let them happen instead of micro planning but not actually planting anything.  I feel like I've got a foot in two different worlds at the minute and then it becomes easier to watch programmes about homesteads than it is to try to create one ;)  But we keep on keeping on, right? :)  And I still want moss as well, Lighter's descriptions of carpets of moss have whetted my appetite for that :) x
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 20, 2020, 08:53:34 AM
That's exactly what I go thru Tupp.

It's like I KNOW, that no matter how I do it, IF I do it, or what I can't control... it's never going to be "right" to that person who claims supreme power of approval. And it's going to be MY FAULT it's not right, looks "foolish", or doesn't produce. So, I resort to the passive-aggressive tactic I was taught so well. I don't do anything. I give up and in my head justify it... by telling myself, well of course! They're always right. (So turning it into a bit of self-fulfilling prophecy too.) And the only F YOU left to me.

Up until the point, that the criticism was inescapable and predictable... I had enjoyed planting and growing. It's like that simple joy was taken away from me; made so onerous a task with all the "right way", all the time from beginning to end; that I was being denied my whole nurturing self. Didn't help, that there was no reward - either way - ever; no matter what. And you know me. I'm endlessly curious and learning about things; and actually ENJOY learning new ways to do things. That died a starvation death in the process too.

Hol doesn't realize it, but the number of things she "took out of my hands" - "helping" - brought some of that back for me. Previously, I'd merely run away from it. I hadn't really conquered it, changed the "habit" and my usual reaction... although I was getting there, before she moved in.

So, mirabile dictu, here it is again.  :D  And I get to deal with it again. It's always task specific, btw. For me.

Because it's truly "in my head". Internalized. It's not Hol's fault. There is something there about not having a strong enough boundary to prevent someone from demeaning me, criticizing me, before I even make the attempt that is completely on ME. Something I don't think, feel, expect from others... because I don't think I act like that (maybe I do?)... so why am I treated that way? And what in the whole universe does one do to block that? Counter it? Without being a jerk myself?

Such a conundrum. That should keep me busy all winter, huh?
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 21, 2020, 01:05:29 PM
My sister and I are finishing up our tizzies and guessing what's in the neighbor's heads after a bonfire/smoked brisket gathering with many dogs.

I think everyone, save 2, are having the same discussions.

It's difficult to have boundaries all the time with everyone to the right degree in the right tones, IME. 

Just......not alleyways possible, bc people hear things in ways not intended, kwim?

A tip for those building Amazon bonfires....
If using camp stove fuel.....white gasoline....you are essentially building a BOMB that will shake houses across the street. 

::nodding emphatically::.

And....I' m protected by Amazon Angels and Archangels; ) 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 22, 2020, 12:06:25 PM
Today very busy.

Thinking about moments of serenity make action and creative focus possible and better.

Thinking about guilt.....whatever keeps one from being alone and concentrating unreservedly in that stillness. Being kind....on nurturing and growth.

It slows the process.

Lately it feels like falling into relaxation.....no more bartering with myself for it.  It's changed a lot.

All the neighbor's went through their worrying cycles and calmed down....including me after hours if hard work and togetherness.

One still clucking unhappily, but very sneakily, about the ones he doesn't like.  There was a bear incident a while back.  He never got over it.  She's a British, a doctor, runs a hospital.... the h makes instruments and is a world class mountain climber.  I suspect there's some jealousy, but I'm just making circular motions with my head and validating his feelings. 

Never inviting them over together again, what a mess people can be.

Dog fights.

Hosting at 2 locations...food 100 yards from bonfire.  Honestly, the fire one property was the fun happy place to be, so glad it happened that way. 

I really should know better by now.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on September 22, 2020, 01:42:16 PM
What happened, Lighter, did they all have a big argument or something? xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 25, 2020, 11:17:56 AM
The chattiest male neighbor doesn't like the Lady doctor and her ukulele/guitar building world class mountain climbing husband I THINK bc of a bear altercation involving a mama and cub.  It was reported the cub was shot.  Authorities were sent out.  Only the dog was injured and the shot was in the air, but everyone on the community message board went nuts for a while.

The chatty neighbor was quiet and stand offish one minute, then making my elderly neighbor lady titter over things.....I assume funny sly jokes were told with eyes shifting to oblivious doc and hubby who reminds me of Mr. Rogers.

Chatty also talked about the I'll behaved puppy, which is rich, bc he has an even worse behaved puppy of the same age and size.  The new puppy ticked off Pug and a Corgy with no social skills....so there were dogs fighting.

The next day Chatty man commented about the doc, mainly, and how odd it was she asked for smoked chicken skin silence she runs a hospital and should know better.  He also felt she should know better than to attend our gathering without a mask, which we all did, bc it was all outdoors.

Sometimes it feels a little like they want me to choose between them.....they do nice things for me.....Mr. Rogers made a custom wood worked fake owl mount for my roof and Chatty jumps into lots of my projects....comments....suggests.  Mr. Rogers chopped a big root for me the other day.

Only Chatty says negative things....also a little anger issue going on....you see it with his dog.

I know never ever to do a large gathering again.  We had small ones on my porch and they were much more fun, esp catered bbq instead of smoked at neighbor's.  Too much work and no goid deed goes unpunished.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on September 25, 2020, 12:16:08 PM
It's a shame, Lighter, I've always loved big gatherings, especially the ones where everyone brings something for the table; it means you can all enjoy food together without any one person having to do a huge amount of work for it.  But the dynamics can be difficult and it's such a shame that people can't just be polite or just avoid each other for a couple of hours.  I stopped having them where we lived before because by the time you'd worked out which people couldn't stand each other, which ones would be offended if they didn't get an invite, which ones would turn up without food but want to eat and which would bring kids/dogs/partners that didn't behave themselves, it just got too much to deal with and it's such a pity.  What a shame they couldn't all just get along for a while or at least be polite enough not to draw you into their drama.  Sometimes I think it's easier to stick to kids parties and make the adults stay at home lol xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 26, 2020, 01:14:41 AM
Ugh..... I just remembered my sister telling one of the neighbors to "watch your dog,"  bc it was attacking the doc's big puppy over and over again... not the fault of the puppy, and the lady just kept allowing the attacks, over and over again, bc she was having a really good time. 

The lady snatched up her dog and went home instead of shoving treats, we handed her, into her dog's mouth to keep it occupied. 

People are funny creatures. 

When our pug went nuts and attacked the same dog.....  the pug went home.  That was that. 

Our third sibling will be visiting tomorrow.  Maybe spending the night.  We don't know when  or for how long he'll show, but it's almost certain he'll be here.  My girls have missed him... he's a funny boy.... makes the girls giggle, kind of boy. 

We're also shopping Honda CRVs and maybe he can take a look at the one we have a crush on.  The touring package is so much nicer than the sport package.  We really like the heated leather seats, oh my goodness.  This car was driven by an 80something yo lady, who put 5K miles on it in 5 years.  I think it's the one; )


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 28, 2020, 10:15:03 PM
We got the car today....well.  They have to buff out a scratch, so will pick up in a day or two, but it's ours.

As I write this I'm emotionally churning as I wait for youngest dd18 and her friend F to get blood labs back on the friend struggling with new medication.

Friend dealing with cptsd, mood disorset....mother never in his life, dad has some type of PD.

F was living with his "mom", but shes an ex gf of the dad.  An argument means F can't stay with her for the week until a space opens in a residential living situation F looking forward to joining.

His " mom" wants him in hospital, but they won't keep him, bc he's been cleared.

No shelters are open.  "Mom" arguing with F's care team who wants F in a stable situation....not a shelter.  Care team happy he's with us tonight.  Care team believes he's hyper from new antidepressants.  Psych appt tomorrow at 12:30.....is virtual.

I really like F and don't mind him staying here IF he's safe and receiving everything he needs, which will likely be the case.

The idea of him being on the street, with his " mother" washing her hands if him was super upsetting for me.....just an agonizing sadness I barely kept my composure over.

I talked to the " mom", who has a big heart....I mean, taking on a child not her own.  She DID that.  But leaving him homeless for a week, after talking to the care team and arguing w them.....I don't understand and neither does care team who speak or meet with F daily. F doesn't do drugs or drink....I think it's the trans gender status and CPTSD....how does a child's heart heal that?

 F always so grateful and polite in our home, always.  I so want him safe till he's in his new situation.  I'm also conflicted about the " mom" neeeding something that isn't possible....F remaining in hospital when they just won't keep him....cant keep him. Stories don't line up, and what she said didn't sound like bad behavior to me....she used the word disrespectful....but then....not her child.

DD shares most online classes with F so that should be ok. 

So....we have a roast chicken in the oven....a 1000 piece puzzle started yesterday....will be there for us when we get back home.  Whatever happens.....F will eat mommy food.....sleep safely and feel very cared for by youngest DD ( DD so like me....I saw it in her response) and 2 mama's in the house  Oldest DD not so sure about this arrangement for a week, but willing to stay open to whatever comes next....dd20 spent time with F and really likes him.  DD20 has e experience with troubled teens from her time at wilderness camp and therapeutic boarding school.   She's very reality based, which is good, imo.

Cross your fingers for us and pray if you will.  This poor lamb has a difficult path ahead. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on September 29, 2020, 03:45:07 AM
What about your covid risk from this boy staying in your home, Lighter?
How are you managing precautions?

It's very kind of you to take him in, but ... the virus?


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 29, 2020, 10:24:28 AM
He was tested for Covid at hospital last night, Hops.

And he's as sweet and grateful as he ever was.  He said his mom was angry he didn't finish cleaning his closet before going to a friend's house....considered it disrespectful behavior, which lines up with the mom' s story AND with what Frank is actually like as we know him.  F went back to friend's house and mom told him he could find better accommodations elsewhere, which turned into a fight about F feeling bad on new meds and taking a day off work....then mom took him to hospital with nothing, and washed her hands of him..... So she said to everyone, including me.

"Above her pay grade" is how she put it, but I think she wishes him well and wants him to get the support he needs.  I suspect she was angry and reacting.....not serious about kicking him out, but now...,with F's team disagreeing with her/ arguing.....maybe feels backed into a corner, further disrespected by everyone and reactive.

I know she has F's school computer and clothes.....she put med in mailbox so why not give me other things if she's really done?

Care team looking for shelters if we cant keep him, so they think it's for real. 

I feel things making sense now.  Youngest DD super maternal with F....you can see she FEELS what she's going to do before she knows what she'll do.  DD also being more patient with me...,at 11:30pm, after 2.5 hours of running and waiting for F, I was very tired and referred to F as "her".....dd didn't even bat an eye....which was a huge relief.  Or maybe she's lowered her expectations.....F so tiny and cute and feminine in appearance and voice.  It's difficult to hold him in the right pronouns without blips.  DD is protective mother hen, it seems.  I mean no harm.  She knows that.

As things stand, F stable here....seems like himself to me.  Care team on board with him here, but will take me it day to day without fully committing, just in case.

I'm hoping it works out.  I'm hoping he transitions to new home smoothly and without drama.  He's 18 now. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 09, 2020, 10:29:58 AM


It feels like the processing has cleared brain space up for other things.

I tore out my laundry room, am cleaning a sopping wet mass of lint today from vent. 

THIS space will be only for laundry supplies going forward.  That means I'll get organization help from amazingly talented moss friend, who's home looks like an art museum.....everything has a place, kwim? 

My goal IS NOT that perfection.  Rather, I want to utilize my space efficiently and stop the ADD madness I suffer if I don't ask for help.

Moss friend is an artist.  Her tidy huge work space has similar supplies BUT all ordered and easily accessible when she wants them.

I'd like to have systems and order to create within too!

So.....less emotional clutter seems to free up energy for decluttering physical space, IME.

I put a big beautifully shabby chic dresser in my closet...think distressed boho blues and ivory SO pretty.....an added shelf for bedding over the dresser is astonishingly useful. 

The island box of things to send is in a corner, not in the center anymore.  Island luggage folded and neat beside dresser.  I have that closet back, which feels joyful AND I'm finally putting up art I have loved and stacked away over the years. 

The same is happening with laundry room.  I chose blue as accent.  Could have chided green or turquoise, but the Robin's egg blue made my heart sing.

Sister and I were up till 2 making final selection....and there are so many things that bring me joy.....all put away or stuffed under other things, now touched and loved again.

I'm actually looking forward to cleaning out dryer vent and caulking! Woo hop.  I think it's the huge satisfying payoff and job well done.

What I really think is.....
I'm in the zone: )

P.S. I missed last appt with T and haven't rescheduled.  I think I'll shift to once a month, or as needed.  I might send our houseguest a fee times, if he seems agreeable.  He has a whole support team.  He might not want that kind of help I see as integral to my mental health, kwim?

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on October 09, 2020, 01:05:19 PM
That sounds lovely, Lighter, it's nice to be able to find things without having to hunt through half the house or pull out a dozen drawers before you get to it.  I definitely find that emotional and physical clutter tend to complement one another, whether because one creates the other or lack in one area creates calm in another as well!  The dresser sounds really lovely.  I've glad you've got moss friend there to advise and make suggestions xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 10, 2020, 10:25:49 AM
Well, we've had a bit of attention seeking behavior from our guest.  Last night he went on an unprotected date and social encounter......no masks with these strangers.

Currently he's quarantined in my bed and bathrooms, and I guess I'll be bringing him food till he's placed in another hist home, which has to happen soon for all our mental health.

Things were clipping along with the laundry room then everything blew into a series of unfortunate events.

I want to shelve the laundry room project BUT have new dryer ordered....I feel driven to get a certain amount done first.

I have to tell you....people comfortable liing in chaos....
it seems, in this case, the boy manufactured this drama....maybe bc we're so boring and puzzle happy people?

I will say this.  Lots of opportunity for boundary work happening.  Youngest DD learning loads.

So....back to the chaos.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on October 10, 2020, 10:53:20 AM
I'm confused but that's nothing new...

F is young teenaged friend of D, and a transgender girl, am I following? Is she on hormones? Perhaps mental health crises (so common for kids going through that) are related to those issues? If so, tragic--and scary, given the transgender teen suicide rate. Maybe impossible for a non-professional to handle. Poor kid.

I hope sister, moss friend, any other person who comes into your home has first quarantined reliably for two weeks. Maybe you've actually formed a "pod" with all these neighbors and friends you describe and I'm worrying about nuttin'.

Stay safe and enjoy your decor-tweaking....sounds really joyful to me.


PS My fire pit arrived (!) and I also ordered a simple log rack, just 3' long and tall, which holds about 1/8 cord. If I wind up using the pit a LOT I'll put one of those 2 x 4s-in-brackets racks behind the fence, order more wood, and just refill the smaller one from that. On the patio itself I just want the small rack since I have a perfect spot for it under an overhang. It's well designed and made in the US so I'm pleased. No tools to assemble and it breaks down easily to store in basement for summer.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on October 10, 2020, 11:53:05 AM
I'm sorry it's got chaotic, Lighter.  No good deed goes unpunished, as the saying goes - unfortunately I've had my fingers burnt many times when helping people who, as you say, create drama wherever they go.  I think for some the drama is a necessary way of coping - they can't deal with the internal issues (understandably) so they create something external to focus on instead (I did it myself for years).  Not consciously, but something inside just goes off, I think.  Have you got a date yet for him to move on?  I hope things settle down a bit and the new place is ready for him soon.  Focus on the laundry room - you sounded so enthused about getting that done and getting your stuff organised so I hope this doesn't derail things too much for you xx

Hops the fire pit sounds great and I hope you can get it lit soon! xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 10, 2020, 03:21:29 PM

I purchased a new dryer vent, tape, elbow and clamps this morning.  Once I paint and get flooring down I'll hook dryer up temporarily till17th.  It's raining.  We had a tiny food last night.  We need the dryer today.

About good deeds.....I know this is the first living situation F has ever been in where gentle communication and boundaries are present.

It's probably good he's exposed to this odd form of language, even if you can see it hurts to land on his ears....maybe worse than screaming.

F did get antsy.  He did sabotage, but at least he we welcomed to join sane, serene space in community, so it's in his heart too.

I asked he be moved ASAP with a Monday deadline....and I'm ok with that.

Right now F is silent and not texting me back.I'm about to open stainblocker and get dirty while hoping fresh white paint, over old yellowing paint, will lift my heart.

I think everyone does some self sabotaging, btw.  We learn through mistakes.  I hope F takes some positive things when he goes.

This too shall pass.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on October 10, 2020, 04:29:59 PM
The white paint will do wonders, as will being able to get things dry!  Yep, a tough road for some, self sabotage is something I know far more about that I would like and it's painful to watch kids push back against the people or things that could help them.  But it's a path that has to be walked, I guess.  I can remember going to a friend's house for tea when I was young - probably about ten?  And her parents were so nice to each other and their kids, their house was so calm and friendly, everything about it was so good - and it felt so wrong to me, it was like nothing I'd ever known.  So yep, I can imagine that the current situation has been a big shift for him.  Good that the new place is ready quickly, though, and maybe as things settle with him he'll be able to maintain friendship with D and be part of your extended circle.  I'll keep my ears peeled for more laundry room updates! xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on October 12, 2020, 10:06:15 AM
Lighter, projects like the laundry room are starting to feel like "presents to myself". Even washing woodwork or the mundane dusting, vacumning, decluttering... just FEELS better to me. I'm really into a "less is more" phase right now and the amount of knick-knacks and trinkets I have around me feel like lead weights around the perimeter of a net thrown over me.

I'm moving more forcefully into functional art - ie, beautifully crafted functional items and only what I USE on a regular basis.

The completion of the bedroom work is still going S L O W. I need the electrician next and he didn't call me back last week. Then I can do the trim... and maybe find some tiny swiveling or flexible reading lights to mount on that trim board on the inside of the inset. (I haven't forgotten about pictures; just had fires to put out - metaphorically speaking.)
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 15, 2020, 12:35:54 PM

I'm right there with you decluttering and curating lovely handmade things for daily use. 

I will call moss friend to help organize and edit, bc I need that help.

Another neighbor is cutting and installing crown in laundry room today.  I'll be taking notes and lessons so I can do it myself next time.

Yesterday my sis and I placed moss around his lovely 100 gallon pond.  We also put big healthy water hyacinth and lettuce in...changed the entire look and feel of it!

I really enjoy helping neighbor's and receiving help and this is the neighbor who brought me 2 huge lawn bags of roof moss from a friend's house.

All good: )
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on October 15, 2020, 07:03:01 PM
Tupp, I was moved by your story about visiting the kind neighbor family and how that felt to you. I forgot to tell you so...but I pictured it vividly and it hit my heart. Like a puppy out in the dark with its nose pressed against a window. Not as bad as what you felt, but I remember a lot of yearning for a kind home atmosphere when my brother made me so miserable, my mother was emotionally absent and my Dad was working too hard to really see. Much less what happened at school.

I told my T about that incident with the strange horse who spotted me weeping against the fence and cantered over to plant her forehead on mine and stnd stock-still to comfort me until I was sone. She asked, a happy memory? I said yes in a way but it also hurts, because I was feeling pure empathy and connection from an animal that I realize I never got from a person. I'd been a very sad child. I can relate to how you felt seeing that gentle family enjoy tea together. Ouch.

Lighter, any update on your young houseguest? I hope she's okay and that the questions I peppered you with weren't intrusive. NO need to fill in if it doesn't feel comfortable. I just began thinking about [her?] and what is happening in that life.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 15, 2020, 07:59:51 PM

The houseguest....a him....is in another safe location.  Either a host home attached to the facility he's going into, or a sort of step brother's sofa. 

I haven't asked him or his mental health team. 

That team is amazing, btw.  All trauma informed therapists, and one does EMDR if they can get him to a more stable head place. 

I'm very hopeful about his situation.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 15, 2020, 11:56:37 PM
I have to admit....figuring out how to cut crown moulding was brain burning difficult today.  It took my neighbor and me 2.5 hours to finish cutting 4 pieces of moulding and do
bc it's really really hard.

The nail gun battery was dead so we finish and caulk tomorrow.  That leaves finding brackets for washer dryer pedestals, which aren't same brand as new LG appliances.
I should be done on 17th with a few small things to finish.
The weather is amazing and I make sure to work outside, shower on the porch or rest in the moss daily. 

I feel....


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on October 16, 2020, 07:21:30 AM
Crown moulding is definitely hard Lighter! It's backwards & inside out when it's up; and you're making cuts from exactly the opposite direction from the floor.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 16, 2020, 11:31:41 PM
Ahhh.....neighbor and I could sellout brains burning SO HARD, but done and caulked.  Looks amazing, btw.  Really finished off the very simple room and open cabinets.  Just really pleased.

Dryer arrives tomorrow with an 8 hour delivery window, grrr.

The happy piece in all this is selecting and handling things I love, or thought brought me joy.  I'm discovering what's truly special for me, and editing out everything else from all over the place.

Now, when people walk into the house thru the garage, they enter into a pristine room with uncluttered lovely sieves holding beautiful and functional laundry room items, and little else.  So pretty.

It brings me joy.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on October 17, 2020, 12:48:44 PM
Glad about your joy, Lighter!

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on October 18, 2020, 08:35:42 AM
Hol and I were talking about that "claiming" of a space yesterday - and turning it into just what we visualized. She is still moving into the hut - and trying to sort, purge, toss/donate/turn into sewing supplies - and figure out where everything goes. She's had a couple of those moments of AAAAHHHHH... it's just so.

I am slowly getting there in the bedroom. For some reason, my usual helpers havent't called back to schedule - so I'll probably have Buck help me finish a few of the details. Then I'm ready to entertain redesign of the living room. Just in the idea phase right now. And of course, now I have to be a bit more frugal and sure of what I want than previously. But it's doable.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on October 19, 2020, 01:33:34 PM
Ahhh.....neighbor and I could sellout brains burning SO HARD, but done and caulked.  Looks amazing, btw.  Really finished off the very simple room and open cabinets.  Just really pleased.

Dryer arrives tomorrow with an 8 hour delivery window, grrr.

The happy piece in all this is selecting and handling things I love, or thought brought me joy.  I'm discovering what's truly special for me, and editing out everything else from all over the place.

Now, when people walk into the house thru the garage, they enter into a pristine room with uncluttered lovely sieves holding beautiful and functional laundry room items, and little else.  So pretty.

It brings me joy.


That sounds really lovely, Lighter, and I hope the dryer arrived!  Those eight hour slots are frustrating; most companies here now will text on the day with a two hour slot but it still means you have to keep your day flexible to be able to be in at the right time.  I hope it got there eventually xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 19, 2020, 02:18:40 PM
Oh, the dryer arrived, Tupp.  It's sitting in front of the master bath door, not attached to its base....waiting for me to engineer the two together.

But first....engineering the super heavy washer to its pedestal, which I've thought through, but have to execute.

I'm at Dad's farm dealing with Phillioinos moving into a wonderful brick ranch in great shape.  They need a houseful of stuff so will mark what they can taken, then help them move next weekend.  It's very exciting.  They're buying a house! 

Much to think about now.

I do want to say.....it feels like my parasympathetic nervous system is up and running efficiently.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on October 21, 2020, 06:58:50 AM
Oh wow, Lighter, busy busy!  That sounds great, lots going on and a calm and untriggered nervous system to boot.  That sounds like a good combination.  I hope everything goes smoothly and well :) xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 21, 2020, 02:34:16 PM
Laundry room back together.
Looks amazing.  I have some cabinet trim to finish and a hole to drill for electric power strip to be mounted in shelving.  Youngest said it's too nice a laundry room for our house, but it is serene and beautiful.

I think we'll work outdoors the balance of the day.

ICD friend will help me organize and put in systems next week....hopefully ones I can sustain.

This is great good motivation for a brutal edit. 

I'm glad you have a pleasant garden area, Tupp.  Maybe look at photos of gardens you love, and think about the garden you will have.  Research the plants and growing conditions so you can visualize the next property garden accurately....to optimize joy and planning.

I taped a picture of the laundry room I liked...that was 6 years ago, then, BAM!  It was time to make it happen when it was time.  I have to tell you....I had details figured out ahead, like how to remove cabinet doors, caulk and trim out to make it look like I had built in shelving....its all the difference for 10.00 in trim and a tube of caulk, just about.

Anyhow, shade vs sun gardens research would brighten my heart during a dreary dim winter season : )  Maybe yours too!

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on October 22, 2020, 06:34:15 AM
Amazing what a few small and not too expensive changes can do to the way a place looks, Lighter, and amazing that changing the look changes the way it feels as well.  I'm glad it's almost completely finished and is looking the way you wanted it to :) xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on October 25, 2020, 01:29:16 PM
Lighter I had a very vivid dream about you last night and it was so real I woke up panicking that I hadn't made the spare bed up for you!  Lol.  In the dream you came to visit me in my home, which wasn't my current home but a flat with lots of rooms and long corridors.  You were wearing a very vivid pink dress and you'd brought me a lorry load of vegetables that I was busy cutting and prepping for the freezer, along with a stack of travel books for me to read.  We went outside to get some more vegetables from the lorry but then couldn't remember which door was the right one as there were dozens of them and none of them had numbers, so we had to try them all, whilst trying to hold on to all the potatoes and cauliflowers.  Lol.  I've no idea what a dream analyst would make of that but it felt so real I was half expecting to find boxes of veg in the kitchen when I came downstairs this morning :)  lol xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 25, 2020, 02:26:52 PM
 I'm taking a moment to pack up my father's lake house to check on the board, and..
You're dream brought tears to my eyes, ((Tupp.))

You know I was checking flights your way a few years ago.  I can absolutely picture that visit with you.  Your dream made me so happy: )


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on October 26, 2020, 07:31:57 AM
I'm taking a moment to pack up my father's lake house to check on the board, and..
You're dream brought tears to my eyes, ((Tupp.))

You know I was checking flights your way a few years ago.  I can absolutely picture that visit with you.  Your dream made me so happy: )


It was so vivid, Lighter, although I'm still not sure how significant the cauliflowers were :)  Lol, I would so love to come over there and meet all of my board buddies one day, that would be such an amazing get together :) xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 27, 2020, 01:13:29 AM
We LOVE cauliflower in this house, Tupp: ) 

All kinds of ways, so it's funny you dreamed I brought a lorry full to you.

We just made 5 batches of veggie soups, and I've been enjoying them so much.  What an odd coincidence you had that dream.

I think we will have a visit one day, btw.  I'm not sure how or why, but I feel it' s a matter of when, not if.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 04, 2020, 11:33:28 AM
An amazing thing happened last week.  I found VHS tapes my father put together from old family 8mm film.

It was jarring to see my Grandparents, youngand strong.  So active.  Training horses.  Trotting my baby father around on a pony.  Super fit.  Charismatic.  My father's naughty uncles in Naval uniforms, jumping on horses, ruding like movie stars....it looked dangerous and exhilarating.

Then the years passed and my father became an active toddler, child, teen and young adult...getting married with naughty uncles in his wedding.

By naughty, I mean mysoginists....lacking empathy for animals.  I saw my Great Grandfather....the man who raised and beat my paternal Grandmother bloody....saw him moving and interacting in the family.  The uncles marrying.  Having babies....cousins flipping around together, doing cartwheels and younger cousins trying it too.

Lots of emotions, but mostly this truth...
we don't understand how fast life goes by, then it's over.  You can see my Grandparents, SO busy, didn't know those moments would be gone so soon.  Like they were trying to tell me to WAKE UP!

I saw what my FOO was....what they loved...what they lost and left behind.

I want more of the things I love.  To protect them fiercely and limit wasted time and people who take my attention from what's important to me.

I can feel when I'm on my path.  It's not everyone's path.  It's mine and everyone doesn't have to approve of it.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on November 04, 2020, 12:08:13 PM
It's mine and everyone doesn't have to approve of it.

A big fat Amen to that, Lighter! Good for you.

Glad you found so many layers of meaning in the old movies.
Sounded like a very clarifying moment.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 04, 2020, 02:03:55 PM
Thanks, Hops.

I walked outside with the Pug and started picking up sticks and weeds....Halloween decorations....had truck towed to beloved mechanic....helped ailing neighbor get groceries inside....will get card from their roofer, currently sticking shingles off the roof.

What I noticed was other people's voices pressuring me to do what's important to them.....all in my head, if course.

That's stopping.....now, as I notice it.

I stopped bargaining with myself, which was a type of pressure leading to nothing good.

Now, I'm going to end the adrenaline shots  running through my life.  Taking care of other people's feelings and what they feel are priorities, for me.  Reacting to their anxiety shuts down my ability to assess and process, prioritize and respond.

Codependence, Lawdy, deliver me from it.

At least I'm aware and not auto judging what comes up.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on November 04, 2020, 03:05:25 PM
Taking care of other people's feelings and what they feel are priorities, for me.  Reacting to their anxiety shuts down my ability to assess....

Yegods, Lighter. That's SO wise. The anxiety hijack and how it interferes with healthy caring. You must've been a fly on the wall in my T session just now!

Plus, I really like the term "auto judging." That is really apt. And helpful.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on November 05, 2020, 05:06:21 AM
That sounds amazing, Lighter.  So nice to find those videos and realise how much of life we need to experience now, without judgement or worrying about everyone else.  Yes.  A great way to be and such a nice way to move forward now.  Well done you xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on November 06, 2020, 06:37:50 AM
YAY to owning your path and not apologizing or trying to justify it to anyone! That's what I call freedom these days. Freedom from what others tried to make us into; what we did to ourselves to insure that things stayed calm and predictable in the home... etc ad boredom of the same old same old.

There must've been so many answers (subtle, subliminal things along with the outright AHAs) captured in those films that solved some long-perturbing puzzles or riddles for you. What a treasure trove!
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 06, 2020, 08:14:14 PM
Everything feels different.  I don't question it much.  I'm just grateful when another shift happens.  I wonder what's next, and notice how little fear there is. 

I know bc every once in a while a little thread whacks me upside the head....and I think....
I remember you.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on November 07, 2020, 05:57:30 AM
That sounds so great, Lighter, especially as the old stuff pops up but you just notice it as a memory, nothing more.  So amazing to read.  Do you think the lockdown/pandemic reduced the number of different things you had to manage and so made it easier for this focus to kind of settle in or do you think it was just time for this to happen after so much work and so many years of striving to get to an easier place?  Just curious with regards to your insights, I'm so happy that this is happening for you :) xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 07, 2020, 11:44:03 AM
Things are rolling....mostly rolling.

I catch the shockingly negative thoughts....it feels like always.  They're fewer and fewer, then....bam.  An old ONE pops up. No longer familiar.  I greet it with surprise and send it on its way like a way.....no hard feelings. Just... I don't have space or need or the ability to afford it any longer.  I want other things.

The less shocking negative thoughts sometimes slip in and thrum through my body before I notice them.  It's less upsetting...
now.  More interesting.  I'm curious about them. Eager to meet them now.  In the light.  I invite them.

It's the attention to somatic feelings, as it becomes habit,  bringing the tension/ pain/anxiety/fear, etc to my attention at that point. THEN, I SEE it.

 I remember when my girls learned to check in with their teachers and peers.  I'm doing that with myself.  Trying to model it for the girls without.....bugging them. 

It's a mistake to look at the news.  I walked with youngest DD in the woods yesterday.  She has an art project and wanted a stream with a concrete bridge in jusssst the right light as reference material.  She likes the round metal pipes the eater rushes through.

Going into nature is a super helpful thing.  I have leaves to blow....the happy moss is full of sporaphytes now.  The gutters and steep riif need attention.  I gave a huge amount of moss to my buddy....some to a helpful neighbor for his new koi pond.

The time I spend with my daughters is so precious to me.  There's joy walking into recently created sacred space in the laundry room.  Almost done....but it feeels amazing.

The quiet time with my girls, one in one and less often together, is a few warm layers deeper into focus and joy and BEING right where I belong doing exactly what I'm supposed to be doing.

The rest lines up behind and because of the care and attention and creation....the noticing joy.

I ate a salad with roasted turkey, 2 Tbs fresh ground flax seeds, lime juice, raw apple cider vin and pink salt....it just appeared without thinking about it.  No bartering or shaming involved.  Most of all...no pressure of SHOULDs going on in the back of foreground.  Just choosing joy and doing...chopping and carrying has more space to BE when I limit the voices and the SHOULDs, ime.

I guess it's the same zone that used to come and go mysteriously.

It feels a bit like conjuring now, which is super empowering...super joyful.  Not that life us all joy and mindfulness, bc it's not.

What it is...
And I wrolite this out, again, more for myself, is unconditional self compassion ( it gets easier, more familiar) a duty to remain curious and refusal to judge.....anything, if I can help it.

I do nothing perfectly.

Everything ebbs and flows.  It's ok.  It's exactly how it's supposed to be....even when I lose the thread.  Off trail has lessons and useful information.

Sort of like a dog's attitude about smells.  None are good or bad, though we dont agree about that.  We judge....a good bit, and it's interesting to stretch and see it, or smell it, the way dog's do.  Poop, flowers, bacon and BO are simply information for them.  They don't recoil.  They smell information, and they don't judge it.

At least that's my understanding, and what would life be if I reached that level if curiosity about everything....snd kept moving in my moments.

Rant, but super satisfying to write out.

Last night I made a complicated Korean StonecBowl dish both girls loved.  I was frustrated and overwhelmed on and off during the process, bc I'd detailed the stove and cook top, counters earlier in the day.  The dish was a bunch if little messy bombs going off, and I was the cause.

Then I'd notice, bring myself back to center, remember I'm making beautiful food from freezer items....the effort to empty both freezers has begun, and go back to enjoying the clean, the ingredients, the thought of sharing an amazing meal, and that zone found me again and again, but easier each time.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on November 07, 2020, 02:05:41 PM
Really, really lovely to read, Lighter.
The balance and undeterred intention of your direction.

The way a toxic thought oozed to the surface and it was
no longer familiar.

I loved that!

So glad to read all this balance of happiness and focused
intentional contentment. Wonnnnnderful depiction.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 08, 2020, 04:34:59 PM
Thank you, Hops. 

Tupp....I think the pandemic is a piece of it, but all the study and new T and coping strategies are larger factors.

If we'd cleaned out Dad's house 2 years ago, it would have been a different experience, for sure.

It feels like I have the chance to see and feel farther than before....or beyond reactivity...consistently, as a choice.

It feels like I'm stepping into what I used to only glimpse and memontarily touch.

Like I'm beginning to inhabit that space.....as byproduct of new habits, rather than purposefully DOING it or trying to get there, etc.

And experiencing positive things, unexpectedly, isn't so amazing or surprising now.  I guess I'm getting used to this new norm.

The pandemic happening, when it did or after a lot of work with new T, probably moved things along faster bc it was real challenge and fear we (T and Lighter)worked through together....I wasn't on my own or overwhelmed for long. 

More pandemic  isolation, with T's support, was practice and space, rather than unresolved additional trauma and isolating feelings of being cut off...I guess.

Being introverted was helpful too, of course.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on November 10, 2020, 07:00:18 AM
That sounds like the new habits becoming the default setting, Lighter, with the old stuff being the unusual bit that doesn't fit properly any more.  How amazing.  And all down to your hard work as well, slogging away for all those years to rework it and change and make things different.  What an amazing thing to give to yourself and your girls.  And yes, I can understand completely how dealing with your father's effects now can feel so different to doing it at a point in the past.  It's amazing how our change of perspective changes the way things affect us.  But only comes with time, I think?  I don't know that there's a magic shortcut to things not being painful any more.  Very glad that it's been such a cathartic experience for you and that it hasn't dragged you off into a place you didn't want to go xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 10, 2020, 01:12:33 PM

I stored things at my Dad's, so there were painful jabs while dealing with them.  Feelings if being.....well....feelings you can imagine being dragged through threatening systems by PD people doing all they can to destroy you while focusing painfully on your children to leverage and do trauma....and what was lost while defending and eventually counter attacking, which isn't in my normal character.....what it all cost my children, nieces and nephew.

THAT was tough, then came the home movies with shift in perspective.  Turning away from a closed door of joy was how it felt....and I realized how attached I've been to the loss.  I realized I don't want to manufacture that now very familiar dynamic in the present.....it was an emotional release....like a hand releasing something hot.  A reaction....not a response, which is weird to BE reactive, suddenly, in a healthy way!  Maybe for the first time, and bc of all the information taking root and space....crowding out old habits and unconscious beliefs.

Honestly, mining the depths of unconscious beliefs is a layer of work moving things forward in jerks and spasms, feels like, IME, but.... that's part of moving forward and inhabiting new space....not leaving any major layers of habit and understanding unseat with and behind, holding back, dragging behind, clawing and struggling....taking focus back, rattling and creating distraction I couldn't identify before but now tend to and try very hard to process and move into historic files with intention.

I feel I'm not at all done, but now have basic tools benefiting my style and ability to cope....to expand my window of resilience, as my T says.

Writing that out.....I feel very keenly the years of frustration and confusion when feeling centered and in the zone went away.

I have such compassion for myself and inability to just FIX it.  The more I tried to think my way out, the harder it was.

I did collect useful information helping me understand and make sense of the therapy sessions, which I don't think I would have, otherwise.

I could be wrong, of course.  Dropping expectation is a default now, not just a fleeting comfort during crisis and terrifying threats I couldn't control.

I think I believe all will be well, all the time now, rather than believe or struggle to believe, bc I'm stuck in my limbic system too long, not understanding why or how to get OUT if I can just remember to breathe and get very curious...things start falling into place, like dominoes.  Feeling better begins dropping into place and new unconscious belief systems begin organizing , shifting, building and finally taking up residence without creating resistance and persistence of the old, if that makes sense.

Not only levels to notice and attend to, but ways to attend to help the process, rather than force and extend, with more frustration and judgment popping up, which I remember keenly suffering through.

THAT has largely been extinguished, as of now.  I AM kind to myself. 
I DO stop shame and guilt before it gets inside.
I don't judge...and that's key.  Its6also a work in progress.  So.etimes I have to remember, backtrack and SEE the situation without reactive anger.....and I do try.  I think I mostly succeed now, and it's an amazing lesson if I don't.  I compare and notice how each feeeeels, so different.

Again, a small release of emotionally dropping something dangerous and hot.

Maybe the real shift is understanding how detrimental old habits truly are....believing....internalizing and processing fully so all the reward evaporates and leaves a void where new defaults are primed to....slide into place.  The old default patterns fully processed and moved into historic files with a resounding slam.

Maybe.  Not sure.  Writing that last part doesn't feel as solid or known and understood, frankly, but I suspect that's the case.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 10, 2020, 01:22:23 PM
ILighterI had dinner with moss friend after being so busy we didn't connect for a while.

It was great....she made soup and salad.  I was famished and so grateful for mommy food.  I palm rolled her locks, which took a lot of energy and friction, but so satisfying to figure out and see the tight, neat improvement. 

We have a lot in common, but I'm mist excited about her help in organizing my house.  She's a whizbang at it.

I like her dh well enough, as we have things in common too. 

I have to finish blowing leaves before tomorrow's rain.  Yesterday my I dropped onto the ground and pulled weeds from neighbor's yard....it felt like meditation AND it works toward both yards being weed free. 

Today is all blowing, bc weeding is easier in wet soil.  I feel like I'm exactly where I belong doing what I should be doing with an understanding big change is on the way.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 19, 2020, 12:40:38 AM
I wasn't looking for a zero gravity chair, but found one at the Rehab Restore.  Oldest DD tried it this evening and found a good deal of relief in it.  It gets her feet above her heart, which is usually a PITA.

DD so pleased with the chair...it feels like we connect easier....without friction.  She hears me.  She's open and appreciates touch and care, which isn't usually the case.  Since she spends 10 hours on her feet at work, she's experiencing pain I can help her with now she's open to it.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 21, 2020, 09:36:06 PM
There's more spaciousness and easy ability to put myself in other people's shoes, I've noticed.

What's more, I'm sometimes sideswiped by unexpected clarity and compassion for myself as things change, and I notice that change. 

An example is emptying the freezers and fridges out as I prepare meals without shopping for more than fresh veggies, and nothing else.

The clean, emptying and almost empty spaces feel amazing, but flag tension and put a sharp point on my habit of buying and hoarding food in an effort to feel safer...more secure....less at the mercy of.  It hit me like a hammer, then passed.

SEEING myself, from a new POV, without trying, is different for me.  Like I've recovered from floundering in heavy surf, crawled onto solid ground, caught my breath, stood up and changed my physical perspective, if that makes sense.

I have new capacity to feel and extend compassion to my younger self.  It's different than feeling rage or adrenalin and desire for justice and accountability, which is all I can remember.

I never had time or desire to extend and receive compassion in relationship with myself......and it just appeared as I named a habit, and understood what I did and why.  It was nose on a Pebble for so long.

Not huge revelation, but a definite shift.

We're spending Thanksgiving at home....just the 3 of us with Honebaked ham, smoked turkey breast and whatever we decide between us.

Maybe some new traditions.  Maybe some old, but relaxed and together and no social pressure.

I cleaned gutters yesterday.  Will blow leaves tomorrow and work on moss....likely.

I'm ready to steam wallpaper in both bathrooms at home and after Thsgvg at my Dad's. 

Ya.  Breathing feels easier. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on November 22, 2020, 12:11:00 AM
new capacity to feel and extend compassion to my younger self

Some of the greatest words I've ever read in a Lighter post!

I am very happy for you, Lighter.

I really believe this realization is just IT.
It's amazing how when we temporarily lose track of that compassion for ourselves, the more we practice it the quicker we still rebound.

I'm really glad. Great to read.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 22, 2020, 09:12:31 AM
Thanks, Hops.  Even as I write this I notice old patterns popping up.  I'm going to breathe through them and see what's underneath.

Whew....time for some yard work.  The moss beckons: )


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 23, 2020, 10:54:56 AM

I'm reading through this thread.  There's one thing here, Hops.....I tried to say it when you were in T with M, but feel I fell short.  I hope it makes more sense from thus author.

I included the entire post, bc I enjoyed it and find reminders helpful regarding
 my true goal of remembering my authentic self, and coming home to her, again and again, without judgment or expectation. 


The Heart's Intention
by Phillip Moffitt
Once a month, an hour before the Sunday-evening meditation class I teach, I offer a group
interview for students who attend regularly. These interviews give them the opportunity to
ask questions about their meditation practice or about applying the dharma to daily life. In a
recent session, a yogi who dutifully meditates every morning admitted, "I must be confused
about the Buddha's teaching on right intention. I'm very good about setting intentions and
then reminding myself of them. But things don't ever seem to turn out according to those
intentions, and I fall into disappointment.
At first, I could only smile in response. What a good question! When I asked her to explain
these intentions, she proceeded to describe a number of goals for her future - to become less
tense at work, to spend more time with her family, to stabilize her finances, and more. She
was suffering from a kind of confusion that seems to afflict many bright, hardworking people:
mixing up two different life functions that are easily mistaken for each other. All of her goals
were laudable, but none would fit within the Buddha's teachings on right intention.
Goal making is a valuable skill; it involves envisioning a future outcome in the world or in
your behavior, then planning, applying discipline, and working hard to achieve it. You
organize your time and energy based on your goals; they help provide direction for your life.
Committing to and visualizing those goals may assist you in your efforts, but neither of these
activities is what I call setting intention. They both involve living in an imagined future and
are not concerned with what is happening to you in the present moment. With goals, the
future is always the focus: Are you going to reach the goal? Will you be happy when you do?
What's next?
Setting intention, at least according to Buddhist teachings, is quite different than goal
making. It is not oriented toward a future outcome. Instead, it is a path or practice that is
focused on how you are "being" in the present moment. Your attention is on the everpresent
"now" in the constantly changing flow of life. You set your intentions based on understanding
what matters most to you and make a commitment to align your worldly actions with your
inner values.
As you gain insight through meditation, wise reflection, and moral living, your ability to act
from your intentions blossoms. It is called a practice because it is an ever-renewing process.
You don't just set your intentions and then forget about them; you live them every day.
Although the student thought she was focusing on her inner experience of the present
moment, she was actually focusing on a future outcome; even though she had healthy goals
that pointed in a wholesome direction, she was not being her values. Thus, when her efforts
did not go well, she got lost in disappointment and confusion. When this happened, she had
no "ground of intention" to help her regain her mental footing - no way to establish herself in
a context that was larger and more meaningful than her goal-oriented activity.
Goals help you make your place in the world and be an effective person. But being grounded
in intention is what provides integrity and unity in your life. Through the skillful cultivation of
intention, you learn to make wise goals and then to work hard toward achieving them without
getting caught in attachment to outcome. As I suggested to the yogi, only by remembering
your intentions can you reconnect with yourself during those emotional storms that cause you
to lose touch with yourself. This remembering is a blessing, because it provides a sense of
meaning in your life that is independent of whether you achieve certain goals or not.
Ironically, by being in touch with and acting from your true intentions, you become more
effective in reaching your goals than when you act from wants and insecurities. Once the yogi
understood this, she started to work with goals and intentions as separate functions. She later
reported that continually coming back to her intentions in the course of her day was actually
helping her with her goals.
Doing the Groundwork
What would it be like if you didn't measure the success of your life just by what you get and
don't get, but gave equal or greater priority to how aligned you are with your deepest values?
Goals are rooted in maya (illusion) - the illusionary world where what you want seems fixed
and unchanging but in truth is forever changing. It is in this world that mara, the inner voice
of temptation and discouragement, flourishes. Goals never fulfill you in an ongoing way; they
either beget another goal or else collapse. They provide excitement - the ups and downs of life
- but intention is what provides you with self-respect and peace of mind.
Cultivating right intention does not mean you abandon goals. You continue to use them, but
they exist within a larger context of meaning that offers the possibility of peace beyond the
fluctuations caused by pain and pleasure, gain and loss.
The Buddha's Fourth Noble Truth teaches right intention as the second step in the eightfold
path: Cause no harm, and treat yourself and others with Loving-kindness and compassion
while seeking true happiness, that which comes from being free from grasping and clinging.
Such a statement may sound naive or idealistic - a way for nuns and monks to live but not
suitable for those of us who must make our way in this tough, competitive world. But to think
this is to make the same error as the woman in my group interview.
In choosing to live with right intention, you are not giving up your desire for achievement or a
better life, or binding yourself to being morally perfect. But you are committing to living each
moment with the intention of not causing harm with your actions and words, and not
violating others through your livelihood or sexuality. You are connecting to your own sense of
kindness and innate dignity. Standing on this ground of intention, you are then able to
participate as you choose in life's contests, until you outgrow them.
Naturally, sometimes things go well for you and other times not, but you do not live and die
by these endless fluctuations. Your happiness comes from the strength of your internal
experience of intention. You become one of those fortunate human beings who know who
they are and are independent of our culture's obsession with winning. You still feel sadness,
loss, lust, and fear, but you have a means for directly relating to all of these difficult emotions.
Therefore, you are not a victim, nor are your happiness and peace of mind dependent on how
things are right now.
Misusing Good Intentions
When I offer teachings on right intention, students often ask two things: "Isn't this like
signing up for the Ten Commandments in another form?" and "What about the old saying
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions'?" First, the Ten Commandments are excellent
moral guidelines for us all, but right intention is not moral law; it is an attitude or state of
mind, which you develop gradually. As such, the longer you work with right intention, the
subtler and more interesting it becomes as a practice.

Hops, this next part is something that's been niggling at my brain in reference to M and reactivity his behaviors bring up for you, but also his reactivity to your reactivity, if it makes sense.
In Buddhist psychology, intention manifests itself as "volition," which is the mental factor
that most determines your consciousness in each moment. Literally, it is your intention that
affects how you interpret what comes into your mind.
Take, for example, someone who is being rude and domineering during a meeting at work. He
is unpleasant, or at least your experience of him is unpleasant. What do you notice? Do you
see his insecurity and how desperately hungry he is for control and attention? Or do you
notice only your own needs and dislike, and take his behavior personally, even though it really
has little to do with you? If you are grounded in your intention, then your response will be to
notice his discomfort and your own suffering and feel compassion toward both of you. This
doesn't mean that you don't feel irritation or that you allow him to push you around, but you
avoid getting lost in judgment or personal reaction. Can you feel the extra emotional space
such an orientation to life provides? Do you see the greater range of options for interpreting
the difficulties in your life? I feel that's important if you're to spend any time with M. 
As for those good intentions that lead to hell in the old adage, they almost always involve
having an agenda for someone else. They are goals disguised as intentions, and you abandon
your inner intentions in pursuit of them. Moreover, those goals are often only your view of
how things are supposed to be, and you become caught in your own reactive mind.
Mixing Motives
One issue around cultivating intention that trips up many yogis is mixed motives. During
individual interviews with me, people will sometimes confess their anguish at discovering
during meditating how mixed their motives were in past situations involving a friend or a
family member. They feel as though they're not a good person and they aren't trustworthy.
Sometimes my response is to paraphrase the old blues refrain "If it wasn't for bad luck, I
wouldn't have no luck at all." It is the same with motives; in most situations, if you didn't go
with your mixed motives, you wouldn't have any motivation at all. You would just be stuck.
The Buddha knew all about mixed motives. In the Majjhima Nikaya sutta "The Dog-Duty
Ascetic," he describes how "dark intentions lead to dark results" and "bright intentions lead to
bright results." Then he says, "Bright and dark intentions lead to bright and dark results." Life
is like this, which is why we practice. You are not a fully enlightened being; therefore,
expecting yourself to be perfect is a form of delusion.
Forget judging yourself, and just work with the arising moment. Right intention is a continual
aspiration. Seeing your mixed motives is one step toward liberation from ignorance and from
being blinded by either desire or aversion. So welcome such a realization, even though it is
painful. The less judgment you have toward yourself about your own mixed motives, the more
clearly you can see how they cause suffering. This insight is what releases the dark motives
and allows room for bright ones.
Sowing Karmic Seeds
For some people, the most difficult aspect of right intention has to do with the role it plays in
the formation of karma. The Buddha classified karma as one of the "imponderables," meaning
we can never fully understand it; attempting to do so is not fruitful. Yet we are challenged to
work with the truth that every action has both a cause and a consequence.
The primary factor that determines karma is intention; therefore, practicing right intention is
crucial to gaining peace and happiness. In Buddhist teachings, karma refers to "the seed from
action." This means that any word or action is either wholesome or unwholesome and
automatically plants a seed of future occurrence that will blossom on its own accord when the
conditions are correct, just as a plant grows when there is the right balance of sunshine,
water, and nutrients.
Whether an action is wholesome or unwholesome is determined by the intention that
originated it. On reflection, this is common sense. The example often given is that of a knife in
the hands of a surgeon versus those of an assailant. Each might use a knife to cut you, but one
has the intention to help you heal, while the other has the intention to harm you. Yet you
could die from the actions of either. Intention is the decisive factor that differentiates the two.
In this view, you are well served by cultivating right intention.
When I'm teaching right intention, I like to refer to it as the heart's intention. Life is so
confusing and emotionally confounding that the rational mind is unable to provide an
absolutely clear intention. What we have to rely on is our intuitive knowing, or "felt wisdom."
In the Buddha's time, this was referred to asbodhichitta, "the awakened mind-heart."
It is said that a karmic seed may bloom at one of three times: immediately, later in this
lifetime, or in a future life. Conversely, what is happening to you at each moment is the result
of seeds planted in a past life, earlier in this life, or in the previous moment. Whatever your
feelings about past lives, the latter two are cause-andeffect phenomena that you recognize as
true. But here is a thought to reflect on that is seldom mentioned: Whatever is manifesting
itself in your life right now is affected by how you receive it, and how you receive it is largely
determined by your intention in this moment.
Imagine that you will have a difficult interaction later today. If you are not mindful of your
intention, you might respond to the situation with a harmful physical action - maybe because
you got caught in your fear, panic, greed, or ill will. But with awareness of your intention, you
would refrain from responding physically. Instead, you might only say something unskillful,
causing much less harm. Or if you have a habit of speaking harshly, with right intention you
might only have a negative thought but find the ability to refrain from uttering words you
would later regret. When you're grounded in your intention, you are never helpless in how
you react to any event in your life. While it is true that you often cannot control what happens
to you, with mindfulness of intention you can mitigate the effects of what occurs in terms of
both the moment itself and what kind of karmic seed you plant for the future.
Developing Resolve
Buddhist teachings suggest that there are certain characteristics called paramis, or
perfections, you must develop before you can ever achieve liberation. One of these qualities,
right resolve, has to do with developing the will to live by your intentions. Through practicing
right resolve, you learn to set your mind to maintaining your values and priorities, and to
resist the temptation to sacrifice your values for material or ego gain. You gain the ability to
consistently hold your intentions, no matter what arises.
Right intention is like muscle - you develop it over time by exercising it. When you lose it, you
just start over again. There's no need to judge yourself or quit when you fail to live by your
intentions. You are developing the habit of right intention so that it becomes an unconscious
way of living - an automatic response to all situations. Right intention is organic; it thrives
when cultivated and wilts when neglected.
Not long ago, the yogi gave me an update on her efforts to practice right intention. She said
that for several years, she had pushed and pulled in her relationship, getting irritated with her
partner for not spending more time with the family and demanding that he change. One day
in meditation, she realized that this was just another example of her getting caught in wanting
more. In truth, there was nothing intrinsically wrong with his behavior. It was just that she
wanted to spend more time together than he did. She immediately stopped making demands
and was much happier.
Soon after this first realization, she found herself in a situation at work where all of her
insecurities were ignited. She was in a meeting during which an action was being proposed
that she felt was unfair, and she sensed anger rising in her. But before speaking, she left the
room to reflect.
When she returned, she was grounded in her intentions to be nonreactive, to seek out clear
understanding, and to not be attached to the outcome. This allowed her to participate in the
meeting in a calm, effective manner, saying her truth. Surprisingly, the group came to a
conclusion that, although it was not what she thought should happen, was at least something
she could live with. "Sometimes I remember to work with my intentions," she told me, "but
then at other times, I just seem to develop amnesia and completely forget the whole idea for
weeks at a time. It's like I had never been exposed to the teaching. I mean, there is nothing in
my mind but my goals. I don't even consider my intention." I assured her that it is like this for
almost everyone. It takes a long time to make right intention a regular part of your life.
At times, the benefits of acting from your intentions can seem so clear and obvious that you
vow, "I'm going to live this way from now on." Then you get lost or overwhelmed and
conclude that it is more than you can do. Such emotional reactions, while understandable,
miss the point. If you make right intention a goal, you are grasping at spiritual materialism.
Right intention is simply about coming home to yourself. It is a practice of aligning with the
deepest part of yourself while surrendering to the reality that you often get lost in your
wanting mind.
There are only two things you are responsible for in this practice: Throughout each day, ask
yourself if you are being true to your deepest intentions. If you're not, start doing so
immediately, as best as you're able. The outcome of your inquiry and effort may seem modest
at first. But be assured, each time you start over by reconnecting to your intention, you are
taking one more step toward finding your own authenticity and freedom. In that moment, you
are remembering yourself and grounding your life in your heart's intention. You are living the
noble life of the Buddha's teachings.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on November 23, 2020, 11:29:41 AM
That's very wise information, Lighter, and it certainly would apply to any time at all I should spend with M. Wrestling with that question right now.

I am not looking to follow a particular meditative or religious or prescribed spiritual practice no matter what its label or tradition is. But I can still mine this article for its wonderful nuggets of wisdom and help, and really appreciate your intention (!) in sharing it.

Because you (and he) are so right; the reactivity is the thing. I think I am very defensive and scared in various situations and do react or retreat rather than remain at peace inside the situation regardless. (He had a great line about that). My reactivity is the only one I can work on. I am at such a tentative point with it presently that it may be best not to test it at all, or it could be that learning how to "be friends" with M could wind up as a strengthening and maturing thing for me. I have my doubts but if I'm learning from what's happening nothing is wasted.

Thanks for this, Lighter.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on December 01, 2020, 06:52:10 AM
Lighter, I seem to have missed a lot of posts on this thread, I'm not sure how!  There's so much in this that rang a bell with me.


I stored things at my Dad's, so there were painful jabs while dealing with them.  Feelings if being.....well....feelings you can imagine being dragged through threatening systems by PD people doing all they can to destroy you while focusing painfully on your children to leverage and do trauma....and what was lost while defending and eventually counter attacking, which isn't in my normal character.....what it all cost my children, nieces and nephew.

Yes, not my normal character is just how I feel about my own situation as well.  So revealing and such a good way to put it.  I'm a lover, not a fighter!  I just wanted to get on with my life - raise my baby, go back to work, meet a nice man, buy a little house, maybe have a holiday or two!  I never dreamt I'd spend fifteen years battling my way through paper led battles and layers of deceit and injustice.  But you can't not do it?  The kids will suffer if you don't fight back; I found that hard to get my head round because I'd rather have walked away.  But that option wasn't available.

THAT was tough, then came the home movies with shift in perspective.  Turning away from a closed door of joy was how it felt....and I realized how attached I've been to the loss.  I realized I don't want to manufacture that now very familiar dynamic in the present.....it was an emotional release....like a hand releasing something hot.  A reaction....not a response, which is weird to BE reactive, suddenly, in a healthy way!  Maybe for the first time, and bc of all the information taking root and space....crowding out old habits and unconscious beliefs.

Yes, attached to the sense of loss had me nodding.  And I've found it very hard to move away from 'what my mum did to me' to focusing back on her, her awful childhood, her loveless, colourless marriages, her endless sacrifice of herself and her drinking in order to cope with it all.  But I feel more able now to see her as a damaged person, rather than as my mum?  Or as I wish my mum could have been?  Is that the way you feel with your dad now?

Honestly, mining the depths of unconscious beliefs is a layer of work moving things forward in jerks and spasms, feels like, IME, but.... that's part of moving forward and inhabiting new space....not leaving any major layers of habit and understanding unseat with and behind, holding back, dragging behind, clawing and struggling....taking focus back, rattling and creating distraction I couldn't identify before but now tend to and try very hard to process and move into historic files with intention.

I feel I'm not at all done, but now have basic tools benefiting my style and ability to cope....to expand my window of resilience, as my T says.

Writing that out.....I feel very keenly the years of frustration and confusion when feeling centered and in the zone went away.

Yes, I find I feel very miffed when someone or something pops my bubble now.  I like being able to go through my day without having to battle my own mind (or my nervous system kicking off or some trigger or other causing a panic attack).  It's nice to be in that zone and unpleasant when it dissipates.

I have such compassion for myself and inability to just FIX it.  The more I tried to think my way out, the harder it was.

I am so glad you have compassion for yourself and everything you've been through/are going through ((((Lighter)))))

I did collect useful information helping me understand and make sense of the therapy sessions, which I don't think I would have, otherwise.

I could be wrong, of course.  Dropping expectation is a default now, not just a fleeting comfort during crisis and terrifying threats I couldn't control.

I think I believe all will be well, all the time now, rather than believe or struggle to believe, bc I'm stuck in my limbic system too long, not understanding why or how to get OUT if I can just remember to breathe and get very curious...things start falling into place, like dominoes.  Feeling better begins dropping into place and new unconscious belief systems begin organizing , shifting, building and finally taking up residence without creating resistance and persistence of the old, if that makes sense.

Not only levels to notice and attend to, but ways to attend to help the process, rather than force and extend, with more frustration and judgment popping up, which I remember keenly suffering through.

THAT has largely been extinguished, as of now.  I AM kind to myself. 
I DO stop shame and guilt before it gets inside.
I don't judge...and that's key.  Its6also a work in progress.  So.etimes I have to remember, backtrack and SEE the situation without reactive anger.....and I do try.  I think I mostly succeed now, and it's an amazing lesson if I don't.  I compare and notice how each feeeeels, so different.

Again, a small release of emotionally dropping something dangerous and hot.

Dropping something dangerous and hot feels like exactly the right description.  It makes no sense to keep carrying it, right?

Maybe the real shift is understanding how detrimental old habits truly are....believing....internalizing and processing fully so all the reward evaporates and leaves a void where new defaults are primed to....slide into place.  The old default patterns fully processed and moved into historic files with a resounding slam.

Maybe.  Not sure.  Writing that last part doesn't feel as solid or known and understood, frankly, but I suspect that's the case.

It makes sense to me, Lighter.  I was doing a meditation this morning in which she focuses on choosing  new time line.  The theme is that you release your old time line as it no longer suits you; you've learnt the lessons you needed and you can take them into the time line you choose for yourself.  She refers to changing from surviving to creating and I think that's so true.  Such a big difference between getting through the day and enjoying and savouring the day.  I'm hoping for much more of the latter is coming your way now (probably with lots of moss!  Lol xx

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 01, 2020, 09:44:13 PM

 I have managed to see my parents as wounded children....humans....not flawed parents only.  It really brought serenity around those relationships for me.  I was at the lake recently....after a big storm, and the day after was sunny and warm and very windy.  Really beautiful.  I saw Dad's house and land and the lake through his eyes and...
this is a little odd, but I wished he was there, looking with me.  I took what remains of his ashes and threw them into the wind....they went so high!  It felt like he was happy and free of the room he'd spent the last21 years if his life.....not caring about his dream of a farm.  It was poignant and uplifting.

I've had a couple major shifts.  Mostly being very mindful about gratitude and the numbers 555, 1111 and 440 are coming up over and over for me since.  I grasp concepts more easily.  I SEE more meaning in things I couldn't understand befire.

I'll write more about it when I figure out this wireless keyboard.

In the meantime, I'm very busy with big projects and my girls are doing ok.

Lots of traveling back and forth to lake and home this week, so not posting as much.

Will update soon: )

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on December 06, 2020, 04:36:05 AM

 I have managed to see my parents as wounded children....humans....not flawed parents only.  It really brought serenity around those relationships for me.  I was at the lake recently....after a big storm, and the day after was sunny and warm and very windy.  Really beautiful.  I saw Dad's house and land and the lake through his eyes and...
this is a little odd, but I wished he was there, looking with me.  I took what remains of his ashes and threw them into the wind....they went so high!  It felt like he was happy and free of the room he'd spent the last21 years if his life.....not caring about his dream of a farm.  It was poignant and uplifting.

I've had a couple major shifts.  Mostly being very mindful about gratitude and the numbers 555, 1111 and 440 are coming up over and over for me since.  I grasp concepts more easily.  I SEE more meaning in things I couldn't understand befire.

I'll write more about it when I figure out this wireless keyboard.

In the meantime, I'm very busy with big projects and my girls are doing ok.

Lots of traveling back and forth to lake and home this week, so not posting as much.

Will update soon: )


I'm getting that way with my mum, Lighter, not my step-dad although to be honest I've not put any effort into the way I feel about him.  But I'm starting to see my mum more as someone who is very damaged herself rather than as someone who damaged me.  That is in part because I've had no contact with her for such a long time; I don't know that I'd maintain that thought if she pulls any of her stunts again.  But for now it feels easier.

I did do a meditation this morning; I'm finding some of these very visual in my own mind now.  In this one it's suggested that you cut karmic ties and gather up the parts of yourself that were left elsewhere during trauma.  I'm not massively into the concept of karma but I find the notion of the meditation helpful and soothing.  I imagined my mum giving me back my broken heart, my dad returning my little Tupp soul to me that I feel he took when he died, and my step-dad giving me back my body as something beautiful and sensual to love and enjoy.  I feel like he took that from me with the abuse.  I don't know why those sort of things make me feel better but they do, so I'm going to keep doing them.  I think as I'm getting older I'm seeing how much society changes in relatively short spaces of time and understanding better how disconcerting it is if you're not part of the new wave of seeing things differently.  I can see how deeply embedded in my mum 'love and honour your husband' was, however badly he behaved, and I feel very grateful that I've not got myself into a corner with that as well.  Just feels like less blame and more acceptance.

I hope the projects are all going well!  And that things are ticking along okay xx xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 07, 2020, 02:20:26 AM
Projects all going swell, Tupp.

Lots of balls in the air.  Steamed 4 rooms of wallpaper off.  Cleaned cabinet faces. Started on floors.  The dishwasher and icemaker are working again, bc my brother is super competent that way.

I run home tomorrow, youngest DD has a dental appt Monday, then pack a 26 foot truck and roll back here with 2 movers.

I loved reading about your meditation.  Taking back the pieces of yourself sounds necessary, useful and healing to me.

I'm glad I'm not stuck in a terrible marriage to an unhealthy man too, ((Tupp.))

I'm very grateful too.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on December 07, 2020, 11:02:53 AM
Are you moving Lighter? Did I miss something?
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 07, 2020, 11:05:54 PM
Nope, Amber.  Trying to clean and paint bath and bedrooms at father's lake house before Christmas.  Picked up 2 sofas, 2 loveseat and 2 chairs.....beautiful leather and wood....used....worth the 5 hour drive in rented truck.  Dibs and I will talk about the property's future....maybe convert into a 8 bedroom, 8 bath, 2 half bath hotel/ event space with chapel and reception hall....petting zoo!  We all agree on the petting zoo with tiny goats and bunnies; )  Maybe put in dry dock storage and a community dock and small marina on the lake.....large fire pit with seating.

The area doesn't have large properties allowing parties and noise past a certain hour.  Most in communities with rules.

I'll be trucking basement cabinets there Wednesday from the local Habitat for humanity store.  2 hour drive in a 26' truck.
Loading carefully is a concern, of course.  I hired 2 movers to help. Beautiful solid cherry with warped old world glass....bubbles and all.  Looks great and distinguished.  Tomorrow I label them, and finalize design plan.  Have to order appliances.  I'd be excited if I weren't so sleepy.  Really missing my girls.  Nice to cook and dance with them tonight.

Hands have a few pesky cuts and burns....takes a bit of fun out of being in the kitchen, ime.



Considering turning it into a hotel property with reception gall, chapel and...
best of all...
A Petting zoo!  That's the one thing all siblings have a clear vision on...tiny goats, rabbits and maybe donkeys.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on December 08, 2020, 12:56:03 PM
God that sounds amazing, Lighter - especially the pets!  You have been working hard, as always.  It will be nice if all of that is done before Christmas.  The furniture sounds lovely as well xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on December 08, 2020, 04:00:14 PM
I'm staggered by your appetite for complex, challenging real estate projects. But sure you can do these and enjoy it a great deal all the while. When one can, thinking big must really be fun.

I think the fears and anxieties and complexities you have expressed over your island B&B left me my surprised by this latest venture.

But it's at least only two hours away! No boats or airplanes required. Hope it goes well and is overall joyful and satisfying for you, despite the inevitable detours and glitches.

Do I understand right that you inherited this property from your stepfather?

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 10, 2020, 12:26:36 PM

My father's farm/ lake property...not sf.

I have 2 sibs with big ideas for the place....bigger than me.  I was thinking more event Center with 4 bedrooms for a bride and besties.  Sister thinking airbnb with top floor separated from bottom floor with ability to open up.

My brother surprised me with hotel/ marina/ chapel/pool reception hall separate from house, which looks like a lodge.

The place needs to produce income or be sold.  That's a fact.

I'm not sure what form that takes, but we'll be discussing it over Christmas.

We packed, trucked and unloaded a 26' truck yesterday.....included 2 hours driving each way.  Movers returned truck and I stayed at the lake.

I'm headed to Home Depot for floor stripper, sheetrock mud and paint.  Carpet cleaner might show.  If I strip wax off brick pavers, his machine can steam them into like new condition.

I'm starving so will get a bite in town.

I realize....I have energy and the will to do this work.  It's bringing us closer....esp little brother.  Lots of processing taking place.  Getting to know each other...moving past old ideas of who we were to each other.

I'm feeling solid IN my body...at home.  Calm.  Safe.  Reactivity happens but it's easier to see and deal with.

I'm happy.  Kids are grown and smart and funny and emotionally intelligent.  I have zero regrets about raising them up as my priority.....would change very little.  Did my very best.  I forgive myself for the bobbles.

Youngest DD graduates this year.  I'm stepping into a new chapter...and it feels very mindful....very right.

Most walking is falling forward.  I don't feel that way.  This is kissing the earth, mindfully stepping meditation.

And I've been stretching and feeling happy in self care.  It's being present in the moment....I think.  A shift I'm sometimes aware of....but it's feeling more natural. 

I had guest scheduled into the island cottage, but they cancelled.....Covid timing seems to have shut that Airbnb plan down tight.  Will put it on the market and enjoy it as much as we can.  Maybe put a seawall in with my own hands....that would feel right, if I can figure it out.  I can hire trusted and very strong helpers.  Will see.  I feel like so many possibilities will open up....and I'll know what to choose.

Trusting myself....my instincts is where I live now.  I'm home: )

Miss you guys.  Will be back more often when the lake house and my home is in order.  I'm editing and simplifying.  It fwels like the river spirit scene from the movie Spirited Away.  All the junk and trapped stuff flowing out.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on December 10, 2020, 10:36:45 PM
This is beautiful, Lighter:

I realize....I have energy and the will to do this work.  It's bringing us closer....esp little brother.  Lots of processing taking place.  Getting to know each other...moving past old ideas of who we were to each other.

I'm feeling solid IN my body...at home.  Calm.  Safe.  Reactivity happens but it's easier to see and deal with.

I'm happy.

So glad to read it.
And I hope my temporary slowdown isn't contagious.
I still NEEEEEED and LOOOOOOOVE this Board and all within it.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 12, 2020, 01:34:48 PM

You do what you need to do....self care is good and right to prioritize.

It's ok. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on December 12, 2020, 01:43:52 PM
Reading your post about the work on the house, Lighter, options for the beach house, girls now women with their own lives, options, futures ahead of them - it feels like the work on you has coincided with them not needing you around so much and then tied in with the settling up of these estates/past lives/ family ties and so on.  It just reads like it's all kind of happened in the right way at the right time and in the right order?  It's lovely to read of you being in your own motion, trusting yourself, building better relationships with siblings and letting go of old habits and patterns, whilst watching girls spread their wings and flourish.  Wow.  What an amazing time and so lovely to read that so much is going on xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 14, 2020, 08:13:29 AM
Well, Hops....
I wonder how much IS being needed less NY children and making decisions on properties.  The island cottage is going on the market....
What fresh hell that will be.  Bahamas not user friendly.  Not at all.

I think it's less stress in me brain pan....at least likely. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on December 14, 2020, 09:27:47 AM
Here's to less stress and no more shuddering, Lighter.
Hope it goes smoothly...or at least goes. Goes!

I love this line, Tupp, borrowing it:

being in your own motion

(Assonance makes everything better.)

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 18, 2020, 03:22:02 PM
I feel hung over from 3 days dealings a likely meth addict.  Tedious, boring work, but the first carpet cleaner stood me up 3 times.  My expectation to get house ready for Christmas got the better of me.

The bright spot is, I found 2 hard workers through the meth addict.  They clean the way I do. 

To clarify....I called a reputable company with good reviews.  The meth addict DD is answering her debilitated father's phone (owner operator who built the company for 35 years.) A catastrophic stroke put him in unexpected early retirement.  DD is opportunistic, with zero ability.  Really sad, truthfully, bc the older DD could run that business, but family punishing her being

Farm house coming along beautifully.  Furniture ready to be placed.  Brother has two new mattress boxsprings figured out.  So glad about that.

I've been wrapping little faux pine tree bases in burlap with old pillow stuffing....updated, very charming, imo.

Oldest DD has a baby grand piano at the farm.  I had it serviced and mostly it's in fine shape.  There was kid stuff keeping some hammers from striking, so better news than suspected.

If I can install 1 new toilet, paint 8 rooms, decorate for Christmas, place furniture and edit house another 5 or so hours....Ill be laughing; )



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on December 20, 2020, 08:16:41 AM
It sounds like it's coming together, Lighter, albeit with a lot of hard work and dealing with many things along the way!  I'm sure it will be amazing once it's all finished.  Are you spending Christmas there or back at home again? xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 20, 2020, 12:22:34 PM
Christmas at home with my girls, Tupp.  Quiet.  Shopping for a little tree with youngest DD today.

Will travel to lake on 26th and bring the tree with.  Maybe find space and time to bake cookies and make caramels.  Not sure when, but it'll happen in its to.e.

Everything flowing lately.  I stopped fighting and just gave in to trusting.  When anxiety pops up, I put it back down and know I'll make the right choice if I honor myself.  I'm decluttering like crazy, cleaning, keeping things I love.  Will be harder to go through 3 generations of photos and things, but that's coming up.

It's a dance when other people are involved, I will say that.  Honoring myself, and skipping reactivity when dealing with otherss.  Honestly, it's exhilarating if I'm being honest.  Like I popped up above the clouds....or at the surface of the ocean, but UP above old patterns and habits.....they dropped away, are dropping away.

Really good stuff. 

P.S.  Good music, black bag for throw a ways, clear bags for keepers....Im cleaning, editing and dancing in the zone, ladies!

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on December 20, 2020, 01:50:59 PM
Aw, it sounds lovely, LIghter.  I'm really glad you can still stay in the zone even while dealing with memories and the logistics of these big projects.  Quiet Christmases are awesome :)  Giving in to trust is amazing when it's been so hard (dangerous) to trust for so long.  I'm keeping fingers crossed that 2021 is going to be amazing for you :) xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 01, 2021, 11:12:07 PM
My sister invited Ohio cousins for Christmas.

Sister always invites them.

They came once, but always say NO since.

THIS year one cousin said yes, but no one thought they'd really show.

4 hours into their road trip they texted.

My youngest had a near panic attack, bc she was already struggling with Christmas gathering with my brother, sister and their families, but she made peace with those risks....no one wearing masks, not everyone tested.  Depending on the time of day I'm more or less concerned about the risks and real fear.

Long story short, DD needed Ohio cousins to go back home, and they did.  Their dd's mental health is a concern.....my youngest really struggles with Covid concerns and isolation, online learning, etc.  My cousin understood....I think her husband felt otherwise, which I get.  Of course, I do.  It was terrible.

My sister sent a text and I talked to cousin a minute later.  Cousin's husband texted my brother and brother verbally came at me in an angry way.  I asked him not to talk to me like that.

My brother walked out on Christmas the next morning, too upset to speak.  When I was figuring out meal plans and shopping, brother texted very upset...he was unable to be near me, my youngest DD or my sister. 

He texted I didn't know what I'd done, which was a reference to what he believes is my purposely raising dems. 

What I actually did was raise daughters capable of critical thinking, but what's really hurtful is my brother's disgust and refusal to hear my dds fear and voice.

It's, for brother, all tied into China and the dems unleashing the virus to stop Trump being elected, AND the election was stole, AND the truth will come out.

It's politics for him, and he's taken my dd's fear and turned it into a political statement, which it is not for her.

Brother said my DD and I should have left, so cousin could come, but my sister is staying after Christmas with me.....she would have had to go, and her DD and husband would have left too.....so my cousin could come.  Cousin had Covid, lots of people and friends have Covid now....it made no sense to me.

Still, my brother so upset.....
So upset....
His kids didn't get to see my niece, who drive in from Florida after taking a Covid test, or my oldest DD, who did nothing to him, or my BIL, who flew in from Canada....innicent btstanders in this.

So upset....seeing my face/youngestdd's face or my sister's, bc she texted didn't call my cousin, he boycotted Christmas and took his children with him.  No homemade pies and games with cousins.  No big traditional  turkey feast and cookie decorating.  All the " kids" are 18 or older, but still.....theres been so much trauma in all their lives....having a family Christmas in Granpa's clean lake house seemed so very important to me.

It feels like brother wanted to upset the innocents as much as punish and avoid the guilty parties.....feels like.

This was what my ASPD h would have labeled expanding his campaign of terrorism....involving the " innocents."

I'm not saying my brother did that on purpose.  I'm saying it feels familiar and my cousin and her husband are now triplemortified our family is fighting.  And we aren't really fighting.  It's texts....and unsaid " what I've done" that I'm not aware of......politics.

I'm doubly sad bc brother worked very hard, along with me, to get our father's house clean and ready for this joyful gathering.

And there was not.  I'm not even sure my BIL understands my brother is boycotting the family gathering....we cook, play games, chat, dance, watch old family movies and do our best to stay in the moment. But...there was supposed to be a big bonfire with my brother...fried turkey...more hunting for the boys....and my brother's presence, and that if his kids, is sometimes impossible to.....not notice.

And what does it mean?  Is he going NC for good? 

And...what would that mean?


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 01, 2021, 11:24:09 PM
One of the things I've noticed.....is I'm really present with my girls when I'm with them in recent months.

I realize I'm taking my own advice to other single parents fending off rekentless PD attacks and violations through the years.  Learning that relaxing leads to terror and catching up in the PD game we have to play....while people around us wonder why we're so preoccupied and paranoid...we're simply standing watch, keeping guard....trying to make our children and selves, safe.

That's very sad for me, but what it was....is no longer.

Now, being present with my girls is what it was in 2005...safe and all I see when I'm with them.  All I feel.

The hyperawareness left in T sessions....filed away.  Finished.

And so.....life is....gratitude.  Lots of gratitude. And the ability to see things I lost sight of.

Like getting my peripheral vision back, it's just here.  I didn't notice how empty those spaces were bc my nose was against the glass.  A little distance provides perspective, but there's no regret at the loss...
Only gratitude for what I have now.

This us new....the absence of regret and anger, which is really sadness.

I'm not saying my nervous system is bullet proof now.  I'm saying it's able to identify reactivity and deal with it more quickly as I practice.

I'm saying I'm doing a lot of practicing lately.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on January 02, 2021, 05:24:55 AM
I'm so sorry, Lighter, that all of that blew up and the lovely Christmas planning didn't go as well as was hoped.  I'm hoping that, given time, everyone calms down a bit and can start to see the others' point of view more.  No right or wrong, just people, stressed and anxious, for different reasons, at the end of a year that I think most have found to be challenging, to say the least.  I think unfortunately it's one of those times where going with the flow just doesn't work for everyone and possibly a bit of time and space for everyone now is what's needed.  Hopefully over time everyone will calm down a bit and conversations can be had (or not, depending on how it goes!).  And things will settle into place again.  I hope you were able to have a bit of a nice time even with all of that going on xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 02, 2021, 09:55:07 AM
We had a nice time, Tupp.  I think the hardest moments were the afternoon and evening brother shared his plan to pull himself and family out of Christmas.  Once the shock wire off...the damage to Ohio cousin, oldest DD and BIL, who traveled here to have Christmas with us even as his mother struggles with Alzheimer's.....was the difficult part.....for me. 

The codependence stuff....wanting everyone to be ok, even as brother, who should care about those things too...about giving his grown children some normalcy, as much as they can have....normalcy.  His DD has been directed to hate and punish brother's gf....her mother's ongoing mission in the family, despite her own happiness and apparent joyful relationship with a man who lives her. 

Feelings aren't right or wrong....
I get that....they just are.

It's how adult parents choose to execute their feelings....when they impact children.  All our kids are used to it, frankly.  Grew up with it. Suffered it.

I really thought we'd give them pure unselfish joy this year.  Comfort food.  Laughter. 

Nope.  Why shouldn't this year be normal and besmirched?  Expectations and acceptance all swirled up.  I've released expectation and simplified my thoughts.  I feel better now, but oldest DD feels robbed and betrayed, which might be my brother's intention.  Maybe not.  I see the wounded child in him too....I feel the sting and disorienting oppression of a man's punishment of women they can't control too. 

Oldest DD disagrees with brother's opinion I've installed democratic political views.  She feels something was uninstalled in children raised to hold political beliefs of their parents.....critical thinking skills.

And I'll never punish people for their truth, even as I shield myself.  Punishments never made sense in a family.  No matter how bad things get....the innocents shouldn't be pawns, or injured.  My girls lost so much....a father, grandfather, aunts, uncles and cousins....simetimes on both sides.  My brother's wife withheld niece and nephew when I corrected my niece on something SIL installed in her head and sent her for a visit...mit was to do with my brother and earning power and then SIL was making empty legal threats via texts, bc her DD shared what so said, very confused.  The threat to keep niece and nephew from us was carried out, however.  Very unnerving. Super SIL's way if navigating her world, but not my brother's.

So....is he aware?  Is that what he intended?  Does the family have to choose between us?  My father was all about forcing those kinds of choices.  My mother had a bit of that.....mostly for self protection, but a bit punitive also.

I just thought we could do something else.  I thought we were smarter than that.

It's pricessing like another death, for me.  Brother is smart, but wounded from years of marriage to likely BLPD wife....fleas?

One last thing....my sister and I try to include the Ohio cousins.  We invite, plan and attend the functions.  I don't understand my brother forcing a " choice" between cousins abd his sisters.  Feelings, I know.  Just what they are.

Ohio cousins are ok.  Will stay connected, no matter....after Covid will come together again.

His choices are baffling, punitive, seemingly intended to harm in ripples....I can't imagine he's wholly unaware, though he's been rather cryptic about intentions....outside avoiding just me, my sister and youngest DD as his only intention.

I'm not talking about this much in the family, bc....lots if mommy spirit business with my sister.  Just keeping up with cooking and cleaning....cookies and turkey dinner, with all the toxins, are next.

I realize there's joy in this ritual.....nit just codependent mindless DOING.  I'm creating and experiencing joy in my moments.

I'm breathing my way clear, over and over.

My moss is beautiful and vivid green after the snow and teen temps.

I have a bath poured.  More editing and organizing at home, before returning to lake with oldest DD.

Even if it's not ok...it's ok.  Where there's pain...is there always growth?  I think I'm raising Amazon's, even if my intentions and actions were to shield and protect...the reality has been....I couldn't and they weren't.

This is another deep wounding....familial.  Not yet scathing, but maybe in time, it will be.

I think I might vomit if my BIL realizes what's really going on.  My brother asking him to choose him or his wife and daughter seems...so....what would that be, to my brother? What does he think this means to his children, who have very limited extended family contact, as is.

I have to stop....
 SOOOPHing engagement commencing.

Where does extending empathy and seeing from other people's pov become unpriductive?  When we neeeed a certain outcome.

::Releasing expectation::

Turning back to the joy in front of me.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on January 02, 2021, 11:09:45 AM
I'm so sorry it went that way, Lighter. It sounds as though you have a clear view of the inherited, punitive pattern. If only understanding the origins of dysfunction meant we could prevent or reverse it in others.

So you can only find peace within yourself, while accepting what's out of your control. It sounds as though you're doing the right things to re-anchor that peace.

But having a family blowup, so soon after you'd been cooperating with your brother so happily on the big lake property plans....must make it extra painful.

I've almost reached the point where I never want to fantasize about anything at all.

I hope this corrects quickly but even if it doesn't, will quote a sage for you:
"It's okay, even when it's not okay."

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 02, 2021, 11:27:13 AM
Thanks, Hops.  I hope it's a bobble and not a permanent rift too.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on January 02, 2021, 11:56:57 AM
(((((((((((Lighter)))))))))))))))))  I'm so sorry.  I can just imagine you bustling around, making the house nice, cooking delicious food, planning games and activities, doing all you can to create those nice memories that we all want to have when we look back on certain times.  And you being you, including everyone, making sure everyone's okay, being very willing and able to let certain things slide and/or not become an issue because, it's Christmas, and it doesn't matter who thinks what or votes for whom or whether or not everyone feels the same about every issue.  And I can see other people - not doing that, because their own dynamics, whatever they are, are just more important and they can't put things to one side just for a few days.  And they have to circle other people on their side as well.  It's such a shame.

Whatever your brother's intentions were, I hope things do calm down with him, even if only for the sake of all the cousins so that they can do those family events from time to time without big rows erupting.  I know my own mum worked really hard to stop my sister and I having contact and/or a relationship with any of our extended family - all part of the control issue.  Maybe it's that with him, it's so hard to know what the motivation is for different people's behaviour (and yep, I think often there's a lack of self awareness or a feeling that people can feel the way they feel and still get along okay for a few hours or days).  I'm glad there were enjoyable bits as well and I do hope there is some settling down, even if it just means the adult kids can catch up together from time to time.  Families!  They're hard work lol xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 02, 2021, 02:12:30 PM
I stripped beds and dud laundry while practicing loving kindness meditations...short and focused on myself, then brother.

I so want him happy and safe.  I don't think he feels sadexat all right NIW.  I do think he's connecting to his children through Covid.  That's a very happy thing, even with his ex wife's consistent sabotage.  How very tired my brother must be after 20 years of it.

So, that's been my answer for now.  Picturing brother joyful with his children and life, with gratitude he's in my life.

Releasing expectation helped.

Ending judgment helped more.

Focusing on curiosity.....I'm often surprised by my brother abd his reactions.  In goodcways, if I'm being honest.  He tends to process angry, then settle and make changes bringing positive impacts on how we relate.

I'm enjoying feeling empty right now....a little hungry that is.  Oldest DD and I picked up cucumbers, carrots, 2 heads of lettuce and avocados to make lettuce wraps with peanut sauce last night.  I had a light soup today.  My body is at ease, head to toe.  I have deep gratitude and it really contributes to working on the car my father's caretaker drove for years....I now have back.

After cleaning the house, or the worst of it, the deep dirt in the car was really bugging me, mostly bc I didn't have a moment to a dress it, and bc the lack of care is so apparent.

I think there's some shame in there, but I'm no longer muttering things like " boogered up" and am enjoying the deep satisfaction of making really grubby things very clean.

Not sure what shifted.  Action or perspective, likely both.

Caretaker has phoned twice and shown up at the lake house once while I was gone.  She takes something every time she shows up.  I realize I'm ready for her to stop.  I'm ready for her to be well and happy somewhere else, not near me.

Mostly bc of past betrayals, which, when I think of it, were consistent and not in her best interests.  I think she knew I valued her mission, and would support her and it no matter what she did to me.

In this moment I feel I've been consistent, kind and loving, despite her puzzling behavior.

I'm glad I don't have to figure it out or explain it to anyone.  I had some upset over this decision, but there's peace now.  I'll call her after moving through some living kindness practice focused on her.  Will be particularly focused on it as I continue cleaning the car.

Not neeeding her to understand my POV is coming into focus.  Not needing others to understand is too.  My sorting it out is enough, blessedly.

It's being enough.  It's requiring my own approval....no one else's to feel ok.

It feels like everything is ok, in this moment.

Tupp....what you said about limiting chaos in your own life really struck home for me.  I didn't do that only to let everyone else drag theirs into my life, and I have seriously curtailed opportunity for others to create drama. 

I'm going to explore what drama I feel pressing in and changing how I relate to it.  How I allow it to act on me, in my life, etc.

That felt amazing to tap out!  The realization I have power over so much in my life.  I'm not a victim, or at the mercy of anyone right now.  That's over if it was ever true...done.

I require my approval.  It feels like letting go of a stupid trap.....in martial Arts there are traps we think we can't escape, but can....easily, if we know how.  Like opening a hand and letting the rope go.....it stops burning.


See the field.

That is SO helpful in every way.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on January 03, 2021, 04:47:50 AM
((((((((Lighter)))))))))  It's so good to read that the things that come up just don't floor you - you can breathe, meditate, think your way through them and it's okay.  Will never be perfect - I think that's been a tough one for me to chew on?  But it's okay.  You can manage yourself and hope others can blend in with that, but also release them if it's just not possible to be involved.  That's just how it has to be sometimes, I think.  Requiring your own approval - yes, definitely that, but also hard to do sometimes!  I remember a T, years ago, telling me it only mattered what I thought about what I was doing.  Other people's opinions weren't important.  It's hard to let go of that when decades of your life have been devoted to other people and what they thought.  Tough lessons to learn.  But so useful.  And yes to limiting chaos.  Peace, happiness, harmony.  We can't have it all the time, I don't think, but it's certainly something to aim for most of the time.  Happy 2021, Lighter xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on January 03, 2021, 10:10:56 AM
Add me to the chorus of appreciation for

"I require my own approval!"

A good one for the mini-mantra collection!

HNY hugs
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 08, 2021, 07:14:29 PM
Thanks, Tupp and Hops:

Once I adjusted my expectations and let go of outcome things became joyful at Christmas again.

I still mumble under my breath occasionally, about the layered....see.

I want to write filth, but I also want to accept it is what it is, then get joyful about the cleaning, which happens and is possible.  It comes and goes.  I don't want to be negative about dad's caretaker letting dogs use the upstairs of the whole house as a per pad for 2 dogs.  It helps nothing, and is upsetting to me.....changes nothing to judge and feel frustrated.

I have an easier time dealing with my little brother, bc I absolutely don't want to be told what to do.  Backing off him, accepting he's upset.....respecting his choices is easy once I give up expectations.

I'm nicer to myself when I catch myself being negative....just bring it back on track and keep going.  Like training martial Arts....fill the negative space with learning and curiosity.  Focusing on failure, itself, is pointless.  Noting it, then returning to center, feels very productive to me.

We had snow this morning.  Not the big dump we expected, but it was beautiful.  The kids made 7 batches of cookie dough last night.  They're icing them now, after doing box it outs and baking for hours.  It's magical and I can't wait to take neighbor's little treat bags. 

We made chocolate chip cookies and Russian tea cookies too, all he, so there's something for everyone.

My buddy, with Covid, said his wife tested negative and son hasn't received his results yet.

My mechanic, in GA, recovered after receiving the antibody shot?  I think that's what he said.  It took 3 more days of difficult breathing.....he called on day 2 to say it didn't help.  The doc said to wait another day, and that happened to be when his ability to breathe freely returned.

The man who gave it to him just had flu symptoms, but his 60+ yo sister was very ill, like the mechanic.

I'd like to hire my brother's gf to sell the beach cottage, but she ghosted me when he did, so not sure.  I have another realtor company in mind....will see.

I have 3 pairs of glasses ready for pick up where dd20 works.  I'm curious how I'll feel about wearing glasses again and looking through glasses with 3 prescriptions in each lense.....all different, bc of the monovision.  I'm thinking my brain will have a bit of adjusting to do, for sure.

We've made many family meals, but I really enjoyed the spaghetti and meatballs.....just finished the leftovers yesterday myself.  People still asking for it. 

The charcuterie board was a close second, mostly bc we didn't blow the kitchen up and it was beautiful....so yummy.  My bil made negronis.....gin highballs?  Very interesting, with orange peel twists for me.  I've never had gin before....reminded me of making grab lax with Swedish friends, bc of the juniper berries. 

Lots of pies were made and consumed.  Pear cheddar pie, Apple, pumpkin....brownies....a first batch of Russian tea cookies.  We'll be ready for more austere food soon, but not quite yet.

MIL sent both dds very short notes on very cheap cards this week.  This is the first time she included youngest DD.  This us the first time she didn't blather on about money and smirky instructions to contact her, bc over 18yo....like THAT was the reason MIL has zero contact with the girls.  Like I controlled them, and kept them from her. 

See....there's a little reactivity there.  I feel the need to finish that thought.  Tap out MIL's actions are the reason the girls have nothing to do with her....and....I think I feel better, but am ready to not go down that rabbit hole any longer.

There's freedom and joy in noting that....and in knowing I have a choice.  In knowing I can put her down and turn away whenever I choose.  I'm not ready today, but sense I will be soon, and that will be the right time for me.

The same with mumbling under my breath about the.....cleaning.  It's a fresh start.  It's all good when wiggling my toes on pristine brick pavers I steamed and scrubbed many times. 

That's my update.  Things are slowing down now my BIL returned to Canada.  We made beautiful walking sticks we collected on forest walks.  We put in a toilet and shower door.  Fixed or improved the garage door tracking and painted the crud out of the worst bed and bathrooms over the holiday. 

I meant to bring the steamer and strip wallpaper in my 2 bathrooms, but left it behind.  Will go back to lake and try to finish painting while sister is here....lots to paint.

Lots of projects, but I'm leaning in happily.  Girls are all but grown and it feels like I have the space and energy to give.  I like staying busy. 



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on January 09, 2021, 06:00:10 AM
Is that scary MIL, Lighter?  The one who's caused all the problems?  If so, that's an amazing not reactive reaction you've had to her getting in touch.  Huge progress, that's so great to read.  It's funny that she still doesn't see her role in what happened.  But great that it no longer drags you back into that horrifying mess she made.

And the food!  Mmmm, your meal descriptions always make me feel so hungry!  Sounds so delicious and it's a nice way to spend time with the kids, isn't it, it's so much about nurturing and caring and it's a nice thing to do together.  All I can think about now is cookies, though :) You sound so busy up at the lake house; I hope everything that needs doing there gets done and that you can sell on the beach house without too many problems.  Sounds like a realtor who isn't family or family connected might be a good idea just now.  Keeps everything neutral and avoids 'other' issues merging in with practical decisions about the house.

And I hope that all the people you know with Covid recover well.  It really does seem to be everywhere now; I don't know anyone who hasn't had it or had someone close to them have it in these last few months.  The neighbours will really appreciate the cookies, I'm sure :) xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 09, 2021, 06:23:52 AM
Yup, the scary MIL is the only one left living.  I had a friendly relationship with ex h's mother.  I plopped my babies in her lap and fed her.  I remained friends with my ex.

And....it IS amazing progress to notice very little reactivity around that contact.  I'd say it was zero, but that's not entirely true, bc I didn't just put it down.  I thought about her intentions and tactics and let her pov....her story, really, touch my need for justice and truth.

It gets easier to let that go.  Acceptance sometimes seeps in slowly.  Sometimes it floods in. 

We made lots of cookies to be iced.  2 batches of icing wasn't enough to ice half.  Will make more today.

My sister and I tag teamed yesterday.  I took first shift in the kitchen.  She took the second.  I think I got the better deal.

I neeed spaghetti today.  Will pick up sauce makings when I get glasses fitted and lunch with dd20. 

I'm excited about the lake house.  Lots of things coming together quickly.  Sell or Airbnb....it's forward movement.  Walking meditation.

:: nod::

How is your editing of spaces coming along?

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on January 09, 2021, 08:21:35 AM
This is remarkable, Lighter, imo:
knowing I have a choice.  In knowing I can put her down and turn away whenever I choose.  I'm not ready today, but sense I will be soon, and that will be the right time for me.

Especially liked the last sentence, because it seems the way healing actually comes. Not when summoned, but when sensed -- this is the next thing nature does, given a chance-- and allowed and welcomed, like you're readying the space for it, and at peace with knowing it comes in its own time.

I'm glad for you. It sounds like you've achieved great trust in the process and in your capacity to receive it.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on January 09, 2021, 01:42:06 PM
Yup, the scary MIL is the only one left living.  I had a friendly relationship with ex h's mother.  I plopped my babies in her lap and fed her.  I remained friends with my ex.

And....it IS amazing progress to notice very little reactivity around that contact.  I'd say it was zero, but that's not entirely true, bc I didn't just put it down.  I thought about her intentions and tactics and let her pov....her story, really, touch my need for justice and truth.

It gets easier to let that go.  Acceptance sometimes seeps in slowly.  Sometimes it floods in. 

We made lots of cookies to be iced.  2 batches of icing wasn't enough to ice half.  Will make more today.

My sister and I tag teamed yesterday.  I took first shift in the kitchen.  She took the second.  I think I got the better deal.

I neeed spaghetti today.  Will pick up sauce makings when I get glasses fitted and lunch with dd20. 

I'm excited about the lake house.  Lots of things coming together quickly.  Sell or Airbnb....it's forward movement.  Walking meditation.

:: nod::

How is your editing of spaces coming along?


Amazing that the reaction just isn't as strong, Lighter, especially compared to what, a year ago?  I remember the last time she got in touch it was very upsetting (understandably).  Incredible change, well done!  Sad for her and so many like her that they don't try to keep people in their lives by trying to get along with them.  She's missed out on your lovely girls with her silliness.  Her loss.  Silly woman.

Space editing is going slowly!  I'd kind of put stuff off in case we moved round about now but this new lockdown has put paid to that, I think, so I'm working through a room at a time - good clear out and declutter, then a good clean, walls washed, carpets shampooed, furniture replaced if necessary.  Son's room is first, on the decluttering stage at the moment and just trying to do one section at a time.  He's getting a lot better with giving stuff away and we've got a few bits to sell so it's going alright - will hopefully finish that next week and then start ordering furniture for him.  Not sure how to get rid of furniture at the minute; usual things like charity donations aren't set up although I'm wondering if leaving it outside for someone to collect is an option.  I can dismantle and bring downstairs in pieces.  I'll have to look into it all a bit more but we're getting there! xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 10, 2021, 02:36:05 PM
SLighterSlow movement is still movement, Tupp.  Careful.  With your shoulder, a pause would make sense, imo.

We put things on the curb here, then post curb alerts on neighborhood message boards and apps like Offer-Up.  Usually things get picked up.

I asked you if you have a nice morning ritual to start your day....on another thread.  I want something new.  Maybe a body scan stretch, or something killing many birds with one stone.  Maybe something already figured out.  Maybe can do short version of Pain Free book maintenance stretches AND body scan, meditation.

Will see.

It's sunny, blue sky's, very cold today.  The kids are doing a dress up skit to a song for my bd....sister's birthday, then cooking dinner....the boy ( niece's bf) made lovely walking sticks for us, and will lead a hike. 

I'm packaging boxes of Christmas cookies for neighbors.....we did everything late this year, but did everything.  Got lots finished at lake....it's a whirlwind on our schedule, and I realize.....its ok not to send cards, but deliver cookies on my own schedule.

The Covid + neighbor got his cookies today......he sounded terrible.  I wore a mask and stayed far away, which hurt his feelings a bit.  My sister didn't pet his dig, which further hurt him, but.....we don't want to get sick!

Good luck healing and editing in your iwn time, dear one.

I love how you're picking up duties when you're ready, and not before.  I've not perfected that, but I practicing consistently.  I know when I need to get back on track.  It's a new way of doing things.  It's so much more of what I want: )
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 14, 2021, 08:57:57 AM
We're painting at the lake.  Had planned to pain through the weekend and put house back in order, but my brother will be here Friday so will have to leave mid job.  At least the big rooms, and bathrooms, will be coated with fresh linen gray color.

We brought a painter with huge roller....sister and I working ahead of him to dust, remove electrical plates and the heaviest furniture I've ever touched.

Forward movement, along with cabinet installer referral.......things rolling along.

Niece and her by left Monday after an amazingvevening of card playing, SO much fun.

We're nerds, I know; )

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on January 16, 2021, 04:15:04 AM
Have you and your brother spoken at all since the argument, Lighter?  I hope you still get enough work done to make a dent in it and feel like you're making progress.  Card games sound fun - being nerds is the best :) xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 16, 2021, 02:55:36 PM
Brother wished us a happy birthday....via email, earlier this week.  We've given him space to have and process his feelings.  Everyone should receive that space, imo.

The first real contact....face to face,  was this weekend.  Nice enough phone calls then fast paced sharing of ideas while walking the lake house together. We ate together.  He's on heavy equipment wrenching all the bushes and trees out of the ground.  Alas, the bountiful fig tree sits atop a bonfire the size of a commercial building. 

I'm afraid I ate too much....stayed up working too late......my nervous system was on high high alert.....Im not gonna lie.  I'm feeling out if sorts....brain buzzing, not in a good way.  Interesting to note it's very mild compared to what it would have been a year ago.  I'm more tired, but also more focused....I can see the entire field, which comes and goes, but mostly comes.

So, back to work sorting bedding and drapes.  The BIG edit continues. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on January 16, 2021, 03:40:49 PM
You braved the brother space, feelings about which must've been difficult to suppress while in it, Lighter. I can imagine even the most even-tempered psyche would find keeping balanced in those circumstances a challenge.

I'd say you did super well, and the tension you're feeling is the natural response of an post-trauma-affected organism to anticipated emotional threat. I'm impressed you contained it all so you two could continue to cooperate.

Well done! Very confident you'll rebalance soon.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on January 18, 2021, 02:43:43 AM
Brother wished us a happy birthday....via email, earlier this week.  We've given him space to have and process his feelings.  Everyone should receive that space, imo.

The first real contact....face to face,  was this weekend.  Nice enough phone calls then fast paced sharing of ideas while walking the lake house together. We ate together.  He's on heavy equipment wrenching all the bushes and trees out of the ground.  Alas, the bountiful fig tree sits atop a bonfire the size of a commercial building. 

I'm afraid I ate too much....stayed up working too late......my nervous system was on high high alert.....Im not gonna lie.  I'm feeling out if sorts....brain buzzing, not in a good way.  Interesting to note it's very mild compared to what it would have been a year ago.  I'm more tired, but also more focused....I can see the entire field, which comes and goes, but mostly comes.

So, back to work sorting bedding and drapes.  The BIG edit continues. 


It's good that you're aware of the things that contributed to the brain buzzing, Lighter - eating too much, staying up late and so on.  It's inevitable that there will be situations that require us to step out of our optimum way of doing things and that it will have an effect but I'm sure you'll be feeling better again soon.  I'm glad you and brother were able to interact a bit and spend some time together.  One of the things I do like about myself and my sister is that we can blow up at each other but then after a bit of cooling off let it go and get on with things again.  I don't tend to have the same connections with friends to be able to withstand clashing heads.  It's one of the upsides of family, I think xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 18, 2021, 09:16:15 AM
I'm impressed with my brother's ability to express his feelings, be upset, reflect then regroup......he, so far, seems to take things on board and behave respectfully going forward.

I don't think he knows who I am, still.  The more we interact, the more we understand and learn about each other.  I do know we're very different people.

We've been texting back and forth a little bit.  It bodes well, IME.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on January 19, 2021, 07:31:29 AM
It's good, Lighter, we all blow up, none of us are perfect or impervious to what's going on around us.  Being able to regroup and get on with it again is always a good sign, I think.  And Happy Birthday from us, as well!  I think I missed that somehow :)  Hope it was a nice celebration xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 25, 2021, 10:32:58 AM
Noticing I catch myself thinking negative things very quickly.

Noticing I'm less judgy about it.... I'm kinder to myself and let it go more quickly OR simply curious about it more and more often.

Fewer dark thoughts as I move through difficult cleaning projects....like where the Phillipinos put foil on dirty lazy Susan shelves instead of cleaning them with resulting thick grime and oil and rust requiring hours if time and, as of today, final clean and oil base paint.

Typically being forced into oil paint cans is upsetting, but not today....abd it's SUCH a relief! 

And that's the second lesson at the lake house...to just let the small stuff GO.

First lesson was how quickly life passes....for us all.  KNOW that and seize every moment as precious, or not.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on January 26, 2021, 04:22:02 AM
Good lessons to keep in mind, Lighter, and easy ones to lose in the hubbub of life, I think.  It's good that you're moving through and noticing things, but not getting dragged down by it all.  The journey continues :) xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 31, 2021, 09:36:02 AM
We have house together as it can be.  Took photos, now it's time to pull it apart and prepare for quite e pensive renovations.  Counseling concrete for 3 new bathrooms in the basement will send dust everywhere.  Sheetrock dust is hard to contain too.

I'm afraid I tweaked something in my right shoulder while cutting pruned birch branches at the Botanical Garden to place in the 4 fireplaces with 3 kinds of flicker bulbs...they look amazing, btw.  We mixed them with lichen covered sticks and logs.  Very real looking, and no mess.  No heat in the warmer months100% ambiance.  When I can use my R arm again I'll cut out places to attach the old fashioned string lights and screw together easily moved fireplace bundles, in case guests want real fires in colder months.  It's fun work, but for the shoulder.  Brushing my teeth yesterday made my arm very tired.  I should tie it down, but resist.

Finding a rapid nose swab test for sister, with 3 2 -3 day turnaround for Int'l travel, is impossible to find with a guarantee.  NY neighbor, running the 50 bed hospital, pit her own lab in, finally, and pulled strings.  Test will be free, bc they have no way of charging anyone out of their system, and results back in 3 hours, guaranteed.  A miracle. Labs have shifted to vaccines....local health department test 2 days a week only now. 

I'm following my intuition, guys. It cuts out the roiling and worry.  It feels like flying up, out if toxic super glue vapors, into clean cool air. Now I'll get rid of the heaviness I remember....shifting to streamlined and easily menuevered lightness of being: )

 It feels like a trick, but it's how we should raise children, imo.  I remember my mother telling me about trusting instincts once, when I was a teenager.  I think all trust in myself was gone, by that point.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on January 31, 2021, 01:04:33 PM
Love the intuition part and especially how you described it, Lighter.

Curious concern about this part, your injury, and wonder, what if....?

I should tie it down, but resist.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on February 01, 2021, 09:45:26 AM
Tiger balm & rest on that arm Lighter.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 03, 2021, 11:11:48 AM
I'm having a really difficult time not using the arm!  It makes me feel.....vulnerable.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on February 03, 2021, 12:06:22 PM
Awww, Lighter. I think this is a big moment, really.
Had a feeling facing injury was maybe an inner struggle.

I'm glad you've looked at it and named it genuinely.

"Vulnerable" is a tough thing to sit with, but real. Big fat teacher. Ugh.

Maybe a Brenae Brown video would be good company right now?

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 05, 2021, 11:33:36 AM
Thanks, Hops. 

I'm babying the arm, if not strapping it down completely.  My sister doing the things I'd usually do, is surprisingly not bothersome. 

I'll check out the vid you suggest when in the bath: )
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on February 05, 2021, 01:38:54 PM
Perfect place to watch it!

Feel better fast. Or manage in peace if it's slow...

Sending something healingish, like, dunno, infrared heat?

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 07, 2021, 03:40:22 PM
I drove through 3 States of snow, slush, then icy slush to arrive home about midnight feeling super happy with my little Honda CRV.  Trucks and cars were stranded and stacked up along the way....we just weaved through and kept plodding up mountains.

I woke up this morning to youngest DD statement," the pug is a curious mix of bear and pig, with a dash of gargoyle." 

We talked about the world, mostly her views, and how she feels our little family has it's own culture...lots of spontaneous dancing, movie references and laughter, happy engagement. 

I realized, yesterday, I don't turn that off when out in the world sometimes....and I think it's the, or one of the attractive "things" about us/me, in general, specific to men.  Sometimes I'm so in my head I'm puzzled, truly, at this.  Yesterday mindfulness kicked in, and I saw it with clarity.  I think people are drawn to being included...treated....with respect.....welcomed into open happy energy, NOT about physical beauty or invitation ATALL.  I'll say it again, sometimes I worry I look homeless.  I put down all lables, and didn't, in 2007.  People judging me on appearances were no longer useful to me.  Shallow, covetous, judgmental people stood out.....to be avoided....not useful any longer.  The experiment failed.  I pushed it away without realizing I'd never pick it up again....maybe I truly won't.

The guys helping me yesterday, handyman types, we're happy to be in my orbit...I admit there's warmth and pleasure in being admired and liked.  Not romantically, really, just happy surprise that I'm always moving, and using tools and measuring ahead and producing whatever's required out of my koala bag, strapped to my hip and thigh, leaving my hands free to DO.

And I chatter, like I'm with my girls, so the boys sort of join in, surprised and joyfully....we sang together for heaven's sake.  No dancing....too busy trying to beat the snow.  They were co pilots supporting the mission on that drive.....on the entire day.

So, this morning I was interpretive dancing to Abbey Parker songs, for Baby Girl Pug...when I realized I'm really happy right now.  My little family does have its own culture.  What we let in changes the chemistry.  We SEE that, together.

I'm also ready for what comes next.   Building something meaningful.  DD is overwhelmed with senior year of hs.  Not able to talk about it, but she doesn't ask me to stay home anymore....doesnt seem fearful when I talk about what comes next and starting projects and work.  She's grown now.  This day was always coming, and now it's here....I feel the girls steppi,g into adulthood, next to me, very strong young women.  So smart.  So capable, and aware if boundaries.  If they aren't great at advocating for themselves, they're learning and I see them practicing.  Oldest received a 33 cent raise at work after first review.  She knows she's worth much more, but is happy to take every crap shift, never saying NO to her funny female boss and this token of her company's esteem is enough, for now..  Soon, DD ask for more, I think.  DD said no to a coworker's request the other day.   DD had plans, and honored them.  She's in her tribe.  Respected and fully operational....adult problem solver, critical thinking skills turned ON.  Once she figures out what she wants, she'll ask and get it, I'm sure. 

:: nodding::

My siblings and I have different strengths and talents....gifts and deficits.  I suspect we'd balance each other out pretty well, if allowed to.

None of us are organized paperwirk people.  I'm trying to put my finger on what I think our motivations and goals are.  If we can find something to work together on at the farm or do a minimal update/ renovation and sell the place.

I'm relieved I have no expectations.  I don't have to make anything work. Maybe we can agree.  Maybe we can't.  I hope we do, but it's ok either way.

 Ow.  Compensating for the shoulder pulled something in the center if my being....and the shoulder is pulsing.  Hand tingling.  Again.  It's difficult to do nothing.  Maybe impossible.

This day is catch up day with bills on the island, clearing off back porch and brainstorming on the farm.  I might ask about getting the girls and I vaccinated today.  The hospital administrator already walked by with her dog and lovely husband, but I can call. 

Oh oh.  Hospital admin neighbor said 40% of her nursing staff are refusing vaccines or dragging their feet!  She also said the 2 dose vaccine is better.....its what she and her family took. More potent...I guess.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 12, 2021, 03:39:01 PM
I notice more space before reactivity.  It's still there, at times, but the extra beats help bring me back to center more quickly.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 15, 2021, 12:49:37 PM
I'm still judging...

I wasn't paying attention, but it hit me today.  I wonder what changes if I finally calm that habit down and drop it.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Meh on February 18, 2021, 05:37:57 AM
That's good Lighter that you can be happy and be less reactive.

Sometimes I question my own reactivity, behind reactivity are emotions though I figure. Like reactivity itself is not the thing, it's the emotions behind the reactivity that are telling us something is how I figure it.

Definitely it's good if people are not pushed around by emotions one supposes and yet the emotions are there to help us understand life I guess.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 18, 2021, 09:35:18 AM

Processing teams emotions rattling around and around is where happiness and less reactivity began for me. 

You're so right about emotions behind the reactivity.  They are messengers.  They tell us something needs our attention....needs tending to, yup yup yup.

Lately it's like turning channels.  I'll see something....a picture or person maybe.  A connected memory pops up.  I examine it and decide if it's useful or positive.  It feels like turning the channel if I don't want to go there emotionally. 

Since I'm going through photos and so many things at the lake....it happens all the time.  It feels like....

"Oh....that's a rabbit hole....I don't want....to go down."

I change the channel back to what I was doing.  I also notice how familiar going down the rabbit hole is....going deeper would be so easy, but I'm doing other things.

It doesn't mean I won't ever choose a rabbit hole.  It means I have choice.  It usually means I resist judging myself whatever choice I make.  Mostly I choose staying present in the moment.  It's more joyful.  Lots if relief.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on February 18, 2021, 01:06:00 PM
Loved your post from the 7th, Lighter. Sounds so clear and positive and joyful. Also your understanding of how strong and capable your daughters are...what a wonderful accomplishment. I can imagine the joy and comfort of seeing their strengths just get stronger. Bravo to all-a y'all!

And young DD's description of a pug is the definition that should be everywhere. Hilarious and also accurate! Older DD is in crunch mode and sounds like she's doing amazingly well.

It's nice to hear you enjoying male company in a playful way that's contagious. Bet they love working for/with you, and no sign of anybody toxic the way there was on the island. Maybe you're modifying that energy so there's no confusion. Again bravo!

I've not been posting reaction but have been thinking about some of the things you say about labels and judgements, etc. They're valuable. You sound very liberated.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 20, 2021, 12:21:39 AM
Thanks, Hops.  I'm feeling pretty liberated.

About " modifying" my energy.....

I think I'm more exuberant, less guarded/ deeply dour, for sure.  That's likely not what you expected, but there it is, particularly as it relates to the contractor.

The unstable C's energy shut me down.

So, I guess you could say I've taken my energy out of restrictive, abrasive and barely controlled smoking frustration and dressed it in lightweight floral cotton happiness. Whatever I come across....whatever I attract, I'll be proactive about ending troublsome connection where I have choice.

 I remember living like this every day in my thirties.

My restored ability to respond is more important, imo, than what I dress my energy in.  I trust I'll keep myself safe.

I like your choice of the word liberated.  It feels right, Hops.

Yes: )


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on February 20, 2021, 01:06:27 AM
It's great that life is treating you so much better, Lighter.  It's lovely to read about 'floral cotton happiness'.  Long may it continue :) xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 28, 2021, 12:03:56 PM
My sibs and I were planning a powwow over lake house decisions....for Friday.

At 5pm Friday our beloved Stepfather of 30+ years, and most actively involved Grandfather to out children, passed away unexpectedly, then my niece was run over by a car, soon after, as she was riding a bike.  She said she saw the tire roll over her knee, but was able to get up and walk....the driver would have driven away if she didn't say, "you ran over me."  He drove her and the bent bike to her apartment and left his contact info, saying he was late to train someone at the gym.

We're shaken up...oldest DD broke down at work yesterday and drove into the driveway as youngest and I were getting out if house together.

We went to a nearby park and told stories about Papa C....we laughed and laughed, but lots of sadness and pricessing going on still.

I worked in yard for a few hours when we got back home.  We'll hold a memorial service ourselves soon.  For Papa C and everyone we've lost.

Youngest doesn't like fires, so will have to find something we agree on.

Same with the lake house and sibs. More important we agree, but I'd like it make sense in my head.

So you know, PC had pneumonia and passed after a routine fluid removal at the hospital.  No mention of Covid.  I pictured my mother sitting on his bed, happily taking his hand and zooming him into the light, laughing like children.

I was so relieved he didn't linger and suffer in any way.  I told him how I felt about him.  I sent long letters, leaving nothing out.  I reached out when I needed his voice. 

I realize I'm sad for myself and girls....I hope Papa made peace with his daughters.  He was closer to us and I'm sure there was pain and distance to be mended in the 7 years since my mother passed.

I don't feel like gardening right now.  I'm happy to tend moss, beaten up borders and pick up never-ending sticks. 

My neighbors are planting in haybales this year...no bending for post op friend.

I'm distancing from the husband neighbors.  Their wives have become friends....theyre sort if opposites.  I'm nothing like either if them....have more in common with the husbands, but it's feeling a little off.

I withdraw when things feel weird and have comfort in choosing self care right now.

My niece's knee should be fine.  Apparently mist of the car weight was on the 3 tires NOT on her knee, which is scuffed, swollen and bruised, but unbroken.

This is the second bike accident in a month.  She almost broke hercwrust when a dumpster blew into her on a windy day.

THIS child needs to Uber her final days of University, IMO.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on February 28, 2021, 12:50:50 PM
I'm so sorry about your loss of your Papa C, Lighter. So clearly he was a source of love and comfort in your and your daughters' lives. Glad it was swift but that's tough on survivors, but you also held nothing back. I'm sure he knew he was well loved.

I hope the floral cotton happiness returns soon, in its time. (I too loved that image.)

Your sense of humor's still with you...Uber for kneeice sounds like a good idea!

hugs and comfort,

PS I think your energy's just great. Creepy contractor would've shut me down too!
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on February 28, 2021, 01:34:06 PM
Well, I guess I'm not the only person that has a bunch things happen all once. (knock on wood - not lately!) You don't sound like it's threatening to overwhelm you, so that's good.

I'm so sorry to hear about your PapaC.

If it ever stops raining, I can manage a bonfire for ya here.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on March 03, 2021, 06:51:12 AM
Sorry to hear of your loss, Lighter, so tough for all of you, although I'm glad for you that he didn't suffer and all was relatively comfortable.  Small comforts to be taken when we lose people we love.  Sorry for your niece as well!  I no longer cycle on roads; I just find the amount of traffic too much and drivers so often miss cyclists when they check their mirrors and just knock them down.  I used to cycle a lot when younger, around the city I lived in at the time but even that seemed to be quieter and less dangerous than it is now.  I hope she's okay and that the bike's repairable.  Glad you've got the moss there for stress free gardening to ease the mind xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 16, 2021, 04:48:59 PM
So, I'm focusing on deeper acceptance, of what is, without judgment or resistance.

Recent reactivity gifted me with opportunity to explore what's beneath it.

I was pretty upset...going in circles....upset till I really looked at it. 

Giving people the benefit of the doubt....enough rope to hang themselves is something I can stop doing.  I don't have to give anyone anything and that feels like wind blowing through my entire being.

I may pick and choose who I spend time with.  No more letting people take up my time.  No more expectations for them at all.

Just what is.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on March 16, 2021, 11:55:45 PM
I'm glad about the wind, Lighter.
It sounds as though you just released a layer of over-responsibility.

So glad for you, you are processing this wisely. No craziness, just seeing.

Hate that you're alone but really liked what Amber said about knowing when you'll be ready.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 19, 2021, 03:04:12 PM
I ignored text from YG yesterday.  He sent a photo of rocks pleasantly arranged like flowers in dirt.

He hasn't come near the house, instead walking past our street instead of down it and pasp my house. 

Youngest dd18 and I saw him go by yesterday morning without comment.

She's alert to male voices now.  If she thinks she hears one she's down the stairs, calling for me, prepared to run interference, which is a little sad, but....
She's stepping up, as equal grown adult, by my side.....no longer requires protection.  She's learned how to protect and be protective...on my team, I guess.  I'm on hers.  It's good.  I think the fact I'd rather crush my ankle than BE IN this situation is at once very funny to her, but also...
ticking her off, bc she has the same fine tuned need for justice.

Back to YG.  He walked by our street in afternoon yesterday while I was walking neighbor's trash cans up their drive.  The pug barked like mad, giving away YG's position....his arm shot up in a wave when he saw me look.  I waved once while turning back to the cans, dropping my head and eyes.  Busy busy busy, I am.  Just, always will be AND I'm covered up, going in many directions now....dealing with important issues.

Too busy to answer his call this morning....he typically doesn't call at all, but I'm sure he's worried about explaining his complete withdrawal from his typical routine.  To be fair, he walked this route when prior occupants owned this house.  It wasn't my presence or arrival kicking off his walking habits or routes.  He's walked this way for 25 years.  It wasn't my milkshake bringing him to my yard.

So, he's in a pickle.

am not.

Serenity restored.  Even if he walks this way again, he can't upset my headspace now I've calmed myself and tended to the reactivity.

One step further, I've arranged to borrow elderly neighbor's ruding lawn mower to cut grass at the head of the trail...only small part is mine, but it needs cutting and YG was doing it, bc...."it was snakey" according to him. 

I agree with him there.

P.S.  Once I wrapped my mind around him walking me miles into the woods then springing innapropriate personal and insane things on me.....I got pretty focused on what, exactly, happened between us and how I feel about it.  Not cool, 6'4" YG.  Not cool at all.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on March 19, 2021, 03:59:11 PM
I hope he soon no longer takes up any real estate in your head, (((((Lighter))))).

Hope too that you screen and stop taking his calls. Or better, just block his number. Why the pretense of superficial neighborliness? That contract's over. Needs no justification. If it becomes necessary you can directly state: "Please do not call me again." If that's ignored, you know the steps.

One might be, if you want to involve his wife, to tell her his attention is unwelcome. But that might be a hornet's nest. I think you're doing the right thing with avoidance, as long as you don't begin to feel like a hostage. Boundaries, you're on it now.

Hopefully that's the end of it. No drama or intrigue or walk-route analysis....that's letting him take up your head space.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 20, 2021, 02:08:42 PM
Last night dd18 and I were finishing organizing pristine bathroom....putting down clean, round, white cotton rugs, organizing counter stuff....squatty potty wioed down, back in place when dd20 calls out "MOM MOM MOM" in her repetitive worried voice leaving me to ask if she has a broken bone?  She's silent.  I ask if she's ok.  She responds again with MOM!"

I panic, run into the dark hall and kick a wrapping paper tupperware....bang!  Then it tumbles loudly down the stairs, baby babgbangbang BANG buhbang bang bang.

From there I see dd20's face, which looks stricken....something IS WRONG my brain screams as I go straight to her instead if telling dd18 I'm fine, which used to be the rule when they were small.  Simply sing out "I'm fine" if you make a bang, etc.

After I put my face against a dark window, to see what dd20 said was banging around in the outdoor shower outside my bathroom windiw, MY heart is racing too.  My amygdala gas been activated.  I go to turn on porch lights chatting about possums, but DD doesn't think it's a possum.....I wonder why? 

By this time....I'm standing on one if the long benches on the porch, peering into the shower, trying to find whatever is there when dd18 says she thought I fell down the stairs.
I explain it was the tall Tupperware I kicked accidentally in the dark rush to get to dd20.

Dd18 says it's not a possum, bc it was thumping....not rattling leaves.

We move into the kutchen.....
Me:  What do you think was in the shower?
Dd20:  Yelly Guy neighbor.
My heart falls...
Dd18:  The thumping was Mom and me in the bathroom above the shower and we thought you were really hurt.  Why can't you just say you aren't injured, there's no bone poking out your ankle, etc?
We are giggling and super relieved by this point, but also a bit frustrated dd20 becomes nonverbal past 1 syllable sounds and our makes, repeated, when she needs something, falls, hurts herself.  We just assume it's bad, bc.....it must be bad if it renders dd20 unable to speak and she recently turned her ankle.  I found her at the bottom of the stairs sobbung quietly, wondering if she broke her ankle.  It took many minutes to figure that out, Lord give me patience.  I never yell or rage, but I get intense, which doesn't help her calm down.

So, still in the kitchen, Dd20 says: I thought you kicked the container down the stairs bc you were raging at me.
My heart breaks.
We're still laughing, but Darn it..that's a series if unfortunate events stemming from....all 3 of us having our radar up, bc... YellieGuy.

It has me thinkung about our culture, how having an unlicenced (single) va j j, or licenced one, confines and narrows the world for women.

How one allows it, buys into the myths and judgments and stories, which I'm not happy or comfortable with.

I have 2 bathrooms to renovate here soon, gutterwirk and the bathroom renovation at the lake starting the end if the month.

I truly resent the idiot idea I can't be around...
I resent being blamed and told what I must do to avoid dealing with foolish make behavior. 

I've been told to lie and claim I have a bf.
No texting with married men.😳  I text and email and call contractors, go on supply runs and swing hammers.....I
Business is what I do.

It's not my character flaws.

It's not about the unlicensed VJJ either.
I shouldn't have to create myths about who and what my "status" is.  It's none of their business, quite frankly and I don't share my personal stuff.

I'm going to be very matter if fact with shutting down anything personal.  What I can't control is what info other people give out about me.  I realize there's a bit if reactivity around THAT. 

I get on well with the lake contractor who adores his wife.  Showed me a picture.  Chatted happily about her job and his adoration for her..  I like that.

I BELIEVE that. 

My gut KNOWS.

More listening to it.

Less listening to other people.

DD20 wants me to teach her to change her own oil and check it.

I was thinking....maybe we can do the bulk if our bathroom renos and have plumber/tile guy to do/teach us what we aren't comfortable doing?

I am SO over the limits I'm exami,ing and throwing off, even as I write this.

Comfort with boundary setting us imperative.  I see that now.

So is modeling that for my girls.

Who says I have to be pleasing, make things go smoothly and always make others feel giid at my expense?

I have a friend.....known her for 20 years.  I used to resent her personal style...she didn't do the above.  I resented it at times.  Didn't appreciate her perspective.  Was uncomfortable around her lack of people pleasing, really.

At a point, that flipped....she married a real nice guy, BUT he sees women as helpless.  My friend demurred to him, enjoyed him doing things around the house.

For me....I was going through the trials and not enjoying being told I couldn't demolish built ins and take them out if their upper story bedroom myself, or caulk basic things or paint their kitchen, etc.

I mean, I did all those things, but it was like pulling teeth to get friend's h' permission to carry on with whatever task on their list I could DO, but was blocked over and over AND there was upset and his feelings were hurt, etc.

I tried to demure, but I had limited time.....fruend was upset her dh was moving so slowly, not finishing projects.

I saw how torn she was over the pleasure of being treated like a porcelain doll (which she IS not, btw.)  She's a martial Arts pal..and being a strong, competent woman in realms NOT strictly designated as female.

It rubbed up against the H' idea of manhood and duty....of prescribed social roles.  Unfortunate, but not my problem and obviously I was there, bc my friend wanted me there, asked for help but also was caught in....
In what?

It appeared to be a double bind.  If she/we tackled manly man projects....would her dh stop cherishing her?  Would the marriage sour in butthurt sullen male retaliation?

That was the problem or felt like it.

I'm pretty short on patience for being told what my role us, what I can abd can't do, particularly when it comes to necessary, normal things I CAN do easily or learn to do.

This is the real Pebble right now....
What is my part in the limits, believing in the limits, buying into them, living and teachong them to my children?

And I want to say....
I've been that strong woman piping up, explaining in plain terms there would be no serious romantic ties or sex right up front, bc....
Aversion to chaos and drama.

But that's quite the assumption and there's drama in being proactive and honest too...whoo boy.  That was both my marriages, frankly.

But the contractors and married neighbors.  I'm choosing to ask my gut proactively if this person will be a nightmare and just pass. 

What does that look like with a contractor?  I don't hire him.  Straightforward enough.

With neighbors......it's back to what I learned in the book THE GIFT OF FEAR BY Gavin Dr Becker.

Men who wont5accept your NO are men who can't be trusted.  If they try to change your NO into a YES.....any NO...that's a red flag.

The sliding into your life, through other people and their proximity is more difficult.  Expressing interest in shared pets and yard projects, sharing helpful information I didn't ask for.....only half listen to, bc....
I'm busyminding my own business.

I'm tweaking my boundaries and also my style for erecting same.

How I stand up to disappointment or shrink away from it in order to keep my serenity in tact.

I have to accept I have to disrupt in order to sustain lasting serenity.  Allowing a boundary breach, to keep short term peace, is a mistake, ime.

Learning to roll with the manipulative upset of a man, or any person I don't agree with, is uncomfortable, but I'm leaning hard into acceptance just at the moment.

I'm curious just what that looks like with YG neighbor, bc I'm done living on alert and watching my girls live on alert.

Will be pondering that during meditation today.  I'm in a cleaning/ organizing mode, which is why the loud bouncy container was in the hallway.

I don't have the energy or time for these manufactured cultural stiries imposed on me and my " behavior" with regard to how people behave.

It's on them. Not me.  I can't control them with my behavior and it's insane to try.  I know that.  It's truth extraordinaire.  Is that a word?  Not sure, but I do have clarity about what's mine and what's not.

The journey continues.



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on March 20, 2021, 03:32:19 PM
Phenomenal, righteous rant, Lighter.
I couldn't agree more.

Have this picture of you occasionally caught in a web of roles and charades and expectations, but you're scything your way out, insight by insight. Good for you.

These days, I'm into thinking (telling myself): SPEAK. Doesn't even have to be complicated. Like, when some guy starts leaning into what our guts tell us (if we're listening) are personal spaces or toying-with-vibes spaces that feel uneasy or "off" in some way--or using their own out-of-bounds personal confidences to subtly pull us closer...what can we say? Up front?

I haven't always known. But I've always had a gut sense and waaaaaay too often, have over-ridden it because I was lonely and wanted attention. Zero shame in that. I just didn't find healthy ways of coping with those needs for a long time, and still make mistakes (some big ones, like M) because I forget to be intentional and as conscious as I can.

Probably the issue is less what we'd say to them, more what (kindly and calmly) we say to ourselves. NOT berating ourselves for being strong women in a very sexist culture. Being our own kind friends.

It IS infuriating to have to manage (iow, suppress) ourselves and our natural behavior in some instances because the male takes no responsibility, and centuries of sexism are so baked in it's nearly impossible to imagine a man motivated enough to take feminism seriously and be willing to examine the water he swims in -- male privilege. It distorts it all, and I find it miraculous when I can love a man in spite of it. Still do love men but if they had any IDEA how much they take for granted....

I'm sure somewhere out there is some young male feminist who'd be my soulmate if he were, say, 40-50 years older.... I'll just enjoy that in the few young men of Millenial age who are SO much more comfortable seeing women without the games. It's coming but I'm sorry I missed the changing of the era. Men my age that evolved would be rarer than hen's teeth.

You're doing some really positive and rational thinking about all this, imo, despite the trauma-drama triggers. I'm glad you're working to empower your DDs, too. I'm benefitting from your stories and appreciate your sharing your journey.

Gavin de Becker is a phenomenon. He has probably saved many lives.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on March 21, 2021, 03:35:33 AM

You don't need to change who you are.  Neighbour is an arsehole, showed his real arsehole colours (yes!  walking alone with a woman in a secluded area, then announcing his 'feelings' - first class arsehole behaviour).  You dealt with him - shouldn't have needed to but some people are what they are and we can't avoid that unless we never speak to another human again - and he's ended.  He can take his arseholiness elsewhere.  Contractor guy was a whole other level of basket case but you dealt with him, too.  Again, wrong that you had to, and I think it's natural in any situation to see examine what we did to see if we could do something differently to avoid it.  But really, it's very difficult to avoid any bad thing that may occur and I personally don't want to feel constantly afraid that something dreadful is about to happen.  It's unfortunate that you are put in situations where an arse kicking is required but you are a first rate arse kicker and what you've taught your girls is that there's a line in the sand that you decide on and, if someone crosses that line, they are dealt with quickly and firmly.  It would be nice to live in a world where there is no need for lines, but until we do, it is just something that we all have to deal with from time to time, as unfortunate as that is.  And you do it so well.

My own perspective at the moment is that all of my relationships, male and female, casual and not so casual, need to be examined, because I keep finding a lot of people taking up my time when I don't want them to.  And whether it's a neighbour who wants to have a chat (or share their weird sexual fantasy with me), a friend who only rings when they want something, my mother deciding after all these years she can send a card that simply expresses a good wish rather than a nasty one - I am trying to ask myself, do I want to speak to this person?  Was this my plan for the next ten minutes/hour/fortnight?  Is the time spent with them likely to benefit me at all?  And I am trying to be more - discerning? that might be the word - about who I allow in to my headspace.

I think my endless ranting about 'crap men' largely stems from the kind of thing you mention seeing in your friend - this immediate, almost knee jerk reaction in so many women I know to prioritise their partner's feelings, wants, needs, desires, ambition above their own, all the time.  And I think that perhaps that what starts as a small thing - and we all need to compromise and give and take a bit in a relationship - such as watching his choice of film, or going to his work do instead of your friend's birthday party, or letting him do something you don't need him to do because it makes him feel useful - can quietly build up into a whole life being taken over by someone else's needs.  I see it happen again and again and it does drive me a bit nuts.  So yes to being you, doing what you do, teaching your girls to do the same and no to stupid, annoying people who just need to practise being weird somewhere else xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on March 21, 2021, 10:09:10 AM
OH MY. Where to start?

Yes, excellent rant. And justified, IMO.

What I heard from that, was that y'all are living in a state of fear that YG will intentionally cross your boundaries with evil intent and physical force. You should address that; it's no way to live. So far, you haven't relayed him even trying to contact you... so make your plan on how to handle what conceivably MIGHT come up - without letting your imagination go to worst case scenarios. Stand up in your power and project your understanding of strength in yourself; trust in your ability to take care of yourself; and try not to over-compensate with your rejection of his possible attempts to remain a neighbor in your vicinity. No need to publicly kick his ass, just because you can.  ;)

But avoiding & trying to make him disappear from your surrounding environment isn't going to do you any good. He was foolish to open his mouth and say such things. But that doesn't automatically translate into he's an actual threat. Be strong and show him how little this has impacted you - even if you have to fake it a bit.

Life is always going to throw things like that at people (not just women) and I struggled for a long long time (and am still working on it) with not just matter of factly dealing with those things as they come up; letting it go - without forgetting what this revealed; and moving freely about in my life like a duck on a pond. It was just a ripple after all; not a tsunami.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on March 21, 2021, 02:46:39 PM
Thought of you when I read this in the Post today, Lighter. Hope it might help:

For people who are obsessed, if you respond to even one out of 30 attempts to contact you (even if only to reject them again), they will view those 30 attempts as a success because their goal was achieved, getting you to engage which feeds their obsessive fire.  Their obsessive behavior will only extinguish when they have absolutely no contact to feed their fire.

That's why I suggested you screen/block his calls and don't "go along" with a "neighborly" pretext that he is owed something/ANYTHING because of his nerve-wracking, inappropriate declaration. No pretexts, including: Because he is a neighbor. Because he has a nice wife. Because because....

I don't KNOW that he's "obsessed." What if he is only infatuated? They're both the same thing if you are the unwilling or no-longer-willing object of his attention. When you owe him nothing and when you as a free human being are allowed to change your mind. At any point. Without justification or explanation or compromise. NO means NO.

Your DDs don't need to be trained to live in fear or on high alert if/when it's not needed but I know your intent is to teach them confidence, not hypervigilance.

They still will want to find their way to comfortable, routine boundary-setting, trusting with discernment, and mostly taking joy in life and their place in it.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 21, 2021, 08:48:27 PM
Had a IRL reciprocal rant today with friend I've known 30+ years.  Hers over work, masks and vaccines.  You know my rant was this thread, but.....tailored for so.eone who's always known me, good, bad and we've had our head butting sessions.  We speak our truths....we get the other one completely.

Validation, brain storming and possible solutions to YG problem discharged the reactivity around this.

Dd18 couldn't find a particular hat and asked me to "do the lean,"  saying she'd be a true believer if it worked.  I did it.  Definitely upstairs.....sort of in the loft.  DD walked right to one if the closets in the loft hall and put her hands on the hat.

Later she said she now wholly trusted my instincts.  I told her she has perfectly goid abilities if her own.  She should use and trust her intuition.

She said she felt mine was better....aged....but I'm pleased she SEES its the right path for me, her, dd20 and Amazons everywhere.

The day went like that....like a filter on my brain was uninstalled.  Like I stepped into myself.  Creative ideas were firing all over the place.  Possibility and joy flowed...so many ideas and my hands moved happily to finish projects and move others forward...no thinking.  Pure zone.  Amazing.

No thoughts or worries came up.  Had a nice long chat with YG's wife in my yard then dashed off downtown on errands.  It was beautiful out.  Ideas kept clicking along.  I'm ready to set up LLCs with the girls on everything.  It's time.

It's past time to worry about YG. 

DD18 heard some of my conversation with my friend and noted the difference between doing hair and makeup bc society expects it vs for ourselves, which flowed through me today.  I wore a beautiful sparkly scarf I bought in Paris 5 years ago?  And never wore, bc it seemed too much.  Today it was just right.  So special and I felt put together and happy happy joyful being ME again.  For myself.  Not for anyone else.

I ate well w/o thinking about it.  Good nothing to do with comfort today.  Nice.  I remember that.  It's familiar.

I have so much to do this evening!

Thank you all for your mindful responses.  So many POV....hard won lessons and beautiful wisdom I appreciate so much.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on March 22, 2021, 06:29:50 AM
Oh, Lighter, that was so lovely to read!  Yes to sparkly scarves and knowing where hats are without knowing how you know :) And yes to doing what you want, rather than what society dictates and passing that on to your girls.  I love that DD thinks your instinct is better aged.  She's right.  But so good that she's got that path of aging her own instinct ahead of her now, with her wise and sparkly mummy to advise if she needs it.  Yes! xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on March 22, 2021, 11:27:30 AM
Excellent, Lighter.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on March 22, 2021, 12:00:20 PM
Loved reading this, Lighter:

The day went like that....like a filter on my brain was uninstalled.  Like I stepped into myself.

Sounds like self-love to me!

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 22, 2021, 01:49:40 PM
Woke up this morning well rested.

Felt the same way...
centered, sure, strong and in the zone.

Walked bg pug into the forest first thing.  Used out or favorite trails.  Didn't cross my mind I'd run into anyone...we saw only bike tracks of lovely neibor couple and their 2 sons.  They booked cottage for son's shark lab camp, btw.  Excited to have them there!

Noticing immediate karma all
Time right now.  Keeping thoughts positive and directed.  The universe is done faffing about with me.

Poached 2ceggs and served over wilted baby arugula.....just opened new black truffle salt and it was amazing meal.  I always feel better when I begin a day with lots of greens.

Made 2 appointments with nutritionist who got me through the custody trial.  This time is for dd18.  She's my priority now.

Going downtown now.  Will go by tile warehouse bargain room, but not set on forcing that purchase today.  Will be in Atlanta quite a bit and shopping there with samples of things I've " curated."

Yesterday something popped and I could see every detail of the house and contents....its felt like shopping in my own home.  Finding things for different projects and to send out into the world.

Coffee was different this morning.  I didn't like the Califa coconut milk with coconut water I bought to replace milk, but today I used a little vanilla, canned coconut and mct oil.....SO good! 
Zone, moment to moment.  Lead to do.

Usually I'm going in circles around everyone's priorities....mine simply somewhere middle on the list.

Today the list is clear and mine and is THIS how men typically move through the world?

 Food for thought, but I'm going out door.  Day is warm and sunny and my mosquito dunks deployed after the happy happy walk.


Lighter is lighter today: )
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on March 22, 2021, 04:56:18 PM
Unless they're black or Asian or poor, imo:

Today the list is clear and mine and is THIS how men typically move through the world?

And only generally, yes. Male suffering shows in other ways.

They move through the world generally without the specific constraints most women walk in.

I'd like us all to be free to be as relaxed as you are now, Lighter.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 23, 2021, 05:15:01 PM
Today very productive. 

My brain firing more efficiently if not on all cylinders.  I SEE solutions....where looking for solutions netted me nothing a few days ago.....is how it feels. 

Karma kicking my arse...keepung me focused....showing me where my reactivity pops up.....hiw it's part of the problems.  Never the solution.  I have more skinned shins, stubbed toes, almost turned ankles and choking incidents, ALL associated with thoughts veering off South.

I think I finally SEE it.  The repetitive, tedious off ramp to justified grievances and injustice.....no longer serving me.  I wonder if I can change this quickly if I find time and get on with the work/techniques. Will help to go over them.  Will see about it if needed, but THIS is a thing for me.

I'm so ready to let it all go.

Meeting with contractor tomorrow and THERE! 
My mind went all snarky and sarcastically wondered if I needed to set him straight up front about any sex we'll not be having and it's not serving me to shift into snark like that.  I'm not shocked to say I've DONE that....been super direct, likely bitch to head off trouble in my past.  I did that with ASPD N h.......I guess crushing a subservient woman wouldnt5have been any.....see?  There it is again.  Uber curious....what goes through my mind.

I saw YG walk through my yard 10 minutes ago.  He had a weird look on his surprisingly furry face....like he's hiding in his beard...trying to look invisible, sorry to be breathing up air near me, which might typically make me feel compassion for him, but I'm busy and running behind and he'll just have to sort his own self out for now.

Today's been problem  sorting, packing, list making, scheduling passport, bug guy, cable upgrade and car maintenance for dd20.....figuring out cottage bills, which isn't bugging me like it used to.....the bike repairs necessary.

Life us better when I see what's in front of me.  The past slapping around in my head isn't productive.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Meh on March 25, 2021, 01:54:36 AM
Congratulations on a productive moment. But oh my gosh it sounds like a LOT.

As far as the no-sex with contractor. Well I don't know what is going on with that.

I mean you are paying him right, he is working for you.

There are a few modes of bitchiness that a person might employ I suppose if need be.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on March 26, 2021, 09:12:51 AM
Yesterday, I was browsing sofas in my old stand-by furniture store. Walking up the main aisle to leave, one of the salesmen walked up behind me and said - "That's a great color on you!" (wearing Indigo)

Without turning around, I just said "Thanks" and kept walking.

Thought passed thru my mind - he just wants to start conversation to sell me something (commission sales you know). And then I caught a quick glimpse of myself in a mirror - and with my white hair pulled back in a ponytail & earrings on for the first time in months and the indigo - yeah, it IS a good color on me; it's my signature color, in fact.

No matter if there was an ulterior motive behind the comment; I felt so solid in my boundaries yesterday... that I could take the compliment from it and not consider any other reason for the interaction/comment. Not waste any energy - or give any - to whether it was appropriate, a boundary threat, a pickup line, or a sales pitch.

Sometimes, it's what we give energy to - even in our thoughts & perceptions - that manifests in reality. Grant you, it's not ALWAYS true - and sometimes people actually do mean harm. Navigating that requires some other kind of perception, maybe intuition - situational elements too.

Pondering how much our interpretation of interactions, reflects our selves - and not necessarily other people and their intentions (if there even are any; it's very easy to assume an intention where none exists). And how our neural pathways like to drag us to the same old crappy places... instead of something different.

:scratching head; wondering about this multi-level universe of energy and agency within it; and how our minds create our realities based on JUST our previous experiences - without allowing for something unique, because that's what it's designed to do:
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on March 26, 2021, 09:50:00 AM
Huh. My thoughts were:

he's bored
he's into design (I know furniture folks)
he finds your appearance striking and beautiful
he's lonesome (just in the moment, sales can be so boring)
he's friendly
he's curious (not many striking older women with style in his daily orbit)

None of the things you mentioned crossed my mind, but I have no idea what his age was or his vibes were. Walking "up behind" sounds like a possible issue, though. Clueless.

I'll bet indigo is amazing on you!

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on March 26, 2021, 10:12:20 AM
Naw, it wasn't a creepy thing at all Hops. He was just behind me, going from point A to B, about his own business when he made the comment.

Point I was making - it wasn't worth my energy trying to ascertain what MIGHT have prompted the comment, since I wasn't going to engage past the "thank you" acknowledgement. I said thanks to another gentleman that held the door for me, somewhere too.

Those kinds of little civil "niceties" in our hustle-bustle world are more important than I think we realize sometimes - but definitely not worth writing a whole fantasy about. It's not even Etiquette with it's sacred hierarchy of straight-jacketed rules... we used to take stuff like that for granted; then we resented it as somehow patronizing or demeaning in implication; and I'm thinking it's just the simple extension of goodwill, kindness, and acknowledging that one is an actual human being that was "seen" in another's world.

Hol keeps reminding that when we encounter difficult people - or even jerks - that it's not possible for us to know just how awful their day (life) has been lately. But the reverse has to also be true too - that sometimes people are just kind, acknowledging another's presence around them - and there isn't any threat in that or ulterior motive at all.

Maybe if more of us were in the habit of demonstrating simple civil kindnesses to each other - the current tension and animosity and "us vs them" levels would decrease in hostility. It's OK, if it's not returned or acknowledged. Simply taking the action puts the energy out there - and even though it's a very small gesture it is just as infectious as COVID.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on March 26, 2021, 01:14:26 PM
Lighter, I don't think your mind is being snarky and sarcastic - your experience with that other contractor was genuinely frightening and completely unacceptable.  I think it's perfectly reasonable that your brain goes to 'do I need to make it clear to this one that it's work only', simply because of the way some people do think 'single woman' = 'available to any old willy going'.  I do think it's unlikely you'd get any others as bad as that one but it's understandable that your brain wants to put some sort of barrier up.  On the flip side, an old friend of mine who was a carpenter used to tell me about the astonishingly high number of women - married or otherwise - who used to make it clear they'd be interested in more than his carpentry skills, and I know he took more than a few up on the offer.  People are surprising behind closed doors, I guess some people always think it's worth having a go.  But I don't think you're snarky and sarcastic - sparkly and shiny is more like it :)

Skep, we seem to be on a similar track this week.  I'm sick to the back teeth of my intrusive male neighbours so each time one of them has said good morning this week I've said good morning and then carried on with what I'm doing, without any thought to how it comes across or what any of it might mean.  There must be something in the air :)  And yes to people holding doors open, I love it when someone (anyone!) does that, and I always do it for other people if I can.  I was just walking back from the shop and someone was walking towards me.  There are two paths running side by side with bushes in between so I crossed to the other path to keep the space.  I was deep in thought and not even looking up as we passed one another but he called out thank you and when I looked up he was smiling at me and it cheered me up no end (I don't mean in a romantic way, just that friendly politeness - it does make a difference).  Of course, when I got home I said hello to the cat, who ignored me and walked away, so I was reminded not to get too pleased with myself ;)  Lol x
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 30, 2021, 10:30:30 AM
The bathroom tear out started yesterday at the lake.  Looks SO much better already, my goodness. I pick tile and LVP this week.  Tgevtruck has another burning up stinky wheel, when will it end?  I need it to haul.

The dumpster us hooked to the 🚜 front end....pretty mulch buried in the shop.  Getting it out will keep me busy....Ive been going through the 5 huge yard bags of photos my sis and I the out.  Some really important things have been retrieved.  It's slowing my roll.....creating really odd dreams, but no stomach punches as I move through the painstaking task.

I'm getting dinged less by the universe.  I know when negative thoughts pop up and self correct now.....usually with compassion.

DD18 super fun, but we hit low spots and deal with them.  This time together has been good for both of us.   Lots if dancing and singing and laughing.  We're creating inside jokes, not that we need more, but it's fun.

Must go out the door.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on March 31, 2021, 09:53:45 AM
It all sounds good, Lighter - constructive, healthy, productive and manageably reactive?  Is manageably even a word?  Lol.  But it sounds like practical and emotional tasks are going well, as well as relationships, and those can only be good things :)
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 01, 2021, 10:58:53 AM
Yes, Tupp.  The reactivity is taking up less bandwidth.  I notice noticing negativity less often and before the universe dings me. 

Slow, steady change. I'm plodding along.
 I have no alternatives.  This is it, though I swim comfortably in imperfection as I go, growing more comfortable with ignoring the old rules, as CB posted on another thread.

Truth is, noticing a rule, and breaking it...or simply contemplating breaking it, feels a bit thrilling at this stage.  That no one dies, or us badly wounded is an amazing thing!

Maybe I was rule bound....or tied in knots by them.  I can tell you this.....where I'm headed with this is uncharted territory, indeed. 

I remain curious about where I'm heading.  Likely nowhere conventional, though I'm less reactive around the male/ female roles and biases, etc.  That's a relief, whew!

The crazy cat neighbor left a porn pic in our mailbox while dd18 and I were there....and NO other mail arrived AT ALL, not even junk mail.  See?  THAT sends a white hot flash of anger through me, particularly as we're contemplating the Airbnb situation at the lake.

I won't bore you with the long history, but he's truly unstable, has bashed down our mailbox, then bashed the new one I put up.  I was ready to get a P.O. Box bc crazy cat man decided there would be no.....errr...thats a rant. 

I want to spend zero time in him, but he leaves trash in and around the mailbox and now dirty pictures.   He sometimes drags limbs across the drive and I suppose there was a day where the male of a family threatened abd/ or thumped people like this to deter this.....and maybe other things, but it's just me.  I have the idea thumping or threatening him would quadruple my trouble.  I struggle with being controlled and limited by his lunacy.  The same with YG, who absolutely watches me come and go.  For the most part, I never think if them, but then they find a way to insist.

I realize most people don't insist. 

It's the men who refuse NO....Im forced to think about.  It's unfair.  Where's the justice?  There's none and any request for justice doubles the injustice, or worse, IME.

So.....what haven't I tried?  Assuming the pretend normalcy my patience and incredulible self control aren't worth propping up, bc I am done.  Just...done with it. 

What's next?  What would a man do, do'ya think?

I find the time I waste thinking about it to be a slap in the face.  Over and over.  My tolerance for pain and silence are rules I'm ketting go of too.

What that looks like both thrills and scares me. 

I've always been sensitive to the edges of crazy people, boundary stompers....unstable ones.  Felt responsible for keeping them from going over their edge, which is complete BS, I realize.....now.

That's part of the social conditioning.

That's what we're raised to believe and feel....responsible for the feelings and actions if weak men.  How in the wirld do the weak hold so much if my attention and I can't just put an end to it succinctly, with economy of motion?

Something's going to change.  I just have to imagine the shape if it...what it will become.  I already know the shape of escalation, standing toe to toe.....our culture doesn't like it.  It doesn't play well.  It's not comfortable to think or talk about.

I know how the system fails and works.  I know how to waste time and money documenting. 

What a waste of my time.

Something's going to change and I'm pretty sure it's me, throwing off more rules.

Thanks for that, CB, bc it's scary true right now.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 01, 2021, 01:54:59 PM

I threw the picture away immediately and feel reporting trash left in mailbox would be dismissed out if hand as overreaction. 

I don't report or make accusations I can't back up with hard evidence and that requires me setting up cameras and catching this guy who lives at the lake while I do not.

When he bashed diwn our mail boxes I spent time thinking cameras through and it was easier, and less confrontational, to just let him do whatever he liked and live without a mailbox, bc.....less trouble I'm asking/ begging for, dont' cha know.

BTW, I never see this guy....not in years, so my sexual energy and manner of dress arent5likely CREATING this trouble.

He does this stuff, not just for my benefit, but others through the years....fathers's caretaker most especially, but tearing diwn the mailbox and porn seem to be for me. 

Zero history there, btw.  He does pranky creepy stuff to elderly lone female neighbors if they pay him for little jobs.  They feed him....he unscrew the salt shaker top.  That sort of seemingly harmless stuff.

My biggest beef is what he'd do to Airbnb renters.....he's honestly terrifying to look at and I think that's his intention.

Has always said innapropriate things to the children....asked my niece to have his baby....I think she was 14yo or so.  That kind of creepy would make for interesting reviews and again!  I'm so F'd off with the fact I have to consider him when putting together a business plan, wtf?

It's not me drawing them in.  It's the fact many many creeps and disturbed people act this way without consequence.

We don't have a zero tolerance anything.  The creeps are writing the laws FOR the creeps, imo.

And so, ya....I'd report him if I could back up my accusations.

BTW, dd18 us now turning her face away from the mailbox when I get the mail.  No big deal, right?

You add all those no big deals, right? up and you end up with reasons to feel watched and unsafe, bc there's....
Again.  A waste of my time.

I guess I have to sink into radical acceptance and warn the guests, which should go over swell.

I'm not even going to think about Crazy cat man escalating his behaviors if I report him to the police.  He's driven diwn our 1/4 mile long drive and spun around our turnaround, terrorizing caretaker in the past, btw.  He's driven onto the property when my guard dig could have chewed him up.....no fear, is what I'm relating here.

Hmmm...back to acceptance, bc that's not making waves or upsetting apple carts, right.

Excuse the snark.  I'm feeling pretty snarky, CB.

Thanks for response.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on April 01, 2021, 02:56:46 PM
Mailbox "presents" should be reported to local postmaster. People aren't allowed to do that - even if it's neighbors sorting out misdelivered mail (which generally isn't a cause for alarm). But unless it rises to the level of a direct threat, theft or in this case porn, chances are they won't even report it to the postal inspectors.

I suppose it's impossible to know for sure, whether crazy cat man is just trying to get attention with his acting out &  showing off or if he does pose a real threat to the community. Might be worth a chat with the local sheriff to find out, you know? Just registering a concern about his behavior so far - and inquiring if you need to be worried. Chances are the sheriff will know this guy. Because it's probable you're not the only one being harassed.

I think that most communities are experiencing issues with people who "aren't quite right", at minimum, these days. People who need therapy; who are on medication - prescribed/otherwise - that removes inhibitions about bad behavior; people OFF their meds; people simply under stress who have no better tools for dealing with it... to people willing & able to steal, vandalize or harm someone. People who are just eccentric. It runs the full continuum. And most of us simply aren't capable of discerning which is which.

Moreover - many of us never had to deal with things like this; and even those of us who have - can be more sensitive to the sense that their personal space has been invaded by someone unwelcome. It's one of those exasperated realizations - "Can't I expect to be left alone & feel secure in my own home?" moments.

I don't have any advice on what to do. Myself, I've always taken those things on a case by case basis. In the abstract, I can have compassion for whatever catman's story is -- but in the real pragmatic world, I'd be trying to figure out the best way to restore my sense of privacy & security. There are lots of choices out there, across the range of options. Ignoring him or YG isn't solving the problem of feeling safe & unharassed, though sometimes that's the only viable option out there without making things worse.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on April 01, 2021, 03:22:59 PM
I wish I could help, Lighter.
Spent all day yesterday watching George Floyd die over and over under the knee of a sociopathic power-player and what stayed with me was the heartbreak of the witnesses' helplessness and guilt at not being able to save him. Can't do it again.

I agreed with what CB wrote about reporting it and then with what Amber wrote about looping in law enforcement. Somehow, I think that's important...even if it's just a chat with the sheriff. One way or another, he should not be only on your radar, imo. That's stalker behavior.

Fingers crossed.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on April 01, 2021, 05:22:49 PM
Read this on Quora today (though it's from 2019):

Narcissists are excellent liars, but then telling the truth is the natural thing to do. Still, why would people find it much easier to believe the narcissist than the victim?

This is a question I have pondered long and hard over my years in a narcissist's captivity and beyond. Part of the answer to this question is in the question: They are excellent liars. but, of course, that's not the entire explanation. Many people also choose to believe the narcissist over the victim. I know this is true as, in some circumstances, the evidence that the narcissist was abusing me was overwhelming and undeniable, yet people involved in those situations chose to "believe" the narcissist's cock-eyed version of events. I am saying that there is no way those people actually believed the narcissist. They chose to support the narcissist and the narcissist's lies over the victim's truth.

So then the question(s) become:

Why do people choose to support abusers over the abusers’ victims?

Why do people choose to support lies over truth?

The central reason for this is that many people consistently choose to align themselves with the power, or where they perceive the power to be. These are power-focused people. Power-focused people align themselves with bullies over victims of bullying. They align themselves with men over women in misogynistic cultures. They align themselves with child abusers over abused children. They align themselves with mobsters in mob-controlled environments. They align themselves with dictators, corrupt law enforcement officials, polluters, looters, thieves and murderers. They align themselves with narcissists in narcissistic cultures.

How can they do this? Don't they care about the truth? Don't they care about people who are being hurt, maimed and killed? No, they don't, or they don't care very much. They care about being aligned with the power, i.e., they care about themselves.

I know. It's a shock how many people are like this. I think it is more people than it used to be. They have infiltrated our government, business, economic, medical and law enforcement systems, such that the world has changed. The order of things, especially in the US, has become more power-focused, rather than truth, principle, health and justice-focused. The people, who live within these systems have likewise changed. They have become more power-focused which is another way of saying they have become more narcissistic.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 02, 2021, 05:47:35 PM
So.....I'm going to ask my brother to deal with the CCM neighbor.   Brother has friends on local police force.  I don't have to solve this by myself, nope nope nope.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on April 03, 2021, 05:14:04 AM
Glad to read that, Lighter.  They may have had complaints from other people already, you never know.  I think it's good that he's put on other people's radars, however that may be xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on April 03, 2021, 09:21:54 AM
Yep, in this case, I think it's wise to delegate that job to him Lighter. Excellent solution.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on April 04, 2021, 06:46:10 AM
Smart move, Lighter, ditto.
You don't need to engageme with toxic masculinity.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 05, 2021, 11:53:06 AM
Holy guacamole, it is hard to change.
I'm at the point where my chest has an imaginary convulsions when I catch myself and maybe stop a negative thought coming out my mouth.

Whew boy.

Not all is negative, to be fair.  I'm also working on saying less.  Giving advice when asked for, not before and staying in the present.  It's more difficult once I noticed how often I'm living in past and future AND we're traveling every week, staying at lake mire often than home.

So....not judging myself.  Just noticing. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on April 06, 2021, 10:02:16 AM
Hey, under the circumstances you're doing the best you can; it sounds like you're doing just fine with watching this. Just don't slip into putting negative thoughts/expressions about things in reality that are truly negative out of the range of talking & thinking about them.

Denial & pollyanna (fake) positivity isn't an antidote to those uncomfortable feelings. They're there to keep you safe.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 06, 2021, 01:07:12 PM
Thanks, Amber.  DD18 and I talk without pretending, thank God.  I have a small group of friends who enjoy talking about our truths, but I'm not sure how to go about my day with everyone else.  Mostly I'm focused on whatever task I'm working at.  I'm often not chatty ATALL, but then I can be super engaged with people dealing with troubles...it's interesting to think about how one presents....authentic vs fake.  Serious vs playful.  Engaged vs distracted.

My internal dialogue right now is....

Ya, Lighter...... you had a thought, were reminded of X,  just keep trotting past that very real thing we're beyond now, it's ok.

I think having a response is better than letting the reactivity hang there....left to self correct while part if me observes.....tapping an agitated toe.....with expectations.

Back to non judgmental awareness.

Still no mail.  Last night DD18 and I checked the mailbox and DD Said....
"Crazy Cat Man knows how to stop short of trouble with the law.  It's like he's balancing his self control with skirting any consequences."

She's so right about that.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Meh on April 07, 2021, 12:09:12 AM

I've often carried self-defense items in my purse. One time early in the morning it came in handy in the city. I got a guy to back down, turn around and walk away from me.

I can think of a whole variety of such items.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on April 07, 2021, 08:24:25 AM
I wonder if you can out-crazy him Lighter?

You know about what time the mail arrives, correct? Make sure he doesn't see you collect it - right from the hand of the mailman, if need be. And then prepare a little shocking surprise for him. Something with light, noise and one dedicated videographer. Monster masks? Confetti release? AC/DC or Black Sabbath....

Smile - you're on candid camera!!!!
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 07, 2021, 08:50:46 AM
I'd love to hear the story.  Thank God you scared the guy away.  They want easy victims....easier than you.

 What do you carry in your purse? 

Amber.....that would be funny, even if it escalated the situation.

I just don't have the bandwidth to think up harmless man traps right now.  Maybe when this renovation is done and I'm not traveling so much; )


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 09, 2021, 10:21:51 AM
There's been a small shift with the negative thoughts.  They're still there, but come and go with less notice.

This gave me more insight into the most difficult people in my life.  I have more compassion for them now.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Meh on April 09, 2021, 07:19:28 PM
I used to always have a knife in my purse. It's a rather easy thing and very effective. I mean I lived in the city and had various "situations" in my life.

But really even Amazon has various utility belts for women. You are quite busy and you can legitimately have things like box cutters, hammers with you.

Not to get too crazy or anything. It's just, you know, if you are feeling nervous... sometimes women can just decide they don't want to play that game.

xoxo  Good luck
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on April 10, 2021, 10:48:13 AM
Thanks, Amber.  DD18 and I talk without pretending, thank God.  I have a small group of friends who enjoy talking about our truths, but I'm not sure how to go about my day with everyone else.  Mostly I'm focused on whatever task I'm working at.  I'm often not chatty ATALL, but then I can be super engaged with people dealing with troubles...it's interesting to think about how one presents....authentic vs fake.  Serious vs playful.  Engaged vs distracted.

My internal dialogue right now is....

Ya, Lighter...... you had a thought, were reminded of X,  just keep trotting past that very real thing we're beyond now, it's ok.

I think having a response is better than letting the reactivity hang there....left to self correct while part if me observes.....tapping an agitated toe.....with expectations.

Back to non judgmental awareness.

Still no mail.  Last night DD18 and I checked the mailbox and DD Said....
"Crazy Cat Man knows how to stop short of trouble with the law.  It's like he's balancing his self control with skirting any consequences."

She's so right about that.


I think a lot of people know just how far they can go before the police would actually do anything, Lighter, and I find that both scary and frustrating.  I hope he stops bothering you.

I am working very hard not to engage with other people's troubles, at all.  I've been quite surprised at how quickly people are backing away if I just don't engage.  I think I've always been so focused on doing 'something' if someone's having a difficult time that it's not occurred to me before just to not do it and then see if they (a) reconnect anyway because they enjoy my company/conversation/time even if I don't try to problem solve for them or (b) don't reconnect because they've gone elsewhere with their problems.  My highly annoying neighbours haven't even tried to speak to me for a couple of weeks, simply because the last time I saw each of them I just said 'hi' and didn't engage further.  Who knew it was that easy to put out a 'don't talk to me' vibe that would be taken up and adhered to?  I hope you continue to find your truth and your own place of balance :) xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 11, 2021, 01:13:50 PM
Won't sound crazy to me, Mouse.  I trained in offensive tactical self defense for many years.  Everything is a weapon....rolled up magazine, pencil......edged weapons are a great equalizer. 

You have good instincts.  Many women have learned to ignore and stuff them deep in a hole. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 15, 2021, 10:25:17 AM
Yall.YG neighbor sent 2 messages since I saw him and claimed away quickly.  They read like a high school boy sent them.  I continue to ignore, bc he's so very clueless.  Any response would be an invitation to chaos, ime.

The first text was him offering to explain what set off his timing for the chat in the woods.  He doesn't get the chat was the problem.  The woods the problem.

The second text was aimed at my sister....he apparently went through his old texts to her and said he wasn't asking her out, never asked out, he always meant to include me, which is a huge problem.....he's married.  I'm not interested. WTH?

I realize I couldn't remain steady during any chat with him.  Snark and ridicule would sneak out during his ignorant victim making excuses instead of saying sorry I did A, B and C.  Won't happen again, we're cool.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 16, 2021, 06:41:19 PM
Every Time I text or get a notification I see YG's texts.  It bugs me.  I consider ditching them....then documenting anxiety kicks in.  If I ditch them, he can say anything he likes, etc.

Just a proper waste of time, top to bottom.  It's been glorious at the lake.  Weather perfectly crisp and breezy...not hot or cold.  The sun hot.  Breeze cool.  They take turns on my skin, perfectly balanced.

I manage to remain more positive, in general I notice.  Every once in a while a rabbit hole swallows me and I let it.  It has so.ething it wants to show me, so I look without guilt or judgment.

There's always some understanding I claim....something new.  Maybe it's bc the absence of judgment left a bit if space.  Not sure, but I'm feeling pretty steady.

Typically, it feeeels like something pops up when I'm sturdier.  Oldest DD20 texted a question about having jaundice...what would that mean.  A shot if adrenaline hit me as I remembered Bill's liver shutting down over 5 months dying with cancer.  His color.  The poison in his body he couldnt clear.  The hallucinations and watching his face as he left his poor body.

Now I'm back contemplating why DD20 suspects she had jaundice....shes very bright.  Did a co worker at the eye clinic mention it?  And she's said nothing since that text.

I'm already leaving message for nutritionist to make appt for DD20....how to make that work. 

Oh, DD20 just texted the whites of her eyes are a bit yellow.  Will see about it tomorrow.

:: breathing::

In the meantime we're cooking, cleaning, dealing with ongoing sorting/edit, looking ahead at bath renovation and readying to drive home.  All the sheetrick and checkerboard is up.  The vanity electrical box needs to be moved.  The medicine cabinet needs to be framed in.  Contractor has been told he's losing next phase of the job, bc he's falling too far behind schedule.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on April 18, 2021, 10:19:41 AM
Oh, Lighter.  I don't know much about technology but I wondered if there's any other place that the messages could be stored - laptop, someone else's phone, cloud?  Just somewhere that you have them should you need them but won't see them each time your phone beeps.

You sound busy with everything else that's going on.  I hope the jaundice doesn't turn out to be that.  Understandable that it triggered a memory of Bill having similar.  But things will pop up as we go through life, I think, it does sound like things don't throw you completely off course any more?  Which is an amazing achievement and step forward for you xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 18, 2021, 10:20:54 AM
I think DD20 does not have jaundice.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 19, 2021, 07:45:53 PM
I've been eating right, for me, and walking quite a bit lately, which is walking meditation.  Same with weeding, which I did today for a few hours.  Productive, even though the soil is dry.....I think the moss is so thick, very little weed root is growing in the soil.  Lots of wedding got done.

In the middle if weeding

So, I'm between retired nurse's yard and mine when Y G walks through my trail and engages.  He wants to know if I got his 2 texts and he sounds like a defensive teenager.

As I write this I see his wife looking at the big truck and livestock trail is blocking my driveway.....a cow is loose and it looked like a golf cart and the truck were going to drive through my yard, but fior the retired nurse greeting them at the road where she was gardening.

I didn't want to know what they were doing....I already had the pug spill my coffe as a stranger, lovely woman, thanked me for letting her use the trail.  I was trying to enjoy the yard and that one cup of coffee. Just one. I've been thinking about shutting the trail down, bc it upsets the pug so much.  She's barking her head off now, bc if the cow people and the truck is still there, blocking oldest DD getting into our drive. 

WHY?   They could park and block nothing.  They could block someone else, but no.  They left the truck fully blocking just my drive and talked through my yard, who knows where.  I hope they find their cow.  I do.  But now my household is in chaos, despite work to stop the pug barking after a few woofs.

Pug is going nuts. 

Back to weeding in the yard earlier.....  I noticed a child screaming a street or 2 over and I struggled with distraction.  Relaxed into what came up.  I was tense, upset, wanted the child to be ok and wasn't sure it was.  There was zero enjoyment while that child screamed.  The pug screaming is the same.  Just waiting for it to pass. 

Anyhow, YG walks through my yard while I was weeding and asks if I got his texts.....sounding like a defensive teen boy.  He's likely 60yo.

I was calm and perfectly comfortable working with my back to him.  He wanted to have discussion.  I was surprisingly comfortable with silence.  I refused to look him in the eye.  I was busy....no time for him.

Eventually he blurted out stupid enough statements I shot him snarky looks, but wasn't tempted to speak snark at him. 

Soon, it was apparent he would never say..,"I was dumb, excuse my innapropriate behavior in the woods.  I was wrong and UT will never happen again....lets go back to being cordial neighbors, if we can."

He had it in his head he'd timed it wrong then said his wife didn't have cancer and tried launching into her colon and I cut him off....if she wanted me to know this personal information she'd share it with me herself.  No more divorce talk or wife talk....I was never interested in him, would never be, neither would my sister and he didn't know me.

He shot back...."You don't know me."  It reminded me of the French guy trying to change,my NO into a YES, bc....of course he was entitled to be known by me....to be given a chance....to pluck me off a tree, how could it be otherwise in their world?

The sweet ukelele maker entered the yard with his lovely dog.  We chatted....it was a little weird, bc YG was all glum and pouty, so odd.  They left together and I finished what I was doing befire they came back through.

Now YG has heard and seen definitive Nod from me, which is when get the weirdest ime.  I said what I had to say....resenting every word.  YG begins light neighborly chatting, sans anything else, or he gets asked to stay off my trail and stop speaking at all.  There have to be boundaries, spoken boundaries, apparently. 

Truck is still blocking my drive.  I calmed pug with treats.  She's snoring under my feet, but hears voices again....maybe cow wrangler and she's barking again.

I have plans with moss friend L tomorrow.  I've missed her very much.  We'll try to finish framing the Snowy Egret.....its huge.  I'm having trouble finding oversized Matt board.

They just moved the truck and said baby cows were found.  Apparently they own a restaurant and will send pizza to the house for blocking the drive so long.  DD20 will be happy about it.  DD18 and I will resent the smell of pizza we can't eat. 



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on April 20, 2021, 03:17:59 AM

I felt recognition as I read through your post.  I have realised in this last couple of weeks that every difficult or unpleasant interaction that I have stems from me being nice to someone at an earlier stage.  It's in my nature to be nice.  I feel for the lonely, the socially awkward, the sick, the disabled, the elderly, the child that doesn't get invited to the party, the man that people think is a weirdo because he lives alone and keeps to himself.  You know what I mean.  And I know from my own experiences that someone being friendly, asking how you are, saying something positive or constructive to you, can make such a difference to a day.  So generally, I'm nice to people.  But I've realised that means I end up dealing with people and situations that I don't want to have to deal with.  The elderly neighbour with his sex stories, the mum up the road asking for babysitting favours, the lady at the bus stop yesterday who, after I said hello to her, talked about herself for nearly twenty minutes without drawing breath.  It tires me out and it sounds like you're tired, too.

I think if I were in your situation at the moment I'd be inclined to shut that trail down (I'm assuming it's not a public right of way) - and if that means having to put a gate/fence/wall up then I'd be inclined to do that.  It sounds like it's a positive benefit for other people but not for you.  I think you need your quiet and your privacy (and so does Pug, by the sound of it :) ).  You can always open it up again in the future if you want to, and you can put up a nice note in advance, explaining that it's causing problems for the dog etc etc, if you want to.   I'd also be inclined to tell YG, very firmly, to fuck off.  No neighbourly chats or anything else, no contact at all.  He clearly doesn't hear no in any way shape or form and I think he'll just keep doing this.  It's not fair on you and you shouldn't be having to put up with his unsolicited attention.  I think that needs to be spelt out to him very clearly, unpleasant though that is for you to do (and irritating that it is for you to do it).  Rotten that you have to deal with this xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on April 20, 2021, 03:23:41 AM
I just had another thought in case you don't want to chance confrontation with him and that's whether it would be worth speaking to a lawyer or logging it with the police, just so there's a record of it?  I don't know how the laws are over there and what the best way forward would be, but when I was having a lot of problems with my mum I was given advice on the best way to word a letter to her telling her to stop.  I wasn't in a situation where I could take her to court but the solicitor said that if I made it clear that she was to keep away and that x, y and z weren't acceptable from her then if she continued it would mean I could take her to court and get a restraining order.  So I wondered if that's possible - even if it's in relation to trespass if he's on your private land?  I know that won't count if the trail is public but I'd check it out.  He needs to be got rid of xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 20, 2021, 11:24:22 AM
Hi, Tupp:

I'm really hoping YG loses the pout and goes back to acting whatever kind if normal he can muster now that I've made clear exactly how I feel. 

I did leave my phone in dd20's car last night, so paid attention to how I handled the idea it was lost.

No panic.  Some problem solving ideas came up.  Considered if I was being punished upsetting YG.  Reflected on times I've felt adrift and gut punched.  Determined what he's feeling, manipulative or in crisis, isn't my business and did what I could to find my phone, which included a 7am trip to the grocery store dd20 and I visited last night.....just in case I left it there.

Without distraction, I had some time to think.

I'm also, sadly, sneaking up on the idea of closing down the trail.  DD18 is upset by the idea of upsetting the neighbors.  Dd20 doesn't care at all and wholeheartedly gave her chickenhearted mother permission to blame the pug by posting a sign written by said pug requesting everyone using the trail find other access as she's a ferocious guard oh, MUST do her duty and all the traffic seriously upsets our household Zen.  Surely, all neighbors will understand, right?


Closing the trail is the right thing to do.  Upsetting in the short term.  Better mental health in the longterm.  I show the girls how to put boundaries in place, deal with upset people and enforce those boundaries.

What you said about making people feel better....that's super familiar.  My feeling responsible for people's reactions confuses me, but I know it's reactive and requires tending to, sans judgment.

I'll deal with the trail the same way I dealt with YG....when I was ready and had internalized my truth so remaining calm and resolute, without being yanked off course, happens naturally.

Thanks for your input, ((Tupp.))


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on April 21, 2021, 08:11:35 AM
Hmm. The easiest way to close the trail is to close it to everyone (and avoids specifying the real problem). But then, that's depriving people who haven't done anything wrong, isn't it?

Just throwing this out into the mix, while you're pondering.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 22, 2021, 01:34:44 AM
I wish I could put you in charge of the trail issue, CB!  In a way I'm shocked I've allowed all the barking and chaos for so long.

Now.....WOULD I want to allow any of the neighbors to use the trail?  Maybe 2 families.  Maybe just 1. 

::imagining orange tape blocking trail::

At least for a while. 

The next street over, with similar access to the walking trails, used to have people parked there all the time.  The guy occupying the same position on that street, as my house, put up ugly barrels the whole way around the culdesac to stop people.  I'll have to do something, at least for a while.

Blocking the pug's view if the street will quiet her as people walk to our yard, see the sign then turn around.

Oh oh.....so I'm packing the car this morning....literally walked out of the house ONE time and see the walking neighbor coming my way, or so I thought.  I ignore him, bc we never speak....he has ear buds in.  He never comes onto my property,.  Just walks by.  Today he jogs into my yard and says..."Have a safe trip."  I looked up to see YG.....I mistook him for the other guy, bc YG always has his dog with him, but not today.  DD18 was mortified by how awkward it felt.  10 minutes later YG jogs back through my trail....DD18 wonders out loud....why "jog" into the park if you're just gonna jog a few minutes and turn around.  YG never jogs, btw.  He walks his dog in the afternoon. Just....odd and where did the dog go? 

I am bugged and HE bugs me.  I assume this is the spurned man getting into shape phase....man about to file divorce jog?  Just.....
my yard is the very wrongest yard to DO that.   

Aside from that I had an amazing morning and visit with moss friend yesterday.  We finished framing my Snowy Egret signed print, so handsome!  I picked it up this morning.

I cleaned out another friend's pantry, fridge and freezer....bags and bags of it.  She's doing the Whole 30 program.  We cooked meatballs, soup and meatloaf, then froze in single portions.  It was a good day.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on April 22, 2021, 03:30:15 AM
I think this is the 'man harassing his neighbour' stage, Lighter, nothing to do with getting fit.  You've been clear that you don't want him around and he's still going out of his way to interact with you.  I think he gets a kick out of knowing he's doing something you don't want him to do.  I'd get that sign up, pronto.  The guy on the other side probably had similar problems (with people in general, not YG!).  Unfortunately I think some people just take advantage of someone else's thoughtfulness.  I wouldn't feel guilty about the nice families you don't mind using it; it's YGs fault, not yours xx

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on April 23, 2021, 09:38:15 AM
Just because he's decided he wants you - with or without divorcing his wife (is that even a real thing on the table?) - doesn't mean you don't get a say in the matter; nor agency to do as you like.

The trail is now beginning to be a general disruption to peace & quiet. And while some people are respectful and appreciative - it's still a problem. And gives YG justification to escalate into a feud and continue being a jackass.

Out here, the only people allowed access to the property are either invited - or the hunters do ask to come to look for animal sign or mushrooms. It's no longer only my decision - and Hol & S have a point that, those are OUR morels and it hasn't exactly been a good year for them. That feels like it's putting me in an uncomfortable position... but I can see everyone's point of view. So, maybe I'm not the sole decision maker?

YG seems to have an active fantasy life. I think I'd be tempted to introduce him to harsh reality in a way that would make him look elsewhere for the "object" of his fantasies. And not be overly worried how I'd be judged in my choice of revealing same. I don't give a rat's patootie if someone like that thinks I'm a B****. He has no idea how MUCH of one, I can be, under certain circumstances. He doesn't even deserve to know he's getting off easy.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 23, 2021, 02:52:42 PM
YG finally sent an appropriate apology.  Listed the things he'd done wrong and promised never to do it again.

This arrived today, so it's taken him a while to figure this out, but he got it right.

DD18 thinks he's having a nervous breakdown.

I intend to close the trail and hope there's no legal problem doing so.  I guess I can park in front of the trail and put a sign on the truck.

Realtor phoned and came by the lake house yesterday.  She's the one who held her nose and low balled us 3 years ago.

This year she was polite, loved the lot and house and low balled us again, imo.  Basically she asked if we'd take what she thinks her tiny ranch on 3 acres is worth.  We have a big lodge home with 16 acres closer to the highway....she's way out there.  I went to see her home today....decorated lovely, but very small and smack in the middle of her land.  Hard to sell lots.

Doing her math, she's obviously representing buyers....not at all helpful, imo, to us.  I have to put it down NIW, bc it makes my head hurt. 

My gut says interview more seller's agents.

Selling the house on 4 acres, while keeping the rest is what my gut wants to do in this moment.

I plan to respond to YG's text after a while.

Bathroom renovation going so slow.  Tile started.  Conyractor working on sheetrock today, Lord he was breathing so hard, I had to go outside to keep from whatever came up for me.....saving him?  Helping him?  Made me super uncomfortable to worry about his health with no off switch.

I'm reducing my circle of concern.  Well, trying.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on April 24, 2021, 09:37:45 AM
Yep; checking out other realtors sounds wise Lighter.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 24, 2021, 09:53:26 AM
My sister suggested a "temporary closing" of the trail, for "maintenance."

That way I'm not triggering legal AND I'll document at least 1 shutdown, which is necessary to keep the rights private.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 24, 2021, 09:59:04 AM
Oh, I'd rather crush my ankle than hire that realtor.  My sister thinks she wants to sell her place and steal ours.  Sounds about right since she offered us what she feels her 3 acres, with access issues, and tiny house is worth.

I have another name.  I'm done paying advocates to work against my interests.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 24, 2021, 10:05:49 AM
YG wants to know what kind if maintenance and how long shut down will last. 

I responded I'm not sure with all the travel.

I don't owe him anything.  Certainly not information or excuses for not giving him any....like....
"I have a lot on my plate right now." 

That's what came up and I caught it quick.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on April 24, 2021, 10:18:16 AM
Lighter, I have visions of Road Runner and Wiley Coyote style traps along the trail to capture annoying people and entertain you while you enjoy peace and quiet :)  Lol.  Good to make it a 'just for now' - situation.  Just gives you breathing space and one less thing to deal with.

I know nothing about selling property but getting more than one person in sounds like a good plan to me.  I know over here that it's generally thought that anyone selling on behalf of another will focus on what's best for them, not the person actually selling, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's similar where you are xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 24, 2021, 08:46:47 PM
I have to phone new lake realtor and Florida realtor says he has clients interested in Island Cottage.  I just need to make contract official with him.

YG texted offer to help, again.  I'm planning to block trail with the big Yukon truck.  Maybe with a polite sign sending folks back the way they came.

Yup yup yup.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 25, 2021, 12:07:01 PM
This morning was bright, clear, breezy and perfectly crisp.  My def of crisp is a tad too cool breeze mixed with a tad too hot sun, mixing back and forth, one lovely feeling after another.  I spread out on the sunny side deck removing clothes as I warmed up.  Soaking up sun.  Watching birds overhead, gliding through a perfectly blue sky.

And I was happy. 

I was there, so I elevated my feet.  I focused on my breath and let passing thoughts come and go without judgment.

THIS is where I problem solve, in this gentle state if awareness.  Lots of things came up.  Many made sense for the first time and I saw why that was so.

The bathroom was warm from the heater.  I considered a cold shower then went for a walk in my jammies.....heartrate up for 20 minutes.  Up hills then to the mailbox and back.  I thought about problems vexing me for a while.....it comes down to acceptance, in these cases.  I can just let them go without feeling understood by others.  It's ok to turn away.....toward other things.  I wonder if these matters are settled, finally. If they come up, if I begin puzzling again, I'll know. My hope is the calm contemplation allowed processing and refilling in historic files.  Wouldn't that be something?


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 25, 2021, 12:18:25 PM
ILighterI got my cool to icy shower.  Not a big fan of icy cold water, btw.  Not at all.

I do feel......really relaxed and lucky not to be battling bugs.

Solutions presented themselves regarding the trail.  I can open it on certain days for certain hours.  The walking trails are that way.  I know the guy in charge of that.  I can e mail his list of folks and restore serenity without a complete shutdown, or not.

Something else came into focus for me....I have 15 to 25 active years left.  I don't have a clear vision for what I'll do with them, but O want them to be mindful years.

So, barefoot and clean on the back porch swing, I'm gently holding that in my mind as I get on with my day.

I'm changing the bathroom shower floor tile AND the LVP for that bedroom and LR.

I have to think through the door trim where it meets the vanity, bc it does meet and overlap.

Dd18 has always been a wise soul......not very childlike, even when she was a toddler/ young child.  She has good instincts.


And so do I.

The journey continues.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 28, 2021, 07:25:02 AM
I ran home to get the truck on Monday.  Had dinner with DD20 and a nice visit, but left supplements behind.  Missed 4x.  Not great first week with them.

I had the feeling it wasn't a great idea to leave dd18 for that long.  Not having someone there, to eat meals with, had her not eating again.  Old habits...anorexia squeezing her hard.  She knows it, understands it, but it feels like a vampire got to her in the night.  Something I can't get my hands on or fight.  Last night was super helpless feeling....we went into adorable little town and walked.  DD unable to eat in a restaurant.....lots of anxiety. 

Walk through grocery store like walking with zombie....DD looked almost ill.  Made soup when we got home late and watched Modern Family.  We were both exhausted.

DD lost 1/3 of her body weight and isn't strong.  Oldest DD is gaining weight....both have unhealthy relationships with food.

We see nutritionist today....she said will take 18 weeks to heal DD18's body.  I don't know how long it takes to heal the mind.....if it can be healed from eating disorders.  Is it recovery.....ongoing and ever present? 

I'm out if my depth here.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 01, 2021, 04:04:31 PM
Nutritionist said will be 18 months, not 18 weeks, to heal dd18's stomach.

Much longer for me, bc growth hormones.

There's some perspective.

DD18 super angry with me today, bc I don't require DD20 to pull her weight with housework.  Caring for our home isn't something Dd20 is consistent with. I patiently discuss it...,dd20 does a little then slips back into old habits.  It's a problem.

I have to set boundaries and consequences this weekend, while getting yard plan together, editing and deep cleaning fridge ....wanted to edit cliset, but that has to wait.
This is so stressful for me, but its not fair dd18 and I do everything, including washing Dd20's dog. Some days I do all the care.

We all deserve to live in a clean, neat home, but my aversion to conflict is alive and kicking the shite out of me.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on May 02, 2021, 01:42:01 AM
(((((Lighter))))))))  I know I find when I start healthy eating (or any other kind of health thing I do) 'stuff' starts to come up.  I can only imagine that with three of you all working harder to eat better (and it is more work; so easy to grab a sandwich and a bag of crisps for lunch, much more work to plan and prepare something that ticks all the nutrition boxes and tastes good) that there will be things that take your attention.  I think living with adult kids has it's own challenges - it's now three grown ups sharing a home rather than mum allocating chores and sticking stars on a reward chart, you know?  It's hard to find the balance.  You'll find a way through that works for all of you xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 02, 2021, 09:00:44 AM
Thanks, ((Tupp.))

You're right about stuff coming up.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on May 02, 2021, 12:06:35 PM
I will say, that living with adult children versus teenagers, certainly keeps one engaged. Much of it is very good. But  the old sticking points still exist. I have to keep reminding myself that the good stuff that's returned and apparent, is because of what I've given. I've tried to do that unconditionally.

I don't know if I succeeded. I'm not sure it matters.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 06, 2021, 03:44:50 PM

My 2 daughters are so different.  One wants everything to be ok, similar to my temperament, and the other....not so much.

I can't get dd20 to take out the trash, which runs on day I'm not in town.  I sometimes cart trash to condo dumpster where we lived before.  It takes everything I have not to lose my white over it, bc hauling stinky trash.....when DD20 could take 6 seconds after 11am to roll it to curb on a day off from work isn't something she feels like doing and I AM BUSY.  This sort of f'd up disregard for other DD18 and me is maddening, mostly bc DD18 loses her white over it and follows the logic back to their childhoods when I wasn't a heavy enough disciplinarian (while legal siege tormenting me.)

But there are small increments of change and desire to change on DD20's part.  I perceive them, even if they're less than meaningless to DD18.

I'm all about gaining cooperation.  The heavy handed ultimatums are so stressful.  My adrenals really stressed, but looking for balance.  Looking to build up relationships with both girls, though it's not lost on me....parents often keep one child weaker, while making the other stronger without realizing it.

I've done that.  I SEE it so very clearly.

I just thanked dd18 for being so supportive and she dropped into hands on heart compassion and asked me what for.  She's been programmed by me.  Pretending everything is fine....difficulty accepting gratitude.

Then she said it's ok if I'm a lesbian, out of the blue, and we laughed at the darkness in my A- sexuality over the last 14 years, which is odd to most people, but I can't imagine anything else and I'm curious if that will change.  Zero interest. 

I feel as though I'm fighting to keep the structure of our lives propped up and strengthened for their futures. 

I SEE everything in terms of how resilient and balanced and strong my girls will be when I'm gone.  I'm not all they have, but I've been living like I am.  How odd. Just so let down for so long by so many....imo.

I have to evaluate that.  And my parenting strategies now they're grown.

DD20 is so alien to DD18...and to me.  Seems careless...so very careless with other people's......hearts and minds and maybe she's the "normal" one.

My mental health has never been her job, b7t I feel sabotaged by her and she's admitted sabotaging me.  Tormenting me was her actual word for it.

I'm ready to move on from it.  Without lashing out, finger pointing and shaming her, which DD18 really wants to do.

There's middle ground, but I'm hampered right now and overwhelmed, hence....
upcoming appt with T.



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on May 06, 2021, 05:19:20 PM
Wishing you and your girls peace, independence and hopefulness, Light.

You care about health, strength and wholeness. An eating disorder in a child is frightening; I know someone whose child lost that battle. Does older DD have good medical care and counseling at school? (She's away at college or going back soon....)

Maybe simplicity, without too many complicated rules and fears of contamination, will ease all your minds. (You're right about processed stuff, but the young do have time to recover....).

Sounds to me like you're coping with a lot of triggers and doing a great job. Glad about the T.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 06, 2021, 08:46:06 PM

DD20 will attend online classes in the fall to become a licensed optometrist   She's just been taken on fulltime at the eye clinic.  She's busy.  Hates to cook.  Went through a period of dreaming of gastric bypass surgery to solve everything. Those docs are wicked with false facts and promises.  Very frustrating, but I try to keep my opinions to myself, bc DD20 tends to resist when I do.

Both my girls have eating disorders.  One over eats inflammatory foods exclusively.  She won't say what she weighs, but she's gone from a 14/16 size to 20....maybe larger as her seems are splitting on uniforms with more weight gain. 

DD18 lost 1/3 her body weight during 2 year struggle with anorexia.  When her gut stopped digesting and doing everything a gut should do, she asked for help.

DD20 was seeing eating disorder T who was, imo, more harmful than helpful.  DD20 knows what to do to reduce inflammation.  She doesn't want to do it.  I dont5blame her, bc I don't want to do it either.  Boring.  Sad.  PITA.  Watching everyone else eat "normal food" doesn't make it easier.

Youngest has a regular T she adores, but isn't a eating disorder T.  DD18 hasn't told Nutritionist about the anorexia yet.

Yes.  Lots if triggers.  Surprisingly, the renovation brings joy and happy business.  I'm looking for classes and opportunities to do some of this work myself....and teach the girls.  Basic framing, plumbing and electrical.....flooring, etc.  I'm a side kick now.  I don't want to depend on subs anymore. 

Will see.  Ready to do new things. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on May 08, 2021, 09:08:46 AM
Somewhere about the time, I realized my mom would never acknowledge what happened to me... and that was just the way it is; while I can't quite forgive - coz still old pain - I can ACCEPT that somehow I've survived anyway.... and about that time, I stopped over-analyzing my reactionary "momming personality".

It will OK, Lighter. It's early days with your girls trying out their wings. You've done a LOT to help them understand what they've been thru and now it's up to them to do the work. (Whether they want to, accept that, or not.)

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 09, 2021, 01:55:37 AM
Thanks, Amber.  There some significant highs and lows happening.  I worked on lake house bathroom designs all day....felt really good.

You're right.  The girls will have to sort their own lives.  I hand them tools, but they wield them or don't.

Food choices and chores still squeezing my brain.  I ate gf crackers last night....SO many ways to get off track.  It didn't seem so difficult before, bc everything else in my life was on fire.

Life is calmer.  Better. I have more bandwidth to notice and register food frustration, I guess.  I have moments of boredom I didn't have the first time. 

I'm getting out of my own way....am able to see the waste in worry and what one gives up if we can't resist it. Maybe it's getting whacked in the head.....not seeing IT.

I feel I've been here before, wrestling with worry.....resisting acceptance.  Thanks for reminder.



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on May 09, 2021, 08:19:07 AM
And as they mature and learn from their own mistakes, they'll discover that not only were they given tools by you, but they will discover a host of other tools. And figure out their capacities to use them.

I know what it's like to agonize over an unwell child. In time, acceptance and release can come -- I hope they come soon for you. Have you considered orthorexia? I don't know but it occurred, fwiw.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on May 10, 2021, 12:58:57 PM
How're you doing today Lighter?
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 10, 2021, 02:49:00 PM
Dd18 is achy with huge headache.  Began 9 hours after J&J vaccine.  She was sick after regular flu shot too.

I'm pulling up pee pee carpet and padding in living room.  25 years of pee pee dust in varying colors....in curious piles in worst areas.  So.  Much.  Dust. 

The wait for LVF is mucking up my forward momentum.  Out of my control.  My schedule is coming apart.  I'm trying to triage commitments.

Niece's birthday and visit from my other niece are priorities just under DD18's care.

 I realize I'm way down on the list, under renovation and helping a friend in ways I'm curious about.  I can get her free appt with nutritionist for initial visits.  My other friend and I have left over supplements she be tested and dosed with.

It's a lot to take on, but Nutritionist already wants to help her....discover cause of herchronoc fatigue disorder. 

Friend has trouble walking....she's deciding weather to live or die and I'm lead to help as I can.  She's choosing to live, so far.

The J&J hurt my shoulder...stinging painfully, for 10 minutes or so, then nothing.  No tenderness.  Nothing.

I feel strong today, but I've had some very sad moments with my brain insisting I provide exciting foods....salty, crunchy, sweet...chewy.  I ate 2 handfuls of s&v chips with resulting stomach trouble.  Oh well.

My brother is heading to LVP showroom now.  Will call me to figure this out.

I'm drinking ice water and splashing myself in it to help calm my nervous system.  It feels like it's helping.  Still can't breathe out of left nostril to use that particular breathing tool.  I do remember to try.

Realtor has 2 people interested in cottage.  I have to find the papers for that place.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 10, 2021, 05:56:34 PM

LVP or LVF...same thing.  Planks or flooring or LVT.....no grout.  It's waterproof.  Good for us and any renters, should we get to that point.

I'm nervous about different sibling  ideas for what this place should be.

I missed my T appointment, bc my brother phoned....the conversation was supposed to be about LVP in 3 areas of the house.  Contractor waiting on it.....I thought we might have it today or tomorrow.

Instead brother begins talking about spraying all the warm amazing Pecky Cyprus walls white....diirs, trim, but not the ceilings, which are all vaulted orangish wood.  Special, bc it has natural oils....doesnt need sealing.  Dad picked it special.

He's also talking about turning house into a hotel again.....Im not opposed.  I simply don't share his vision and it's not what Dad planned.

Then brother says we might should tear out the existingvoak hardwoods and brick pavers, which I've scrubbed and steamed and removed 25 years of waxed in filth.  I can't wrap my head around making this lodgy home into a fancy hotel.  I love all the wood by fire and warm lamp light. 

While he's talking, I forget I have a much awaited T appointment and he had many more things to say, which didn't include final LVP selection.
My contractor will be here in the morning.  I know he likely will say NO to the big hotel job, should it come to pass.

I was ready to add 2 toilets, 2 showers/tubs, a little kitchen then call it done.....airbnb, put it on the market, see what shakes out.

I think I'd also like to consider putting tiny houses along the shoreline as rentals, with their own fire pit, outdoor kitchens....access to docks and boats, etc......

I'm conflicted.....and a bit worried. I sometimes want to run away, sell everything and start new dreams....not work on my father's and late husband's dreams, which is what I've been doing to preserve the value and spend time with my family.

My kids are grown.  They won't need me like this much longer, likely.

I want peace with my siblings.....to work on common goals was what Dad wanted for us.

It's just stuff.  Not as important as getting along, but I'm the people pleaser.....I want to think this through. 

II was nervous about contractor having to wait for flooring so he can finish bath and get paid. 

Now I'm worried about the direction this project is taking......about his willingness to stay AND I have an aversion to spending big retail dollars on fancy renovations.  My brother is adverse to buying old things and repurposing them. 

I hope we can be compassionate with each other through this.  I hope we can get through this.

One other thing.....brother wants to move quickly, bc there are no zoning laws now.  We'd be grandfathered in should things change.....I guess?  There are questions about sprinkler systems at x number of units, etc....great unknowns, brother is a big picture guy, like our mother.

I'm nervous about oldest dd20 adulting.  About both dd's eating disorders and health and finding my way after they leave the nest.
Preserving relationship with siblings while honoring myself. I've been a parent for 20 years and firefighter of fires other people start.

What will I be next?  Besides so bored with food I want to slap myself in the face if I'm not busy all the time....gogogogogo, which isn't conducive to being really present for dd18. 

Thanks for the coconut water idea.  She can have that and continues to feel better.  It helps to read your DD feels better afyer J&J distress.  I made dd18 a g/d/s free comfort waffle, with warm lemon apple cinnamon compote.  She's smiling and feeling good enough to sit outside in the sun and wind with me again.  I think it's going to rain.

There isn't enough mommy love in the world, CB.  I find it difficult to balance, I admit it. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on May 11, 2021, 08:15:25 AM
Sounds to me like maybe Lighter needs a vacation - one of those peaceful, simply REST vacations where you let yourself imagine putting all this design energy into YOUR next life situation. You need some moss time; but I understand why you might be more comfortable avoiding it for a bit longer.

Instead of doing so much for others maybe take some time off and put that energy on you - let responsibility for "making people happy" and things "just so" kinda unwind and imagine something new that inspires you and offers a more comfortable balance. Make Lighter happy.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 11, 2021, 11:22:03 AM

A reckoning is on the way.  Time to sort and calculate what I want to spend time on....what I don't.

I ended up feeling unwell yesterday afternoon....like organs and spine being stabbed...,head and neck ache.  I put to do list down and got in bed.  Slept through most of the discomfort.  Woke feeling fine, but vacuuming and bending over has my head throbbing again.  Need to not overdo today.

We have a gas shortage.  I have to puzzle out all the driving I plan to do in the AND whether there's available gas to do it.  If there's gas in the big building, I can carry gas with me, but that feels unsafe.  I know I have one big can of gas.

Oldest dd20 concerned about the gas and it's interesting to hear he puzzle it through for herself.  I'm not worried.  She'll figure it out.  I think my presence makes her regress in maturity.  She's super capable.  I have to release expectation and ask her what she plans to do about problems more often.  Just let it go.

Contractor getting unhappy, I can tell.  Too many Chiefs, as my father would say. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on May 11, 2021, 01:30:09 PM
Ooooof, Lighter.
It sounds like nonstop stress approaching toxic levels.

I'll join Amber in visualizing a deep, intentional pause,
letting all that's extraneous to your wellbeing go unmanaged
by you.

It's too much. Or it sounds like too much. When to-do lists or
projects take on the sound of emergencies, we're out of whack.

You deserve rest, peace, serenity, relief.
Hope you'll trust that this is true and let them in.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on May 11, 2021, 02:00:59 PM
Gas shortage might be magnified in SOME areas over others, due to supply line inability to absorb a problem, but according to the pipeline operator shouldn't last past this week. I imagine there might be some time involved in getting gas where it is most needed.

Gotta take things day by day, more so than in the past. I couldn't envision any kind of business plan, past the next 2-3 months and financial planning is in the same straits.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 13, 2021, 09:26:18 PM
TLighterToday, as I contemplated lunch as dd18 struggles...is skipping meals,bc anorexia screaming in her ears....I looked outside, dropped my arms to my side and went into the deck....laid down in the sun....it was one if those chilly windy days mitigated by the hot sun.  My right foot was in a shady wet spot....the wind actually hurt, it felt that cold.  The rest of me was so happy and warm and I noticed I had control in that moment as to how I felt. 

I stopped a frustrating hate spiral in the kitchen and chose joy instead. DD18 joined me till her black outfit made her too hot, but she was there.....breathing in the sun with me, May be meditating too.  Not sure, but I'm modeling something better and feeling much better for it.

I'm not trying to control DD18 or her eating.  I'm not letting the stress take me, at least not today.

I keep learning the same darn lesson....over and over as its presented in different ways.  My children have to individuals and it's good for us all when I step back and give them space to do it.

The main lesson is...
even if my kids aren't ok, I can still be ok.

My stomach flips as I know this, yet again.  It still goes in and out if focus.  I have moments where I can't believe I list that thread.

I also noticed I got through my entire bank bill Pay list without feeling anything at all.

Usually I see an upsetting name or company from the past....I never delete anything, bc documenting, and I lose minutes getting myself out of another hate spiral, but not thus time. 

Today I felt like the grown up in my life managing my younger self and younger self calmed down for the rest of the day.

I noticed more important stuff I wouldn't have had time for IF I'd been lost in reactivity.

Important stuff.


Two steps forward today.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 21, 2021, 10:10:50 PM
Just so you know, I still haven't fixed the walking trail at my house, and it's still closed off from the public.

They're being so respectful and patient...... I tried to pick up 25 gallons of gravel yesterday, but the supplier was out.  I notice I'm motivated to get it done now. I might ask the guys to pick that ball up an carry it without me.

And it was really nice not having people traipsing through the yard all the time. 

I think I might leave the trail shut down to everyone but the 3 or 4 families I enjoy spending time with..... who help.

Less barrking from baby girl pug.  Less distractions. More privacy. 

Living in the moment is better.  I wish I could bottle it or summon it effortlessly all the time.

I think I'll just be grateful and savor it while I have it.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on May 28, 2021, 08:22:37 AM
I think it's nice that it's quieter for you, Lighter.  We have pathways that run across the front and side of my house and I'm just conscious of movement as people go by.  Even that's enough to be distracting - it just disturbs your peace, I think, even if they're not making noise.  I hope the calm and quietness continue for you xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on May 28, 2021, 09:44:15 AM
Glad you've asserted your boundaries, Lighter.

Curious about why you're maintaining a texting/email relationship with YG, though. I thought when you first described his aggression that you were stressed seriously by it and that you were going to set and hold total NC?

Then again, I sure understand ambivalent feelings about men.

Glad either way if you're feeling good about the trail! Wish I could walk it.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 29, 2021, 10:49:17 AM
Not texting YG. 

I text two other neighbors about the trail...... the doctor's husband and the guy who bikes through with his dogs, kids and wife.  He helped put down the larger river rock and let me borrow his wheel barrow. 

YG is noticably keeping his distance and I'm noticably feeling less stressed an reactive about him:)

I'm feeling better, all around, in fact. 

I'm at the lake, for instance, and a helper bee working with my contractor is attempting to mow many acres of thigh high grass, wet from last nights storm, with a push mower and a weed eater.  Since 5:55 this morning. I know this bc he woke me up.  Twice. 

I had to decide how to handle the situation.  I have things I'm doing.... I'm busy trying to finish up things to go back home for the holiday, but I can't let him break himself, and his helper, doing what he's doing.  I told him to wait till the grass is dry and he has access to a larger mower or two..... what he's doing is insane.  He said he wants to work, and I get that, but the job can wait till he gets the larger mower and some cooler dryer days.  They're weedeating around trees now, which seems reasonable. I could agree with that plan AND he's calling someone to line up the larger mower, which is imperative, IMO.

I think that would normally upset me very much, but not today. 

I thought about getting my brother's zero turn huge mower out, but that's not mine to lend.  I could see it.... ME getting lessons about using it.... the yard mowed in a couple hours...... him paid and on his way to another job.  It wasn't mine to lend and if something got messed up..... it would be my fault.   I didn't call my brother.... I came to read the board and see what Bee came up with.  That man has the energy an work ethic of an entire hive..... and he did find a mower to use.  It will be here today.  That was enough for me to let it go. 

Maybe Bee can talk to my brother about borrowing the big mower..... that might work out well, esp if brother thinks the guy is competent and can fix anything he breaks.  Not.  Mine.  To. Lend.  And I do want to learn how to mow with it, myself.  I will.

My brother will know what to do.  It's his wheelhouse.  I'll let it be, without feeling I should fix evrything for everyone, which I see very clearly.... I want to do.  Same witih the crazy cat man..... brother will deal with that, not me.  DEFINITELY not my wheelhouse.  CCM leaving me alone, btw.  Nothing in or around the mailbox since the cheap porn pic.

And....bc I wasn't able to respond to one of your prior posts about YG..... I've never been attracted to him. There's no reason for him to think I was.... it was all HIM.  Nothing to do with me.  I have peace with that and with letting that situation go.  I'm not reactive around it lately.  I dont know when that happened.... just glad it's happening.

It's better:)

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 02, 2021, 03:08:08 PM
Youngest DD18 is Jenna.  She and I had good dental cleaning appointment first thing this morning, then Korean grilled pork Stone Bowls for lunch.  So good.  Ate every bite. 

Jenna offered to take pug to the vet with me, which is so helpful.  Went off without a hitch, except the pug let paws fly when I got out of car.  I looked in the car to see lots of activity, DD in distress, but hanging on, mask askew, pug punched in the head.....shaken, not injured.  Jenna has always had a Lucille Ball physical humor.....way about her.

There are newly laid frog eggs on the porch. I counted at least 4 different groups in 3 pots I use to collect rainwater.  They're full of rotting vegetation and algae.  Perfect for voracious tadpoles. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 12, 2021, 06:18:01 AM
Building on the idea around empathic spirits in our lives.... particularly female spirits....... and being one IN my daughter's lives.....
I wonder how that impacts them.

If you think they're dependent on me for daily comfort and touchy  feely care.... you'd be wrong.  They're not.  They receive it much less than I extend it.  They rarely ask for it.  Sometimes oldest dd20 will crawl in bed with me and put hre head on my shoulder..... just THE best, bc she's not an affectionate being, typically. 

I'm wondering what this will mean for them, as they enter adult life.  What happens to people who receive gentle, kind mothering daily..... then have no gentle kindness daily?

My mother was motivated and wanted to work, wear pretty clothes and jewelry..... be spectacular in the world and admired and she was.  Her parenting style wasn't touchy feely........ it was her mother's style and mom said her mother was the perfect mother "for her." 

I took this to mean that kind of gentle kind parenting wasn't for children like me and my sibs.  WE were the factor guiding her parenting choices, but that wasn't true.  She was. It wasn't really her style and she was 20yo.  SO very young, IME.  A golden child. 

I'm not complaining, just wondering what the outcome is. My sibs are different....... all of us are different.  My girls are different.  One style of parentign doesn't determine what children will be, grow into, become..... how stable they'll feel, be in the world.

Each child is born with or without resillience.... more or less according to each child and experience.

As I compare the gal who cleans my teeth and my T....... the T doesn't really hit the same way the tooth gal does. The T asks things of me..... asks me to notice and explore pain and discomfort.... to face it...... tackle it.......and I don't seek her out they way I did when I was in more distress.

I don't melt into comfort and appreciation for gentle care with the T...... I do with the tooth gal.

On that note.... I'm feeling very gentle toward myself lately.  Noticing I'm not riding my back, critiizing, shaming, judging.... it seems like it just happened, but I know better.  I worked hard on it, then relaxed a bit, day by day?  Chastised myself, then chastised for chastising as I crept on on being more curious, less critial.  Learning to just notice.... putting that habit in place.... was hard won.  I DID that, and I noticed racing mind syndrome this morning at 4am...... just watched old patterns pop up..... breathed them away without much thought.

That's part of it.... not grabbing on to the negative thoughts.  Not giving them energy. Refusing to tend to them. 

But I'm not tending to myself with tsunamis of compassion..... and I could.  Might.  Should.

And there's that word again.... SHOULD. 

I don't like the way that feels anymore.  I don't want to do that anymore.

How about this....

I will extend myself more compassion and care.  I will prioritize myself going forward.  I will model THAT for my children.

I don't really believe the above... yet. This is the beginning phase. The introduction. The turning my focus toward something with intention.  Like backing off the criticism and shame.  I did that.  Life feels different today, bc of that focus.

Again, it reminds me of dropping through or rising through atmospheres.  Everything shifts, you're still in water. It's not easy to notice the changes.  Sometimes they're more subtle. Sometimes they're a big enough change,they can't  be missed,. but mostly it's smaller shifts I think.

Wow.  I feel pretty good about this.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 12, 2021, 04:09:39 PM
OK.... something BIG is happening for me... in my own opinion, of course, lol.

Managing to avoid reactivity = more ability to understand what's going on AROUND whatever the thing is.

I'm sinking into the problem of communication. 

I don't think it's ME that's the big problem. I think I'm constantly shocked and thrown off by what other people say and do....which creates tension/me stuffing feelings/anger/confusion....and THAT makes me feel weird, act weird.... etc. 

I see very clearly how cultivating  the illusion of being very aloof seves me.

I see how keeping my head down, not chiming in with my opinions helps keep discord down with people who feel they're right and are verey vocal about it, used to getting their way without question, etc.

The fact I'm usually very calm and soft spoken with my opinions makes me easy to dismiss or ignore is MY problem to deal with.

Learning to deal with that, while avoiding ultimatums and drama, is mine to handle.

I'm shocked at my ability to remain calm.  Not impressed.... just shocked, on reflection.

That my discomfort with conflict trumps my need to be heard, considered, valued, respected is a problem.... also mine to deal with.

Once I've begin ignoring the discomfort... once I consistently soldier through it to speak calmly, without expectation......
once I've found my voice and ability to use it BEFORE I'm at my edge..... everything improves, IMO.

For me, my family, those around me.  Especially me, though.

Taking the focus OFFwhat other people do and say..... to focus directly on what I say and do..... CAN DO..... is the way I want to go.

I'm actually going there now... on that new path.... and it feels amazing.

I notice old resentments falling away on this path.  I don't have to hold or puzzle out any of the old stuff. 

Just determine the new way things will go, for me, and do what I've always done.....
get it done.

THIS IS SELF CARE at it's core..... for me.


Wow.... my breathing is easier just writing that out.

It's overcast.... having stormed earlier. The rain and pug are content. I can almost feel the moss sigh.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on June 12, 2021, 10:23:56 PM
Amen and halleeelooo!

Taking the focus OFF what other people do and say..... to focus directly on what I say and do..... CAN DO..... is the way I want to go.

Me, too.

Just went to a lovely party next door and had to work through several layers of feeing awkward, but enjoyed it mostly and though I left fairly early I'm glad I went. It was a surprise 70th bday for my British neighbor's partner--a very sweet man she met online. (Gives me courage!) He was so stunned and happy. She had an acoustic band, tent, hors d'oeuvres, and then flame dancers! Lots of great people -- the man's friends from COLLEGE came from out of town, plus his 3 kids and 5 siblings. Lots of happy people having happy reunions. And even on the outside ring, their moods were contagious.

Came home to stink-eye from Pooch since she wasn't invited (this neighbor always gives her meaty treats, so she races into her house and immediately sits in front of the fridge...it's hilarious).

M was invited but backed out. He's facing a cardiac ablation in a couple weeks and though he had a successful one 10 years ago he's feeling very melancholy and mortal. He's also uncomfortable with people who aren't his "class", but doesn't realize it. I can read him like a loooong book.....

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on June 13, 2021, 04:20:22 AM
Gosh, the parenting topic really rang bells for me, Lighter!  I think that, in order for anyone to truly parent well, you'd need to be utterly complete yourself - all your own needs dealt with, baggage disposed of, life in order in every possible way - to be able to work out what each child needs and just give them that.  And no-one can do that.  We're all still growing and changing, and I know for me (and I expect it's the same for other people), a lot of my own 'stuff' didn't start to surface until I had a child.  I saw his needs, saw how to meet them - and saw how my own needs at that age weren't met.  Then it hasn't been modeled, so how do you meet them?  How do you know what to do?  Whilst juggling work, home, partner, your own parents, health needs, emotional stuff, and dealing with the unavoidable in life - divorce, bereavement, redundancy and so on?  It's a wonder any of us make it through, really.  Your comments about being more focused on what other people do and say rather than yourself - oof!  Like being hit by a sledgehammer.  Yes, often so much easier to take the responsibility for everyone else's feelings and thoughts and adapt ourselves to absorb it.  But where do we go in the process?  I find it very difficult to be calmly assertive.  I still find I say nothing for a long time and then explode.  It's a hard habit to break out of.  Very deeply ingrained.  This is amazing stuff you're digging through at the moment.

Just out of interest, do you think there's any link between your cleaner diet now and these insights coming up?  I just wondered if not dealing with various niggles caused by food reactions and so on is giving space for other stuff to surface?  I'm just aware how much I stuff my own emotions down with food - it kind of make sense that taking the stuffing out would let them come up? Great work, Lighter!  Wow.  Amazed by how much you're doing xx

Oh, and Hops, naughty neighbour!  Fancy not inviting Pooch to the party!  I'd be giving out stink eye as well ;)  Lol, really made me chuckle xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 13, 2021, 01:40:04 PM

I think I took up pristine eating habits again ONLY bc my DD18 was in crisis around food. 

Otherwise, I'd still be waiting for dd20 to come around, then do it with her. That was the plan when I gained up 10lbs and lost ability to get into my favorite jeans.  Then another year went by that way and added another 10lbs. I thoght about taking better care of myself, but there's some guilt.... would feel like leaving my DD20 behind.... maybe inthe middle of a busy street.  The same as leaving my B when he had cancer...I would NEVER have left him, even though I was in a bad position to care for him.... wasn't supported in that mission, was treated badly by his family..... I stayed and did what I could....bc leaving him would have felt like leaving a child in the middle of a busy street.

Actually DOING it, for myself...eating perescriptively, by myself in a home where no one else is doing it..... was just impossible, besides feeling guilty about DD20's weight issues. Sometimes I think my gaining up was why youngest dd ended up with anorexia.  She said it wasn't, bc I asked, but it's IN my brain. 

So..... it's likely my being denied any small comfort, I used to receive from food IS a part of emotional stuff coming up, presenting itself, asking for attention..... sure. Just not the only reason, I think. 

Part of it is the rounded presentation of similar issues from you guys on the board...... touching on roughly similar things I'm dealing with too... presenting information differently...... offering up new ways to see and deal witth them.......
but mostly the food is bc of DD's anorexia and crisis.

That makes me sad.... that I couldn't just DO what I've always done.  Work out, hard.... for me. Eat well enough... for me...bc that's how I lived when not faced with the care and comfort of other dependent beings.


I'm sure you made up for the snubb'in; )  Happiness restored ,with a treat, no doubt.  Pooch is lucky to have you.

I have no opinion on M's medical situation, but hope it works out for him.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 13, 2021, 01:57:23 PM

Your post reminded me...
I'm trying to invent a new language to navigate life.  To speak so I'm heard.  To address dismissive, disrespectful treatment, for surely I deserve to have a voice and be heard.

This requires unlearning....changing patterns. Stepping outside my comfort zone.

I have to rember.....when I speak, I have something pretty important to say.

I think about the good of all.

I research and do due diligence for many....for those refusing to do it for themselves.

So many times I speak and am dismissed....go silent rather than be labeled loud, pushy, bitchy....but there has to be a way to speak with balance in mind.

I can't stop people throwing themselves off cliffs.  What I can do is speak till I feel heard, then release expectation.

Feeling heard will be up to me and damn fear of being labeled. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on June 14, 2021, 10:21:55 AM
Sometimes you can get your point across without using words Lighter.

Night before the last one, of Hol's film work - the Asst. Director was screaming on the radio to get a homeless man peacefully sleeping on "his" step out of the location shot. It was the film crew who were invading someone's home (in W. B'more, no less). Hol said he looked to be maybe 70. She grabbed all the snacks on her cart and took them to him, without saying a word except she hoped the guy had a good rest of the evening.

The next night, they were shooting in the same location. Same guy was there. The AD asked people to give the guy some space & time to move off the set instead. She figures someone pointed out to him, that he didn't have a whole lot of compassion for the people in the neighborhood they were disrupting. Despite promises to benefit the community and the whole point of the film was to bring attention to the actual life conditions there. (Same executive producer as "The Wire".)

I know full well she could've screamed back on the radio and shredded the man's selfish & tonedeaf tirade. But what she did was way more effective and spoke volumes. Moments like that make me proud of her inner strength and courage in the face of power run amok. The "grownups" as the executive production staff are known behind the scenes, weren't being very grownup.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on June 14, 2021, 12:36:23 PM
What a great anecdote, Amber.

Hol respond with a combo of compassion and common sense, and created a teaching moment.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 14, 2021, 12:59:12 PM

It's nice to read Hol handled a situation with compassion and calm, despite the upset "grownup's" shouting and upset.

I'm open to non verbal communication, but sadly..... it likely won't be acts of compassion and kindness....not as I SEE my current situations going in the foreseeable future.

The lake house was broken into and DD18 is a bit freaked out about it, which makes my protective mama bear rise up with a bit of a veangence.  If I know nothing about myself, I know I'm a human of action.  Physical violence is muscle memory.  Iwas reminded of that when walking throgh the garage this morning.  I passed a container with pics of ASPD Nh and my left fist shot out reflexively in a short jab that snapped my sleeve smartly.  It's funny, I've never wanted to punch him in the face before, but my body just DID it...... all amygdala.  It didn't derrail me.  I didn't think another thing about it, past how badly I miss working out.  I was so happy to feel that movement....hear the sleeve snap.  KNOW inflicting physical trauma is a part of who I am, if required. Somthing I can count on IF provoked or threatened, which is something I worried and fretted about as a younger woman....feeling very vulnerable in the world, particularly with young children.  I can pat myself on the back, feel empowered I took steps to rememdy that vulnerability and work at teaching the girls as they'll allow. 

At this point.....
new language for me is about having and keeping emotional distance...about avoiding reactivity..... about selecting non violenct language...... being succinct..... releasing expectation and judgment toward those I'm speaking with.  THAT is a new language for me WITH the people who, for whatever reasons, can't or won't listen to me, bc that pattern was forged in early life.  I doubt opportunity to be subtle will preset itself.  I think it's my chosen way of moving through the world and it's not worked very well AT ALL.  I'd rather BE subtle... use humor..... be very kind and soft spoken, but I end up railroaded and voiceless. 

Learning to speak up, continue speaking, figure out how to calmly state and restate something so I find an ear..... I'm reminded of how my T would present the same thing many ways.... calmly.... without judgment......just retreating a step and re entering with a fresh view that connected with me in that moment. I'd like to have that power, and skip frustration and judgment. 

It's all about SEEING what's really THERE, if I avoid upset and frustration.  What appears IF I simply speak, without biting tongue until I can bit no more.

I think it'll feel like water....flowing..... gently..... without interruption..... as will responding to anything coming my way.  A flow of communication in the present.  Not weighed down by the past.  Not informed by fear of what MIGHT happen.  I noticed there was a lot of future thinking when I learned the lake house was broken into...... particularly when DD18 began voicing her distress, bc she's struggling pretty hard right now anyway. 

THIS feels so powerful to me.  The letting go of old stuff I didn't realize held me.  The fact I've been unaware of some of it feels like I wasn't holding on to it at all. I was wrapped in it.....not understanding it.  Barely aware, but for the feeling I was in my own way, somehow.  Lots of stuff there.  Not so complicated.... many layers feels more accurate.   I feel like I have the tools to actually clear things as they come up instead of frustratingly notice them while doing nothing to process them.  That's a maddening pattern I hope I'm changing.  I feel like I'm changing it.

The ability to physically respond in an offensively defensive manner..... is reassuring also. Don't get me wrong.  I've been wound up so tight, for so many years, moving through the world in reptilian brain mode...... feeling cocked all the time..... ready to go off..... waiting.... just going off would have been more relief than facing more trauma.........the not knowing....the waiting..... was the more difficult part.L:iving in fear is painful.  I know I've posted about it here, but my.... wow.  I can't remember exactly what used to happen, but I think my fists used to go up  when I approached stairs...... my posture was twisted left side forward.... a fighting stance.  I used to notice being twisted  in the car..... and I don't do that anymore. I don't think about it, resent it, mourne feeling relaxed, bc I'm not switched anymore.  My biochemistry isn't hijacked anymore.  I feel so much stronger than I have in years.  Very strong.  Very ON. 

I feel empowered through and by that physical ability and  knowing, but it doesn't expand possibility or the feeling of possibility new language opens up for me.

I'm sure that would make more sense if I could read through it a time or two and shorten it up, but I have to get out the door.

I might change it later.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on June 15, 2021, 08:32:57 AM
It makes sense to me Lighter. Both pieces - the defensive mindset and learning to not react, say clearly the most helpful thing I can in a situation, and even letting old stuff go -- just sorta dry up and float away from me.

Don't know what I walked into picking up the trash & delivering the mail at the hut, yesterday - but I surely know what was radiating off Hol yesterday. There was housework to catch up on. Maybe other stuff I don't know about. Contractor trenching for power to be run to the garage - right in front of the hut where they park. I exchanged a quick glance with Steve, relayed my message, pet Knuckles who thought I was the greatest thing he encountered yesterday... and departed quickly. Not reacting; dropping the rope. Not giving it a second thought.

She was so exhausted even after sleeping long after her return, I think she's just a grumpasaurus right now. Anything I said - would be unwelcome, so I just give her her space... and she didn't have to run or interrupt what she was into for those tasks.

I pick up the feeling in a situation, non-verbally, before the rest of my brain can find a decent set of descriptive words. Takes me a bit for that part of my brain to catch up, especially when the feeling is intense. Like in push hands, if your partner moves in an unexpected way - I'll be cognizant; see it; sometimes be able to counter sufficiently - but it all happens way faster than I could say anything about it. There might be a grimace or little smile instead.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 15, 2021, 03:11:15 PM

Do you feel Hol  was looking for a reaction or response from you..... when you dropped the mail off?

OR do you feel it was her way of sending the message she wasn't in a mood for chit chat... time for you to go?

Curious about that and expectations she has.

Perhaps she had none.  I don't know.  Just asking.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 15, 2021, 09:30:22 PM
Something big shifted yesterday.  I paid attenion.... to make sure it wasn't just a passing few hours .... and it's still here this evening. 

It feels like I fell off a ledge..... not too high a ledge, and fell INTO my space.  My business.  What's MINE to deal with, if that makes sense.

I feel like I'm not UP above my life..... waiting for it to begin..... breathing bad air..... trying to see through thick fog.... searching for the things I MUST DO before I can turn toward myself.

Hmm..... it as a very good day: )

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 15, 2021, 09:41:49 PM
OK... about DD20.

I've switched off my critical mama brain and tuned into my lovely dd.... right before me... in the now.

This morning I did a fairly deep clean in the meatball grease covered kitchen, got clean and prepared to go out into the most amazingly breezy, almost cool, almost hot but not day when DD20 took the pug out for a walk.

I asked DD if she wanted to run around shopping for tiles and such for the renovation.... she thought about it, then declined. Watching her walk away just felt wrong and I dropped what I had in my arms and joined her on her walk.  We went to the Cowboy's house and visited with their sweet precious black lab who ADORES me and I filled one of their hummingbird feeders with DD's help. It was so nice to just chat casally and not be yapping at her about her dirty dishes in the sink, or walking her dog or whatever.

So, I walk in the door this evening and invite DD20 to eat with me... I marinated chicken breasts last night.  She thought I brought home Indian or Thai.... so she decided she didn't want to eat and walked into the LR.

I saw her dirty dishes and said.... DD.... can you guess what it is I'm about to say?  Isaw her turn toward the stairs and take a step up.

She's used to me reminding her...... DD18 learned how to say please and thank you as a baby from listening to me tell her sister to say it. 

I asked one more time if she knew what I was going to say... and she turned toward me and said she didn't.

Instead of brining up the dirty dishes, I won't remember in a year, I talked about her wonderful heart.... how she'd given the 2o.00 emergency money in her car to a woman who said she needed gas money.  How she stood out in the freezing cold at a grocry store waiting for the AAA guy to show up so she could have him unlock a car door for some young people who'd locked themselves out. 

Her face lit up when I didn't talk about the dishes or the dog...... and then I chattered happily as I made happily made her dog a special dinner. 

I'm seeking joy out where I can find it. 

Now I'm gonna eat me some meatballs and a salad with apple cider vinegar, lime juice and pink salt.  Maybe a sprinkle of truffle salt on those meatballs.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on June 16, 2021, 01:05:54 AM
Aw, Lighter, my heart was singing as I read all of that :)  Yes to being in our own lives, being able to see the wonderful bits, to lovely, sunshiny days and plenty of meatballs :)  Yes to all of that.  I'm so happy for you xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 16, 2021, 01:42:29 AM
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on June 16, 2021, 10:52:49 AM
It was a tiny thing, Lighter.

I picked up her trash on the way to the mailbox. She tossed a bag into the back of the ranger on top of other bags. I said "I need to be able to see to back down the road" - something I've told her before and has irritated her before. She said  "so put it where you want it, why do you even need to comment?"

I wasn't criticizing or accusing, just pointing it out. And of course I shifted the bag. But she heard criticism... and then proceeded to grump at me how I should speak, be & behave. I just wasn't engaging in any of that crap and left it. If I'd reacted & engaged it would've escalated right then & there.

We talked about it the next day. One thing I realized is that on set, orders are barked, swift reaction is required, and she'd just obliged that system for 3 weeks. So, I can understand she might be sensitive -- and of course still tired. But being instructed on how I may or may not speak is guaranteed to get my hackles up. That's eggshell territory and she knows I hate it.

She was pushing herself to catch up with housework, that first day back, too. Steve didn't do badly but when your focus is working outside, one just tends to neglect things inside. I do that too.

All in all, none of this requires mediation or is a catastrophe. I even get grumped at sometimes when I tell her to be careful or drive safely... I get the "Mom, I'm 43 years years old glare". As if me caring about her, signifies she's NOT more capable and competent than a lot of other people. These are the kinds of awkwardness that comes, as she's working through the stuff in her head, how she feels, how she interacts with people. Like layers peeling off...

When she's this tired, there's no filter between all of her inner work stuff and how she interacts with people. Plus she has built up momentum/pressure to release, too. Things she stuffed because it's not professional to express them.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 17, 2021, 02:30:57 AM
Ok.  HUGE day.  All morning spent dealing with cottage Airbnb guest's passport problem fir the husband, then cancelled flight bc the island airport has standing water making it unsafe for landings, then no Thursday flights available
AND San exterior light was out AnD the water plant was down on our side of the island ANd housekeeper did what it took to have electrician replace the light ( not her job but many dropped the ball) so the water plant problem meant she couldn't get 5 gallon bottle installed in cottage AND was running late to work.....for Pete's sake.  This is so time consuming AND no one communicates well.  My attempts seem to be annoying, or so it seems.

Enough of that.

I had an amazing chat with my brother today after frustrating conversation about the light and my expectations for being kept in the loop so I'm not reacting

We came together, found common ground, apologized, expressed gratitude and respect for each other and our strengths.

I'm SO relieved, bc working together is so appealing vs little brother finding 5 reasons to disagree with everything I say and do.  Everything.  Takes.  So.  Much.  Energy.  I'm so tired of fighting. 

We traced some of his reactivity back to my mother's hoarding, which was hardest on me, truthfully.  Such a waste for him to SEE my mother and rage against the hoard while dealing with me and my sister in the present, but my dad saw my mother when he saw us too.

It's generational.... we're on the way to healing our relationships, imo.  I have no idea what we'll achieve working together, but I feel amazing right now!

Youngest dd28 spent last 2 days in deep depression.  Not eating right.  Caring about nothing.  Deadpan.  100 yard stare much of the time. Short on patience.  I am concerned.

We travel to the lake house in the morning to pay contractor and drop off vanity for 29" space.  It will sit flush within the space once contractor cuts the top's overhang off.  Got a great sale, it came with a mirror AND my favorite  Lowe's guy was there to help me remove the box, inspect, ensure the stone top still matched the tile/is unbroken and load.

  I bought the last 9 tiles for the shower floor....only needed 6, but just in case.....got every one.  Not a great sale, but I strive to get the best/right things at deep discounts.  The tile and flooring are things I pay pretty close to retail for, so far. 

I picked up some amazing body soaps in pump dispensers.  I'm already arranging furniture in my head....editing kitchen for Airbnb.  The Evolve management company looks good to handle the rentals, professional photographs and placement on multiple sites. We cmit to 3 months with them.  Their fee is super reasonable, imo.  They handle other large properties on this lake.  I'm thinking done and done.

If we can have the main floor 3 be, 3 ba, 1 half ba rented out part of the summer.... we can finish the basement in slower months and work on landscaping in the fall. 

We've decided to put hardwoods in LR.  It's sandwiched between mdm light oak hardwoods on 2 sides and brick pavers on one with an entire wall of gray stone on the fourth side.  The existing hardwoods will be refinished to blend all together with darker stain to match the LVP in bedrooms and baths.  It looks better dark, bc the pattern of the light oak wood is very busy.  The darker wood contrasts well with the unsealed Pecky Cypress walls and ceilings....also nice with the white marble bathrooms.  As large as the space is...as high as the ceilings are, the dark floors anchor the space.  That's how I see it. 

The frameless shower door went in to finish the first bathroom.  I'm pretty sure it's spot on. 

Needless to say, I'm feeling energized and centered.  Food easy now. 

Will sleep a while then get us out the door in the morning.

I'm filled with gratitude this evening.  I see potential and goodness....it feels very near.  It feels now.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on June 17, 2021, 09:18:21 AM
Any luck finding a specialist ED therapist for DD18?

I'm concerned too.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 17, 2021, 02:21:59 PM
DD18 hasn't put her finger on one.  A problem she sees is she's super educated about ED.  From DD20's experience with one.... it's a bit nonsensical when she looks at it with current prescriptive food routine.

DD18 is conflicted...
But also had a bad week...not up for anything at all.  We duliscuss but she brings up reasons and problems with ED T rather than focusing on solutions.

I want her to lead on this, so I'm trying not to pester or insist we do it my way.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 18, 2021, 02:01:56 PM
DD perked up yesterday morning.  We laughed and danced in the kitchen.  She ran when I backed my backside at her then ran back and danced....so much laughter.

And....some if it is me loosening up.....letting tension fall from my face, expectation...worry for her...DD20.

I keep learning this lesson in increments.  I turn a corner and notice it.  Turn another corner and notice.

What is that?  I've intellectualized the lesson, but failed to internalize it?  My belief system hasn't yet changed?  That's why it keeps coming around, I guess.

We see nutritionist today, along with my very I'll friend.  Preliminary tests show 2 nodules in her lung and platelets are low.  Everything the tested is off, in fact.  Will know more when I see her, but.....
I'm noticing how I feel around her chronic fatigue dx from 20 years ago.  It started when she left her crazy ex h with 3 young children, the youngest a product of him raping her....she had so little support and the ex tormented her in the courts with good ol boy judges helping him until a male judge shut that down for good.

The civil system is so slow and whonkey here.  Humanity shows it's every face and I'm always surprised but, good and bad.

But here we are.  Me facing what's left of her, what can be salvaged, left behind....with her, but at a distance.  I'm not rushing in or trying to save her.  She has to do it for herself.  Finding appropriate ways to support her is my goal here.  I'm paying more attention to me and how this feels.  Noticing I resist the urge to swoop in and make up for all the failures and harm and trauma....the terror of being picked apart and threatened by someone you should trust....through the courts.  Children on the line.

This is the first time I can feel the tension and feeling of imminent crisis have gone...are absent while thinking about the bits and pieces involved.

Nose off pebble is better. I am more helpful and responsive when I avoid reactivity.

I had a relaxed and casual chat with my brother today.  He listened....seemed to attune, ask questions and comment without his usual tension.  I might work with him at his shop for a while, learn to work on heavy equipment( basic understanding) and operate it.  Good skills to have.  It feels as though we've been flung free of a river....released and we didn't even know we were body surfing rapids and boulders.

We're out of our trances.  I hope we find ways to build on this.  Teach it to our children.

I'm safe and feeling tended to....spent the night at my friend's home w her very nice husband.  They cooked dinner for us last night.  Steak, broccoli and mushrooms yum.  We laughed and laughed afterwards...DD18 too.  The house is clean and organized.  They're very kind to each other. 

Even though I lived here through some of the worst custody court stuff....I only feel the safety and support in that.  The Terr r and frustration of being.....see?  That thought just peters out....goes nowhere.  This reminds me of how thoughts changed with the brain integration work.

My takeaway is it's all the same work....T, meditation, Nutrition Response Testing,  Brain Integration.....the same goal, different routes to relieve inflammation, trauma, biochemical hijack and restore balance....restore our ability to recover and mitigate stress/harm.

Restore a child's viewpoint and provide safety and support for that inner child so it can release vigilance and need for understanding, to be seen....wounds and all....and perhaps avenged.

All playing out at different levels, conscious and subconsciously....with different people and systems, through the years.

DD18 was up at 4@m.  She says she can't sleep more than 4 hours at a go.  I got up with her and ate raw organic cashews(I love these friends....they see same nutritionist and always have food we can eat,) while DD ate what we're traveling with....meatballs, zucchini, roasted parsnips and cauliflower.  I slept again.  DD did not, do she's napping now.  My feet are propped on the bed I recovered from 2 eye surgeries....and they're well scrubbed, toenails naked....well made feet.  Most if my life I wore frosted pink toenail polish.  It looked like me, my feet, but scrubbed and naked suddenly looks like me too.  I don't need to project who I am through....

I bought the first new dress....any clothing since my brother gave me birthday money in 2010 and I purchased long handmade coat jackets and a skirt I still cherish and wear often.  I tend to buy what I love very rarely and wear them to death, wanting nothing else.

I'm looking for my favorite jeans....in pieces, having been used as a pattern.  I'll have DD20 see them back together.  I figure I'm 2 sizes away from having them back.  They feel like me.  I've had them repaired and patched through the years.  Nothing new could ever replace them.

So....happy, safe, wearing a new dress.... I'm in a good headspace to be supportive to my girls, my family, my friend's and mostly to myself.

Tuesday my buddy with dental trauma's DD is having her wisdom teeth out.  It's unlikely he'll be able to drop her off, pick her up or care for her.  I'll help them.  Am glad to, since both my girls went through this, same doc and location.  The bits and bobs will be how and where I help while keeping my life on track.  Everything can't stop and I think it would have this time last year.  I notice I'm not worrying about it.



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 18, 2021, 03:07:07 PM
I noticed my knee jerk reaction to small setbacks is dread all is lost.....setback=all is lost in my mind.

Part of this is a rigid standard and expectation....for cleaning, paying people, fulfilling promises, etc.

Part is something else....particularly when it comes to my friend and her situation...my understanding the injustice she's suffered...list her health to.

She has a role in her health and gaining it back.  I'm just a supporting cheerleader who helps her navigate....but the journey is hers.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on June 18, 2021, 07:39:48 PM
I liked this, Lighter. Made me think.

Restore a child's viewpoint and provide safety and support for that inner child so it can release vigilance and need for understanding...

I just thought...maybe a gift to myself would be to restore my child's viewpoint? She was sweet and kind and perceptive. Sensitive, too, but not in a resentful way. Just...that was how she encountered the world, animals, people, mountains, beauty, music....it was who she was, without neurosis. (That all came later.)

I think my inner child deserves some time OUT.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 19, 2021, 10:02:33 AM
Soooo.....my very rigid, at times, posture serves a purpose much of the time, I realize.  It serves to distance prying people, keep me distanced from chaos.....order in tact.  Is that really a word?

Yesterday at Nutritional Response Practitioner the
At one point I was afraid my frail friend was going to start swinging at NRP, who really lacks bedside manner.....she just does.  Particularly with badly crushed women fighting the good fight with Sociopaths and the system.

Hmmmm, where to post this?

Will just do it here, bc not about DD or my nutrition appts....hopefully.

First, my friend received news her chest x-ray not only turned up 2 nodules BUT also her breast has a mass.

Her Western doc phoned her with zero info to share and went sloppy stupid about what she should have had in front of her regarding test results her office delivered stupidly over the phone earlier.  I think the doc said....now "wait a minute, you're talking about a bunch of stuff I don't know about, you need to come back in."

Ummm, duhhh.

This in reference to red blood cells and platelets......friend said doc was calling to explain those test results.  She had some nerve speaking to her like that, blah blah, slammed phone down.

It sucks to be treated badly by any doc, but particularly a woman who should be able to think that kind of discussion through and maybe have info in front of her before dialing the patient, but that's how I see Western practitioners operating on their best day.  I feel sorry for them and their patients.

I have to be quick here....NRP is thin and neat and judge and somewhat dismissive...my friend was gorgeous, more beautiful than NRP....but has had her health destroyed by powers beyond her control...is now unhealthy in pretty much every way.

NRP had extra time with us today, bc we were early and waiting for friend.  NRP decided to go into political misinformation discussion with DD18....DD more than capable of doing research on her own and handling it.

My friend hated NRP from start then wanted to shame and throw down over what she interpreted as bullying my DD going on.

I left them alone for one damn minute!

I'll tie it up with....
My friend yelled "She's a BITCH!" from the elevator towards NRP 5 feet away then I feared friend would run NRP over in parking lot as she stopped behind friend's car, running, reverse lights on, to notice she'd left her keys behind...rummaging slowly through her purse....it seemed like a taunt.

I want to say up front.... I'm going to finish my program then shift to retired chiro friend who has Standard Process account and training enough I can stay on the track IF DD18 has a good ED T in place.
NRP is pulling friend's dx and treatment plan together.  It's free, bc referrals policy, but holy cow.  I'm not sure if my heart can take it.... obviously super important information.

Very odd that my very left friend is poo pooing very Right NRT's woo woo medical practice while NRP poo poos friend's genealogy and astrology abilities.....

I'm appalled grown ass people can't contain themselves in sacred professional settings.

DD18 was the only calm reasonable spirit in the office.  I apparently panicked.....ran around trying to appease NRP by cleaning all our glasses(1minute!) while the "adults in the room" let their inner children loose in the room.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 20, 2021, 07:14:29 AM
Gahhhh.... I just left everyone alone and took care of myself. 

The next day my friend texted.  I texted back short answers.  I didn't want to rehash or debate with her.

She had many questions, but I was still staying with a different friend and socializing.  Having liesurely brunch, catching up.

As I went out the door to end that trip, friend texted a more upbeat message so I went back into hosting friend's home and asked to paw through the bag of supplements they weren't using, but had purchased.  4 out if six were available from list of supps NRP had tested her for.  I took them, just in case, so friend could be tested with those particular supps, should she choose to go back. 

Do, I have extra supps, those 2 hosting friend's see NRP and have them....the first 3 appointments, the long ones, are free to my friend, bc DD and I receive 1 each to give to new patients as referrals AND the first phone appt is always free.

That's it.  It is what it is.

I don't go to NRP to discuss her world view.  In fact, all appts are packed full of activities involving my health, Dd18's health, food testing, testing organ and brain function and road bumps with cravings, recipes, boredom with food, etc.

I realized the last appt was too much dead space.  NRP isn't a nice person.  She's never really been nice to me BUT I needed her services during the custody trial.  She saw us on an emergency basis.  I had my nose on other pebbles and I'm used to fending for myself....ANY support is good support.  I don't require my hand be held by my attorneys, thank God, or every healthcare practitioner.

That said, I've stood on desks if incompetent pediatricians and refused to see them again.  The front desk people said MANY parents refused to see those pediatricians, but only after I'd identified the crazy and gone off on them.

My point is, I see the NRP bc I can't find anyone who can do what she does.  Nobody.

I weighed the pris and cons.  DD18 weighed them.

My very Republican host friends, and friend who referred ME to NRP weighed them.  Most people seek out THIS kind of practitioner when desperation has arrived.  We can't afford to be picky.  We take our health back....picture the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld, but in kitten heels and female.  Both Eastern European.  Both zero nonsense, you get what you see and they are happy to tell you where the door is if you don't please them. 

I chose health.

So, I explain this to my upset friend who has calmed herself by the time I call her back after 4pm yesterday

I'm very calm as I explain NRP is a pebble at her foot.  Health, restored brain function, identifying priorities, causes and reversing the habits creating the problems are the trees, rocks and flowers in the field.  If she can get there, get her nose off the pebble, she's welcome to attend the hour long appointment where NRP explains her findings , treatment plan and likely length of treatment program, which is not forever.  Usually weekly appts for a while, then every 2 weeks then 3 then monthly and do on till you're touching base once a year to make sure you have yourself on track.  This isn't chiro.  This isn't symptom management with drugs creating more symptoms and drugs.

This is reducing inflammation in the body, the goods and unhealthy habits while moving through the die off of bad bacteria and viral challenges...detoxing the body and it's all tailored to your body on the day

It's amazing.

I just hit the point where I have a little inflammation around my middle.  Not a lot.  I recognize my body as mine again.  I knew it would happen.  My brain fog is better, as is my balance and digestion.

This last appointment my stomach was off, but everything else was on.  I eat by 6pm to get support digestion....I can do that.  DD said she can do that with me. DD asked me to help her stop eating sugar since she's finished granola bars she found in the house ...they threw everything out of whack for her.  We have to go back weekly, again, till DD gets through that.

This is prescriptive eating ...I like that word, Amber.  Prescriptive whole food supplements required for limited periods of time.  The more pristine we are, the quicker we move through the process.

This practitioner refused to see us when we couldn't get to her as often as she felt we needed to be seen in 2014?  After I was out of crisis.  Maybe 2013.....after the trial.  After the psych eval.  After I felt SO much better, lost 20lbs and folks..... it's inflammation that goes.


The unpoisoning. 

The detoxing.

The replacement of non food with whole clean nutritiously dense real food, sans chemicals.  The removal of food, chemical, physical sensitivities we can control.

It's a choice and my friend decided she can get her nose off the pebble after all



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on June 20, 2021, 11:23:50 AM
Glad you were able to step back and let them all sort themselves out, Lighter.  I don't know why people do this so much now - social media, maybe?  Everyone thinks they need to be an activist of some kind?  I don't know.  I do feel like boundaries are blurred now - it used to be any kind of interaction with a professional would involve small talk at most, certainly not politics or anything like that.  it's very odd, I've seen it happening here as well.  I'm glad it all sorted itself out without too much more bother xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on June 20, 2021, 11:39:30 AM
I too find the requisite political viewpoint validation seeking, tiresome and irritating. No wonder so many basic functions and customer service aren't practiced anymore. No political position is superior in it's entirety to another; one's not morally superior or evil walking the earth; the hyperbole and virtue signalling and public shaming/shunning/cancel culture is astoundingly destructive to the stated goals of "equality" and "unity". Having the  "right" political viewpoint doesn't give one license to not do your job or evangelize your views onto other people or behave like a total jackass. Sorry; that doesn't pass the social contract criteria.

Excellent job, not engaging in that for the health benefits available, Lighter. In the end, as long as someone is providing a good or service in a responsible fashion, I couldn't care less their politics... a political viewpoint doesn't automatically make someone a threat to me; an enemy; an "other" and I'm truly sick of how it dominates conversation these days. There are so many more interesting, creative and positive, and educational things to talk & think about. Learn how to do. People are just people; they are NOT their political viewpoint "purity" - of any persuasion.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 20, 2021, 05:16:56 PM
Oh, CB....my friend is super Southern and her mama bear nerve was tweaked hard!


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 26, 2021, 10:52:12 PM
DD18 and I have been poisoned by vinyl chloride....thinking really great smelling candles did it.  Maybe combination of LVP, paint fumes among things we haven't thought of.

I had 2 days where I was so beat....so bone deep exhausted.....a bit emotional....it as terrifying, bc Nutritionist told me to take some down time and I just didn't.  I like staying busy.

So, I almost walked out of Lowes the night I felt I'll....really I'll, then stayed and finished making decisions at hand.....but shouldn't have.  That night I had pain in leg, back and right thumb....was going to drive to lake, but hit a wall.  Had to sleep.  Drove the next morning feeling much improved.  Pain in thumb still there but walking normal....back normal.

Almost an hour into the drive I felt very faint.  We stopped at an old Ingles and bought water and walked around.  My thumb stopped hurting....faintness went away.  I finished the drive feeling stronger and stronger.

Got to the lake, shopped for tile again and insulation. Dropped it off at house, ate lunch then drove to Western Union to send money to Bahamas and get to appt with nutrition response gal....2.5 hours in Friday 5:00 traffic...was 6 minutes late.  Lots of stress DD18 slept through.

NRP found the chemical in DD immediately then tested me ...same thing, but our bodies handled it different.  DD was neurological.  Mine was heart.....explained some things. 

Parotid PMG supplement for DD.  Cardio-Plus, chewed, for me.  Tastes like a mouthful of horse barn floor....sticky...in my teeth.  Almost threw up the first time, which isn't normal.

The drive back to the lake this morning wasn't normal.  Mood swing, almost passed out once.  Stopped and ate.  Felt better, finished drive. 

DD and I talked about plans to create and find recipes and organize food plans.

I tried to do nothing for a while....just breathe and spend time in nature, as directed, but it drove me nuts.  I ended up at Lowes buying the last pallet of tile I found on sale the day before.  Crazy at 11.00 a box for 7 12x24 tiles....beautiful.  Will make 4 bathrooms downstairs all the same with that tile.  Upstairs will likely do all white marble porcelain tiles with bullnose....really great classic bathrooms.  The sale tile has no bullnose so will finish with the metal edge....a bit more contemporary, but clean enough.

NRP said we'll be fine, btw.  I'm glad to have an answer.  My imagination was going all over the place.....wondering if this is how it feels when cancer starts....is this what happens when one ages, etc.

Chemical poisoning seemed much less terrible at that point.

This turned into a general update.  Lake renovation moving along.  I'm problem solving and planning ahead for actual rentals....bedding, coffee, soaps, dispensers, replacing plastic shelving pegs bc they're snapping off and failing while planning a kitchen cabinet refresher.....paint, distressing, new backsplash....drawer organizers.

I feel like it's all swirling around n the air...here.... to be plucked and placed and put into a rental program, BAM!

Contractor works here more when I'm at the house.  I'm trying to go back to my yard for a spell.  To heal and catch up.

I picture myself rising above all the small things.  Never feeling petty or resentful or reactive.  This health scare has me feeling things I knew I'd feel some day.  Time and energy are precious. I don't want to waste either with negative people.  No more rehashing old stuff.

Going to bed now.



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on June 27, 2021, 12:52:03 AM
Gosh, Lighter, that does sound scary.  I hope you're feeling back to your usual self soon.  Well done on the tiles!  Sounds like a great buy.  I hope the set up continues to move forward and there aren't any more health scares xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on June 27, 2021, 08:12:50 AM
I can relate to all those physical experiences Lighter. This is what happens to me, when I continue pushing through a project and refuse to stop, rest, and reflect. Especially in the heat & humidity. Dehydration can also cause what you experienced - and water doesn't always work the best. You need to put electrolytes in with the liquid. Not gatorade or commercial crap!

I have a recipe for what we call "Nectar of the Godz" that I'll dig out for you.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on June 27, 2021, 10:05:38 AM
NRP found the chemical in DD immediately then tested me ...same thing, but our bodies handled it different.  DD was neurological.  Mine was heart.....

(((((((Lighter)))))), very sorry. I hate heart scares, health scares, sudden dips in wellbeing.

Does the NRP have her own laboratory for sophisticated blood tests on the spot? I've read it can be detected in urine and breath but only immediately after exposure.

I researched offgassing chemicals (not specific ones but the health effects of the overall "body burden", though vinyl is a well-known poison) during my 10-year job. (We sold organic home products -- made with organic fabrics with zero plastics and also, especially, natural latex to avoid the nonstop offgassing of godknowswhich chemicals from foams, adhesives, paints and surface finishes....and don't get me going on nanoparticle fabric treatments or flame retardants). Given the nonstop home improvements and projects you've been doing I do think your cumulative exposure to toxic materials would be worth assessing.

I began to notice, really feel (or often smell) what was happening when I'd walk into a Lowe's or Bed Bath & Beyond. The chemical load in the air would make my eyes water and my chest tighten. It's absolutely a real threat to our health and cumulatively, has been implicated directly in cancers, reproductive health problems, developmental brain disorders, autism and ADHD, obesity, lowered IQs and more.
Amazingly, the utterly massive chemical industry and the manufacturers of a million home materials and products keep this in the shadows with extensive lobbying.

To create a natural home with natural, nontoxic finishes and glues is expensive, but some people who can really do manage it.

Oy, off on a rant. It's close to my heart and I wish you the absolute best in minimizing your risks. I read a couple thousand sources like this during that job: https://www.nrdc.org/stories/building-healthy-home (https://www.nrdc.org/stories/building-healthy-home). Below, it offers articles with tips that help mitigate the dangers.

hugs and luck
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 27, 2021, 03:22:20 PM
Well....my shoulders and thumb hurt this morning.  That's new.  I slept 5 hours.  My back wants to be unhappy, I can tell.  Kidneys?  I might be imagining it, but my heart feels heavy and hurts just a little every once in a while.  Makes me feel like being very careful.

I suspect peeing might be what helps restore strength so quickly......chemical clears system through kidneys mostly in lower dose single exposure to vinyl chloride. 

Yesterday's drive was a lot of resting bridge of my nose on the steering wheel, DD undoing my bra while I death gripped the wheel.  I really had to pee, but drove on, trying to get through it.  The faintness began while talking about a blood fetish someone I don't like had...apparently there's sensitivity involving the pericardium and adrenalin. 

The day before, I peed at grocery store....things got SO much better after that...pee, drink water, walk....I think it was offloading toxins in urine helping me feel better.

I feel in a double bind.... I'm anxious when trying to relax with so much to do at lake house.  Doing taxes me physically.  I'm trying to move slowly, avoid upset....get planning stiff done.

The cottage has renters coming and going....only 4 hours between arrivals and departures.  Will update the cottage thread. All good for the most part.

Hops, NRP utilizes muscle testing to quickly identify imbalances and causes.  She figured it out in less than 3inutes.

You can look up Ulan Nutritional Systems if you want to know more about it and how it works.

I have no doubt all the chemicals and runs to Home Depot's, flooring warehouse and Lowes is accumulating.  The thing is, DD18 doesn't go with me.  Something we've both been around is new LVP flooring, paint, plastic covering all the furnitureband this really yummy candle.  I suspect the candle, I really do.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on June 27, 2021, 06:25:56 PM
Nectar of the Godz Rehydration mix:

In a Gal Pitcher, mix:

2 c citrus juice
1/2 c honey or sugar - adjust to taste
1-1/2 tsp salt (Himalyan Pink adds extra minerals)
1/4 tsp cream of tartar (supplies potassium)

fill pitcher w/water and stir WELL. Cream of Tartar will not stay suspended so stir/shake each time before pourinig.


Something else, that I learned in the southwest was that if you only drink water and don't eat - you won't stay hydrated. The water will just flush all the good electrolytes from your system. So do both, before you're starving or so thirsty you'll empty a whole bottle of water in one go. In theory - only drinking water CAN dehydrate you.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on June 27, 2021, 08:31:53 PM
Lighter, I'm afraid I'm deeply, completely skeptical about manual muscle testing or applied kinesiology to detect anything but pretty basic muscular issues. Its utility or accuracy for determining something as subtle and complex as a toxin level in the blood or a specific chemical imbalance is beyond my capacity (or willingness) to believe. Much less "quickly identify in less than 3 minutes."

But I'm glad it comforts you and am also a strong believer in the placebo effect as real and powerful. So all in all, whatever floats one's boat, floats the boat!

We'll never quite agree on what's the best balance between uncritical acceptance of poorly conceived and executed western medicine, and the very same limitations in chiropractic, various alternative practitioners, etc. But that's okay. I learn from your enthusiasms. And I am very glad they help you feel better! Mainly, I believe in a "cafeteria" approach to medicine and healing, and am leery of outright rejection of one branch or another.

Glad you have a source of comfort and confidence because those are super powerful. As is PEE! That makes a lot of sense to me too.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 30, 2021, 11:03:05 AM
There's supposed to be a practitioner approx half an hour from your location, Hops.  "Comfort" and "confidence" are nice, you're right, but not the only benefits to identifying causes and solutions for inflammation in the body: )

I wish a practitioner was a half hour drive for me instead of 3 hours.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on June 30, 2021, 02:52:15 PM
Thanks, Lighter.
A NRP isn't a practioner for me but I wish there was one closer to you, for you.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 01, 2021, 12:21:48 PM
Me too and....you don't know till you try; )
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 01, 2021, 12:54:25 PM
It's okay. I don't use practitioners who sell applied kinesiology or muscle testing or supplements. Cain't hep it! It's not a judgement for anyone else though, just me.

(I'm the same about a few other disciplines that many find helpful. Not claiming I'm right, just know what isn't right for me. Lots of years researching/writing about medical/health stuff.)

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 10, 2021, 12:40:24 PM
I've been a little shocked....lately....in that I feeeeel so many people walk around in fight or flight....switched all the time.....talking to MDs and Ts about it without any understanding That's what they're dealing with, living in, struggling to survive, really.

And it's a bunch of moving parts, I get that, but so many prescriptions later, so many new symptoms created by the drugs, later....my experience with the medical system is prop you up with drugs, give willfully ignorant advice in the most arrogant and dismissive way and keep throwing themselves out suggestions of things to try and see what happens.

I will say testing to see which MMIs are more compatible with a person's chemistry was a pleasant surprise, but that was a holistic psychiatric nurse practitioner (who stopped practicing to do yoga therapy, which wasn't for me when we tried it several years ago, but she referred me to the T, I ended up doing good work with.) She also helped both girls.

Humans are peeing chemicals into our ground water.  I just don't understand treating symptoms, with so little ability and care for determining causes.  Throwing drugs at symptoms, with no understanding of causes is standard practice, but shouldn't be, ime.  It's more money making Enterprise than do no harm practice of medicine.  For some reason, that's good enough.

It's never felt good enough to me, outside little med center visits for obvious problems where causes are obvious.

And so many people walking around with no understanding about their nervous systems and sympathetic nervous systems and how they're suppose to work, but aren't....they provide a rich client base for docs dx'ing every little symptom, on it's own, unable to see the forest for the trees.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 10, 2021, 01:21:15 PM
My oldest niece is visiting with her bf.  Picture young Tarzan, nature boy/man....childlike, still, in wonder, but capable of saving you over and over from peril.  Once he saved niece, her friend and his father after a raft flip incident in chilly Colorado river water.....righting the raft, then plucking everyone from the water, one by one after finding them in shock from the cold beginning with my niece.  This one's a keeper, imo.  He walks into the ocean and returns with food on the island. 

Anyway, it's DD19's birthday today!  Nice to have cousin here to celebrate.  Going downtown to drag show in the outdoors this evening.  DD19 put off her cake baking tradition till visit is over.   Will invite a friend this time.

We're having fun playing KING card game till 2am, eating yummy food, but still healthy, and watching the Dragula, Schitt's Creek and What We Do In The Dark.....kids go on hikes in Forest with Pug and to waterfall an hour away.  Seems like we're chucking in days of stuff in each 24hours.

I can see editing and organizing project's I want to get to.

Now....what to wear out tonight🌞


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on July 10, 2021, 01:48:50 PM
Aw, Lighter, Happy Birthday DD19!  I hope you find something fabulous to wear and have a lovely evening.

I do think a lot of people are 'switched on' a lot of the time.  I think our modern world, bizarrely, is more stressful than life was when a lot more had to be done manually and communication involved actually speaking and/or seeing people face to face (or putting pen to paper and walking to the post box!).  You would think really that we'd all be living in a state of bliss as we have so many gadgets and gizmos to do the boring but necessary work and most of us only grow or hunt for food if we want to, we don't usually have to (not the case in some parts of the world, I know, but in the Western World I think that's mostly the way).  And yet so many of us are unhappy, unfulfilled, stressed and so on.  I know I use technology to escape - ideally I'd like a life that I don't want to escape from.

Anyway, digressing!  Have a wonderful evening xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 11, 2021, 11:27:41 AM
I hear you, ((((Lighter)))).
I think the switched-on anxious culture is very perceptive, and true for individuals too. I'm certainly one who deals with recurring anxiety -- I sound like Chicken Little in my own head at times.

I also understand how frustrating it is to know that you've perceived something (about individuals, or our society--which is like a big individual with a set of ills) and yet recognize that other people are at different places along the spectrum of self-education (if any!) or commitment (if any!) or action (if any!).

It IS hard.

Not so much about medicine or food, but for me, my caretaking issue/talent (depends) flares up regularly. I'm getting better at it with the years, though. My D was my biggest lesson. The culture/planet/violence/climate/politics thing has ground me fine, so I'm releasing that for a breather. Add pandemic causes and effects of people's behavior? That one's especially painful but I've released it too.

Had a round of thought and choices about it this morning. At a church garden event a few weeks ago I ran into a woman I've always admired and liked. Our social circles overlap but we were not close friends. She had spectacular bruising from a recent fall. She's 79. I said casually, you know, I always intended to come see your new place (she moved 3 years ago) and never did it...would you like a visit? Long story short she said that would be nice and I went by yesterday. Both to see her but also selfishly, because I had begun stewing in my lonely-weekend feelings and said to myself, you know what the cure is...go visit somebody. And I remembered our chat at the party.

I got there at 4pm and she was already half a sheet to the wind. A little intoxicated. I was there 2.5 hours and by the time I left, she was clearly drunk. Huge bottle of wine at the ready. Slurring, off balance (she's had hip surgery). I know my stuff about this and her situation is clearly dangerous as well as sad (has two kids--one on the other side of the country and one in Mexico). I tried a few tactful inquiries: shall I stick this back in the fridge for you? (No, leave it out) and You sure you're okay? (Fine) etc.

Struggled with myself over whether I should do anything but it was still really troubling me this morning. Called an older very wise "Friend A" I trust a lot and described the situation without naming the person. Told her I wasn't an appropriate person to directly intervene and also know I need to be wary of assigning myself the rescuer role (Friend A knows/understands my history), but as we're in a "beloved community" and the woman is an elder, living alone (two floors, bedroom upstairs, one skimpy handrail), and clearly in danger (still drives)...etc., I needed to talk it over. I also worked through with her the ethics of "outing" the woman's situation (iow, naming her) and Friend A said I think it is ethical, and also think I may know who you're talking about (they're in the closer circle). It was so helpful.

Bottom line, what we came to was that my next is to call the woman's closest friend (Friend B) in that circle, share the concerns (telling her I've talked it over with Friend A). Friend A thinks that I have helped her (Friend A) by alerting her, which made her feel not guilty but motivated to do something more to help (other than just worry, which her circle already is doing). So now, they have choices they can follow up on:

--talk to the minister
--talk to the pastoral care team

If someone wise and TRAINED feels it's appropriate, an alcohol intervention might take place. Or other steps. I know them all (snagging the car keys is one). I personally could see her being much happier in an apartment complex like the one the elders I worked for lived in. When desired, in and out of each others' places, checking on each other...card playing groups, organized outings and dinner together 5 nights a week. That kind of thing. I actually can see it as a real positive, although getting to that choice ain't easy for elders. (I can see it for me in a decade, likely. If I can afford it.)

Anyhow, all I'm rambling about is that I do understand the desire to alert folks to things you know you see and know a lot about that would help them. And for me, I also have to make peace with figuring out the point on the graph at which I release the outcome.

What I wish for bruised friend is that she not be so alone, that she have more support so she might modify or limit her drinking, and that she be not only loved but also safe.

I can't be sure all that will happen, but I felt the need to do/say what I could. I've done that before (with Gennulman, for those who remember...who died ultimately of his addiction). Because he and I had been so close that was super painful but my conscience was at peace. I think now with bruised friend, it will be as well.

Sad and avoidable stuff does happen--to strangers and people we love. But once we offer what we can or feel morally obliged to do in terms of raising awareness, releasing the outcome is both difficult and a big relief.

Feels like a tightrope walk sometimes, doesn't it?
You're a good person to care so much.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 11, 2021, 11:44:48 AM
PS -- Not sure which thread you mentioned it on, but wanted to thank you for the heads-up about Ashwagandha interactions. Decided to check again (the only one I remembered was diabetes medication) and found I'm in the clear. The biggies are diabetes meds, sedatives, and HBP meds. I don't take those so should be fine.

I do take melatonin and, when I need it, a tiny crumb of ambien (about 1-1.5 mg) for sleep, but since I do the ashwaghanda in the mornings, I'm pretty sure it's okay.

One combo that may be dragging out my mornings is the newer statin/antifungal combo (I find the latter interesting but the research papers are too deep for me) for cholesterol. Then again, my own "wee glass o' wine" is more likely the real culprit. Pressing my thumb down harder on that so it never slips over my limit.

Although I know cholesterol can be managed through extreme commitment to extreme diet (say, Pritikin), I ain't a candidate. One of the favorite jokes at Rodale when I was an editor for Prevention was "Q: What's Dr. Nathan Pritikin's best chicken soup recipe? A: Put a pot of water in the sun and wave a chicken over it."

Snicker. I have been hesitating a bit over my lazy ovo-lacto-pescatarianism, and need to step up the beans and rice. I do eat fish a couple times a week and likewise an egg every other day, but I know I'm not getting all the protein I need. Toying with the idea of finding a source for local hunted venison, which I would feel fine with. Cows/chickens are suffering for me anyway, with dairy and eggs. I pay nearly $7/doz for the most-humane eggs in existence (pasture-raised not "cage free", organic, certified humane) and can't afford a fancy food budget. If I could find a local hen keeper who kisses her hens goodnight I'd do that, but they're in short supply, and I don't just take the word of the folks selling eggs at the city market.

Most of my problem is laziness, I'm good on the info part (or good enough for me). I do understand and admire the interest. Takes commitment and discipline (I've heard of these things! LOL) but also budget and energy. I'm slowly and sloppily working on all four.

The ashwagandha is really helping, I believe, in a gentle, subtle way.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 12, 2021, 08:41:14 PM

I take 2 Ashwaghanda at bedtime, bc it makes me sleepy....brings a little restful night in most cases.

I take 1 at different times and different days if anticipating stress.  I let my body guide that choice.

About your dilemma with the bruised friend.... it's good to accept the situation as a double bind, ime.  There's no good choice or action, ime.  Acting, to mitigate harm, puts you in a certain harm's way, ime, but we do what we feel is the least harmful thing, ime.  When we care very much....and how much is too much?

In the meantime, I hope you can connect with this wonderful woman in ways avoiding too much drinking for her.

Once I had a terrific roommate, but she often drank too much.  It didn't stop us from enjoying each other's company, laughing, going out, comforting each other through nightmarish problems.  I decided the good times were worth the times she drank too much.  It  was simple math and I made peace with the fact I couldn't save her from herself, or rapy men outside my home/ times I was with her. 

Her drinking put her in peril, but it wasn't my peril to fix.  We talked about it.  I understood the root of the pain and I think she did too.  She just couldn't wrap her head around it or begin to process the sadness/pain/frustration/conflicted feelings and FOO relationships creating the seeking/avoidance behaviors she struggled with.

I do remember how astonished and grateful she was when I told her failure was OK.  She never heard, felt or otherwise perceived failure wouldn't kill her.  On some level she believed she couldn't survive it.

What a terrible way to move through this imperfect life.  It made me so sad.

Eventually drinking killed her, but not before she fell, twice, down her stairs.  The second fall damaged a nerve rendering her arm paralyzed....it just withered.  So sad. 

I realize I never had the power to save her.  Losing her job didn't help.  Being on a kidney replacement list didn't do it.  All the pressure and judgment if her dysfunctional FOO didn't do it.

If I knew then what I know now.... I'd have made appointments with a trauma informed T then driven her to those appointments, butit was her work to do.  Not mine.

Your friend might get defensive, offensive, wicked mean or she might give lip service and say what she thinks people want to hear. 

Best case scenario might show up after she goes through both.  It's hard to say, but I'm glad she has friends who care and aren't afraid to show up for her. 

You're desire to help outweighs your fear and discomfort.  You're a good person with good intentions and any negative reactivity isn't about you or people trying to help.  It's about her....and there's no perfect way to help. 

You've done what you feel you can.  Don't judge it or let anyone else judge you either.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 13, 2021, 12:44:19 AM
Thanks, Lighter. I pretty much agree with everything you said.
The sadness of it being someone soon to be 80 is acute, but I am not close to her. I don't expect any personal blowback and at the same time, am not stepping in much closer to absorb the sadness of it directly. I've played that same role enough times in my life and know there will be times to again. This situation isn't mine, except as a part of a committed community, however tangentially these days.

I spoke up (to Friends A and B) because I felt a moral/kind of religious obligation. Until I did, I didn't know the others were also aware she was drinking too much. They hadn't been fully, though Friend B said at the shared beach house, even 2 years ago she'd be missing activities because she'd just disappear to her room with a bottle of wine. So evidently it isn't just the pandemic.

And they've been worried. Each of them thanked me for talking to them about it -- because it's worse now than they'd realized -- and Friend B liked one idea I'd offered...going together with perhaps a few others from the closer circle to speak to the minister and get her professional advice. When I first called Friend A I did tell her I understood that people can kill themselves if they want to (or she mentioned her belief and I said I agree) but that I also feel that as part of a "beloved community" I have an expectation that we not limit ourselves entirely to "hands-off hand-wringing". We bill ourselves as a "caring community", so...at least try.

She is isolated. She is in danger. She is suffering. She is an elder without family support (sound familiar?). I know projection could be part of it, but I actually have felt for many, many years that NO elder should never be isolated and without support. I said I feel that folks who are that vulnerable require some caring and community support in a similar way that children do. Although elders have more agency and deserve respect for their own independent choices, however harsh...at least those around them who pledge such love and concern (our church "caring community") can try to make a difference. Maybe just trying only once is the right thing. But more than hand wringing.

If nothing can be helped, then a spiritual approach will help the community accept the outcome. But if you KNOW someone is in real danger, unnecessarily, and don't even try to summon her aid...that doesn't sit right for me. I think everybody involved would regret it. There are things that can be offered her that could help:

--a ride or company to (open) AA meetings
--a pendant/Life Alert subscription
--a climbing seat for her unsafe staircase
--simply more visits, perhaps

My advocacy for frail elders is very old, as I committed to it when I was about 16. I saw a documentary on nursing homes (I remember it was narrated by Lord Snowden, whoever he was) in Britain, came upstairs in tears, and swore to both my parents I would never allow them to languish in neglect in such a place. And I didn't. (Even in Nmom's final year in rehab, I was there nearly every day bringing small comforts and supervised her situation closely. She was never abandoned.)

So anyway, for once I think I got the balance right. I've spoken to those closest to her, they know it's more urgent now and are feeling motivated to take some kind of step, and I've released the outcome. I hope it'll be good, since she's a very interesting and accomplished person who has contributed a lot to the world (taught social work at college level, and also did many things for years bringing women at church into connection) and deserves a kinder end. I hope she will have that.

All I did personally was to email to say how much I'd enjoyed seeing her and her new home, and that it'd eased my "Saturday lonelies" to spend time with her. Also told her that if she'd ever like to visit me, I'd love to have her here, and to say the word if she'd like another visit (as I am "more portable" than she right now). It felt right and also like enough. I doubt she'll respond to it, but that's released too.

Thanks for understanding all that.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 14, 2021, 12:36:44 AM
I feel confusion over your almost 80yo friend's recent choice to purchase a home with stairs, Hops. Did I read that right?  Esp since she drinks to the point if being unsteady on her pegs.

 It also frightens me, bc that willful lack of self awareness and honesty regarding health limitations is something I could slip into....maybe. 

I hope she listens if any form of intervention is mounted on her behalf.  My neighbor is hanging on to his 2 story home despite many falls and crumbling health.  He'll do that, presumably, until he breaks a hip or arm, or worse.  Then the decision won't be his to make.  It's a choice.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 14, 2021, 08:34:16 AM

It's not only 2-story but the stairs have one spindly handrail on the wall side, and nothing/zip/zero/air on the other. So one slip sideways as she goes up or down and she'd fall off into the first floor; land on furniture. (Given both her drinking and very unsteady walk after hip surgery, seems a high risk to me.)

She bought her house 3 years ago. Perhaps the drinking wasn't quite so bad then; I don't know--not that in touch with her circle. I hope they're able to help her -- she's a stubborn, outspoken woman (like lots of my favorites!) and won't make it easy.

Sounds like your neighbor's in a similar situation; I hope he remains safe. The thing about old-age falls...oh well, you know. It's very sad. Too many people are alone who shouldn't be (she said, projecting again.) Many are successfully independent for a long time (I have a neighbor, age 90, on her own--but my other neighbor checks on her every day, drives her to the doctor, etc, so she has that support).

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 14, 2021, 02:53:12 PM
The neighbor has a wife dealing with her own debilitating arthritis situation.  A single story home is an obvious choice.  He's just not ready.

Your home is a single story, right, Hops?
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 14, 2021, 04:52:33 PM
My aT is seeing patients in her office again, yay yay!

I won't see her next week....want to spend that time at Lake getting out ahead if contractor.  There's decisions creating resistance for me.  I have to get my head right and hammer them out.  I always do. 

I've decided my inner(petulant) child is stubbornly avoiding all things yard, outside weed picking while walking the pug.  I know I have to put Preen down and will.

My Inner Child is facked off with being cornered into social interactions on everyone else's terms.  Obviously, I'm done with that. The trail is closed.  I don't have to revisit it if I choose not to.

So far I enjoy talking to retired nurse neighbor regularly and no one else.  I don't care what everyone thinks about it.  Honestly, I'm wrestless.....traveling appeals to me right now.

I'm ready to open new chapters and step into them fearlessly.  Not playing dead any more, huh, Tupp?  Thunder just boomed and boomed on that note. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 14, 2021, 07:10:07 PM
Yep, one sweet level, nice layout/flow. Open plan LR, kitchen (mostly), back big room. I'd renovate the tub into a good walk-in shower one day, when/if $ permits.

The house isn't totally handicap-accessible (perish the thought) but is very well suited for aging in place as long as one's not in a wheelchair.

I'm dug in indefinitely.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 18, 2021, 11:48:13 AM
I'm paying attention to my body.  It feels like mine.  It's pretty sturdy right now.  I catch the little things before the get larger.

My left shoulder started popping and I losing power.  I wish the girls could do adjustments I've learned to do for them.  The touch for life stuff is what my body says it wants right now.  Not difficult.  Will try to talk DD19 through it once I get time.

I drive through the mountains in a big storm yesterday.  Easier now I have more support for unhappy adrenals.  Both DD and I had less than tip top appointments with NRP Friday, but all in all I feel better.  DDs thyroid way off, along with liver, bc she celebrated her 19th BD a little too hard.  We ate her magical homemade green tea and cocoa cake.  We both had beautiful purple lavender lemonades with vodka, but I'm a huge water drinker.  She doesn't have big ice free waters between drinks when imbibing.

That said, my brother phoned today to touch base.  This almost brought tears for me, bc I really feel connection with him.  It doesn't feel combative anymore!!!

That's hard to admit.....that it was a combative connection.  That I was always confused about it, but unable to put my finger on it.

Oh well.  Much improved.  Working together.  Clear line of communication feels like clear cool water to me.  YES.

I want to catch up with moss friend.  She texted.  Will go moss collecting soon for her yard.  Maybe mine, bc of back yard dead circles.  Just not sure why moss dying.  Rather fix problem than keep working to replace.  Oh well.  Not worried about it.  Just letting it go by.   I feel like everyone in Japan has the answers.  I'll get them one day.

My friend with health problems is sleeping in my bedroom.  I didn't have the emotional gas to drive her back to her car at the lake.  Just storming like crazy. 

I do want to gently ask about plans for her grown son with mild autism as she awaits biopsy results on breast mass doc said had 50/50 chance of being benign.

I'm internally doing cartwheels over it, at times.  Also, my mental health concerns me, should she get a bad dx.  She helped care for my mother, btw.  We've known each other since HS.  I extend my hand, to really help, and BAM....was it the kiss of death?

See?  That's an unconscious belief I have..... not t something I really think happens, but darnit....it's there and it would be really terrible to go through that for her....to watch her go through it, watch her children and dogs lose her.

DD20 and I got her tested for new glasses and ordered them.  It leaves me feeling like I'm hanging over an edge with no solid ground beneath me....I picture those glasses on her bedside table after she's gone.....should cancer take her.  I'm processing old grief, along with future grief I think.  Just letting it ride.  Seeing what it has to say.

I'll try not to be bossy, but her oldest son did an amazing job with autistic son when he took him for a few months.  Taught him about healthy food choices, got him working out and educated him about why good choices are good choices.  He was a completely different young man, explaining all he learned and he looked great.

I almost feel my friend gave up on life when her older kids turned on her and youngest moved out.  I believe we can wish for death and it finds us.  Maybe.

We're both Capricorns.  Both healing spirits, cept she takes in every stray.  I tell her to shift care to herself, but I might be asking too much.  She might feel it's her identity.  Caring for children and animals in need.  I understand what it's like to obsessively neeed to do things for others, even as it's harming self.

I will make peace if she's unwell.  I will help in ways I can w/o harming myself.  I'll get through it and hone my own worst case scenarios to mitigate harm to my kids if sonething happens to me.

Have to get LLCs in place.  I've noticed a big shift in what I don't worry about lately.  Some switch flipped.  There's more ease and flow. 

I heated up beautiful broccoli soup made with organic bone broth.  Not sure if friend eating healthy or not.  She was trying.

I can feel good about feeding her healthy yummy food while she's here.  I can help her process difficult things....navigate her fear....see a path she can......live with.  Travel with some peace. 

This brings up tough stuff for me.  My sister having health problems.  I want to go to her.  I'm here working on lake stuff.... I'm used to her pitching in on my crazy stuff.  I've not really been there for her outside some house organizing and talking her out if occasional trees.  She's not too keen on advice she doesn't agree with, but who is?

My brother had gallbladder removed.  Next organ in line is liver.....without changes in habits it's likely the next issue will be more detrimental and it's on my mind.

What will that look like?  How will we/I handle it?  How will our children weather losing my generation?

One compares themselves to parents and grandparents....how we navigated death and losing loved ones.  How we recover.

I'm at the edge of seeing that, I think. I'm not sure about nieces and nephews and my pd ex SIL complicates things so I can't think clearly about it.

I'll use the tools I learned to calm myself and get on with it.  T appointment at end if month much awaited.  I'll have plenty to work on by then.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 18, 2021, 11:59:27 AM
Friend, sister, brother, Ds....SO much intense worry about everybody else, Lighter.

No wonder your shoulder is hurting. You're shouldering too much!

No childhood relationship obligates you to turn yourself inside-out raw for friend (previously it was gallbladder friend)...because if you don't maintain self-care plus reasonable detachment, it'll be you whose glasses are left on the nightstand.

You intensely imagine pain. Over and over. Anticipate and colorfully imagine future emotional agony.

I wave my wand to stop you doing this to yourself. Accepting illness, crises and losses as part of the ticket price to a human life.

(Your comment about wishing death on oneself unconsciously really hit home.)

You are brave. You care. You always want to fix and rescue. That's all kind and noble and good except when it takes over your imagination and helps you terrify yourself.

I get it (mirror). Busted...

Kind and calm, kind and calm....

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 18, 2021, 12:07:05 PM
I'm a bit in shock, really.  I guess I always step into next phases....
Well.  I get side swiped by them,  like a cold splash of water in the face.

I was ready to enjoy THIS phase a bit longer, honestly. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 18, 2021, 12:08:57 PM
Well then a taste of your own strong medicine would be, new choices?

You don't have to passively accept that a phase is over.
YOU get to set boundaries around it. Say No as much as Yes.



PS Just realized a big difference. If someone I was close to came down with cancer, I would love and care and find out how to HELP create a support system if they didn't have one. But they'd never wind up sleeping in my bed or staying in my house, because I don't have that battery life. I would not allow myself to view myself as the Only Amazon who could help them through their crisis. I think that's sometimes what you do, like a warrior. (I'm the anti-warrior.) You literally leap into the gap. Fighting illnesses and impending death and loss. It's a battle. For me, it's acceptance of human mortality. I've gotten nearly cozy with it (which also is a warning about giving up, which I took from your other post).

A husband or child? Of course, but even then, I'd start with facing my limits, not exhaust myself until I ran smack into them. I'm more selfish with age. I've scared myself into a stroke by trying too hard to be heard or to understand or to create space enough where I could breathe. The same would go with caregiving, now.

That's my worry for you. We're opposite in sacrificiality and somewhere in between us is a healthy balance. Take care of YOUR life first, okay? (Preaching to self....)
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 18, 2021, 12:30:40 PM
Fortunately, I'm in the best headspace of my life.

Whatever comes, I'll navigate it as best I can.  Modeling for adult children really helps me home in on good/better/best choices w/o too much faffing about, ime.

Internalizing acceptance, curiosity and self compassion.....action then putting the story in the shelf is balm and solution for me.

Then there's always the grief if goodbyes to phases.  I've always been keenly aware if them, before, during and after the process.  It gets easier.

I will say, my impulse to help others decreases as I consistently spend more energy on self care.

I notice, more and more....I don't repeat information or unsolicited advice as often, if at all.  The urge is dissipating.  Sometimes I consider saying nothing when directly asked for advice, bc I've already said it.  Sometimes people can't hear, even when asking.  I get that.  I pare down what I say, release expectation and go back to myself and my business.  Breath. 

My friend is having all these tests and doc appts bc I told her to get all the info she could before seeing the nutrition response practitioner.

Maybe this will save her life? 

In any case, I try to take my own medicine,bad you say.  I try to keep my head where my feet are.

Sometimes I have to fill fledge grieve something (into dog food) then move past it.

It'll be ok.  I believe that.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 18, 2021, 12:35:12 PM
That makes sense.
A lot of sense.

Maybe I reacted over-strongly because you write so evocatively that it goes between my ribs and triggers my own tendencies toward the thing I'm worrying you about.

Busted. I was projecting.

(Who was it who just got involved in trying to initiate rescue of bruised woman? Hah. I guess the improvement was, I was signalling OTHER people closer to her to get started...but if I were as young and strong as you, I'd probably have waded directly into it myself, CoD flag a-flying.)

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 18, 2021, 01:32:37 PM
Hops, I see my NEED to nurture people who have nurtured others their entire adult lives while being brutalized in the court system, in their homes by abusive partners, DIMed by FOOs who should know better, but don't.

To express understanding and attune to that experience is instinct for me, likely bc I have such utter resistance to bullshit and drama, by the grace of whatever force us behind it.  I don't enjoy the show.  I see no benefit to chaos and wonder how people evolved to have such capacity for manufacturing, as well as tolerating it.  It's black and white for me.  Crystal clear.  Clarity and knowing lives here.

The older I get the more I see it and it never makes sense past understanding we've failed another generation, not protected, not trained up.... we've left then grow up around us, left them to be poisoned by the last generation our culture and communities who believe the ad campaigns, politicians, "news" outlets and Western docs. 

I'm not upset, overtly, by that statement.  It's easier to wrap my head around poisonings rather than evil, demonic behaviors, systems and people, in general.

We're poisoned, mind, body and spirit...as a culture and we're pretty set in our ways. 

Complicit and satisfied in my general community.....afraid to lose what is coveted....material things and status....perceived safety they understand isn't enjoyed by all, but hey....what's cha gonna do, right?

I see a need for maternal energy and healing.
 From our failing education system to how we care for our elderly....our medical system based on breaking down health and treating symptoms with poison further breaking down health and it has to be ok....just as it is.

When we're ready to face causes and address solutions it will be a different generation than the ones who created the.....
That's kind of crazy.  People have always been broken/poisoned.

The poisoned greediest rise as often as the healers/ fixers to positions of power, ime.

There will come a generation who tolerates the greed and destructive processes less and they'll identify and fix or fail.  Likely a bit of both.

I do feel toxic masculinity is being diminished, even if it's the toxins reducing testosterone and sperm counts behind it....this next generation seems a bit puzzled by things our generation perpetuate, struggle with and are crushed by, still.  It gives me hope.

I'm hopeful.

When more people care about the health of the whole....systems, societies, planet, things will gently tip toward healed and understanding our children can't thrive in a world where we allow the children of others to be harmed, hunted in their own homes and too often go hungry.

Schools will improve.  Hopefully better people will run and get elected for all the good reasons you can think of.  Systems will hire more carefully (CFS, law enforcement, officers of the court,etc) and accountability will appear as a choice we make more often till it's the norm.

Tipping scales.

I can't imagine how difficult it will be, bc I won't have to witness it likely.  I'll be gone and I will have raised individuals capable of critical thinking ...of seeing through eyes unclouded by bias and hate. Ya.  That's gonna happen. Not being sarcastic. Nope nope nope.

I just oiled a squeaky hinge I've put up with for 6 years, now?  It suddenly appeared to me, I got the WD-40 out, made a mess, cleaned it up and the squeek be fixed.  A miracle or just the way humans work.  The latter, ime.

That's how the world will get fixed.  People are noticing the breaks and failed systems.  People aren't evil.  People are human and poisoned to every degree in every way they can be, ime.

I'll appreciate a world identifying poisoned people and not judging them....just noticing and looking behind to see how and where that poisoning took place.  On who's watch?  How did it happen?  What systems failed?

There will be collateral damage as those systems are assessed and addressed....but at least it's forward movement in hope and healing. 

And I do have hope. I've seen and received it's grace when people doing the right thing, bc it was right, made hard choices for me.  Not bc it was their job or they were suppose to.....just bc it was right and someone raised them right enough to see straight or helped them along the way, somehow, bc it was the right thing to do.....not bc it was their job or they had to.

Accountability and reckoning just makes sense in a world where it's possible, imo.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 18, 2021, 02:57:57 PM
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 18, 2021, 06:05:36 PM
We ended up staying in on this drizzly day and not drive through the storms. Every attempt to feed my friend has created more pain and trauma for her, bc she forgot her Gerd meds AND is on her second day of flare up.....I forget what she calls it. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.  That's it.

She can barely walk her legs are weak and now she can't swallow food..... It wants to come back up!  She's been poisoned by a "normal" American diet....and she's suffering.  I can do nothing, but wait to drive her to her car.  Wait to see if she's diabet I or II.  Cancerous or benign.  Wait to see another Nutrition Response Practitioner.  Wait to see what else is wrong.

In the meantime....tending to self care, my children...my business. Pug. Lake. Island. Home. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 19, 2021, 08:06:19 AM
I'm trying to figure out why I feel so very daunted by friend's health troubles and I think I figured it out.

In my family teeth, eyes....SO important.

I'm pushing her up a hill to get care and she is.  Just had dental done.  DD20 and I will move mountains to get her vision squared away.

The food struggle.....rides me hard on my best day.  That friend can't swallow it....is......reminding me off struggle DD19 and food.  My mother dying if cancer and food.  Years of struggle with DD20 and food.

There's a part of me still screaming

Still screaming about what we're told is food.

Friend's Gerd flips me upside down and face to face with FOOD screaming and gnashing of teeth.  And her docs gave her reflux meds for years that failed her.  It's her esophageal seal.... it's food and lifestyle choices Western docs are willfully ignorant of.  Throw drugs at her, see what happens.  And then they changed the drugs and they help so she keeps doing what created the problem.....
My inner landscape isn't calm right now AND I don't have my supps bc friend didn't want to spend night.... we've been away nights and without her meds.

This feeling is familiar.  I know this dance. 

I knew better.  Made better plans then contorted myself and plans to gain her compliance to get her the glasses and here we are.

I don't make stupid plans.  I think things through and SEE down the road.  It's what I do.  Letting struggling people call the shots isn't working fore.  People who can't or won't look down the road......I have to put my big girl pants on and point them at people!!!!!!

::Smoothing panties::.

Yes, well.....I feel better now.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on July 19, 2021, 08:20:08 AM

For me, that maternal energy is known as simple human kindness. There does need to be more of it I agree. But, it does have boundaries, that stop before you start harming yourself trying to save everyone else; whereas I see maternal energy being an unconditional infinite kindness. Maybe I'm offbase. But maybe they are two different things.

Hol is the kind of Capricorn that collects stray animals and people. But these days she's wearing a different kind of cape -- and on her own, is learning to "take the cape off". Because she's needing to focus on herself more.

Another similarity I'm seeing between what you've written and what I observe about Hol, is that you both occasionally make a huge leap in your thought process from what actually exists in the present moment to every single possibility of what MIGHT happen way in the future -- but you experience it as being your present. Good and bad equally. Again - not saying that's actual; just my observation.

I'm closer to Hops' way of thinking about mortality, these days. We're intimate friends. But more than that - since so much of my past story and issues over it were directly zero'd in on one emotion (grief) - I've spent a lot of time sorting out the instinct to run as fast and far away from grief as I can; shut it all down and go cold - even if that means shutting down the ability to access any other emotions. That's how terrified I was of feeling deep grief. And confused about what it really was. Until I enforced my solitude after Mike, just to go through the actual grieving process at my own speed, in my own way... and the truth is, m'dear - I may never completely let go of processing that. Another large chunk did get released only recently. He died 6 years ago. I have some WIP theories on that and am OK with it.

I think we get some weird ideas about grief. About losing parts of ourselves; being forever changed (well YEAH; every little thing we experience pushes us one way or another in our lives); and even not willing to allow ourselves to feel love ever again -- for fear of experiencing another loss and prolonged grief. Fear has a way of inhibiting a person's perception of choices/possibilities, that's all consuming and debilitating. Getting lost in a mental decision loop for instance... for fear of not choosing the "right" option.

As a culture, I've noticed since I was a child that we humans hold a lot of strange ideas about death/grief in general and it bugs me. Like there is a "better more complete understanding" -- and I haven't found the right words to explain what I see.

Anyway - those are the thoughts these recent posts brought up for me. Pick through and feel free to take what you need from it. Seems my blathering mood from yesterday is still around...

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 19, 2021, 08:47:14 AM
The truth, Amber, I'm a bit terrified I'll outlive my sibs and be the only one left, besides my ex PD SIL ( who I consider emotionally treacherous and sometimes physically dangerous) to lead this family, be there, alone, for all 5 of our children and grandchildren.

I have always been at peace with death, except the being murdered while my children were young and in harm's way stuff.  ThAT was impossible to make peace with, unfortunately, but kids are grown now.

I don't want to bury sibs, but we noneoif us live forever.  Ok. 

I really don't want to feel alone as head of the family, particularly bc my brother's kids have been influenced by their mother's need to destroy me AND their father's old combative pov regarding me ( his conflicted view of who he thought I am....my hoarding mother) that I'm a raging hippie who ruined my children's lives with her beliefs and choices.  Neither is true, but his perception was such his kids have absorbed these ideas about us.  They also have very rigid/biased views about homosexuality bordering on cruel/ bullying/God's sending them to hell, etc.  That's terrifying, bc it's an interpersonal deal breaker.  I can't abide it.

I collaborate....want to work with others.  I don't want to lead, truthfully.

THAT is my real turmoil. 

As I internalize the kids growing up I'll calm down around this.

I'll do what I can, release expectation and get on with it.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 19, 2021, 06:06:31 PM
I drove my friend to the lake house so she could drive home.  She has the biopsy tomorrow.

We were plenty ready to be away from each other.  Lots of honesty and compassionate sharing going on..... she's so very ill. 

I notice I'm feeling very sturdy boundaries around that relationship.  I appreciated her honesty.....as CB said, she tends to hide behind her southern charm....pretending all is well, but that all dropped away, thankfully.

I'm ok with anything she chooses.  I don't need her to make any particular choices.  I'll support her journey, more or less as I can, whatever happens.

Emotional distance is a jelly filled buffer of relief and choices, ime.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 19, 2021, 11:50:35 PM
My T and I got a bit closer the other day.
She was pressing me to "go deeper" into some of the grief and pain she knows lives within me (among other, including strong and lively, things).

I kept resisting. She looked discouraged.

I finally told her the truth: "I am more frail than I talk about." Then she got it.

I think there's sometimes a taboo about feeling frail, or being weak.
Yet sometimes that's the truth. Sometimes humans are. There are Amazons of the mind who lack will and physical strength or discipline or have had scary health things happen. Doesn't mean I won't get stronger again, but at a given point, it can be the truth. Anxiety, perfectionism, unhealed stuff, feeling alone, over-responsible, and more. All that can weaken one.

She was pressuring me a bit and I was getting mild chest pain in response.
I knew it was because of the pressure and knew I would be okay, but needed not to "dive" just then. I was glad she respected my response, because it was me taking care of myself.

So I understand that kind of fear. The 3-D effects of anxiety. But also the knowledge that our core self is anchored beyond our fears, and we will always be able to find our way back to her. Build her up again after too many forces seem to overwhelm us. Find our mind-strength again. Work that out, too.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on July 20, 2021, 09:45:10 AM
Ah, I see Lighter.
I'm of a collaborative sort myself. I've always gotten the best results of attempts to do things, by including others - hearing out their views/ideas - and what they would do in my shoes.

Because like it or not; seek it or not; I got shanghai'd into the leadership role by default when the company transferred to my bro & I. And then, there's the farm and the long investment & development process which requires input from more hands and creative minds.

Collaboration is how I lead. Think King Arthur; not Ghenghis Khan. Yes, in the end, I have to be responsible for the big decisions. But, when I present my image of it -- and let everyone else tell me theirs - with me validating the positives presented - when I've made the decision, I hand it back to people to execute. I delegate, so I'm not in the middle of trying to manage "how" something happens. And people also have leeway to make their own decisions, within the roles that belong to them, inside some parameters. I would despise this role, if I felt I had to dictate. The reality is, things go smoother and easier through collaboration rather than "proclaiming it shall be so" from on high.

That makes me one of the team; the team captain rather than the owner or coach. People can lead within their area of focus or expertise throughout the team.

It's the only style of leadership I know, that has decent odds of succeeding. And with Hol accepting the "second in command" role - both to back me up and set me straight when I ramble off into the weeds somewhere - it's not ALL on my shoulders. Yes there are times I just want to run away from it all; hand it off; not deal with it. But the collaboration style means that it doesn't all hinge or wait on me to make a decision or do something.

It will help if you can identify someone in that group of kids/grandkids with the ability and characteristics to take on the leader role too - if not immediately, then in the future. We've done the same with the guy in charge position at the shop. It's time for the "new guy" to start up and giving him a chance to get his feet wet with more responsibility.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 20, 2021, 10:20:55 AM
I think it's different from my side of the economic fence,
because a complex real estate portfolio would just demand leadership.
But I avoid thinking of individuals as the "leaders" of families.
Don't really want to.

I'll see people being stronger in different aspects of functions a
family needs. That's collaboration....

I don't like the notion of a family "leader", I think, because there are
a lot of negative associations in my head with power. A lot of them
religious and sexist, etc.

I don't fear dynamic, inspiring, organized, leadership really.
I do fear (sometimes) people who are too comfortable with power.
Learned that from life with M, I think.

I must be a socialist. LOL.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 20, 2021, 11:40:53 AM
I thnk you are a socialist, Hops.  It's OK to be what you are.

About your T pushing you when you were having chest pains....... my T did quite a bit of pushing too.  At the point I just couldn't get on with the process she'd always always always take me back to the moment, do the body scan, find the pain/pressure/upset, put words to it, measure it, breathe into it, create expansiveness around it to calm my nervous system then go on with the hard work, if we had time, or put a pin in it for next time.

My experience with processing the stuck/sticky/reactive places in me'brain pan is that I can't do it without shifting into access to my frontal lobe...... to re experience the trauma with my whole brain, capable of processing the trauma, filing it in my historic files and releasing it completely...... so it's no longer slamming around in my brain.

If you can't return to your safe space, inside yourself..... if you haven't created that safe space...which Doc G seems to be able to help his clients with too..... then the brain remains in fight or flight, denied access to creativity/logic/problem solving ability...... which creates more trauma, ime.

And frustration.

Trusting a T to take you into the darkest, scariest, most terrifying places...... trusting her to teach you how to integrate your brain so large shifts can be managed....processed...... so the brain can do what it does with efficiency every moment of every day....but do it with the stuff stuck,bc trauma shut down the parts of our brain responsible for performing those functions..... works, IME.

However we get there... whoever teaches us....makes us feel safe enough, teaches us we carry that safe place within......
that person will be the person who SEEs our tantrumming inner toddler without judgment..... sans frustration....without attempting to push that toddler, but instead recognizes that toddler can't do the work, could never and HELPS calm her...... SEEs her pain and validates her.......

then moves into accessing the adult capable of helping the inner toddler experience the trauma in a way that doesn't shut the brain down over and over again....... but experiences the trauma with all the tools and processing ability required to finish and file.  It takes a fraction of a second to process, but learning HOW to calm our brains.... how to create a safe, inner sanctuary....how to forgive ourselves for failing to find it....how to  keep returning to our inner sanctuary over and over as we practice, fail, learn and grow INTO that space as it becomes familiar inner landscape is relief and proces I've experienced.

It makes sense to me now.  It didn't always,but I noticed feeling very out of sorts last night  over a couple things.  Mostly my father's caretaker situation. 

I learned a lot while dealing with my friend's visit. Borders and boundaries became apparent and suddenly very solid for me this morning.  I noticed feeling more grounded and responsive, but this morning it was like...... there were fences and boundaries of the right size, at the right distance and thickness and very importantly...... flexibility.  There are no perfect boundaries. They will shift and fail and be rebuilt and that's OK.  I'm safe, at home, in my body and mind.  There's nothing outside me required to FEEL safe.  I carry it within myself and I can conjure it...... I think it might be in my awareness always, at this point,but I'm just paying attention to how I'm feeling today. 

I woke up feeling very....... "normal" I guess.  Just fine as I am.  Safe and emotionally distanced,which has not been the case most of my life.

What I really noticed this morning, as I hummed Johny Cash, did laundry, measured vanity heights, handles and toilets...... I have a process.  I turn easily toward the paperwork and math and puzzle pieces of the unsolved problems IF I HONOR my process.

My sister use to want to shove me along her NEED TO DO IT NOW agenda.  And I just shut down.  Once she figured out she couldn't DO that and get the response she desired...she backed off.  I stepped up.  I started to set agendas and get things done,but it was a really tough time. 

I used to think of my sister and mother as energy vampires,bc I would just fold.....and dissociate I realize now.   They were so driven... type A's...... with good intentions,but with zero attention to my process,my needs,my feelings for so long.  It was difficult to SEE it, deal with it,but we did and now I have more information about allowing myself to have my process without judgment.

All the shoulds are big red flags I'm shutting myself down by not honoring the way I need to do things.

Dropping judgment has been so helpful. 

Maybe it'smy inner toddler moving through this process.  I can picture myself sitting at a desk scribbing cursive eeeees over and over, pretnding to be doing business.... very busy.... so happy..... and she has things she wants to do now, so I let her double check things, touch things, enjoy things then move on to the big girl work of solving math problems and paperwork, but she can't face those things and I, apparently, am going to make peace and stop trying to force her.

Shifting my biochemistry...... returning home, again and again...not judging when I shift back into fight or flight, but just noticing and paying attention....... means I see more puzzle pieces.  Means I have access to problem solving brain to fit them together and finish them...... put them away..... out of my brain so I move into new emotional landscape and possibility.

What I wasn't capable of yesterday is possible today.....and it feels like I'm a tank, turning to face whatever it is I choose to face, stay focused on, seek out to address....... and that's curious to me. Why a tank?  Sort of odd,but also grounded, subtstantial....... neutral yet capable of responding, protecting, moving.

Heck, just noticing my angry inner toddler has popped up has become calm revelation.  Allowing her to have a tantrum is about choosing to allow it, without judgment.  I realize I have the ability to tend to her, calm her down and deal with whatever created that reactivity..... if I choose. Sometimes I do. It's about practicing, returning home, being curious and knowing the traumatic stuff requires my attention too. As difficult as it it.  As painful as it can be....... the process is more familiar, I trust completely...myself....... and I know the hard stuff can be dealt with and put out of my misery if I continue trusting and returning home.

And I don't ever want to be a boss.  I'm always collaborative in spirit. 

That was a long post.


I don't want to be alone, the last of my generation, all prior generations gone....me standing on my own...... the one charged with keeping the family strong and together.....the one honoring traditions......... helping everyone endure and live beyond loss of parents and uncles/aunts.  That's very sad to contemplate and my inner toddler pushes it away quickly.   Reactively.

Once I calm myself I see exactly how I've handled these things in the past and I trust myself to handle them, come what may..... it willbe OK.  I know this. 

But the toddler doesn't and so I help her feel safe and to recover.  Help her trust and rest.

It's all about recognizing the reactivity, returning to myself, tending to the toddler and fear.....helping her feel secure and safe enough to rest for longer periods and trust an adult is in charge, always present.... she doensn't have to feel alone anymore.  I guess at some point she'll remain at rest and won't be popping up anymore?

Not sure,but I'm curious to find out.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 20, 2021, 12:25:34 PM
to re experience the trauma with my whole brain, capable of processing the trauma, filing it in my historic files and releasing it completely...... so it's no longer slamming around in my brain.

That lands for me, Lighter. Maybe in an opposite way. I do NOT want to re-experience the trauma. I have mostly released it, but just don't have the belief that I can have it no longer in my brain. I think it's because my D is a permanent resident in my heart despite everything. To keep her from causing further harm, I do have a "sealed" place in my heart for her. I feel as though the injury is my responsibility to protect from re-damage, if that makes sense. And although I understand the dive all the way into it again approach, I'm not fully convinced it is always, always healing and nondestructive.

Another thing that's chiming a little, and worrisome, is that I know on some level I'm not fully engaged or benefitting from my T. She's a lovely, compassionate person and definitely wants to heal me. At the same time, we are so out of sync in our thinking pace that I often feel she doesn't get it. She does think and react very very slowly, while I'm working hard to find stillness but still my mind works very fast. I'm processing and narrating a LOT in a short amount of time, and often when I look at her I just think, she's not with me and maybe just can't catch up.

I'm working intentionally to slow down and meet her where she is. I know there are good lessons for me in finding stillness. It's never going to be my primary response to life but I know I need more of it. So I keep hanging in with her and waiting for full trust in her perceptions. She presents thoughts that I often think of as very very obvious and therefore unhelpful, so I feel discouraged that she's able to get into deeper levels of nuance. But I don't want to be a bulldozer toward her either.

We might be a mismatch, no harm no foul, but I'm reluctant to give up and change Ts again. That's just so exhausting I can't contemplate it. I like and respect her and know she means well. I am just not confident enough to give her the keys to my vulnerability, because when she doesn't grasp things, despite her good intentions, I think that could be risky to my inner safety. I'm just a bit slower in this T relationship to get all the way open. We'll see what pans out.


If you can't return to your safe space, inside yourself..... if you haven't created that safe space...
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 20, 2021, 02:56:30 PM
When I posted to you, Hops, I was of course looking into my own T's eyes...... being seen, not always trusting or feeling safe.... being lead INTO created safety between us.... convinced at my own pace, in a new way she presented after I failed to understand what she was asking me to do/face/understand...... many times. 

And that was the key for me.  To look into compassionate eyes needing nothing from me.  Perfectly content to hold my gaze and present information, pull back, present again, pul back, present again until she reached me.

I know she couldn't have done that IF her ego had been involved. There would have been frustration and some urgency to get me to the point she was corralling me to, IME.  I would have seen sadness, perhaps hopelessness or fear...... maybe even a little anger as I failed to process the things she felt I SHOULD be getting by now...... things she NEEEEEEDED me to get, but Ijust kept going round and round with,and Idid spend some time going round particularly painful bushes, believe me.

The main thing I took awAy, after those sessions, was the feeling you may be having now...... that I was perhaps not using my time with the T in the most productive way. Wasn't moving forward to justify the time and expense........ but I always believed I could and kept going back after processing alone. 

I understand what I did with her couldn't have been accomplished with the other Ts I spent time with.  I understand why.  It makes it easy for me to give you opinions about your situation, but your situation is YOUR situation. 

What worked for me might not in any way work for you.

I do feel there are necessary components to relationship with a T:
The T needs to be doing her own work, completely remove ego and expectation from the patient/T relationship.
The frustration your T is showing you......would have shut me down and stopped the work I was trying to do, IME.

And I hear you about putting yourself through old traumas again...... maybe not being necessary.  Certainly, the idea of turning to face them, on purpose, seems couterintuitive...unsafe.... unlikely to lead someplace better.  I SO get that.  I do.

My experience, however, has lead to relief and release from old traumas, processing and coping with new trauma as it happens and curating the skills I need to help my brain remain integrated and processing traumatic events so they don't get lodged and stuck anymore.

The one last necessary component in T/client relationship was my living in discomfort so long I was willing to do anything, face anything to get myself OUT of that discomfort. 

Re experiencing past trauma...... the hardest of the traumas........ seemed a small price to pay for deliverance for them.  Perhaps not in the moments, when I waivered and flinched and snarked and sniped, which I certainly did, time and again with my calm, patient T, bless her.

She let me.  She didn't judge it, any of it,. though there were times she expressed what she COULD see for me if I chose it. She never insisted or was dissapointed. Rather, she was the bravest mirror I've ever faced.  Unflinching.  Unwavering. So brave.  Never ever ever surprised or shocked, and I must say......I became brave enough to speak my turhts, ALL my truths, no matter how shocking, unladylike or frightening.... she heard it all. Even the stuff I'd been afraid to say to myself......... she received it and reflected compassuion and deep abiding understading back to me...... her eyes sometimes brought me to tears just to make eye contact.  So intimate. So difficult to do, at first.  If I could have I would have worn my sunglasses in those sessions as I'd surely worn them with other Ts.....I don't honestly remember, but I do know it was new and hard and frustrating to learn how, practice and come to a place where I looked forwrad to it.  Felt embraced and safe and lead....never pushed or pulled. 

Eventually the lessons and words fit into my life, like puzzle pieces.  I didn't understant them when first introduced, but could.  THOSE lessons slid into place and stayed.  Not perfectly, but it was a miracle to experience it once.  Having it come around and around, some lessons solidifying, some coming round again and again, becomingmore familiar.....less alien..... some just sliding into place during a session and dissapearing so I doubted the pain/stuckness/pressure requiring the lesson in the first place.

If you feel you aren't moving ahead with this T, it could be time to take a break.  I've taken a break from a T I adore.  Sometimes I don't have anything "big" enough to justicy spending the money.  It's a theme for me.  I work on feeling worthy and I do feel more worthy now. 

I was going to have a discussion with my father's caretaker sooner than later, but I'll wait and have it after I see my T next session, bc I can and I feel I'll have more peace around that discussion. I so want to feel serentiy around that person.  It feels like my upper spine flys apart when I try to make sense of all my experiences and feelings.  There's anger.  Logic and problem solving skills slip away and then I'm floundering.... trying to remember how to get back my whole integrated brain BACK,which means I have to let go of the thing I so badly want to resolve. 

I'm still learning how to remember and use tools so I can go BACK and finish problem solving trauma/injustice/etc........ and it's truly about reactivity for me, noticing and returning home, to myself. 

When I'm flipped I CAN'T understand sometimes.... and I can't convince myself I can.  That's when I notice I've made a choice about it, where I used to be stuck in despair I felt HAD ME.

Now I understand that despair is fear and I can't talk or logic my way out of it....thinking just makes it more difficult to shake off, IME.

It's going back to myself and I can't explain it any better than that.  Just that I trust enough to know how it works, that it works, that it leads to feeling better and deliverance even though reptilian brain is screaming to back away, turn away, STOPSTOPSTOPSTOP!!!

I had to do it in order to believe it could be done.  There was always  a leap of faith involved and sometimes I was shocked when relief swept over me or something shifted or it felt like blinds were fluttering in my lungs with power..... reactivity I was struggling with, hard, suddenly evaporated.   It's always seemed to be fear at the bottom of whatever comes up, IME.

However you process and take yourself down your path, that will be your way, Hops.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 21, 2021, 11:03:28 AM
I'm off this morning.  My body isn't happy.... shoulder and back.  Right ankle.  There's no flow.  I have to pay bills and that's enough to throw me off, but it's where my focus is or isn't, rather.

The bug guy is here and it feels weird where it used to feel very friendly.  He looks as though he's been very ill.  I'm guessing somethng he doesn't want to share.  His face is creased and sunken, where it used to be full..... his eyes don't want to meet mine. Just very odd.  There's centipedes taking over the basement... each female lays up to 300 eggs.  Each egg can have up to 1000 babies.  YIKES! Time to get those crack in the patio filled. 

And...am I off?  Or is this just me going through the machanics of remembering and deploying new coping strategies.  Maybe this is normal?  Worrying about a person I connected with whose lost weight and seems broken in a way he's ashamed about?

Maybe normal will be NOT getting knocked off center.  As of now, Istill get knocked off center.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 21, 2021, 06:47:47 PM
I wrestled with anxiety and upset for the morning then called oldest DD20 to ask her advice about father's caretaker.

DD listened without saying anything but...uh huh..... I understand.... go on. 


Who has the ability to remain completely neutral and above emotionally triggering things I WILL TELL YOU WHO MY CHILD.That's who. 

And after I said everything I needed to say, she commented ONCE to agree with my sister and that was it. She didn't want to say abother word, gossip or ANYTHING.  Not one negative word.  Just the facts, and nothing but the facts.  So level.  So crystal clear with her intentions.  Impeccable with her words.

I've seen her do this with her friends in the past.  I've always known she was special.... that her physical energy is calming, but typically we butt heads in so many ways we laughed about during this call. 

And now she's stepped into adulthood with a phonecall.  It reminded me of when she did my eye exam...... maternal, careful, focused energy I was happy to have around me.

I have serenity around the decisions I was wrestling with. 

I have clarity.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 22, 2021, 06:00:26 AM
I'm sorry for the confusion, CB.

My father had a brain surgery that left him half paralyzed, one eye wouldn't open, couldn't speak or swallow and lived pretty much that way for 20 years.

BEFORE he had that surgery I forced him to postpone it, bc he didn't get 2nd and 3rd opinions.  I ordered his MRIs from the hospital, made those appointments, went alone to them and relayed the information to my father....he likely wouldn't be able to breathe after surgery.  He'd have to learn to talk and walk and swallow again.  I knew he'd never do any PT and so was against the surgery.

My father didn't want to believe it hear that.  His  live in servant screamed at me, told me I angeredy father, treated me like I was upsetting him for deviant reasons that make no sense, but she drove me away and father had the surgery.

Fast forward to the hospital.  Me sitting on father's chest, holding him down in his hospital bed as he tried to drag himself into the street to kill himself, the maid curled up on the floor, shaking violently, in shock....and she said....
"You were right, Lighter "

Fast forward to father refusing all PT. Note therapists all women.  I was right about that too, but really unhappy about it.

Note Father eventually accepted enough PT to learn to swallow again, from a male PT, bc he was trying to wrestle food from us and missed scotch.

Note the maid became caretaker and spent a bit of time feeling resentful about it....note I wasn't resentful or in a "told you so" mode.  I was sliding down walls wondering why no one could hear me before it was too late and continued not to hear me.

Note caretaker stole 80k from my grandfather and at least 10k from my father's safe in cash about 5 years into the post op debacle I did nothing to create.  Note caretaker admitted it to me, then got verbally cruel with my father, threatening to leave him....taunting him in front of me.  I told him she stole.  I asked him what he wanted me to do.

Of course he chose the caretaker, bc she lifted him, bathed him, put pills in his mouth and then his water glass with the right straw so he never had to relearn ANYTHING else.  This was another problem.  She liked him docile and dependent..... now re cleaning, no one telling her what to do.  She was head of household, really.  She told me that's why she didn't leave for a better paying job when her friends and family urged her to go.....bc she didn't have anyone bidding her around.  What she had was our support and help.  We all helped her.  She wasn't a maid anymore.  She began acti.g like a grandmother to our children.  Asking to babysit, but I was raising my own children and had childcare close by.....someone who didn't bounce balls off baby's heads and laugh about it, frankly.

I talked to caretaker about not letting dad pull on her to stand him up and sit him down, but she did it anyway.  All attempts my sister and I made to get dad doing more were thwarted by caretaker. It dad and caretaker.

When we challenged him, on caretaker's behalf,he ordered us out of the house.

Caretaker's back began breaking down so my sister and I propped her up, put our backs in harm's way and nursed dad and her till she could go back to yanking him up and down again.

It didn't work.  None of it, but talking them out of that insanity wouldn't work as long as caretaker allowed dad to call the shots.

Fast forward many years of caretaker buddyfocking me, trash talking me, sabotaging me while I supported the mission, bity tongue and persevered....paying her extra, bc she deserved it....caretaker's work hard, even the ones who steal. Paying her every time she watched my kids, maybe twice.  Paying her to feed my dog.  I paid as I went and she played Nana, even as she stole and stabbed me in the back.  I'm over it. Nuff said.  I'm actually understating.  I'm a different person now.  Won't happen again.

Fast forward to Nana bringing her youngest DD to the US in 2013 bc we did the work to get Nana her citizenship AND her DD.

About the time Nana was set to retire, only a threat mind you......my father died and before daughter's husband and 3 children joined her to live at my father's lake house where they lived like gypsy flop house renters....I think Dad willed himself into a stroke before they arrived.   won't go into the months of cleaning, bc I'm finally over it, but they weren't good stewards.  Two if them were grateful.  4 were decidedly not.  I got over that too.  A good T worth their weight in gold.

Fast forward to my sibs and I, brother's gf super competent and instrumental realtor,  helping caretaker's SIL find a miracle house, finance it and move into it while they sabotaged, dragged their feet and extended the time they were in the lake house for reasons unknown.... I'm over that too. My brother really stepped up.  Patience of a Saint.

Fast forward to caretaker stealing approx 7k yearly, bc she's lying about something we admittedly should have beenore on top of.  Sibs and I don't begrudge her the money, but I'm ready for.....
I'm ready to stop allowing myself to be manipulated.  Caretaker received what dad said he wanted her to have.  He didn't bother putting it in the will.  We honored it and more.

I'm ready to leave caretaker's version of events behind.....whatever would my sibs and I have done wo her?  I told her.....we would have enjoyed watching our father still riding his tractor had she not been there.  He never would have had that surgery wo her there, bc I would have stayed on the due diligence mission and convinced him it would be disastrous for him to have the surgery and she wouldn't have been there telling him I was a bad mean DD trying to deny him restored health, bc lighter mean.

Really upsetting for me and the mission is done. Over.  I feel I've paid her everything andire than she was due from me.

Conflict raises it's head when I think about howuch she was paid, all the childcare and pet sitting she provided for my brother without payment....she was a stable grandparent figure in my niece and nephew's lives actually caring for my nephew for months while SIL and brother built a home.  She was Nana.  My nephew was her favorite.  It was lovely and I know he flourished under her care.

I think my brother has different obligations than our sister and I are left with and he needs to figure that out. 

D D helped me figure out it wasn't mine to wrestle with and I was really struggling.

Now, in the present Caretaker continues taking mail from mailbox.  Checks.  She must still have a bank account iny father's name. Bills I need to pay, but are still in her name and her DD's name so the children's hospital would pay them and they could pocket that money, bc they lived here all expenses paid, which was great.   Their youngest 11yo child, a son got cancer and it was curable, thank God and they received the best care, at no expense, then Covid hit.  Really tough stuff.....
...we supported and helped and allowed them to live as they wanted without bothering them....much. My BIL was trying to get a career path started for caretaker's SIL, but he needed better English skills.  They all refused to help him learn better English, we had words over it and since they all refused to speak English when we visited we stopped visiting much, bc you could tell they were talking about us.  It was weird. 

I like the SIL.  I flew him to the island and paid Nana for his work, bc her story was herDD refused to help financially and was being cruel to her.....refusing to communicate.  I think it's all manipulative BS and am ready to lay rest to that circus and those clowns.

If caretaker asks for the checks, she's used to sneaking from mailbox, I have decisions to make about that conversation though I feel it will be very brief. Very kind.  Very final.

I don't need to explain the buddyfocking had consequences, fior surely they have and she knows, deep down, for herself.

In the meantime, caretaker has SocialSecurity, a home paid for with stolenoney in her home country and medicare.....family legal and working in the US we did the paperwork for, paid the fees, airfair and living expenses for almost 3 years while patiently waiting to take the house back and figure out if we can afford to keep it.  Oh, the smell.  The smell.

They took almost everything they wanted with them.  I kept a lamp and a table with sentimental value.  Sibs and I kept fiamily heirlooms that didn't walk out the door, but Caretaker wanted everything....to ship in boxes back to her third world village, which was a bad idea at $300.00 a box AND.....family heirlooms.

She got the $400 mixer, all but my grandparents cast iron pans
...everything she could take.....anything newer was hers, but the one lamp and table too big for their wonderful 3/2 home too small to fit them anyway.  And they're perfect here.  I touch them when I walk by them.  They bring me joy.  I brought them to to this house and I was tempted to say take it to everything they asked for.

I didn't bc I honestly dislike caretaker's DD, almost 40yo now. Since she hated me from theoment she saw me.....I cut myself slack just as I cut her slack for how she feels.  Not right or wrong, just how it is.

I'm ready to release them with love.

Ya.  I can say that's where I'm at right now.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 22, 2021, 11:05:34 AM
Oh, dear. Please accept these bold descriptions as from a blunt language-brain but also a compassionate heart. (It's not unusual for someone to detect one but not the other!)

I see a Lighter perpetually struggling with boundary issues with people she employs. Emotionally stricken by puppydog eyes, particularly male ones. Drawn to suffering as though it's a massive magnet. Manipulated and mistreated by some she tries to direct, like the thieving caregiver. Eagerly entering conversations about health issues and food that are by definition, intimate and personal subjects. Beginning employer-employee relationships on that note. Launching into rescue mode, teacher mode, many other modes that are intimate and not employer mode. Sometimes the results are happy and good. Other times, there is drama, exploitation (of her) and misery, and she's bewildered.

My British next door neighbor was lost and massively lonely when she bought the house. She decided to build a wing. She hired a contractor and shortly declared, repeatedly, what "good friends" they were. She never stopped telling me excited anecdotes about how close they were and about the long personal conversations they had. He ripped her off and did tens of thousand$ of terrible shoddy work that had to be redone. Took him to court and never got her money back. Still the wing has water control problems.

Every yard man or hourly crew member becomes her friend or her rescue project. She loves talking about her close relationships with them all, because each and every one is her buddy. She makes a big deal about how there are no social barriers or limits whatsoever, because she is so egalitarian. She inititates and encourages long personal conversations with many of them, and pays them for their bonding time.

She hates class barriers (quite righteously) and pushes through them as though it's her personal obligation via this particular relationship to rearrange the world. (She told me enthusiastically --truthfully-- when we met, "I was raised by Communists!"). It's a joke between us now and her heart (like yours, Lighter) is completely genuine. In an unconscious way she melts every time she meets a contractor or landscaper and feels driven to enmesh into or improve their personal lives in SOME way, to show herself that she's not holding herself above them because she has the money. Instead, she is a benefactor who is somehow very dependent on them, yet needs their personal, emotional connections and trust to affirm to herself that this is an equal or even close relationship, and it is healing something in their lives. She doesn't quite see how she's seeking a kind of healing from workers for her own interior life. It all gets mixed together.

She's much less enmeshed with all these workers since she got a boyfriend. She had terribly missed her husband and sex, and all these men have strong bodies.
I used to say when she called with bewilderment about how one of the latest of those relationships had gone wonky, "Remember, these are employees; they are not your friends. You don't need to befriend every worker who comes your way. You can be friendly but also maintain appropriate distance that helps you remember your purpose in hiring them, review their work, be glad when it's good, correct calmly or take action when it's not, and then sincerely bid them a nice evening when they're done for the day." She was so traumatized by the contractor that I offered her a mantra: "He is here to work, not to be my friend."

She was very, very lonely. A widow. Missed male energy acutely. But her boundariless approach harmed her and wound up upsetting her over and over.

I have no idea if there are any "pings" for you in all this. I'm positive it won't be a perfect overlap, and it may not connect at all. It's just what came up because of my neighbor's saga/s. If it's exaggerated, well, I'm a writer...can't always help it.

I know you can sort all this out. I know you already have, a lot. I'm not frightened for you but I can hold up a vision of this sticky stuff not undermining you as it so often seems to get structured to do.

And, projecting....I couldn't enjoy managing big-scale renovations as you do if nearly all males were going to send either my attraction or my rescue wires a-buzzing, either emotionally or physically or whatever. I have to keep things in clear boxes with fat lines around, because I too can get swamped by mixed messaging -- my own or theirs.

I had a landscaper with whom I'd had a caring, rescuing, very genuine emotional desire to help...(and to whom I was attracted) turn up on my doorstep in the middle of winter one day, and throw his arms around me in a very strong embrace. It shocked me awake. I realized it wasn't fair to him or to me to have encouraged and invited his emotional connection to me. I had done that, out of my own neediness. That day I saw it. He still works for me and there's plenty of mutual respect. But no more rescue or buddy mode. I wanted to help him take his citizenship exam, help him rehearse, etc. There are local organizations that do this for immigrants. I was not the only one who could fix it! Other wires were buzzing and I'd disavowed them.

So it comes from that experience, too -- all this description of some things that MIGHT ping for you, Lighter. I wish you freedom from this particular kind of complication. I think with your big visions and big intelligence, you are strongly drawn to problem solving and solution finding for others. It's a great motivation. But I wish it didn't have to play out in your own life and own situations where you are hiring people.

I might be wrong about all of this, way off the mark, or projecting waaaay too much to be seeing it well. I see you as remarkable and interesting and boundary-breaking in lots of GOOD ways, too. I think you deserve healthy friendships, and more of them. We are all social creatures--it's an essential part of life. But to me, warning bells ring when my excited engagement starts to focus in on someone I hired or pay.

Dunno if I'm right, at all. I've employed a few con- and subcontractors (for 3 months) and the lawn/landscaper guy, but not to the extent that you have.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 22, 2021, 01:57:19 PM
Well, recent contractors, the Son In Law of father's caretaker..... are all super competent, creative problem solvers of LARGE problems with many moving parts, which is every project I seem to take on.  I have a very fair working relationship with current contractor,but he has back issues, as does "caretaker" in Bimini, as do I.... so I always have PAIN FREE books to hand out, which is a 5.00 investment in their health and our ongoing arrangement of them WORKING for me and them being able to work.

And I do connect with people..... the things we have in common. Food if I'm feeding them which makes for more productive workdays, creates positive energy and time to share belief systems around food, which I have strong feelings about, as do you.  It's not a connection I have with everyone. I don't NEED to fix them, but I share when they're intersted and asking or have similar beliefs around food.

I absolutely get good work at a fair price....more than fair, IMO and I pay exactly what's asked and sometimes more if it's worth more and I know it.

I don't break things down into social standing, equal footing, mixing of social with business. Everything's business.... at the jobsite, not outside contact I don't fend off and that was with the crazy contractor who invited himself to holidays and pouted fiercely when I traveled.  It was too bad. I continued forth as though he wasn't.  Set boundaries he agreed to,but lied about. It blew up in my face and I have a pretty good undrestanding of what made that so toxic.  I felt it, sensed it, was smacked in the chops by it, but the trade off was amazing work at fair prices at a good pace, at least till the end and that was the end, however drama packed it was.  I handled my end, limited harm and got him paid.... out of my life.   I DO know he's suffering with mental disorders though. I understand he has a list... that type always does..... of people he'd lash out at should his life go upside down.  That he has a wonderful grown daughter will likely pull him back into whatever is considered homeostasis for him, which is hopeful.

THIS contractor is a trim man.  A good fit to build tiny homes on trailers.  He has 2 sons who're welders.  They work by the hour.  If we maybe start a business he'll be treated like a partner not an employee removed from means of production.  That means he'll be paid for the outcome and job, not for his limited time. 

I see that as a win win.  Not me saving him.   Not me fixing  him,but me doing what I do.....making sure everyone's ok, which is part of my retaining homeostasis in my life and I'm perfectly good with that.

Particularly as I have very pointed boundaries up and running right now. The time with my friend really focused my attention on what I do,think and feel regarding caretaking/saving reactivity.  You're right in small ways, but it's about competent forward motion with projects and renovations. It's never about friendship or lonliness..... I'm an introvert seeking alone time and I always require it after interacting with people.  I've been glued to youngest DD throgh this entire project, so my lively chats about bones and food and health are about sharing ideas.  I'm very clear on this, for myself.  I believe I'm very clear on this with employees, even tho the crazy contractor was attracted to me BC I was distant and refused to allow boundary stomping.... till I was stupidly stuck on the island with him with no where to go.... him pulling up a chair to face him.... inviting me to sit down and talk about something he was going to have a tantrum over my answer, bc I didn't tell him what he wanted to hear.  THAT would have been....... against my nature,but also reason for him to go crazier than he did while I held boundaries he railed against daily.

I won't tie myself to unstable people anymore....no matter how badly I need their skills.  I say that, but...... desperate times sometimes call for desperate measures and the island was desperate times. 

Your neighbor's experience doesn't resonate with me.   I 'm so pleased with the work I receive and that's the only reason for involving these men in my life. I tried to hire a female contractor on the lake house project, but she was caring for her grandchild and could't do it.  She's a lot like me.... likes to jump in and get her hands dirty.  Straight shooter....straiter than myself, for sure and that's all good.  Keeps things clean and clear.

My inner world HAS TO reflect my outer world. It's a THING about me that's not negotiable.  If I wanted male companionship I wouldn't seek it out with the men I hire...... in any small or large way.  Doesn;t even occur to me, though they appear to enjoy having a woman around who can carry her own weight, run a tractor and wield tools, split wood, tear up dog pee carpet,throw it over her shoulder and keep going till it's in the very tall container, ya. 

My inner workings fit well with a man who worked on farms, went to University, became a high powered executive in a high powered company.... an introvert, but for all the work contact he had to perform with clients....... who was quiet and focused on his inner workings, what made me tick and happy and pleased,bc that was who he was.  He was on his own journey,w ith T he kept after T said he was done. B took me into a T session with him when he was dying and his oldest DD was emotionally beating the stuffing out of us both...... he was stuck behind the curtain, I'd say.  Always peeking out, one of those men who do too much, never complain and find happiness and purpose in being useful and attentive....attuning to his mate and we were both nice people.  For the first time, nice people together.... a first for both of us, really... at least in ways everythingseemed to click, after tweaking.

I'd had nice, and educated, tall, blue eyed, employed man before..... interest in tropical fish, but he couldn't attune to me.  I was irritated by him much of the time.  It wasn't right.  Made me kind of mean. I can admit that. I was kind of mean to B when he wanted to go fast too quickly...... but he came back.  I was really really glad he did. 

In the meantime, work and play never mix for me.  I can't save anyone else, esp from themselves.  I feel as though I've been energetically pulled back, into myself..... home, comfortable..... with proper boundaries up....... they don't require energy, but I have stickign points.Old reactivity.  Things come up. Particularly if I care about someone's opinion....... I struggle tillI figure out how I FEEL... really FEEL about it.  Sometimes that's a day or a year or 10 years to figure out.  Sometimes I do what I have to do to get throgh something,. but I'm not who I was yesterday.  I'm different today and capable of things I couldn't do yesterday in regard to walking with boundaries in place....... carrying them with me.....not feeling guilty about it..... somewhat puzzled when people around behave differently when I didn't expect it.  My grown children are the same way, in every good way possible. If I'm doing well, they seem to shift into more ease and comfort too. 

DD19 is struggling with nicotine withdrawls while dealing with her eating disorder, body image, seeing herself as ugly....and it doesn't make for happy and smooth companionship all the time, but then I don't require she BE that in my life.  She's with me, most of the time, bc she's in crisis and requires tending to,but it's her doing the work.  I facilitate...... I support the mission, which is my thing.

Corroboration.  Collaboration.  Everyone OK.  I'm happy to play chess for the sake of playing. I don't rush winning..... same with dealing with contractors.  I don't take advantage of, cheat or otherwise rob then of their time and skills, bc I have respect and honor their skills the same I'd honor an MD's.... well. More, frankly.  And that has to be OK too. 

I'll never be rich bc I'm exploiting employees. That's true. 

I see that as positive mo jo, not as an innapropriate relationship, or otherwise screwy connection bound to end up in disaster.

These boundaries...... they'll keep me safe and I believe that.

It's an amazing tihng to sense them around me...... sort of unexpected, really.  Like I withdrew myself behind them.... found them waiting there, all along as I let my energy go all over the place.... in every direction...... maybe asking to be forgiven for what I felt was wrong with me..... unconsciously always believed was flawed about myself.... requiring... what?  Acceptance as i was? Forgiveness?  I have no idea,but I'm pleased I've arrived. I am home:)

What is that?  Processing?  SEEING myself and my friend under the strain of forced togetherness.... in gentle awareness, I do my best to hold open..... remain curious..... be IN my body.  Keep going back to myself....back home to myself.

There was a time that was just a sentence out of my T's mouth.  I sAw her lips move. Heard the words.  They meant nothing to me.  Frustrated me.  I was bitter and resistent and wanted to SEE.... wanted her to prove what she said. SHOW me, don't talk about it.  It was a process, to be sure.

As we worked together there were glimpses of meaning.  A glint of light here.  A peek there. And it grew and I'm the benefactor of a good fit in T, which is mirable itself, IME.

Crazy alchemy.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 22, 2021, 02:19:22 PM
Good good GREAT. I believe you!

So glad I was addressing old stories.
And so impressed with the new ones.

It's as though you're framing a new structure and doing it with care and skill and sound materials that suit the function.
It's not a brittle shell but an appropriately protective edifice and you're getting very comfortable with housing and respecting your own self.

I'm glad I was way off and that my neighbor's saga doesn't relate.

So good to be so far off!

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 22, 2021, 10:12:40 PM
Wanted to go way back to our chat about T things, Lighter.

Where you noted that in your process, your T's grace with your "tantruming inner toddler" or your "angry inner toddler" -- she was brave, and able to join you in accepting that side of your inner child...and how much it HELPED.

I think I can get to a more productive place with my T.
For me, if I'm being honest with myself (I hope), the scene is different. Because what my inner toddler feels is more like terror and broken-heartedness.

My anger can come out in snippy language...but it's about protecting myself from fully feeling (or airing) just how sad I was.

I was hopelessly gentle and sensitive. I had virtually no self-defense reflexes. I was tapioca as a little, little girl.

I'm not that now. In fact I over-compensate with emotional boldness sometimes. But I think the inner toddler I want to protect is someone that can't handle being prodded with too sharp a stick.

Looked at another way, it could be cowardice. But I think what I do with others' energy is fight (only verbally) but generally absorb absorb absorb because I WANT to love and understand and illuminate, endlessly, no matter the cost.

I remember M's complete deafness and how we argued and confronted and I stood up roaring about his misunderstandings and entitled obliviousness about how he waved the carrot of helping my D under my nose but then included so much posturing and manipulation that made him the Knight...and then when I refused him that option, he withdrew the whole tantalizing idea. That he might send her a life-changing $5K or $10K and yet..if he didn't do it entirely anonymously or without any manipulation or credit-seeking whatsoever, it could tank any microscopic scrap of hope that I'd ever see my child again. He didn't understand how precarious and fragile the entire balance with her is, and couldn't grasp who I was and what I was trying to tell him because his ego was narrating.

So it was SO FRAUGHT and overwhelming for me that it was without doubt one contributor to why I had a stroke.

All that said, that's why I paid attention when I got chest pains when my T was urging me deeper that day. I know, and she doesn't, how my psyche and physical body can get together to yank me in the wrong direction. And until she shows a fuller understanding of that "fragility" -- I won't go that vulnerable. Not yet.

Our last session was good and upbeat and comfortable. I still don't know how complex she can get or how much I can do with her. Still, I'm continuing. She's good and genuinely trying and I want to honor that.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 23, 2021, 07:33:35 PM

That's an awaful lot of lable to strap on to a toddler's back, IME.

Avoidance and seeking behaviors are just  human.  Everyone,,  mostly, avoids pain, Hops. 

Seeks relief and comfort...... distraction.

I'm glad you had a good appt with your T.  I guess I might have had a good one or two.... left feeling very positive aftre NOThaving to feel really deeply into uncomfortable things,  but  mostly I was fruatrated, bc I didn't OR dazed and amazed, bc I'd faced the dragons and lived to experience miracles unfold.  Sometimes right then and there. Sometimes on the drive home.  Sometimes in the days and weeks to follow, but man.... the best, most amazing investment of my time and limited resources was this amazing trauma informed T. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 23, 2021, 10:23:18 PM
Well, DD and I went to sleep after driving through 5 oclock Atlanta traffic INTO town, then back out again.  Exhausting.  People are on their phones in the fast lane, doopy dooing along, driving next to trucks, not passing then speeding up when I tried to pass on the right and it brought up some stress for me....... I'd just look at them and raise a hand like.... what are you doing?  Not express anger. I was truly curious.... WTH are you thinking trying to run me into the back of a truck bc I went around you at 80 mph and you sped up from 70 mph,the speed  limit, to match my speed and cut me off so I had to slam on my brakes..... and the guy slowed down and let me over, then got over himself.  No crazy road rage incident, just a guy being asked why and I could tell.... he just wasn't thinking THEN someone tried to pass on the right, an unwritten rule NOT supposed to happen, and that brings up a bit of shame so there;s speeding up then..... eye contact, the question and he just went limp.  I got to go on my way.

There were other incidents like that, but I refuse to bright people politely to ask them to consider moving out of the fast lane if they're just going to block it and ride parallell to other cars.  I find that's a good way to get killed, IME.  Esp in Ga.

And I do think most people are in their own little bubbles.... not DOING stuff like that to be dicks.  Just not aware of what and where they are in a moment on the highway.   This is new for me.  Really wanting to know WHY someone is doing what they;re doing on the road.  Not to say I didn't have some explatives pop out, but I noticed curiosity more than anything AND Iwasn't switched at the Nutritional Response Testing.  My stomach was the only thing that was off, which translated into inflammation in my joints and ligaments, etc.  Really frightening in the shoulders...... fearful words like MS were popping into my head.

DD sleeping now. I woke up at 9:30 and had a taco salad, happy I didn't have to look out the window and see a buzzard perched on the porch.  Again.  The contractor shot them earlier today and was very happy with himself. I was very happy I didnm't have to deal with them.  I knew I wasn't going to harm them.  Just couldn';t deal with that...... and contractor said if I did I was to shoot them in their little heads, small target, bc body shots would make a very bad and huge smell.  The buzzards do smell like wet dogs when calm and happily perched.  I'll clean up all the bird poop mess in the morning, in the cool of the morning and clean up the boxes of tile they made into a nest.

I'm relieved not to be startled by them when I turn the corner from the car, when I open the front door, when I walk around the house. 

I;m relieved not to have these huge birds flapping around, pooping and living on the old buffet my mother painted black when I was 2yo, and now resides by the front door.  The top is white with droppings... you can't tell it was black.


Going back to bed now.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 24, 2021, 02:19:37 AM
The droppings-distressing technique...eeerrrggghhh. Vulture guano...hmmm....lucrative side business? Probabaly an amazing organic fertilizer!

(It's funny-- I was randomly watching videos the other night and just saw this one)!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODI-OLDz_4o (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODI-OLDz_4o)

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on July 24, 2021, 08:18:54 AM
Pardon my big butt-in...

But yeah, Lighter makes a good point about accepting that coward label. You don't have to agree with it Hops. However the word was applied to you or where it came from (unfairly) children often blindly accept things like this and internalize it; eventually making it part of one's identity.

I don't agree that not speaking up about your feelings is cowardice. Particularly as a child, when one is described as too emotional or sensitive or intense... it becomes a taboo to even feel those feelings, much less express them. The invalidation of those feelings is easily taken in as invalidation of self, since children don't exactly compartmentalize themselves into "mind" and "feelings". So as one grows up with that conditioning, one is really self-conscious (in a negative way) about speaking those feelings out loud. The end result of that internalization is invalidating oneself. (And that leads to internal conflict and confusion; the decision paralysis too, sometimes.)

Somehow you stayed connected to your feelings, Hops. You protected them the best you knew how. They're there; they're you; and they can be intense. That's to me, a great strength in you, Hops - your ability to stay emotionally centered no matter how much thinking is going on. I admire that a LOT.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 24, 2021, 09:44:02 AM
Hmmm....those buzzards we're never going to make it to their forties pooping on our entrance porch, Hops. 
That music was never going to play in the background of turkey vulture life on my mother's buffet. 
Nope nope nope.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 24, 2021, 12:15:52 PM
Amber, that brought tears. Thank you.
I've braved. Some things.
More to go and now's the time to practice
before I don't have the option.

Lighter, I'm laughing. You can't pick vultures
over porch (and the guano must be....yecchhhh!).
Wonder if a wildlife center could relocate them?

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 24, 2021, 03:31:43 PM
Ahhhh, yes, Hops.  Turns out contractor climbed the dead pine, gently captured the 2 vultures, climbed down and  "took them to see their families at the farm."

Contractor went by today to "relocate" what appears to be a third V, hopefully last.

We have many many TurVs in this area.  They're good for the environment.  They fascinate me.  Their poo and scary flapping in my space, do not.

Drive through a 3 minute rain storm during a 2 hour Trek on highways.

Noticed I've learned this BE curious lesson before.  Knew it well.  Practiced it.

So many things can knock us off center and learning to notice is necessary.  Learning to pull it back on course...necessary.  Learning to forgive when we forget or "fail."


Walked the pug....fast.  It was splendid and overcast and exactly right.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 25, 2021, 11:06:15 AM
I'm experiencing another....
"Am I having a stroke moment?"

Yesterday a state of bliss entered my entire being while driving through downtown the second time yesterday.  I really believe it's the looking left right left right left right....in this case exploring the new and old shops and tourists ...only one Asian family wire masks.  Nobody else.....what madness.

So, the bliss.....it was as if young lighter, 13 maybe, peeked out and looked around.  I remember the day I banished her sleepy eyes, relaxed posture, unguarded kind heart.  How that conscious decision must have felt....to be judged wrong and unlovely.....asked to step back....to go away.

And THAT was so joyful....I wept and laughed and welcomed her back.

I see my T on Tuesday, face to face!  So excited.

The Pug and I had a fine 3 mile walk in the ancient forest this morning.  Hansel and Gretel or a bear could have turned a corner and not surprised me.  I waited to see how  things went, how I felt.....if the joy stayed before sharing

I'm in observer mode.  It comes and goes.  I notice and have the choice to pull it back on track while noting the mechanics.

there's a certain pleasure in the darker energy.  Like a comfortable and familiar luxurious brocade I choose to slide into and occupy.  There are things I like about it, if I'm being honest.  13yo lighter.....would never, but the Lighter whipped by years of aggression building fockery is comfortable and responsive in that worn, tattered in places cloak.  I wear all my clothes into painting rags....they please me.
I like what I like.  I hate to shop.  Young light is safer behind the cloak, even if she's sleeping.

I'm having brunch with DD20 at a place we love.  We're getting along so well and I cultivate joy with both girls daily....like it's my last day with them and that's becoming a daily habit since the contract on lake fell through.  It started this wonderful......feeling everything will fall away, but I have THIS moment to enjoy.  I know it will pass into other things, but today....I have this joy and I feel so grateful, almost giddy.  It's mine😘


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 27, 2021, 09:29:16 PM
Had a great appt with T today.  Love her new office in old victorian with beautiful flower garden.  Loved seeing her again. 

Mostly talked about my girls.  Got a referral to good Trauma informed T for girls to interview.

Both girls open to it, woo hoo!

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 28, 2021, 06:47:52 AM
Good to read such happy moments for you, Lighter.
Hope your bliss was not a stroke event, however.

Sounds like you're in a near-mystical state of delight and
I say, savor it! Hope many more such moments appear.

Especially liked the moment of your connection to yourself
pre-trauma. I understand and need to cultivate THAT authentic
self, too.

When layers of fear of past-repeating or future-frightening
peel away, even for a moment, what goodness and peace.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on July 28, 2021, 08:13:52 AM
Lighter, don't try to hang on to these bliss moments either. Just feel them and enjoy them. Engrave them on your memory. They are transient, too. Eventually, those moments start happening more frequently, then closer together. It'll take awhile for that second phase to start.

It's just retraining your brain to recognize new energy.  ;)
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 29, 2021, 10:36:21 AM
So true, guys.   

Amazing to be in that space.  I had an amazing day with my girls.  They respond immediately and positively.

DD20 is taking off work to bring her pug to the vet!!!!! She's taken pug maybe twice with me pushing and reminding, mostly just doing it myself, bc I care more.

THIS is HUGE!  This is me knowing she can and will rise and adult.

It's happening with youngest who's editing her bedroom and re painting furniture she'll keep.  She has energy for herself. She'll start looking for a job soon....all this dhut in time isn't good for her.

Yesterday I asked DD20 if she knew what I was thinking.  She looked up, not with dread and desire to escape, but with curiosity and mischief.  Mischief!

I told her I was so proud of her for advocating for herself and pug at work.  She never would consider asking for anything in the year she's been there.  Always covering for others.  THIS was such a huge lesson in a job with so many lessons to teach DD.  Her value as an employee, her strengths, her appreciation for good managers,vwhich means she's learning those skills too. 

As Tupp says... I'm so chuffed!

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 30, 2021, 08:57:37 AM
All 4 of us were up at 7am this morning. I walked the pug, sans leash and that was lovely.  Nice and cool out. No bugs divebombing my eyes. She listened and didn't bark at anything. If I hadn't walked face first into a spider's web, it would have been perfect.  Overcast. Breezy.  I love that.

Youngest dd wanted to shower,. but wasn't happy about the drain not working properly, so..... it was time to teach that important lesson.
One flathead scredriver and a pair of pliars later..... we had a thin wire hanger bent to it's proper form, drain removed with DD doing a proper squat in the tub. Poised for what she'd find, always very funny.......  She pulled out a huge hunk of conditioner  coated hair, hers, pronounced it "something they put in mummy's throats" then struggled to get the screw back in place on the drain after I santizied the situation.  My least favorite part, btw, is reseating that screw.  We did the downstairs drain, then played with the just fed, ready to nap pug who could not be coaxed into puppy pretend.  She had the eyes of a very serious shark and is snoring by my side as I write this.

I have  an errand to run this morning.  Good coffee and gf cookies for the teachers today.  I have DD's yearbook to pick up, and her diploma.  WHEWhooohoohoohoo!  High school is OVER!


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 30, 2021, 03:59:34 PM
For ONCE I have a practical aid to offer.
This thing has changed my life:


Search on Amazon. It actually works! And well.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 01, 2021, 02:03:26 PM
How does this tubshroom work, Hops?
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on August 01, 2021, 04:17:05 PM
It's all here

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 02, 2021, 03:14:00 PM
I had a nice talk with DD21 today.  She's so calm in spirit and ability to sustain boundaries........ she's not enmeshed at all, at least not with me, though she has people pleasing tendencies out in the world, I've noticed. She also laughs when she's under stress... a lot. So does DD 19.

I talked about my neeeeeed to gain everyone's approval and how that's something I'm putting down, purposefully.  How it's impacted y life in the past, and how letting it go improves everything.  How I struggle with it. She understood that.

I talked about how the properties we have are investments and I have strengths and weaknesses..... I could use her strengths and DD19's too, while they figure out what the'll do.  Maybe put their heads together, find online university classes to get rquirements out of the way.  Maybe test of out some and feel good about that, but continue moving forward, which she felt made sense. 

Everything we talked about made sense to her and that's important to collaborative me; )

I'm trying to feel less overwhelmed by the lake renovation.  It comes and goes.  More going, less coming would be good.

Yup yup yup.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 03, 2021, 03:54:47 PM
Another lesson..... similar to the lesson of resting without making deals with myself.

This is THAT, but witih more spaciousness and possibility available.

Just noticing the unconscious limits and questioning them, without judgment, changed the view. Expanded choices.

The girls are fine with pulling up roots for a while and traveling. Going. Living in other places for a while.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 04, 2021, 04:31:53 PM
I wasn;t sure where to put this, but decided here was as good a place as any.

I slept many many hours while putting all stories on the shelf.  Just...... letting them go, over and over and over again, as they came up.

I realize it's a way of life.... to go from one distraction to another and not just the BIG obvious distractions. The thrumming of daily habits running beneath whatever habit we typically agree is addiction in one's life....
reading the paper in the morning

Just the habits wer'e aware of choosing, typically not good for us and therefore on our radar.

It's the ones running in the background...... the way we SEE ourselves, our responsibilities, our standing in community, what keeps us safe, what makes us feel unsafe....... how we relieve the tension and fear behind the scenes..... unconsciously I'm talking about.

Maybe everyone's done this.... speaking to you Amber, but I haven't.  If I had to put words to this experience it feels like....
bobbing in the water..... treading easily, bc bouancy and water temp same as body temp.

Flying above the water...... struggling to stay above the water, out of the water, but not managing.... flailing and fighting and struggling, worrying is living in the future.  It's cold out of the water.  It's windy.  It's exhausting.

Struggling to get to the surface, buried beneath the water is living in the past.  There's no breathing under the water.  It's a struggle to, but a different struggle... struggle none the less.

Bobbing at the surface, once once gets there, is easier..... there's joy in breathing and being comfortable and at ease. 

I call it being in the zone.  I've called it different things, but that;s wat it is, IME.

A subtle shift...... it comes and goes.  If I mourne it, get confused by it's absense....I'm stuck.

If it comes and goes, without my understanding it, I'm happy then confused and sad/in mourning/struggling again then happy and on it goes.

I've been floating, more or less, consistently for a while.  Part of floating is getting all the crap OUT OF MY HEAD as it needs to come out without editing or silencing parts and pieces. Once they're out...they're no longer waiting, tapping, neeeeeeding to be heard and processed, bc I just go ahead and do it without wondering if I'm right or wrong, good or bad, nice or mean, wise or immature, spelling correctly checking grammar I just write it out and have it.

I've also stopped worrying about taking up the Amazon's time with what I write and I've stopped apologizing, which is new.  I didn't realize it till Hops apologized for writing out M stuff on the board and processing the way she needed to... you need to, Hops.

Connections are made as I read other struggles on the board. Hear the same lessons come round again after years passing.  I hear them again, with new context and something clicks, or doesn't.  It's a process and I'm making peace with it.

It's easier to make peace with it when it stops being complete mystery, I'll say that. 

Like reading a book every couple of years and marking meaningful pages with different colored markers each time.  I always find something new or something makes sense that didn't or connect dots I didn't realize were there and that's OK.

There's no one pushing me to understand everything perfectly,but myself. 

There's no requirement I learn anything in a certain time frame.... only self imposed pressure and that's shifting.

It's shifting, bc I'm paying attention to the thrumming of thoughts in the background. Questioning what I usually do to feel "normal" and OK. 

If I dropped it all today.... every bit of it.... what would that mean?

Now THAT's the question.   

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 06, 2021, 11:32:47 AM
It's lovely to float above the things I usually get stuck thinking about.  The things I usually DO to carry myself trough a day.

drop all judgment...
be super kind yourself.....
assume curiosity.....
drop expectation....
those mean nothing until you realize......

these are the things eventually REPLACING all the thing we do without realizing we're doing them, IME.

These are important, not just bc they're healthy, but bc their presense represents the absense of "normal" patterns and habits.

Practicing these things, cosistently, is where the change happens. 

I don't think I was capable of understanding what they are/why they are until  I shut up and put them into action in starts and stuttering stops..... one thing done well, another dropped, something else coming and going when I wasn't paying attention.

And then they all started coming into focus..... they became familiar..... part of my habits and that's when I understood there's no making sense and understanding until these things take up residence inside us.

I'm doing this imperfectly and I know some people move through these things more quickly. That's OK.  I feel gratitude and joy I can SEE more today than I could see yesterday.

I have expanded perspective, more spaciousness and for that I'm hopeful and encouraged about what comes next.

Not just curious, but terrible positive and joyful about the journey unfolding.

It's not about achieving a goal or getting somewhere in particular anymore. 

There's nothing outside me required to complete me or reach a driving goal.

The goal is to continue returning to myself, over and over, as I move trough plans and missions....... I manage it pretty consistntly now.  I feel as though I'm always with me, if that makes sense.  Everything is moving at the right pace and it's OK.

I feel as though I could die tomorrow and I've done everything I would to be OK with that.  No regrets.

One thing coming up recently, before brother got Covid, was to get to know him better than I do. To attune with him and understand better.... to be understood.  That would be a regret, I realize now.  I was SO happy over getting along with him so mch better, but that's not enough, I realize. 

I want to be friends, not just ON the same team, working together.

I want his kids to answer texts and phone calls from me, which they sort of do not.

It feels like they've been poisoned against us, and I know they have from a very young age.... their mother did a job on them. 

It wouild be good to have relaxed and considerate relationships.  I'll always be there for them, but I feel they're...... I feel there's something there that reminds me of my Paternal grandparents choosing my brother and turning against me and my sister...t hinking of us as my mother's children.... not their son's children.  Splitting people in a FOO black and white with parental permission.  Just very insidious undercurrents and explicit demands made by a mother...... so selfish and unkind when these kids honestly don't have any other family, besides us. 

It's more poisoning, I realize. 

My niece and nephew are smart and strong as hell...... they can figure it out if anyone can.

I believe they will. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 09, 2021, 09:26:41 AM
I'm moving through my days listening to Micheal Singer's 5 episode Podcast on Sounds True forum. 

I've only listened to the first two, twice, but it's presenting information I've heard before DIFFERENTLY, which is how I make connections more quickly/deeply/internalize them, IME.

On my walk with baby girl pug I noticed I've been fretting a bit about DOING all this work on my father's home now that he's gone.  Now that the caretaker is gone. Now that the house has ended for them and begun for us. 

And it comes up again and again.  I notice I have this little conversation with myself about how Dad would have made it miserable for me to DO tthis.  Then I remember how he treated me when I worked on this house....... he accused me of adding money to the costs of the things I purchased cheap at the Mart, while paying what at the time was really expensive parking out of my pocket myself.  I bought tile and killed my transmission hauling it to the lake, and Dad offered to pay for it, but I said it wasn't the tile and handled it myself. 

When it was time to sell his home closer to the city, I pulled out the old carpet and painted and cleaned and had a HUGE garage sale where I would make people take two extra boxes of stuff IF they wanted THAT box of stuff, then I'd stuff things in their trunk while they packed the box they wanted......... moved and I shaked and I found the buyer, set the closing, tried to get Dad to finance the sale for 30 years, but he acted like I was trying to steal his money and he insisted it be a 15 year mortgage, which turned out to be somewhat devastating for him, bc of the botched surgery situation (I tried to save him from, but.....) BUT  BUT  BUT.....

And that's how time at the lake could go, can go, has gone..... and I don't want to do it anymore. 

Dad put money on other people's orders for a living...he designed and produced POP items, walked them through and delivered them, got paid and so he expected everyone to DO that, even though it wasn't what I did TO him.

He also was a part of the HE-MAN Woman HATER'S CLUB.He HATED our mother and that marriage began with him making fun of her parents till she cried.... SO MUCH FUN.  Once she stopped crying, it wasn't fun anymore.  I can't imagine being married to that, but she could.  She did.  And when Dad looked at my sister and me..... HE SAW MOM.  Words like slut, shit and out cattin around came out of his mouth when he looked at us.  You look like a slut....... like shit..... like you've been out cattin around.  Bleck, but that was life with Dad. 

I remember my brother asking Dad how many houses have you bought for women?  He did this on the tail of Dad stating something non sensical about men having to hand houses over to women, presumably during divorces, but Dad didn't have to hand our Mother ANYTHING when she left.  It was written into the agreement she'd get 5K..... I think, when the house sold.  I had the house on the market and it was going to be sold, but Mom had forgotten about what, for her at that time, was nothing money.  During the divorce it was EVERYTHING money and I bet Dad swore he'd never ever ever sell it, and meant it. 

She would have left with nothing, but us.  She took almost nothing in child support.... 80.00 per child and then the lumping sister and I into WOMEN who TAKE from men stuff began.  We didn't get any help from my Brother and Dad regarding Paternal Grandfather putting his hands on every woman who didn't have her elbows in a defensive position to fend him off.  My sister and I used to keep our coats on to deal with it, then not get back in the grab zone again.

So, selling the in town house....... I did the work to improve it, then listed it and acted as realtor to collect a realtor's fee listed as an independent contractor's fee at the closing, which I attended and Dad did not. 

I was very hurt when he refused finance it for 30 years.... it was good money... I think over 5%, maybe 7%.  Just nuts.

Anyway..... I'm working on this house now. Touching the things I purchased 25 years ago, moving and shaking, same as I am today and these things keep coming up for me.  And I have conversations with Dad and myself, which I've figured out, but the Brother piece...

THAT piece is something I don't want to push aside.  I want to do what I can, THEN put it on the shelf.  What can I do?

Dad was marked and bent by ASPD woman hating uncles, being short and married to a beauty queen knock out with big blue eyes.... then a knock out brunnette with big brown eyes and I swear, tormenting them was fun.  He called it "figuring out what made them tick"  but he liked to poke them emotionally and watch them react.  Make fun of his gf's youngest child, a beloved son, then stand back and watch her react.  Take back the engagement ring and watch her react.  Just... dreadful and I blocked a lot of it, bc..... trauma.  Not happy.  Just blocked it.  Once I walked in on Dad wrapping a phone cord around gf's throat (they dated for 18years) and he stopped what he was doing, walked over to me, turned me to face the door and pushed me out.  I remember driving away, head buzzing, completely freaked out..... not sure if I was angrier at the violence or the liklihood they've have hot sex after the fight....... just..... what the absolute hell? I believe his reason was gf had been having sex with someone else and he'd been spying on her, there was ONEhouse between their homes, mind you... and she'd been stupid enough to have sex in front of a window he could see into WHILE engaged to him and he'd caught her and needed to wrap the cord around her throat..... you get the picture. Completely dysfunctional, entitled, erratic, violent, gross innapropriateuglyrelationship with his BEST FRIEND'S WIFE and Dad was all about INTEGRITY!!  You have nothing if you have no integrity!!!!  He'd pound his fist on the dinner table and make you jump out of your skin... while having sex with his best friend's wife, but then....

brunettes run a little hotter.

Mom was blonde. 

Just, so messed up and my brother is 3 years younger and living with Dad. What did he see and hear?

THIS is what I want to think about.  Not the other stuff.  Not the WHY of why I didn't want to renovate his homes while he was INSIDE them.  I knew why. If he stopped to think about it, esp while drinking, he'd remember why too.

But little brother..... who collapsed into Dad's arms when he was..... 9yo? When he chose to live with Dad and not Mom..... was struggling in school and Mom was struggling to make rent and buy food..... and behave like a teenager, to boot.  These were Saturday Night Fever days..... Mom loved to dance.  She loved to go out.  She loved to be loved and she turned every head when she walked into a room..... I think Brother was already with Dad when my sister lit the kitchen on fire at that first apartment..... a grease fire, I think.  Pretty much we were on our own...... and that wasnt how we were raised, so it was pretty bad.... and I can't imagine what little chap brother went through, but it was bad, bc... collapsing in Dad's arms. Not compassionate arms. Nope nope nope and I wonder how brother is marked by his experiences. 

He's marked, I know that.  He tends to always be on the phone with someone.  Sometimes, if no one else answered first, I have to assume, bc I'm not a favorite person of his, nope nope nope.  And I listen.... every time..... almost, bc I recognize he doesn't want to be in his head, alone.  I never really thouight much about it, till now, bc I want to get to know him better.  NOT bc I want to fix him..... just uderstand and attune to.

Iv'e walked the pug and had a good breakfast, which was shoving roasted chicken and raw spinach into my mouth, chewing then swalowing it down.... forcing it, really, to keep my hormones bouncing along this amazing direction.  I really do have energy and creativity firing off and it's really..... great.  I'm loving BEING me again. 

DD19 is melting down, has been for a few days.  She's blaming me and DD21.... accusing us of ganging up on her.... saying I have a new favorite child.  DD 21 used to claim DD20 was the favorite and punished/tormented me for years.  Youngest's turn, but I'm trying to rise above it.  Not ride her air currents, but creaate my own, up above them.  Hold compassion for her while she creates them.

Both girls refused to speak to the Trauma Informed T I found through my T.  I just let them say NO, even though they were each asking for herr, bc only one family member can see a T.  It's odd, but I've done what I can and that has to be enough for now.

I think the contractor will be here today and I'm very happy about that. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on August 09, 2021, 09:42:06 AM
The generational trauma inflicted by men. That's a LOT, Lighter. Grandfather, father, uncle...and poor brother.

I hope your new connection with your brother can be nontoxic for you, and healing for you both.

I wonder how much of it all is expressed through demo? Refinishing?

If that creative, management and/or entrepreneurial energy wasn't expressed through real estate, what would your second-choice direction be, do you think?
(Nothing wrong with real estate, just a fun question to ask.)

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 09, 2021, 02:57:57 PM
It feels very healthy to communicate with brother now.  I feel like I can talk about the relationship, honestly since he talked about how he was sublimating feelings about mom onto sister and me.  He's smart enough to see it and we'll work it out.  I feel very hopeful about it: )


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 11, 2021, 01:12:20 PM
I'm taking a Reiki class beginning Friday.  Will last 21 days.  Looking forward to it.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 12, 2021, 12:38:40 PM
So I drove  from lake to the house this morning..... oldest dd has a job interview this afternoon.  Youngest has a NRP appointment in Atlanta tomorrow, so we go right back to the lake after 5pm traffic.

Youngest dd was all over the place emotionally early in the week.  Just..... very angry at me and her sister and my workin on the lake house and the cottage and she was kicking rocks and eating bologna samiches in every direction. 

I just listened to her, let her know I heard, didn't pick up the ropes she was swatting me with.... picking fights.... just let her have them. Clearly, she told me, I'd failed as a parent. I'd screwed the pooch.... all was lost..... wasn't that just too bad my children have no discipline?  What did I think would happen to her sister's health, with the obesity?  I acknowledged her feelings without owning them or letting them rub up against my stuff....I'd done the best I could at the time.  I might do better now, surely I would, but she's a young woman now. Not a small child who's tantrums pull me off center so I wreck the car. THAT happened once, btw.  Just a little fender bender, but it used to be SO VERY LARGE...... bc my nose was on the pebble, again and again and again till my nose was never really OFF the pebble, which was ME beinng in my own way, IMO.

On the drive here I was content to drive in silence.  There was a rattling of metal in metal in the back of the truck.....
the grass is green, the sky is blue......
the pug was upset by the rattling....
the grass is green, the sky is blue, I thought again.....
someone almost swiped the car in front of me OFFthe road, but a quick swerve saved the day......
the grass is green, the sky is blue, it's God's will.....
the grass is green, the sky is blue, it's God's will.

At some point I found myself chanting God is good, the sky is green.

And there was the image of a little Buddhist monk launghing.  Not AT me, perhaps..... more with me and he was nodding, bc sometimes the sky is certainly NOTgreen and who's to say the shape of our eyes interprets the particular photons entering the atmosphere, bouncing off the grass, visible to humans among all the other colors, available to animals, but not human eyes.... what's to say what's real reality?

And that was a familiar thing, to have the monk in my headspace, traveling easily with me...... God is good, the sky is green.  I didn't miss the radio.  I didn't crave chatter or distaction.

At one point I was so still in my mind...... I feared I'd dissociated, but it wasn't that.... pretty sure.  I think it was just God is good, the sky is green.... stillness of the mind...... the quieting of chatter typically coming in from all sides, sans filters. 

God is good....... I interpret as my intention and the benign nature of the universe.  Humans come to this plane to learn lessons. 

Other people's lessons are not my lessons, though I didn't see that until today.

I can observe other people as they travel through their lives and lessons without allowing them inside.... touching my lessons and path.  I can decide what/who to allow in.  I don't think I understood that clearly before the little monk's laughter.

So, my intentions aren't really good. They're what they are.  They aren't bad. They're what they are. They're more or less enlightened, informed, on track with what's in front of me or......
stuck runinating on what's rattling inside, stuck in my limbic system, tapping me on the shoulder, isisting I tend to them/it/old stuff.  MY stuff.  Stuff I intend to put behind me, out of my concsious and unconscious mind, refiled in historic files..... removed, bc that's what is the best for everyone, most of all myself.  And so I will work on that, every  day, every moment I can.  In small ways.

I guess I wanted to take on ALLLL the BIG stuff IMMEDIATELY when I began T with trauma informed T. 

I, for some unfathomable reason, felt I HAD to resolve everything immediately.

The smaller lessons are what ended up creeping in, instaling new pathways, making the way for larger work.  The smaller pactices are  training the mind and biochemistry to deal with the larger things.  I see that now, where before.... it felt like little unexpected miracles I couldn't explain..... they helped me connect dots I COULDN'T connect before.  Dots appeared.  Dots connected.  Dots processed.  There was gratitude, but very little understanding as to HOW it happened.

How it happened for me was receiving information in many different ways, from different sources, in different moments leading up to the same information, presented in yet another way, so more dots popped up and slid into place.

And there are so many dots.  So much to look forward to.  I'm looking forward to noticing how I handle the drive home with all the challenging drivers learning their lessons,the traffic and the rough roads. Will I think about the radio..... think about turning it on? Will I shift my intention and NEEEEED the radio on?  Will the monk be there?  With me again?  As familiar as before?  Will the mantra pop into my head and if it does.... what will it be?  Will it be something completely different?  Will the monk be laughing with me about how unexpected and perfectly imperfect it is?  Will it lead to something I haven't noticed before?  About myself, in this moment, perfectly still and at ease?

No idea, but I'm looking forward to finding that out.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on August 12, 2021, 12:55:40 PM
What a lovely and powerful journey, Lighter.

Being at peace, finding that inner calm.

Bravo and happy driving!

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 13, 2021, 10:49:18 AM
More and more, I think it's all those little things that are more significant and meaningful than the "heavy lifting".
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 13, 2021, 08:12:47 PM
The girl ended up banishing me to the backseat for the drive to the lake last night.

Odest dd 21 did the driving and once she realized my car IS NOT her beefier, heavier car she settled into a safer speed and I enjoyed the ride.

At a point there was a big truck on her tail, brighting her to get out of his way.  She was in the right lane, perfectly content to stay there at her speed.... about 5 miles over the speed limit.  The truck just about hit us while brighting us to get out of his way then swung around to pass, put on his r turn signal and came right at us..... intending to swipe us off the road.
DD19 and DD 21 were chattering like monkeys, startled.... very upset and threatened.

The monk and Iwere in the backseat.......
I said... "The guy is crazy...... we need to get away from him..."
The sky is blue, the grass is green, there are crazy people on the road with us is what I thought and I didn't register upset or a chemical dump at all.

I told DD to put a large truck between us and she did.  I went back to being calm and happy in the backseat.......
the grass is green, the sky is blue, there are crazy people on the road with us.

I was happy to see the monk returned.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 15, 2021, 04:16:49 PM
DD19 and I drove back home last night. Today we got up and went to 4 grocery stores looking for particular gf/organic sausages and chicken fingers.  We were having a wonderful time.... dancing and singing in the car.... we were the Gilmore Girls one minute, holding hands and making inside jokes.....
then not speaking after I went to get pickles at the last store while DD was checking out at the self check kiosk. 

Neither child liked it when I used to run and get something I forgot and left them in the check out lines to begin the check out process.
 It's a thing. It's always been a thing.

When I got back to her, DD was not OK,. but I really wanted pickles... I deserved pickles.  I eat plain protein A LOT. I know she doesn't like it when that happens, but it shouldn't ruin her day and it did today.  I COULD have just done without pickles OR pulled her along with me. We only had 4 items at check out.  I can't see what I should have done with any clarity, but I should be allowed to get pickles and dd should be OK when alone for 3 minutes at check out.  She's an adult now. 

I noticed how upset I got at her distress and I think she wanted me upset.  I breathed myself back into the moment, stopped at the Asian market and was fine by the time we got home.  She handled the frozen stuff...I handled the stuff going back to the lake.  She went to her room to "lie down" and I set about making lunch for myself.

The thing is.... we were going to enjoy a Poke Bowl after shopping.... we got a buy one get half off the second bowl coupon on our grocery receipt!  It was supposed to be grand.... the day was going SO well, but that one thing ruined it for her and so she ruined it for me...... no shared lunch.  No food for her and she knows it upsets me when she doesn't each, bc eating disorder. No continued shared joy.... I'd ruined it.  Or she ruined it. We ruined it?

I just had to let it go. 

I ate at home with the back door open to the rain..... the fairy lights on, as it was dark and stormy overcast outside..... made an amazing cup of coffee..... put on a pot of homeade bone broth matzo ball soup we intended to share this evening and I checked messages here while I ate.  I was fine. I was happy and mabe DD needed to punish me, but that's her stuff.  Not mine.  Not today, anyway.  I enjoyed turkey.... and pickles.


At some point, I hope both girls recognize there's choice between a wrecked moment/hour/day and pulling it out of a ditch to continue having a serene moment/hour/day. 

I wasn't going to remain in the ditch with DD19 today.  It felt like my wheels dropped into a familiar rut and it felt very bad.  Very sad.

Breathing restored my ability to pull my wheels out of the ditch.  Get on the newer pathways.... I've been building them.  They're in place.  Such a relief.

HUGE moments.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 15, 2021, 04:22:05 PM
Another thought, about the pickles thing......
is my reactivity around DD19's reactivity.  I might have transferred groceries, got into my car and headed back to the lake, but that would have felt like a retaliatory action.

Just going back to the day I was having, with or without her, was the right thing to do.  I'm glad I resisted the urge to be defensive or offensive.  To react.

DD19 has an ED T and a regular T she really likes. It's her work to do. There's healthy food in the house.  She has to choose it, prepare it and eat it for herself. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on August 15, 2021, 05:22:19 PM
WOW, Lighter.
That sounded to me like a very sane and serene and wise and adult reaction to a very triggering old routine. You didn't take the bait.

Just reading about the back door open to the rain and the fairy lights and your calm reminders to yourself about what is D's work and what is yours, lowered my BP.

Good for you.

Now I want a pickle.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 16, 2021, 01:01:33 PM
I went to Lowe's around 7pm.  DD made herself dinner while I was gone.  Not sure if she waited till I left or not.

When I came home she emptied the dishwasher, without my asking, as I ate dinner. We chatted happily.  It felt normal again, so I didn't bring up the control drama, as I saw it.

As I saw it ...
see it.....
I'm done with them.  I'd like to understand them better.  Perhaps hear interpretations from the people performing them in my life, but I have no expectations or need.  Just curiosity.  Are they aware of these patterns?  Is this what they want more if in their lives? 

It's a relief to STOP running around, attempting to make everyone ok around me.  To put it down.  Be ok with making myself comfortable/happy/ok, sans guilt.  Revelation, really.

It's what's peeking out from behind the reactivity.

DD seems ok today, although she's a bit critical of me, again.  I just keep going, having my day, cooking lovely brunch, let DD take and eat what she wants or not.  She ate 2/3 of her plate then accused me of adding the portion she didn't remember not eating.  ::Uncrossing eyes::.
She's not in a great place.  It comes out all over the place. 

Again..... I'm experiencing relief as I notice I have choices around her distress.  To enter it with her, or remain above it.  Above means I'm more responsive, able, capable, available to support myself and sometimes DD, if it's appropriate.  If she's open to it.  When she's very sharp and prickly.... critical of me....I veer off.  Give her space.  I say what I feel, listen to her feelings then put it down when nothing productive is likely.  We disagree and that's ok too.

I'm unsure how to talk about the patterns, but will get easier as I continue to see it without anger/shame/neeeeed and reactivity, in general.

Speaking with compassion is a goal focusing my attention on the spaces where snark and defensive language used to live in my life.



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on August 16, 2021, 02:10:47 PM
Double wow.

How I wish I'd gotten there with my D.
It's great to read how it is working for you and how it feels to be in control of yourself.

Perception enacted in the present.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 17, 2021, 10:26:54 AM

Schools should teach healthy boundaries and logical consequences from K up, IMO.

Control comes and goes.  I

t comes and goes.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 18, 2021, 08:04:12 PM
The monk has a message lately... it keeps popping up.  He keeps laughing with a good nature.....

He's amused.

The monk wants me to see what comes next....to shift my focus beyond my experience of trusting I'll feel happy to feel the sun on my face again. It happens again and again and I don't question it anymore.... but I do focus on it. 

The monk wants me to know....
I'm also the sunshine.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 20, 2021, 12:04:59 PM
My nextdoor neighbors recently lost a 30yo unvaccinated grandson to Covid.
Yesterday their son, in his 40's and very robust in appearance, was found deceased in his bed.  I believe it's assumed his diabetes was the problem..... and.... DD21 did his eye exam about 3 weeks ago.... said he was having trouble with his vision.  I don't think she knew he was diabetic. 

The retired nurse neighbor is not OK.  She was very close to the son.  I'm sandwiched between these neighbors and....
feeling the need to DO something while also needing to pick DD21 up from the lake..... and a gazillion sticks from the yard, bc storms.  Typically the retired nurse marshalls everyone around and tells us what to do..... comes up with a plan of assistance.... collects money..... sends gift cards...... but she's silent right now. Her trash cans are where I left them.... in the wrong place. 

I'm not IN the sadness with them, though I had a wicked mood hit me last night.... just a very dark place and I could SEE myself there. I think it was easier than getting sad, frankly. I'm up for DOING something, then putting that story on the shelf,. bc that couple already deal with debilitating health problems and now this.

There's a brand new grandchild to soothe them.  The adore their children and grandchildren. Such nice people. 

So..... I'll feed them.  She's diabetic and has terrible arthritis, so..... gf, sf..... no nightshades.  I know the drill. 
There will be dairy.
Comforting, cheesy dairy.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on August 20, 2021, 03:57:23 PM
What a horrible tragedy...a son and a grandson.
I feel for your neighbor, Lighter.

I can't imagine how deeply the vibration of loss is shaking her through.

So sorry,
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 22, 2021, 01:13:23 PM
Back at the lake and having somewhat serious thoughts about DD21's place on the Spectrum.  She's allowed the 2 mostly empty food containers from a BBQ dinner to sit on the counter, unchecked, which was really good news for the fruit flys and whatever gang'omaggots are consequently involved in their struggle to be birthed beneath the containers... a few are crawling.  Not many, but....maggots.  OMG.

::scratch scratch::.

I would not say the odor is death, but it's a type of death scent as one of those containers is more productive than the other. The trash was surprisingly not stinky.  My questions is..... when she noticed I didn't come right back that night or the next morning, bc Covid scare and storms, why didn't she dump the food containers and maybe take out the trash at some point.  She mentioned the fruit flys and the containers in a phone conversation with me.  I said.....
"throw them into the trash and throw it in the dumpster."  The dumpster is 5 feet from the house.   Note, these containers were on the counter where food prep doesn't take place, but...... she had to be bothered by them when using the sink and WAS bothered.  I don't get it,bc my spirit couldn't think or do anything else till the bug killing ritual ended 1o minutes after walking into the kitchen after first thowing the food containers into the trash, finding an airtight container to dispose of whatever I bagged and killed off the counter and emptied the plastic wrap around the fruit fly trap I'd set containing apple cider vinegar and dish soap, which caught nothing, outside 4 or 5 curiouis fruit flys trapping themselves under the outside of the cup and plastic.   Trash in dumpster. 
::dusting off hands::.
ALL flys and what'not gone, which is surprising. It's almost like they weren't used to normal human interactions, which they weren't.  Like shooting flys in a barrel.  It was a very active 5 minutes in that corner of the kitchen.  YES, alcohol was involved. I prefer the 90%, but not that picky anymore.

It's likely OCD and I supposes there's stimming involved in that too.  Not that I muust label everything, but I do wonder about my children's mental health at times like these.   I was rushing to get OUT the door with younger dd, bc she'd been patient about waiting to go back home after Atlanta appointment.  I cleaned the kitchen up to the point of those containers. 

Anyway, DD19 calls me out whenever she feels I'm verbally stimming..... usually talking or singing..... there are outbursts, you see.  Sometimes thoughts strung together rapidly........"Did that guy just burp in that song,did he go urrrrp in that song, like... urrrp.... , Bones bones bones, let me see your bones..." which are all lyrics, or assumed lyrics from songs, but they're piled up together, particularly when I'm moving and shaking busily,I've noticed.  DD, spending so much time with me, has noticed too. I'm not bugged by it. Sometimes, she is.

This doesn't mean we're for sure on the spectrum...stimming is something we all do, apparently, more or less of.  I think more in our family.  Both girls do thigs to their toes and nails that bring forth blood, for instance. My brother and uncle on maternal side clear their throats repetitively.  My mother used to thrust her head forward, like a chicken, but her mother corrected it. Maternal Grandfather would open his mouth wide repetitively.  I shift uncomfortably in my bra, bc it doesn't sit just right on my rib cage..... this is something my SF always pointed out, along with table manners he found lacking.   

WHO CAN EAT LIKE A VICTORIAN and enjoy a bite of food? SF and I had  more conversations about how one holds their fork and knife...... he referred to European style..... I guess... then sneered even his relatives coming from Europe didn't do it, like it was akin to farting at the dinner table and I HOLD fork and knife that way, daughters both hold theirs that way and I'm pretty sure I picked that habit up from another snooty snob at the dinner table while in my 20s.  Which snooty snob to obey? Hmmmmmm. 

I'm afraid, gentleman, neither.  We enjoy food THIS way and so we did, until SF was pitiful underweight and struggling after mom died and so began holding our forks and knifes so we would't dsitract him during what we considered last meals with him,bc we loved him and wanted him to express joy and happiness, whch we strove hard to cultivate with him at meal time,bc we're nice people.  I didn't have to tell the girls, btw. We simply discussed his odd enduring habit on every drive and it happened spontaneously at a buffet lunch we found particularly upsetting, bc SF enjoyed the sad sad thing SO much and knew everyone working there by heart and behaved like the Mayor of cheap Chinese food establishment, which used to feel like he was a Senator in the world of 5 Star restaurants and business,  but had just collapsed into his struggling to walk or stand steady...... dignity kept rising up.  It was valiant, honestly.  I guess the girls were about 13yo and 15yo when it began and that struggle with table manners stopped.  What does that say about something persisting?  Resisting and persisting. Oldest DD, to this day, refuses to follow ANY table manners, bc....ODD.  She simply can't make sense of the elbows and knapkin in lap, where to place your utensils while resting between bites and at the end of the meal.... stuff.  Note, when we're in public, and she has both elbows on the table, the only thing I say is..... Grandma is having a cow, right now.  We laugh and it's not a big deal, but... those elbows on the table are bugging me.

I'm continuing the OCD cleaning of bedding and countertops and pug....shhhhh..... she's comfortably napping now, so don't give away my position. 
::rubbing my paws together::..
Very soon.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 22, 2021, 01:46:34 PM
While washing mashine runs..... I was having a thought about intentions and freeing up internal space.

When I was in my early twenties and driving in Atlanta traffic daily, I knew enough to dismiss crazy drivers, ask myself what was causing them to have such a bad day, be grateful I was having a better day, then go on with my day..... no reactivity.

I did it with upsetting waitstaff and people at work.

Now, it seems like I had to learn that lesson again an again, bc the years have presented me with new challenges knocking me off my center and into fight or flight.  I had to learn about fight for flight, the biology and neurobiology behind it.....but did I?  Really?

If I'd cultivated that curiosity, the ability to ask why, instead of assigning intention, would I have skipped over all the trauma and pulling things back on track?

Something to think about going forward.... about intention in the present and how to stay on track. It would be magical to just NOT veer into fight or flight mode..... ever. And...if we did.....as a society.... would it shut down Western medicine as it is today?

Is THAT the reason we aren't teaching this stuff to our children in public schools?  We know better.  Why arent we doing better?  Teaching our children to do better?

There's a reason and I don't think I'll appreciate the answers.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 22, 2021, 03:15:11 PM
One last thought before diving back into messy mess making projects in the zone.....

I don't mind being dismissed and voiceless in my family and I'm not saying I am.... at this time.

I'm saying I DID and perhaps still DO mind being voiceless up to recent times.... WHEN......
I've been labled/scapegoated/labled and accused/assumed to be doing the opposite of what I'm actually doing/have always done.  Maybe some of the really stupid things, of youth, have been what I've carried around..... signage....I AM THAT.  I DO those things, will always make those terrrible choices, and I'm reviewing patterns right now, so........will sort that and find clarity with it soon,but there are things I certainly am not now, and have not been for a very long time.  I am not a foolish teenager, now, for instance.  Have not been and was not when I performed father's due diligence on his brain surgery, for instance.  I was mid thirties then,btw.  I'm not going into that. It appears to be sorted, but I note the lack of reactivity around it.  Whew, boy.  Thank God.  ::small happy dance::

This topic reminds me of the PDs and the people who stand around watching and enabling them.  Not sure why.

The PDs do what PDs DO.  It's fairly straightforward. One can wrap their mind around it and adjust expectations accordingly.  Find serenity in the middle of the storm, IME. 

It's the by standers/enablers/people who DO nothing,when it's absolutely their job to DO the right thing,but they don't. Particularly when they do the opposite,which is enabling, but I'm following a train of thought here.....
THOSE are the people doing more harm, IME.... as it hits me in the chest and brain and how reactive I AM...have been....around what they do or don't do is now stronger/more violent inside my being.... or so it seems.

Adjusting expectations around all human beings, PD and not PD humans..... is more complicated than adjusting expectations around PDs, who are simpler and typically very consistent, IME....one one wraps their mind around the disorder and self destructive patterns......one GETs it.  The PDs will destroy themselves and lives and children in order to destroy someone else.  It's nonsensical,. but consistently so, IME.  One can get that and accept it....KNOW it in their bones as truth.

I haven't quite wrapped my mind around the others,who honestly....might be disordered or have fleas or be manipulated in crazy stupid ways by statements meant to create knee jerk reactivity and it's not really about how smart or stupid one is, is it?

It's about windows of resilience?  Windows of tolerance?

Before one cracks?  Before we spin into reptilian brain....sans available logic/creativity/problem solving skills to hand?

And "cracking" is that...... a little crack or a through and through crack that spins people OFF into fully committed disordered behaviors or what?

I suspect it begings with a tiny crack, much of the time, with professionals in positions of authority and responsibility.  Pressure, perhaps, from clients/bosses/systems that goes a bit deeper. Tthen they're faced with what they've done and have to commit, or veer off/take responsibility/do the right thing, bc it's apparent..... people NOT under the spell outnumber them. Will hold them accuntable at some poitn and they can see the writing on the wall OR..... the people who cracked under a little pressure and now face what they've done,  make the decision to double down and  cover it up......they have to really commit to escape that truth/avoid SEEING who they are/what they've done...... and that means they paint the situation/people black and white and this is where once sees the real crazy come out. I think that's disordered....not simply human behavior, IME. 

I've seen Judges reverse themselves, even after fully committing to break laws and double down to destroy me and my children... white male Judge...... getting called on his shite, I suspect by his pregnant white 30something file clerk... but maybe not..... EVERYONE around him AND the evidence contradicted 2 of his rulings.... he actually had to reverse himself TWICE, WHICH IS not how things usually go.  BC I'm able to afford good counsel..... which I didn't have at that time really..... maybe he reversed himself without forcing me to go through the Appellate cours...... which is where people without resources and voice in this culture have to go, but can't afford it,. so maybe this was one of the first times this Judge was held accountable or held himself accountable, however unhappily he did it...... and did the right thing, even though he basically tried opposing counsel's case for THEM during the trial, with my ex white fighter pilot voicing OUT LOUD all the mistakes and rule breaking and vow taking crapped on, for the record, with the Judge chiming in he'd actually taken one more vow then my attorney stated for the record....bc the Judge was fully committed to DOING what he'd done....breaking laws, rules and vows...... he just was.  And it echoed through a divorce and custody hearings and visitation Orders....  echoed and echoed and I don't think he's a bad man.  I think he was a simple, not so bright man who was angry at the system harming minorities, if I'm truthful. I think he had good intentions and wanted to stop some of the things he did himself, and this is where one says things like......the road to hell is paved with good intentions, right?  Slppery slope and all that, right?

The human factor. He honestly believed opposing counsel. He hated me from the moment he saw me in his courtroom and stared me in eye... no he glared at me with menace as he told my STBX ASPD H "someone is going to jail if I find out what's being said is true." Now, he was referring to the assaults and threats against me, so..... it was really challenging my "windows" of resilience to have him stare me down like I was the person he intended to put into a jail cell.The person caring for small children.  Dependent, yet priviledged, but also physically at the mercy of an ASPD, which is easier to prove once harm or death occurs, then the Judge can sit around and say how he "had no idea things were as bad as that.... the truth came out of the blue" which brings me bak to feeeeeeeeling unheard to the point I honestly felt I'd told almost no one of  the facts involved, but my criminal attorny went all wide eyed and assured me I'd TOLD EVERYONE, when I stated that belief. 

How we process things.How people listen or dismiss us...hear or don't hear us.  Voicelessness is a curious thing and I assume I was voiceless in a family of big voices and self involved people.... golden chldren parents and bright siblings who cared about thngsand ghow they appeaered in the world.  Eh.... off track, here.  Back to third parties doing really bad things when it's their jobs to do the right thing, particularly when vulnerable children are at risk.

I'm thinking of the court appointed therapist doing the psych evals on my girls and the ILs....how that T didn't know the rules of the game she was playing and honestly didn't care enough to do ANY research about them...... she was SO INVESTED in doing a good job for opposing counsel... SO invested in the IL's mission....... SO convinced I was the devil and the ILs were innocent little sheep she lost sight of how she APPEARED to people NOT caught up in whatever story she bought...... she couldn't SEE how she'd appear to people invested in ONLY the facts and evidence.  She couldn't putanything ont he shelf long enough to SEE how she'd appear to the Judge who hired her or the African American business community in which they rubbed elbows..... she couldn't SEE it.  She was completely invested, caught up.... not that she really liked the PDs.... she occassionally threw them under a bus by refusing to hide certain facts in their personality tests...... not at all flatterign.... likely to be true..... FIL a likely liar hiding his truth while MIL was a vengeful person capable of terrible things partiularly if she felt she'd been wronged, which she absolutely did.   Paraphrasing, of course.

And that's the thing..... I guess it's the entire thing with politics right now too.  Once a nervous system is switched....once the parasympathetic nervous system is shut down....... people aren't rational or logical or capable of problem solving.... they don't seem to be open to the facts or evidence. They aren't willingto DO any fact checking and I'm talkingabout evryone. 

With biased Judges and worker bees in systems and police racist officers..... they can't see it, can they?  Their POV is so skewed.  The status quo is SO off.  The way things work is top down..... it's not the racist officer, IME. It's the person who hired, trained and told them how things work.  I don't understand why the system isn't dismantled and built back in a way that makes sense.... identifies the problms and addresses them...... fixes the systems. Political, legal... all of it,and now I hear my father laughing...... "You're fucking with a man's rice bowl, Lighter.... what did you expect?"

Since there are different sets of consequences for thems in power and with resources
and thems without......
 it's been a bit of a learning curve for thems with, I suppose.
 Slow and expensive and crazy making for those enduring the  leisurely stroll into consequence land for those with power.   

And, I have to say..... there have been so few consequences....NEGATIVE consequences for the powerful, once they're outed.  The scapegoats and underlings take the fall and things go on as usual till the next "consequence." 

This culture doesn't intend to hold their feet to the fire.... wouldn't know how,I suppose.  The ripples of holding the powerful accountable go allthrough the layers of society?  Is that true?  Does it have to be true to account for what's happening? 

They DO know how to hold the powerless and voiceless accountable. There are systems in place and even if they're able to escape, the system itself holds them accountable,bc it's really hard to overcome and esape.  I'm mostly talking about minorities here, not myself, thought I've had a POV not many priviledged get to see, IMO. The systems are very good at compromising thems without power. It's in place to DO just that one thing, IME and I had a few conversations IN these positions. Their court appointed attorneys had no time for them and likely felt obliged to spend under an hour brokering a deal, guilty or innocent, to plead guilty (in order to avoid being convincted) and put under the jail..... that's the threat, guilty or innocent and it HAS to be bc the system is on the brink of collapsing under all the cases,w hich MUST be settled in order to keep it from collapsing. My version of the truth, not likely how anyone else would explain it, but that's what I saw with my own eyes and hears wiht my own ears...... the madness of the voiceless and abused and trapped in jail for 2 years without actual charges being filed, bc the lady couldn't afford the bail set outside her reach.  That is nuts. That IS how things are.  She couldn't get out to formulate her defense against charges NOT yet brought against her. 2 years.

In my final court case, African American Judge and AA court appointed T held court in an all female Courtroom.... poor FIL was the only man in there at times..... all the court officers were female.  His attorney was female,my attorney was female. The cops were female and AA and the court reporter was female. The game has changed and that's what I'm saying.  It didn't take that Judge a day to release her Final Order.She GOT it, was ticked off at opposing counsel for making her cherry picked Court Ordered AA T look like a fool,which was the opposite of her intention.  She wanted more female faces,more AA expert faces in her courtroom and you know what?  Opposing counsel, after losing.... filed his Appeal BASED ON THE FACT the court appointed T didn't do her job right or at all and THIS after he'd taken her over, given her new marching orders and asked her to DO things making her appear a bufoon, like a child having a tangent in that deposition (Lord, if only I'd paid the extra to video tape it) after opposing counsel SULLIED her and defiled his position as a baby judge...... ruined that T's ability to hold her head up in her community including that Judge...... it's pretty clear that T never understood what she'd done... to my children or to herself. And THERE's the self destructive behavor of someone lashingout in a disordered fashion, not just as a human being who's been manipulated, IME.  Their willingness to destroy themselves, unable to SEE exactly through to the final consequences..... SEEING only their will and intention to do harm, which they're convinced is the work of.... of...... the side of good? 

In any case, there's the difference, IMO. The disordered behave like the disordered PDs bc sometimes the 3rd party bystanders, in ppositions of trust and authority ARE disordered themselves. Without a doubt, of course they are..... have to be, canbe.... sometimes are.

I'm just saying.....I always assumed they were "normal" people under control of the PDs. That's certainly not the case, iME. Can't be.

Things are shifting.  Consequences are something on the table....now.  That Court Appt T should have been humiliated in the courtroom,by the ruling, which I included a copy of when I sent the check for a copy of her records.  I wanted to make sure she had a fresh copy and if I didn'thighlight her humiliation I'd really be shocked.  Everything she said and did was ignored, outright,by the Judge who stated that in her FINAL ORDER.....just.... a humiliation IF you know anything about the game, or care about it.  The disordered play by their own rules and don't care about the rules mere mortals are expected to follow.  I bet she still has no idea what she did, or how she's viewed. She has enough YES men and women around her..... and you know what.... every so many years I leave a review for her.  Not bc I'm lashing out, but bc what she did is IN the light of day and I want to make sure it stays in the light of day...... there for anyone googling her name or checking out her reviews.  It's there. Refreshed and that's a public service, IMO. Sometimes it takes me hours to write and figure out how to GET TO THE PLACE where I can post the darned things....but I do it.

I think, and have seen, the PDs and manipulated powerful.....misdirected...... doing bad or illegal things or amoral or breaking rules..... often the only consequences forthem, when they;'re caught.....
them simply not gettig their way. 
Not getting away with what they were attempting to causually shove down an innocent throat, but then I'm thinking about the Distict Attorneys who hide exculpatory evidence in order to convict or force a plea so they can laugh about it at the water cooler, while waring jeans, at the office.

The assistant DA, who gave statements to the press after my aquittal that I was guilty in his opinion, is now in charge in another County somewhere.  He wasn't the sort to hide exculpatory evidence, at least not when I was in his courtroom, but maybe he's suffered enough ego violatations he's shifted that policy.  Maybe. 

The Judge who allowed him to make up stupid rules and DO very stupid things in her courtroom was removed from her courtroom and disbarred...almost held accountable in jail....but only bc she'd stepped on the wrong toes..... the DA's office in her own Courthouse.  THOSE people in positions of priviledge had a voice and recourse, somehow, not available to the rest of us mere mortals. 

There are PDs everywhere, at every level.  Unchecked and often in those positions of power, bc of their disordered behaviors, IME.

And this interests me. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 22, 2021, 03:16:30 PM

SF was my late step father.

He was overtly concerned with table manners,n ot sure why.  It seemed to be something to do with how white, affluent men did business and being a part of their club, or not being a part of their club.

He wanted us to be part of the club.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 22, 2021, 05:00:52 PM
Ok.  THIS certainly belings on the mindfulness/codependence thread..... SO  Apparent to me now.

OK.  As I was going through the motions of making myself food in the kitchen and killing the stray fruit fly I SAW it with such clarity... there it was!

Oldest DD21's refusal/inability to DO dishes..... which she's certainly done in front of me from time to time when we're on the same page and vibing.....
this thing she has for NOT feeling responsible for dishes.....
is MY think to feel responsible FOR.  I have to have the kitchen cleaned a certain way.  I make it my number one priority in daily life.  IT'S MY quirk,same with bathrooms to a certain degree and it's what my FATHER gave to me and my Brother to have in our hearts and minds.  Brother's is different than mine, but they're from the same place, IMO.

THIS, failure..... is what my DD19 has named as a failure on my part to parent.  She said I ruined her and her sister....but is typically rerring to her sister when she's talking about it.

Now, I'd been trying to see this through unjudgmental eyes when I sent a text to the AC repair guy....... about replacing parts in a fan/heater/vent unit in bathroom number 1, bc newer ducts come out the end, not the long side, like THIS unit and my contractor just put it down and told me to loook for a unit with a side vent.

I digress..... I went downstairs to take a picture of the NuTone unit that wouldn't work and walked into a very warm bathroom, bc the floor heater had been left on low, and I want to tell you...... the toilet had been left unflushed, hard to say what was in it before it was abandoned to the heat,. bc it was completely dry, but for the contents stuck to the side and the smell.

My kids are used to me having have things a certain way and I DO them....I'm the mommy one, I handle these things typically, and they don't have to.  Youngest dd has the mommy gene and "pitches in" when there's company, but I haven't prioritized her handling anything on her own, which I guess healthier parents install inside their children,.bc it's just good parenting.

This struck me like a lightening bolt...... and I had plenty of lightening going through my body as I figured out what happened down there and went about doing what had to be done to FIX it.  Lord.  I had to go to the pantry, upstairs, where someone, not me, had put much of the cleaning products (above the food products) which made the food taste like industrial chemicals in some cases and this had me wondering again.  Was this my brother? Likely, as his GF doesn''t pitch in consistently with things like this, good on'her, btw.

And...... it's not OCD to put the industrial cleaning supplies AWAY from the food stuff, IME.  My brother was raised with the same father, yet he thought this was a good idea and I'm going from one very messed up situation, I didn't understand, to another situation.

I think my brother internalized my father's cleaning OCD in ways including HIDING everything, where I like things where I can see them, so I can find and  use them when I need them.

He also wants things to look like a hotel, which is one thing my first h liked to have in his life.  He and my brother are both what I've always called persnickity, but that's unfair...... they simply clean and care about things in a way society has assumed women will always care.

I have to say, my brother won't abide purses, even ones NEVER placed on the floor, on his counters.  He won't allow sitting on his bed in street clothes, which I don't care about.  AT ALL.

And so, I'm writing this out, bc I want to have it clear in my head so a later discussion with DD21 goes the way I want it to. I was baffled IN FRONT OF HER last night and she shut down.  I don't want her shut down.  I want her to be OK and able to just talk about this stuff with me. 

I'm going to wash the pug in the newly cloroxed sink then consider a time to chat, today or tomorrow, but I want to explain what I said and why I said it and talk about both of us getting our needs met.  DD doesn't cook, you see.  She can. She won't. 

When I leave her at home, she orders out food or goes and gets here.

She didn't have a car here. There's no ordering out here.

She was trapped in the house with food she had to prepare and she's sick to death of it and doing the minimum in cleaning, which is how she operates in the kitchen.  She never touches anyone else's dirty dishes, bc she's grossed out by them, even though she lived in the woods for 70+ days and was a champ at it....she's got blind spots.  I fill them and am likely the author of some of them.

Time to talk and resolve. Not judge and assign blame.  It helps me SEE the root causes so I may better address what's happening, why and what needs to change, including my behaviors.

I'm sure DD didn't go back down stairs after a day or two when I went back home with youngest DD. She didn't know there was something IN the toilet, and we're thrifty water users..... we don't flush on number 1s until we're many many in the pot. If she DID know, she would have said something to me, like she did about the fruit flys. 

I don't SEE this as a need for mommy love.....
not enough mommy love in the world... I say it a lot.

THIS is the kids expectations and my expectations and setting new, realistic, expectations for ourselves and each other.

Yup yup yup.

And....when I went to do laundry there was a tiny load of pretty dry clean things... including my masks..... that had been left.... I DID that, expecting to return the next day at the latest, btw.  That was me.

There are things I need to tend to. Things that are mine and things that need to be my children's.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 22, 2021, 06:06:24 PM
I was looking for propery pug washing soap when I found DD drawing on her Ipad and looking ripe for conversation.

I opened with... guess how my day went.

We laughe through most of my story, but she cried when it came to mental health issues, which was so painful to watch.  I told her she isn't mentally ill... she's got work to do on coping strategies to widen her window of resilience, etc and she checked out...back into her i pad.  I took the dog and gave her a proper bath then had another light hearted chat with DD about that and the pug's handling of said bath in a sink she's never been bathed in before.  How can a 60" sink not be big enough?  I'll tell you.... there's 3 sinks and a huge drain board. The sink at home is one very large single pug washing station, that's how.

Everything smells OK now. 

I'm feeling very OK about everything right now. 

Am drinking water and eating pretty good. I left all my supplements behind when I went home, so was out of betafood for a week, I guess.   DD19 has Zypan and Ashwaghanda in her supplements, so.... not feeling too far behind.

It's interesting to SEE everything without judgment.  Again... dropping judgment, releasing expectations....... just accepting what is, then planning personal decisions around that information is good.

SEEING what's' what, without being mislead or TOLD what's what, when it contadicts everything I'm looking at...... is also so very helpful.

Releasing the need to SHOWpeople the truth, particularly those misleading and being mislead..... is a balm.  Knowing that need was present, so I could gently put it down, is balm also.

I would never have connected certain dots without connecting the basic dots first.... self care, self compassion, zero judgment, getting curious, calming myself when I lose access to frontal lobe....... coming back to myself and what's true for me.... dropping need to honor other people's truths.

I need ice water.Lots and lots of icy water, yup yup yup.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on August 22, 2021, 09:49:41 PM
Lighter, are you okay?

So much poured out of you today (I've been offline) that I was stunned when I logged back in.

It worried me some for you.


PS I don't mean it's not good to pour out here, it's excellent! I just wouldn't know where to start to say "I hear you." But I heard you. Hope the ashwagandha helps.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 23, 2021, 10:45:10 AM
Not gonna lie, Hops:

My return to the lake house was upsetting and I was upset. Over and over again. 
I'm OK. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on August 23, 2021, 12:09:35 PM
I'm glad, Lighter.

I do understand why DD21 is living at home with you, given her illness and a pandemic. But I'm wondering, do you have any sense of when she'll live on her own? I wonder if that'd reduce stress for you both.

I almost wish I had a touch of OCD, my standards are so sloppy. But I know in reality it can be tormenting. And I'd find it very hard for different reasons to be taken for granted in household cleaning responsibilities.

I imagine it's a very complicated issue, so don't dive in if this isn't the time or would be draining.

Peace and comfort,
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 23, 2021, 01:36:43 PM

I don't know what path DD19 or DD21 will travel as they head toward the door and walk through it.  DD19 has always looked forward to going away to University and living on her own. Covid put the breaks on that dream, as did the anorexia.  She continues seeing her ED T and regular T.  I wish she'd take me up on the Trauma Informed T, but won't.  It is what it is till it morphs into something, hopefully, better, but I can't control that. 

I hope DD21 will call the Trauma Informed T. 

I trust they will adult and that has to be enough right now.

About providing maid service to ungrateful young adults......it's not ideal, but requires effort on all our parts to shift it, IMO.  I can't always have it done MY way in MY timeframe.  I CAN ask things get done, their way in a timely fashion.  That's still to be determined. 

I was talking to youngest dd about how yesterday went..... talking about coping strategies and windows of resilience.... how I didn't teach them, bc I didn't know better, but they can learn now.

DD19 said...
"That's OK, Mom...... sister and I have food."

I didn't laugh at her joke. She'd found the darkness and made a funny. 

She uses humor, just like I do, and I see how sometimes it's not appreciated.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 23, 2021, 05:41:13 PM
I couldnt believe how much better it got when they moved out, Lighter! The stuff they pulled when they were home (even as full grown adults) got worked out real fast when there was no one else to clean up the mess they made. A couple of them had a day of reckoning with a roommate.   I KNOW those days of reckoning will take place.  I cringe when I think about it, but lean into it, CB.

I'm living with my son now--he isnt living with me, we are roommates. So I cant be parental about stuff and sometimes it makes me crazy. But I know the days are numbered. Some of what I get bent out of shape about are the things that I do to keep myself less anxious. I cant control someone else's behavior so I blame them for my anxiety. It will be interesting to see what I'm like when I'm in my own place for the first time. It's coming up!  Ya.  I know some of my anxiety is MY stuff.  Sharing space should have morphed into the girls going off to University with roomates.  In the meantime, I have a burning desire to communicate simply, identify problems and focus on solutions.

I think we're used to operating in a boundary impaired society, with imperfect boundaries in place and we're dealing with our more or less regulated emotions..... control dramas...... and I'm feeling pretty sick to death about going over those same dramas without resolving them and moving on to something new.

I get the underlying anxiety about your daughters and their mental health issues. I'm there. It almost feels impossible to picture them managing without you--you cant let go, but you know the natural progression of things is that you will. I have laid awake nights wondering if mine will take their meds when I'm not there (as I'm sure you wonder about yours and food). I've stared a lot of possible outcomes in the face and its daunting. What I know is that I was a hugely stabilizing force for as long as they needed me to be. We are all entering a new stage.   I think we're entering new stages, ready or not.  I try not to look down the road..... it's not productive.

Yours is coming too. I know this is crazy making--esp as you keep trying to have a conversation that will hopefully make them "get it". I love your daughter's humor. My kids pull this on me too--it really is funny but its NOT. Dammit. I have come to grips with the fact that they all roll their eyes at me behind my back.
I've thought about dropping oldest dd21 back at the house with the dog, but youngest dd19 is super angry at DD21's refusal to do basic chores and pitch in.  She's been angry for a very long time.  It boils over which makes me really uncomfortable. Sometimes they get along fine.   I avoid the conflict, when possible.  Dropping the girls off at home, and comingback to the lake to work sounds really good to me....I long to do that, honestly. 

Now, that said..maybe DD19's anger is necessary, in our family dynamic, bc I've been SO allergic to conflict?  Maybe DD19's anger has a function in our family dynamics and I should stop judging it good or bad.... just experience it and allow her to have it without trying to calm or placate her.  Maybe?

And I'm learning to manage my emotions..... consistently.

I do believe I suffer bc I hold unrealistic expectations for how my daughters and I get along and how things are in our extended family.   Keeping my eye on all the moving balls is confusion and frustrating.  What I want to do is pare the dynamics down into their simple parts and KNOW them without confusion.  I feel there are too many moving parts right now, but mostly around my children.  I'm still discovering dots and learning about all the available choices.....and there's still choices popping up. 

I'm so ready to address causes, discuss them and resolve them without getting caught up in reactivity. Mine and other people's reactivity... stuff.  And I know I don't have all the answers, but..... I get to feel Ok about the things keeping me level... bringing me back to level.

I guess I have to make peace with weilding my own power, setting boundaries and eforcing them like a mother bear protecting cubs.  Even when people consciously or otherwise confuse and upset me about what's really happening.  And that's my stuff...... to notice when I'm being gaslit and sabotaged. 

Is THIS about my needing to be liked and agreed with?  LORD, why do I have to learn the same lessons from 10 different directions without SEEING it's the same old lesson, I just haven't figured that one thing out. Yet?

I'm dropping DD21 off and keeping the Pug. 

I guess that's IF DD21 wants to go.


I want to get barefoot and paint things. The cabinets, mantles and master vanity..... and walls in Robin's Egg Blue.
Thanks for the input, CB. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 23, 2021, 05:42:56 PM

This kind of navel gazing is always Always tied to me faffing about with acceptance.

What IS it I need to accept here? What can I change?

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 24, 2021, 10:13:50 AM

noticing which reactions are attached to so many problematic habits in my life.

Seeing an one emotional reaction come up in so many places..... particularly today's the stomach flip when I neeeeed others to understand, get, assimilate something I feel everyone should get/would benefit from.....and it's happening all day for me, undercurrents of it, anyway.  I don't really need that. I don't believe I can achieve that, but the stomach flip is my default, I realize.

Once I peg it down, so many "problems" will become something else for me.  I can see them and respond without the stomach flip and reacitivity.  It will be a matter of managing then quieting then silencing that pattern,IMO.  Maybe can work with the T about that next time I see her and that's making so much sense for me. 

It's impossible to notice these things when in the middle of crisis, 3 ring circus, bossy boots people barking orders and demans and sometimes ultimatums.... which isn't IN my life right now, but used to be pretty constant. I think it felt a bit like home, really, which is why it happened so often.  I invited it in OR allowed it in when bossy, controlling people identified someone who made them feel like home. 

I'm not saying I'm done with that.  I'm saying I want to be fully cognizant and awake so I spot it, am able to be responsive and deal with it calmly..... zero stomach flips, just seeing everything as it is. 

That seems like something tapping me on the shoulder, requiring attention and I'm so relieved to write it out.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 24, 2021, 11:19:21 AM
Having started life as a single egg, dividing into two eggs with sister being the dominant twin AND both parents having been GC.... it's not difficult to see how I became someone who views others and  their needs as important as my own.  It's like moving INSIDE my body and seeing myself first, for the first time....instead of viewing myself through the lenses of other people..... FOO, children..... those who had power and judged me, which was new, bc I wasn't a minority, I wasn't a very vulnerable member of society until I was.  To cut that train of thought short...... "How much justice can you afford?" was the only true saying in the legal system, IME.
"Innocent till proven guilty" and "In the best interest of the children" are complete farce,IME.  The court officers are jaded and bitter and know it, even though they say it over and over and over. 

And I understood FOG.... fear, obligation and guilt.  I simply couldn't see myself standing in it, bc it was so much easier to see how it affected other people..... harder to see myself in it, sometimes impossible,bc what would it MEAN?  Just an overwhelming concept to really look at hard, IME.

Now that I've nailed that down, reasonably well, I hope it's like cleaning a kitchen.  I can do other things now.  Cleaning the rest of the house...my internal house, physical house.....


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 24, 2021, 11:21:16 AM
Couple observations - and realize I might have misunderstood -

Someone else's anger only requires you to acknowledge it; let them know they're heard; and hold that space while they vent about it compassionately. No reaction; no response needed. Not at that time. No matter how crystal clear a solution is for you. They have to own their anger and learn how to manage it themselves - they already have the tools and are capable of making informed choices. Later, when they're not IN the anger is the time to discuss further and analyze... and maybe solve in the future.

Your girls both sound pretty mature for their age. It's time for you to gradually start moving out of the old role of guiding & protecting (even from their own adjustments to life after trauma) and let them learn to manage it themselves. This gives you the space & time to make your own choices and changes into post-active mothering. You can "retire" from that... and explore ways to finally move into a more "friends, with a long history" mode. Even with them living in the same house.

From experience, I can tell you that it'll be a process of a lot of trial, and there will be a lot of error on both your parts. But if everyone is committed to working through it to a new comfort zone of balance - new boundaries on who is responsible for what, finding their solutions and paths, taking their own risks... it will (in the long run) prove to be one of the most worthwhile "projects" you can develop and maintain.

You're doing OK in this so far. So let yourself off the hook for being responsible for ALL the heavy lifting, OK? I just got a pointed reminder from Hol about that same thing... that I was doing to myself. No, I didn't want to hear it. Instantlly disagreed (internally) and then when I heard her out, realized she was right. When I can admit that, I can sense and even SEE her confidence level increase. Not that she is lacking much confidence; but she does second-guess and look at things from all angles before tentatively choosing.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 25, 2021, 12:35:50 PM

I think my girls are very mature....... but maybe being around me undoes some of that?  Old competitive patterns for my attention pop up.  IF I'm on the phone oldest dd21 WILL require a chat and attention, for sure.  Even though she doesn't want to speak at all for days.....she'll want to then.

Anyhoo.... thanks for the vote of support.

Update on DD21..... she's no longer giving me the cold shoulder or weepy.  She woke me up this mornin by dumping baby girl pup in next to me, which is typically an honor in our family to receive deine pug.  Once we laughed and loved at the dog together, DD21 mentioned all the lovely chopped and prepared meats and veg in the fridge I wanted to cook, but couldn't bc.... just feeling demoralized working hard on a meal only to have DD21 snub entirely.

I've been making OK food choices for myself, but cooking spicy chili crisp pork or chicken stir fry, lots,, would kill my soul to watch not get easten.

So, this morning DD21 mentions the beautiful food ready to go and asks me to cook with her.  THIS is happiness and balm to my soul. 

As we move through the process.... she found the recipe online, as she always does for me, I began frying up pork.  DD21 handled the rice noodles and got the veggies going.... she was very hungry.  I adore sharing the experience with her, bc food's been traumatizing for us both...... I just had to let it go long enough, completely enough, that she stopped associating the trauma with me....I guess.

And I let her know I'm not bossing her....I simply work well with others and enjoy collaborating, so don't take it as being bossed.  I'm just enjoying fellowship with her and she said "I know, Mom."  I wanted to sob with joy..... and then it got BETTER!

As we were eating DD began talking about cultivating mushrooms.  Indoors, outdoors, what shrooms like dead things and which live in symbiosis with live trees and the different mushrooms and how we're IN the Piedmont, perfect for cultivating them at the lake or the house and her eyes were bright and I just let her lead....... asked questions....... looked up things.  We've both found mushrooms in our yard and the woods at home..... we're going to try cooking the blue ones when we get back home.  DD has always loved mushrooms, but she's apparently been researching how to cultivate them.  We discussed small and larger scale farming..... perhaps raising rabbits for meat..... but it's not really interesting her at this point and that's OK.  Open lines of communication are everything right now.  Her exploring and finding passions, perhaps to study..... is everything.  She talked about microbiology and perhaps studying that field..... possibly.  I'm just glad she's exploring. 

DD is showering and changing into hot weather clothes to go foraging on this property....... and I'm so very happy!

The Phillipino Dad came by to pick up his mail yesterday and we had a nice chat.  We get along very well. He was shocked at the changes in the house.  I was happy to show him where I would never consider inviting his wife in..... I don't like her. I don't enjoy her presense.  I always feel like I'm being duped and condescended to.... just the way it is and I don't have to do that anymore.  Never did, but my sibs were doing it...... wanted me to keep the peace and so I did.  The Phillipinos are in great shape and I'm truly happy for them. Will get the tractor out and help remove the posts and load them..... but I'm not engaging in the silliness.

I never had to do it and I'm not doing it any longer...
 WHEW, that feels amazing to practice boundaries and not obsess over it, just DO it then put

Whoop whoop.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 26, 2021, 07:38:37 PM
DD19 and I foraged for mushrooms till we were pink faced and overheated..... finding 20 varieties of mushrooms was worth the time.

She's cooking with me, helped me replace the failing plastic kitchen shelf pegs today and clear out the cabinets.

It's almost like a weight was lifted off our relationship.

I hope it lasts.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on August 26, 2021, 11:13:05 PM
These aren't as good as what you're doing, but they're FUN.

North Spore mushroom kits on Amazon.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 28, 2021, 03:11:42 PM
I'm plodding contentedly through multi tasking hours..... watching a gel stain video (cross fingers is a solution) as I brillo off 30 years of burned on much from a 80 year old baking pan my Grandmother used to back with.

I like the tin cake pans..... they're unwarped and sturdy.... remind me of my Grandmother's farm kitchen and maybe I can ;hang some of them for use.... perhaps they'll be beautiful.  TBD.

I noticed I get sideways every time I put SHOULDS in place or honor someone elses priorities over my own.  It's always a mistake.  Always leads to what is, by now, a tediously confusing trek around a block I'm ready to leave behind.

I'm so happy when I'm in the zone and the zone always includes one thing.....
it's always ME engaged happily in things I've chosen and have prioritized. 

I don't have to go round and rouind about NOT prioritizing other people or what they want or need or say they need.

I can skip ahead to the 51% rule and get on with it. Whatever it is.  The rule remain the same, basically..... I think.

Accepting I'm worthy of 51% factors in as well as old patterns swirling around and reactivity I can't or didn't see coming.  Sometimes I get knocked sideways and I'll recognize why sooner, recover sooner, forgive myself for it sooner..... yup yup yup.

If I continue expanding my 2 or 3 second delay, before reacting..... I'll consistently expand choice and truly get on to the next phase, IMO.  Not that I'll leave phass behind.... they'll simply help me move through and on to what comes next. I'm curious about what comes next.

In the meantime...... gel stains, figuring out where the Contractor went (his tool trailer is still here and he said he'll be bak after finishing the elderly ladie's deck) editing, curating and dealing with all the kitchen/family stuff...... there will be a downstairs kitchen here, so can start boxes for those things too.  All these projects going at once are overwhelming for me, bc organization isn't a strength, particularly when dealing with THINGS I have emotional attachments to.

My garage at home is half full of things I've schlepped from the farm...... just all kinds of things I'm not sure what to do with yet.

And... I'm just carrying on with each thing in front of me.  Tryng to find the joy, as I did while cleaning the cake pan....... I noticed I was frustrated over Dad's caretaker basically giving up caring for the house the way she did..... after Dad's surgery. 

And things get sticky here, bc I don't want to waste time with that or feel frustrated any longer over 25 year old history.... but I'm dealing with the fallout.... have always dealt with fallout from those particular decisions, bc I was the only one aware of the factors, standing up to point them out, DOING the work, bc it needed to be done and ya...... we're talking about adults, but we're talking about HUGE impacts on MY lifem, my days, my hours and minutes.

And letting it go will be a balm.  Not picking it back up will be trick after trick after trick till it's a new pathway.... easier to travel than not.

how did we get here?!

where will I go from here?!

The grass is green
The sky is blue.

Mistakes were made.
Always will be.

Now what?


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 28, 2021, 05:55:06 PM

When my Step Father told me it was time to put on make up and date again..... 2009, it was......I told him I wanted to use my energy for myself.  He was puzzled by my response.

At that time.... it wasn't an option to entertain dating/marriage.   I wasn't in a psoition to do anything but put one foot in front of another and keep going with my children. 

In 2013 a Criminal Forensic Psych, acting as expert witness in my custody case, asked if I'd dated the 5 years since my husband's death.  She was so relieved the answer was NO, bc she was looking down the road, picturing a controlling lying liar testifying against me and she didn't want to go up aainst that too.

Nope nope nope. 

It's been a choice for a while now and I completely understand.

I'm so enjoying being with my DD21 right now.  Things are really good.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 28, 2021, 07:20:12 PM

I've texted with the friend I was trying to help with her health problems..... the one at the Nutritional Response Practitioner appointment..... yelling "She's a fucking bitch!" 
That one.

I asked if her eyeglasses were fitted and the right prescription, bc she was afraid they were the wrong Rx BEFORE having them fitted to her face.  I don't know what she did or didn't do. I'm trying to follow up and get that handled for her, bc she got the glasses from DD's old work place.  We'd make everything right for her as quick as could be managed.

What I know is her mother had surgery and my friend has listed that as reason not to be in touch with me.... and it's tugging at my brain, bc I think I used to be THAT person who put off my basic needs in order to help people who didn't do their own work, take care of their own health or be a part of solutions.... they created problems, over and over. 

And my friend might be one of the people creating problems.... for herself... for me.  Maybe she took care of her mother, in the past,  at the expense of her children...... I remember when friend took her mother in and cared for her only to come home one day and find her mother gone, along with all the toilet paper and paper towels in the house.  Her mother wasn't in her life for the majority of her childhood, btw.

It was such a dick move on her mother's part to steal stuff and run out without saying goodbye or thank you or anything and her mother houses druggy half sibs.....my friend adopted one of those half sib's babies from the hospital.  Has shouldered more than her fair share of family burdens and still..... she continues with the pattern of stepping up, bc she's typically the only one who does.  Maybe the others don't bc they know she will?

Maybe they just aren't the kind to know how or identify when they should...maybe they don't understand they could or should OR....
maybe they have better boundaries?  One of her 2 sisters was supposed to adopt the child my friend took, bc ut backed out at the last minute and left the baby in the hospital without a plan. That sister went ahead and adopted another child, so it wasn't about not being ready, etc.  They had no children.  My friend had raised 3 children with an abusive N who dragged her though years of good'ol boy courtrooms, just beating the crap out of her there and behind closed doors, before she got away from him and I really wanted to give her the hand her family never could or would.  Once my friend left her abusive hushand with her 2 young children, and her family sent her back to him....he raped her and she got pregnant a third time.  For Pete's sake.... some people just suffer and suffer and she's one of those, but I'm paying very close attention to this.....and......

I'm not so sure putting her own care on the back burner, in order to BE there for her mother at this time..... is the right choice. I'm not claiming I know, but it feels so familiar to me.... and such a boundary transgression at the same time..... one she's invited, like I did when my father didn't do his own due diligence regarding surgery. 

He didn't pay attention when I did.  I wasted my time and all I got was this stinking t shirt with "I was right, again" on it....and he did what he was gonna do, despite the time and energy I spent.  I felt kicked in the teeth, in fact.

I didn't feel any better. I felt worse, in fact for going out of my way....steering myself out of my own lane, so to speak.

And I feel like my friend has done the same for her mother, again and again with nothing positive to show for it.  One kick in the teeth after another and if we get kicked in the teeth.... again and again.... at some point it's our refusal to move, refusal to stop baring our teeth and making them available.... right?

That flipped my stomach, bc I'm positive our identities are tied up, to lesser or greater degrees, in caretaker/helping.....and...... we have to find our edges.  Find them, harden them and defend them, IMO.

On a happier note, another friend...we'll call her Mama K, is more or less back in my life after being absent for many reasons for many years.

She's experienced devastation after devastation and overcome everything..... just a really tough cookie..... an Amazon for sure.  My other friend is tough too... an Amazon BUT she can't see her edges.  She's more deeply mired..... her boundaries have always been very blurred..... never hard and she's always taking in strays she can't afford to care for....... I'm sorry to say I believe her mother is in that category.  She has less choice in her life.... is how it appears TO me.

::asking self if I feel bad about that statement about friend's mother:.


That friend doesn't give up hope, even when people have shown her who they are over and over and over and I don't want to be a person repeating patterns, without end, even wen I have enough infomation to KNOW what's what, kwim?  I want to learn and grow and most of all accept what's true.

So, Mama K has had surgery on 2 vertebrae recently, needs another surgery on a third, is up and going to horse shows and meetings with her just graduated from hs dd............working full time, dealing majestically with the loss of her son 13 years ago and loss of her dh 13mo ago to cancer.... she just keeps going and making choices that move her and her youngest dd ahead in the world.  She lost a grandson.... suffered terrible childhood abuse at the hands of her sister and neighbood boys who harmed her over a period of years.... and she's just so authentic and down to earth and funny and able to find the darkness and laugh so she remains sane, but it does come and go and she sees it...can talk about it.  Go back to making good and better choices.  Practiing self control.

Is that it?  Is it more or less posessing self control?  The ability to put off gratification?  Not so much about intelligence, but about habits, boundaries and resilience?

Both friends suffered at the hands of an abusive sister.  Both divorced abusive men.  Both had 3 children in their first marriages then a baby later in life.... after the older children were born, but they're still so different.

They both have health issues.

Oh dear. Am I spending time on comparisons?  And if I am...... is there a good reason?  Is there ever a good reason to compare people?

I know this.... I hope I never abandon myself in order to support someone who won't take care of themself or do the minimum self care, bc I keep doing it for them.  Esp bc I keep doing it for them!

::looking at that statement and how it applies to my father and his caretaker.... my FOO in general::.

My Moss friend says she can picture my life if I were taking care of my own business and not everyone elses.  Her words. Not mine.  It was sobering to see myself through the eyes of someone outside my FOO and general circle. 

AM I that friend..... am I the friend who doesn't do basic self care before helping others.  Have I always NOT put my own oxygen mask on first and if that's true.... why?  Does it matter? 

I think changing patterns and putting the damned mask on myself first, consistently, is enough.

In the meantime.... Mama K has been gl/s/d free for 2 months in an effort to deal with the inflammation she's suffering with the spinal surgery.  It seems so smart to me and she doesn't want pain pills.... she wants to change her habits, make better choices and get herself feeling better.  All the trust we lost and all the time.... we're making up for it all, joyfully, and it's so good, guys.

mama K's  GP asked her what she really wants to do and she said she wants to set a date to go to the Cottage with me.... not next winter, but the one after that and BE HAPPY, having taken good care of herself, dropped weight she intends to lose for her health, dealt with inflammation at the cause and simplified her life, which isn't simple now, bc.....
bc someone drew unemployment benefits fraudulently under her name while her husband was dying and sometimes really dreadful things happen to some people more often than others, but not bc of their choices..... so many moving parts.  Always has been for her.  Always. 

Sometimes it's just the monkey typing...... the grass is green, the sky is blue.  Things sometimes happen to some people, even if they aren't making sad choices..... but in spite of very good choices things happen again and again.... to some people.  It's a thing. This is known.

The last time I spoke to Mama K..... when we were very close friends in 2008... her H was an arse and they were on the verge of divorce and in the time we weren't speaking....... Mama K somehow raised her husband, as she puts it, and he became a man and they fell in love all over again, then cancer came and took him away.  After all that. 

And this husband....this husband lost a leg in an accident before he met her and fathered a child with a married woman who's likely an ASPD and that son did his best to kill Mama K and dh's same age dd from the moment the little guy could walk.  At a point Mama K got custody of him, bc his mother was into drugs and there was bad abuse in the home and that made RAD dx possible, which lead to mama K being stabbed by this child.... when he was about 7yo...... and so many terrible stories later this boy was placed into a home for troubled children and mama K didn't have to lock her dd in every night to keep her safe.... or herself.... what kind of luck is that? Is it a pattern?  Did Mama K ask for all that trouble? Who could SEE that coming, even with the complication of a married woman being pregnant with her intended's baby at the same time SHE was newly married and pregnant..... who would SEE that coming? 

And that boy and his mother are in the world.....
the grass is green, the sky is blue.
In the dating pool.  Hopefully medicated.  Just very dangerous people and I have to wonder....
SO much tragedy, so many complications and trouble....... how could she know? 

I guess it's possible some unconscious part of her knew things would get this darned dangerous and messy?  SO not sure about that.

Mama K stepped up.  Tried to help that child, even though he was a menace and disturbed... poor thing...he was dangerous every single day he was in her home, made false accusations against her...... was sneaky every day trying to molest or kill his little half sib sister, tried to scratch and blind her while she was driving at high speeds on the highway, bc his mother poisoned his mind against her and her dd AND abused him in her unstable home with older disordered children and men in and out and here I am.... contemplating that which is not mine to contemplate, but it seems relevant to MY life in that......I want to make sense of my chioces and patterns and current situation...... where I'm heading. What I've left behind... the choices Ill make going forward. 

Mama K has always been a growing person.  Always risen above.  So has my other friend, but...... she it's always 2 steps forward, one step back.... never 3 steps forward..... never not taking steps back, not able to overcome..... unable to overcome heartbreak and ties to a family unable to do better.....and so it seems she remains there... with them...... unable to grow beyond them.... I think.

So much potential, but never moving past those ties.  Enmeshed. Codependent.  Tied up in patterns she can't identify and therefore can't change.

I guess.

I had a lovely chat with my brother today.  It seems my father's caretaker is asking to stay with him for a while.

Now.... my brother offered to take her in to live with him.  She said NO.... she was staying with her dd. 

I'm thinking about this.... brother had to take a call.... I didn't give him an opinion,but I'm thinking about that right now.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 28, 2021, 07:53:24 PM
I nailed down the paint brands, colors, 2 gel stain colors and sealing products I want to use on the very large kitchen project at the lake. Will approach it like 3 different projects with 3 different finishes.... not matchy matchy.  Distressing existing majority of the golden oak cabinets then adding a coat of black gel stain, sealing that, sanding, then adding a brown coat of gel stain, sealing, sanding then adding at least 2 coats of water based sealer over that with sanding in between coats. Maybe a third coat of sealer.... depends. I'd like to do it without removing the doors and drawers.  Will see.  I love this kind of work.

And...... the bar will get painted charcoal black/gray..... tiny bit of distressing. Almost none.  The better job I do, the less distressing called for, uh huh. 

The center island will be painted black then distressed to show quite a bit of the stained wood beneath to bridge between the distressed stained cabinets and the painted black island.

I posted this here, bc......
I'm considering the question Hops posed to me about why I'm doing this work at the lake house. 

I'm a tiny bit afraid to really look at the answers.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 29, 2021, 11:26:54 AM

I've been jotting down thoughts I have while busy around the house so I can come back and touch base.  I stopped editing and spell checking, so I'm sure some of my posts make no sense.  The running stream of consciousness is what it is.  I benefit from getting it OUT of my head, even though I know it's just slapped there.

After sleeping on it, I realize my friend,making choices NOT in her best interest, might be choosing to let life go.  She talked about making that choice a few months ago.  That's upsetting for me. I experience upset when I'm resisting acceptance, esp that kind of acceptance, bc I care about her.  I so wanted her to turn things around.... .  I don't know if she can, but I have to step back and lean into acceptance, whatever she chooses.

My other friend, Mama K, is doing so well..... just an uplifting update from her and I realize how badly I've missed her over the years.  I'm afraid I'm not half as strong as her and it scares me a little.  It's OK if I'm not superwoman and I have to accept that.  It's OK if she has the internal fortitude of 2 superwomen. 

Yesterday it struck me..... the codependence my depessed frriend exhibits is something I've struggled with too.  It hit me...maybe I'm still repeating those patterns,likely am,but I'm doing pretty good with new patterns and noticing old ones.  I just blurted that anxiety out on the board.....that's what it was.

I do still worry worry worry worry until I get my breathing under control, do what I can, then put the story on the shelf..... get back to what I'm doing.... find my joy.  I'm still building those pathways in herky jerky fashion.   

Right now I'm getting along really well with oldest dd 21.  She's singing in the kitchen with me, swaying to the music with me.... cooking with me and engaging me in a relaxed manner that does inspire energetic happiness for me.  I have waves of creativity.  I have waves of worry.  I'm trying to figure out how to find my level and spend more and more time there.

I guess I don't expect you guys to read everything I write here... esp the long stuff I've written as touchstone to myself. Bless you for attempting and thank you for your concern.

Duly noted.  I hear you.


I'm OK. 
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on August 29, 2021, 12:14:18 PM
I was worried too, Lighter.
So much anxiety was upwelling and surging that it felt a bit scary.

I'm glad it's just free-association in a safe journal space for you.

You are going very very fast in many directions, but as long as
you are able to connect with yourself too (as you do so intensely
with others), at a peaceful inner place...you won't get flung off the ride.

Stay well, and when you lose your balance, know that wobbling guides
us back to gravity.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 29, 2021, 01:21:53 PM
Lighter - Holly's brain does what your's is doing in those long posts. It comes in cycles - right now she's not THAT full of similar stuff. She says she's intentionally trying to slow down & simplify. She finds she has deeper, better insights without so much frantic clutter in her head & feelings. The nightmares lessen; the sleep paralysis goes into remission.

If I may be blunt? I'll try to be brief & succinct (ha!) too. If you ain't ready - just click away now. I don't mind.

You seem to be guilty of "productive procrastination" - this quirk in behavior seems to have gotten more attention since Covid, but it's always been around. You are creatively overloading your to-do list to avoid facing something or sitting with your own truths. Accepting some of them. It's OK, as long as you are aware you're doing so - and perhaps know what you're avoiding and why; making plans to begin dealing with it and putting it on the list too.

You seem to worry about friends and acquaintances at a microscopic level of intimacy that perhaps doesn't exist except in your own thoughts? So, question: how is this helping your friend(s)? Do you genuinely want to step up and take responsibility in this fashion -- or set a boundary about how much time/energy you're spending on people who are "not Lighter"?

Do those people expect others to worry about them in that fashion - or just you, because you've already demonstrated your willingness to don the cape and put them or their lives in order? (You can still CARE to your heart's content without doing all the extra, ya know.)

As for the invocation of your own past life reflected in theirs, yeah. The past comes up; from time to time. Once upon a time you, I, others - have mined a lot of treasure out of our pasts. But at this point in the process, is it really worth the time/energy to make sure we didn't miss some little thing? True, we don't know the value of what we haven't looked for yet... but there isn't any guarantee there's anything left to find, without making it our life's purpose.

I find myself more sitting with those lessons (treasure) already discovered. Just honoring the moment in time in all it's infamous glory -- without reliving it, without asking the same questions AGAIN (and getting the same old answers) -- and then just letting them go and turning my face to the green grass and blue sky. None of us know how long we have to live in the NOW. It works for me to stop trying to pick flies out of pepper and make the attempt to LIVE LIFE now, going forward... sans having to have every detail of where I've been, how I reacted, what I overcame, the natural molding of me (steps 1 thru infinity) of the 64 years I've been in this realm of existence.... mapped out into some cause & effect chart of explanatory autobiography.

But THAT'S ME; and what works for me. And I only suggest you might just stop for a few days - a week? - and devote that time to an objective analysis of what you've been expressing. The world won't come to a complete standstill or collapse if you take time off for YOU. Eat, sleep, pet the moss, identify (safely) edible mushrooms... and ask yourself what you really want, now that you're at the precipice of the girls embarking on their own lives & challenges. What is in Lighter's secretest, happiest space of being, that you have been too busy putting feet in front of each other to explore, do & be?

Be well, dear. Take care of ALL of you.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 29, 2021, 02:25:16 PM
As I plan out closets..... I realize I'm re solving problems I solved months ago....what mattresses go on the fold away beds, etc.  What bedding's been sorted and now lives in piles on racks under tarps so I have no visual reference when it crosses my mind and so it goes.

There are 2 other issues I've noticed.  Sometimes I slip back into working to the beat of other people's agendas, or what I perceive to be their agendas.  That's a terrible way to work.... no serenity there.  No joy.  I'm learning to go back to myself and find the zone again and again.  Just noticing it happen. 

The second thing is WHY I'm putting all the time and effort into this house and it breaks down into 2 parts.
1.  I'm going through the process I learned at the Portfolio Center..... brain storm for hours (to get all the "stupid" ideas out of my head.)  Select the best of them.  Continue researching and pushing the ideas forward till there's a clear winner, or two, then push those forward, for as many hours as it takes to get to the highest possible version of the project... in this case, while spending the least amount of money I can manage.  It's a process leading to good outcomes, IME.  Sure, I could go to work, but being available for the girls, getting DD19 in a healthier mental and physical space is a priority that won't last forever. There will be a time to go and do and focus on what's mine exclusively, bc adult kids will be focused on what's theirs.

2.  The WHY of the decision to take this on.... is..... partially to do witih the fact I was spending time here every week for other easons.
 I found a really great contractor I work well with.  My sister and I had bought and delivered large items so the projects could roll along at a good clip without rushing around spending retail in a pinch to keep the ball rolling.  Things were perched to begin and progress and it's been tremendously sastisfying to be a part of.

 Creating lovely, good smelling space, for myself and family/children is....... feels..... really necessary, which isn't to say it's healthy and necessary, in my experience.  I'm pretty sure it's not reactivity or compulsivity. 

I haven't thought about the tiny home fabrication business lately.  I still think it would be a possibility with the Contractor and his 2 sons who weld.  Seems well matched and neither of us are greedy or sneaksy people.  We want the other to be OK, treated fairly.  I don't see any reason not to put time into researching that opportunity.  Time and effort will tell. 

I'm cool with working on this house, just as I was with the island cottage, bc I'm the one in the best position to do so.  I like doing it.  I'm good at it. It's part my responsibility and if not me... who? 

I can put systems in place to get more organized, though it's likely I need help doing that, bc..... I usually make things much worse, not better, with my larger efforts at it. 

And that's OK.  Oldest DD has stepped up with her logical brain and pitched in more and more. 

I work on acceptance, remembering I need ONLY my approval..... releasing judgment and expectation...... embracing curiosity..... and it's daily.....hourly.  Being kind to myself, without fail. 

Noticing when I've strayed off the path and steering back on..... just getting back to it while remembering it all.... and some is easier than others. Some I forget.... just poof.  Lots to balance and keep in focus.

Learning to bounce up and over everything...to rise above consistently without grabbing on to anything,but joyful engagement.... learning to bouce back into  better habits..... is just the way things are right now.  Not bad or good, just the general state of things for me. 

And then I remember...... I want to put more energy into cultivating a closer bond with my brother and his children.... as I can.  There are other things, of course, but it's all the same, isn't it?  Learning to strike a balance until it's the new default setting.  Getting back to it when I wonder off the trail.  The grass is green, the sky is blue.... I wonder onto and off the trail.  Everyone does.  It's OK.

The energy I put into installing and building new pathways is energy well spent. Always.

It gets easier to get my nose off the pebbles.  Instead of going round and round, thinking about a particular problem.... I realize it's just another COW.... crisis of the week.  It doesn't matter what the COW is.

I'm at the point where I'm finally getting enough distance I can spot the COW, getting my nose off the pebble more quickly. It's such a relief to notice I've spotted it again, maybe more quickly.  Maybe I'll look to identify it as COW right off the bat, next time?

I could surrender to feelings of shame and frustration it's taking as much time as it will take.... it's an investment taking my attention away from other things (I used to spend alllll my time on, but now I'm on the list,  I don't.) I spent a lot of time feeling really bad about NOTgetting all this immediately and without practice.

I'll remind myself now......
it takes as much time as it takes and it's OK, whatever it takes.

:: going to tackle a cleaning project, bc it's important TO ME, right now::.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 29, 2021, 05:19:12 PM

Thank you for your thoughtful respose.  Truly.

I keep coming back to the meat of things.

Noticing when I'm in my own way.
Managing to move myself out of my way without too much trouble finding the thread again.  Sometimes it's harder than others.  It's not the particular pebble or COW that's the problem. It's the way I perceive it..... how well I stick to new habits, under duress or how long it takes to remember them. 

Lord, some pebbles are so very shiny and mesmerizing, they are!

Getting back to center more quickly is a measure of subsiding reactivity, IME.  I'm getting better at remembering the answers are internal.....never to be found outside myself.

 It;s about coming back home, to myself, and finding the pebble is just another COW (crisis of the week.)  Seems simple from here, but it's not consistently evident or easy to remember,  IME. 

You give the same advice as the Nutritional REsponse Practitioner, btw.  To stop stacking my to do list..... to get back to self care for a while.

About my friends..... the relationships have been reciprocal.  There have been times I was struggling hard, as you can imagine over the years.  Both friends were there, supporting my mental health and mission.  Hard.  It's been reciprocal, complicated recently by their failing or struggling health issues as my health holds steady.

I'll have to check myself.  Are we still in reciprocal relationship?  At THIS time? After the long break?

It's reciprocal, despite Mama K losing a child, a husband, access to her accounts and normal use of her fused vertebrae.....she's like the other friend...and my Moss friend.  They're all wearing their co dependent capes, I suppose. 

While I write this my right knee has begun to throb.  It's the one with the ACL replacement.  It never hurts, normally, btw.  As I focus on it, the pain dissapears. 

Stretching and getting out..... walking with the pug is paying off.  Physical exertion doesn't put my back out recently.

About the productive procrastination...... I've come to see it as more....about my picking up my list of priorities or the imagined lists of others.  Listening to myself vs latching on to the SHOULDS.  Being lead by one or the other is the difference between energy and being in the zone and procrastination, IME, but I'll read your post a time or two again.

Thanks for getting on with what you had to say, and not faffing about.  It's appreciated.

PS  I had to completely withdraw from mama K during my divorce  in 2008 and especially during the criminal trials.  I didn't know if I could trust her, bc ASPD was talking to her every day.  I think she was trying to broker peace, but ASPD managed to make me doubt her and then she had cancer.... and I couldn't take on anymore than I carried myself.  My cape was absolutely threadbare, truthfully.

We spoke briefly when her son committed suicide, but I veered off, bc of my own trauma.  I wasn't strong enough, again, to help her shoulder that pain, bc my codependence meant I took on the pain with her. I couldn't stand outside it and be responsive.  I was reactive and didn't understand it.  It was what it was.   It was too much to for me to shoulder.  I'm not always seeking out broken people to fix and buck up, Amber. 

When her husband died we touched base.  We began talking every 4 or 5 months, but it was never like it was pre 2006 when we spoke daily, laughed like fiends, had code words and plotted to survive our husbands emotionally and phyiscally together...... commiserated and howled at the dark humor no one else would have gotten.

We're howling at the darkness again....but also finding the light.  That wasn't possible for me a year ago.

I think, bc I'm out of the darkest (co dependent) woods.......
connection became possible again. 

I asked for forgiveness. 

Mama K had forgiven me long before I forgave myself. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 30, 2021, 04:27:41 PM
Putting all new habits in place isn't a quick and easy process.

I wonder why I stip back and expect it to be..... when Monks practice daily and never achieve the goal, bc.....
it's called practice for a reason.

Sometimes it feels like I'm climbing many mountains, trying to get to the top and take posession of something there....
when all along I think it's the same thing on every problematic mountain......
coming back to resting in gentle awareness...... being mindful....... after forgetting..... not judging...... going back to what restores serenity.  Then again.  And Again.  Avoiding the rabbit holes....n oticing when IN a rabbit hole.  Releasing the rabbit hole and embracing the new tools, yet again. 

It's the same thing on every mountain top, if only I can stop latching on to the pebbles and forgetting there's a field with rocks and boulders, flowers and mountains.  The pebbles are ON the mountains... in the fields......
where I put my nose is what I should be focused on.  So many creative places for pebbles to perch and get lodged.... sometimes where they are is interesting too.  Just have to remember to find the spaciousness and perspective around them. 

The pebbles and fields and mountains will take care of themselves if I mind where I put my nose and don't put my nose. 

Things get very simple when the confusion around a pebble is dispelled.  Sometimes it has to be dispelled again and again.....and then again..... darn pebbles. 

Frustration slows the process.

And what you're talking about in your post, Amber...... is right and true, I think..... complicated by better habits mindfully leveraged into place, then sliding out without notice.   Or maybe NOT confusing.   SEems to go in and out of focus, on top of sliding around, in and out of place..... different cows and mountains and pebbles and the grass is green....the sky is blue.

Latching onto things outside ourselves...... to feel better...... is just a flag, IME.  Red flags have something to say too if only one can pay attention, listen to what's behind it, apply the tools and get on with it.

Perspective....POV...... spaciousness around the mountains and pebbles and trees and lakes allows us to SEE expanded choice.  And that's a practice.  It takes practice.It's never accomplished... it's always going on or not going on.  One returns to the pracice, hopefully without too much faffing about, or feeling shame for faffing if one faffs. 

::uncrossing eyes::.

Seeking and avoidance behaviors...... the human state. 

So simple in theory, but changing habits and keeping them lined up so they're visible and make sense... can be deployed handily instead of old default patterns is......

That I'm one of those people who have to SEE things to remember they're there.... ADD stuff...... other things, maybe.... I wonder how that impacts my ability to apply new tools consistently.  Feeling better always leads to forgetting, to a degree...slipping then remembering and working back to center...... again.

And for shits and giggles I'm writing out the moving parts, bc some part of me is driven to..... so here it goes....
dropping judgment, picking up curiosity, employing gobs of never ending self compassion and asking the tough stuff what it has to say, then observing without expectation.....dropping all expectation...... the grass is green. The sky is blue.

Whew...nothing difficult about those things,nope nope nope.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 30, 2021, 04:38:41 PM
I'm curious about taking on the kitchen cabinet project at the lake.

Taking the time to plan out designs,  distressing them, making the tools to distress them...... has the benefit of feeeeeling amazing bc creating beautiful distressed pieces feels like creating sacred things and brings me joy to touch and look at them.  My stomach flips when I look at pictures of beautiful wood pieces.  I've never tackled a job like this outside a professional shop where I did the distressing and the cabinet makers applied the finishes and top coats.  I've tackled smaller projects. 

Am I doing that to take my mind off other things?  Maybe.  Sometimes.... and definitely YES.  Sometimes, but not always.

Here's where judgment can pop up, IME...... creating unessesary confusion instead of seeing what's really there. Judgment slows the practice and one can always go back to the practice without stepping too far off the path.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 31, 2021, 09:14:54 AM
Your distressed cabinet project sounds like my sewing "light bulb", Lighter. It just sounds like FUN. Even tho it is work, too. That's not avoiding other things, necessarily. Needs to be done; just putting your twist on it, right? Extra attention to detail.

Why can't we just go through life doin what we want to do today - without brain engaging in judgement, criticism of decisions, or any other kind of analysis? Sure, there are things we "have to" do... to live. Pay bills, do the dishes, etc. But who said they all had to get done BEFORE anything else (Fun) did? Only a few things have an absolute drop-dead "complete by" deadline - and sometimes not even then, if you're willing to accept the consequences of doing something late. (I probably won't do that with renewing my driver's license. But you know what I mean. There's even a process of extension for filing taxes.)

My point (I guess) is that life is about so much more than "work". Doing for others. Yes, I'm the poster-girl for both those things. Even when the work is something you love and are passionate about, enjoy - there are yet other experiences out there to be tasted, too. I seriously refuse to go sky-diving, but I could see learning to scuba dive... in open spaces, very clear water. 10 years ago, I would've laughed myself silly at the idea I could effectively wield a bobcat or a backhoe... but the bobcat is fun; and I'm looking forward to bigger equipment too.

I didn't know what I didn't know - about what I might like until I tried it. I think I too closely drew the edges of my "comfort zone" - and yet, there is still something of the young woman who liked to go fast on motorcycles, and was good at it. Who'd approach a horse in a pasture and jump up bareback with no bridle either... and ride. Who discovered the meaning of "play" again... through push-hands.

Beyond the recovery from trauma... learning new life skills for better balance... there is getting to know, appreciate, be astounded by, proud of, sometimes disappointed by, our spirit. Our self. And it can't be done via the head-centered, intellectual approach. Too much possibility for being misled. There are a LOT of surprises on that journey. Like one doesn't lose the ability to apply that stringent intellectual discipline. But it's not only, not needed ALL the time - it's an obstacle in itself, at some times.

It helps a lot to learn to be comfortable without that intellectual "support" structure actively running all the time. And I'm nowhere close to mastering it - but I am seeing some useful positives in it. (What I'm talking about is different from "the zone".)
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on August 31, 2021, 09:57:19 AM
Hear, hear, Amber:

...it can't be done via the head-centered, intellectual approach. Too much possibility for being misled. There are a LOT of surprises on that journey. Like one doesn't lose the ability to apply that stringent intellectual discipline. But it's not only, not needed ALL the time - it's an obstacle in itself, at some times.

I spend decades busybusybusy mostly above the collarbone. Only now am I getting more in touch with the ineffable spirit. Earlier, the moment that amazed me most was deep in hypnosis when I encountered a sense of my life force, a deep and beautiful instinct to thrive (when I was quitting the cigs). All centered in enormous inner peace during an inner trance-state "visit" to a mountain glen. That amazed and comforted me.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 01, 2021, 11:56:58 AM
I had to learn that the hard way - par for the course, for me. I kept trying to think my way to solutions - but when I stopped doing that long enough to ask spirit what my hopes for outcome was; what my emotional self wanted - solutions appeared. It wasn't risky, boundary-stomping, or ego-driven... those choices had to be made emotionally, then the brain could go to work to execute and everything goes smoothly. No ruffled feathers or bruised toes anywhere.

It's kinda like "doing from a different place". It's akin to a tai chi principle: to move from spirit not physical strength; chi not Li (IIRC; it might be Yi.)
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 05, 2021, 11:12:37 AM
Doing from a different place..... yup.

For me, it's a shift above how I usually handle things.

Feeeeels very adult, frankly.

Like handling little children, myself being one of the children I'm handling.

The adult has to step up and do what needs doing, despite the distress if creates,IME.

Now, if I can just get on with it till it becomes habit and comfortable and default setting.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on September 05, 2021, 12:17:59 PM
You can!
As long as you're very compassionate to yourself and remember the MATH:

Two steps forward + one step back = still forward.

Good for you. Even the first noticed instance of a new right direction can light the way. Repetition (with effort) will encode it. And faster than you think.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 05, 2021, 02:08:30 PM

Thanks for the vote of confidence: )

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 11, 2021, 12:39:27 PM
I've been pretty mindful of what goes into my brain, what I stop from bouncing around and what I want more of..... those things lifting me up, bringing me joy and keeping me grounded in the moment.

Im not gonna lie.... it's a ferris wheel..... moving in many directions, sideways and diagonally too.  But I SEE it moving.  Sense the pieces.  Understand the concept....better than before.Let's just say that.

As I do MY thing, I'm also bouncing into and off of other people's things. 

After a day of watching myself watch disturbing videos..... I noticed i still have similar reactions around them.  I sometimes catch them, reel them in and see what comes next.  It's interesting practice.  It's practice.  That's enough.

2 nights ago I was talking to friend K and noticed...... she and I use the darkness to dispell insanity....... we do.  It's snarky and we laugh and laugh and outdo each other's snark and it's realllly satisfying and reassuring and...... comforting to us.  It's how we used to roll when her life was falling apart, then my life flew into flames then..... we were out of each others lives.

Now..... she's back. I'm back. We're IN. Invested.  Together again..... solid and the fear has gone.  Left us.  What do we have to lose going back to what we used to be?  Nothing. At least, nothing I don't believe I can handle....now.  I'm better.  I'm not switched, but when I was... there was very little ability to navigate what fears came up around seeing or talking to her again.  I was cagey, suspicious, veered off if she asked anything personal.... where WAS I living?  I was OUT.  Gone again for a couple years.  Missing her, but I had to get through and I did.

So..... she's back and she's experiencing back problems, just....... health problems in general.  Her ability to sleep is shot.  She can't heal and she needs more surgery, likely, as her healthcare insurance is leaving and I noticed the darkness we engage in, for sanitie's sake and wondered how it's impacting our health.  HER health.  Our children's health. What are we modeling for them.

Now, my kids have called me out on my passive aggresive way of operating in the world, bc...... there's been stress and I've been holding it IN for so long..... the stress and fear and resentment seep out....... mostly in small ways, but it's there and I know it and the kids know it.  I have trouble appearing vulnerable, bc you never know when you're going to have to fight for...... well. You.... I..... never knew when I was going to have to fight for my life, literally and figuratively..... I was fighting lions and tigers and dragons...dragons being the fears that didn't find me, but I feared might. Lots of fear.

So I'm talking to K and we do the back and forth banter, so comfy and calming.... but it's bugging me, bc I want to manifest wellbeing and a very strong immune system....... for myself.  For K and my kids and FOO and everyone I care about, but all I can do is what I can do. That's about me and my choices.

My choices rub up against the people I interact with. All the time. On this board, IRL, within the texting stream youngest dd19 has been batting back and forth since last night..... she needed comfort and reassurance, fellowship.... someone to just listen to her troubles, mainly due to poor diet choices she understands already and requies zero comment from me. 

And I have a lovely afternoon planned with my Moss friend, L.  I'm IN THE ZONE busying myself around the house, taking care with my hair and foot and comfy clothing choices I can relax into during the visit.

But the snark....the comforting snark.  Laughing into the darkness.... finding the humor, bc it keeps K and I sane. 

I'm in a different place from her....... my toe vs her healing back surgery.  Her small town full of honestly upsetting groups of people leaning in on her daily..... vs my little world where I've pulled in all my ladders and extend them carefully, at my liesure. 

She still needs the darkness and I can DO that with her while she needs it. I don't think the awkward silences we'd struggle throuogh are worth whatever gains I'd get from explaining and asking to limit the negative people and snark we employ to laugh them OUT or her system.  I still need to process difficult things, after all.  How I do that is still forming...not sure how to do that while just limiting the stuff.  I'm guessing it's with EMDR, etc. or setting a time limit and just DOING IT for that time period, but always getting back to the uplifting joyf in front of me now.

And K will heal and grow and take what tools making sense to her.  She has a gift for cutting through BS and going to the reality and heart of a matter...... I lack.

So, onward and upward. 

I choose to join in the snark selectively, but leave it behind most of the time.

How we stay sane, under pressure, is how we stay sane.  We make changes when we have a lull or some respite, iME.  I don't know if I could have settled down enough to learn anything in Fight or Flight 15 years ago.  I hope I COULD have, but it's not clear.

K will learn in her own time and I will pick and choose my moments to explain what I'm working on....then listen to what she's working on and we'll get back to "normal".... but a new normal, it's hoped.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on September 11, 2021, 01:33:29 PM
I GET it, Lighter, I really do.
And my apologies for sometimes being one of the "rubby" people. (I think it's usually when I start trying to control stuff, out of fear.)

Anyhow, I too have gone down dark true-crime rabbit holes on the internet. It's a very odd thing. Some days (nights) I just have an impulse to read or watch stories or documentaries about heinous crimes.

I was pondering it with a friend and concluded that the comfort in that is that once it makes it to the Tee Vee, it's usually a story that ended in some form of justice. Bad Guy gets caught/locked up/karma bites/long sentence, etc. (Too late for most victims, but satisfying for an uninvolved audience).

Lately I've also enjoyed the cheesy "I Survived" stories, because the pluck and grit of those folks awes me. "A grizzly bear ate half my head so I crawled 4 miles to my truck." "I was attacked by a serial killer and kicked my way out of his car trunk." "I was lost at sea and ate raw fish I caught with my bare hands until I was picked up by a frieghter..."  These are actually way more fun than the darkest stuff. You're looking at a survivor's face -- an ordinary non-hero's face -- and hearing some reality. Makes a cozy bed feel even comfier, kwim?

For me, that sort of escapism (I have several sorts) is all about eluding the constant truly-terrible news, which will not be resolved in an hour, if ever. Perversely, drooling through old crime TV works for me in the context of "story" -- some way somehow, thought it's never pure or enough, there is some form of resolution (if not justice) by the end.

If only.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 12, 2021, 01:36:04 PM
Sometimes we don't have the luxury of lulls, Lighter. And I think you DID learn important things during your fight/flight experiences. It shows in the work you've done.

One of the most important tools I've picked up for those times when one is in a cyclone of life, is prioritize what is important-est to me. And completely letting go, or not engaging the things that can absolutely wait. It sounds obvious - but for me, it's not really. I have to remind myself, it seems, every time. That's OK. Work in progress. Sometimes people get upset with me over that process - but it's not my job to make sure they're OK, if they're not in MY cyclone or aren't causing it. In a cyclone, I can only focus on keeping my self OK - not letting myself slip INTO the fight/flight level of survival. There are other degrees; other ways... and identifying the "most important thing to me right NOW" - is one way I do that. Delegating, is another - and that one was hard to accept. I'm better; still working on that one. Keeping that balance of rational brain going - alongside the emotional stuff too; actually feeling it while engaging in those higher order thinking processes - takes a lot of practice.

For whatever reason, my life has offered me almost constant opportunities to practice - in lots of different situations. Despite whether I want a break from it all or not. It's like the universe says: OH YEAH? Here, hold my beer! So when I do have a chance for more than just "maintenance escapism" (like reading myself to sleep) I definitely indulge.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 12, 2021, 06:28:29 PM

I want to better understand the people who follow murderous dictators and those who resist them, even when it creates personal danger and risk.  It's touching on current events, for me. 

I didn;t choose True Crime docs. I chose Documentaries on Nurses murdering innocent men, women and children, bc the Nazis ordered them to.   What happened to the nurses who were tried for their crimes.....most of them said they were just following orders, even though they had time to come up with more sympathetic excuses.... they didn't. They spoke their tuth, still believers, it seemed.  They could have claimed their safety was at risk, or their families, but they didn't. 

Then I moved into documentaries of survivors who were children in the Nazi camps.  I don't even want to write that here..... what happened to those children flips my stomach, I see a flash and then I'm trying to breathe my way out of the reactivity, again.  I don't feel powerful at all.... I feel my ability to respond has always been diminished by my reactivity.  I wonder about all the people who followed and fought against the Nazis and their inner workings and the voices in their heads.  Such horror and risk and fear and pain.

Who stands up and does the right thing when their own familie's safety is on the line? 

Who follows murderous orders, bc they see honor and duty? 

There's the tyrants, true believers, those who follow blindly, the technicians who draw up the plans and road maps for efficiently carrying out the plans.....those who do nothing and those who resist while sidestepping danger and finally those who sacrifice everything.... those willing to sacrifice themselves, their FOOs their friends, bc they can't see any other choice.

I don't think those kinds of decisions are mostly informed by fight or flight, reptilian survival brain.   I really don't know.  It's confusing and I want clarity. 

I can picture the Buddhist monk, Thich Quang Duc, setting himself on fire.... in protest... sitting there....burning.  So still.  So quiet.  Sending a powerful message around the world.  I don't know how did it, but I have to think he wasn't switched when he did.

And..... was it his voice directing that moral imperative?  Was it his father's voice or his teacher's voice or his own pure voice, like a light, shining like a beacon, refusing to be voiceless? 

I don't think he was switched.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on September 12, 2021, 07:46:52 PM
It's very strange to me that at various times (not always) I can enjoy those dark stories. I think they're different for me because they're in the past, they have ended and again -- the ones that make the TV shows have some kind of end or resolution. So they're a "safe" distraction or interest. Short dramas that explore the dark sides of people now safely locked up or gone.

Marinating in frightening future scenarios is beyond my psychic capacity after the last 4-5 years. It's much too real for me now, since Jan. 6.

Yet I can't/won't enjoy horror films, or anything supernatural. THOSE really disturb me, more than the real ones! Makes no sense....

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 13, 2021, 09:33:26 AM
Long time ago, I mentioned my research into Pavlov's famous experiments. (I was 17; it felt like vital information to me, so close to the Twiggy years.) Marshall McCluhan was on my reading list earlier; Martin Buber, too. But between now & then, I've gotten at least acquainted with most of the lit & studies on Psychological warfare and behavioral science, what is known as "mind control"... and the tricks of Madison Avenue. It's been an ongoing "project".

Back in the late 60s, maybe early 70s, there were some important experiments that explored the reasons why people would "just follow orders" even when those orders meant doing something one's own morality believed to be wrong or evil. Can't remember the psychologist's name right now - he's relatively famous.

The study of the application of same theories to social movements and politics came later. I was "woke" before there was such a thing, because I was so poor... but not ignorant. And over the years, I came to a place for myself in my own understanding of things and how they work - that doesn't neatly fit either of the duality labels.

From my personal viewpoint, I wanted to understand how all that kind of manipulation and influence worked - to be able to protect myself from it. I really didn't want to be just another one of "those guys". I didn't want to - again - go through the pain of realizing the "bigger picture" of what I'd been involved in- in hindsight.


So, what I believe now about all that.... (and it touches on the kind of education you've pointed out is so lacking Lighter)....  is that many many people are so unconsciously motivated for acceptance, belonging, validation... that it gives rise to the clichés of "herd mentality", "groupthink", "echochambers" and "peer pressure". Conformity, not being the nail that sticks up, being "part of" (anything), being able to identify one's SELF with a "club" (in the George Carlin sense of the word) and now a substitute for the classic "Know ThySelf"...

and having a strong sense of one's own values, morality, and beliefs - that is yours and yours alone - that one doesn't need to preach on the street corner looking for acceptance & validation - one just lives one's life by those principles. One doesn't need to explain them, or "share" them, or defend them or justify them. They can't offend anyone - unless one is so loyal to one's "tribe" that one dare not question their own values or the tribe's - and someone else who is DIFFERENT crosses one's path. Then, the othering demanded by the group involves engaging that sense of offense, in order to persuade the "outré" to at least outwardly emulate the traits of the group -- or be persecuted.

This is a whole area of study - one can observe real life and study it too - and even experiment to test theories about it, if one feels like tinkering a bit and being a little sneaky. Most tests I've made suggest that when a conflict between the group's values and logical reason are presented, the subject will almost ALWAYS fall back on the ideological dogma of the core values of the group. True & valid, or  not. It would take experiencing a huge disillusionment or shock of reality (outside the worldview of the group) to actually get the subject to question the validity of what they think they know and believe.

Remember Boat, or whatever persona she's going by now, was looking at the same thing from a different starting point? It's useful study, IMO - because it translates so easily into the mechanisms of N, manipulation/control, and co-dependence and abuse symptoms - and is an extremely unfortunate mirror of the same phenomenon.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on September 13, 2021, 12:37:15 PM
Conformity's one thing, reflexive opposition's another.

To me the tragedy is gradual loss of the capacity to act in concert for the sake of community or humanity. WWII veterans (and others who sacrificed so much at home) are rolling in their dusty graves.

I'm very grateful my father, who served in intelligence, isn't alive to see this. It would break his heart.


PS About the bubbles and echo chambers, see 20:21 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROWwrrJP_UQ.
I find it intelligent and helpful (esp. about critical thinking and empiricism)
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on September 13, 2021, 07:31:55 PM
Apologies if I sound cranky in this discussion.

I literally can't absorb the mounting tragedies of our country now, I think, hence my news diet which I should stick to!

I still scan dire news but I'm hunting up this sort of story, too, which really helps:
https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/iceland-builds-a-factory-to-bury-co2-in-rock/ (https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/iceland-builds-a-factory-to-bury-co2-in-rock/)

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 14, 2021, 09:23:08 AM
Hops, my curmudgeon is openly walking around these days too. Mouth & fingers aren't even trying to be tactful sometimes (yes, it still matters to me that I at least TRY). So many people (including me) remind me of those balsa, rubberband airplanes -- and the rubberband is wound WAY too tight. I see it in Hol - at this point, even news that Apple has an important OS security update is enough to trigger a life/death crisis energy in her. For me, it was wondering if Steve is really holding down the fort at the Hut while she's working or not. Yesterday, I was greeted by Knuckles who seemed to be going in/out on his own... and no one else made an appearance. (Which isn't unusual.) But my imagination concocted a whole story within seconds.

And NOW.... I just heard workers at the distillery that makes Elijah Craig & Evan Wiliams bourbon are going on strike. They don't wanna work weekends, if you can imagine that.  :rolleyes:  Who DOES?  This presages a shortage of essential fluids required to survive the apocalypse (which might reverse the downstream of shortage of TP again)... and oh MY... the whole world is going to hell in a handbasket.

Maybe I should be making & selling handbaskets??

I literally can't take any of my own "stuff" - or the stuff in the news seriously anymore - until it really IS serious. It's all relative. Remember subliminal advertising? People claimed that a frame or two of "hidden images" were inserted into some commercials or tv shows? I thought I saw some things, once upon a time... but then remembered the "power of suggestion". On the other hand - doom scrolling the news online has a definite rhythm to the release of "outrage" headlines (aka clickbait) or "bad news" versions of actual events without ever mentioning the potential upside - is well within our control.

JUST SAY NO; don't do it.     ;)

I'm patching Buck's motorcycle "draggin' jeans" and embroidering kitties & dragons &tc on them, hippie fashion. :D :D :D  He didn't specify how they were to be fixed.  :D  :D  :D
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on September 14, 2021, 09:57:37 AM
Oh that's HILARIOUS, Amber, about B's jeans!

That says SO much about what's wonderful about your chemistry.

I think you should add at least one lovely butterfly, perhaps over an...errrr...cheek?

Totally agree on doom scrolling, the rhythms of it, the adrenalin jolts, and eventually that which must be avoided....the numbing.

Speaking of butterflies, someone's giving me some milkweed seed pods and I want to get (or get help with) a patch planted out front. Monarchs need emergency help.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 14, 2021, 11:31:11 AM
See? There ya go - a worthy endeavor that puts all this online "virtual (and not very nice or real) reality" - into perspective. Mostly I see a lot of jaws (or fingers) flapping... and not a whole getting done; good or bad. So, I'm doing what I can do, with what I've got - and that I know needs to be done or is beneficial here. TRYING to not get sucked into the usual "all these things are happening and you need care and worry about them, even if you can't do anything about them" hucksterism. (They make money off my morbid curiosity and lack of self discipline.)

Put your energy into your senior's outreach!

And with that, I'll end the hijacking of Lighter's thread... sorry Light!
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on September 14, 2021, 02:29:30 PM
Me too, exiting hijack.

Last worditis:

BUTTERFLY ON BUTT (special request).

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 14, 2021, 04:38:24 PM
I can't.... don't..... won't watch the news for more than a few seconds.... just to touch base with the COWs. They're holding pretty steady, as is the annoying way it's delivered.

The RoeVWade assault is.....predictable.  A literal blight on society.  So much history ignored.  So much suffering and Iv'e come to the conclusion men in power are so frightened of women and any power they hold....they'd go so far as to destroy our basic instincts to mother in order to FEEL in control. 

I noticed the more draconian States are the least likely to offer support and care for mothers who can't support or care for children if forced to have those children.  The anti family planning folks fail the children brought into the world.... so little compassion and care...... I'm always shocked by the willful stupidity it takes to ignore crime statistics in the US after Roe V Wade, falling by 45% to 50% since from the peak of crome in the 1990s.  It's like they went all stupid and flumoxed by the cioncidence and forgot they care about crime...... or they care less about crime?  Just baffles.

Now, I've only read a few headlines on my phone, so avoiding the news like the plague right now.  Will continue to do so.

I only spent 2 days watching Holocaust stories, which are always so similiar, yet every story deserves to be heard, IMO.  I wasn't taught anything about it in public school.  When visiting Dachau Concentration Camp in my early twenties,  I was mezmerized by the faces in the photos.  I could sit and look at one photo for an hour. One face. Those faces deserved to be seen and the horror deserves to be remembered and shared with each generation.  Do we know why humans can't learn from the past?  Has that been sorted out yet?  My default assumption used to be the small percentage of sociopaths, but that's just a piece of it, I know.  I always sense the bystanders,. the good men doing nothing are a more destructive force than the psychopaths who can't scale things up without the bootlickers and bystanders. 

What I noticed about my nervous system over the past week is.... .. I experience large and very small shocks all day long, even when there's nothing upsetting playing in the background or foreground of my life.  My own mind carries me there, all on it's own..... and I'm paying attention, for Pete's sake.  I can pull it back on track, but I'm pulling quite often and shocked at how many jolts of stress chemicals pass through my system.  I'm wondering if CBD cream will help any and I KNOW what I experience today is a drop in the bucket compared to two years ago, 3 years, etc.  I wish I had some idea what my default settings were prior to 2006 and 2000 so I could compare, but have no idea.  I think I was rather well insulated and contained, as a human being, therefore pretty steady. 

It's clear...... having control over our nervous systems is power.  I don't know if it's the same kind of power a top athlete accesses through well integrated brains.  Having the ability to control our biochemistry seems like it would be more powerful to me.  Just... everything. 

In the meantime, dd19 referred to the Milgram shock experiement as "bootlicker's syndrome.'  She feels some groups are more prone than others.  I wonder what part of the brain, along with conditioning, is involved.  Right brain? Left brain? Education levels.  Which section of the brain is most often involved when joining/boot licking/enabling/resisting/sacrificing everything....  Maybe there are studies on that.  I don't know.

I remember the Migram study getting a mention on the board by Ami.  I learned a lot through that conflict.  I wish I'd learned more.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 16, 2021, 09:36:01 AM
Thanks Lighter. It was Milgram, that I was searching for - to remember. I like the "bootlikkers syndrome" moniker, because - again - conformists (broad term; not universally applicable) want desperately to be accepted and liked as part of a group - and will attach themselves to "powerful" ideas or people - or just even some value that triggers something about themselves that needs validation. People-pleasers, in lazy intellectual shorthand. And no, not even that is universally apt.

Roe is a difficult topic for me. I painfully remember the women who were maimed, became infected, suffered - when an abortion was necessary in their lives, but not legal. Triggers old Twiggy stuff, but I can talk about it now. It's one of Hol's passionate causes. And it's very personal for her, too. Talking about it from opposite sides has helped both of us process the complex feelings.

I hold very old, probably conditioned; maybe not, pro-life feelings about that individual choice. But that's MY personal opinion, should I be faced with that situation again. I would never dare to try to push that onto someone else - because they are NOT ME. I never pushed it on Hol - much as she wanted me to tell her what to do, sometimes, I just couldn't. And then, with the miscarriages - well, there's a lot to process there for her. I listen and console, as best I can. Her path; her choice; her life.

What I think both of us agree passionately on, is that gov't has no business being involved in the issue AT ALL. Don't make it illegal; don't force people who don't want to cover it with insurance (for whatever reason) to do so. Don't make it so unaffordable that it's inaccessible. Set standards for safety - yes; but don't overburden with regulations until only the privileged can make that choice. Let that choice be FREE of all that crap - a woman has to live with herself, her choice, no matter what she chooses. And it's absolutely not the gov'ts job to stick it's nose in where it doesn't belong. Doctors & women themselves (and probably the male partner, needs to step up too & participate) are the only people who need to concern themselves with that kind of decision. It's way more than "healthcare" - and it's so intensely personal for so many reasons - that the one size fits all approach fails right out the door.

I used to think birth control would alleviate a lot of the conflict over this issue. But it's never been perfect; it's not 100% foolproof regardless of method. And so many women simply suffer too many side effects from the various things - it's not a good alternative way to address the situation.

Yes, there are more philosophical aspects to this - but usually, different aspects appeal to different people more than the others... and then, the "us & them" phenomenon shows up again. Should a child be brought into the world we currently inhabit? Is that fair? Can you nurture and protect and raise the child adequately? In a world with so much uncertainty floating free in so many areas that are essential for life?

I surely can't prescribe the answer to those questions for everyone. I don't think gov't can either. So, that leaves the weight of the decision where it's always been - and those people need the most support and freedom to choose according to their best abilities. Make abortion difficult or illegal - and women will die in backalleys again or take large doses of toxic drugs/herbs to abort. That's a guaranteed consequence of making it a crime.

Just my two cents. Being on both sides of the issue. Personally.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on September 16, 2021, 12:41:25 PM
Preach. Thanks, Amber.

For me, those photos of groups of male legislators deciding what all women are allowed or not allowed to do with their own bodies...say it all.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 16, 2021, 04:03:22 PM
I listened to public radio yesterday and oddly one program was about Pavlov and one was about the new abortion pills, were for treatment of other things, but had t he unfortunate side effects of causing miscarriages.  Someone thought that through, put them together and now they're available through websites who help women gain access secretly and safely when in Countries or STATES banning family planning.

I will say I, to my surprise, would not have terminated either of my pregnancies based on amnio results. I was shocked to discover that about myself,bc I'd never really thought about it... assumed I'd be more neutral, but I wasn't. 

What I am, is fixated on finding the root of the problem when women are pregnant with pregnancies they can't or don't carry full term.  Proactive is so much better, in every way, than reactive...... particularly where surgery is involved.   

I never understood women who use abortion as BC, bc I'm somewhat terrified of having any surgery...... particularly one where I'm dependent on someone to take me, gather me up and care for me aftrwards. I never had a colonoscopy,bc I just couldn't or wouldn't maybe get that part of the test together. I did the test you send in and take better care of myself emotionally and physically..... seems a much wiser approach to me. 

The same with not getting pregnant.... I went to the doc and asked for the morning after pill after unprotected sex with my dear sweet vasectomized B......I didn't care what the odds were.  It was my body, my choice and I'llbe as careful as I care to be,thank you very much.  Even taking those pills.....I cried and mourned a bit.  Not sure what that was about, but it informed my belief system around it.

As far as men having the audacity to wrench control of women's bodies from them......
their Pro-Life argument doesn't really hold water, does it?

I mean, if they really cared about every single life, they'd OK the involuntary harvesting of organs and bone marrow IF evrey single life held the value they claim they hold for unborn babies.  I can't imagine a man voting through legistlation taking away HIS right to choose whether or not he'll donate a kindey or lung in order to save a child's or adult's life.... all things being equal, right?
Men don't want to give up control of their bodies to keep a life in this world,but it's fine to remove a woman's right in order to save....

Inconceivable hypocrisy, IMO.  Men are fine with taking women's right to choose from them...... not all men, of course.  Just saying.

About Pavlov. His lab was almost washed away during a flood with the dogs cages floating and almost drowing them.  The lab assistant arrived just at the very last moment to save the dogs.  Pavlov noticed the dogs lost all the conditioning they'd learned AND were never the same as far as temperaments again.  The trauma changed their brains, which I knew.... everyone knows...I  assumed it was more about th brains ability to take on new information, though if I thought about it long enough I'd guess earlier conditioning and information would also change.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 16, 2021, 08:16:54 PM
There are beliefs about the sanctity of life that pre-date western civ's judeo-christian beliefs. It's been suggested that there are such things as generational, even DNA-group "memories" or beliefs that linger on through time. Whether that's true or not - isn't proven. Not sure I believe it, being skeptical about many things. Interesting to ponder though.

But yeah, those earlier - quote, more "primitive" cultures beliefs, end quote - are kinda engraved in me. I don't even immediately react to kill snakes... and I'm tolerating spiders better than I used to. Well, some spiders. And I'm still at war with stinkbugs (this is when they start to invade again... gggggrrrrrrr). The giant hornets are pretty smart. After a couple of years of me improving my swatter aim, all I have to do is pick up the swatter and they find their way off the porch in a hurry. With B being susceptible to shock from stings (and seafood), we take care to remove any nests we find around the house, too.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on September 16, 2021, 08:23:43 PM
Lots of effective DIY stinkbug traps on the YouTube, fwiw....

I scoop them gently into my hand and put them outside.
Now and then does one take it personally and stink up my hand.
Washes off easily though.

However, I should stipulate that I am weird. I like eau de skunk.
It's a perfume ingredient, after all!

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 17, 2021, 11:49:41 AM
I've made 3 of the 2-liter bottle & LED traps Hops. They work, but the "manager" is usually AWOL, completely checked out, when it gets dark enough to turn them on. Sounds like a job for a BOLD post it note on the fridge, on the door that has to be opened to fill the night-time water glass.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on September 17, 2021, 01:29:32 PM
Is there a logical reason that Stinker has not been assigned to stink bug patrol?????

I think NOT.

LOL, hugs
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 17, 2021, 06:16:50 PM
He's weary of chasing 'em Hops.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on September 17, 2021, 07:13:49 PM
Stinker chasing stinker bugs, poor thing.
(I was just laughing at the word connection).
Sounds Kafka-esque!

Hope you win the bug battle.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 17, 2021, 10:15:48 PM
My friend's dh passed away this evening after spending 5 days on a respirator, bc his pnuemonia wasn't improving.  He'd been home over the weekend, but she couldn't keepp up with the oxygen machine which couldn't keep up with his needs.  So scary after 2 weeks in hospital.

By Wednesday we were shocked when the doc said to prepare for a harder conversation if things didn't improve. 

They didn't improve and whenever he gained some awareness he fought agressively to get out of the bed and hospital.  He didn't want to be there.  Would never have agreed to be on a respirator if he'd known he wasn't going to get better.

Seeing loved one suffer makes it easier to let them go.

Heading back to Atlanta tomorrow.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 18, 2021, 08:07:58 AM
Hugs Lighter. Go help your friend.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 18, 2021, 10:37:36 AM
I ate myself into what should have been 3 stupors starting at 4pm yesterday....and I had to drive back to the lake.... over 2 hours, at 5pm in Atlanta traffic.  I kept wondering why I wasn't feeling worse, considering the amount of food I ate..... then noticed I'd made up my mind to never ever ever get stuck on Speghetti junction again, ever which made the drive home relaxed.

I avoided contancting my friend while IN Atlanta, bc I needed to get the girls back to the lake.... the Pug was waiting..... and then made the call only to find out the machine was being removed as I was driving.  I really thought that would happen today and I was wrong. Doesn't matter.  I couldn't have been there in any case.

The girls drove back last night and didn't let me know they were OK.  They raen't answering the phones or messages so I phoned the Cowgirl neighbor and she texted back, please message me. 

That was wierd,bc she's a super extroverted talker.....and she's never veered off a chat with me.  I had this terrible adrenaline dump.... what if the Yelly guy made up something to make her mad at me?  Just.... a really dreadful fear on top of a fear on top of a loss and heading into the sadness today....I had to know if the girls made it back.

I texted Cowgirl I needed to know if dd21's car was in the drive. it was.  I then breathed a bit, asked myself what I COULD DO before putting this completely down and asked Cowgirl if she was ok?  Were we OK?

She texted she'd had cataract surgery Thursday, company was visiting and she was sleeping in......I'd phoned at 9:3am..... it was such a relief to hear nothing really bad happened to her or her dh and nothing was wrong between us. 

So, I'm not immune to chemical dumps and catastrophizing is still something I DO or get to the edge of....no surprise there.  I did catch it early, think it through and do what I could to feel better in the moment/clarify the situation instead of ruminating or falling dow a rabbit hole.

I'm going to call that a win, resist texting the girls a "You little shites didn't check in last night" message and think clothes through for a memorial service, Korean BBQ and many many hours in jammies.  Living in jammies. 

I trust the girls.... believe they're good on their own,but dang.... just a text to say they made it would have been really appreciated right now. They know I'm not firing on cylinders right now.

It's really difficult to remember to breathe and go back home to myself when I'm IN the future or the past.....it's work.  Really hard work.



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on September 18, 2021, 12:43:05 PM
Gosh, Lighter.
I'm very sorry about your friend's husband. May he RIP.

I understand chemical dumps and carb binges, truly do. It's a struggle sometimes.

WRT your girls not checking in...that rang so many gongs for me. My mother was anxious (I was the same, alas) and one of our biggest pushmepullyous as I got older was her insistence that I "check in" to "let her know I arrived safely" after I'd left their home. (Years later I did the same, constantly anxious about D's safety.)

I resisted and finally told my mother directly that statistically the chances are VERY small I'll be attacked or in an accident and I'd prefer to call you next time I WANT to call, not to keep up this ritual. I loved and adored the feeling of coming and going like a full adult without having to cope with feeling responsible for my mother's anxiety and her narrative about the terrors of the world. It upset me and I really really REALLY did not want to have to "check in" that way once I was of age.

It was a stupid power struggle but that's exactly what it was about...I was slowly claiming my adult power and this ritual that was about soothing her anxiety made me feel trapped.

Even though I also recognize it as a TOTALLY reasonable family behavior. And plenty of healthy families carry it out with no stress on their relationships at all. (Might've been easiser if we'd had texts back then...just hearing her voice in this ritual was teeth-gritting.) I see how checking in can be considerate of parent and responsible of child. There just came a point when it stood for everything controlling I wanted to escape. And for me being responsible when my mother couldn't soothe herself.

Dunno if that is at all helpful but I know this one so well. Nobody "won" exactly but I can relate to the feelings of both: anxious parent, independent child.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 18, 2021, 01:54:39 PM
Oy, a carb dump is exactly what happened, Hops. I took the untouched rice home from the Chinese restaurant and have been making myself ill since I got home.  Just.... not feeling well at all.

Thanks for sharing your experience over having to check in with your mother.  I didn't think about it from that perspective.

My parents were proactive with reminders about driving into the sun if I left later, or reporting a storm was coming at such and such time, but they never needed to hear if I made it through a thunder storm, snow storm or hurricane. They did what they could, then released outcome, I guess. 

I remember thinking they should want to know if I made it.  I sometimes called to say I made it, but they seemed surprised.  They were focused on their own stuff.  I should be focused on mine too.

Anxiety, the fear of losing control, the feeling one can get and keep control by controlling others...... by controlling what one eats... lots  of reviewing coping strategies lately.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 18, 2021, 05:02:22 PM
Thanks, CB.

It wasn't me worrying about the girl's safety, bc of a neighbor.

It was the 2 hours of driving through 3 States, the mountains, at night.... DD19's vehicle is the color of the road, which might explain why people seem to veer into her at least once every time she takes to the road.

She's a fearless and very capable driver, but she's always always frustrated at other drivers. I think I posted about the truck driver who was brighting her and maybe trying to pass when he started steering INTO us and DD19 was so confused and upset.... this was a couple weeks ago, I think.

I just told her wer'e on the road with all kinds of people... crazy people, upset people, people in crisis.....not to let it bother her, but easier said than done, for sure.  She put several cars between herself and the truck and that was the end of it, but..... I don't know what she would have done on her own.  I assume handle it in similar fashion. 

Once my mom and sf watched an 18 wheeler truck drive off the side of the mountain, almost taking them with him...must have fallen asleep.  I doub't he survived.  They just kept driving.  If my kids get swept off the side of a mountain by a sleepy trucker.....I want to know and find them. That's more the worry for me. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 20, 2021, 02:24:11 PM
Just when I think my friend is super woman she has a little crying jag catch her off guard.  We need to make a keepsake box of all the lovely things.....notes.....dh's glasses....touching little silly things blindsiding her all the time...little many numerous things.  She can sit and visit them when she's ready.

I feel pretty strong and by they I mean able to sit with her without breaking down too, though I have and feel no shame.  I do feel she does better when I hold steady.

I'm changing AC filters, finding frozen coils, tightening cabinet doors, cooking all the accumulated Sun basket meals  and cleaning, which she expected and appreciates.

Sometimes it feels like we're 29 yo and roommates again....a respite.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 23, 2021, 12:31:13 AM
I begin posts, when I have a scond, then forget to finish them, so erase and begin again.

My friend is sort of like a sister in that.... we're super honest with each other.  Last night I went and took a time out int he kitchen while she and her step son and his wife finished dinner.  My friend gets upset when he brings up his bio mom, which he'd just done at the table as my friend was opening another bottle of wine we DID NOT need..... and I didn't have the patience or nervous system to hang around for ANY of that, so I got up and did my own thing (instead of trying to make nice and cleaning.)

When they all started cleaning the kitchen, asking if I was OK.... I WAS ok, bc I was doing what I needed to do to stay level.  They cleaned up and I finished once they went to bed. 

I  noticed how I've set things up so everyone EXPECTS me to do whatever needs done to keep the peace or keep things rolling or keep everything level and..... I noticed what it felt like to step OUT of that self created role and STOP doing, bc it's not my job, not my responsibility, not my place, honestly. 

It was friggin amazing.  No guilt. No upset.  No stress or awkwardness AT ALL.  What an amazing expereience, whoo hoo.

I'd shopped for a beautiful dinner,  picked up fresh foie gras from  a restaurants in Atlanta with a little food shop out front and were kind enough to part with some, since they didn't have any in the shop. I scored, seared and served it to just us 3 girls, since step son went out.  We had  a tiny portion of sautern wine..... just like it was served in France. For dessert we enjoyed sour cherry almond dark chocolate and a citrus dark chocolate served with a Tawny Port once the step son came back home.  Just a leisurely, decadent evening.... I really like the step son's wife, who had a little terriier chee wow wa mix in her lap most of the time.  I got to hold that dog ONCE.... just NOTHING like a pug, who'll do pretty much anything for food.  Nope. This dog wasn't swayed by crunchy minchies, not at all.

My imperatives.....to get the medical equipment out, along with all the foods bought to entice J to eat when he wasn't hungry... had to get it to the food banks....the tons and tons of unopened meds to the drug depository at the Country Health annex, the small things laying around that knock the stuffing out of you when you leaast expect it..... a dumpster run, bank runs, eye glasses run to get new glasses ordered for friend..... she picked out two amazing pair matching her red hair.  Just lovely on her face.

We made a run to Home Depot....should have walked...what a magnificent evening it turned into. Breezy and cool.... we got a new kitchen faucet and cut flowers on the way home.  Hydrangea...... then spent the evening on the porch with candles, since the lights didn't work.  More to do, but the evening was lovely and relazed and included more port and chocolate, along with Thai lettuce wraps and fresh Thai basil from her little herb garden. 

The plumber and HVAC guy show up im the morning.   I'm up for maybe one more night, then heading back to the world.

Sometimes our stuff rubs up against each other and....
it's still OK.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on September 23, 2021, 12:53:00 AM
Good for you for not going into co-D mode!
I hear you vibrating to every current or small sentiment
associated with her loss. That much empathy is hard sometimes.

I felt sad for friend's block over forgiving stepson's mother
(assuming the usual story there) and for stepson who is
made guilty for speaking of his mother. It's a shame.

Sad all around.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 23, 2021, 10:46:47 PM
Ya, sad BUT my friend has an edge.....she is a taker of heads, ime.  Always has been.  In martial arts class.....she was.....sheer focus where I was maybe more focused on care for others.  There were incidents, one involving me, but we always work it out....she decided she didn't prefer me taking shots at her face while she was unguarded, for instance, when given the choice after punching me hard with the result being us the only ones in headgear during a training session.  There was a "chat."

Salt of the earth, she's compassionate and will jump in and get a job done as she did in all my trials, child care, trial prep.....setting up my father's outdoor moss covered memorial service with green wire wrapped trees filled with old photos and floral arrangements on posts, tables and the entire potting surface where BBQ feast was served.  She DID all that and would do anything a mission required. 

My point is.....she has the ability to go very flat and take heads as well as be warm and amazing.  I saw her face and eyes as step son brought up his mother...... honestly it was almost provocative in that he stupidly restates his bm's absurd requests and stated nonsensical reasons.....and he started doing it in the hospital room before removing the respirator......and there was wine at the dinner and SUCH awkward anticipation I sure did not have to be a part of, which is a game changer.  I see how boundaries work.  Am exceedingly grateful friend is on my team and know she's grateful I'm on hers. 

Maybe I can walk away without disturbance, bc I now understand the going flat and scary piece of her inner world, where my inner hamster wheel people pleaser previously could not.  Maybe it's......oh lawd......just a woman asserting boundaries and taking zero BS?

And I guess it's pretty common to view firmly assertive women that way.....and I did, but have come full circle to not caring how I'm viewed?

In any case, I didn't have to figure out or fix the bio mom piece, whatever was going on.  They had to figure it out on their own, without me as  witness in the splash zone.  It very easily could have turned into them against us, or me trying to calm my friend, which I'd done the night before while comforting her....I don't have much patience for......  I'm not doing drunk.....intentional conflict.  No.  I've used up my quota.

Loving people the way I need to and not the way they require has taken up residence in my chest.  This feels like another notch in the ratcheting down of shoulders and stress.

Today sub contractors arrive to get her cool and dry before her mom and sister arrive with J's ashes and comfort they've been straining to give my friend.

I think things have gone as well as they could have, particularly bc friend does cry and mourne and have her moments of dropping control. 

I'm trying to enjoy an Epsom soak before starting the follow the water leaks puzzle, remove sheetrock, turn off valves, dx damage, etc.

I realize....   I lost a bit if skin on left elbow falling down the stairs.   This shower door, installed backwards and at the wrong end of the tub, has to come out, yup.  There's a plan for that, along with master bath renovation bc water damage and mould.

I'm moving into the fridge clean out phase.  Will be nice and organized for her mom and sibs.

Oh dear.  Throwing out the apple sauce and old food upset her very much......she cried.

I wish she'd just taken my head.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on September 24, 2021, 06:18:51 AM
Eeeesh, going flat and taking heads sound intense, for sure. Not the personality type I'm drawn to, but I'm a wuss.

I feel badly for stepson who seems to feel internal pressure to carry messages or try to intercede for his mother. It would be nice if parents didn't groom their children to serve as (two metaphors alert: choose your own) their seconds or as messenger pigeons under fire. Drunk duelers or pigeons would be even worse.

Glad you kept your cool, Lighter.

So sorry to hear you fell down the stairs!!

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 25, 2021, 10:22:52 AM
i guess you wouldn't say our personalitites are drawn to each other.  I guess you'd have to say we've been room mates, worked together on the Saudi hotel project, she joined my martial arts workout and trained law enforecement officers with us...... she's been my very good friend and supporter, even when things were very scary and she and her husband felt in harms way, bc the In Laws knew I was staying with her and sent peole to put the tracking device on my truck at her complex. I could see the fear on their faces and just as quickly I saw them straighten their spines and draw their circle of safety around me..... they didn't ask me to leave, though it wold have been easier for them.  She walked me out of the courthouse after the acquittal and she fended off the paparazzi.... she would have fended off an agry, armed, violent person with me/ffor me..... I can say this...... her strengths are not mine. Mine are not hers. Between us we are a force, but we aren't drawn to each other's personalities, though we can enjoy each other's company very much. 

We are both lacking and searching for more balance..... we learn from each other.  I noticed I never ever saw her go flat during her 14 year marriage...... that relationship provided balance in her life and I was always surprised by it.  I have to say.... I didn't like being limited....and I was in that.... her husbad wanted to DO things in the house himself and I'd show up, grab a caulk gun or want to and he'd get defensive.....I had to sit on my hands quite a bit though we painted the trim, kitchen, I caulked everything (eventually) and tore out the built in shelves in their master, throwing them out the window as I went. They had to leave while I did it, bc his discomfort was so intense.... he wanted to do it all, but wasn't too motivated to DO it.  I'd walk in the door and my motivation was through the roof.  I wasn't used to being limited by a man's tender ego or his permission....like that.  I was always shocked at her prioritizing his feelings and ego...... I honored it...... I appreciated they had each other's backs, but she KNEW I bent over backwards to make things go smoothly and she appreciated it.  In both my marriages I'd always swung a hammer, taken on multiple large projects with husbands EXPECTING me to work.... with babies on my hip in the second one. 

I was touched by my friend's husband's desire to shield her from that kind of work, yet.... it meant we couldn't bond and DO things the way we used to.  I had to learn to navigate it WITH her and I had to watch her struggle too.  I helped her hide her stuggle, in fact.  I saw it. I pretended it wasn't going on in front of him.   My friend was in the middle, all those times. Me staring at obvious easy work I COULD DO in a second..... while sitting on my hands, while her dh insisted HE do it when he got to it in a month or a year or never.  THAT was frustrating...... and she was ME for the first time..... trying to keep everything on track and going smoothly... all her sharpness gone, but feeling my discomfort pressing in..... going back and forth, placating.

 Interesting.  She pretended.  They figured it out.  Hmmm.....my father's voice is tapping on the inside of my sternum, asking for permission to give his opinion, in his words and I calmly told him it's OK. I know what he'd say. He doesn't need to say it out loud..... I know.  That was interesting.  Usually it just pops out. 

  She's going to be a adrift for a while.  I never had a chance to feel adrift or mourne the end of my second marriage.  There was sadness, for me, around the loss of the dream/perceived safety/family/husband and father, but only for a minute.  To my horror, he quckly became THE danger.  Assaulting me and threatening our children.  Maybe putting his hands on them in anger... whatever the Judge insisted he get to do... I'm sure he did.  I think I processed it in dreams.... never with consciously or with purpose. 

This morning I woke up with some pain in my body....almost impossible to put my finger on.... it was an undercurrent..... chest/shoulder/neck..... difficult to put a finger on, bc it wasn't sharp or the usual, familiar things.  Thinking about it now, I'd almost say it was moving around, like a pulse or electric current in a general area.  Left shoulder popping a bit....

I decided to spend an hour, not going to say meditating, but focused on breathe and the discomfort.   Will post about that later.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 25, 2021, 10:36:14 AM
My niece and I chatted during my drive yesterday. That was 2 hours.  To my surprise she wanted to keep chatting until she went out the door at dinner time... she had a date with her bf..... in a restaurant located inside a couple's home with seating for very few people during this Covid time....... and it took her a week to get that reservation. She was excited.  He had the duck with cherry sauce. She had the fish stuffed with crab.... she sent me pics. There were candles and clean white table clothes.  it looked very nice.

The main thing was....... she's navigating her role, her dreams, her future and making plans for it while piecing together traditional roles, non traditional dreams and her ambition...... she has ambition.   She wants a career..... to have interesting experiences in her twenties BEFORE marrying and having children.  She's seen what it looks like to skip having a young person's life and experience... skipping right into adult care for a home, children and marriage without being single and free.... traveling...... building a career first,which is what my mother told her to do.... it's what my mother told me and my sibs to do. 

I guess I'm saying her bf has been pushing for marriage for a while....... and he's likely a good choice for her...... but she's discerning and finding her worth and footing with boundaries.  I couldn't be more proud of her.  I'm amazed and happy to see her do the work to know and understand herself...... figure out a career path and seek out new experiences to discover exactly what she wants to build her world around.  So wise. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 25, 2021, 12:39:48 PM
I just spoke with my sister and noticed something obvious.....upbeat caretaker souls Ben in solving other people's problems can be exhausting to be around.

Sure I am THAT, esp when under stress and striving to make a painful situation bearable....
And I sort of got it.

I can dial that down, decrease the tension I myself create and still be myself

Whew.....it will be relief all around.

Will talk to my sister about it later today.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on September 25, 2021, 12:45:24 PM
Lighter I'm clipping through posts trying to catch up a bit - this really caught my eye:

Loving people the way I need to and not the way they require has taken up residence in my chest.  This feels like another notch in the ratcheting down of shoulders and stress.

I think that is just so important - and yet so hard to do.  But I really think that if you've been raised or in relationships where you had to put other people's requirements first it's really hard to stop doing that and just be you - not what they need you to be.  Huge.  I really liked that you didn't fix that problem over dinner and just got on with what you wanted/needed.  It's hard not to be the fixer, but necessary, to fix yourself?

It was interesting reading about the messaging/not messaging thing on arriving home.  Here, it's very normal to let someone know you got back safe if you had a long journey.  Not usually even asked for, it's just done as a courtesy.  In the old days (before texting) people often would call the landline, let it ring three times and then hang up.  That was the sign that you'd got back okay.  Funny how things are routine in some places and not in others.

I was interested reading about your friend and your problems with her hubby and wondered if you could advise me?  Where do you think the line is between an intervention (I think this man is doing seriously dreadful things to your life and I think you should leave him) and just accepting that everyone's different and some people's idea of a perfect relationship is different to others?  We stayed with friends after crazy guy kicked off - I won't go through all the details but the boyfriend is disgusting.  I bit my tongue for four days but on the last evening lost it with him a bit and told him to f off (he went to bed in a sulk).  It was just interesting that you kind of chugged along with the friend you were talking about - where do you think you would step in and where do you think it's best to just keep quiet but be there if they say "I'm done with this fool"? xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on September 25, 2021, 02:53:16 PM
Lighter, that was such an intense chapter to bond through with your friend. Makes total sense it's a relationship that you feel pulled deeply to be involved in. What restraint you showed in respecting her own marriage chemistry. And how loyal you are. (Below, you'll see I'm struggling with the same Co-D theme.)

Your niece sounds amazing, healthy and free to think her own thoughts and trust herself to move ahead in life, making choices. How lovely. She'll get derailed at one time or another as humans do, but sounds like she has a very balanced nature.

Wondering back about the friend, want to say any more about what "going flat" means to you?

Lastly, Tupp I was glad to read your comment too. I've been getting over-involved in poet friend's crises in her relationship. She does repeat the same patterns over and over and I'm not sure my advice or insight is actually helping. I notice stress and tension building in me after I've tried to help. I want to recommit to just deep listening and offering more neutral comments like: "That has to be painful/frustrating/draining etc. What do you think you want to do?" It was a big struggle for me initially to take in that she was bringing him along as she moved away, because I've seen how toxic he can be. But the reality is that at that time she absolutely could not conceive of being alone, even with family now around the corner. Her abuse history left her very vulnerable and childlike at times, which I think comes out most in how she interacts with men. So she brought him along and now their relationship is spiraling down. I hate to see her so miserable but need to detach with love. Keep listening and caring but stop getting triggered when I hear her repeating the same communication or logic mistake.

hugs both,
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on September 25, 2021, 03:54:30 PM
That's interesting, Hopsie, do you feel like you can just keep listening? And do you feel like listening helps or does it just stop the other person doing something about it?  I keep wondering about it.  It's like my friend has been brainwashed.  She's intelligent, well educated, has a very good job, she's good company, attractive, etc etc. And this out of work, alcoholic, ugly, boring, controlling and lazy man has got her asking him whether or not she should wear a coat and praising him to the rafters because he's managed to put a pizza in the oven.  She doesn't really talk about it because I don't know that she actually knows?  I feel like it's happened slowly and subtly and what started out as appropriate support (because he was out of work) has turned into enabling and co-dependency.  I hadn't realised how bad it was until I stayed with them.  I didn't know whether I wanted to shake her or punch him.  I can't stand to be around him, which makes it hard as she's never on her own now he doesn't work - even when we speak on the phone he's in the background.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 25, 2021, 04:13:38 PM

My friend's dh was about 12 years older..... very sweet and his language of love was the same as mine.... acts of service.

I THINK he felt a bit defensive about ME doing the things he wanted to do for her and their new home, as well as a bit shamed by the fact he was a procrastinator, which my friend and I understood and stepped around so as not to hurt him.  There would come a time when she'd say..... I NEED this or that done, so we're going to press it this trip.... like her and I painting the trim, me caulking around the double oven or ripping out the bedroom built ins...... she'd give me the wink or have a word earlier.

If she was still hemming and hawing about pushing something, as to avoid upsetting her beloved, and he was beloved and cherished by her.... he felt the same about her...... I'd offr to do something then let it go if he said NO, not now, I'll get it, which he normally did, reflexively.

I also want to say he had 6 Catholic sisters and a very strong mother, so it was super easy to overwhelm him with what was large female energy aimed at him. Certainly, I hid my light a little less than my friend, who was invested in being cherished and cared for in a traditional way, even though she earned as much as him and was every inch his equal..... she wanted the traditional marriage they agreed on and built.

Had he been a beligerant drunk..... I'm sure I would have said it in front of her, where he couldn't hear, and hoped she sorted it out herself.  HAD SHE CONTINUED to put up with behavior I couldn't put up with.....I would likely have spoken my piece then removed myself, as you did.

From that point on..... it would be difficult to continue listening to the friend complain, let her talk then bounce over it without giving advice, even if asked for.  Once I get the feeling I've said everything I had to say 10X or more..... I need to say it a different way OR just remain compassionate listener if it doesn't compromise my own mental health.  I think it does, at times. 

I'm learning just how important boundaries are, bc I think it builds a framework of safety for me..... takes the guess work out, awkward moments and most of all..... any mystification around what's happening in a relationship like this.

I know it takes me a while to GET a lot of concepts, particualrly when my heart and nervouse system are involved.  I don't want people I respect and care for to give up on me...... I also don't want them to stop trying to help me understand something I truly would benefit from understanding.  Since I sometimes have to hear something 5 different ways to understand and internalize it..... I think about presenting information differently, or accepting the person just isn't ready to make a change.... and that has to be OK too.

It's OK for your friend to carry on with the pig.  That's not your job.

What IS your job is to state your boundaries, the consequences of not honoring them and then follow through without hesitation if the boundary is breeched.  You don't have to be around the pig, for instance, but you also don't have to listen to her complain endlessly, to the exclusion of all else, over and over again after you've said everything you can think to say...... more than once, IME.

If you can think of a way to say it..... differently..... maybe your friend hears something that pings for her.  Other than that, it's not good for you to force yourself to sit silently and endure the complaints, IME.  You can say that, with compassion, while restating your concern.....
she's worthy of better... better treatment, of safety, a reciprocal relationship with a partner and.....
maybe this is the most difficult to wrap one's mind around.....
of feeling safe and at home in her own skin without a man in her life.

You can't save her from herself.  Sometimes I understood a message when people stopped trying to convince me and let me feel the weight of carryng a bad relationship on my own....... once I understood they were done trying to save me, I freaked out and ended one of my relationships, bc I was suddenly alone...... everyone around me stopped stepping up and making me feel they were helping me carry the responsibility. They did it with shrugs.....
"We guess you really do love this unstable, violent man.  Let us know how that works out for you."

BAM!  like a lightening bolt..... I got it.  All their words and reasons did NOTHING to convince me where stepping back.... did.


I've learned a lot about myself, how I view women and about my friend..... my own family... dysfunction and how important boundaries are.  How simple everything gets if we know what they are, use them and enforce them.  It's been a process and all the fear, obligation and guilt built into my nervous system has to be quieted long enough to pull pieces out of the eair and get an eye ball on them, IME.

Learning how to be gentle with myself and TRY to stop judging is part of figuring out things I've nevr made sense of before.  Getting comfortable with acceptance is certainly helpful.  Such a relief..... like putting down a big weight I never had to carry and resisting the urge to judge myself for picking it up or my parents for not teaching me to do better. 

My sister and I spoke anout all this earlier and decided our parents DID model healthy boundaries a lot of the time. They were mixd in with dysfunction and difficult to tease out, unfortunately.

Like I said....my parents did what they could, regarding my traveling with little kids, then released outcome.  I might still need a text or 3 rings, bc I would be the person who sent out the search crew IF someone I loved needed help.  I'll always be that person, even if I need to find healthier ways to express it..... and remain authentically myself.  I get to do what's important to me and I know depending on exterior things to be at peace isn't helpful.  I'm striving for balance, here.  Likely always will.

About your friend.... you are committed to deep listening, but it shouldn't cost you your equilibrium.  For me, that's about balance, again.  I think it helps our loved ones when we're able to be compassionate AND honest. Show them how to say difficult things without inflicting more harm..... maybe they can use that particular skill to help solve the BIG problem they've been dealing with through the years without change?

Interesting you talk about my friend "going flat."

My thoiughts are..... she knows me well and has listened to me shift into default savior problem solver mode...... and I move fast, fix and clean and suggest things she's already thought of..... it's frustrating for her, or anyone, to BE at the end of that, IME.  I know, bc my sister aims that fixer/savior/clean work SERVE reactivity at me....
and I recognize going flat, myself.  It's a defense mechanism.   I can block my sister's efforts more quickly, shut down her reaction and steer things back to things I CAN solve or work on or address without dissociating.  Maybe it's..... just losing all ability to pretend, Hops.

I want to say I haven't figured out all the fine mechanics of being nice, keeping things flowing, making things OK..... esp in social settings where I used to NEEEEED everyone to get along and create good memories for the kids..... whatever or wherever we are.

We're all grown arsed adults now.  It's time everyone learn how to state a boundary appropriately, enforce it and not blow everything up or go flat or take heads, IMO.

My father was a taker of heads.  My mother was too, come to think of it.  Golden Children.  They were scoffers and laughed and ridiculed and I don't like it.It doesn't belong in relationships I care about and I'm working on creating new languages.... for asserting boundaries with love...... but asserting without compromise when necessary. 

I'm brought face to face with consequences..... your friend and Tupp's friend likely fear losing their relationships with the problematic men in their lives.  They're not just thinking about what they deserve or are worthy of... they aren't thinking about teaching people how to treat us..... they're likely thinking about losing those relationships, of being alone, of what that fear will feel like and that brings up mor and more fear, IME.

WhenI think about my friend and my family..... I have to accept also the consequences of doing so.  I might not get what I need or deserve.  I might get shut down and told I'll never be honored or respected in the way I require. 

There's the possibility relationships and family will change in drastic ways I didn't intend or want to live with.

There's the possibility I'll be cut out, or discarded or abandoned...I chose those words, bc I think those are the words my nervous system would choose when fear''s driving my boat.

If I'm relaxed and thinking clearly..... I might not receive peace or respectful treatment over boundaries, but I see alternatives.... not endings to relationships I value.  There can be all sorts of solutions, when I can see what's there and not worry into the future or ruminate int he past.

Your friend and Tupp's friend.... might always be stuck in past or present and NOT be able to problem solve creatively.  Maybe that's the biggest problem....not the men, who'd likely be turned in for similar men IF the freind's don't figure out the root of the problems..... or symptoms, IMO. 

If I allow a man to behave badly, and I don't require better or remove myself....
if I continue living with an abuser.....
if I make excuses and allow bad treatment......
that's a different problem than adjusting my expectations in a difficult relationship.

Understanding I'm free to require better treatment is different than doing it while feeling safe and confident enough to be on my own.

In order to GET what I deserve, I have to state my boundaries AND consequences I'm willing to follow through with........
maybe I have to first accept the possibility the relationship would end..... being alone/losing the upsetting relationship would have to be something I've made peace with and that's a whole nuther piece of the puzzle.  Some people would never leave a relationship, ever... esp a marriage they're committed to. 

in that case, they have to learn a new language of self care, I think. Of acceptance and withdrawing with love in order to find their own peace and joy and emotional distance within the chaos of the relationship.

I accepted my friend wasn't willing to push beyond a certain point with her dh.  She and I had an understanding about her dh's procrastination, which got much worse in the year his health began declining.  I'm glad she was gentle with his ego.  I loved him too...he was kind and gentle and a truly good human being.  They deserved the tenderness they extended to each other.

But whew..... the condo needed attention..... the HVAC vents and plumbing and more caulking..... it was good for my soul, bc it allowed me to express my love..... acts of service.  The thing is..... I can't always DO and act and fix. 

I look for balance with recommitting to compassionate listening too. 

I know it's necessary and good and right, but it can't cost me my own stability.  There have to be limits.  Boundaries are good.

I spoke to my friend today and didn't talk about all the things I shared with my sister about this stuff. 

I don't need to have this chat with her and she has a lot on her plate.  I might bring up the conflict over my touching the fridge, and I get it. I wouldn't want her to touch all my little piles either, when I think about it.  I'll own what's mine, explain why I do some of the things I do, why I want to change them and what I'm working towards so she understands we don't have a problem between us.

I have a problem figuring out how to assert boundaries, discern the difference between greasing social wheels...... overstepping..... reacting vs responding.

She did nothing wrong. Going flat is and was a necessary reaction to boundaries being stepped on, IME. Yes, compassionately speaking about the boundaries would be prefereable, but we do what we have to do to protect ourselves.

We do better when we know how.

I want to end this with a time I told this friend "don't do that," very calmly when she went flat with me over something I couldn't fix.  I made a suggestion.  She went flat and took my head.... a small snarky taking, btw.  I simply met her gaze and stated that boundary... "don't do that."

She stopped.  Simple. We went back to having a lovely dinner in a lovely restaurant.... in our twenties at the time.

There was a time we DID handle things more quickly, more effectively, but we're carrying so much baggage by now.... the kids, the marriages, the siblings the parents.... Lord...... sometimes it's hard to find the thread.

If we had healthy boundaries in place..... things would have been so much easier, IMO.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 25, 2021, 04:37:24 PM
I drove home without taking ANYTHING from friend's very full fridge.  A mistake, I realize, as I opened cans of tomatoes and cooked off frozen grassfed beef to make....
chili... pasta sauce without onions, garlic or greens.

It smells amazing, however, with powdered and dried herbs alone.  Maybe,bc this is the first meal I've cooked for JUST myself in a long long time.

No one else to please or gain cooperation with. 

It is MINE and I am enjoying every inch of the smell, taste and choices..... a can of beans is ready to go.  2 packages of rice noodles are standing by..... refridgerated and requiring ONLY to be warmed. Cooking them makes them too soggy.  Easy and tasty and warm and perfectly suited to this windy cool day with many windows open in the house.

I feel like I can breathe.... almost fully.

I have a tendency to hold my breath...... have to pay more attention to that.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on September 25, 2021, 08:08:16 PM
So "going flat" as just stopping all pretending sounds really authentic.
I was watching the same scary TV about killers that Tupp had been, so I was imagining something like the sociopathic stare just-before-violence one always hears about. Glad you cleared that up!

I think you're spot on about the listening and the boundaries and the letting go of saving friends from their own bad relationships.

I think with my poet friend I need to get used to stepping out or away more rapidly. I focus hard on what she's saying, and damned if it's not a bit triggering. They are locked into a somebody's-gotta-WIN this argument stance, and it's exhausting just to hear about.

About her/their fears of being alone, boy can I relate. I spent a year after breaking off the future-commitment-pretenses with M and trying to be his best friend anyway, out of residual love and affection and some dependent fantasy he'd still view himself as a future security for me as "his best friend." And he often tried to encourage that with little remarks now and then... But since I wrenched myself through the NC decision, the amount of freedom and peace and energy to do new things and meet new people has been coming through VERY clearly. Don't miss M!

It's hard not to project that positive result onto friends when we see them spiraling. I actually feel as sorry for him as for her...he's out of his depth and she can be very condescending because an academic tone (lecturing and "educating" him about sexism, etc) really sets him off. Then he says something belittling about her that she takes as a sexist-pig insult, when I often think it's just he doesn't have her depth of language or education, and speaks like an older regional southern man from a brutal family. She has many right points but presents them always as his "homework" and he is condescending in turn because he's very insecure about who he is as a man in this confusing new social world.

Also, he has a felon son with bipolar and dangerously high BP who's pulling at him constantly for money and that pisses her off too, because he's contributing economically and she's watching him just bleed away his savings to try to rescue the son, who may not be salvageable. (That's where some of my compassion for him comes, because I know the desperation with a spiraling child.)

He's frantic on the phone with son all day and then she wades in and gets all furious about his comments and remarks that always begin with "YOU...never/always...etc."
I think they're in a very sad kind of cage match.

Meanwhile, you also remind me how important it is not to let my advocacy and love of my friend damage my own mental health. Thanks for that and I couldn't agree more, calm boundaries and stepping back -- NOT so much leaping in.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 26, 2021, 01:56:13 AM
So "going flat" as just stopping all pretending sounds really authentic.
I was watching the same scary TV about killers that Tupp had been, so I was imagining something like the sociopathic stare just-before-violence one always hears about. Glad you cleared that up!

Yikes, no.  Not a serial killer shark- like "flatness."  Just a very focused annoyance/anger that's about to be turned into action or words.  I think it speaks to my shying away from feminine toughness...... or anger..... or assertiveness.... maybe?  I'm not sure how to blend toughness and femininity in a way that's comfortable. Maybe healthy boundaries takes the confusion out of it?.

I think you're spot on about the listening and the boundaries and the letting go of saving friends from their own bad relationships.

I think with my poet friend I need to get used to stepping out or away more rapidly. I focus hard on what she's saying, and damned if it's not a bit triggering. They are locked into a somebody's-gotta-WIN this argument stance, and it's exhausting just to hear about.

The last time I heard a friend share that kind of struggle.....i just flat out told him how tedious and boring it was to listen the struggle, bc it was always the same struggle. I didn't need him to see it, but I needed him to stop talking about it for my own mental health.  On reflection, using the words tedious and boring wasn't a compassionate way to express that truth.  It was all I had in my tank at the time...... it was me letting that build up over a period of years...... then losing my ability..... to be honest AND compassionate/feminine/healing and who says I have to always always be feminine and healing and compassionate?  Of course I would strive to be centered and compassionate, given a choice, but thats not.....I'm not perfect.... or a monk..... or capable of holding everything for everyone, which I used to feel responsible for, I guess. 

That seems to have passed.

 I'll count it as a win, if an imperfect win.

About her/their fears of being alone, boy can I relate. I spent a year after breaking off the future-commitment-pretenses with M and trying to be his best friend anyway, out of residual love and affection and some dependent fantasy he'd still view himself as a future security for me as "his best friend." And he often tried to encourage that with little remarks now and then... But since I wrenched myself through the NC decision, the amount of freedom and peace and energy to do new things and meet new people has been coming through VERY clearly. Don't miss M!

YAY! YAY!  You're doing great, Hops: )

It's hard not to project that positive result onto friends when we see them spiraling. I actually feel as sorry for him as for her...he's out of his depth and she can be very condescending because an academic tone (lecturing and "educating" him about sexism, etc) really sets him off. Then he says something belittling about her that she takes as a sexist-pig insult, when I often think it's just he doesn't have her depth of language or education, and speaks like an older regional southern man from a brutal family. She has many right points but presents them always as his "homework" and he is condescending in turn because he's very insecure about who he is as a man in this confusing new social world.

How frustrating and sad, Hops.  That WINNING! thing is really tough.
And tedious.
And boring.

Also, he has a felon son with bipolar and dangerously high BP who's pulling at him constantly for money and that pisses her off too, because he's contributing economically and she's watching him just bleed away his savings to try to rescue the son, who may not be salvageable. (That's where some of my compassion for him comes, because I know the desperation with a spiraling child.)

It's difficult to support/help a child recover rather than enable them to remain ill.... esp if we're allergic to conflict, IME. 

He's frantic on the phone with son all day and then she wades in and gets all furious about his comments and remarks that always begin with "YOU...never/always...etc."
I think they're in a very sad kind of cage match.  I always pictured my brother and his wife clinched together..... their fingers in each other's hair.... death gripped together.  Cage match is an apt description.  Yup.  You won't solve that one for them.

Meanwhile, you also remind me how important it is not to let my advocacy and love of my friend damage my own mental health. Thanks for that and I couldn't agree more, calm boundaries and stepping back -- NOT so much leaping in.

There's power in letting things be.  Stepping back can be an act of self preservation, esp if folkes aren't able to hear us.  Talk about a lesson in acceptance and releasing outcome.  Our stuff rubbing up against other people's stuff.... our coping strategies creating avoidable tension, certainly the case for me with this friend.  Stepping around the tension is better, if we can't change the original problem, IME.  We can still be OK, even if our friends and loved ones aren't OK.  It changes nothing, costs them and us nothing to keep ourselves level.  Why that so difficult to figure out, Idon't know., but it is, IME.  Hugs back to you, Hops.
Lighter /b]

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 27, 2021, 12:02:26 PM
WOW....when I try to see situations and people without judgement, agenda or expectation.....

it feels like my vision vibrates a little.....


my mouth and eyes soften in an uncomfortable way.... my brain wants to auto-correct it.

I think it's what I used to negatively judge as "sleepy-eyed" twin......face.  My sister's identical face was NEVER that, but when I looked in the mirror I saw HER face, but with softer eyes.  For the first time I saw myself through other people's eyes and filters... that darned mirror. 

It's sad to think about a child unlearning to see things without judgment.  Appearances, vulnerability needed shoring up (quite necessary, I'm sure.) 

Well...... kids can really be mean.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 01, 2021, 12:18:43 PM
Yesterday morning I patted my chest to comfort myself.....just happened without thinking.
It felt exactly like comforting a baby.  My hand felt the baby....my chest felt the comforting hand, like a child would feel it.


This reminded me of the shoulder patting self soothing strategy T taught me.....that I haven't used or remembered to use,  more accurately.

The chest pat and alternating shoulder pats have the exact timing.

Animals chewed car wires, which was an easy fix after arranging a tow and waiting my turn. Contractor said they make the wire coatings with soy products..... that's why the chewing.

Contractor working elsewhere a lot lately.  He seemed different yesterday after laying 3rd bathroom shower tile.  We talked about the job, I offered to feed him, bc he rarely comes back after lunch.  He snapped...."Where do you think I am?  Now she's offering to feed me.". I was so shocked I took a step back and walked away.... wondering if he talked to his wife that way?  WAS he talking to his wife?

Ya, he was.

And his attitude didn't get much better after he apologized and launched into what's apparently overwhelming him lately?  Difficult old lady customer and her DD.  Stepson making bad choices the contractor can't control, bc his wife earns money too.  If he was the sole earner.....he said he'd throw out the SS who's 6k behind in child support, which is untenable to contactor.

A second stepson making bad choices.

His brother texted him and pretended to be someone else, reporting brother was dying in hospital.  Contractor seemed at the end of a rope, emotionally.  I'm glad he's taking a break, with my blessing always, bc setting his own work schedule is how he rolls.  I expect he'll take small jobs while working here, likely for a year.  He has a business to run and no help.  It was a deal I made.  Slow but well done work by a local.

I will say this..... he's extremely religious and social.  The end if our discussion vwas about sharing Jesus, stories about it that touched his heart ( assuming I was being shared with) and I noticed I poked him a tad about throwing Cornhole......night at various events.....being gambling, bc they throw for up to 10k at the end of each event.....I think it's called Box Throw?  Not t sure, but I could see the man he was before getting sober, before Jesus touched his heart, before he settled into responsibility and consistent parenting.

I don't know why I do that....but he finds the idea of gambling not ok.  It's "a chance."

Not "gambling."
Not gambling.
I have to stop.
 I know that. 

If he's having a breakdown....if he's dropping a mask, he has to go.  I already know that.

The very first impolite remark....
 and I'll know.

My brother has a renovation coming up....is almost done with an ongoing project.  I'll go by and see the on this trip to Atlanta.

Will visit widowed friend, go to Restores and travel back to lake for some other minor work on car the first of the week.
I see the nutrition gal today and my hands are a mess....little nerve bumps on left palm and fingers on right hand. Not many, but they pop up when I m stressed....are itchy and sometimes painful.  Im expecting a good appointment today, esp since food choices have been limited to frozen and canned, bc no car for days. 

I ate a huge salad last night.....so happy to have fresh greens!

My sister is bonding with my girls.  I'm bonding with her DD. 

My brother's DD and DS don't answer my calls or return my texts since Christmas.  I hope that changes. 

I think the plan is to have Christmas all together in Toronto this year.  I hope we can figure out how to be kind and joyful....without fail. There are so many amazing things to do, as a family.   

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on October 01, 2021, 02:57:04 PM
Ahhh, okay....
Hops klaxons going off (they ARE hair-trigger, I admit).

Themes I feel are familiar....

Contractor. Male. Competent. Doing active stuff. Lighter closely aware of if not side-by-side with his work. Must be a lot of necessary dialogue. Are we employer-employee, coworkers, or friends?

Lighter offers to nurture (feed). That's not expected, or convenitonal. Contractor notices and feels off-balance enough by this intimacy to go awry.

Next. Lighter's sympathy/empathy somehow invites Contractor to drop all boundaries and become totally vulnerable and pour out his heart. Totally personal.

All professional or employer-detachment-from-worker boundaries are blown.

Lighter, hon, SOMETHING goes on between you and hired men. It's not bad or wrong but most definitely recurs in your life.

I don't know the answer (if in fact there is a question) and I don't want to slide into critique. That's not my point. I just wanted to share that I see this pattern and here's a new repeat.

Is it good for you? Healthy? Resetting your experiences with males in a positive way?

That's all that matters. If it IS good, or something you're drawn to re-enact for a reason, then good will come of it. If it might not be, or seems like toxicity is beckoning, well good could come of that too, once you ponder it.

You ponder hard, ime, and you grow from it always.


PS THANK YOU for the chest-patting moment. I did it the moment I read it and I get it. So appreciate this concrete reminder of how to be physically tender with ourselves.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 02, 2021, 08:46:20 AM
You're welcome for the chest patting moment, Hops.

About the contractor.  On reflection.....it felt more like he had a toothache than anything.  Like a lion with a thorn in his paw.

It was so out of character ....I was shocked.
I don't think it has anything to do with me.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on October 02, 2021, 10:51:50 AM
Got it. I could be and often am, WAAAAAAAAAY off base!

Hope he'll be well and you will have no angst around him.
(Doesn't sound like you do. My projection I am sure.)


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 08, 2021, 11:41:59 AM
My sister has moved me into a huge paper/clutter edit.  Not all the trial stuff...but......

Things she felt we'd need to write a book are in the burn pile. 
Stuff to burn. 
I'm happy and relieved to let it go.
I'll let you guys know when the bonfire begins.   

You'll have time to dust off your Amazon-wear.

My boots need new buckles.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 08, 2021, 11:53:49 AM
Oldest dd is having a birthday soon and  wants to eat buffet sushi.

My God.

In Atlanta.

The Covid possibilities are endless..... and...... any buffet idea slows my digestion.  I know I won't leave feeling well.


In Atlanta.

I'm supposed to get on a plane on Wedendsday.  I can't cancel the flights. 

I guess I'm stuck in a reactive place....will go into the yard and just be for a while.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on October 08, 2021, 06:57:29 PM
How about saying about the sushi-covid corral ... no, that's not a place I'll be going.

Nothing about existing on one's own birthdate entitles anybody to require others to expose themselves to dangerous illness, imo. (But the other needs to own their own reason if they wish to explain it. Owning it does not mean seeking understanding or approval if it's not forthcoming. Owning it means, I am, I speak, I make choices.)

Saying No, with peaceful self-containment. Nothing to do with not caring about bdays, but bday entitlement feelings (trainings?) run into limits too, imn-ho. Good experience.

Saying No without misery is great anti-CoD practice for you.
Accepting No without misery would be great maturity practice for her.

Good luck! You might only get the internal piece of it this round. Internal peace.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 24, 2021, 09:36:07 PM
I did say NO to birthday sushi buffet, Hops.

During trip to Florida youngest DD19 asked me how I felt about being a hypocrite over refusing the buffet, yet going out to mostly patio seating restaurants in Florida......no buffets.

I responded I felt assailed from all sides and shot her a warning glance.  I just don't have the patience to be needled when I do my level best to be safe and still have a life.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 02, 2021, 03:37:03 PM
Halloween is very busy around here.  Lots of physical prep, but 6 out if town guests, aloo g with me and the girls, is a lot.

My recently widowed friend came and I wasn't completely recovered from the week I spent with her, not gonna lie.  I wasn't able to attune and frankly, I feel a need to change my definition of attunement to friends and family members. 

Halloween was super busy.....and I close off emotionally, get into my little zone and create monsters happily under pressure.  A 15 foot tall clown zombie was new this year and amazing.
 My style rubs up against my sister's style, bc she DOES so much..... beautiful chaos, really.  She wants direction and for me to not be annoyed with her efforts.  She sees us as Claire and fleabag from the Series Fleabag.  I'm Claire, if you're familiar.... And my sis isn't exactly wrong.

I'm getting new tires and am grateful for these moments of mindfulness.  On the way here I was shocked when I wondered if being a solitary astronaut would be just right for me....and tears popped up. 

I think I haven't found my balance yet with people and work and play and everything.  That's ok too.  It's ok to be unsure and out if sorts while finding my way.  I know that.

So, Halloween there were at least 3 people in tears.....one in anger.  One in frustration.  One in heartbreak.  The frustrated and angry ones had an incident.....but really, my friend is ready for my children to be grown and gone.  Now her husband passed, she's ready for me to be as free.....and I'm not.  The frustrated one was one if my girls and she doesn't do well with people and noise ( unless she's making it) and people in her space.  I choose my kids if my friend makes the mistake of asking me to choose.  It appears she won't, but at a point it seemed imminent, I tell you.  My sister spent time with friend and apparently talked her out if that tree.  I had energy INLY for truth telling and running the haunted tent in the driveway and feeding people.  I slept in a closet( big closet) very happy to be alone.....took my sister's bed, in fact.

There was an electric current between two guests you could feel from a distance.  I mention this only bc it wasn't appropriate and one of those people was the first to sprout tears last night.  Seems an age ago already.

I'm going to go back to contemplating balance for myself.  Life seems much easier for extroverts, though I know it's not that simple.

From here.....where I'm standing, it looks like there are those who harm and those who heal, but again....not that simple.

I don't have to make sense of the actions if difficult people. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 02, 2021, 04:28:16 PM

Jumping on "finding balance" I want to say there are parts to that, imo.

Simply SEEING my patterns and reactivity.

Sifting through them to find clarity, as Good us doing now.

Dropping judgment so I CAN find clarity.

Resisting the pull of assigning blame bc it just slows me down.

Realizing....no. Wrong word.  Accepting/internalizing my emotions aren't dependent on other people's words and actions.....really important.  Releasing expectations will free up so much energy.  Esp around spending time with other people.

And the Yelly Guy stuff......
Is falling away.  For me, though his tone yesterday says he's shifting into anger and resentment..... hopefully acceptanc e around the reality I can't be friendly and civil around him and not be.....
Not be.....
See?  I have some resentment around this "Lighter texted with a married man, Lighter walked her dog with a married man" narrative.....making me somehow responsible for the married man losing his mind.

I say he lost it long ago, nothing to do with me.  He acted it out bc he's lost his mind, not bc I talked, walked or texted, imo.

To say I have responsibility is to say to my younger self, daughters, niece and present/ future self that I deserve to be assaulted, stalked IF certain clothing choices are made.

I say, just bc attention is desired.....intentionally sought out doesn't mean we're apples on a tree for anyone to pick ( stalk/assault, etc.)

People, men and women, get to decide who's attention they want and who's they don't.  That's it.  So simple, I wonder what the hell is wrong with people who see confusion.

Very simple for me.  Always has been.

So, I don't believe I'll ever stop being civil or kind, bc there are amoral people, broken people, PDs, confused people.  I'm not confused in what's appropriate.  I'm not responsible for other people.


And so.....Yelly Guy was standing in the Cowboy's yard watching me and sis break down Halloween decorations.  I ignored him.  Didn't even think about it.

Sis tied the pug to a tree badly.  Pug git away.  Yelly Guy walked dog back over to us and expected.... to chat?  Help us, perhaps?

I saw him coming and said YG us bringing the Pug back, but kept working.  Sis was closer to YG than I was....I was high on a ladder, reaching. 

Short story short, we both called the dog a little shit and ignored YG.....curt thanks and did took the dog, turned away.

YG said something.....I wasn't listening, frankly, but his tone was familiar.  Wounded.....resentful.  If he finds a way to retaliate he will, ime. 

I have to find clarity around relationships in my community and save the ones I care about.

There's some internal primal drive to be accepted and safe within community.  Very powerful during years of trials......primitive us a good word.

I have some confusion around that, still.....needs sorting out. 

I am safe.

I can keep myself safe

I'd like to help others feel safe.

The whole blaming women thing is over for me. 

Women should support each other and women in this Country are more combative, ime.

I have some thinking to do on it.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 02, 2021, 04:30:21 PM
 One more thing ....
Saying and understanding something, for me, is different than internalizing something in my cells and psyche. 

Sometimes I beat dead horses, but I'm just trying to merge with the poor thing.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 02, 2021, 04:45:29 PM
Lots of opportunities to practice responsiveness......notice reactivity and what I'm doing opposed to what others are doing

It seems so simple now.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on November 02, 2021, 06:26:56 PM
I so understand how different understanding something conceptually is from internalizing/integrating it into reacting in the world.

I had two thoughts about your Hallowe'en:
1) Sounded like a veritable tsunami of OPFs (Other People's FEELS). Oooof.
2) The 13-foot clown thought hit me as: Does Lighter need to be building a flatbed sculpture to take to the next Burning Man? LOL.

Re. Yelly Guy: Sigh. Be so helpful if you blocked his texts. Not hostile. Simple.

Hope all this settles soon and you stop thinking you fell short of perfection. I can help. Here's the truth: You fall short of perfection.

Join the club, hon! This is all FINE.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 05, 2021, 12:47:40 PM
I'll be building, climbing and getting sore as long as I can.  It's me....doing what I love to do. I don't get sore as often as I perhaps should, imo. 

That commercial.....where they sing ...
"Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think..." goes through my mind.  It helps me focus on my joy.

As for managing responsiveness.....it comes and goes, but at least I'm alert to it.

Sometimes it feels like I can see the hidden meaning behind every piece of advice I've given and received...

What you fear will find you...
what we resist....persists...
Be here ... now....

It's different when I understand vs practice vs internalize it.

Lately, and despite the interpersonal chaos around me, I have managed more emotional distance which translates into adrenals healing and calmer headspace, generally.

I wonder if I ll forget what living in fight or flight felt like......and it makes me feel.....it feels like flipping a switch.  I could say once I knew better....I did better, but that's not true.

Knowing is much different than laying new pathways and building them, ime.

It's not magic ... it's really hard work.   The moments I notice sea change always hit with surprise. 

Lately I wonder how it was so hard, bc it seems obvious.....now, knowing something else will come up and cycle through....getting cleaner and more streamlined it's hoped, as I navigate.



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on November 05, 2021, 01:07:45 PM
Totally agree -- it is bloody hard work.
If only a few positive affirmations could cure PTSD....

I hear you.

And though mine aren't as intense, I do feel I understand those flashes, because now and then anxiety can hit me out of the blue and I literally cannot breathe. Been a long time since it was that bad and its intensity DID wear down with time.

For me, in the now, it's facing that I carry around a couple of brain and emotional weaknesses (vulnerabilities) that I'm always going to have to protect and be vigilant about. They're invisible. On the inside of me. Nobody else is going to be that interested or that able to monitor and watch out and take care and all that...so I have to get better at it myself.

Older and oldest age will not make this easier. But it's part of the price of admission.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 09, 2021, 12:23:30 PM
I'm noticing less fear and more ease/confidence lately.

Energy freed up from worry/reacting is a precious powerful thing, ime.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 11, 2021, 06:44:32 PM
My last appt with nutritionist really pointed out how my milk consumption is harming my health.  I have a painfully gooey left ear....traced back to milk.  I'm one of those ppl without acceptable milk replacement.  Oldest DD used to be, but now likes cashew and oat milk.

::Shaking head::.  Not me.

I've skipped the morning latte I was dependent on and woke with a flat stomach this morning. 

If I can go zero g/s/d with 1 ( specially chosen) carb a week..... I'll be where I want to be with food. Dropping the inflammation is a no brainer.  My feet are pain free....have been for a while.  There was pain in both feet for a while there.....failure to be pristine with food choices is expensive in several ways.

2 days sans dairy and the left ear isn't popping and hurting, come to think if it.  NRP added codliver oil to supps regime to help with milk cravings and it seems to b helping as I've switched to plain hot tea with less internal wining as I go.

I had a couple days feeling motivated to BE inside my stronger, healthier fighting weight body.  I stretch and catch any hip/back/ neck pain and correct proactively with the Pain Free book.  I wish aI had that book 30 years ago.

The gi rls and I will put up our 8 foot Balsam  Christmas tree tomorrow..... it's waiting in the garage, soaking up water along with 25 feet of beautiful Balsam garland and a lovely mixed wreath.

We'll use colored lights,watch The Fantastic Mr. Fox and start putting gingerbread houses together to be decorated over Christmas holiday. 

This year will be my sibs and me doing our own thing bc Covid travel is just too hard.  The girls and I plan to go out for Christmas dinner.  Maybe Korean BBQ or Sushi.  Maybe this will be a new ritual.  More creating.  Less worship of food we have sensitivities to.

I hope we get snow.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 26, 2021, 02:04:03 PM
I feel like I've scattered posts across different threads, mixing them up on mine and other people's.  I'll try to be more precise going forward.

Today I have time to sit with something I haven't dealt with yet, but pops up too often to ignore any longer.

It's reactivity around my brother's past low opinions and criticisms of me, particularly around the renovation stuff and how "difficult" I am as a human being.  Once, in 2008, he accused me if wearing shirts displaying my belly, which happened to be true if his PD wife, not me, at that time.  THIS reactivity connects to every deeply wrong accusation he's leveled at me ( I think from his own pain) and so it's like dragging an anchor of old stuff.

Admitting this sends stinging bolts of energy into my Nervous System...... and then I feel better just st accepting it.  I can't change it.  It won't ever have been fair and replacing the frustration with compassion for him released a pressure valve so I look forward to walking the walk, breathing spaciousness into the places I feel physical discomfort...... when my brother compliments me.... I'd like to feel only a flush of gratitude and pride.....no flash of hurt at unjust treatment.  Esp since he had no idea how it landed.

So, I admit I've noticed a sort of default setting becoming habit.  I breathe and center myself over and over, never fully processing the damage bouncing around my limbic system.

Today I walk the walk and revisit daily mindful practices to sturdy up new pathways and forgetting us OK.

Remembering is better.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on December 26, 2021, 02:45:15 PM
Ouch. I hear that, Lighter.
My otherwise-always-kind father ONE TIME made a remark that shamed me for being...sexual. (Nothing explicit about it. I was in my 20s and he was from anothr time. It was a generational thing.)

In a long life of being kind, that remark stood out to me because it HURT so much. So I understand why your brother's remark about visible belly had the same effect.

I understand they have a lovely selection of burkas on Amazon.

In sisterhood,
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 28, 2021, 12:01:13 AM
I'm sorry you were shamed by your sweet father, Hops. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 27, 2022, 01:14:39 PM
Lately I've been aware of this phase I live in...... having it's limit.   This phase will be gone soon, I can tell. Another will bein, whatever that is and it's hard to say what it will be.

I used to have a pretty good idea what the next phase would be.  Larger life phases with relative KNOWNS,like.... dating and marriage and parenting and fighting the good fight and being productive and enduring and limping through holidays even if I'd lost the ability to be present and look into people's eyes and BE present, even with my chldren...... I guess being held hostage by type A personalities demanding my attention was still a thing, maybe up to 4 years ago....but that was 4 years ago.

Now is not then.

 I know that in my bones.  I don't fear the next phase and I honestly didn't realize that until this moment.  I mean....I haven't said YES to anything, outside of doing business I felt I had to undertake, that would in any way trap or force regrets down my gullet. A couple friendships, but I haven't risked much and that was by design.  People are complicated and the type As attracted to my energy are mostly trouble.  I mean, who would want to BE around them.... who else besides earnest, overtly devoted, optimistic co dependents allow their boundaries to be crossed by an inch, then a foot then a yard, etc till they're in a stupid-trap hole, where "normal" people simply would allow themselves to be pushed?  And allowing oneself to be driven into a hole has something to do with feeling some inaibility to act and respond to the first asaults on boundaries, which means completely screwed when sorting the HUGE transgressions and crawling out of the hole, IME.

I knew it would be what it is....... I knew I would refuse to subject myself and children  to the possibility of tyranny and nut job control scenarios I was sick to death of..... forerver sick to death of, but then they still came up and I had zero to do wtih them popping up. 

What's interesting, now...... is how being polite, withstanding discomfort and innapropriate behaviors is exactly what lead to the more tedious and alarming behaviors.  Had I been less resilient, less able to bite my tongue, less cool and "stoic" I would have called a spade a spade, blurted out boundaries and consequences very early and made a big stinky McStink stink when a boundary was crossed.  Just been..... what most PD type As ARE, IME.  Ruined the vibe, shut down the flow of things and everyone's ability to pretend and continue being productive on the path we were walking together.  I would have put people OFF my path without hesitating and that's pretty much the thing, isn't it?

We state boundaries and consequences so we don't have to think about it when it comes up..... we planned it out when calm and ACTING is the thing we do or don't do.   That's a link in the chain of making healthy choices and enforcement, without hesitation is a really important one.  I recognize it, actually, from 25 years ago.  It's been a theme and maybe why I'd rather crush my ankle than try again. 

It would be easier to say I'm a PD magnet, bc it's not the entire case.  It's part of it, but only a fraction, IME.

And that's the dream, isn't it.  How I frame the world, as it was, and maybe how it is for me now........ very different and I safer now than ever, for more than one reason, but...... I notice thinking about it borders on feelig tedious.

My inner toddler isn't having any of it, she's firm on that and she feels pretty final about it..... but I know she's  not in charge any longer.  I know there's another phase coming and the toddler's cross armed refusal to consider much has shifted a few isles back and she'll settle down if reassured and asked nicely, without confrontation. Lord, I think she's relieved about it and it's been a long time for her to have to worry and protect in her way.  She'll relax and trust me.

I'll be interested in how I handle boundary transgressions.  It will feel out of place, at first.  Maybe it'll seem funny or jarring, but it's going to be fearless.... or so it seems.

I don't fear losing this phase and I always always notice when phases are about to shift....since I can remember.  It used to be sad, but it's not that....not anymore.  Partially, bc of the work with my T....... I rarely miss my happiest moments, bc it feels like they're still with me, unchanged, as they were and still present.  What an amazing, game changing thing to feel.

And so, the next phase, whatever it is, I'll remain curious about it and trust there won't be any rabbit holes I can't handle....and that's a leap, bc I very much believed I could handle all the potential rabbit holes in my life.  I always felt very strong and capable and competent.

It's difficult to overcome toxic people who lie, cheat and steal as a matter of course.  Maybe bc the rules only allow the bad actors to break them..... or maybe that was just MY stuff......believing I had to follow all the rules and tell only the truth and BE judged on exactly the facts without variance while the PD lied, cheated and stole...... assaulted and I just kept toughing it out and trying to de escalate things, bc THAT was my real weakness.  I don't have that weakness any longer..... it turned into something else and it's OK, whatever it was.  It's not that now.

I'll be making new mistakes, thank you very much; )


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on January 27, 2022, 01:23:18 PM
Wow, this is strong, Lighter.

It helps me to ponder that 95% of human situations don't demand that I make a binary choice between fear and safety.

Assertiveness and good boundary-setting can be adrenaline free. THAT's the magic of them, once practiced over time. (And I can never stop working at it, with my history.) Hindsight or correcting my first response is routine.

I try to recognize when a threat is a rhino and when it's an insect. We're bigger than bugs.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 27, 2022, 03:32:51 PM

How does it feel to ponder assertiveness for you.... right now?

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on January 27, 2022, 05:59:56 PM
Comfortable, happy and glad.

I'm so grateful the concept (and all those sites with specific examples) is out there. First learned about it in my 20s but it took years to sink in.

Leaving the relationship with M was a big threshold step for me. I think there's been a lot of good growth since that choice.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Phyll on February 03, 2022, 01:00:35 PM
The other day I allowed the Fed Ex Driver cross a number of boundaries and I have been kicking myself for it ever since (which is really not very productive).  I thought I would toss it out here to see what your thoughts are:

You might recall how we built a fence around our property with gates at our driveways after dealing with the neighbor trying to lure our dogs into the road with a dog whistle while carrying a hand-crafted spear-like weapon.

I was going to the Post Office to check our mail.  I pulled up to our gate, got out to open it and returned to my vehicle. As I started to pull forward to leave, I realized the Fed Ex Driver had blocked the road to deliver a package.  We have a large drop box outside the gate and drivers know to leave packages there.

Instead of putting the package in the box the driver walked into the fenced-in area and approached me in my car.  I popped out and let him hand me the package.  I tried to keep my distance by backing up - he proceeded to ask me questions, such as if we had any concerns with deliveries.  Then he guessed the small heavy package contained ammunition. (actually, it was some tractor tire chain links for our newer tractor - but it was none of his business.)  He went on to say how he like target practicing.  I got the impression he was fishing to see where we stood on the political spectrum.

We do not advertise our political views to our neighbors, and it is not a topic I want to bring up to discuss here - but when someone says certain things I do not promote silence.

I was relieved when W came outside to join the conversation.  He could tell from the camera feed that I was backing up and Mr. Fed Ex was pumping me for information.  Fed Ex started talking about how politically divided the country was and W explained how the fence and gate came about.  It became clear to us, but not clear to the driver we were NOT on the same page as he started talking about racist views. It was not clear until W told him we were not religious or political, that we did not want to see the country go back to the days when black men were hanging from trees; and that the neighbors who harassed us were white.

I am disappointed in myself and have all sorts of could've', should've, would'ves rolling around in my head. 
-- I was not being mindful of my surroundings.  Surely the Fed Ex truck was coming down the road when I opened the gate, but I did not even look.
-- I did not instruct the driver to back up so I could drive out and shut the gate.
-- I did not tell the driver to put the package in the box.

Some of my greatest assets are also my greatest defects.  I am too willing to be "nice" at times, too open with personal information.  Basically - I am not skilled in the art of boundary setting.

It is not that I have not tried.  I have read about it - I even facilitated a recovery workshop on boundary setting (to increase my own awareness and skills).  II have done 4th and 5th Steps on the issue of my seemingly inability to say No.  Do any of you have any suggested resources for practicing boundary setting?
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 03, 2022, 03:23:18 PM
I'm sorry you're struggling with boundary setting and enforcement, P.

Right now I'm keenly aware of my difficulties with enforcing boundaries, even when I set them easily and with conviction.  It seems like there are so many moving pieces and the pieces are different with neighbors, children, siblings and  mail men(mine held me hostage at my door for 10 minutes  while the snow and wind blew through my t shirt and jammie shorts). 

It also seems like people CAN'T HEAR me...... and it's maddening, bc what did I say and how did I say it to BE ignored and there is part of my problem.  I assume everything is my fault, even though clearly it's not, that's the first thought popping into my head.

I think what I'm saying to you is........ even if you set a boundary, ask Fed Ex guy to move, put the package down,  got into your car..... he might have ignored every word you say and I'm not entirely sure how to counter that proactively.

You might look in your rearview and avoid the Fed Ex driver instead of facing him at all to resolve the issue in the future.  I might have ignored the knock at the door by my postman and refused to open it...... he had a package we were expecting, so highly unlikely I'd ever do that, but my point is.... maybe it's the way we speak, what we say and how we posture as we say it? 

And I'm not talking about any of this being our fault, bc that ideas been niiggling at me regarding many disordered people and patterns in my life....... I'm just saying...... maybe the patterns hold keys and seeing them, without judgment of any kind, can free us from being cornered and ignored when we speak, set boundaries, etc. 

And I've been very plain spoken in my life...... I think I came to the that place bc people tend to not listen to me, ever, including my family members since birth, but also men and people I worked with, etc. 

Ahhhh.... and so at my most powerful..... when I stood my ground without flinching and stated difficult things with ZERO wiggle room... when I stated boundaries AND consequences NO ONE COULD mistake for something else....... both times I ended up married to very disordered men with zero empathy and so I'm sending you much compassion as I read your post.  And so I connect beign assertive with inviting dangerous attention...... and it's happened many times in my life.  It's wedged in my limbic system, even when I'm not thinking about it. 

I actually told my mailman I needed to go, I needed to shut the door, I needed to put down the 25lb pug squirming in my arms and barking over him and he just would not be quiet or hand me the package or get off my porch.  Even if you'd stated your boudaries to the Fed Ex guy, P...... it's likely the boundary he likely wold have ignored you and failed to comply  and then there's a larger very red flag waving, isn't there? I consider it one. 

As I read your post and remembered your situation with the fence and the crazy neighbor I wondered if Mr. Fed Ex and he are chummy.  I worried you had more trouble heading your way, but then...... I sometimes like I can be too proactive and perhaps I am. 

I'm not afraid of my post man...... but I'm not going to join into a he said/he said battle between him and another postman over accusations of stolen tips and things I have no way of discerning.  I COULD have said that, taken the package and shut the door, right?  Maybe, but I don't want the postman stalking me bc I hurt his feelings and I'm pretty careful about that bc I've had SO MANY RUN INS with men over my saying NO in normal tones with things escalating in really odd ways..... it always seem to start in small ways and I'd hate for you to have more trouble with the Fed Ex guy bc you injured his ego or whatever.  You aren't responsible for not hurting his feelings.  You are responsible for limiting contact with unstable boundary trouncers who feel they have a right to hold you hostage for reasons of their own.....nothing to do with you, though you know they don't hold rude, impatient, unkind people hostage, ever. 

I resent being in the position to wonder IF I'm a magnet for disordered people.

It's funny you bring this to the board right now, bc I had a lengthy discussion with my youngest about it, and many things honestly around similar topics...... round and round we went, just so confusing and difficult to get on the same page all the time, IME.

So I'm asking..... had you told the Fed Ex man to put the package in the box and move his truck.... and he ignored you..... then what would you have done?  What are appropriate consequences and when/how do we state them so as not to escalate or invite another bruised male ego into your life? 
I won't even assume the Fed Ex guy is chummy with nutsy neighbor or likely to lash out at those who fail to hold their same political views.

BTW it made me very nervous to read W told Fed Ex guy ANYTHING about your political views.  It felt like a very real violation and I felt there were many red flags.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on February 03, 2022, 04:09:48 PM
Great example, Phyl. I have a couple responses:

1) Stop critiquing yourself. You engaged, it backfired, and he's a jerk. NOBODY does assertiveness perfectly.

I think one problem that sneaks in along the same corridor is being trained to not understand that being assertive because of fury or fear or, in contrast, overdoing it as though you're going to be attacked, aren't assertive. Genuine assertiveness is a COMFORTABLE thing to do. It's not vibrating around the edges with guilt over not being submissive or cooperative, or with fear. IMO, it's part of the process to learn to check/inspect one's fear. Is it realistically justified? Is past trauma triggering me to over-assert or over-react? Does this event deserve any of my serenity? Does someone have to WIN here, or do I have other things to think about? (BTW, I don't describe it that way because I'm awesome at it, just have some cumulative thoughts about it.)

2) You could complain to FedEx. You could mentally rehearse for another time. You could try not to imagine dark consequences of not taking in his signals and feeling a compulsion to respond to, discuss, or react to them. I doubt he's going to attack you.

I think it's also a function of personal privacy. Holding your balance and not worrying about what HE thinks.

I think it takes loads of practice, and you have the right to do it wrong. And then try again. And then practice it some more. And then over time, one day realize -- hey, I can DECLINE boundary invasions. That's not defending yourself as though your life is threatened, it's just "I'm not interested in this dialogue, so I exit it now. NOW. In the moment." I truly think THAT is a huge key to all this. Taking action, not engaging in dialogue out of politeness/niceness/compulsion to respond. You have no obligation to engage back with any person, ever. Learning to ACT by simply walking away. I think that's much more effective than drumming up the perfect thing to say.

Channel somebody a little more FORMAL than you naturally are, when dealing with intrusion. As much as I loathe classism, when I moved into my new house and recognized that one neighbor was a major boundary violator who'd take a mile if I gave him an inch of interaction, I summoned internal NMom and my spine went up straight, I made no eye contact, murmured a few nothings like "yes, no, uh-huh" and simply walked into my house and shut the door. The man's never bothered me since. I FROZE him with snooty indifference, and it felt empowering. (That may not be the best model for your circumstances, but in mine, it worked a treat.)

Exs: "I have to go, have a good day."
"Next time just put the package in that box, thanks."
Or....just hand extended for the package and NOD and leave (don't speak).
It's the speaking back, accepting someone manipulating you into unwanted conversation, that you can stop by NOT speaking --or using an absolute minimum of words "yes, no, goodbye" -- and by physically WALKING.
Whatever makes sense for the situation. (If that behavior confuses them, great.)

Anyway, hope some scrap in all this ramble is helpful.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Phyll on February 04, 2022, 03:33:49 PM
Thank you both for acknowledging my post, and for being more tolerant, kind and gentle than I am with myself. :) It seems I tend to be too hard on myself and W is all too happy to encourage that inclination. 

You make good points: nobody does assertiveness perfectly and if the person does not hear or comply with your request - what am I willing to do to enforce it?  I think too I am smarter than I give myself credit for.  My niceness is sometimes more effective and /or safer than being firm or even verbally combative.

When I think about it, before W arrived on the scene, I had Mr. Fed Ex talking about dog biscuits instead of ammunition.  He was offering to drop off some of the ones his wife bakes for their Standard Poodle.

I do not recall if I told you the back story on the harassing neighbor.  When we moved here in 2015 we were instructed by the Post Office to put our mailbox next to his.  While we were doing so he and his wife walked up from their yard - he was carrying a shot gun.  When I explained that the Post Office was not adding any more routes the very first words out of his mouth were, "You know why that is don't ya?  It's because we got a Ni_ _ er in the White House."  For self-preservation, neither W or I responded to the comment, which I suspect pegged us as "Fng liberals" in the neighbor's opinion.

His wife de-escalated the situation by acknowledging we had only been there for 10 days and that was the first thing to come out of her husband's mouth.  During the remaining conversation it was clear his wife had aphasia, possibly from a stroke or some form of dementia.  I decided at the time the neighbor had one redeeming quality - he clearly loved his wife. He cared for her at home and she died in November 2019, the winter before he started his harassment campaign against us.
We had no other interaction with the neighbor until then.

I am on the fence as to whether or not W divulged too much.  I did not get the impression the Fed Ex guy knows our neighbor, but maybe.  I do know the neighbor tells anyone who will listen how terrible we are.  I cannot imagine his behavior seems normal to any sane person.  It seems we are damned if we keep to ourselves or if we voice our values when confronted with those who oppose them. 

Strange times we are living in...

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on February 04, 2022, 07:09:21 PM
Sadly, seems like some of this started with dog biscuits...which one could think of as a friend-to-friend kind of gift or "intimacy." Seems so kind and innocent, but not too long after, he's wedging new *loaded* issues into his "friendly conversation." (Interrogation.) Guard your privacy, is my thought. It's not snobby to be reserved.

I found that sticking to my lane with employees or "services" is important. I HATE classism but at the same time, don't feel I need to be ashamed of the fact that I live in a house and some people who come to help me are working harder or  are more economically pressured. I am kind and generous but NOT COZY with them. I am a woman living alone and my safety and psychological comfort is mine to protect.

All that matters is courtesy. There's a lot of stretch in "courtesy" -- and keeping an emotional distance and not getting into cozy palsy conversations is, I believe, a decent layer to maintain with unproven strangers. I think getting into a lot of casual chat with a stranger who comes to your home can backfire. It's about boundaries.

As lonely as many are due to the pandemic, and as much positive (and deserved) publicity toward drivers and service workers has helped a lot of entitled people to shift their views of people who "serve" them...and at the same time, a lot of people may be really dropping their boundaries out of sorrow or guilt at the disparities.

But. Boundary invasions can happen in a lot of subtle ways. That neighbor who so triggered me was also pushing "neighborly friendship" but I did (for once) realize fast that his vibes were off. A simple SHORT casual exchange about dogs is one thing, but getting to the point where FedEx man is offering a GIFT (home-made dog biscuits) inches potentially into relationship territory which, unhappily, can be a first step toward feeling a vague obligation to him. To chat, to listen, to answer intrusive questions, veer into personal politics, etc. I think the FedEx man is intruding.

I think a whole lot of this is subliminal. Training. Training especially of women. Just because a man wants to engage me, doesn't mean I have to go along with it. I live in a different world than men do, and when I'm dealing with stranger-men, I choose to remember it. But after eons of practice, I can do it confidently, not brittlely, not anxiously. Just nod, thanks or whatever, and SHUT THE DOOR. Just going away. It's a simple human move. So if he starts again? Go away from him. That's not running, that's walking on your own feet. By choice. GRAY ROCK him. (Boy, W feel for it too, didn't he?)

Hope the tension eases and he gets no more real estate in your head! But I'm happy to listen to your observations and these stories anyway. It really helps me learn and think. (I preach a lot but have to learn everything I tell anybody else, really.)

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Phyll on February 04, 2022, 11:29:53 PM
Thanks Hops, I agree.  So far, the Fed Ex man has been relegated to leaving things in the box, or reading our new sign to leave very HEAVY items on the ground outside the box.  W and I already agreed we will not be letting our dogs consume any homemade biscuits should they be dropped off.  I have a feeling they won't be though.
When I left to go to the post office today, I was mindful to look to see if any delivery trucks were on the road.  I plan to keep Fed Ex on the other side of the fence where he belongs!
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on February 05, 2022, 06:25:11 AM
That Fed Ex man and your neighbour sound like they'd get on well, Phyll, regardless of whether they know one another or not.  Urgh.  I think there are more people now who turn every conversation into what they want to talk about, regardless of the content.  It is hard to get away, as others have said (and you have found!).  And as Lighter says, you get those people who get angry that you didn't do what they wanted (like your crazy neighbour) and then you have that whole drama to deal with as well.
I've been channeling Hopsie's aloof neighbour because of all the problems we've had with our neighbours and it's got easier the more I've done it.  It goes against my natural personality, which ordinarily is friendly, chatty, get on with the neighbours kind of stuff.  They don't like it, I've heard them talking about me, but it does mean I don't get drawn in to OPD - Other People's Drama.  It's a shame that you have to be on your guard - I don't want to assume that every person who approaches me or speaks to me at all is going to cause me a problem but so many have I do tend to, again, as Hopsie says, be polite but I don't do any more than that (and I find not making eye contact works - I just keep looking at the ground and they don't tend to keep talking then.  Don't bump into anything, though ;) ).  I feel like I need people to prove they're worth my time a bit more these days.  Hopefully you won't bump in to him again.  It's frustrating when you've had to take steps to protect yourself already that there's still someone who'll over step the mark.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on February 05, 2022, 09:51:39 AM
I've gotten so many nosy questions from delivery people over the years, I no longer think much about it. But I can't really dismiss the behavior as harmless either. I mean, maybe because they're alone in their vehicle all day they do look for opportunities to interact with someone who appears approachable. Some of those guys really have tried to look out for me, too - in kind helpful ways.

But this also a tactic used by those with more nefarious intentions. So the only thing I pay attention to are my inner signals (intuition) about whether this incident happening right now, makes me uncomfortable. And I give higher priority to my comfort over what someone else may think about me. I can remove myself without excuse or explanation. I can start drawing attention to the situation, by expressing any number of distress sounds, louder & louder - and I can be very loud. Or I can shift my behavior to a more defensive, ready to rumble stance. Because it's NOT a given that another person can actually hear your stated boundary, and there is no expectation that a person will respect it.

Many do; and often the situation can be shifted to something else more comfortable for everyone through acknowledging a mix-up in hearing and signals. But if I make an outright statement, or issue a command - I'm preparing already to be able to defend it. Always breath a sign of relief when I don't have to.

But I'm more "all business" with a "resting bitch face" these days... so I don't often run into these situations anymore. Hol doesn't always think this is a good way to be; reduces opportunities to meet/be friendly with new people. And B is even worse than I am - he looks scary. And people should be scared of him - despite him being a sweet kind and gentle soul. Betrayal and intense hurt have made him more proactive at not even getting into those kinds of situations. Very wary and always on top of how a situation can go sideways.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 15, 2022, 12:10:24 AM
J was struggling a few weeks ago and put some on my plate........ which threw me off my center.

Meaning.... she was feeling unsafe and looking for some control..... and dumped some of her stuff on me, it was about the eating disorder stuff and a mistake I made.  I'm not monitoring her closely and she felt I should have noticed she stopped eating at a time I invited widowed friend for lunch after ATL visit to nutritionists office.... we had back to back appointments. Lunch seemed like a no brainer. DD disagreed and was angry. I cancelled.  DD stayed mad and was angry when she brought it up again.  J's an adult and I feel she's doing better and handling her stuff.  I told her that, then called my T and made an appointment, which is back to once weekly appointments for a while.  I'm working on my own codependence stuff and I think J understands now, but she didn't.

The two recent appointments with my T have been really good. We worked on acceptance today.  Every time I turn a corner the word acceptance has a deeper meaning than I understood. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on February 15, 2022, 09:05:44 AM

at her age, J has to understand it's not reasonable to expect "mom" to adjust/adapt her choices to accomodate J's. Perfectly fine if she doesn't want to eat; doesn't want to participate in lunch - but that isn't a requirement for you to do the same.

I hope I'm not misunderstanding the situation here. That's what it looked like to me, when I read it.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 15, 2022, 11:47:49 AM
That's the situation, Amber. You got it right.

I think her T must have set her straight the same day she brought up the discussion.  She's been super chill and said she doesn't need to discuss it any further.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on February 15, 2022, 12:49:43 PM
I've been through my share of "bite the hand that feeds you", being the bitten one - recently. I was just a bit afraid I was seeing it through that lens - especially with the strong emotional connection I had to my reaction.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 19, 2022, 08:08:32 PM
DDJ seems to have worked through the crisis she was experiencing....the one that drove her into the kitchen where she dumped her stuff on me.

Turns out it was college applications and figuring out where to apply.  She's chosen 4 to visit and her spirit feels light and happy now that's decided.

DDL is back on duty caring for the Pug and doing her own food prep.   J expected L to behave like a toddler when asked, but that didn't happen. L was happy to step back into her responsibilities. She looks forward to work on Monday.

I'm going to gobble up every moment before they're grown and out of the house, bc it will happen and I'll be sad when it does.

Good boundaries in place and enforcement of same means the girls are healthier and happier. 

I'm putting a pot of Pho on and making Vietnamese Curry Chicken before I go.  The girls can take care of the rest. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on February 20, 2022, 09:46:24 AM
Crisis weathered, then. I'm glad to hear it, Lighter.

Consider that when the girls are both out, off at college,
how much joy you'll take in preparing for holidays. There'll
probably have to be negotiations about how many friends
they can bring home with them!

I hope you'll look forward to the time that's just for you.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 21, 2022, 12:51:04 AM
I'm just leaning into what's here, now, Hops. 

Will focus on the trip when I leave in the morning.

When I get back, I'll go with J on campus tours she plans herself.  I'm in the passenger seat on the college stuff.  She's the driver.

Today L set up healthcare through her work and that was interesting.  She read EVERYTHING..... such patience and attention to detail.  I had to ask her to read things over many times, bc I kept going blank.... ahhhhhh all that legal and medical double speak. GAK.  When L was little she was like a little calendar with dates and details. Even in Pre School.... I'd ask her what and when and she'd happily cherp up with the correct information. 

I have to do something useful now and sleep.

Nite,  Hops: )


Lighter: )
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on February 21, 2022, 09:18:23 AM
Rest, relax & have fun Lighter!
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 09, 2022, 02:17:08 PM

This is my ramble. 
The horror in the Ukraine caught me and held me down yesterday.  It was the video of Ukrainian hospice children loaded on a train and the look in their parent's and caretaker's eyes.  It's THE THING.... it's coming face to face with a psychopath's willingness to light the world on fire, children on fire, (lit. ad fig.) and let them burn to gain something, sometimes just to feel the flames and listen to the screaming, I think.  Sometimes to build a legacy. Sometimes it's greed or lust or their own trauma burning inside the psychopath, IMO.  It's THAT thing and it's in every corner of the world, likely.  It's here,  in our prisons and foster homes and homes where children are preyed on by the people charged with their care..... it's on the inernet and in all the "good men" who provide a market for human trafficking and child sexual predation here and abroad and I've accepted I'll never understand it so I hope to stop wasting my moments screaming it out silently in my head or otherwise into space.

So, radical acceptance of what I cannot change.

Doing what I can, where I can, as i can stand it then turning back to what's in front of me. 

And there's more spaciousness in my life..... it's a byproduct of working on creating more space and I don't notice it until the pressures increase, which they have, of course with the Ukraine and travel and my friend's loss, but a day doesn't go by when my attention isn't drawn to the symptoms of broken systems and culture and community...... the incarcerated for profit, the children suffering for all the reasons they suffr, the lack of support for yioung single mothers, the lack of support for people and parents in domestic violence situations but I've learned to notice it without neeeeding it to BE different NOW all the time.  It's always been on my radar..... if not the incarcerated, then always always the children bc I suffered as a sensitive child, as all children do, more or less and noticed the suffering of other children and my siblings.  It left a mark.  I worked with my T on that, specifically.

The Ukraine is a huge humanitarian crisis unfolding before our eyes and these are the times we notice those who aren't bothered by the suffering of others, IME.  I'm noticing  people who believe they're better than people who look different than them or people born into poverty and suffering..... the people who never cared about refugee children separated from their parents or how the justice system works for the wealthy but chews up the poor for profit.... like the armed services (EVERYONE SHOULD CARE our vets aren't receiving proper CARE)..... it's everywhere, all the time and those who SEE it  are either nose on the pebble in despair or seeing it with some distance, bc being overwhelmed and paralyzed and unable to respond helps NO ONE.

Lately I think about people without empathy..... those who have no compassion for the incarcertated, the most vulnerable, all refugees and especially those fleeing war zones.... and I believe they're among the predators or those who enable them... or DIM thinkers (denial, ignorance and minimization,) which I've been...not gonna lie.  Sometimes vulberable people  or people who've been preyed on keep their heads down.... people who've been victimized, bc it's difficult to be brave when stuck living in fear.  I'm not judging, just trying to SEE more clearly with eyes unclouded by vengeance...... and it's greed and a society chewing up children who grow into psychopaths who impact the lives of the many, bc..... the systems are what they are.  People fight their own dragons and are kept in the dark about what they're taught and what they work for and how things are set up to funnel money into a few pockets while exploiting the masses and life goes on.

Sometimes my youngest dd is so upset by how the world works..... I feel she'll go into politics and fight hard for change.  Shake things up.  Then she assures me she'd go mad and would never choose that for herself.  She's a "doomer" and believes the generations before her broke the world beyond repair, but I have to believe her generation and those after her have a chance.  The old greedy giants will die.  They won't take their property or money or power with them..... they'll be inherited by someone who MIGHT care, might step up, might DO the right thing for the greater good and to build a more just world.  It could happen. 

Im hopeful those who inherit won't be sheep.  I'm hopeful they'll care about the earth and the community their children live in, date in, love in and hand off to future generations of grandchildren.... that they'll value the safety and health of everyone on the earth more than hoarding Countries and cash and gold and supply chains, but that's a stretch..... still possible though.

DD19 asked me how I'd feel IF I was plane wrecked on a dessert island..... and people woke up before me and collected all the coconuts making it necessary for me to s*ck d*ck in order to get coconuts and that's how she SEES it, but it's so much worse than that.  The systems, the stock market, the red lining the predatory loans the generational wealth some have enjoyed while others have been banned from it......trading in people and it's not just getting to the coconuts first.  It's so much more complicated and worse than that.

It's the wickedness of the world, which is a static state, as always and always will be.....AND also the failure of good people to act, step up, stop the wicked when they see them and can, but that's sacrifice and sometimes costs everything...... and that bravery is real and alive and necessary to steer civilization away from the dark and into the light.  It's difficult to sacrifice one's own children to a cause that impacts the whole world, but there it is.... I think.  That sacrifice is made regularly by warriors, but it's necessary for regular people too..... has been made by regular people, such brave people.  Life is short.  What do we do and what do we leave behind?  Not everyone asks themselves that question. 

I think enough good people sacrificing all DOES make a difference.  I understand the choice NOT to sacrifice all..... I think all good people make that decision throughout a lifetime whether they're aware of it or not.  Some things are worth total sacrifice, or a bit of sacrifice or none..... everyone makes their choices and lives with them as this generation of children do and those coming after.

I don't know that I pity the psychopaths, but there's compassion for how they were made and that blows back on the community and systems and lack of safety and care, IMO....on childhood trauma and how it's processed.... identifying with the bullies or not..... what does it take to crush an innocent child into a monster.  I have compassion and I'm never for torture.... just an end to the harm.  A T once told me all it takes to form a psychopath is to have parents who are at opposite ends of the parenting spectrum.  He did not mention trauma or abuse. 

Putin sends men to kill strangers as does Biden and any leader who has warriors and a problem they can't solve through other measures.  The strangers kill strangers in the name of whatever the leader calls it, but sometimes it's for a legacy or greed or to watch people burn or to protect borders and people and that's an odd thing..... I've never considered being a warrior directed to kill strangers for reasons I do or don't consider justified. I've always felt protective of vulnerable peers from a young age and sometimes been seen as protective and felt the warmth of support from stranger who didn't like bullies pressing in on me in grade school or later in my life.  People DO step up and do the right thing.  It restores my hope in humanity and brings me to tears when I'm faced with it.   

During the month I spent in a rough County jail I saw the symptoms of our broken society and systems.... people without power, without safety, without protection and one 13yo child who'd been taking off her clothes for money for many years with her Grandmother's knowledge and likely permission.  This child was IN jail bc she'd been using an adult's ID to gain employment in adult clubs.  The woman on the ID was wanted on a serious charge so this child ended up arrested and IN jail for at least a week before my release.  I saw that child so vulnerable and confused... seeking safety next to me, not sure why she chose me, but she did and then she began seeking out attention and drama from the less mature inmates and I remained mortified on her behalf for so many reasons... for everything she suffered.... no parents to protect her, adults preying on her and profiting and enabling allowing ongoing harm..... she didn't tell me when that life began for her, but I suspect her life was always about the pleasure of sociopaths in her life with NO ONE to protect her and that's not as shocking as her time in that jail where SHE was the identified criminal and no one NO ONE thought about the reasons she ended up in that jail cell, on a stage, preyed on as a child, perhps a baby and victimized..... why doesn't anyone care about WHY the symptoms (inmates) are where they are?  Why doesn't anyone care about the reasons broken people end up in prisons... why doesn't anyone STOP the people who harmed them and continue preying on others?  It makes no sense, like our present sick care system makes no sense to me, but there it is.

It's bc the poeple with the power are often among the predators making rules, or the sycophants enabling them or the DIM thinkers or the people who're just struggling to get through their own day.  It's circular and entwined and easier to be a sheep and to protect what one has and those they love. 

Real change comes from regular people brave enough to stand up to the pscyhopaths and demand change or take it FROM them adn maybe the Russians will do that. Someone begins and loses everything before others step up.  That kind of bravery is a glorious mystery..... the Ukrainian women taking up arms and fighting alongside their husbands....knowing full well they might make their children orphans is the kind of sacrifice required to make a stand against Putin.

Putin's parents lived during upheaval and war and starvation and the loss of 2 children and maybe Russians will be willing to make a stand and sacrifices enough to make real change for themselves, but at what cost to their children and grandchildren?  It's a short life and people make choices.  What sacrifices do Russians make if they refuse to support Putin's war?  What will their futures BE if they make that stand?  Maybe it would end life on this planet as we know it?  Maybe the earth would breathe a sigh of relief.

People DO choose the greater good.  Some profit and some give all.  It's just reality and life is short.  People consider and weigh what they value and choose according to risk and what their families will lose.  Short sight or long vision..... Putin doesn't care about leaving a legacy of protection and plenty for anyone but himself, IMO..  Killing protestors and everyone a protester knows, along with must be amazing leverge, yet people still stand up and protest.  People are "free" to protest here, but there's loss of life and sacrifice and blowback and it is what it is..... all the whining by bigots and the entitled shocks my Nervous System into incredulity.  It's difficult not to let that get stuck in my limbic system, but the sky is blue and the grass is green.  I'll get better at bouncing over that too.

Empaths are moved every day by suffering and they make choices around how close their nose is to the pebbles or get swept into despair, IME.... praying,meditating, donating in groups or in solitary solidarity,but those who feel the suffering and act are the hope for change.  The people who stand up and risk limb and family and safety and life are maybe the ones who make the greatest change, but the smaller daily sacrifices have meaning and send messages and may support good causes.... or make psychopaths wealthy....perhaps both.  Making a stand against a tyrant is expensive and terrifying and dangerous....... sometimes simply voting against the tyrant is dangerous.  Safety is relative, always an illusion and devastation never happens exactly like one imagines it will.... at least IME.  Crime rates go through the roof when the right to choose is taken away..... everyone is impacted...maybe not the very tippy top wealthy, but the world is made less safe when women are forced to bear children against their will, esp onces they can't care for.  HOW do people in positions of power not SEE this?  It's ignorance and inability to accept reality?  It's something I'll never understand and I can say I'm not anti abortion.... I'm anti dumbass...... I can't imagine using D&C's as birth control.... but I'll fight for women's right to choose no matter how I feel about it for myself.  Again, I'm gobsmacked when powerful men stand up and threaten or destroy a woman's right to choose..... it sticks in my limbic system.... I have to work at dislodging it.  It makes zero sense, like the behavior of personality disordered individuals.... I accept it will never make sense and put it down.  Let it go.

It's the state of the world and it's not fair or kind or always safe anywhere and we deal with it in the ways we learned to survive as infants... I guess.  In these dark times we're forced to face our own stance on wickedness and how we react or respond and we notice   how others respond, react or don't.  I notice I'm more curious than judgmental, for the most part,most of the time.  Rich people figuring out how to make a profit on the suffering will always be a reality... the sky is blue and the grass is green. What happened to those people that they operate in the world that way?  What a terrible moment they must have when death comes to get them and they reflect on the life they've led, IF they can reflect at all and maybe that's part of what makes them so good at being sociopaths mining money from the suffering of others....they don't or can't or won't self reflect.  The sky is blue, the grass is green.

If we want nice poeple in civilized socieities we have to be nice people or adjust our expectations.  Set up fair systems and stop the profit from other people's misery and poverty..... if it's possible at all and I'm not saying it is.  Change won't come from punishing and vengeance... it will come from somewhere else, pretty sure, if it happens at all. 

it won't be our generation making these changes, IMO,but I have hope for the generations we leave behind.  It's not going to be vengeance that moves us into the light.

I'm trying to stay level so I'm stepping around your thread on darkness, Hops.

I stopped copy and pasting other people's posts a while ago so they can change or delete them as they process.  I appreciate my posts not being copy and pasted for that reason. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on March 09, 2022, 04:34:21 PM
I value this reflection, Lighter. Thanks for sharing these thoughts -- so many feel very familiar to me, and they're so well articulated.

One triggery (and perhaps but perhaps not dead-end) thing for me I'm more conscious of, is that the main other place I engage online is in a couple of major media comment forums. IF an idea is sound and affects one person, it's not wasted.

The entitlement you mention I believe has a huge impact on the American soul. A small way I stick my nose in is to try where I can to rev up notions of civic sacrifice and community cooperation, to make a difference. Example: from Victory Gardens to giving up silk stockings because they were needed for parachutes, to butter and gasoline ration coupons...our parents' or grandparents' generations understood and respected these limits on their pure freedom to focus on themselves, stoically accepted them and, in doing so, modeled that we belong, all of us, to a civilization (for now) that's larger than ourselves, and knew that to be good people (or at least good citizens) we need to release many of our preferences and cravings and privileges. [In parallel, that's exactly what less materialism and wasteful consumption and environmental sustainability are about. It's all the same thing.]

So, a couple times, I described how a neighborhood might rapidly organize to pool errands, to use less gas. One person could do a weekly grocery run for several households, with each chipping in for the gas. Another...the pharmacy. Another...the hardware store. It wouldn't cover every exigency but it would help, empower people, and boost the whole (nostalgic in too many places) idea of community.

I hear (read) so much panic, or more accurately, complaining, about the idea that we'll feel more pain at the gas pump. Certainly we will. Particularly those of us who drive unnecessarily large vehicles and maintain routinely the one-car one-driver sense of entitlement to feel THAT much freedom and independence to slake nonessential cravings and impulses at the waft of a whim. It's be better to spend their precious fuel volunteering to give rides to low-income folks who have no cars and need to get to work on time. (We have that for elections, but there's no reason the model couldn't be adapted for a gasoline crisis, too.)

I'm glad you vented and like how you knit it all together. Good vs evil or nature vs nurture or evolution vs climate collapse. I hope the human species will keep evolving and use its remarkable ingenuity for defusing disaster and inching (how I wish it could be sprinting) toward a more enlightened age.

Now it does seem as though human psychopathy is coming to the surface like a boil. What happens now may be to lance it, heal it, or succumb to it. I continue to hope anyway, as that's equally eternal.

I don't think our generation is excluded from the chance of saving us, though. I think our generation shoulder-to-shoulder with younger ones, can. If only we have the humility to learn from them and the wisdom to teach when they are ready to receive it. Thinking of Ukraine, there seems to be a totality in how they regard each other. Such bravery and purpose and unity.

They aren't perfect people -- corruption and cruelty and racism are in their history (and in some instances, present) too -- but right now, they're giving a near-perfect example to inspire the best we're capable of, imo.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on March 09, 2022, 05:45:11 PM
PS Threads go where they go, and that's fine, but fwiw the intent behind the Dealing With Dark Events was not to re-experience or re-create them, but lift up positive or at least functional ways to deal with them. But if you do choose to take a look, you'll also find that CB has added a whole lot of light.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 10, 2022, 04:42:55 PM
CBm you're welcome and I'm so glad to have you voice on the board.  It's comforting and I've missed you.

Hops, of course your intentions on the darkness thread were positive and to process and help others process the horror.  I never doubted, but I was reading it and reactive and had something to say, but couldn't fit it in or feel it fit in so taking it to my own thread seemed right.

About consumer efforts to convserve and recyle and repurpose and carpool and switch to alternative fuel sources...... I'm on board and we do what makes sense to us, but.... sometimes we wonder if it's just keeping our attention off the largest companies contributing to the majority of pollution.   Then it leads back to consumer demand and gets very circular, esp when I think about replacing the energy grids with batteries requiring mining of materials likely using slave labor and all it would take to replace the largest grids...... it's daunting and I imagine the back scratchig, pay offs and "incentives" necessary to get the fossil fuel industry on board in any way and it's..... likely going to be next generation minds who make the necessary changes, if they can be made at all, IMO. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 11, 2022, 05:13:15 PM
One of my friends was admitted to hospital after a heart attack.  His gf gave him CPR and called an ambulance but he was without oxygen for an unknown period of time.  They put him into hypothermia to sustain his functions... brain and body.... I'm not sure, but he's receiving many drugs and was intubated immediately.... is considered post cardiac arrest.  For a while they tought he had a dissection, but that appears not to be the case.  No one knows what damage has been done.  Will have to wait and see.

My body is handling this with chemical dumps popping up..... calming then more dumps as information comes in.... and a photo of him with all the wires and tubes and he looks so vulberable... eyes taped shut, but otherwise appears to be sleeping.  It's odd to feel comfort and despair, one after the other, depending on what I'm looking at in the photo. 

Despair pops up when I think of his daughter losing him...his mother losing him.....she's lost 1 of her 3 sons and is in hospital out of state having heart surgery now.  His dd is out of the country, but things don't happen the way you think they will. 

My recently widowed friend was told to put off her dh's Memorial Service, bc her heart is struggling.  During our visit, she made up her mind to go ahead and schedule the Memorial Service and placement of dh's ashes in a vault (he's a Veteran)on consecutive days.... she has a place for her ashes next to her dh's  The grieving process is so mysterious.... I tell her to do what feels right...... I don't give advice.  For a while she planned to split his ashes with his son and keep them in their homes.  That changed, mainly so there's a record of his final resting place and people can visit him there.  It's a very nice, well kept place, I'm told.  I know everything will reflect her love and care and her dh will be honored in the best possible way.  She's chosen a venue for the Memorial with a beloved band and caterer and space to stroll around a pond with geese and the trees will fill with new green leaves in May.  As I spend more time with this friend I realize..... we have SO much in common.  We see the same functional health practitioner and spent years working out togethr.... she took out her Brown belt from our classes, before we gave up belts, and we looked at pictures and recalled stories and the people we knew. 

Visions of my death or one of my sibling's deaths or any future grave illnesses pop into my head as I move through my days lately.  I make up my mind to discuss arrangements with siblings and put it on the shelf.  I have a handwritten will with very clear DNR in place, but I need to do something more formal.  I'd like to know what my sibling's wishes are, and have them make those wishes clear on paper, as my mother did not and she didn't get what she told my sf she wanted.  It's unessesary chaos to leave it unwritten, IME.  Mom got what her dh needed to give her and no one was going to argue with him over it if mom didn't care enouigh to put it in writing.  It's logical and needs to happen.  I'm not worried, just interested in doing what can and should be done. My sibs and Mom's friends honored Mom's wishes as we could.... she got the big party and I think those who attended, not my step father or his family, experienced relief and healing for it.  Oh, the terribly long service step father held (think Southern Baptist) was mortifying to sit through.  I think the Mom's Ohio cousins were entrhalled, but I wasn't.  They thought it was what Mom asked for.... it wasn't. 

Hmmmm awfully judgy of me.

My B didn't leave instructions either and got what he got which left some of the family members angry, bc they wanted to see him and we chose a closed casket, knowing B.  Just...... more chaos than necessary, but then....B didn't have to experience whatever it would have cost him to plan his funeral arrangements and that was how he played it.  If I say or do nothing...... does it really matter?  Really?  Let the living have what comforts them and maybe it's more or less the same as leaving instructions.... not too sure.  I guess I'll talk to my kids about what they'd be comforted by and take that into consideration.  I remember a thread about this.  I thought I'd have a green burial, but that seems unlikely now.   Too much hands on interaction for family, likely.  Too much knowing where I am,, so close, and nothing much between me and the surface..... that could be very upsetting, esp since DDJ was upset badly when her Maternal Grandmother took her to her father's grave and "surprised" her with the news he was buried there.  DDJ was hysterical., so there's going to be some trauma around it, whatever I choose. 

I've eated a frozen gf pizza and 2 frozen gf graham cracker pie custs, which results in feeling really sick for a while which takes my mind off the Ukraine and my friend's dd rushing home to her post cardiac arrest father and Putin and the Memorial which reminds me everyone will require one and we're unprepared.  I have Aunts and uncles, but they aren't much  involved in our lives.... we're the family elders now.  We should get ourselves and plans together. 

Since I've been eating very clean, the junky food is impacting me in surprising ways...... thank God I haven't eaten anything more stupid than that.  When mom was in the hospital I ate gluten and my throat started sending up mucus like a giant snail.  DDJ threw up the honey bun she ate..... when oru systems aren't used to real junk..... things change.

the jouorney continues.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on March 11, 2022, 07:14:28 PM

Sympathies to your friends' losses which trigger your own; I'm sorry.

A simple tool that makes the whole thing so much easier is www.fivewishes.org.
Recognized in all states as a legal advanced health care directive, it's written mostly by you -- for your clear wishes -- and in plain human English. With the same impact as a pure-lawyer instrument.

Add a cover letter about anything else you'd like done, and you're set.

We make it too cumbersome and too hard. Hope that helps.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 12, 2022, 11:46:06 AM
Thanks for your consisent attention and care on this forum, ((Hops.))  And thank you, Doc G for providing this safe space.

It's getting chilly here.... and SO windy.   Noises kicked up in the night and through the morning, all kinds of noises from all over the place.  I noticed I'm not afraid any more..... not even startled.  Acceptance is an amazing gift we give ourselves.  I know what I know and it's everything. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 21, 2022, 10:38:48 PM
I'm centered and pleased to report clarity has transposed itself over my life like a template.... it's real and getting stronger, I can feel it.  I think it's always with me....now.

If I look over my shoulder, at the past, rarely now...... there's crystal clear clarity and I see all the chaos and confusion belongs to others....not me.

I'm clear.  I think I've always been cleAr.

And the co dependence is an echo I don't pay much attention to and that's just ok.  It's not on my radar, which feels..... different than I thought it would.  Things shifted and I'm walking a new landscape.  Simple.  A fact.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 23, 2022, 10:46:58 AM
Yesterday was eventful. 

I met with my retired nurse neighbor and shocked her with my plans to move the moss to a moss job I'm consulting on.

Then I told her she shouldn't continue blaming neighbor B for my shutting down the trail.

She asked if it was bc of another neighbor and I answered truthfully....yes, but I really like his wife so I won't be talking about it and she then correctly named yelly guy and I nodded.

As we spoke yard and the loss of what used to feel like sanctuary to me, I watched tthe nurse come out of the fog yelly guy blew around her in my absence from the yard and State.....I think she had the power lines behind my house mowed bc it was done and yelly guy didn't do it for the first time in7 years. I never asked yg to mower and his inserting himself.....I saw the nurse's eyes when she GOT it.  I've asked to borrow her mower and help pay the maintenance on 3 occasions.  She remembered.

That's done and I feel like I can breathe in my yard freely again.  There was a tad bit of humor as the neighbor our pug wants to eat walked right up to our private conversation and stood there smiling 5 feet away, near the trail but beside it, still on my property and I had to stop talking and look at her to end the situation.

She was grinning this great huge grin and " just wanted to say hello."

I think I was shaking my head as the nurse told her to go through to the trails if she wanted ...ummmm we just talked about this!!  Come on!  She DID want to cross and walked through my yard with that big grin.

The loss of privacy was harming my mental health.  The pug screaming at all the walkers was loud and consistent. The people were used to previous owners offering a social club atmosphere and yelly guy instigated that.

Not blaming,vrather pulling up and viewing from a distance.  The elders will be gone and it will be yelly guy, cowboys and me who are the elders and that interests me more.  What narratives will survive.

I think I can be ok with any narrative I'm not painted slut and banished....society has it's little cubbies it's comfortable with.  Slut and whore aren't words I use anymore, btw.  I'm not interested in controlling women, bc I'm threatened by them or driven to control them, so.....not using them anymore.

I have a groundskeeper friend asking me to consult on a moss project he's doing.  I like him.  Is it terrible if me to hope he's gay?  He's a mystical sort of person so....will see.

DD19 and I went to the grocery store and danced in the isles together.  What a glorious day.....bright and breezy.....just lovely in the shade and pug got 2 big walks exhausting her completely.  I was energized then fell into a deep long sleep with one 3@m pee Then right into deep sleep again.

We travel to Ga today.  The truck has some gloriouse pieces.....an old ship's door made into a table, heavy night tables with quilted pattern wood....so beautiful and 5.00 chairs so beautiful and heavy.....will stand up to Airbnb guests for many years.....groups of 10 and 12 chairs @ 5.00 felt perfectly timed. 

And I'm settling into feeling grounded and trusting myself without whatever used to swirl in and make me doubt.

BIL flying in from Toronto to pull lake house together for summer rentals.Must line up the tools and supplies....maybe get contractor on board to do what he can.

Heading to my brother's ongoing renovations to give a hand there.  He has a stack of old cedar coding in his garage he'll use as wall planking and shelves in the kitchen..
...very exciting.  I love this kind of work🙏


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 23, 2022, 10:56:59 AM
I wanted to post this on it's own.

My post op heart surgery friend phoned last night after rebuffing my texts to bring food and visit.

I answered and immediately said I was so happy to hear his voice..... I'd been afraid the last words I said to him would be the last and he cut me off and said....
Very measured and slowly....
"I remember every word you said to me."

Ouch and then he was talking about depression and sadness and loss of perceived health and having his chest cracked and falling out of bed and he's in a very dark place

I just let him talk and validated his experience.  He's mad at all the chipper people's directives to feel grateful and so I skipped that.

In the end, I explained his need to always be right in his relationships is tedious....not him.  I was sorry if he misunderstood but I love him and wanted him to be mindful of the habit so he could change it or hone his skills....I will always gift him my honesty.  He said he appreciated it and the conversation ended after I told him J had passed away.  They'd spent a couple Halooweens on the porch while everyone else manned the porch and driveway in costumes.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on April 23, 2022, 11:24:28 AM
Hoo boy, Lighter, sounds like relationships and dialogues have been heavy (or significant) for you in the last few days. But it also sounds like you're accepting both yourself and of external realities you can't control.

So, challenging and validating at the same time, maybe? Good on you for continuing the path to insight. It's everything, imo.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 23, 2022, 10:48:39 PM
My youngest DD walked by me in the kitchen and said my energy made her flinch as she walked by.  My sister calls me a gangsta.... I'm not able to play games or pretend any money re.  I can't remember how to pretend and it feels like breathing under water....no stress or confusion.  Just knowing.

BTW, my post op pal said dying is like dreaming....he said I shouldn't be afraid of it.  I've never feared death (outside being murdered while girls were young).....and his words were a comfort.  Both are true.

I meet the groundskeeper at the moss job site on Tues, the contractor on Monday and tomorrow may sibs and I are planting a truckload of mature plants plucked from a Walmart demolition site.  I hope they live.

Any suggestions for improving their chances?


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on April 24, 2022, 10:47:31 AM
A flinch-worthy, gangsta energy field sounds like anger, Lighter.

Was it yellyguy who triggered it? The feeling of not having control over your yard when the oblivious nice neighbor told the intrusive woman to take the trail right after you'd explained to nn that you wanted people not to?

Whatever the trigger/s was/were, sounds like daughter/sister perceive anger, and you also feel/felt like drowning.

Is your T helpful for working through these times?

hugs and peace,
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 24, 2022, 11:22:19 PM
No anger, Hops.  Just knowing which honestly is more powerful, imo than anger.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on April 25, 2022, 03:34:51 AM
Nothing wrong with any feelings we have, imo. Sometimes it's hard to find the words for them. Or it is for me.

I just got a little lost there, in your recent story. (I get lost in my own, too.)

But I enjoy reading and understanding as much as I can. You go deep and have worked so hard on your awarenesses.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 26, 2022, 12:07:18 AM
 My sibs and I planted ,40 trees and bushes in 17 hours over 2 days.....lots of shoveling, caring 5 gallon buckets of water and constant motion.  Sore but unbent.

Brother plucked these plants from a demolition Target parking lot and planted at his larger Airbnb house.  Looks great.

About the energy......I feel focused and on target..... I'm not sure how others perceive that or me, but I notice I'm not really concerned, which is a blessing.

There's joy in my moments.....I have such gratitude for my journey and current place on my path.  These 2 days brought my sibs and I closer, I feel.  My heart yearns for serenity and collaboration, but I'm all out of idiot compassion.  Such a relief!

I'll work hard till I can't.  Be honest as I dare and seek joy when possible.

Life gets very simple when I stop fretting and fearing, particularly about things I can't control.

The journey continues 😊

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on April 26, 2022, 11:32:46 AM
Maybe that energy you sometimes emit is just power.

I find it really interesting to think about the differences, the layers.
Like maybe: power is calm, or when it's edgy, it gets noticed. But restored to its serene balance, it's still there.

I'm no ninja with emotional (or physical) stuff. By the time anybody calls me serene, I'll be living in a retirement home on Pluto.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 01, 2022, 06:45:29 AM
Yesterday I dropped in on the Cowboy and he was super chatty and friendly.  He was the same last week and the week before....I haven't seen Yelly Guy at their home in a while, come to think of it.  Sometimes I'd see YG standing between Cowboy and Retired Nurses yard....it gave him an unobstructed view of my yard. 

So, Cowboy seemed to be snubbing me a month ago,two months.... Not sure, bc I stopped going to their home for regular visits....he just seemed different when I waved or passed him in the driveway. 

Yesterday we were chatting and he said...."I'm not hanging out with Yelly Guy anymore."

I said "Neither am I."

Cowboy said "We don't need to say anything more about that then.".

Whatever spell YG cast on my street seems to have been broken and I haven't seen him since he walked into my driveway with his cigar and dig while I ignored him. 

I know YG didn't like the Cowboy then all the sudden they were chummy and YG interjected himself into my regular visits with Cowboy during his convolesence.

Whatever happened.....I think Cowboy figured it out for himself OR his wife and Yelly Guy's wife talk and YG did something TO his wife that got back to the Cowboys.

In any case, the Cowboy started up his realty company again and he's looking into the Texas property for me.....he still has family there and us going soon.

Yesterday morning I dug up a medium large hydrangea from an established yard lacking enough sun as the tree canopy had grown in thick.  The guy was happy we showed up with pick axes, shovels and a huge container to get the job done.....he threw in daisies and lovely other plants till the CRV was overflowing with the promise if Linton Roses in the fall.  I was swooning over his beautiful little pond and amended soil with carefully tended yard he's going to turn into a more natural area....like aI intend with my yard. 

The bears are officially everywhere, many with 2-4 cubs, my goodness they're SO tiny and cute!  We had a huge bear go through 4 houses up.  The Cowboy's guest.....a Fla cousin here for their son's wedding got to see it.  They were so excited.
My sibs and I are working to agree on lake property highest use together.  My BIL flys in on 5th.....things are moving along in the most glorious, breezy and sunny days.  I have such gratitude these days......things like a flushing toilet and roof over my head.....the joyful sound my girls playing piano and ocarina together....feeling safe in my neighborhood again.....chatting with a retired special ops sniper about what our guys are unofficially doing in the Ukraine to help that situation resolve ( he has 20 buddies over there, 10 are snipers) and my friend recovering from open heart surgery are all good things I feel gratitude for.

I'm walking regularly and eating pretty darn well consistently. That's my update.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 11, 2022, 05:31:56 PM
Just when I thought the Yelly Guy was done jogging down my street  made the mistake of turning on the garage light and opening up the fridge in the garage where I saw YG running through the retired nurse's yard..... and darnit.... we locked eyes....... just a very odd thing.  No wave.  No smile.  No shooting the bird, just...... him jogging sideways for a minute turned in my direction.

Youngest dd wondered how things got so odd.  I'm done thinking about it. 


BIL just tested positive for Covid in Canada.  My sister tested N but she'll test again and will  likely test Pos.

I don't think my girls will get it as they just had it.

I feel fine IF I don't count my bruised and sprained left arm which is healing fast after a little stool, meant for hiking oneself into a very tall poster bed, flipped sideways in a nanosecond while we were building the doorway at the bottom of the stairs at the lake.  It hurt so bad  Obviously I shouldn't have been standing on that stool.  One second I was way climbing up the wall then I took that stoop onto the stool and planted hard on the carpet.  My face is a tad scuffed too.  I was sure my arm would be folded in two when I rolled off it, but I have the bones of a cave woman, so..... just some soft tissue damage which I'm managing with antiinflammatories, ice and zero movement..... reminds me of healing the foot up.  So difficult to NOT DO things I normally do, but that's the way it is.

The doorway looks amazing!  We found the rest of the Pecky Cypress paneling 3 stories up in the out building and got it all down, which was good bc we needed almost every stick and used it to finish the walls off to match existing walls.  We had an extra 36" door from tearing out a closet AND the drop ceiling and carpet are completely unblemished!  Whoo hoo!  We're so close to finishing up the upstairs renovation.  My contractor can't come back right now, so...... once my arm heals I'm going to attempt to finish off the flooring on my own then find a plumber and electrician to wrap it up. 

I feel like I can finish the trim work...... will need help to mount the big barn door..... will grout myself. 

I've been walking every day in this glorious weather.  It's breezy and cool out..... just amazing weather right now!


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on May 12, 2022, 09:43:01 AM
Ai yi yi! So sorry about your fall, Lighter. Dang it. Wasn't that the same side where you previously had a shoulder injury?

I felt my chest relax when I read that YG's toxicity is out in the sunshine and has now been seen by others, too. That's protective, I think. I'm so glad you maintain your YG boundaries without worry now.

You've been seeing bear cubs? Dunno how I missed that. We have bear pix and accounts on a neighborhood website again. I used to post and re-post the info about not feeding birds while bears are out of hibernation -- a few folks are now saying they bring feeders in at night, so that's partial progress. But a couple say bears destroy their feeders to get the seed in broad daylight. Bears: 1, Humans: 0.

Every spring I've posted and re-posted the Dept of Wildlife's fact sheet about human responsibility for drawing bears into residential areas where they naturally wouldn't go, and all the ways to stop it. I guess you can train a captive bear to perform for humans but you can't train humans to stop wanting every pleasure I enjoy because I enjoy it exactly the way I want to enjoy it when I want to enjoy it. Their natural habitats are captive to developers, who are ravenous.

Bear encounters will increase and some won't be so picturesque. I keep asking, why don't more people do something different to attract birds? You can plant nothing but native shrubs and trees and other plants for landscaping and ensure that birds (and Monarchs) will begin to recognize a little paradise on your property. You can hang little net bags with hair from brushes and dryer fluff tweezed partway out of the holes (just here and there to show birds the purpose, then they figure it out) on shrubs, branches and fences and enjoy watching many birds collect the material for their nests. You can position multiple birdhouses and birdbaths (including a few ground ones) to watch from every comfy chair. It's so delightful to watch, and especially when it's hot, the baths are clean water to drink are bigger benefits to them than feeding. Cleaning baths regularly and refresh the water for free also is better than spending on wastefully-harvested birdseed.

Ah well. We all got our rants. I think I often focus on this because I feel so helpless in the face of climate change, vanishing species (including so many birds) and yet our consumption just grinds on like a massive devouring unsustainable machine. We have eight years to turn it around and where's the urgency? Small good changes happen and then are politically undone. For the first time, I'm facing the idea that humanity really is going to succeed at destroying the planet for future generations. No wonder mental illness in teens is reaching pandemic proportions.

I can't remember where I told the pooch story, but I've reluctantly disallowed myself to become a "foster fail" with tiny Newpooch. She will be readily adopted and loved, I am sure, because she is so petite, gentle and charming. But she also is nearly impossible to housebreak (for me). I've worked with her for 3 weeks and she nearly gets it 90% of the time, but that 10% means she pees so often (common to very small breeds) that the amount of bending and cleaning, and especially having to block off two doorways to keep her off rugs which means I can't move freely through my house, has defeated me. If I had a true "spare room" I could.

Two thoughts were the final Cons in the Pros/Cons list. One was Pooch, whose sadness got to me terribly...I'd hoped they would bond and Newpooch would add to Pooch's pleasure in life. They're better together now and Pooch has lightened up a little, but it really affected our connection. She got her heart broken by me and I felt awful! I think she will be confused but relieved when Newpooch goes away.

The other was winter. Newpooch would need coat and boots on and off and on and off and she's needed to go out on average every hour and a half all day long. I don't want to live with puppy pads or dog diapers and our winters are not made for a fragile little creature from Texas (or Mexico). I imagined going out with over and over her on winter nights, as I head into my 80s (Newpooch is a lot younger than I'd had in mind, only 5, and likely to live 10-12 years more. It's high maintenance though zero fault of her own, but in my case, it's taken over my life. And Pooch's.)

And she's also gentle, funny, sweet and delightful, and I will really miss her. The amount of guilt I've felt has been quite painful at times. She trusts me utterly, has decided I'm Her Person, and tomorrow morning I take her back to prison, where she'll either be spayed or possibly have puppies (I'm not sure, but I think it's possible she's pregnant). Because of her size, she'll go to another foster to recover from either -- the shelter will just be too much for her. And then she'll be offered for adoption and I'm sure she'll be readily claimed and loved.

I just feel terrible FOR her, the new trauma she's going to go through, and what she will be feeling. I may just not be cut out to be a dog foster parent! I know absolutely that dogs psychically pick up what's going on in our minds, especially when it is sad. She had never done this before (she's quite shy) but last night on my bed she came nearer and laid her head on my leg and just looked at me, full eye contact, for ages. OWW, the guilt.

Still, in the long-term view, I know it's the right decision for her and for me. Somebody else with ability to manage all the pee needs will be able to snuggle her for a decade. She deserves that, not an aging person who's just not up to her energy. She is so FAST she can whip through an opening and take a quick pee by the time I turn. But I've learned a lot and have enjoyed her so much. I hope one day when the timing's right I'll have the chance to adopt a lazy old smallish dog who has previously lived in a home, and is house trained and mostly wants to hang out and be company. I'm sure I will; the SPCA team loved the adoption-post description for Newpooch I wrote for them.

One big thing is that I believe she might've been in a rancid puppy mill. She's never been on a leash that I could tell, and ducks as your hand lowers to pet her (she's learned my hands are always gentle, but you can still tell). Such a SWEETIE.

Whew, felt good to write that down! Although I suspect my longwinded posts chase Board posters away sometimes. I miss everybody.

Glad to read your updates Lighter, and especially about your capacity to work with joy and seize the happiness every moment it's available. Bravo, you.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 13, 2022, 05:49:00 PM
The shoulder was the right side.... THIS injury is the left.  I forget which foot I injured, but it's clear I need to be more intentional and slow down.

I've had no pain today with the arm...... tested Positive for Covid last night as did my sister who's suffering much harder than I am so far.  Difficult walking she's so weak.  More symptoms for her.  BIL is on the mend, I'm told.  My youngest dd is in her room, depressed, afraid she'll be sick again.  The weather is still beautiful.  It rained, blessedly, so I don't have to water the new things we planted recently.  I hope all the things we planted with my brother are still alive.

Yelly Guy ran thorugh again today and I was out of view in my far side yard so just had a glance.  I realize I don't care if he's told another story and if anyone bought it.  It crossed my mind to pull up the texts between us....then I just forgot about it, which is better.  I don't care about proving anything to anyone.   I don't even know what that means, but I think it's signifigant.  Not HAVING to deal with something I felt was very important at one time.....but don't any longer.  it feels like that in many aspects of my life.  Not having to do things I thought were necessary, but turns out they just aren't.

My arm pain has been replaced by weakness, more than anything.  I'm sure doing something quick and sharp would bring pain, but I'm moving more carefully and with intention..... hoping to continue that once I've healed. 

The little pooch is  better for your care, however much time it lasted.  The shelter will seek out a wonderful forever home. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on May 13, 2022, 10:48:14 PM
Lighter, I am so very sorry you got covid. I am really sad to hear it.
It's just a huge bummer but I can imagine you weathering it within a week.
You are so strong and robust I feel confident you will, but it's real and hard.

Hope your daughter can stay clear of re-infection, too. I didn't realize she'd had it before.

All that and a hurt shoulder too.

(But it's neat to hear you have acquired immunity to YG!)

Hugs and cheer,

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 14, 2022, 03:55:17 PM

I'm sleeping well and keeping up with meds.  NyQuil leaves me feeling flat....stops nasal drip, solidifies mucus so I have to work a bit to dislodge in the morning.  I'm pretty gross right now, truth be told. My voice is fried.  Sister on the mend.  BIL recovered. Hoping no one else gets it.

Youngest DD has calmed down after testing N.

I'm eating leftover roast chicken with rice, bone broth and parsley and a big custard made with half chic pea half pumpkin....very yummy.  I can still smell and taste.  My symptoms seem milder than sister's and BIl symptoms.
::Knocks wood::.

I have no desire for coffee.  That's weird.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on May 14, 2022, 08:49:17 PM
Eating well despite the grossitude sounds healthy!
Soon you'll be Ms Bunyan again...

Glad to hear everybody else has recovered because that's a good signal too.

The custard sounds awesome!

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 15, 2022, 08:21:23 PM
OK, so at the celebration of life youngest dd and I attended there was this gentleman who put his hand on dd's side arse.  He did so while stating his father, had he been alive and present, would have actually patted her entire arse, which was shocking.  I'm not sure I heard that, but I certainly didn't know he put his hand on her WHEN he did it. 

No one said anything.... there were several men around, but perhaps they didn't understand the situation was creepier than it appeared and it was creepy.  My buddy knew it.  I don't know if my brother or his friend noticed. 

That said, dd suggested she had been let down by the older people in the crowd, me being one of them and esp the men.

I explained she has to protect herself and should speak up.... should assert her boundaries and enforce them.

I DID ask the guy just how old he is...... instead of answering her put his hand on DD's shoulder and asked her how old she is.  She said 19 and he said "I'm as old as the woman I'm toching."  It was creepy so he put his hand on a friend's wife and asked her the same question... she's in her 40's, and he said the same dumb thing.  I'm guessing he's 45 years DD's senior. 

When I DID hear him talk about his father and putting his hand on dd's arse again I threw out a chin jab while stating dd had a mean chin jab, which sent my buddy's eyes flying wide open.  DD said I was the only one who said ANYTHING at all and I hope this is a point where she learns how to feel empowered to stand up to entitled men who're used to taking what they want and not suffering consequences.

I guess creeps are everything and nowhere is safe.  No gathering is free of their unwelcome advances and innapropriate words and acts.  THIS is a lesson dd has learned.  Good men WILL and do stand by and do nothing all the time....but good men can't be responsible for protecting her or any other woman.... that's not the way the world works. 

It piles onto the lesson her father, Paternal Grandfather and uncles aren't safe..... are thieves and criminals and bad guys are everywhere under the protection of the systems in place to protect her, supposedly. 

DD has to learn to protect herself and that's just a fact.

In my own family my father an brother watched as my grandfather put his hand on my arse and jiggled me around while I stared at them to DO something.  What they did was to raise their voices AT ME.... to move.  To get out of  his reach.  All those years my sister and I kept our coats on when we entered the house during his visits so we could better fend off his hands..... and my Grandma told him..... "B, the girls don't like it when you love on them that way."

It didn't slow him down and at the point where he was older and asking for alcohol I told him he couldn't have any bc he coldbn't keep his hands to himself.... and grandpa was astonished..... just SO surprised to hear me and 2 other women chime in how wrong it was and how we weren't going to put up with it any longer... grandpa said he felt he was in an upside down world, and of course he was, bc no one every stood up to him or told him to stop or said it out loud BEFORE that. 

No protections, but what we afford ourselves and that's complicated, esp where the power dynamic is in play. 

And there was a tremendous amount of pressure, maybe we put it on ourselves, to keep everything OK.... to make things go well, to not make waves within the family... for my mother before us and my sister and I...... I guess all the women grandpa put his hands on and it was likely every one he came in contact with.

Why did my brother and father say NOTHING?  I mean, grandpa touched their girlfriends and wife.  I guess it was sort of like a party favor...... the dirty grandpa putting his hands on everyone who got too close....... and I admit it..... I laughed once when one of my brother's gf's saw my grandfather standing alone on a New years long ago...... and said "that sweet little old man didn't get a new year's kiss." She didn't understand he was alone bc of consequences.  In the middle of her hug with him he showed her WHY were ignoring him at New Years...... and maybe that's how my brother and father saw it.... as funny, but I know in my heart it was the wrong thing to do.  Laughing. 

I will say this.... my brother used to order that girlfriend to give grandpa a hug.... and I'm conflicted about that, bc I don't know for sure IF he expected her to allow touching to her breasts and arse.... or not. 

We're raised to be compliant and not make waves.... to allow touching and boundary transgressions and to be told we don't feel how we're feeling and to just do whatever is required to get along and keep the peace.

I'm not raising my girls that way.

THey have voices and they're allowed to take up their own space and feel worthy of opinions and care and protection.  I only wish the services and traditional protectors were protective.... but they aren't IME.  They never have been.

And what really gets me...... is the social contract.... the unspoken social contract to be silent so the family....business..... the world can go on without a hiccup.  Society prefers things to go smoothly and people who speak up have to suffer consequences..... likely ore often than the people DOING innapropriate/criminal things TO them.

Just very sad....... and it's a double bind I've never escaped.  I'm cuious if I can teach my daughters how to escape it.

At the celebration of life my DD would have been mortified to speak out.... to draw attention..... to OUT the pervert, bc our friend was having a lovely day celebrating the life of her beloved late husband and THIS gross guy was there to "help" her DO that and who would we have been to TELL her?

Even now, I haven't told her how creepy that guy IS.  I know she wouldn't blame anyone BUT him, but here's the social contract part, for me, to allow her to have the celebration she deserved without tarnishing it with this icky story about her friend being such a creep..... and also of his father, her "friend" being an even bigger creep, supposedly.

Rich white men and their entitlement are so toxic and get away with so much harm, IME.

There's power that begs us to be silent..... silence, head down...... to take it and not let on how it feels or what it does to us and this is just a tiny little thing considering the terrors of this world and what people do to the most vulnerable.

I'm trying to see it without judgment.... to just SEE it.... what's there, but it's difficult, I can't lie.  It's very hard.

I feel like I still haven't sorted it.  I haven't. 

I'm going to try to never ask my girls to dim their light, to silence their pain or hush their discomfort so evryone else is comfortable.

I know that much. 

This ties in with another topic I don't want to go into.... I'm still not feeling well and today has been a very taxing day with the Airbnb site, dealing with the guests and getting the housekeeper's calendar updated...... discussions about the lake....... guessing what's the best decisions,  helping a neighbor catch thier big naughty dog who got away and wanted to play with the pug.  The pug got away from me this morning too... forgot about that. 

Just feeling sweaty and hot and a tad weak.  Ready to feel normal again.  I think I might have a tiny fracture in my arm, based on how it feels when I bear any weight in a certain direction, which wasn't intentional, btw. 

Whatever it is, I'll heal it up, but I won't enjoy it.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on May 16, 2022, 11:34:26 AM
Yoicks, that incident brought up a lot. I remember dawning heartbreak when I realized that the women's liberation movement I experienced in the 60s meant little, when things only changed SOME, for SOME, and SOME of the time. To see it also happening to our daughters is a particular kind of pain. To see it ignored by males who should be allies is another.

Black parents go through the very same thing, when they have to have The Talk. Seeing their children begin to understand they are second-class citizens to many of their fellows...same thing.

And of course, our country now....it seems unfathomable but here it is. If I had the energy and money, I'd rather live in Scandinavia (well, during half the year...the other half? Nowhere's free of it but maybe the U.K.).

Don't mean to be tedious, but dog-chasing and doing business (all with a possible fracture in the arm) doesn't match my image of how one gets through Covid convalescence??????

Stupid TV and soup, maybe?

hugs and take CARE of yourself, the world keeps spinning if you skip something....glad you scooped up the pug, back to bed now?

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 16, 2022, 09:24:07 PM
I sound better today, Hops and there's so many incidents of being touched under skirts for me, my sister, my friends..... I can't count them.  At clubs, on escalators at the mall, on creepy dates...... just awful and how it is and speaking up means upsetting everything, at least in those moments. 

I'm not as comfortable with upsetting moments as I'm going to be, I'm thinking.

I haven't found the balance yet.

I feel like I will. 

Part of it is the power dynamic and what is gained and what is lossed....... and everything shifts.

Speaking up doesn't have to be anything in particular, but I realize I have  an image of it.... an idea of what it has to be..... and it always  includes escalation, but that doesn't have to be how it goes... maybe.

Mayne it can be something else.

Still searching for the balance.  Youngest dd admitted defeat today when I asked her if she had ideas about dealing with these types of problems... she said she'd given it a lot of thought and "there are no answers."

I hope that's not true, just bc we can't put our finger on them.

DD19's throat is soar, but both girls are testing N so far.

I think I'll be back up and running around tomorrow.

I love Scandanavia and esp the women.... they're not so invested in cutting each other's throats.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 16, 2022, 10:06:24 PM
I can't smell anything.  That's new.

I think my brain thinks I can still taste, but I don't think that's true.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on May 17, 2022, 10:30:44 AM
I realize I have  an image of it.... an idea of what it has to be..... and it always  includes escalation, but that doesn't have to be how it goes

This sounds very perceptive, Lighter. When I studied assertiveness we literally practiced scenarios over and over, role played is what I mean. I think we can shrink the interval between the shock and the speaking up immediately, until it gets better. Heartbreaking to know your D believes there's nothing she can do.

Highly recommend The Gift of Fear for your D, which has been updated. IME, it didn't increase fear but increased confidence. Plus, an assertiveness training course. They're not as common as they were in the 60s but would be worth a drive.

Meanwhile, why rush your covid recovery? Relapse can happen with any virus if you don't genuinely take it easy and focus on letting your body get all the way well.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on May 20, 2022, 02:51:17 PM
How are you feeling, Lighter??

A friend around the corner just got it. The Post has an article about people in covid denial. I think we need to keep the measures going whether or not we enjoy them. A longer life and later joys...to me are worth simple effort, imo. My church requires N95s and I can't breathe well enough in those to enjoy it, so I am out for now.

I hope you're smelling, tasting, and feeling your lungs work okay. Do you have a pulse oximeter, the fingertip thing?

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 20, 2022, 10:20:50 PM
Hi, Hops.

I'm up and running today...... took the pug to the vet for bum and paw maintenance, washed all the bedding, roasted a 6 lb chicken, walked a good mile with the Pug, gave her a bath and worked with her new sunglass goggles to ensure a good experience, meaning.... I popped sauteed chicken livers into her mouth as she sat with the glasses on her face.  I made sure to take them off and not let her paw them off, which she really really really wanted to do.  I'm hoping she'll leave them alone if we're moving at a rapid pace in the forest.  IF I bring tasty morsels the first few times I have a better shot at gaining her acceptance.

So, during my movement I noticed I'm still a bit weak AND I can't push on anything with the left arm STILL.  It clicks and explodes in pain...... like a little bone comes apart and back together but it's not a bone.  It's swelling and nerves and picture bumping your elbow with a little force.  I've done something more forceful and I can feel the pins and needs and a bit of discomfort at it goes through the process of healing..... it will heal.  I know it will.  It's soft tissue an nerves and swelling and I can't even push my little Honda door open or hold an onion with my left hand to cut.... but I can lift any amount of weight.  it's the pushing muscles not the pulling muscles that are involved.

My lungs keep producing interesting chunks of phlem.... very solid things.  I don't know what color they are.....I never remember to look, but it feels like I'm through the virus and on the other side.

I've had a couple moments of feeling very angry about not being able to just do normal things,but that's what comes up when I don't want to acknowledge the sadness of being injured or understanding things will eventually change for me...... I won't always be climbing onto steep rooftops and moving heavy things by myself.  Acceptance around those things isn't on my radar right now, but I'll deal with it when it's time.

It's not time yet.

DD19 is sneezing her head off.  She felt she might have Covid but keeps testing N..... it's allergies, has to be.

I spoke to one of my nieces for an hour tonight....she reminds me so much of myself. She's happier and settling into her 5 mo old job she hated at first.  Competence and uplifting co workers are making a difference.

My oldest dd received a much smaller raise than she deserves and I can't say anything about it, so I don't, but...... it's not fair and she knows it. 

My back is unhappy...... where I had some pain during the Covid.... it's just there and a bit sensitive.  I'm going to floss and brush my teeth then it's into bed for me.

Thanks for asking: )


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 21, 2022, 12:01:34 AM
Taste and smell is returning... forgot that.  I had a tangerine earlier and could smell it!  Whoo hoo!
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on May 21, 2022, 09:16:24 AM
You are a functioning, working human, for sure, Lighter.

Have you considered a simple x-ray in case a cast or sling
might stabilize the arm for faster healing? Just in case it
would heal better with less risk of future pain or weakness.

Then again, I ignored PT after it made the frozen shoulder
hurt worse and it got much much better on its own. So far.

Glad taste and smell are back and hope all systems are soon
covid free.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 21, 2022, 09:25:31 PM
I hear you, CB.

When I think about my arm, I'm reminded of a friend who fell down her starirs and did enough nerve damage to completely paralyze her arm..... it just hung there, pitifully, long enough to begin wasting away.  After many months, she began to have twitches, which the doctor said were hopeful and she felt she'd get control of her arm back, little by little.

I have complete control of my arm, no pain, except when I use ti a particular way...... it's all there, but I dinged it hard..... think abot what a little knock against the doorframe does to a funnybone.  I'm not surprised things are upset in there, but I promise to go to my favorite Sona Clinic and get it  looked at.... bc of your post.

My niece injured her wrist a couple years back and has some clicking, sort of like the clicking in my elbow.  We can't figure out what the clicking is but she did go to the hospital and her bf;s dad is a doc who watched the wrist carefully and they still don't know what the problem was, exacly. All they can say is the bone isn;t broken.  I know my bone isn't bro.....

OK, I'm going; )

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 08, 2022, 07:00:16 PM
I'm spending more time examining my belief systems, which is easier in some areas than others, not gonna lie.

It's an excercise in being authentic....that's how it feels right now.

Yesterday my T asked me what I'd wake and do for work this morning if I could magically blink myself through training/education in any area I wanted to work in.  I said renovating properties but that just might be bc building and renovation properties is something I and my family need done.  I'm not sure if that would be my pick IF we didn't need so much of it.

My girls asswered the same question last night over dinner under cloudy skies and the greenest trees possible... such a breezy perfect evening to dine outside.
DD21 said she's considering med school again, bc the doc she works for quizzes her about eye health and care and is amazed at dd's knowledge and competency.  She enoys the attention and admiration from someone she admires.  It's nice.

Youngest dd blurted out she'd be a comedian and it made perfect sense.  She's very funny and knows it. 

The journey continues.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on June 13, 2022, 08:29:04 AM
Thanks, Lighter (for your reply on "Anything" -- felt like I was hijacking Mouse's thread so scooted over here). I don't think I'll suspend all socializing, but a group indoors? Maybe. Depends on case counts. Not worried, still got the firepit for fall, too!

I neglected to ask you -- what was the xray result for your arm? You promised CB!

And to say, how lovely it was to read about your DDs -- the one showing such competence and a sound life dream, the other taking joy in making people laugh. That must feel sooo good.

Hope all is well. I've had a very quiet couple weeks, the estimate for the patio the only bad spot but I've made peace with it. Cancelled two vacays (a weekend to NC and a week at beach in Oct.) which hurt, but also feels responsible and necessary. I may be drawing some fractional hope from the Jan. 6 hearings, second one today at 10am. As a child post-WWII I had such faith in our nation and government (I guess because of Dad's service, memories of walking down the halls of the Pentagon with him in summers). Just seeing our adult reps present facts and evidence in a clear and somber fashion is a relief. No guarantees of anything except that one day, real history will be written with integrity by some. Went back and watched All the President's Men again and was so moved by it. Journalistic integrity and truth. (And young Robert Redford, who could help any medicine go down....).

Neighbor brought over some spare plants and put them in my planters for me, very lovely of her. This is a time of year when even from indoors, I enjoy the light very much. So golden. Deer are sleeping beside the Prius, which I enjoy too, although they'll eat everything they can reach, including planters!

Must wash birdbaths. Crows have flown elsewhere but there's still a lot of bird action here. I'm grateful for the sounds, the soft air, and all the light. Fresh eggs delivery today too.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 13, 2022, 01:02:03 PM
Hmmm.. I had fresh eggs delivered last night by the local tree  frogs.  There are 3 containers of tadpoles on front porch and it's odd a second round of egg laying took so many weeks... usually there are daily deposits, but not this season.  I think there's am aquatic frog or something eating the tadpoles and the tree frogs know.  I can't wait to have little tiny frogs appearing like magic.  It's like watching little fairies appear.

My arm isn't broken, just sprained badly and when you think about whacking your elbow lighty on a doorjamb, with the electric shock and pain and all that goes with... it makes sense slamming my arm onto thinly carpteted concrete from stool height would mess with an elbow.  I sprained this poor thing badly..... feel it might take another week of healing..... I think most take about a month to heal.  Mine will be about 6..... it's putting pressure on it at certain angles that still bugs me, otherwise it feels quite normal most of the time.  Trying to let it heal and not keep reinjuring it..... so difficult to do!

I've seen the accupuncturist twice and he's reduced the pain and stiffness markedly each time.  I see him again tomorrow...will try to find some way to calm myself chemically as I'll be asking him to be VERY agressive.... that means he moves the needles around which feels like having electricity shot through my pressure points and feet and who knows what as he'll also be working on shoulders. 

I took youngest dd last accupuncture appt and tht was a train wreck.... her ADD had her climbing the walls and we giggled and talked like children who honestly know better but can't help themselves. 

::shaking head::

DD said she might go back, but it's unlikely.

It's time to work on Lake House again.  I can't wait any longer and there's a hydrangia needs planting as well.  The doc prescribed compression and ice, which did help then some time with rehab center, which my nieghbor's son owns.... is just around the corner, so that's an easy piece to deal with.

Sorry your patio is problematic, but relieved you figured it out and got on with it. 

My stressed liver stopped sending itchy bumps to my skin as SOS.  I stopped the Advil and drank tons of water.... accupuncture guy S put needles in the top of my left foot to deal with that on the first appointment.

I can actually FEEL it in my left (injured) elbow when S moves needles around in my right knee.... and he goes for the painful pressure points and just explores.  The last visit he had to unhook my right claw from the chair, which clued him into the fact I'm not good with needles or the discomfort of the process.  The first time he started with my arm so I hadn't quite dug my fingernails into the chair when he moved on to the legs and feet.  He started with my feet this time.... oh.... that R knee.... the one I had ACL replacement with the scars and such..... whew boy.  It felt like he went right for the areas involved.... just freaking myself out here, so will move on.


To being more careful with our minds and bodies, Hops!

I'm glad you're living without fear.  I'm glad you have lovely memories with your father and faith the system eventually works, however flawed. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on June 13, 2022, 07:27:57 PM
I've had acupuncture. Really liked the effect. Wish insurance covered it, I'd go back.

So you never got that scan? I hope all is well and it'll heal fast.

I keep wanting to challenge stuff, and probably should put a sock in it. Still:

The Lake House is standing and you don't HAVE to do anything while injured.
A hydrangea CAN be planted by someone else, rather than you while injured.

That kinda thinking. But you may be happiest with that edge of performance. I'm sure you can handle whatever you decide to put your body through.

I can't say anything useful about that, unfortunately. My body is tolerating me at the mo' and for now, feels pretty good. Not strong, but not freaking out.

Hang in and heal,
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 17, 2022, 10:43:41 AM
Got an x ray from a walk in clinic associated with the hospital run by my neighbor.  Doc said I would benefit from re hab....the retired nurse next door runs her son's 4 rehab facilities...one around the corner. I just spoke to her about that yesterday.  Such nice people.

Arm feeling normal UNTIL I apply force and that only happens bc I FEEL normal then begin moving at a more normal pace.  I'm taking it easy, stll. 

The accupuncturist I see is meant to be affordable.... sliding scale 25.00 to 45.00 a visit.  They don't ask anything except, "what do yo want to pay today?"  That's it.  They want to put health in the hands of the people, and I adore S who uses the smaller silacone covered needles on me ever since he figured out I have a thing about needles....he had to unclaw my right hand off the chair to get needles into that arm.  I'm also using Evil Bone Water, whcih smells just like maple syrup but isn't sticky.... it looks like thin brown water and evaporates quickly.... such a huge sweet smell.  S use it on his back and knee..... I want to find an essential oil to help cover that BIG smell....maybe Peppermint.  DD19 uses it on her knees.  I wonder if the more gentle treatment does as much good as the agressive treatment I used to receive,but have to tell you...... that hour in the chair has become an hour I use to meditate and relax...just a very healing environment, esp since I virtually don't feel the needles and I completely trust S.  When he started using the smaller needles I didn't understand....thought maybe there was a problem..... maybe.  All is well and I notice I'm getting better at speaking up and not making assumptions.

If hope you find a reasonable accupuncture place where you are.  Even if you go for a little while, Hops.

I'm traveling to the lake today, but returning tomorrow.  Will tidy up contractor's tools and return them to him if he doesn't have some kind of plan.  My brother thinks he might have relapsed, but I'm positive his wife never would have bought him a motorcycle if he was relapsing.  She bought it to help him heal from the debilitating high blood pressure and there it is again....
I'm a war torn giver of the benefit of the doubt.  I wonder if assuming best intentions is considered a character flaw.... I bet it is by some.

I'm taking out my willingless to continue believing in humanity..... to believe people have goodness and intengrity..... and I do. I still do, very much, I do. 

I have a guest at the cottage right now.... she's traveled there with her sister after spending a week swimming with the dolphins on the other side of the island

She brought tupperware to the housekeeper and flea meds to the "caretaker" and she wants to chat this evening about her thoughts on my "beautiful" cottage, which she adores.  She sent pictures and didn't waste a moment worrying or feelinng resentful when she arrived to find no handsoap in the bathroom or kitchen..... she texted and I solved it.  She couldn't access the bikes, texted and I solved it then went silent while everything else went smoothly... I mean...the power went out twice and the wate ebbs an flows, but her expectations were set and she was aware and ready and I find people who seek out THAT island are generally people who go with the flow and understand island time and flow.

I'm working on belief systems and idiot compassion and acceptance and proactivity....... which worked out very well yesterday when i ran into the Yelly Guy neighbor...... noticed there wasn't even a blip of reactivity.  I was ready to just SAY whatever needed to be said and put it all to bed... whatever needed to be said.  Honestly, I could have said anything while remaining calm and completely at ease in my body. I spoke first.... which set a super calm tone and noticed he didn't baby talk me like I was a skittish bird this time. 

He petted the pug, said he missed her and it was a normal back and forth.  I think the really messed up part for me is sending every signal and being ignored then blamed bc I didn't say "You're a married man and I am disgusted at your advances.  If you breathe the wrong way I will go to your wife and tell her what you're doing,bc she deserves better than you." Or whatever women say when they're doing what society judges they SHOULD do.  See....MY body FEEEELS throwing a chin jab while shouting NO! should be enough to make the statement.... any intention toward me is unwanted and will not be tolerated, but I don't know that "society" falls for that...seems not to, honestly.

And having come to a less reactive place, I can SEE how shoving someone aside, while making a dry comment about how THAT's never going to happen might be better...... no emotion, no energetic addition to an creepy situation, kwim?  I see that,and I've seen women flirt to the extend I'd end up flopped on my back, skirt hiked up.... or so it would seem, if I DID that, but humans are odd an ciruous beings...... just trying to figure out my stuff. 

Was discussing with youngest dd how we're both agreeable people, generally, and how it doesn't serve us...... how we can morph that into something less agreeable to find more balance and comfort...... less situations where things are awkward or mortifying. 

And....it's about balance, it truly is.

I done a ruthless clearing of my closet and did a run to Goodwill yesterday.  That's been a daunting task I just had to DO, which has kept me very busy.  I'm doing a whonky job in the entire house, really...... should just pick in area an go.... as with the closet. Works better,but I'm getting lots done so won't "turn on myself" just yet, as T says. 

Youngest dd wants me to find my style and build on it...... she encourages me to give up....stop wearing.... stop housing items of clothing from people I've loved and lost or that remind me of them.....HUGE component of my closet,btw.  Moving many items to the rag pile, where I can still touch and use those fabrics, is helpful.  I also moved some to the items I intend to cut up and use parts of on other items of clothing.  I have a jeans pattern and really good fabrics, which are impossible to find in fabric stores for some reason.... why are they so thin!?1 

Anyhoo, it's likely my moss will go natural for now.... the nectotic ring is winning and I don't have it in me to do battle this time.  The moss will be a wonderful weed barrier and friend...... she was a comfort to me when I needed her most. 

If it reaches the far side yard.... I think I'll just make a pebble meditation garden.  Something I can spray down with vinegar and blow clean.

I will plant large clumps of Hosta in my handicapped neighbor's front bed...... it has a large bald spot.... the rest is blue Hydrangeas and hosta... SO PRETTY.  She has debilitating arthritis and he has Parkinson's..... trouble walking and all that goes with it.  She's so sweet and he's lovely....... it will feel amazing to plant for them in the fall.... just 5 large clumps, me ;thinks.

I'm examining WHY I'd do that..... and I don't think it's just about people pleasing or having a "nice" persona so my community doesn't turn  on me or leave me to be preyed, which has been a HUGE factor in my life since 2006....... I didn't realize how MUCh that was front and center in my mind. 

I used to have more balance, even though I was raised without proper boundaries or didn't know what they were.....
it's that I used to be able to put boundaries  in place pretty well, but sucked at enforcing them when up against any BIG force.

Now, I can see the entire field and figure out what worked, what needs to go and what needs to be put in place....... and the truth is... I want to be connected and I want fellowship.  Choosing to connect with particular neighbors, bc they're safe and lovely and I enjoy them.... is something I can embrace without my fathers' sneery assumptions popping upto knock them aside. 

My language of love, as I'm sure I've said before, is acts of service.  My sister's is too.  Helping my brother plant an entire 18 wheeler trailer of mature plants for 18 hours, while spending 400.00 on rooting liquid, hoses, hose heads, without his asking.... is a way my sister and I extend love.  I'm not sure what my brother's language of love is...... but it's different, bc he's always said no when I've asked for help with large real Christmas trees for family gatherings.  I did it with my children, from when they were in 2nd an 4th grades. Brother says no, bc it's messy, and takes time.... fake is his idea of the right way to put up a tree and I get that....but a little help would have gone so far when I've decorated by myself for Christmas every year we spent it at the lake..... lots of decoating and enoguh fresh pine to smell like Christmas and live in our children's minds and nervous systems for a lifetime....bc it was important to me. Not important to brother and I didn't judge.... just felt a bit sad we couldn't have more connection, esp at the holidays, when honestly....s ometims he just didn't show up when we had his children for the holidays..... brother spent Christmas with estranged wife without telling us he wouldn't show up and I'm putting this here bc it's one of those things that always blindsides me as somthing I could never consider doing.... just WOULD never...... bc all the food, the Christmas, the wood splitting at that time and trying to create "holiday" with cookie baking and jostling my father's wheelchair while looking alarmed and saying "earrrrrrrrtquaaaaaake" playfully was.... Christmas.... for me.  To BE with my children..... to provide and perform acts of service...... to serve.  Do laundry, make beds and take kids on nature walks....... to ride with the kids on the 4 wheelers.   To make fires and toast marshmallows..... to make sure the kids had their favorite pies. 

And so..... I'm sussing out my programming from ME and that's a job. 


DD19 and I enjoying guilty pleasure...... Amber Heard receiving justice...... while oldest dd insists she not have to listen to a word of it... just not ONE word. 

Planning to mount the roof soon.... maybe at the lake and certainly at my house.... needs cleaning so bad... gutters too.  I had a roof inspection yesterday at my home and my archetectural shingles are looking good..... just the moss I have to scrub off with a nylon brush when I'm up to it.... SUCH A STEEP ROOF.  I might actually tie myself to it this time.... just to be on he safe side.  The roof at the lake is much less steep.... the problem there is getting ONTO the roof, not staying on it.

THis is a long post, so will end with 2 sizes of tadpoles in 3 containers doing very well.  I have one fresh container with rain water from a couple days ago... will shift all tads to that IF I feel that needs to happen, but leaving them to fend for themselves as i did last year..... just waiting to see little magical fairy frogs appear and dissapear..... it's joy enough. 

BTW, the accupuncture center treats up to 10 patients at a time with a large room filled with cozy lazy boys..... S rolls around from chair to chair, people coming and going throughouot the day... so it's a special place.  You might have something similar near you... not sure but you can check.  There are 2 smaller rooms with 2 chairs only, which is where dd19 and I were treated together.  I've seen couples taken to those rooms if you want to go with a friend.  Everyone  wears masks and theres an air filter system... very fancy, like the one at my dentist office.

That's my update for now.  Feels so good to clear out.... something I need to do at the lake too. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on June 17, 2022, 12:26:37 PM
Whole lotta whole lot!
Feel badly that I can't respond to each part but glad you wrote it all down, Lighter.

YG - sounds like calm. Hope brief civility and general avoidance work. Good job.

Service = love. That's moving and wonderful to read. May the bird of paradise land in your shrubbery. Lucky neighbors that you see how you can give them beauty.

Roof - I release my "let others do things while you're injured" idea and can tell you can't wait to risk the steep roof. This is your joy in hard physical work AND risk taking. I breathe, look on in awe, fingers crossed. (That's a good lesson for me.)

Clothing purge - SUPER kudos!!!!

Acupuncture - Not feeling a powerful wish to pursue it now. But I got to swim in a stunning place (a pal's dogsitting at a "castle" close to the mtns, and they urge her to have friends come) yesterday with a couple Covenant Group members. It was bliss. Haven't been swimming in over a year and my body was sooo happy. Still feel good, so good. She wants me to come out any time for the week. LUCKY!

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 19, 2022, 11:33:19 AM
That makes perfect sense, Hops and I know you're capable of caring for and protecting little Hops and adult Hops..... no more handing forks out to zombies.  I've seen you fight and take a stand....it was glorious.

Amber.....you and B have my thoughts and prayers for the best possible outcome on Friday and beyond. 

I'll be sending healing pink light your way.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on June 20, 2022, 03:41:12 PM
Thanks Lighter.

First "wrinkle" showed up this morning. B had been told surgery was in Winchester - a 30 minute drive. This morning, he gets an email saying it's in Prince George's Co, MD. Which is actually located around Alexandria and DC. Hol is very fortunately available to drive... because I won't drive there anymore. Last time in the area, I'd driven my Rubicon. And people didn't seem to understand it's only slightly less dangerous than a tank. World's most aggressive and impatient drivers - and I have gotten lost EVERY time I go into that area. Which is more than slightly dangerous.

So, because of time of appt - and rush hour traffic - we'll probably have a 2 hr drive, early Friday morning and again, leaving the city afterwards. SIGH.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on June 20, 2022, 04:57:11 PM
Y'all will make it!

Sometimes when I navigate horrible urban traffic, I decide to go Zen, not care about anything but mellow, risk-free driving decisions...and also tell myself that traffic like that is the same thing as WEATHER.

It's variable, like gusts of wind and if I'm walking, just turn the body a bit and go forward again. And particularly, try to be one minnow in the school.

I really feel for you, how loathsome it is. Hope you'll take ear buds and some kind of music or podcast that just takes you OUT of it.

So glad Hol can drive y'all and send my total best for both you and B, weathering the day.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 21, 2022, 12:02:38 PM
Whew boy.... that's a lot to deal with, Amber. The change of location would be too much stress for me... .. I posted on your thread already,. but will put it here too.... maybe just spend the night near the surgery center to cut down on stress? 

OK... different topic.  Update on Yelly Guy in the hood.

Cowboy chose to share his story about his breakup with Yelly Guy. Turns out YG was showing up more often, always without invitation and staying past his welcome at the Cowboy's home.  Cowgirl was never happy to come home every day to YG, I saw that with my own eyes before I gently removed myself from that dynamic.  Cowgirl was always creeped out by YG and would run inside if she was sunbathing in the backyard when YG showed up... that sort of thing.  Very obvious and she didn't care who knew.

Everything came to a head one evening when YG was closing physical distance between his face and Cowgirl's face while trying to chat her up on the porch.....and Cowgirl retreated to the upper porch with YG following her.

Cowboy is watching this and tells YG.... "Goodnight, YG. Time for you to go home."

YG ignores Cowboy, who I know was TICKED OFF by having to say something..... and Cowboy follows YG and repeats the order to leave.  YG ignores Cowboy again and asks for cake while following Cowgirl into the house.... Cowboy follows them into the house and orders YG out of his home again. YG responds "I'm just waiting on some of Cowgirl's delicious cake."   YG laughs and makes light of the situation..... Cowboy tells YG to get his cake and leave.  Cowboy is deadly serious at this point.

Cowboy follows YG out and through the garage, at which point Cowboy says.... "YG you aren't wecome back, don't come here anymore."  YG leaves, but without apology or acknowledging he'll comply.

The next day, YG shows up to Cowboy's home with 2 six packs and the desire to laugh off the night before.  Cowboy tells him to take his beer and leave as he really isn't welcome any longer... go... don't come back."

A couple days later YG mows Cowboy's yard.  Something he began doing with a small part of my property where people walk, but I don't cultivate moss. 

Cowboy thanks YG but states, again, YG is no longer welcome in his home or on any part of his property.  Leave and don't come back."

I'm paraphrasing and leaving out details and the history I've witnessed with my own eyes and ears, but that's the short version.  I will say Cowboy looked ashamed when he related YG also spoke about all women innapropriately and it was a problem from the start. I wasn't at all surprised to hear YG talks about women like that.... including all the women in our neigborhood...my children, my sister, me, my niece, cowboy's DIL and the neigborhood wives and daughters.

I told Cowboy the short version of my story and Cowboy said he knew he was diminished by his illness and smaller and weaker than YG,but he had ways to even the playing field..... I could see he felt SO dismissed and disrespected and shamed by YG's treatment.

The conversation ended when Cowboy offered to stand beside me if YG bothered me any more and I have to tell you.... little Lighter felt the warmth of validation and noticed how important and rare it is.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on June 21, 2022, 01:38:55 PM
WOW. Go Cowboy.

Such straight, unambiguous, clear, direct and GORGEOUS boundary setting.
(You'd done similar but of course you're "just a girl." Aaaaarggghhh.)

That was so satisfying to read. I'm verrrrry glad you got that acknowledgement.
YG is not reading clues or worse, so narcissistic or SOMETHING f***ed up, he absolutely dismisses them.

I remember saying to M in my farewell note, "you can utterly ignore anything I say." If an adult human ever does that in a relationship with me again, I'm outta there.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on June 22, 2022, 06:36:37 AM
Just my opinion, but ignoring/dimissing a direct request - especially in your own home - without some sort of external emergency, is a direct sign of illness or PD. People like that usually pursue that kind of self-sabotage until finally - totally isolated - they'll justify their bitter resentment by blaming everyone else.

Blech!! Not pleasant. Fortunately, most of the time, not important on the threat scale (my personal meaasurement sense). B is having his own issues with this stuff - being pestered by phone to do work he no longer does and doesn't have the tools to do since he brought them here already. Those people have been told over & over again NO and refuse to look elsewhere.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on June 22, 2022, 02:21:22 PM
Wow. The timing. If it's okay to veer off the usual...
I just went through a massive head-butting contest with the older man who runs the weekly discussion group I've been enjoying (ages about 70-96).

He has a massive "think piece" -- a well done one -- that he wanted to present church leadership before the new minister arrives in Aug. I helped him by editing for him and brainstormed with him through a lot of it. I also edited the section he'd stuck in about two proposals that I'd already made to the board. They are "passion projects" and he didn't grasp the details and kept muddling them together. He accepted the edits and it was a good document by the time he sent it in.

Meanwhile, during the process we exchanged a lot of emails and his demands of me increased. At one point he announced that we needed a form of instant video chat or DMs and I realized I felt stressed and smothered and did NOT want to go much further. I declined his "be on call" demands and such but remained congenial and willing to answer queries, etc. Meanwhile, he was evidently deciding, all by himself, a larger plan.

Long story short, he decided that he was not going to (or able to, he's not in great health) continue to be the LEADER of this huge long-term "vision" for the church, and the initial work (which would involve hundreds of hours) had to be completed this summer, and wrote an email to the whole group (and a few others) announcing that he was stepping down and he had "passed the baton" to me and I was "in charge."

Aaacck. I nearly fell over. He never asked me, invited me to think about, or even explored the possibility that I was not ready or willing to accept the role. I emphatically do NOT want that role, and had to trail after him tactfully explaining to the group that I was NOT in charge.

He kept writing me, repeating that I WAS in charge, like it or not. I was now "the face of the project" etc etc. I replied that I did not ask for or want the role, my time and focus is limited to two sub-projects IF others volunteered to develop them with me (low expectations, btw) but I CANNOT and don't WANT to accept the baton, be the leader for the big vision he'd set out, the face of the whole big project, etc.
Meanwhile, his wife had observed: You're putting her in this position without asking her? And he'd replied: Nah it's fine, she's ready to run with it. He actually sent me that exchange!

I told him this. (My "No.")
I gracefully told the dozen or so others this.

He repeated that I was in charge, in various ways and phrasings, again and again. He finally began to CC his wife, who'd observed to him (more than once): You are not hearing her. She said she doesn't want the role. It sounds like a command. Etc.

He would say, oh my wife must be right, and then go on and say it again. It was astonishing. I finally decided that he literally couldn't hear me, and (tactfully) resigned from the group and explained in an email to him (and wife) that I wished him the very best but felt that this just wasn't going to work. I needed to create space and though I think what he does with the elders group is very wonderful and valuable, I'm going to withdraw from involvement (other than my 2 little proposals).

His reply was a whole nasty critique about how I wouldn't do what he asked (basically) and "wasn't forthcoming" and didn't "kick into gear and send him XXX" and all sorts of complaints. Then he speculated about how I don't like to work with men (???? I've loved working with many men! I just don't like domineering ones!). He compared me to Kamala Harris and kept talking about how the church is "run by women" and wound up with something about the plight of "straight white men."

Finally I wrote, "I said, NO thank you." And after about six back and forths (bless his long-suffering wife) it finally penetrated his mind that I was making a choice. He was very diappointed. He didn't seem CAPABLE of grasping that I could choose not to do what he wanted me to do.

I withdrew gently from the discussion group (no mention of him) and he wrote back thanks. Then he wrote me again proposing that we had the seeds of a wonderful friendship and could continue to "collaborate" in future, and "may it be so."

Oy, vey. I felt like running a mile down the interstate with my hair on fire. But that passed. Now I just feel relief. It really was an astounding struggle. Whewwwww.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on June 22, 2022, 02:37:47 PM
PS Something I loved doing that I gave a couple hours to yesterday was recording a video of me explaining and then reading my favorite Wendell Berry poem. It was a response to being asked by the service leader to contribute to a service made up of members' responses to: "In recent difficult times, what poetry or reading or piece of inspiration has lifted you up and helped you carry on?"

They're going to stitch together some videos and some live readings. Should be a neat service.

Anyway, doing that went straight to my heart and I'm really happy with what I said and how I read. It felt VERY good. The right fit, the thing that inspires me, and something I can give which leaves me afterward feeling grateful and full.

Fuggedabout leading or church politics. I is a poet, and that's what I have to give.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 23, 2022, 04:31:00 PM

If you could go back and start over.... what would yu change about the situation with the mean bully church guy?

Did you miss red flags?  Were there flags you made excuses for?

Did you give this fellow the benefit of the doubt too many times?

I love the poetry passion project you're sharing with others.  I love how much joy it brings you, lovely poet!

Amber:  It makes no sense that people would continue insisting B do work for them when A.  The tools are out of the State now and B. B is heading into surgery... what's wrong with people?

Is B staying in contact for some reason with these people?
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on June 23, 2022, 05:38:02 PM
Thanks for asking me these, Lighter -- you help me think, and honestly.

If you could go back and start over.... what would yu change about the situation with the mean bully church guy?
--I'd be wary that my eagerness to participate and make new friends could lead me into prematurely trusting someone.
--I wouldn't call him a bully. Just a totally fixated-on-his-project person who in a pretty amazing way, literally couldn't (wouldn't? dunno) hear me when I said: NO.

Did you miss red flags?  Were there flags you made excuses for?
--Mainly the classic one: he was charming, very warm, and charismatic. He made me feel soooo welcome. (By "classic" I mean N-behavior, a kind of love-bombing, but I dunno if narcissism is the right explanation for his thing. It's just a way of being approached that I should always be wary about with anyone, M or F.)

Did you give this fellow the benefit of the doubt too many times?
--I'm not sure. Lots of factors may have left me off guard, including his age/health and his couple years of service with that group, of which I was a pretty new member. I gave him respect because he led it well and the people were so lovely.

When it REALLY woke me up, and that was sudden but also extremely clear...was when he demanded that I arrange a tech-way of being on call to him all the time. It began to dawn on me that this man was SO focused on his own grand project that he was treating me like an underling...and this isn't customary in cooperative community VOLUNTEER stuff. I wasn't his employee or assistant!

Then it sank all the way in, when he literally ignored my NO. Multiple times.

Hopefully I'll speed up my reaction time when I face a similar situation, but I can say I feel pretty good about having said NO several times this year, to people or situations that assumed too much (without asking) or pushed me too hard.

Turns out a faith (in my case, agnostic) community is like any other -- strong personalities rise, ego issues muddle things, and Ns do like the spotlight. All that said, it's still the best community I've got, and good things happen there too. Very good things. A lot of members are doing things in the city/county that are very admirable, in my book: environment, racial justice, women's rights, voting stuff, etc. So I am still glad it's my people-home.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 24, 2022, 03:28:12 PM
I'm glad you have that community and fellowship, Hops.

I have to admit.... I have a secret small hope that someday, when faced with an ignored NO again,  you'll have the magic ability to use the words....

"fok off" without hesitation or change in biochemsitry.... just say it be done and off to what comes next without another thought.  Maybe even say them with a whistful chuckle.... just NO emotional reactivity AT ALL. 

Maybe, bc you're poet Hops, those words won't be that, exactly, but something more flowery, but send the message you won't be igored. You're an imovable force, with agency and the ability to wield it without hesitation.

I think poeple take a mile if one sends the message we're good with giving inches, Hops.  THAT can be addressed.   It's better to resist judging, so good on you for resisting the word "bully"..... I'll resist too.

 If we hold that first inch of a boundary.... we likely don';t have to worry about the mile, me'thinks.  Then, perhaps, the word bully won't even ross our minds.... much; )



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on June 24, 2022, 09:16:46 PM
Oh my goodness. Hops you did good. Yeah sometimes it takes a bit before any of us realize what is going on. You don't have to be laser focused on that. Just be YOU. And when it's uncomfortable - just say NO and mean it. And then take Lighter's advice, and don't mull over it at all. YOU decided. YOU said - in whatever way makes sense to you - you aren't going to deal with this crap any more, and you can't be moved from your decision. DOESN'T MATTER what they feel, no matter how you said it.


Do what you want under the conditions you'll accept. You've already EARNED and DESERVE that, HOPS.

Heh-heh, I said so.   ;)
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on June 24, 2022, 09:18:46 PM
There mighta been some cognac in my coffee tonight.   :D

I'm celebrating. He's pain-free right now.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 24, 2022, 10:33:29 PM
Whoo hoo!  Pain free is good news.  You earned that cognac, Amber.

Thanks for the update.  When do you head home?


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on June 25, 2022, 11:16:58 AM

That brings tears to my eyes, Amber. I can imagine new lightness and wonder or peace on B's face, the shocking sensation of not being gnawed at by an alligator or slow-feasting hyena all day long. He gets to just....be.

I'm soooo happy to hear it. Chronic pain is just a terribly heavy wet smelly blanket that blights lives. To hear he has respite now...that's soooo wonderful! I bet more sides of his personality will slowly reveal now -- discoveries. New colors. Play. How is he reacting?

This would never have happened without your steady, determined advocacy and support for B. Cheers to YOU!

Lighter, and Amber -- thanks for hearing out my highjack. I do feel I'm doing it better. It did feel good. The guy's unwell and I did a determined job of extricating myself. Took quite a few statements to get through to him, but I did. Feel good about it.

Ironically, my neighbor visited yesterday and I'd forgotten that he'd been her professor in another city years ago. She said she wasn't surprised and had never felt at ease around him, even decades back. HUH! Since she's not in my church community I could tell her the saga and she got it. Every nuance. One thing she pointed out was the "professor" part. I'm seeing a side of that more often now, especially since M, that I never saw an iota of in my own father. In some men my age, the ivory tower must've been built with an ego-polishing mechanism that rubbed them so sweetly every time they went up and down a staircase. So that's a profession I'll be more alert about, much as I'd like to meet a well-educated man.

Pretty simple, really. "NO." Means NO. Take notice. The first time they don't/won't "hear" you...decide then and there you'll either do/say something that brings them to full attention (a poetic F-u maybe?) OR just back away. Amazing how to many men, NO means: "Ooooo, what delightful resistance! I LIKE this game!"

Yuckspitblechhhgagbarf. This short piece is WORTH listening to, for the twist at the end. ENJOY!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pH7EzsFqQ-s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pH7EzsFqQ-s)

big hugs
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 25, 2022, 01:00:03 PM
Oh..... love and marriage,

Whiny men, accusing me of doing what they're doing WHILE denying it when I call them out.

Controlling requests, beginning with small asks, building to relentless demands for my very sanity and physiacal safety.

And I SEE where allowing that first inch to be taken from me......
is my doing.  I DID that. I don't have to do it anymore. I can keep myself safe.  I know that now.

Idiot compassion had a place in my life.... I think it was the case with my Maternal Grandmother..... my niece does the same thing, I've noticed.  We discuss it and are aware of it.... are dealing with it. Working on it. 

What sweet relief to TRUST I'll remove myself immediately when I'm ignored or disrespected or bullied......
any foolishness can be just that.... foolishness and nothing to do with me.



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on June 25, 2022, 01:15:32 PM
Can you say more about "idiot compassion", Lighter?

I know you ARE compassionate, but also know you're getting at something core.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 25, 2022, 01:59:32 PM
I guess my definition would be extending compassion beyond reason and safety....bc of some unconscous belief I have around the tabu of being selfish or ungenerous, etc.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on June 25, 2022, 02:55:28 PM
GOT it. Makes perfect sense.

I think, in the "faith community" context, I figured out how to do it with the Nguy. Just tell him, without yielding, that I still would love as a fellow congregant, but from a distance and across differences. That covenantal bonds sometimes have to be more stretchy and spacious in ordere not to break.

If he ever gets it isn't my concern, it's his.

So we're in the same community and he, imo as a human being who is deluded and lacking insight into how he ticks, he still deserves compassion. Not iditotically, but from a distance and with very firm boundaries that will protect me from his unawareness.

If he were a younger or strong man, I'd even have fear. I did detect a confused mix of attraction and malice in some of the stuff he sent me. But as old and unwell as he is, and not my employer, not my....anything....he really has no power to harm me unless I let him.

I ain't.

Whew, soooo good to unpick all this.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 30, 2022, 09:21:57 AM
Hey, Hops:

I haven't been able to muster a response to your post. 

The idea of so many women sitting in varying degrees of discomfort or distress or fear with men who've displayed that familiar mixture of atraction and malice..... makes me feel a little bit sick.

I'll end it there for now, bc I haven't found the right words yet.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 30, 2022, 09:53:29 AM
I had a really good discussion with my brother yesterday.  That's a really good jumping off point for pulliing in the same direction, together! 

On an even happier note, my harm seems to have healed up completely..... at least I didn't feel any hinks or tweeks while I put it through it's paces.... lifting, pushing and pulling all the tools out of the basementing, large heavy mirrors and art, big light fixtures and I'm just pleased as punch while remaing respectful of all my parts and keeping them healthy.

I opened up all the blinds and decided changing out the front door with a full lite door would help brighten up the space, which is large and has windows on 3 sides.  Also, there's a big window with stained glass that would benefit from removing the stained glass to clear..... lots of light would come in that way.

The front door already has side lites so ther'es that. 

More birds are nesting on the front porch. The 5 baby birds on the light fixture flew away long ago.  Maybe we'll have new babies soon.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on June 30, 2022, 09:52:28 PM
That's a lot of good news, Lighter!
Better connection with your bro. Woo HOO.
Arm working well again (I'm speechless). :)
Beautiful lighting (natural) for the lake place.
Baby birds. The best.

Thanks for letting me tell the church guy saga here.
I finally caved and told (in confidence) the tale to the
pres., a woman I like and trust a lot. She was perfect.
Understood, expressed regret I'd gone though that kind
of harrassment (I hadn't recognized it as quite that) and
will going forward keep an eye out for his potential to
harm or confuse his group. That felt like a big "release
it in peace" kind of moment for me. Whew.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 01, 2022, 02:14:33 AM
Aw, Hops.  Telling isn't easy or comfortable... ever, IME, but it's DOING something.

Silence is the place where the harrassment... whatever you want to call it.... thrives, IME.

The pres might not do anything.  Heck, she might actually cover for and enable the guy, but you stood up and did the tough thing.

That's a good place to release it in peace..... I'm glad you can.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 01, 2022, 12:49:27 PM
Me too.
It had upset me a lot more than I realized.
Another toxic, Nish male in my "safe space."
And I'll miss the sweet people in the group he runs.

But I don't assume the pres. will do anything to enable him.
She's aware and knows what he's partly about, so if he tries
to take on more influence, she'll be prepared to react. That's plenty.
I can't find any fault with her response to me at all, I felt genuinly

I still feel a few ripples dragging me down but I will let it go
all the way. It just reminds me of a cycle of being myself and
being considered a threat by certain kinds of men near my age.
I hate being targeted with malice or lack of integrity. It's like
wounding a rhino when you prick that old male ego sometimes.

Ugh. Release release release.

hugs and thanks again,

PS The thing the whole episode reminded me of most was how M. would tell me coldly that I was "resistant." He didn't even grasp what he was revealing by that...that he MUST have the power and the control. Two years! Why did I do that?
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 01, 2022, 02:37:47 PM
M was a master course for you, Hops.

He was more than the problem.  He helped shine a light on your causes and conditions. 

He smacked (fig.) that Hops eating zombie fork out of your hand.  It was magnificent!

I think time with M taught you how to keep yourself safe.

Time with M was more than wasted time, IMO.

Yup yup yup.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 01, 2022, 04:04:27 PM
THANKS, Lighter.

That is such a mature perspective and I'll aim for doing better at it.

(Recent situation just was unexpectedly trauma-ish, but I dealt with it fast enough. And fairly well, I think.)

I just imagine, as you did with YG, having FASTER wise reactions to people like him. But I suppose a couple weeks as compared to a couple years is progress! Even though there's frustration in the short term, I think I can focus on what you're talking about.

I did learn.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 01, 2022, 05:54:46 PM
If you didn't responsed exactly like you wish you'd responded to the recent situation.... it just takes time to reset default settings and internalize the new ones.   No failure...just more opportunity for practice, IME. 

I look forward to practicing wry responses without hesitation and I DO that with the Cowboy... all the time.  There won't be any misunderstandings, bc NO to whatever it is I won't tolerate... and I say NO whenever it needs saying all
when we're sharing company.  It's wonderful practice and feels amazing.

Responses that don't invite challenge or questions.... just the best, IME.

I think it helps when we (feeling very Royal today)  aren't buying into whatever the difficult person is suggesting about us.... we're "resisting" or whatever it is.... when we don't buy in or doubt ourselves..... it gets easier and easier, IME.

I have to admit.... it pleases me to picture myself handing you a sharp pen with which to defend yourself, Hops.  However you use it... write out ways to respond in the future.....practice saying them out loud...... or just poke people who enter your emotional or physical safety zones..... just pleases me to picture it; )

For my part, the next time I run into the yelly guy, I'll give him almost nothing and maybe NOTHING, depending on how he looks at me and speaks.

I'm not afraid to say F off.  It's right there, on the tip of my tongue, along with an impolite grunt of displeasure at having to see him or a straight up refusal to acknowledge his presense.... just.....
right there.     


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 02, 2022, 12:17:39 PM
Yup, bravo.
NO attention is better than negative f-you attention (my opinion only).

I remember reading something about "the narcissist in court" that advises to literally not look at them. No eye contact, just turning your own expression into gray rock.

That kind of blew my mind because when I did it with my brother (never once looked at him directly) in court, I swear that helped me win. He wasn't rational anyway, but I think I sensed he began feeling less confident. And it DID protect me from melting with fear.

I can imagine YG dressing like the Q-Anon rioter, running through the neighborhood seeking attention.

But a better fantasy is YG moving away. Buh-bye.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 03, 2022, 11:40:08 AM

If ignoring Yelly Guy isn't working... what do you suggest?


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 03, 2022, 03:06:12 PM
Hmmm. Depends what "ignoring" looks like. No idea if any of this works, but just to imagine scenarios:

He walks onto your property. You snap a pic of his trespass on your phone, turn your back and go indoors.

He spots you outside or at a neighbor's (if he's still allowed at other neighbors' gatherings). He walks near to start up some fake conversation under cover of acting friendly at a social event. You instantly turn your back and walk away from him in perfect calm, regardless of "what they might think."

He sees you anyplace and speaks or calls out: "Lighter, hey! Hey hey! HEY! LIGHTER!" -- you do not acknowledge but instantly turn away, in another direction, etc. In perfect calm.

He pesters you for reaction in some way you can't find a way out of. You take your phone and call Cowboy. (Maybe that should be up higher on the menu.)

I have no idea if any of these are realistic (situation or response fantasy). If he escalated in any way, I'd visit the police, make a report. Not demanding police action but simply creating a record. So if a more serious breach of NC takes place and you need to call them, it's in the system already that he's causing trouble.

If you feel it's serious and escalating anew, you could also ask Cowboy if he'd make a report about the time he had to order YG out of his home MULTIPLE times before he would leave and how much resistance YG put up.

Aaargggh. Hope we're just musing about hypotheticals...and in reality he's pretty neutralized by now? Hope hope.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 04, 2022, 05:18:48 PM

I'm not worrying about what I'll say to Yelly Guy or how I'll enforce boundaries once stated with clear, unambiguous language.

I jjust know he's going to stay out of my yard and retired nurse neighbor can let him on her property on HER side of our shared property line.  It's her property, after all.

It will be uncomfortable for everyone, including YG IF he ignores my stated boundary and i don't have a problem telling everyone I know if he can't be approrpriate.  Doesn't matter if he's suffering from some mental issues.  Not my circus, not my clowns, as they say.

I hope you're having a lovely holiday, Hops. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 08, 2022, 11:05:13 AM
I haven't been worrying about settinng boundaries with Yelly Guy and that's a good thing, bc yesterday it happened organically and without any reactivity. I'd just spoken with the Cowboy and he decided he'd bring his zero turn mower back to the house and I'd borrow it to do that bit of mowing Yelly Guy used to do.  Right now Cowboy trades smoked meats with his other next door neighbor for lawn mowing services. 

I chatted with the Nurse for a minute on my way to talk to Cowboy.... she had this look in her eye...... just.... she doesn't get it and I decided not to talk to her about Yelly Guy again.... at least not till she brings it up, which is likely very soon for reasons I'll explain.

Working in the drainage ditch pulling weeds and lobbing them into the piles of leaves and branches on both the Nurse's side of the ditch and mine, I worked for about an hour to clear the ditch properly.  It was very hot, but not buggy and I enjoy the work... weed pulling meditation.  The moss and ferns growing on the bank is increasing.... I enjoy watching that happen. 

 If Yelly Guy weed wacks the weeds into the ditch, they turn melt into messy and smelly decaying muck and then it takes hours to clear AND I end up covered in muck with my boots full of the stuff.  Not good, so when the Yelly Guy whisteled up on me, like Sheriff Andy Taylor, all southern charm and ease I didn't think about my response....
I just grunted and gave him a short glare he couldn't possibly mistake for a come'hither look.... just..... I'm done having him mistake politeness for an invitation for him to make unwanted advances.  Done.  SO done.  I can't believe I'm writing this, but..... I have no plans to ever be polite to Yelly Guy again.  That might come to pass... will see.  I still like his wife and might muster it up IF she's standing there, but maybe not.  I'm trying to decide how much self sacrifice I'll make for the comfort of others and why I do that. 

YG went on to say "Well, I'm glad I won't have to bring my weedeater over tomorrow."

I said "No. No, you won't have to bring your weedeater tomorrow or any other day, bc I have this handled,. just like I have the mowing handled. Thank you for your hard work, but you won't be mowing my weeds any longer."

Yelly Guy whined "Well, I do it for everyone."

I ignored him, told him to say hello to his wife, then went back to my weeds.  I don't know where Yelly Guy went.... i didn't look up from my work.

Yelly Guy WILL "tell on me" to the nurse, and she might feel some way about it. She might want to talk about it.  We can do that.

I need to drive the mower I borrow over her property...just a smidge... to get to the other side of the drainage ditch.... I think.  maybe not.  Will have to look at it with the Cowboy.   I do't expect the nurse to have a problem with it and if she does, I can come round my house and access under the power lines another way.  It would mean the nurse has chosen to go to war to defend Yelly Guy's honor.... that wold be a huge PITA.

That's my update and my sister texted "don't back yellly guy into a corner."

She's concerned YG will lose his mind and go nuts...which is a possibiliity, but  I'm done living small and fearful to avoid being harmed or attacked by large, or small, men who don't like hearing the word NO.

Right now Yelly Guy still has reason to BE ON or arouond our street, bc of nurse. Once that's settled, and it will be very soon, anytime anyone sees Yelly Guy will be reason for concern and perhaps to call the police.   Won't know till I hear from nurse.... depending on how crazy Yelly Guy's story is, I'll know.  I wonder if I need to clearly state the conequencs for boundary stomping TO Yelly Guy.  I mean, I expect him to overstep the boundary..... I guess I could have stated the consequences yesterday when stating the boundary, but
1.  I do figure YG has to be a wounded child and I don't want to harm or provioke him and....
2.  I SHOULD be able to state a simple boundary and just have it BE a boundary that's honored..... and......
3.  It feels wrong to threaten to call the police on someone who's performing a "favor" without asking anything in retun besides pressing into the space of people the good deed doer is attempting to have unwanted contact with/sex/whatever against their express wishes, kwim? 

Evereyone on the street is used to Yelly Guy mowing that grass and walking through this cul de sac to access the forest on a daily basis.  That changes IF Cowboy, who's deeply distressed and maybe ashamed of the story, and I TELL the neighbors what Yelly Guy is about and that's bad ju ju, it's a very negative conversation, it's news no one wants to be true or deal with, IME.  People often shoot the messenges when hearing that kind of information, is what I'm trying to say...... and I have to tell you.... I ONLY care what 3 of my 7 neighbors think.  As long as I have those 3 people on board...and I think I'd have 4 of them on board, then all is well on Lighter's cul de sac. 

I was thinking... if Yelly Guy appears to just fade away..... it's not an indication all is well.  I'm not going to worry about it.  I have a lock on my crawl space.  The house is locked up.  The only person with a key absolutely hates Yelly Guy.... I'm putting in some cameras, just to what I can see.... there's electricity in the shed, so a camera there will show me everyone passing or coming onto my property.  Will be good.

So,  I'm thinking the neighbors need to know it's not OK for Yelly Guy to come'round any more.  If the nurse would ask YG to stop using her  then there's ZERO reason for YG to be ON our street.   Not that he can't access my yard and home through the forest, bc he can.  it's just that his  presence, from this moment forward, won't mean anything positive.  It will be a boundary transgression at best and heinous fockery at worst.  Once the camera is up on the shed, I'll know if Yelly Guy is accessing my property.... feels pretty well buttoned up. 

I'm learning to wait for the other show to fall with grace and restraint.  I will cross that bridge when I get to it and not worry about it until.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 08, 2022, 03:08:52 PM
Video's a great idea, Lighter! Let the machine be vigilant so you don't have to.

Many times when one person tries to convince a second person that a third person is toxic or unsafe and therefore person #2 needs to stop seeing them or change their opinion...the part in italics backfires.

IMO it is healthy to simply tell your own story to her if you believe it'd be helpful. I'm wondering, though, because you mentioned a back-off glint in her eye when you speak of YG, and maybe he's manipulating a lonesome retired woman or whatever...but those things can get stuck in deeper if someone feels pressured. He might moan (or lie) to her and the attention from him fills a need in her?

But simply telling the gist of your own story if you choose to? Free bird, you. It's a big "release the outcome" opportunity.

Asking the universe for what you want: Telling the nurse what's happened with YG AND wanting her to believe/accept/make changes.

Releasing the outcome: Telling her the YG tale but expecting nothing from her in response. (She might do differently, or might not.)

I'm sure you know all that. I've just been pondering "release the outcome" more than usual these days. It really helps me to remember it, esp. when something is scaring or angering me.

All good vibes for whatever you decide to try to contribute to your peace. I'd have been triggered by him trying AGAIN to edge into your head/property space...or weed-whack his way back in. Phew, this guy is so unaware he should get a medal for it. A rusty upside-down medal.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 12, 2022, 10:51:22 PM
Well, Yelly Guy hasn't been around since I banished him from his mowing duties.

The zero turn mower arrived today, so I'll be mowing my weeds myself very soon.  I spoke to retired nurse neighbor about it and didn't ask permission to drive this mower on her property for 6 feet.....assuming I can, bc she let Yelly Guy and I let her keep my part of the yard the way she wants it.

Nurse said "Oh, what's a zero turn mower?" But I think she was covering her surprise.  Maybe YG didn't tell her I banished him?  I really don't care.  So over it. 

In the meantime, the recycling truck leaked crushed and broken glass through at least 2 entire neighborhoods....I used huge shop vac on our entire cul de sac....so much glass!!!  First I thought YG threw it, but I walked 2 streets and it was everywhere.

Posted warnings on the neighborhood message board WITH a shout out to the gut driving a truck to my house, parked then  walked his white pit bull into my yard, watched it crap an ankle deep pile in my leaves then drove away without picking it up.  Now I know where that came from....neighbor saw it and told me.  The nerve!!#

The garbage pick up people need to fix that truck!  I won't be ok if the keep dumping glass in our streets.  I reported it and was assured they'd fix that truck.

A friend passed from cancer and a friend's father passed a few days ago, as did a friend's mother from heart disease as he recovered from open heart surgery.

Lots of COWs.

I'm walking the pug a lot and am exhausted from the street clean up in the heat....my back is fatigued.

I embarrasingly fell off platform shoes and injured my left foot Saturday.  It's normal now, but was swollen under the big toe and so painful......there's a good deal of regret involved with my oddly spontaneous and surprising shoe choice, last minute, as I ran out the door for travel to a city 3 hours away.  I was an hour down the road before my foot felt like something was biting it.

I can't find my tablet.



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 13, 2022, 04:43:29 PM
Lighter, do you think you might need to take up skydiving?

Could platform shoes be your earthbound substitute for that, or rooftops?

Amirite? Prolly not, but thought I was clever. (Usually in error...LOL)

hugs, gravity, healing zaps to ankle (so sorry you got hurt) --

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 13, 2022, 09:15:44 PM
No skydiving for me....ever, Hops.

I'll stick to rooftops, thanks; )


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 14, 2022, 10:40:21 AM
I dunno, what with glass in the street (that cleanup sounded like it would really wear hard on the back!) and lots of losses among people you know and those they love...that must've been a really hard day.

Hope the back is healing fast and you got some good rest.

I have patio guys here today working away. I always feel stressed when workers are here but do have confidence in the young owner of the business. Bit more stress checking retirement account yesterday to make the necessary withdrawal...I am one of those who have no clue about financial strategy other than frugality, so it is hard to see the balance is dropping and dropping again right now. I've learned "set it and forget it" is the only strategy that can work for me (stock picking was M's hobby but would give me another stroke) and did come back well from 2008, so I'm just hoping to hope all will be okay while I'll still here and before I need to spend it down further.

I decided way back to consolidate it all into TIAA-Cref and trust them. Hard to do but an expert will manage it better than I could. Fingers (toes hairs and prayers) crossed!

Well that was a tangent.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 23, 2022, 02:54:43 PM
One of my dd's and I had a joint T session with my Therpist around learning to communicate better.... T asked if we'd ever done any non violent communication and we both answered Yes as the girls attended a tiny school based on that.  It didn't really stick for dd.

T suggested we not come back to her again for joint session, but instead see an eating disorder T together... someone fresh and unbiased, which is the plan.

One good thing out of that session is dd is being more present and nice.  Seeking me out, sharing more and being present.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 23, 2022, 05:42:14 PM
That sounds like a wonderful plan, Lighter. Brava!

SO impressive that you have seen that you and D share the vulnerability to disordered relationships with food in different ways...and will see that T together.

This is exciting. Hoping for you it offers a new, beautiful direction.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 05, 2022, 07:23:38 PM
My T won't see dd and me together again.  She referred us to a neutral T specializing in eating disorders. It looks promising.

I will say DD has been talking to me more since that shared T appointment.  We had a really good day Monday.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 06, 2022, 11:06:41 AM
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on August 06, 2022, 11:08:38 AM

Hope you'll gently RE-contact her once a week until you hear back.


Hang in there,
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 12, 2022, 02:29:34 PM
I'm still waiting, Hops.  Just left another message.

I've worked through a huge chunk of reactivity around the legals.

It was the main reason I was referred to my T, but somehow I meneuvered around it till now and that's OK, bc processing using AIT, this time, is less stressful, less time consuming and less complicated than the other forms of therapy, which were massively helpful, but not as easy or quick, IME.  ALL AROUND improved experience for me and it feels like the same somatic and emotional relief.  Time will tell. 

My T has been working with an AIT (Advanced Integrative therapy) therapist. She didn't tell me this until after we'd finished 2 sessions.  One was over ZOOM and the other was in her office recently.  I prefer face to face therapy. I prefer less suffering too; )


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Meh on August 17, 2022, 12:27:24 AM
I haven't been worrying about settinng boundaries with Yelly Guy and that's a good thing, bc yesterday it happened organically and without any reactivity. I'd just spoken with the Cowboy and he decided he'd bring his zero turn mower back to the house and I'd borrow it to do that bit of mowing Yelly Guy used to do.  Right now Cowboy trades smoked meats with his other next door neighbor for lawn mowing services. 

I chatted with the Nurse for a minute on my way to talk to Cowboy.... she had this look in her eye...... just.... she doesn't get it and I decided not to talk to her about Yelly Guy again.... at least not till she brings it up, which is likely very soon for reasons I'll explain.

Working in the drainage ditch pulling weeds and lobbing them into the piles of leaves and branches on both the Nurse's side of the ditch and mine, I worked for about an hour to clear the ditch properly.  It was very hot, but not buggy and I enjoy the work... weed pulling meditation.  The moss and ferns growing on the bank is increasing.... I enjoy watching that happen. 

 If Yelly Guy weed wacks the weeds into the ditch, they turn melt into messy and smelly decaying muck and then it takes hours to clear AND I end up covered in muck with my boots full of the stuff.  Not good, so when the Yelly Guy whisteled up on me, like Sheriff Andy Taylor, all southern charm and ease I didn't think about my response....
I just grunted and gave him a short glare he couldn't possibly mistake for a come'hither look.... just..... I'm done having him mistake politeness for an invitation for him to make unwanted advances.  Done.  SO done.  I can't believe I'm writing this, but..... I have no plans to ever be polite to Yelly Guy again.  That might come to pass... will see.  I still like his wife and might muster it up IF she's standing there, but maybe not.  I'm trying to decide how much self sacrifice I'll make for the comfort of others and why I do that. 

YG went on to say "Well, I'm glad I won't have to bring my weedeater over tomorrow."

I said "No. No, you won't have to bring your weedeater tomorrow or any other day, bc I have this handled,. just like I have the mowing handled. Thank you for your hard work, but you won't be mowing my weeds any longer."

Yelly Guy whined "Well, I do it for everyone."

I ignored him, told him to say hello to his wife, then went back to my weeds.  I don't know where Yelly Guy went.... i didn't look up from my work.

Yelly Guy WILL "tell on me" to the nurse, and she might feel some way about it. She might want to talk about it.  We can do that.

I need to drive the mower I borrow over her property...just a smidge... to get to the other side of the drainage ditch.... I think.  maybe not.  Will have to look at it with the Cowboy.   I do't expect the nurse to have a problem with it and if she does, I can come round my house and access under the power lines another way.  It would mean the nurse has chosen to go to war to defend Yelly Guy's honor.... that wold be a huge PITA.

That's my update and my sister texted "don't back yellly guy into a corner."

She's concerned YG will lose his mind and go nuts...which is a possibiliity, but  I'm done living small and fearful to avoid being harmed or attacked by large, or small, men who don't like hearing the word NO.

Right now Yelly Guy still has reason to BE ON or arouond our street, bc of nurse. Once that's settled, and it will be very soon, anytime anyone sees Yelly Guy will be reason for concern and perhaps to call the police.   Won't know till I hear from nurse.... depending on how crazy Yelly Guy's story is, I'll know.  I wonder if I need to clearly state the conequencs for boundary stomping TO Yelly Guy.  I mean, I expect him to overstep the boundary..... I guess I could have stated the consequences yesterday when stating the boundary, but
1.  I do figure YG has to be a wounded child and I don't want to harm or provioke him and....
2.  I SHOULD be able to state a simple boundary and just have it BE a boundary that's honored..... and......
3.  It feels wrong to threaten to call the police on someone who's performing a "favor" without asking anything in retun besides pressing into the space of people the good deed doer is attempting to have unwanted contact with/sex/whatever against their express wishes, kwim? 

Evereyone on the street is used to Yelly Guy mowing that grass and walking through this cul de sac to access the forest on a daily basis.  That changes IF Cowboy, who's deeply distressed and maybe ashamed of the story, and I TELL the neighbors what Yelly Guy is about and that's bad ju ju, it's a very negative conversation, it's news no one wants to be true or deal with, IME.  People often shoot the messenges when hearing that kind of information, is what I'm trying to say...... and I have to tell you.... I ONLY care what 3 of my 7 neighbors think.  As long as I have those 3 people on board...and I think I'd have 4 of them on board, then all is well on Lighter's cul de sac. 

I was thinking... if Yelly Guy appears to just fade away..... it's not an indication all is well.  I'm not going to worry about it.  I have a lock on my crawl space.  The house is locked up.  The only person with a key absolutely hates Yelly Guy.... I'm putting in some cameras, just to what I can see.... there's electricity in the shed, so a camera there will show me everyone passing or coming onto my property.  Will be good.

So,  I'm thinking the neighbors need to know it's not OK for Yelly Guy to come'round any more.  If the nurse would ask YG to stop using her  then there's ZERO reason for YG to be ON our street.   Not that he can't access my yard and home through the forest, bc he can.  it's just that his  presence, from this moment forward, won't mean anything positive.  It will be a boundary transgression at best and heinous fockery at worst.  Once the camera is up on the shed, I'll know if Yelly Guy is accessing my property.... feels pretty well buttoned up. 

I'm learning to wait for the other show to fall with grace and restraint.  I will cross that bridge when I get to it and not worry about it until.


These stories remind me of Maeve Binchy.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 17, 2022, 09:58:43 PM
If only Yelly Guy posts were works of fiction, mouse.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Meh on August 17, 2022, 10:33:15 PM
If only Yelly Guy posts were works of fiction, mouse.

Hahaha. It's only from a distance though. Surely it's bothersome in person.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 19, 2022, 09:32:25 PM
The ED T called today while I was in VET partking lot with pug.  It was OK.... we're on a wait list....4 ahead of us.  I chose the best T with as many tools as I could get for processing trauma and all their T focus on eating disorders.

We can do family T and one on one sessions with T.  I have contact info for a support group I can attend and I will.  ACK. I actually experinced a shudder thinking about that... reminded me of the parent meetings and group therapy from wilderness program and therapeutic boarding school with dd21... Lordy.  Oher people's pain, on top of my own..... is just more pain. Maybe it will be different this time if I stay above their pain and don't fall into it with them. Will see.

My regular T appointment on Tues was crazy but super productive.  Lots of feeling faint while processing the legal trauma using AIT.  It was wave after wave, then,  at the end rising up from my stomach to the top of my head, then to my throat, then to my heart, then it ended where it began..... stomach and I think it's passed.  That was the last round... there were many and I should have kept my hands on 2 spots but kept moving the non stationary hand to where the pressure and discomfort was.....it was an amazing experience and I feel better for it.

The girls seem pretty steady right now.  Lots of laughter and business with joyful things.  The pug is super attached to me right now and I'm on top of all her care.  She sleeps with dd21 about 2 out of 20 times.  When I get up in the morning, the Pug is glued to my ankle...moving with me as I move.... like a shadow. 

It's an odd thing to have a little sentient bat faced being in the house, moving around at will, sometimes making demands and stretching for attention.... so cute.  So dependent.  So very lovely.  We enjoy her so much and can't imagine our lives without her.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 21, 2022, 10:37:11 AM
DD20 says there will be a pug shaped hole in our lives when the pug is gone.

She says we'll need to get another dog. 

Does anyone here know anything about A COURSE IN MIRACLES?

I ordered a book and haven't felt enough interest to dive in.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on August 21, 2022, 01:02:47 PM
A little sentient, bat-faced being...what a wonderful descriptor. I always feel sad about bradycephalic pooches-for-profit but pugs are rattlingly adorable. Before I learned more about dog breeding I yearned for a French bulldog. Actually looked up "funniest dogs" because I so wanted a dog that would make me laugh. So I enjoy your descriptions of your funny, enchanting little sentient bat-face!

My Pooch is fairly humorless, but her life was very taxing. Sometimes she does make me laugh, in the way that giving side-eye while ignoring my comic monologues just makes me try harder. And then her tail starts going and I'm filled with joy to see it.

My ex-H had a Course in Miracles phase, as did a few friends. He also was a true believer in the Urantia Book (do Google it) for years. Personally, I'm repulsed by "revealed secret sauce" spiritual texts. I reject anything written in human language that purports to explain the spiritual authoritatively. I believe transdendence is innate to the human experience and humility and love the only gateways. Oh, plus I loathe stuff that's supposedly been "channeled." Went to visit a "channeler" in Va. Beach once years ago and rolled my eyes so hard I had to pick them up off the sidewalk on the way out. (I was very polite to everyone, however.)

All I can say is look for the origin stories of books/groups/movements like that, and pay close attention to the money trails.

And this is a wiser overview than my own.
https://matthewremski.medium.com/why-a-course-in-miracles-is-not-good-for-you-or-those-you-love-e36d26ddadda (https://matthewremski.medium.com/why-a-course-in-miracles-is-not-good-for-you-or-those-you-love-e36d26ddadda)

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 21, 2022, 10:03:19 PM
Thanks for that link, Hops:

I'm enjoying the TV series CHOSEN very much.   My interpretation of Jesus healing people is....... his reflecting their divinity back to them....the peope heal themselves. 

I can't imagine belonging to a group who believe their way of believing is the ONLY way.   I like to pick up wisdom from all different people and faiths.  It's all the same to me..... no matter what people want to call it....it's all one source, IMO.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on August 21, 2022, 11:09:03 PM
Sounds wise and eclectic to me, Lighter.
I often think I'm a Cafeteritarian.
UUism allows room for that, mostly.

I have allergies to some religious things though, for sure.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 23, 2022, 08:04:26 PM
Today's T session was rather flat...... I think all the work we've done lead to my figuring out the parts and peices of the things we worked on.....and I saw my ASPD h as a human being.... a wounded child...... a desperate person lashing out wildly, destroying his own life as he took me down with him and our children...... and ASPD didn't think he had choices.  That just taken the emotional charge to zero without actually processing the things I used to be overwhelmed and triggered by.... the work we've been doing sort of worked on it while I wasn't aware. 

Even a particular moment with my MIL..... her big horsey guffawing laugh at the courthouse after I'd been railroaded into making yet another deal..... brought up ZERO emotional charge and I think I was shocked.  That big horsey laugh seemed like it would live in my mind... seem SO CLOSE.... in my face, for the rest of my life, but it's not.
Just gone and it was such a relief to have half our time left to mentally thrash about to identify.....
and you're going to appreciate this Hops.....
my identifying my NEED to be heard and understood (BECAUSE imo I have good intentions and want to at least be seen and heard and feel I'm understood for the facts I'm presenting) when maybe I'm not being heard and shouldn't be offering an opinion not asked for or it's just not my place to do the work of someone who's refusing to do what I feel they would insist I DO for myself in their position.  It complicates things when it involves serious medical issues, bc a patient absolutely needs an advocate in the system to help them understand when they can't hear and have information fed to them when they need it to make big decisions. 

This also ties into not feeling I had a voice in my FOO.  And true or no..... it's going to be dealt with next week. 

This brought up the brain surgery my father had that ruined his life... just dropped him in his tracks when I TOLD him it would bc I did dad's due diligence FOR HIM, but T said that's a rabbit hole........

And.... it's not about the surgery.... it's about my needing to control an outcome and control the flow of life changing information before it's too late, but then..... I end up the one being controlled, which is the definition of choosing to suffer.

So, today I had a check in with the distance and spaciousness we've created in the T's office, in my life generally, along with identifying a large blind spot so it's processed out next week.

I wonder what it will feel like to see someone running toward a cliff and my only response....

"let me know how that works out for you" being the only thing I have to say...... and feeling peace around it.  I don't understand how that will work itself out of my limbic system, but I believe I can do it.

When I think about running toward a cliff..... and all the times I HAVE done it..... was committed to it...... regardless of wise words from people who had my best interst in mind...... I see this from a different POV.   Maybe nothing would have stopped me and maybe no one should have tried.  Maybe someone insisting their very good set of facts be heard and acknowledged would be the wrong thing for them to do.... maybe I would hate it.

On the other hand, I tend to think I'd LIKE to hear the thick and the wrong of things I'm running toward.  I don't like to hear people say things they noticed BEFORE I ran off the cliff, but didn't say.  I wonder why in the world they didn't just say it..... I guess bc I likely WOULD have said something, but then.....
I have time to think about this before next weeks session.

I think this touches so many things in my life.  I think it will be a relief and restored freedom I can't quite puzzle out for myself,but trust will come.



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on August 23, 2022, 09:12:26 PM

Deep work and epiphanies.
I understood what you were describing, Lighter.

I'm sorry no one was able to catch you before you plunged.

But you've climbed back up to the top of the cliff, one handhold at a time.
That's something to build on, for the rest of your life. You did that.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 17, 2022, 06:59:35 PM
The last T appt T asked what I was thinking. 

I had planned to deal with a particular "problem" that had resolved, which seems to be happening more and more outside her office.

T felt we could go 3 or 4 weeks between visits..... and it felt right.

I'm not eating very well and that's OK.  That will resolve too: )


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 25, 2022, 01:11:44 PM
Learning to put things down and let them be is a skill I've been working on.

As I process the yard stuff.....
I think I can just put that down and let it BE.

I don't have to do anything, really.... but what I've always done, bc it made sense and still makes sense TO ME.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on October 04, 2022, 12:33:39 PM
You feeling better, eating better, Lighter?

I didn't know if eating better means eating-closer-to-an-extremely-specific-diet, or just eating more to be healthy, in a not-disordered way?

I don't know what that struggle is like but I sense it's extremely difficult. Mine is just "eat food, not too much, mostly plants" advice...Michael Pollan, was it?

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 05, 2022, 03:15:35 PM
I'm eating many fewer inflammatory foods, Hops.

Really craving, so cooking, Vietnamese foods.  Enjoying crunchy lettuce with everything with chili peppers and Thai basil, yum.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on October 07, 2022, 12:56:49 PM
The cooking sounds like therapy Lighter, delicious :) xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 07, 2022, 05:23:29 PM
Oh..... one triple batch of Cha Gio later and we're planning another triple batch with similar ingredients now.



And washing a bunch of lettuces ahead makes eating greens a pleasure again.  I'm sick of those clam shell pre cleaned greens. 

I'm making a big batch of Sichuan dry fried green beens...... another really yummy dish we snarf down fast.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 07, 2022, 09:40:47 PM
I've waited to write this update on Therapy since I haven't practiced what I learned enough to write with much clarity. 

Will put it out there anyway.

I had a rough T appt 2 weeks ago.  Things lead to an experience I remembered from my childhood where a same aged little boy held down 7yo Lighter and spit in her face.  My arms were pinned... I really hated that feeling of helplessness.  I remember flashes of it. 

I don't know why I chose to retaliate.  I don't know why I chose to retaliate with a glass of water, but that's what I did. I went home, filled a large glass with water and threw it in the boy's face, basically dousing his entire front with water in the winter cold.  It made sense at the time.

Later that day, the boy and his angry father knocked on our door.  Not sure how it went down, but my father defended my actions and let that dad and his son know they should about face and double time away, or else. They left.  I was mortified remembering it..... every piece of it is humiliating, except my father defending me.... that was a good thing.

In T's office I spent a bit of time musing about the little boy, how he was likely bullied,blah blah, but I worked through it and don't care either way now. 

The important piece was what happened when the T asked if THAT incident was the earliest incident I could remember and I began babbling like the character Buddy in the movie THE GIFT.  And I hated it.  And stopped myself doing it.

That was the end of that appointment and we scheduled to meet in a week.....and I was NOT OK for hours afterwards. 

When i went back that next week, I just jumped right into it.  My Paternal Grandfather was overtly sexual and silly and innapropriate.  The nice part was I didn't have to go beyond those adjectives to go into the part of my brain I needed to go in order to process and heal it, which we did. 

One of the most hurtful pieces was not being protected by my parents..... and even as an adult, when my  Grandfather put his hands on my entire arse in front of my adult brother and our father...... I LOOKED THOSE TWO MEN IN THE EYE and their resposnse to order me OUT of Grandpa's reach, obviously.  THAT was the problem.  They didn't say a word to Grandpa....nothing. Nicht.  Nada.  Just.... astonishingly...... I don't honestly know why that was their choice, bc Grandpa continued to be "innapropriate" for years, with us, with my brother's gf.... actually ordering her down to the dock to give grandpa a hug after grandpa had latched onto her and groped her badly at New Year's..... she knew to stay away from him and would have, but for being ordered otherwise and what the hell IS that?

I realize I don't much care, at this point.  There was no protection and that was that.  Whatever the resasons.

The day did come when I told grandpa he couldn't have any alcohol and he asked why.  I told him why and he looked at me like I grew two heads and told me he had no idea what I was talking about..... he felt the entire world had gone mad and then my dad's caretaker joined in and began sharing moments grandpa had groped her.... and she really disliked him.  Really...... and someone else jumped in too. It must have been a holiday...maybe brother's gf, but THAT was the ONLY time anyone EVER said anything to grandpa about his behavior.  The men were mice in my family...... excusing grandpa's cheating on grandma....."bc grandma was sick.":  Ummmm...I think that just made grandpa a larger cad, personally, but hey...... that's where I come from and who I grew up with and that gave my T a lot of insight into why I chose martial arts and training law enforcement officers and how my life went the way it did.

And so..... T introduced the idea of the Ally, saying she'd recently been introduced and found it very helpful in her healing journey.

Basically, every part and piece of us is trying to help..  The addicted, the self destructive, the wounded and the protectors..... all have good intentions.

When things feel off or whn anxiety pops up...... sit in that and find one of the pieces or parts behind it.... be that part wounded or protector.... one will present and step up over the others. That's been my experience, anyway, and they always come from the left or that's where I look when i find them.  To the left.

I also find the place in my body where the anxiety or pressure or pain IS and place my left hand on it, where it remains during the AIT protocol.  Lately that part has been my throat.  Then we go through the AIT protocol with the other hand moving over the Crown, Third Eye, Throat, Heart/then left heart/right heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral, left crease then right at top of leg, ending with the Root Chakra.

After each pass, we shake it out and talk about what happened, then repeat till all the energy around the issue is gone.

The bottoms of my feet were tingling like crazy this time.... then my hands, which was all I felt, aside from feeling things breaking up and breaking free.  We finished that session 10 minutes early and I was happy to go.  I felt like something had been finished and there's zero desire to figure anything about it out or think about it any more. 

OK, back to the Ally.  Brining the Ally forth, after selecting one of our parts or pieces then having them step up and saying....
"I see exactly why you feel that way" or something similar that feels right to you.

The Ally stands with us, validates and supports whatever is going on...... and this is helpful in ways I'm still learning about.

Up front, it replaced the desire to receive validation/approval or understanding from whomever it is we're wishing we could have it from.  HUGE, but that's not all it's good for... I know this. If it was all....it would be enough.

For the first time i can really SEE how life would have been if I'd learned to break the cycle of chain thoughts....one negative thought leading down the rabbit hole until full out survival brain is in charge.  So so hard.

What would life have been if I'd taught my girls.  No regret, just clarity and understanding.

Please don't copy and paste any of this post, bc it's likely I'll go back in and edit.

Tupp..... I thought about you and the chain thinking when I read your last update.  SO familar to me.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on October 08, 2022, 12:34:18 PM
I like the way the notion of an inner ally, that has good intentions, moves things forward, Lighter.

It's parallel to the logic of all emotions, but positive. If pain or fear make sense based on past experiences, then maybe sitting more with the positive, kind, pragmatic and willing-to-be-happy inner ally will too.

It sounds like a lovely new way to experience self-love and self respect.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on October 08, 2022, 02:01:06 PM
God, Lighter, I'm sorry.  I often wonder how different the world might be if it wasn't so full of people who just turn a blind eye to what's going on under their noses, blame the person the thing's being done to, normalise perverse/abusive/obnoxious behaviour and just keep protecting the person who's in the wrong.  Urgh.  Imagine the difference if your dad had dealt with your grandfather the way he dealt with that horrible spitty boy.  I'm sorry those things happened to you.  I'm glad the ally/shaking it out stuff is helping move it out of the way.  Yep, I get the daisy chaining thoughts tumbling into survival mode stuff.  I guess for whatever reason you know felt safe enough to let these things come back up and move them out of the way.  I hope things are feeling calmer now xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 14, 2022, 12:53:45 PM
I think things are setttling, Tup. 

Sometimes I feel a wave of....... really confusing jumbles of many emotions over........ the excuses and acceptance around my Grandfather's behaviors. 

Now..... I have to remember my paternal side was COMPLETELY mysogynistic in their dealings with girl and boy children.  My father's uncles were terrible to their wives and spoke about all women as lesser beings, which is behavior leading to my father losing his marriage to a beautiful and confident woman..... once she stopped crying over his cruel words.....she got mad. 

My paternal grandmother was beaten for her brother's messes.... I mean..... beaten bloody all over her torso and legs.... sometimes with implements and swiches, which is confusing when I think about how much more paternal grandmother valued boys over girls, herself.  I wish she could have broken free of that belief system.  My father and brother were the golden children.....and my father made excuses for grandfather's cheating on his mother... I mean he was a HUGE cheater with women everyone knew and my Grandmother knew too. 

This contrasts badly with my father's use of words like "whore" and "slut" while referring to women cheating, not cheating or wearing makeup he didn't approve of.  Just..... so disturbed and accepted.  Acceptable IN our family. The norm.  Women were less than human to my father, undeserving of compassion and "missing that gene" that made them compassionate people.  Now..... that's SO odd to me, considering his mother favored him BUT she was also a bit PD, IMO, and I think my father and his sister were badly affected by their mother's likely N manipulations...... unable to deal with it, outside avoiding it, even as grandma gave respect and love to dad and only things to my aunt..... or so I see it that way now. 

I don't know if my brother is aware or ever thinks about any of that.  I think he doesn't give it a thought. 

I know he has a daughter and her mother's (my ex SIL's) family trauma played out in loud and overt ways, making my brother's trauma and family dysfuntion less apparent, though I see how it's woven through his marriage and relationships.  Not my circus, not my clowns, as they say, but we all had tickets to the show, didn't we?

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 16, 2022, 09:09:40 PM
Made another triple batch of cha gio this afternoon.... it was better than the last.

More ginger and garlic.... fish sauce, beef and turkey.... a little sugar, soy sauce....  most of it made without rice wrappers, about 6 minutes each side in the air fryer.  The little logs browned up nicely and taste like dumpling filling which is super yummy.  Wrapped in crunchy lettuce leaves with fresh herbs..... just about the best meal I can think of.  If I added rice noodles or broken rice it would kick it up a notch, but not necessary AND my skin and joints are much happier with these choices. 

If I needed a concrete reminder of why I don't eat eat certain foods and why I don't eat non foods..... those are it.

DD20 is babysitting till 10 and will have crazy funny stories when she gets home.  The last time she babysat, the 5yo had her taking notes about the play 5yo was writing, then they performed it till big brother came home and performed it again till the mom got home.  Big brother was pressed into labor, then the play was performed again for the mom.  This child is large and in charge.  BTW, the
"play" was the same song over and over, with different names, banged out on percussion instruments only. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on October 17, 2022, 05:36:42 PM
Hard-core sexism and/or misogyny in our FOOs plays out foreveer.
I'm really sorry you have endured so much of it, Lighter.

And equally glad you still take joy in the new generations and in your own healing.

It's brutal stuff from our brutally sexist culture.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on October 25, 2022, 03:49:03 AM
I do wonder, Lighter, (or more specifically, I know from my own experiences) that people have to numb themselves down to cope with all sorts of things, and abuse/neglect/mistreatment just becomes normal to them and something they don't connect with or comment on.  It's relatively recently, I think, that women have been able to earn their own money, get themselves a mortgage, marry a man because they choose to rather than having to and all those sorts of things.  So I'd guess that speaking up, going against the man of the house, protesting in any way just wasn't an option for a long time - so people just become immune to it and shrug it off.  It's horrible when we look at all the ways we mistreat ourselves and others (and very difficult to untangle ourselves from).  I find I have to keep my distance from people who are still in 'acceptance' mode, because I'm not accepting other people's acceptance just now - not sure if I want to, either.  I've had to pull away from my sister, and the kids, unfortunately, because I can just see those old patterns playing out again, with everyone involved oblivious and no-one doing anything to change.  My mum replayed her pattern with us, my sister is replaying it with her kids and I don't have the spare energy needed to put the work in to be around people and not become affected by or involved in it.  So I've taken three steps back and we're back at Christmas cards and weekly text messages now.  I don't know why some people pull forward and some don't.  It's disturbing to see.  I'm sorry your Grandad was the way he was.  It's an awful shadow to grow up under and it does do so much damage, I think a lot of it doesn't even become apparent until much later on in life?

I've no idea what cha dio is but it sounds delicious :)  Lol
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 28, 2022, 11:29:55 AM
We're staying with my recently widowed fruend this weekend.  She's having foot surgery as I write this. She was in a car accident earlier this week and fugitives from the police ran a light.....fruend T-boned them and broke bones in her foot.  Car totaled.  Another car pulled up and dragged the criminals out if their wrecked vehicle then fled.  Not sure what happened with that, but my friend us dragging herself up and down stairs in her 3 story townhous with sore ribs, very banged up. Lordy, this is why ranch style homes are so popular.  Please send strength and healing our way.

My girls are at a convention....will post about that later.

Going to cook and clean till buddy is put back together and ready for pick up.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on October 28, 2022, 08:30:54 PM
Aaaghh, what a rough experience (and horribly piling-on one) for your poor friend! Glad you can help her; good thoughts on the way.

I spent four hours today with a friend who had major ankle surgery and is navigating awkwardly on a kneeling scooter, when not sleeping off the opiods. I spent half the time helping her finish VoteForward.org letters, which made me feel a little better about helping (more than exhortations in the Post and Times). BTW, those are completely nonpartisan statements handwritten from one voter to another about the importance of voting to themselves and how every vote matters. I like it.

I also enjoyed bonding with her puddytats despite some allergy discomfort and smothery mask. Glad I did it. Had some quiet time to ponder and work on an email blast for the local grassroots v2vnetwork.org project I'm increasingly involved with. 

One thing came up for me is that, even having had covid before, when I gently asked if she rapid-tested before her daily volunteer-helpers would come...she just said no, she's not worried about risks. Despite my great sympathy for what she's going through now, I thought it was a sad example of me-only thinking. Some basic communitarian/humanitarian instinct has been so badly eroded in recent years.

Your injured friend is lucky that you are showing her the opposite! Hope next generations catch on to how it changes life; to have if not a tribe, friends and neighbors who love you rather than just tolerate you.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 01, 2022, 10:26:38 AM
The roughest part was the stairs, Hops.  Not that I wasn't overwhelmed, overall.  I was.  Turned out there were 2 Rxs called in....I don't remember reading or hearing about.  I handled the other 2 at a different pharmacy, but antibiotics and the other was started a few days late.  Yikes.

The kneeling scooters are great, tho my friend's doc hates them.  My friend moved one flight up, with a neighbor's help, right after we left.  Not sure why my post ok friend didn't ask us to help with that....oooohhh....she thought her brother and sister were on the way.  Lack of communication was a problem, consisten5ly.  We left her townhouse clean, laundry done and her fridge full of fresh food.  Friend is doing everything for herself now....feeding herself.  Going to the bathroom.  Going up stairs.  I hope her brother moved her handicap toilet lift thingy for her.  She's going to have tremendous upper body strength when this is done, me'thinks.

I'm glad your post op friend has you there.  She's very lucky. 

About the Covid testing.....I don't have the timing figured out so can't say I believe they're as useful as I'd like.  Just very confused and frustrated. 

At the convention everyone needed a vaccine card OR a rapid test, which was on site.  Vaccine won't keep us from getting Covid, so a vaxxed person can have it and spread it.  A tested person can have it a day later and spread it.  Everyone I know has had it. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 01, 2022, 10:33:23 AM
We put on a small Halloween gathering with a much reduced haunted porch scare fest.

One guest stood with her nose on the house, which creeped the kids out more than my scary mask and black cloak or DD20's red eyed dollbaby jerking about.

Next year the ukele making neighbor and his doc wife will participate.  It was interesting to see parents with little kids disappointment at not being terrorized or chased this year tho. 

People expect it, by now.  One lady said her SIL refused to come back and I asked if she was the one I chased down the street as she sat in an open hatchback.  Yes! 

I almost caught her too!

It's difficult to get it just right, yup yup yup.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 01, 2022, 02:53:06 PM
T and I worked on young Lighter's feel I,vs of abandonment and not being protected by "mommy and daddy."  Broke my damned heart many times.....so very sad. We stayed with the AIT Advanced Integrative Theraof....I have some specific homework and another appt in less than a week.  T going to see Tolle the next week so making due with a Zoom call. The old Victorian is getting a new roof.

Homework is to experience young Lighter's feelings with her while grounding myself and paying attention to surroundings and peripheral vision, etc.....she wanted mommy and daddy.  Now she wants/needs adult me.

Not fun but the relief and becoming unbuttoned is worth it.

Interesting the energy felt light a solid ball in my abdomen.....like it was trying to press it's way out, along with many familiar pings beneath it and one sharp shock to my left ovary and right thigh.

The journey continues.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on November 02, 2022, 10:00:13 AM
Really glad you're parenting that little L who needs it now, Lighter.
It's never too late.

What a difference directing kindness and care toward your inner child makes.

Every time I recall it and call it up (it being that capability) in myself, it heals me more.

Thanks for sharing this reminder. It's the best work of all, imn-ho.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 05, 2022, 11:45:32 AM
I'm not having any trouble hooking into Little L..... she's right here.  Always. 

I'm glad you're reminded and comforted by the reminder, Hops.

I agree... it is the most important work of all: )

I wish self care and mental health was higher up the list of priorities than it seems to be.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on November 05, 2022, 01:58:04 PM

I'm working hard at both, too. And there's sooooo much room for healing and improvement. I think I'll be at it until the day I croak.

Big hugs,
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 07, 2022, 10:44:42 AM
Spent a couple hours on homework.  It never goes the way I think it will.  Young Lighter took me on tours of our old house, the first was static....slow, very sad and limited.  The second was faster, expanded and by the 4th and 5th there were flashes of hallways, rooms, staircase, yard with leaves/with snow, front stoop, yard to neighbor Mrs. B's home, tiny toads, oil can rainbows on the pond, the workshop, barn kittens, swing set, sandbox, tree swing, hedge with rhubarb growing, orchard with mad mama birds dive bombing us away from their nests and lightness....the last tour included my sister and most definitely me......as though trust I was there for them, again and again, lead to trust I'd always be there......that it was enough.

So, unexpected and lovely and the only signs of either parent was mom's angry legs moving fast, looking for us....we were hiding under one of the twin beds....she couldn't find us.  I have very limited memories of my parents.....just pictures I recall from snapshots.  Mom's angry legs moving fast, by the bed....how odd.  Dad pulling us in a wagon behind the lawnmower.....drinking PBR....mom in a formal blue gown with a b hive up do, but these are photos too, I realize.

I'll see T later today.  Feeling pretty ok/neutral about it. My heart is literally aching.....a little. That's new. Noticing recent pain in my neck is gone: )

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on November 07, 2022, 11:36:41 AM
What gorgeous writing, Lighter. Really beautiful.
Immediate, vivid, moving.

I'm thinking this was inner-child journeying, and
you felt her and found her. I'm also thinking this is
the bravest and boldest kind of healing there is.

Huge bravos. "Mother's angry legs" -- wow.

Have you ever thought of taking a writing class?
What you just did reads like the opening to a memoir.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 08, 2022, 09:28:20 AM
It was a small Halloween gathering this year.  We were self consoring bc of the Halloween we'd had last year.

There was some shame involved.

Too many uber energetic monsters and not enough children to scare meant children and parents were persued well beyond our usual terroritory.... Lordy that seems years ago to me now, but I'm sure I posted about it.  It was the event leading to youngest dd dropping every single friend...... and it was quite the event. 

And so, we got back in town after the out of town conference and I wasn't feeling well when we entered the house late.  I slept many hours then got to work decorating for that evening..... the majority of items youngest dd selected were already out, waiting.   Think very peeled back clown jumping about and cackling in his cage with painted baby dolls bouncing about, the BIG FAKE CLOWN SITTING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PORCH and 3 couldrons of dried ice bubbling and drawing attention away from the monsters.... clowns.... doll like creature dd was.  People would get to the steps and STOP.  Just...... stop.  I was sitting on a chair, cloaked and sitting askew, like the fake clown...... people couldn;t tell what was going to move and what wasn't.  It was good. 

The first treaters showed up during the daylight.... we were still decorating.  The parnts just stood there and gawped after we tossed their maybe 7yo a treat bag...... and I realized.... they were waiting for us to begin terrorizing them.  Hmmmm....that was interesting.

As the night went on, there were reports of people ADULT people not returnign this year, bc they'd been so terrified.  When 2 moms came to the porch, they were chatty....
1st mom: ."Come on, lets see this.... they said it's really good this year..... "
2nd mom:  "Nope...... that one's a real person."
1st mom:  "No it's not.  It's fake, like that one."
2nd:  No it's not... it's real.....
it's breathig."

At that point, and bc they sounded like my funny friend from Michigan, I snickered loudly from beneath my robe, then dd snickered loudly and the 2nd mom said her SIL had refused to come to our house this year, "bc she was so terrified".   I remembered the moms I'd chased down the entire street, their legs hanging out the back of a hatchback as I persued with noises and gurgling and tremendous disssapointment at not being able to quite get them..... soooooo close, for so long......  and asked if that was the one.
2nd mom:  "Yup, that was her and me."
It was a very good scare... that mommie's wide eyes watching as my fingers were an inch away from her toes for so long.

One parent stopped at the edge of the stairs and had us all unmask, bc his son was truly terrified...... we had to show we were just dressed up, like all the kids were dressed up.  That dad was no nonsense, yup yup yup.  "ope.  Masks off, now!" 
Hee.  Big respect.

And so, the lesson here is.......
you can't please all the people all the time, but you can please some of the people some of the time. 

We'll escalate next year, but never to the level of last year, which was just out of control and over the top and never to be repeated again.  It's too much work to clean up BIG scale, entire driveway decorations with clown tents and giant ladders with giant scary clowns....... just too much.  The cars strewn about, with hazard lights on, is easy and really good opportunities, so that will likely happen. 

The very serious, usually no nonsense lady doctor told DD she'd (Dr.) "gone to clown school in her younger days, but wasn't good at the tricks."  This was a surprise and lead to her and her ukelele building husband signng up to work the event next year....they showed up with beer, expecting a bonfire as we'd had in the past at other times, but nope.  It was all about the scares and I think they were tremendously entertained the entire time.  Sure seemed to be.  The husband is about 6'3" so he'll be useful.

It was fun.  Oldest dd had a couple of friends over and they were happily chatting in the kitchen and making tacos.... the Cowboy had smoked ribs the day before and we had beef and a full compliment of condiments, soft and hard corn tacos to choose from.  Honestly, I didn't eat or set that up or check on the food.

it was all about the scares.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 08, 2022, 10:29:44 AM
THat's high praise from you, Hops. I'm not likely to write a  memoir but have kept all the boxes of documents... just in case I want to write out the story, as "fiction."   I wish you had been available. 

And so, yesterday's T session..... on reflection.

T had me go back to my childhood home to find Little Lighter.  She was still there, where I'd left her, in the side yard with sister.

They were never verbal.  At all.  Ever.  Which now seems, but will get to that. 

I asked them to come with me, home, to safety and comfort and where I could make them feel cared for and safe.  They came happily and were interested in the journey..... planes and drives and entering the house from the front door, through the LR, Kitchen, hallway and to my bedroom,, which was where i was..... and then we were there together, with the T on Zoom this time. 

I was to ask LL what her damage was...not in those words, but for her emotions and LL remained non verbal...... then I asked her how she'd like to process the emotions.....

LL chose wind and that was appropriate since the day was windy with leaves blowing all around.... just a lovely fall day. Almost warm. 

I took the girls to the beach, also.... always find clarity and healing on the beach and in the water.  The girls were super excited about that....... then I brought them back the house and into the woods and the yard and I was wearing my mother's green fringed pancho and the girls were very happy to be with me.... felt safe it seemed...... and then there seemed to be nothing to process BUT there was still sadness and I'd say the energy/distress was about a 6 out of 10.

It wasn't LL.  T asked how old LL was.... about 3yo..... picture Tabatha from BEWITCHeD, when her hair was about shoulder length and you have it. 

Then the image I'd dreamed after my mother died popped up......
me and sister at our mother's knees, bald and in diapers, aybe 8mo old, reaching up for her to comfort us, take us into her arms, SEE us.....
but she doesn't.

We are inconsolable.  Just...... building off each other's energy, and NEEEEDING so much from mom...... feeling unseen and unheard and it's very very sad.  Neeeding so much, but mom doesn't understand and she doesn't care about how children move through developmental phases or what it means to look into a child's eyes and be present with them.  Mom is very busy aNd industrious in her fashion career and she's certainly feeling our shame when were aren't reflectling well on her...... she's just 20 or 21yo herself.  Still a child.... a GC. It's all about her and how we reflect on HER.

I can't remember much about that, as I stopped checking in with my peripheral vision and breathing mindfully at this point.  I was going in and out of feeling baby Lighter's distress and losing the ability to comfort her through it, which was the entire point.  to experience the trauma with a fully integrated brain and process it fully..... but that just wasn't happening in the hour, which seemed so short when time has been going slowly, otherwise.

T and I checked back in with the 3yo Lighter and she wasn't giving me attention or answering questions... she was back on the beach, concerned with sister and the water and sand..... not that she'd said anything up to that point, which seems odd now that the 8month olds had been so verbal and LOUD, without a break. 

3yo Lighter was always silent and finding her in that corner of the bedroom was always  a silent event, as were the tours.  She was more guarded and checking in with her at the end.... I realized she was waiting for me to grab her soft little forearm and dig my fingernails in...... and make her focus..... hurt her and make her answer my questions.  It was very dissapionting and T said I needed to spend more time with her, gain more trust and I felt she was emotionally far away and unlikely to just connect and heal the way I'd realllly hoped would happen. 

That was about the place where we put a pin in and scheduled for the next appointment. 

I took the roasted chicken out of the oven, made a 4X batch of cha gio mis and took the pug into the forest.  I smelled Yelly Guy before I saw him blowing leaves in the retired nurse's back yard..... not very close to my property line, but he was facing me.  I just walked and didn't look up...... was annoyed by the smell of cigar in my nose for the next minute, thinking ahead to how I'd get back to the house without having to see or be seen by him. 

The walk was good.  Glandex has baby girl pug making stout little poops we hope will span out visits to the vet for anal gland expression. A necessary unexpected thing with Pugs.  The walk was nice.  Didn't see anyone in the forest.  Didn't look at my phone or think about it or the YG and then the walk was over.

I could hear YG still blowing leaves in the yard, but right up against my property line this time and so I picked up 21lbs of top heavy pug and waded into the backyard neigbor's surprisingly waist deep leaf piles..... not an easy thing to do, but I got into my back yard almost unscathed.... thorns and vines being wild and what they are in that bit of wood.  Pug didn't bark at YG or give away our position. In fact, she hasn't given away our position to YG in a very long time, not even when YG and his dog jog nearby whatever secondary trail we're on, out of sight, where I let her off her leash and she can sniff to her heart's content without pulling me off my feet with unexpected stops.

I'm taking DD20 and my sister into town today..... will be dropping the Cowboy off for his weekly accupuncture appointment he says has become "a huge part of his healing program."  I'm glad. 

I didn't expect it to be that helpful, considering he's a conservative Cowboy, considering his history and extensive injury...missing so much skin and ligaments, etc. Not sure how the meridians work with that level of trauma, but the main relief has been his left hip from an injury he received 40 years ago.....always chronic, up to now.  Amazing.  Like magic, but better.

Washing beds today.  The pug is very calm and seems healthier.....MUCH healthier for the whole food diet.  Calmer around food.  Calmer all around which corresponds to not having a tribe of people tromping through the yard, as well.  A neighbor, 3 doors away, commented recently on his relief the trail was closed.  He never liked all those people tromping through and by his house either. 

Retired nurse was super chatty when I brought her empty egg cartons for Manna Food bank...... she was tickled pink YG had shown up to blow her leaves, without announcing his intention... well.... "his wife had mentioned it."

I just dead pan looked her in the eye and said....."He's right where he wants to be."  She went back to gushing over his helfulness and how her grandsons and son were going to help too....blah blah...... which brings me back to dealing with my leaves, which will be SUPER deep very soon.  I havne't decided what to do about them yet.  Honestly, the idea of letting my yard go back to nature is inviting, and not just bc I know retired nurse wouldn't appreciate it.  She wouldn't, btw, but bc of the nectotic ring and having to do yard work with YG showing up whenever he feels like it.  I still resent the nurse allowing him into her yard, between Cowboy's yard and my yard,  when she UNDERSTANDS YG has been BANISHED.


That's a very real thing and her inviting him in feeeeeeels like she's invited a vampire I have to worry about, which seems like a very buddy focking sort ot activity, but hey....... YG ignored her for 15 years, then got chummy once he lost access to my trail and yard AND to the Cowboy's..... but she doesn't SEE that she's been manipulted or used and that's.....
What IS that?

Her willful ignorance.

Her..... usually sharp as a tack mind just goes all soft and fuzzy ,bc...... ah yes...... bc YG has given her a story that makes sense to her.

MORE sense than my story..... and that's a very familiar feeling.... a very familiar thing I can remedy, at least to clarify how exactly I see things, which is all I need to deal with and thats' enough.

At the point I feel I need to clarify it for YG's wife is the final destination. Keeping secrets for icky people is something I DO to protect other people....not the icky people.

I removed the balance YG post.  No need for it to be here.

One more thing about tge ebd if last T appt.....T talked about the ways not being seen as a child.....shows up in a life.  The people pleasing, not having needs, not feeling enough, etc.  So familiar....like unraveling a thread you know is there, but blends in with an intricately woven fabric until it's pulled.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on November 08, 2022, 06:28:12 PM
Quick hits:

Who has a fully integrated brain? Not me.

Very sad story about your mother's neglect/abandonment. What age were you actually when she died? I could see/imagine the toddlers' distress. I am very sorry.

Pugs are psychic, like all dogs. Blesshim/her.

Sorry Nurse Neighbor isn't a loyal sister and participating in your YG boundaries as a loyal solidarity-sister would. But so good that you've made yours clear. What matters most.

Want to share more about Sister? She was important.

Last. The image of your instinct being to dig in fingernails and HURT your inner child was heartbreaking.

I'm so glad you have a trusted T to do this work with.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 10, 2022, 12:50:24 PM
My sister was with me our entire child and babyhoods, so.....whatever I suffered, she suffered the same or very similar.

My mom died when I was 52, but we weren't close.....for many reasons.  We got closer the last 2 years if her life, which was good.

I'm still wirking on LL: )

I'm in the yard.....millions of leaves to deal with.  No time to think about the nurse, but I plan on being super compassionate when I do.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 16, 2022, 12:38:37 PM
Moving through my days...... I touch base with LL and pay attention to what she's thinking.  Mostly, she's watching to see what I'm going to do and I think there's comfort and familiarity....... LL is feeling OK about retiring to the background and feeling safe enough to let go and play..... let go of the worry and decisions she never should have had to deal with.  Feeling safe enough to rest and trust I have things covered.

The shift with recent conversatins with retired nurse is where I really see it.  A little heartbreaking, but so good.  So time.  So right and exactly how it should be.

About the nails in the forearm, Hops.... I don't think LL knew how to speak up, answer for herself FOR herself.  I think she was always reacting OR resisting, but never heard or seen or appreciated for who she was, as a separate person.... always a part of her mother an how she reflected on her mom.

LL didn't even know how to respond..... is learning now. 

Things are going pretty good.  Some poor food choices have created some physical discomfort.  It's problematic, but self inflicted.  I understand it and can deal with it.  It's just doing it consistently, while others make iffy choices.... sticking to my guns and doing what I know feels better.

Last night we went to Drag Karaoke and it was a blast!!!  When we arrived at 10pm, Drag Bingo was still going strong.... was supposed to end at 10pm, but went an extra half hour.  Very interesting to watch and get situated in the club as that ended. 

The music was amazing..... the Drag Queen taking over the Karaoke portion of the evening was sparkly and beautiful....mezmerizingly beautiful and funny..... sang with the weaker singers to help them out. 

The crowd was exactly right.....not too big, dance floor large enough to handle what the people were giving AND there was enough seating for everyone....the club felt full, but not crowded.  It was amazing and we danced.... DD20 sang 4 songs and was super popular with the room, as well as all the.....
I guess I'd call them the alpha boys.  Best singer, most interesting singer, most straight appearing boy, etc..... and then there was the boy who brought his own music request.... and he rocked that stage with a rap NO ONE SAW COMING.....the Drag Queen was super shocked and super impressed.... not an easy thing to do.  That boy buzzed DD's tower and I gotta say...... DD needed to get out of the house and into the world.  This was that.

The Drag Queen sort of did a duo with DD on the 4th song...... that was good, bc Drag Queen wasn't feeling much warmth toward DD that first song.  DD and I danced many songs with me leading...... lots of twirling....... esp to the amazing singer who did 2 Frank Sinatra songs...... sounded JUST LIKE HIM!  Didn't miss a beat.  There were so many great singers, honestly and DD held her own, danced more than the others.  It equaled out!

We're compiling a list of songs to choose from.... the crowd pleasers and ones suiting DD's range.  I'll sing with her next time, but I'm not a singer so.... it's for DD's pleasure, and not the club's, that I serve.

Will wear more comfortable shoes next time and more interesting attire..... it was so much fricking fun, guys!  So much to watch, everyone sang from their tables and the energy was super supportive for every singer.... so me barely squeaked, but that was endearing and appreciated too.

DD said i can choose an Insane Clown Posse song..... will see how that goes.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 29, 2022, 04:48:28 PM
OK.... saw T today. Over the holiday it became clear 4yo Lighter wasn't expecting me to stick my finger nails into her forearm.... she was just aware I've self sabotaged myself.... all of myselves and she wants me to erect healthy boundaries and hold them to protect us all, which is fair and makes sense.  I'm working on it.

During that session, I went and picked up 8mo Lighter and took her to my home where she was very happy.   I chose water and processed through the feelings 8mo Lighter had to process around not being seen or heard by parents who just weren't capable.  That  was good.... very sad as the T's compassionate focus and care was stark contrast to what my sibs and I received from such young parents who saw themselves and their needs and not little souls requring mirroring and attunement. 

T wrote mad notes, things clicking for her as we talked and workd and processed....... the enabling behavior finally has a point of origin.

Last night I was trying to book flights to the island with DD20 and DD said.....
"I'll go, but you have to make a promise to not people please, bc if you do that, then I'm stuck doing it too." 

It was a good jumping off point for the Therapy appointment and there was an incident at the lake with our late father's caretaker where I found myself putting up a boundary around her showing up with her DD, SIL and GS15..... just showing up, out of the blue, no plans,.which is horrible, bc her family doesn't want to be there, the rudely refuse to speak English even though they all speak it just fine and the SIL KNOWS better than to just show and her DD puts off murder energy in my direction, in particular and my sister's..... my niece was keenly aware of it and terribly upset by it.  My oldest DD22 actually got into her car and drove away when they arrived....no goodbye.  We just watched her car go by.

The second night they did this I finally pointed out the fact we can't understand them is bc they don't want us to AND asked the caretaker if she;d received in invitation either eventing before showing up.  Caretaker stammered and said she'd phoned my brother and his two children but "no one answered."

I took out my phone and looked at my history, dramatically, then pointed out there was no attempt to contact me.  My sister started filling their arms with food, then scooted them to the door where caretaker asked... :"Am I leaving now?"  Ummm.... yes, yes you are and then they were gone.

My brother agreed he feels awkward when theyr'e around,w hcih is a refreshing bit of honesty from the beginning when he asked ME if I was the problem wtih the awkwardness  youngest DD and I felt when we visited them.  We all STOPPED going and they just let the house become filthy and then it was time for them to go and the important thing is they're gone, they own a great home with an extra lot and they're all employed and planning Christmas in Canada, which is where I think all these visits were coming from......
it felt like they were fishing for an invitatin from my sister for them to stay in their home,which is never going to happen, bc of the murder energy coming off the DD....... and I feel she's entitled to whatever her feelings ARE.....I simply have removed myself from exposure.  I think we've all been removed and it needed to happen, bc caretaker and DD are very loud and intrusive people who had to be aware they were inflicting themselves on us, but without fear we'd ever erect a boundary.....
which happens to not be the case, comes to find.

And I'm ready to let it go.  I have no feelings about it, other than wishing I'd done it that first ngith so there wasn't a repeat.   

No emotional upset.  My oldest DD would have been there for the games that night.  No one would have to feel awkward, including the SIL and Grandson15.  This all feels very timely and I'm sometimes shocked at how assertive I CAN be, then how stress or sickness knocks that progress back.

My BIL and I were laying a floor when the caretaker and family arrived that first night.  We weren't expecting to entertain ior make a big dinner, but there we were...... entertaining and cooking too much food and pretending everything was fine....... but that does't have to be how I go forward another minute.  Ever.

That feels very safe and I think every part of me will breathe a sigh of relief for it.

Brother and Sister are on board.... my niece was tremendously relieved..... both my DDs were, as well.

Typcally we aren't communicating very well, which leads to no one knowing what anyone planned, but I thnk that's going to self correct too.

My brother is beign very polite and helpful and engaging when I speak to him.  His grown children live withi him and seem very happy to be there....... mostly.  My niece has a problem with brother's gf, and I wish niece could release that blaming POV and shift into awareness and what SHE can do instead of feeling victimized.  All in all, I have such hope for my niece.  She seems to be more mature and self reflective, comparatively speaking.  There's promise there and intelligence.  At a point, she said she'd sought telemed mental healthcare, but it wasn't good.  I hope she finds someone to help her walk through her issues to get her nose off her pebbles.  Honestly, some of those pebbles belong to other people.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 05, 2022, 08:45:47 PM
I'm trying to check in with LL and 8mo Lighter consistently.  They're so safe, here in this feminine world of women and Pug.  It brought tears to see that 8mo baby in this house....such a relief.  She's safe now.  So is LL.

My dd20 recently said she can't imagine raising children without a village.  Parents are too spread out, too busy.....too many directions and duties to properly care for wee ones, in her opinion.

Then she said 2 things that stunned me, as she's been rather rough on me.

She would want my help 25% of the time with any children she has. This was the first time she's considered having children.  Usually she's sure she'll never have any.

Second, she said she thought I would have been the perfect mom had it not been for the legal and ongoing siege.  Broke my heart and healed it in one sentence.

There's some climate worries in the house right now.  Fear.  Anger.  Confusion and disbelief it's not a priority for the entire globe.  Nose on the Pebble = suffering.

I noticed I'm ok when my girls struggle.  2 years ago that wouldn't have been possible.

The journey continues and I hope in every direction hope seems warranted.  Not as many as you'd thino, perhaps.

Acceptance changes biochemistry and integrates the brain, ime.  Another light switch I've learned to reach.  Simple and beautiful. 

We should teach mindfulness in US schools, imo.  The real thing.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on December 06, 2022, 06:23:52 PM
Lighter, what a lovely and moving update to read.

I'm so glad for you that the inner healing you're doing shone back at you today from your DD's unexpected statement. I can imagine the healing power of that moment.

Sometimes just a little recognition and compassion from someone we care about can fill our spiritual tanks for a very long time. Or release us from craving forgiveness and acceptance, when somebody else reminds us what it feels like.

And your work with your inner self is showing you how to also do this for yourself. Bravo!

Peace and more to all of you.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 07, 2022, 04:19:23 PM
Hi, Hops:

I'm not able to put it all together yet, but this focus on painful child pieces shows up in unexpected ways.  Always surprised and relieved when it lands.

Example.... I was still feeling salty about the retired nurse neighbor's choices and way of speaking to me in recent months..... mostly she's overtly cheerful, like she's trying to talk me into accepting the Yelly Guy ...... she comes across as his cheerleader, of sorts.  Normally, she's level headed and not all chatty and fake sounding..... I had the yuck over it, honestly.  Building a tall fence was something I was thinking about too often,bc that would be a terrible turn of events, IMO.

I was ruminating over the boundary I felt I'd set for her not to speak ABOUT me with YG and was confused as to how she felt talking about HIM to ME was OK, bc she just seemed to DO IT every time we spoke, without noticing how our property line has been changing and morphing as time goes by.  She speaks.  I physically react and it IS a reaction..... HAS BEEN a reaction, up to this point.   Honestly, I never told HEr not to speak to me about YG.  I should do that and I will the next time she brings him up.  No worries.   I'm so calm about that conversation..... looking forward to having it with loving kindness in mind.  It's a surprising and lovely feeling to experience.

This feels like a direct tie to the inner child work and feeling adult Lighter IN my body, in charge, confident and clear about what I can do and can't do.  What's mine and what's not to deal with.  What I control and what I don't.  It's one thing to understand it and another to experience it in my Nervous System AND understand it as I go. 

One day I'm perfectly calm, I can't be knocked off my center and nothing phases me.

The next day I'm on my stomach, tripping over a log in the woods, full of thorns wondering if the Yelly Guy is somewhere watching me thrash through the forest to escape a face to face with him, bc I'm feeling vulnerable and sure being assertive in his direction will lead to (insert every type of threat I've dealt with from men.)  WTF?  REALLY hate that feeling. 

Something clicked...... calm decended. 

I had 2 nice face to face chats with the nurse recently and am sure I could discuss anything with her without getting knocked off my center, now.  Need for approval morphed into frutration and resentment morphed into acceptance and isn't that what always throws me for a loop?  My resistence to SOMETHING I can't change. Ya.... I think that's usually the case.

Some part of me wasn't really sure how doing the inner child work would pay off (I certainly didn't go down that path bc I thought it would be fun or happy work)  but all roads were leading to Rome and so I went.  It was the same with mindfulness work..... the pay offs were unexpected and such a relief.  When the pain of staying where we are is worse than the pain of going....
we go. 

Glad I could trust and just get on with it.

THIS access to responsiveness, if not wholly consistent,  is such a relief....... feeling affronted and betrayed takes wayyyyyy too much energy, goes round in circles and solves nothing.  Stepping out of that place and into nonjudgmental awareness...... shifts brain chemistry in such a profound way..... it's so simple and yet so difficult to keep in focus, IME.  I feel like I have to be slammed upside the head by some thigs, over and over, before I "get it" but it helps me understand when people around me don't "get it." 

Being right isn't a worthy thing. It slows processing and resolving issues, IME.

I'm not saying I assume good intentions on everyone's part.  I'm saying I'm open to whatever is present, at any given time, in people doing harmful things.... intntional or unintended doesn't really matter.  I don't HAVE to assign judgment to it.  Just getting on with what's MINE to handle is the relief. It's the key that opens the lock to what comes next instead of remaining stuck, if that makes sense.

Adult Lighter can be uber assertive, without hesitation, guilt or regret (fear.)

 Clarity is clear and available in every moment. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 08, 2022, 02:05:46 PM

You're right about treating myself with as much compassion and kindness as I treat 8mo Lighter and LL.  That's the mission.

It also translates to every being.... not to say everyone is connected, but I think maybe there's truth in that and we're all the person we're mad at, need something from, view with judgment.....
when I judge others, I notice I'm judging myself.  That sort of thing.

When I'm more expansive with patience and manage spaciousness around problems..... being compassionate is available.  In every direction.  I'm not experiencing biochemical hijacks or the need to get myself OUT of them, which is so much better.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on December 08, 2022, 02:49:14 PM
I hear that!

It's like you have taken hold of the react-switch in your own brain and dismantled it.
Clogged it all up with compassion until the only way it'd fire is for real threats, not their unimportant copies.

I remember a woman I met in an early support group in the 80s who was alert to danger 24/7. I knew she reminded me of something but couldn't describe it until one night, I listened and considered her and felt her tension and said, "I think what you remind me of is a returning Viet Nam vet who feels this way because he hasn't recognized it's peace time." The way she responded stayed with me for a long time, because it was like she'd been understood and felt it. (Pretty sure I told this story here before but hey, old brain repeats itself. Again.)

My bet is that one day you'll be looking back and you'll think to yourself, There has been no real threat to survival for a long time now. I don't even feel it.

(It's not that those skills will abandon you. Just that you'll know what it's like to live in peace, not need them or think about them or practice them every day.)

Sounds like you're trusting life and loving yourself more, starting with LL. Fantastic.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 12, 2022, 03:30:42 PM
Hi, Hops:

I've read your response a few times and responded without sending.

I don't know I feeeeeel exactly what you're describing, though it's possible..... at least in part.

I do know I feel better, experience less guilt, frutration and fear, so.....
things are headed in a very good direction.

 I'm glad you're here to share it with me: )


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on December 12, 2022, 05:55:15 PM
Me too, Light!

I know I only got it in part, but glad it partly felt true.

Good enough for me.

big hugs,
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 15, 2022, 04:11:06 PM
We had another happy evening at Karaoke.  Thus time, both Dd's and a friend were there.?   The cute boy came back.  The Pug did not.  He's the regular singer with a crush on DD20.  She struggles with breaking out of the emotional support dog pattern women get shoved into.  So far, so good.  We're all working on it. 

We snagged the only 4 seats on the dance floor.  It was perfect for many reasons.  DD20 is out of reach and dancing to 30 seconds of house music between songs is possible from that position.

Other patrons were amazing....every night has new people and this time there were high kicks, dramatic falling flat on the floor and everyone dancing tigetger many times.  I spun DD20 around the floor to a Sinatra song.....just joyful and DD22 will sing with the friend next time.  Can't wait.

Going to see The Nutcracker this weekend. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on December 21, 2022, 08:54:52 PM
That sounds fun Lighter! I've never been to kareoke. And i don't go out much anymore because I have such a hard time these days with people failing to manage their own "stuff". But I miss dancing. Except when Buck whirls  me around the porch  to  music that's playing in his head.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 13, 2023, 02:46:52 PM
I'm eating well.  Today.  Yesterday.  Inflammation dropped away, like usual.  Crazy, like alchemy. 

The inflammation is never the point.

Neither is how my clothing fits or doesn't.

It's always about self care, feeling worthy and returning back to mindfulness practice, again and again, sans judgment.

It's those unconscious beliefs catching me flat footed, feeling trapped in old patterns and the truth is.....letting everything go is an option, even if I can't imagine or practice.

I can SEE it now.  I've done it.  Returned to it.  See farther, more extreme change isn't just possible.  It's available every moment and that goes in and out of focus......not gonna lie.  It does and that's ok too.

During the trip to the island, my brother really looked me in the eye and pulled my focus away from workin/fixibg/DOING and it was really helpful......he pointed me at my girls, niece and nephew and reminded me time is fleeting.

I played more, spent one on one time with all the kids

At the beach, in the cottage, on the boat, in the water and kitchen and it felt like choosing a different door all the time.  It was good and I didn't people please or let self care go.

It's a balance, yup yup yup. 

The ability to be assertive.
Dropping judgment again and again.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 01, 2023, 11:05:10 AM
I began working with a PT to deal with the scar tissue and fascia from the soft tissue injury....... the power returned but there was still some pain and it wasn't about my bones. 

Immediately the pain was reduced and I hope the next couple sessions will restore pain free full motion with homework at home. 

One thing the PT said was my body has contracted..... chest, arms, inward..... not about this injury.... something that happens over time.  She wanted to know what I DO that might have caused that. I think it's from years living in a fighting stance... not sure, but ready to undo that and leave it behind. 

When the PT and I stretch the injured arm, there's burning as the tissues stretch or whatever it is they're doing.  Breaking apart, not sure, but anyone who's had a soft tissue injury should def deal with the scarring and fascia to restore full motion and relieve residual pain, bc it's a thing.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 01, 2023, 11:11:05 AM
I'm thinking about how I eat lately and how difficult it is to be consistent.  There are times I'm so on and eat prescrptively without trouble or much effort.

Something came up..... I read about people pleasers
making decisions to control other people's emotions.

That sort of clicked for me.

When I make less than stellar choices... I think I might be making those choices in an effort to control/sooth parts of myself intead of stopping and considering what kind of attention those parts really need.  That ties into feeling hunger, when I'm not really hungry and self soothing with food.....makes SO much sense now.

My T instructed me to stop when I'm hungry and cosider if I'm really hungry or if there's something behind the hungr signal that needs attention.  I didn't think of it as a wounded part of me piping up and making demands that have nothing to do with the issue.  Now it makes sense. 
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on March 01, 2023, 11:44:45 AM
That makes so much sense to me, Lighter.

I tuned into the blindness of things like pizza cravings and especially thinking about when I was eating and stuffing myself at times during these pandemic isolation years. Finally realized I'd put on 15 pounds of self-soothing INSTEAD of actually addressing how I was feeling, which would be "self soothing" that changes something and lasts. The emotional process can hurt like hard-pressured fascia, but afterward the body is changed.

At the time, these last lonely winters, I wasn't trusting enough to reach out to friends IRL with truth -- I'm just calling because I'm lonely and anxious, got some bandwidth? (And if someone didn't I'd have been wise to remain calm and just reach out again to someone who did. Instead, I'd pull farther into myself where the loneliness lives and especially the anxiety and fed both of those too much pizza. I was identifying with my loneliness and making it part of my identity. No need to.)

In recent months, with the exercise positivity, I haven't lost weight yet (maybe 2 pounds) but I'm a little slimmer and feel fine about my body. I still hope I'll gradually drop ten pounds or so, but not more and not by being on a weight-loss diet. The only diet I'm on is food is fuel and food are nutrition, and it's just gotten a lot simpler. I don't particularly like cooking, but there are loads of frozen fruit and vegs and I've got grains and kefir and fresh farm eggs and frozen fish. No reason a singleton can't be very well nourished with simple foods like that.

Sorry for the detour ramble, but I'm happy to hear about your healing on both those levels: fascia release and food clarity. Bravo, you.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 06, 2023, 11:29:33 PM
I've  been slogging my way through THE DISEASE TO PLEASE by Harriet B. Braiker, Ph.D

I've been going back and forth between them.... they make me very tired, truthfully.

Everything leading up to these books AND these books together has me in an existential space...... I'm still snotty and suffering a bit with a cold, but the coughs are productive now.  Hopefully we can enjoy Kareoke tomorrow night.... that's the plan. 
The big take away from the books......
in my case, anyway......
the PDs are a synptom of coping strategies keeping me safe as a child...strategies I mistook for WHO I AM..... and that's just not the case.

My Therapist was right when she said I needed to remember who I was before.  I didn't understand it, exactly, but I believed her and just kept plugging away at it.  I'll be plugging away for the rest  of my life, I reckon, but it feels very inward directed now.

I don't have the desire to share and teach and bring folks along at my pace..... like I'm leaving them behind if I move forward. 

I'm learning.... becoming aware of important things..... figuring out what's what.

The interesting thing is..... my girls are more i nterrested in talking about these things..... now. 

I don't think I'll feel like posting as much for a while...... I have to practice this new information before sharing, me'thinks.

I recommend these books.... they're pieces of the puzzle and I was ready for these pieces: )


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 11, 2023, 04:24:41 PM
We checked in with the "part" rendering me unconscious (since I was 3yo old.)   T calls her a firefighter part derailing with crisis. 

I'm finally at a point I can ask parts for space and now ask them about themselves with easier curiosity. 

Well, let me tell you, that little firefighter has been throwing burlap sacks over my head and snatching me out of situations for a long time without understanding my age or growing ability to self protect.

T thinks this began befire my first memory of losing consciousbess after a blood draw....I asked to see the vial, likely and the nurse helpfully shook it in my face them bam!  Out like a light.

I was all Fuuuuuuuuch, this is heading back into grandpa territory, but T feels it's about young self centered mother making her needs priority while wearing her children like accccessiries....praphrasing here, but that's the long and short of it.

It's about reassuring all the wounded and protective pieces one has grown up and is competent....they're no longer alone and many have always believed they're truly alone with no acc4ss to essential self.

Inviting them to sit at the table, with us....not to banish or judge or change them....but to integrate them.

It's been very upsetting and threatening to black out....I was focused on pushing it away and certainly judged it. 

Today wasn't about that, but it came up at the end of the appt.  The appt was aboutthe books I'm reading and how they're changing perceptions and understanding for me partly bc I have other puzzle pieces on the board and can take that information in.

I think it would have mostly bounced off a year ago with a few loud points sticking....becoming other pieces on the board without this shift in perception bc my ability to be in my body, unswitched, is pretty consistent.   

Lots of moving parts, impossible to see more than a few pieces at a time, or even one, with nose on the Pebble and that's how I experience it....
With more spaciousness and ability to process as I'm noticing thoughts opposed to following thoughts and fearing the experience in my body.....in a society where having emotions is shamed and ridiculed in favor of posturing, projecting and denying.

Ya....what a glorious Spring day it is. 

Both DDs sang at Karaoke last time....lots of happy dancing.  Joy was in that room.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on March 12, 2023, 07:41:27 AM
I'm noticing thoughts opposed to following thoughts and fearing the experience in my body.....in a society where having emotions is shamed and ridiculed in favor of posturing, projecting and denying.

I'm going to need a whole new sofa to embroider this on, Lighter. Fantastic. Thanks for sharing it.

I didn't know you would pass out at the sight of blood. NO fun! But your whole description sounds gentler and less panicked. Vivid but not dramatic. As though you recognized you'd felt fear during but the fear had drained away and you were just recalling the plot. Not judging yourself for being jumpy during Jurassic Park. Bravo. You sound....oxygenated. Even YG isn't fully retriggering you.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 12, 2023, 11:11:09 AM
Therapist sent timely podcast this morning....
Transcending Our Stories by Eckhart Tolle.  I'm stretching to now after warming muscles up....a new daily routine I'll resist judging; )

I'll respond to your thoughtful post later, Hops. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 12, 2023, 04:15:17 PM
I'm cathching different things as I listen to Eckhart Tolle's podcast TRANSCENDING OUR STORIES o Essential Teachings.....
it feels like I'm finally hearing what I used to think of as "the secrets" frustrating me beyond my ability to foicus and sit ;quietly to reflect or "meditate" when I tried 16 years ago.  I felt blocked and tricked and unable to get to the meat of the thing.... the essence, the thing behind the mystery.  It was always mystery, no matter how many minutes I focused on it.  Seems funny now, to believe I could pick up concepts quickly, like color theory.

Anyhoo..... Tolle explains how knowing something and wanting to share that knowledge in helpful ways is different than knowing and ALSO holding space to not know everything in the moments one is present with others.  Particularly in the therapeutic realm..... therapists who have no ability to hold space and just listen, without waiting to shove their lessons and knowledge down a client's gullet, despite their ability to hear or receive or NOT feel herded and forced when all they're capable of is being in that space without being told what to do, think or feel, bc they've had a life of it there's a consistent trauma response the T can't or won't pick up on, evevn as they continue to repeat the cycle until they know, without understanding..... that lesson of including spaciousness and knowing whle also not knowing.

I guess I used to think of it as not having expectations in the the therapeutic relationship with my T.... she didn't care if I understood what she was sharing.... she simply accepted I wasn't going to hear her or get that lesson the way she was sharing it....and she'd pivot  which is the benefit of having toolbox filled with ample tools to choose from.

And so.... I think that's what's shifted with my children ....... I have shifted away from what I know and into a space where I'm also holding not knowing....... there's space for not knowing.

Feeeling I have an answer I MUST share feels very constricted and constricting..... it just does.  Waiting to share it feels heavy.

My pulling back and allowing loved ones to deal with their conseuqnces isn't ME giving up on them.  It's me providing the spaciousness to make mistakes and grow through them, which seems so wise NOW, but felt like something else for a very long time.  When Bill died I felt as though I'd be leaving my young child in the street, alone and vulnerable, if I didn't give up myself to ease his suffering in dying.  It was a mistake and I see now, how giving up myself wasn't necessary.  I see how I perceived the situation and my feelings was problematic.

A small example of how my unconscious tends to run in the background....... I walk a lot.  I pick up trash often, but not always, bc sometimes I don't want to touch other people's poop bags OR I don't have a large enough bag to get certain items and will bring a bigger bag and get everything after others have a chance to get what they might have left behind to pick up on their way out of the forest. 

Since I'm experiencing angst in my neighborhood and simply BEING among neighbors I'm dissapointed in, I, for sure picked up trash, as though THIS act would qualify me and my feelings and whatever as worthy for consideration.  Of course, that's not what I believe, but it's running in the background, still..... and I'm figuring out how that's informed  my choices and my concept of self.

It's a thing.

The places where I insert "story" around facts and circumstances are the places where feeling victimized and helpless happens..... dropping story and just allowing facts to speak creates HUGE space and spaciousness I understood, but didn't quite realize held SO much space and spaciousness beyond the relief and POV I've been shown and accessed, up to ths point. 

We're back to my T asking me if I didn't want more than just "feeling better?"  Did I not want to experience joy?  And that's the difference right now in riding habits consistently and tending to them more deeply and with focus....
dropping judgment....
releasing expectation....
embracing self compassion....
embracing radical acceptance without veering off....
these are mechanics, at first.  Just actions practiced like a band of first graders picking up instruments for the first time, but practicing into second and third and fourth grades..... I think.

Music theory appear and becomes known and practiced and honed in on, then expanded with new infomation and more intricate music identified, broken down, learned on one hand, then the other, then slowly pulled together until mastered.  When one goes too fast, they lose the beats between and details.... the things that make that piece of music what it essentially is or was meant to be when created. 

I watched my oldest DD do that with piano.  She regrets setting her goal to fly through her music, fast fast fast, bc she lost the nuance and essence of the pieces.   She sees that .... now.  She doesn't judge herself.... she's just aware. 

I'm gaining enough spaciousness to witness myself navigating my inner world/subconscious/ relationship to essential self.  Pretty cool.

The journey continues.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 29, 2023, 06:00:12 PM
It's been tremendously helpful to STOP story telling around everything..... whatever comes up, I can just not engage in what ifs around the situations and people.  It's better. 

As for how I perceive processing trauma..... it all comes down to feeling safe and getting down to it.

Before 2006 I could handle what was on my plate to handle through journaling, 8 hours high impact physcial activity and things like gardening, dancing and socializing...... alone time, when I needed it. 

I see how journaling troubles onto paper, reading it, writing it out again, reading it and writing it out again made it possible to gain distance, SEE the problem sans the stories and energetic charge, so I felt safe enough to process whatever it was and reintegrate my brain to respond and select the best possible choice.  Becoming overwhelmed.... being overwhelmed...... overwhelming others.....people overwhelming/traumatizing little children who have NO coping strategies beyond surviving..... leans me in a very judging direction.  Yes..... I'm leaning judgmentally toward words like.....

I noticed walking in the forest today........ I was wholly focused on the birds, the trees, the new sprouts and shocked to find a Hemlock graveyard I hadn't noticed before.... but was always there.  There's a difference between being present in the moment and NOT present in the moment.  Oh....  the big, freshly fallen pinecones!  And lichen covered bark...... I wish I had a basket.  Might get one and go back out...... there's joy to be had in that forest. The pug didn't bark at the barky dog, biker or hikers we passed.  She was so peaceful to walk with today.  Yes.

I'm at a place where I can play with attention......watch it go..... get it back without judging it.  Let it go. 

Such joy...... such amazing releif.

  At a point, I thought I heard music as new little plants appeared in places I don't typically find them.
 Ferns and TRILLIUM in a fairly largen patch, together on a particular trail.  I only know of one other place, far away on another trail, where the Trillium grow!  So exciting. 

It's been cold here, after sun and heat..... cold again.  Just about to open up the outdoor shower..... thinking of planting more Hemlocks on property lines for privacy, rather than considering a fence..... feels very...... good.  Just yesterday thoughts wondered to  a chain link fence, with tacky green plastic for privacy, even though I KNEW it was a waste of time and not hel;pful at all.... I just let those thoughts roll into a rabbit hole and take me with them.  It was a choice.  Today is better.  My walk was for focusing on to fence or not to fence, frankly.

Going back into the forest with a basket! 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on March 31, 2023, 06:10:44 PM
dropping story and just allowing facts to speak creates HUGE space and spaciousness

This is really interesting/appealing to me, Lighter. I am practically nothing BUT story, and I know there's something about the relentless narrative that so often gets going in my head that starts to feel oppressive.

Thanks for sharing this.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 10, 2023, 09:54:52 PM
I've been meaning to post on my thoughts on therapy... pretty much how I see therapy going for the rest of my life.

Therapy is for processing things creating dysregulation for me.  I adore my T and enjoy our sessions.... always good to have validation and lessons supported consistently while internalizing them, yup yup yup, but it really hit me last week.....

Therapy is for processing the stuff creating big energetic upset for me, so I can finish them and get on with my life, sans those big feelings.

That's my long and short around T.  It feels really simple and doable. 

It's also a relief to trust BIG feelings are temporary and can be handled with economy of motion, IME. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on April 11, 2023, 09:29:10 PM
This probably bears very little connection (or none!) to what you've written, Lighter, but the poem really spoke to me and seemed to cover so much about inner change. I'm leading a group on the topic of INNER THRESHOLDS tomorrow, so this will be our opening reading. (I'm reputed to pick obscure confusing topics with readings likewise!)

https://www.lyrikline.org/en/poems/ernest-hemingway-and-latest-quake-339 (https://www.lyrikline.org/en/poems/ernest-hemingway-and-latest-quake-339)

I can just recommend reading it verrrry slowly and not worrying for a SECOND about whether every reference or image makes sense to you. Then read it again, lightly. Whatever connects will connect and whatever doesn't, doesn't matter. Love is a Pass-Fail course and we already pass.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 12, 2023, 12:59:47 PM
You gave me homework, Hopsy!

Homework: )

Jotting this down, before I forget....

Observing myself as the observer......
mindfullness disolves te ego.

Background is self....
 foreground is the world. 

Be in the world.... not of the world.

I'll  revisit the poem on my walk, Hops.

IT's GLORIOUS out today!!!


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on April 13, 2023, 01:01:19 PM
Everybody gawked at the nearly-impenetrable poem, as ever. What I love about these groups, though, is the love in the air. And although my readings selections drive some bats, they almost always respond wonderfully to my discussion topics. I try to be funny about it and it really is fun to introduce them to new poetry. All said they loved the session (it was my first time leading this group, we rotate.)

Inner Thresholds turned out well. They all shared stories and moments of new perception and change. The biggest challenge as a facilitator, for me, is encouraging them in an uncritical way to NOT spend their "check ins" on reciting two weeks' worth of events and activities, but on the INNER stuff. Meaning, look inward for HOW you are in this present moment and share from there...not just Ididthisorthatorplantodothisorthat. Even though for a covenant group those are good to hear about too, in brief, once we "light the chalice" and enter "sacred space" (I know, corny) the groups' goal is to deepen spiritual growth (also maybe corny) and tune into THAT kind of exploration. For a few, reporting on travel or family or busybusybusy everythings is too magnetic. (So I added, it's not about anything you'd report on social media, but about YOU.) For most though, when invited to focus on the deep self, it works.

[BTW, this ain't about HERE, where to-do's are interesting and good to read about!]

Lastly, I had a meeting with the minister and he asked me to update my 15 y/o lay "sermon" on the environment to give sometime this fall. I'm happy about that as it feels very similar to the oral tradition of poetry. And I get to pick readings for the service, too! LOL.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 13, 2023, 01:43:47 PM
I read your poem just as you suggested and didn't have any response...... more of a choppy here, there and everywhere plopping of responses, forgetting one after the other. 


I'd love to hear you break it down and tell me what you got out of it and where it lead you. Likely, I'd be enthralled at all you find there.

I laughed when i read your group gawked at the poem.  A lot to take in, for sure.

Bet you're amazing oral poetry/sermon and leading groups to places they'd normally never go, Hops.

Thanks for shining a light down that Latest Quake path. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on April 13, 2023, 08:13:30 PM
Reading this short description of him (Les) would be more interesting than reading me trying to break down something that's so mysterious, mystical, etc. I kind of read poetry with my gut over my intellect.

https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/les-murray (https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/les-murray)

This poem was once published in the L.A. Times. Interesting.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 15, 2023, 01:02:48 PM
So the Cowboy neighbor has become delusional...... we used to chat about life, yard tools and mowers, but now he's acting like a little boss man in charge of ordering women around and that looks really crazy to read, I realize.

The thing is....he's actually ordered me not to speak..... ordered me to take off my sunglasses, bc "he feels he's being interrogated" and wants to just talk AT us, me and my sister and likely everyone he's in contact with, and his entire life is falling apart around him, bc he hasn't adjusted to being handicapped, having his wife become the primary breadwinner and him not getting the attention and admiration he had before be became deathly ill and lost an eye and muscles, etc.  It's very sad.

2 nights ago Cowboy called me at 11pm and I didn't answer.  He couldn't get an Uber from his office and wanted to go home, bc it was too cold to sleep on his office sofa.  He finally found a ride and found himself locked out of his home, almost fell, got caught in the rain trying to follow the house around to the backdoor, then had to go back around and bang on the front door till his wife answered. 

The scary thing was.... he was very calm, eyes down, under his cowboy hat, saying things like.....
"whatever they say, I'll do.... I'm lucky to have a wife as good as mine...... they say I'm the problem, so I'll stop talking and just listen.... they want me to go to a therapist, but I think we can handle it in the family....."

It was a seachange from the delusional behavior of pretending to be a big business man (again) which is too pitiful to recount, so I won't, but apparently EVEryONE stepped back from him, bc he's hit rock bottom quickly.  Suffice it to say, he's blaming his friends, family and hourly employees for his position...... which makes him meaner and bossier, which pushes people farther away.  The sweet  twenty something gal he hired for $20 "didn't work out" either.

He took a $250.00 uber the other day and wanted me to leave the forest and bring him a check, which wasn't happening, then hung up on me. 

I'm afraid he'll kill himself OR himself, wife, son and pregnant DIL who live 2 doors away.  The son and DIL didn't show up when the police arrived.  I guess it's difficult to know what to do in those situations.  People want to mind their own business and hope for the best, I guess.

I do know this..... he can't see well or move well at all.  He's fallen recently and hurt his hip.  His balance is getting worse by the day, so
folks have a chance if they bob and weave in that sort of crisis, IMO.  Oh... and he lacks dexterity with his hands. 

Yikes... he'scalling again.  I jumped so high at the ringer.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on April 16, 2023, 09:02:06 AM
That is hard to watch, Lighter. Can you talk to Cowboy's wife? It's got to be hard on her. Sounds like he's having  some trouble adjusting to his new physical reality. So a therapist would be a good idea. A lot of times, people don't realize how their reaction to things like this, affects others. B, does, pretty well. But Mike didn't. I don't think they really intend to "take it out" on others; but they are waaaaay overwhelmed.

It might be time for 24/7 caretaking, but that's another hard to swallow reality. But this is a situation, that you can't really let yourself get sucked into, too deeply. There is family for the hard decisions, but talking to THEM about Cowboy and helping them process the facts, dangers, etc of what they're involved in and what kinds of options are available for them to help manage his difficulties while still living their own lives, might be a worthwhile investment. And then, after that... disconnect yourself as much as possible. Maybe a good time for a trip somewhere?
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on April 16, 2023, 02:27:40 PM
What she said.

He has involved family, who appropriately called authorities for help, and I'm sure this very conversation is going on among them right now.

I can imagine how triggering that is for you, but agree it's not wise to assume the rescuer role. And good for you for not allowing him to draw you in to his emergencies.

Very sad mental health situation that many people face these days in various ways. He doesn't sound capable of family annihilation, however. Nor as though he wants that.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 16, 2023, 02:41:56 PM
I talked to the wife long enough to understand the basic plan...... she's done putting up with Cowboy's shenanigans and maybe it's only shenanigans.  Maybe it's escalating to something more.  She's certainly concerned and in hiding for her reasons.   

I assume Cowboy is experiencing his dark nights of the soul.  He knows the  right words to say, and he DID say them the day before the cops had to be called.  He's sneaksy..... resisting acceptance, still. The rage of a strong, A type Republican man who collects guns and feels entitled to use them...... in a slight, worn down and handicapped body with very little balance and coordination..... feeling ignored and left behind. Disrespected and dishonored by what used to be a traditional family set up, though his wife always worked, she was the helper.  Now she's the only bread winner, does all the cooking, cleaning and shopping..... TELLS him she's overwhelmed. 

His reaction is to blame the job, which she's gobsmacked by and without intention to slow down or stop.  He's been making little noises about that all along..... I had no idea it was brewing into irrational action on his part. 

Having an opinion around what I think will happen is me telling unhelpful stories, so I won't do that.

::watching a familiar neighbor walk our cul de sac with his two dogs::

He did a double take towards the Cowboy's garage, but things were normal, otherwise.  Is it bad to say I wouldn't have been surprised to hear shots fired in the walker's direction, as he passed?

Over the edge, for the Cowboy, could take so many forms. 

I hope he finds acceptance and relaxes into retirement/receiving care from his family as they're able to give it.  I hope he finds grace and....
acceptance.  Ya.

He so wanted to be "the boss" bossing women around and commanding silence. Today, Sunday, he's boss of his open garage and empty house. 

I will end with this.....
Cowboy hasn't texted or phoned me since our last conversation.  The wife is wherever she's supposed to be.  I ended conversation yesterday with wife after she filled me in on her (lack of) plan and mutual promises not to share what we've discussed. 

I'll touch base with Cowgirl later today.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on April 16, 2023, 06:11:22 PM
What would it feel like to simply back away gently and not check in on them, Lighter?

Or be Cowgirl's confidante?
Or Cowboy's analyst?
Or the culdesac protector?

Or to trust that these intimate situations and even community ones will resolve themselves in time, without you harming your serenity by involving so deeply?

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 17, 2023, 10:42:01 AM
Not sure what happened, but the Cowgirl's car showed up, not sure when. 

I did leave her to herself, not sure if Cowboy home or not.

My sister saw Cowgirl running in and out of the house, frantically, as if in a trance, after dark.... every light in the house on. 

Not sure what that was about, but I don't think Cowboy is home.

I'd like to know if Cowboy drops into gun threat mode.  Not gonna lie about that. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 18, 2023, 09:42:17 AM
Cowboy's still living his break with reality. 

In the street chat, Cowgirl said Cowboy comes and goes without telling her his schedule, running off their contractors in the middle of a bathroom and flooring job. 

They're on radio silence, otherwise.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 18, 2023, 09:28:48 PM
Today I had a wonderful feeling of freedom on the drive home.  I didn't feel an inch involved in the upcoming Cowboy mess and it felt wonderful. 

I also released a heavy feeling around a friend's family member need for an attorney.  I didn't cause it, I won't be the one to fix it.  Sending good thoughts is about all I need to do in that situation.  Same with another friend's brothers' situations with their wives and In Laws.  Not my circus, certainly not my clowns.

Whew dam hoo.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on April 18, 2023, 09:34:14 PM
HOO back, Lighter!

You are being so conscious and aware and deliberate.
I am awed.

And way less deliberate. (Will kvetch on another thread tomorrow.)

Bravo, you.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 19, 2023, 11:19:05 AM
I'm in the yard and just saw what I think is pregnant Cowboy DIL go by with an unfamiliar large Golden Retriever.... she turned into the Cowboy's drive way 5 minutes before Cowgirl drove into the driveway.  I assume it's coodinated, as I never see DIL go there by herself and this is a first she's been with that big dog.

Ahhhh and the son just drove by in his truck, so this is coordinated. 
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 20, 2023, 09:10:29 AM
By 7:30 am there were 2 men stretching what could have been yellow crime scene tape across the Cowboy's driveway OR a measure tape for surveying.... I guessed surveying based on the white umarked truck and vests, and yes, that's what they guys are diong.

When I pulled back onto our street about 8:30am there was a truck with 4 workers heading into the Cowboy's back yard again today.

Yesterday 2 trucks showed up with maybe 8 yard workers and a small piece of heavy equipment for digging..... not sure if I posted that.

It would be sad if the Cowboys sell just as their son is having a child 2 doors away. 

There was a chance the yard work around the shed was done to accomodate bunnies...... Cowboy said he was going to raise rabbits in there. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 26, 2023, 10:09:55 AM
What are your thoughts on entities and ghosts..... energy left behind?

I've had 2 experiences, both in the house I went to HS in....both in my bedroom, dropping down from the same corner in the room.  Turned out, my sister was having her own experiences through the years and whatever that was, perhaps, mistook me for her on those 2 occassions.

My Step Father had an encounter with a UFO while picking peas in the country.  Completely silent, very brightly lit..... he was a teen and the man wasn't one for telling fibs.

Other family members have experiencs with entities or ghosts going back generations in one side of the family. 

My T says it's all about fear and pieces of people left behind, particularly around addiction and addicts.  She said it's like a shadow.  Shine the light of connection and love on it.... it dissapears.  It's all fear based... once fear is gone, the shadows go.

What do you guys think?

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on April 26, 2023, 11:14:08 AM
On phone so excuse typing, yes to entities and ghosts, sometimes I like the feeling of energy and connection, other times it scares me. Your neighbours are all nut jobs Lighter, I think you accidentally bought shares in an asylum and you should ask Skep if she’s got room for a cabin in the garden so you can live there sans neighbours 🥰 seriously I hope they all keep well away from you and I’d definitely have nothing to do with any of them. Why some of us are crazy magnets I don’t know, I seem to attract that as well but any sign of violence, aggression or any hint of unpleasantness in a man and I put as much distance as possible between us. No point spending years in therapy dealing with family crazy to then be around other people’s dysfunction. I hope they’re all leaving you alone xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on April 26, 2023, 02:33:03 PM
I have no theory on ghost energies or apparitions, Lighter, but I do and have had mystical, inexplicably synchronous experiences. And sometimes I feel like my own haunt, being too open at times to darkness.

Happy Ghosts Welcome Here -- could hang that on my porch.

For me the whole question jives nicely with agnosticism, which to me means personally, "I don't know but I remain open." Not open to believing a theory as much as being open to mystery. Or mainly, very interesting in humans' responses to the unknown.


PS Any time Tupp offers an arse-kicking, it's empowering to imagine it!
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on April 27, 2023, 10:38:27 AM
Well, I feel ghosts are entirely possible. Not all of reality is tangible or concrete. But everything about the "why" of ghosts, is probably speculation; people trying to explain the unexplainable. We have some around the property related to a civil war battle. They only seem to make themselves known at certain times of year.

I usually wish them well and suggest they move on. And they are not allowed inside the house.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 27, 2023, 01:54:38 PM
Thanks for responses, guys.

I've had a couple experiences I don't want to repeat with what felt like an energetic cloud of static.... it moved down from a corner and pinned me in my bed, squeaking only, when I tried to scream.  Very disconcerting and stopped around the time it began. 

There's SOMETHING, just not sure what.  My T said there's entities.... pieces of people who've moved on, esp those who were addicted.  Apparently those pieces are driven to continue to use through other (fearful) people, in a nut shell.  Not that addiction and being addicted is the only factor.  Mostly, she said fear is the factor and is dispelled with connection and love.....like shining a light on a shadow...it just dissapears when the light lands.

I hope that's the case, but who knows?  Whatever has been following my BIL's family around for generations, from Country to Country and home to home has apparently with both maternal and paternal families before they ever met.  Puzzling, to be sure.  Jumps to newcomers to the family and the children and sometimes lands on people connected to them,  but only for moments and usually only once or twice.

I spoke with a psychologist referred to me as he does much work with spirituality,  hence, the referral.   He was absolutely fascinated by the story and completely interested in the reasons WHY a family or families would be attached to something... an entitiy...... and wanted to figure that out.  How in the whole world can that be determined when it goes back generations in two families in another Country?  THat IT HOPPED onto one of my family members, and sat on MY chest a couple times means I believe, without reservation, bc I saw it with my own eyes and felt it with my own body.   It doesn't mean I want to understand it or figure it out.  Just make it go away.  I'm waiting to hear from another referral now, should they take the call.  Will see. 

Hops, I don't feel as though I haunt myself.  I used to feel I was in my own way, but that's not the same, me'thinks. Maybe it IS the same, in a way..... I mean..... being too open can be part of why my crazy neighbors and contractors and dates/husbands feel open enough to BE the crazies they truly are....
with me.....
and not everyone else.  Grrrrr..... the exact and precise measure of that statement remains to be worked out.

It's a terrible thing to be one of the people PDs take their masks off for, fully.  FOOs happen to people and it doesn't matter if one is too open or not,, IME.  The masks are coming off, bc of proximity and vulnerability of children and spouses lacking resources and systemic bias I've seen with my own eyes and heard with my own ears. 

But with neighbors..... with contractors.... it IS the openess allowing them to unmask, at least to an extent, if they're wearing that mask around most of the other neigbors.  Something I've been thinking about a lot.  I've actually learned to zip up my energy and wear it like a tight shield recently, which makes me feel more tidy....more contained, if that makes sense.

Amber, I like the idea of not allowing the ghosts/entities inside the house.  My T actually asks her ancestors and protectors to clear her home about once a month, and it always goes to the one Southern corner and clears it, always... so she explained.  Anyone can do it and I'll begin doing it too.  I just didn't want to start whle my sis and niece are inside the house, just in case, kwim?

My kids aren't involved..... and I haven't been for 40 years..... it would just compound the situation if some hopping happened, bc right now is a pretty active time for visitations with my niece who'll arrive tomorrow night at midnight.  I'll be away till Saturday. 

Tupp:  I told my lovely next door neighbors about the YELLY GUY problem and how our shared retired nurse-neighbor bought YG's story and invites him into our shared cul-de-sac, didn't judge it, but stated as fact.  The husband said he always felt something "wasn't right" with Yelly Guy, despite his helping them after a fall many years ago.  We agreed helping is the sunny side of control and let it drop.  Lots to catch up on and the grandkids were running around having such fun. 

A few days later I told the Cowgirl about the Yelly Guy and how the retired nurse allows him onto her property, which is YG's only reason to BE on the cul-de-sac now.  Cowgirl said she saw YG hiding in my home once, when I knew he was there I THINK helping me install my washer dryer units.  She said she finds Yelly Guy creepy and  doesn't trust retired nurse and they aren't friendly..... retired nurse is a "gossip" as far as Cowgirl is concerned.   It was funny, bc we were sort of gossiping in that moment.  She didn't see the humor,but she's under the gun and in the weeds,badly, for a long while. 

Cowgirl is the best friend of Yelly Guy's wife, btw, so there's a chance the YG's visitations on our street will end bc she takes him in hand.  In any case, I'm relieved and able to turn back to my stuff without worrying about what others think or do. 

I just handled a vexing problem solved only on computer and there was a wave of upset, then I did what I had to do and it's out of my system.  That would have upset me for days, before.  Cultivating positive pathways and nurturing them leads to an easier life, IME.

The fruits and flowers of sweating and working hard at shifting focus off negative patterns are worth the sweat and work, IME.

There was a time I'd have felt guilty about the piles of leaves around retired nurse's house and on the property line, but I feel nothing about them when I see them now.  She used to blow them onto my leaf beds, easy peasy.  Now she has to blow and drag them around to her back OR get someone else to do it for her.  I used to be the helpful, easy neighbor....... now she has Yelly Guy who does't seem to take a hint, at least not like I did. 

At a point, retired nurse pointed her leaves out to my sister, who also didn't offer my leaf beds as easy accessed dumping ground. 

I might change my mind, but not today.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on April 29, 2023, 09:09:50 AM
The easiest way I know to cleanse the house of energies is to burn sagegrass. These days, I use an infused candle for that. You can also ring the outside of your house with salt (but it does harm plants) to prevent the "nasties" from entering.

There are many more methods & traditions but those are simple, effective and require no strong belief or additional steps.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 30, 2023, 01:05:24 PM
We ended up with a Shaman appointment beginning with smoke smudging cleanse using a bundle of sage brush (feminine) cedar and lavendar.  The gal made quick work of it using Golden Eagle feathers so send the smoke where it needed to be in an efficient manner.

The appointment was for one member of our group and that person "got a lot out of the session," but it wasn't what we/I thought would be handled.  The entitiy wasn't brought up or handled, so that's for another day.  The household is relaxed and happy right now... no worries.  Discussions are about psychology, college, work and gettting along with difficult people right now.  Not about the Shaman or the things dealt with or not dealt with,, if that makes sense.

I'm going to look into Sagebrush infused candles, Amber.  Thanks for the suggestion.  Do you make yours?


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 30, 2023, 09:15:26 PM
I spent 3 hours at the river today with my niece..... it was the perfect day for laying on the steps used for launching rafts, look up at the sky and talk while relaxing, stretching and staying comfortable with the sun coming and going, wind kicking up then calming.  What an odd day.... very chilly and cold with rain early morning, into overcast to sunny from 2pm on, which meant we had the entire river to ourselves.  No one else planned to come out. 

I'm thinking of writing a book  I'm sure I'll have some knashing of teeth and sweating blood on approach.  That's to be expected, but I trust I'll get through and on with it.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on May 01, 2023, 08:47:15 AM
No Lighter; no time for making them. I found 'em on Amazon.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on May 01, 2023, 10:08:39 AM
Write the book!  It definitely needs to be done.  A good way of clearing things out of your mind, in my opinion :)

I use frankincense and dragon's blood for cleansing.  I'm guessing you can buy the same sort of stuff there that we can here.  I buy the little resin lumps/fragments and charcoal discs to burn them on.  I've got a large shell I burn it in, also bought from a shamanic shop and I do it with all the doors and windows open, usually when my son's out because it can get quite smokey and smelly (I like it but he doesn't).  I play music while I do it (there's loads on YouTube) and I work round the room clockwise from the open door or window so that I end up back where I started and with everything outside (in theory).  The shell gets hot so I keep an old towel underneath it and then I leave it outside to cool down, somewhere away from nosy cats :) The last place we were in I swear had something in it; one room felt so unpleasant I stopped using it and twice I thought I saw someone and assumed it was my son, but when I called him he was in a different room.  We had another place years ago where I felt like something awful had happened in the bathroom, it just felt horrible in there and I'd often start crying when I was in the shower for no real reason.  I did multiple smokings in there but it still always felt unpleasant.  This place feels nice but I am going to do a cleanse anyway, I'm just waiting for a day when son isn't here :)
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 02, 2023, 08:16:51 PM
Thanks for the encouragement, ((Tupp)).

The challenge, one of them, will be to just get the story OUT of my head without falling down rabbit holes requiring specificity and perfectly recalled and backed up 3 way dates and exact words......
 like I'm back in the Courtroom.

  I think: )

I'm glad your'e away from the scary bathroom.  Glad the energy in your new world feels OK to good.... and hopefully better/joyful more and more often.

  When I'm finished with whatever I write, the intention is to invite my Amazon family to a very satisfying bonfire of the boxes.....
boxes of documents and evidence and having it down somewhere, for good, means I can release and let go.

I have bundles of sage I've never burned....... maybe the bonfire will begin with a good smoke cleansing: )

Heck, this project deserves a good smokey cleansing. 

Thanks for the suggestions...... I'll know what to do when it's time: )


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 02, 2023, 08:48:42 PM
OK, Hopsy.....
about the Course in Miracles.....
my T said reading the book is entirely unecessary if one reads the preface, particularly this one thing:

What It Says

Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of love/God/connectedness.

In a nutshell..... this book makes a fundamental distinction between the real and the unreal; between knowledge and perception.  Knowledge is truth, under one law, the law of love (or God.)   You choose, I guess.  Truth is unalterable, eternal an unambiguous.  It can be unrecognized, but it cannot be changed, It applies to everything created, and only what's created is real.  It's beynd learning and no end.... it merely is. 

The world of preception, on the other hand, is the world of time, of change, of beginnings and endings.  It is based on interpretation, not facts.  It is the world of birth and death.  founded on the belief of scarcity, loss, separation and death.  It is learned rather than given, selective in its perceptual empahses unstable in it's functioning, and inaccurate in it's interpretations.

From knowledge and perception respectively, two distinct thought systems arise which are opposite in every respect.  In the realm of knowledge no thoughts exist apart from love/God/connectedness (LGC) bc LGC and their creations share one Will.  The world of perception,however, is made by the belief in opposites and separate wills, in perpetual conflict with each other and with LGC.  What perception eses and hears appears to be real bc it permits into awareness only what conforms to the wishes of the perveiver.  This leads to a world of illusions, a world which needs constant defense bc it is not real. 

When you are caught in the world of perception yu're caught in a dream.  You can't escape without help, bc everything your senses show merely witnesses to the reality of the dream.

Recognizing our illusion, without believing in them,   The world we see merely reflects our own internal frame of reference.... the dominant ideas,wishes and emotions in our minds.  "Projection makes perception."  We make the truth as we see it.  We make it true by our interpretations ofwhat it is we are seeing. If we use our perception to justify our mistakes, .... our anger, impuleses to attack, our lack of loe in wahtever form it may take.... we will see a world of evil, destructiom, malice, envy and despair.  Aoo nty9s we must learn to forgive, not nc we're being "good" or "charitable" but bc what we're seeing isn't true.  Our twisted defenses distort the world,, and therefore seeing what is not there.  As we learn to recognize our perceptual errors, we also learn to look past them or to forgive.  At the same time we're forgiving ourselves, looking past our distorted self-concepts to the Self we were born to be. 

Sin is defined as "lack of love" and since love is all there is, sin in the sight of love is to be corrected...not a mistake to be punished. 

In a nutshell, fear is the opposite of love and love turned on fear is like shining a light on a shadow..... the shadow dissapears when truth/love/connectedness is brought forward and shined onto the fear. 

The relationships of the world are egocentric. 

There's a lot of God speak in this book, but it's to be interpreted in our own way, as I understand it. 

Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of love/God/connectedness.

And that's all I want out of A COUrse IN Miracles, the book.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on May 06, 2023, 10:39:52 AM
I'm glad you're liking it, Lighter.
My ex once was a devotee. I tried it once. After he abandoned the Urantia Book...
ACIM is very philosophical and has a lot of abstract truths to chew on.

It's honestly not for me because I don't get comfortable with anything so declarative in spiritual language, either Christian or "channeled", and do trust my own perceptions more than anonymous book purporting to be a sacred text, but I come by my paranoia honestly, LOL. (Religious baggage.) I don't like the pose of mystical and deist sources that somebody who wrote the book claimed access to. I'm allergic to special sauces.

And, never known anybody into studies like that who wasn't sincere, open, and earnestly questing after truth. If you find inspiration in it then it's good for you.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 15, 2023, 08:32:45 AM
Therapist and I are taking a break, bc I'm angst free. At least for now. 

That's amazing and our chat ended in a very interesting way...... it felt like I popped out of a tunnel, into open space....and choices.

The Pug and I took a 6am walk in the forest.  I hummed, just in case there were bears. It seems like there's more bears than usual and it's not unusual to see 3 cubs to a mama....sometimes 4!   I see pics and video of bear families posted on the neighborhood message board,  but the people who own the forest send out e mails too.

And so..... going to speak to accupuncturist about the grant writing and how our missions might have some crossover.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 29, 2023, 01:52:25 PM
Strange weekend.  Three ambulances showed up with sirens and lights at the Cowboy's home.  I didn't hear any yelling, so assumed there was a health issue sans arguments.  At a point, two vehicles left and the ambulance pulled way up to the house beyond my view.  Cowgirl followed the ambulance out of our street in her car.

The next day Cowgirl called and was talking shop..... I mean.... she was talking about nothing till she paused to take another call.  It was the neighbor on the other side of her giving an update on his lady wife, who was the one in the ambulance with BP issues.  She's home and doing well after a night in hospital. 

 I had an odd interaction with Retired Nurse in her yard... she called me and the Pug over to visit her and the teacup Yorkie she sits for.
 and I DO LOVE muffing up that little snooty dog.   Retired Nurse is treating me like a child who's had a bad dream and needs to be talked into liking her Daddy again, regarding Yelly Guy neighbor...... and that feels as icky as it likely is to read. 

Meantime, Cowgirl said a couple things that explained Retired Nurse's behaviors.....
Cowgirl really really really needs Retired Nurse to view Cowboy as irrationall, barking at the moon mad, and that isn't possible if anything he says has any merit at all, so..... Cowgirl threw me under the bus too.... I mean.... if what I say has any merit, then Cowboy's experience and actions have merit too.  Clarity, at last.

It's a puzzle as to WHY Cowgirl cares what Retired Nurse thinks or is so sensitive about Cowboy's "jealousy" in Cowgirl's direction, which spans beyond Yelly Guy, to be sure.  Not my circus, not my clowns.  I feel a short conversation with Retired Nurse coming up to stop the healing before it begins, which is something Yelly Guy seems to be avoiding like the plague as he almost fell on his face when he stumbled into RN and my discussion in her back yard.  He tripped, recovered and almost ran out of the yard while mumbling incoherently.... and I felt a little bad for him. 

DD20 is buckled down and planning her course chioces in  preparation for the University she's interested in. It's exciting to see her move with purpose and agency in her life.  More relief.

DD22 has been discussing her college plans with DD20,.... more relief.

Right now DD20 is hanging out with her "buddy".... read that as her first bf who still has a crush on her.  I think I said they reconnected on campus.  They share interests in art, song writing, gaming and years of middle and highschool history, so it's easy and mostly light...... I know DD20 enjoys the time they spend together.  They go into town and on hikes and to parks......more relief, still.

DD20 babysat for my Moss friend's 4yo grandchild Saturday night and the low light was cutting salami up for the child's snack.   DD20 has food aversions and that's one of the biggies. DD gets the the done and it's been fun watching her learn how much work and time it takes to be present and attentive with small children.   She had NO IDEA and I think I posted about the 2 or so hour long bedtime ritual on DD's first babysitting job when she expected to arrive AFTER the child's bedtime.

I'm trying to recover my password so I can sign in on my new phone, which is proving more difficult than I'd like.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Meh on May 30, 2023, 04:28:54 AM
What are your thoughts on entities and ghosts..... energy left behind?

I've had 2 experiences, both in the house I went to HS in....both in my bedroom, dropping down from the same corner in the room.  Turned out, my sister was having her own experiences through the years and whatever that was, perhaps, mistook me for her on those 2 occassions.

My Step Father had an encounter with a UFO while picking peas in the country.  Completely silent, very brightly lit..... he was a teen and the man wasn't one for telling fibs.

Other family members have experiencs with entities or ghosts going back generations in one side of the family. 

My T says it's all about fear and pieces of people left behind, particularly around addiction and addicts.  She said it's like a shadow.  Shine the light of connection and love on it.... it dissapears.  It's all fear based... once fear is gone, the shadows go.

What do you guys think?

No, I don't believe in ghosts, spirits, entities. I don't like to believe in anything except the most mundane obvious stuff that can be observed and explained in boring dull ways. Something about embellishments, fantasies, things like religions, not into it personally at this point in my life. Seeing war stuff showcases how horrifying humans are, so I don't like to add more spooky stuff into the mix of life.

There was a group online that I watched for awhile out of boredom. They talked about mostly bigfoot and aliens and cryptids. There is a whole community built up around it and I think that is the point of it really. There was a woman who claimed to be some clairvoyant and she seemed real scammy to me. Like the things she was saying were unverifiable. It's fascinating to see grown adults deeply dedicated to bigfoot lore though. If a person claims to have seen bigfoot then I guess that makes them special. If a person claims to be clairvoyant then I guess that makes them special. I think it's mostly a combination if scam and a need for attention that fuels some of that stuff.

That being said there was a condo I lived in and I was having a lot of very vivid dreams there. I was having sleep paralysis at the time and I had never heard of it so I thought there was some kind of haunting and I got used to it I guess. It was unpleasant though. I was probably somewhat anorexic at the time also as I passed out a couple times and went straight to dreaming which all somehow was very normal in a disfunctional family. My downstairs neighbor was an old woman and she had told me that her son was either lost or dead in the Vietnam war. She was unresolved in her grief that kind of awful thing where a person can never get over it. There were some weird happenings in that building in general. At the time I was young and took all of it collectively to mean there was some kind of haunting.

One thing in particular that I remember from when I lived there is at night I went into the kitchen and I think I was making a coffee. I believed at the time that I felt something like someone squeezing my hand briefly and then letting go. It's never happened since and I really haven't thought about it too much. I don't recall what I was doing before it happened. It seemed out of the blue though it's entirely possible there was some pre-conditioning to my mind like maybe I was reading something about supernatural something who knows. It was a long time ago. 

I was a fantastical thinker. I liked fiction literature at the time. I liked vampire stories and such. At the time I really did figure it was probably a ghost.

At this point in my life I've settled into believing humans are not so important as to have an afterlife. Humans are just another species on the planet that dies and turns into worm food without some type of overarching meaning. Studying extinctions of species over long spans of time puts things into perspective for me.

Something about looking at those geologic time scales gets me into reality (for me). I mean at least in terms of after-life. The way I figure is every species would have ghosts. Snails would have ghosts. Every single rabbit that was ever eaten by a coyote would have a ghost. Starfish would have ghosts. I don't think humans are not-animals. So if humans have spirits so do cuttlefish.

The idea of ghosts I think persists because people have a profound emotional difficulty with letting go of the deceased I guess. People don't like to think about oblivion and non-existence. 



If I was feeling a sense of unease in a place then I think I would chalk it up to some kind of physical insecurity. In the real sense not in a hypothetical sense. I think being fearful is a legitimate thing.

Spend some time brain storming on how to attempt to feel safer. But maybe I am projecting.

A "haunting" is a general uneasy feeling.

If it's bothering you now in a space that you have control over then make the space more cozy and try to distract yourself with other thoughts?
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on May 30, 2023, 01:31:35 PM
I really enjoyed your thinking here, Mouse -- share a lot of it.
Particularly the perception about the real horrors humans do vs adding invented ones, and the feeling of specialness some derive from sighting things nobody else has. I guess any storyteller wants attention and I think that's a positive human trait. The oral tradition goes way way back.

Personally, I'm only interested in Casper, and if any other ghosts apply to live with me, they'll be kindly redirected to those more eager for that kind of roommate.

I have had interesting moments of precognition (pretty common). I wonder if that's a physically real happening that's beyond present human/scientific understanding, and more evident in some brains. Maybe like a burp from some brain layer or process we're so far unable to study, and maybe there also are other natural energies/intelligences that interact with our own? When I contemplate nature's immense complexity that doesn't seem weird. Given my brain is somewhat different in the first place, not too alarming. I'd rather have a new poem than an old ghost come out of it any time. Poems do sometimes feel as though they come from "elsewhere" and for me, that's a welcome mystery I'd rather accept than solve.

I also think sometimes about how extrasensory fearful things could maybe be flipped around and become inner perceptions of serendipity or blessing, to use a more trad term. Assimilate and/or avoid the horrors we can't prevent, and train the mind to count the blessings, more or less. Somewhere in between the two is empowerment to do what we can and release the rest.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 07, 2023, 05:13:05 PM
I think people should rely on their own experiences and those of people they trust when it comes to things like this.

I found a spiritual life AFTER I experienced things I wasn't expecting, out of the blue and nothing to do with people telling me what I SHOULD believe, feel or do regarding religious beliefs. 

My experiences with things I can't explain are the basis for my belief in their possibility.

You're not right or wrong in your beliefs, Meh.  Believing according to your experience makes perfect sense to me.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 10, 2023, 09:28:35 AM
Writing is overwhelming, but if I chop it into parts.... important scenes, it's easier.  Not sue to what end, but it's nice to have some enthusiasm for it. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on June 12, 2023, 02:13:49 AM
It's fantastic!

Have you considered taking a memoir writing class nearby? I've had friends who did and absolutely loved it, found it empowering, moving, healing, exciting and satisfying.

You go, girl.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 16, 2023, 01:45:22 PM
I think that would be great, Hops.  A memoir writing class..... thank you for that suggestion!
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 16, 2023, 03:33:46 PM
Question, Hops:

What do you think about online vs in person classes?  You seem to get SO MUCH out of in person classes, but I'm not seeing anything in my area.... yet. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on June 16, 2023, 07:07:41 PM
I think one can benefit bigly from either...
if there's nothing in-person in your area, go for online!

So happy you look forward to this project, Lighter.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 18, 2023, 10:25:20 PM
Looking for classes is full of ideas and vibes, all on it's own, Hops.

I'm looking for a hands on filing system to organize ideas..... so far it's down to manilla folders and scratchings inside them, which is how my very best attorney ordered things for trial. 

If you have any ideas for organizing these sorts of things, I'm all ears.

Do you keep everything online, or do you want to touch and open files or a hands on system?


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on June 19, 2023, 10:47:57 AM
For my novel, which has a timeline in the 60s, I use a mix of physical folders and mostly online (Google Drive, which I've gotten pretty comfortable with).

I can barely organize a grocery list or piece of mail IRL, but seem to not have trouble sorting writing stuff. When I am doing it, which is the big issue.

I recommend Googling searches such as:
how to organize memoir research

Loads of answers there...and rabbit holes!  Have fun.

(I'm a BIG fan of sub-folders. I have a folder for each chapter and others for locations, scenes, notes for future scenes, etc. Just title them in ways that make sense to you.)

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 19, 2023, 06:22:31 PM
Thanks, Hops.  Very helpful and I'll try to "hop" over some of the wabbit holes; )

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 14, 2023, 02:00:16 PM
Lots going on this week.... the post op friend, who died on the table with a heart attack and by pass surgery, is moving at the end of the month and wants to keep everything..... but shouldn't.  I will let him, if that's his choice.  It's good to hear him laugh again.  It's been a while. My trying to wrestle his marked up, kicked around 25 year old VERY HEAVY bed away from him, where he convolesced and ended 4 very toxic relationships is something I intend to avoid.... if he doesn't feel he's gotten his monie's worth yet.... that's his to feel. Not my circus,not my clowns.

Another friend just broke off an engagement wth her fiance.  Saturday 3 Amazon friends will go to her ex's home and attempt to pack up her long list of belongings. I don't feel good about that. It's more likely all those items will be on fire in the yard and I just want to say...... that's the cost of learning those hard lessons.  If she gets nothing back, including the engagement ring, she still wins bc she avoided marrying this toxic person.  It will have to be enough.  I see that so clearly now.

My girls are strugglign with college choices and growing up just seems to be more difficult than it was in my day.  I'm practicing boundaries and mostly winning there.  It's not easy.

There's a confusing situation inTX I'm trying to put to bed.  I just spoke with an attorney who explained TX is known as a  "debt beater's State" bc the laws are written to make collection of court judgments virtually impossible.  To say I'm not surprised is an understatement. 

Whatever happens Saturday, with the personal property exchange, we're having an Amazon bonfire and you guys are invited. I'm guessing start time will be 4pm.  Bring something to grill and come as you wish to be remembered; )

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 17, 2023, 10:30:42 AM
Saturday's exchange of property went about the way one would expect, if one party is unhinged. 

We were denied access to the stuff.  The cops came and spoke to our friend and then the ex...... in all honesty, the ex demanding we find professional and licensed movers to load the truck was a blessing and that happened. 

SO much stuff and the guys loaded it with efficiency at a very good price with short notice.  There wasn't a spare inch in that box truck and some of the big boxes were full of books.  It was 96 degrees and two of us are over 60.... one was over 70.  Unloading in cooler temps, with rain spitting, made things go easier, but it wasn't ideal. 

Everyone stayed safe and I hope I'm as strong and capable when I'm 70+ yo... she hopped herself UP into that hot airless truck and would have done ANY part of the job.... I mean.... true Amazon warrior, there.  Very much CALL THE MIDWIFE vibes on the day.  Settled for grilling under an umbrella, bc it was pouring rain by the time we finished.  We'll have the bonfire soon.

The friend with the upcoming estate sale has his sense of humor back and has accepted the heavy, large things need to go, whoo hoo!

My things are moving along.  Lots of tadpoles and eggs on the porch.  I have new references for electricians and plumbers who like to fish and vacation, so those phone calls are happening today,

70yo friend is writing a book and will look at the lake as sanctuary to to do that while we're waiting on uppstairs to get finished. If we get the place ready by fall, she'll have her yearly group retreat  there.... if not too large.  She wants to go to the island to celebrate finalizing the book.  It would be nice if that works out.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 18, 2023, 02:30:29 PM
Pug enjoying the baby Dutch rabbit puppet...... as a toy....and we we puppet it like it's real.... something magical about pug's desire to tear it limb from limb and it's ability to remain in tact, so far.  Much sturdier than her normal toys.

Youngest DD20 brought home the French chef......lead singer in a band..... ex combat marine..... ex casino security who knows 6 martial arts and how to use a karambit and has some wood/metal/basic constructions skills..... I'm quite "chuffed", as Tupp says.

Honestly, the vision of the chef Horst from Ratatouille pops up.....
"I keeled a man wis zees thumb."

I just heard him cough like my little cousin used to cough....sounds croupy.....
and that breaks my heart, bc he has heart problems requiring surgery..... I think from an explosion that sent him home from active duty in Afghanistan.  He jokes he's dying... has a great sense of humor..... but I wonder if he's telling the truth.  I see he wears a heart monitor all the time.  Will ask him about that after we compare Karambits.

My sister arrives tomorrow so I'm busy in the house.... SO humid and hot out.  Frogs keep leaving eggs and the tadpoles keep growing on the porch.  I'm washing all the quilts on benches...... filling vases with fresh flowers and greenery...... tidying front porch too. I can hear hawks hunting in the yard, so pug can't go out on her own. She'd be a tender tasty morsel and a neighbor one street over posted a hawk with a muskrat sat down in her cement birdbath....too heavy to carry off, but the hawk is making a meal of it, just the same.

The part didn't arrive for the island water main repair, and "caretaker" suspects water will be out a month.  August guests have been warned about the problem and I'm trying to not think about it.  Can't change it by worrying and the freighter arrives when it arrives. 

I plan to zip to the lake, take some pics for the electrician, fill up truck with stuff for estate sale this weekend and edit kitchen stuff.  I really love my Grandparents knives and pans, etc....will be trading out and curating...... editing heavily..... but it's hard for me.

And I'm breathing easily these days..... it's easier.  New brain pathways present and I choose them most of the time or notice when I don't..... very grateful to T!


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 19, 2023, 02:00:20 PM
Had a really good time with the new boy and it turns out he Flamenco dances AND has bartended with his Chef Horst's thumb, as well.

It's overcast, thank goodness.

Sister arriving today.  SO much to get done! 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on July 20, 2023, 06:49:32 AM
AH.........  flamenco!
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 23, 2023, 07:51:32 AM
Last night was the Malanga ? Tango event youngest DD and her wonderful chum attended.  Her chum absolutely adores the classes and says they altered her life for the better.  I think she gets up at 6am to practice every morning then goes to work at 10..... it's lovely to see joy in her eyes.  DD is happy but with Tango, but her life hasn't been altered by it.

Both girls have agreed they'll continue to go out together, sans dates, and keep their lives uncluttered in certain spaces.... which is really smart, IME.  DD's chef would be very posessive if she puts a foot wrong and allows it. 

I would have dropped into the Tango room, but was exhausted by my friend's Estate Sale, which left me really really sore and it wasn't till I woke up I understood why...... I was surrounded by people and that's an extrovert's nightmare..... there were stairs I went up and down and up and down for 5 hours..... I helped carry and fetch things and I mean I carried up them down a grassy slope, hot cooken hot hot street and steep driveway, as did my sister and friend..... as it's said in my family.... our tits were tired.  We're feeling much better after a good rest and readying to go into Estate Sale battle a final morning....... we sold SO MUCH STUFF...... and cleared space for an entire nuther garage full of stuff the friend went through last night.  He's feeling lighter and less anxious about letting things from former lives go.

So is his dd, who at one point cornered me in her bedroom and said, though clenched teeth.... "This is not what I bargained for and is the biggest mistake of my life and I will never forgive you or your sister for this."  Just after that, a lady with a teacup chee wow wah let her hold that little cow spotted dog and all was forgiven BUT when she went to fist bump my sister in celebration, sister recoiled thinking she was about to be punched...... it was cuter than one might imagine, but I guess that's the way these large life events go.

At the end of the day, friend and his DD were laughing and enjoying all the things carried off by joyful new owners....like they were "being paid for people to carry away things for them".......  friend started giving things away..... there was a bit of dancing and looking forward to refilling the tables and shelves with other things, thought the 8 foot carved wood Indian was put back in the DNS pile..... I had him sold for 1,200.00 if they could just do the MONKEY LET GO, long enough. Maybe today.

And that's the way of things, isn't it?  I'm left to contemplate how much simpler my life would be if I wasn't urging friend and dd to give up old things no longer serving them..... which reminds me of urging my father not to have the brain surgery.  I KNOW I should keep my yap shut and release the outcome, but it's hard.... so so hard, Hops, to do that.  Co dependence is a sliding scale and I'm noticing it more often before choosing, one way or the other.  The friend's DD and I had a minute chat about it when she was in fight or flight..... she worries about every little thing and how here father might respond to one of the 2 millions things in the house leaving without his permission.... it robs her of joy and creates SO MUCH DISTRESS for her.  She said it's "compassion" and I said it is IF one remains level and outside fight or flight, able to respond and be responsive.  Once fight or flight sets in.... it's co dependence IF it's the rule.  She didn't agree and i didn't need her to.  We're getting along very well and I'm trying to break the habit of NEEEDING young people to understand lessons, like I might not be here tomorrow.  So many habits to notice, consider, keep or change, yup yup yup.

As for me, boundaries and my attempt to release co dependent behaviors.... my last day helping friend with this move IS TODAY and then he'll deal with what's left with the moving company..... it won't hurt him physically, but he might have to rent another 200.00 a month storage unit and it won't be on the very cool first floor.  It will be on the second floor where AC doesn't relieve the heat and he'll be figuring out how to stack and arrange it all for himself.  Whew.... releasing that outcome feels  UH MAY ZING!

In the meantime, I'm feeling better and up to the day....... we put out bright pink neon signs.... large ones and advertised in 2 places... I updated everythng last night with new pics and the neighbors know to fend drivers off their grass proactively....... this too shall pass.

Then we'll be off to the Lake to get stuff done.  Not sure where the electrician is..... trying to meet him there this weekend.  I think I'm pulling the trigger on the Cottage sale this weekend....... getting paperwork started....... and the truth is...... I'm entering my own MONKEY LET GO phase


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 23, 2023, 01:46:00 PM
I hear ya, Lighter. I think it's a real problem with real triggers and have gone down that emotional rabbit hole a bunch of times in my life. Franticness over Gennulman's crises before his death, attempts to rescue or alert others to someone else's desperation. Not so much any more, but if it hadn't caused bad levels of stress in my own life that were affecting my health...

I read here or in some article recently: "Help is the sunny side of control." That hit me in the head like a wet fish. It rang so true. I didn't take it to mean "don't help people." But I did recognize that I was trying to control outcomes for others in ways I didn't have the strength or resources to do. I couldn't handle the cruelty or misguidedness of whatever was happening to them. (I even beat myself up for a long time over the wee pregnant, pissing foster pooch, who as far as I heard is being doted on and living a wonderful life elsewhere.)

I think it came from overwhelmingly identifying with and being triggered by others' pain or particularly abandonments. Were I in better control of my innards, perhaps I could have enough detachment to do many things that I don't as of now feel strong enough to take on. Or maybe I've grown selfish. When I was younger I couldn't rescue myself, so maybe it's an unconscious desire to heal my own wounds by protecting or rescuing others. We all know someone who is vulnerable or making poor decisions, etc. Compassionate detachment is the ideal, and I suck at it.

What I hear most when you write about your own rescues or involvements or enmeshments with others' personal situations, from contractors' health to neighbors' unawareness to ... fill in the blank ... is anxiety and intensity. Sometimes very elevated, as though you are unable to detach while helping, or take on a sense of responsibility that might go beyond healthy boundaries. I'm not judging it, I promise, having done SO much of that myself. Even here sometimes.

Part of it, for me, is wanting to matter to somebody, since I have no family. Part of it is being a loving kind person who yearns to relieve suffering. Part of it is loneliness. Who cares about an anxious older woman figuring out how to cope and how to let go, on her own? I stick my nose out and narrate my head off. At times it feels good and right and like healthy connection. Sometimes it doesn't.

Anyway, rambling. I think the key when one struggles with CoD is anxiety. That's where to work, rather than solving new not-our-problem stuff, unless asked for help. And when one is asked for advice or help...to go carefully within boundaries. Maybe since you see CoD as an issue for yourself, you could ask yourself: In this situation, what are the large-scale solutions I can picture for this person's problem? Now, can I experiment with offering them half of what I could visualize? No more?

Dunno if that's helpful. I just understand CoD feelings that can become grooved in, and how they are harmful. Hang in there, you'll find your balance because you're very conscious of what's happening. Bravo.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 24, 2023, 07:50:29 AM
I'm still catching up from the weekend, ((Hops)) but wanted to let you know I will respond thoughtfully to your post.  It made so much sense.... and I see Little Hops and grown Hops trying to balance what was with what is.


Releasing outcome.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 24, 2023, 04:36:46 PM
Thanks, Lighter.
Sorry I talked so much about my own CoD issues, but I thunk about it and decided that rather than analyse your sitch you're presently in, it'd be better just to tell a story from my own life. In case that is relatable. "Helpful" could be a stretch!

Still managed to pontificate about you some, but didn't want to analyse you to a faretheewell. Kind of waving from a nearby trench is my intention....

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 02, 2023, 11:24:07 PM
Youngest DD is taking Tango lessons one night a week and tomorrow night we begin Swing lessons together.  Her social calendar is full full full after a pretty long blight.  Her friends are lovely and they hang out here a bit.  Summer classes just ended for her and she's pretty excited to have a break.

This was a very fulfilling, but busy 2 week visit with my sister.  Our brother is fishing in Alaska with his son..... the pics are fantastic.Happy to see them having father/son time..... lots of smiles. 

I like the female Reator in TX a lot.... wish we could do more business but I'm ready to be the heck far far away from TX and it;s fence building, cowboying good'ol boy neighbors and the attorneys it takes to deal with them. 
::blowing raspberry::.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 04, 2023, 11:44:55 PM
Today I noticed an old thought pop up.... it used to be a very familiar thought, one I came nose to nose with for many years....and it was stomach flipping in the beginning.  So close.....like it was in the room with me....or I was inside a little box with it.  So close..... it was happening over and over again.....like it was IN the present and it WAS real, bc my thoughts made it so.  It's interesting the mind actually believes thoughts are real and happening to us without understanding they're in the past.  The brain and body perceive it as happening in the present and biochemical hijacks follow.  Those pathways get stronger, thicker and faster till they're lightening fast and outside one's awareness..... that's where things got really tricky, IME.  When was reactivity outside my awareness.  I didn't think that would happen to me.  I didn't think it could. I thought I was strong enough.... I thought I could keep my children safe enough through anything,but I was wrong and that's an unhinging place to be driven to, IME.

Wrong again. 

The upside..... happy places work the same way as trauma in our brains.  We can go to the happy places and our brains believe we're actually there.... our chemistry adjusts and flows into calm and safety. Amazing, how powerful that is. Amazing it's not taught in every grade at school : /

Today it crossed my mind to scream my 2nd husband's name..... I used to scream it inside my head daily, but this time it felt very far....  very distanced.  It appeared and then it was gone, reminding me how much spaciousness has been achieved. 
What i do know is..... I haven't screamed him name in my head in a very long time.   Sometimes it's there....but it's over there...... always outside my head.  Sort of an echo...... nothing real..... an old synapse firing out of habit..... until it does't fire anymore.

And there's finaly serenity around what others have said, thought, misrepresented about me and who/what I am with regard to my understanding and beliefs about who and what I am, have done an am capable of. 

I know who and what I am..... without confusion or second guessing. 

Reckonings.  And acceptance.  Knowing. 

Not dangerous but a definitive danger to threats and people doing harm..... without doubt or hesitation I know what I'll do and there was a time hesitation ruled me. 

My brain turns off when I've been injured and the will and intention to do trauma, with years of training to DO those very things, steps up.... that's my amygdala and what it does when my frontal lobe is shut down, has almost always done... except that one time when it really mattered.  I just shut down and there was nothing in me to protect myself.  Nothing.  It didn't even cross  my mind, which disgusted and alarmed my Martial Arts instructor, but you don't really know what you'll do.  You don't.  Once he had to be dragged out of a live firefight during a training session by an instructor,bc he froze. There it is again.  Judgement.  Just not helpful, IME. 

  I don't know if responsiveness in survival situations can be trained without being thrown into pits to build agression, as Army Rangers train.  I think it happens in the pits and is worried about outside the pits, IME. That's my two cents on it. 

Those days of worrying are gone.  I hardly recognize them when I think of them, very rarely... they're pretty much absent.   DD20 has asked to do some edged weapons training..... basics and that pleases me very much.  I want her to know and understand and have that inside her skeleton and amygdala, just in case.  I guess I'd feel better if it was installed inside her Nervous System... and I'm not gonna judge it.  I would appreciate it if nobody else judged it on the board either.  Opinions are welcome, but judgment... not so much.

My fears, my worries were..... wrestled away from me.... taken.  Taken by people pointing at me as a threat and eventually they turned me into someone who could do the things, easily, they feared.  Funny how that worked out.  Ironic. 

There's power in understanding what and who one is during a crisis........ what happens to the brain and body..... not be thrown by it.  Heck, in 2009 threat and crisis actually slowed my heart and head, like they say it happens to psychopaths..... and the thought of meeting acts of violence didn't move my biochemical needle..... it actually brought some relief....... "finally."  The thundering heartbeat, tunnel vision and increased respiration was absent, maybe bc my adreanals were shot.  Maybe it was simply the end of waiting for the worst to happen.  I can't know what it was, exactly, but maybe I'll figure that out if the writing gets to that place. 

The book STRONG ON DEFENSE by Strong goes through real life situations of survival and it's not always the people you'd think who do what needs to be done to survive.  It's sometimes the least likely and those who survive are the ones who follow the guy out of a shot up McDonalds through the plate glass window another guy ran through to escape while the shooter reloaded. 

Lord knows we spent years training for lots of situations in martial arts, but for me it was something others had to drive out with a blowtorch (fig.)  Pushed and driven into survival/fight mode..... and it was real and it came in waves, after freeze and fawn...it just kept coming, thank God.  I had zero understanding how it worked..... even as I experienced it and understood getting out of fight or flight was harder and harder till it was just where I lived. Home.  A terrible place to raise little children.... a place I never thought I'd live.  Like getting pulled away from the shore, over and over till I was so far away I didn't know how to get back and..... understanding actually made it worse.  Watching everyone watch it happen, while shrugging and going on about their lives was as upsetting as what the bad actors were doing. There are no zero tolerance policies with interpersonal terror in the home or in the courts.  WTH?

It's...... a very effective and accepted tactic.  Starving out children, traumatizing them, terrorizing parents and leveraging them with their childrens' safety.... is just how things work.  Better to accept it and get on withi strategizing to overcome it....which seems wrong.  It seems like it should be stopped and changed into something else..... consequences, perhaps....shockingly harsh consequences, maybe, for the bad actors.  Yup yup yup.

What;s left is responsiveness, without hesitation, in present moments I know I can count on, bc it's what I am.  Not what I'd do.  Strange to turn and face things, with acceptance, that used to create so much fear.  Part of that's about my children being grown and capable and understanding so much.  Part of it's going through experience and application of knowledge I never wanted to use, but accessed when pushed and shoved. 

Today my DD20 made light of her father being taken out BEFORE he could do real damage to her and her sister... and she thanked me without any judgment.... just as a fact in her life.  An undrestanding based on stories she's read and heard from her peers and in the news.  Where there once was a 7yo asking for a new Daddy... one "like Jack Black, who'd carry her on his shoulderns and not hurt her".... is now a woman who might one day be a protector, herself.

We were discussing her grade, her intelligence and the fact she hand't been crushed by "bad parenting" then she said we were
"unicorns in a unicorn family." 

We got enough in childhood and now she's back in the world, socializing and horrified by her peer's generational traumas........she's grateful and I'm blessed and surprised again to receive another layer of spaciousness and serenity I couldn't see coming.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on August 05, 2023, 03:14:46 PM
I find it is hard work to find the balance between revisting trauma periodically because it is part of me, and plastering over it so I don't have to sit in the worst feelings. But it's worth work.

Kind of exhausting but I think it can become purposeful and motivational or, without the right support, can become paralysing rumination. Forcing myself out now and then, to interact in meaningful discussions, does help.

I wonder if anybody else experiences that these revisiting periods might actually come in cycles. For me, deep summer and again in mid-winter. Something about both of these times within seasons triggers me to remember, and revisit. I think for me part of it also is a way of looking back at benchmarks, as you are doing, to be curious about what's healed and what's still healing. Memories may still be sad but when I can sense movement, further along a healing timeline, it's okay to revisit for a time.

One thing is that I am a changed person, and no longer believe in complete constancy of character or even personality except for the deepest basics. And that's okay. Just an individual evolution.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 05, 2023, 05:07:05 PM
Thanks, Hops. I appreciate your sharing experiences here.

I'm.... noticing some feelings wash over me..... I'm the sky today..... the hard feelings, and even my children, really are the clouds and storms.  Apart.  Separate.  Such a relief.

I didn't make that connection, regarding the girls, until today and it felt like my feet went up and my perspective changed..... more distance.

I hope it stays.

The paralyzing rumination ended, thanks be to God..... the right T is, IME, a necessary thing.  I share high points with her,but we're not having sessions.  I feel I'm handling my business and maybe more quickly bc it's just ME facing it, without that support. 

I'm glad you're getting out and connecting with others.  Don't know about cycles, but there are reminders and echos and chances to notice familiar things and how they've morphed or not morphed.

Noticing the extinction of troubling emotions....noticing clear clean sunny spaces where the dark emotions and memories used to live..... is more the rule, lately.

Sometimes reflection is necessary and whatever comes up, comes up. I'ts allowed and welcome and has something to say.
 Sometimes there's nothing to reflect on..... the memories have gone and that's better.

 I feel I'm choosing sunny clean slates and spaces instead of the old familiar pathways, again and again.  It's something I do without having to notice or choose sometimes and it used to feel that wasn't possible. It's different than stepping around the pain, IME.  Covering it over would mean it boomerangs back, harder, and hits me in the teeth (fig.) 

Recently, I wonder why it was so difficult to see all the choices and select serenity, bc at the heart of it.... it's about that simple when and IF one riggles out of Fear, Obligation an Guilt long enough, practice doing it.....
and that's the thing.  How to shift out of Fight or Flight and SEE more... see everything, maybe.. 

I don't think I can see everytihng yet, btw. 

I'm leaning into it tho; )


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 11, 2023, 07:52:22 PM
We had a girls sleepover the last 2 nights with one of oldest DD22's best friends... they've been friends since 4th grade.  Youngest DD21 had one of her buddy boy friend's over, but he had to leave.... was very sweet, even tho he wanted to stay.

DD21 went out with the chef/security guy with all the social connections then spent the night at another bouncer's place.  They plan to go to the guy's lake house over the weekend in SC and teach DD21 how to shoot handguns. 

DD22's friend stayed at the house with me all day and we shared her distress over not knowing what she's going to do with the rest of her life.... asked if that was normal.  We talked about what I leanred in T, went on a long walk in the woods and then she worked for a few hours and so did I..... my guests at the Cottage are arriving right now and I don't know if the caretaker will be there to greet them.  I hope he is, but we expected these guys at 2pm and their flight was delayed by hours.  Will see and hope and be ready to respond to whatever comes up.  There's still no water, besides a weak daytime trickle filling the toilet and wash hands. At night there's NOTHING.  Not a drop.

This is a father son looking to recreate a very rustic childhood experience on the island.... they felt the current situation would be exactly right for them, so will see.  I had them cancel their Airbnb reservation, gave them a big discount and they'll pay the housekeeper cash, so that's something.... and they can't leave a bad review.

Will hang out in the West part of town this weekend with friends..... trying to eat prescriptively... not easy to do when there's a donut place cooking fresh donuts to order... drat!   They do gf one day a week and I'm not telling how I know that. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 13, 2023, 08:07:56 AM
I dreamed and dreamed and dreamed last night.

There was the usual bathroom anxiety and wait and that rolled into a meal, out, maybe in Paris, with 3 figures in black.  There was a man who jumped up,, paid the bill then ran away and I followed him, bc...... the other 2 were friends........and as I turned the corner into another restaurant I asked where the man ran....and I said.... "he's my husband" ......a waiter pointed behind the stairs. 

I walked to where he pointed and found another secret restaurant and the man in black, who I did not recognze as either of my husbands was there, smiling, happy I could see him busy at something good and clean and useful.

Dream flips into traffic scene and I'm rolling down a familiar downtown Ala road in the passenger seat of my late friend's Toyota truck.... and she's driving very agressively.  VERY.  A gold truck joins the crazy driving and now there are two of us driving like crazy and just when things are about to go head on driving into traffic.... we arrive at my friend's place and it's a dining room we walk into with the remnants of a party. She's very casual, picking up things and moving them and instructing me to take 3 of the leftover drinks and clean the glasses out.... we're going to eat together maybe or have a visit in this room and just as I'm rinsing the glasses out, a little heartbroken I wasn't invited to her party and wil never be invited again..... the Pug wakes me up and orders breakfast, which upset me, bc I really wanted to see my friend and talk to her.  I don't know who the third glass was for... not the man in black.  He didn' transfer into the dream with my friend.

I've felt a bit heartbroken the last hour, wondering when I'm going to take myself in hand and pull myself out of it... but just BEING in it for now.... missing her. I don't miss the man in black.

I want to say..... this friend was my roomate when my Bill died and we had a couple different eras during those years..... each was precious to me and I always saw the end of each eras coming.  I'd stand in my house and feel into the moments with sadness, bc I knew things would change and I'd miss the way the air felt and the way our lives were in those moments.... and I did mss them.

I'm not sure where the dream came from but I'm missing her and what was lost right now.  My brain is THERE.... still.... in the past and believes we were there.  Longs to return.  Is miffed at the Pug, still, for waking me up, lol. Lordy..... must get ready to go downtown in THIS town now. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 15, 2023, 02:10:47 PM
Todaty was the day I sort of returned to mindful eating.....
picking up a piece of chicken and a handful of lettuce, cramming them into my mouth even though not hungry and getting the job done.

If i do that, with different ingredients..... good protein means unprocessed and as clean as I can afford it to be...... with mostly organic produce from Aldi's..... eating a lot, whether I want to or not..... that's what kick starts inflammation dropping from my body like alchemy.

It's a very weird thing to eat more more more and without missing meals in order to feel better and be healthier, but that's what wroks for me.

I'm still taking on a bit of dairy and fruits, which is sugar.  If I make the next leap into eating pristine, I'll drop all dairy and every single bit of sugar with requires giving up all fruit and carefully reading every lable...... only one carb a week allowed with ONE meal, which.  I haven't had a carb all week and not really craving them right now. 

Man oh man.... when first giving carbs up tho......the cravings and habit to think and eat about them is HUGE.

I think adding one a week actually helps, so I'll begin planning that one special carb a week.  I couldn't do that when i wanted them all the time time time time!

Back to forcing more food than I want and not being hungry/craving anything.  If I get hungry, I know I didn't eat enough protein and eat more.   

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 26, 2023, 01:02:51 PM
My oldest DD is sick now..... youngest just got over whatever it was..... bad headache, SORE arse sore throat and some lovely yellow mucus in the lungs.  I know DD21 was at a Shrek Rave last night dressed as the Three Blind Mice with 2 of her buddies. 

I'm dealing with whatever the crud is too and wearing mask in the house and vehicle with contractor.

Contractor doesn't really believe in masks and thinks I'm crazy, but he likes me.; )

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on August 27, 2023, 04:56:44 PM
Hope tests are negative and kids feel better fast.

Hang in there, Lighter.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 29, 2023, 11:57:55 AM
Oh, Advil Cold and Sinus have me up and running at 100% capacity..... we got tons done this weekend AND I found an almost 9 foot tall x almost 6' wide faux carved stone mirror, beveled, at Goodwill... dropped off by a showroom in Atlanta.... it's brand new but looks 100 years old.  I have 2 places it will work at the lake.  Just have to figure out how to GET it TO the lake.  Can borrow one of DD21's strong friends...... will figure it out.

This morning I was buzzing around, trying to get bcck home and pick up sister at the airport when I detected the scent of my father.  This was the 4th or 5th time that happened and I actually changed my shirt twice thinking it was that, but it wasn't.

This morning I smelled him at the washing machine first, then at the fireplace, where he sat for 20 years and then outside, which is the really weird part.  Frankly, I questioned the possibility of it being a stroke.

Anyhoo..... I took that as a sign he wanted my attention, so we had a little chat...... I thanked him for raising me, told him I was OK, sibs and grands are OK.... he can consider his business here finished and move on.... if he'd like.  If not, that's cool too. 

I had the feeling he's quite happy being at the lake house.

The journey continues.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 29, 2023, 02:29:45 PM
One of the girls' buddies from school is staying with us till his apartment comes available, which lnes up TO THE DAY with our travel dates.  Pug loves him and he gives her long walks and lots of cuddles, so I'm glad not to have to worry about strangers caring for her.

The guy just set up a copy machine and will travel with us to the lake..... I hope the three of us can move that mirror with the carts and dollys we have.  I think we can.

I'll likely set him up to work with the contractor over the September dates, bc I'll still be away.  I think that'll keep things moving along.  I was worried a fraction would get done with no one handing up tools and running to fetch and carry.

What else..... we're gearing up for Halloween, which is big in this house as you guys know.  I have a firepit of burning bones on my to do list.... the lights have been ordered and the rusted out firepit is sitting there, beckoning.  I have lots of bones already and spray foam.... black paint.  Maybe even the red paint. 

Will construct some very tall clown monsters.... free standing or hanging..... at least one that lunges.  Looking forward to that and this boy loves Halloween, so he can join in too if he likes. 

The neighborhood made their preferences known..... they want a terrifying house to scare them silly and we're happy to be that house for them; )

I made a list of things for the Contractor to knock out while I'm away... will have materials and tools laid out.  Food in the freezer for them. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on August 30, 2023, 08:38:30 PM
I like the sound of that young man.
A smitten pug and satisfaction in helpful work...bode well!

I'd have an angina attack at your house on Hallowe'en but know it'll be FUN!

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 03, 2023, 11:26:33 PM
We were supposed to leave today at 6pm, but that didn't happen.  I have one last coat of orange tinted poly to apply to my kitchen crown moulding, so contractor can put it up while I'm gone.  It looks astonishingly good, considreing it's pine and the cabinets are oak.  Thank God color theory comes easy to me.

We got SO MUCH DONE, btw.  The boy trained with his sf as an electrician and he'll likely change the kitchen lights out... would be very helpful.  He put together an eletric fireplace, moved some heavy things and painted the deck on the coolest day with my sister.

My brother just ran in,mowed and ran out.

The house is looking really good..... maybe even a little tiny bit maganine worthy in a couple a spots, Hops, lol.  I think knocking ALLL the zombie off has finally happened.

Lots more to tell,but this is the wrong thread for it; )
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 07, 2023, 03:19:44 AM
I've been relatively free from worry worry worry mindsets, I've noticed. 

I'm putting that down and noticing the relief.  Noticing the alternatives available more and more often... if I do what I can. put the story ont he shelf and resist worrying into the future or needing the past to be different.

 It happens more and more, as I build the habits.

 It's feeling like I gutted my way up a hill..... a really painful hill I absolutely didn't want to climb or face or investigate and that doesn't make noticing what's really there any easier, IME. 

 I feel I have the choice to coast downhill, faster and faster, if I choose it.

Sometimes I choose not to coast or ride downhill, emotionally.  Sometimes I just have the reaction.... choose it.... but limit it.  Knowing it's not what I want to cultivate.  Understanding it's like a little dog rolling around in it's muck. I have it and that's OK too.  I have it, then go back to coasting... being responsive..... restoring choice in my life.

And it feels....
at the risk of jinxing it.....
it feels amazing.  It feels  like happiness and luck and restored joy....
 on a pretty consistent basis.

 I don't have to question it, which I used to do... I don't question it anymore, in fact.  It's real and I believe it and stars are aligning.  The old problems and people aren't pressing in any longer, so close.... in my face.... with me, like nothing changed.  There's spaciousness.... so much space between them and where I'm at now.  I guess, maybe, I've simply let them go.  Holding on meant I didn't have to accept what happened..... the part of me requiring things be different actually wanted a redo, I think.  It wasn't doing me any good at all.... or my kids.  Accepting it and letting it be what it was... what it is... will always be..... doesn't mean I'm OK with it.  It means I choose to leave it behind and stop thinking about how unfair it is or how wrong...... it simply is what it is and I gain nothing from arguing over the color of the sky.  It is what it is and making peace with that is....
accepting the price of resisting acceptance is too steep for me...not that I understand the cost to being present and living in the moment with my girls and family and friends.... and myself.

Problems and upsets..... what felt like wrong turns or mistakes..... I trust they'll lead me to what come next, IME.... lead to solutions and the chance to choose joy, again and again.  Even if it's not OK.... it's OK. 

It's not muscle memory... yet, but it's consistent enough.
What it's not.....
is emotional survival, that's for certain.

The dread is gone.  The worry is absent and I can see it, but it's not on top of me or inside my head anymore.  It's over there..... at a distance. 

Ya.  That.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on September 07, 2023, 06:25:59 AM
That's amazing, Lighter :)  Aw it's so nice to just do normal - yes stuff gets stressful and messy, I don't think anyone can avoid that, but having responses to it that are responses to that one situation and not dozens of things from the past - you really are getting Lighter all the time!  Lol xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 07, 2023, 04:35:34 PM
There will always be COWs....
Crisis Of The Week..... but you're right.

 Responsiveness vs Reactivity to things no longer happening to us....
is everything, IME.

It's a sort of escape, really.  Escaping the traumas of the past.... my martial arts instructor used to say....
"Suffer once."  THIS is what he was talking about.  Just this very thing. 

Escape  fearing into the future because there's zero payoff, it doesn't change the outcome and takes up space where other things, like joy, could live, IME.

I look back and I think.....
how dare you?! but it's not the bad actors or the systems or the luck I'm talking to.

I'm talking tio the familiar  trance of reactivity and it's lazy existence in my life.... wihtout question.  Without a fight, it lived with me, directed and decided how little joy and rest I could have.

And when I think of it now....
it's over there. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 12, 2023, 01:51:35 PM
September update:

Youngest DD21 and I traveled to Canada for a wedding.

We didn't realize we were Covid Positive.... at least we traveled with masks on.  The morning after we arrived, DD tested positive and I tested positive 2 days later.... DD did not.  We're not suffering.  The symptoms weren't anything more than a cough for me and general lethargy for DD with swollen glands.  Thought she was still getting over a non Covid illness, frankly.

Today I have some aches in places I remember banging hard on trailer hitches and feet, hips, but cough is getting better.

We didn't attend the wedding bc DD woke up sans taste and smell the  morning of.  We're in quarantine for the duration of our Canadian visit, which happens to be enjoying fall weather with a fire pit on a beautiful park... backyard has fancy pavers and a little she shed with wifi..... it's the best case scenario in an unfortunate situation.

Here's the thing..... and I only suspect this to be true.....
once we arrived and ate a few VERY LARGE MEALS of sweets, pastas and breads....much meat and cheese...... our stomachs went down to almost flat.

This leads me to believe the "healthy" foods we're eating in the States are more poison than food.  I mean.... it happened for my sister, DD and self..... like fricking magic. 

I think part of it's the water.  Part the quality of food and what they won't allow INTO it.  Any thoughts?

I'm working on several projects with Escape To The Chateau in the background,which is SO enjoyable while planning for the Lake Lodge.  So many ideas.  Can't wait to decorate and photograph for Christmas with fireplaces lit and many little pine trees scattered about..... lots of fresh pine smells.

I'll post more about that on the lake thread.

The boy staying with us right now is caring for the Pug, even though his apartment came available on the 6th, he's still at the house as a favor.  It's sad to watch him shrink away from kindness and any attention at all.... so sure is he of his unlovable status and unworthiness, generally, on the planet.  That kind of programming runs EVERYTHING in a Nervous System.... and it's not controllable, IME.  It has to be crept up on, snuck up on, worked around and unhooked. He's better when he's not directly in our view or line of attention.  Evreyone validating him in their own way.  Sometimes he joins us when we're laughing and hanging out.... and he IS FUNNY and nornal and completely appropriate if left to himself and join in his own time. 

Honestly..... up to that point, I'd experienced him as a 7yo child........ which is the age his abusive SF came into his life. 

I'm feeling level and present...... a little guilty about the Covid, but my intentions were good and I forgive myself.

I hang out with my BIL, as usual, his sidekick cleaning out their garage, gathering kindling in the part, and finishing small projects around the yard.  We get along so well..... this is the first time I seriously consider moving to Canada.... my God..... we pay so much more for food in the States and it's insult to injury...... something in my stomach is clicking...... I don';t know how I can stand it when I go back home.

DD21 wants to raise chickens with me.  We've scouted out the area under the porch for their house, but that's not  for certain going to happen, though we could control the quality.

Will update other threads now: )

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on September 13, 2023, 04:06:53 PM
So admire your phrase "the trance of reactivity" and insights about how it once dominated your life. That's hugely reflective and mature, imo. And how many leagues you have grown since! Mega kudos.

I'm very sorry you and DD got bitten by the virus. It's hard to face that it's still here and a new contragious variant is rising, hence the whole suite of precautions decisions demanding awareness after a time when people got to savor a break.  But it is NO reason for guilt, only learning -- both the lax and the compulsively prepared can get it, and the good news is that you're both doing okay. It's asking a lot for everyone to be perfectly vigilant at all times -- hello, imperfection. (We all live there.)

Your quarantine locale sounds pretty heavenly, glad you wound up installed there!

I have no thoughts about interesting flat stomachs after unhealthy fare, but maybe think changing countries because one anecdote triggers, errrr, reactivity...is worth a ponder? Or a self-affectionate chuckle?

As non-scientific evidence based on one anecdote from a one-person population with no control group or peer review, I indulged in some sorta healthy but still carb-laden food in quantity (can I say binge?) a couple weeks ago for two days and my stomach did not flatten. Quite the contrary. Oof. Since then I've eaten less, lost a few pounds, got back on the kefir, greens and berries smoothies and felt the positive impact immediately.

Enjoy and nourish, with a relaxed mind...I'm noticing how much better it feels when I let go of anxiety around food. BTW, strangely, I blundered into an interview on a podcast called The Happy Place that was SO insightful about anxiety. I felt like he was talking about my experience in many ways, and it was so illuminating and helpful I was blown away. The guest was, believe it or not, Adam Lambert.

Do you be----leeeve in life after love? (Check out the Kennedy Center video of his performance...brought that whole DC-stuffed-shirt audience to their feet.)

Hugs and hopes for fast and full recovery,
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 18, 2023, 08:22:34 AM
DD and I feel better... she's back home and testing N for many days.  I tested N 2 days ago. Thanks for the hugs.

 Yesterday,  we yanked out the non functioning stove vent and replaced it.... BIL was lucky to find an exact model at the same Asian store where he  bought the last one 10 years ago. No name brand.   We were roasting brussel sprouts, onions and potatoes by 6:30 pm...... grilling 3 different proteins by 7.   Lots of degreasing and looking for the right screws and washers..... between the 3 of us, we got it done, but it was a challenge.

About the food...... there's a difference... has to be.  I wouldn't be in these jeans at home if eating the same things.  No way.  I don't know what I'm going to do about that.  Buckle down and source local farmers.... I have a file on that.  We have lots of farmer's markets too. 

Grocery stores back home stock food-like items.... but not actual food, as far as I'm concerned.  That makes food problematic.  Again.  I've been very relaxed around food and what I eat over the last week and I'm going to really miss that.  Just saying.... I am.

I'm all for finding our Happy Places, Hops.  Will look up the Podcast: )


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on September 18, 2023, 07:56:41 PM
I hear you, Lighter.
For me the issues (getting surprisingly easier) are more about my privileged choices than supply. But I entirely agree with you that quality is VERY problematic in America and I grieve most for folks in food deserts.

I searched for AGES for the purest food I can find, and even pay (on SS) Whole Foods prices for better-quality stuff. I remember my hunt for jam w/o sugar (Bionaturale is a good compromise) and PB the same. Finally found those. Once I actually GO to our busy farmers' market, my choices will expand.

My neighbor three doors up is selling backyard eggs now. "Out of Stock" sign on her little front-yeard kiosk goes up often -- her little flock is young and not very busy yet. But I also love hearing her goofy rooster at 3pm.

The smoothies when I remember (make 5 at a time and freeze 4) are powerful. Protein is a challenge but since I still eat fish, I get by. Pea protein is better than whey. What amazes me about what one eats is how instantly one feels it. Powerful.


Here's the "anxiety interview" with Adam Lambert I mentioned. He surprised me!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npA94B71jAE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npA94B71jAE)
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on September 23, 2023, 03:47:04 AM
I'm glad you've got over the Covid again, Lighter, it seems to be very widespread here again.  It's very difficult when you can still pick it up so easily, not least because the symptoms (initially at least) are so similar to so many other bugs and viruses.  I'm glad it didn't wipe you out.

I echo what Hops says about food; it's hard to find stuff that hasn't been messed about with too much and hard (in my opinion) to have enough time and/or storage space to buy, prep, keep in the freezer and so on.  I guess we all muddle through as best we can.  I don't know specifics about additives or preservatives but I do have a couple of friends whose bloating and irritable tummy stuff after eating bread stopped when they started making their own.  Presumably there's something in shop bought bread that didn't agree with them.  It's having the time to do it that becomes problematic, in my experience.

You are so busy with all your different projects, adding food sourcing and prep into that must be very hard.  And sometimes you do just want a pile of something you know isn't good for you.  It's a funny relationship we have with food, for sure.  I'm glad everything is swimming along with all the different refurb/managing projects (and the Halloween prep!  I'm not sure if they're big on Halloween here, am going to have to ask about a bit).
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 05, 2023, 01:08:06 AM
The Covid wasn't too bad..... got a cough aftewards and it's just now releasing it's grip.  I think my sister got it at the wedding, bc I seem to be a few days behind her in symptoms.  I think today might be the first day with under 10 coughing fits.  Exhausting and the Covid left me a bit.....fatigued, if I'm being honest.

The food..... the food.  I've been too busy to worry about it.  Not eating that well, but doing what I can.  Chic-Fil-A  salads on the road with roasted chicken.... lots of beautiful food when wer'e cooking.  Just made white bean chicken chili this eveing and big beautiful salads with pear.  My feet hurt a bit from all the stairs and imprefect food choices, but those are choices I make.

When the pain increases, I focus on eating cleaner, for sure.  It's the same with the 49yo journeyman, his wife, my sister and his MIL.  We feel the weight of our food choices physically, so we try harder to make good choices... not just for ourselves,but each other too.

Journeyman has had both hips replaced, a stroke, struggles with contraction in his fingers and an autoimmune disorder...... the only reason he's alive is bc he figured out food and committed to healing himself when docs failed.

I know better. I wish it was easier to eat better all the time.... but it's not.  I 'm not sure how much whole/clean food is available, frankly.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on October 06, 2023, 02:45:18 AM
COWS, Lighter, Crisis of The Week.  Yes, I don't know if I missed that earlier post you made or read it without taking it in but yes, the big change for us since moving here is the lack of crisis around us.  I haven't had to deal with drama after drama after drama.  And having that pause and that space - makes it easier to decide whether a crisis is a crisis, if it's our crisis, if it's a crisis we need to deal with or if it's one we can let uncrisis itself without needing to do anything.  That's an interesting change for me.  I know you've talked for a long time about that difference between reacting and responding and I understood it in my head, but it still wasn't happening for me.  My nervous system was still doing its own thing, regardless of anything I did.

Journeyman sounds like bionic man :)  I think my concern with food and clean/prescriptive eating is that it can teeter into disordered eating without really noticing.  I'm trying my best with it at the moment but I don't want it to become another thing I stress over.  Throughout my life food has been a source of comfort to me, and also a way I demonstrated being a good mum?  I've cooked this from scratch, you can't criticise me now.  Difficult, isn't it, to get the balance right.  I hope the pain and Covid related stuff clears up a bit.  Touch wood we've avoided it again at the moment, I've had my jabs again and son's are due end of the month.  I'm stocking up on tins next week in case we get a 'can't leave the house' situation.  But trying mostly to avoid it, I don't want it again, mildly or otherwise.  I hope you can avoid it, it must be harder for you because of all the different projects and people around you, multiplied for each lovely D as well :) xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 07, 2023, 10:05:19 PM
Reovery from Covid, this time, was a bit slow.  I could feel the fatigue.... deep and sometimes painful in my right thigh, just hanging on and on.  I still feel like a tiny mule kicked me in the leg..... just very odd and makes me want to get my stamina back up.

I wish you and DS the luck of avoidance... for sure.  It seems my cousins and brother and sister are all getting it lately.  My brother got it while traveling in Alaska and the hospital charged him over 4,000,00 for a half hour visit... crazy!

As for my respond vs react abilities.... today was a tough one.  Partially bc the journeyman;s wife left yesterday and partically bc I have to DO MATH figuring out the basement kitchen cabinet arrangement with repurposed cabinets.... it makes me want to weep just thinking about it now and I went out to buy trim and outlets, a tile cutter and light fixtures for 6 hours, so I had a good sized break.

Math.  Grrrr.

OK, so the wife is gone and that set my teeth on edge to be alone with the journeyman...... truthfully he resembles the crazy contractor a bit AND tends to sit down if I'm not working alongside him, so.... it's a LOT of together time for this introvert.   

The math blew a fuse in my ability to be responsive and all morning I was reactive..... if j went into the bathroom I'd just used..... it BUGGED ME.  If he sat down and looked at his phone.... it BUGGED ME.  Even if I knew he was looking up directions for laying a herringbone pattern LVP floor.... I was bugged bc it's taking him forever and he's pulling it back apart then putting it back together and I guess I'll just pull him off it tomorrow and focus myself and HIM on things we move through quickly and with purpose. 

No more spinning and falling, nose on the pebble, like today.  It was a huge lesson for me....... self care..... notice when I'm not feeling centered..... take a break and get centered....... redirect him/j  to things he's familiar with. 

And even if he/j dioes get too familiar.... I'd handle it, likely with scathing humor, but I'd handle it.  If he walks away, which he'd have to do sicne he has no vehicle..... I;d figure this thing out with the new journeyman.  J hans't been too familiar,btw..... but I can feel he likes me a lot and I'm not going to live in fear he'll do somethng stupid.  He might, but hasn't yet.  There it is.  I'm 20 years older than him this is going tobefineI tellya but he said I was "very datable" and I think that kicked this off bc he didn't say it till his wife was gone, darnit. 

::smoothing pajamas::..

Removing the fear...... trusting I'll keep myself safe.......doing what I can...... taking tme for self care, despite the little losses in J's productivity.... all very necessary.

I miss my girls..... want to be with them..... feel guilty being gone so long.  It's a weighty thing to balance getting these projects done and being there for them, in person, during these years before they have lives of their own elsewhere. 

The weather is Halloween perfect..... just cool and breezy and sunny at the same time.  No bugs.  I made sure to line up several outdoor projects over the next few days.  I can feel myself slipping back into creative flow again. 

The Nervous System has it's own time table, IME.  Two steps forward, one step back, IME.

I hope you're enjoying lovely fall weather too, Tupp.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 10, 2023, 09:53:45 AM
Had a great next day and night of work at lake house after the rough day and night.  Contractor gets moody when his wife travels and she travels quite a bit, apparently.  I now ignore every mood twinge he has and stop it from spiraling my Nervous System into it's own nightmare of what ifs.

And that was a very good reminder of how familiar waters reminds my little reptilian brain it's in DANGEROUS waters if I don't catch it and kill it. 

My brother sent a nearby farmer over to help move tractors out of the way of the kitchen cabinets and trailer I need to move them back to the house.  Got about 1/3 moved yesterday.  Farmer coming to help move the rest after he cuts down a tree.

Contractor still sitting on his phone whenever I'm not working next to him, which is more puzzling than anything, bc there have been 2 times where he just peeled off and DID big projects while I stayed busy on my own.  He can do it.  He just doesn't most of the time.

Hops:  I have a new firepit on the backporch... one of those smokes less jobbies and it's fantastik..... put a grill over it and cooked out too.  Burned charcoal and some non treated wood contractor cut up, along with twigs from the yard.  Was a happy thing.

I'll end this post with another happy thing.  I found an electric smoker, an old cowboy belt buckle of my grandfather's a light up beer clock with a buffalo on it and assorted familar things like the old orange tape dispenser I remember from my Grandmother's desk on the sleeping porch which says "We grow too soon old und too late shmart" with little German looking blue flowers.

The weather is GLORIOUS so the windows are all open and the sun is holding court in a completely blue sky!

Owls, bats and hawks are abundant around here, btw.  And deer.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 23, 2023, 03:20:21 PM
I've learned so much from reading board members' posts and experiences.... particularly the ones where we're saying similar or same things in different ways.  It gives me helpful perspective and I appreciate it a lot today.

I'm moving through activities while wishing I had solutions for something creating anxiety..... trying to find a way to remember what's important BEFORE there's regret, kwim?

What's really important.... what matters?  What will I feel truly matters in 10 years... after all the choices have been made and all is done?

If I make decisions based on what I want to accomplish.....
f I base my decisions on the outcome I desire.....
decisions get easier, sometimes become very obvious.

Today I found clarity and it's never been this easy to find before....
 around the thing I'm wrestling with, which is FOO based, of course.

I've tried to sit in gentle awareness..... or get back to it..... while navigating what usually comes back to struggle accepting something I can't change.

It's difficult to drop ego..... I mean.... really really difficult.  There's so much dopamine involved, IME.  It's a pattern.... an unconsious way of being.... to default to ego, IME.

It's an instant reality check, IME.

And I can't control what others are going to feel, say or do.  That should be easy enough to accept, but keeps throwing me into future upset and I'll focus on putting that down and not picking it back up.  What will it feel like to just not experience future fear ever again?

Life, clarity and consistently gratifying choices
fearing into the future and regret.



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on October 24, 2023, 02:26:01 PM
Nice thinking going on there, Ms. L!

What's really important.... what matters?  What will I feel truly matters in 10 years... after all the choices have been made and all is done?

This reminded me of the saw: On their deathbed, nobody ever, ever says, "I wish I'd spent more time at the office." (In your case...what would the "office" be?)

I can't control what others are going to feel, say or do.  That should be easy enough to accept, but keeps throwing me into future upset (http://I can't control what others are going to feel, say or do.  That should be easy enough to accept, but keeps throwing me into future upset)

Never mind the "should" -- lots of people have control issues and it's wonderful that you know this about yourself. You may work on it for a long time, but it'll bear fruit.

hugs and kudos,
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 26, 2023, 08:09:06 PM
It's weird.... I don't know what my office is, Hops.

Maybe I have an idea, but will have to give it some thought.

It's really lovely here today.  Cool and breezy for the start of Halloween decorating!  And it's clowns and dolls again this year. 

My Cousin's coming with her dh from out of State....  mainly to visit one of the biggest tourist attractions around here.... 10 minutes from the house. 

They're getting a two'fer with it being Halloween.  Cousin is terrified of Clowns, btw.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 28, 2023, 10:20:54 AM
Last night youngest DD attended a masquerade ball and wore a dress I purchased when she was maybe a year old.  It still had the tags on it..... picture a gold silk slinky gown with 4 feet of silk dragging the ground.  Very 1940's..... German night club.  It draped so beautifully..... was cut for a woman's body by someone who knew what they were doing. 

She had over the elbow white gloves, Grandma J's rhinestones everywhere and a cool updo.  The event was packed and the ticket was a little bag of bobbles, beads and gems for votes, drinks and assorted other things she hasn't told me about yet..... red contact lenses..... good fangs.  She made her mask, formed to her face and tied with gold ribbon.   Youth and oppulence walking.  It felt very strange to see her in that dress.

The Covid drought is officially over in this house, not gonna lie.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 17, 2023, 03:36:33 PM
The man who took our Belgian Malinous phoned to say O passed away and was creamated.  I didn't want any of the ashes, but I have his medical file for a farewell ritual... the rain made it safe for a bonfire.   O protected me and made it possible to sleep, even as he munched through childrens' toys and furniture.  He kept me safe.

I wish I'd kept O and stopped the foot traffic through the property.... it seemed so dangerous to me.... regrets and shame suck, but I didn't have the strength to deal wih his protectiveness and people's stupidity.... my mom had just passed away and I had children going into school.... a new house..... a renovation..... a move and new puppy.  OUCH. 

New puppy.... who loved O so so much. 

This sadness is heavy in my lungs.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on December 18, 2023, 03:21:07 PM
Oh I so get pet regret.

I'm still occasionally grieving over Newdog, that tiny preggers pooch I fostered.
Miss her to this day!

O may have been loved and well cared for in his new circumstances, do you think? And we know he was when he was with you. All in all maybe a good-dog's life?

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 20, 2023, 02:23:39 PM
Oh, he had en entire pack of dogs to run and play with.... sleep with..... feel a part of, Hops.

He was better off there, for sure.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on December 23, 2023, 08:50:28 AM
I hope you have a Merry Christmas, Lighter - despite the hauntings of old memories and current challenges! Just a peaceful, calm, happy time.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 25, 2023, 10:29:03 AM
Challenges dropped away.....
cookie baking and decorating Hemlocks with birdseed peanut butter covered wreaths and pincecones filled the space.

We're having Eggs Benny, and French Toast with apple compote for brunch......fresh squeezed tangerine mimosas topping it off. 

All is well and I hope your Christmas and Winter Solstice are joyful too, ((Amber.))

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on December 25, 2023, 11:00:43 AM
Deep dark nights with stars, stillness, peace, warmth and rest to all!

Ho Ho Ho and love,

Hops & Pooch
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 24, 2024, 10:53:36 AM
When I returned from the lake, DD21 was quite upset in many directions and spent several hours telling me about it the next morning.

I know she was an easy child and sees herself as not getting enough, bc her sister had health issues and all the legals.... DD21 just didn't get enough attention and I know that's true.

Once I began researching healthy boundaries and parenting strategies, I began telling the girls they'd figure things out. 
"You'll figure that out, everything will be OK... even if it's not OK.... it will be OK."

That was more the them, rather than me trying to save everyone, bc sending the message they can save themselves is the healthier and saner option.

With regard to DD21's ED, she really felt her sister and I would have let her perish in her room, at a point.  I told her I didn't realize she had the ED and took her to the nutritionist we agreed on, who didn't realize she had one either.  It was never my intention to make her feel abandoned.... I didn't know she felt that way or was ill. 

DD21 also very anxious about DD23 carrying a full load at University without "doing due diligence" first.  DD21 feels working 3 years didn't in any way prepare her sister to go back to school and I understand being concerned, but my default is....
"she'll handle it," which ticks DD21 off all over again. 

This conversation, I experienced several little deaths.... without excuses for why or how anything happened.

I took responsibility for having a tendency toward avoidance, (which I modeled and both girls exhibit, more or less) and accepted I'd failed to keep my children safe during their childhoods.  Oof.  So painful.  Little deaths. 

DD21 went out all night after our tough conversation.  When she came home the next evening, last night, she seemed pretty normal. 
She's dating someone new.... i think I can call it dating.  Theyr'e watching FLEA BAG and Studio Ghibli films and going to Karaoke together.

 I have an appointment with one of those fabricaated bath surround companies this evening, cracked my pbone the day before yesterday (DO NOT PUT THEM ON YOUR BACK POCKETS PEOPLE!)  and received the new one yesterday, but all my passwords are IN the old phone and Ic an't get into it so that's me going back to the phone company to see if they can transfer data from a broken phone. 

I have paperwork to deal with..... and I'm trying to shift how I think about it and just get on.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on January 25, 2024, 10:09:25 AM
About the little deaths...

in some bassackwards way, this is validating your DD's perception; filling up her bucket of trust in herself. For you, it's a very distant perspective on what you lived through and now have changed understandings about that. But at that time - in that present moment - you DID THE BEST YOU KNEW HOW TO DO. Doesn't mean you don't acknowledge that it wasn't perfect; maybe didn't meet DD's needs (or wants); you accept the responsibility.

I find there is something useful in re-facing some of these "accusations" about less than picture perfect mothering for each very unique child. For both Hol & I. But we've spent a lot of time processing all the fine details of that for many years now - and there just isn't much to say or admit or accept anymore about it. It's a boring topic for us to parse.

It's utility, perhaps, is that we're shifting out of the 46 yr old model of our conditioned "roles" and communication and perception of each other & ourselves. (And I can almost hear her disagreeing with me, now... LOL.) But it's freeing in a deep emotional way - disagreeing and allowing each of us our own "interpretation" of those things. It's helping her solidify what I call her "essential self" - integrating the inner child with her adult sensibilities and understanding.

That said, her recent levels of anxiety - and how she deals with it - are making me a little nutz. It's interfering with the mental/emotional space I have for my own stuff. B sees that clearly too. She knows she needs new ways to self-soothe and self-regulate; and I'm content to let her figure that out for herself. Occasionally, I'll suggest something in case she hasn't already thought of it.

Somehow the idea that our "relationships" are always the same has gotten into our consciousnesses. Along with the idea that "someday" after all our work on ourselves, we'll achieve total enlightenment and "perfect" ourselves and our lives. I used to the call the latter "white picket fence syndrome" - the "Leave it to Beaver" impossible picture of life that never existed outside of fiction or dream-fantasies. All these kinds of ideas seem self-limiting and overly restrictive and presumes that all people are exactly the same and that we all SHOULD be.

BLECH! Where's the mystery & adventure in THAT kind of life? Personally, I'm a bit tired of the constant drama around here and just need some boring mundane days so I can hear myself think. I don't need to constantly be involved in OPPs, for them to understand that I care and am here for them. (Rip Van Winkle mentality is WORKING for me!) I'm starting to get the spring energy to get busy "doing" again... but my priorities have been pared down so I don't overwhelm myself.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on January 25, 2024, 02:46:47 PM
I'm glad your Van Winkle gene is surfacing a bit, Amber, and I bet it's glad to get some air. Cannot hurt you to slow your huge drive to be productive just a little bit.
my priorities have been pared down so I don't overwhelm myself (http://my priorities have been pared down so I don't overwhelm myself) sounds very grounded and healthy to me.

Nobody sez we can't keep learning and priority-changing as we age, eh? Not only CAN we, but we've GOT to, if we want the different yet sweeter joys to take over freed spaces within us as time goes on.

I'm glad you're stepping back and "letting" Hol figure out what she plans to do about getting help with her anxiety and learning new self-soothing behaviors. She can do that. She can seek a therapist if she wants to. She can read stacks of books. She can decide to break up with Steve, or not. She can become her own best friend. (Only took me 70 years...).

Hugs to all-a y'all,
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on January 25, 2024, 02:54:01 PM
Sounds like your response to those painful revelations about how DD felt has been honesty, ownership, no deflection, and humility.

That is an AWESOME response to give a hurt child of any age. Imo, she will respect you greatly for it, and after the acute feelings/memories are aired (quick process) and healed (long process), she will know that your character made you a certain kind of mother she can love, forgive, and appreciate for the rest of her life. Maybe not without bumps and shocks, because she's just at that age when serious unpacking is going on, and that's a bumpy ride. But I can imagine a very good long-term outcome.

Those "little deaths" are painful. But your habit of avoidance is also a habit of respecting space and autonomy for your DDs. As you are over and over LESS avoidant of learning/forgiving/protecting yourself, you're also not all wrong in avoiding. Each time you engage with that strong and humble attitude, you give them more space to find their own ways to heal, independent of you without breaking your bonds. Imo, anyway, great example that I'm not.

Amazing how things we do wrongest can eventually become things we do well.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 25, 2024, 08:35:30 PM
Thanks for the kind words, Hops.  I appreciate you so very much.  I think I could just be there and accept what happened and didn't happen without reacting.... thank God for my dear therapist.  If I'd had a phone, I would have been dialing her up the last 2 days.... it was rough, not gonna lie. 

There was so much catching up and finding numbers I really need.....no time to do much else, besides cook and BE here for the girls.... all 3 of them.   I'm more present, listening, talking less..... just trying to let them know I SEE them...hear them.  I've been making yummy food every day..... today was a Cuban pork shoulder for tacos, nachos and hopefully a batch of tamales, Vietnamese Curry chicken with potatoes and carrots... broccoli on the side.  Last night was Thai Green Curry with velveted chicken... so yummy all of it!  Fresh pots of rice and the day before was beef Pho with the frozen noodles in the pink packaging. The food overlaps so there's choices and happy gatherings in the kitchen.  If I could, I'd make sure we never eat fast food again.

I don't think I'll be able to clear my phone....it's locked and I have one more place to try tomorrow before giving up.... sending it to the insurance company with all my passwords and SO MUCH MORE would be stupid and haunt me,maybe worse. 

Amber.... any ideas for dealing with a locked black screen phone I can't access to set it back to factory settings?  Or how to transfer what's on itt?

On the other hand.... all the lost texts and contacts feels kind of....
freeing.  The yelly neighbor guy's apology texts, proving my side of the story, have dissapeared and I feel nothing about it.  Don;t care anymore.  It's done.  I help my favorite neighbors with their big trash cans, bring them yummy food when I make lots and that's feeling very right.  I see the new baby go by in a carrier, usually on the front of the mum and dad, rarely together.  I wish I was less anxious about them....wish I could be closer to the young mother and more helpful.  Lordy... she reminds me of myself.  A couple summer's ago she said she wants to be like me.. and that just makes it worse, bc my thing was marrying mean (likely gay/bi) boys in denial who try to fit in to their parents' idea of normal.  I know where that leads and I lack the courage and stomach to witness it from close proximity. 

Please Lord let me accept my children, as they are, and not need them to be other.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 25, 2024, 08:53:46 PM
My brother called this morning and we chatted for a while..... he wanted to talk about the way he spoke to me and my sister at Thanksgiving.  He didn't apologize, but expressed desire to explain why and how it happens.  Our Mother and Step Father's actual hoarding traumatized him....and not just him, btw, but he's been deeply affected.  I get it.  There's "collecting" on both sides of the family, actually.  I've posted about it, likely.

The thing is.... we all handle our stuff differently..... and if I spoke to him the way he spoke to me.... I'd be done with our relationship.  I would have dropped all hope of going forward..... those words speak of war and court and splashing the entire family into chaos and dissaray.  Not his actual words, but sort of. 

So sayeth the avoidant sister, lol. 

Our sister goes toe toe with him.... and I shut down, but today he was level and wanted to know if his words were getting through OR was I being silent and quietly offended by him.  I let him know I'm offended when he's disdainful and purposefully offensive... so NO... I wasn't offended and could hear him.  He had and has points..... he does.  We agreed we have a limited time on this earth and we might as well figure this out.  Truthfully.... his words and DD21's recent words have lead to my facing my avoidance.... and that's not a bad thing. 

It's raining really hard again.  I cut around -2- 6 foot tall Hemlocks and treated for wooly adelgid during a slow spot in the rain.  It was easy digging, when I didn't hit rock or roots.  I was breathless much of the time and the pug had a second walk, which wasn't her preference in the went, but there it is. 

I'll go back in the Spring and dig up all the Hemlocks I've treated and dug around.... lost count how many, but I know I'll get tons of excercise.  The urge to stretch and be active keeps popping up.  My muscles like to stretch in the sunshine.  Being active is shifting into new things..... just very done with old ways of being..... maybe done with mourning their loss, as well.  It's apparent and larger than life.... one phase ending and turning into another.

I need to pay attention to this phase before it goes.  I didn't use to know how to pay attention.... just knew a phase would end soon and began mourning before it happened.... not how I want to continue, for sure.

I think I have 4 more Hemlocks to cut around roots and treat..... I think I have just enough wooly adelgid treatment for them.  Funny how things can work out when one relaxes and stops worrying/pushing/neeeeding things to BE done or something they can't ever be, kwim?


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 25, 2024, 08:56:11 PM
I thought about my Mother's brother today... he's caretaking my Aunt...his wife.  She's miserable and can hardly walk and is pretty much bedridden and worried about how clean or not clean her house is.... so she doesn't want us visiting, but my Uncle won't be here forever.

I'm calling him again, soon, and going to see him.  My Aunt left the house and went to my Cousin's during our last visit..... she wasn't happy about it either.

She made it clear she doesn't want to hear from us, in any way, and I've made peace with that.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 17, 2024, 07:07:08 PM
While I was at the lake the girls were having troube with a tree limb breaking a back windshield, losing keys (typically; that DD loses NOTHING and is super responsible wth all her belongings) but there's been some upheaval leading ot upset for her over a new man she's seeing.... adorable, great sense of humor and DD really has fun with him, which is where the upset is coming from......
there's people who don't like the idea of her dating this cutie guy (or any guy for that matter.)

A trusted "friend's" brain broke and he started fabricating easily disproved lies about the guy DD is dating. 

To make things worse, this is someone DD considered a father figure (FF) which adds a lot more upset for her. DD is trying to form a response.  It's not good, bc they run in the same friend group and likely will create trouble...can't be avoided, IME.  It's very sad women are expected to absorb trauma so they, and the entire social group, aren't punished and traumatized over and over again. Hate that, I do.

We've been enjoying a big puzzle together.  DD doesn't need anyone telling her what to do and plenty of people are.  We played the movie SOMETHING ABOUT MARY in the background over breakfast and it was funny, bc it's SO similar to her experience right now.  It was eggs bennies with bacon and ham... the bacon was better.  Much discussion over having new guy over for brunch... he can make real hollondais, bc he cares, and we're looking forward to it.  It's so refreshing when everyone in the room shares similar sences of humor... or has one, even.

I really like the Magda character in SAM movie.

For dinner, we enjoyed potstickers wrapped in crunchy lettuce leafs with sweet chili sauce, lime and herbs for dinner.... yummy.  I grabbed a bottle of wine from the fridge bc it's been sitting in the way for a week... won't get any fresher and DDs not  cooking aything with wine lately.  Leftover blueberries and apple went into the glass too.  I'm breathing into this moment, enjoying every bite and sip as I recover from a sneaky hate spiral over surprise sub freezing temperatures on today's walks.  I've been leaning into Spring and the warm sunny days I didn't think would end.  Darn.

The pug's been patient and calm lately.  She's in her bed, gently snore next to me now. 

Lots of limbs down in the neighborhood.  I think tree guys could stay busy for a month with all the old trees I rarely see get attention around here.  I usually hire someone before I go away for a while, out of fear and anxiety over leaving girls to their own devices for weeks at a time.  I think it's time to call the tree guys again. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on February 25, 2024, 03:17:04 PM
How did I miss this? Feels like we went into our caves again and I guess I did too.

Very sorry to hear about DD's friend and the toxicity of your "good friend" who made up stuff about him. What motivated "GF", do you think? Father figure, my butt.

My life has been overbooked, so I'm learning to limit scheduling to one appointment thing/day, rarely two. Slow, gentle, with lots of solitude has been working well for me. But when I can get enough sleep I'm dragging myself out, and usually enjoy people when I do.

This weather is lovely but so so so sad. It's hard to take pleasure in it when you know what it means.

I hope you and the DDs are well and yes, taking pleasure in everything possible.


PS I was scrolling through past posts to see if I'd miss anything, and during my self-fixation a month ago I totally blew past your mention of being on the ground spitting teeth, metaphorically. What was that about, if you want to share? Sorry I missed it and hope it's resolved, but didn't sound good.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 26, 2024, 02:04:27 PM
Hi, Hops:

If I'm getting right to the matter at hand, training myself out of avoidant coping strategies is at the root of my recent upheavals.

DD21 is dealing with the reality of men behaving like vindictive 4yos when thwarted.... and that's just how it goes, no matter how she moves through the world.  As long as she's lovely and witty and funny and makes people in her orbit feeeeeeel wonderful.... they're going to lay claim, lash out, lie and behave badly "out of the blue" seemingly.  I've explaine this to her and she's finding out... people say things... sometimes the exact opposite of their truth, and one can't assume everyone is a truth teller, bc they certainly are not.

  It's so sad to watch.  I wonder what kind of boundaries and walls she'll put up, if any.  IME, this is the kind of experience leading to big change and DD isn't confused about it. She understands precisely how it went down and I hope she responds and becomes more proactive and wise while remaining open.

Changing subjects.... yesterday I realized I forgot I threw a punch at Yelly Guy Neighbor.  I noticed I had no urge to speak about him at all when a neighbor talked about his father's withdrawal from all neighbors.  I simply saw the father's POV. 

The next day I wondered why I still avoided Yelly Guy, bc I'd walked calmly out of his path the other day without any emotional charge at all.  There was zero upset for me and walking around him was more habit than anything else, I realized.  THEN I remembered I'd thrown a punch.
At his face.
Meant to knock him tf out and then couldn't remember which punch I'd thrown..... DD21 said it was a R chin jab, which was a very good choice if I do say so, myself.  I wouldn't have broken my hand.... and that would have come in handy had I just clipped him and made him mad, kwim?  Jeez..... I know it was upsetting at the time, but it's just gone.

That I can't remember it speaks to processing it completely out of my limbic system and into historic files... gone.  POOF.  Like magic. 

That's how things are heading and have been heading..... amazing, really.

I'll try to remember to set that intention daily...... to accept and process what I can't change and couldn't process before.

Yup yup yup.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 20, 2024, 10:22:26 AM
So, retired nurse had a pallet of wood chips delivered almost a week ago.  Her dd and a grandson were helping yesterday....they drove over water lines with a car full of mulch bags.  Hmmm.  Hope that doesn't become a problem.

The little d on my shoulder is taking notes of all the work I no longer help retired nurse with.  It used to be compulsive.  My sister still jumps to help, as did I, but for the hand I put on her shoulder and reminder....we don't do that anymore.  Consequences aren't just for us, turns out.

I enjoy doing the help I still provide (pick up sticks/branches during walks, handle the shared creek weed eating and clean out). I feel really good about this, even if she's praising Yelly Guy for the work.....no idea if he's taking credit.  Do not care, but she never mentions it so assuming she thinks YGN does it. 
The balance is restored when I remember  the cuttings I take from her huge Hydrangea......she tried to say NO last year with the excuse she was "giving them to her DIL.".

Ridiculous, of course.  The plant grows outside her little homemade cage every year and would be 20 feet across and against her house if left to itself.  It reminded me of her "excuse" to stop using Preen.....
"I've decided I don't like the color of moss anymore.". It's green, same as the weeds and spits of grass she's promoting. 

Do people not hear the stupid things coming out of their mouths?  Can they not hear it?

Yelly Guy Neighbor stopped helping her with yard work long ago, but continues cutting through her yard.  He's walked by those bags of mulch again and again and again.... without touching them.   

Just doing my thing in my yard, sans any discussion with her, feels like clean clear river water rinsing away years of dust....and thirst.  Just.....gone.

Cowgirl knocked on my door with a big red heart'o candy on Valentine's Day.  She feels bad about the buddy fockery, but I have no patience or care and I told her plainl last year.  She made her choice and peace settled over me like a warm head to toe, tucked into my gut, blanket.  My acceptance doesn't sit well with her need to be liked and seen as "nice."  Her struggle is familiar and reminds to be mindful of stripping it from my software daily. 

More cool clean water....less dust.

Holding them. 

and it's over.



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on March 21, 2024, 05:00:57 PM

Maybe you have an unusual but effective boundaries method.
You don't have them at first and get over-involved, and then you have a warrior boundary moment and establish new ones, but you still check over your shoulder about them holding, and they do because you did it so thoroughly, but the ghosts of absent boundaries past still niggle you a bit.

Is that way off? I think you're doing great. And, that it's not easy.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on April 28, 2024, 04:00:05 PM
I don't see it quite like that, Hops.

But I DO feel the cool clear water and absense of dust.

I also feel the amazing fellowship in providing meals to the elderly couple struggling next door.  They're the shining light in my experience with neigbors..... and it's their presense and good will I'm drawn to.  Helping them.... is also a draw..... similar to the Cowboys, but different, bc Yelly Guy's absense from the situation. 

I don't know how to keep toxic people from tainting things.... that's clear enought by now.

I DO know how to shut off and shut out toxic people once they show me who they are..... and that's a simple ON/OFF switch in my gut.  Once it's flipped.... I'm done. 

I'm pcking up fewer sticks in Retired Nurse's yard..... have put off mowing the back and her part of the creek bank...... decided 'm undecided about helping her with her side at all and then there's this pull to have one final conversation to clarify her choices BEFORE that decision is finalized. 

The musicual instrument maker, who's married to the doctor, noted how well my recent choices have "delineated" between the Nurse's and my yard.  Nurse's weeds, moss and a few patches of grass on one side of a line of rather large stones with fallen leaves on my side with a recently planted line of Hemlocks running along the propertly line (planted without discussion, mind you.) Nurse didn't even ask a question. Ya.... I'm done.  Maybe I don't need clarification.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 10, 2024, 09:25:51 AM
The instrument maker is waiting on measurements and the bunk bed ladder before making a foot friendly ladder to replace it.

If I didn't say before, tails in the woods have sprouted little fairy houses all over the place..... and people leave fairies and gnomes and shells and dolls and little doll pots and utensils..... and crystals.

A neighbor has 4 little girls..... all age 6yo and younger.  The oldest 3 love the fairy houses.... the 4th is maybe 9mo. They live close enough the girls can run over, which had my sister and I cleaning off the porch to make room for an old enameled farm table and chairs as workspace. 

Having worked on a new fairy village with the  girls and the pug informed me..... I need a better plan.  Ya, the pug DID lick the snot trail off the 3yo's face, which was a relief, but baby girl pug's been eating trail poop, so completely unacceptable.  I don't have enough hands or eyes to handle all that at once.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on May 10, 2024, 12:01:44 PM
Snort. That was a delightful image!

Dunno what a fairy house is, but what a lovely thing to have children in the woods nearby, experiencing magic. And to have parents so comfortable letting their children go play on your porch.


Loved the previous post about the "click", too. No more Nurse and Yelly Guy, but more time with an older couple who must look at you as the angel of the woods, bearing pans.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 10, 2024, 02:10:50 PM
You know you're over the little things if you're prepared to admit to being any negative thing any neighbor calls you, then add some stuff on top. That's where I'm at, yup yup yup.

I just installed a big wide shelf, with aluminum siding behind, blocking the nurse's view of my porch, and my view of her front yard (till those newly planted baby Hemlocks grow.)

Lots ya of storage space for pinecones, bark, twigs and lichen....the basic building blocks of good gnome/fairy homes everywhere.

It's absolutely gorgeous out today!  Will figure out something marvelous to do outdoors.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 25, 2024, 05:33:58 PM
Oldest DD moving into her own apartment with best friend.  They go out, socialize, have an active friend group with game nights and she'll likely have a paid internship with her favorite science professor..... teacher's pet has always been her sweet spot.

She's pulled off a 4.0 and loves school.  This reminds me when she was little and was angry she couldn't be in school 7 days a week.  I thought those days were over as she skirted through HS like a rebel, rarely doing homework....but teachers let her pass bc they knew she knew the material.

Youngest DD has good grades....not sure how good, bc she isn't telling.  I'm just glad they chose school for their own reasons, when they were ready and take the responsibility seriously. 

Youngest attending Comic Con event with bf, his mother and her sister..DD says they remind her of me and my sister and they're all in costumes. 

Once DD 23 is moved in, we plan to visit my sis and lovely BIL in Canada for a while.

We'll visit the Ohio cousins.....one has 3rd granddaughter on the way with her oldest DD and wedding for youngest dd...very exciting.  Can't wait to do "This is the way the lady rides" with the toddler....so cute!
That's my update and this post is me avoiding the anxiety of creating dust in the house.  Can you really get everything clean again, ever?  I think not.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on May 28, 2024, 01:16:37 AM
Aw she's getting her own place!  Amazing, Lighter.  Launching fully grown humans into the world :)  What an amazing feeling.  Upcoming visits sound great.  You will never be free of the dust lol.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 28, 2024, 08:32:19 PM
Hi, Tupp:

I'm currently covered in grout dust and about to add a few layers of wood dust.  I scraped, sanded and otherwise beat the old thinset off the backerboard from the failed 12 x 24 inch tile fail..... they were coming down in heavy sharp surprise bombings.  I can't believe the new glass shower door wasn't destroyed.  I'm spent after working over my head for hours..... that ceiling isn't flat.... large tiles were never going to stay.

I cannot believe how much trouble a tiled shower ceiling IS.  Never ever ever ever ever again. Never.  Tomorrow I grout it and all the little things left to do with the grout. 

Things are moving fast now..... DD21 visited for a couple hours with her boy friend and that was nice, but taxing.  He's a talker, that one. 

DD23 called to ask where she could find a tape measure. Before I spiraled into a "I didn't teach my girls where basic tools ARE!" I shifted into.....
I'll put togehter a tool kit for DD and help her organize and store it at her new place... then be available to help her with projects.  That was just what I needed as I've noticed how easy it is for a song or a smell or sight to shift me into the past.  Just noticing.  Not judging.  I move out of it, but I do notice.

And the dust will never be gone, you're right about that.  I feel like I've been at the beach.  I have grout sand everywhere!

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on May 29, 2024, 07:33:43 AM
Drywall dust is even more pervasive. The studio is going to be a lot of work soon. Custom storage cabinets are begun and may finish by July 4th (my guess). We're closer to finishing trim & setting new cabinets/countertops.

I put together toolkits for my girls too. Just basic homeowner stuff - but when Hol developed an interest in vintage cars, she also got a socket set one Christmas. And she's still acquiring tools! (Amy not so much.)
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on May 29, 2024, 04:13:26 PM
I'm going to enjoyed y putting together the tool kits. 

So glad drywall dust done, at least for now.

Thinking of rearranging furniture downstairs.....removing bunk bed.

Hope your cabinets and counters go in smoothly.
Happy planting, Amber.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on June 12, 2024, 05:47:04 AM
It hit me this morning.

I don't drop into the zone or flow states.

I drop out of fight or flight.

Something more akin to that, anyway.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 07, 2024, 03:18:02 PM
Brother and his gf spent weekend with us.  They're fun, helpful and we had the best time during their stay.

Last night we went to a Speakeasy with a voodoo vibe....heard a 6 piece band SO GOOD!

Danced at the next club(all by our onesies) and the entire place was dancing when we

Brother's gf is so funny....she just speaks the heck up, asks questions of strangers and tells them off if misbehaving....all happened last night. No barfight, 2 uncomfortable Uber rides and I called the night a huge success.

P.S.  I could have brought the trombone player home.  Adorable!
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on July 07, 2024, 04:23:28 PM
Brother and his gf spent weekend with us.  They're fun, helpful and we had the best time during their stay.

Last night we went to a Speakeasy with a voodoo vibe....heard a 6 piece band SO GOOD!

Danced at the next club(all by our onesies) and the entire place was dancing when we

Brother's gf is so funny....she just speaks the heck up, asks questions of strangers and tells them off if misbehaving....all happened last night. No barfight, 2 uncomfortable Uber rides and I called the night a huge success.

P.S.  I could have brought the trombone player home.  Adorable!

That sounds like a really good night :)  Definite yes to the trombone player :)  lol
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 10, 2024, 12:20:17 PM
It's a choice, truly.  How to handle every moment.  A choice.

If we're mindful and maybe lucky too.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 14, 2024, 01:52:04 PM
The thing about change is part getting sick of thinking about being sick of repeating unhealthy patterns.....
and familiarity, IME.

Once one understands what's there, it's harder then impossible to go all confused and deny it, IME.

Once one understands what they're looking at, things become very simple, IME.

Choice narrows. 

Guilt evaporates and acceptance opens and settles like a sunshade in 100 degree heat...relief.

Once one stops needing people to be (insert adjectives) things become simpler, imo.  Time expands and becomes exciting again.

The memory of time trudging along, stuffed with defaults, is fuzzy.  Now.

I wonder when it'll drop away and if I'll feel it go or just notice it's not there anymore.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 14, 2024, 01:59:42 PM
My brother had a great first lake Airbnb rental.  5 stars all around, very exciting.

I've healed up stronger and more limber for all the work readying the other lake house with my sister.  Eating better, movement more fluid, less compensating.

My siblings are incredibly competent and motivated individuals I'm happy to have in my life.  I adore my BIL.  We're bonding and getting stronger together.....working together. I can't imagine what we can accomplish, if we're all pulling in the same direction.  I'm excited to find out!

We all have different strengths. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 21, 2024, 12:26:29 PM
My girls are growing up/sometimes grown.  It's a process and I'm their touchstone after all the years of fearing I wasn't enough. 

I am.....pretty sure....enough.

Seeing the slot in time and place, where I belong....how I fit ....is a relief after years of juggling too much....unexpected much... unbelievable much.

Narrowing my view to MY view, sans other people's opinions of me, my place in the world, their expectations......shuts out the doubt/suffering, IME.   

DD21 surprised me happily by digging in and helping with lake house.  She chats about future visits with friends and asks what help I need, but taking initiative also. For a while there, I couldn't even talk about the lake with her.  She might not be very interested in projects and decorating, but she listens and is patiently honest about it.....now.

Sometimes I see her take brave leaps (fig.) and it worries me a bit.....same with oldest DD.  When I view it, sans judgement, I'm relieved they're brave and willing to take chances and commit to choices. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on July 23, 2024, 01:44:26 AM
How does the half-empty nest feel to you, Lighter?
I think that's a tough adjustment, but also liberating.

I hope things continue to go well.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on July 25, 2024, 06:47:24 AM
Honestly, the half empty nests feels very  full right now, bc oldest DD and her roommate have begun family dinner/game night Sundays.  They seek my help with their apartment and the helping/teaching makes my brain feel like chips and ice cream are involved, but aren't.....the girls are eating healthy and hitting the gym twice weekly.

Youngest DD is usually home, and baby girl pug is against my ankle ...or the small of my back. 

I'm looking forward to putting together a tool kit for oldest DD....like my father did fo r me.  There's relief in being father and mother....without guilt creeping in. 

We're all doing our best and guilt sucks, Hops. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 27, 2024, 07:06:36 PM
I'm feeling overtly full, read that as medicating with food, while working in the dark, power outage for 50 homes, putting together healthy frozen meals, provided the power comes back soon, for our mailman who just had shoulder surgery with a reaction to pain meds creating jaw infection requiring emergency surgery.

And I'm waiting for my Tylenol to kick in, washed down with a beer.... headaches are every other day, lately.

Will get a shower......seems God wants me to stop what I'm doing, so here goes....
Will attempt to emdr myself through and out the other side of processing a traumatic family gathering and the meetings with army corps of engineers woven through that gathering.

I'll try to write out the family situation calmly, as 3 attempts turned into content not fit for the board.

:getting shower::..
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 28, 2024, 12:08:43 PM
Dropped food for mailman and he was woozy, having trouble standing/focusing. 

I was ready to put the food away, do a 10 minute tidy and get on road for planned trip with youngest DD.

Mailman blocked my ...the nerve! bc house waa "a mess."

Ok....but I was standing in trash from his bear attacked garbage in torn white bags and.....where were his trash bins, I asked, bc this was a 10 minute tidy  I could massage my brain with for days.
No bins.🫨

Mailman usually takes trash to the post office, but he's a week post op and the bears have taken full charge for him.


I just completed 2 important tasks and have time to help with this.....my trash runs tomorrow and 3 neighbors have almond st empty bins so transporting the mess is the only problem and.....
I'm pulling back, observing my motives and I notice I made promises to "help" a month ago.  I didn't say how, but somewhere inside my brain he deserves food, metamucil, a clean up and a few check ins, generally.

I've been burdened with trash problems and my first instinct is to leave the mess.  Then I remember mailman's eyes rolling around in his head and compassion....is this compassion or something else? and trash clean up goes back on the list.

I recognize my brain gets scratched when performing acts of service.  That's a truth.  What does it cost me to help today with the trash? Time with DD as she poo acks costumes.

That's it.  I'm going home and mm's trash will get dealt with eventually by someone else.

I did enough and even if it's not ok, to my brain, it's ok.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on August 28, 2024, 12:39:09 PM

The family situation, whatever it was that happened there, sounds like it was grim and hasn't done you a world of good.  I hope whatever it was that happened is done with and isn't going to keep you in a spin for a long time.  And that it doesn't happen again.

Mailman - yes, leave the bins.  I have to do a lot of advance planning and prepping for all sorts of things, because it's just me and that's that.  Surgery would involve, for me, at the very least, filling the freezer with quick and easy meals (either by cooking in advance or buying in ready frozen.  And that can be done post surgery if the surgery isn't planned, online order, he could even just order fifteen of the same ready meal and have cereal and toast the rest of the time).  If he's daft enough to put rubbish bags out in an area where there are bears, well honestly I think he's lucky they just made a mess.  Order some bins, get someone else to take them, keep them somewhere in the house until they can be dropped off.  Other options.  As for blocking your way - honestly, I think you need to put an embargo on any kind of assistance for any man, it always seems to get unpleasant in some way.  He's a grown adult, he can sort himself out.  Sounds like you've got more than enough of your own stuff to deal with at the moment.  I hope you get some time to focus on you and start working through whatever it was the family stuff involved xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 29, 2024, 10:26:10 AM
Thanks, Tupp.  The problem involves addiction of an extended family member's spouse.  He's a medically wet brained alcoholic (WBA)....so horrifyingly ....sad/revolting/disturbing.  I'm experiencing unfamiliar high pitched gagging while brushing my teeth.

::erasing erasing erasing post...again::.

I'll spare you the details.

It's very not good and never again. 



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on August 29, 2024, 11:29:34 AM
That sounds horrendous, Lighter, I've never heard of it before.  I hope you never have to experience it again! x
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on August 30, 2024, 08:48:34 AM
It's a Vitamin deficiency in the brain, typically related to alcoholism.  Loss of motor function and was sad to watch him try to appear normal while extremely chatty and obviously impaired.  He posted up on the kitchen so we took turns dealing with him.  My sister picked him up off the driveway a couple times and that's all I have to say about that.

I'm having coffee on my bad ass friend's porch.  Just saw a hawk land in the trees then launch magnetically in the direction he came from.  A tiny lizard just went by.....unafraid.   I'm pouring a bath in friend's garden tub.  It's nice.

We made a late dinner last night .....9pm lettuce wraps SO good.  Traffic into my old stomping grounds as bad as ever, but DD22 has Dragon Con business and I'll be visiting my father's gf of 18 years, before he chose the maid over her.  Will be curious to see if she remembers the bitterness she felt towards them as dementia takes her mind.

I'm so happy her gum surgery healed enough to eat regular food and chemo was on 22nd so she should be able to enjoy food.....I hope.  My go to nurture stance is to feed and clean.I found fancy fudge and will take her out for brunch then dinner today.

She has it in her mind I'm having a sleepover with her tonight.....and I just might if it's not difficult.

Alcoholism is a terrible coping strategy and my sister and I ended up cleaning mailman's trash for him.  It went quickly with rubber gloves and 2 people loading into big industrial trash bags.  Not sure what that means, but I ran late all day with my choices being what they were.  Have to give that more thought, but off to next adventure now!


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 02, 2024, 09:03:13 AM
Not sure if DD22 has strep, mono or tonsillitis, but we went to urgent care yesterday morning.  Meds have her feeling much better today.

Went to favorite Chinese Restaurant for Salt and Pepper Squid with xtra jalapenos and an order of Chow Fun with shrimp, snow peas leaves and carrots....that meal's been a favorite since the girls were tiny. Yum!

We organize, clean and leave for lake this evening.

Weather cooling a bit.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 03, 2024, 08:49:05 AM
It's 48 here this morning (Tuesday) Lighter.
Almost going from high summer to fireplace weather...
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 03, 2024, 10:33:01 AM
73 degrees here, Amber.  Breezy.  Overcast, but clearing into blue sky's.  Just a crisp, beautiful day!

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 04, 2024, 08:13:43 AM
Well, it's early for the temp drop but I'm sure liking it! Windows open, ac set to not turn on (and might just turn it off completely) and breaking out the layers in the mornings.

Putting some finishing touches on mini kitchen in studio. Cleaning. Collecting new furnishings/decor for powder room remodel. Delivery of new work/storage cabinets in 2 weeks. Found replacement doors for cabinets holding up my 4x8 table top. And mentally collecting crafty supplies into fun pkg for a friend's daughter, Althea.

Then, it's on to cleaning up garden beds to "try again" next year - sigh.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 07, 2024, 01:21:58 PM
Settling back home after whirlwind social events......have to recharge and limit social contact. 

My girls are doing ok.  Good grades and the will to make every class.....oldest DD actually managing it.

Over breakfast this morning DD22 reminded me the ,70's-80's and 90's were the golden years to be alive.  We/generations before her, have left the world gasping and unlikely to recover, bc.....greed and stupidity.

She resents the weight of the world is unfairly on the younger/her generation's shoulders.  When she speaks of this.... she has me out of my reminds me.....she moves through the world to the Leonard Cohen "Everybody Knows" theme song running in the background of her life....but only when she feels I need reminding.

She's grasping happiness and joy out of the same air.....but she's aware.  Always.....my generation did f'around, completely unaware and it was good.  Bad also, but good.

Me?  Right now I'm attempting to nail down a few important habits.

Namely, how to assess facts and reality, sans judgement.  Sometimes review feels judgemental, bc terrible facts are what they are.  It feeeels dreadful..... shameful just to let them in for consideration.  They taint everything they touch and it's complicated, IME.

But still ....to cultivate nonjudgmental awareness, sans stuttering.....for myself, my way ...... it remains a work in progress.

To be fair, it's easier and not getting everything, all at once, all the time is another project I work on.  Cultivating kindness ...patience ..curiosity while extending them to myself as habit ...... I'm still practicing,even as I notice how much I've released....
picked up.....
put down....

So family meal Sunday will be Pho and sweet chili chicken lettuce wraps.

DD23 wants to bring her COVID+ bf comforting soup.  I was supposed to meet him, but that's not happening. DD23 and I shared a Greek salad yesterday, so we'll both have COVID IF DD is infected..... I'll start Xylitol bise drops today, just in case.

I'm leaning into Halloween preparations....will be proactive and try to optimize that joy. 

It's overcast and cool today....breezy like rain is near.  The moss is happy🪺


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 08, 2024, 12:31:27 PM
If I may...
I've been accused of being responsible for the mess that (given the younger generations perspective) that they have to live with. I usually respond with the fact that I am just one person, certainly not an activist or "influencer" and I most definitely didn't have the power to make a blessed thing "so", except in my own household. And I can further elaborate, that every generation thinks that the one before them has "stuck" them with horrible problems to solve. I've worked hard all my life to be personally responsible, for the things I can control and choose to engage with.

I was speaking up about corporate greed and their treatment (or lack of concern for) the environment back in the  70s. I did my part to clean up trash dumps, etc. I'm still terribly sensitive to the ongoing litter issues I see around me, and steward my property as best I can (with assistance, now).

So.... you don't have to bear the weight of blame for that Lighter. Just keep doing you. And sooner or later, it'll dawn on her that she probably wishes more people would be like you. Even the things we don't succeed at, at least we TRIED and we cared enough to try. That's already more than a lot of people do.

Your moss wouldn't be happy, otherwise.  <grin>
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on September 10, 2024, 02:52:24 AM
I think leaning in to Halloween decorations and chicken lettuce wraps is the way forward, Lighter :)

When I was young and railing at the generations before me for not sorting themselves out sooner, I didn't appreciate the different challenges that each generation faces, and what it is people have to do to achieve the basics.  I grew up in a different world to my mother, my grandmother, my great grandmother.  I didn't have to build a fire every day, shop for groceries daily, cook everything from scratch, make my own clothes, live without central heating, a fridge, wash in cold water at a bowl in the kitchen, no phone, no TV, walking or taking the bus rather than having access to a car, and so many other things.  I've grown up in a world with free access to contraception, legal and safe termination options, the right to say no, access to my own bank account, mortgage, credit card. I've not had to accept burying my babies as a fact of life, or send my husband off to war, or raise my children alone without any government support when that war killed him.  The more I've learnt about my family history, and history in general, the more I've realised the lack of emotion in the women in our family has come from having to keep dealing with so many things, from the daily tedium and lack of comfort and happiness, to the horror of war, grief and loss, with no option other than to keep going.

I think materially life got easier for many from the 70s onwards, but the generational trauma prior to that didn't magically vanish.  We're all here because the way our parents dealt with trauma damaged us so badly it's affected every aspect of our lives.  We've been able to deal with much of that using resources that previous generations didn't have.  As a result, our kids have grown up with, at the very least, the knowledge of trauma and knowing there are ways to deal with and manage it. As well as being able to get their food delivered, go to college, always have a safe space to call home and, I think most tellingly, having a strong enough relationship with their parent that they can be critical and know they're still loved and won't be punished for it.  Being angry about others mistakes is very normal but the question then is, what to do about it?  The younger generation have problems to deal with, same as every generation before has done.  My grandmother buried a baby and never told anyone.  We found out a couple of years ago when researching family history.  There's a birth record, a death record, a grave reference (that's no longer relevant as the graveyard has subsided so badly many of the graves have simply sunk deeper into the earth and can't be located individually).  Our kids will never be in a situation where the only way to cope with losing a child will be to bury it and then never tell anyone.  They also likely never had the freedom to roam all day like we did.  Give and take, I guess xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on September 10, 2024, 01:09:50 PM
Thanks for the wise words, Tupp and Amber.

I will lean into yummy food and Halloween!

Also, I'll allow DD22 to have her difficult feelings and attempt to remain outside her pain in order to be responsive. There's a pattern to these things. 

You're right about generational trauma, Tupp, though you spoke about it more deeply/accurately than I have with my girls. I typically speak about my parents and haven't really 🤔 about all the generations and their challenges and traumas that came before. 

I think it's revelatory to see ourselves holistically/historically and not through the judgement lense of children and young adults.

Amber, I haven't helped clean up dumps, but I care and my girls see me get dirty, do the harder things everyday.  There are no magic spells I can cast to fix all the wrongs in this world.
 Sometimes DD share dumps her fear/resentment and doubt, bc....
I'm her safe harbor, and.....
she's right.  I didn't deal with the fears her generation carries today.

Now....back to setting up haunted garage!

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 14, 2024, 11:23:10 AM
Not gonna lie..... I'm not feeling well today.  Woke up to let bgpug out and teetered off left into the stone fireplace hearth.  No harm done, but I moved like a drunk and things got worse when I got back in bed to ponder the situation, looked up and the room spun hard around me.


I'm moving better now, putting screens in windows, changing filter on 2nd AC unit and generally seeking tools upstairs and downstairs, but there's nausea.  Might be the dizzies OR chemical dump it created.  Not sure.

When I test looking up, the spinning s gone but things aren't quite normal yet.

Nothing's "normal.".

The idea WNC is on a boil water, except the places where toxins make it toilet flush water ONLY, is sitting heavily on top of this dizziness. 

Will see if ENT back home is open yet and set appt for DD22 with pain behind tonsils bad enough to prevent eating, and for my ear clean out/dizzies BUT first I'll finish picking my fingers on a light part bc I can't find a large flathead screwdriver to remove the big screws tightly latching the upstairs AC filter door SHUT, creating a sneaky hate spiral!!!!!!!

WTH?  Who designed THAT and WHY?  And why are so many tools in the out building,?it's making me nuts and I already know why the tools aren't HANDY!!!!!


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on October 14, 2024, 03:12:26 PM
Amber, I loved your wise post about generations. Took me forever to understand what Nmom was carrying. Poverty, incest, a fundamentalist shaming childhood and a desperate dream to rise. I get it now and am glad I reached forgiveness before the end.

Lghter, it's amazing if this makes any sense and isn't coincidence, how your body is expressing so well through vertigo (or whatever diagnosis) what your home world must be feeling like. I worry for you but also have great confidence you will weather this, no pun intended. Trying to be your own anchor and also DD's has got to be tough, on top of all the post-hurricane spinning work and recovery.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 14, 2024, 03:49:48 PM
Thought it was ok, it's not ok it's not ok!  Was reclined, in the sun, look up and to the right and things spun like a top.  Closed eyes and the came to a stop BUT I'm shook.  Again.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 14, 2024, 05:19:29 PM
Retired chiro guest adjusted my neck and back after pronouncing it a "mess."

I couldn't make things spin, while trying, after the adjustment.

My ENT refused to make an appointment w/o a referral, bc it's been 3 years since last visit. 

DD22 will get a referral from our dentist for her tonsils.  Another mess.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on October 15, 2024, 07:58:50 AM
OH glad to hear the dizziness is gone! That must've been sooo frustrating!
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on October 15, 2024, 09:22:12 AM
Retired chiro guest adjusted my neck and back after pronouncing it a "mess."

I couldn't make things spin, while trying, after the adjustment.

My ENT refused to make an appointment w/o a referral, bc it's been 3 years since last visit. 

DD22 will get a referral from our dentist for her tonsils.  Another mess.

((((((((((((Lighter)))))))))))))))  Does that mean the neck/back misalignment was causing the dizziness?  And it's fixed now?  I hope so.  I hope you can get referrals for the other things that need sorting out and that the long list of jobs on the to do list starts to become more manageable soon x
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 15, 2024, 06:28:46 PM
Chiropractor thinks dizziness due to pressure on the spinal cord,but I don't know.

An ENT, one town over, allowed me to make an appointment for the 25th.  I'll get my ears cleaned and see what he thinks. 

I can ask retired nurse neighbor to get me appt at her son's PT office if they do Vertigo work.

I'm sick of myself being sick of being nauseous, walking funny, sighing all the time and/or holding my  breath. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on October 16, 2024, 01:40:30 AM
(((((((((Lighter))))))))))))  I don't know how your medical systems work over there, but is there a doctor you can see for a general assessment, who can check the basics for you?  I only ask as over here, specialists only know the bit they specialise in.  So they don't necessarily pick up on anything that falls outside their remit, meaning things can be missed.  We've had some fairly basic things missed over the years, so wondered if it might be something useful.  Appreciate doctors might be very busy at the moment.

I also wondered if anti-sickness acupressure bands might help?  I use them for motion sickness so don't know if they'd work for the sort of sickness you're getting (or even if you could get hold of any due to delivery issues and general infrastructure problems) but they're basically sweat bands with plastic disks sewn into them that you wear at a specific spot on your wrist and the pressure on that point helps to quell the sickness feeling.

Also saw on the NHS website (sorry, am worried about you so had a look to see if any self help suggestions!) and they recommend sleeping with your head raised (ie on two firm pillows) sometimes helps.  Just wondered if it might be something that might alleviate the symptoms.  Sorry if already tried - personally I know how annoying it is when people suggest lists of things that I've already done - but equally know that when I'm in a very stressful and demanding situation I don't always get the head space to cast around a bit for things that might help.


Those are the bands I use.  Could get some and post them out to you if that's any help?  Although no idea what it would be like getting things to you just now?  Anyway - whatever the current situation, hope things start to ease off a bit soon xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on October 16, 2024, 09:26:10 AM
Lighter - periodically, some people develop a collection of crystals in the middle ear. You can clear this yourself by laying on your back on a bed and slide your head off the edge so it hangs down backwards - comfortably. Lay there for about 3 minutes. If you can also slide back up, and sit up then tilt your head sideways to each shoulder & hold it a minute. I had that happen, and a friend who is a PT recommended this.

But if this is constant & recurring a lot, then other possibilities need to be checked out. I can see a cervical nerve pinch might cause this kind of dizziness - which could be tension, but even tight muscles in the neck & shoulders relax with that head drop move. I can still hear the "inner tai chi teacher" say, feel a string pull up your head from down your spine, drop your shoulders... don't stick your butt out at me!"  LOLOL.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on October 16, 2024, 11:30:22 AM
Aww, Lighter, I am really sorry your balance is giving you fits right now. Sure would help to have a clear diagnosis. I can't imagine how much stress you are carrying by now, and don't know if vertigo is a symptom or what.

I sometimes find the lists of questions and answers the most helpful:

https://www.google.com/search?q=mayo+clinic+vertigo+specialist&oq=mayo+clinic+vertig&aqs=chrome.4.0i512j69i57j0i512l4j0i22i30l4.10066j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 (https://www.google.com/search?q=mayo+clinic+vertigo+specialist&oq=mayo+clinic+vertig&aqs=chrome.4.0i512j69i57j0i512l4j0i22i30l4.10066j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)

I'm putting on my good-witch hat and hoping it eases very soon.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 19, 2024, 05:53:15 PM
Your genuine concern is touching, dear ones.  I woke up wobbly, but no longer nauseous, thank God.  From there, plenty of water then rest had me feeling almost normal.  There's a walking askew or falling sideways, regular, but manageable.  No spinning.,..just a fuzzy brain/body connection.

My brother brought up blood pressure and that sent me straight to CVS where they didn't have a machine.

Pharmacist suggested uneven pressure in ears could cause vertigo.  I've certainly had allergies and snorfully nose, but ....I bought a $45 bp cuff and we t home to scare the b jeezus out of myself.  Always had normal BP.....First check was 54 over 85....second shot up, bc.....holy cow.  Hypertension, second stage.

If it's a combination of things, it certainly involves BP.  Will see if my GP found some where to practice.  Her office was in a destroyed area near the river.

I'm meditating my arse off,  back on vit D, B12, Hawthorne supplement and, most of all,  taking things very gently.....staying hydrated.....leaving salt alone.

How are you guys dealing with BP issues?


ENT appt next week. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on October 20, 2024, 01:22:51 AM
No experience of BP issues, Lighter, but your self care regime sounds like it would benefit pretty much any situation so I say thumbs up to that.  Hope you can see GP for proper check sooner rather than later - am aware that anxiety associated with medical issues can cause blood pressure readings to shoot up (called White Coat Syndrome here).  So hoping a proper medical assessment will be useful.  As far as I know, blood pressure issues are relatively straight forward to treat in most cases so hopefully whatever is going on getting on top of it will be manageable.  Crossing fingers that everything starts to get a bit easier soon xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on October 20, 2024, 02:57:52 PM
From my no-sugar-at-all-ever stance I've moved to a tsp or two of local honey in my tea mornings. And the other night I was feeling like a dish drainer and a glass of kefir with maple syrup is as heavenly as I remembered.

Seems I need a little glucose boost daily to keep it more stable, and these seem to be helping. I'll never forget the BP 60/40 day I was banished from the gym, because before that I just thought it was "my normal." As I get older, can be dangerous.

I don't know whether magnesium glycinate affects low BP, but it's helping a lot anyway. The RLS (acute restless legs syndrome for decades, which I always blamed on the back injury) has nearly vanished to a large degree. A shocking change that came on fast.

Let us know how your BP is doing and never forget to drink a tall glass of water every two hours at a minimum, or every hour if you can keep it up.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on October 21, 2024, 08:36:30 AM
Couple things with BP readings. It's gonna take the machine a couple times before it calibrates to you. It may also read differently than any other machine... so think more of a range with those numbers. It is usually recommended to take readings in the morning, just after waking up BEFORE coffee, for the best accuracy.

Lots of things can affect BP, including anxiety, kidney issues, and just normal stress. Physical work and exercise are often enough to balance out anxiety & stress. Diet and hydration can help some kidney issues. Make sure you're getting enough electrolytes. I have a homemade "elixir" recipe for rehydration drink, if ya want it. Even tastes decent!

You've been pushing the bar upwards for a few years now, with your rentals. You're still actively mothering a good bit. And now the impacts of the storm all around you... you might consider some peaceful "me time" retreat or vacation time at the island to relax, recharge, refresh your energy. Quiet time, not a lot of people.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 21, 2024, 02:20:52 PM
I take that elixir recipe, Amber and I've blocked off some island time ....only winter months for me, thanks.  The BP cuff is all over the place.....always high.  Showing normal readings for DD22, however.

Hops, I use Monk Fruit sweetener, mostly, but it's been a sad chapter for prescriptive eating.  Not gonna lie.

Tupp..... I need to be more active. DD22 thinking about committing to martial arts time with me.  That would make my heart so happy to pass along what I consider necessary skills.  Will see about those bands....I was a puky carsick kid.  Nice to skip the anti nausea meds when necessary.

Thanks for all the input, guys.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on October 22, 2024, 09:43:24 AM
Hol has a pretty useful mantra - this time a set of questions she asks herself - when it feels like everything is sprialing out of control.

Is anything on fire? (no = don't jump into action)
Is anyone deathly ill? (no = they can take care of themselves; I don't have to take care of them)
Am I being chased by something that will eat me? (no = no reality based urgent threats)

I am FINE; just FINE.

LOLOLOL. Sometimes silliness & laughter is a good antidote.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on October 22, 2024, 10:52:35 AM
Sounds like you've got a range of things to try that might help, Lighter, hopefully it's relatively straightforward to get under control and will be one less problem to manage xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 22, 2024, 03:04:29 PM
Who's booking Trump gigs??  He flew into a disaster area, shut down a major highway and at least one major road in a high traffic area.....shell shocked people couldn't get to work, doc appts or supply runs.....to vote.

It felt like having a hammer dropped on what small normalcy we'd recovered.

And who thought he should pull a french fry medal out his pocket while standing in front of bombed out homes?  Who?

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on October 23, 2024, 06:42:05 AM

"I don't care about you; I just want your votes." --DJT
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 24, 2024, 04:43:47 AM
I had 2 spinny episodes today.  One while trying to focus eyes as I took a big breath.

The other when I was on my back to take pressure off lower back.  All was fine till I lifted my knees.

Very odd...made me very nauseous.  The bands should arrive Saturday, Tupp.

ENT appt Friday.

Looking for Dizzy Clinic referral.

The journey continues.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 24, 2024, 10:25:26 AM
Cervical vertigo.  The stretching....what a very odd thing....it might be my neck.  Yawning and tensing made things spinny this morning.  Have to track down my retired chiro buddy.  I think he's still at the lake.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 24, 2024, 10:36:34 AM
I fell the week of the storm.  Hard.  Didn't hit my head, but it was a jarring impact under quite a bit of weight.  My bones are strong, but it might have jammed up something in my spine.....I guess?

I was more worried about my hip, at the time....in the dark....trees down all around us, going nowhere. 

This dx is typically difficult to make....ruling everything else out, basically. 

Mother of pearl.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 24, 2024, 11:29:03 AM
This month marks 5 years since engaging my beautiful, fearless, clear eyed T.  We briefly touched base after the hurricane and her kind words brought tears to my eyes. 

On reflection....she put a banquet of skills and strategies before me....I picked and chose morsels and bits I could make sense of.  Bits, but  I sometimes had to manually (fig.) put aside unconscious beliefs to force   space enough to pick up, carry and apply.... sometimes only for a short while.

I'm doing some review on this thread.  So many personal pearls I want to revisit and handle again.  Choose again, practice in a more peaceful headspace, bc I choose them...have success and knowledge how to weld them.  Not choose bc I feel chased or pinned.

The night before the vertigo, one DD was in a bad headspace.  I know my BP has to be up.....I likely wasn't drinking enough water....
there were people in my space creating tension and very little serenity....not knowing how bad things were at home ....discovering the destruction , loss of life and horror some people were dealing with.

The vertigo may be a confluence of the fall, tension, BP, dehydration, vitamin deficiencies and general ongoing stress.

And my lack of  attention to my internal world.....inability to select and use tools from that beautiful banquet T set....is something I'd like to tend mindfully for a while.

I already texted Chiro friend.  Will set up schedule.....try to figure out what's out of whack and remedy.  Lengthening and shortening whatever's pulling things out of balance, yup yup yup.

ENT tomorrow.  I hope he can provide helpful info.....along with clean ears.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on October 24, 2024, 01:54:43 PM
SO strong, for SO long, with SO many tasks and responsibilities, at SO much speed.

Your inner self is trying to keep up with the outer whirlwind. Your psyche has received a massive shock, along with everyone around you.

You are a take-charge, caregiving human. But inside is a bone-bruised vulnerable child psyche too. It's shuddering at the massive aftermath of the storm.

I think she deserves to cry, to sit and grieve, to listen to soft classical, to let her heart break.

From that comes peace, I believe. It's so painful to let it come through.

Let tomorrow's decisions be what they are. But let her be with you in parallel, and let yourself be vulnerable.

SO strong for SO long. It is human and natural to be weak when you need to. Then healing can begin.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on October 25, 2024, 08:18:48 AM
Lighter, from what I'm reading at my "home spaces" on the 'net a lot of us are feeling like life is piling crap up - needlessly - and not only is it overwhelming, it's carrying with it a huge uncertainty about the near future. This is what people are expressing.

And that sense of things whirling apart is very prevalent. Some people are masking it, but still will admit they have moments when it forces thru. Hol's been called out to "first respond" to friends of her generation having meltdowns lately, so it's not age specific.

I think you're making a good choice about going back through the list of things in your "toolbox" and intuiting which ones will help now, while you find out if there are any physical causes of the dizziness. That could take awhile given the entropy happening in corporate medicine/health insurance.

B's docs LOST the approval paperwork for his stimulator lead change test. He only found out when he tried to ask about an appointment. And when he called the Federal Worker's Comp insurance, his case manager has changed again and she has no idea whatsoever about paperwork sent in the past 3 weeks.

We are trying to simply put one foot in front of the other, sometimes having to hold the "caregivers" hands and TEACH them their jobs. The only other option is to walk away; and we know the outcome of that choice.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 25, 2024, 02:38:49 PM
 Yesterday evening chiro adjusted back and neck.....all was dizzy free till he turned my head to the right and pressed left of spine in neck and WEEEEEeeeee!!!!

I'm at ENT, waiting in magical miniature train set room.  Huge and in snowy progress.
 Someone here loves Christmas, starts early.

Can barely turn head....woke up in pain...assume from adjustment.  Chiro said this won't last and dizzies will resolve eventually.
::crossing fingers::.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on October 26, 2024, 05:43:49 AM
Yesterday evening chiro adjusted back and neck.....all was dizzy free till he turned my head to the right and pressed left of spine in neck and WEEEEEeeeee!!!!

I'm at ENT, waiting in magical miniature train set room.  Huge and in snowy progress.
 Someone here loves Christmas, starts early.

Can barely turn head....woke up in pain...assume from adjustment.  Chiro said this won't last and dizzies will resolve eventually.
::crossing fingers::.

Hopefully that's a good sign, Lighter, I know sometimes when I have a treatment things are worse before they get better.  Not nice during the worse bit but fingers crossed it means the problem is getting better x
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on October 26, 2024, 05:46:28 AM
Lighter, from what I'm reading at my "home spaces" on the 'net a lot of us are feeling like life is piling crap up - needlessly - and not only is it overwhelming, it's carrying with it a huge uncertainty about the near future. This is what people are expressing.

And that sense of things whirling apart is very prevalent. Some people are masking it, but still will admit they have moments when it forces thru. Hol's been called out to "first respond" to friends of her generation having meltdowns lately, so it's not age specific.

I think you're making a good choice about going back through the list of things in your "toolbox" and intuiting which ones will help now, while you find out if there are any physical causes of the dizziness. That could take awhile given the entropy happening in corporate medicine/health insurance.

B's docs LOST the approval paperwork for his stimulator lead change test. He only found out when he tried to ask about an appointment. And when he called the Federal Worker's Comp insurance, his case manager has changed again and she has no idea whatsoever about paperwork sent in the past 3 weeks.

We are trying to simply put one foot in front of the other, sometimes having to hold the "caregivers" hands and TEACH them their jobs. The only other option is to walk away; and we know the outcome of that choice.

Oh Skep, sometimes I think the cock ups are even worse if you've had a 'light at the end of the tunnel' moment, as you did with the previous situation.  Always fascinates me when paperwork is lost, the invoices never go missing, do they?  I hope it can be found or reissued.  It's maddening watching the people you have to involve in the process make such a mess of it over and over again.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on October 26, 2024, 11:32:50 AM
Yes indeed Lighter! Very maddening. Especially for B, since he's been TRYING to get a working pain mask since 2017, when the Surgeon removed the dirty devices he installed and B had to fight (on his own with my help) to knock down the MRSA infection. Even septic, no one wanted to treat him. He found a doc finally to start IV antibiotics, then continued the course with a home health nurse.

People look surprised when he gets angry at yet another roadblock or hoop to jump through. He's been jumping through all the hoops, following up with everyone - and repeating himself telling them, what it is THEY need to do to request approvals from the federal insurance. And of course, anger doesn't help them understand that it is THEIR JOB to know how to do these things. It just scares them and they withhold any potential workarounds as options for him.

Yet, if they just did their jobs competently, he would be the most pleasant person they deal with. If they CARED enough, to follow up themselves and saw him as a human being who's struggled with all this since '94 (and initially there was a long period where he was stable and the devices worked well) so he's NOT in there to get an Rx for narcotics... he's NOT a perpetual whiner looking for attention... he just wants enough pain relief that is consistent to have a quality of life. No he's not going to be the Bionic Man and instantly return to his age 40ish physical ability. But he isn't going to accept being an invalid either. That's not just male ego talking; it's his true wish to be able produce and care for people, kitties, and the place here.

The trend to see people as just patient number xxxx, has been taken to the extreme and now these docs are like fast food drive throughs. In - out - no actual personal interaction.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 26, 2024, 01:21:36 PM
Amber, I think I gave you contact info for a retired Army Ranger who worked in this medical/ money end of things AND has an implant/spine.....and he had hook ups to get proper treatment immediately and with best possible outcomes.

He's dealing with operator's syndrome, micro and macro dosing shrooms and in daily touch w/ buddies to keep each other semi sane .... doesn't always work.

He's a resource, not emotionally stable, but smart and experienced in what you guys are dealing with .....at least to some extent.

It might do his head and heart good to listen and perhaps guide/help B's situation. Maybe not, but I know he'd do well to have another cause to keep his wounded soul occupied in a positive direction.

If you're interested, I'll make the first call....or ask him how he might help....if he can help.

He's a warrior.  He knows the system.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 26, 2024, 01:31:39 PM
ENT suspects BPPV dx....no cure.  Only treatment. 

He peeled wax from inner ears....ouch ....head went spinning when turned head to the right.....but only when looking up, at end of appt.

I'm blowing leaves today.  Will cut some smaller trees if I feel steady enough.

The leaves are falling.  So many leaves.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 26, 2024, 09:03:02 PM
I had an amazing day today!!!
Balance, strength, stamina and focus were all mine on this windy, rainy yard work day.  All systems on go.

Don't know what changed but I finally broke down while looking at piles of trees up and down the next street over, at trail head.  All this sadness just brewed up and out.

I talked to God during 5 hours of driving.

Had my ears cleaned.

Lastly....I started taking new supplement Heart Saver Plus ...better warm. 

I've taken health, strength and agility for granted.  Every moment of this day I felt present and profound gratitude.

Everything was small stuff...nothing to get mad about.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 26, 2024, 11:17:15 PM
The energy carried into the night.  I worked in my closet, on laundry and feel very on target, re Halloween this year.

I'll take a melatonin and lay out clown costumes ....most are vintage cotton.
::happy clapping::.

I already did a dry run with makeup/huge tooth grin and upgraded the life-size vampire decorations with scary clown makeup and hair. 

 I didn't notice neck pain today....driving was difficult yesterday, as I had to turn my shoulders, not my head, when changing lanes.  Looooong day.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on October 27, 2024, 09:02:20 AM
Glad you're feeling better Lighter! And yes, if your friend is agreeable please contact him to see if he's willing to assist. Just pm me his preferred contact - and I'll make it work.

I do really think we need to spend some time "just feeling" the impact of all the debris that's piling up around us as individuals and collectively, at times. That emotional "meditation" - just the feelings - is like a good colon cleanse for our emotional constipation that happens as we attempt to persevere. Usually, we don't often need to do this, but when we do - we do.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on October 27, 2024, 01:06:34 PM
Good on you, Lighter.

You weren't breaking down.
You were opening up.

Allowing your natural human grief to come out through a pure channel of tears.

I'm so glad it eased you. Trust it.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 28, 2024, 07:08:22 AM
I'm trusting, Hops.  And working to chop up huge limbs I can't drag to the debris pile.  That's this morning 's mission.  I want to be dealing with the garage by this afternoon.  Halloween waits for no man.

I'm shockingly not sore, btw.  My muscles feel full ....not stiff, if that makes sense. 

Met 2 grandchildren of backyard neighbors yesterday.  The 2 yo, Damian, was so smart and fast, but who makes their kid Damian?  Just all over the place, the pug and his 8yo sister/caretaker with his imaginary "scary" rhino horn .....so cute.

We caught a run away hound dog, hooked a swing to him then watched him and the pug hopelessly tangle it all up.  I was trying to order Coraline 3-D tickets, got that wrong, gave up and let the hound drag me around while waiting for his family to come get him.  Everytime I stopped, he'd do make his piercing houndog sound.....I wasn't nice in my all caps "come get your loud energetic dog now!" text.  Wasn't happy when they showed, bc pug broke loose and circled their car trying to get run over...had to catch her.  Not gonna lie.....so exhausted after getting very little yard work done. Wasn't my plan.

When I got back to the yard, I saw the new mum with her cute toddler and had to turn my back.......I so wanted to cuddle that little guy.

I'd spent an hour talking to Cowgirl...the day wasn't meant for mindful industry.

I did manage to clear one and a half side yards and the moss was pushed and scrunched by the storm water, like fabric, on the high side.  I'm feeling blessed to tend to it though. 

Amazing weather.  Prefer the rain...I enjoy solitude when it rains.  Most people stay indoors....not me.
Managed to correct my movie ticket order and make dinner for us and dear sweet neighbors.  Was very yummy.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on October 28, 2024, 09:00:46 AM
Amber, I sent contact info for JA.  He's expecting a call from you or B.

Will hav lots of info and I'm praying things get back on track soon.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 14, 2024, 11:52:40 AM
Therapy appointment went like this:

Discussed current events. T believes the Vertigo is a protector part. Asked how I feel towards it .....

T requested I ask the fear to sit in the waiting room so I could deal with the vertigo.

When I have internal dialogue, it's silent and my eyes are closed......usually takes a minute.  The fear moved to the left, but wasn't feeling happy about it.

T had me ask vertigo what she was trying to say.  "She took me out" was the response."

T said that made sense, to remove me from the people and direct stress around me.... she said cancer can work the same way. 

I didn't make bites, so this is a very loose account.

I asked vertigo what she needed......she was facing me.....them moved up and over my head.....behind me and I knew she meant....
"If you step up, I'll step back.". If I stop taking on stress and limiting the chaos, In can limit.... she'll stop forcing me to stop and deal with it.

I made an appointment next week to work on vertigo with T.  T said she was so glad, bc a part of her has summit fever and wants to get me through it .....but she didn't press or ask to do it with me.  Had to be my choice.

While we did this work.....when I addressed vertigo, T asked me to find the place in my body where I felt vertigo.....
Top of head....
Below solar plexus. 

I was asked to go inside and find....forget her words, but find ball of light.....warmth ...and that was in chest moving the below solar plexus....where it stayed. 

The light is me.... I wish I'd taken notes while fresh. The light is same source as the sun..... I'm my observer mode and everything is is just passing through.....like wind through a screen door.

That's remain in observer mode....take nothing personally means I notice all my wounded and protective parts so I can tend to them, ask them to become allies ....they all belong and trying to run from them, push them away just makes them angry/frantic/ more upset.

Everyone has these parts.....T shared her 20 year's sobriety journey.  She had a protective part that wanted to drink to protect her from pain attached stemming from shame.  She no longer feels that part come forward ...she dealt with it and it's at peace now.

Everything comes back to being present inside the body in observer mode so one may identify other people's stuff.... whatever that is, and to find out parts and tend to them when we're reactive.

I assume next week will involve much EMDR.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on November 15, 2024, 04:09:33 AM
Lots to unpack, Lighter, hopefully it's helped/shifted some things a little and it will make the day to day running of things a bit easier to deal with as time goes on xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 15, 2024, 12:34:13 PM
I'm curious if next session helps the vertigo situation, for sure, Tupp.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on November 15, 2024, 03:55:10 PM
Have you tried any of these? I'd imagine resourceful you already has, but just in case....

https://www.webmd.com/brain/home-remedies-vertigo (https://www.webmd.com/brain/home-remedies-vertigo)

I had it done once for vertigo in an ENT's office and was amazed how instantly it worked. It jogs loose calcium crystal deposits in the inner ear that are then resorbed. The doc and nurse held me and then tilted me very rapidly.
If I'd done it alone I'd probably have hit the floor, but you know your body. Maybe a DD could assist.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 24, 2024, 12:58:02 AM
DD22 has pneumonia and was very weak and miserable for a while.  The upside.....she wanted attention, care and mommy food.....to watch Alien movies then Doctor Who episodes then the movie Chernobyl, which we've talked about watching for a while.  Usually, she doesn't like movies.

This felt very special.....like I got back a week of her young life.....to be very present, comfort her......nurture and feed, sans distractions. 

My head/sinuses began stinging this evening.  I hope it's just dust and change of season allergies.....I cleaned out the main HVAC returns just before the stinging began.....maybe the warm air inside the house?  I'm hydrated, eating poorly, but on top of supplements.

I changed out the ickiest spatulas and high temp spoons at the lake .....editing dishware......adding matching set of stemless plexi wine glasses.....so many stickers!!!!  Will see if dishwasher can do a better/quicker job.

DD24 just started work part-time at her old eye clinic job.  It's across the street from her apartment and she's very happy to be back.

 Her new bf pleases her very much.... she's happy, enjoying school and socializing.
That means she doesn't have time for Sunday dinner at Mom's for game night, anymore.  It's ok.

Getting sleepy..... bgpug snoring nearby. 


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 27, 2024, 11:58:14 AM
I've had 2 T appointments and will jump straight into this morning 's.

T asked me to ask"the do'er" part to sit in waiting room so I could be present and curious about the "vertigo firefighter" part.  The "do'er" is the one who readied the lake house on her own, juggled new furnace attempted repair then replacement, the soot, the regular readying/work AND dead mouse I couldn't look for without the world spinning completely out of control.....like the morning vertigo began. Wheeeeee!

The "do'er" moved to the waiting room, willing only now, bc she got the Thanksgiving lake rental on track.  It felt like circles and circles of work, getting smaller and tighter and completed through intuition....certainly not through executive function and organization.

I noticed a lifelong pattern of putting others first. 

For instance, when we had Hurricane refugees at lake, I committed to having the dad guy and his DD for Thanksgiving......bc he's lonely.  My firefighter"do'er/fixer solved that problem, but created 5.....for my DD22, who dislikes him.  For myself, who is uncomfortable with his attraction to me AND his need to be liked solely for himself.....he doesn't want to spend any of his huge inheritance, bc ......his wounded and protective "parts" neeed to know his money isn't the attraction. Once he asked me if he was pulling his weight in our friendship and I reacted with YES, just to avoid the conversation.  I didn't help either of us.

He doesn't realize how always giving less, not handling his fair share burdens others who would enjoy him more, but for the restrictions and imperatives he imparts on relationships. 

In fact, I've been NC with him, but for one short text.  He could be a bright spot, but he's a heavy burden to carry and why don't I speak more truth to him?  He holds it against me, as I've been good enough friend to gift my truth to him. 

He sent a 6'4" schizophrenic after me, when I rebuffed his stated romantic intentions.  He laughed when I told him how horrible it was that he DID that aaaaand we're back to my Vertigo part being done with my she has...zero tolerance and requirement I set boundaries, state consequences and get that shite done and dusted sans any energy wasted on angst,bringing if hands or gnashing if teeth.....needing things to be different.  It was so clear.  I see it, but through many pov.  All my parts need tending and my presence.

Sad news this morning is....dd24's roommate was invited by her father for TG, but when she asked for clarity ....he didn't extend the invitation.  He wanted me to do and make and give and handle TG, but I can't do that.  I won't.  DD's roommate is sad and perhaps crying, and I care about her.  I just can't afford to care to the detriment of my friends emotional and physical safety.  Not anymore.  Not again.

And that clarity comes and goes, just as it's strengthened and becoming an imperative, if only a thready thing, during tough times. It's here.  Inside me. Anchoring me.
It's a desire and needful prayer I'm working to internalize and strengthen......
and vertigo will come to trust me on that. 

Back to the T session.....

Vertigo was on my head this morning, when I checked in with her....she was focusing hard on me.......focused on my altering the imperatives I live by.......she requires presence, discernment be allotted to her/me/all my parts.  To be priority.  Without fail.

All the parts......are me, btw.

The vertigo is a part I sent.

Being present with them, instead of dismissing or wishing them away, is what they want.

This is the shorthand, but pretty much how appt. Went.

Vertigo moved from my head to my R side when I asked her to work with me, alongside, instead of against me.  I assume her intentions are good, note them, express gratitude for her and all parts.

When I asked Vertigo if there was anything she wants to give up to the light/fire/water, etc......Vertigo sent fear of my failing health into the light and was absorbed, leaving only tendrils of herself.

Mission, now,is .....to be present.  Ask what I need before committing to anything. 

I'm not saying vertigo is completely gone.  Feels more like fogginess.   Not a solid thing ruling vision, balance and place in space.
More like...... tendrils.  No longer inside my body.  Maybe......acting on my person, but very faintly.  From a distance.

PS. To get back inside my body I locate and focus on the light inside my body.....always chest area.....solar plexus....focus on what's around me, peripheral vision.  I gave myself 2 weeks to work on this before next T appointment.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 27, 2024, 12:07:21 PM
Want to add.....
Vertigo was inside my eyes and top of my head two T appts ago.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 27, 2024, 12:17:42 PM
Aaaaand I'm back, full circle, to discernment.

Being responsive and able to respond IF I remain above reacting and reaction.

It's stupid simple, but for all the parts doing what they're always done .. reactively ...under stress.

I have more energy to give if I'm not spinning. 

Lord, help me teach my daughters, nieces and nephew how to discern and be present.

::tending to do'er part::.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 27, 2024, 05:44:42 PM
Vertigo completely gone at times.  Noticing big feelings being it back today.

I made Greek Sammie's, salads and last night's homemade Mac and cheese for elderly neighbors.....vertigo completely gone for that.

Got mad at terrible traffic and people not thinking.....vertigo back, but still very externalized. .  like a reminder.  Not to STOP everything and sit me down, like before.

Walked pug.....zero vertigo.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on November 28, 2024, 08:09:44 AM
OOOOO that's interesting Lighter. You noticing when the vertigo "reminds you" what you're doing otherwise that you're not really paying attention to.

We were beginning to grill/smoke brisket last night. Finally sat down together on porch for a catch-up & smoke when we both heard a POP. What was that? He put it down to grill heating up. Then the smoke was obvious; grill was on fire. He ran the outside steps; I ran inside & grabbed downstairs extinguisher. He'd already pulled propane bottle off (had welding gloves outside). Then he pulled the meat off (Amber runs upstairs for pan big enough to hold it & back down)... without propane, the grill quickly extinguished itself, although closer examination waits for light of day (glass in lid shattered; temp gauge probably gone; grill is toast).

Never felt dizzy at all in that "action-moment". Dinner is salvaged I think. He went to bed when I got up at 6:30. It's sauced & rubbed and back in a slow oven already... after he trimmed the char off last night.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on November 28, 2024, 08:13:59 AM
Yikes, y'all are salivating through the screen!
(I need to clean my monitor anyway, LOL.)

So glad you averted disaster, leapt into action like Supergirl, saved the food.

I ate chicken intentionally. Didn't feel happy but did notice a subtle good change.
I know I am not getting enough protein. I have to learn my Instapot, which so intimidates me with its diggggggitalness that I haven't used it yet.

Lighter's lentils are calling and it's about darn time I made some. It shouldn't hurt my back much. That was the whole point of getting the thing.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on November 28, 2024, 09:39:15 AM
Lots to unpack, Lighter.  Definitely sounds like focusing yourself and your immediate family is the way forward.  Which we all know anyway, but sometimes we all need that reminder xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on November 28, 2024, 11:16:48 AM
I'm grateful for Doc G, this forum and it's members. 

Happy Thanksgiving, guys🕯️🙏🍂🦉🐝🐕

"Gratitude is the wine for the soul.  Go  on. Get drunk."

 - Rumi
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 07, 2024, 03:05:04 PM
Hops:  My T was a vegetarian for a while and she noticed a decline in her health, general feeling of well-being and strength.  Her body needs class A protein, even though her spirit doesn't feel good about, like yours.

 I do adore lentils, but have a sensitivity to them!  Very sad about that.  If you're cooking them with the insta pot, use the regular brown ones.... they're yummy no matter how long they cook.  The orange ones  get starchy, like potatoes and the black ones are delicate and amazing when not overcooked, which is a trick to accomplish.

If you buy pre chopped onions, carrots and celery that's best for your back.

I can't help with the insta pot.  I'm afraid of mine too!  Haven't tried it yet either. 

Amber, the lake grill is coated in grease.... can't clean it, bc all the metal parts are a breath away from failing.  I need to pull it apart, order replacement parts and rebuild it as it's attached to the deck and propane. 

Quick thinking!  I'm glad no one was injured, including the brisket, yum!

Tupp, I have moments when there's zero vertigo and moments when I feel it in my eyes then moments when it man handles my brain and threatened to throw me sideways.  This morning, busy in the kitchen with plans to organize and edit in house....I feel very solid.  No vertigo.

Yesterday, roads closures all over the place meant I had to straighten up my approach 3 times while parking!  A regular parking jobVance visiting and normally bad Friday traffic was so bad Waze took me over a mountain to avoid it.  Was terrible to see all the flattened trees in that area.  Just me and 1 car.  Surreal....sad reminder.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 10, 2024, 01:16:01 PM
Today I noticed a visceral heat shoot through my face and body when listening to a news station refer to the assassinated CEO as a"healthcare".....
I can't remember what came after "healthcare," which snatched me right back to custody trial mediations headed by retired Judge(Paula Dean in vision and audio) her fingers on temples, chanting "forget the best interest of the kids, forget the best interest if the kids."

Not a happy truth.....more a big sloppy booger of truth in a "justice" system.......

::Noticing I should ground myself in the

::Noticing how the anger is really masking sadness::.

::Finding my ball of light ...noticing the sadness isn't quite ready to go::..

::laughing like a crazy person over the erroneous....selection .......
over the......
irony......"healthcare"...... "justice"::.

I've got stuff to do. 

::reflecting another moment::.

Some great big boogered up things are easier to accept than others. 

I know you know what I mean, ((Tupp.))


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on December 11, 2024, 08:42:17 AM
I get what you mean, Lighter. It's all so surreal that cognitive dissonance doesn't even begin to describe it.

I'm reading a lot (fantasy fiction) and watching videos/tv. Staying the hell away from politics (gag, choke, I'm totally sick of it) and people's reactive "opinions" about it.

Life is more than politics!!
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 13, 2024, 05:50:58 AM
Yes.... life's more than politics and God help us if we neeeeed everyone to change for little'ol us.

::warming to the idea::.

:thinking up a spell::.

       Banish co- dependency, BE GONE!

Did it work?

 I didn't hear a Poof.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 14, 2024, 12:32:38 PM
It's been a whirlwind 2 days since I've been back from lake house.

Two vehicles in the shop for routine maintenance.  Broken windshield arm, needed a battery in the Yukon, another nail in DD22's front L tires....rotated tires.

Ahem.....the windshield arm was a $50 lesson for DD22, btw.  I asked her "bf" to clean my windshield while I cleaned serviced tires and cleaned windows on smaller vehicle.  He snapped the arm and DD22 saw, for herself, how....not competent he is.  They aren't seeing each other now or speaking, for that matter. 

Feels very.... trifling to write that, but we tend to treat everyone as part of our group/family..... there's a lot of trust handed over and..... some part of me is done waiting and watching.  There's more action and movement in these things now.  He was gonna trip and he did.  Over and over.  Just making sure DD22 understood that piece, clearly, along with everything else he showed her.

Wipers work amazingly well now, btw.

Need to get Christmas cards in the mail to day.

Experiencing little to no vertigo recently.  Had a bout of brain/eyeball vibration when contemplating God's judgement of my early childhood parenting skills.....stopped thinking about t it before things started to spin, so..... there's that.  Vibration went away directly.

I had a dream about late h....seemed we were both on medical tables.  He was still, eyes closed....but his hand moved slightl, fingers made contact with mine.  Felt like a request for forgiveness....an apology, maybe.

At next acupuncture appt I wanted to explore this....imagined sitting at his grave and was surprised when my spirit dropped down and his spirit sat up in his coffin.  We were about 3 feet apart ....and....

He was exactly as I remembered....I left as I arrived.....assume he's doing his own work, wherever he is.  I've never pictured him in hell or suffering, btw.  His mother told me girls he's in purgatory.  Maybe I believe that too. 

I wish I'd left it at the touching fingers.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 16, 2024, 12:38:41 PM
Youngest DD getting over the painful rib situation from coughing so much.  She dropped a class, sans punishment bc the hurricane made it ok for anyone to drop any class.  Oldest DD hanging in there, just over finals.  Youngest getting hrough finals now.... anating a movie trailer she created.

DD22 and I hustled to make the 2:30 Nutcracker Ballet on 14th.....the majo roads were closed or down to single lanes and we were late by minutes.

FYI, they begin exactly on time and there's no light guiding your way in the isles when you're late.  I noticed the dance if the sexy maids was fully in progress as I lurched into the darkness, then squatted and froze, bc ..balance off and DD had rushed ahead of me.

The shifting gaze of seated theatre goers, onto me, got me moving again. Once I turned upward, I could grab backs of seats almost solely occupied by young children.

Hardly a cough or sniffles in the house.  I was glad we didn't need the cough drops I forgot.  At break DD got in line for cocktails while I hit the loo.  Every stall had a tiny pair of shoes inside the door.....adorable, well dressed children everywhere.

In line for cocktails" we learned wine and beer were only choices.  White wine it was.....no snacks....and..... were there really
sexy maids dancing?  Why, yes!  Yes there were.  We giggled about this as we remembered the dance if the drunk maid, very short pass across the stage before being dragged of stage right.....then......did that one maid really flirt with the toy maker?  And.....were we to assume they slept together?

Oh, hell no..... someone had monkeyed with everything.  The costumes, the choreography AND the story.  This wasn't our regular, very comforting Christmas tradition nope nope nope.

We assumed it was the hurricane and prepared to receive the second act.  Watching DD's face was much fun as her chin dropped and her hand flew to her mouth again and again.  Did we really see a ballerina lifted and swung, knees to her chest, and apart?  Yup, we did.  Many unpointed toes and unrecognizable Int'l costumes/dances later....it was over and seemed only half complete. Four people came on stage to receive credit for the production and DD immediately filed angered "Boots" or the youngish blonde in boots with the penchant for amping up the sex appeal i.e. the ,(jazz) rats were in leotards and sequins instead of their normal and amazing furry rat attire.  We thought they were cats, frankly, bc tiny mouse children preceded their entrance, in the dance of the cheese.  We were happy the cats didn't terrorize the tiny mice and I don't know when we figured out the jazzy lady cat, roughly my size, was the Rat King. We were immensely entertained by the Rat King....she was a good dancer.

afterwards, launched into peals of laughter walking to a nearby art museum.....amazing things everywhere!  Then giggled quietly, bc there were ballerinas and parents everywhere too, poor unhappy looking dears.

The Snowflakes had good costumes and choreography. 

I have 2 tickets still, best seats in the house, and will gift them to the grandma of my new friend, G....9 yo, adopted and in charge of her younger brothers, 3 and 4yo, being fostered in same home.  Her mother told her there's no Santa...."time to grow up."

I'm hoping G and her Grandma can use these tickets.  We're lucky the show went on, at all, considering the dance studio was destroyed, along with so many homes, roads and towns.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on December 17, 2024, 09:15:44 AM
I'm sure the creative directors meant well Lighter. Something "fresh, unusual, light-hearted" to shake off the monotony of recovery drudgery. But I don't agree with throwing out the tradition with the bathwater. There would've been other ways to update & make the story "relevant". Of course, that's more difficult and harder to pull off... more of a challenge... and people are likely too tired for those kinds of challenges.

Around here, my step-D (Mike's D) set Saturday for a visit and dinner. With her new guy, and their combined 4 kids - 10 to 16. Hol & A are dealing with food; Hol insisted I focus on dealing with our own stuff - B's medical situation, the (now) 5 kitties... etc. It all sounds a tad "too much" for me... and B is absolutely not social - but he's done very well when he's chosen to be. Pffft! It's been 2-3 years since they've come out or we've gone there... so that frequency certainly isn't an imposition. So I'll clean house, make some more cookies, get some sodas/juice this week... and prepare to leave boys outside and put girlies away in bedroom w/litter box for the duration. Yes, they have animals too... so it wouldn't bother anyone... but my kitties have no boundaries yet and would be a constant disruption. B is obsessive about keeping them safe too... so that would be added stress. He doesn't need anymore of that.

And I'm sure it'll all be fine! We've been through the good, bad & ugly together... and it's great that A & Hol can see each other as sisters - A was an adopted only child and of course, Hol's been as abandoned by Amy (her real sister) as I was. It just means we'll be 7-8 in my smallish house and not a lot of room to spread out... except in studio. It would be great if C were here... but he's got things to do too and since S plans to be here with his dog... even tho Hol and C are getting ready to travel in a couple weeks after... sigh. I hope she told S that she changed her mind and it won't work for him to come "hang out" over the holiday. But it's not my problem.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 17, 2024, 07:17:54 PM
Hanging out over the holiday. 
With his dog.
Bc there's not enough going on, not enough animals and not enough for Hol to do with C and upcoming travel and holiday celebrations. 

Not gonna say anything, nothing at all, (cough/sabotagio,) just gonna keep me'pie hole closed, yup, yup, yup.

Not your circus, not your clowns, yup, yup, yup.

I'm glad you aren't feeling overwhelmed, Amber. Keeping your plate manageable sounds like good mental and physical hygiene to me. 

Must take notice and double down on the message.  Letting things go, be they red flags'a fly'in, have to's, or shoulds is an amazing, and deserved freedom, imo.

Again, can feel like flipping a switch for me.

As for the ,"fresh take" on the Nutcracker....I remain baffled. 
::picturing sexy maid, on floor, pretending to drink from what could have been an empty glass::.


If they couldn't pull the show together, why would they think changing, adding characters and impossible to decipher costuming could help the cause?

 Honestly, it feels a bit like an f u for supporting the school and ballet all these years.  I'd rather have watched the tiny children, costumed adorably, run around the stage while the 3.....
::putting it down now::.
::shaking head::.

It was memorable.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on December 18, 2024, 08:50:57 AM
LOL... I don't always manage to maintain my distance or aplumb, gracefully. But when I can I do; when I can't - I can't. And that's usually because things are emotionally overwhelming; and I need to ask for some support and caring. Or take care of myself for a bit.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 18, 2024, 02:11:52 PM
It comes and goes....and that's ok.

:: dropping judgement. Again::.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on December 19, 2024, 08:06:10 AM
My only take on the Nutcracker is the Rat King sounds awesome.

When I was Poet in the Schools for four years (MD and KY) I was constantly invited to school assemblies. The difficult part was that any time I see children (not over-programmed but brave and authentic) perform in order to reach and/or entertain an audience...I cry. Just can't help it. Happy but unstoppable tears, so I'd hang out snorting in the back.

But one ALWAYS makes me laugh...pure joy. Long live Johanna! Her dad's pride is indescribable. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynR1XmQruoo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynR1XmQruoo) The end is side splitting. What is she in charge of today, I wonder.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 22, 2024, 12:15:22 PM
I cry too, Hops!!!  Usually managing to strangle it down to a couple painful tears and runny nose....not always though.

Turns out there were two different productions at the same theatre this year and I had tickets to both.  Explained a lot and we'll be giggling about it for years. 

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 26, 2024, 12:17:15 PM
Will not what I remember now....
Last acupuncture appt I revisited husband and brought him to acupuncture room.  Experienced flash back of his life into babyhood till I was holding and comforting him.  When I was done, I went to hand him back and to his mother and found myself unable to breathe.....felt absolutely wrong so I placed him in the light between the sun and my light.  He fit snuggly.... perfectly.  Safely.

I think (hope) processing around him is complete. The good, bad, ugly, traumatic/traumatized/creational parts of him, of myself....his parents, mine.....all coming into focus and at once. The generational pieces....enough of them....in focus long enough to process and file.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on December 26, 2024, 02:25:19 PM
I hope everyone is creating and holding on to special moments.....over the holiday and every day.

Meh, I enjoyed reading about your stuffed tomato and selection of special plates and glass for yourself.  I'm shifting focus to good things, trying to skip wasting time on negative things I can't change.  At my age, there's a feeling of triage....deciding what I want more and less of, kwim?

I'm sorry your mom and sf are stuck in their selfish, small and limiting ways.  It sounds like you aren't stuck.  Maybe casting pearls before swine is an apt expression....it comes to mind.

Hops, Amber, Tupp, Bones and Doc G.... I hope there's something touching, perhaps magical in your holiday moments.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 11, 2025, 01:21:04 PM
I've noticed a huge decrease in reactivity....not gone.  Was getting better over years, but there was a leap.  Thinking sessions with buddy, doing Emotion Code work, and designated meditation time at acupuncture appointments are new factors.

Also, time, generally.....is moving closer to deadlines.  I was built for working under pressure. 

So life's lighter and bounces along more freely.  I'm shocked there's no charge around particular topics.... grateful.

We're having a snow day after food yesterday, before snowstorm, then cooking vats if carrot ginger and broccoli soups.  We marinated 10 lbs if chicken breast and made salt and pepper fish, shrimp and chicken with lots of jalapenos yesterday.

My sister and I eating clean, if not prescriptively.  Big breakfast salads and cups if carrot soup, very yummy.  Lining up meals and reminding each other to be mindful.

About to do a big closet clean out.

Want to make the cauldron lights for next Halloween, which still needs to be put in crawlspace.  Dehumidifier been running since end of November and it smells fine.

I think we can sled in this snow, so likely will☃️

Girls both home last night.  DD 24 taught her Aunt and I to play Japanese Mahjong last night and it was huge fun!!!  DD's bf and family gave her a beautiful green and ivory Mahjong set for Christmas.... it's very special.  The mixing and clacking if the tiles is very pleasing.....the strategy and rules very interesting.

I've been trying to get to Thursday night Euchre games at a local brewery for months.... hasn't worked out.  Will try harder and see if I can find some Mahjong action.  I know someone nearby has a club, but it might not be Japanese version.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 11, 2025, 05:20:36 PM
I'm in closet cleaning hellll!

I'd rather clean out a hoarder house than edit my closet!!!!
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on January 12, 2025, 12:27:12 PM

I know the feeling! My wardrobe has been pared down so much, since moving here it all fits in a large dresser & half the space in the closet. I've kept a handful of "good clothes" & coats that are stored in an out of the way closet. I probably can dispense with those after 8 years of not needing them. I've always been partial to the "uniform" concept. Multiples of the same classic basics, some different colors. I check for fit of anything different that I keep for variety or special circumstances.

I no longer "dress to impress", but I do like what I wear to be flattering. There is so much freedom in appearance after a certain age! Pants/jeans & t shirts, waffle knits, sweatshirts. In the summer, longer shorts (good luck finding any! Mine are old) and more modest tank tops. The big change is that I seldom wear a bra - no minor decision with my heavy breasts. But it's been an "exercise" for years of experimenting with different styles to find something I can stand wearing all day... and no luck so far. I have one I can tolerate for 4-5 hrs max, then it HAS to come off! To the point, I'm thinking about experimenting with stays or maybe even type of corset. Halter tops used to be comfortable (altho not flattering at this age) so I've thinking about ways to keep what's good about them, but make them more comfy as undergarments.

Then I remember Amish foremothers and tribal Baba's... and realize this is hardly a NEW problem. And they didn't CARE.

Good luck Lighter! Just think - with more closet space you may be able to do some window shopping until you find something suitable for your lifestyle & personal style & body shape.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 17, 2025, 05:59:14 PM
I had second vestibular clinic appointment today and the gal was baffled, bc vertigo fixed, but another symptom worsened....feeling like I'm on a boat, at times, more or less consistently now, where aI was having symptom free days.

I have to say, it was exhausting.  We repeated maneuvers, but added fixed eye head movements.  We also used the goggles to watch my eyes in the dark .....like watching the half baked fly creature from movie with Jeff Goldblum.....did not like it.

Island cottage guest anxiously awaiting repair of wi fi services ...cable under the ocean is severed, so it's possible she won't have service at all over next month.

Oldest DD24 is at emergency room with her bf.....she just said she's his driver and is ok.  I suspect kidney stones, but she's not telling.

Supposed to have them and various guests tomorrow night for dinner and Mahjong/games and bonfire.....maybe. 

I'm in grocery store parking lot....going to fill water jugs.... it's 5:00 traffic and a firetruck just pulled in front of me with lights on.  Didn't make me feel weird.  Sometimes lights or sound will.

I want comfort.  A latte, but too late for that.  To know DD's bf is ok.  To know they're still coming tomorrow.  To know all the unknowns.

The power lines are all cut and hauled away behind our houses.  It looks so clean and natural now.  Will be good for sellers, even though they never had power, it looked unsafe, as power lines near homes do.

It is "kidney stone adjacent" issue, DD verified.  Poor fellow.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on January 18, 2025, 12:37:52 PM
Lighter, I'm really sorry about your wobbly head and concerned for you.

Everyone I know is petrified of visiting a neurologist but do you think it might be a wise next step? For oldies like me, it's fear of cognitive issues unfolding, but there are all sorts of symptom-causing quirks in the brain that can be treated quite straightforwardly.

Not a doc...was hoping it'd be a simple ENT issue. Can't begin to guess what might be the cause. Any chance a whole lot of combined supplements might be doing something screwy? I take about six a day but dunno how much experimenting you do? At times I've felt off due to the mix of Rx and supplements, and have pared it down a lot. (Not the Rx, which feel like a safe minimum for now, but some of the "I read/heard about this so I'll trust it" supplement adventures.) You are so careful about food I can't imagine you're not the same about supplements, though.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 20, 2025, 03:39:40 PM
Ok.  The dizzy T suggests a neurologist too, Hops, but get this......

The really needy dad was invited to dinner Saturday night.  He was present when the vertigo began, at the lake, as were many other people.

Saturday I was ok, but had a bit of feeling on a boat.  Not bad, just not as clear as I'd felt before the dizzy appointments, which seemed to cure the room spinning vertigo, which only happened when looking up hard or sometimes down. Confusing, I know.

So, I felt close to normal as I worked on dinner prep till an hour before needy guy arrives......and bam!  Just the adrenaline and thought of crunch time and his arrival sent the "on a boat" feeling into overdrive. 

I took the pug for a walk and wanted to fall to my knees, sobbing, but got curious instead.  The feeling lasted through the evening, he left at 11:30....and I woke the next am feeling almost normal.  Again. 

There have been days of zero symptoms, dizzies or boaties going on. 

As far as supplements, it might be more a matter taking a break from ashwaganda, Hawthorne, B and D vitamins since return from my island.  I've started back, but not as regularly. 

And......a thought can make it worse, still.  In the car.  It's not consistent. Almost like a little electrical zap to the nervous system.

I had a regular T appointment this morning and we were going to work with avoidance. Instead, we went into the "on a boat" feeling....where did I feel it?  Above left eye to top of head, left side.
Bring presense and light to it .....
Ask what it has to say....
And ...
For the first time, there was nothing.  Like the part was playing possum or asleep.

Really focused and a protective part felt like it wanted to slap me out if old habits and into being present always.

The sleeping part's eyes fluttered.... didn't open, then many many of my parts peeled away from me, into a circle, and chattered like the daughters from the EVIL series ...all at once with ideas and suggestions.

That felt like what I get from inviting parts to become allies, consistently.

T asked to focus only on THE current protector and wounded part ....a child. 

I held her and the light filled her.....the energy and pain around this, mostly popping up in center chest, throat and skull) dissipated.  T said she's (wounded child part) is going to require tending ...like a child in daycare.  Checking in.  Earning her trust.

She also said it's common for parts to become alienated, completely, and not understand..... they're not alone.

Since I usually have an easier time understanding the parts, this part might have been pre verbal, but that just occurred to me. 

As of now, I have no symptoms, though I distinctly felt things shift in my brain when I went from standing to horizontal.

That's where this is ..... I'm allergic to what's likely a type of needy, pushy, selfish baby man requiring attention, nurturing and relationship I'm not cool with......and it feels like an allergy, as of Saturday night.....and also negative thoughts, typically those critical of self.....anger in the car.

There was more detailed focus on the wounded child than included.  I might rewrite this later.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on January 20, 2025, 08:28:56 PM
Needy pushy baby man, oh yeah

I had chronic severe anxiety for a long time and lots of those sensations sound familiar. ugh. So unpleasant feel so frequently yet unexpectedly off your pins.

Good for you to continue to search and inquire, Lighter. I WISH I could type better on this dumb thing. New laptop must happen soon as the unsupported used ones are driving me nuts.

Hang in there, and take your openness and curiosity with you to a neurologist. Do you ever take a friend along to such scary things?

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 21, 2025, 04:32:48 AM
It's currently 11
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on January 21, 2025, 01:54:52 PM
It was -10 here this morning, Lighter. About the same tomorrow, then it starts to warm up again.

Very interesting T session and what you've found out. I hope you keep finding out more stuff about this and the connection to the dizziness.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 23, 2025, 04:12:33 PM
Amber, the session felt like something else, but T and I agreed.....it was about the original intended avoi for subject.

I make sure to check in with this wounded part daily.....and the protector part.  I'm hoping this turns the volume way down on the boaties....maybe completely off.  I can't for sure say it's gone, but it's almost unnoticed the last couple days.

Hops:  I might not see a neurologist.  Depends on how things go. I still see acupuncture guy and tend to most likely deficiencies.  Hmmm.  I will make appointments for youngest DD and I to have lab work soon.  That makes sense.

I hope you figure out computer troubles soon.  Your nimble word smithery is frustrated and that needs to be remedied😔My closet I had been studied as my sister threw many things into give away piles.  I needed something immediately and decided to go limp and stop caring.

I don't really care, as long as my basics are there.  At some point, I'll have energy and desire to buy more basics and I will.  There's second hand shops with plenty to choose from, for sure.

I'm at acupuncture now....having meditated an hour and 15 minutes.  It was unexpected, in that caring for the wounded infant morphed into extending care and compassion to a pretty roughed up Jesus,cash well.  Just the three of us, bathed, comforted and tended to felt very right.  I have a half hour to process and make notes here.

The journey continues.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on January 30, 2025, 10:56:40 AM
Saw T earlier this week.  Wanted to work on perfectionist part that wants things done her way.....always busy doing in social situations, has to do things in order and in exacting detail.

After I easing Tupp's post I realize I look down on most people's way of doing some things (cleaning) and find I get things from the practice.

Will get this down quickly...must run.

Working on collaborating better and releasing need to do things a certain way.

Asked where I felt that part.... She was fairly vibrating in belly button region....the focus made her jump like the spell slug in Spirited Away after the dragon threw it up.

Asked how I felt towards her....
Frustrated.  Frustration asked to be fake seat in waiting room. Always takes a minute, but she went.

Focused on the part and she was as maybe 50 feet away, chin up....very defiant....very angry.

Came down to injustice and she was a black wirly dirvish of nails and teeth for a minute ..how she showed up, then a little sad 3yo.

Lots in between all that, but several times T asked if I was speaking to her OR was I blended with her?  Some of both, frankly

That wasn't processed so homework is same.....check in with her, let her know she belongs....earn her trust.

I'm dealing with some stress and this morning I saw clearly.....I can be on her side, my sid as priority.  I must be her advocate, always, and take her side. 

I think one gets to these unprocessed places by ignoring and betraying parts.

That's how I see it on this very busy morning after finding NOTHING in 40 mouse traps and 2 clever 5 homemade 5 gallon bucket traps, one with a paper plate, one with a beer can, both what th ganger wire and peanut butter!

::smoothing p.j.s:::

The tree guy delivering tree tractor trailer loads Saturday, returning Tues maybe with compost and workers.

Contacting rangers and researching installed outdoor benches for events....and 100 other things.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Twoapenny on January 30, 2025, 11:17:43 AM
It's funny how we seem to be experiencing similar sorts of things at the minute, Lighter, with protector parts and figuring out who is doing what. I'm amazed at how much you get done while all of this is going on; I've felt like I'm in some sort of fugue state for weeks now, no energy at all, doing much beyond the basics isn't really happening here just now.  I look down on other people's way of doing things for most things, I always think I can see a better/easier/quicker way.  But if anyone does that to me I explode :)  Something else to notice and work on.

The mice have outwitted you :)  You need some of Skep's kitties :) xx
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on January 30, 2025, 06:42:23 PM
Lighter, absolutely loved your descriptions of your real and present encounters with your "little L."
Beautiful. Illuminating. Powerful.

Tupp, your honesty practically throws me against the wall sometimes. I loved your openness about a "critical spirit" side of your nature. I can have that too. It feels good to forgive ourselves for the parts that aren't lovely and inspiring, but muddy and yuck to wade through. Thank you.

hugs, still in "device desert" but solutions coming...
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 02, 2025, 08:03:16 AM
Ok.....a couple things have happened recently, sending Whirly Dirvish L into a spin.  Having to do with bossy boot twin, but mostly to do with my part in blindly following, particularly when distracted.

It put many things into perspective, particularly taking a beat before responding to anyone.....and.....how judging others means one judges self, as well.

My parents feel mostly off their hooks....leaving gratitude, mostly. Just byproduct of this process, IME.  I'm left with more curiosity and less judgement.  Sort of feels like observing my children and perhaps those parental parts in me, which are strong, in some cases.

Whirly D has calmed down and changed into a very still 3yo, staring at me, arms at her sides....I won't say relaxed.  More....aware of what's around her.....and what's around her is unknown and unexpected. She's still 50 feet away.....but she's stopped whirling and maybe she didn't understand not whirling was an option.

I haven't noticed feeling on a boat as often, BUT the world has spun a few times when reclining, mostly at the lake, in the bed it began.  I'll perform the maneuver to move ear debris again, with two pillows.  No head to the side of the bed.

There are days of zero symptoms and days with many symptoms.  I'll try to notice what's going on, around them.  Things are a bit busy.

The journey continues.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 02, 2025, 12:40:49 PM
Archangel Michael popped up during meditation session of tending to Boaty L and Whirly L. 

At first Whirly L came closer as I tended to Boaty....then Archangel Michael appeared and began swinging his heavy sword around the 3 of us and everything became that.....silver air in motion, the sword and Archangel Michael which prompted me to look up the prayer to St. Michael.
I'm uncomfortable wishing hell on anyone, but can imagine certain harmful elements need to be separated and apart, but hell seems punitive... and suffering seems....
unhelpful, counterproductive, wrong, untenable.

Does that keep those, vanquished to hell, so they can't escape and do harm?  Is it necessary? Really? To what end?  Never made sense to me.

This could be me virtue signaling... someone too nice to wish hell on others, but I don't think so? 
I don't believe so. 

I think Whirly L wouldn't question how the sausage gets made. I think she understands the sausage must be made, sans any need to be seen as "nice."  I think vanquished and unable to harm others is Whirly L's only criteria, sans thought beyond that imperative.

I guess she was the one protecting other children on the playground.  She was always  the one. ...in martial arts, I called her "instincts." In order to fight back, for real, I had to be hurt....and then fighting flowed like water, without understanding follow through, sans pulling a punch or kick.  And we sparred playfully, normally.....more points scoring game than fight.  The children were expected to sparr as hard and were paired with adults, usually me at the end and, to toughen them up.  That doesn't read....."nice," I realize.   I imagine my teacher understood what he was asking of me.  Whirly L would never harm a child. Push and test....yes, bc it was an uncomfortable command....but never follow through, for real. Half follow through, is what I picture.  I know I was reprimanded for going too light.  I assume I learned to go harder on a young teen boy, in particular, who entered our school at my rank....and we tested together.  I remember exchanging glances with him before we broke boards with back spinning kicks...I think we jumped?   We did it, but it was tough. The kid had to rise or fail.  He rose. Our teacher didn't believe in giving children different belts.  They had to earn adult belts or not earn.  It was my first school.  What did I know?

I knew sparring normally with a teen girl, roughly my size, from a posh dojo I was visiting, upset the female instructor who....challenged me indirectly, to sparr with her? (someone besides the teen).....and I had no idea why she stopped sparring at the time. We all sparred each other.
She meant herself, but  Coddling children in martial arts wasn't in my vocabulary.  I didn't see it as a weakness, bc it didn't exist in my world and I didn't hit hard, bc she didn't hurt me...but I did hit her, so she learned from every choice. 

I remember learning from every choice, while sparring with men, in my early days.  I was the only woman, maybe 107lbs.  I always attended both sparring sessions twice weekly, 4 hours a week....8 hours Total training, bc it was the most interesting and where the pieces became whole. Footwork. Punches. Kicks. Combinations. Distance. Blocks and for some reason we blocked....never bobbed or weaved.  I realize it toughened us up in ways we weren't aware of, bc we were pushed to fail every class. Hard to think, when you're in danger of peeing your pants or falling down from exhaustion.  Not saying we were special, just saying our normal wasn't normal everywhere.

 My first teacher opened a dojo for a Korean master with very high expectations.
 For a long time our class was only 3 students....me and 2 grown men.  We trained up to black belts together where the shorter guy drove his fist through the block the first time. The taller student failed twice, with a very upset instructor announcing he'd "drive his stump through that block if his hand was broken!!!" The shame for tall guy was a stinging, live thing.
I think Wirly L quite agrees with the instructor's  POV, btw.

I'd already fallen in love with another school where a 170 lb gal, roughly my rank and the teacher's pet, beat me so hard, I willed myself to gain 20 lbs of muscle.....and to eventually bob and weave.

I don't know if tall guy ever broke his block,  but it was his mind, not his ability, holding him back.

At the end of the meditation, I held Boaty L. Rain bounced off us.....we struggled to see and breathe. 

Whirly L stood, maybe 10 feet away, also in the rain, more interested in Archangel Michael than me and Boaty L.  I must have drifted off, bc I woke up with the pug sleeping at my side.

The journey continues.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 05, 2025, 04:32:48 PM
My sister edited and organized my closet.  I rarely wear anything outside certain things.
Need to give that some care BUT I've been changing sizes again.  Not sure where I am, but in the middle some where.....30 Seven jeans, with shiny back pockets, almost fit.

Truth be told, I still eat sugar and dairy.  Giving up carbs, with one gf choic once a week, sort of fell into place. 

Giving up sugar and dairy will be the same.  Right now I'm eating tons of fruit SO GOOD!!
I take stevia in my coffee, but don't scrutinize every label......my head's not there yet. The cool thing is....once those things are out of one's system, the cravings for same diminish, IME.  A we say....the worms quiet down, as in parasites. Yuck, but sugar feeds everything bad in the body EVERYTHING.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on February 05, 2025, 05:36:56 PM
If vestibular stuff doesn't go away fully, still hope you'll see a neurologist, but Dr Hops isn't as smart as she thinks she is.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 06, 2025, 07:01:50 AM
I have acT appointment today and what comes up is.....the places where hard NOs (reactive NOs)used to live are mostly emptying, at least for now.

It's a relief, but then I notice overwhelm pop up, bc........other people's parts.  Feel overwhelming.

I go back to my toolbox.  What can I do in this moment?  I'll do it, then put the story on the shelf......mine the joy in front of me while cleaning windows (sort of like walking meditation) and help sister form better wells around trees.  She's enjoying the physical labor.

Today begins early......but first, to the floss!


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 06, 2025, 10:24:36 AM
T appt was hard......there was some overwhelm and regret..... the usual when doing the deeper work. Why did I sign up for this?!?  Like vomiting, during stomach virus. It's a fearful thing, but leads to feeling better.  I talked to Whirly about this....asked if she'd like to feel better.  She did.

I took W's hand and asked her to show me what she needed me to see.  Protector part popped up a few minutes in....protector said "she's too sweet...." and was asked into waiting room.  Protector went, but threw "and not supervised well enough" over her shoulder.

T said protector welcome to chime in and stay with us.

Whirly took me to many places at the first house I remember living in.....showed the time she was found patting Grandma Bingo's hand at her mailbox, having had a stroke.  Showed the mouthful of sand, thrown by sib, her heartbreak on the stoop, having been "spanked" and left to think about it.....spanked for drawing on wall, spanked for getting into adult liquor flavored candy, and finally showed herself dressed in bits and parts of many outfits chosen by mom.....never allowed an opinion. There was more, but cutting to chase here.

Asked her what place she needed to be free of ...she chose the entire property and home, so we walked to sacred space....my tomato garden, of course.

Asked where she felt these things she wanted to leave.....bottom of ribcage...like a muscle about to seize.

How did she want to release it?  Water? Light? Fire? Earth? 

Light....with fire. We worked on that till the ball of light caught flame, burned and burned to ashes.  Then we buried them in the tomato garden and enjoyed the sights, smell and feel of the tomato plants.

Asked what I wanted to fill that space with..... assertiveness and joy.

Sat imagining safety, protection and joy for a while.....then onto homework.

Wiring this in.....like getting used to lacing fingers together left thumb over right, instead of vice versa....the way I'd always done ...the way that felt right.

What we experience feels like who we are.  We think that's who we are.  Creating pathways and building them is something I'll spend a little time on over the next 55 days.

Now.... get ing to get distilled water to clean windows.  I think the hard water doesn't help windows get clean.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on February 06, 2025, 01:31:53 PM
I love this, Lighter: what we experience feels like who we are.

It's very helpful to ponder. Thank you.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on February 08, 2025, 09:16:59 AM
Well, right or wrong, partially or completely, I think I am NOT just what I experience. LOL.
At the same time, I can also assert that my experiences have helped create who I am. Either through how I felt, or how I reacted... and later, how I felt/reacted differently.

Maybe that's why we periodically deal with the "same old crap", further up the spiral of progress... but this is why I find consciousness to be a fascinating study/meditation. It's mysterious as hell. Always seeing/learning something new about it all.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on February 08, 2025, 09:56:15 AM
Me, too, I think we're more than just what we've been through.
I used to read Jung and Dibs in Search of Self and lots such. Jung's my favorite.

I don't know if it's about consciousness, which you're delving into so deeply, but I've become a fan in recent years about my "spidey sense" with people. I analyzed absolutely everything and everyone for ages as a survival thing, I believe, because I trusted my mind first and my feelings later.

I could criticize myself constantly for FEELING one way or another. To me, "spidey sense" is intuition and perception, and seems located deeper than consciousness. That's probably why hypnosis worked so well for me at times. And poetry. I think intuition is animal, and that's the part of myself I most need to tune into. In poetry, I open that gate and all sorts of spidey sense (for good and ill) rises up and weaves rhythm and story, letting feeling just arrange itself on top of the words.

In life and in relationships, I'm always happy analyzing to a faretheewell, but I need to shut up my mind sometimes. Or a lot more often.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 09, 2025, 08:43:35 AM
There's that'ol neeeeed to, Hops.  And... I think we believe we're what happens to us, sans exploring that belief.  Going through the motions of building new, mindful, beliefs and watering them in with daily practice makes sense in me brain pan. 

I've spent time daily with Whirly and it's been at my little house, where my sacred tomato garden lives....where I lived when my girls were born.  I was free and twirling Whirlie in my arms....in the nursery....both of us laughing and enjoying the joyful movement. Something I did with my girls.  It seemed right. 

Every day I picture rising above the house and yard Twirlie left.....in my mind there's been a shift from Whirlie to Twirley.... she's changing.....but we rise together and look away together, at what's next.  Today we stay in the air, darting about, moving fast....and then she rests on my chest...me on my back, still moving fast through the air.
Content.....moving towards the garden?  Nope, we're flying through the breeze and sun.  Magnificent freedom.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on February 09, 2025, 06:27:25 PM
I thought Whirly was your vertigo.

I'm losing the thread, but nothing new....

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 10, 2025, 09:12:33 PM
Sorry, Boatie is the feeling of being on a boat.  Vertigo is vertigo. Whirly was all teeth and nails..... she's changing.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 11, 2025, 10:46:29 AM
I woke up in the middle of a dream.  I was inside an armoured Winnebago, parked in a mall lot, I understood I was responsible for driving....I had no vision....was trusting my instincts.....there were items of great value to me.....I spent time gathering one item as I dropped and found money.....bills of different denomination, crumpled....tried to secure them, but was focused on the valuable things, in a bag.

At one point, the others on the bus and I determined we needed to move closer to other people....the entrance to the mall and I backed out of the spot, basically blind then felt relief as someone else took over driving forward and the dream changed.

I was mother to a young 3yo naybe, very thin brown boy dressed in sandals and shorts.  We were outside, at a road and he ran towards a curbed sidewalk with scattered gravel....the curb went from flat to regular height.....it was tricksy for the boy and he fell hard, crying.  I went to him and fixed him up....consoled, was so happy to do that for him. Remained calm through his upset.

Again, he ran to the gravel and curb.....again he fell. Again he cried.....I went to him, but this time I turned both our attention to the place he'd fallen.....he was heartbroken and crying...."help me mama."

I said "let's take a look at where you fell and figure out why that happened."

The child immediately stopped crying and focused on the problem with me.  He was curious.

A couple hours later I met with T and shared my dream. 

Her take:  I was going into my past, even though I can't see it, I trust my instincts and go anyway.  The mall represents the world and people.....the money isn't what I care about......the precious things are the others on board......the child is one of my parts and I met him with self energy..... confident we could figure out what happened, what needed to be learned to move past the pain and trauma.

Moving the Winnebago, (baggage, iho,) was about me dealing with my past, while in the Hermit/healing phase, and deciding to move towards people again as a natural step in that process.

We talked about DD22 and an emotionally charged topic, which is microcosm for our enmeshment and co-dependence.

I noticed remaining very calm during a recent heated exchange, as DD22 became more charged and obviously in her reptilian brain......and I just talked myself through it, rather than talking at her,which lead to her deciding she never went uld have been so upset "had I just said it like that from the beginning."

I explained I'm working on self regulation and was self regulated during our conversation.  I knew she just made an appointment with her T, bc she texted with her out loud to me.  I asked if they worked on self regulation together....DD22 was not happy, felt intruded upon, crossed boundary, but I wanted common ground.

Also, I think her T adores her and futzes about, rather than doing deep painful work, based on DD22's statements after T appointments.  Also, her T tells her "she's her favorite client," which is "a big NO NO on a short list of things Ts shouldn't do with clients" according to my T, who supervised new Ts.

Anyway, I stayed level, set a boundary ....my stuff is my stuff to deal with, regarding oldest DD24, who I very much wanted in school.  DD22 didn't necessarily agree, but she calmed and has been lovely, happily engaged in projects with a friend and emotionally level.....polite, appropriate and joyful.  She had been struggling with this last semester of school, which I was helping her with (art history homework) just before she slid off the edge and became upset.

She went from how she was struggling to why it was the way rld and my fault, frankly.
I remained outside her suffering and it was so much better.  More helpful. To meet her pain with self energy, rather than going down the hole with her, actually experiencing her upset WITH her......was so...very different.  And it just happened, with very little noticing. 

Sea change, y'all.

DDs have their work to do, and I can't do it for them.  I help no one if I try. I've somehow managed to repeat and try and fail and succeed my way to this place, which feels like creating a mountain and standing with weight properly aligned over my skeleton, instead of hanging on by my fingertips at the edge.....and I can breathe.....and feel the sun..... there's calm comfort and compassion, sure, but no need to protect and fix.

I suspect the valuable things on the bus are my children, all my parts.....and myself.🐦

I guess the little boy could have been DD22's wounded part, as well.

The journey continues.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 14, 2025, 09:34:57 PM
I had lunch with Moss Friend (MF) yesterday afternoon. She's an artist and both she and dh veer OCD with impeccable home and yard.  They lost 30 trees in hurricane, so massive loss of privacy, but home and moss came through.  The new car was crushed by a tree, unfortunately, not the older.

We had lots of catching up to do and she was mesmerized by sleeping infant little L part (Boatie 's) story.

She learned recently her mother left her father, after her birth, and her Grandmother left her in the attic, alone.

A maid would sneak up and check on her....maid said she ,"never cried," which broke my heart and set me talking about early abandonment leading self abandonment later.

It just clicked and we talked for 4 hours, till it was time to get ready for night out at comedy club w/ DD22.

As I was saying goodbye, DD24 called....she needed to come home with her bf and stop up mom time.  It worked out bc DD22 was ambivalent about going out.

AsDD24, her bf and I tucked into 6 games of Mahjong (I won 1st 2) my beloved BIL called AND 2 guests booked the island cottage with happy questions and grateful texts.

I was reminded of the mall dream.....
of moving towards the door and people and it was joyful.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 25, 2025, 10:42:02 AM
I had two adult "playdates" recently, with my moss friend.  We visited her Granddaughter and husband for half an hour(I adore the husband from past lake jobs he's helped with.). So competent and, I admit, I enjoyed being admired in a "not creepy" way.  Wholesome and light in spirit......no problems or worry on the job and he handled his helper's inappropriate comments/actions.  I realize how grateful I am to have "normal" work interactions.  Hmm.

 He reached out for new mum support and general help for his wife (friend's granddaughter/GD) and I'm at once happy, but ready to not get embroiled in any family drama. 

Moss Friend (MF) and Granddaughter have occasional drama, but I just want to help with that chubby 4mo baby boy and maybe helping set up new household.  MF said she's noticed how similar she and GD are to each other, referencing stubbornness and doing things exactly their way, which I've been working on with T....... interesting it's coming up again and again.

While visiting new mum, the entire extended family was there and I noticed similarities between my FOO when new mum tripped and fell flat on the sofa, thank goodness, not on floor.  The room erupted in laughter.....I didn't laugh or look to see if her dh laughed, or ,her 15yo brother......the laughter went on and on, much to my distress. GD,,'s face was red and she was sort of laughing, but it was shame burning bright.  Couldn't look up....she was just crushed under all that laughter...... similar to my father's sense of humor🥺

And so...... I'm imagining helping her with things I...
A) can't mess up, bc I understand need to have 'things" done a particular way at the particular time.
B) don't mind doing.

It's interesting to notice I auto assume I need to treat new mum with kit gloves, based on stories MF shared through the years, and I notice I don't want to do that.  I won't be doing that.

I get to hold the chubby baby AND practice boundaries and learning to handle my responses ONLY, not manage others.  Whew boy...... that's huge!

T appt today exploring dream where I lost my purse and shoes after night out with my girls and their friends.  Had trouble getting back to the bar..... couldn't reach it.

Thinking I have to leave behind who I've been and find out who I am.....let the girls go their way...the work is my own to do.

I have noticed the old and new ways of feeling/being in the world popping up, sometimes bumping into each other....but it's on my radar.  Interesting, hence revisiting coping strategies and calming Nervous System, as things pop up, bc moving through and out is a habit I'm cultivating, rather than avoiding.

The journey continues.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on February 25, 2025, 12:34:24 PM
There are definite benefits - and new discoveries - from letting the girls deal with their own stuff now. Hol's & my relationship is different since the Japan trip (a month) and her shifting "daily needs" to C. They are still living separately and this seems like a good arrangement for both of them; for now. That said, they do spend quite a bit of time together. Sorta like B & I.

Being alone with him so much, this last "visit" - has been really good for both of us. And its helped me address another level of my "doing too much" or over-responsibility for Hol. At 47, she needs to be able to completely take care of herself - no dependance on me or my experience. Maybe she'll find something that "fits" better for her, ya know?

Now if I can just get her to stop volunteering me for things I wouldn't even consider on my own - we'd be golden! But I guess I'm "the great & exalted mom" - except when she wants to pick an argument. LOLOLOL. Or insist I should BE and think and act just like her.  <rolleyes>  Having to deal with that, does keep me on my toes.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 27, 2025, 10:29:31 AM
 Wanted to share a cool experience MF had regarding her attendance at  Al-Anon meetings, bc she resent s any drinking her dh does, bc she grew up in a dysfunctional FOO with alcoholic parents.

She's been trying to meditate, but managing to read Al-Anon passages, while calm and trying to drop judgement.

She reported an epiphany sweeping over her, bringing tears and shame, bc her nose was on the drink.....she couldn't see all his fine qualities, which are many.  She couldn't see he had as a very good man.

Once she shared this with him, his alcohol consumption dropped.  He's not a "drunk", but any alcohol was a trigger for her.

She found enough distance to see the entire field, maybe for the first time.  I was so excited for her!
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on February 28, 2025, 06:17:16 AM
Afternoon meditation...I brought Whirlie straight to tomato garden..... very joyful.  Introduced her to Auntie P.....they hugged and the hug went on, til I realized they became solid...like carved wood, smiling. 

A sculpture in the garden?  Room for me to perch?  Nope.  The sculpture shrank and turned into a bonfire...Auntie P and Whirlie came physically back......all my protective and wounded parts showed up, casually, as the sun set. 

Women gathering, happy chattering, Boatie joyfully tended to......passed from adoring hands to adoring hands.

There was dancing.  Little parts were dressed up, mostly in bug costumes,  fantastic....shining, some with sparkles....a beetle, a Preying Mantis. My field of vision was not large.  Maybe bc there was only firelight. Limiting, but ok. Looking back, maybe that's the point.

 There were some repeated dance moves....stomping....heads thrown back.....reminded me of martial arts warm ups....then everyone headed to the playset which was plastic irl......now with a large stick cage house built over it.  Like the little fairy houses I build, but larger.

We climbed to the top and took flight.  All of us. Except Auntie P, who I scooped up and carried into the sky, then held just her hand as we flew, fast....and she was bursting with joy....eyes closed......unsure, but thrilled and present.

Will say, presence was theme of the night.

I came back to earth and landed on one knee, head thrown back, earth rumbling, air shimmering at the weight of impact.....my skin looked hard, but wasn't.... metal....was clear plastic shell....appearance.....
....like energy......pulled back to my skin.
  The music came back.....and everyone landed......danced.....laughed.....engaged..... airborne in dance.

The looks on Auntie P's and Whirlie 's faces, in that hug, were so happy....belonging....and now we'll all bring Auntie P tomatoes.

Whirlie never letting go.....it was not possible for her to let go.....always embraced, seen, heard and appreciated for her little heart.

This was an hour and a half, during acupuncture.  The future muscled in, several times...mostly about the girls. Some past, too. It was noted, sans judgement, as vigilance and I put them down, as tomato garden picked back up, as needed, till time to go.

I asked if needles are ever placed more deeply and was surprised to hear Sam say....yes.  Sometimes, "to get to the right place"...but never on me. I was "easier"....sometimes on my sister, he went deeper.....like "fishing" when placing needles.....can change with seasons.....spring summer vs fall winter, I  think....like roots sending up spring shoots.  Easier to reach, sometimes.
 Sister always said some needles were placed more deeply....I didn't know that.😳

I can't remember one important part of meditation....something.....happened....oh. Thoughts of MIL crept in, and it felt like stepping through glass.....and I was in that judgemental space, with her, asking how she could harm little children..... but understanding all my parts were alert and watching, from the other side, to see what happened next.  I looked over my shoulder, at them, and without looking back at MIL, stepped backward through the glass, and crouched down with them....all the parts huddling around me, anxious little faces surrounding me....waiting, in silence.  The music came back and they went back to the fire, dancing and being present. It felt like a collective holding of breath......a test...  passage away, then back? It felt like restored choice and huge relief.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 02, 2025, 04:33:28 PM
Both girls are home....one has tonsillitis, the other has a cold.  I'm busy making mommy food after an urgent care visit with oldest DD and a grocery trip.

Taking walks farther into wood's interior and finding downed trees cleared.  So far, so good, even if looking up holds snapped and dangerously leaning trees everywhere I look.  I try to be aware and ready to grab the pug and roll, but it's not a great situation.

If anyone cares, Aldi's has radiator and star shaped Italian steel cut pasta for 1.99 a bag.  Super good deal, imo.

Stay warm.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 02, 2025, 07:42:36 PM
One of the first things T taught me to do in her office was to return to my breath, cross my arms, and pat myself on the shoulders, left, right, left, right, and so on... like slowly patting a baby on the back, comforting them..... and I forgot about that one. 

In this case, we worked on the people-pleasing behaviors, and where they came from.  Once the emotions were present, we put the story on the shelf, crossed arms, began patting, and I thought of the most loving mother archetype, which for me wasn't a Saint, or Mother Theresa, but was someone I knew in real life. I pictured her face, and being in the room with her, the smells, the sights, seeing myself in her eyes, what exactly we were doing in that moment, and how exactly it FELT to be there.... visiting these things over and over, and it was super comforting.  It felt like being home, and seen, and welcomed... like being known, and invited, and loved.  It was powerful, and I always leave her office feeling such relief. 

T said that this work goes on for hours after it's put into the computer/brain.  The archetype represents our own perfect self.... we don't need the archetype to do the work.... we need to remember we're perfect as we are at our core, which is a Buddhist belief, and dropping the judgments, criticisms of others, and layers of negative core beliefs is the necessary healing thing leading to revealing our true selves... not healing ourselves, so to speak.  I'm paraphrasing here, of course. 

The conversation was animated, and exciting.... I'd bring up A, and she'd respond, explain how the brain handles and overcomes (when given the chance) then we'd go on to another point... we talked about freedom BEING inside us all.  Nelson Mandela, and Victor Frankl.  Nelson Mandela was angry the first 15 years of his 27 year imprisonment.  When he realized he had control over his internal world, and freedom he shifted his life, made friends and allies with some of his guards, who later became cabinet members when he was in power.

She also said that it's not difficult to DO the work.  It's how we judge it, and frame it for ourselves that creates the difficult emotions around it.  Some Ts say it's "difficult, painful, will take years....." and so on.   I've seen at least one T who said that to me.  This T thinks that's untrue, and referenced a T client she saw the day before we met.  This T had a huge painful complex PTSD issue she said she was just "so very tired of going over and over and over again....sick to death of it", just too tired to keep on trying. 

It's amazing when we turn the healing process around, and view it as a revelation, bc we can heal in a millisecond, rather than continue retraumatizing clients over and over again with talk therapy that doesn't help the brain finish processing, and filing the emotions in past files.  And we DO get so very tired of revisiting the stories, but the stories aren't where the healing IS.  The stories are just doors to access the emotions, and sensations that require processing.  The story isn't necessary for the processing to take place.  Being able to put a story on the shelf is a huge relief, IME.  Knowing I don't have to spend much time in a story is a relief.  It makes the idea of a T appointment more positive, and about feeling better... not feeling worse as I go.  The healing is in the emotions, the sensations, and nonjudgemental focus.  The healing is NOT in the retelling of the story. 

So, the T and her T client brought up the story for that client, put the story on the shelf, focused on the emotions, and sensations that came up, and practiced this cross shoulder patting, (there's a name for it I forget) and whatever that client needed in the moment.  T client experienced huge relief, just finished the emotion, and left the office with a complete energy shift, all emotions around that trauma processed, and filed into past experience files.  I've left there feeling so much better, I wondered if the negative emotions would return... but they didn't..not around that story, anyways. 

We were talking about childhood traumas CPTSD..... an actual trauma, and then the nodes.... say a child was abused by a neighbor as the original trauma, then the child remembers the mother, her mother's absence, and lack of protection as a node attached to the trauma, and there can be many nodes attached to one trauma, layered through the years, and complicated.

The brain CAN process the trauma, and nodes at the same time.... time isn't linear, as Newton believed..... it's all right here, in the now.  At this point, where our breath is.  Albert Einstein's idea of space and time being interwoven in a single continuum.....what he called space-time meant events that occur at the same time for one person, could occur at different times for another person. 

This is what I got yesterday.... the brain actually heals itself.... more than BEING healed by a T, or ourselves..... just as we heal our immune systems when we sleep, and our immune systems heal us when we sleep.  We're creating an environment, removing stress, and allowing our brains and bodies to do what they're programmed to do. 

 I wish I'd recorded every session, bc I can't take it all on board, and remember everything she says. 

So,again, for CPTSD there may be more layers of trauma and nodes, but it's interesting that not all traumas and nodes have to be visited individually to be healed.  Some will be healed at once, just as some traumas can be healed through generations, for everyone through our family tree.  We can DO THAT for them, and ourselves.

We do ourselves a disservice when we interpret T as something that must be slogged through, revisiting trauma stories over and over again, endured again and again.

We free ourselves to relief and freedom when we view T as easy.... as relieving stress, and providing opportunity for the brain, which we know precious little about, to heal itself. 

Negatives beliefs, fear, and stress don't help the brain finish processing. 

Peeling away the core negative beliefs helps in every way.  Many, if not most of us, have no idea what's beneath the fears, negative beliefs, emotions, sensations and reactivity.

Many of us never get to the point where we SEE ourselves beyond the reactivity.  Seeing the truth, without reactivity, is enlightenment.


The session began with my noticing traffic snags didn't upset me, even though it meant I'd be late... and I like being early to consider myself on time typically.  I just didn't react... I responded without upset, and noticed that happened for me without effort. It was really good.

In session I noticed my frustration with particular concepts, and lack of work in certain directions that seemed overwhelming when I viewed them as not yet conquered.  How I often do work I see others would benefit from, rather than focusing strictly on the work that I benefit from as priority.

T spoke about the ego, and stories we tell ourselves being the problem.  Typically ego is involved when we feel frustrations come up, if we check ourselves.... ego's present.

Feeling upset and angry in traffic is seeing the trees.  Pulling back, seeing what;s going on for others, and self, is seeing the forest... not the trees.

The brain's pathways can be such that we react and SEE TREES, rather than gain perspective, emotional distance as a habit, and see the forest. 

We work on building pathways that provide the distance, and perspective as a matter of habit, and default settings..... responding rather than reacting.

When we see ourselves, our true born pristine selves for what we are, sans the negative judgments and stories of others.... we experience truth, and that truth is enlightenment too.

The journey continues.


With that repeated, I've been watching a Netflix series, on mushrooms, called How To Change Your Mind, Season 1, Chapter 3.....Chapter 4 is on MDMA/Ecstasy....I think.
Seems.....shutting off the amygdala creates a healing environment for the brain to process traumas and fears.  That makes sense to me.

My Army Ranger buddy went through protocols at facilities utilizing micro and macro dosing.  He said he experienced relief from problems he wasn't aware existed....and resolved them "quickly ". I assume in several sessions vs several years, but it wasn't made clear.

The journey continues.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on March 03, 2025, 09:37:47 AM
I really liked re-reading this post, Lighter.
Although the mechanical details about the brain's wiring don't light up for me, the self-hugging/patting and letting go of certain feelings that do not help, really do.

Just imagining, ending the self-torture of constant criticism (of self and/or others) was a "lightening" thought for me today. I made a big decision that reverberates, but I can feel it reverberating less.

Thanks for this.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on March 03, 2025, 10:46:38 AM
Micro dosing DOES work for some people, in some situations. I can't speak to Macro. In a way, micro dosing isn't that much different than the theory behind homeopathy.

It's one thing I know from herbalism, too. There are some herbs - as treatment protocol - that need to be ingested daily over a period of time. Those are usually low doses in tinctures. (Homeopathy again)

And I am pretty sure that there is a significant placebo effect. Doesn't matter; as long as it works you know?
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 03, 2025, 03:46:22 PM
I spoke to retired Ranger today, about mushrooms, and he clarified...
"It might not happen in one trip, but if you keep trying, and get the dosage right, you can work through issues...might take more or less times, but I experienced huge relief."

Paraphrasing here, and he'll share more if I ask about it.

Hops, the brain and chemistry stuff makes my brain go WHEEEE!  I find the patting and  walking meditations/calming exercises go by with less excitement.l, for me.  Finding them again and again, while reading old posts, reminds me they're available.....they worked before and can work now. I'd like to have a few very helpful ones on board, ready before I reach for them.... new defaults.  Will see.  Still working on it.

Amber, it's my understanding homeopathy provides some missing energetic piece, in one's system....to restore balance/promote balance?  That's how I've always viewed it. As for placebo effect.... it's always been a huge YES, NO or NEUTRAL in my experience with muscle testing.

As for things I do on my own, as with the Heart Saver Plus......was it placebo OR was it something my body needed at the time or was the mindful self care act, of taking the stuff, releasing chemicals restoring short term balance in the moment?  Was it a combination? I just tested that, with the lean, and it's a combination.....strong NO on brain tumor, btw. 

I just tested myself for Heart Saver and it came up neutral.....not good or bad.  I put it down and will continue to test regularly for it. 
Ashwagandha came up 2 capsules once a day.
Hawthorne 1 cap a day.
B12 sublingual 2x daily.
Chelated magnesium 1 cap daily.
Evening Primrose came up neutral, but I take it to help keep ears wax-free.
D3, K2, Omega 3 MCT oil blend 1 x daily.
Probiotic was neutral for me....took it anyway.
Grassfed bone and marrow supplement 1 x daily.
Tested DD's zinc complex, just to see, and it was a NO.

I might go through old protocols and test for those supplements now, as my lean's pretty reliable these days.  I trust it.

Hops, whatever you decide....has to feel right for you.  Not anyone else.  You. 

Even if it's not ok.... it's still ok.


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 03, 2025, 04:09:55 PM
I walked the Pug for an hour today.  Was lovely and sunny and I didn't have a podcast running in the background.  Just the forest and trail and pug.

At a point, I noticed a useless thought....meaning negative,  popped into my head...and it bugged me, bc
all my parts are exposed to this toxicity.  Like children, without choice. I have choices, though.

It reminded me to be more pristine with my thoughts.....not perfectly pristine, just more mindful, as habit, bc I can.


I catch it, before wasting much time, and bounce to better, more productive, things.
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on March 04, 2025, 12:04:11 AM
I am bravely taking one capsule of lions mane daily, in hopes it'll help the focus.

Hear me roar!

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: sKePTiKal on March 05, 2025, 08:50:13 AM
It should help Hops. But maybe there's a tea that would be more of a self-care ritual? That "reminds" you to focus?
Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on March 05, 2025, 11:45:39 AM
Good thoughts! Thanks for the tea ritual suggestion, Amber.

Lighter, I was just pondering how freaky I can be about some -- not all -- forms of alternative medicine, and remembering: my D did home hospice with her stepmom #1, who died in agony of breast cancer with a tumor that grew huge, bloody and suppurated, which the docs had begged her to let them remove early on via surgery. She had always believed rigidly that western medicine is all corrupt and untrustworthy (baby vs. bathwater), and it reminded me of people dying of covid while gasping that they didn't have covid. Her plan was to cure her cancer with crystals and white light and she never let it go.

If muscle testing can diagnose brain tumor, I'm so glad it told you No! I doubt you have it, but I'm a big believer in checking out recurring symptoms with specialists. A fancy scan was the only thing that could detect microvascular heart disease, and sho 'nuff. Ditto the main Rx, isosorbide mononitrate, which nearly overnight stopped the angina I'd struggled with for ages.

All that said, we all need what WE need, and you're right, each of us has to make our own choices and make peace with our own paths. I do wish they'd stop attacking vaccinations, though. It's going to be hell on so many children when measles does what it is made to do.

Be well, whatever works for you. I've got plenty of monitoring to do of my own health, and no legit need to poke my nose into others' medicine. (I do "send" people white light at times, which is for me just an agnostic form of prayer.) I'm also too fat, too feeble, and looking down the barrel at age 75 next month. Writing is on wall, question is: Will Hops read it?

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 05, 2025, 09:45:36 PM
I love the idea of daily tea ritual, Amber.  It's two birds with one stone, yup yup yup. Drinking a tincture.....instead of coffee, for me, would be a three'fer, in fact.

Hops, I've shared my father's brain surgery story here.......my take, on that......it did more harm than good....huge mistake.  There was no saving him from himself.

 I'm Not opposed to Western medicine, but I know it's rooted in hubris and greed.  That's problematic, esp since treating symptoms, at a profit, seems an imperative vs identifying causes and healing people, IME.

I'm glad you and your doc figured out the microvascular problem and Rx.....such a blessing. 



Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: Hopalong on March 06, 2025, 12:01:22 PM
I hear you, ((((Light)))).

Just worrying.

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 10, 2025, 03:59:47 PM
 I attended a wilderness healing seminar with Moss friend and her husband.  It was sunny and warm, then windy enough to make every barefoot attendee question their morning choices.  We were seated under a big tent......in the bur freez'in shade.

There were blankets and yoga mats., but most didn't avail themselves.  Many people gave up their stoicism, and traipsed to the binkie pile, for the next 2 hours, while l looked at the snack table's hot water and tea selection....just to have something hot to drink would have been nice. I was just warm enough to remain stoic.

The "leader," giving the chat, was of Native Indian heritage.....he was telling a coyote, seeking, light to shadow story ...I missed  it entirely, bc signing in with an iPad in the bright sun struggle.

The thing was entirely outdoors .....at a wilderness healing school with a 7 year program.....for students who were asked to bring friends.  My Moss friends weren't students..... they'd met this group during a recent trip to South Africa.  Good people.  Good hearts, but the main guy was so extraverted.  Won't say "charismatic" but could tell, he likes the word, if thinking about himself.  Wow.....judgy much, Lighter? So judgy.  I see that.

..I didn't like the way the guy answered every question with a question.  I esp didn't like he did it to Moss Friend.  I didn't like it when he said he could see all our energy, past, present and future and was trying to put his wisdom into terms our  minds "could grasp."

How do you think it went, for me, when he asked the entire group of 35-40 people to state who they would be if there was no agenda or time?  One by one.....he asked.....and would comment on what this new student or that 6th year student might say, before they answered....
annoyed.  I was distinctly annoyed and annoyed at my judgement then annoyed I couldn't "make nice" for 2 minutes of chit chat at the end, when I asked if the safari vehicle broke down, or not, when, as it turns out, part of the group chose to walk back to the lodge......which required a guide, armed with a rifle, filled with 3" inch bullets and very specific instructions to follow, in order to stay alive, during the walk.

The speaker/teacher mentioned how the guide set them up for "needless worry" about potential danger, bc the cats likely weren't hungry....ummm.....he couldn't know that. Catching prey is hard in nature.  A slow, chubby group of tourists seemed like easy prey, good for stuffing into trees IF a cat happened to NOT be hungry, imo.

I saw the wisdom in being alert, aware and ready to report sneaky shadows, bc the shadow would be smack in big cat hunting country.  Nope, the leader disagreed and I couldn't muster up 1 "appropriate/make nice" response, so we broke eye contact and I walked to the car.  I could tell, people don't often challenge, dissent or fail to fawn over this man. I've apparently lost the stomach for it. 

Maybe for good.

There it is.


Lord, love a duck. 

Who would you guys be, if no time or agenda, existed?


Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 11, 2025, 05:54:50 PM
There's a fine line between judging and using discernment.  I was using discernment, and made peace with it.

Nuff said

Title: Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
Post by: lighter on March 12, 2025, 04:54:36 PM
Next T appointment will process energetic charge around generational/internalized and ever present misogyny.... it's just time.

Had dinner with needy guy and held stated boundaries, without a blip.  Such a relief....there were 2 stated boundary challenges and 2 inappropriate things said. He's living a very weak life.  I'm not focused on smoothing over his awkwardness.... I'm not abandoning myself to make sure he's ok.....not anymore.

Dispelling unconscious belief systems takes so much energy, IME.   Seems so simple on the other side, but it's like pulling pieces of buried glass shards out of a scarred over wound I received at birth and didn't realize was there, IME.  Have to get to it, then figure it out, share by dang shard.

I'm hoping enough to feel large pieces and parts engage, clear up, move through at some, very important and obvious point.  Expectations, anyone?

Today feels lighter, having written the above, out.  I picture wrestling a very slippery octopus, one then two, tentacle slipping out of my grasp, as 3 more pop up,  pull me off balance.....and I don't know exactly what to do with the darn things, but I keep trying to muscle them under control.


Difficult thing to remember the original list.....the spells I need .....
Self compassion....
Trading judgement for curiosity....
Embrace radical acceptance....
Release outcome.

The dao.....the way....the path to less suffering....to better things..... possible..... accessable.....likely things, yup yup yup.l
